HomeMy WebLinkAboutOpen-Space-and-Recreation-Plan-2018-Action Plan 109 Open Space and Recreation Plan 2018 • Town of Barnstable Section 9. Action Plan 9.1 Overview The 2018 OSRP provides a comprehensive approach to meeting the Town’s open space protection and recreational facilities needs over the coming seven years. The OSRP identifies goals, objectives and actions. The actions cut across many different disciplines, and involve the work of numerous town departments, boards and committees, as well as private stakeholder groups and state and federal agencies. In addition to laying out goals, objectives and actions, the OSRP must identify an implementation structure capable of coordinating the extensive parties and resources necessary to undertake the recommended actions. 9.2 Coordination, Resources, Priorities, Timeframes Once the OSRP is updated and approved, the Planning and Development Department will coordinate and monitor implementation activities. This involves annual action plan setting, and reporting annual progress to stakeholders. In addition to the Planning and Development Department and Planning Board, key OSRP stakeholders include the Land Acquisition and Preservation Committee (LAPC), Conservation Division and Commission, Fire and Water Districts, Recreation Division and Commission, Department of Public Works and Disability Commission, as well as private land trusts and village civic associations, among others. Other town departments or boards should be consulted on issues or projects as needed. The implementation process involves:  Developing an annual action plan;  Ensuring that recommended actions are integrated with departmental work plans or undertaken as special projects;  Coordinating with the Town Manager on funding or approvals necessary for implementation;  Compiling information on projects and accomplishments;  Coordinating special multi-disciplinary projects; and  Providing annual progress updates to the Town Manager and stakeholders. The 2018 OSRP prioritizes recommended actions to guide implementation activities. The priority of recommended actions is rated as f ollows:  Priority 1: Of priority importance such that inaction could threaten resource health or quality of life in the community;  Priority 2: Of emerging importance such that sustained inattention could pose harm to resource health or quality of life if not systematically addressed;  Priority 3: Longer range opportunities or challenges that will not generate immediate benefits but should be initiated to benefit from long-range opportunities or to avoid long-range threats. Map 12 represents geographically ba sed proposed actions. 110 Open Space and Recreation Plan 2018 • Town of Barnstable Section 9.3 below provides a listing of goals, objectives and associated action items to implement the 2018 OSRP. Action items cover a broad spectrum of activities, including inventories and assessments, development of management pla ns, public outreach and education, and remediation projects, land improvements and policy development. Some actions will be carried out by one or more Town departments or committees, while others will require outside resources. A list of potential funding sources is provided to ensure that sufficient resources for implementation activities are planned for and available. Potential funding sources are grouped as follows:  Town Department – this indicates that the task or action will be accomplished as part of the budgeted work program for one or more town departments or committees;  Town Council Action or Appropriation – this indicates that the task will be funded by the Town but requires a special appropriation or vote by the Town Council;  Grant – this indicates that a grant will be sought to complete the work or to augment Town resources directed toward the task. Potential eligible grant sources may be indicated.  Other – this indicates a source of funding other than as specified above, and may be indicated. 111 Open Space and Recreation Plan 2018 • Town of Barnstable 9.3 Goals, Objectives and Actions Goal 1: Protect and maintain a maximum amount of open space to enhance environmental protection, recreational opportunities and community character. Objective Action Parties (Key p.130) Priority Funding 1.1 Continue to apply criteria for prioritizing land acquisition and protection decisions. The criteria reflect a comprehensive and up- to -date evaluation of recreation, conservation and resource protection needs. 1.1.A Refine criteria to reflect a comprehensive evaluation of recreation, conservation and resource protection needs. Factors to be considered include: - Adjacency to protected or potential open space parcels; - Adjacency to surface waters, vernal pools or other wetlands resources; - Location within a mapped critical habitat area or other habitat protection value; - Value for public water supply protection; - Value for recreational purposes such as trails, bike paths; - Conservation restrictions that are not perpetual; - Value for farmland; - Priority status indicated by private land trusts or local/regional entity. PDD, CPC, TM, LAPC 1 Town Department 1.1.B Develop a list of priority areas for acquisition and a set of measures to benchmark progress. Priority areas could include water resource protection, completion of the Cape Cod Pathways, and other community and ecological benefits. LAPC, CPC, ConCom, BLT 1 1.C Review the protection status of Town Land Bank and conservation land, as well as water district land to determine LAPC, CPC, ConCom, BLT, water districts 1 112 Open Space and Recreation Plan 2018 • Town of Barnstable need for additional protection by conservation restriction or other means. 1.2 Continue the Town’s strong commitment to acquiring open space, consistent with the criteria used to evaluate and guide land protection decisions. 1.2.A Continue to dedicate Town funds for acquisition consistent with the above-named goals CPC, TM, TC 1 Town Council Action - Community Preservation Fund 1.2.B Establish municipal capacity (ie, re-instate town position) for proactive acquisition research, grant writing and grant administration to support open space protection and stewardship. PDD 1 Town Department 1.2.C Monitor the status of land certified under Chapter 61 or 61A and consider any opportunities for purchasing land under a right of first refusal. AD, PDD, TM 2 Town Department 1.2.D Continue to leverage town funding for open space protection by pursuing partnerships with private organizations, non-profits, other public entities, and community organizations. PDD, CPC, TM 1 Town Department 1.3 Promote policy and regulatory measures to protect open space. 1.3.A Continue the Town land use policy of “undevelopment” for traffic mitigation and associated open space protection and develop a priority list of candidate parcels. PDD, CPC, TM 2 Town Department 1.3.B Evaluate the success of the Town’s Open Space Residential Development (aka “cluster”) ordinance in preserving open space, and develop recommendations to PDD, PB, TC 3 Town Department 113 Open Space and Recreation Plan 2018 • Town of Barnstable revise the ordinance 1.4 Promote non- regulatory measures to preserve open space. 1.4.A Identify and prioritize parcels for protection through easements, conservation restriction or other non-regulatory means. NR, Cons, TM, PDD, LAPC , ConCom 2 Town Department 1.4.B Review protection status of Town Land Bank and conservation land and evaluate the need for additional protection by conservation restriction or other means if acquired for a specific purpose. For example, place a conservation restriction on all parc els purchased for water resource protection purposes. LAPC, Cons, ConCom 1 Town Department 1.4.C Provide public information to land owners regarding conservation restrictions, Chapter 61, 61A, 61B and other alternative land protection strategies LAPC, CPC, Cape Cod Compact of Conservation Trusts, Private Land Trusts 1 Other – private land trusts; Grant – MA Environmental Trust 1.4.D Encourage the accommodation of public access rights in conservation restrictions on non-sensitive land. Include an incentive program for landowner donations. TM, TC, CPC, LAPC 2 Town Department 1.5 Promote stewardship of protected open spaces, including expanded use 1.5.A Encourage the development of a financial and management plan as a prerequisite to new open space acquisitions. The plan would demonstrate funding sources for improvements and ongoing maintenance. TM, TC, CPC 2 Town Department 114 Open Space and Recreation Plan 2018 • Town of Barnstable of volunteers and community organizations to augment limited town resources. 1.5.B Review land management plans for town conserva tion areas and update as necessary to reflect implementation or changing conditions. Specific issues to consider in the review of plans include: -Best Management Practices for managing invasive species -Opportunities to enhance public access or remove barriers to access -Strategies for fire prevention CD, NR, ConCom 3 Town Department, Fire Departments 1.5.C Promote coordinated management of protected open space where multiple town departments are involved; Asset Management Team 1 1.5.D Coordinate land management practices with private, state and federal landowners of significant open space in Town. Cons, NR, MADFG, MADCR 3 Town Department 1.5.E Evaluate the status of completed or ongoing tidal restoration projects (ie., Stewart’s Creek, Bridge Creek), and use information for developing best practices for tidal restoration. Continue to pursue opportunities and grants to remove tidal restrictions and restore salt marshes and coastal wetlands, specifically: Rendezvous Creek, Maraspin Creek Cons, DPW, ConCom 1 Coastal Pollutant Remediation (CPR) Grant Program (MCZM); Cape Cod Water Resource Restoration Program (CCWRRP); 115 Open Space and Recreation Plan 2018 • Town of Barnstable Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (FEMA) 1.5.F Identify opportunities to develop existing open spaces with self-sustaining improvements, such as the Coastal Mitigation Nursery. PDD, NR 2 Grant – MA Environmental Trust 1.5.G Establish a management plan for Santuit Preserve; establish a five member management team consisting of members of the three ownership interests: Barnstable, Mashpee and the State LAPC, TM, DPW, appropriate state agency, Property Management or Future Asset Management Dep 1 Town Department 1.5.H Continue to provide support for projects to reconstruct fish passages, treat stormwater and protect shellfish sites , including Hinckley’s Pond. DPW, NR, Cons 1 Grant - CCWRRP; Section 319 (DEP) 1.5.I Explore eligibility of land acquisition projects under the MA Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Plan, in order to seek funding from the NOAA Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program PDD, LAPC, MCZM 3 Town Department 1.5.J Continue efforts with the Cape Cod Commission to study sea level rise. Identify ongoing studies needed to address coastal erosion and sea level rise, including further assessment of loss of sediment along the Cape Cod Bay. Implement any recommended management practices designed to preserve public access and ecosystem services. PDD, TM 1 Town Department 116 Open Space and Recreation Plan 2018 • Town of Barnstable Goal 2: Plan, coordinate and execute open space protection measures that complement community efforts to protect water supply, prot ect fresh and marine surface waters, preserve historic, scenic and cultural resources, and provide opportunities for farming and agriculture . Objective Action Parties (Key p.130) Priority Funding 2.1 Coordinate open space protection measure with efforts to protect the Town’s groundwater supply for current and future needs. 2.1.A Identify and inventory the protection status of all fire and water district lands; prioritize water department parcels in need of protection through conservation restriction; place conservation restriction on all parcels purchased for water protection purposes. PDD, DPW, F/WD, TM, HWD, LAPC 1 Town Department 2.1.B For the Hyannis Water District, continue the ongoing research the feasibility and strategic considerations of selling or exchanging excess property with a goal to increase ownership and control of Zone I areas. DPW, HWD, LD 1 Grant – Drinking Water Supply Protection Grant Program (DEP) 2.1.C Continue to work actively and collaboratively with the Commonwealth on new well exploration. TM, DPW, F/WD, DEP, MADFG, USGS 1 Various 2.1.D Provide planning support as needed to ongoing fire and water district efforts to secure lands to meet regulatory standards for buffers around all wells in a MassDEP Zone I. PDD, DPW, F/WD, HWD 1 Grant – Drinking Water Supply Protection Grant Program (DEP) 117 Open Space and Recreation Plan 2018 • Town of Barnstable 2.1.E Develop management plans for water district lands that encompass: - Creative options for monitoring and enforcement of access restrictions on water district land, such as volunteer-based programs; - Partnerships with the Town and local private land trusts for land acquisition, clean-up and stewardship; - Protection of water district lands from forest fires; - Clarification on legal and desirable public access for non- detrimental activities. DPW, F/WD, HWD 1 Grant – USDA NRCS Wildlife Habitat Improvement Program (WHIP) 2.1.F Evaluate the need for changes to the Town’s Groundwater Protection Overlay District to increase protection of zones of contribution to public water supply PDD, F/WD 1 Town Department 2.2 Coordinate open space protection measures with efforts to protect wildlife habitat and augment the Town’s green corridors and spaces. 2.2.A Inventory parcels which, if protected or reclaimed as open space, would present opportunities to link green spaces and create or re-establish connections between fragmented forests and critical habitat areas. Use the Corridors and Centers map and analysis found in the Barnstable Comprehensive Plan as a guide to ac quiring land. PDD, NR, LAPC 1 Grant – USDA NRCS Wildlife Habitat Improvement Program (WHIP) 2.2.B Explore all opportunities to establish greenway linkages and reconnect habitat fragments, including easements, Transfer of Development Rights (TDR), and un-development as well as purchase of open undeveloped land. PDD, NR, LAPC 2 Town Department 2.2.C Continue development of a “green infrastructure” plan to identify, prioritize, and present strategies and resources to PDD, TC, LAPC , ConCom 2 Town Department; 118 Open Space and Recreation Plan 2018 • Town of Barnstable link open spaces and areas of habitat. Town Council – Community Preservation Fund 2.2.D Review and revise as necessary development permit review procedures to ensure that all projects are checked against NHESP rare and estimated habitat maps to see if they must file a request for information from NHESP. Currently only projects requiring wetlands review have this requirement. PDD, ConDiv 2 Town Department 2.2.E Continue to pursue opportunities to restore herring runs, including Hinckley’s Pond, to support anadromous fish populations and coastal fisheries. NR, DPW 1 Grant – Rivers and Harbors Grant Program; CCWRRP 2.3 Coordinate open space protection measures with efforts to protect fresh and marine wetlands and surface waters. 2.3.A Support continued strict application of regulations designed to protect coastal and freshwater wetlands, and in particular no build and no disturb buffer zone requirements. ConCom, Cons 1 Town Department 2.3.B Seek opportunities to preserve land adjacent to anadromous fish runs. NR, CPC, LAPC 2 Grant – Rivers and Harbors Grant Program 2.3.C Support local wastewater management and nutrient management plans and projects through the coordination of open space purchases for wastewater treatment and/or effluent discharge. PDD, DPW, ConCom, ConDiv 1 Town Council Action 119 Open Space and Recreation Plan 2018 • Town of Barnstable 2.3.D Promote the implementation of the 2009 Coastal Resource Management Plan recommendations that relate to public beaches and water access and natural habitat protection. PDD, NR, Cons, ConCom 2 Town Departments 2.3.E Develop a coastal resource management plan for North side waters; and pursue next steps identified in the 2016 Sediment Budget for Sandwich and Barnstable Coasts of Cape Cod Bay. TM, TC, PDD 3 Town Council Action 2.3.F Complete the updating of the Barnstable Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan. PDD, MEA, F/WD, DPW 2 Town Department; Grant - Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (FEMA) 2.4 Preserve opportunities to protect land available for farming in balance with groundwater protection, and support market development of locally grown produce. 2.4.A Inventory and map all lands that are currently used for agricultural purposes and all lands that have high value or potential based on soils, parcel size, or other factors. Identify parcels with high or potential agricultural value. PDD, AgCom 3 Town Department 2.4.B Monitor land certified under Chapter 61A and if available under a right of first refusal, seek to purchase and continue its use for agricultural purposes. AD, TM, LAPC 3 Town Department 2.4.C Explore Right to Farm ordinance. AgCom 3 Town 120 Open Space and Recreation Plan 2018 • Town of Barnstable Goal 3: Provide diverse recreational opportunities and access throughout Barnstable and ensure that current and future needs of all user groups are appropriately met. Department 2.4.D Support agricultural land use by supporting farmers markets, “buy local” promotional programs and other steps to support markets for locally grown produce. AgCom, HyBID, RSD 3 Other – private or grant sources 2.4.E Increase opportunities for horticulture, including an increase in the number of community garden plots available to the public, particularly in Environmental Justice communities, and a new Barnstable Grows program AgCom 2 Other – private or grant sources 2.4.F Monitor status of County Farm and seek right of first refusal in the event the County decides to dispose of the property LD, TM, TC 3 Objective Actions Parties (Key p.130) Priority Funding 3.1 Explore ways to ensure sustained funding for recreation facility maintenance. 3.1.A Encourage the development of a financial plan as a prerequisite to land acquisition or facility development. The plan would demonstrate funding sources for start -up costs and on-going operations and/or maintenance. The 2017 Field Study will serve as a strategic resource plan for undertaking necessary improvements and maintenance of town and School Department fields and outdoor facilities. CSD/RD, TM, TC 1 Town Department 3.2 Support the operation of the Hyannis Youth and Community Center. 3.2.A Promote year-round use to engender diverse activities and generate revenues CSD 1 Town Department 3.2.B Balance local recreation needs with regional use and facility capacity CSD 2 Town Department 3.3 Provide adequate active recreation facilities for youth, adults and seniors. 3.3.A Update the 2012 Recreation Commission report, which took an in-depth assessment of the 88 facilities under the Recreation Division’s purview. Complete any outstanding work on the prioritized locations. RD, PDD 3 Town Department 3.3.C Implement the recommendations of the 2017 Athletic Field Needs Assessment prepared for the Recreation Division by Weston and Sampson for all municipal and School Department athletic fields and outdoor facilities. RD, SD 1 Town Council Action - CPA; Grant - PARC 3.3.D Explore the potential for increasing or upgrading playground spaces and equipment in all villages, including tennis courts and skate board parks. Relocate the Marstons Mills Tennis Courts from School Department to Town property so they can be resurfaced for the public and available to the public during school hours. RD, SD 2 Town Council Action - CPA; Grant - PARC 3.3.E Complete the priority improvements recommended in the 2012 Recreation Commission report. RD 2 Town Department 3.3.F Encourage development of a town-wide bikeway network and PDD, DPW 2 Town Department; 122 Open Space and Recreation Plan 2018 • Town of Barnstable -pursue inclusion of bikeways in road construction projects -identify opportunities for off -street paths -coordinate connections with the regional bikeway system Grant – PARC; Recreational Trails Program (MADCR) 3.3.G Continue support for the successful and popular Sail Cape Cod program which provides sailing programs for disabled individuals CSD, CPC, DisabCom 3 Town Department; Other – Private or grant sources 3.3.H Provide support for implementing the restoration improvements called for in the Hyannis Golf Course master plan, and other upgrades needed for Olde Barnstable Fairgrounds Golf Course GD, GC 3 Town appropriation 3.3.I Walk Library" whereby a link (or links) on the Town website would be available for self -guided walks in a database. That is, we would have a spreadsheet with a walk described with various features, like village it is located in, length of the path, time to complete, ruggedness of terrain, etc. Then folks can search for a walk by village, time to complete, etc. Each walk would also have a map that could be downloaded on a computer or phone. LAPC 1 3.4 With support and input from residents, pursue recreation 3.4.A Find a suitable location to replace the rectangular playing field formerly behind the Barnstable Community Horace Mann School in order to provide a soccer, football, RD 2 Town Council Action - CPA; Grant - PARC facilities improvements in each village. lacrosse field in the village of Hyannis. 3.4.B Identify, acquire and develop land for outdoor recreation facilities (parks, playgrounds, playing fields) in the Cummaquid area to complement private facilities RD 3 Town Council Action - CPA; Grant - PARC 3.4.C In Centerville, upgrade the playground which is in disrepair, and the field space across from the Centerville Elementary School per the recommendations of the 2017 Field Study. DPW, RD 3 Town Council Action - CPA; Grant - PARC 3.4.D Continue upgrades of recreation facilities in Hyannis:  Hyannis West lost playing field with the addition of pre-school. Complete work recommended in the 2017 Field Study  McKeon Field - No work has moved forward other than water going to the snack bar Lopes Field - Major work has been done and is now mid level playable. RD 2 Town Council Action - CPA; Grant - PARC 3.4.E In Osterville, the 2017 Field study will assist in mobilizing resources for planned improvements. RD 3 Town Council Action - CPA; Grant - PARC 3.4.F In West Barnstable, complete and maintain projects at Lombard’s Field (Scorer box), and Lukes Love playground (parking and entrances and exits) RD 3 Town Council Action - CPA; Grant - PARC 124 Open Space and Recreation Plan 2018 • Town of Barnstable 3.4.G In Barnstable, acquire and develop field space for adult baseball, soccer and lacrosse and upgrade the Barnstable - West Barnstable Elementary Playground RD, SD 3 Town Council Action - CPA; Grant - PARC 3.5 Provide adequate passive recreation facilities and programs. 3.5.A Complete the construction of a Dog Park currently being built at Hathaway’s Park entrance on town Recreation land. MEA, DPW 3 Town Department; Other – Private or grant sources 3.5.B Identify locations that have the potential to provide improved access for hand-carried boats; specifically explore locations at Barnstable Harbor, Haywards Landing, Three Bays. The Best Buddies lot the Town leases May to September would be an ideal access to set up and have rentals available. MEA, PDD 2 Town Department; Grant- Boating Infrastructure Grant (BIG) (MADFG) 3.5 C Identify locations that have the potential to provide opportunities for passive recreation including: -paved walking paths and fitness trails -interpretive nature trails -expanded fitness programs (yoga, tai chi, pilates). Seek grant funds to implement. Ensure that design and materials minimize maintenance needs and advertise the availability of completed trails and programs. CS, PDD 3 Grant – Recreational Trails Program (MADCR) 3.6 Coordinate planning for a greenway network. 3.6.A Maximize opportunities for trailways, bikeways, Cape Cod Pathways, and connections between open spaces PDD, DPW, CPC, LAPC 3 Grant – Recreational Trails Program (MADCR) 3.6.B Continue planning and design for a connection to the regional bikeway network through the Mass Fisheries and Wildlife Hyannis Ponds property, across Route 132 and into Sandwich. PDD, CPC, LD, DPW MassDOT, MADCR 1 Grant – Recreational Trails Program (MADCR), TIP, various 3.6.C Explore Rails with Trails and other opportunities to create a connection between the planned regional bikeway and downtown Hyannis. PDD, DPW, LD, TM 2 Grant – Recreational Trails Program (MADCR) 3.7 Explore opportunities for expanding park space in Hyannis south of Route 28, and in other villages as appropriate. 3.7.A Increase access to open space and recreational opportunities for Environmental Justice populations CS, PDD 2 Grant – Commonwealth Urban Parks Initiative (EEA) 3.7.B Develop a parks plan for Hyannis Village, in support of the Growth Incentive Zone land use objectives PDD 2 Grant - Commonwealth Urban Parks Initiative (EEA) 126 Open Space and Recreation Plan 2018 • Town of Barnstable Goal 4: Provide adequate public access to and safe enjoyment of the Town’s open space and recreational resources and programs, particularly its shoreline areas and fresh and marine waterways. Access should be provided in balance with resource sustainability. Objective Actions Parties (Key p.130) Priority Funding 4.1 Pursue opportunities to enhance coastal and freshwater access. 4.1.A Look for opportunities to protect open space adjacent to coastal resource areas for public access and/or resource protection, through acquisition or alternative land protection tools. MEA, PDD, CPC, LAPC 1 Grants – Fed Land &Water Conservation Fund 4.1.B Improve parking areas at the following locations: Covells and Craigville beach, and Prince Avenue. MEA, DPW 2 Town Council Action – Capital Improvements Plan 4.1.C Upgrade and maintain trail system, bathhouse and picnic area at Hathaway’s Pond. Provide sand at Joshua's Pond & Hathaway's Pond RD, Cons, DPW 3 Grant – Recreational Trails Program (MADCR) 4.1.D Identify town resources and responsibilities necessary for maintaining town Ways to Water, including the following activities: clarifying deeds and titles, improvements and maintenance, identifying grant opportunities, enhancing parking facilities and pursuing new opportunities for ways to water. TC, LD, TM, DPW, LAPC, CPC, MEA 2 Town Council Action 4.1.E Support public shellfish propagation and continued public access to designated Shellfish Recreation Areas. MEA, Shellfish Comm, TM 1 Town Council Action 4.2 Reduce or eliminate barriers to accessibility at major conservation and recreation areas and facilities throughout Town. 4.2.A Develop a list of accessibility improvements at ways to water and major conservation and recreation areas, and prioritize for importance. DisabCom/HR, PDD 2 Town Department 4.2.B Complete accessibility projects identified in the 2010 Beach Inventory and subsequent updates. DPW, RD, DisabCom 1 Town Department 4.2.C Complete accessibility projects at the two municipal golf courses; CSD, DisabCom 2 Town Department 4.2.D Build additional accessible playgrounds similar to Luke’s Love in West Barnstable. Maintain the accessible playground at Veteran's Park Beach; relocate and upgrade the Luke’s Love Playground. Provide accessible playgrounds at Osterville and Centerville. CSD, DisabCom 2 Grant – PARC (EEA) 4.2.E Continue to improve accessibility signage at all town facilities. DisabCom/HR 3 Town Department; Grant - CDBG 4.2.F Pursue CDBG and other grant funds for accessibility improvements. PDD, DisabCom/HR 1 Town Department 4.3 Enhance access to open space and 4.3.A Develop an outreach and communications plan to ensure that Environmental Justice populations are aware of open CS, PDD, RD 1 Town Department 128 Open Space and Recreation Plan 2018 • Town of Barnstable recreation programs and facilities by Environmental Justice populations. space and recreational facilities located throughout the Town 4.3.B Assess the supply of recreational facilities and programs in areas with significant Environmental Justice populations and determine whether additional or modified programs and facilities are called for. CS, PDD, RD 2 Town Department 4.3.C Increase parks and open space in underserved areas including Hyannis, Centerville, and Barnstable Village. Increase Parks and open space in underserved areas in all villages. School playgrounds are not available during school hours and preschool and home schooled children need playgrounds and facilities for play. PDD, RD 1 Grant – PARC, Common- wealth Urban Parks Initiative Goal 5: Promote greater coordination and communication about community open space and recreation needs within government and among stakeholder groups in the Town. Objective Action Parties (Key p.130) Priority Funding 5.1 Establish an implementation process for the OSRP 2018. 5.1.A Coordinate implementation through the Planning and Development Department and involve municipal departments and boards and private stakeholder groups in setting annual action plans and reporting progress. PDD, working with LAPC and RD 1 Town Department 5.2 Establish regular coordination and communication among municipal and private organizations involved in open space protection. 5.2.A Convene meetings of water/fire districts, LAPC, conservation, private land trusts to review land management and acquisition and protection priorities. PDD, LAPC, F/WD, Cons, Private Land Trusts 2 Town Department 5.3 Promote public awareness and support for open space acquisition. 5.3.A Use local media, outreach and other forums to convey information about benefits of open space protection, including environmental and aesthetic benefits and boost to property values and local economy LAPC, CPC, CSD, Private Land Trusts 1 Grant – local grant sources 5.4 Reduce roadside litter 5.4 Pursue coordinated efforts to eliminate roadside litter through a combination of public education, to wn and village based initiatives, and business and tourist organization support. Community Organizations, Town 2 Grant – local grant sources 5.5 Update the OSRP for approval in 2023. 5.4.A Begin process of updating the OSRP in 2023 PDD, LAPC 3 Town Department 130 Open Space and Recreation Plan 2018 • Town of Barnstable AD – Assessing Division AgCom – Agricultural Commission ConCom – Conservation Commission CDBG – Community Development Block Grant CPC – Community Preservation Committee DisabCom – Disabilities Commission CSD – Community Services DPW- Department of Public Works Cons – Conservation Division (Town Staff)F/WD – Fire and Water Districts GD - Golf Division GC – Golf Committee HistCom – Historic Commission HWD – Hyannis Water District HyBID – Hyannis Business Improvement District HR – Human Resources LAPC – Land Acquisition and Preservation Committee LD – Legal Department MCZM – MA Coastal Zone Management MADFG – MA Department of Fish and Game MADCR – MA Division of Conservation and Recrea tion DEP – MA Department of Environmental Protection USGS – United States Geological Survey MEA – Marine and Environmental Affairs Division NR - Natural Resources PB – Planning Board PDD – Planning and Development Department RD – Recreation Division SD – School Department Shellfish Comm – Shellfish Committee TC – Town Council TM – Town Manager