HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Use Permit_Recorded_20230622Town of Barnstable Planning Board Decision and Notice Special Permit Application No. 2023-02 TJA Clean Energy 810 Wakeby Road, Marstons Mills, MA Bk 35886 Pg162 #27652 07-13-2023@ 12:27p Section 240-44.2.E.1 -Ground-Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Installation within the Ground Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Overlay District in an underlying Residential District Summary: Petitioner: Property Owner: Property Address: Assessor's Map/Parcel: Zoning District: Hearing Date: Background Granted with Conditions TJA Clean Energy Wakeby Road Realty, Inc. 810 Wake by Road, Marstons Mills, MA 13/4,5,52 Residence F District, Ground-Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Overlay District, Resource Protection Overlay District, and Groundwater Protection Overlay District April 24, 2023, May 22, 2023, and June 12, 2023 The Applicant, TJA Clean Energy, and Owner, Wakeby Road Realty, Inc, seek to construct a large ground mounted solar photovoltaic installation located in the Ground Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Overlay District and an underlying residential district at 810 Wakeby Road, Marstons Mills. In accordance with the Town of Barnstable Zoning Ordinance §240-44.2 Ground-Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Overlay District, the proposed use at the proposed location requires a Special Permit from the Planning Board. The proposed ground-mounted solar photovoltaic system is proposed to produce ±4.99 MW AC, which will provide electricity to the grid. The project is proposed to encompass ±10.66-acres within a chain-link perimeter secmity fence. The proposed project equipment includes solar modules, security fencing, stormwater measures, vegetated screening, a gravel access road, transformers, electrical inverters, fixed-tilt racking systems, and above and below ground electric infrastructure tied to the existing utility line as well as other associated improvements located at 810 Wakeby Road, Marstons Mills. Applicant's Relief Requested In accordance with the Town of Barnstable zoning ordinance §240-44.2 Ground-Mounted solar Photovoltaic Overlay District, the proposed use at the proposed location requires a Special Permit from the Planning Board. Procedural & Hearing Summary The application for Special Permit No. 2023-02 was filed at the Town Clerk's office and the office of the Planning Board on March 2, 2023. A public hearing before the Planning Board was duly advertised in the Barnstable Patriot on April 7 and April 141 20231 and notice sent to all abutters and interested parties in accordance with MGL Chapter 40A. The hearing was opened on April 24, 2023 and continued to May 22, 2023 and June 12, 2023, when it was closed. During the hearing the Applicant provided a presentation to the Bk 35886 Pg163 #27652 Town of Barnstable Planning Board-Decision and Notice Special Permit No. 2023-02 -810 Wakeby Road, Marstons Mills, MA Board, followed by discussion and public comment. The Board conducted indlvidual site walks along with Staff. The Board received guidance from COMM Fire, COMM Water, DPW, Board of Health, and the Town's Attorney Office. The Board requested amendments to the proposed plan and that Staff begin to draft findings and conditions that reflect the Board's comments during the headng. At the June 12, 2023 Planning Bo;ird public heat·ing, the Board found to grant the Special Permit subject to conditions. Board Members deciding this application were Chair Stephen Robichaud, Vice Chair Robert Twiss, Clerk Tim O'Neill, and members Mary Bany and Raymond Sexton. Findings of Fact At the hearing on June 12, 2023, the Board unanimously made the following findings of fact for Special Permit Application No. 2023-02: L The property location is 810 Wakeby Road, Marstons Mills. 810 Wakeby Road, Marstons Mills is shown on Assessor's Map 013, Parcel 004, 005 and 052 in the Residence F (RF), Resource Protection Overlay District, Groundwater Protection Overlay District (GP), Ground Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Overlay District. 2. The Applicant, TJA Clean Energy, and Owner, Wake by Road Realty, Inc, seek to construct a large ground mounted solar photovoltaic installation located in an underlying residential district at 810 Wakeby Road, Marstons Mills. In accordance with the Town of Barnstable Zonlng Ordinance §240- 44.2 Ground-Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Overlay District, the proposed use at this location requires a Special Permit from the Planning Board. 3. That the Applicant has requested a Change of Use determination from the Cape Cod Commission, and it has been determined by the Cape Cod Commission that a solar photovoltaic installation is not a change of use and therefore does not require a Development of Regional Impact review. 4. That the Zoning Board of Appeals, as the permit granting authority, granted the Applicant a Modification Permit pursuant to §240-8A.3(b) allowing relief from the setback requirements of the Ground Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Overlay District as demonstrated on the plan last revised June 9, 2023. 5. That the Applicant has requested the review of the proposed project by the Federal Aviation Administration and it has been determined that the project as proposed is not a hazard to air navigation. 6. The Applicant has not proposed Batteries or Battery Energy Stm-age Systems for this Site which is in complfance with the Town of Barnstable Zoning Ordinance §240-44.2 Ground-Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Overlay District which states that, "Batteries and Battery Energy Storage Systems are prohibited". 7. That a Full disclosure of all hazardous products, as defined by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection pursuant to 310 CMR 30.000, proposed to be used at any time at a project site has been provided in writing to the Board. The use of hazardous products shall be further conditioned below. 2 Bk 35886 Pg164 #27652 Town of Barnstable Planning Board-Decision and Notice Special Permit No. 2023-02 -810 Wakeby Road, Marstons Mills, MA S. That the project proponent has submitted a plan for the operation and maintenance of the ground- mounted solar photovoltaic installation in accordance with §240-44.2(F)8, which includes specific measures for maintaining safe access to the installation, a stormwater management plan, and general procedures for and frequency of operational maintenance of the installation. Said operation and maintenance plan has been reviewed by applicable departments and the Board has determined that the submission meets §240-44.2(F)8. 9. That the stormwater management proposed has been reviewed by the Town Engineer and shall reduce preexisting runoff from the Site. 10. After an evaluation of all the evidence presented, the proposal fulfills the spirit and intent of the zoning ordinance and would not represent a substantial detriment to the public good or the neighborhood affected. 11. A Site Plan has been reviewed and approved by the Site Plan Review Committee. The conditions of Informal and Formal Site Plan Review shall be incorporated by reference as conditions of this Special Permit. 12. The proposed use as proposed is not substantially more detrimental to the surround neighborhood. Decision Based on the findings of fact, a motion was duly made and seconded to APPROVE Special Permit No. 2023- 02 subject to the following conditions: 1. This Special Permit shall apply to 810 Wakeby Road, Marstons Mills, Applicant, TJA Clean Energy, and Owner, Wakeby Road Realty Inc, and all successors and assigns, Map 13, Parcel 4, 5 and 52. 2. The subject property shall be improved in substantial conformance with the plan entitled "Site Development Plans for 810 Wakeby Solar Project" by Atlantic Design Engineers, Inc. sheets 1-6 dated February 11 2023 and last revised June 9, 2023. 3. Informal and Formal Site Plan Review conditions of approval dated March 6, 2023 are hereby incorporated into this Decision. 4. The proposed redevelopment shall represent full build-out of the lot. Further expansion of the structure is prohibited without prim approval from the Board. Given the size and coverage of the proposed use on the site, all other uses currently enjoyed on the site shall be abandoned. Abandoned uses, such as but not limited to abandoned vehicles, auto parts, etc. shall be removed from the Site and that the ar-ea of the Site disturbed by the removal of abandoned uses shall be restored to the approved plan condition including the removal of the existing barbed wire and snow fencing along the perimeter of the Site. Any areas found to have hazardous waste during removal shall be restot-ed and soils cleaned of hazardous material required under the Law. The property owner shall deliver to the Town, prior to certificate of occupancy, an executed agreement suitable for recording and in a form satisfactory to the Town Attorney which permanently and irrevocably sut-renders any and all prior uses and permits for the site, except those permits that have been issued for the Ground -Mounted Photovoltaic installation author-ired by this 3 Bk 35886 Pg165 #27652 Town of Barnstable Planning Board -Decision and Notice Special Permit No. 2023-02 -810 Wakeby Road, Mars tons Mills, IYIA Special Permit, and any future use of the property authorized under the applicable provisions of the Barnstable Zoning Ordinance. 5. No Batteries or Battery Energy Storage Systems shall be installed on the Site. Batteries and Battery Energy Storage Systems are prohibited. 6. Pre-Construction Meeting. Applicant shall contact the Planning and Development Office to schedule a preconstruction meeting with Planning, DPW -Engineering, Building, and COMM Fire prior to any building permits being issued. The Applicant shall be present with a site supervisor for the proposed development and shall provide the final approved and signed Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to the Planning Office priot· to the meeting for review at the preconstruction meeting. The Applicant will provide Planning and Development with all foundation installation options and least disruptive in terms of noise during construction shall be used. 7. Prior to construction, the Applicant shall have a wildlife survey conducted within the area of disturbance by an accredited field biologist or wildlife expert. If wildlife habitat is found within the Site the Applicant shall notify Mass Wildlife immediately and follow any guidance issued by Mass Wildlife. The Applicant will also notify the Town of Barnstable Planning and Development Office. 8. No uses shall use, store, generate, treat or dispose of hazardous waste or hazardous materials and shall not generate hazardous waste as defined in the Massachusetts Hazardous Waste Regulations, 310 CMR Section 30.353, except in compliance with all applicable laws. Any hazardous waste or hazardous material on site shall be identified and a comprehensive list shall be provided to the Board of Health and Planning Board prior to a Building Permit for the Site. Any subsequent materials used on the proposed site shall identify any hazardous waste or hazardous material and a comprehensive list shall be provided to the Board of Health and Planning Board prior to installation. 9. The Applicant shall require all manufacturers to attest and certify, or the Applicant shall certify, that all solar panels, solar sheets and all other materials used on the proposed site shall not contain Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS). Such attest and certification shall be submitted to the Building Commissioner and Director of Planning and Development at time of Building Permit. 10. All exterior lighting for the Development shall be dark sky compliant and contained on-site. 11. Commencement of construction shall begin within two years following the date of approval of this decision. "Date of approval" is hereby defined as the date this Decision is certified by the Town Clerk if no appeal is filed, or the date the last appeal is decided or otherwise terminated favorably to the Applicant in the event of an appeal. As used herein, "commencement of construction" is hereby defined as any clearing or preparation of the Site for development of the project approved herein. 12. The hours of operation for any construction or staging activities on-site shall be Monday through Friday, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Construction activity shall also be permitted on Saturdays from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. These activities shall include all equipment on site and shall not start up or remain on before or after the hours listed above. No construction activity shall take place outside the specified permitted hours or on Sunday or New Years 1 Day, Memorial Day, July Fourth, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or other Massachusetts and Federal legal holiday. No idling for longer 4 Bk 35886 Pg166 #27652 To1,vn of Barnstable Planning Board-Decision and Notice Special Permit No. 2023-02 -810 Wakeby Road, Mai-stons Mills, MA than 5 minutes, if vehicles and equipment are not in operation. All construction parking shall be on- site and off the public way at all times. 13. The Board relies on the Barnstable Town Engineer to review and confirm compliance with the Stormwater Regulations. The Barnstable Department of Public Works, through the Town Engineer, has reviewed the stormwater analysis report and confirmed compliance with §240-44.2(F) Special Permit Provisions. However, the Applicant has amended the maintenance roadway and as such, a licensed engineer is required to update the stormwater calculations to reflect the stormwater calculations per §240-44.2(El(4)(i). Such review shall be completed prior to the commencement of construction and all recommendations by the Department of Public War-ks shall be implemented in the Approved Plan. 14. The Applicant shall have a source of water on site through either an existing well, water truck, or other method at all times during construction to limit dust concerns to abutting properties. 15. Prior to commencement of construction the project limit of disturbance shall be marked by a highly visible barrier (i.e. snow fence, silt fence, etc.), and reviewed and approved by the Director of Planning and Development or her designee for conformance with the Approved Plan. 16. A representative for the Planning Board ( i.e., DPW inspector and/or engineer) shall be charged with general oversight over the construction activities of the project to conflrm compliance with the plan and conditions here In. In this capacity, the representative shall, during periods of active construction, conduct periodic inspections as reasonably necessary to ascertain the status and nature of work at the site and provide reports to the Department of Public Works and Planning Board. In addition, the Applicant shall also provide the representative with any pertinent photographs, logs, data or other information that may be helpful in the monitoring process. Planning Board representative, DPW's representative and/or third party inspection support service may require reasonable fees for any services contemplated hereunder and such third party services shall be paid by the Applicant in the manner prescribed by G.L. c. 44, §53G. The Applicant shall pay for all third party inspections of project infrastructure, as may be reasonably required by the DPW or the Planning Board. 17. During times of constr-uction and post-construction wher·e stormwater generated from the project area may inadvertently enter the public way, the Applicant shall be responsible for direct costs incurred by the town, including but not limited to storm water related clean up, sanding, salting, street sweeping or other necessary management when required for the protection of public health and safety. 18. All transformers proposed for the site and any other equipment proposed that may contain hazardous materials shall comply with §240-44.2(F)7 and provide containment to a minimum of 110% of the material volume contained in the equipment as well as additional requirements below. A specification for the containment structure provided by the Town shall be reviewed and approved by the Town Engineer prior to a building permit being issued for the site. There shall be full disclosure of ;.JI fluid, ::it thi? c:ite that are defined by the M;i!.!i;ichusetts Contingency Plan as being incompatible with public drinking water suppr1es. The representation shall be signed by a qualified engineer and a qualified water quality expert that all possible sources of 5 Bk 35886 Pg167 #27652 Town of Barnstable Planning Board-Decision and Notice Special Permit No. 2023-02 -810 Wakeby Road, Marstons Mills, MA contam·1nation at the site have been identified. MSDS sheets for each such product must be provided by the developer via the chosen engineer and water quality expert. There will be sufficient containment directly below each piece of equipment containing such fluids to capture 110% of the maximum fluid volume of such equipment plus enough "freeboard" to contain 30" of rainfall from a 100 year storm. Sump drains will be fitted with the product "Imbiber Beads", or equivalent, so as to immediately block drainage of such fluids upon contact with them. The sump will be alarmed to advise the owner and local emergency services of the fact that the Imbiber Beads have been activated. 19. A Landscape Plan shall be submitted to the Director of Planning and Development prior to a building permit being issued for the site. The Landscape Plan shall comply with the screening provisions established within §240-44.2. Plantings shall provide a dense vegetative screening with diverse plantings native to Cape Cod or New England. Plantings shall be staggered and of varying heights to achieve year-round screening exceeding the height of the solar panels. Evergreen trees shall be at least six (6) feet when planted; canopy trees shall be at least fourteen (14) feet in height or three (3) inches in caliper when planted and understory trees shall be at least ten (10) feet in height or one and half (1.5) inches in caliper when planted. Shrubs shall be at least three and a half (3.5) feet in height when planted. Where necessary, soils shall be improved with additional organic, clean top soil, to improve grass and plant health and longevity. 20. Screening, as presented in the landscape plan per condition 19, shall be maintained and replaced if unhealthy by the owner/operator of the installation for the life of the installation in order to effectively screen the installation from view. End of life of installation shall be defined as the proposed date of discontinued operations and plans for removal of the large-scale, ground-mounted solar photovoltaic installation. 21. All landscaping within the development shall be low water use and shall prohibit the use of nonorganic fertilizers and pesticides. Integrated pest management and organic methods are preferred. 22. All landscaping shall be completed per the approved plan. All proposed berms intended for screening put,poses shall be substantially installed prior to install of solar panel support beams/pile driving activities for the solat" installation. A security bond shall be established to confirm the health of the landscaping. The Building Commissioner shall not issue a Certificate of Occupancy until the landscaping has been completed in accordance with the approved plans unless the property owner posts security to the Town of Barnstable for one hundred and fifty percent (150%) of the estimated cost of installation of the landscaping for the duration of three {3) years after planting has been installed and must be provided prior to issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy in a form acceptable to the Town Attorney's Office. The cost estimate shall be prepared by a qualified professional and submitted to the Director of Planning & Development for approval. Upon completion of planting, the applicant must request an inspection from the Director of Planning & Development. The three year maintenance period commences upon approved inspection of the completed landscape plan. Partial release of the security may be authorized after approved inspection, not to exceed 50 percent (50%). The full security sh.:ill be r·eturned to the applicant or their successors after three years upon final inspection by the Director of Planning & Development. 6 Bk 35886 Pg168 #27652 Tovro of Barnstable Planning Board -Decision and Notice Special Permit No. 2023-02 -810 Wakeby Road, Marstons Mills, MA The Town r·eserves the right upon noncompliance with this section to pursue all available legal and equitable remedies to compel compliance. 23. The entrance gate shall be locked at all times. The gate shall have a 11 Knox Box". The lock shall be purchased from COMM Fire and installed prior to Certificate of Occupancy. Access to the "Knox Box" shall be prov·1ded to emergency services. The Site shall be monitored remotely at all times and the large ground mounted photovoltaic installation shall have remote auto shutoff methods available to the Applicant at all times. Such evidence of auto shut off methods shall be provided to the Planning Board prior to Certificate of Occupancy. In addition, the maintenance road is also the emergency response access way. This road shall be continually maintained. In the event of a storm, the maintenance road shall be cleared of snow, trees, limbs, etc. within 24 hours. 24. The Operation and Maintenance Plan shall be continually updated to include a Site Operator contact who has the ability to be onsite at the request of emergency services. Such contact shall be provided to COMM Fire and maintained to include successors. The contact shall respond immediately to emergency services request. Current and any new owner or management company taking over responsibility for the project shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Town that its emergency response personnel are thoroughly competent in all aspects of attending to emergency conditions at the site, that they reside in Barnstable County east of both the Sagamore and Bourne Bridges, and can respond on scene to the project site within 30 minutes of notification. In accordance with in Barnstable Zoning Ordinance 240-44(F)8(e), Emergency Operations Plan, prior to commencement of operations, a copy of the approved Emergency Operations Plan, developed in collaboration with emergency response officials, including but not limited to Fire Chief, Police Chief, and Building Commissioner, shall be given to the system owner, the local fit'e department, and local fire code official, and the Planning Office and shall contain, but not limited to, all requirements identified in Barnstable Zoning Ordinance 240-44(F)8(e)I through vii. A permanent copy shall also be placed in an approved location to be accessible to facility personnel, fire code officials, and emergency responders. 25. Abandonment and Decommissioning of Large-Scale Ground Mounted Photovoltaic Installations. a. Removal requirements. Any large-scale, ground-mounted solar photovoltaic installation which has reached the end of its useful life or has been abandoned consistent with this section shall be removed. The owner or operator shall physically remove the installation no more than 150 days after the date of discontinued operations. The owner or operator shall notify the Building Commissioner by certified rnail of the proposed date of discontinued operations and plans for removal. Decommlssion·ing shall consist of: i. Physical removal of all large-scale, ground-mounted solar photovoltaic installations, structures, equipment, security barriers and transmission lines from the site. ii. Disposal of all solid and hazardous waste in accordance with local, state, and federal waste disposal regulations. All available recycling options shall be explored at the time of removal. 7 Bk 35886 Pg169 #27652 Town of Barnstable Planning Board -Decision and Notice Special Permit No. 2023-D2 -810 Wakeby Road, Marstons Mills, MA iii. Stabilization or revegetation of the site as necessary to minimize erosion. The Building Commissioner may allow the owner or operator to leave landscaping or designated below-grade foundat'1ons in order to minimize erosion and disruption to vegetation. b. Abandonment. Absent notice of a proposed date of decommissioning or written notice of extenuating circumstances, the solar photovoltaic installation shall be considered abandoned when it fails to produce at least 25% of its nameplate capacity for more than one year without the written consent of the Planning Board. If the owner or operator of the large-scale, ground-mounted solat· photovoltaic installation fails to remove the installation in accordance with the requir·ements of this section within 150 days of abandonment or the proposed date of decommissioning, the Town may enter the prnperty and physically remove the installation. c. Financial surety shall be provided prior to a Certificate of Occupancy granted for the Site and prior to the operation of the large ground mounted solar photovoltaic installation at the Site. Proponents of large-scale, grnund-mounted solar photovoltaic projects shall provide a form of surety, either through escrow account, bond or otherwise, to cover the cost of removal and disposal in the event the Town must remove the installation and remediate the landscape, in an amount and in a form acceptable to the Town Attorney but In no event to exceed more than 125% of the cost of removal and compliance with the additional requirements set forth herein, as determined by the project proponent: The project proponent shall submit a fully inclusive estimate of the costs associated with removal, prepared by a qualified engineer. The amount shall include a mechanism for pro rating removal costs as they may be affected by inflation or changes to disposal regu!ations. And shall not include the value of scrap materials that may be realized by a private enterprise. The bonding company, bank, or other issuer or holder of such instruments of guaranty shall be located within and qualified to do business in the Commonwealth. It shall have an A.M. Best rating of at least A-, in the event of a bonding company, or the equivalent rating for a banking institution. The amount of the guaranty shall be based upon the Prevailing Wage Rate of each specialist necessary from time to time to professionally decommission the project, plus the then- current cost to properly dispose of all products and equipment that will be produced from this effort. The decommissioning agreement shall specify a 5-year updated estimate of such costs by the Town as a new 'base rate" for decommissioning as well as an annual cost of living increase for each year of the five-year cycle. Failure to provide such a guarantee shall be cause for the lmmediate closure of the project and revocation of the Special Permit to be granted. 26. This Decision shall be recorded at the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds and copies submitted to the Planning Board and Building Division prior to the issuance of any building permit and commencement of use. 27. The rights of this Special Permit must be exercised within 2-years from the date it is filed with the Town Clerk's Office as defined by "Date of Approval" above, The development rights granted may be extended however, by written request of the Developer prior to the expiration of said two-year Bk 35886 Pg170 #27652 Town of Barnstabli: Planning Board -Decision and Notice Special Permit No. 2023-02 -810 Wakeby Road, Marstons Mills, MA period, and said extension shall not exceed two years. An extension sllall be authorized by the Planning Board at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board. Upon receipt of necessary development permits, construction sha!I proceed continuously and expeditiously, but in no case shall construction exceed two years from receipt of necessary development permits as defined above. The Developer may request an extension of the construction tlmefrarne; said extension shall not exceed two years. An extension shall be authorized by the Planning Board at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board. In the event that this Decision and/or any necessary development permits for the Project are appealed, the timeframes set forth in this section shall be tolled for the length of any such appeals. 28. Upon completion of all work, a registered engineer or land surveyor shall submit a letter of certification, made upon knowledge and belief in accor-dance with professional standards that all work has been done in substantial compliance with the approved site plan. This document shall be submitted before the issuance of the final certificate of occupancy. 29. This Decision shall run with the land, and all of the terms, conditions, and obligations contained here in shall be binding on any successor or assignor of the Applicant in perpetuity. 30. The project shall not exceed the MassDEP Noise Policy limit often decibels at all property lines. The vote for Special Permit No. 2023-02 subject to the above stated findings and conditions: AYE: Chair Stephen Robichaud, Vice Chair Robert Twiss, Clerk Tim O'Neill, and membet·s Mary Barry and Raymond Sexton NAY: None Ordered Special Permit No. 2023-02 to provide the requested relief in accordance with the Town of Barnstable Zoning Ordinance §240-44.2 to construct a large ground mounted solar photovoltaic installation located in the Ground Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Overlay District and an underlying residential district at 810 Wake by Road, Marstons Mills has been granted subject to cond·1tions. This decision must be recorded at the Barnstable Registry of Deeds for it to be in effect and notice of that recording submitted to the Planning 8oard Office. The relief authorized by this decision must be exercised within two years unless extended. Appeals of this decision, if any, shall be made pursuant to MGL Chapter 40A, Section 17, within twenty (20) days after the date of the filing of this decision, a copy of which must be filed in the office of the Barnstable Town Clerk. / G--,:1;1 -:z_o~ 3 Date Signed 9 Bk 35886 Pg171 #27652 Town of Barnstable Pl8nning Board-Decision and Notice Special Permit No. 2023-02 -810 Wakeby Road, 1.farstons Mills, MA I, Ann Quirk, Clerk of the Town of Barnstable, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, hereby certify that twenty (20) days have elapsed since the Planning Board filed this decision and that no appeal of the decision has been filed in the office of the Town Clerk. Signed and sealed this / ,,5 ~ay of ¼ c5/ a;/3 under the pains and penalties of perjury Ann Quirk, Town Clerk . : ._ .. JOHN F. MEADE, REGISTER BARNSTABLE COUNTY REGISTRY OF DEEDS RECEIVED & RECORDED ELECTRONICALLY