HomeMy WebLinkAbout1867-1885 - TOWN REPORTS f Expenses of the Town of Barnstable FOR THE YEAR ENDING FEBRUARY 15, 1868. SUPPORT OF POOR IN TOWN AND OUT OF ALMS- HOUSE. Paid Lydia King, support of Lewis Cobb, 52 weeks, $52 00 " Sam'l Whelden, " ". (C . . 26 00 Sarah S.Lewis, " of Isaac Lewis, 15 weeks, 15 00 " Maria Busch's passage to State Almshouse, 1 45 " C. Conant, coffin for Jane Fuller, 12 00 ". Hallett & Bursley, clothing for Timo. Dineen, 21 66 " David Mayo, for supplies to W. D. Lewis, 26 00 C. C. Bearse, for supplies to Martha Adams, 46 00 to Reuben West, 32 00 to Lydia M. Allen, 108 50 to Ansel Meiggs' child, 39 00 " . to Micah Jones, 99 56 " to William Blount, 63 50 to Caroline Crosby, 63 50 to Chloe A. Hallett, 34 50 " to widow D. Alien, 36 00 " J. R. Hall, " to Alvan Hamblen, 25 91 to Mary Holiday, 15 88 " to Bethiah Baxter; 48 68 to Thos. Coleman, 30 00 to Hepsah Kelley, 132 75 to Adelia Bennet,, 12 25 .mount carried forward, $942 08 d. l 2 Amount brought forward, $942 08 Paid for supplies to Bliza Drody, 42 88 It to Jabez Banter's family, 45 00 It 4.6 't to Betsey Bearse, 21 47 " It It to Olive Ames, 75 75 It It " to Susan Bearse, 14 50 ic 66 64 to Ira Bearse's family, 23 00 66 46 " to Rachel Cathcart, 50 12 `° G° to Sullivan Bearse, 26 00 to Sally Hinckley, 43 57 _ to Geo. D. Hart, 38 08 it " to Phi. Cathcart, 24 41 11 to Maria Bearse, 34 40 14 " " to Eliza Bearse, 2 66 " " " to Naomi Snow, 26 55 16 " 14 to Anna Hamblen, 64 00 l° Dr. Samuel Pitcher, per contract, 30 00 Dr.'Peter Pineo, attending Widow Snow, 23 00 C. C. Bearse, for supplies to Charles Haring, 20 00 " to Ralph Jones, 14 97 ' J. R. Hall, « burial of D. W. Linnel's child, 15 00 supplies to ditto, 11 00 it " to Betsey Snow, 29 71 " to Amaziah Bearse, 20 79 " to Lois Jones, •8 87 44 " " to Patience Hallett, 8 87 " " It to Elnora Bearse, 3 75 to Ira B. Bacon, 7 00 " " °` to Polly Childs, 47 59 I, " " to Rebecca Hallett, 6 37 to Susan Cobb, 2 50 burial of Ruth Handy, 5 00 " sending W. L. Brown to State Almshouse, 4 70 $1,733 59 3 SUPPORT OF POOR BELONGING TO OTHER, TOWNS. Paid for board and medical attendance.for Eliza Star- buck, $110 75 for board of Sally Bartlett,52 weeks, 52 00 $162 75 EXPENSES IN ALMSHOUSE, Paid Haughton, Perkins, & Co.,for cottons and woollens, $56 90 Danforth, Scudder, & Co., for groceries, 187 18 Brown & Golding, for beans, 10 85 for 24 iron spoons, 1 75 C. C. Railroad for freight, 12 78 Seth Parker & Son, for supplies, 166 83 Charles Crocker, " '88 35 Frederick Parker, " " 98 25 S. N. Howland, 46 " 75 85 Chase & Marchant, " " 171 22 Thatcher&Crowell," " 11 87 Zenas Hinckley " " 12 77 Chauncey Conant, " " 5 93 Gustavus F. Swift, " " 45 34 Asa Jones, " " 27 00 Lemuel Nye, " " 29 20 A.H.Bearse&Co.," " 94 60 Eben Bacon, " " 226 90 Samuel Hooper, for cow, 60 00 Ellis Jenkins, for wood, labor, &c., 84 67 Charles C.Jenkins, for labor, 7 00 F. H. Jenkins, for medical services, 9 50 Charles Crocker,salary 1 year, 300 00 E. Bacon&E. Smith, for 25,185 lbs. coal, 119 22 C. C. Bearse, for nails, lime, &c., 18 31 " -Jos. R. Hall,for stove and pipe, 18 25 Edward Austin, for masonry, 6 25 H. Nye, for paper hangings, 3 74 Chase. &Baker, for grain, 10 00 $1,960 51 J 4 PAID CITIES, TOWNS, AND HOSPITALS FOR SUPPORT OF POOR. Paid Town of Nantucket for support of Cordelia Whelden and 4 children to Jan. 31, '68, $176 76 same for support of Thomas Whelden's family, 18 35 Town of Dennis for support of Adeline Bennet, 14 29 Massachusetts School Ship for Onan Bacon, 4 85 City of Boston for support of Lydia Hinckley 1 year, 56 00 << << " " " " of Ann Anderson, 33 24 << �� " " " " of Mary Hallett, 26 50 « << << " 46 " of Mary Baker, 17 00 State Lunatic Hospital,keeping John F. Howland i year, 195 49 State Lunatic Hospital, keeping Edwin Chase 1 year, 194 43 City of New Bedford, balance pauper account, 6 52 $743 43 STATE AID PAID TO VOLUNTEERS OR TO THEIR HEIRS, FROM MARCH 1, 1867, TO MARCH 1, 1868. To Ann S. Young, $96 00 Susan A. Otis, 96 00 " Thomas W.Jones, 120 00 Artemas B. Young, 28 00 L6 John W. Busch, 90 00 Martha J. Eldridge, 96 00 Abby M. Cook, 96 00 Irene S. Jordan, 24 00 Polly Childs, 48 00 " Simeon C. Childs, 16 00 Zimri Lumbert, 16 00 " Susan B. Marchant, 96 00 George E. Hopkins, 28 00 Thomas Coleman, 8 00 Helen D. Atkins, 96 00 Amount carried forward, $954 00 5 Amount brought forward, $954 00 To Hannah S. Winslow, 48 00 " Abijah Baker, Jr., 168 00 " David Fish, 96 00 " Barbara Doane, 96 .00 " Charles E. Ellis, 72 00 " Temperance Crocker, 48 00 " Howard N. Lovell, 12 00 " Leander Baxter, 168 00 " George W. Cathcart, 12 00 " Elizabeth Eldridge, 96 00 " George Dinehart, 28 00 Isaac Coleman, 168 00 $1,966 00 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. Paid for Digest of Municipal Laws, $2 00 J. M..Day, Counsel for Town 1866 and 1867, 30 00 " Goss &Phinney, printing and advertising, 74 50 " Matthias Hinckley, repairs on burying-ground fence, 7 85 Ansel D. Lothrop " " " " " 6 26 " Frederick Scudder, for list of conveyances, 5 00 " C. F. Swift, printing report of School Committee, 49 25 " Charles Gray, for smith's work, 20 95 " Geo. B. Crocker, for services as constable 1866. 10 00 " Coloss Wood,for care of Town House, 4 00 " Nath'1 Howland and others, fire ward bill, 12 00 " Russell Hinckley, truant committee, 5 00 " James H. Hallett, fish committee, 6 00 " C. C. Bearse, services as auctioneer, stamps, &c., 14 24 " S. Bicknell, for damage to carriage, 7 50 " Bounty on 819 woodchucks, by E. Bacon, 409 50 " 126 " " by C. C. Bearse, 63 00 " 42 " " by J. R. I4all, 21 00 " for postage, stationery, expresses,and telegrams, 6 CO Amount carried forward, $754 65 6 Amount brought forward, $754 65 Paid E. Lewis, Esq., administering oaths, 1 00 " E. Bacon expenses to Boston twice on Town business, 12 00 " Alvan S. Hallett, fire ward bill, 2 75 W. D. Holmes, repairing harness, 1 40 Gorham Hallett, smith's work, 4 57 " Josiah Hinckley, for boards and posts, 5 38 " S. C.Childs, repairing pound, 6 94 " 'J. Taylor, of Beverly, for affidavits, 2 50 " for stock and labor on burying-ground at "Mars- tons Mills," 20 06 F. G. Kelley, for services and expenses, 48 44 " C. C. Bearse and Jos. R. Hall,expenses to Bos- ton to settle with State Auditor, 11 10 C. Lincoln, sealer weights and measures, 5 00 F. G. Kelley, postage, Rc., 3 34 " on account of Soldiers' Monument, 206 59 C. C. Bearse, for sundry bills, 149 52 $1,235 24 CLEARING ROADS FROM SNOW. Paid Frederick Scudder for bills paid by him, $55 00 Jos. Folger, Nathaniel Howland, George Allyn, and 13 others, 75 83 B. W. Cammett and others, 78 30 Lewis Hamblen, 16 50 " Ansel E. Fuller, 19 60 " Sundry persons District 21, 11 73 S.L. Leonard and others, 21 90 " Thomas Jones, Jr., and others, 38 19 Abram L. Coleman and others. 20 80 W. H. Simon and 6 others, 10 30 cc Nathan H. Bearse and 28 others, 1 46 59 " Henry R. Lewis and others, 25 35 " . U. G. Linnell and others, 36 34 Amount carried forward, $456 43 7 Amount brought forward, $456 43 Paid Hatsel Handy and others, 13 15 Chas. H. Bursley,District 7, 144 65 Chas C. Jenkins " 6, 28 00 by E.Bacon " 1, 156 10 by " " " 3, 185 20 " by " " " 4, 77 75 44 by " " " 5, 145 42 " by " " " - 6, 79 00 by " " " 8, 21 25 Moses F. Hallett and others, 41 30 Hatsel Handy and 5 others, 15 70 Jehiel Crosby and others, 55 90 F. H. Jenkins and 2 others, 15 00 " Coloss Wood and 12 others, 62 59 Edward Gifford and 10 others, 30 20 Thos. Jones, Jr., and others, 54 16 B.W. Cammett and others, 107 40 Charles F. Crocker and others, 32 69 C. C. Bearse, 3 25 A. C. Childs-and others, 26 92 Geo. H. Hinckley and others, 48 84 Abram L. Coleman and others, 56 42 Josiah A. Ames and others, 6 95 by Joseph R. Hall to over 100 persons not in- cluded in above. 218 39 cc Nathan H. Bearse and others, 10 06 Crocker Hinckley, 4 60 Henry R. Lewis and others, 29 85 Simeon L. Leonard and others, 18 45 Josiah Lumbert, 70 $2,146 26 8 REPAIRS ON ROADS AND BRIDGES. Paid Asa Blish, $13 50 Richard Tinkham, 71 50 Chipman H. Whelden, 11 00 Asa Blish, per contract, 75 76 James Doherty, 14 25 James P. Crowell, 14 00 James Marchant, 2 00 Frederick Scudder, 5 60 Moses Burgess, 7 40 Lot Hinckley, 3 50 Arthur B. Marston, -8 00 A. C. Childs, 2 00 Geo. N. Goodspeed, 28 00 J. and J. B. Folger, 147 75 Ralph Meiggs, 5 40 Wm. C. Gifford, 52 90 Edward Gifford, 107 40 S. L. Leonard and others, 70 20 Jno. B. Baxter, 46 00 Heman Thomas, 80 10 W. H. Simon, 39 30 C. C.Bearse, 20 53 John B. Lovell, 30 00 Ira B. Bacon, 26 40 William Mitchell, 2d, per contract, 22 50 John II:-Smith, 6 00 Hatsel Handy, 119 70 Aurin B. Crocker. 22 73 Marshall Hinckley, 126 20 Luther Phinney, 57 50 Crocker Hinckley, 1 17 J. B. Linnell, 2 00 James Kanary, 23 58 Cyrus B. Smith, 2 00 Thos. I. Hinckley, 7 00 Amount carried forward, $1,272 87 , 9 Amount brought forward, $11272 87 Paid Wm. Mitchell, 2 00 11 Peter C. Blossom, 8 90 11 A. W. Kelley, 9 10 Paul R. Crocker, 35 00 Walter Crocker, 6 25 ". Robert Evans, 7 00 Warren Marston, 2 35 James Otis, 22 00 John D. Hinckley, 39 00 Turner Hinckley, 41 75 ". Samuel and Freeman Howes, 7 00 Ellis Jenkins, 48 00 Francis Bacon, use of team; 8 00 Edward B. Hallett, 9 00 " .Samuel A. Wiley, 1 25 Josiah Lumbert, 1 80 Patrick Kaveny, 32 00 Chas. H. Bursley, 35 60 Chas. C. Jenkins, 136 00 Washington Bursley, 5 00 Chas. H. Hinckley, 7. 75 Oliver Holmes, 8 20 Eben Bacon, 36 35 W. and E. H. Eldridge, 21 50 Daniel Scudder, 8 20 Ebenezer Smith, 36 00 W. P. Harwood, 3 00 Gorham Crosby, 18 00 Lorenzo Lewis, 24 00 Lot N. Otis, 3 00 Joel Hamblen, 2 40 C. and W. Wood, 9 00 Nelson W. Crocker, 4 18 Lewis Phinney, 11 60 Oliver B. Jones, 30 00 Thos. Jones, Jr., 51 00 Amount carried forward, $2,004 05 2 10 Amount brought forward, $2,004 05 Paid B. W. Cammett, 31 40 Abram L. Coleman, 51 40 Charles Marston's estate, 12 85 Simeon Taylor and others (Hyannis), 179 00 Samuel Snow, bridge plank and timber, 102 23 Thos. Linnell, 5 40 Gideon Hallett and others, 9.00 Henry R. Lewis and others, 27 60 Moses F. Hallett and others, 45 27 Benj. and Ira B. Bacon, 13 80 Timothy Crocker, 2 50 Jehiel Crosby and others, 20.80 $2,505 30 TOWN OFFICERS. Town Treasurer, salary, $200 00 Town Clerk, recording births,deaths, and marriages, 54 05 Selectmen and Overseers Poor, 354 00 Assessors, 189 00 $797 05 SCHOOL COMMITTEE. Asa E. Lovell, $100 00 George A. King, 85 00 Henry A. Goodhue, 100 00 $285 00 SCHOOL BOOKS. Paid H. A. Goodhue, $4 35 0. M. Hinckley, 6 90 W.Henshaw,'for books furnished School Committee in 1866. 229 03 $240 34 LIQUOR AGENCY. • Paid S. N. Howland, $178 66 HERRING FISHERY, Paid Nathaniel Hinckley by vote of Town, $100 00 11- COLLECTOR'S FEES AND TAXES REMITTED. Paid James Smith for collection of taxes id remittance, $85 47 James Cornish, collecting$36,059 51, at 4 j mills, 175 78 °G same for taxes remitted, 223 40 $484 65 RECEIPTS. Tax outstanding for 1866, $500 00 Cash in Treasury, Feb., 1867, 5,042 78 State Tax assessed July, 1867, 12,400 00 County Tax " " 44 1,526 16 Town Tax '° 44 46 . 22,043 74 Of State Treasurer towards State Aid paid by Town in 1866, 1,700 00 Of Commonwealth, for corporation taxes, 2,239 47 Of Nantucket, for support of Eliza A. Starbuck, 147 50 Of Chatham, for Lewis Young, 19 56 Of Plymouth, for Sally Bartlett, 26 00 For hire of pound meadow, 36 62 46 tc " Almshouse land and do., 78 00 46 11 school lot, 18.52 16 road scraper, 5 00 hire of Town meadow, 8 00 Cranberries raised on.Town farm, 38 00 Bartlett Holmes peddler's license, 11 00 John S. Bearse 46 °' 11 00 Money borrowed of the First National Bank, Yarmouth,.4,000 00 $49,851 35 EXPENDITURES. Paid State Aid to disabled soldiers and their families, $1,966 00 Towns,cities, and hospitals, for support of poor, 743 43 For support of poor of other towns and cities, .162 75 Support of poor in Almshouse, 1,960 51 G6 in Town and out of Almshouse, 1,733 65 Amount carried forwc(rd, $6,566 34 12 Amount brought forward, $6,566 34 Selectmen, Overseers of Poor, Surveyors of Highways, 354 00 Assessors, 189 00 School Committee, 285 00 State Tax, 12,400 00 County Tag, 1,526 16 Balance school orders for 1866, 3,423 93 Towards 1867, 5,166 50 For roads and bridges, 2,505 30 Clearing roads from snow, 2,146 26 Miscellaneous account, 1,235 24 Paid on loans, , 4,300 00 Interest on loans, 1,172 )7 Paid for school books, 240 34 For liquor agency, S. N. Howland, 178 66 For herring fishery, 100 00 Collector's fees and taxes remitted, 484 65 Town Treasurer's salary, 200 00 Clerk recording births and deaths, 54 05 Tax outstanding for 1867, 500 00 Cash in Treasury, 6,823 75 $49,851 35 FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE TOWN. Dr. Due individuals on loans, $6,775 00 Savings Bank, 10,000 00 on school orders, 3,834 50 $20,609 50 • Cr. Cash in Treasury, $6,823 75 Tax outstanding, 500 00 Amount due from State for State Aid for 1866, 764 00 do. for do. for 1867, 1,966 00 Due from Plymouth, 52 00 Town in debt, 10,503 75 $20,609 50 CHARLES C. BEARSE, Selectmen EBENEZER BACON, of JOSEPH R. HALL, Barnstable. y 1 r Expenses of the. Town ' of Barnstable FOR TIIE YEAR ENDING FEBRUARY 15, 1869. s SUPPORT OF POOR 'IN TOWN AND OUT OF tLMS- HOUSE. Paid for Supplies to Daniel W.Linnell $14 50 Thomas Coleman, _ 49 00 Mrs. H. N. Thayer, 16 75 " Bethiah Baxter, 43 38 Mrs. A. G. Droudy, 20 00 " Rachal Cathcart, 21 78 " Naomi Snow, 40 00 John Hallett, 8 00 Geo.D. Hart, 36 86 " Philander Cathcart, 3 00 " Mary Holaday, 6 00 " Betsy Bodge, 30 74 " Sullivan Bearse, 7 65 Dr. S. Pitcher (contract), 30 00 " Jabez Banter's Family, 10 00 Maria Rearse, 43 50 " Hepsabeth Kelley 104 00 Emily Crowell, board of Sister, 64 00 Ehiora, Rearse, 42 `50 Expense &Passage to State Alms House, of M.Keren, 7 60 D. Gleason, supplies to Stranger, 5 82 Alvan Hamblin, 14 54 " Betsy Snow, 51 00 " Phillip Cotell's Children, 12 0 " Eliza A. Carney Sr Family, 85 50 Z Paid for ,supplies to Sally Hinckley, ` 52 00 Sending for Coroner, 2 00 J. ,Wilson, 1 13 Nancy Bacon, 27 00 Betsy Bearse, 19 65 James Linnell, 10 38 Lois Jones, 23 Oo Daniel Deneen's Children, 22 00 Mary Bearse, 15 75 Rebecca Ilallet, 7 75 Susan Cobb, 38 00 Patience Hallet, 4 00 Louisa Bearse, 4 00 ' Lydia King,board Lewis Cobb, 47 00 " Louisa Jones, 16 62 Samuel Whelden 26 00 Wid Harvey Jones for Clothing, to Augusta B. Jones, two years, 20 00 Dr. F. H. Jenkins, attendance on Ezra F. Crocker, 15 00 �' •' Wi.d. Caroline Crosby, 63 75 Lydia M. Allen, 112 50 William Blount, 64 00 Reuben West, 26 00 Mrs. H. N. Lewis, for board of Ansel Meigg's Child, 40 00 Sally Bartlett, 52 00 Chloe A.Hallett, 26 00 4 ' Martha N. Hinckley, for board of Eliza C. Starbuck, 50 00 S. N. Howland, supplies to Ezra F. Crocker, 10 73 « " Dr. C. F. George,for attendance on Ansel Meigg's Child, 11 25 « " W. & E.,H. Eldridge, for wood to W. J. Titcomb, 16 00 « " Wood to Polly Childs, 6 25 << « to William E. Bearse, 6 25 $1604 13 • 3 EXPENSES AT ALMSIIOUSE. Paid Thomas Nye for cow, $60 00 'c Heinan B. Chase for flour and grain 407 7$ R. E. Holmes for beef 25 25 Danforth Scudder & Co.groceries 140 68 A.G. Cash for.coal-host, .58 Thacher & Crowell for supplies, 44 p¢ Gustavus F. Swift for meat, 39 13 E. Bacon for coal, 49 12 J. R. Hall " 75 04 for codfish. 14 00 t0 Loring, Crocker for salt, 2 60 E. Bacon for corn and flour $8 0fl for shoats 24 46 Dacia,Hyde & Co. for tea, 47 ,86 Hallett & Bursley's bill, supplies; 23 .66 Zenas Hinckley for crackers, 3 64 Clark Lincoln for repairs on sto`6, &ce' 15 75 F. H. Jenkins, medical services, ;9 75 " Josiah Hinckley for lumber, 13 14 Geo. B. Crocker for work on firm'; �8 06 Eugene F.1�lo8sonr, " 9 25 Asa Jones balance of account, 45 C. C.'Bearse, luinber,-nail's, &c. 12 82 Charles Crocker for supplies, 76 37 " silary one year,, ;306 00 t red6rick Parker for supplies 88 2I Josiah C. Jones for wood, 10 00 S. N. Howland for supplies' 1.04 23 Seth Parker' & Son, 126 67 6 Mrs. Eliza Crocker foi"sewing; 10 25' " Ellis"Jenkiiis for wood. .25 00 killing hog, 1 00 Barna B. Bodfish, work, 5 00 cc William D. IIolines;•repairs oil hariiessec' 6-75' A. C. Hallett for Cfothiug, 26 48 J. R.Hall for bill of shirting, 11 62 zc c' two barrels flour,- 22 00 Coal IIod-, 1 50 Barrel Apples; 4 50 11. B. Chase for Corer; 25 25 y1991 46 O 4 t ,PAID CITIES, TOWNS, AND HOSPITALS FOR SUPPORT OF POOR. =Paid city of New Bedford for Maria George, $42 51 cc •4 for Pbebe Lambert, 34 00 . " State Lunatic IIospital for Edwin Chase, one,year,. 198 40 " same for John F. Howland, 192 5.5 Joseph H. Parker, 177 65 Benager Berry, ' 5.1 50 town of Nantucket for supplies and burial espmseg of Thomas Whelden's family, 12.2' 54- Same for supplies to John `'Vhelden's family, 108 71 'Jesse Crosby for board of Wid. D.H.Allen, 91G; 00 " J. R. Hall, expense at Nantucket, 7 00 City of Boston for supplies to Ann Anderson, 37 10 " " " " Mary Baker, 52 00 " " " " Mary Hallett, 32 10 Lydia Hinckley, 41 00 STATE AID PAID TO VOLUNTEERS' OR THEIR HEIRS FROM MARCH 1, 1868, TO MARCH 1, 1869. To Charles E. Ellis, $ 72 00 " Temperance Crocker, 48 00 BarbaraDoane,• 96 00 " David Fish,, 96 00 " Abijah Baker,jr: 168 00 K Thomas W. Jones; 72 00 " Ann S. Young, 96 00 Martha J. Eldridge, 96 00 " Abby M.Cook, 96 00 u Polly Childs, 48 00 G4 Allen Maxchant's children;. 96 00 " Leandev Baxterr, 168 00 Isaac•Coleman, 168 00 " Elizabeth E. Eldridge;, 96 00 " Helen D..Atkins, 96 00 " Hannah S. Winslow,, 48 00 " Susan A..Otis, 96 00 $1656 00 s "MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. Paid bounty on Wood Chucks, $6 50' Walter Crocker pew rent, 8 00 44 Express,•postage,stamps and stationery, 11 57 '" J. M. Day, Council for Town, 20 00 William C. Whelden, surveying, 2 00 i M. Lanane, fire ward, 80 � C. F. Swift, printing school reports, 45 00 Geo, D. Hart,fire ward, 1 20 s` Thomas Gray, damage to horse, 15 00 Ira B. Bacou and others, fire ward bill, 8 90 A. S. Hallett and others, fire ward bill, •16 95 " J. C. Crocker, for guide boards, 9 00 •" Barnstable Patriot, advertising, 47 50 Daniel Crowell and others, fire wards, 15 20 Gorham Crosby for boards, 8 75 Coloss Wood, care of Town House, and setting glass, 5 83 Charles Gray's bill, smithing, 25 07 f' William S. Jones,exchanging horses, 10 00 C. C. Bearse, services as auctioneer, stamps, &c, 12 00 Railroad freight, 21 17 f` O. M, Hinckley,bill books, &c. 4 10 b' J. K. Hall, school books to J. B.Bacon and Joel Hamblin, 1 85 Samuel Snow,damage to horse, 19 75 A.H. Bearse, Surveying, 3 00 F. Scudder for list of conveyances, &e. 8 38 F. G. Kelley, Postage,Express, &c. t 14 58 For land at Hyannis,purchased by vote of Town, 64 30 6G State Sealer of weights and measures, 10 55 ` Balance Expense on Soldiers"Monument, 48 45 It Eben. Bacon for sundry bills, 255 27 97, �. 6 CLEARING ROADS FROM SNOW. Paid J. C. Crocker and others- 4 40 I. P. Fairfield 2 20 Reuben Clark 4 10 f� J. C. Crocker & J. .Linnell 8Q U. G. Linliell and others 9 15 4� A. B. Crocker 9 90 Jehiel Crosby 11 65 gelick Hedge 3 90 If Charles L. Bassett c% Son �2 40 James Marchant 2 60 Henry F. Loring 0 00 Geo.Kipg & Henry Adams 1 00 Matthias Hinckley 4 70 John D.'Hinckley: 3 00 Eben Bacoil _. 2 50 Thomas Gilmore 1 40 Joshua Chamberlain 1 80, Abram Fuller 9 40 Samuel P. Whelden 8 20 Sylvanus Percival ' i 5 98 Frederick Percival 1 40 << Thomas Nye 1 40 William Chipman 2 50 Nathaniel Percival 50 Simeon Taylor 3 20 George F. Crocker 1 50 Alfred W. Kelley 90 " 'James Lapham 1 OJ Nathaniel &E. T. Howland 4 40 N. . & N. W. Crocker 3 40 C: &W. Wood 2 00 Thomas.Lewis and others R. L. 21 00 D. H:Sturges 2 00 Russel Hinckley 11 75 Zeineriah Kenrick and others 19 25 Nathan Hamblin 4 00 Thomas Jones Jr. and others 6 40 R. M. Want 1 90 Abram Fuller 2d. 90 B. W. Cam eft ap4 others 20 60 � Lewis Phinney` 1 78 Eben W. Fuller, 7 20, C. H• Bursley and others 21 90 9° Turner Hinckley 3 56 -,Paid Chas. C. Jenkins 5 00 << Ellis Jenkins 1 60 Ot .Geo. B. Crocker 1 00 << B"B. Bodfish 1 60 Nathani,ei Hinckley 2 30 tijTillim-4 Mhtchel 1 40 John,Airderson 4 15 << N,oah Bradford 3 00 Henry R. Lewis 7 85 << P. A.Hamblin 00 N. H. Bearse 2 00 6 N. Copley & H. W. Ryder 3 12 �287 48 REPAIRS SON LOADS. Paid Crocker Hinckley 2 60 y " F. Burgess 50 Asa Bush 0 31 Toils.ton Puller 4 00 U. G. Linnell and others 33 10 John W. Scudder 2 00 °' Albert lstabrooh 4 00 John T- Half 1 25. Eben. Smith and sthers 60 00 W. H.Be4rse - 5 50 << Thomtis I"I inckley 5 80 John N. Smith 16 00 John A. Lewis 2d 5 80 J. Doherity ' .. 16 20 ' John Donahue 66 50 John P. Sylvester 2 50 C. B. Smith 18 06 Simeon Doane 24 20 A. W. Doane 1 25 C. Small 14 00 Mprshall Hinckley 16 50 6 James Canary 15 00 s Edmund Crowell 2 00 Thomas Mitchell 26 80 Simeon Taylor 92 50 Thomas Nye 7 00 Benjamin Bacon 9 00 Joseph Bursley 00 Patrick Regan 10 00 8 PaidJoseph Mitchell 74 20 S. B. Phinney and others 32 00 Hatsel Handy 339 60 M. Lanane *.71 3.9 << R. Eldredo-e 39 40 << E. N. Levis 13 00 William Mitchell 12 20 Gust4yus F. Swift and othars 26 70 it B.F, .Crocker&- Co. [lumber] '50 00 Reuben Hallett 8 40 6 Francis B,$con's teams and otl}ers 120 70 « Ira B. Bacon 19 00 Gorham Crosby 4 35 I, Chase &Baker, nails 10 Eben. Bacon 1 20 James P. Crowell 74 10 Thomas Linnell 1 60 it James Howland 3 00 It Samuel Childs and others 17 10 6 t Luther Phinney 4 40 Peter C. Blossom 32 00 Moses F. Hallett and others 41 10 it Mrs. Copeland for loam 15 00 Henry R. Lewis 8 60 Jehiel Crosby and others 59 40 Charles H. Hinckley 5 75 James H. Lothrop 3 90 Daniel Blagden 3 33 A. B. Crocker 6 50 L. Lewis 12 00 Chipman H. Wheldeu 19 90 Le4nder Jones 35 75 Isaiah Crocker. 7 20 Paul Maraspin 60 D. H. Sturgis 13 0Q " Lewis Phinney. 20 00 " C. C. Bearse and others 5.6 60 °c Hemau Thomas and others 123 90 " Joseph Folgex and others 109 25 Ignatius Crocker. 25 40 W. H. Simon 28 00 " Harrison Fish (contract) 71 70 Abram Sandford 9 00 " Walter Crocker and D. Bacon 5 00 " Coloss Wood ' ' 8 10 Charles L. Bassett 64 00 Paul R. Crocker 17 50 . `` Turner 10 00 'R 9 Paid James Otis 10 00 George B. Cracker _ 9 00 henry Cobb' 1 50 Caleb Sj ra iie` 2 0111 46 E. T. Cobb and others 32 00 69 Josiah Lumbert 27 60 49 Alfred Bearse 24 40 t Abram L. Coleman and others, 120 00 99 Harrison Fish 32 00 cc Geo. T. Fish 1 00. if Samuel S. Jones 12 00 Leander L. Jones 15 06 t Asa Jones and others 15 00 Eugene T. Blossom 16 00 if Charles H. Bursley and others' 97 45 if John B. Lovell 18 35 '' Simeon L. Leonard 69 20 Nathan Smith 13 00 � Nathaniel Howland 14 60 Isaac Fish 2 00 66 Lothrop Hinckley 4 64 ` Joshua Chamberlain 11 70 " Arthur B. Marston 54 20 " Charles'C. Jenkins 98 00 ` do do (contract) 60 36 Thomas Jones Jr. and others' 28 00 " William Childs 17 J. W. Crocker for loam 6 00 Josiah Ames and others: 9` 10 Ellis Jenkins 31 00 • John B. Baxter 12 00 << Barna. B. Bodfish 6 00 James A. Hinckley 1 o 00 James Huckins 15 00, 66 Joseph Huckins 25 W 64 W. &E. H. Eldridge 7 82 lG William Marston 1 50F 4' S. A. Wiley and others 5 80 44 Josiah C. Smith ' 12 20 << Benjamin F. Hinckley 13 60 cc Nathaniel Hinckley 3 33 « David Crocker 3 00 Phillip Robinsoli 3 35 J: R. Hall 8 00 « Daniel Scudder and other's; 13 50 John C. Crocker 5 25 $3261 45 10 PAID FOP,REBUILDING BRIDGES. Paid Stetson & Pope's bill tiiitbei, $32 02 P.Kelley and others,labor; 9 80 " J. A. Bearse; " 5 55 CharlefT E. Holmes, "' 19 20' William P. Harwood, use'of pile driver; 6 00, B. S.Kelley,labor, 3 00, llatsel Handy, [contracts 198 00, °` and others, labor, 80 W " B. F:Crocker;& Co., lumber, 62 43 Gorham Crosby aritl others', carting, 79 97 Holmes & Bull, stoek and labor, 80 13 J. Folger &Son,labor, 4 80 Cr D. Baxter', " 5 00 Lewis Phinnc'yl " 9 00 " C. C. Bearse;li iiiber ancl'posts,- 12 & h: H. Sturges, 2 65 Lumber, posts and nails, 4 58 Charles C. Jenkins', 76 00 Ellis Jenkins', 30 00 J. B.-Linlell, carting; 2 00' Samuel Snow, lumbe-r,. 23 52 Timothy Crocker, plank,; 12 00 $758 07 PMD FOk ` ORIiINCx. NEW ROADS. &e., ORDERED BY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS.- Paid Marshall I3inckley, $111 9G James Canary, 147 33 Thomas Mitchell`,`% 45 20 Asa B-sh, 32 80 I-I. Handy, 82 21 W. C. &Edward Giffoid,� 134 00 Patrick Kaveny, i9 80 Simeon Tayl'br, 82 27 $685 57' 'OWN &FICERS.' 1 oii*n Treasurer,salary, 200 00" Clerk, recording births,deaths and marriages;, 45 65 Selectmen and Overseer's bf Yoot, and Surveyors of ,Aigh-vtays', 390 00 School Committee, 200 00 Assessors of Tries, 180 00 Constable, 11 75 Sealer of Weights, amcl 1lleasai'es, 5 00 Ji-mes H ETallett, Coin:mittee of illarstoiis'A illsr Iferriu-Fisheries; for 1867,' 29 16 $4061. 56' 11 COLLECTOR'S FEES AND TAXES REMITTED. James Cornish collecting'Caxes, 132 59 Taxes Remitted 219 72 $352 31 LAND DAMAGES TAKEN FOR ROADS. Gustavus F. Swift and others, ,$195 75 RECEIPTS. Tax outstanding for 1867, $500 .00 Cash in Treasury, February, 1868, 6823 75 State Tax assessed, 4960 00 County Tax 1678 78 Town 'ra,x, 20030 54 Of State Treasurer towards State Aid, 900 00 Of Corporation Taxes, 1532 36 Of P. A.Burlingame, for Herring Fishery at M. Mills, 63 00 For Almshouse Meadow, 59 85 Of Nantucket, for board of Eliza C. Starbuck, 50 00 Frederick Scudder towards expenses of Joseph H. Parker, at Insane Hospital, 136 10 For sale of Pound Meadow, 19 50 F. G. Kelley for Bridge Plank, 1 50 For School Lots, 6 50 Francis D,Handy Pedlar's License 11 00 Non Resident Bank Tax, 16 17 $37,783 05 EXPE.NDITUR•ES. Paid State Aid to disabled soldiers or their families. $1656 00 Towns, Cities.and H itals 1133 06 1 46 13 12 Paid for Bridges, 758 07 << ({ Roads ordered by County Commissioners, 685 57 ° G6 clearing Roads of Snow, 287 45 °G 64 Miscellaneous Expenses, 715 67 L6 " Repairs on Roads, 3261 45 64. i6 Tax outstanding for 1868, - 500 00 t( Cash inTresaury, 4305 24 $37,783 05 FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE TOWN. Dr. Due Individuals on Loans, $4,700 00 Savings Bank, , 10,000 00 on School Orders, 3,377 47 $18,077 47 Cr.. Cash in Treasury, $4,305 24 Tax outstanding, 500 00 State Aid,due from State, 2198 00 Due from Plymouth, 104 00 Due from Guardian of Joseph H. Parker, `47 55 Town in debt,, 10;922 68 $18,077 47 CHARLES C. BEARSE, Selectmen 0 JOSEPH R. HALL, Barnstable. Expenses of the Town of Barnstable FOR THE YEAR ENDING FEBRUARY 19, 187.1. expenses at Almshouse, Paid for medicine,Expenses t 32 B F. Crocker & Co.'s bill of Carriage, 45 00 H. B. Chase supplies, 356 11 D. M. Seabury bill, . 6 08 Bent. Small burial eNpense P. Goodspeed, 2 50 C. Conant for supplies, 19 65 ~- 11 coffins, 10 04 Geo. B. Crocker, _ 1. j0 C- C. R. K. freight, 31 34 Calvin Backus for cow, 70 00 C. C. Bearse lumber, &c., - 13 56 S. Percival painting,, 4 3n Mathias Smith pew hire, 8 00 Calvin Backus labor, 2 00 . Edward Crocker 30 00 C. C.Bearse harness, 6 00 Charles Crocker salary, 300 00 F. H. Jenkins medical attendance, 12 75 Howes, Scudder & Crocker, 821 24 Hallett & Whelden, 4 50 Frederick Parker, 47 76 Zenas Hinckley, 9 88 Charles Crocker supplies, 53 08 Wm. D. Holmes, 13 0. Gorham Hallett, 1 30 Joshua Higgins, , •73 55 Shadrach N.Howland, 69 90 Seth Parker, 49 15 Moses Pond & Co., 4 50 Nathan Crocker, 7 71 Eliza Crocker, 13 00 E. Coffin labor, ,/r 90 75 00 Ames Plough Co., O U 2 00 Stephen Crocker, 12 50 Jordan, Marsh & Co., 7 17 T. W. Wilcot labor, 16 00 For Horse, �, 225 00 S ,$2.025 46 A r 2 - Support of Poor in Town and out of Almshouse. Paid Maria Bearse, 860' 00 Nancy C. Paine, 126 25 Hepsabeth Kelley, ]00,00 6. `• 1869, - 11 25 Emily Crowell for sister, 72 00 Rebecca Hallett wood, 13 88 Mrs. Philander'Cathcart, 24 96 Eliza Drody, 15 75 Bethia Baxter wood, 14 50 Eliza Bearse 9 00 Henrietta N. Thayer wood, 14 25 Mrs. Jason Copeland 7 00 Betsey Hodge, 17 00 Mary Carney, 33 70 Lois Jones wood, 7 50 (L care of C. L. Hamblin, 7 50 Eliza J. Carney, 78 50 Betsey Bearse, 50 00 Mary Holliday, 24 65 Jabez Baxter, 66 74 Alvin Hamblin, 41 00 Nancy Bacon, 41! 00 Elnora 13earse.' ' 40 00 Isaac Coleman 1869, 7 50 Charlotte Lynch's chlldrea, 13 75 Polly Childs, 36 77 Joseph H. Parker, 15 00 Thomas R. Eldridge, ) 26 00 George D. Hart ].�69, 13 75 Thomas Mure family 1869, 3 .87 -Dr.Pineo bill George Ding i869. 12 00 George 13. Crocker for board of stranger, 1 00 Wm. Blount, 41 00 Caroline Crosby, 59 75 Gulielma Allen, 52 00 Sally Bartlett, 52 00 Mrs. H. N. Lewis board of Meiggs' child 40 00 Reuben West, 19 50 Mrs. Jahn Hamblin. 27 00 Dr. Ruggles' bill for Mr;. John Hamblin, 7 50 Mary Bearse, 20 75 ,Josiah Ames for coffin. 19 70 .James Jones, 10 00 Timothy Deneen', children, 38 00 Lewis Cobb, 52 00 W. J. Titcomb, 16 50 Russell Crocker, 16 00 3 Paid Samuel Whelden, 26 00 W. & E. H. Eldridge board of strangers, 4 50 Temperance Phinney, 36 00 C. Clark for board of strangers, 3 00 Expense of getting Daniel Chase from Lynn, G, 55 $$1551 82 Paid Cities, Towns and Hospitals for Support of Poor. Paid Lunatic Hospital Taunton for Edwin Chase, $212 80 • "' " ,John F. Howland, '205 40 " Joseph H.Parker, 197 00 . « " Caroline 31. Crocker, 95 69 Clarissa A. Lovell, 144 89 6< <° Hezekiah F.Jones, 114 80 << Rowena Stevens, 103 10 z 6 Wesly G.. Ceammett."� 101 95 Town of Dennis for Betsey Snow, 26 00 City of Boston for Ann Anderson, 40 76 (t ♦l Mary Baker. 62 00 << Mary Hallett. 49 25 City of New Bedford for Phebe J. Lnmbert, 12 70 4, " for Maria George, 25 91 Town of Sandwich for Jonathan Burgess, 45 8.5 Town of W areharn for Ansel Jones, 21 25 Town of Nantucket for Nancy Whelden's family, 94 65 « 41 for Cordelia Whelden's 74 40 State Nautical School for .Edgar Hutchings, 9 00 for Daniel B. Linnell, 5 61 Town of Falmouth for Deliverence Pierce, 73 61 $1705 65 State Aid to Volunteers or their Heirs FROM MARCH 1, 1870, To MARCH 1, 1871. Paid Abijah Baker, Jr., $168 00 Barbara Doane, 96 00 Charles E Ellis, 72 00 Temperance Crocker, 48 00 Susan A. Otis, 96 00 Ann S. Young, 48 00 TLornas W. Jones, 72 00 Elizabeth E.Eldridge, 96 0o Allen Marchant's children, 24 00 Isaac Coleman, .168 00 '_1lartbaJ. Eldridge, '96 00 Helen D. Atkins, 96 00 Hannah S. Winslow, 40 0 Polly Childs. 48 00 $1168 00 t 4 Miscellaneous Expenses. Paid Warren H. Bearse damage to carriage 1869, 75 Obed Baker for guide boards, 4 10 F. Scudder for list of conveyances, 5 00 T. V. Bassett auctioneer, t 00 Franklin hearse for marsh, 5 00 Expense sending pauper to State Almshouse, 2 2,5 Jos. 11. Hall for bills paid witnesses in the matter of Bass River Bridges, 1869, 15 00 P. Lewis work on fire 1869, 1 00 T. B.Stevens work on fire 1869, 2 10 Gorham Crosby for entertainment 1869, 48 75 A. D. Makepeace fire ward 1869, 1 40 truant officer 1869, 3 00 Jos. R. Hall fire ward, C` 4 00 Nathan Crocker fire ward, 446 00 Stephen Smith damage to fence and land, 1869, 25 00 James Clagg fire ward, CC 1 00 Washington Bursley bill, `' 17 50 George B. Crocker constable, 10 00 Coloss Wood care of Town House, 2 75 Repairs on Tokvn House, 6 1? C. C. Bearse selling roads, 6 00 Nelson Crocker for posters, 1 50 Sundry bills of expense, 4 67 Charles Gray bill of smithing, 11 58 Calvin Hamblin work on fire, 2 00 Thomas Nye fire ward, 21 75 Selling Pound Meadow, 3 00 Expense on Burying Grounds, 271 30 Asa F. Bearse school books, 366 53 A. S. Barnes " " 1869, 200 00 Goss & Richards' bill, 80 50 C. F. Switt for school reports, 3--� 00 Stephen Smith & Co.,bill, 35 00 Repairing town pump, 2 88 Joseph M. Day, 38 00 Fred`k Parker fire ward, 39 50 Jabez Smith & Co., bill, 3 75 Expense on Cobb boy's corpse, 63 18 Stationery and stamps, 16 23 F. G. Kelley bill on monument,. 7 16 c. 44 �. postaDe, 1 90 4. C, sundries, 26 OG $1403 21 5 Repairs on Roads. Paid Reuben Childs, $8 50 Freeman B. Sherman, 50 Daniel W. Linnell, 12 69 John H. Smith, 22 00 Thomas Mitchell, 4 00 Asa Blish. 5 00 Marshall Hinckley, 10 00 Wm. Mitchell, 46 31 James- Canary, 40 24 A. 1). \Iakepeace, 28 05 Lemuel Bearse, 26 20 J. C. Crocker, 14 10 Simeon Taylor, 112 90 Cesar Small, 2 00 John B. fayler, 21 30 Ira B. Bacon, 10 40 Benjamin Bacon, 1 80 Eben Cahoon, 1 00 Richard Eldridge, 74 00 James Linnell, 11 00 Isaiah Linnell, 17 00 U, G. Linnell, 48 60 Lorenzo Drury, 6 10 Ezekiel Alvis, 1 60 Gorham Crosby, '7 00 J.Andros Bearse, 3 40 Fred'k Childs, 2 40 John Sylvester, l 45 Herbert Kelley, 3 51 Johief Crosby, 31 50 Alvan'Cr(isby, 4 20 H. 1. Colewan, R 20 Anorew Gardner, 60 Roscoe Hamblin,. 60 Seth Hinckley, 5 01) Ilatsel Handy. 38 25 Thacher Hinckley, 5® Geo. W. Lent, 6 00 Wm. U. Ormsby, 11 00 J. K. & B Sears, lumber, w54 58 H. G. Lumbert, 2 30 C. C. K. Road, stoek, 90 Geo. W. Bent, 1869, 6 00 Jo. E. Sherman. 1 20 Andros Bearse, `9) 54 Levi Bearse, 9 00 Howes, Scudder & Crocker for drain pipe, 23 L6 6 Paid Nelson Scudder and others, 110 17 Fred'k T. Jones, 13 50 George King, 3 20 Edward Scudder, 24 00 Chipman H. Whelden, 2 50 Artemas B. Young, 27 00 James Doherty, 73 80 James BIarchant, 33 20 Oliver Holmes, 16 00 James D. Crocker, 31 20 Charles H. Nelson, 7.2 40 Nathan Crocker, 110 00 v Lorenzo Lewis, 38 00 Joshua Ili,-gins, 13 20 Albert F. Edson, 6 60 Nathan Edson, 17.40 Wilson Ryder, 31 00 David Loring, 5 40 George 13. Crocker, 39 00 Reuben Howes, 6 35 Warren Ryder, 2 76 Charles L.13assett. 118 80 Albert I:sterbrooks, 40 74- Prince Hawes, 4 60 Lot E. Hawes, 3 45 John D. Hinckley, 6 25 Simeon Doane, 9 10 Nathaniel Swift, 15 00 Ellis Jenkins. 16 00 F.ben Smith, Jr., 26 00 Michael Kaveny, 8 60 Daniel Parker, 11 00 Francis Bacon. 10 50 William Taylor, 4 60 Josiah Hinckley, lumber, 58 87 James Cobb, stone, 4 41 Wm. Dixon, 9 00 James P. CrowelI; 6 60 Lemuel Snow, 59 35 Andros Bearse, 19 97 Gideon Hallett, 13 25 Ambrose Lewis, 3 00 Luther Phinney, 10 10 Thomas Linnell, 2 90 Henry R. Lewis, 159 80 Samuel Snow, lumber, 82 35 Daniel Pickering,. 8 00 Alvin S. Hallett, 1 00 Thomas.J, I3eaase-, 2 00 7 Paid Wm. Marston, 8 55 Peter C. Blossom, 6 00 Sundry persons at Mills, 4 85 George H. Landers, { 31 13 Joseph Folger, 1a5 76 Nathaniel Iinckley, 36 88 Oliver F. Jones, 6 00 Abram Faller, 2d., 2 00 Alexander C. Childs, 2 25 Abram Sanford, 50 80 Edward Giffor3, 60 25 Wm.C. Gifford, 65 61 John B. Baxter, Ei0 05 Calvin Backus, 24 00 Ephraim J. Tobey, 102 20 Heman Thomas, 109 06 S. L. Leonard and others, 98 92 Eben N. Baker, 8 00 George W. Childs, 17 00 Henry Cobb, 1 25 Ignatius Crocker, 29 20 Alfred Bearse, 5 40 Braddock Coleman, 1 20 Will. Childs, 14 .56 Irving B. Phinney, 8 00' Thomas Jones, Jr., 14 00 Samuel A. Wiley, 4 1.2 Samuel H. Childs, 1 00 Nathaniel [lowland, 40 00 A. B. Marston, 19 40 Charles C. Jenkins, 118 00 Fred'k Fish, 20 00 C. C. Bearse, labor, 37 901, Abram Fuller work on rMing, 3 00 C. C. Bearse bill of stock, 43 81 John Hinckley, 9 17 Patrick Kaveny, 41 55 John W. C. Lewis, 2 00 Richard Tinkham, 30 25 $3527 62 8 Paid for working Roads per Contract. Paid Ignatius Crocker, $46 68 ISdward Gifford, 75 06 William C. Gifford, 75 06 Isaac P. Lawrence, 84 71 Marshall Hinckley, 19 00 James Canary, 75 00 William U. Ormsby, 187 00 Simeon'Taylor, 55 00 Asa Blish, 43 68 Simeon Taylor, 82 39 Nathaniel Swift, 280 00 $1023 53 Land Damages. Paid Prince Hinckley`s heirs, $30 00 Isaiah 13. Linnell, 50 110 Rotire Smith, 10 00 Elisha Loring, 9 00 E. .A. Fletcher, 55 00 Owen Bearse, 249 00 Barnahas Davis and Lydia Scudder, 61 50 A. T. Perkins and ethers, 19 60 Wilson Ryder, 34 50 James Canary, 25 00 8543 60 Town ®Seers Selectmen and Overseers of Poor, Surveyors of High- ways and Committee to appraise School Prop- erty, $477 0 School Committee, 300 00 Town Treasurer's Salary, 200. 00 66 Clerk recording Births, marriages and deaths, 36 7,5, Asseessors of Taxes, 333 00 Sealer of Weights and Measures,, 5 00 $1351 7. 9 Bills on Schoolhouses. Charles Lewis, 50 Thomas J.Bearse, 7 10 C. F. George, 1 80 A. Baker Jr., 1 50 J. H. Ryder, 70 U. M. Hutchins, 6 52 Y. A. Burlingame, 4 80 Clark Lincoln, 10 68 Laban F. Sturgis, 5 60 A.W. Lap liam, 6 00 George Allyne, 2 00 A. G. Cash, 16 56 Jo. R. Hall, 22 75 Samuel Snow, 6 90 John Hinckley, 9 10 Artemas H. Young, 2 00 Joseph Holway, 4 1',0 B. F. Crocker & Co., 3 47 Isaac H. Cobb, 1 50 $114 58 t 00116ctor's Fees and Faxes Remitto .. ' *Tames Cornish collecting Taxesi $259 64 Taxes Remitted, 128 99 $38.8 63 10 Expense of Clearing Roads of Snow. Warren I-Iinc'lcley, $ 80 H. G. Linnell and others, 6 75 Jehiel Crosby, 3. 00 Ilatsel Handy, 1 70 Crocker Hinckley" 1 00 Eli Hinckley, 75 Andros Beal se, 1 50 Henry Lewis and others, 12 30 Heman 'Thomas, 1 00 Joseph Folger 1 GO Sylvanus Percival, 1 30 Henry W. Fish, 50 Thomas Lewis and others, 9 50 Bennett W. Cammett, 4 10 Thomas Nye, 1 00 Artemas B. Young and 26 others, 38 06 Nathaniel Howland, 5 00 $91 46 Receipts. Tax outstanding for 1869, $542 00 Cash in Treasury Feb. 19, 1870, 7 342 89 " , of Martha U. Whelden, School Monet- returned, 80 57 Town of Plymouth for support of Sally Bartlett, 52 00 For Peddlars' Licenses, 44 00 Taxes of John Doane and Thomas Coleman, 9 50 B. Co. M. F. Ins. Co., 65 Caroline Crocker, lease of land, 1 10 00 Herring Fishery at M. Mills, 6113 00 District of Marshpee, 51 40 For Alms-house Meadow, 44 50 " School Lot and marsh in Snow's Creek, 3 88 State Tax assessed. 1870, 6200 00 Town " 44 1870, 20,404 5o Of State Treasurer on account of State aid, previous to 187.0, 612 00 Towards State Aid, 1870, 1350 00 As Corporation Taxes, 1869, 57 d9� 64 1870, - 3603 98. County Treasurer from Dog Fund,, 91 02 County Tax assessed 1870, 2289 10 From Pound Meadow, 18 25 $42,87.1 63 11 Expenditures. Paid State Aid, 1168 00 Cities, Towns, and Hospitals for support of Poor, 1705 65 Repairs on Roads and Bridges, 3527 62 Repairs on. Schoolhouses, 114 58 Miscellaneous Expenses, 1406 21 For cleaning Roads of Snow, 91 46 For Support of Almshouse,poor, &c., 2025 46 Town Officers, 1351,75 Collector's Fees and Taxes Remitted, 388 63 For working Roads, per contract, 1023 58 For Land Damages, 543 60 Support of Poor in Town—out of Almshouse, 1554 82 State Tag, 6200 00 County Tax, 2289 10 For Resident Bank Tax, 6 60 For Schools, 8180 19 Interest, 1290 09 On Loans, 4525 00 Tax outstanding, 1870, 500 00 $37,892 34 t 12 Financial Condition of the Town. DR. Due individuals on Loans, $2800 00 ' Savings Banks, 8000 00 " on School Money, 1019 81 $11,819 81 CR. Cash in Treasury, $4979 29 Tax outstanding, 500 00 State Aid clue from State, 1460 00 Due from Plymouth, 52 00 Due from Hezekiah F. Jones for board at S. L. Hospital, 114 80 Due from Ct:�:•issa A. Lovell for board at « '° 144 •89 Town in Debt, 4568 83 $11,819 81 Town Debt Reduced the past year, $3,425 08 CHARLES C. BEARSE, Selectmen NATHAN CROCKER, . of SAMUEL SNOW, Barnstable. • n 't Expenses of the 'down of Barnstable FOR THE YEAR ENDIXG FEBRUARY 17, 1872. Expenses at Alinshouse. Paid Marshall Hinckley bill of coal, $20 00 for Medicine, 63 Pew hire, 8 00 Geo. F. Weaver bill on Carriage, 8 50 Dr. F.H. Jenkins, 49 75 Mrs. Oliver Jones for cow, 55 00 Washington•Bursley, 8 05 Anderson, Heath & Co., 10 63 Chas. Crocker salary, 300 00 it it supplies, 68 40 C. Conant " 27 65 ` coffins, 46 37 H. B. Chase & Sons, 232 11 Howes,Scudder& Crocker, .320 01 Shadrach N. Howland, 93 35 C. C. R. R. Freight, 46 95 Loring Crocker, 7 01 Fred'k Parker, 57 96 James Stephens, 29 00 F. Morandi, 12 00 Shackford &Hallett, 61 50 Isaac H. Cobb, 8 10 Leander L. Jones, 28 57 Josiah Hinckley, 78 76 J. F. Paul, 116 35 Josiah C. Jones, 59 63 Heman C. Crocker, 66 37 John Curtis, 20 .00 Eben Smith, 8 87 E. D. Fisher, 2 50 Hallett•&Whelden. 26 75 E. Coffin labor, 78 00 J.W.Higgins, 70 61 Charles Gray, 26 29 Seth Parker & Son, 86 36 Dr. J. M. Smith, 28 50 S. II.Nye, 16' 44 Asa Jones, 23 78 Nathan Crocker supplies, 14 20 Win. D. Holmes, 9 67 $2232 62 2 Support of Poor in Town and out of Almshouse, Paid Lydia King, $7 50 Bethia Baxter, 13 50 John Lewis, 64 25 Nancy C. Paine, 121 00 Hepsabeth Kelley, 100 00 Emily Crowell for sister, 82 00 Rebecca Hallett, 18 75 Eliza Drody, 17 00 Betsey Bearse, 48 75 Eliza Bearse, 29 50 Alvan 11amblin, 51 05 Nancy Bacon, 28 75 Jos. H. Parker, 20 00 Charlotte Lynch's children, 42 50 Polly Childs, 50 00 Elnora Bearse, - 29 00 Mrs. John, Lanane, 49 00 Maria Bearse, 52 50 Mary Bearse, 27 75 Mrs. Philander Cathcart, 20 43 ' H. N.Thayer, 9 50 Freeman Burgess, 48 00 Mrs. I (f 10 09 Temperance Phinney, 26 00 Sullivan Bearse, ' 3 50 Dr. Fossett's bill AIvan Hamblin, 11 50 44 " 'C Lydia King, 6 50 Dr. Pineo's Nancy Bacon, 3 50 Mrs. Carney's son, 10 00 Patty Bearse, 6 00 Dr. Doane'§ Mrs. John Lanane, 10 50 « 4 « Freeman Burgess, 41 60 Alvan Crosby for care of Melintha Bearse, 50 00 Louis Jones, 7 50 Betsey Hodge, 16 25 Mrs. Sullivan Bearse, 5 00 Eliza J. Carney, 56 00 Timothy Dineen's children, 37 00 Lewis Cobb, 52 00 Samuel `Vhelden, • 24 00 Philander Cathcart, 7 45 Louisa Jones, 5 75 Win. Titcomb, 17 00• Russel Crocker, 39 75 E. A. Clark for board of strangers, 3 00 Board of Meiggs' child, 10 00 Caroline Crosb)-, 64 50 G'uli0lrn L Alien, 67 00 3 Paid Gulielma Allen 1870, 815 00 James Jones, 39 00 Zenas Weeks, 22 75 Josiah Ames coffin for Mrs. Reuben West, 15 00 $1613 87 Paid Cities, Towns and Hospitals for Support of Poor, Paid Lunatic Hospital Taunton for Edwin Chase, $209 05 " " " John F. Howland, 202 05 " ' " " Charles P. Rogers, 2 50 Caroline M. Crocker, 188 15 Clarissa A. Lovell, 181 97 Rowena Stevens, 70 85 Wesley G. Cammett, 279 72 Westborough Reform School for Daniel.B. Linnell, 18 14 City of New Bedford. for Phebe J. Lumbert, Maria George and Nancy Williams, 31 01 Town of Sandwich for Jonathan Burgess, 23 00 City of Boston for Ann Anderson, 41 25 " 14 Maria Baker, . 52 00 it It Mary Hallett, 43 25 Town of Nantucket for Thomas Whelden's family, 92 58 John Whelden's family, 70 32 $1505 84 State Aid to Volunteers or their Heirs. Paid Elizabeth Eldridge, $96 00 Isaac Coleman, 168 00 Martha J. Eldridge, 96 00 Helen D. Atkins, 96 00 Polly Childs, 48 00 George D. Hart, 112 00 Susan A. Otis, 96 00 Thomas W. Jones, 72 00 Abijah Baker, Jr., 168 00 Barbara Doane, 96 00 Charles E. Ellis, 72 00 Temperance Crocker, 48 00 Betsey F. Fish, 56 00 -NVm. C. Gifford, 30 00 . $1254 00 Collector's Fees and Taxes Remitted. James Cornish collecting taxes, $320 67 Taxes remitted, 264 1.5 $584 82 • . 4 Miscellaneous Expenses. Paid Express, $7 65 C. C. & B. F. Crocker & Co., 6 00 Luther Phinney bill on Pound, , 75 Freight on C. C. Railroad, 2 23 F. Scu(lder for list of conveyances, 5 00 S. Snow for copying Estate Bill for Tax Commissioner, 35 00 Thomas J. Bearse Truant Officer 1870, 3 00 George Wilbor work at fire, 5 00 P. Lewis, 46 " 2 00 Samuel Snow Truant Officer 1871, 3 00 Stationery and Stamps, 21 00 Fred'k Parker as fire ward, 5 62 Nelson Phinney constable, 20 00 Coloss Wood care of Town House, 6 00 Expense on Burying Ground, 182 15 Goss & Richards' bill, 105 00 i Chas F. Swift's bill, 4 50 For Town Books, 17 75 B.Co. M.F. Ins. Co., 52 17 G. Crosby and others for entertainment, 15,75 Expense of Selectmen to Boston, 21 20 J. M. Day, 145 20 George Marston, 10 00 On Guide Boards, 29 70 C. C. Bearse attendance at Court, 3 00 James H. Hallett's bill on School House, 2 29 N. Crocker selling Roads and Grass, 9 00 . Asa F. Bearse School Books, 200 00 F. G. Kelley bill sundries, 30 84 " postage, 2 65 C. C. Bearse for sundry bills, 69 77 George Otis for blanks, 2 00 $1019 22 Town Officers. M Selectmen, Overseers of Poor and Surveyors of Highways, $475 00 School Committee, 325 00 Town Treasurer's'salary, 200 00 Town Clerk recording births, marriages and deaths, 45 10 Assessors of Taxes, 324 00 Sealer of Weights and Measures, 5 00 $1374 10 6 Repairs on Roads. Paid Levi4 i Bearse, 00 Joseph Dlitchell, 75 Henry Adams, 1 00 Simeon Taylor, 118 05 R. F. Hall, 2 50 Thomas Abbot, 2 10 Stephen Child's, 14 00 Wm. Mitchell, 18 25 Henry R. Lewis, 142 00 Ansel Lewis; 10 00 James Murphy, .1 00 John H. Smith, 14 00 James Canary, 47 80 Hatsel Handy, '5 50 Howard Marston, 25 30 Nelson kelley, 15 77 Andros Bearse, 113 55 Reuben Childs, 2 00 James Sharp, 4 25 Zenas Marston, 4 50 Oliver Crosby, 28, 20 Wm. Jones, 18 50 Luther Phinney, 3 80 Wm. E. Bearse, 9 00 Asa F. Bearse, 8 60 John B. Taylor, '32 30 Richard Eldridge, 78 40 Jebiel Crosby, 61 90 Isaiah B. Linnell, b4 40 Marshal Hincl.ley, 4 00 Timothy Hamblin, 1 60 Jos. P. Bearse, 1 10 Ira B.Bacon, 9 50 Alexander Jones, 4 56 Daniel Pickering, 6 30 U.G. Linnell, 23 50 James'Hathaway, 4 00 S..Snow lumber, 31 61 B. F. Crocker &Co., lumber, 34 77 J. K. &B. Sears, 132 17 Gorham Crosby, 1 60 J. C. Crocker, 30 10 Moses Sturgis, 1 25 Oliver B. Jones, 78 00 Crocker Hinckley, 2 65 A. D. Makepeace, 2 80 F. G. Kelley, t 3 50 Reuben Jones, 6 00 a Paid Orlando Bassett, $1 00 Samuel Snow, 72 00 Erastus Scuddcr,. 2 90 Abram L. Coleman, 2 00 Nathaniel Hinckley, 6 70' Heman Thomas, 89 05 John B. Baxter, 13 85 Ignatius Crocker, 3 63 George II. Landers, 90 28 Josiah Lumbert, 51 27 Thomas Nye, 30 50 Thomas Jones,Jr., 18 20 Alfred S. Backus, 5 10 Ephraim Tobey, 8 00 Prentiss Marston, 3 00 Daniel Nickerson, = 7 61 Braddock Coleman, 3 25 Charles Goodspeed, 8 60 Walton F. Phinney, 1 80 Chas. G. Phinney, 13 40 John Pompey, 31 00' Gilbert C. Nickerson, 49 00 Samuel Nickerson, 19 25 Bennett Cammett, 88 30 "► Simeon L. Leonard, 310 69 Chas. C. Jenkins, 160 50 Joel Hamblin,• 3 40 Arthur B. Marston, 2 80 Henry Cobb, 1 50 Edward C.Gifford, 96 25 Nelson Roadhouse, 32 00 Henry Williams, 12 00 Simeon L. Ames, - 15 50 Cephas I. Ames, 6 00 C. C. Bearse, 54 53 William Marston, 5 00 Luther Hinckley, 5 00 Wm. Childs, 5 00 Wm. C. Gifford, 4 50 Laban P. Crocker, 2 00 Thomas Lewis, 2 10 Andros Bearse, 8 70 Chipman H. Whelden, 2 50 Enoch T. Cobb, 3 20 Simeon Taylor, 2d, 9 10 Asa Blish, 9 30 Oliver Jones, 2 00 Zenas Hoxie, 35 80 James Marchant, 30 00 • 7 Paid Edward A. Clark, $17 00 W. A. Cobb, 5 50 Nelson Scudder,, 10 95 A. B. Young. 15 00 Albert Easterbrooks, 14 10 Zelia Samblin, 1 50 Oliver Holmes, 11 00 Eben Taylor, 16 75 Joseph Bursley, 7 00 James Taylor, 20. 75 James Stephens, 6 00 Crocker Blossom, IG 00 Isaac Davis, 7 30 David Marston, 4 60 Josiah C. Smith, 77 97 James Doherty, 59 70 B. B. Bodfish, 5 00 James D.trocker, 3.5 00 Wm.Dison, 5G 40 Chas. W. Nelson, 465 80 Wm. T. Bursley, 12 40 Harrison Fish, 14 55 Stephen B. huller, 9 00 Wm. Chipman, 4 00 Edward Crocker, 6 00, Stephen R. Crocker, 18 00 Geo.B. Crocker, 15 00 Richard Tinkham, 6 00 Heman Fish, 9 40 Nathaniel Gorham, 1 00 Eben Smith, Jr., 42-00 Russel vIatthews, 11 00 Daniel Scudder, 10 00 i Washington Bursley, 41 00 Lorenzo Lewis, 31 30 Ellis Jenkins, 61 00 Nathan Crocker, 114 00 James Cobb, 3 75 Cyrus B. Smith, 25 60 Benjamin F. Smith, 2 80 Howes, Scudder & Crocker, 68 02 Nath'1 S. Hallett, 1 40 Eben 11. Eldridge, 2 50 Marcus N. Harris, 400 Simeon Doane, 7 15 ,Abram Fuller, 13 00 L. A. Jones, 3 00 Patrick Kaveny, 11 00 Chas. H. Hinckley, 2 90 8 Paid Wm. Hinckley, 2d, 50 Francis Macon, 8 00 Andrew Lovell, 70 90 ' $3764 98 Paid for Wor king Roads per Contract & Land Damages. Paid Wm. Mitchell, $163,80 James Canary, 159 80 ` Stephen Childs, 25 00 Robert Lovell, 15 00 Meth. E. So.,,Osterville, 5 00 Edmund C. Hinckley, 1 00 $369 60 Expense of Clearing Rods of Snow. Paid Ilatscl ILIII(b1 $2 50 Alarshal lliuckley-, 7 '00 E'. W.Austin, 4 50 C.j1. \ValIcy, 50 Ira Beni se and others, 77 Dennis Gleason, 70 • U. G. Linnell, 12 00 'Ihoulas I)'e,' 2 00 George Baxter, 20 11. l.t. 1.e%\.is aucl others, I! 80 Daniel 1 iekering, 1 20 Andros Hearse, 4 31 A. D. DLikepeaee, 4 00 Jarues Fish, 1 30 Sidney E. Nickel-Sol], 1 60 Joseph U. Jenkins, 3 00 Junes P. Crowell, 3 60 F.dzar Jones and othem, 2 '£0 Carroll " 1 40 C. W. Nelson, 3 .85 Ja1nes .Marchant, 2 80 David Loring. 1 85 Nelsen Seud.:er and others, 12 00 Geo. 1-I. \Veeks, 5 80 Alonzo Weeks, 5 40 A. B. Young, 1 40 F. Allen and others, 85 11'111. llinckley-, 1 40 David Elori•Jl e, 3 70 M. Marston and others, 1 65 Geo. \V. Young, 1 UO N. Crock,r, 3 80 J. R. Eldridge, 1 80 E. F. Crocker, 1 80 Daniel Parker, 4 00 Isaiah Parker, 5 00 Zenas Hinckley-, 2 00 Chipman \Vhelden, 5 00 Eben 1Vhelden, 5 00 -Lorenzo Lewis, 12 00 Joshua Chamberlain and others, G 90 G. 1-1.Howland, - 1 75 Crocker Blossom, 2 10 B. B. Bodfish, 2 70 II. W. handy, G 00 G. 31. Donne and others, 3 45 T. Swinerton. •' 661 00 A.Backua " " 1 20 10_ Pai 1 W. gtpr;is and others,, $1 50 Washington B-nsley, 8 05 Pater C. Blossom, 5 10 Wm. Dixon, 3 ; O IV. F. Gorham, 1 40 D. Newcomb and others, 2 40 E. liaudy, `L " 2 00 F.Jenkins, 2 00 , Wilson Ity(ler, 7 00 Win. Gilmore, 1 00 Joseph Bursley, 2 40 Josiah t_'. Smith, 2 70 S. Bodtlsh and others, 7 G0 J. C.Jones, 4 00 W. 'Taylor and others, 3 40 Isaac Davis, 1 25 Warren Ry:ler, 2 67 Est.ric Evans and others, 4 00 James II. Crocker, 1 40 Charles Jenkins, 1 40 11. C. Crocker, 2 60 T. D. Ehlridge and others, 1 70 J. Whittemore 2 10 A. F. Edson, 1 50 J. W. Marston, 1 85 11. W. Fish, 150 F. H. Jenkins, 2 00 G. S. Fish, 1 40 Nath'1 Gorham, 4 4.) Frank Percival, 1 30 Ellis Jenkins, 2 80 J. Parker, 45 James S. Macy, 2 30 A. Lapham, 1 50 S.Percival, 2 30 Russel l linckley, 1 00 S. L. Leonard, 6 30 ,J. P. Ilodges and others, 15 80 George N. Goodspeed, 75 Thomas Jones,Jr., and others, 19 50 Abram fuller and son, 1.15 Ansel B. Fuller, 50 Frank Backus and others, 1 65 J. C: Fuller, 60 B. F. Crosby, 60 $315 15 Receipts. Tat outstanding for 1870, $500 00 Cash in'Treasui.v Feb. 22, 1871, 4979 29 Town of Plymouth for support of Sally Bsrtlett, 52 00 For PedlnC6 Licenses, 66 00 Caroline Crocker for lease of land, 50 l lerri::g Fishery.at Marston's Mills, 63 00 Foi Aliuflhouse Meadow, 1 29 90 Fur` School Lot. and Dlarsh on Snow's Creek, 5 48 State t:rx assessed 1871, 6200 00 Town• 1871, 23,221 62 County 1871, 2289 10 Ilez,:kiah F. Jones, 114 80 (in account of State Aid 1870, 1200 00 Col paration Tax 1871, 4102 24 National Bank Tax 1871, 3124 00 Non-resident Bank Tax, 372 27 4• .° Com. Banlz Tax, 34 95 Indians 1870, warrant 227, 131 30 State 'Treasurer, 45. 43 Dog Fund, 72 35 Sale of Cranberries; 43 53 From Pound Meadow, 33 00 1V. Bursley pasture, i 8 00 Estate of N. 13. Burt, 2 75 Oak Grove Cemetery, 10 21 Harwich for supplies to Mrs. Frank Holliday 1870,' 24 65 State Treasurer on account of income from Schoul Fund, 277 06 647,003 43 Expenditures. Paid on School Orders 1870; $3116 36 Interest, 1026-68 State Aid,! r 1251 00 Cities, Towns and Ilospitals, • 1505 84 Repairs on Roads and Bridges, 3764 98 Sncnv Bills, 315 15 For support of Almshouse poor and repairs, 2232 62 . Working Roads per coAract awl land da,in:tges, 369 60 Support of poor in Town out of Almshouse, 1613 87 Collector's Fees and Taxes remittek;, .584 82 Town Officers, 1374 10 Miscellaneous Expenses, 1019 22 State Tax, 6200 0.0 County Tax, 2289 10 On Loans, 7000 00 For Schools 1871, 7355 03 Tax outstanding 1871, 500 00 $41,521 37 12 Financial Condition J the Town. DR. Due in(Yviduals on Loans, 82800 00 ° Savlu�s B,mk, 1000 00 ° on School Money, 4G 14,9 7 $8444 97 cn. Casli in Treasury, $5482 06 Tax outstanding, 500 00 r State Aid due from State, 1510 00 Town in debt, 952 91 (8444 07 ANDREW LOATET.T., Selectmen NATHAN CIOA) I'I:It, of SA11iUEL S\UIV, Barnstable. r H• O Expenses of the Town of Barnstable For the Year Ending February 17, 1873. Expense at Alms 114otise. Paid H. B. Chase & Sons, $126 40 J., K. & B. Sears, 63 45 Julius Bassett, 2 50 For Medicine, 1 15 H. M. Howes, ' 1 80 Howes, Scudder & Crocker, 136 56 B. B. Bodfish for Cow, 45 00- L. L. Goodspeed three Hogs, 26 00 66 GG for Posts, ' 8 00 Charles Crocker Salary, 300 00 Goldthwait, Snow & Knight, 28 10 J. B. Souther, 47 25 Perry,'Cook & Co., 81 47 Nath'1 Hinckley, 30 93 Josiah C. Jones, 47 24 J. W. Higgins, 53 19 E. Brown, 8 50 L. L. Jones, 16 00 H. C. Crocker, 1 50 S. Percival, 13 35 E. C. Coffin, 28 50 Charles Gray, '} . 20 56 !�Qgrham Hallett, 3 85 Edward Crocker, 8 00 Washington Bursley, 25 70 Asa Jones, 4 00 James Stephens, 7 12 Geo. B. Crocker, 18 00 Cyrus Carpenter, 47 00 J. IV. Holway, 3 50 W.-D. Holmes, 9 48 J. G. Thacher, 6 37 W. E. Crocker. 3 00 O. C. R. R. Freight, 16 98 Zenas Hinckley, 6 60 ti 2 Paid D. M: Seabury, $19 72 J. L. Fairbanks, 3. 50 Eliza Crocker, 24 85 Pew hire two years, 16 00 S. N. Howland, 97 69 Fred'k Parker, 45 94 Chas. Crocker cash paid for labor and supplies, 44 98 Hallett &C Whelden, 143 03 Seth Parker & Son, 223 55 C. Conant, 40 46 Dr. F. H. Jenkins, 51 25 $1958 02 Support of PO®r in Town ancd oat of Alms I30use. Paid Eliza J. Carney, $15 00 Eliza Bearse, 11 50 Charlotte Lynch and children, 17 25 Nancy Paine, 131 00 Hepsabeth Kelley, 80 00 Mary Bearse, 32 40 Nancy Bacon, 39 00 Betsey Bearse, 52 00 Maria Bearse, 53 32 Mrs. Freemen Burgess, 67 42 Thomas R. Eldridge, 45 50 Mrs. John Lanane, 37 00 I+'reeman Btu-gess, 5 50 Louis Jones, 12 50 John Blacbf6rd, 40 00 Alvan Hamblin, 31 12 Mrs. Philander Cathcart, 20 50 (L H. N. Thayer, 39 17 John Lewis, 120 00 Temperance Phinney, 12 00 Rebecca Hallett,• 13 50 Mrs. Alexander Baxter, 14 00 Betsey Hodge, 18 50 Mrs. Harvey Hamblin, 25 00 ° Sullivan Bearse, 5 00 « Lydia King, 2 50 3 Paid Dr. Fossett's bill J.Blachford, $10 00 Dr. C. F. George's bill Polly Childs, 13 00 44 66 " 4 4 G. Allen, 8 00 Dr. Pineo`s bill N. Bacon, 3 00 << < Eliza Bearse, 7 00 << < < Patty Bearse, 17 00 << << << T. R. Eldridge, 47 00 Dr. G. W. Doane's bill Mrs. Lanane, 3 25 << << << << P. Cathcart, 9 50 <' ° F. Burbess, 41 65 Dr. Shove's bill Patty Bearse, 10 00 Meliutha Bearse, 50 00 Polly Childs, 52 00 Lewis Cobb, 52 00 Wm. J. Titcomb, 18 50 Mary Sullivan, 10 20 Russell Crocker, 45 00 Timothy Deneen's children, 30 00 Temperance Phinney, 7 00 William Poole, 15 58 James Jones, 35 75 Gulielma Allen, 67 00 Caroline Crosby, 64 00 Zenas Weeks, 65 00 Ansel E. Bates, 53 25 Dr. F. H. Jenkins' bill Russell Crocker, 12 00 $1687 36 luep"ii•s C>n School houses. Paid Nathan Edson, $57 80 Aaron S. Crosby, 33 48 Samuel Snow, 152 44 Erastus Scudder, 122 50 F. B. Goss, 150 99 Asa F.Bearse, 51 80 Daniel Scudder, 2 65 Zemira Kendrick, - 3 38 Owen Bearse, 77 67 Joseph R. Hall, 260 70 $913 21 A Maid Cities, rr"Wils and Hospitals for SLIPPOrt of Poor. Paid Lunatic Hospital,Taunton. for Edwin Chase, $66 25 " " John F. Howland, 199 65 « " " Clarissa A. Lovell, 123 70 << " " Wesley G. Cammett. 252 00 << " " Caroline M. Crocker, 55 70 City of New Bedford for Maria George, 21 58 Town of Sandwich for Jonathan Burgess, 37 00 Town of Dennis for Darius Cotelle, 31 50 << " Betsey Snow, 38 00 Town of Yarmouth for Patty Bearse, 45 05 City of Boston for Ann Anderson, 46 75 << " Mary Baker, 52 00 « " Mary Hallett, 44 88 Town of Nantucket for Nancy Whelden's family, 82 52 « " Cordelia Whelden, 76 97 $1173 55 State''id cc>Vo1L.irateers ortheir 7[-Ieirs. Paid Elizabeth E. Eldridge, $122 00 Isaac Coleman. 168 00 Martha J. Eldridge, 96 00 Helen D. Atkins, 96 00 Polly Childs, 48 00 George D. Hart, 96 00 Susan A. Otis, 96 00 Thomas W. Jones, 30 00 Tainsien Baker, 96 00 Barbara Doane, 96 00 Charles E. Ellis, 54 00 Betsey F. Fish, 48 00 Wm. C. Gifford, 72 00 Willard E. Slade, 36 00 $1154 00 Collector's Fees and 9PaXes ]Remitted. James Cornish collecting taxes, $321 31 Taxes remitted, 378 59 $699 90 Mi�cellanec�u� �xpen�es. Paid Expense in suit of Martha N.Hinckley verdict of jury, $1133 33 Interest on saine, 84 97 Bill of cost, 84 82 J. M. Day bill of cost, 12 00 H. G. O. Ellis, 3 50 Expense of A. T. Perkins' suit, Daniel W. Gooch, 125 00 A. T. Perkins bill of cost, 49 26 B. Co. M. F. Ins. Co. Insurance on School Houses, 118 51 S. B. Phinney R. Graves & Co.'s bill for 317 feet of Iron Fence at East Parish Bury'g Ground, Barn'ble, 198 12 County of Barnstable board of Prisoners in Jail, 36 00 Board of Strangers, 3 00 G. Crosby and others for entertainment, 29 38 Expense on Pounds, 22 61 " Burying Grounds, 155 40 Cross & Richards Printing; 155 00 F. Scudder list of conveyances, 7 00 4` 41recordino- deed, 45 Expense of Selectmen to Taunton, 13 20 Express, 2 50 O. M. Hinckley for Valuation and Collector's Books, 9 00 Expense attendant upon Decoration Day, May 30th, 32 50 F. G. Kelley bill on Monument, 5 55 Express alid Postage, 8 51 Sundries, 4 70 Washburn Bursley damage to carriage, 20 50 Joseph M. Day, 33 92 ReiuoNing Insane Persons from Taunton Hospital, 8 80 Painting Fence at East Parish, Barnstable, 17 00 James Doherty, police, 3 00 Asa Jones, 13 75 Whittemore, Belcher & Co., 9 60 Stationery and Stamps, 22 38 N. E West land for Burying Ground, 1 00 Guide Boards, 2 25 W. Wood care of Town House, 4 25 For Deeds and Stamps, 4 00 Est. of Win. Blount, 3 50 Book for Records, 5 75 G. Crosby, Auctioneer, 3 00 Santuit School House, 349 46 $2796 47- 6 Town comeers. Paid Selectmen, Overseers of Poor and Surveyors of High- ways, $497 00 School Committee—Nathan Edson, 9 00 James H. Jenkins, 12 31 Nath'1 Hinckley, 31 40 Zemira Kendrick, 12 00 Charles L. Baxter, 9 00 Simeon L. Leonard, 21 00 Aaron S. Crosby, 19 50 C. F. George, 50 00 Joseph R. Hall, 15 00 Asa F. Bearse, 11 50 Nelson G. Marehant, 9 00 Dauniel Scuddf r, 13 50 Horace Nickerson, 9 00 Freeman H. Jenkins, 51 00 Martka Whekdcn, 50 00 C. C. Crocker Constable, 14 00 Samuel Snow Truant Officer, 4 00 Town Treasurer, 100 00 cc Assessors. 480 00 Town Clerk recording births, marriages and deaths, 35 40 Sealer of weights and measures, 5 00 $1458 61 Paid for — "x-Ring Roads per Con- tract end Y-i,nd Ramages. Paid Asa Blish, $85 20 Wilson Ryder, 130 00 Simeon Ta�•lor land damage, 85 00 Richard Eldridge laud damage, 70 00 Samuel Snow, 54 45 James Canary, 98 98 Working "Nye's Lane," 68 00 Charles C. Jenkins, 249 00 David J. Coleman, 169 06 Bennett W. Cammett, 131 00 Edward Gifford, 70 00 George Allen land damage, 1 00 S.R. Crocker land damage, 1 00 Wilson Ryder, 10 66 Warren M. Ryder, 13 63 $1256 98 7 IRepaiY•s oia �toacl�. Paid Simeon C. Childs, $42 00 Dennis C. Sturgis, 4 00 Da%•id Bearse, 3 75 Nelson Bearse, 20, 00 Nelson Pelle3-, 8 40 A. D. Makepeace, 19 75 Gideon Hallett, 5 00 Simeon Taylor, 189 55 C. C. Railroad, 10 92 Job Abbott's boy. 1 50 Day & Collins drain pipe, 66 29 Timoth-v Hamblin, 2 20 James MurphN 1 75 Albert Chase, 1 75 .lames Linnell, 13 40 N alli'l Bacon, 3 00 Ju!m H. Sruith, 48 00 E. NV. Austin, 1 00 Ira B. Bacon, 21 80 James Lothrop, 2 60 J•,iu) Buckley, 1 20 Richard Eklrid e, :39 00 John G. Crocker, 15 25 lleury R. Lewis, 138 75 Oliver B. Jones, 135 55 John B. Taylor, �3 00 B. 1?. Crocker & Co., .51 00 G. II. Dcu=An, 8 00 Asa 1. Bearse, 15 60 Luther Phinney, 4 00 Jehiel Crosby-, 7 65 U. G. Lia-inell, Z 75 Hatsel. limAv, 8 00 Franklin B. Jones. 8 60 J. K. & B. Sears, 33 40 James Sharp, 28 00 Jacob B. Lewis, Jr., 4 05 Oliver Crosby, .55 00 Nathan II. Bearse, 18 20 wiltiamJones, 33 50 Bradford S. Kelley, 9 40 Gorbam Crosby, 35 00 Thomas Linnell, 1 90 Freeman M. Crosby, 1 00 James Canary, 298 04 William Mitchell, 18 00 8 Paid Joseph Mitchell, $10 00 Josiah Ames, 6 00 Jos. E. Sherman, 14 99 Charles `Palley, 95 James Cornish, 3 55 Jonathan Hallett, 1 50 Samuel Snow, 64 50 Alvan Crosby, 3 U0 Nilson Crosby, 10 00 Marshall Hinckley, 50 Thomas Barris, 3 110 Nathan Crocker and 8 others, 58 85 David Bursley " 1.4 " 251 75 Wilson Ryder " 12 " 178 15 Chas. L. Bassett " 3 " 96 .55 Josiah C. Smith °` a " 147 67 L. L. Goodspeed, 21 Ii0 Leander Jones, 15 00 Crocker Blossom, 28 50 Rufus L. Marston, 11 00 N. E. Crocker, 14 00 Josiah Hinckley, $4 00 Heman Fish, i 8o C. B. Sulith, 1 00 B. F. Smith, 1 00 J. D. Crocker, 33 20 C. H. Bursley, 8 00 S. R. Crocker, 16 00 Samuel Howes, 2 00 Daniel Parker, . 2 00 Joseph Smith, 6 8o J. L. Goodspeed, 14 00 E. H. Eldridge, 26 50 Turner Ilin6dey„ 17 50 James Otis, 2 00 Geo.B. Crocker, 20 00 Edward Crocker, 12 00 James Stephens, 12 00 C. N. Nelson, 7 00 James A. I3inckley,, 12 00 John Hinckley, 14 00 Wm. Chipman, 12 00 Lorenzo Lewis, 26 00 L. S. Jones, 24 90 Ezra Crocker, 4 00 Nathan Smith, 4 00 B. B. Bodtish;. 19 00 Wm.Dixon, 38 00 9 Paid James Doherty, $16 80 Wm. Parker, 5 00 Daniel Scudder, 19 50 Francis Jenkins, 39 40 Joshua Chamberlain, 5 20 Eben Smith and 3 others, 48 70 Ellis Jenkins, 34 00 Ezra N. Lewis, 13 75 James Taylor, 2 00 Michael Cronan, 8 00 Charles E. Jenkins, 9 60 J. H. Jenkins, 3 00 C. H. & E. Whelden, 6 00 Charles C. Jenkins, 112 75 J. W. Higgins, 9 00 Geo. H. Howland, 14 00 Washington Bursley, 75 00 Eben Smith, Jr., 58 00 Harrison Fish, 31 00 Calvin Hamblin, 31 80 Charles C. Jenkins, •88 00 David Crocker, Jr., 10 00 Erastus Scudder and others, S08 57 Bennett W.Cammett & others, 233 60 Heman Thomas, 77 05 George H.Landers, 158 22 Edward Gifford, 134 12 John B. Baxter, 42 37 Joseph Folger, 69 87 Charles G. Green, 23 00 Ignatius Crocker, 2 29 Wm. Childs, 5 50 Isaac C. Sturgis, 11 00 Hiram Crocker, 12 60 David J. Coleman, 167 20 Nath'l Howland, 35 15 Ottaway B. Backus, 5 30 Charles L. Baxter, 3 17 Thomas Jones and others, 57 00 Simeon L. Leonard, 6 33 Andrus Bearse, 8 93 Ellis Jenkins, 26 00 Nathan A. Jones, -40 00 Hercules Jones, 60 00 Charles Goodspeed, 8 00 Willie Fuller, .5 50 John Grigson, 3 60 Edward Howland, 4 00 10 Paid Ansel E. Fuller, $8 00 Charles C. Bearse, - 31 25 Francis Jenkins, 16 00 James S. Macy, 4 00 Thomas Nye and 6 others, 91 50 Joel Hamblin, 12 00 Luther Hamblin, 28 00 E. C. Hamblin, 19 00 E. H. Hamblin, 10 70 S. C. Hamblin, 1 80 Edmund Crocker, 4 40 J. C. Jones, 32 40 J. H. Crocker, 4 30 Fred'k P. Jones, 50 30 Zemira Kendrick and 4 others, 82 20 Andrew Lovell, - 82 50 David J. Coleman posts, 13 75 $5459 36 Expense tW Clearin- Roads of Snt>w— Paid Alexander Junes, $1 20 Ir.j B. Bacon, 1 20 A. D. Makepeace and others, 32 18 Nathan Bearse, 70 James Canary, 21 80 Gideon Hallett and others, 6 80 Sylvester Spindles, 60 Daniel Pickering, 4 60 John S.Bearse, 40 C,eo. F. Bacon, 90 'Wm. Hambiiri, 4 70 F. B. ShermKn, 60 H. Handy and others; 10 15 G. Bassett, 70 E. F. Hamblin, 80 Timothy Hamblin, 80 Isaiah B. Linnell, 60 James Sharp, 50 U. G. Linnell and others, 38 50 Henry Lewis " 4C 36 20 Jehiel Crosby, 49 50 H. Adams, 2 80 Wm. Lewis, 50 James Linnell, 3 90 John Bower, 5 50 Alfred Hamblin, 2 00 11 Paid Horatio Holmes, $1 00 Gorham Crosby, 13 72 B. Bacon, 1 00 C. Walley, 1 30 Jos. G. Loring, Jr., 1 00 Lorenzo Lewis, 12 00 E. Baxter, 60 David Bearse, 4 50 Levi Bearse, 3 80 R. Eldridge, 24 00 M. Hinckley, 3 38 Wilson Ryder and 31 others, 83 12 Nathan Crocker and 88 others, 126 02 Francis Jenkins 1129 " 104 15 Eben Smith " 29 " 66 05 Leander Hallett " 19 " 19 20 David Bursley, " 7 " 6 87 Chas. L. Bassett, " 6 " 18 55 L. L. Goodspeed, 15 00 S. Bodfish and son, 7 00 Crocker Blossom and son, 9 00 Abram Fuller " " 9 60. Josiah C. Smith " " 10 80 Henry Fish " . 13 60 G. H. Weeks and brother, 16 2U C. H. & F. Whelden, 11 8U S. P. Whelden, 7 20 Geo.B. Crocker, 7 40 Ezra Crocker, .8 20 W. E. Crocker, 6. 0{l David Crocker, (6 20 W. H. Crocker, 3.20 H. C. Crocker, 5 20 J. H. Crocker, 1 20 Alexander Crocker, 1 05 Stephen Crocker, :3, 00 Michael Cronan, 7-30. C. H..Conant, 4 80 Wm. Chipman, 4 20 B. B. Bodfish, 9 90 Henry Bodfish, 4 40 Grafton L. Bassett, 3 00� Washington Bursley, 14 80 Wm T. Bursley, 7 40 J. L. Goodspeed, 7 00 Harrison Fish, 14 80 J. B. Fish, 2 60 J. H. Holway, 4 40 12 Paid Geo. F: Fish, $3 20 C. W. Fish, 70 E. B. Fish, 2 50 H. W. Handy, 8 39 Geo. H. Howland, 1 20 Moses Burgess, 6 50 Charles C. Jenkins, 25 30 Charles E. Jenkins, 2 00 Francis Jones, 7 80 L. S. Jones, 7 60 Leander Jones, 2 00 Lorenzo Lewis, 8 40 Elijah Loring, '5 00 Wm. Mitchell, 80 Daniel Parker, 3 60 W. H. Parker, 1 60 Melvin Parker, 2 80 J. H. Paine, 1 80 S. Percival, 5 40 James Stephens, 10 40 E. C. Stiff, 3 40 Eben Taylor, 6 10 Edward Gifford and 19 others, 47 40 Andrew Lovell, " 10 " 7 95 Thomas Jones " " 11 40 Z. Kendrick " " 48 80 S. L. Leonard " 62 60 Thomas Nye, " 73 84 B. W. Cammett " 19 " 92 80 Calvin Hamblin 4 " 13 50 Geo.H.Hinckley" 14 " 7 78 E. Scudder " 62 64 Thomas Jones, 17 70 Gilbert C. Nickerson and 19 others, 23 10 $1529 32 13 i Town og 1Barnstab1e in account with the several School Districts. :O rt. Dist. No. 1. School House and Furniture, $1100 00 3. 4< << 3700 00 Insurance Policy, 28 00 4. School House and Furniture, 750 00 Insurance Policy, 4 20 Cash, 5 00 5. School House and Furniture, 500 00 Insurance Policy, 3 00 6. School House and Furniture, 700 00 7. <<, Cc Ci 400 00 8. (4 l4 200 00 9. " " 300 00 10. " " 400 00 Insurance Policy, 2 76 11. School House and Furniture, 1200 00 Insurance Policy, 7 50 Cash, 124 61 12. School House and Furniture, 900 00 Insurance'Policy, 7 20 13. School House and Furniture, 2700 00 Insurance Policy, 19 44 14. School House and Furuiture, 1000 00 Insurance Policy, 6 00 15. School House and Furniture, 500 00 16. " 1700 00 Insurance Policy, 19 79 Cash, 4 26 17. School House and Furniture, 1200 00 Insurance Policy, 7 92 18. School House and Furniture, 4800 00 Insurance Policy, 20 00 20. School House and Furniture, 750 00 21. " Cc 1900 00 Insurance Policy, 17 40 Cash, 26 01 Santuit Union. School House and Furniture, 2932 31 Insurance Policy, 20 00 $27,955 40 crt,. Dist. No. 1. By Credit in Tax, $1066 95 Bills paid, 32 72 3. Credit in Tax,. 3699 65 Bills paid, 28 09 14 Dist. No. 4. By Credit in Tax, 759 55 5. " " 503 10 6. 44678 76 Bills paid, 21 17 7. Credit in Tax, 399 91 8. " 'c 200 02 9• " 299 91 10. " 379 99 Bills paid, 22 73 11. Credit in Tax, 1332 36 L 12. " 64 896 51 Bills paid, 10 79 13. Credit in Tax, 2719 74 14. 4 cc 1005 74 15. " 'c 500 10 16. " " 1723 76 17. '° " 865 22 Bills paid. 342 84 18. Credit in Tax, 4459 65 Bills paid, 360 75 20. Credit in Tax, 749 80 21. cc " 1943 19 Santuit Union. " " 2602 85 Bills paid, 349 46 $27,955 28 Cash in Treasury, Feb. 20, 2872, $5482 06 Tax outstanding f'or 1871, 500 00 Pedlars' Licenses, 55 00 Caroline Crocker lease of land, 50 Alms House Meadow, 44 47 School Lot, - 2 28 Corporation Tax, 1871, 44 60 State Aid, " 91 85 " Paupers, 10 57 State Tax assessed 1872, 4180 00 Town Tax " " 22,438 46 Corporation Tax, 1872, 3288 39 Income from SchoolFund, 260 40 State Aid, 1872, 1152 00 Non..Commonwe5lth Bank Tax, 9 11 15 Cash from School District, No. 4, 5 00 " " 11, 124 61 " " " " 16, 4 26 44 " " " 21, 26 01 Oak Grove Cemetery, 6 52 Sale of Squaw's Island, 200'00 " School House, Dist. No. 7, 150 00 " Property, " `° 6 50 W. Bursley, for Pasture, 4 00 Micah Jones' Estate, 50 14 Herring Fishery at Marston's Mills, 63 00 Dog Fund, 65 51 Insurance Policies of the several School-Districts, 163 21 $38,428 45 Expenditures. Paid on School Orders, 1871, $4470 38 " 1872, 6606 42 Inter(st, 580 83 State Aid, 1154 00 Cities Towns and Hospitals, 1173 55 Working Roads per contract and Land Damages, 1256 98 Support of .Poor in Town out of Alms House, 1687.36 Collector's Fees and Taxes remitted, 699 90 Snow Bills, 1529 32 Town Officers, -1458 61 Support of Alms House Poor, and repairs, 1958 02 Miscellaneous, • 2796 47 Repairs on Roads and Bridges, 5459 36 State Tax, 4180 00 Non. Commonwealth Bank Tax, 9 20 Non Resident Bank Tag, 45 19 Repairs on School houses, 913 21 Tag outstanding, 1872, 500 00 • $36,478 80 16 Financial Condition of the Town. D R. Due Individuals on Loans, $2800 00 «. 'Savings Bank, 1000 00 ". On School Money, 3975 49, $7775 49 ' CR. Cash in Treasury, $1949 65 Tax outstanding, 500"�'00 State Aid due from State, 1154 00 Town in debt, .4171•84 $7775 49 ANDREW LOVELL, Selectmen L. L. GOODSPEED, of SAMUEL SNOW, Barnstable. --i%<-1 Goss &Richards, Steam Printers,Barnstable. Oil 1 r ., �, r` Expenses of the Town of. Barnstable For the Year ending February 16, '1875, ]:xpea7-se ixt Alms IAr Ot se. , Paid Lot Hallett, for Coal, $27 00 H. B. Chase & Sous, for coal, brain and posts, 319 15 'E. Ryder,for rails, 45 50 Dr. S. Pitcher, for medicine, 1 00 Julius A. Bassett, 3 40 , B. F. & C. C. Crocker, 74 75 Freeman Hallett, 5 25 B. F. Crocker & Co., 7 68 A. G. Gash, 48 55 J. K. & B. Sears, 21 37 Horse, 133 00 Chas. Crocker, Salary, 350 00 It if supplies, 66 60 , Seth Parker & Son, 147 99 C.'Conant, 242 36 'L. L. Goodspeed, 26 ,90 Howes, Scudder & Co., 298 57 ; S. N. Howland, 35 97 Bonney, Thayer, &Wioht,. 46 25 Tucker Manufacturing Company, 31 93 Sands, Furber & Co. 4 00 Perry, Cook & Co., 76.50 George Viles, 36 70 " J. A. Lothrop, 2 65; ' S. Rich, 1 75, AswJones, 11 33 Eliza Crocker, labor, . 25 75 Letia• Coffin, It 10 00' Alzada Jones, , 15 00 - Ellis Jenkins, 63 00 Charles Gray; Smithing, 28 35 ®. C. R. R.'Co., Transportation, 27 41 P. H. Robinson, pew hire, ,8-00 Paid Josiah C. Jones, repairs, $4,0 40 Josiah Hinckley, lumber, 10 47 B. B. Bodfish, repairs, 1 57 J. H. Holway, << 8 75 • , J. F. Crocker, supplies, 63 64 Wm. D. Holmes, 66 11 75 Fred. Parker, cc 47 41 S. Bodfish, 66 10 00, Cyrus Carpenter, 66 5 00 David M. Seabury, 66 6" 26 Washington Bursley, 66 73.00 Gorham Hallett, 66 50 J. W. Higgins, 66 78 58 Josiah Ames, for coffins, 52 75 $2,653 74 Support of Poor in Town, a,nd out of Aln-as )il=iouse_ Paid Mrs. H. N. Thayer, $20 00 Mary Bearse, 44 20 Nancy Paine, 71 84' Nancy Bacon, 17 75 Betsey Bearse, 51 00 Maria Bearse, 52 00 Mrs. Freeman Burgess, 17 63 66 Thomas R. Eldridge, fuel, 9 15 C 6 John Lanane, 25 50 Alvin Hamblin, 40 68 'Asa Blish, 2 00 John Lewis 79 00 Mrs. Rebecca Hallett, 65 50 66 Betsey Hodges, 38 25 66 Sullivan Bearse, 28 00 66 Alexander Baxter, 3d, .13 00 C6 Polly Childs, 52 00 Melintha Bearse, 50 00 burial expenses, 25 00 Mrs. Louis Jones, 24 50 66 Martha Bearse, 8 86 J. H. Chapman, 10 00 7 Paid Isaac Bearse, $1 75 Darius Cotelle's wife and child, - 55 00 Philander Cathcart, 19 16 ' Thos. Linnell, 25 00 Nathaniel Bacon, 31 87 Eliza Bearse, 10 00 Samuel Baxter, Al 50 Dr. Fossett's bill, Maria Bearse, 3 00 Dr. Pineo's bill, Joselshine Young, -9 00 Dr. Doane's bill, Mrs. John Lanane, 7 00 Russel Crocker, 52 00 Mercy Baker, 46 00 Chil. of Timothy Dinneen, 10 00 Dr. F. H. Jenkins' bill, Polly Childs, 6 00 John M.' Holway, 121 51 Wm. Poole, 59 52 Mrs. Asa Blish, 7 0'0 E. P. Jones, 24 38 Grace D. Hamblin, 18 00 Guliehna Allen, _67 00 Caroline Crosby, 63 00 '.Zenas Weeks, 78 00 James Jones, G1 80 Micah Jones, 1 50 $1,534 85 I aid Cities., -tnd11",spita,ls for ; axppor•t ot7]Poor-. Paid Lunatic Hospital, Taunton, for J. F. Howland, .$212 45 66 (f 69 for Sarah Case, 58 00 Nantucket,for sup'rt of Nancy Whelden's family,'73, 88 92 {( 4C, {{ . '74, 14 11 _ << Cordelia Whelden's '73, 76 25 '74, 19 46 City of Boston for sup'rt of Amin Anderson, 13 00 << << << Mary Baker, 57 00 Mary Hallett, 60 74 < Harriet Bacon, 5 00 City of Lynn for support of Harriet Bacon, 43 00 Citv of N. Bedford, for support of Maria George, 58 75 cc tc cc cc Geo. Watson, 3 50 4 Paid Yarmouth for support.of Josephine Young, $7 00 Falinouth for support of Deliverance Pierce, 67 28 $784 46 estate Aid_ Paid Elizabeth E. Eldridge, $96 00 Isaac Coleman, 166 00 Martha J. Eldridge, 96 00 Helen D. Atkins; 96 00 Polly Childs, 48 00 Geo. D. Hart, 124 00 Henry Cook, 42 00 Susan A. Otis, 96.00 Thomas W. Jones, 36 00 Temperance Crocker, 56 00 Charles E.Ellis, 54 00 Tamsien Baker, 44 00 , Barbara. Doane, 96 00 Wm. C. Gifford, 72 00 Willard E. Slade, 72"00 Betsey F. Fish, 48 00 $1,244 00 ' Collectoy-'s gees ancl'��axes Remitted. James Cornish, collecting taffies, $250 59 Taxes remitted, 123 35 $373 94 Cost of new schoolhouse in "ist. TN o.sa-4 Paid Building Committee, $745 00 - ' 1i�iscellaneous_ Paid Goss& Richards, $135 50 Express, 1 60 Board of strangers, 7 50 S. K. Hopkins, list of conveyances, 15 00 W. Chipman, list of vessels.from Custom House, 10 00 y 5 Paid Expense on Burying Grounds at E. Barnstable, $100 01 66 66 (( W. 66 125 51 Hinckleys' 10 59 (6 6° - 6( Centreville, 10 05 _ 6( (6 6 6 Hyannis, 65 (6 `` (( Osterville, 4 14 it 6( (( Cotuit, 10 00 G. Crosby and others, for entertainment, 33 60 Expense of Assessors to Boston, 16 05 Expense of Overseers of Poor to Plymouth, 11 17 Stationery and stamps, 19 13' F. G. Kelley, express, 5 32 sundries,_ • 3 25 6° monument fence and grounds, 35� 22 O. M. Hinckley, Collector's books, 3 75 Andros Bearse, fire ward, 5.0 Andrew Lovell, 66 _ 14 25 Z. Kendrick, G6 35 00 Edward Gifford, 9 60 S. Snow,fur•bounty paid on woodchucks, 11 75 A. Lovell, 46 1 66 .44 36 00 L. L. Goodspeed, 64 66 98 50 , S. Snow, copying Estate Bill, 40 00 Coloss Wood, care of Town House, 5 25 insurance on school house, Dist. No. 8, 7 87 Writing 3 Deeds, 3 00 S. K. Hopkins, recording Deeds, 90 James Doherty, police, 3 00 State Treas'r, rebate on pauper acet. of last year, 10 00 County 64 66 66 dog tax 66 66 14 OV N. Hinck I ey,conveying child'n to 0sterville sch'l, 19 00 W. ,Wood, conveying children to school, 12 00 E. D. Fisher, framing By-Laws, 1 G 50 Expense on Rogers boy from Boston, 1 00. Expense 16 Decoration Day," 37 20' J. W. Macy, foi 2 setts of Soldiers' head stones, .50 00 Luther Phinney, the reward offered for finding the body of Owen Bliss, 25 00 $1,014 36 \ r r Paid School Committee,—Horace Nickerson, $7 50 Nelson G. li'Iareba.izt, 10.00, Charles L. Barter, 9 00 Samuel Snow, 10 00 Joseph R. Hall, 10 00 Geo. W. Doane, 61 00 Aaron S. Crosby, 23 00 Erastus Scudder, 26 90 Nathaniel Hinckley, 32 00 Asa F. hearse, 12' 00 Levi L. Goodspeed, 16 00 Martha L. W helden, 47 "50 . Nathan Edson, 15 00 ' Zemii, Kendrick, 15 00 F. B. Goss, 10 00 Erastus Scudder, Constable, 14 00 ' Selectmen, Overseers of Poor, and Surveyor's of Highways, 525 00 Town Treasurer, 100 00 Assessors, 350 00 Clerk, recording births, marriages, deaths, - 75 00 C. Lincoln, Sealer of Weights and Measures, 5 00 $1,37.3 90 Y crpa.ixrs 0111 School Yloiases.. House in District No. 1, $8 02 cc - c4 3, 44 30-- « " 6, 58 33 9, 41 50 10, 5 05 11, 90 95 13, 51 74 L6 14, 4 88 15, 204 i3 17, 333 12 J8, 94 27 20, 14 10 $950 39 7 It,epaars on Roads. Paid Nathan H. Bearse, $20 90 Enoch Lewis, 80 H. B. Chase & Sons for Posts, 25 80 Reuben Childs, 33 20 A. D. Makepeace, 5 25 Job Abbott's bill, 1873, 15 00 William Millard, 1 88 N. H. Chase; 3 00 John Cannon, 9 22 Joshua Hallett, 7 39 John Hinckley for lumber, 5.08 James Canary, 223 10 Marshall Hinckley, 44 13 J. K.-& B. Sears, for lumber, 50 02 Dennis Gleason, 10 00 Henry D. Baxter, 4 00 -Richard Eldridge, 66 00' 'Isaiah B. ,Linnell, 30 70 Wm. Bobbins, 10 60 Simeon F. Jones, 7 40 Andros Bee rse, 5 70 Reuben Jones, 3 00 Julius A..Bassett, 3 50 John C. Crocker, 52 20 Luther Phinney, 1 00 Ira B. Bacon, , 7 00• James Sharp, 14 00 John J. Bowes, 315 40 Nelson Bearse, 62 40. John Hartnett, 58 20 , H. H.Baker, 50 U. G. Linnell, 24 50 Samuel Crosby, 2 08 John H. Smith, 70 74 Jacob Lewis, 10 64 Jehief Crosby, 2 20, B. F. & C. C. Crocker, 4.70 B. F. Crocker & Co., 20 88 Oliver B. Jones, 130 00 Oliver Crosby, 72 80 Orin R. Kelley, 14 83 Elisha B. Bearse, 11 00 Aaion S. Crosby, 8 00 Frank Handy, .5 00 Edwin Kelley, 5 00 Fred. Childs, 2 00 Paid Henri'R. Lewis, $110 92 John Hines, 15 :"0 , Samuel Snow, 42 40 Michael Hartnett, 3 85 Francis Jenkins,.and five others,' 88 50 David Crocker, 13 70 Francis Jones, 16 00 Willis Jones. 3 00 J. C. Smith, and others, 41 50 C H. Conant, 20 00 Edward Crocker, 22 70 J. C. Jones, 6 25 J. H. Holwav, 14 00 Veranus Crocker, 2 00 Henry Bodfish, 23 00' 0. C. R. R. Co., 17 -92 Ch;,.rles Lewis, 3 86 J. Chamberlain, 2 20 J. L. Goodspeed and others, ' 12 40 Geo. H. Weeks &Bro., 7 00- H. W. Handy, 51-1 Crocker Blossom, 32 00 S. G. Hinckley and others, 10 00 S.Bodfish and others, 40 90 Turner Hinckley, 6 00 John Dinneen, 3 50 Leander Jones, 171100 Lemuel.S.Jones, 24 00 David Bnrsley and 8 others, 4� 75 Asa Jenkins, 17 00 Ellis Jenkins, 70 00 Charles U. Jenkins, in 38 Nathan Crocker and 4 others,, 56 20 Washington Bursleyj '66 00 Josiah Hinckley, 10 92 E. H. Eldridge, _ 11 00 James Doherty, 16 80 Daniel Scndder, 4 00 James Edmond & Co., 9 00 Thomas Nye, 3 00 Eben Smith, and others, 63 20 S. R. PliInney, 6 25 B. B.Bodfish, 10 00 J. D.Crocker, 6 80 Lorenzo Lewis,. 17 00 John Hinckley,. 24 00 Wilson.Ryder,aad others, 141,10 1 Paid M. N. Harris, $25 50 John Bassett, 8 00 Wm. Chipman, 17 00 James Stevens, 5 00 Asa Jones, 5 00 Wilson Crosby. 3 95 James D. Hallett, 4 00 Charles G. Greeu, 7 80 Isaac J. Green, 2 60 Howard Goodspeed, 29 40 Osmomi W.Bearse, 24 10 John B:Baxter, 35 75 Charles F. Green, 38 20 Geo. H. Landers, 70 32, Simeon L. Ames, 109 36 Edward Gifford & Sons, 221 46 James A. Fish, 5 62 Gilbert C. Nickerson, $1 00 Heman Thomas & Son, 10 50 Thomas Nye and others, 144 50 Bennett W. Cammett and others, 1.65 40 Nathaniel Hinckley, 2 92 David Jones and others, 13 08 Erastus Scudder and others, 242 90 - Thomas Jones and others, 21 60 , Wm. Childs, 51 00 L.'W. Nickerson, 24 50 Asa F. Bearse, 14 89 Charles L. Baxter', 14 00 Seth Nickerson and others, 46 80 Charles C. Bearse, 28 38 Samuel Nickerson, 2 10 James Edmond &, Co., 23 85 Nathaniel Howland & Son, 10 00 Wendell K. & C. F. Backus, 21 80 David C. Lewis, 50 Hiram Crocker, 19 42 Henry W.Green, 9 40 Owen M. Jones,. 17 60 O. C. R. R. Co" 6 53 Ralph Meiggs, 3 50 Wm.G. Fish, 2 50 Ignatius Crocker, 1 20 Luther HinckleN-, 2 00 Nathan A. Jones, 39 00 David J. Coleman, 81 40 Henr}- N. Lovell, 10 00 10 Paid Simeon L. Leonard, $18 00 Charles E. Hinckley, 2 20 Edmund Hinckley, - 8 00 Andrew Lovell, 62 72 $4,270 93 Paid for Working Roads faer Conti-act, and flor - -work ordered by the County Cogna�iss3oaaers: Paid Reuben Childs, $17 60 Reuben Chase, 4 50 N. H. Chase, 4 50 James Canary, 206 4,0 R. Tinkham, 15 00 ' James Bursley, 3 00 James Nye, 10 00 Nathan Crocker, 377 74 Wm. E: Eldridge. 14 40 O. C. R. R. F. Bill, 2 12 Andros Bearse, 12 20 Thos W. Jones, 10 00 John C. Crocker, 40 00 John J. Bowes, 55 20 Nelson Bearse, 6 60 . John Hartnett, 59 70 . U.G. Linnell, 34 60 Henry R. Lewis, 96 7.5 John H. Smith, 163 22 Eben Smith, 123 00 Samuel Snow, 18. 00 John J. Bowes, contract,• '297 50 James Canary 133 70 Ales. R.Kelley, 287 00 Harriet Hinckley, land damages, 30 00 J. L. Goodspeed, .4 60 Cornelius Dinneen, 51 (i01 , ' Turner Hinckley, 1 37 Gorham Hallett, 4,.10 James Edmond& Co., drain pipe, 141 75 Elijah Crocker, , 40,00 Adolphus Davis, 30 00 ' A. R. Kelley, 28 00 $2,312 95 11 , , know Bills. Paid Jehiel Crosby, and others, $12 35 Wm.,Hamblin, 4 17 Richard Eldridge, °' 11 50 A. D. blakepeace, 6, 00 U. G. Linnell, 6 C 3 95 James Canary, 41 9 00, H. R. Lewis, 64 14 25 . Gorham'Crosby, 6 60 Geo. F. Bacon, 40 Andros Bearse, 2 00 Samuel Snow, 2 00 David Crocker, 2 00 F. Jenkins, and 16 others, 33 30 Ezra Crocker & Sons, 7 87 S. Percival, 4 80 , Crocker Blossom, 2 60 Ellis Jenkins, 2 60 . Lorenzo Lewis, 3 20 C. C. Jenkins, 6.00 Washington Bursley, 7 35 ' Wm. T. Bursley, 2 00 B.B. ISodfish, 1 00 H C. Crocker, 4 40 Eliphalet-Loring, 2 20 Henry Fish, 3 00 J. C. Smith, 2 20 Abraham Fuller, 1 20 S. Bodfish, 5 30 J. L. Goodspeed, 2 20. Leander Hallett, and 22 others, 25 11 J. Chamberla n, 60;_ Henry Bodfish, 4. 80 H. W. Handy, 4 40 Geo.W.W eeks,& Bro., 4 60 I1 ni. Chipman, 1 40 Asa Jenkins, 2 00 Harrison Fish, 3,60 Eben Smith and 25 others, '33 57 Wilson Ryder a.io 22 others, 28 52 James Stevens, 3 00 J. W. Higgins, 2 90 Zemira Kendrick and others, 9 90 rhoma.s Nve and other., 4 05 Nathaniel Howland & Sun, 3 40 B. W. Cammett amid others, 9 10 Zelia Mielden, for crossing field„ 5 00 12 Paid Calvin Hamblin and others, $s 76 Wilson Crocker, 50 -Thomas Jones, Jr. and others, 5 40 L Scudder and 13 others, 15 65 $341 70 , R a�cPa� d,s. Cash in Treasury, Feb. 16, 1874, $6,415 59 Tax outstanding for 1873, 500 00 Pedlars' licenses, 40 00 Caroline Crocker,lease of land, 25 Alms House meadow, 13 50 School lot, 2 03 Marsh, "Sirow's Creek," .1 00 Joseph Smith, sale of old lumber, 3 00 Barnstable County, rebate of board of Phil. Cathcart, 19 00 {L 4 6 on acet. of work done on rocid_at _ Barnstable, 19 00 John Hinckley, lumber returned, 2 25 J. W..Chapman, sale of old lumber, 50 Town of Yarmouth, one-half of the reward for finding the body of Owen Bliss-, 12 50 Sale of grass on Pound meadow, 20 50 Herring fishery at Marston's Mills, 55 00 Town of Sandwich,-for schooling Thomas C. Harlow's children, 22 60 State tax assessed 1874, 4,180 00 Town L{ f 4 {f 21,399 51 Non-resident Bank tax, 324 80 Com.Bank do, 12 76 Corporation tax, 1874, 3,010 28 National Bank tax, 1874, 4,398 45 Dog'Fund, 219 92 Income from School Fund, 372 82 State Aid, 1873, 1,137 33 $42,182 59 13 Expenditnres. , Paid on School orders, 1873, $4,106 16 << << 1874, 6,623 68 Interest, 519 93 Collector's fees, 250 59 Taxes remitted, 123 35 ,State tax, 4,180 00 Non-resident National Bank tax, 334 18 Repairs on school houses, 950 39 Cities, Towns and Hospitals, 784 46 New roads, and land damage, 2,312 95 Support of Poor in Alms House, and repairs, 2,653 74 Support of Poor in Town, out of Alms House, 1,534,85 Snow Bills, 341 70 Town Officers, 1,373 90 Miscellaneous, 1,014 36 _Repairs on Roads, 4,270 93 State Aid, 1,244 00 New school house in District No. 8, 745 00 Paid note at Barnstable Savings Bank, 1,000 00 $34,364 17 Financial Condition of the Town. 1DR: -Due Individuals on Loans, $2,800 00 On School money, 3,969 06 Balance in favor of Town, 2,490 20 $9,259 26 CR. Cash in Treasury, $7,818 42 State Aid due from State, 1,244 00 Corporation tax due from State, 196 84- $9,259 26 ANDREW LOVELL, Selectmen 'L. L. GOODSPEED, of SAMUEL SNOW, Barnstable. a , 1 Goss&Richards, Steam Printers, \`� �w ' -_ — -mod _ h Barnstable, Mass. t i i Expenses of the Torn of Barnstable For the Year ending February 14, 1876, IF,xpenses a,t -A.Ims I£3ouse. - Paid Lot Hallett, for Coal, $42 50 L. C. Hallett, for liquor., 4 35 H. B. Chase & Sons, for coal and grain, 244 07 S. Snow, for windows, 5 25 Hardy & Co., for blinds, 11 10 B. F. Crocker & Co.,,for lumber, 105 09 G. J. Miller, for clothing, 16 50 B. F. & C. C. Crocker, carriage work, 36 00 A. G. Cash, 3 75 J. K. & B. Sears, for lime, 1 50 Chase & Baker, for paints, 43 69 Dr. .S. Pitcher, for medicine, 1 75 J. E. Sherman, posts, 1 87 S. Snow, for fish, 45 Fred. Rogers, for clothing, 10 79 Josiah Ames, for coins, 35 87 , Charles Crocker, salary, 350 00 Freeman Taylor,painting, 101 50 Tripp & Hardy,,supplies, 7 60 J. W. Higgins, 4' 95 29 . S. N. Howland, 49 12 Fred'k Parker, 85 13 C. Conant, << 61 36 - G. Hallett, 6° ' 3 00 H. Hallett, << 8 05, Ellis Jenkins, labor, 133 00 O. C. R. R. Co.,freight, 25 29 "Isaac Howes, for cow, 55 00. Winslow & Myrick, supplies, 94 98 Howes, Scudder & Crocker, supplies, 188 16 Cyrus Carpenter, supplies, 6 36 Perry, Cook & Co., supplies, 6 27' Farnham & Co., 46 3 00 2 - Paid Chas. Crocker, cash paid for house supplies, -$77 47 Wm. D. Holmes,- 47 60 L. L. Jones, labor, 39 88 Eben Smith, coal, 21 60 Russell Matthews, coffin, 17 00 Dr. J. M. Smith, 1874,' 31 00 64 fC 1875, 44 00 Eliza Crocker, labor, 19 00 Doe & Chapman, supplies, 5 70 Eldridge & Co;, << 11 96 Geo. Viles, 36 70 L:L. Goodspeed, 16 22 Seth Parker & Son, 210 69 Lambert Bros., 3 86 Leander Jones' Estate, 1 00 Congregational Church, pew hire, 10 00 J. Burgess, 15 00 Wm. DeWolf, 10 00 Childs, Crosby & Lane, supplies, 89 25' J.3. Southers, 23 30 J. C. Jones, labor, 64 25 Asa Jenkins, C( 39 00 Chas.-Gray, smith work, 35 54 Wilson Ryder, supplies, 14 00 D. M. Seabury, << 23 16 Washington Bursley, supplies, 15 10 Chas. E. Jenkins, labor, 27 00 J. W. Holway, 64 14 00 C. C. Jenkins, << 29 00 Asa Jones, supplies, 16 08 $2846 00 Su.Pport of Poor in 'Town, ngncl out of �9.11rns �oaasov Paid Mrs. Mary Bearse, $47 00 << Nancy Paine,. 25 .00 William E Bearse, 31 14 Mrs. Nancy Bacon, 14 50 Miss Betsey Bearse, 66 13 Mrs. Maria Bearse, 55 00 Sally Burgess, 20 74 1_ I . 3 Paid Alvan Hamblin, $44 24 Mrs.. Betsey Hodges, 36 10 Philander Cathcart, -64 49 Nathaniel'Bacon, 25 50 Mrs. Eliza Bearse, 27 90 Louis Jones, 22 00 Thomas Linnell, $2 00 Mrs. Sullivan Bearse, 12 00 Seth Hallett, 25 00 John Lewis, 130 75 Mrs. John Lanane, 15 50 (G Clara Crocker, 37 00 _ George Cathcart, 5 25 Benjamin Bacon, 15 00 Mrs. Alexander Baxter, 3d, 3 25 Ambrose Linnell, 3 00 Mrs. John-Perry, 2 00 << H. N. Thayer, 19 00 << Hepsabeth Kelley, 11 00 << Mary Williams, 3 50 << Emeline Bearse, 7 00 Dr. Fossett's bill, A. Hamblin, 1 00 66 << P. Cathcart, 27 00 Dr. Doane's bill, Eliza Bearse, 28 00 Child of Nathaniel_Bacon, 6 00 Sarah B. Bearse, 3 00 Daniel B. Linnell, 19 93 Dr. S. Pitcher's bill, L. C. Drury, 25 00 L. C. Drury, 1 75 John P. Sylvester, 31 62 Caroline Crosby, 62 50 Elma Allen, 67 00 r 7enas Weeks, 89 00 Reuben L. Davis, 55 84 James Jones, 68 62 George Savory, 8 49 Dr. Clement, for Jno. Lewis, 15 25 School Boy, Young, 2 00 Rowena Stephens, 25 00 Russell Crocker, 52 00 Mrs. E. C. Lewis, 104 00 John M. Holway, 61 80 , 4 Paid Grace D. Hamblin, $19. 00' William Poole, 79 43 Susan Gammon, 17 96 Mercy O. Hinckley, 7,4,00 Lydia King, 80 00 $1826 18 Paid Cities, 'Downs and 134ospitals A>r S- pport of Poor. Paid Lunatic Hospital,Taunton, for J. F. Howland, $198 70 City of New Bedford, for Maria George, 62, 88 Town of Yarmouth, for Timothy Cotelle, 144 82 City of Chelsea, for Frank Jones, 5 00 City of Boston, for Harriet Bacon, 66 00 <L <L 44 Mary Baker, 52 00 << Mary Hallett, 56 49 $585 89 State Aid. Paid Elizabeth E. Eldridge, $96 00 Isaac Coleman, 147 00 Martha J. Eldridge, 63 00 Helen D. Atkins, 96 00 Polly Childs, 48 00 George D. Hart, 120 00 Henry Cook; 36 00 Daniel'B. Snow, 77 00 Susan A. Otis, 96 00 Thomas W. Jones, 36 00 Mrs. A. H. Young, - 40 00 Williard E. Slade, 72 00 Charles E. Ellis, 60 00 Barbara Doane, 94 67 Betsey F. Fish, 48 00 William C. Gifford, 72 00 Temperance Crocker, 48 00 $1249 67 r 5 ' ldgiscellaneo�s. Paid Express, postage and Stationery, $26 71 Expense on strangers, 7 75 Recording Deeds, 96 James Sharp and E. N. Lewis, constables, 28 00 Goss & Richards, Printing, 130 05 Expense of Selectmen to Provincetown, 5 00 <6 Assessors to Boston, 22 20 Liquor for the Town Agency. 60 00 J. C. Howes, for U. S. Liquor License, 25 00 F. G. Kelley, for recording Liquor License, 1 00 State for Liquor License, 12 50 S. K. Hopkins, for list of conveyances, 15 00 O. W. Hinckley, for collector's book, 2 25 , A. D. Makepeace, fire ward, 29 11 A. S. Hallett, 66 25 00 Gorham Crosby, 4611 80 H. P. Harriman, counsel in liquor cases, 10 00 Joseph M. Day, legal advice, 2-00 Henry A. Scudder, legal advice, 5 00 Expense on Burying Ground fence and Hearse House at 13yannis, 65 28 Expense on Hearse at Hyannis, 15 00 ' Hearse and House at West Barnstable, 75 00 Expense on Burial Ground fence at Osterville, 8 40 J. K. & B. Sears, for lumber on Town House, 163 86 Clark Lincoln, bill on Town House, 23 35 James S. Macy, 44 4447 30 George S. Fish, 44 23 50 Seth Parker & Son, '° 2 94 Clark Lincoln,will for sealing weights and measures, 21 00 E. H. Eldridge and others,for entertainment, - 38 60 Insurance on School House, Dist. 18, 18 50 c, 4 4 8, 7 60 Joseph R. Hall, for school books furnished in 1870-76, 20 40 Samuel ,,now, 6, 46 :4 1871-76, 8 32 Asa F. Bearse, for geographies, •428 39 V. G. Kelley, for express, 5 30 bill, repairs on monument, 7 40 postage 1874-5. 10 73 stationery, 57 travelling expenses, 6 00 paid for printing blanks, dog licenses, 2 25 " Expense running line between Yarmouth and Barnstable, 30 Dr. Doane, for services, Board of Health, 8 00 s Paid Dr.Pineo,for services,Board of Health, $12 00 Bounty on woodchucks, 526, 131 50 66 ,6 muskrats, 684, 171 00 Geo. B. Reed, for law reports, 78 50 J. L. Fairbanks & Co., books, 3 50 Expense of and money for Clara L. Jones at Idiotic School, 7 00 James B. Crocker, truant fees, 1"80 Expense Decoration Day, 32 40 James Denison, damage to carriage, 6 50 Eben Taylor, opening grave, 3 00 Waterman Wood, care of Town House, 75 Joshua H. Ryder, painting guide boards, 10 75 C. C. Bearse, for guide boards and posts, 7 17 A. Lovell, F• Ames and B. Hinckley, for setting same, 4 00 Wm. Mitchell, bounty per vote of the town, 78 37 $1980 55 Tovsvn 4DMcea s. Paid A. S Crosby, School Committee, $24 75 S. L. Ames, '6 1 . 10 00 Zemira Kendrick, School Committee, 10 00 Samuel Snow, 66 66 110 00 L. L. Goodspeed, 6, 66 15 00 Daniel Scudder, 66 6` 15 00 George B. Crocker, Constable, 9 50 Selectmen,Overseers Poor and Surveyors of Highways, 525 00 Nathaniel Hinckley, School Committt e, 35 00' Asa F. Bearse, i6 15 00 Erastus Scudder, 66 66 30 00 Martha L. Wheldeu; 66 66 50 00 Ngthan Edson, 66 66 15 00 George W. Doane, 66 66 57 25 Town Treasurer, 100 00- Assessors, 350 00 , Town Clerk, recording births, marriages and deaths, 75 85 Clark Lincoln, sealer of weights and measures, 5 00 Undertakers' fees, 17 00 . $1369 35 Repairs on School Houses. House in District No. 4, $15 94 « « 6, 50 48 « « 3, 4 00 « 49 , 14, 561 << << 1, 5 45 . [L 10, 226 14. 8, 11 40 + « . " 18, 82 90 20, 11 87 << « 13, 31 72 « << 12, 6 74 , << 21, 38 06 « « 11, 13 34, « 16, 125 00 $628 65 Collectors's Fees and Taxes Remitted. Jae.Cornish collecting taxes, $258 09 Taxes remitted, 155 37 $413 46 Bills Paid for Work on Burying Grounds and Tombs. F. G. Kelley for Seed, $3 00 . Reuben Childs & Sons, 136 8fi_ Stephen Childs, 9 38 James Canary, 5 00 John Hartnett, '3 00 J.W.Macy, 3 00_ James Linnell, 1 00 S. Snow, 5 00 Nathan Crocker,three cemeteries East Parish, 232 05 James M. Nye, East do., 7 07 Josiah Hinckley do., ' 14 58 Eben Taylor,Sandy Street do., 8 00 C. C. Jenkins,West Parish cemetery, 22 00 Ellis Jenkins, do. do., 23 00 Ezra F.Crocker, do., 7 30 Edward Gifford and 9 others, Cotuit cemetery, 76 30 Robinson Weeks and 12 others, Marston's Mills cemetery. 83 20 Freeman Lovell and 6 others,Osterville cemetery, 76 80 f 8 Oliver B. Jones, Centreville cemetery, 29 00 F.W. Childs on the same, 26 00 F. G.Kelley for Tomb, - 400 00 A. Lovell for do., 314 60 $1486 14 gZepairs on Roads. N. H. Chase, $2 25 John H. Smith, $49 38 Frank Bearse, 45 J. K. & B. Sears, 81 71 James Edmund &Co., 53 98 William E.Linnell, 9 00 Asa Hallett, 25 John J. Bowes, 207 30 E. Hinckley, 1 00 U. G. Linnell, 23 00 A. D. Makepeace, 6. 64 Nelson Bearse & others, 204 38 E. B. Bearse, 18 60 Gorham Crosby, 57 80 O. R.Kelley, 18 00 Jehiel Crosby, 2'20 Ira B. Bacon, 19 77 Henry R. Lewis, 158 62 Reuben Childs, 27 00 Oliver B.Jones, 117 64 James Blagden, 4 00 Oliver Crosby, 104 60 Asa W. Stephens, 18 60 Reuben.Jones, 3 00 Wm. E. Bearse, 10 90 William Jones, 7 30 O. C. R.R. freight bill, 5 83 Moses F. Hallett, 2 50 Franklin Bearse, 2 00 Franklin Jones, 44 B. F. & C. C. Crocker, 2 00 H. C. Lumbert, 1 50 Thomas Abbott, 7 50 A. S. Crosby, 22 00 Marshall Hinckley, 141- 96 F. G. Kelley, 54 F. W. Childs, 7 00 A. F. Childs, 8 52 Richard Eldridge, 93 00 Andros Bearse, 9 39 J.R. Robinson, 3 00 Samuel Snow, 65 80 Warren Holway, 2 25 Francis Jenkins& 13 oth- Thomas Slavin, 38 ers, 193 53 Samuel Johnson, 2 00 Nathan Crocker•& 10 do., 304 15 Stephen F. Childs, 27 00 Simeon Doane, 9 00 Jehiel P. Crosby, 5 80 O. C. R. R. freight; 16 73 Lorenzo Lewis, 17 50 H W Jones, 6 80 James Sharp, 36 00 James Doherty and Son, 114 15 James Canary, 379 79 Marcus M Nye, 11 75 William Welsh, 7 50 A B Young, 2 20 James Murphy, 4 50 Thomas W Jones, 9 00 John Hartnett, 110 20 Asa Crocker, 6 40 Michael Hartnett, 18 50 E C Stiff, 8 00 John C.Crocker, 103 30 J C Smith, 15-22 Samuel Crosby, 19 00 Wm Chipman, 16 00 H. G. Lumbert, 5 00 Simeon Taylor, 6 00 Bradford S. Kelley, 5 30 James Otis, 7 75 Mrs. Orin Crowell, 5 00 John Bursley, 26 50 Isaiah B. Linnell, 47 00 J H Jenkins, _52 10 9 C C Jenkins &3 others, $191 00 Patrick Regan; $24 60 Loring Crocker, 39 72 C H Hinckley, 1' 40 John Hinckley, 10 19 Josiah Hinckley, 6- 01, H C Blossom, 15 00 Geo B Crocker, 20100 Crocker Blossom and son, 40 00 Jas Edmund & Co; 85 05 David Bursley &5 others, 24 45 J H Holway, 22 00 James Canary, 24' 00 Daniel Scudder, 4 25 J Whittemore & 1 other, 1.7 40:Chas Conant, 9, 00 Eben Taylor, 4 00 ➢Tarcus N Harris, 11 00 Joshua Chamberlain, 1. 20 Ellis Jenkins, 67 00 S Bod6sh and Son, 15 00 Wilson Ryder and-others, 85 90 David Crocker, ' 15 00 John J Bowes, 24i 00 Washington Bursley, 105 00 E H Eldridge, 5 50 Chas E Jenkins, 8 00 Eben Smith and 4 others, 46175 Leander Hallett & 1 other, 16 35 Alexander Jones, 3 40 L Lewis, 1 00 Ezra F. Crocker, 8.00 Solomon Hinckley, 6 00 L L Goodspeed, 65 00 Francis Jones, 14 00 James Huckins, 4 00 Stephen Smith, 6 00 Asa Jenkins, 46 50 Harrison Fish, 18 00 B B Bodfish, 33 60 E C Baker, 10 00 Gilbert C Nickerson, 43 80 L S Jones, 30 80 Charles Goodspeed, 50 20 Fred P Jones, loam 1873, $15 00 Heman Thomas & Son, 108 25 Calvin Hamblin, 1874, 2 00 Charles L Baxter, 38 50 Erastus Scudder, 12 15 Hiram Crocker, 56 00 Joseph Robbins, loam, 2 00 Geo H Landers, 84 15 Edward B Hinckley, 3 00,Howard Goodspeed, 42 50 Alfred S. Backus, 50 Chas F. Green, 74' 10. Alfred Bearse, 115 50 Simeon L Ames, 48 44 Eugene Crowell, 10 00 Chas G. Phinney, 6 00 Thomas Nye, 44 25 John C. Fish, 14 00 Abner Jones, 10 00 Edward Gifford and Sons, 190 00 James D Hallett, 8 50 Leander W. Nickerson, 15 00 James S. ➢Zacy, 9 00 Prentiss Marston, 7 00 Hiram Ames, 11 00 Horace C Fish, 3 50 Nelson F.Hamblin, 2 00 Albert E. Ryder, 10 00, Thomas Lewis, 14 00 Zenas Crocker, 4 35 Nelson W Crocker, 12 00 Nathan A Jones, 3, 00 Ansel B Fuller, 72 80 Horace Cash, 12,00 Calvin Hamblin, 45 40 John Bates loam, 5� 00, J Edmund & Co, D pipe, 40 68 John A Blossom do, 3 00. Simeon L Leonard,posts, 20 10 Olive B Fuller do, 75. Edgar Lovell, 7 00 Thos Jones and others, 30 60 Josiah Lumbert, 23 01 Luther Hinckley, 7 20 John B Lovell, 15 00 David J Coleman, 177 40, James West, 125 70 Reuben West, ` `f-I.35 40 Freeman L Scudder, 88 40 Hercules Jones, :39 00 10 Clarendon Crocker, $49 20 William Fuller, $14 85 Austin Lovell, 3 00 Edmund Hamblin, 4 00 Simeon Letney, 3 00 Clinton Jones, 6 180 David C Lewis, 4 00 Bennett W Cammett, 159 00 Cyrenus Small, 2 00 Charles Fuller, 4 25 Charles Lewis, 2 00 Geo Hamblin, 3 50 Scott Scudder, 3 00 Gregory Gunderson, 4 00 Abram L Coleman, 49 40 Geo N Goodspeed, 2 00 Abner Linnell, 1 80 Railroad freight drain pipe, 1 02 Orrin R Nickerson, 1 80 A Lovell, 43 00 Wm A Sturgis, 1 80 Chas C.Bearse, 20 00 Oliver S,Lumbert, 80 Lewis N Hamblin, 2 00 $6572 57 Samuel Nickerson, 1 50 New Roads and Roads per Contract. James Canary, $55 55 I. B.Linnell land damage, 12 50 John Hartnett,. 6 30 Mary A Taylor,do. do., 59 00 John J Bowes,. 16 80 Asa Bearse do. do., 61 00 James_Doherty, 45 00 Sidnev Crowell, do, do., 15 00 JamesHuckins, 72 00 Geo H Hallett, do. do., 16 00 O C R R, 4 96 Clinton B Googins,do. do. 4 00 Marcus M Nye, 15 92 Nathan H. Bearse working James Edmunds &Co., 84 15 road, 39 00 'C H Hinckley," 6 00 Turner Hinckley, 5 00 $700 68 Bowes &Canary; 182 50 Snow Sills. Levi Bearse, $4 60 Frank Bacon, $1 10 A D Makepeace & 20 oth. D B Coleman, 20 ers, 25 60 John Buckley, 1 40 R Eldridge and others; 23 20 George Crocker, 15 Wm. Hamblin do. de., 15 40 F B Sherman, 2 10 Geo F Bacon, 2 00 Stillman Baker, 60 Nath'1 Bacon, 1 20 U G Linnell and others, 24 55 Albert Bacon, 1 00 Jehiel Crosby and others, 13 20 David Bearse, 2 60 J Q A Richardson, 2 05 Wm Sherman, 2 20 S Childs, 1 50 Charles Sherman, 1 20 A G Holmes, 2 00 Paul Sherman, 46 D B Linnell, 2 50 Joel Hamblin, 1 90 James Canary and others, 25 80 11 Gorham Crosby &others, $15 10 Calvin Hamblin and 6 do, 32 60 H R Lewis do. do., 27 00 Zemira Kendrick and 5 do, 34 50 Francis Jenkins&41 do., 184 25 William Childs and 4 do, 3 17 Nathan Crocker & 2 do., 5 95 Russell Hinckley,and 4 do, 3 95 Eben Smith and 39 others, 90 52 Joseph Folger, 3 60 Leander Hallett & 28 do, 50 60 Thomas Lewis, 2 40 Wilson Ryder& 24 do, . 75 49 Chipman H Whelden cross- Washington Bnrsley and 38 ing field and fence, 5. 00 others, 286 50 Wilson Crocker, 6 60 Wm Dixon ind Son, 9 50 Waterman Wood, 5 60 Simeon Doane, 3 00 Geo Allvn, 1 00 Ed Gifford and 14 others, 32 80 Charles E Hinckley, 7 10 Gilbert C Nickerson &5 do, 2 80 Edwin FHowland, 5 60 Ben W Camrnett,& 26 do, 71 30 Coloss Wood, 3 00 Thos Nye and 4 otlie,.s, 23 80 Nathaniel Howland, 4 40 Thos Jones Jr,and others, 13 40 A W Lapham, 90 Eras Scudder and 48 do, 81 20 Simeon L Leonard and do, 11 88 $126.9� 96 Asa F Bearse and others, 7 90 ]Receipts. • s Cash in Treasury Feb. 16, 1875, $7818 42 r Pedlars' licenses, 40 00 r Alms House meadow and pasture, 10 50 School lot, 30 B. M. Fire Ins. Co., 2 50 Sale of Drain Pipe, 5 52 Sale of brass on Pound Meadow, 20 50� Lease of land at West Barnstable. 2 00 Herring fishery at Marston's Mills, 55 00 State Tax for 1875, 4180 00. Town Tax for 1875, 21,677 00 • Non-Resident Bank Tax, 301 00 << " Coin. Bank Tax, 18 90 Corporation Tax 1875, 3546 46 f National Bank Tax 1875, 4615 24 State Aid for 1874, 1230 00 Dog Fund, 237 82 / Income from School Fund, 300 79 $44.061 95 12 ]Expenditures.-. Paid on School Orders 1874, $3729 47 1875, 6611 .93 Interest, 457 16 Collector's Fees,, 258 09 Taxes.Remitted, ` , 155 37 State Tax, . 4180 00 Non-Resident National Bank Tax, 307 23 Repairs on School Houses, 628 65 Cities, towns and hospitals, 585 89 New. Roads and laud damages, 700 68 Support of Poor in Alms House and repairs, 2846 00 61 11 in Town and out of Alms House, 1826 18 Snow bills, 1269 96 Town officers, 1369 35 Repairs on roads, 6572 57 State Aid, 1249 67 Miscellaneous, 1980 55 Burial Grounds and tombs, 1486 14 Paid note, 1000 00 $37.214 89 ]P-1 inancinl Condition of the rUOWn. . ID It Due Individuals on Loans, $1800 00 Due on School Money, 3926 08 Balance in favor of Town, 2370 05 $8096 73 ' CYO. Cash in Treasury, $6847 06 State Aid due from State, 1249 67 $8096 73' ANDREW LOVELL, Selectmen L. L. GOODSPEED, of SAMUEL SNOW, Barnstable. Bar stable, Feb. 14, 1876. Expenses of the Town of Barnstable For the Year Ending February 15, 1877. Alms'House Expenclitures. Cyrus Foster, cote, $650 00 J. C. Jones, labor, $25 75 Charles Crocker, salary, 350 00 Eliza Crocker, labor, 19 00 S. N. Lowland, supplies, 27 32 David M.Seabury,supplies, 10 50 Charles Gray, smithing, 28 84 Cyrus Carpenter, -" 5 35 L. L. Goodspeed, supplies, 43 80 William D. Holmes, " 8 72 O. C. Railroad,freight, 8 35 G. L.Bassett, " 8 00 Eben Smith, coal 21 84 J. W. Higgins, f[ 97 96 J. C. Smith,lumber, .10 06 Washington Bursley, " 1 80 Howes,Crocker;&Co.,sup- W..H. Pa:iue, " 3 65 ' plies, 207 06 Asa Jones, Q° 27 89 M. Smith, pow hire, 1.2 00 George J.Miller, clothing S.Parker&Son,supplies, 175 48 for inmates, 0 8 65 . Winslow&M.rick, " 57 12 Jas. Blagden,smith work, 16 55 Geo. Viles, " 65 25 H. B. Chase & Sons, coal C. Conant, " 4 77 and grain, 269 10 Souther & Hooper, furni-n B. F. &' C.C.Crocker,car- ture, 11 .50 . riage work 58 75 Chas. Crocker, house sup- A. Lovell,supplies, 2 00 plies, 75 62 J. _NL Srnith, Died. attend- Russell Matthews, coffins, 68 50 ai ce, 72 00 J. Rine];ley, lumber, 4 88 L. L. Jones, labor paint- Fred'k Parker,supplies, 1.65 09 ing 7 00 Ellis Jenkins, labor, 38 50 P. H. Robinson, 10 00 Wm. T. Bursleyy & Son, la- bor, 9 00 .-$2087 65 SlApport of]poor in.Town and out of Alms,House. John P. Sylvester, $43 78, James Linnell, $8 75 L. C. Drnry, 46 45 Chas. I3. Poor, 15 00 Mary Williams, 6 00 Mrs. Sullivan Bearse, 43 50 Child of Nathaniel Bacon, 21 00 Sarah B. Bearse, 39 00 Dr. S. Pitcher's bill Bet- Philander.Cathcart, 57 00 sev Bearse, 2 00 Seth Hallett, 110 00 Child of William Kelley, 5 40 William E. Bearse, 16 25 Mrs. H. N. Thayer, 21 75 Mrs. Eliza Bearse, 32 00 Susan Bassett, 10 00 John A. Lewis, 128 00 • " Mary T. Bearse, 50 00 Mrs.Nancy Bacon, 37 .50 " Lewis Jones, 26 16 `° Enieline Bearse, 37 00 .Mrs. Betsey Hodge, $g56 60 John W. Lewis, $61 00 Tlrornas Linnell, 30 00 Eliza Crocker, 24 40 Jame Hamblin, 39 16 Emily C. Hallett, 25 23 Daniel W. .Linuell, 6 00 Ann Ames, 55 00 Polly Childs, 3 00 Josiah Ames,-coffin for Is- Dr. S. Pitcher's bill Ella aac Bearse, 17 25 ILinnell, 16 13 Josiah Arnes, coffin for S. Mrs. John.Unaue, 28 00 Bartlett, 8 25 2 Dr. S.Pitcher's bill Jabez Overseers' expenses to Baxter, $24 62 Sandwich account of Theodore Kelley, 14 32 Paupers, $5 00 Jabez Baxter, 59 00 Russell Crocker, 13 00 Dr.Doane's bill Eliza Bearse,13 50 Mercy O. Hinckley, 104 00 . do. do. do.Nancy Bacon, '5 60 Emma Lewis, 104 00 Samuel S.Pitcher, 40 William H.Paine, 30 44 Edward Austin, 23 80 John 1VI. Holway, 52 00 Betsey Bearse, 21 v5 Susan Gamnon, 40 92 N.D. S. Bearse, 15 75 Samuel Cobb, 16 00 Daniel B.Linnell, 6 54 Temperance Phinney, 10 00 Geo. Savory, 38 38 J. W. Marston, 93 50 Caroline Crosby, 54 67 William Pool, 116 44 Elma Allen, 71 50 Susan Gaimidn, 4 00 James Jones, 87 06 Zenas Weeks, 64 00 $2216 05 Paid Cities,Towns and Hospitals for Support of Poor. Taunton Lunatic Hospital,for John F. Howland, $214 30 City of Chelsea,Frank Jones, 10 00 << " Sarah S. Russell, 4 jOO " 'Boston, Harriet Bacon, 78 82 « ' Mary .Baker, 52 00 « " Mary Hallett, .54 02 Marion Childs, 4 20 James Camel, 2 00 << '° E. P.Jones, 1 82 Eli Paris, 20 00 New Bedford for Maria George, 58 00 Town of Yarmouth for Timothy Cotelle, 31 17 Sandwich for Lewis Phinney, 34 61 $564 94 State Aid. Charles E. Ellis, $72 00 Helen D. Atkins, 76 00 Barbara hoane, 88 00 Polly Childs, 48, 00 Betsey F. Fish, 48 00 Geo. D. Hart, 126 00 Willard E. Slade, 72 00 -Henry Cook, 36 00 William C. Gifford, 72 00 Daniel B. Snow, 84 00 Temperance Crocker, 48 00 Thos. IV.Jones, 36 00 Elizabeth C.Marshall, 28 00 Mrs. A. H. Young, 48 00 Elizabeth E.Eldridge, 74 00 Mrs. Solomon Otis, 8 00 Isaac Coleman, 120 00 Martha J. Eldridge, 48 01) $1126 00 Miscellaneous. Express, Postage and Stationery, $27 23' Gorham Crosby for entertainment, 3 25 Waterman Wood for care of Town House, 3 00 4: ff for cleaning the same of morter, 2 00 Thos.Nye,F.Ames, and A.Lovell, putting tip Guide Posts, 5 50 A. Lovell for entertainment, 21 00 Alfred Bearse for " 1 50 Paid for clearing Santuit River, 14 40 John B. Baxter damage to carriage, 10 60 Selectmen to Boston, passages, 7 70 ' 3 • Repairing Pound at Marston's Mills, 1 00 For transpoyting paupers to Alms House, 4 00 Bounty on muskrats and woodchucks, 101 85 Paid on verdict, Gardner vs.Town, 900 00 " counsel fees, 110 00 " costs, and witnesses, 69 92 Thomas Nye, Fire Ward, 7 75 Simeon C. Ch.ilds, and others, 13 20 Francis Jenkins, 54 35 Russell Matthews, i0 41 40 A. G. Cash, " 114 72 Chas. C. Crocker, " 92 45 A. D.-Makepeace, 9C 49 88 A. Lovell, C° 7 70 I+:xpenses on strangers, 14 00 Fencing burial grounds at Hyannis, 62 70 " old " Centreville, 36 22 E>ovey& Co., bill of 1875, Hyannis burying ground, 12 00 F. Scudder for the same, 4 00 Ira B. Bacon, C0 2 50 Repairing burying ground fence, Hyannis, 3 50 " " " " West Barnstable, 1 00 Insurance on school houses. 46 87 Brewer& Tileston, bill books, 467 19 Receiving, delivering, and exchanging books, 38 50 Paid Samuel Snow Bill, expenses to Boston, 28 90 J. H. :Frost bill, repairs on hearse, 3 00 It. Eldridge, 3 50 Repairs on guide boards, 31 00 Hearse and liearse house,West Barnstable., 75 00 S. -K. Hopkins, list of conveyances, 15 00 Walter Chipman, " 2 00 Goss &Riehards, bill of printing, 1 121 50 F. H. Eldridge fir entertainment, 31 50 E. N. Lewis, labor, 14.00 J. C. Jones, °' on Town House, 1 30. E. T. Cobb's will, expense of coPe, 3 00 Expense of monument, Sandwich line, 3 75 O. W. Hinckley, Tax. Collector's books, 2 25 Expense of Clara L. Jones, idiotic school, 10 05 investigating pauper settlement, 21 47 E. N. Lewis, bill allowed, 36 00 Thos. Nye, hospital expenses, 25 00 S.Parker& Son., West Barnstable burial ground, 2 42 F. G. I(elley, express, postage, stationery, and paid for re- cording deeds and copying will, 26 34 License fees, 12 50 (7has. .L. Baxter for hearse house, 135 98 JOn:a. Hallett for supplying water District No. 14, 12 00 Expenses Decoration Day, 46 37 $3016 11 Town Officers. Cleo. B. Crocker, Constable, $15 00 Daniel Scudder, School Committee, 1.5 00 H. A. Goodhue, << 49 77 50 4 Asa F.Bearse, School Committee, $15-00' Zemira Kendrick, 11 " 10 00 Simeon L. Ames, " " 10 00 Horace Nickerson, " " 1 50 L. L. Goodspeed, " 10 00 Jos. R. Hall, School Committee, 1874, 11 00 Samuel Snow " " 1875, 10 00 Geo.W.Doane," " 1875, 51 75 Aaron S.Crosby," " 1875, 19 75 Selectmen Surveyors of Highways, and Overseers of the Poor,525 00 Assessors, 330 00 Town Clerk for recording marriages and deaths, 70 40 Undertakers'fees, 24 25 Clark Lincoln, sealer of weights and measures, 5 00 Town Treasurer, 100 00 $1301 15 Repairs on School Houses. No. 1, $2.35 No.16, $274 47 3, 40 66 18, 47 65 6-8-9, 29 69 20, 2 15 10, 11 28 21, 41 02 11, 54 01 Santnit, 29 85 12, 502 63 -- 13, 72 00 $1112 46 15, 4 70 Collector's Fees and Taxes Reniitted. James Cornish collecting taxes, $237 95 Taxes remitted, 175 35 $413 30 —Bills Paid for work on Burying Grounds and Tombs. Freeman Lovell and others Osterville Burying Ground, $68 30 Robinson Weeks & 11 others 1\1arston's Mills Burying Ground, 63 00 Andrew Lovell and 9 others Cotait, `' " 79 80 D.J. Coleman and others bill of fence " " 1.8 04 Andrew Lovell for tomb at Cotait, 133 97 Nathan Crocker and 7 others, East Parish burial grounds, 155 96 Josiah Hinckley, burial grounds, 4 50 Nathan Crocker, tomb at East Barnstable, 357 00 Freeman Lovell,for tomb at Osterville, 367 00 F. G. Kelley for Centreville Buryinlo•Ground, 16 06 $1263 57 Repairs on Roads. Nathan Crocker and 7 O. C. railroad freight,. $7 74 others, $97 80 ;Marshall Rincl:ley, 70 00 C. H. Hinckley, 15 35 Warren Hinckley, 10 00 Josiah Hinck]4, 2 89 John H. Srnith, 59 00 S. G. Hinckley, 6 00 Simeon Childs, 30.00 Loring Crocker, 25 12 J. B. Linnell, 101 60 Nilson Ryder and others, a43 30 John Bowes, 46 00 L. Lewis, 9 80 U. G. Linnell, 18 30 L 5 - D.H. Groce, $6 00. Lorenzo Lewis, $22 20 William T. Bursley& Son, 23 50 A. D.Makepeace, 3 10 L. L. Goodspeed, 13 60 Ira B. Bacon, 7 00 C. Deneen, 2 00 Henry R. Lewis, 14 00 J. H. Holway, 8 00 Elisha Bearse, 3 00 Eben Taylor, 1 40 Frank Handy, 2 00 M.M.Harris, 11 25 F. G. Handy, 12 60 • Francis Jenkins, 5 50 Samuel Hallett,- 12 80 Geo. E.Crocker, 3 75 Jehial Crosby, 20 00 J. T. Hall, 36 30 Orren Kelley, 9 10 Leander Hallett, 9 72 Samuel Nickerson, 1 80 D. Bursley, Jr., 7 00 Wallace Paine, 18 00 James Bursley, it 10 William H. Bearse, 3 80 J. C. Smith and 4 others, 57 00 Asa Stevens, . 18 00 J.Chamberlain, 1 60 John Phinney, 1 60 , Jaynes Smith, 4 00 Oliver B. Jones, 62 80 David Bursley&22 others,440 14 George Hamblin, 17 00 O. C. Railroad, 2 35 John Cornish, 20 00 Ii. F. Loring and 4 others,164 20 Reuben Jones and boy, 16 15, James Doherty, 31 40 Williain E.Bearse, 7 80 William Dixon and son, 17 25 Horace Sturges, 3 10 Turner Hinckley, 6 00 Gorham Crosby. 80 90 James Otis, 23 60 Andros Bearse, '2 40 J. P. Crowell, 15 30 Nelson Fish, 38 S. Bodfish and son, 2 40 David Linnell, 5 00 E. C. Stiff, 6 50 Jonathan Wiley's heirs, 1 24 L. S. Jones, 12 00 Nelson Bearse and sons, 242 16 Sarrnuel HoNves, 3 60 Oliver Crosby, 47 88 B. F. Crocker, 5 00 Wilson Crosby, 20 00 Noah Brad-or 1, 3 63 Jaynes S. Macy, 12 00 Chas. E. .Hi tick]ey, 1 20 Abner Jones, 4 70 ` Marshall Hinckley, 47 93 .Howard C. Goodspeed, 39 62 William Ormsby, 6 37 Chas Goodspeed, 29 50 Henry G. Lumbert, 21 80 Thos.Jones, Jr., Ss others, 33 75 - John Hines, 79 86 Josiah Lumbert, 10 93 Patrick Gleason, 10 55 Wm. Childs, 14 00 Marcus Gardner, 9 90 Zemira Kendrick, 26 00 James Canary, 264 10 DavidJ.Coleman&Others, 231 10 Rassell Lewis, 21 50 William A.Coleman, 71 26 Martin Lanane, , 16 72 Nathan A. Jonesand son, 79 20 Hebert-Srniith, 70 Hercules Jones, 13 80 James.Edwards & Co., 59 82 Geo. N. Goodspeed, 21 80 Richar:l,Eldridge, 186 77 Waterman Wood, bridge, 2 40 Ru;aell Marston, 1 25 James West, 83 60 Eli Hinckley, 1 00 Freeman L. Scudder, 65 60 J. li. & B. Sears, 5 25 John Bates for loam, 4 00 James Crosby, 1875, 8 00 Jas. Edmond, drain pipe, 21 50 Jiffs. Lewis for loam; 1.865, 10 00 David Jones, 1 00 Geo. N. Goodspeed, 1 60 Edward Gifford and sons, 165 24 Bennett W. Cammett and Reuben West, 31 20 sons, 146 6.5 Clarendon Crocker, 32 00 Sarni Nickerson for rail- Alfred Bearse, 14 00 ing and labor, 18 63 Frank Cammett; 8 00 John C.FSshforca.rtingdo., 50 Simeon L. Ames, 16 87 lienelern W. Baker, 18 00 Prentiss Marston for Loam, 2 00 Gilbert C. Nickerson, 49 38 Leander W. Nickerson, 22 25 G . Joel Hamblin, $3 00 Horace C. Fish, $22 25 llalph Meiggs, 60 Chas.F. Green, 56 80 Seth Rich for loam, 2 00 Chas.G. Green, 34 20 Ansel B.Fuller, 10 00 Erastus Scudder for Loam, 6 00 David Gardner,. 5 80 Geo. H. Landers, 46 62 John B. Lovell, 26.05 Simeon L. Leonard&oth- Chas.H.Baker, 23 50 ers, 174 33 Hiram Crocker, 45 01 Abram L. Coleman, 9100 Gilbert F. Crocker, 10 50 Scott Scudder, 9 55 Asa Jenkins, 41 00 James P. Crosby, 5 20 Heman Thomas, 8 00 Warren Cammett, 5 00 Geo. Thomas, 16 00 Robert Evans and sou, ' 10 00 Henry F. Hamblin, 16 00 David C. Lewis, 60 Orrin S. Crosby, 4 00 A. Lovell, 33 50 rhomas Nye, 37 70 Leander W. Nickerson, for Edwin F. Howland, 10 00 Loam, 6 00 Nathaniel Howland, 28 50 Luther Hinckley for Loam, 9 20 Eleazer Ellis, 4 00 Jas. Lewis and 4 others for Nelson W. Crocker, 16 00 Loam, 12 80 Wilson Crocker, 4 00 Chas. C. Jenkins, 160 50 Alex.H. Crocker, 4 00 Ellis Jenkins, 48 00 Thomas Lewis, 16 55 �— Calvin Hamblin, 12 00 $5699.46 Chas. E. Hinckley, 7 00 New Roads and Roads per Contract. L. S Jones, $36 00 William T.Bursley & Son, 36 00 WilliamDiaon and son, 153 00 J. S. Taylor, 16 60 J. H. Blossom, 30 75 Ellis Jenkins, 55 00 C. C. Jenkins, 172 50 Edwin Fish, 3 50 EI, F. Loring, 123 50 Harrison Fish, 76 00 J.H. Jenkins and Son, 59 10 H. W. Fish, 14-60 J. C. Jones, 18 00 Francis Jenkins&7 others, 205 25 W.Bursley, 91 00 Lenmel S. Jones, 9 00 Josiah Hinckley, 48 32 Wing& Swift, contract, 50 00 M. M. Nye and others, 17 07 Gilbert C. Nickerson. and John.Bassett and Son, 44 07 others, contract, 327 00 O. C. 11 ailroad 19 49 L. L. Goodspeed, for plank James Edmond &Co., 162 60 for bridge, 8 00 Crocker Blossom, 30 00 Chas. C. Beause, posts and J. C.•Smith and 4 others, 72 00 plank for bridge, 26 38 Henry Bodfish, 22 00 Owen M. Jones, labor on S.N.Howland, 4 00 bridge, 3 00 Fred.Parker, 29 20 Simeon C. Childs, contract, 16 50 David Crocker, 11 00 A. Lovell, labor on'road Asa Jenkins, 43 00 and bridge, 7 00 James Bursley, 23 50 .Russell Matthews, 6'75 W. H. Crocker, 20 60 C. L. Bassett 2 00 Thomas W. Jones, 9 60 Win. .H. Parker, 7'20 William Chipman, 28 00 Chas. C. Jones, 16 00 John Hinckley, 6 00 P. C. Blossom, 16 00 Freeman Taylor, 3 87 Chas. E. Jenkins, 25 50 W.E.Fish, 4 60 Henry R. Lewis, 22 00 Nathan.Smith, 7 00 J. K. & B. Sears, 7 65 Edmund Crocker and Son, 15 00 H. R. Crocker, 20 00 $2320 30 L. L. Goodspeed; 38 60 7 , Land Damages. Henry W. Rogers, $111 50 Fred'k P.Jones, $125 00 Samuel Nickerson, 200 00 Thomas Jones Jr., 146 00 $632 50 Jaber C.Jones, 50 00 Snow Bills. Edward Gifford and 19 others, $19 80 %eras Kendrick and " 20 80 Jarnes West and " 26 02 S. L. Leonard and " 9 60 J. D.Coleman and 18 " 56 80 Tliomas Nye, 1 00 Wilson Ryder and 18 " 14 92 J. C. Smith and 9 " 33 30 C. C. Jenkins and 8 " 23 40 Leander Elallett and 33 " 36 65 Francis Jenkins and 22 " 40 6.5 H. F. Lorin-and 20 others, 30 40 A. D. Makepeace and 10 " 15 85 Henry .11. Lewis and 10 " 13 45 Nelson Bearse and " 28 65 U.G. Linnell and 6 " 7 60 Wm. Hamblin and 1 other, 4 40 J. B. Linnell and 3 others, 1. 80 Jarnes Canary and 4 " 34 40 $419 49 Receipts. Cash in Treasury Feb. 14, 1876, $684T 06 Peddlars' Licenses, 30 00 .Alms I{onse meadow and pasture, 20 50 Sale of a•rass on Pond Meadow, 21 50 Lease of laud at Nest Barnstable, 4 00 Herring fishing-at Marston's Mills, .55 00 State Tax for 1876, 2808 00 Town Tax for 1876, 21218 10 Non-Residence Bank Tax, 304 50 " " ,Corn. Bank Tax, 18 90 Corporation Tax for 1876, 2479 13 Nat. Bank .4 " " 3853 63 State Aid for 1875, 1246 00 Do-Fund, 168 98 Income from School Fund, 268 11 Town of Sandwich for sehoolina Thos. Harlow's children, 42 00 Town of Mastrpee f'or schooling Wm.H. Simon's children, 10 50 A. D. Makepeace for grass, 1 73 Caroline Crocker for lease of land, 50 Mrs. S. Smith, 8 00 .James Stevens, 7 00 Phillip I-1. Robinson, 25 Sarah Srnith, 36 36 M. Mahar for grass, 2 00 Town _Map, 15 Interest received, 5 25 $39:457 15 g . Expenditures. Paid on school orders, $9532 78 Interest, 412 80 Collector's fees, 237 95 Taxes remitted, 175 35 State tax, 2808 00 Non-resident bank tax, 384 33 Repairs on school houses, 1112 46 Cities,towns and hospitals, 564 94 New roads, 2320 30 Land damages, 632 50 Support of poor in Alms House, 2087 65 [f " 11 town and out of Alms House, 2216 05 Snow bills, 419 49 Town officers, 1301 15 Repairs on roads and bridges, - 5699 46 State aid, 1126 00 Miscellaneous, 3016 11. Burial Grounds and Tombs, 1263 57 $35,310 89 Financial Condition of the Town. DR. Due Individuals on Loans, $2500 00 44 on School Money, 3249 01 << on Road orders, 210 50 Balance in favor of the Town, 28 21 $5987 72 CR. Cash in Treasury, $4146 26 State-Aid due from State, 1142 00 Corporation and Bank Tax dLke from State, ` 699 46 $5987 72 ANDREW LOVELL, ) Selectmen L. L. GOODSPEED, } of ZENAS E. CRO«'ELL,)Barnstable. Barnstable, Feb.'15th, 1877. 1 Expenses of the Town of Barnstable For the Year Ending February 16, 1878, Expenses'at Alias House. Wm D Holmes, supplies, $15 49 Dr J M Smith, medical, $39 50 Grafton L Bassett, " 3 10 Frederick Parker,supplies,112 34 ' S N Howland, " 4 34,J C Jones, labor, 13,88 Charles Gray, smith work, 26 77 E F Crocker,labor, 6 00 R Matthews, coffins;' 40 00 Ellis Jenkins, 45 50 Seth Parker k Son, .sup- J W Holway, " 8 00 plies, 337 39 J W Hig• ins, supplies, 103 65 Seth L Goodspeed supplies, 4 00 D M Seaburv, 3 67 'Charles Crocker, " 103 05 John Hinckiey, " l 65 Conti. Church, rental, 12 00 J C.Smith, labor, 4 30 , Freeman Taylor, supplies, 4 83 Wm T Bursley & Sons, la- -L L Goodspeed, " ;.04 00 bor, 8 90 Winslow &Myrick, '" 86 03 Asa Jones, supplies, 26 55 Perry,Cook R Tower,sup Charles C Jenkins, labor, , 5 00 plies, 27 93 O NI Jones for horse, 166 00 Geo Viles,supplies, 49 00 Z S Marston, supplies, 6 25 J S Howes, 3 00 A Lovell, 11 2 5.5 Howes,Crocker&Co.,sup-. H B Chace & Sous, coal ' , ' plies, 72 54 and grain 215 41 Henry Bodfish, labor, 1 00 A GG Cash's bill clothes Geo A Stone, trees, 26 50 wringer, &c., i 00 Eben Smith;,coal, 7 69 Geo J Miller, Clothing for Charles Crocker, salary, 350 00 inmates, 4 50 O C R R Co, transporta- Digging °'rave' for Sally tion, 19 61 Burges,y 2 00 F.G Kelley, supplies. 2 12 J A Bassett,bill. 2 10 Washington Bursley, sup- — plies, 20 13 $2099 27 Snppo.rt of Poor in Town and out of Alois Honse. Geo Savory, $45 47 .John A Lewi,;, $121 25 John W Lewis, 194 75 Susan Bassett, 53 00 Emily G Hallett, 64 82 Jolin P Sylvester's family, 108 09 Ann Ames, 55 00 Mrs Sullivan Bearse, 40 00 , O B Backus, 15 00 " Nancy C Paine, 32 93 Elma Allen, 68 00 " John Lenan, 62 50 Jaynes Jones, 85 46 Nancy Bacon, 54 35 Eliza Crocker, 70 28 Charles H Poole, 5 00 Samuel S Lovell, 42 20 Mrs Emelinc;Bearse, 54 7.5 Rebecca R Jones, 12 50 Jabez Baxter and wife, 78,50 Ann Burlingame, 35 00 William E Bearse, 3 75 Zenas Weeks, coffin, 17 50 William C Kelley's child, 10 00 Sophronia Goodspeed, 60 62 Allen Hallett, 2d, 10 00 2 Martha Coleman, $17 00 Mrs Louis Jones, $24 12 Eunice M Lovell, 30 00 Philander Cathcart and wife,53 40 James R Jones, 4 32 Mahala Bliss, 5 00 Arcs E Lewis, 104 00 Seth Hallett and wife, 100 06. -J W Marston, 169 75 Thomas Linnell, 32 00 Mercv O Hinckley, 104 00 Elliott Lewis' child, 31 61 Charles Young, 22 00 Oren B Bearse and wife, 48 00 William Poole, 69 31 Jonathan Hallett and wife, 54 00 Samutl Cobb, 10 00 Mrs Mary Baker, 8 00 Wm,Hinckley, 13 00 " Henrietta Thayer, 9 75 Susan Gannon, 13 00 Daniel W Linnell, 1 50. J M Holway, 45 16 Nellie G Bearse burial ex- L M Allyn, 5 00 penses, .20 00' Geo Young, 9 00 Mrs Jane Hamblin, 2.93 L C Drury, 28 80 Watson Holmes, 5 50 Charles Baxter, 12 25 — Mrs Betsey Hodge, 70 32 $2582 86 Mary T Bearse, 59 42 Paid Cities,Towns and Hospitals for Support of Poor. Taunton Lunatic, Hospital, John F Howland, $196 45 City of Chelsea,Frank Jones, 4 00 Cambridge, Eli Paris, 75 57 Boston, Harriet Bacon, 77 18 " Mary Baker, 52 00 " - Mary Hallett, 53 02 Eliphalet P Jones, 1 82 " " Eva M Jones, - 5 00 " " Thomas P Baxter, 6 00 Z� " James Camrell. - 31 28 Town of Sandwich for Lewis Phinuey, 57 54_ " Nantucket for Cordelia Whelden and family, 1876, 22 61 49 Yarmouth for Martha Bearse, 1876, 1877, 30 03 City of New Bedford, Maria George, 1876, 55 00 14 Taunton, Emma Snow and two children, 32 07 Town of Nantucket for Cordelia Whelden and family, 1877, 12 43 64 " for William Merton and wife, lk7, 49 33 Brewster for Ruth Spindle and family, 52 79 $814 03 State Aid. Chas E Ellis, $72 00 Mrs Elizabeth E Eldridge,$48 00 William C Gifford, 72 00 Isaac Coleman, 84 00 Willard E Slade, 72 00 Martha J Eldridge, 48 00 Barbara Doane, 96 00 Helen D Atkins, 48 00 Betsey F Fish, 48 00 Geo D Hart, 84 00 Temperance Crocker, 48 00 Henry Cook, 36 00 E C Marshall, 48 00 Daniel B Snow, 84 00 Mrs A H Young, 48 00 - Thomas W Jones, 36 00 $972 00 3 1Vliscellaneons. Goss .fit Richards,printing, $154 50 J L Fairbank &Co., books and stationery,. 15 88 George B Crocker, constable, 28 00 A E Lovell, list of conveyances, 15 00 Walter Chipman, " 2 00 J Q A Richardson,guide board, 8 .00 J C Smith, `: 3 00 R Matthews, " and bin, 5 25 Freeman Taylor, " 3 75 O W Hinckley,tax books, 2 50 Charles W Hanson, emigrant Agent, 26 00 E H Eldridne,Entertainment, 9 00 D C Crocker, repairs of pump, 8 13 Charles Gray, cemetery bates W B, 2 20 F A Nye, ` " 4 00 0 C R R Co., 4975 J C Smith, " and IJ house,, 10 51 J C Jones, 7 00 Miller Brothers, " '4 " 4 50 Smith Ii Hopkins, tax matters, 10 00 L L Go6dspeed, cash paid, pauper and other expenses, 25 06 a to postage (( cc 6 00 Bounty paid on woodchucks and muskrats, 36 40 David Crocker, labor on cemetery gates, 1 00 Express and postage, 5 70 O C Railroad Co. for iron, 2 58 Geo W Duane, school books furnished, 14 71 Patrick Gleason, putting up tramps, 13 50 Samuel Snow, expense on " , 50 B F Crocker& Co for 1975 brick, 23 70 carting brick, 4 50 " lumber for well and carting same, �4 44 ; Charles C Crocker, fire ward, 37 80 A G Cash, " 33 15, A D Makepeace, 51 25 Simeon Chiids, 2 20 Two buckets and gin for well, 3 50 Rope " 80 Watering tub, and putting chain to buckets, 2 25 James Blagden, smith work, 50 John C Crocker,repairing pound, 1 00- Robert Williams, °` guide board, 25 Bounty on muskrats and woodchucks, 19 60 Expenses Clara L Jones, idiotic school, 1.3 43 " Overseers of poor, going to NarwiCh, 1 80 " Assessors going to Boston, 10 25 Stamps and stationery, 5 54 Express, 25 Waterman Wood, care of Town House, 5 00 Joseph Collins, damage to carriage, 1 00 Alfred Bearse, entertainment, 4 00 Andrew Lovell, " 9 70 4 Secretary of State for blank register, $2 00 John Q A Richardson;guide boards, 1 50 Thomas Lewis, bill digging well Town House, 39 91 Making deed land for road purposes, 1 00 Printiss Marston, land, 10 00 James West, fire ward, 39 00 Joshua H. Ryder, painting guide boards, 7' Bouutv on woodchucks and muskrats, 18 00 J E Sherman, repairs burying-ground fence at Hyannis, 1 50 L G Baker and A Lovell, ii. > ". Cotuit, 3 25 Tax titles to land at Hyannis Port, ill 15 Record books for Cobb Fund, 3 00 Liquor license, 12 50 Decoration, , 44 50 Recording deed, 1 45 Undertaker's fees, 17 00 Recording births, marriages and deaths, 59 40 Insurance on school-house West Barnstable, 7 60 Postage, express, monument, Sic, 20 50 i Loss on bad money, 3 00 Schoolbooks, 200 00 $1268 34 Paid Town Officers. Nathan Edson, School Committee. 1875, $10 00 Andrew Lovell, °° " 17 50 Simeon L Ames, " °° 17 50 Daniel Scudder, " " 10 00 Newton I Jones, " ` 10 25 Zemira Kendrick, " " 1876, 15 00 Aaron S Cresbv, " °' 19 75 Obed Baxter, Constable, 1876, 6 00 Geo W DOane,.School Committee, 1876, 1877, 108 50 Nathan Crocker, " " " " 20 00 Obed Baxter, Dog Constable, 1876, 6 00 Andrew Lovell,L L Goodspeed and Z E Crowell, Selectmen; Overseers of the Poor, Sic., 570 00 Assessors Bills, 330 00 Town Treasurer, 100 00 C Lincoln, sealer of weights and measures, 5 00 H A Goodhue, School Committee, 151 27. F E Cleaves, " " 41 50 $1438 27 Repairs on School Houses. Zemira.Kendrick, for No 9, $6 00 H A Goodhue, " 6, 1 60 Aaron S Crosby, " 20, 15 02 Jehiel R Crosby, " 14, 3 34 ' 5 ` Luther G Baker, and others, Santuit, $4 77 Alexander G Cash, " No 11,' 9 26 Daniel Scudder, " 4,- 4 75 Nathan Edson, " 1, la 30 F E Cleaves, " 13, 4 65 H A Goodhue, " 10, 33 62 B,F Crocker, " 17, 18, 137 •36 Geo W Doane, 39 52 Nathan Crocker, " 3, 147 54 A Lovell, Santuit, 1 60 $421 33 Collector's Fees and Taxes Remitted. Obed Baxter, collecting taxes, $167 87 James Cornish, " . and remitted, 68 29 (gybed Baxter, taxes remitted, 38 46 $274 62 Burial Grounds and Tombs. Freeman Lovell, for Tomb at Osterville, $30 38 Robinson Weeks,for Burial Ground at Marston's Mills, 7 33 . Samuel Snow,for Tomb at Hyannis, 400 00 J M Fisher, 4 West Barnstable, 18 00 N Crocker and 3 others, labor on Burial Grounds, Barnstable, 95 88 J I3 Smith, . for Tomb at West Barnstable, 325 00 J W Macy, " " 19 00 Enoch Robinson, " " " 19 00 Charles Gray, . " " 10 80 J C Smith, " " 3 50 J C Jones, 1 75 $930 64 Repairs on Roails. James Edmunds & Co, $9 45 Dennis Gleason, $19 68 Reuben Childs, 9 96 Z E Crowell, 6 25 ' Joseph E Sherman, 20 80 Isaiah B Unnell, �78 74 Daniel McKenly, 6 79 Ira B Bacon and Sons, 9 75 John J Bowes, 174 87 John Buckley, 32 73 John Hines, 15 25 David Back, 1 65 Martin Lenan, 15 01 Richard Eldridge. 186 06 Charles Norris, 10 00 Marshal i Hinckley, 63 59 Marcus Gardner, 10 50 Nelson Bearse and Sons, 255 51 Charles Eldridge, 2 79 Gorham Crosby, " 113 00 Patrick'Gleason, 24 04 Reuben Jones, 18 50 James Kanary, 231 41 John Cornish, 28 70 O C Railroad, 3 61 Nelson H Fish,, 6 77 Fiske & Coleman, 30 29 George Jones, 14 24 6 Frederick Childs, $14 70 Asa Jenkins, $28 00 Oliver B Jones, 7 00 Crocker Blossom, 11 25 Frederick Weaver, 77. J H Blossom, 9 50 Jehial Crosby, 6 00 J Chamberlain, 2 00 Oliver Crosby, 7 55 James Bursley, 34 65 William E Bearse, 1 70 Harrison Fish, 24 50 Jacob Lovell, 1 50 J C Smith and Son, 45 38 Simeon Childs, 6 45 S Bodfish and Son, 21 00 Andros BeAse, 11 32 Francis Jonas, 16 62 A Lewis, 5 00 C H Conant, 17 93 Jaynes Lewis, 5 52 Oliver Holmes, 1 00 F G Kelley, 6 62 Samuel Howes, 8 75 Wilson Crosby's heirs, 2 20 P C Blossom, 16 50 George F Weaver, •4 88 Henry Bodfish, 8 75 John 1-1 Smith, •16 90 J H Holway, 17 37 William Ormsby, 72 30 Nelson Phinney, 13 50 B F Crocker&Co, 77 93 Josiah Hinckley, 50 16 Asa Hallett,• 11 00 John Bassett, 29 60 Henry R Lewis and others, 94 94 Leander Hallett, 22 51 U G Liunell, 24 68 E+' G Hale, 38 82 G H Bearse, 1 75 Eliphalet Lorin.-, 10 06 . . E H Crocker and son, 36 87 Charle. Lewis, 7 00 William Chipman, 60 Nathaniel Crocker, 6 00 Ellis Jenkins, 55 12 11 F Loring, 49 88 William T Bursley and son, 72 77 C H Hinckley, 10 50 E H Eldridge, 4 00 Charles L Bassett, 2 10 Wilson Ryder and others, 4 70 Geo B Crocker, 1 75 J C Jones, 12 71 C B Fish, 7 00 James Smith, 6 00 John Hinckley 2d, 18 00 Nathan Smith, 4 50 Thomas Nye, 37 73 D M Groce, 2 00 James 8 Macy, 14 53 Loring Crocker, 24 88 George A Macy, 5 25 E N Lewis, 6 82 Calvin Hamblin and Ansel L L Goodspeed, 17 17 E Fuller, 22 05 Washington Bursley, 75 87 L N Hamblin, 3 50 John Rogers, 2 20 Thomas Lewis, 15 38 Lemnel S Jones, 4 08 Charles E Hinckley, 1 78 Nathan Crocker, 028 88 E P Howland, 13 00 David Crocker, 4 50 Nelson W Crocker, 8 58 _ Asa Jones, 19 24 Charles A Braley, 14 00 J H Paine, 8 05 Fisk&Coleman, for Drain Charles C Jenkins, 165 75 Pipe, 16 75 James Doherty, 15 25 Nath'1 Howland,rep.bridge, 6 50 O C R R Co, 2 22 William A Coleman, 13 45 Simeon Doane, 24 66 Simeon L Leonard and son, 45 21 N Edson and 20 others, 271 61 James West, 90 47 J H Jenkins, 26 34 Freeman L Scudder, 117 77 Geo W Bursley, 13 12 H Nelson Lewis, 5 43 J T Hall, 31 70 Frederick P.Jones, 19 25 Gorham Hallett and five James D Hallett, 7 00 'others, 140 67 Edmund.Hamblin, 14 00 Eben Taylor, 14 03 Orrin 1-1 Uecarta, 7 00 Francis Jenkins, 41 60 James H Crocker, 7 00 Fiske &Coleman, 15 00 E C Hamblin, - . 14 00 7 ' B F Crocker S, Co.; bill, William Childs, $30 97 , joist for railing, R26 97 Geo li Landers, 51.54 Labaav T Sturgis, 8 14 Edgar Lovell, 29 22 Reuben West, 34 30 Charles L Baxter, 29 23 Clarendon Crocker, 33 08 Chas G'and Chas F Green, 47 42 James P Crosby, 17 67 John C Fish, 24 03 David J. Coleman, 134 60 Ansel B Fuller, 13 74 Nathan A Jones and son, 36 25 Charles Goodspeed, 12 86 B W Cammett and sons, 63 63 Simeon L Ames, labor and George N Goodspeed, 10 50 loam, 130 56 Hercules JoneG, 4 38 E B Hinckley and others Charles C Bearse, stock for for loam, 12 80' railing and'bridge, 22 37 Asa Jenkins, 40 25 Thomas Jones Jr, 7 50 Charles C Jenkins, 53 00 Calvin Hamblin, 6 00 Ellis Jenkins, 29 75 Daniel Scudder, 4 00 R B.freight.on drain pipe, 3 33 Jaynes Lewis for loam 1876, 10 00 Luther G Baker for railiug, 5.40 Joseph W Scudder, °f 4 00 Ezra J Hobson, 9 60 Zemira Kendrick and others,5 95 Isaac C Sturges, 25 20 Sydney Smitn,• 10 00 Shubael NJckerson, 2 00 Geo Fisher, Seth Rich and Ezra J Gifford, 55 54 others f'or loam, 26 00 Seth Nickerson, drain pipe, 5 50 Edward Gifford and Sons, 291 87 Andrew Lovell, 51 75 Gilbert C Nickerson, 77 43 Chas E Phinuey f'or sods, 4 00 Gilbert F Crocker and Son,104 00 Geo Coombs, 7 00 Josiah Lambert, 22 22 -- A and A F Bea.rse, 103 51 $5702 30 New Roads and gio4ds per Contract. Horace C Fish, $15 55 Ben"j Lovell,road&bridge,$73 58 Frank Cammett, 37 09 William R Sturgis, 50 50 Chas. C Bearse,for railing, 13 97 Heman Thomas, 32 62 Gilbert C Nickerson 52 79 Paid for Drain Pipe, 12.00 Edward Gifford and sons, 27 75 Thomas W Jones, 60 71 George H Landers, 11 55 D C Crocker, 1 58 Simeon L Ames, 11 57 L L Goodspeed, 7 00 Charles F Green, 6 6Q John Hinckley 2d, 7 37 Abner Linuell, railing, 1 00 E H Eldridue, 7 00, Asa F Bearse, 34 00 J 13 Jenkins, 13 20 Andrew Lovell, 38 00 Francis Jenkins, 13=39 Howard C Goodspeed, -24 99 Simeon Taylor, 30 58 Benj S Crocker, bridge and Edmund Crocker and.son, 9.62 road, 954 58 Washington Burslev, 10 50 Gifford and Ames, 107 32 C E Jenkins, 3 50 Ja,s West and F L Scudder; 61 15 John flo ers, 1 75 Coleman and Cammett, 155 45 J H Paine, 13 13 David Haskell for bridge, 100 00 L L Goodspeed (filling at Charles L Baxter, railing Cotuit,) 25 00 and stock, 45 00 ----- Hiram Crocker for posts, 10 60 $1471 99 i 8 • Land Taken for Roads. Fred Rogers, $.32 00 H S Crosby, $40 00 Albert Rogers, 119 00 James Parker's estate, 10 00 Geo H Hinckley,Executor, 25 00 — -- . Oliver H Crocker, 25 00 $291 00 C W Crosby, 40 00 Snow Bills. •Washington Bursley, $1 65 Charles C Jenkins, $6 00 P C Blossom, 1 60 Wm Hamblin and 8 others, 8 50 H F Loring and 27 others, 36 20 Richard Eldridge and 14 E G Hale, 2 40 others, 12 50 Harrison Fish, 8 00 James Kanary and 7 others,17 9,0 S Percival, 3 00 U G Linnell ;( 10 " 9 20 ' J R Arey, 60 A D Makepeace and C4 14 40 R Marston, 60 E B Bearse, 70 E F Crocker and son, 2 40 Nelson Bearse and others, 18 00 P Kabeney, 6 40 Henry R Lewis &9 " 1.5 60 Frank Fish, 2 90 Noah Bradford, 1 60 J T.Jones, 1 70 Alonzo H Weeks, 2 00' Barney Crocker, 2 40 Thomas Jones and others, 20 35 Edward Crocker, 3 20 David J Coleman " 42 50 N Edson and 33 others, 26 07 Thomas Nye and 6 others, 21 10 J C Smith and 8 others, 32 60 Edward Gifford& 16 (( 12 50 Francis Jenkins and 24 A F Bearse and team, 2 00 others, 65 33 'William Childs, 2 80 Edwin Fish, -2 60 Zemira Kendrick &others, 18 81 • Leander Hallett&40 others,60 43 Gilbert C Nickerson f( 1 12 J H Holway, 3 20 A Lovell and 4 C° 5 22 L L Goodspeed, 3 20 Simeon L Ames, 80 Frederick Percival, 2 50 Waterman Wood&3 others.10 00 Sylvauus Jones, 4 80 Chas E Hinckley, 4 50 Henry W Fish, 2 40 Joseph Folger, 3 60 John R Wilson, 2 00 S L.Leonard and others, 3 80 William T Bursley and Sons,5 00 James West a 35 68 Ellis Jenkins, 4 60 ---- C B Fish, 3 60 $585 36 George B Crocker, 2 80 ' Receipts. Cash in the Treasury,Feb. Charles H Nye for soil, $2 50 15. 1877, $4446 22 Salt Grass, 2 00 Peddlers' Licenses, 40 00 Liquor Fund, 100 00 Alms House and Pound State.Tax; 1877, 2340 00 meadows and pasture, 49 00 Town Tax, 23052 60 Barrels, 2 00 Non-resident bank tax, 334 9.5 Cow,. 47 25 `' Coin. f{ 20 79 Lease of land W Barnstable, 2 00 Corporation Tax, 2647 21 Herring fisheries, M Mills, 55 00 .Nat. bank tax, 4286 82 From other Towns, 10 00 :State Aid, 1876, 1139 67 For drain pipe, 1 96 Dog Fund, 149 31 9 School Fund, $238 44 Mr.Parker, $425 00 Town Maps, 50 Interest, 20 70 From the estate of Jos A Davis, 300 00 $39,413 39 Expenctitures. School orders, $11,437 92 Support of poor in town Interest, . 429 24 and out of Alms House,2582 86 State tax, 2340 00 Snow bills, 585 36 Collectors' fees and taxes Town Officers, 1,438 27 remitted, 274 62 Repairs on roads and Non-resident Nat. bank bridges, 5702 30 tax, 363 65 State aid, 972 00 Repairs on school-house, 421 33 Burial ground and tombs, 930 64 Cities, towns& hospitals, 814 03 Miscellaneous, 1268 34 New roads, 1471 99 Outstanding road orders Land damages, 291 00 1876, 210 50 Support of poor in Alms House, 2099 27 $33,633 32 Financial Condition of the Town. Dot. Due on Loans, $2800 00 11 School Money, 1698 84 Balance in favor of the Town, 2269 23 $6768 07 CR. Cash in Treasury, $4227 47 State Aid due from State, 988 00 Due from Obed Baxter,Collector of Taxes, 1552 60 $6768 07 ANDREW L' Selectmen Selectmen L.L. GOODSPEED, of ZENAS E. CROWELL, Barnstable, Barnstable, Feb. 16th, 1878. j � 3�� � R r t EXPENSES OF THE Town of Barnissitable, FOR THE YEAR ENDING FEBRUARY 14, 1879. i, BARNSTABLE: PATRIOT STEAM PRINTING} ESTABLISHMENT. 1879. 2 Mrs. Martha Bearse, $41 00 Eunice M.Lovell,supplies,$104 00 Mrs.Louis Jones, 56 45 Sophrouia Goodspeed, sup., 65 00 L. C.Drury's family, 13 65 Emily G. Hallett, supplies, 52 05 Dr.Sprinaer,medical attend. Samuel S. Lovell, " 53 93 Mrs. E. W. Lewis, 5 00 Joins W.Lewis, " 152 93 Samuel Cobb, supplies, 18 17 Eliza Crocker, " 64 10 Mrs.J.W.Marston,supplies, 96 00 Reuben West, " 27 00 Susan Gannon, supplies, 19 25 Burial expenses Chas.Good- Dr.Sprinrer,med.at'nd.do., 42 00 speed, 2 00 Merev O.Hinckley,suppl's, 104 00 Dr.Clement,medical attend. Mrs.E.Lewis, supplies, 52 00; Daniel Linnell, 1877, 8 00 Mrs. L.M. Allyn, supplies, 15 00 Dr.Clement,do.,J.W.Lewis, 46 00 Wm.Pool, supplies 1877-8, 20 68' " " Ilea. West, 21 25 J. Al. Holway, supplies, 97 00 " " James Jones, 5 00 J, ljn B. Holway, supplies, 17 00 George Savory, supplies, 48 44 Dr. Smi:li. medical attend., Elmer Allen, " 68 00 George,Young, 19 75 James Jones, " 79 03 Win. Hinckley, supplies, 44 00 -- Martha 6%oleman, " 61 25 $2571 25 PaiJ Citic--s, 'roc) ns -tnd Flospit.tis for sutpport oi' Poor. Paid CA,'Y of New Bedford, Maria George, $53 00 cc t cc '4 cc George Watson 1 00 4, 1 " Taunton, Jesse Snow and family, 52 11 Tow a of Middleboro',Nancy F. Hamblin, 182 22 OL !. " Yarmouth, Martha Bearse, 18 00 Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Joseph G. Loring,Jr., 15 80 Toujn of Nantucket, William Nfo•ton and Wife, 41 97 I Tauu,ton Hospital, John F. Howland, 199 55 "' " Sarah Webb, 65 55 Danvers Lunatic Hospital, Effie Ilamlin, 68 50 Town of Lakeville, John B. I3olwa% 68 78 City of Boston, Harriet Bacon, 78 00 i a° " Mary Baker, 5 00 " " James Camrel, 10 00 " " Mary Hallett, 62 13 " " Thomas P. Baxter, 1 38 " 49 Henry W. Rogers, 3 38 " " ' George Smith, 5 00 Town of Sandwich, Lewis Phinney, 41 30 $962 67 Sta.tc, -Aid. Paid Martha J.Eldridole, $48 00 Paid Henry P. Cool:, $36 00 Elizabeth E. Eldridge, 48 00 Isaac Coleman, 78 00 Helen D. Atkins, 48 00 John Q. A.Adams, .52 00 Daniel B. Snow, 84 00 Lorenzo C. Drury, 66 50 George D. Hart, 72 00 %iba Ellis, 50 00 Expenses at Alms House. Obed Baxter, for cow, $27 00 Freeman Taylor,painting, $14 05 H. B. Chase& Sons, coal Josiah Hinckley, lumber, 3 12 and grain, 195 68 Wm. D. Holmes, 4 38 Cesspool for sink, 87 D. M. Seabury, 17 19 Dorr, Loring Ss Co., 70 86 Henry N. Swift, supplies, 1OPP, O. C.11 R., freight bills, 4 47 Dr. Doane, consultation,-' 2 00 Phinney & Edson,supplies, 202 73 Josiah C.Jones, carpeu�ir, 11 00 Geo.Viles, 30 00 Asa Jones, supplies, - , 12 25 Charles Crocker, salary, 350 00 Seth Parker&Son,supplies, 63 10 Fish &Crowell, 2 66 Ellis Jenkins, labor, 63 00 Nelson Scudder,pew rent, Frederick Parker, supplit s, 124 98 W.Barnstable Church, 12 00 S. N. Howland, " ! 14 46 Dr.F.H.Jenkins,med.att., 9 50 Chas. C.Jenkins, " 2 00 Charles Gray, smith work, Washington Bursley, " 16 50 1877-78, 39 36 Dr. Smith, medical attend- 44 50 J. W. Ili—ins, supplies '77, 18 00 Charles Crocker, suppliee; 77 70 Chas.1-1.Nye,cow, 40 00 J.W.Holway,treason wo;-k, 7 00 Geo. S. Saunders & Co., 3 50 - Walker &Pratt, -rate,etc., 6 90 51615 43 Winslow,Pared&Co.,sup- ; plies, 21 75 ,N Lip&DOY•t of]Poor- in 'Down, and out of Alms House_ Paid Mrs.Betsey .Hodge, $65 50 Mrs. liaria Bearse, $18 00 J.P.Sylvester's family' 22 78 Mrs. Mary T. Bearse, .51 30 Dr.Pitcher's bill, J. P. Syl- Seth Hallett, 100 00 vester's family, 1877-8, 50 00 _Mrs. Erneline Bearse, 14 00 Orren B. Bearse, 96 00 Mrs. Sullivan Bearse, 52 00 Littleton Carpenter,medical Mrs. Nancy Bacon, 45 00 attend. and burial exp's, 16 00 Watson Holmes, 13 00 Mary Lenane, 9 75 Lazarus Cathcart, 19 50 Dr.Pineo, surgical services, Dr.Pineo, surgical services, Martin and John Lenane, Lazarus Cathcart, 1877-8, 41 00 1877-78, 53 00 Dr.Doane,med.attend.do., 48 13 Thomas J. Norris, 4 70 Jabez Baxter, 72 00 John A. Lewis, 98 25 Dr. Pitcher, medical attend. James Linnell, 1 75 Jabez Baxter, 1 10 00 Mrs. Susan Bassett, 6 00 Dr. Fosset, do.,J. Baxter, 6 00 Thos.LinnelI,supplies-med. Jonathan Hallett, 72 00 attend. and burial exp's, 36 50 Philander Cathcart, $0 16 4 Paid O. W. Hinckley, blank books, $3 00 Overseers Poor to Taunton, Mrs. Webb, 6 00 Clara L.Jones,idiotic school, 8 10 Overseers Poor to State of Maine,Effie Hamblin, 21 80 Eben H.Eldridge, entertainment, 3 00 Overseers Poor to Boston, H. W. Rogers, 4 50 Andrew Lovell for entertainment, 3 00 J. C. Smith,varnishing hearse, 2 00 Freeman Taylor, painting burial ground fence, 6 00 B.W. Cammett, repairing Al. Mills burying ground fence, 1 50 Charles Gray, smith work burying ground gate, 1 45 Josiah Hinckley, lumber for do., West Barnstable, 3 25 State Treasurer for liquor license, 12 50 Decoration Dav, 49 80 Insurance on .Alms House, 3 50 Asa E. Lovell,recording cleeds, 11 60 Rebinding Record Book, 4 50 F. G. Kelley, postage, express and labor on monument, 17 34 $699 60 Town "Meers. Samuel Snow, School Committee, 1877-8, $1.0 00 B. F. Crocker, << 1878, 5 50 Nathan Edson, << " 1876, 15 00 Obed Baxter, Town Constable, 6 00 Daniel Scudder,School Committee, ° 12 50 Zemira Kendrick, la (( 15 00 Andrew Lovell, '6 (! 15 00 School Committee to Sandwich, settle school bills, 3 50 Aaron S. Crosby, Secretary School Committee, 15 00 It.A. Goodhue, School Committee, 176 20 L. L. Goodspeed, Z. E. Crowell and A.Lovell,Selectmen 1877, 540 00 H. A. Goodhue, School Committee, 85 75 Assessors Bills, 1878, 300 00 F. G.Kelley,Town Treasurer, 100 00 Undertaker's fees, 19 75 "Clark Lincoln, Sealer of Weights and Measures, 5 00 F. G.Kelley, recording Births,Marriages and Deaths, 60 70 $1383 90 Collector's Fees and ']PaYes Remitted. Obed Baxter, collecting taxes, $157 34 '.Pates remitted, 4 60 $161 94 3 Paid Reuben Childs, $38 00 Paid Betsey F.Fish, $48 00 Elizabeth C.Marshall, 28 00 Temperance Crocker, 48 00 Charles E. Ellis, 72 00 Anna S. Young, 48 00 Willard E. Slade, 72 00 Thomas W.Jones, 36 00 William C.Gitlbrd, 72 00 Barbara Doane, 88 00 $1132 50 Miscellaneous Expenses. Paid E.E.Wood for land redeemed, $22 31 Overseers Poor going to Taunton,Jesse Snow and family, 5 50 Samuel Snow, school books furnished,1877, 7 66 Goss&Richards, printing town reports, etc., 123 25 Patrick Gleason, lodging tramps, 3 75 V. A. Richmond, 12 00 James Cornish, bill, 1 00 J.K. &B. Sears, lumber, 1877, 1 81 Asa E. Lovell, registering deeds, 90 Henry C. Lumbert for posts, 1877, 3 25 Feeding strangers, 3 10 U. S.Linnell for land redeemed, 11 19 Simeon Taylor,services running line through Camp Ground, 50 Russell Lewis, ([ 4.9 (l (( ft 30 Allell H. Bearse, c. cc 11 « << 50 George H. Baxter, killing and burying hor,,e, 4 00 B. F. Crocker, school books furnished, 2 10 J. M. Day, legal advice, 2 00 Overseers Poor going to Dauvers Hospital,et,-.,Effie Hamlin, 9 77 Insurance on School Houses, 66 75 J. E. Sherman, building fence, burying ground, Hyannis, and keeping up same, 15 24 J. E. Sherman, building room for Orren B.Bearse, 2 80 _ Simeon C. Childs, Fire Ward, 20 20 C. C. Crocker, <9 << 13 60 A.D. Makepeace, {[ (( 65 8.5 Assessors Ioing to Boston, Bank and Corporation tax, 5 00 O. C.Hoxie, repairs on bier and hearse, 2 60 B.F. & C. C. Crocker,making road drag, 1 75 B.F. Crocker&Co., lumber, 6 43 Henry 11'. Bnker, school books furnished, 3 65 N. H. Burt for rope, 32 Bounty on woodchucks and muskrats, 1877, 12 80 Nelson Bearse, stock and repairing burviug ground fence at Centreville, 4 60 O. C. Hoxie,Fire Ward, 12 80 Samuel Snow, school books furnished, 1878, 14 31 Waterman Wood for care of'.Cowie House, 5 00 Express, postage and stationery, 23 67 Gorham Crosby for entertainment, 9 50 Hiram Crocker,Fire Ward, 16 00 Simeon L.Leonard for guide boards,. 2 00 Asa E. Lovell, list of conveyances, 15 00 Walter Chipman, conveyances, 2 00 5 R.epE,irs on School Houses. H. A. Goodhue, $29 90 Zemira Kendrick, No. 9, 5 25 B.F. Crocker,Nos. 17, 18, 208 26 ' Samuel Snow,Nos. 15, 16, 29 14 Nathan Crocker,Nos. 3,4, 116 74 Robinson Weeks, Nos. 10,12, 13, 75 74 Eli Phinnev, Nos.14, 20, 77 50 James H. Jenkins, Nos.6,8, 9, 83 81 Nathan Edson,No. 1, 15 25 Andrew Lovell,Nos. 11, 21,Santuit, 60 98 $702 57 burial Grounds and 'combs. John J. Bowes, labor, Universalist Burial Ground, Hyannis, $2 70 Paid for seed, Methodist Burial Ground,Barnstable, 4 20 Marcus N. Harris, labor " " " 5 85 Henry F. Loring, c fC c6 fl 6 75 Chas. C. Jenkins, " West Barnstable Burial Ground, - 9 00 Ellis Jenkins, '` " " " " 8 50 Henry F. Loring, " Sandy Street " " 1 80 Alex. Crocker, labor, Methodist Burial Ground, Barnstable, 75 Paid balance Tomb at Osterville, - 4 67 $44 22 Repairs on Roads. Lorenzo Lewis, 1877, $6 00'U. G. Linnell, $26 29 James Cornish, 60 Richard Eldridge, 154 07 "Dennis Gleason, 4 28 Andrew Kanary, 40 30 Marcus M. Crocker, 4 25 William Ormsby, 38 25 Patrick Gleason,, . 22 09 Allen H. Bearse, 4 00 S. Alexander Hinckley, 8 00 Zenas E. Crowell, 50 00 John Buckley, 12 27 Alex.Jones, 3 00 E. F.Prince, 7 00 John D. Hinckley, 2 70 Robert Miller, 1 24 Turner Hinckley, Loam, 9 60 Daniel Me Kenley, 62 Elijah Lewis, 3 00: Martin Lenane, 29 14 S. P. Gorham, 45 John Mahar, 12 40 Simeon Taylor, 2 25 Marshall Hinckley, 59 00 James M. Nye, 3 00 John H. Smith, 30 32 Simeon Doane, 3 65 James Sharp, 43 95 Nathan Crocker, plank and Henry Razleton, 33 77 labor, 3 35 Ira B.Bacon, 8 30 Chas. H. Hinkley, 1877, 12 50 — Crocker, 62 S. L. Ames, 42 50 James Shuley, 6 75 C. F. Green, 13 06 John J. Bowes, 162 90 E. Crowell, 4 50 Noah Bradford, 2 48 P. H.Howes, 2 85 Isaiah B. Linnnell, 25 50 J. F. Bearse, 3 45 6 W. H. Sturges, $6 00 Chas.E. Hinckley, $1 95 Edgar Lovell, 15 30 Geo. A.Macy, 3 00 G. F. Crocker, 27 90 E. Bearse, 1 95 Frank Cammett, 6 00 James H. Jenkins, 22 05 H. C. Goodspeed, 12 60 Joseph H. Jenkins, 12 92 Laban T. Sturges, 14 40 Alonzo.H. Weeks, 3 00 I. C. Sturges, 9 00 Asa Jenkins, 15 75 A. Lovell, 14 00 Henry F. Loring, 32 25 C. 1. Ames, 53 Josiah Hinckley, 4 26 1. Crocker, 7 20 Charles W.Nelson, 1 20 E. Gifford and Sons, 177 57 Wm. Dixon, 8 20 A. and A. F.Bearse, 24 45 Wm. Hinckley, 3 30 D. Gardner, 7 24 Wm. Bing, g 47 C. G.Phinney, 9 00 Thomas I. Hinckley, 7 95 Samuel Barrows, 7 95 E. A. Clark, 6 00 C. L. Baxter, 19 40 James Doherty, 7 50 A.Nickerson, 6 00 Henry II. Holmes, 8 70 E.J. Gifford, 37 53 James Bursley, 58 35 J. Lambert, 11 17i Nathan Edson, men and O. W. Bearse, 68 horses, 72 14 Wm. Childs, 14 40 Fisk and Coleman, drain James C.Fish, 1 00 pipe, 31 25 Geo. H. Landers, 97 O. C.R. R. freight, 4 63 H. A. Lovell, 8 25 Artemas B. Young, 6 45 Reuben Jones, and Boy, 6 66 Charles Dixon, 2 40 Jehiel R. Crosby, 8 50 Nathaniel D. Pool, 2 40 F. Childs, 23 Thos. and John Gilmore, 5 10 N. Fish, 1 50 Prentiss Davis, 6 30 John F. Cornish, 2 00 Albert Esterbrooks, 8 70 Gorham Crosby, and Sous, 76 44 E. W. Edson, 9 00 Nelson Bearse, and Sons, 147 95 Prentiss Hawes, 3 00 44 99for loam, 14 60 Robert Davis, 1 05 Wilson Crosby's heirs, loam 2 20 Reuben Hallett, 1 08 Boston Land Co, 2 00 Luther Ryder, 1 00 Geo. Weaver, " 25 Isaac Hedge, 5 75 Gorham F.Crosby, 1 60 Wilson Ryder, 5 40 David Linnell, 1 40 Frank Esterbrooks, 13 85 A. Bearse,for railing, 1 70 Lothrop Hallett, 1 00 Ellis Jenkins, 28 50 Henry F. Loring, 46 95 W. Bursley, 5 25.Eben Taylor, 12 75 Francis Jones, 3 00 Marcus N. Harris, 27 15 W. T. Bursley, 21 90 Alex. Crocker, 8 25 John Bursley, 1 50 John Dineen, 4 50 James S. Macy, 14 03 Cornelius Dineen, 6 00 Seth G.Hinckley, 3 20 James P. Crowell, 3 75 Julius W. Bodfish, 7 05 Leander Hallett, 1877-8, . 14 70 S. F. Bodfish, 2 25 Gorham Hallett, 21 10 Josiah C.Smith, and others, 3 40 John Hinckle}-, 30 64 Sylvanus 1.Jones, 82 Eben Smith, 7 50 Josiah C.Jones, 3 75 Chas. H. Hinckley, 4 50 Geo. B. Crocker, 13 50 Charles G. Green, 3 00 A. W. ILapham, 1 50 .James J. .Harlow, 5 85 Nathaniel Crocker, 4 00 Eben N. Baker, 3 00 Edwin F. Howland, 12 50 Samuel Nickerson, 2 00 7 Charles C. Bearse, $4 55 Edmund Hamblin, $8 93 Asa Jones, 6 00 Stephen Hamblin, 6 30 Francis Jenkins, 8 39 Orrin Mecarta, 6 00 C. C.Jenkins, 74 50 James H. Crocker, 12 00 Charles A. Braley, 14 65 Frederick P.Jones, 18 15 Thomas Lewis, 9 00 Hiram Ames, 4 42 Calvin Hamblin, 9 00 Zemira Kendrick, 83 18 Nelson W. Crocker, 8 40 Thomas Nye,1877, 5 94 Joseph H. Holway, 54 00 Geo. A. Macy, f{ 1 49 Charles Crocker, 40 75 David J. Coleman, 4 83 Town's horse and men, 112 50 Wm.Marston for loam, 4 00 L. W. Leonard, 12 05 Abram Fuller for loam, 3 00 Wm. A. Coleman, 6 60 Thos. Jones,Jr., 22 72 James West, 27 20 James West, 2 00 W.Ryder, 14 40 Horace S. Crosby for railing, 3 50 G. Ames, 13 05 Seth Nickerson for drain pipe S. Small, 60 and spout, 3 97 B.Adams, 23 10 Paid for drain pipe, Slade,• 2 20 I. Lovell, 7 05 Simeon L. Ames, 1 75 Reuben West, 4 87 L. L. Goodspeed, 2 50 Warren Small; 7 20 S. L. Leonard, 2 16 J. Small, 4 80 Zemira Kendrick, 68 H. Gardner, 10 05 Moses F. Hallett and sons, 23 30 Robert Evans, 20 40 Oliver Crosby, 9 75 E. Evans, 13 20 Henry R. Lewis, 19 57 .T.Jones, 11 18 Frank Weaver, 5 20 J. P. Crosby, 3 00 Simeon C. Childs, 1 50 J. Codd, 3 00 Russell Nye, 2 40 W.F.Adams, 60 R. E. Childs, 3 00 C. Adams, 6 38 Joseph Phinney, 18 00 C. Crocker, 10 58 Alton Phinney, 7 40 J. Coffin, 1 95 Asa Stevens, 5 25 B. F. Hinckley, 2 25 E. Lewis, 6'20 A. L. Coleman, 1 80 Geo.Aggar,(S.L.Leonard),25 74 .Tames D. Hallett, 29 00 Geo. Weeks.for loam, 10 00 Jairtes W. I3atlett, 13 80 L Lovell for loam, 2 16 David J.Coleman and others,98 75 E. Scudder, drainpipe, 4 80 Bennett W. Catnmett&sous, 90 70 S. L.Leonard, 77 85 Joseph Crocker, 9 80 Thomas Nye, 42 15 Ephraim Jones, 7 50 2 25 Ezekiel Hamblin, 6 15 Edmund Crocker, 6 00 $3599 64 New IRoadFs F. B.Esterbrooks, $.5 70 David Davis, $1 20 H. 1-1. Howes, 2 40 E. AV. Edsoit, 1 80 Zenas Rorie, 2 40 Wm.King, 2 40 Nathaniel Pool, 2 40 Harrison Fish, 33 25 Prentiss Davis, 2 40 Chas.Jenkins, 58 50 Joseph W hitt.emore, 2 40 James Stevens, 10 50 Hiram Whittemore, 2 40 W. H. Crocker, 19 50 Albert Esterbrooks, 2 40 Irving H. Crocker, 11 00 Thos. Gilmore, 1 80 Edward Crocker, 13 50 . 8 Barna Crocker, $20 25 Howard Blossom, $3 00 Joseph H. Holway, 22 25 Ellis Jenkins, 19 50 Asa Jenkins, 20 25 Josiah C. Jones, 6 05 Asa Jones, 9 30 L. L. Goodspeed, 23 00 Geo. B. Crocker, 9 00 Nathan Edson, 39 40 Cyrus F.Fish, 9 00 Josiah Hinckley,lumber, 1 37 Peter C.Blossom, 10 65 John Hinckley, 19 20 John Bursley, 6 00 Edward Gifford, 40 00 Geo. A Bursley, 15 00 Crocker Blossom, 6 75 $455 92 Land 9Paken for Roads. Reuben Fish, $38 00 Albert lIowland's.Heirs, $22 00 Asa Jones, 46 00 Irving II. Crocker, 2 00 Stephen B. Fuller, 5 00 Seth Parker, 5 00 $118 00 Repairs on ]Bridges. John Hinckley, bill,lumber and labor St. Bt.Bridge, $226 40 Edward Gifford, bill, stone and labor, Little River, Cotuit, 59 60 Nelson Bearse and others, Centerville bridge, 23 87 John Hinckley, Mill bridge, lumber and labor, 10 95 $320 82 Snow ]Bills. Lorenzo Lewis, 1877, $9 40 Chas. H. Baker, 1877, $1 10 Wna. Ormsby, 3 20 David J. Coleman, 3 others, 2 72 117arshall Hinckley and others, 1 22 J. C. Jones, 1 40 John J. Bowes, 6 60 Nelson Bearse, 1 14 Simeon Doane, 1877, 1 25 Asa F. Bearse, 3 00 SumnerP.Gorham, 14 others,5 75 E. Gifford, 9 others, 5 40 Henry F.Loring,7 others, 5 40 Zemira Kendrick and others, 13 57 $61 15 Receipts. Cash in the Treasury,Feb. 16, 1878, $5780 07 Peddler's Licenses, 40 00 Town Tax, 22,722 34 Town Maps sold, 75 State Treasurer, on account Pauper burials, 10 00 Corporation Tax, 1735 81 National Bank Tax, 3144 76 State Aid for 1877, 900 00 Dog Fund, 148 36 Received on account Santuit School, 32 50 B.F. Crocker, sale of School Furniture, No. 18, 1 09 F. A. Bursley for loam, 1 00 f 9 Samuel Snow, cash, $2 61 John J.Bowes, salt grass, 1 50 H.N. Swift for cow, 40 74 Pound Meadow, grass, 47 25 Alms House Meadow,grass, 6 00 Alms House team and men on roads, .. 112 50 Wood, sold at auction, 50 Lot Phinney, cash returned, 35 00 Z. Kendrick for salt grass, 14 50 Marston's Mills Herring Fishery, 18 00 Asa Jones for lease of land, Otis Hall, 2 00 $34,797 28 Expenditures. Paid School Orders for 1877,. $1700 51 School Orders for 1878, 7270 59 Interest, 456 51 On Loans, 2300 00 State Tax, , 1560 00 National Bank Tax,Non-resident, 358 30 Support of Poor in Alms House, 1615 43 94 99 in Town and out Alms House, 2571 25 Cities, Towns and Hospitals for support of Poor, 962 67 State Aid, 1132 50 Miscellaneous, 699 60 Town Officers, 1383 90 Collector's fees and Taxes remitted, 161 94 Repairs on School Houses, 702 57 Burial Grounds and Tombs, 44 22 Repairs on Roads, 3599 64 New Roads, 455 92 Land taken for Roads, 118 00 Repairs on Bridges, 320 82 Snow Bills, 61 15 School apparatus from School money of.1877, 100 00 Out-standing Taxes, 1878, 1358 44 $28,933 96 10 Financial Condition of the Town. Dr. " Due Individuals on Loans, (In trust), $500 00 11 on School Money, 1477 77 Balance in favor of the Town, 6755 06 $8732 83 Cr. .Cash in the Treasury, $5863 32 State Aid due from State, 1878, 1132 50 Due from Obed Baxter, Collector of Taxes, 1358 44 f[ " the Town of Mashpee on Schools, 60 70 State Aid due from State, 1877, 88 00 Income from School Fund due from State, 1878, 229 87 $8732 83 ANDREW LOVELL, ZENAS E. CROWELL, NATHAN EDSON, Selectmen'of Barnstable. BARNSTABLE, Feb: 14, 1879. OF THE TOWN N • O1" BIVN�T)ULE9 FOR THE YEAR ENDING FEB. 13, 1880. BARNSTABLE: F.B. GOSS, STEAM BOOK AND JOB PRINTER. [THE C6PATRIOT"PRESS.] 1880. r!� ' i REPORT OF THE SELECTMEN. EXPENSES AT THE ALMS HOUSE. H. B. Chase & Sons, coal and grain, $172 17 Elijah Lewis, supplies, 60 Crocker Blossom, repairing fence, 2 00 Russell Matthews, coffin for B. Dina, 10 00 Phinney & Edson, supplies, 155 93 Charles Crocker, balance of salary, 75 00 Charles E. Moody, supplies, 33 68 Freight bill, Old Colony Railroad, 10 03 Mr. Phillips, supplies, 2 25 Mrs. M: B. Jones, labor, 6 66 1Vm. Dixon, pigs, 6 00 Nathan Edson, supplies, 1 25 Nelson Scudder, pew hife, 12 00 ` Geo. F. Burgess, salary, 168 75 Flora N. Gardner, services at Alms House, 27 40 E. F. Jones, supplies, 2 58 Edward Crocker, repairing pump, 2 00 G. L. Bassett, supplies,, 14 35 Lizzie J. Buckley, dressmaking, 4 00 Geo. S. Fish, mason work, 3 60 Delia P. Fish, dressmaking, 3 75 E. A. Jones, supplies, 60 Seth Howland, supplies, 31 01 Geo. J. Miller, clothing, 4 94 Winslow, Rand & Co., supplies, 25 55 W. H. Paine, supplies, 2 76 Moses Burgess, supplies, 1 87„ Eben Smith & Co., coal, 26 91 D. M. Seabury, supplies, 3 57 F.•H. Jenkins, medical attendance, 3 00 Josiah Hinckley, lumber, &c., 5 65 Wm. D. Holmes, harness, ,50 Obed Baxter, cow, 135 00 i 2 H. N. Swift, supplies, $74 40 Harrison Fish, supplies, 1 00 Braley Jenkins, supplies, 50 Lorenzo Lewis, supplies, 90 Susan Gannon, supplies, 80 Ellis Jenkins, labor, 8 00 G. L. Bassettf supplies, 7 77 J. M. Smith, medical attendance, 29 50 Chas. C. Jenkins, labor. 3 00 Seth Parker & Son, supplies, 114 12 Frederick Parker, supplies, 96 52 Josiah C. Jones, carpenter, 7 90 Josiah Ames, coffin, Temperance Phinney,, 17 25 B. W. Cammett, supplies, 4 13- James Crocker, supplies, 75 Chas. F. Parker, supplies. 1 00 $1222 90 Poon r- Tow- OUT ALais HousE. John A. Lewis, $98 75. Harvey Hinckley, coffin and burial expenses, 19 00 Betsey Hodge, 68 10 George F. Weaver, 115 00 Owen B. Bearse, 96 00 Catharine Bearse, 40 00 Lorenzo C. Drury, 37 61. Thomas J. Norris, 57 94- Elizabeth E. Eldridge, 20 00 -Charles Pool's wife, medical attendance, 5 00 Nancy Bacon, 44 00 Mary T. Bearse, 56 00 Allen Hallett, 2d, 15 00 Mrs. William A. Sherman, 10 00 L. Cathcart, medical at'ndance and burial expenses, 18 50 Seth Hallett, 100 00 Charles Herron, 9 00 ' Louis Jones, 33 65 Jonathan Hallett, 36 00 Martha Bearse, 55 00 Philander Cathcart, supp ies, and medical attendance, 7 76 James Linnell, 3 32 3 Lazarus Cathcart, $3 00 Prentiss Kelley, 42 00 Mrs. James Kanray, 18 40 Jabez Baxter, 66 ,00 Mrs. Luther good, 8 50 William E. Bearse, 10 00 Martha Coleman, supplies, 66 00 George Savory, 54 39 Emily G. Hallett, 64 91 Sophronia Goodspeed, 39 00 Eunice M. Lovell, '104 00 Alex. H. Crocker, 32 00 Elmer Allen, 68 00 Eliza Crocker, 70 72 James Jones, 87 95 John 11r. Lewis, ,119 68 . Samuel S. Lovell, 59 00 Reuben West, 52 00 James P. Jones, 2 61 Maria Bearse, .55 25 Luther S. Wood, family, 13 142 ' Charles P. Rogers 36 00 Josiah Ames, coffin for John Q. A. Richardson, 17 .50 Burial expenses of << 66 << 4 00 Dr. T. R. Clement, setting arm for Stevens' boy, 30 00 George Paine, supplies, V72 Mercy O. Hinckley, supplies, 16 00 << 46 << burial expenses, 15 00 Mrs. J. W. Marston, supplies, 96 00 Wm. Poole, supplies, 29 36 66 << Dr. Smith's bill, 21 25 Eli Paris, passage to Boston,. 2 50 John B. Holway, supplies, 38 00 medical attendance, 7 75 J. M. Holway, supplies, 68 00 Clara Jones, expenses to Idiotic School, 8 00 Susan Gannon, supplies, 22 40 Lydia M. Allyn, supplies, 24 62 Samuel Cobb, supplies, 10 70 Charles Nelson, medical attendance, 6 50 $2,443 76 4 PAID CITIES, TOWNS AND HOSPITALS FOR SUPPORT OF POOR. City of New Bedford, Maria George, $43 00 John Lumbert, 67 80 {6 61 Cambridge, Eli Paris, 45 89 Town of Nantucket, William Morton, 15 14 Yarmouth, Timothy Cotelle, 14 14 << 66 << Martha Bearse, 20 00 << Dennis, Mrs. David Cotelle, . 2 50 16 Harwich, Mrs. Freeman B. Sherman, 10 50 Taunton Lunatic Hospital, John F. Howland, 171 98 64 64 66 Alexander Crocker, 25 29 << Nancy F. Hamblin, 173 63 City of Boston, Phebe Bursley, 97 71 << ° Harriet Bacon, 78 00 Ilary Hallett -50 00 James Camrel, 4 00 << 6L Henry W. Rogers, 2 00 $821 58 STATE AID. Paid Charles E. Ellis, $72 00 Barbara Doane, 48 00 Betsey F. Fish, 48 00 William C. Gifford, 18 00 Willard E. Slade, 72 00 Temperance Crocker, 48�00 Daniel B. Snow, 77 00 George D. Hart, 18 00 Isaac Coleman, 78 00 Henry P. Cook, 15 00 Helen D. Atkins, 48 00 Martha J. Eldridge, 48 00 Elizabeth E. Eldridge, 48 00 Dorcas Fuller, 32 00 Anna S. Young, 48 00 Thomas W. Jones, 57 00 $775 00 5 MILITARY AID. Paid Eli Paris, $76 44 Otway Backus, 48 00 Lorenzo C. Drury, 66 00 Charles L. Ellis, 16 00 $206 44 MISCELLANEOUS. F. B. Goss, printing town reports, &,c., ' $56 00 J. M. Day, legal advice and services, 3 00 F. B. Goss, school reports, &c., 52 50 Expenses, Overseers of Poor-to Carver, 3 80 Walter Chipman, vessel conveyances, 2 00 O. W. Hinckley, tax books, 2 50 , Geo. Marston, legal advice, 1 00 Asa E. Lovell, list of conveyances, 20 00 46 << recording deed School House lot, 65 Sumner P. Gorham, and others, Fire Ward, 3� 15 M. N. Harris, and others, Fire Ward, 34 00 Nelson Shaw's bill, posts and rails, 60 00 John,Hinckley & Son, labor and lumber, 69 42 Stamps and stationery, 25 67 F. B. Goss, printing warrants, &c., 37 05 Express, 1 10 Leander Hallett, and others, Fire.Ward, 27 90 D. M. Seabury, repairing pump, 2 58 Ellis Jenkins, setting fence, 16 50 Bounty on muskrats, 101 60 Baptist Society, repairing bill frame,. 3 00 Feeding tramps, 2 25 Overseers Poor, going to Boston, 5 12 Jehial Crosby, and others, Fire Ward, 67 67 Charles C. Crocker, and others, Fire Ward, 103 75 O. Howard Crowell, and others, 61 °6 65 34 Insurance on Centreville School House, 23 50 Assessor, going to Boston, 5 25 H. H. Baker, for school books, 9 00 Hartson Hallett, school books, 90 F. G. IZelley, express, stamps and labor on monument ground, 15 76 6 Expense Decoration Day, $32 50 Liquor license, 12 50 Crowell Bros., painting hearse, 6 00 Selectmen, expenses to Boston, ac't. State Aid, 5 50 Overseers Poor, one day examining records in Bos- ton, act. poor, 3 00 Waterman Wood, care of Town House, 5 00 Overseers Poor, expenses to Cambridge, a.c't Eli .Paris, 4 50 Paid for checks, C. C. Bearse, 95 Hiram Crocker, Fire Ward, 36 05 $927 96 PAID TowN,OFFICE118. John F. Cornish, Constable fees, $1 50 Obed Baxter, 41 '6 1878-9 29 50 B. F. Crocker, School Committee, 1878-9 5 00 Robinson Weeks, School Committee, 24 20 Samuel Snow, LG << 10 .00 46 46 Truant Officer, 2 25 A. S. Crosby, Sec'y, School: Committee, & stationery, 15 00 Andrew Lovell, School Committee, 15 00 Selectmen, and Overseers Poor, 390 00 H. A. Goodhue, School Committee, 166 80 James H. Jenkins, 44 . << 15 00 Eli Phinney, i g 15 00 Nathan Edson, 15 00 Assessors, 1879, 300 00 Town Treasurer, 100 00 Undertaker's fees, 18 75 Clark Lincoln, Sealei, of Weights, and Measures, ' 5 00 F. G. Kelley, recording Births, Marriages, Deaths, 62 65 ' $1,190 65 COLLECTOR'S FEES AND TAXES REMITTED. Obed Baxter, collecting taxes, 1878, $3 22 Lorenzo Lewis, collecting taxes, 1879, 202 94 Taxes remitted, O. Baxter, for 1878, 160 04 << Lorenzo Lewis, 1879, 142 70 $508 90 7 REPAIRS ON SCHOOL HOUSES. Robinson Weeks, No. 13, $16 52 Samuel Snow, No. 16, 31 23 James H. Jenkins, Nos. 6, 9, 155 29 Nathan Crocker, No. 3, 123 63 B. F. Crocker, No. 18, 93 31 A. Lovell, No. 1.0, 8 05 << No. 11., 106 83 << No. 21, 71 22 << Santuit, 101 64 $707 72 NEW SCHOOL HOUSE IN CENTREVILLE. Paid for School House lot, $200 00 School House, 1,500 00 $1,700 00 REPAIRS ON BURYING GROUNDS. John J.,Bowes, labor on Ground at Hyannis, $10 00 Ira B. Bacon, " 6' 5 00 Sylvester Bearse, fencing 46 60 John H.,Frost, making gate 5 11 Zenas E. Crowell, carting fencing, 50 Eben Taylor, labor, Sandy Street Burying Ground, 1 50 Marcus N. Harris, and 7 others, labor, Sandy Street Burying Ground, 9 60 Wm. Hinckley, Labor, East Parish Burying Ground, 16 95 James Doherty, 6,6 . 16 16 7 50 Geo. E. Dolby, << << fL 44 7 50 David Bursley, << << 3 50 J. Bursley, & others, W. Barnstable << << 11 55 J. C. Jones, 11 4 6 1 55 Andrew Lovell, Osterville, 2' 50 James West, labor on-fence, 1 67 Isaiah Crocker, �� `6 ° 25 Nathaniel Howland, labor on fence, M. Mills, Bury- ing Ground, 1 2 00 C. C. Bearse, lumber and nails, Burying Ground, 78 $88 06 • F 8 PAID REPAIRS ON ROADS. District No. 1. Nilson Ryder, $88 15 Lot Hawes, 3 60 David Marston, 6.97 Nathaniel Pool, 4 35 Frank Esterbrook, 6 60 J Hinckley, drain pipe, 5 08 Charles G Hallett, 67 Warren Marston, 5 40 $120 82, District No. 2. ' Caleb Sprague, $47 63 George Smith, 6 23 11 H Howes, 6 79 Leander Hallett, 4 35 Isaac G Hedge, 15 08 Benjamin Smith, 6 79 Joseph Whittemore, 3 20 Isaac H Cobb, 1 05 Joseph F Whittenfore, 4 23 J Hinckley,drain pipe, 12 48 Thomas Esterbrook, 98 Isaac Smith, 4 24 $113 05 District No. 3. Joseph Bursley, $83 41 George H Jones, 3 75 James Bursley, 110 90 M N Harris, 8 25 Charles Crocker, 11 85 J Hinckley, lumber, 2 43 John T Hall, 1.9 05 D M Seabury, drain pipe, 2 74 Oliver Holmes, 6 00 James D Baiter, 11 62 $260 00 -District No. 4. Lorenzo Lewis, $22 65 Eben Smith, 50 Benjamin F Crocker, 9 10 Turner Hinckley, 1 25 Marcus N Harris, 16 10 Charles H Hinckley, 1 20 Simeon Taylor, 11 27 John'Hinckley 2d, 75 Eben Taylor, 3. 75 John Dineen, 2-75 John D Hinckley, 16 65 Charles Jones, 2 75 George H Jones, 12 60 R E Childs, 3 00 Charles Crocker, 21 50 Charles Nelson and son, 3 30 Alexander Crocker, 1 50 J Hinckley, lumber, 2 25 Alexander Jones, 1 80 Marcus M Nye, 27 57 David Nickerson, 3 00 Frederick Allen, 75 $165 99 District No. 5. Francis Jenkins, $205 00 ' 9 ' District No.'6. B F Crocker '& Co., J C Jones, 1 71 lumber, $12 91 Chas C Jenkins,. 28 50 L L Goodspeed,labor, 31 35 Ellis Jenkins, << 9.75 Howard Blossom, << 6 00 Crocker Blossom, << 6 00 Geo B Crocker, 3 00 W Bursley, 22 50 $121 72' District No. 7. Sylvanus Bodfish, $49 65 J C'Smith, 6 00 Sylvanus Jones, 4 45 George H Weeks,. 6 00 E G Hall, '3 00 J H Holway, 7 50 Peter C Blossom, 15 55 John Hinckley .& Son, Wm T Bursley, 13 45 lumber, 8 12. Francis Jones, 5 00 L L Jones, Loam, 1 80 S F Bodfish, 3 60 Charles H Conant, 3 00 $127 12 District No. 8. E T Howland, $75 01 Nelson W Crocker, 15 90 Asa Jenkins, 12 00 Alonzo W Weeks, 5-48 James H Jenkins, 16 95 Ansel E Fuller, 6 .50 Thomas Lewis, 3 00 H A Smith, 2 10 Charles E Hinckley, 25 57 Fisk & Coleman, drain $167 77 pipe, 5 26 District.No. 9 James D Hallett, $16 80 Joseph Crocker, 75 James W Hallett, 1 50 Edmund Crocker, 3 75 Edmund Hamblin, •10.05 Ezekiel Hamblin, 4 50' Steven Hamblin, 6 00 Stephen Crocker, 1 00 Orin Mecarta, 7 05 Zemira Kendrick, 102 75 James H Crocker, 5 55 Frederick P Jones, 12 00 $177 70 Ephriam Jones, 6 00 District No. 10. C C Bearse, lumber, $2 93 H C Goodspeed, 6 00 Simeon L Ames, labor, 8 40 Ezra J Gifford, 11 20 Charles L Baxter, 14 50 Edw'd Gifford&Sons, 104 05 Wm C Gifford, 9 00 C H Baker,. 3 00 $165 08 Charles F Green, 6 00 10 District No. 11. George Landers&Son, Francis B Coleman; la- labor and team, $28 35 bor and team, 26 85 Gilbert F Crocker, la- , A&A F Bearse, labor bor and team, 28 35 and team, 38 78 Howard.0 Goodspeed, Asa F Bearse, 9. 00 labor and team, 18 00 H C Fish, 15 Ezra J Gifford, 1 80 'S Savory, '15, Harry Gifford, 1 80 Wm Childs & boy, 3 00 Ed Gifford, and team Lucy C Childs, turf, 4 5'0 with scraper, `4 80 Ignatius Crocker, labor, 3 58 Ralph Meiggs, 30 95 Laban T Sturges, 6 00 Isaac C Sturges, and George W Childs; 1 50 team with scraper, 27 00 John Thompson, 3 00 Wendell K Backus, 17 85 Ezra Hobson, 3 15 Charles G Phinney, 5 25 Wm Ding, 2 48 Fisk& Coleman, drain. Julius Nickerson, 1 35 pipe and freight, 14 17 Simeon L Ames, loam, 7 00 Eugene Crowell, labor and team, 13 50 $302 31 District No. 12. Hercules Jones, $7 50 Ansel B Fuller, loam, 1 20 Hema.n Thomas & Son, 3 67 Nathan A Jones, " 1 50 Ansel B Fuller, 7 50 Jos W Scudder, " 2 00 Geo N Goodspeed&-Son,.5 63 Luther Hinckley, " 2 00 Nathan A Jones&Son, 58 81 Henry F Hamblin, 63 Barnard Hinckley, 1 50 Fisk&Coleman, drain Benj E Cammett, 10 80 pipe, 3 65 B W Cammett & Son, 22 00 D J Coleman, railing D J Coleman & Son, 100 59 and labor on same, 10 75 Oliver Crocker, loam, 6- 52 Wm Marston, 2 00 $248 25 Districts No. 13 and 19. James West, $13 50 Wm A Coleman, 20 10 E W Ryder, 23 17 H M Lovell, 3 75 S H Small, 3 30 A L Coleman, 1 20 James A Lovell, 4 35 W H Adams, 13 57 J M Leonard, 60 James Small, 5 70 Edmund P Lewis, 16 95 J 11 Codd, 6 30 Clarentine Crocker, '18 84 B Adams, 21 15 J F Adams, 2 25 B F Hinckley, 20 00 11 E Swift, 11 15 S L Leonard, 106 00 Edgar Evans,, 9 20 Fisk&Coleman, drain Joseph C Coffin, 17 11 pipe, 3 24 Reuben West, 9 20 George Fisher, 2 55 Alex Till, 14 79 Jacob Lovell, 1 40 C W Adams, 63 90 Temp Parker, loam, . 1 00 L W Leonard, 10 95 John Bates, 2 00 -Oliver Coffin, 25- 05 L L Lumbert, 3 00 $455 27 District No. 14. B F Crocker & Co.,, Charles P Stevens„ 7 95 lumber, $5 60 Alvin Crosby, 1 20 Benj W Lewis, labor 7 50 Charles E Bearse, 1 65 Jehiel Crosby;' " 72 '71 Oliver Crosby; 16 88 6 J R Crosby and boy, 58 98 Reuben Clark, 10 12 Elisha B Bearse, 4 .50 Simeon C Childs, 5 70 -John A Phinney, 2 10 James D Kelley, 1 50 Win Jones, 1 03 Horace W Sturges, 7 80 Edson Bearse, 2 40 Asa F Bearse, 2d.', 13 95 Asa,Stevens, 1 05 Henry R Lewis, 23 10 Herbert Hinckley, 1 84 Augustus F Childs, 2 10 $254 68 Benj F Childs, 5- 02 District No. 15. John H Smith, $116 95 AD Makepeace, 6 75 James Hathaway, 8 84 Horace Crocker, 6 00 William Childs, 1 00 Marshall T Chase, 4 50 Daniel Hathaway, 7 50 Alfiheus Linnell, '3 00 Theodore F Newcomb, - 2 00 Charles.B Marchant, 18 00' $182 54 U G Linnell, 8 00 District No. 16. John J Bowes, $107 20 G L Bassett, drain pipe, 3.00 Richard Eldrid-e, 49 57 Marcus Crocker, 1 50 Marshall Hinckley-, 19 50 John G Lumbert, 52 Wm Mahar, 11 10 John.H Smith, 13 00 111m N Ormsby, 16 60 Hugh Hazleton, 1 50 Obed Baxter, 6 36 Orin Crocker, 1 00 Patrick Gleason, 3 00 Orlando Bassett,loam, 10 20 George Dunsten, 4 88 Grafton L Bassett, 3 00 Gorham Crocker, 31 Horace Crocker, 8 70 $260 94 a , 12 Distrut No. 17. William Mahar, $18 75 B F Crocker&Co.,nails, 73 James Sharp, 4 50 Sophia Hallett, loam, 2 00 William U Ormsby, 7 50 Lemuel F Bearse, loam, 5 00 Marshall Hinckley, 4 50 Patrick Gleason, 2 50 Hugh Hazleton, 2 25 John J Bowes, 81 46 Richard Eldridge, 56 26 John Lenane, 1 55 $198 37 Martin Lenane, .11 37 District .No. 18. Richard Eldridge, $78 30 Patrick Gleason, 2 50 John Bowes, 62 99 Hugh Hazleton, 5 25 James Sharp, 21 00 James Shuly, 2 25 William Mahar, 32 36 James H Lothrop,; 1 50 -Isaiah B Linnell, 21 00 J K'& B Sears, 1 50 Marshall Hinckley, 23 76 Martin Lenane, 9 35 $263 26 Oliver Robinson, 1 50 District No. 20. Nelson Bearse, $85 86 Oliver B Jones, 6 52 Gorham Crosby, 39 34 Hiram Kelley, 60 Samuel Hallett, 15 80 Samuel Crosby, 2 54 Eli Phinney, 2 55 A F Childs, cedar, 2 68 John F Cornish,- 3 55 !Jacob B Lewis, loam, 6 00 Frank Weaver, 2 10 Andrew Bearse, " 1 00 Elijah H Lewis, 6�02 Russell Marston, " 3 96 Gorham F Crosby, 9 90 F G Kelley, 76 Orin Kelley, 2 25 W Crosby's heirs, " t 2 68 Reuben Jones and son, 18 26 Ansel Lewis, 1 20 Percey A Bearse, 14 75 Ephraim L Bearse, 4 79 $233 11 District No.-21. Alex E Nickerson, $24 40 "Edward Gifford, 3 75 Ensign Nickerson, 4 50 L W Nickerson, 8 20 Daniel Nickerson, 9 00 Josiah Lumbert, 3 00 B W Dottridge, 9 00 Gustavus M Cash, 3 00 Abner Linnell, 6 00 L C Childs, 1 25 H A Fuller, 1 50 W B Nickerson., 1 50 .$79 60 Frank L Sturges, 4 50 . 13 Whole amount paid_ for repairs on Roads in the several dis- tricts, $4,102 58 Paid Road Bills of'1878. Charles Crocker, labor, 4 50 Henry F. Loring, labor, 1 50 L. L. Jones, loam, 5 00 Samuel Nickerson, sand, 6 00 $4,119 58 REPAIRS_ ON BRIDGES. Ensign Nickerson, filling, $5 00 Nathaniel Howland, labor, 6 00 Noah Bradford, repair'g old culvert Bridge, Ocean St., 4 75 putting in new culvert, 92 00 Russell Lewis, cedar posts, " 12 12 Marshall Hinckley, cedar posts, 3 20 Frank W Crowell, labor, 11 25 John J Bowes and.horse, labor, " ' 25 60 Richard Eldridge and horse, labor, 22 50 William U Ormsby and horse, labor, 13 50 John Lenane, labor,' 2 17 Hugh Hazleton, labor 9 00 Placing culvert, 3 00 Nelson Bearse and others, for material, and repairing bridge at Centreville, 112 13 , B. F. Crocker K Co., lumber for bridges, 17 13 Daniel Pickering, building culvert, 1 75 Edward Gifford, labor on bridge at Bushy Marsh, 30 00 371 10 SNOW BILLS. Charles H. Conant, $1 65 Josiah C. Smith, 2 17 Henry W. Fish, 1 35 Edward Gifford and 22 others, 17 16 Asa F. Bearse and team, 9 00 B. W. Cammett and others, 3 70 S. L. Leonard and 36 others, 32 51' John J. Bowes and others, 49 .51 � O 14 Nelson Bearse and 6 others, $14 41 Henry R. Lewis and 14 others, 10 50 Gorham Crosby and sons, 5 55 Jehiel Crosby and 6,others, 5 85 Richard Eldridge and 7 others, 9 30 U. G. Linnell and 10 others, 5 56 William U. Ormsby and horse, 4 80 Grafton L. Bassett, 82 James Bursley and 3 others, 6 00 A. D. Lothrop and 10 others, 10 35 Charles Nelson, - 60 , Henry F. Loring acid 21 others, 20 70 �G Eben Taylor, 75 Sumner P. Gorham and 41 others, 40 31 George Snow, 45 Hiram N. Lawrence, 30 Frank Hoxie, 23 A. B. Young, 90 George Dolby, 75 William Nelson, 2 70 David Eldridge, 1 05 Seth Phinney, 45 James Stevens, 1 80 Leander Hallett and 3 others, 2 10 William Dixon, 4 95 Charles Crocker and others, 169 44 %enlira Kendrick and others, 84 98 $522 65 RECEIPTS. Cash in the Treasury, Feb. 15, 1879, $7;221 76 Massachusetts School Fund, 1878, • 229 87 - cc 1879, 219 04 Corporation Tax, from State Treasurer, 1878, 266 62 Nat'l Bank, 1878, 262 99 State Aid, fe1877, 88 00 Taxes paid in by Collector, 1878, 38 00 Received for Licenses, 40 00 Herring Fishery, Marston's Mills,. 32 00 Town Tax Assessed, 17,057 25 State Tax, 780 00 ti 15 ' National Bank Tax, Non-resident, $284 76 National Bank Tax, Non-Commonwealth, 22 86 Return on Policy School House, No. 20, 11 40 Corporation Tax-', State Treasurer, 1,830 61 National Bank Tax,-State Treasurer, 2,891 55 cc State Aid, ' 938 00 Military Aid, 177 00 Dog Fund, 84 11 Pound Meadow, 63 75 Salt Grass, West Barnstable, 7 00 Sales of Wood, 28 87 Drain Pipe, 15 Old Culvert, 1 00 Salt Grass, Hyannis, 1 50 Obed Baxter, Account, Mrs. Fairchilds, 10 00 $32,588 09 EXPENDITURES. Paid School Orders, 1878, $1,788 24 School Orders,,1879, 5,467 51 Interest, 201 61 State Tax, 780 00 National Bank Tax, non-resident, 304 36 Support of Poor in Alms House, 1,222 90 Support of.Poor in town out of Alms House, 2,443 76 Cities, Towns and Hospitals, 821 58 State Aid,, 775 00 Military Aid, 206 44 Miscellaneous, 927 96 Town Officers, 1,190 65 Collectors' fees and taxes remitted 1878-9, 508 90 Repairs on School Houses, 707 72 New School House at Centreville, 1,500 00 New School House Lot at Centerville, 206 00 Burial Grounds, repairs, 88 06 Repairs on roads, 4,119 58 Repairs of Bridges, 371 10 16 Paid Snow Bills, $522 65 School Apparatus, 140 00 School Books, 391 73 Outstanding Road Orders, 1878, N. Bearse, 12. 40 Outstanding Taxes, 1879, 800 25 $25,492 40 FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE TOWN. Due Individuals on Loans, (in trust), $500 00 Due on School money, 3,835 64 Balance in favor of the town, 4,894 90 $9,230 54 C�. Cash in the Treasury, $7,095 69 State Aid due from State, 775 00 Due from Lorenzo Lewis, Collector of Taxes, 800 25 Military Aid due from State, . 103 22 Due from the Town of Mashpee on Schools, 72 70 Due from Otis Hall at Nest Barnstable, 1879, 2 00 Due from State, Military Aid, 1878, 29 50 Due from State, Bank and Corporation Tax, 1879, 352 18 $9,230 54 ANDREW LOVELL, Selectmen ZENAS E. CROWELL, of NATHAN EDSON, Barnstable. Barnstable, Feb. 13, 1880. EXPENSES OF THE TOWN. of BARNSTABLE, FOR THE YEAR ENDING FEB. 17, Mi. 0 BARNSTABLE, MASS. : F. B. GOSS, STEAM BOOK AND JOB PRINTER. [THE"PATRIOTD7 PRESS.] 1881. REPORT OF THE SELECTMEN. EXPENSES AT THE ALMSHOUSE, Charles E. Moody, supplies, $39 30 George B. Crocker, do., 15 Lorenzo Lewis, do., 90 George S. Fish, whitewashing, 1 50 William Dixon, two pigs, 6 00 Mrs. J. L. Buckley, dress-making, 5 50 George H. Fish, ten loads of dressing, 10 00 George F. Burgess, salary, 243 75 Gilbert H. Phillips, supplies, 1 97 Phinney & Edson, do., 151 62 James M. Holway, six loads dressing, 6 00 George J. Miller, clothing, 18 85 James T. Jones, three loads dressing, 3 00 T. W. Jones, supplies, 1 27 Dr. F. H. Jenkins, medical attendance, 47 00 Asa Jones, supplies, 12 60 Nathan Edson, supplies, 5 75 O. H. Crowell, do., 13 05 Charles Gray, smith-bill, .20 02 J. C. Smith & Son, varnishing wagon, 3 00 Joseph Bassett, supplies, 85 G. L. Bassett, do., 14 40 S. N. Howland, do., 29 79 Boston Morning Journal, 9 00 Smith & Harris, coal, 104 29 Josiah Hinckley, lumber and lime, 9 69 Henry Loring, supplies, 25 ' Ezra F. Crocker, slaughtering hogs, 1 00 Stephen Crocker, wheelwright work, 5 25 George S. Fish, supplies, 3 13 Charles C. Jenkins, ploughing, 9 00 H. N."Swif4,supplies, 95 19 2 James Blagden, smith work, $5 50 B. F. Crocker, repairing carriages, 15 25 Wm. D. Holmes, repairing harness, 2 12 David M. Seabury. tinware, etc., 15 80 Sundries, supplies for Almshouse, 25 45 George Cash, pump, 8 75 George J. Miller, clothing, 1 25 Wm. Dixon, two pigs, 7 00 i Dr. J. M. Smith, medical attendance, 35 25 J. C. Jones, repairs at Alms House, 5 00 Wm. O. Cobb, supplies, 14 83 F. Parker, supplies, 100 79 John Bursley, burial expenses of Harriet Baker, 20 00 S. N. Howland, supplies, 99 33 Seth Parker & Son, do., 125 40 Charles F. Parker, do., 6 75. Phillip H. Robinson, pew hire, 12 00 H. B. Chase & Sons, grain, 171 15 $1,544 69 POOR IN TOWN AND OUT OF ALMSHOUSE, John A. Lewis, $117 00 Jonathan Hallett, 66 00 Orren B. Bearse, 35 00 Seth Hallett, 75 00 Betsey Hodge, 78 20 Mary T. Bearse, 57 20 Charles Harrington, 23 61 Nancy Bacon, 63 13 George F. Weaver, 14 00 Catharine Bearse, 42 00 Jabez Baxter, 37 25 John B.•Holway, medical attendance, 49 00 Prentiss Kelley, 8 00 Louis Jones, 40 75 Mrs. Perry, 4 81 te Elizabeth E. Eldridge, 43 00 cc Maria Bearse, 46 00 cc Martha Bearse, 50 00 te James Canary, 26 20 ft James Linnell, 1 75 Jane Hamblin, 25 00 3 Mrs. Gardner, $7 00 William Pool, 87_ Lydia M. Allyn, 57 11 Mrs. J. W. Marston, 96 00 J. M. Holway, supplies and medical attendance, 73 75 Samuel Cobb, supplies, 13 80 Anna A. Blossom, supplies, 28 00 Thomas Norris, board at County Jail, etc., 38 31 Susan Gannon, supplies, 20 00 John Burns., supplies, 30 Rosanna Stout, supplies, 40 00 Martha Coleman, 95 75 Wilson Crocker, expenses of son from Taunton Hos- pital and burial expenses, 30 75 George Savory, supplies, 83 86 Eunice M. Lovell, supplies; 113 00 Patience Rogers, board of Chas. P. Rogers, 142 00 Maria Bearse, supplies, 13 75 James Jones, 88 52 Reuben West, 58 25 John AV. Lewis, . 86 70 Eliza Crocker, " 73 40 Elma Allen, 68 00 Samuel S. Lovell, 70 21 Sophronia Goodspeed, 25 19 Luther S. Wood, 6 49 Emily G. Hallett, 71 40 Dr. F.W. Pierce,medical attend., Josiah G. Handy, 18 00 Geo. Savory, - 7 00 Dr. T. R. Clement, medical attend., Elma Allen, 8 50 $2,338 81 PAID CITIES; TOWNS AND. HOSPITALS FOR SUPPORT OF P00 R, . Taunton Lunatic Hospital, John F. Howland, $177 50 Alexander Crocker, 18 53 Phebe Bursley; 174 52 Nancy F. Hamblin, 172 03 tt et cc George A. Macey, 111 22 Danvers Lunatic Hospital, Effie Hamblin, 72 13 City of Boston, James Camrel, 19 75 4 City of Boston, Harriet Bacon, $78 00 cc ccMary Hallett, 49 94 Nelson Baxter, Jr., 3 25 Town of Sandwich, for Lewis Phinney, 37 10 cc CT " L. Cathcart, 3 77 City of New Bedford, John Lumbert and wife, 17 33 Town of Yarmouth, Martha Bearse, 25 00 Town of Nantucket, Cordelia,Hamblin and family, 8 73 $968 80 STATE AID, Charles E. Ellis, $72 00 Willard E. Slade, 72 00 Barbara Doane, 48 00 Betsey F. Fish, ' 48 00 Temperance Crocker, 48 00 Daniel B. Snow, 72 00 Isaac Coleman, 36 00 Elizabeth E. Eldridge, 48 00 Martha J. Eldridge, 48 00 Helen D. Atkins, _ 48 00 Thomas W. Jones, 72 00 Dorcas Fuller, 48 00 Anna S. Young, 48 00 $708 00 MILITARY AID, Otway Backus, $80 00 Lorenzo C..Drury, 28 00 Charles L. Ellis, 32 00 Eli Paris, 187 58 Isaac Coleman, 36 00 $363 58 MISCELLANEOUS, Bounty on Muskrats, $55 50 Express on town reports and book of transfers, 75 Legal advice, 1 00 Overseers of Poor to Middleboro', 4 85 5 Premium insur. on School House at Hvannis Port, $3 00 two ccold district, 16, one 17 18, 13 70 Assessors to Boston, 14 50 Richard Eldridge and others, Fire Wards, 8 00 John J. Bowes, do., 7 80 A. D. Makepeace, do., 1879, 16 65 Henry H. Baker, school books, 14 26 Premium ins. and Carpenter's risk on Town House, 29 50 Smith K. Hopkins, writinb deed, 2 00 Postage, stationery, and work on Monument ground, 43 56 O. C. R. R., freight on hearses, etc.. . 29 68 Telegraphing, 60 Gorham Crosby, for Committee room, 1 00 .6 6 66 and others, entertainment, 5 75 Town House, well rope, 34 Waterman Wood, care of Town House, 5 00 Ins. on School House No. 10, 11, 21, and Santuit, 31 13 Ins. on hearse and house, Barnstable, 10 60 F. B. Goss, bill for printing Town Reports, 59 00 66 Advertising., � � 17 00 66 Printing School Reports, 42 00 ({ •64 and Advertising, 43 50 Ames Plow Co., tools for Almshouse farm, 13 00 Selectman to New Bedford, Worcester and Boston, 8 50 E. D. Merriam, blanks for taxes, 2 00 Russell Matthews, bill for hearse house, 165 00 Walter Chipman, transfer list shipping, 5 00 Lorenzo Lewis, collecting Bills of wood, 50 Geo. Russell & Son, bill Hearses, 970 00 O. W. Hinckley, Collector's books, 3 75 Painting and repairing Guide Boards, 4 75 Overseer of Poor, to Taunton, 4 50 ' Asa E. Lovell, list of conveyances, 20 00 J. C. Smith & Son, repairing office table, 8 00 Recording deeds, 1 30 Henry F. Loring, running out Town Wood Lot, 1 00 Overseer of Poor to State of Maine, 20 60 Caleb Sprague, Road scraper, 2 80 Expense on 1Iearse and Hearse-house, Osterville, 7 00 Copying estate bills, 40 00 6 ' Decoration Day. expenses, $46 76 Gilding letters on Monument and fence, 11 75 A. D. Makepeace, Herring ditch, 350 00 Hearse house at Osterville, 190 00 Balance, Centreville School House, furnishing seats; desks, etc., 455 12 Eli Phinney, Building Com. School House, 35 00 Fred. Parker, Com., locating School House, 5 00 Sec. 20, School House Outbuildings and fence, 190 00 School Books, 400 00 Liquor License, 12 50 Insurance on School Houses, Sec. 1, 3, 4 and 6, 9 16 Paid Noah Bradford, acct. Town House, 125 00 $3,568 66 TOWN OFFICERS, Nathan Crocker, School.Committee, $20 00 Henry A. Goodhue, " 242 68 Jas. H. Jenkins, - " and Clerk, 30 00 Eli Phinney, School Committee, 15 00 Nathan Edson, " " 15 00 Samuel Snow, " " 15 00 B. F.. Crocker, " " 5 00 Truant Committee, 3 years, 3 60 Paid Selectmen and Overseers Poor, 450 00 Obed Baxter, Town Constable, 5 75 " . " Dog " 20 00 ` F. G. Kelley, Town Treasurer, 100 00 Undertaker's Fees, 21 75 Assessors for 1880, 350 00 Clark Lincoln, Sealer Weights and Measures, 5 00 Recording Births and Deaths, 57 35 Geo. H. Hinckley, School Committee, 15 00 Andrew Lovell, Com., and Numbering Children, 16 25 $1,387 38 REPAIRS ON SCHOOL HOUSES, Nathan Edson, for Nos. 1; 3 and 4, $20 65- F. B. Goss, " 3 " 4, 144 63 Jas.. H. Jenkins, " 6 10 15 Andrew Lovell, 10, 11, 21, and Santuit, 24 98 7 B. F. Crocker, No. 17 and 18, $46 50 Samuel Snow, << 15 16,' 25 56 Geo. H. Hinckley, 12 �� 13, 85 25 Eli Phinney, 1.4 °� 20, 54 96 A. D. Makepeace, 15 - 16, 228 61 Chas. W. Hinckley, 17 - 18, 108 21 $749 50 COLLECTOR'S FEES, AND TAXES REMITTED. Collecting Taxes, Jas. Cornish, $287 86. (( << Lorenzo Lewis, - .8 44 Taxes remitted, Obed Baxter, 53 00 46 . << Lorenzo Lewis, 131 48 James Cornish, 115 78 $596 56 REPAIRS ON BURIAL GROUNDS, East Barnstable, Wm. Otis, labor, $1 94 Geo. A. Smith, labor, 1 65 Nathan Edson, 1 20 Barnstable, Geo. Dolby, 3 �60 James Doherty, 19 05 Isaac Cobb, reason work, 2 80 Phinney& Edson sup.H.House, 6 90 Sandy Street, F. Taylor, Painting fence, 9 42 E.'E. Taylor, labor, 1 50 Methodist, Jas. M. Nye for bier, 3 50 labor, 7 75 Isaac Cobb, mason work, 8 75 West Barnstable, Jas. H. Howland, labor, 1 50 E. Crocker, 2 25 J. H. Blossom, 2 25 C John Bursley, 4 00 hS _ Marston Mills, B. W. Cammett, labor, fence, 1 50 Cotuit, O. M. Jones, for bier, 3 50 Hyannis, (Old,) I. B. Bacon and Jas. Linnell, 3 00 Universalist, John H. Frost, fence, 3 95 ° ,Baptist; Richard Eldridge, 7 87 John J. Bowes, 7 87 John J. Lanan, 2 17 Centreville, B. W. Lewis, labor, 5 00 $112 92 b 8 REPAIRS ON ROADS, SOUTH—WEST SECTION. ' James H. Jenkins, for 1879, $3 00 Edwin T. Howland, for 1880, 1 50 Clarence L. Jones, 1 50 Levi P. Nickerson, 5 77 S. L. Leonard, 46 35 Oliver Coffin, 24 60 Joseph Coffin, 20 26 James A. Lovell, 8 70 W. Ryder, 12 00 E. P. Lewis, 8 03 N. B. Chase, 42. 00 Henry P. Leonard, 2 65 Wallace Crocker, 2 40 Charles Adams, 60 Edward Gifford, 143 40 Howard C. Goodspeed, 40 95 Isaac J. Green, 10 80 Ralph Meiggs, .6 00 Charles F. Green, 97 95 Harry Gifford, 41 47 O. W. Bearse, 21 30 Simeon L. Ames, 54 25 Ezra P. Hobson, 29 77 Frank Cammett, 2 55 Hiram Crocker, 38 60 Edgar Evans, 39 82 Herbert Gifford, 60 45 Eugene Crowell, 28 27 Charles G. Green, 13 95 Asa F. Bearse, 18 72 Henry W. Sargent, 60 45 William R. Goodspeed, 32 77 Ezra J. Gifford, 29 35 Nelson Rhodehouse, 18 30 Daniel Nickerson, 15 23 Edward E. Sturgis, 8 00 A. Landers, 8 00 Oziel P. Baker, 7 72 George Dunster, 6 40 Gilbert F. Crocker, 17 55 9 William Childs, $19 73 Leander W. Nickerson, loam, 10 00 Samuel Nickerson, sand, 5 00 Andrew Lovell, turf, 1879 and 80, 6 50 Benjamin E. Cammett, 25 44 Bennett W. Cammett and Sons, 32 74 Zemira Kendrick, 47 55 James D. Hallett, 3 00 Joseph Crocker, 75 Samuel H. Crocker, 13 35 Orin H. Mecarta, 2 25 Ezekiel Hamblin, 1 50 Ephraim Jones, 1 65 Edmund Crocker, 1 50 Fred. P. Jones, 3 00 Stephen Crocker, 50 James W. Hallett, _ 4 50 James West, 60 30 Scott Scudder, 51 30 Oliver H. Crocker, 36 45 Freeman L. Scudder, 5 85 William A. Coleman, 7 20 Benjamin F. Hinckley, 39 00 Clarendon Crocker, 25 50 John W. Lewis, 26 10 Frank Boult, 21 30 Fred. E. Parker, 14 70 Osmond Ames, 1 80 N. G. Hinckley, 12 60 Charles Lewis, 3 00 William Adams, 60 James Lewis Estate, for loam, 25 00 George Fisher, << 4 50 S. C. Lewis, 3 66 Joseph W. Crocker, << 1 50 John J. Jenkins, 30 53 Charles and Ellis Jenkins, 129 00 William F. Jenkins, 16 12 Asa Jenkins, 25 50 Eben Fuller, 6 75 Thomas Nye, 87 33 Calvin Hamblin 16 0 10 David Lewis, $49 65 Charles A. Braley, 45 00 Abner Jones, 18 75 James Taylor, 27 00 Alonzo H. Weeks, 38 87 Zebina H. Jenkins, 19 35 John Bassett, 4 50 Charles L. Bassett, 4 50 P. N. Jenkins, 28 20 James S. Macy, 3 00 L. L. Lumbert, 75 David J. Coleman cC Son, 120 25 George N. Goodspeed, 35 34 Abram Fuller, 6 72 Russell Hinckley &- Son 75 Gregory Gunderson, 10 05 Geo. W. Peirce, 15 00 Geo. H. Thomas, 10 65 Ansel B. Fuller, 28 77 Nathan A. Jones & Son, 51 60 Christopher Gifford, land and Ioam, 8 68 Wiii. Marston, loam and turf, 6 56 Joseph Nr. Scudder, 64 Andrew Lovell, 50 00 James H. Jones, 13 87 James Stevens, 17 60 Geo. B. Crocker,' ' 12 02 Edward Crocker, 11 25 Heman Fish, 3 00 Zemira Kendrick, 7 80 $2512 49 NORTH SIDE. Nathaniel D. Pool, labor, $8 25 David Marston, 6 90 Albert Howes, 2 85 H. H.Howes, 14 70 Prentiss Hawes, 9 40 S. P. Gorham, 6 15 Lot E. Hawes, 6 15 Cyrus B. Smith, 8 00 11 H. N. Swift, $2 10' F. B. Easterbrook, 6 00 T. S. Easterbrook, gravel, 10 80 John Hinckley, labor, 15 30 John Gilmore, 5 40 James Huckins, 2. 85 Charles Nelson, 2 62' James D. Baxter, 3 00 N. A. Hopkins, i 3 .60 P. Keveney, 15 30 Turner Hinckley, 6 00 D. N. Gross, 8 99 Eliphalet Edson, gravel, 2 76 N. Edson, men, horses and gravel, 50 52 Marcus N. Harris, 38 05 William Otis, 4 35 Wilson Ryder, men, horses and gravel, 58 16 George A. Smith, 2 85 James Doherty, labor and gravel, 42 93 Nathaniel Crocker, 4 50 Lemuel S. Jones, 3 25 E. A. Clark, 10 73 Eben Smith, 4 50 Wm. A. Dixon, 6 75 Wm. Dixon, 20 07 A. B. Young, 19 73 Joseph Bursley, 10 88 James Bursley, 53 10 William Carroll, 3 00 Oliver Holmes, 4 50 William Hinckley, 3 00 F. W. Matthews, 50 John T. Hall, 4 40 Charleg Jones, 7 20 Lorenzo Lewis, 33 95 Charles Crocker, 24 10 Edwin C. Stiff, 34 08 William Parker, 13 65 Joseph Jenkins, 13 65 Zebina Jenkins, 6 -82 Herbert A. Stiff, 12 15 Birt Parker, 6 82 12 James Taylor, $6 22 Lemuel Jones 5 85 ,Alex. Jones, 6 75 Alex. Crocker, 3 7.5. T. W. Jones, 9 00 .James P. Crowell, 6 00 James Smith 3.75 L. W. Jones, 6 00 Charles Jones, 2 50 John Dineen, 2 25 Charles and Ellis Jenkins, 70 50 George B. Crocker, 5 25 Henry Bodfish, 6 00 Sylvanus Bodfish, 11 11 Julius W. Bodfish, - 6 00 S. F. .Bodfish, 16 35 John Bursley, 33 67 William T. Bursley, 28 50 G. A. Burslev, 4 50 E. Crocker, Jr., 6 50 C. H. Conant, 4, 50 Harrison Fish, 4 50 Joseph H. Holway, 14 15 Joseph Howland, 30 James H. Jones, 3 00 Francis Jones, 5 25 Asa Jones, loam, 1 00 J. C. Smith;and Son, for gravel, 17 42 Ellis Jenkins, 2 25 Ira B. Bacon, labor in 1879, 3 00 $941 13 SOUTH EAST SECTION. Andrew Canary, $49 86 James Shuley, 30 54 James Sharp, 25 50 Dennis Gleason, 4 50 John Lenane, 24 81 William Mahar, Jr., 12 61 John Shuley, 9 63 William Mahar, 3 92 13 Reuben F. Childs, $5 00 Patrick Gleason, 32 12 William Watts, 27 90 Daniel W. Linnell, 2 25 Samuel Pitcher, 5 00 David Marchant, 3 00 Franklin Crocker, 3 00 John Mahar, 19 92 Marshall Hinckley, 39 00 Ira B. Bacon, 2 25 Simeon Taylor, 20 63 Henry Hazleton, 21 87 John J. Bowes, 172 40 Richard Eldridge, 169 42 B. F. Crocker & Co,, 1 92 Charles B. MarChant, 20 64 Alpheus Linnell, 9 00 E. F. Prince, 6 00 Daniel Hathaway, 20 55 E. Torrey, 1 20 Luther Broad, 1 20 Edgar Pocknett, 2 10 Theodore F. Newcomb, 1 50 John H. Smith, 94 96 U. G. Linnell, 21 84 Cornelius Harrington, 5 62 Z. E. Crowell, , 50 00 J. K. & B. Sears, 2 02 Horace Crocker, 1 40 William U. Ormsby, 16 20 Frederick Parker, 10 00 Nelson Bearse, 146 94 Jacob B. Lewis, 2 20 William Jones, 18 90 Everett P. Childs, ' 12 15 Reuben Jones, 26 50 Elijah H. Lewis, 23 04 Aaron S. Crosby, 160 28 Gorham F. Crosby, , 42 00 Daniel Bacon, 12.00 Eli Phinney, 9 00 P. A: Bearse, 57 11 R 14 F. B. Weaver, $5 60 Lemuel F. Backus, 5 60 Samuel H. Hallett, 28 55 Joseph W. Hinckley, 88 Oliver B. Jones, 2 70 A. Lewis, 68 Enoch Lewis, 5 04 M. B. Weaver, 3 52 Jehial Crosby, 12 33 Augustine F. Childs, 8 51 John F. Cornish, 1 00 Simeon C. Childs, 16 Henry N. Lyons, 1 20 Reuben Clark 6 78 Elisha B. Bearse, 16 50 Benjamin F. Hinckley, .2 80 Benjamin W. Lewis, 4 50 Jehial R. Crosby, 6 00 James D. Kelley, 6 00 Horace W. Sturges, 12 30 Asa Bearse, 2 25 Henry Stephens, 2 50 William E. Bearse, 7 35 Herbert Childs, 18 09 Nathan H. Bbarse, 5 70 S. Linnell, 6 08 Henry R. Lewis, 67 80 A. D. Makepeace, 1 20 O. C. Hoxie, 1 50 Isaiah B. Linuell, 2 25 $1,706 77 REPAIRS ON BRIDGES, MARSTONS MILLS. Henry A. Lovell, stone mason work, $34 92 . John H. Smith, cG " `° 18 87 Chas. C. Bearse, lumber, lime and cement, 19 03 David J. Coleman, son and team, 84 95 Bennett W. Cammett; son and tear, 33 63 Geo. N. Goodspeed, labor, 20 81 Abram Fuller, 16 75 15 " - Ansel B. Fuller, $8 25 Joshua F. Backus, lanterns and watch, 17 00 Nathan A. Jones and team, 33 30 Phillip H. Robinson, for stone, 21 75 Hiram Crocker, " 5 00 Nathaniel Howland, 10 50 Thomas Nye, 5 75 Abner Jones, 1 75 William Marston, oil and nails, 87 Nathaniel Hinckley, sand and rails, 1 25 Russell Hinckley, labor and stone, 16 75 Heman Thomas " 25 David J. Coleman, " . 11 00 . A. Lovell, carting, going for stone and labor, 21 00 Hercules Jones, lantern, 1 90 B. F. Crocker & Co., lumber for railing, 7 95 David Jones, carting stone, 9 60 H. F. Hamblin, 1 50 Gregory Gunderson, labor, 11 85 Charles C. Jenkins, carting stone, 20 00 Benj. E. Cammett, labor, 20 70 TRACY's BROOK. David J. Coleman, and others for labor and stone. $61 00 CENTREVILLE BRIDGE. J. K. & B. Sears, bills of lumber, 9 54. Nelson Bearse, labor, 8 14 B. F. Crocker & Co., lumber, Joshua's Brook, 7 57 $543 13 SNOW BILLS. Erastus Scudder and others, $7 95 Sylvanus Bodfish and nine others, 9 68 Zemira Kendrick and five others, 5 33 Edwin T. Howland and others, 2 10 Alonzo H. Weeks and others, 2 47 Thomas Lewis, 50 David J..Coleman and six others, 2 42 Simeon L. Leonard and five others, 2 42 John J. Bowes, and others, 21 00 Jehial Crosby, 4 65 Henry R. Lewis, 68 16 Edwin C. Stiff, and others, $3 60 Joseph Bursley, 64 1 65 Caleb Sprague, 44 2 80 M. M. Nye, << 5 15 Wilson Ryder, << 1 42 Chas. C. Jenkins, 3 75 $77 57 RECEIPTS, _ Cash in the Treasury, Feb. 25, 1880, 7,895 84 Tax assessed Aug. 1, 1879•, 43 37 Peddlers' Licenses, 50 00 Russell Marston, for M. Mills Herring Fishery, 32 00 Corporation Tax of 1879, 238 '15 National Bank Tax of 1879, 122 04 Town Tax, assessed in 1880, 17,511 39 State Tax, 2,340 00 Non-Resident Nat. Bank Tax, 235 96 Non-Commonwealth Bank Tax, 12 00 Corporation Tax, State Treasurer, 2,416 22 National Bank Tax, State Treasurer, 3,688 36 State Aid and Military Aid, 914 72 Dog Fund, - 119 22 Mass. School Fund, 216 74 Asa Jones for lease of land, Otis Hall, 1879, 2 00 R. F. Benson for lease of land, 1 00 Sale of Hearse and Hearse-house, Osterville, 17 00 Town of Mashpee for Schools, 74 90 Dennis Gleason, salt grass, 1 50 Taxes and other charges from Gray estate, 65 12 John J. Bowes, 15 loads loam, 60 Sale Grass, Pound Meadow, 31 25 West Barnstable, 6 00 Sale of Hearse and Hearse-house, 22 60 < < old pumps, 1 00 $36,058 98 17 EXPENDITURES, Paid School Orders 1879, $2,277- 04 << fL 1880, 7,336`77 Interest, 186 29 State Tax, 2,340 00 National Bank Tax, Non-Resident, 255 17 Support of Poor in Almshouse, 1,544 69 ([ . I[ in town and out of Almshouse, 2,338 81 i Cities, Towns and Hospitals, 968 80 State Aid, 708 00 Military-Aid, 363 58 Miscellaneous, 3,568 66 Town Officers, 1,387 38 Collectors fees and Taxes remitted, 596 56 Repairs on School Houses, 749 50 Burial Grounds, 112 92 Roads, 5,160 39 << Bridges, 543 13 Snow Bids, 77 57 Due from Collector, outstanding taxes,. 1,000.00 $31,515 26 FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE TOWN DR. Due individuals on loans in trust, $500 00 Due on School,money, 1,663 23 Balance in favor of the Town, 4,819 76 $6,982 99 CR. Cash in the Treasury, Feb. 16, 1881, $4,543 72 State Aid due from State, 720 00 Military Aid, " G° 181 79 Due from James Cornish, Collector of Taxes, 1,000 00 Town of Mashpee, on Schools, 24 40 Otis Hall, West Barnstable, 2 00 << State, Bank and Corporation Tax, 1880, 511 08 $6,982 99 18 ESTIMATED VALUATION OF PROPERTY OWNED BY THE TOWN 1881. Almshouse and Farm, $4,500 00 Wood land, 300 00 "Cobb," 400 00 Pound Meadow, 400 00 Town House, 1,500 00 School Houses, 31,000 00 Tombs, 2,400 00 Hearses, 1,600 00 Hearse Houses, 750 00 Personal property, viz. Furniture in Almshouse School Houses, &c., 2,500 00 "Trust Funds" held by Town, 10,500 00 School Books held by Agents, 702 14 Balance in favor of the town, in Treasury, 4,819 76 $61,401 90 ANDREW LOVELL, Selectmen ZENAS E. CROWELL, of NATHAN EDSON, Barnstable. BARNSTABLE, FEB. 17, 1881. EXPENSES ~~ OF THE TOWN OF BARNSTABLE FOR THE YEAR ENDING FEB. 13, 1882. BARNSTABLE, MASS. : F. B. GOSS, STEAM BOOK AND JOB PRINTER. [TIiE "PATRIOT" P1tTsSS.] iss2. REPORT OF THE SELECTMEN. EXPENSES AT THE ALMSHOUSE, Ellis Jenkins, cutting wood, etc., $21 00 Hoxie ce Letney, smith work, 1 00 George J. Miller, clothing, 42 00 James H. Jones, hay, 11 25 G. L. Bassett, supplies, 29 85 Nathan Edson, hay, 33 13 Charles F. Parker, supplies, 27 85 Sarah Aires, sewing, etc., 9 08 Daniel Crowell, shoes, 7 50 O. H. Crowell, supplies, 7 65 James Arey, 6 loads dressing, 6 00 J. L. Proctor, hay, 19 69 Dr. F. H. Jenkins, medical attendance, 2 00 Stephen Crocker, work, 2 25 Anna Cotell, services at almshouse, 36 00 T. W. Jones, supplies, 5 00 Henry Baker, 64 2 40 W. I1. Paine, 44 3 52 Boston Journal, 9 00 Stephen Crocker, work, etc., 1 40 George H. Fish, mason work, etc., 3 00 Ezra F. Crocker, slaughtering hog, 2 00 Josiah C. Jones, carpenter work, 2 00 -George F. Burgess, 5 loads dressing, 5 00 J. M. Holway, 5 loads dressing, 5 00 Calvin Benson, ploughing, etc., 10 00 Ezra F. Crocker, 3 loads dressing, 3 00 Bacon Farm, supplies, 2 00 David M. Seabury, tinware, etc., 7 77. George F. Burgess, salary, 268 75 Phinney & Edson, supplies. 1154 10 George F. Burgess, supplies, 1 82, 2 Wm. D. Holmes, repairing harness, $6 37 Pew hire, 12 00 Smith & Harris, coal, 138 39 H. N. Swift, supplies, 77 34 C. C. Jenkins, supplies, 2 00 Burial expenses of Jane Hamblin, 18 00 << 41 Mary P. Sylvester, 15 00 John Bursley, supplies, 8 05 Henry W. Fish, repairs at almshouse, . 75 Ezra F. Crocker, slaughtering cow, 1 00 E. H. Crocker, filing saws, etc:, 1 25 E. P. Jones, repairing shoes, 62 R. P. Benson, smith work, 2 55 S. N. Howland, supplies, 48 87 Fred. Parker, << . 109 22 Melvin Parker, 46 11 66 Sundry small supplies at almshouse, 20 94 J. W. B. Parker, 113 74 Paid for strawberries, 50 Dennis H. Mecarta, for sponge, 75 Sarah P. Ames, for bedding, 18 75 Charles Gray, smith work, 16 95 Charles F. Parker, bill for cloth, 4 40 H. B. Chase& Sons, grain, 253 43 $1624 54 POOR IN TOWN AND OUT OF ALMSHOUSE, John A. Lewis and wife, supplies, $41 05 Dr. George W. Doane, medical attendance, Mrs. J. A. Lewis, 5 25 Dr. T. W. Fossett, medical attendance of do., 4 50 Thomas J. Norris, 11 20 Martha Bearse, 2d., 51 00 Catharine Bearse, 42 00 Betsey Hodge, 73 87 Mary T. Bearse, 44 93 Nancy Bacon, nurse and supplies, 54 01 Dr. Samuel Pitcher, med. attend., Nancy Bacon, 35 00 Dr. T. W. Fossett, [1 69 10 50 Burial expenses of Nancy Bacon, 15 00 Maria Bearse, 63 75 3 Elizabeth E. Eldridge, $26 00 Lewis Jones and family, supplies, 34 60 Dr. T. W. Fossett,medical attendance, Mrs.Lewis Jones; 6 00 Charles Harrington and family, 15 97 Annie Gardner and family, 49. 50 William S. Pool, 2 50 Jonathan Hallett and wife, 58 00 Martha Bearse, board and supplies, 15 00 Dr. Nickerson, coed• attendance, llartha L'earse, 25 00 Dr. Pulsifer, [4 46 << 13 00 Burial expenses of Martha Bacon, 15 00 Daniel W. Linnell, 3 25 Reuben West, supplies, 70 68 Dr. Clement, medical attendance, 5 50 Elma'Allen, supplies, 70 00 << ({ Dr. Clement, 7 U0 James Jones.,.supplies, 90 40 46 '66 Dr. Clement, medical attendance, 15 00 '4 It Josiah Ames, coffin, Krs. Jones, 14 00 4 4 46 J. P. Crosby, for digging grave, 2 00 Eliza Crocker, supplies, 73 32 John W. Lewis, supplies, 147 25 medical attendance, 25 00 Josephine Allen, supplies, 65 50 Samuel S. Lovell, do., 70 9s Clarendon Crocker, do., 81 18 Sophronia Goodspeed, do., 16 00 Emily G. Hallett, do., 67 27 Ann Ames, do., 47 00 Martha Coleman, do., 82 00 Patience Rogers, for board of Chas. P. Rogers, 134 00 << '° Dr. Pineo, medical attendance, 15 00 Fred;k Ames, for board of Geo. Savory, 102 50 Heman Thomas, for board of F. H. Thomas, 39 00 Eunice M. Lovell, supplies, . 114 00 Charles D. Clayton, for board of Ann Burlingame, 26 75 Josiah Ames, coffin for Mrs. Jas. Crowell, 10 00 Dr. Peirce, for medical attendance Geo. Savory, 10 00 J. W. B. Parker, supplies to Robert Cammett, 17 58 Mrs. J. W. Marston, supplies, 72 00 Anna A. Blossom, do., 52 00 4 J. M. Holway, supplies and medical attendance, $67 00 Lydia N. Allyn, supplies, 41 79 Samuel Cobb, do., 14 00 Susan Gannon, do.,� 25 65 $2407 23 PAID CITIES, TOWNS AND HOSPITALS FOR'SUPPORT OF POOR, Taunton Lunatic Hospital, for John F. Howland, $182 36 for George A. Macy, 174 32 GG for Phebe Bursley, 173 57 '6 •' << for Nancy F. Hamblin, 185 92 66 for Theodite Hinckley, 136 82 State Almshouse,,for Ruth Sanclair, 17 69 State Workhouse; for Thomas J. Norris, 53 25 City of Boston, for Harriet Bacon, 78 00 for Mary Hallett, 52 14 Jesse Snow, 6 83 Town of Marlborough, for W. L. Tobey and family, 8 00 Town of Sandwich, for Charles Dixon, 5 75 for Lewis Phinney, 3 12 Town of Fairhaven,for Arthur Harrington and family, 67 29 $1145 06 STATE AID. Charles E. Ellis, $72 00 Willard E. Slade, 72 00 Barbara Doane, 48 00 Betsey F. Fish, 48 00 Temperance Crocker, 48 00 Thomas W. Jones, 72 00 Ann S. Young, 48 00 . Dorcas Fuller, 48 00 Daniel B. Snow, 72 00 Elizabeth E. Eldridge, 48 00 Martha J. Eldridge, 6 40 Helen D. Atkins, 48 00 $630 40 5 . MILITARY AID. Otway Backus, $96 00 Eli Paris, 152 18 Isaac Coleman, 84 00 Charles L. Ellis, 24 00 James '_Vlarchant, 66. 00 $422 18 MISCELLANEOUS, Gorham Crosby, for committee room, $1 00 Waterman Wood, care'of Town House and setting glass, 5 50 Isaac B. Green and others, painting guide boards, 10 50 << for painting hearse and setting glass, 14 66 Paid for stationery, postage stamps and express, 34 63 R. T. Harlow, damage to carriage, 5 00 Selectmen, passage to Boston, 4 50 Assessors, passage to New Bedford and Boston, 9 17 Overseers Poor, passage to Boston and Tewksbury, 11 02 James Webb and others, entertainment, 1 70 Telephone and Telegraph, 1 50 Bounty on woodchucks and muskrats, 247 27 Howard Hall, for Town Meeting' 10 00 Half expense of bound stone between Barnstable and Yarmouth, 3 00 H.W. Knowlton, retaining fee and legal advice in case of N. Crocker, 17 30 S. Snow, bills paid in the prosecution for violation of the license law, - 76 11 Insurance on Centreville School House, 6 25 Jehial R. Crosby, Fire Ward, and others, 9 55 John H. Smith, cc 66 66 6 80 John Bursley, 64 44 << 5 00 H. B. Sears, smith.work, 2 75 F. B. Goss, printing town reports, etc., 68 50 46 school reports, 54 50 _ James F. Eldridge, labor on town house well, 37 50 Ames Plow Co.'s bill, 10 00 Walter Chipman, transfer list, 2 00 Asa E. Lovell, list of conveyances, 20 00 J. C. Smith & Son, varnishing hearse, 2 50 6 E. F. Stewart, office chairs, $14 25 O. W. Hinckley, tax books, 2 75 J. T. Jones,, cranberry barrels, 1 50 Decoration Day, 50 00 F. G. Kelley, postage, express, stationery, work on monument ground, etc., 21 40 Liquor License, 12 50 Insurance on Almshouse, barn, etc., and School *House at West Barnstable, 15 50 $796 11 BUILDING AND REPAIRS OF TOWN'S BUILDINGS. . Noah Bradford, balance bill, Town House, $933 25 John Hinckley, repairing and enlarging barn, 570 0.0 Jos. Whittemore, painting Town House, 31 41 John Hinckley, Town House cupalo, . 75 00 Geo. H. Fish, plastering Town House, 105 00 Simeon Taylor, stone work on barn cellar, 37 36 E. F. Stewart, settees and chairs, Town House, 263 50 O. C. R. R. Co., freight on do., 36 00 L. K. Paine, draughting and specifications, Town House, 9 00 Daniel C. Crocker, tables for Town House, 27 43 Erwin S. Carr, smith work, 46 8 00 John Hinckley, paint, 66 90 Leslie F. Jones, Town House Restaurant, 165 00 << 46 woi k on Town House, 71 37 Calvin Benson, carting settees, 5 00 C. C. Jenkins, carting stone for barn cellar, 15 00 L. L. Jones, painting barn, 6 15 Henry W. Gray, painting Town House and Restan- rant, 48 70 Wm. Bearse, 2d, paints and oils, 21 40 C. W. Hinckley, 6 05 A. G. Cash, stove, pipe and fixtures. Town House, 41 85 James S. Macy, labor on Town House, 1 25 I. B. Phinney, painting hearse house, 13 65 J. K. & B. Sears, blinds for do., 2 70 L. G. Baker, hanging blinds, 50 $2495 47 7 TOWN OFFICERS, Nathaniel Hinckley, Committee locating school house, $5 00 Erastus Scudder, do., 6 25 Andrew Lovell, School Committee, 15 00 Chas. W. Hinckley, do.•, 15 00 Obed Baxter, Constable, dog services, 3 00 F. B. Goss, School Committee, 15 00 A. D. Makepeace, " ° 15 00 Geo. H. Hinckley, 66 15 00 Eli Phinney, " 15 00 James H. Jenkins, " and secretary, 30 00 H. A: Goodhue,, " and superind't, 247 50 Selectmen and Overseers Poor, 450 00 F. G. Kelley, Town Treasurer,. 100 00 Undertakers for recording deaths, 18 00 C. Lincoln, Sealer of Weights and Measures, 5 00 Assessors for 1881, 350 00 Nathan Edson, Surveyor of Highways, 1880, 30 00 F. G. Kelley, record'g births,deaths and marriages, 53 15 $1387 90 COLLECTOR'S FEES AND TAXES REMITTED, James Cornish, Collector of Taxes, $12 50 Erastus Scudder, 11 " 216 03 James Cornish, taxes remitted, 153 58 Lorenzo Lewis, " " 12- 72 $394 83 REPAIRS ON SCHOOL HOUSES; Andrew Lovell, for Nos. 10, 11, 21 and Santuit, $394 31 Geo. H. Hinckley, for Nos. 12 and 13, 28 60 F. B. Goss, for Nos. 3 and 4, 379 33 Nathan Edson, for No. 1, 4 30 James H. Jenkins, for Nos. 6, 8 and 9, 49 72 Charles W. Hinckley, for Nos. 17 and 18, 421 54 Eli Phinney, for Nos. 14 and 20, 169 21 A. D. Makepeace, for Nos. 15 and 16, 30 50 $1477 51 8 BURIAL GROUNDS AND TOMBS, Ira B. Bacon, Old Burial Ground, Hyannis, $6 25 Asa W. Stevens, Centreville, labor, 2 10 J. J. Bowes,labor,Baptist Burial Ground,Hyannis, 5 00 Richard Eldridge, Uuiversalist do., Hyannis, 5 00 Isaac Hedge, East Barnstable do., labor, 5 00 William A. Dixon, Barnstable do., labor, 15 00 James M. Nye, Methodist do., Barnstable, labor, 5 75 Eben Taylor, Sandy Street do., (L 1 50 John Bursley and others, W. Barnstable, 10 00 $55 60 REPAIRS ON ROADS, 1881, Thomas Nye, $35 03 James Lewis' Estate, for loam, 8 90 Calvin Hamblin, 50 Roland T. Harlow, 36 30 Nelson Rhodehouse, 39 02 Simeon L. Ames, labor and loam, 37 30 Gilbert F. Crocker, 30 00 . Beuj. E. Cammett, 25 00 Harrie Gifford, 34 82 Isaac C. Sturgis, 18 75 Josiah Lumbert, .6 00 Daniel Nickerson, 8 70 Aaron Nickerson, 11 40 L. W. Nickerson, 4 65 Asa F. Bearse, 9 30 William Childs, 27 25 Laban T. Sturgis, 10 58 William R. Goodspeed, 16 80 Charles W. Backus, 10 35 Seth Nickerson, railing, 12 00 Luther G. Baker, 3 00 John J. Harlow, 19 50 Zenas Crocker, 3 00 Edward Gifford, 150 27 Hiram Crocker, 39 75 Howard C. Goodspeed, 35 55 Herbert-Gifford, . 36 54 Charles G. Green, 90 Charles F. Green, $64 79 Eugene Crowell, 30 30 Albert Sargent, labor and loam, 5 90 Cyrus C. Jones, 12 00 Edwin T. Howland, 27 75 Charles E. Hinckley, 4 50 Nelson Njr. Crocker, 9 96 Thomas H. Fuller, 25 05 Samuel Barrows, 3 00 Henry Kingman, 23 70 Arthur Lapham, 10 50 Ezra P. Hobson, 25 00 George W. Childs, 16 12 Ezra J. Gifford, 35 00 William C. Gifford, 16 57 Fred'k P. Jones, 18 75 Edmund Crocker, 8 40 Edmund Hamblin, 12 00 Ezekiel C. Hamblin, 15 95 E. L. Jones, ' 90 O. H. Mecarta, 8 25 Zemira Kendrick, 22 35 S. F. Crocker, 9 00 James D. Hallett, 6 00 J. W. Hallett, 3 75 Geo. N. Goodspeed, 19 50 Ralph Meiggs, 19 62 Geo. F. Meiggs, 6 90 Alonzo H. Weeks, 12 00 Charles A. Braley, 42 90 Eddie Kingman, 1 50 James H. Jenkins, 4 50 _James West, labor and loam, 86 35 W. Scott Scudder, 69 90 .William A. Coleman, 49 80 James A. Lovell, 27 30 F. L. Scudder, 3 30 Alcott Hallett, 13 50 z Edmund P. Lewis, 36 00 Austin Lovell, 20 40 David C. Lewis, labor and loam, 29 79 Voward M. Lovell, 12 60 10 Charles Lewis, $18 45 Oliver Coffin, 3 45 George Fisher, loam, 8 40 E. B. Hinckley, do., 90 Temperance Parker, do., 6 60 Oliver H. Crocker, do., 1 52 Andrew Lovell, services as Surveyor, 50 00 Ansel B. Fuller, 8 25 William A. Fuller, 1 13 Hercules Jones 3 35 Nathan A. Jones, 20 17 Clinton Jones, . 4 95 Bennett W. Cammett and isons, 20 03 David J. Coleman and son, 141 00 Simeon Leonard, 'for loam, 3 00 Christopher Gifford,.do., , 50 Joseph W. Scudder, do., . 50 William Marston, do., 1 00 Ansel B. Fuller, do:, 2 19 O. H. Mecarta, do., 4 50 O. W. Bearse, 82 Charles L. Baxter, fr't and carting posts, 1 25 S. L. Leonard, 42 00 J. M. Leonard, 15 96 N. B. Chase and team, 41 20 Otis Crocker, 2 97 Edgar Swift, ' 1 05 E. Ryder, for horse, N 2 10 Owen Lewis, 85 Henry P."Leonard, 1 30 Edgar Evans, 9 52 Joseph Coffin, 15 34 Clarendon Crocker, 15 81 S. L. Leonard, for posts, 5 00 Ralph Meiggs, 50. 13 85 Edward Gifford, Ezra J. Gifford, 1 20 George W. Childs, 50 Herbert Gifford, 3 29 John S. Bearse, 2 00 Daniel W. Linnell, 6 75 Andrew Canary, 35 02 11 James Sharp, $56 45 John Sheeley, 6 51 Henry Hazleton, 23 77 Patrick Gleason, 37 50 John J. Bowes, 195 48 William Watts, 42 00 James Sheeley, 18 45 William E. Bearse, 15 89 John Buckley, 14 95 Edson C. Hamblin, 50 Edward Gleason, 5 66 John Mahar, 6 12 William Mahar, Jr., 15 68 John Donahue, 11 25 Thomas Mahar, 9 17 Aurin B. Crocker, 1 00 M. P. Prince, for loam, 12 00 Reuben Jones, for loam, 10 96 Reuben Jones, for labor, 19 02 Zenas E. Crowell, services as Surveyor, 50 00 Gorham F. Crosby, 39 26 John Phinney, 9 00 Jacob B. Lewis, for loam, -7 76 Henry Lumbert, 4 50 Mary B. Weaver, for loam, 4 96 Herbert Kelley, � 2 70 Samuel H. Hallett, 63 38 Elisha B. Bearse, 15 15 Marshall Hinckley, 47 89 Nelson Bearse, 34.85 Nelson Bearse, for loam, 2 00 Ira B. Bacon, 80 Simeon C. Childs, 12 15 Horace W. Sturgis, 13 51 Horace Crocker, 17 55 Thomas Stephens, 62 F. G. Kelley, for loam, 5 40 Simeon Taylor, 26 78 Sears Hallet Heirs, for loam, 3 00 Jehial R. Crosby, 6 95 Isaiah B. Linnell, 27 90 Asa Hallett, 1 75 12 Henry R. Lewis, $104 40 Luther Jones, 6 00 Horace Jones, for loam, 3 56 Benjamin Hinckley, 2 70 George H. Bearse, 32 Toilston Fuller, 38 Luther Phinney, 5 92 Jehial Crosby, 10 35 A. S. Crosby, 49 67 Gorham Crosby, 38 97 Daniel Bacon, 3 80 Richard Eldridge, 188 77 A. D. Makepeace, 3 75 O. C. Hoxie, 6 00 John Lenane, 30 87 W. G. Linnell, 27 65 William Omsby, 22.50 Eben Cahoon and boys,. 3 41 Theodore F. Newcomb, 1 87 Oliver Belle, 2 79 John H. Smith, 124 22 Alpheus Linnell, 12 00 Charles B. Marchant, 14 85 Horace Cobb, 9 00 E. C. Hinckley, 1 55 James and Daniel Hathaway, 44 55 Mrs. Wilson Crosby, for loam, 1 04 .Ansel Lewisjor loam, 64 Eli. Phinney, 13 74 B. F. Crocker & Co., 21 21 Simeon L. Leonard,lumber of B.F. Crocker Co., 5 24 David J. Coleman, 18 95 Frank Matthews, 10 40 Isaac G. Hedge, 15 30 Lot E. Hawes, 12 90 N. Edson, man and horse, 32 85 Frank B. Esterbrook and horse, 30 90 William Ding, 10 95 George A. Smith, 14 32 Prentiss Hawes, 5 00 R..E. Childs, 8 10 Thomas S. Esterbrook, man and horses, 52 54 13 Joshua Geer, $6 15 Caleb Sprague, 9 45 Benj. F. Smith, 15 00 Mrs. Thayer, for loam, 4 50 Joseph Whittemore, loam and labor, 6 50 David :Marston, 10 50 Erwin S. Carr, smith work, 18 25 John Hinckley & Son, lumber, 25 01 Patrick Regan, 45 henry L. Hopkins; man and horses, 24 50 Gorham Hallett, smith work, 4 88 B. F. & C. Crocker, lumber, 1 25 Rebecca Handy, for loam, 3 51 Wilson Ryder, men and horses, 14 30 Albert Esterbrooks, 75 William A. Dixon, 12 60 George L. Bursley, 7 90 Cyrus B. Smith and horse, 27 30 George Snow, 3 00 William Hinckley, 9 00 William Dixon and team, 40 20 A. B. Young, 18 68 James Bursley and horse, 71 62 E. A. Clarke,. 7 65 Joseph Bursley, 21 97 Oliver Holmes, 3 00 Charles Crocker, 33 10 James Baxter, 16 65 David Grose, 8 25 John Hinckley, 5 25 N. Percival, 27 00 William Gorham, 3, 75 John T. Hall, 16 50 Lorenzo Lewis, 43 25 M. N. Harris, 65 90 Philo Hawkes, 1 20 Eben Smith, 39 50 Lemuel S. Jones, 34 95 Charles C. Jones, 8 86 Eben Taylor, 12 30 E. C. Stiff, 23 85 E. A. Jones, 39 15 14 W. H. Parker, $22 80 Alex. K. Crocker, 26 32 Russell Matthews, 87 Elijah L. Loring, 3 00 Turner Hinckley, loam, 3 15 Eliphalet Loring, 16 36 Alexander Jones, 3 38 James A. Hinckley, 1 58 Joseph H. Jenkins, 16 50 Henry F. Loring, 73 00 John B. Rodgers, 17 25 A. H. Weeks, 6 75 Ellis Jenkins, 49 50 Henry C. Fish, 3 00 James H. Jones, 7 50 Asa Jenkins, 2. 25 John J. Jenkins, 3 00 Charles C. Jenkins, 117 00 James Taylor, 75 Eben W. Fuller, 1 20 Nathaniel Crocker, 3 00 S. F. Bodfish, 17 02 Henry Bodfish, 3 00 Julius Bodfish, 12 00 Sylvanus Bodfish, loam and labor, 14 22 Wm. T. Bursley, 24 00 John Bursley, 39 73 George A. Bursley, 9 00' Calven Benson, 6 00 Charles H. Conant, - 12 60 Harrison Fish, 15 00 Joseph H. Holway, 26 45 M'rs. Sarah Holway, loam, 3 00 Francis Jones, 10 35 J. C. Jones, 2 00 Fred. Parker, nails, 36 J. C..Smith & Son, labor and loam, 8 02 James Stevens, 7 50 George H. Weeks, — 7 75 Crocker Blossom; 4 50 J. H. Blossom, 2 00 Washington Bursley, 12 05 Fti • 15 Nathan Edson, services as road surveyor, $50 00 • $5,348 33 NEW ROADS, D. J. Coleman & B. W. Cammett, working road per contract, $350 00 Geo. N. Goodspeed, land taken for road, 25 00 J. K. & B. Sears, posts for railing, 7 50 Fred. P. Jones, for Newtown dyke, 45 88 Henry W. Jenkins, Newtown road, . 23 25 John J. Jenkins, 41 25 Asa Jenkins, it it 11 25 James Stevens, it it 18 30 James H. Jones, 44 it 21 22 Heman C. Fish, i 6 60 Ellis.Jenkins,, 32 22 Henry Fish, << 1 50 John$ursley, << << 1 00 C. C. Jenkins and teams, Newtown road, 75 00 $660 00 REPAIRS ON BRIDGES, John Hinckley & Son, lumber for St. Bt. Bridge, $24 32 Nelson Bearse, labor, Centreville bridges, 11 26 A. S. Crosby, 1, 6 G 6 i 75 J. K. & B. Sears, lumber for bridges,' 29 07 U. G. Linnell, material and labor, it 1 25 ' J. K. & B. Sears, bill posts Marston's Mills N. B., 10 00 " 46 64 plank for drain, Rushy Marsh, 6 01 E. Gifford and others, labor on do., 19 50 E. T. Howland, labor, Lumbert's Mill Bridge, 18 15 Charles E. Hinckley, << . (i << _ 4 20 A. W. Lapham; << << 6 00 $130 51 SNOW BILLS, Nelson Bearse and others, $3 05 John J. Bowes.- 110 78 16 Richard Eldridge and 16"others, $35 71 John H. Smith 14 << 27 46 'A. S. Crosby 17 45 96 Henry R. Lewis 15 44 77 Jas. Bursley 21 68 89 Henry F. Loring << 3.3 << 93 77 Jas. M. Nye << 5 6 60 Nathan Edson 12 5 48 F. B. Esterbrook << 24 << 35 40 John Bursley 25 << 90 50 A. F. Edsson 15 12 55 Chas..C. Jenkins << 8 25 00 Washington Bursley and 8 others, 12 80 M. N. Harris �� 24 45 90 D. J. Coleman << << 67 50 E. T. Howland << 19 50 B. W. Cammett << 16 88 Jas. West << 54 75 Simeon L. Leonard %11 63 A. H. Weeks 23 62 F. P. Jones << 14 75 02 Edward Gifford 17 << 39 68 Chas. A. Braley, << 28 00 E. Scudder 1880, 5 37 $1.,OO6 57 RECEIPTS. Cash in Treasury, Feb. 21, 1881, $5,543 72 Rec'd from State Treasurer,Corporation Tax, 1880, 542 19 From << 11 -Nat'l Bank Tax, << 231 .88 Town Tax, 1881; 19,506 67 State Tax, G( 2,340 00 Non-Resident Bank Tax, 253 94 . Non-Commonwealth Bank Tax, 12 75 Peddlers' Licenses, 30 00 R. Marston, M. Mills Herring Fishery, , 32 00 Taxes assessed Oct. lst, 50 52 State Treasurer, for Corporation Tax, 2,606 53 Nat. Bank Tax from State Treasurer, 3,715 76 From State Treasurer for State Aid, 720 00 17 Ree'd from State Treasurer for Military Aid, $186 19 • County Treasurer, Act. Dog Fund, 64 11 Jas. Cornish, balance due from sale of property for tax against estate of John Whitman, 1873, 4, 5, and 6, 13 20 Income from Mass. School Fund, 217 73 Asa Jones, lease of land, Otis Hall, 1880, 2 00 R. F. Benson, L L horse shed, 1 00 Town of Mashpee for Schools, 1880, 12 20 Paul Sherman, rent of Jane Hamblin's house, 8 00 Andrew Chase, poll tax,1879, 1 72 John J. Bowes, grass, Snow's Creek, 1 00 Sale of Pound Meadow Grass, 43 75 Produce from Town's Farm, 61 75 $36,198 61 EXPENDITURES, Paid on School Orders, 1880, $2,212 82 << << << 1881, 6,191 81 Interest amount, 222 47 State Tax, 2,340 00 Nat'l Bank Tax, Non-Resident,. .264 72 Support-of Poor in Almshouse, 1,624 54 << 64 in town and out of Almshouse, 2,407 23 Cities, Towns and Hospitals. 1,145 06 State Aid, 630 40 Military Aid, 422 18 Buildings and Repairs oi;Town's Buildings, 2,495 47 Miscellaneous, 796 11 Town Officers, 1,387 90 Taxes Remitted and Collectors fees, 394 '3 Repairs on School Houses, 1,477 51 Burial Grounds and 'Tombs, 55 60 Repairs,on Roads, 5,348 33 New Roads and Land taken for same, 660 00 Repairs on Bridges, 130 51 Snow Bills, 1,006 57 Due from Collectors, outstanding taxes, 1,156 52 $32,370 58 18 FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE TOWN, DR. Due individuals on loans in trust, $513 20 Due on School money, 2,040 44 Balance in favor of the Town, 4,176 70 $6,730 34 CR. Cash in the Treasury, Feb. 13, 1882, $3,828 03 State Aid due from State, 630.40 Military Aid due from State, 211 09 Due from E. Scudder, Collector of Taxes, 1,156 52, State on Bank and (;orporation Tax, 890,30 Town of Mashpee for Schools, 12 20 Otis Hall, 2 00 $6,730 34 ESTIMATED VALUE OF PROPERTY OWNED BY THE TOWN FEB. 13, 1882, Almshouse and Farm, $5,100 00 Wood land, 300 00 4 `Cobb," 400 00 Pound Meadow, 400 00 Town House and Restaurant, 3,800 00 School.Houses, 31,500 00 Tombs, 2,400 00 Hearses and Hearse Houses, 2,350 00 Personal property, viz. Furniture in Almshouse,. School Houses and Town House, &-c., 2,900 00 "Trust Funds" held by the Town, 10,513 20 School Books held by Agents, 590 00 Balance in Town Treasury, 4,176 34 $64,429 54 ANDREW LOVELL, Selectmen ZENAS E. CROWELL, of NATHAN EDSON, Barnstable. BARNSTABLE, FEB. 13, 1882. i EXPENSES OF THE I TOWN OF BARNSTABLE FOR THE YEAR ENDING FEB. 13, 1883. r N tv BARNSTABLE, MASS. : F. B. GOSS, STEAM BOOK AND JOB PRINTER. [THE "PATRIOT" PRESS.] 1883. REPORT OF THE SELECTMEN. EXPENSES AT THE ALMSHOUSE, Ellis Jenkins, cutting wood, $8 50 William O. Cobb, supplies, 35 36 Dr. J. M. Smith, medical attendance, 55 50 Annie Cotell, work at almshouse, 6 00 T. W. Jones, supplies, 9 15 William Dixon, two pigs, 9 00 George F. Burgess, balance of salary, 41 59 Phinney & Edson, supplies, 139 33 S. N. Howland, supplies, 32 80 Nathan Edson, hay, 17 23 Lorenzo Lewis, supplies, 7 80 G. L. Bassett, supplies, 39 10 Mrs. B. Jones, work at almshouse, 2�58 Eliphalet P. Jones, repairing carriage, etc., 1 80 George F. Fish, ploughing, 6 00 Asa Jones,supplies, 1495 Pew rent, West Barnstable church, 12 �00 James R. Arey, salary, 225 00 George F. Fish, mowing, 7 50 John Blachford, passage to West Barnstable, 25 George F. Fish, mason work, 8 50 E. F. Crocker, work at almshouse, 52 M. B. Jones, << 66 2 00 Smith & Harris, coal bill, 107 76 Mrs. Heman Fish, work'at almshouse, 13 00 E. P. Jones, repairing shoes, 1 2Q, J. Hinckley & Son, lumber, etc., 2 23 D. M. Seabury, repairing stoves, etc., 29 05 L. S. Jones, services of bull, 1 00 Josiah C. Jones, carpenter work, 8 50 Kilburn Taylor, repairing carriage, 2 50 James H. Jones, supplies, 2 40 r 2 John Bursley, burial expenses of John Lewis, $19 00 Wm. D. Holmes, repairing harness, 1 62 John Bursley, supplies, 4 00 Washington Bursley, ploughing, etc, 5 00 H. N. Swift, supplies, 47 40 J..T. Jones, 46 27 33 James R. Arey, 66 16 48 J. W. B. Parker, << 65 33 Melvin Parker, 64 95 90 Nathan Grush, 64 3 84 H. B. Chase & Sons, grain, 205 68 Geo. J. Miller, clothing, 5 00 J. A. llassett, repairing carriage and harness, 4 25 C. C. Crocker, repairing carriage, 29 10 O. W. Hinckley, medicine, 2 87 D. Lumbert and B. W. Cammett, for berries, 67 $1,383 59 POOR IN TOWN AND OUT OF ALMSHOUSE Martha Bearse, $55 00 << 66 medical attendance, Dr. G. W. Doane, 28 70 Maria Bearse, supplies, 31 87 << coffin and burial-expenses, 17 00 << << Dr. S. Pitcher, medical attendance, 30 50 Betsey Hodge, 82 25 John A. Lewis, digging grave, 2 00 Mrs. Gardner's 4 children, 35 29 12ary-T. Bearse, 47 04 Charles Heron and family, 23 84 Catharine Bearse, 50 00 Mary Cathcart, clothing during imprisonment, 6 25 Philander Cathcart, 36 82 Jane Mitchell, 3 24 Louis Jones and family, 44 50 << 66 Dr. Fossett, medical attendance, 9 00 Jonathan Hallett, 22 00 Charles Pool and family, 8 92 James Linnell, 1 75 Mrs. Perry, 5 00 3 Jabez Baxter, $15 00 64 '� Dr. Pitcher medical attendance, 20 00 Josiah G. Handy, supplies, 52 00 C. D. Clayton, for board of Ann Burlingame, 72 00 Dr. Pierce, medical attendance, 12 00 Martha Coleman and daughter, supplies, 82 00 Reuben West, supplies, 91 53 Dr. T. R. Clement, medical attendance,. 15 00 Elma Allen, supplies, 52 00 Dr. T. R. Clement, medical attendance, 5 00 James Jones, for board of James Jones, 67 80 Eliza Crocker, supplies, 63 25 John W. Lewis, 66 68 36 Josephine Allen, " 31 21 Samuel S. Lovell, " 73 20 Clarendon Crocker, " 84 58 Ann Ames, " 52 00 H. Thomas, for board of son, 52 00 W. L. G. Robbins, for board of Geo. Savory, 52 00 Eunice M. Lovell, supplies, 112 00 Robert Cammett, " 22 57 Sophronia Goodspeed, " 12 00 G. F. Crocker, for burial of Chas. P. Rogers, 3 50 Josiah Ames, for coffin for Chas. P. Rogers, 15 00 Dr. J. M. Smith, medical attendance, Martha Congdon, 1882, 27 25 Almira`Marston and family, 60 00 Anna A. Blossom, 52 00 J. M. Holway, supplies, 84 00 .Charles Nelson, " 21 99 Susan Gannon, coal and wood, 29 89 Lydia M. Allen, supplies, 18 54 $1,960 64 PAID CITIES, TOWNS AND HOSPITALS FOR SUPPORT OF POOR, Taunton Lunatic Hospital, for John F. Howland, $191 11 64 for Theoditia Hinckley, 173 90 46 for George A. Macy, 176 61 for Nancy F. Hamblin, 178 19 4 Taunton Lunatic Hospital, for Phebe Bursley, $173 11 City of Boston, for Harriet Bacon, _ 78 00 Lf << for Mary Hallett, 52 89 for Thos. P. Baxter, 2 63 (C 46 for Florence E. Jones, 53 00 State Almshouse, for Thomas J. Norris, 60 00 $1,139 44 STATE AID, Charles E. Ellis, $72 00 Willard E. Slade, 72 00 Barbara Doane, 48 00 Betsey F. Fish, 48 00 Temperance Crocker, 48 00 Thomas W. Jones, 72 00 Dorcas Fuller, 48 00 Anna S. Young, 28 91 Daniel B. Snow, 60 00 Elizabeth E. Eldridge, 44 00 Helen D. Atkins, 44 00 $584 91 MILITARY AID, Ansel E. Fuller, $12 00 Otway Backus, 96 00 James Marchant, 72 00 Isaac Coleman, 82 00 ,Chas. L. Ellis, 24 00 $286 00 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. Insurance on School House, 18th District,Hyannis, $18 50 John J. Bowes, Fire Ward, 67 34 Noah Bradford, Fire Ward, 10 40 5 Assessors, expenses to Boston, $5 11 J. W. Macy, lettering and setting head stone, Leander Baxter, 1 25 Insurance on School House, District 16, and 2 houses, Districts 17 and 18, 13 71 Assessors, expenses to Boston, 5' 12 Insurance on School House, District 15, 3 00 Telephone, 3 20 Bounty on muskrats and woodchucks, 56 00 O. C. Hoxie, smith work, 2 25 Frank B. Esterbrooks, Fire Ward, 43 90 M. N. Harris, Fire Ward, 15 65 Express, stationery, work on Monument Grounds, etc., 1 50 48 E. Scudder, going for nurse and doctor for Mrs. James Jones, 2 00 Expenses, Decoration Day, 28 03 Geo. Otis, printing dog licenses, 1 00 F. B. Goss, printing cards for do., 1 50 Paid for record books and index, 15 80 Waterman Wood, care of Town House, 8 00 J. Webb and others, for entertainment, 4 56 Paid for burial of a horse, 3 00 Insurance on School Houses, 10, 11, 21 and Santuit, 26 80 Dr. F. W. Pierce, veterinary services, 5 00 Paid for blank registers of voters, 2 50 Paid Alex. K. Crocker from -the Sam. Whelden Fund, 8 00 Zemira Kendrick, ditching salt meadow, 3 00 Andros Bearse, Committee on Town House, 1 50 F. B. Goss,-printing town and school reports, town meeting warrants and advertising, &c., 185 00. Boston Morning Journal, 9 00 One copy Revised Statutes, 2 85 Asa E. Lovell, list of conveyances, 20 00 Walter Chipman, transfer list of shipping, 2 00 O. W: Hinckley, tax books, 2 37 Alfred Crocker, postal cards for dog tax notice, 5 00 L. L. Jones, painting barn, &c., 9 88 John Hinckley, hardware, &c., 75 Overseers of Poor to Boston, 4 50 6 Benj. Lovell, making two snow ploughs, $2 00 Insurance on School House, West Barnstable, 8 50 Erwin S. Carr, smith work, 13 45 Seth Parker, underpining stone for Town House, 3 00 $674 90 TOWN OFFICERS, A. F. Bearse, Committee to locate school house, $5 00 A. Lovell, School Committee, 15 00 Waterman Wood, Town Constable, 6 25 Obed Baxter, Dog Constable, 5 00 James H. Jenkins, School Committee and Clerk, 30 00 H. A. Goodhue, 64 66 243 00 G. H. Hinckley, 66 16 . 15 00 F. A. Bursley, L° 15 00 Eli Phinney, 15 00 F. B. Goss, 15 00 Selectmen, Committee enlarging Town House, 30 00 Paid Selectmen and Overseers Poor, 450 00 Assessors for 1.882, 360 00 F. G. Kelley, Town Treasurer, 100 00 Undertaker's fees, 22 00 C. Lincoln, Sealer of Weights and Measures, 5 00 Recording, Indexing, and Returning births, deaths, ' and marriages, 65 95 $1,397 20 COLLECTOR'S FEES AND TAXES REMITTED, James Cornish, collecting taxes, 1880, $0 91 E. Scudder, 1881, 10 41 Jaynes Cornish, 1882, 173 88 Taxes Remitted, James Cornish, 1881, 33 01 E. Scudder, 1881, 183 86 James Cornish, 1882, 290 30 $702 37 7 REPAIRS ON SCHOOL HOUSES. Nathan Edson, No. 1, $25 00 F. B. Goss, 6 92 James H. Jenkins, 30 25 A. Lovell, 44 86 F. A. Bursley, 294 50 Eli Phinney, 22 90 A. D. Makepeace, 171 26 Geo. H. Hinckley, 47 91 $643 60 BURIAL GROUNDS AND TOOMBS, James M. Nye, Methodist Burial Ground, $4 00 Isaac G. Hedge, East Barnstable Burial Ground, 5 00 William A. Dixon, Barnstable Burial Ground, 13 00 Eben Taylor, Sandy Street Burial Ground, 1 75 John Hinckley& Son, lumber, W. Barnstable do., 21 32 Josiah C. Jones, labor, " 6 00 James H. Jones, labor, " 2 00 John J. Jenkins, labor, " 2 00 George A. Bursley, " 2 00 John Bursley, '< 4 00 James R. Arey, for posts, " 2 17 James F. Eldridge, for bricks .in 1881, Methodist do., 3 59 One jack for Hearse House, Barnstable, 1 00 B. W. Cammett, Marston's Mills Burial Ground, 4 50 F. L. Scudder, Osterville do., 2 35 J. K. & B. Sears, lumber and posts, 3 26 Ira B. Bacon, labor, 4 30 James Sharpe, labor, Baptist and Universalist Bur- ial Grounds, 4 00 Richard Eldridge, labor, do., 7 00 $93 15 REPAIRS ON•ROADS, SOUTH-WEST SECTION. Paid for Drain Pipe and Labor, $1 25 Chas. A. Braley and others, bill, 10 55 8 Wm. G. Fish for lumber and posts, $2 50 Reuben Fish, for loam, 5 00 Zidon A. Butler, labor, 36 94 R. T..Harlow, labor, 33 95 William Childs, labor, 43 23 Ezra J. Gifford, 42 00 Eben N. Baker, 26 00 f Gilbert F. Crocker, 36 92 Ralph Meiggs, 15 55 Samuel S. Barrows, 24 90 Charles F. Green, 105 02 Harrie Gifford, 33 00 Jarvis R. Fisher, 4 00 Thomas Nye, 17 00 John J. Harlow, 34 30 Wm. R. Goodspeed, 25 12 Nelson Rhodehouse, 66 00 Elijah P. Harlow, 25 90 J. K. & B. Sears, lumber and posts, 49 27 Zemira Kendrick, 22 45 Edmund Crocker, 8 00 Howard C. Goodspeed, 8 85 Nathaniel Crocker, 8 00 Fred. P. Jones and others, 11 40 Fred. S. Long, 4 20 Augustus Small, 7 50 Gilbert C. Nickerson, 5 00 John J. Jenkins, 3 50 Geo. F. Meiggs, 1 80 Wm. G. Fish, freight, lumber, 1 50 Harrie Gifford, 4 40 E. Bearse, 1 50 Charles A.Braley, 19 25 S. L. Ames,labor and loam, 36 25 A. Nickerson & Son, 14 52 F. P. Jones, 19 10 Edmund Hamblin, 18 75 S. F. Crocker, 11 80 J. D. Hallett, 10 40 O. H. Mecarta, 8 00 C. Hallett, 7 33 F. L. Jones, 5 40 9 Benj. E. Cammett, $21 45 Bennett W. Cammett, 11 05 Daniel Nickerson, 5 40 Prentiss B.Hinckley, 8 50 Geo. N. Goodspeed, 27 72 Ansel B. Fuller, 8 70 Gregory Gunderson, 2 00 Nathan A. Jones, 44 88 Clinton Jones. 14 90 Geo. H.Thomas, 11 00 Geo. W. Pierce, 11 00 Henry F. Hamblin, 9 00 David J. Coleman & Son, 193 25 S. L.- Leonard, for loam, 3 00 Christopher Gifford, << 3 30 Joseph W. Scudder, 3 25 Ansel B. Fuller, 4 72 Robinson Weeks, 8 31 Orin H. Mecarta, 1 50 Thomas Nye, 1 00 Augustus Small, 4 00. Nelson W. Crocker, 5 50 A. W. Lapham, 13 35 Edwin T. Howland, 18 90 Charles E. Hinckley, 10 40 Edward Gifford, 193 97 Herbert Gifford, 76 20 S. L. Leonard and others, 170 00 James West, 58 10 Scott Scudder, 42 00 James A. Lovell, 44 10 William A. Coleman, 11 90 Cyrenus Small, 13 00 Clarendon Crocker, 22 00 Charles Lewis. 17 00 David C. Lewis, 6 00 Edmund P. Lewis, 6 00 Joseph Chadwick, 1 00 Owen Lewis, 9 50 Warren Codd, 2 00 Estate of James Lewis, loam, 18 04 James A. Lovell, loam, 11 72 2 10 George Fisher, loam, $2 88 A. Lovell, Road Surveyor, 50 00 $2,078 79 SOUTH-EAST SECTION. Marshall Hinckley, $52 25 Patrick Gleason, 39 40 James Shuley, 35 30 Dennis Gleason, 9 50 James Sharp, 37 12 John Shuley, 12 80 John J. Bowes and boy, 172 21. William Watts, 11 02 Henry Hazelton, 22 80 Isaiah B. Linnell, 16 14 George S. Baxter, 14 50 John Lenane, 30 12 Auren B. Crocker and boy, 3 70 William and Thomas Mahar, 28 40 • Simeon Taylor. 32 95 Z. E. Crowell, Road Surveyor, 5Q 00 Richard Eldridge, 176 14 John J. Bowes, loam, 16 00 John H. Smith, 103 79 Ebenezer Cahoon, 2 00 James and Daniel Hathaway, 36 40 Charles B. Marchant, 17 60 Willis Bacon, 3 20 Charles Chase, 2 40 William Childs, 6 00 Sarah Bassett, loam, 3 00 U. G. Linnell, . 14 40 William U. Ormsby, 33 77 46 Gf . loam, 16 52 Jehial Crosby, 8 25 Elisha B. Bearse, 16 85 Edson N. Bearse, 9 05 Ambrose Lewis, 10 00 Horace F. Hallett, 15 40 A. S. Crosby, 30 00 Gorham F. Crosby, 10 78 11 Jehial R. Crosby, $29 24 C amuel Nickerson, 2d, 16 00 John Phinney, 8 00 Nelson Phinney, 00 Reuben Jones, 8 75 Nelson Bearse, M IQ Lemuel Backus, 4` b0 Harrison Lumbert, 13 70 Hordce W. Sturges, 21 35 Howard Sturges, 2 00 Eben Morton, 2 00 George Phinney, 3 00 Samuel W.. Hallett, 1011,4 Nelson Bearse and four others, loam, 4"64 Enoch Lewis, loam, 12 64 Moses F. Hallett, do., . 7 20 Nelson Bearse, do:, 12 84 Pamelia Jones, do., 10 00 Mrs. Weaver, do., 12 80 Henry R. Lewis, 74 75 William E. Bearse, 3 80 Fred. P. Perry, T"60 Reuben Clark, " 2100 Eugene Childs, } 0 Toileston Fuller, ¢0 Gorham Crosby and sons, 12 05 Gorham Crosby, loam, 10 00 B. F. Crocker & Co., 2 12 $1,511 98 NORTH SECTION. Nathan Edson,.man and horse, $5 45 Frank B. Esterbrooks, 5 00 Isaac G. Hedge, 1 00 A. McDonnell, 65 David Marston, 2 00 Patrick Kaveny, 1 00 Wilson Ryder and horses, 16 80 Phinney & Edson, gravel, 4 68 James Bursley, and horse, 82 59 G. L. Bursley, 28 81 12 Charles Nelson, $1 00 Cyrus B. Smith and horse, 40 25 William Dixon, 66 65 25 E. A. Clarke, 4 70 M. N. Harris and horse, 50 75 James Clagg, 15 80 John Hinckley, 2d, labor and loam, 31 25 Lorenzo Lewis and horse, 31 85 Eben Smith 44 40 05 Nath'1 Percival 26 75 Edward Crocker, 2 00 Joseph H. Holway, 22 95 Harrison Fish, 16 50 Francis Jones, 9 80 Asa Jones, 1 65 J. C. Jones, 5 00 Sylvanus Jones, 8 75 Melvin Parker, 70 James Stevens, 20 00 George H. Weeks, 8 50 Charles C. Jenkins, 26 00 Ellis Jenkins, 13 00 J. J. Jenkins, 12 00 Asa Jenkins, 6 00 J. H. Blossom, 6 00 Charles C. Jones, 15 00 Benjamin F. Crocker, 3 20 M. M. Nye, 1 50 Washington Bursley, 84 85 Peter C. Blossom, 43 25 Crocker Blossom, 47 85 Charles C. Jenkins, 84 40 Ellis Jenkins, 40 00 James K. Jones, 28 00 J. H. Blossom, 37 40 Calvin Benson, 61 50 Charles E. Jenkins, 35 00 Charles C. Jones, 4 40 L. L. Jones, gravel, 8 43 John Bureley, 32 95 S. Frank Bodfish, 12 95 Julius Bodfish, 10 50 13 Sylvanus Bodfish, $2 25 Henry Bodfish, 2 00 Peter C. Blossom, 12 50 George A. Bursley, 26 00 William T. Bursley, 37 50" Henry F. Loring, 99 00 Edgar A. Jones, 39 95 William Parker, 57 75 E. C. Stiff, 74 7,0 Joseph H. Jenkins, 7.00 Joseph W. Eldridge, 41 35 Charles L. Bassett, 19 75 John Bassett, 4 00 S. N. Howland, for loam, 3 00 James Taylor, 28 80 L. S. Jones, 21 00 Nathaniel Crocker, 2 00 James Eldridge, 7 00 Eben Fuller, 1 00 Charles Jones, 1 40 Lemuel Jones, 4 90 Nathan Edson, Road Surveyor, 50 00 $1,708 8i NEW ROADS AND LAND DAMAGES. John H. Smith, Centreville, $60 00 Mary B. Weaver, land for road, 4 00 Sarah A. Linnell, it 7 00 A. N. Sweetser, 1 00 $72 00 •NEW BRIDGE AND REPAIRS ON BRIDGES, John H. Smith, new bridge, Centreville, $70 00 64 64 labor on bridge, Joshua's Brook, 5 60 J. K. & B. Sears, lumber for do., 2 65 46 1 it lumber for Centreville Bridge, 18 38 B.F.Crocker&Co., << << << 10 68 14 Nelson Bearse, labor, stock, carting, Centreville Bridge. $52 48 Asa Hallett, labor, Ocean Street Bridge, 3 00 Noah Bradford, labor and stock, Ocean Street do., 4 00 E. T. Howland, labor Lumbert's Mill do., 2 25 W. E. Slade, mason work, Santuit do., 2 75 Henry A. Lovell, labor on do., 2 75 E. Gifford and others, labor on do., 35 05 John Hinckley & Son,lumber, St. Boat.Bridge, 32 29 $241 88 SNOW BILLS. Nathan Edson, and 16 others, $20 18 James Bursley, " 16 " 11 80 M. N. Harris, " 19 " 22 00 Frank B. Esterbrook, 14 9 95 John Bursley, " 25 ` 91 50 Henry F. Loring, 26 54 35 Charles C. Jenkins, 14 .34 70 Washington Bursley, " 6 " 9 00 Henry R. Lewis, 9 15 73 Benjamin W. Lewis, 75 John H. Smith, 8 50 Aaron S. Crosby, " 12 °` 23 30 John J. Bowes, " 12 " 47 05 Richard Eldridge, 12 " 13 05 Edwin T. Howland, and others, 20 47 Wm. Childs, and 3 others, 1 80 Asa F. Bearse, and others, 16 75 Geo. F. Mei=gs, 65 B.W. Cammett, 52 Alonzo H. Weeks, 2 10 S. B. Leonard, 90 Chas. G. Phinney, 99 John J. Jenkins, and others, 9 30 Ralph Meiggs, 75 Frank L. Sturges, 60 R. T. Harlow, 1 35 F. P. Jones, and others, 15 37 7 35 Z. A. Butler, $0 '67 Jas. West, and others, 8 17 D. J. Coleman, and others, 17 70 Augustus Scudder, 60 Daniel H. Sturges, 67 Frederick S. Long., 90 Edgar Parker, 1 30 David J. Coleman, and 14 others, 15, 45 F. P. Jones, 6< 13 66 23 60 B. W. Cammett, 64 3 10 Charles A. Braley, G6 4 64 15 98 James West, 25 46 27 02 Edwin T. Howland, 4 6 E 6 20 Alonzo H. Weeks, 7 31 20 $585 97 RECEIPTS. Cash in the Treasury, Feb. 15, 1882, . $4,984 55 Rec'd from State Treasurer, Corporation Tax, 1881 and '82, 4,022 73 From Nat'l Bank Tax, 1881-2, 3,447 36 Town Tax, 1882. f 19,298 48 Town Tax, Supplement, 72 65 State Tax, 3,120 00 Nat'l Bank Tax, Non-Resident, 238 63 Nat'l Bank Tax, Non-Corumonwealth, 17 64 R. Marston, M. Mills Herring Fishery, 32 00 Burial lot, sold, ' 10 00 Peddlers and other licenses, 30 00' State Aid, 638 40 Military Aid, 207 09 Tax-on Ships, in foreign trade, 153 45 Dog Fund, 181 92 Mass. School Fund, 217 P2 H. H. Baker, rent for Restaurant, 1881, 6 30 'E. G. Crowell, account sales liquor, 50 00 E. G. Crowell; balance Liquor Fund, 194 77 Wm. Mitchell, salt grass, O. Street, 1 00 C. S.-Adams, balance expenses on Gray estate, 3 00 16 Rec'd from Frank Prince, Back Taxes, $4 64 Z. Kendrick, salt grass, 1881-2, 12 00 Sale of Pound Meadow grass and drift, 46 87 Sale of Produce from Town's Farm, 65 68 John Bursley, for.Grass, 50 W. Wood, for old sashes, 4 50 Asa Jones, lease of land, Otis Hall, 1881, 2 00 Town of Mashpee, for Schools, 18 00 $37,081 38 EXPENDITURES. Paid School Orders, 1881, $3,504 65 (f << 1882, 5,925 61 Interest, 208 52 State Tax, 3,120 00 National Bank Tax, Non-Resident, 254 '40 Support of Poor in Almshouse, 1,383 59 << 64 in town and out of Almshouse, 1,960 64 Cities, Towns and Hospitals, 1,139 44 State Aid, 584- 91 Military Aid, 286 00 Miscellaneous, 674 90 Town Officers, 1,397 20 Collectors Fees and Taxes Remitted, 702 57 Repairs on School Houses, 643 60 Repairs on Burial Grounds, 93 15 Repairs on Roads, 5,299 58 New Roads and land for same, 72 00 Repairs on Bridges, 241 88 Snow bills, 585 97 Dye from Collectors, outstanding taxes, 1,100 00 Paid for Mashpee Poor, 68 57 Paid for City of Gloucester Poor, 2; 75 Balance in Treasurer's hands, 7,807 45 $37,081 38 i 17 FINANCIAL CONDITION -OF THE TOWN, DR. Due individuals on loans in trust, $513 20 Due on School money, 2,973 53 Balance in favor of the Town, 6,459 24 $9,945 97 CR. Cash in the Treasury, Feb. 13, 1.883, $1,807 45 State Aid due from State, 606 91 Military Aid due from State, 145 00 Due from James Cornish, Collector of Taxes, 1,100 00 State on Bank and-Corporation Tax, 187 29 Otis Hall, for lease of land, 2 00 << R. F. Benson, for lease of land, 2 00 Mashpee, support of Poor, 68 57 City of Gloucester, support of.Poor, 26 75 $9,945 97 ESTIMATED VALUE OF PROPERTY OWNED BY THE TOWN, FEBRUARY 13, 1883. Almshouse and Farm, $5,100 00 Woodland, 300 00 Woodland, "Cobb," 200 00 Pound Meadow, 400 00 Town House and Restaurant, 3,800 00 School Houses, 31,500 00 Tombs, 2,400 00 18 ' Hearses and Hearse Houses, $2,350 00 Persona] Property, viz., in Almshouse, School Houses and Town House, 2,900 00 Trust Funds, held by the Town, 10,500 00 School Books owned by the Town, 570 00 Balance in the Treasury, 6,459 24 $66,479 24 ANDREW LOVELL, Selectmen ZENAS E. CROWELL, of NATHAN EDSON, Barnstable. BARNSTABLE, Feb. 13, 1883. 9 N n \F S� r EXPENSES of TIIE I TOWN OF BARNSTABLE i FOP, TIFF YEAR ENDING FEB. 16, M). BARNSTAI3LE, MASS. : F. B. GOSS, STEA-M BOOB AND JOIl PRINTER. [THE 16PATRIOT" PRESS. 1885-- - ------- - i EXPENSES OF THE TOWN OF BARNSTABLE FOR THE YEAR ENDING FEB. 16, j885. BARNSTABLE, MASS. : F. B. GOSS, STEAM BOOK AND JOB PRINTER. [THE"PATRIOT" PRESS]. 1885. REPORT.OF THE SELECTMEN, EXPENSES AT THE ALMSHOUSE, E. P. Jones, repairing shoes &c., . $2 75 Wm. D. Holmes, bill, harness, 43 00 S. N. Howland, supplies, 4 60 B. W. Cammett, service of stud, 5 00 Eliery L. Lewis, fish, 50 Pew rent, West Barnstable Church, 12 00 Ezra F. Crocker, labor, 2 31 Joseph H. Jenkins, labor, 1 00 James H. Jones, dressing, 5 55 Horse rake, 28 50 Mowing machine, 65 00 Paid heirs of Washington Bursley on division fence, 7 50 G. L. Bassett, supplies, 20 58 Airs. Heman Fish; work at Almshouse, 17 00 N. H. Grush, supplies, 4 19 Boston Morning Journal, 6 00 J. B. Rogers, labor, 2 00 Smith & Harris, coal, 71 38 Davis & Taylor, supplies, 30 66 Phinney & Edson, supplies, 93 94 Melvin Parker, ;c 98 02 J. W. B. Parker, << 90 28 J. T. Jones, << 24 21 James R. Arey, 66 15 19 D. M. Seabury, ' (L 1 10 Wilson Ryder, 2 pigs, 40 00 Eben Taylor, cutting wood, 5 00 G. H. Jones, 44 6 25 R. P. Benson, smith work, 4 S5 4 Calvin Benson, horse hire, 6 3 00 James R. Arey, salary, - 300 00 H. B. Chase & Sons, grain, 143 00 B. F. & C. C. Crocker, truck wagon, 61 00 $1,185 16 SUPPORT OF POOR IN TOWN AND OUT OF ALMSHOUSE, 1884, Josiah G. Handy, for supplies, $78 00 Dr. F. W. Pierce, medical attendance, do., 7 50 Ann Ames, for supplies, 52 00 Martha Coleman, 78 00 Ann Burlingame, 78 00 Sophronia Goodspeed, supplies and wood, 12 00 Heman Adams, supplies, 67 OZ Dr. T. R. Clement, medical attendance, do., 30 00 John W. Lewis, supplies, 51 03 James Jones, 44 42 50 James Jones, burial expenses, 19 00 Elma Allen, supplies, 99 29 Dr. T. R. Clement, medical attendance, do., 32 00 Eliza Crocker, supplies, 66 05 Josephine Allen, supplies, 66 38 Clarendon Crocker, supplies, 134 59 Reuben West, << 100 00 Dr. T. R. Clement, medical attendance, do., 5 00 Isaac P. Lewis, supplies, 9 00 Heman Thomas for board of son, 47 00 Rachel Carsley, supplies, 23 00 Rebecca Jones for nurse and watching, 17 40 Eunice M. Lovell, supplies, 113 00 Maria Coleman,• ' 12 00 Mary T.Bearse; 55 38. Martha Bearse, °° 57 00 Betsey Hodge, 139 35 Catherine Bearse, 56 00 Jonathan Hallett and wife, supplies, 69 00 Eunice Perry, << 52 00 5 Philander Cathcart and wife, $79 50 Jabez Baxter and wife, 75 00 Dr. Sam'.1 Pitcher, medical attendance, do., 1883, 40 00 Lemuel P. Lewis, supplies, 18 00 Chas. F. Harrington and wife; supplies, 22 50 Rebecca Randolph, supplies, 20 99 Elmira Linnell, 1 �6 56 00 James Linnell, << 20 25 George Dunston, << 88 07 Dr. W. E. Crowell, medical attendance, do., 68 80 Louis Jones, supplies, 30 75' Evander C. White and wife, supplies, 62 00 Dr. Crowell, medical attendance, do., 7 50 Charles Baxter, supplies, 18 50 Isaac Coleman, 46 9 00 Samuel Cobb, 64 2 47 Almira Marston and family, 60 00 Anna A. Blossom, 52 00 Susan Gannon, coal, 31 85 John P. Washburn, 38 00 Seth R. Phinney, 26 00 J. M. Holway, supplies, 52 00 Dr. Geo. W. Kelley, medical attendance to family of Charles Nelson, 13 75 $2,561 47 PAID CITIES, TOWNS AND HOSPITALS, Taunton Lunatic Hospital, for John F. Howland, $61 22 66 for George A. Macy, 173 64 66 for Phebe Bursley, 177 32 << f'or Nancy F. Hamblin, 178 13 46 << for Albert N. Bearse, 183, 92 46 for Theoditia Hinckley, 91 50 Danvers Hospital, for Eliza W. Allyn, 127 23 Worcester Asylum for Chronic Insane,for Thomas J. Norris, 185 37 Massachusetts School for Feeble Minded, for Lizzie B. Norris, 169 92 6 City of Cambridge, for Mary Tasco, 7 00 City of Boston, for Harriet Bacon, 78 00 cc 44. for Mary Hallett, 54 47 Town of Mashpee, for Bethiah Pool, .39 40 $1,527 12 STATE AID, Charles E. Ellis, $72 00 Willard E. Slade, 72 M Barbara Doane, 48 00 Betsey F. Fish, 48 00 Temperance Crocker, 48 00 Darius Perry, 36 00 Helen D. Atkins, 16 00 Daniel B. Snow, 18 00 Elizabeth E. Eldridge, 48 00 Ellen M. Sprague, 48 00 Henry K. White, 66 00 Antonio Silver, 24 00 Isaac Coleman, 4 00 Adeline L. Coleman, 4 00 Thomas W. Jones, 72 00 Dorcas Fuller, 48 00 $672 .00 MILITARY AID, Otway Backus, $96 00 Charles L. Ellis, 24 00 Osmond W. Bearse, 42 00 James Marchant, 30 00 $192 00 7 PAID FOR POOR BELONGING TO OTHER TOWNS, City of Somerville, $47 00 Town of Mattapoisett, 78 00 Town of Yarmouth, 44 54 Town of Brewster, 56 00 Town of Provincetomn, 144 00 Town of Chatham, 57 25 Town of Harwich, 99 50 Town of Sandwich, 4 00 Town of Dennis, 26 00 State of Massachusetts, 32 31 City of Gloucester, 74 00 Towri of Orleans, 10 00 $672 60 RECEIVED FROM OTHER TOWNS ON ACCOUNT OF POOR, Mattapoisett, $78 00 Brewster, 56 00 City of Somerville, 24 00 Provincetown, 144 00 Yarmouth, 21 00 Harwich, 72 50 Chatham, 57 25 Sandwich, 4 00 Dennis, 26 00 $482 75 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES, F. B. Goss, bill for printing Town Reports, $45 75 F. B. Goss, warrant, etc., 18 75 John B. Cornish, list of shipping, 2 00 Asa E. Lovell, list conveyance, 20 00 V. H. Crocker, repairin(y hearse, 2 25 F. B. Goss, printing assessors'notice, etc., 26 50 .F. B. Goss, School Reports, etc., 78 00 8 O. W. Hinckley, tax books, $ 2 00 F. B. Goss, printing voting list, 25 00 F. B. Goss, school labels, etc., 14 25 E. S. Carr, smith work, 25 Insurance on Almshouse, 12 90 Overseers of Poor to Abington, 3 38 Postage stamps, stationery, etc., 22 58 Overseers of Poor to Lowell, 3 00 Bounty on Muskrats and Woodchucks, 121 25 Charles L. Bassett; et als.,Fire Ward, 20 80 Dr. G. W. Kelley, professional service, Board of Health, 10 00 F. G. Kelley, labor on monument ground, postage and express, 25 68 Samuel Snow, expenses in the prosecution of the il- legal sale of intoxicating liquors, 22 00 J. K. & B.-Sears & Co., bill lumber, 1883, 14 80 Insurance on School House, No. 15, 90 46 69 64 Nos. 16, 17 and 18, 27 70 64 G " Nos. 19, 10, 11, 12, 13 and Santuit, 18 84 Insurance on Town House, 4 80- Rep airing Guide boards, 3 25 Assessors expenses,to Boston, 12 20 Selectmen 64 5 00 Road scraper, 8 00 S. S. Baxter and 27 others, Fire Ward, 40 40 John J. Bowes and others Fire Ward, 4 50 J. R. Crosby and 21 others Fire Ward, 4 40 Waterman Wood, care of Town House, 5 00 << " Town Constable, 7 '50 Copying Burial Ground records and expresses, 10 50 J. K. & B. Sears; lumber for railings, 5 06 Geo. L. Thatcher, Jr., assisting in Check list, 3 00 Geo. W. Doane, professional services, Board of . Health, 10 00 Geo. W. Doane, professional services, John Hines, 1 00 Asa Hallett, repairs on pump, 60 D. S. Blagden, repairs on plow, &c., 2 75 Erastus Scudder, advertising Cottages C. Ground, 21 00 Paid for printing dog licenses, 2 50 Book for Registry of Voters, 1 80 i Decoration Day, expenses, 90 13 F. W. Pierce, returning births, 2 50 $792 47 • TOWN OFFICERS. Selectmen and Overseers of the Poor, $450 00 Obed Baxter, Constable, 10 00 •O.'H. Mecarta, 4 4 10 0.0 Chas. C. Bearse, Moderator at Town Meeting, 10 00 Assessors, 1884, 360 00• F. G. Kelley, Town Treasurer, 100 00 Undertaker's Fees, 17 00 Recording, indexing and returning births, mar- riages and deaths', 55 65 Clark Lincoln, sealer of weights and measures, 5 00 Francis A. Bursley, School Committee, 15 00 A. H. Somes, School Committee, balance 1883, 53 75 Geo. H. Hinckley, 15 00 Jas. H. Jenkins, 44 30 00 Eli Phinney, 46 44 15 00 A. H. Somes, << 44 235 00 Andrew Lovell, 44 44 25 00 Nathan Edson, 44 dl 15 00 $1421 40 COLLECTORS' FEES AND TAXES REMITTED, Jas. Cornish, collecting 1883, $421 94 44 44 44 1884, 315 06 Taxes remitted, Jas. Cornish, 1884, 267 65 44 46 Erastus Scudder, 24 58 .$1,029 23 REPAIRS ON SCHOOL HOUSES, Geo. H. Hinckley, Nos. 12 and 131 $367 31 F. A. Bursley, Nos. 17 and 18, - 332 63 2 10 Alfred Crocker, Nos. 3 and 4, $208 30 Eli Phinney, Nos. 14 and 20, 231 28 Chas. B. Marchant, Nos. 15 and 16, 32 93 Nathan Edson, No. 1, 33 55 James H. Jenkins, No. 6, 17 00 Geo. H. Hinckley, by A. H. Somes, No. 13, 244 40 Andrew Lovell, Nos. 10, 11, 21 and Santuit, 178 96 $1,646. 96 BURIAL GROUNDS, East Barnstable, Angus McDonell, labor, $3 00 Barnstable, Wm. A. Dixon, labor, 13 00 Methodist, Jaynes M. Nye, 46 5 75 Sandy Street, Eben E. Taylor, labor, 4 00 West Barnstable, S. F. Bodfish, labor, 4 50 66 J. H. Ilolway, labor, 3 60 < 66 1J. C. Jones, labor, 1 00 64 John Bursley, labor, 5 40 Cotuit, Wm. Childs, labor, 2 95 John B. Baxter, key for tomb, • 75 Universalist, Asa Hallett, labor, 5 25 << Ira B. Bacon,-labor, 6 75 Lf B. F. Crocker & Co., lumber, 10 41 Baptist, Ira B. Bacon, labor, 5 00 Old Burial Ground, I.ra B. Bacon, labor, 2 25 << - fG B. F. Crocker & Co., 36 Centreville, Henry R. Lewis, labor, 80 ,$74 77 REPAIRS ON TOWN'S BUILDINGS, Almshouse, Jas. H. Jones, labor, $ 2 00 46 John Hinckley & Sons, lumber, 27 62 J. C. Jones, carpentering, 12 40 lI Town House, Daniel C. Crocker. hitching posts, $93 92 Waterman Wood, painting, &c., 99 39 Jas. W. Macy, repairs, 4 00 B. F. & C. C. Crocker, bill paint, 102 40 61 " for lock, 75 Geo. B. Lewis, stove-pipe, brooms, &c., 1 86 $344 34 REPAIRS ON BRIDGES, Alex. Jones, work on Mill Bridge, $10 40 John Hinckley & Son, lumber, 51 36 B. F. Crocker, & Co., lumber Dunbar Bridge, 3 21 Richard Eldridge, labor on " 3 50 0 A. B. Crocker, repairing railing and bridges H.Port, 1 50 Samuel Crosby, Centreville Bridge, labor, 30 John R. Sturges, for plank M. Mills, 3 53 $73 80 SNOW BILLS, Thos. S. Esterbrook and others, 4 20 Asa Crocker and horse plowing snow, 2 20 John Bursley and others, 12 25 James,Bursley and others, 5 30 M. N. Harris, 1 75 Lorenzo Lewis, 80 Nathaniel Percival, 1 00 George H. Jones, 5 75 Bepj. F. Crocker, 80 James P. Crowell, 1 00 John Hinckley 2d, 80 John T. Hall, 60 Wm. F. Gorham, 70 James D. Baxter, 60 Wilson Ryder and others, 2 20 Charles C. Jenkins, 3 00 12 John B. Rogers, 1 50 Heman Fish, 1 50 Ellis Jenkins, 1 50 Henry F. Loring and others, 8 50 S. L. Leonard and Geo. Weeks with horse, 1 45 Frank L. Sturges and horse, 2 40 David J. Coleman and 27 others, 36 45 F. L. Sturges, painting snow plow, 33 John J. Jenkins and Asa Jenkins, 2 60 Roland T. Harlow, 1 80 Thomas Jones and others, 5 65 John J. Harlow, 2 00 Charles W. .Boult and 8 others, 4 70 F. L. Scudder and others, 1883, '84, 14 40 S. L. Leonard and 4 others, 2 55 E. Gifford and others, 1883, 12 80 John J. Bowes and others, 18 85 Henry R. Lewis and others, 9 00 A. S. Crosby, 24 80 Richard Eldridge and others, 4 25 / John H. Smith and others, 4 20 $204 18 PUBLIC WELLS, Cost of wells and pumps as per Committees'acet., $1,000 40 REPAIRS ON ROADS, NORTH SECTION. Charles F. Marston, $ 1 25 Frank Matthews and team, 6 00 Thos. S. Easterbrook, men, team and gravel, 38 57 Patrick Keveney and team, 9 45 Angus McDonell and team, 25 99 Asa Crocker and team, 45 42 13 E. S. Carr, $ 6 70 Joseph Whittemore and team, 10 60 David Marston, 18 60 Isaac G. Hedge, 6 00 John Hinckley & Son, lumber, 22 57 S. B. Phinney, loam in 1880, '1, '2, '3, '4, 15 00 Gorham Hallett, smith work, 1 25 Wilson Ryder, men and teams, 45 08 Nathan Edson, Road Surveyor, 50 00 Cyrus B. Smith and team, 30 26 William Dixon and son and team, 63 80 George Snow and team, 101 25 James Clagg, 25 50 E. A. Chark, 13 70 G. L. Burnley, 7 00 James Marchant, 5 08 Charles Nelson, 7 50 William A. Dixon, 5 67 A. B. Young, 9 00 James Bursley and team, 110 97 Mrs. Handy, for loam, 1 62 Lothrop Hinckley, lumber, 14 04 M. N. Harris and team, 49 40 Eben Smith and team, 23 05 John Young, 1 50 iV. Percival and team, 26 53 Lorenzo Lewis and team, 16 00 C. C. Jones, 21 05 John Dineen, 11 25 George H. Jones, 33 00 Benj. F. Crocker, 15 80 Joseph W. Allyn, 2 00 James Clagg, 7 00 Harry Jones, 3 75 ` Lot Gorham, gravel, 4 00 John Hinckley 2d, labor and gravel, 14 80 C. E. Clark, 3 33 Leander 11 Jones, 28 55 James P. Crowell, 10 20 Barney Hinckley, 11 60 John II. Paine, 1 20 James D. Baxter, 5 60 14 John T. Hall, 4 20 Joseph Bursley, 5 85 D. M. Seabury, drain pipe, 3 00 Henry F. Loring, man and team, 236 35 EX. Stiff, 42 50 William Parker, 22 65 Edgar A. Jones, 56 50 A. K. Crocker, 17 75 George C. Seabury, 3 60 James A. Hinckley, 3 60 Eben Taylor, 56 70 Collins Clark, 3 50 Charles Bassett, 6 00 Lemuel Jones, . 2 00 Rodolphus Childs, 2 80 Leander W. Jones, _47 20 James Taylor, 6 00 Calvin Benson, labor, 35 00 Josiah I-1. Blossom, 30 00 Heman C. Fish, 44 50 John J. Jenkins, 74 00 Ellis Jenkins, 69 25 James H. Jones, 17 62 Asa Jenkins, 65 00 John B. Rogers, 3 00 Charles C. Jenkins, 153 50 Mrs. Zelia Whelden, loam, 3 00 Charles C. Jenkins, loam, 3 years, 15 00 S. F. Bodfish, labor, 67 40 Julius Bodfish, 17 15 Sylvanus Bodfish, labor and loam, 10 56 Calvin Benson, 13 00 Peter C. Blossom, 8 50 Crocker Blossom, 5 50 Charles H. Conant, 17 00 Harrison Fish, 23 65 George F. Fish, 11 67 Joseph H..Hol way, 30 97 Mrs. Sarah Holway, loam, 8 85 S. E. Howland, 2 80 Francis Jones, 7 70 J. C. Jones, 5 00 15 Howard N. Parker, $ 5 25 James Stevens, 24 40 Henry S. Smith, labor and loam, 9 13 George H. Weeks, labor and loam, 7 95 J. W. B. Parker, nails, 82 Wm. T. and John Bursley, 130 70 $2,425 65 SOUTH-WEST SECTION. Mar. 3, 1884, Daniel Parker, for land taken, $ 6 50 Edward Gifford, labor on roads, 5 60 " " Simeon L. Leonard, railing and steel, 9 45 Andrew W. Lawrence, bill of labor, 6 00 Apr. 24, " Fred. A. Savoty,, labor 1-2 day, 1 00 Nlay 31, " Elihu F. Turner, labor, 9 15 June 4, " Walter Fish, 8 00 " " Luther E. Jones, 70 65 5, " J. W. Sturges, 41 95 " 17,. " Gustavus Scudder, 47 80 16 18, " Chester M. Harlow, 20 00 " 28, " Walter Fish,as per account rendered, 8 25 July 2, Kenelum Baker, 2 00 11, Harry Gifford, 1 95 12, " Charles W. Turner, 32 30 15, " Ralph Meiggs, 128 35 Charles G. Phinney, 80 65 16, " Elijah P. Harlow, _ 91 33 26, " Ezra P. Hobson, 33 35 M. F. Robbins, 16 25 31, " Frank Cammett,labor and drain pipe, 10 25 Nov. 28, 18831 Benj. Cammett, labor with horse, 9 80 Aug. 29, 1884, Daniel H. Sturges, labor, 16 40 Nelson Rhodehouse, labor, 4 00 Sept 10, '° Charles D. Clayton, labor, 3 80 12, Hiran, Crocker, labor, 92 62 Oct. 7, " Charles F. Green, labor, 7 00 Gilbert F. Crocker, labor, 14 34 10, S. R. Crocker, roads and sidewalks, 50 00 15, " Thomas Nye, bill of loam, 5 00 Roland J. Green, labor, 4 00 .76 Oct. 1884,I Joseph D. Crowell, for loam, $19 72 {6 Owen M. Jones, labor, 58 10 Nov. 7 << Charles W. Boult, 64 60 << << . Frank M. Boult, 55 20 James A. Lovell, self and horse, 69 80 Hiram Gardner, 36 78 F. H. Williams, man and horse, 3 60 Horace Crosby, 35 17 George Williams, 31 90 W. W. Stockman, 5 10 Edmund P. Lewis, 53 50 Henry Cowel, 50 02 Charles A. West, 21 40 , Alvin Baker, 18 70 Charles F. Parker, horse, 18 90 E. Scudder, horse, 8 40 E. W. Ryder, horse, 1 50 S. L. Boult, horse, 1 25 H. C. Goodspeed, 102 27 Edward Gifford, labor, 7 00 Elmer Lapham, labor, 7 00 Asa F. Bearse, labor and horse, 48 13 Simeon L. Ames, for loam, 10 00 Gilbert C. Nickerson, labor, 35 80 Wendell K. Backus, labor, 10 00 Charles L. Baxter, 12 00 John R. Sturges, labor, 2 65 Charles C. Bearse, lumber and loam, 16 09 John Hinckley & Son, lumber, 10 86 James West, labor, 129 25 W. Scott Scudder, 40 50 Nathan E. West, 26 90 Howard Rich, 29 30 Austin Lovell, 45 70 Isaac Lovell, 47 70 Alvan Baker, 1 60 Herbert Adams, 2 40 James A. Lovell, 5 60 Freeman L. Scudder, 151 85 Thomas Jones, 19 00 David J. Coleman, for posts and rails, 19 25 Simeon L. Leonard, labor, 63 79 A. 'Fill and horse, $47 28 S. Swift and horse, 54 76 W. Ryder and horse, 12 40 Joseph Coffin and horse, 12 60 Warren Codd, '9 00 James Codd, 1 60 C. Alley, 2 40 Cyrenus Small, 2 40 Owen Lewis, 4 80 J. M. Leonard, 18 70 Otis Crocker, 11 20 Clarendon Crocker, 27 20 Nelson Lewis, 23 20 Hiram Gardner, 4 00 Henry Coel, 70 Henry Leonard, 15 05 Allen Chadwick, 20 41 .Simeon L. Leonard, posts and railing, 2 40 Benj. F. Hinckley, for loaiu, 2 00 Luev Blossom, << << 13 00 Bethuel Adams, << 6 00 S. L. Leonard, << << 9 00 R. T. Harlow, with man and horses, 455 00 Zenas Crocker, 3 50 John J. Harlow, 1 60 Charles G. Phinney, 16, 00 Chester M. Harlow, 3 50 Owen M. Jones, 14. 92 James A. Lovell, loam, 22 84 E. B. Hinckley, << 2 32 J. H. Alley's Estate, loam, 52 Lucy C. Childs, turf, 15 00 David Jones, °9 00 Darin., Perry, 1 50 Andrew Lovell for shells, 3 00 C.,W. Boult, 10 83 F. M. Boult, 5 00 Clarence Baker, - 3 70 Edmund P. Lewis, 3 30 James A. Lovell, labor and loam, 10 52 Edwin A. Bassett, << 10 50 d Tsaiah Crocker, 40 25 s 18 Andrew Lovell,.Road Surveyor, $50 00 Israel Crocker, 1 29 R. T. Harlow, labor and turf, 18 56 H. Clinton, Jones, 118 17 Nathan A. Jones, 105 40 John-W. CoW 12 00 George N. Goodspeed, , 32 55 George 0. Goodspeed,, 22 90 George W. Ellis, 6 80 Benjamin E.•Cammett,, 78 35 George Lapham, 22' 00 Bennett W. Cammett,, 105 55 Gregory Gunderson,, 40 80 " Zemira Kendrick, 13 55 Edmund Hamblin, 22 25 Fremont Crocker, 8 10 Andrew Lawrence, 14 05 Carlton Hallett, 9 80 Bennie Hallett, 4 00 Eddie F. Fuller, 15 10 Thomas Fuller, 2 00 Frederick P. Jones, 14 60 P. Barnard Hinckley, 15 60 Orin H. Mecarta, 5 00 John J. Jenkins, 4 40 Ellis Jenkins, 1 60 David J. Coleman, 465 56 Thomas Nye for loam, 1 50 Nathaniel Howland, loam, 1 00 Eben Smith, loam, 75 Howland & Whelden, loan., 1 00 Stephem R. Cracker, 4 00 Reuben Fish 3 85 James H. Jenkins, for loam, 3 00 Wm. T. Howland, 2 50 Calvin Hamblin, 5 00 Robinson Weeks, 3 15 Elizabeth Gifford, °° 4 00 William F. Jones, 1150 Alex. Till, 45 Sylvester R. Crocker, roads and sidewalks, 1883, 50 00 19 .Albert Sargent, land taken for road, .3 00 $4,452 10 SOI7TFI-EAST SECTION. John J. Bowes, tabor, =,$338 .25 .Patrick Gleason, 69 20 Edward Loring, 1.2 00 E. F. Gleason, .9 13 John Ryan, 13 02 Anthony Ellis, 8 20 William Ryan, 10 50 Frank W. Crowell, 115 40 Marshall Hinckley anti'hoy, 72 50 James Sharpe; =63 47 William Sharpe, 3 00 Eben Cahoon, 8 00 Stillman Baker, 4 00 Thomas Mahar, 11 8.9 William A. Mahar, 28 35 Asa Hallett, 21 00 Horace Crocker, 68 00 Horace Crocker, loam, 7 00 Charles H. Denson, 40 02 Aurin B. Crocker, 27 50 Wm. E. Parker, 21 .70 Ira B. Bacon, 2 00 Isaiah B. Linnell, 59 73 Simeon Taylor, 55 58 William Robbins, 4 00 Samuel Snow, loam. 23 08 Richard Eldridge, 294 46 S. B. Nickerson, 8 00 James N. Bowes, 49 76 William L7. Ormsby, 60 85 John Sheean, 12 00 B. F. Crocker& Co., railing and posts, 107 14 B. F. Crocker & Co., loam, 2 24 John B. Bowes, 11 43 William Watts, 36 45 .1lorace W. Sturges. 35 68 20 Howard Sturges., 92 John A. Phinney, 24 80 Henry R. Lewis, 167 67 Simeon F. Jones., 29 10 J. R. Crosby, 9 30 A. S. Crosby, .29. 35 Geo. H. Phinney, 7 00 Nelson Bearse, loam, 25 98 Chester-Bearse, 2 50 Samuel H. Hallett, 315 83 Mary B. Weaver', loam, 17 76 Lemuel F. Backus, 19 05 Horace Jones, loam, 9 76 Pamelia Jones, 11 2 88 Wm. W. Hallett, loam,, 64 H. F. Hallett, 46 43 Simeon Childs, loam, 5 76 Enoch Lewis 2 32 Henry Stevens, 3 70 Ambrose Lewis, 33 15 Jobn F. Cornish, 3 00 Edson W. Bearse, 3 26 N. H. Bearse, 1 83 46 C L loam, 76 Moses F. Hallett, loam, 10 20 Geo. Backus, 1 50 Elisha B. Bearse, 8. 50 Jacob Lovell, loam, 3 72 Jacob B. Lewis, loam, 88 Reuben Clark, 9 10 Reuben Jones, 9 00 Luther Phinney, 1 80 Wm. Jones and 8 others, loam, 12 60 Horace Hallett, 5 95 Toileston Fuller, 1 10 John H. Smith, 137 20 Mrs. Daniel Bassett, loam, 15 00 Edgar Pochnett, 1 00 Sylvester Spindle, 4 40 B. F. Bacon, 5 40 Prince W. Lumbert, 75 Reuben E. Chase, 5 40 21 Frank Paine, $2 50 Chas. Paine, 1 50 Theodore Newcomb, 44 00 Daniel and James Hathaway, 22- 00 Oliver B. Childs, 29 00 Prince B. Smith, 47 40 Urias G. Linnell, loam, 7 00 { 64 66 labor, 17 80 Thomas J. Lothrop, loam,. 2 60 Chas. B. Marchant, 12 '25 Stephen Drury, 5 40 Chas. C. Crocker, Road Surveyor, 50 00 $2,99,3 23 RECEIPTS. Cash in the Treasury, Feb. 16, 1884, $10,937 86 Ree'd from State Treasury, Corporation Tax, 4,549 08 National Bank Tax, 3,978 94 Town Tax assessed 1884, 24,972 69 State Tax, 3,700 00 Non-Resident National Bank Tax, - 302 90 Non-Commonwealth, << 22 10 Marston's Mills Herring Fishing, J. Cornish, 32 00 State Aid, 552 00 Peddling and other licenses, 32 00 Military Aid, 115 25 Tax on Ships in foreign trade, 290 48 From Do- Fund, 282 04 Mass. School Fund, 188 82 Rent for Restaurant, 15 00 Sale of Pound Meadow Grass, 22 25 R. F. Benson, lease of land, 1884, 1 00 Asa Jones, lease of land, Otis Hall, 1883, 2 00 From City of Somerville, 24 00 From Town of Mattapoisett, 78 00 Orin Bristo's Estate, 11 09 Sale of Produce from Town Farm, 93 74 22 Rec'd from Chas. C. Jenkins for Salt Grass, $2 00 John J. Bowes, << << 1 00 From Provincetown, 144 00 << Harwich, 72 50 49 Yarmouth, 21 00 Sandwich, 4 00 << Chatham, 57 25 << Brewster, 56 00 Dennis, 26 00 Insurance Policy dividend, 12 00 46 <4 Quincy Mutual, 7 50 From W. W. Brag, lot in Universalist Burial Ground, 10 00 Mary J. Matthews, do., 7 0 00 From land sold for taxes, 26 69 State Treasurer's Corporation tax, 407 20 National Bank Tax, 5 00 F. A. Bursley, Executor of will of David Bursley, 200 00 Ree'd.interest money, 15 68 Rec'd cash for bills overpaid road account 1883, 19 13 $51,300 19 EXPENDITURES, Paid School orders, 1884, $9,464 07 Repairs on School Houses, 1,646 96 School books; 966 44 School apparatus, 586 93 Town Officers. 1,421 40 Public Wells, 1.,000 40 State Tax, 3,700 00 National Bank Tax, 322 64 Corporation Tax, 54 38 Taxes remitted, 292 23 NathT Hinckley in full of all demands for the Grist Mill issue, 200 00 Interest money, 145 00 23 Miscellaneous, $792 '47 Due from Collector, outstanding taxes, 5,000 00 Paid for support of Poor in Almshouse, 1,185 15 64 64 << in town and out of Alms- house, 2,561 47 State Aid, 672 00 Military Aid, 192 00 Poor belouging to other towns, 672 60 Collectors fees for 1883 and 1884, 737 00 Repairs, Burial.Ground, 74 77 << on Town's Buildings, 344 34 << on Bridges, 73 80' on Roads, 9,869 98 Snow bills, 204 18 F. G. Kelley, services as Registrar and recording names on voting list, &C., - 40 00 Clarence Chase, services as Registrar of voters, 20 00 Cities, Towns and Hospitals, 1,527 12 Cash in Treasurer's hands, 7,532 73 $51,300 19 FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE TOWN, DR. Due Individuals on Loans in Trust, $713 20 Due on School Money, - 1 1,959 24 Balance in favor of the Town, 10,868 14 $13,540 58 CR. Cash in the Treasury, Feb. 16, 1885, $7,532 73 State Aid due from State, 672 00 Military Aid due from State, 96 00 24 Due from Jas. Cornish, Collector of Taxes, $5,000 00 Otis Hall for lease of Land, 2' 00 City of Somerville, support of Poor, 47 00 Town of Yarmouth, 23 54 Town of Harwich, " " 27 00 State of Massachusetts, ' " 32 31 City of Gloucester, " 74 00 Town of Orleans, " " 10 00 Town of Provincetown, " " 24 00 $13,540 58 ESTIMATED VALUE OF PROPERTY OWNED BY THE TOWN, Almshouse and Farm, $5,300 00 Woodland, 300 00 Woodland, "Cobb," 200 00 Pound Meadow, 400 00 Town House and Restaurant, 3,800 00 School-Houses, 31,500 00 Hearses, Hearse Houses and-Tombs, 5,400 00 Personal Property in Almshouse, School Houses, Town House and on Farm, 3,500 00' Trust Funds, held by Town, 10,700 00 School Books and Supplies, . 1,600 00. Balance in favor of Town, 10,864 00 '$73,564 00 ANDREW LOVELL, Selectmen NATHAN EDSON, of CHARLES C. CROCKER, Barnstable. Barnstable, Feb.. 16, 1885.