HomeMy WebLinkAboutInitial LCPC Comments_02132025Page Comment 12 I am not sure if this will go in the intro letter from the committee or should appear in the Community Engagement & Process paragraph, but I think it would be helpful to talk about how the committee was formed. That we applied and were interviewed and appointed by the Town Council. 12 There should be a short Introduction to the Town of Barnstable that outlines the seven villages, the precinct structure & governance, as well as the Fire & Water Departments. Further, there should be some clarity on the character of each village. Natural Systems Page Comment 25 Natural Systems: Groundwater: Last paragraph: The description of the town only includes the Hyannis Water system. The Barnstable, West Barnstable, Cotuit and C.O.M.M. Water Districts should be included here. Barnstable Harbor.  Barnstable Harbor is unique to the T of B for many reasons.  It is the only northside estuary, and its waters and marshes are part of the Sandy Neck ACEC.  Further, Friends of Barnstable Harbor (with some funding from the town) has conducted a harbor wide habitat survey.  Part 1 was a Benthic Habitat Map (Seafloor Mapping) that includes sonar imagery, identification and counting of macro invertebrates, as well as water sampling. Part 2 (currently in progress) is a Fin Fish & Shellfish count.  This year long study will identify the various species that inhabit Barnstable Harbor.  Further, APCC’s State of the Harbor Report notes that Barnstable Harbor’s is degraded.  This is important as the 2017 MEP TMDL study listed Barnstable Harbor’s water as in good condition (but for the marina and Maraspin Creek).  These new studies likely indicate the seepage of nutrients from septic systems in the western end of the harbor.  The FBH Habitat Studies provide valuable scientific data for future harbor management decisions. Also of note in this area is that both APCC and Audubon are conducting marsh restoration projects.  Audubon in the Barnstable Harbor’s Great Marsh (western end of the harbor) and APCC in Barnstable Harbor’s Chase Garden Creek (eastern end of the harbor).   32 Offshore Threats and Opportunities: The descriptions of these offshore projects Park City and Commonwealth Wind should have the new names of these companies and a description of the current status. I believe there is an alum treatment happening now, as well, in Mystic Lake Mystic Lake just had another alum treatment. Long Pond in Centerville is not 51 acres but 20 I believe. The restoration technology should note that Sonar is an aquatic herbicide used to control the Hydrilla. Next paragraph should read: The redesign of the fish passage from Middle Pond to the Upper Marstons Mills River in Marstons Mills is one of two in Barnstable… 37 Last paragraph: More detail is required for this description. The BCWC and the Town DPW coordinate this program with SMAST. DPW Staff and their volunteers monitor ponds in the in various areas of town. 42 Lists the land conservation restrictions for each village. The water districts water are included without comment. There is actually a state law the concerns trespass, dumping, damaging to the well heads. The Water Commissioners have the ability to issue fines I would just note Restricted Access to the all the water department's land. 46 Regarding Sandy Neck Beach Park, the project for relocation of the parking area and new ROV beach access should be described here is greater detail. This has been a multiyear effort to permit and fund this project and should be noted as a key success in dune protection, hazard mitigation and agency cooperation Built Systems Page Comment 65 Marstons Mills was not mentioned in the Historic areas. 76 The paragraph about alternatives facilitated by non-profits needs to be divided into separate paragraphs as the cranberry bog restoration is quite different than inlet dredging. More detail could be included in each description as to the projected nutrient removal and other benefits. 85 Top paragraph right side: This description of the Phases does not match the information on the DPW website. Phase 3 will start in the Spring of 2025; Phase 4 is in three sections that extend to the Sandwich town line. 28 Local Comprehensive Plan: Committee Comments Introduction 35 Community Systems Page Comment 125 I am a broken record player when I insist that the majority (more than 2/3) of the recent (past 15 years) multi-family housing development is not in Hyannis but is in Precinct 1, and impacts Barnstable Fire & Water District and BWB Elementary School. Development in this area negatively impacts the Barnstable Harbor and Lewis Bay watersheds, as well as potentially Barnstable Water District wellheads and more. 134 Community Preservation Comm: Second sentence: The CPC has priorities related to housing that include but are not… Also, there should be a mention here of how the CPC works with the Affordable Housing Trust to actively promote and produce community housing projects. Land Use Page Comment I would include Vision #6 on the title page as well. 152 If we are going to use the phrase “form-based code” (italics added), we should provide a definition so that readers understand what it means, and more importantly, what it does not mean.  Perhaps we could use language like the following … "... in 2023 to incorporate aspects of "form-based code,” which pertains only to the Downtown Hyannis Zoning Districts, and not the remainder of the Town. Like the prior code which it amends, the new code regulates both uses as well as size, form and bulk. The intent of the Code is to foster ... . 160 I still think the description is lacking when compared to the other Villages. Can you add something about it being multicultural, bustling Main Street, talk about the character?  Housing Page Comment 180 Is it possible to list what the AMI is in $$? 182 First new paragraph, left hand column: This paragraph leads off with the sentence “ Barnstable experiences a mismatch between the number of people living in a home and the number of bedrooms in that home.”I recommend that this sentence simply be deleted in its entirety. Natural Resources Page Comment Chapter 6 - include vision statement 3 and 15 with it? 191 Open Space and Recreation Plan: It should be noted each time this plan is mentioned that a new plan will be started in 2025 in order to continue to be eligible for state grant funding. 192 Comprehensive Wastewater…: There needs to be a further description here that informs that this plan is based on years of water quality monitoring. The 208 Plan was developed through ongoing measurement of the nitrogen levels at the Sentinel Stations and a number of other locations of each sub embayment. Reaching the Maximum Daily Load at the Sentinel Station will determine the success of the CWMP and if further wastewater infrastructure will be required after the first 30-year plan is completed. There should be a map with these Sentinel Stations noted if one is not already included. Also, it should be noted that the current plan is undergoing its first 5-year review right now. Infrastructure Page Comment Chapter 7 - include vision statement 4 with it? 215 An explanation of what Complete Streets means. 216 Do people know what 'Six Points' is? Might be helpful to list the address. Is there more up-to-date crash data? Perhaps it would be appropriate to include a sentence to update the status of the Rail Trail plan and construction. Facilities Page Comment Might add #10 vision statement to the list? Economic Development Page Comment List vision statement #9 as well? 244 First sentence. Mentions "hub" twice. Maybe reword? 253 Was thinking it is warranted to expound a little bit more on the Hyannis Main Street BID since it is a very useful and unique economic development tool. Culture, Heritage & Design Page Comment 264 This first sentence of the paragraph has several extra words that are duplicative and render the sentence difficult to understand. Perhaps it should be re-worded to say “The Downtown Hyannis Unified Design Regulations and Guidelines were developed and enacted by the Barnstable Planning Board and the Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District Commission in 2023 and 2024. The Unified Guidelines provide clear guidelines for applicants and property owners with mandatory regulations and recommended guidelines for site plan building design, including amenities and placemaking guidelines as well as landscape and signage design. Page 266, 6th paragraph, one sentence starts with "We" - I believe the rest of the report is in the 3 rd person? Pages 266 through 268, section entitled “Broadening Representation and Engagement”, etc., second column pg. 266: The first, third, fourth and subsequent sentences of this first paragraph appear to be both correct and appropriate. In my personal opinion, the second sentence also is factually correct. In my personal opinion, however, it also would be a mistake to include the second sentence. The purpose of this entire section and discussion is to encourage “inclusiveness” regarding cultural and historical preservation. This sentence likely would become a “lightening rod,” which would encourage divisiveness and conflict rather than inclusion. Inclusion of the sentence would cause a debate over past exclusion rather than a debate over future inclusion. The final sentence of that section, at the top of page 268 could be revised to say “Broadening representation and engagement with more diverse groups, including those who have come to Barnstable relatively recently, will help to protect historical resources.” Pages 268-270, Section entitled “Place-Based Planning and Visioning,” etc.: First sentence: I would delete the words, “but they are not very helpful in shaping additional growth and change over time to enhance the character of the community.” 269 Page 269, the sentence beginning “This approach can be extended to the other villages – “,… . This sentence on page 269 suggests that it is the intent of the LCPC and the town to make exactly the type of change to the historic village centers that no one wants. And it misrepresents the thinking of the LCPC. It should be deleted. 270 Page 270, first column, section entitled “Historic Preservation in the context of climate change and sea level rise”: There is a sentence in the middle of the paragraph which is true and accurate, but I feel should be modified. The sentence which reads, “The Cape Cod Commission has developed Flood Area Design Guidelines …,” should be modified to read “NOAA and other scientific organizations have developed Flood Area Design Guidelines …”. Targeted Action Plan: Land Use 268 217 267 Page Comment Goal 3, Action item A: When I read this my immediate gut reaction was "You are not going to take my wooded lot away from me." I wonder how many other people who have wooded or partially wooded house lots would react similarly. Perhaps it could be softened somewhat by eliminating the first 9 words of the sentence, so it reads, "Seek to increase ...". Perhaps it could be softened somewhat by eliminating the first 9 words of the sentence, so it reads, "Seek to increase ...". Goal 4, Action items A and B: These are too strident. We should encourage homeowners to create or maintain vegetative barriers, but we should not compel all homeowners and commercial property owners to create vegetative barriers. Similarly, we want to maintain a tree canopy and wooded areas as much as possible, but it is not a good idea to compel a property owner to plant a new tree every time that a significant tree is taken out. Rather, we should encourage it. Sometimes a significant tree should be taken out, for instance if it is dead and presenting a danger to persons and property. Or if the homeowner already has planted additional trees which exceed the number of trees taken out in an attempt to re-design the landscape plan of the yard. Define "significant" and what type of tree can be replanted, Natives? What size should they be? 280 Define "Explore" Is this a study? Targeted Action Plan: Housing Page Comment How does all this fit with the Affordable Housing Production Plan? This is too broad; it needs to be broken down to several individual actions What does this mean? 286 This housing should be permanently restricted if Housing resources are used. Targeted Action Plan: Natural Resources Page Comment 290 5A Engage local nonprofits like Mass Audybon, Orenda and others that already have started this type of work. 292 This pond management work is underway, get a status and next actions from DPW. Misspelling of incentives. What could they be, perhaps examples? Goal #15 Pet owners should manage pet waste and keep it away from our waters (salt & fresh).  On that note, it would be interesting if the wastewater treatment plant offered a drop off for pet waste.  No doubt many pet owners would utilize a system like that. The State controls these materials and Towns have limited abilility to create regulations in this area. Check with other efforts on Cape. Targeted Action Plan: Infrastrucuture Page Comment 298 Page 298, Goal 5, Action item B, Parking Facilities: Consider adding a 2 ½ or 3 story parking structure in the North Street Parking Lot at the intersection of Winter Street and North Street in order to reduce the parking “footprint” in the parking lot and open up space along North Street for second story residential above retail. Targeted Action Plan: Facilities Page Comment 284 278 294 Targeted Action Plan: Economic Development Page Comment Page 308, Goal 3, Action item D: Explore and encourage development of “business clusters” or “industry clusters” in Barnstable by identifying industries which can supplement existing businesses as either suppliers of goods and/or services necessary for those businesses to conduct their operations, or new industries and business which can use the “output” of those business in Town, so that new and existing industries can become “vertically integrated” here in the Town of Barnstable with multiple different employers. Goal 3, B. Business Barnstable also sends an email - fun to include! Page 308, Goal 3, Action item E: Work with the leadership of Cape Cod Community College (“CCCC”) to develop a “small business incubator” at the College to develop a link between Adult Learners and the business community to develop environmentally friendly new small businesses in Town, and also provide the professional educational opportunities to train adult learners to perform the duties and responsibilities of those new businesses without leaving Cape Cod to develop the necessary skills and knowledge. Page 308, Goal 3, Action item F . Work with the leadership of Cape Cod Community College (“CCCC”) to develop programs to train people for technical positions in health care and other existing industries in Town without the necessity of leaving Cape Cod to acquire that training and education. Appropriate programs would include nursing and nursing specialties, X-Ray technicians, Plebotomists, and other technical areas necessary in our existing businesses and institutions. Page 308, Goal 3, Action Item G: Work with the leadership of Cape Cod Community College (“CCCC”) to develop junior and senior level courses in certain subject matter areas to allow students to complete all of the subject matter courses in those selected areas through the Bachelor’s degree level without leaving the Town of Barnstable. Examples of those subject matter areas would include marine biology, marine construction, oceanography, fisheries biology, wildlife biology, and other subjects relevant to the industries which operate here in Barnstable. Page 308, Goal 3, Action Item G: Work with the leadership of Cape Cod Community College (“CCCC”) to coordinate with the leadership of UMass-Dartmouth and UMass On-Line to allow students to complete their Bachelor’s Degree programs either remotely through UMass-Dartmouth or On-Line with UMass On-Line here in Barnstable without the necessity of having to leave Cape Cod to take their upper division courses in Dartmouth, Amherst or some other 4 year institution. Page 310, Goal 6, Action item G: Construct a regulation 440 yard outdoor Running Track which will be accessible to the public seven days per week from Sunrise until darkness. Targeted Action Plan: Culture, Heritage & Design Page Comment 317 The wording of this Action Item suggests that the LCPC recommends developing design guidelines for every village in Town. The experiences of the Planning Board and the Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District Commission in attempting to craft design regulations and guidelines for the Downtown Hyannis Historic District demonstrates that developing design guidelines is a BIG, complicated, extremely time-consuming, and not entirely non-contentious undertaking. We shouldn't recommend developing design guidelines for every village.Perhaps this action item could be revised to say, "Preserve the historic character of each village." 320 Goal 10B: This should include Farmers, Craft and Art markets. 310 308