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Town of Barnstable
Planning and Development Department
Staff Report
0 Mid-Cape Highway Route 6, West Barnstable
Approval Not Required (ANR) Plan
Date: December 9, 2024
To: Stephen Robichaud, Chair, Planning Board
From: Planning & Development Department Staff
Owner: Park City Wind, LLC
Applicant: Mark Magowan, P.L.S.
Property Address: 0 Mid-Cape Highway Route 6, West Barnstable
Assessor’s Map/Parcel: Map 214 and Parcel 001
Zoning: Residence – F (RF) District, Aquifer Protection Overlay District (AP), Resource
Protection Overlay district (RPOD)
An Approval Not Required plan entitled “Approval Not Required Plan of Plan Prepared for Park City Wind
LLC” prepared for Park city Wind LLC, prepared by Dawood, last revised November 26, 2024, has been
submitted to the Board for endorsement as an Approval Not Required (ANR) plan. The plan proposes to
divide an existing lot into two lots.
Background & Proposal
The subject property is located within the RF District which requires a minimum lot area of 87,120 square
feet and a minimum of 150 linear feet of frontage. The subject property is to be divided into two lots, with
“Parcel A” to be combined with the abutting parcel at Map 195 Parcel 29.
▪ Parcel A: is vacant and is proposed to have a total lot area of 48,996 square feet of upland and will
be combined with Parcel 195/29, which currently has 219.52 feet of frontage and can be accessed
from Oak Street, a public way.
▪ Parcel B: is vacant and is proposed to have a total lot area of 73,312 square feet of upland. Parcel B
is labeled as “Not A Building Lot”.
The existing lot is a preexisting nonconforming parcel of land with less than the required 150 linear feet of
frontage, and 122,308 square feet of upland where 87,120 square feet of upland is required. The proposed
division of land creates further nonconformities of lot area, however Parcel B is labeled as “Not a Building
§ 801-21 Board actions.
The Board shall, within 21 days from the date of submission, at a meeting, either endorse the plan as one
not requiring its approval under the Subdivision Control Law, or find that said plan requires the Board's
approval as a subdivision. The Town Clerk shall be notified of the Board's decision in writing. If the Board
determines that the plan requires its approval as a subdivision, the applicant shall be notified by certified
The plan as submitted qualifies as an Approval Not Required plan and it should be endorsed by the Board
▪ It does not constitute a subdivision because each of the lots have the minimum required frontage
on an existing way having suitable grades, and adequate construction to provide for the needs of
vehicular traffic in relation to the proposed use and for the installation of municipal services to
serve such use or has been labeled as “not buildable”; and
▪ All materials and conditions of Chapter 801, Article IV Approval Not Required Plans, have been
submitted and are in full compliance.
If the Board agrees, a motion should be formulated to:
Endorse the plan entitled “Approval Not Required Plan of Plan Prepared for Park City Wind LLC” prepared
for Park city Wind LLC, prepared by Dawood, last revised November 26, 2024, as an Approval Not Required