HomeMy WebLinkAbout0086 OLD FARM ROAD - Health =Old005 Road rvil enterville 0 ESMEAD No.2-153LOR UPC 12534 smssd.00m • MmW In USA o �eumows�auo OIFIG� � sns�a i Bk 25799 P9261 54521 10-31-201 1 & OI C 27P DEED RESTRICTION Property: 86 Old Farm Road,Centerville,MA WHEREAS, Walter J. Piknick, Jr., Edward H. Jennings, Jr. and Stanley E. Piknick being the heirs of Cynthia 0. Piknick, Barnstable Probate Docket No. 08P-0155770AX-1 and of Donna I. Jennings, Bristol County Probate Docket No. BR09P1050EA, of 96 Church Street, Fairhaven, MA 02719, are the owner of 86 Old Farm Road,Centerville,MA, and being shown as Lot E and the "Benoit J. Demers" parcel on Barnstable County Registry of Deeds Plan Book 105, Page 107; WHEREAS,Walter J. Piknick,Jr. and Edward H. Jennings, Jr. as Administrators,as the owners of said lot have agreed with the Town of Barnstable Board of Health to a restriction as to the number of bedrooms which can be included in any home built on said lot as a pre-condition to obtaining a disposal works construction permit in compliance with 310 CMR 15.000 State Environmental Code,Title V,Minimum Requirements for the Subsurface Disposal of Sanitary Sewage; WHEREAS,the Town of Barnstable Board of Health, as a pre-condition to granting a disposal works construction permit for a septic system in compliance with 310 CMR 15.200, State Environmental Code,Title V,Minimum Requirements for the Subsurface Disposal of Sanitary Sewage, and authorizing the issuance of a building permit for the construction of a single family home on this lot is requiring that the agreement for the restriction on the number of bedrooms in any house constructed on the lot be put on record with the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds by recording this document. NOW,THEREFORE, Walter J. Piknick,Jr, and Edward H. Jennings, Jr. as Administrators,do hereby place the following restriction on the above referenced land in accordance with their agreement with the Town of Barnstable Board of Health,which restriction shall run with the land and be binding upon all successors in title: t~$MtQ--Ea R�:�rente ttle-;'v1A,may have constructed upon the lot a house containing no more than two (2)bedrooms. Walter J. Piknick,Jr. and Edward H. Jennings, Jr. as Administrators,hereby agree that this shall be a permanent deed restriction affecting 86 Old Farm Road, Centerville, MA,being shown as LotE"Benoit J. Demers"parcel on Barnstable County Registry of Dees Plan-Beok h05-Pa-e 10,7. For title reference see the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds Book 1128,Page 78 as well as the aforesaid probates. Bk 25799 Pg 262 #54521 Executed as a sealed instrument this g day of October,2011. —1 , Walter J. iknick,Jr. Edward a gs, Jr. Stadrey E. Piknick COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS County of Barnstable October 19,2011 Then personally appeared before me,the undersigned notary public,the above-named Walter J. Piknick,Jr.0 who proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification,which Wert- w ,trtertti//y &Nam ,❑who is known by me and to me known to be,the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document,and acknowledged to me that he signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose. 11ICK4EL F.SCHULZ Mawr PUM No--., Public ""EIO MXOMycommissionexpires: #/i31"e3 840wdW 13,W13 BARNSTABLE REGISTRY OF DEEDS I - Bk 25799 Ps263 40F 54522 10-31-2011 & 01 =27o QUITCLAIM DEED Property Address: 86 Old Farm Road, Centerville, Massachusetts 02632 We, WALTER J. PIKNICK, JR.,EDWARD H. JENNIGS, JR., and STANLEY E. PIKNICK,being the heirs of Cynthia 0. Piknick, Barnstable Probate Docket No. 08P-0155770AX-1, and of Donna I. Jennings, Bristol County Probate Docket No. BR09P1050EA, of 96 Church Street, Fairhaven, Massachusetts 02719, in consideration of ONE HUNRDED FORTY THOUSAND and NO/100 ($140,000.00) DOLLARS, grant to J. BRUCE MACGREGOR, Trustee of Cape Commerce Realty Trust, under a declaration of trust dated January 28, 1994 and filed with the Barnstable Land Court Registry District as Document No. 605,915,with a business address of Drawer W, Hyannis, MA 02601, With Quitclaim Covenants the parcel of land together with the-buildings thereon bounded and described as follows: PARCEL ONE: That certain parcel of land situated in Centerville aforesaid, on the southerly line of the right of way, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of the granted premises on southerly side of said right of way; Thence running South 36' 48' East, forty-five (45) feet to a stake; Thence running South 53' 12' West, one hundred(100) feet to a stake; Thence running North 36' 48' West, forty-five (45) feet to the southerly side of said right of way; Thence running easterly by said right of way, one hundred (100) feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Together with a right of way in common with the owners of other lost as shown on plan hereinafter mentioned over a right of way and a right of way to the street, both of which are shown on plan hereinafter mentioned. The above-described parcel of land being South of right of way, for a more particular description of which reference is made to a plan entitled"Plan of Land in Centerville, ' w Bk 25799 Pg 264 #54522 Barnstable Mass. Belonging to Ida M. Lewis, April, 1928, Nelson Bearse, C.E." said plan being duly recorded with Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 36,Page 69. PARCEL TWO A certain parcel of land located in that part of the Town f Barnstable known as Centerville, near Wequaquet Lake, in the County of Barnstable and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, being shown as PARCEL E on a plan entitled "Plan of Land in Centerville-Barnstable-Mass. As surveyed For Harold E. Ruth A. Wilson" dated August 4, 1952, drawn by Bearse &Kellogg, Civil Engineers, bounded, in accordance with said plan, as follows: On the Southwest on two courses by land of John H. Eyre, one hundred ten(110) feet; On the Northwest by other land of Benoit J. DeMers, one hundred (100) feet; On the Southwest by the same land, forty-five (45) feet; On the Northwest by a right of way, forty-two and 551100 (42.55) feet; On the Northeast by Parcel D, as shown on said plan, fifty (50) feet; and one hundred thirty,-nine and 46/100 (139.46) feet; On the South by Parcel F, as shown on said plan, fifty-one and 501100 (51.50) feet. Containing an area of about 13,235 square feet. There is also conveyed herewith and as appurtenant to said land a right of way to and from the County Road known as Phinney's Lane, and also a right of way to and from Wequaquet Lake located within the area of Parcel C as shown on said plan, and also as shown on plan dated flune-l7;-1941,_recorded with-Bar-n-stable-County Registryof-Deeds in_plan-book?65;Page'83__Said r g is of ways are to be used in common with all others entitled thereto. For title, see deed from Benoit J. DeMers to Walter J. Piknick and Cynthia 0. Piknick dated September 5, 1961, recorded in Barnstable County Registry of Deeds Book 1128, Page 78, these said parcels being p 'two­—and-three of said`deed? Estate tax affidavit of Walter J. Piknick recorded at Book 23346, Page 323, Donna I. Jennings recorded at Book 24819, Page 130 and Cynthia 0. Piknick recorded herewith. Bk 25799 Pg 265 #54522 WITNESS our hands and seals this IR''day of October, 2011. �C,,LL/A Walter J. PKnick, Jr. wa drdd H. Je ings, Jr. Stanfey E. Piknick COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Barnstable County On this 19 h'day of October, 2011, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Walter J. Piknick,Jr. proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification,which was h{rjonulla ,Crr✓Ldn to be the person whose name is signed on he preceding or attached document, and acknowledged to me that he signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose. =bZ IGway chael F. Schulz No Public My commission expires: 09/13/2013 BARNSTABLETCOUNTYTREGISTRY OFxDEEDS Date: 10-31-2011 a 01:27am Gtl': 989 floc:: 54522 Fee: $478.80 Cons: $1401000.00 V NSTARLE r:p(�`'{�UOTY EXCISE TAX BAi UA LE �VU TY REGISTRY OF DEEDS Date: 10-31-2011 a 01:27¢m Ct1T: 989 Doc': 54522 Fee: $378.00 Cons: $140►000.00 BARNSTABLE REGISTRY OF DEEDS Iry BP109BB4-0020 95-10-13 3131 #051896 ' Massachusetts Quitclaim Deed Robert Durfee and Patricia A. Durfee Of 306 Beaverlake Road, Ware, Hampshire County, Massachusetts being married for consideration paid, and in full consideration of Seventy Five Thousand ($75,000.00) Dollars grant to Lynn M. Alberico of with quitclaim covenants the land to That certain parcel of land, situated in that part of the Town of Barnstable, known as Centerville, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, with all buildings and improvements thereon, more particularly bounded as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of the premises at a point in the southerly line of a right of way leading from Phinney's Lane to Wequaquet Lakes thence S 360 48' E by land of H. F. Ricker and land of Ida M. Lewis, 70 feet to a concrete bounds thence S 59° 14' E by land of said Lewis, 85 feet to a concrete bound; thence S 519 31' W by land of said Lewis, 67.38 feet to a concrete bound in the northeast line of another right of way; thence by a curve northerly and westerly by radius 37.89 feet, by said right of way 22.75 feet; thence N 59, 14 ' W by said right of way 73 feat; thence by a curve northerly and easterly by both rights of way about too feet to the point of beginning. Containing about . 19 acre. Said parcel is shown on a plan entitled "Plan of Land in Centerville, Mass. for John H. Eyre, May 2.6_, 1937,_ Nelson Bearse, Surveyor, " duly recorded with said ?Deeds-.P-1.an800k-55-,—Page_6 Being the same premises conveying to Grantors by deed dated September 5, 1980 and recorded at the Barnstable Registry of Deeds at Book 3148, Page 256. 8P,09884-0021 95-10-13 3131 #051896 N � Witness our hands and seals this !3 Zeday of 1995 Robert Durfee ea�trciaA. Durfee COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Worcester, ss 1995 Then personally appeared the above-named Robert Durfee and Patricia A. Durfee and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to he their free act and deed, before me, Notary Public aurloo.ded My Commission Expires: DONALD F.HENDERSON My COMMISSION EXPIRES n3 REG 01 APRIL 18, 1986 BARNSTARLE C `V' ANLTANLE REGISTRY COUN TAX 10/13/95 iQ/13/95 0lfifif TAX 171.00 TAX 256.50 TOTAL f7f.00 CASH 256.50 171.00 5571A000 15:31 0036 EXCISE TAX NO2 Miff 15:33 COUNTY EXCISE TAX BARNSTABLE REGISTRY OF DFj08 Excerpt of Board of Health Meeting Minutes on 9/13/2011: I. Innovative / Alternative (I/A) Septic Plan: Linda Pinto, CSN Engineering, representing Cape Commerce Nominee Realty Trust — 86 Old Farm Road, Centerville, Map/Parcel 251-005, 18,072 square feet parcel, requesting approval for alternative treatment. Linda Pinto was present. Mr. McKean reviewed staff comments and noted four items to be corrected on the plan. . Upon a motion duly made by Dr. Miller, seconded by Dr. Canniff, the Board voted to approve the I/A system provided the following four corrections are made: 1 rrect the map/parcel to 251-005, 2) correct the actual size of the lot to 17,424 uare feet, 3) the calculation of the number of gallons per day should be 306.2 / ay, and 4) improve the topography on the pl as it is difficult to see and reade;5-nd with the following conditions: 1) a 2- room Deed Restriction is recorded at the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds, and 2) a proper copy is submitted to the Public Health Division. (Unanimously, voted in favor.) r 9 SOW 6 A4&0 0 0.5 Y\,O� *t` ,( CENTERVILLE, TOP OF FOUNDATION 241diameter concrete covers 2411diameter concrete cover raised to 4"PVC VENT M A EL=57.0 raised to within 6"of finish grade within 6"of finish grade(or as noted) CAP BY"SWEETAI R" (or as noted) 24'dameter cast Iron covers at grade THREE(3) 500 GALLON LEACH CHAMBERS 3G"MIN Existing EL=54.3+ EL=53.7+ EL=53.7a- WITH 2'OF STONE ALL AROUND LOCUS j . . \, \v 29.5' 2 2 r �i \\ \\ 8.5' 8.5' 8.5' Lake 5/.8+ E Wequaquet / 53./+ 5/.7 t a0,. GEOTEXTILE FABRIC 4 PVC vent Pipe / o��y 9� a h- - 2"Delivery LineIr PLACE OF//4"-//2"PEASTONE) M �o •,,,. 51.00 R1 N 3/4"- 1-//2"STONE"(DOUBLE WASHED) _ 52,19 5/..9/ 5/.66 N \ O � •, 50.55 50,30 90 Y� Vent 49.00 3/0 Perforations Alternating at /0.•00 2:00(typ.) 0) P P ber Proposed 71 CLASS 150 Pressure THREE(3)5HOREYPRE6A5T 500 Gas Baffle Pipe with I CF of GALLON LEACH CHAMBER5 WITH l"Perforated PVC Pipe- with End Cap �0 Zabell lter ; concrete behind bends 5.5'' for thrust blocking. 2'OF57-ONE ALL AROUND (END VIEW) PLAN VIEW 00te za 1500 GALLON �- 15 SCALE: I " = 10' TWO-COMPARTMENT /000 GALLON 6' LEI CH EL=43.5.t Bottom of Test Hole SEPTIC TANK 5EPT1 TECH M400 TRfA 7-MENT Tel/VK CHAM25f95 with Discharge Pump FLOW PROFILE SITE LOCUS (to be Supplied by Septitech) NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE SYSTEM DESIGN CALCULATIONS 1 .) Assessor's Map I Parcel 005 2..) Deed Book 1128 Page 78 3.) Plan Book 3G Page G9 and Book 105 Page 107 SEWAGE DESIGN FLOW REQUIRED:2 BEDROOM Q /lO GPD/BEDROOM(WITH 2 1000 Gallon BEDROOM DEED RESTRICTION) =220 GPD REQUIRED(400 5.F FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION 4.) Zoning: RD-I ) 5.) Setbacks: -1 10'-10' SEPT�TEch M400 TREE TMENT SEWAGEDES/GNFLOWPROVZ'OFSTONEALL AROUA/LLONLEACHCHAMBER5 WITH 4.) This property 15 in a Zone II of a Public Water Supply PUMP NOTES * I�EQ U I ICE M E NTS : TANK WITHD/SC/�ARGE PUMP 5.) Flood Zone: C (Panel #25000 10005 C) Vt=((29.5 x 6.63) t 2(29.5 f 6.63)x 2J=403.5 5.F x.74 1 .) PUMP TO BE SUPPLIED BY SEPTITECH, CAPABLE OF PASSING A =306.2 GPD PROVIDED 2"SOLID AND PUMPING G.0 FT OF HEAD AT 2 1 .0 GPM. 1 2'-4" 8.)ALARM SHALL BE A RED WARNING LIGHT WITH AUDIBLE ALARM LOCATED WITHIN THE 403 S.F PROVIDED> 400S.F. REQUIRED BUILDING AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN. 9.)THE CORDS FOR THE FLOATS SHALL BE ONE CONTINUOUS PIECE FROM THE PUMP 306 GPO PROVIDED>220 GPD REQUIRED LEGEND CHAMBER TO THE DISCONNECT PULL BOX. THE CORDS SHALL BE ENCASED IN 2-1/2"TO 3" SEPTIC TANK CAPACITYREQUIRED: 220 GPDX 200% =440 GPD REQUIRED CONDUIT. EXISTING SPOT GRADE 10.) ALARM AND PUMP TO BE WIRED TO DIFFERENT CIRCUITS. E SEPTIC TANK CAPACITYPROVIDED: 1500 GALLON TWO-COMPARTMENT5EPTIC TANK 24x5 PROPOSED SPOT GRADE 1 1.) ALL PUMP, WIRING, ALARM, AND FLOAT INSTALLATIONS SHALL CONFORM TO TREATMENT TANK PROVIDED: 1000 CALLON5EPTITECH M400 TREATMENT TANK EXISTING CONTOUR MA55ACHUSE75 STATE PLUMBING AND MASSACHUSETTS STATE ELECTRICAL CODES AS WELL I G"Safety Volume 24- PROPOSED CONTOUR AS TO MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. 359 Gallons A 6ARBAGE0I5P05AL IS NOT PERMITTED WITH TH/5 DESIGN FLOW -- W WATER SERVICE LINE N -311"- Alarm ON o OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES �N m _,�6 Pump ON G UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES I? Pump GAS SERVICE LINE Pump OFF m - / - TOP OF BANK +-♦-�--- LIMIT OF WORK 2" Sump EDGE OF CLEARING FENCE n rit n nOn n n TEST HOLE LOCATION 5T SEPTIC TANK DB DISTRIBUTION BOX CONSTRUCTION NOTff,5 DETAIL LOT 5 SAS SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM TT SEPTITECH TREATMENT TANK I.)ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE STAFEENVIRONMENTAL CODE, TITLE5(310CMR NOT TO SCALE `�+ UTILITY POLE l 5.000):STANDARD REQUIREMENTS FOR THE SITING CONSTRUCTION, INSPECTION, UPGRADE, ® CATCH BAS 1 N AND EXPAN5/0N OF ON-517 SEWAGE TREATMENT AND 015P05AL 5Y5T5M5 AND FOR THE FIRE HYDRANT TRAN5PORTANO 015PO5AL OF5EPTAGE AND THE LOCAL BOARD OFHEALTH REGULATIONS. DRINKING WATER WELL 2.) ANY5EPTIC5Y5T5M COMPONENT INSTALLED IN LOCATION WHERE 7HERE/5 POTENTIAL 0 CONCRETE BOUND FOR vEHICLE5 OR HEAVY EQUIPMENT TO PASS OVER IT SHALL BE DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND S E PT I T E C N GENERAL NOTES O AN H-20 LOADING. IF UNDER AN IMPERVIOUS SURFACE SYSTEM SHALL BE VENTED TO TH,< ATMOSPHERE ry BM: GAS SHUT OFF O� � s 3.) TO M/NIMIZ5UNEVEN5ET7'LING ALL 5Y5TEM COMPONENT5 SHALL Of INSTALLED ONA 1.)SeptiTech processor shall be installed in accordance with SeptiTech installation instructions. ELEVATION: 54. 1 3' N2 / ��0 S7A3L5MECHANIC4LLY-COMPACTE0 BA5EON51XINCHE5 0FCRL15HE0.5TONE 2.)Tank(s)shall not be installed p y g at a depth an rester than 24-inche5. Tank installationsq g a re uirin 3C4 DATUM: TOWN GIS± O depth reater than 24-inches shall do so with prior approval b Se tiTech only. 00, 4.)COVERS OVER THE INLET AND OUTLET TEES OF THE SEPTIC TANK, THE DISTRIBUT/ON BOX, p g p pp y p y AND THE 501L ABSORPTION SYSTEM SHALL BE RAISED TO WITHIN 6"OF FINAL GRADE O oj° C` LEACHING FIELDS, TRENCHES, AND OTHER SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEMS W/7HOU7ACCE55 3.)Tank(s)shall be installed with a minimum of G-inches of compacted crushed pea stone or sand \ Gj MANHOLES SHALL HAVEAT LEAST ONE(/)INSPECTION PORT CONSISTING OFPERFORAT50 4" bedding. Select fill shall be used for backfilling around tanks. Off/ PVC PIPE PLACED VERTICALLY TO THE BOTTOM OF 7-HE501L AB5ORPT10N SYSTEM WITH A CAP, TIED WITH MAGNET/C MARKING TAPE ACCESS/BLE TO W/TH1N 3"OFFI (AL GRADE 4.) Exterior Piping: Contractor is responsible for supplying and installing all exterior piping Per Vent SeptiTech installation drawings• T.F . 5.)PIPING SHALL CONSIST OF 4"SCHEDULE 4C PVC OR EQUIVALENT. PIPE SHALL BE LAID ON LOT 4 #3 A MINIMUM CONTINUOUS GRADE OF NOTLE55 THAN 2%FROM THE BUILD/NG TO THESEPT/C 5.)Air Intake Piping: Air intake snorkel shall installed within 100 feet of the processor tank. Air TANK, AND NOT LESS THAN I%OTHERWISEintake piping shall be installed such that a posit1t ive pitch is provided back towards the processor tank \ \ such that any condensation build up is free to drain. 6.)DISTRIBUTION LINES FOR THE SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM SHALL BE 4"DIAMETER SCHEDULE EXISTING 40 PVC(OR EQUIVALENT)LAID AT 0.005 FT/FT. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. LINE5 SHALL BE 6.) Pipe Insulation: Contractor is responsible for insulating all piping exterior to the SeptiTech ST�TURE � T•p OS CAPPED AT END OR A5 NOTED. processor including the discharge line from the processor to the disposal field. TO'BE RAZED 7.)Tank Insulation: After tank has been installed, contractor shall insulate the top and sides of the r 9� \OR` ` �2 in 7.)LINES FROM THE DISTRIBUTION BOX TO BE LEVEL FOR THE FIR5T TWO(2)FEET BEFORE PJF- � p v' c� � I 0 m PITCHING TO THE.50IL A455ORPT10N5Y5TEM. DISTRIBUTION BOX SHALL BE WATER TESTED TO processor tank below frost depth (4-feet minimum) with 2"rigid foam(blue) board insulation and then G� °0 `�O, �� \ ASSURE5VEND157RIBUTION. complete backfilhn F O \�O o \ p 9 O 0 �' 10 3' 8.) Electrical: All electrical work is the responsibility of the contractor's hcensed electrician and is not LOT 3 �QG \�O y \ �� 101m1n 8.)GROUT TD BE USED AT ALL POINTS WHERE PIPES ENTER OR LEAVE ALL CONCRETE provided by SeptiTech. System Controller should be installed in a heated budding where an ambient s STRUCTURES/N ORDER TO PRO VIDE A WA TER Y/GHT SEAL. temperature range of GO to 90 degrees F is maintained. If the control panel must be located outside, �PJF\.:` ��2� Gr o r ` . , :`: Q lease note Se tiTech, Inc. so a heater may be installed within the enclosure. F G /, 8 0 9.)HEAVYEQUIPMENT SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO OPERATE OVER THE LIMITS OF THE SEWAGE p p y O ;..,, •.;•;•.., ... . ., 2�• �� 013PO5AL FIELD DURING THE COURSE OF CON57RUCTIONOFTHE5Y,5TEM. c.- .`'+ 0\ G°Svc Zed` T.P. #2 /0.)IN ACCORDANCE WITH 310 CMR 15,221, ALL SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL BE MARKED o WITH MAGNETIC MARKING TAPE _ °��6s \ -tt%OF /I.) THERE ARE NO KNOWN WELLS W/THIN /50'OF THE PROPOSED SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM. I �� \\O 46•I' � UNDA J l2.)FROM THE DATE OF THE INSTALLATION OF THE SOIL ABSORPTION 5YSTEM UNTIL RECEIPT I 0 min PINTO OF THE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THE PERIMETER SHALL BE STAKED AND FLAGGED TO O x" Cif PREVENTL/5EOFTHEAREA THATMAYCAUSE DAMAGE TO 7HE5Y555M TEST HOLE LOGS FS PARCEL TWO oo�O�� Q' c F T F 13.) THE DESIGNER WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SYSTEM A5 DESIGNED UNLESS va �� T.P. 0 x o CON5TRUCTEDA5SHOWNON PLAN. ANY CHANGE55HALLBEAPPROVEDINWRITINGBYTHE T.P. #1 PERC <2 M/INCH T.P. #2 PERC <2 M/INCH T.P. #3 PERC <2 M/INCH T.P. #4 PERC <2 M/INCH oy��o�Aa #I� S�W41E`�' DESIGNER. EL. 54.94' EL. 54.17' EL. 53.49' EL. 54.61' �C'° Q�o�o� 14.) THE BOARD OF HEALTH REQUIRES INSPECTION OFALL CONSTRUCTION BYAN AGENT OF 0" 0" 0" 0" THE BOARD OF HEAL TH AND THE DESIGNER. THE DESIGNER SHALL C5RTIFY IN WRITING THAT cp THE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM WAS INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THE 0" 0 R G "0" 0 RG "0" 0 R G "0" 0 R G O 2` „�.�` YANKE'E LAND SURVEY PERMIT AND THE APPROVED PLANS. 48 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE lS REQUESTED. 5 5" 5" 5" O, \0 PARCEL 2 5 � "E•' "LS" 10 YR 6/1 "E" "LS" 10 YR 6/1 "E" "LS" 10 YR 6/1 "E" "LS" 10 YR 6/1 Area= 17,424 S.F.± O LOT D CO.' INC. 15.)CONTRACTOR SHALL BERE5PONSIBLEFOR DETERMINING THE LOCATION OFALL 1 p" 0" 1 0" loll Area=0.40 Acres± 0 119 ROUTE 149 UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD UTILITIES PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY WORK. THIS g "L S" 1 0 Y R 5 6 "B" "L S" 1 0 Y R 5 6 "B" "LS" 1 0 Y R 5 6 "B" "LS" 1 0 Y R 5 6 1 W MARST IONS alILLS, �1L4 D2B48 INCLUD55, BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, REQUESTS TO DIG5AFE ANYPRIVATE UTILITYCOMPANIE5, AND THE LOCAL WATER DEPARTMENT. 28"(EL. 52.60') 28"(EL. 51.83') 28"(EL. 51.15') 28"(EL. 52.27') h o TEL 508-428-0055 FAX SOB-�,20-SSb9 „C 1 " "Cl„ "Cl„ „C 1„ n' YAiW0=VRFff7W0JlCAffJ►T � AJ YAMWVR?RyCVN 16.)CONTRACTOR5HALL VER/FYTHATALL W457EL1NE5 ARE CONNECTED BYWATER TESTING MS 10 YR 7/3 MS 10 YR 7/3 MS 10 YR 7/3 MS 10 YR 7/3 �� rn WITHIN THE DWELLING PRIOR 70/N57-ALLARONOFANY5EPTICCOMPONENT5. 4' 120" EL. 44.17' 120°° EL. 43.49 120• L. 44.61' 120" /7.)INSTRUMENTSURVEYCONDUCTEDFORPROPO5ED WORK ONLY 51TEPLAN5HALL NOTBE NO G\WATER OR NO G\WATER OR NO G\WATER OR NO G\WATER OR Q REVISION 09/1911 1 : Revised System Design Calculations; Parcel U5E0FOR57AKlNG, ORANYOTHERPURPOSES. REDOXIMORPHIC FEATURES REDOXIMORPHIC FEATURES REDOXIMORPHIC FEATURES REDOXIMORPHIC FEATURES Identification and Lot Size. N h LOT E 16.)PUMP5,ALARM5, AND OTHER EQUIPMENT REQUIRING PERIODIC OR ROUTINE 1N5PECT10N S`9°� Prepared for: ANOMAINTENANCE5HALLOf OPERA TED, INSPECTED, ANDMAINTAINEDYEARLYINACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURERS AND THEDESIGNER5SPECIFICATION5 AND DEPARTMENTGUIOANCE SOIL EVALUATOR: DAVID B MASON I CERTIFY THAT I AM CURRENTLY APPROVED BY THE OO„lam Cape Commerce Nominee Realty Trust THE5Y5TEMOWNER5HALL5JBMITTHERE5ULT5OF5UCHIN5PECTION5TOTHELOCAL SOIL DATA: APPROVAL DATE: 10/94 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PURSUANT TO �g APPROVINGAUTHOR/TYANNUALLYBYJANUARY3/ OFEACHYEARFORTHEPR5VOUS N/F EYRE S 86 Old Farm Rd., Centerville, MA CALENDAR YEAR. TEST DATE: 04/27/201 1 HEALTH AGENT: DESMARAIS 310 CMR 15.017 TO CONDUCT SOIL EVALUATIONS AND THAT pO, P# 13265 THE ABOVE ANALYSIS HAS BEEN PERFORMED BY ME 19.) THIS PLAN DOES NOT CERTIFY, GLIARANTff OR WARRANTY COMPLIANCE WITH ZONING CONSISTENT WITH THE REQUIRED TRAINING, EXPERTISE, AND 1°59,50 W Proposed Site * Sewage Disposal System BYLAWS, SPEC/FICALLY, BUT NOTL/MITEDTO, S/DELINE5ETBACKS AND&ALDINGHE/GHT EXPERIENCE DESCRIBED IN 310 CMR 15,017, 1 FURTHER 5 8 8G Old Farm Rd., Centerville, MA RESTRICTIO TSHALLBETHERESPONSIBIL/TYOFTHECONTRACTORISSUEDTH CERTIFY THAT THE RESULTS OF MY SOIL EVALUATION AS E INDICATED ON THE ATTACHED SOIL EVALUATION FORM, ARE SITE PLAN 51 50 BUILDING PERM/T.RA41T. ACCURATE AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH 310 CMR 15.100 Z _ Prepared by: THROUGH 1 5,107 SCALE: I " = 20' Z LOT F This Area is Served CirSN - &04"t David B. Mason, Certified Soil Evaluator by Town Water / a �� I<<��5/Engineering INSPECTION NOTE: PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION BY THE ENGINEER,SYSTEM 20 4� 60 P.O.Box 2030 Phone:(508)274-7347 NEED5 TO BE COMPLETE INCLUDING BUILDUP FOR COVERS. SCALE I "=20' 20 Teaticket,MA 02536 Fax:(508)548-5478 C:\CSN\CL-Old Farm\5D5-C1--Old Farm.dwg Date: Ob/2G/1 Scale: As Shown By: LIP Check: MTA Project No. C5N0080