HomeMy WebLinkAboutDowntown Hyannis Wayfinding Plan & Working GroupDowntown Hyannis
Wayfinding Working Group
Call for Participants
The Town of Barnstable Planning & Development Department is seeking to form a Wayfinding Working
Group and is requesting a representative from the Town’s Planning Board to assist with this effort.
The Town was recently awarded technical assistance through the Massachusetts Downtown Initiative
Technical Assistance (MDI) Program to develop a Downtown Hyannis Wayfinding Plan. The Town will
collaborate with a consultant to gather data and conduct community outreach to develop a Wayfinding
Plan that will ease navigation to downtown amenities and public parking, and help improve overall
vehicular circulation. The study area for this project is focused on downtown Hyannis spanning from the
intersection of Main Street and South Street (to the west) to School Street (to the east) including nearby
The design consultant, Stantec, is currently working to collect data based upon available GIS, prior
planning and technical studies, field observations, and aerial images to establish a comprehensive
inventory of the Town’s existing signage by type and condition.
The Working Group will serve to provide consensus on Town wayfinding strategies and will identify
priorities, preferences, and other relevant information to inform potential signage designs and
recommendations for phased installation. The Working Group will commence efforts with an initial
meeting at the end of March and the final Wayfinding Plan will be presented in June.
We are targeting an initial virtual meeting to occur sometime between Tuesday March 22nd –
Wednesday March 30th. Once a representative from Planning Board has been determined, staff will
provide a link to a Doodle survey with potential times/dates for the first meeting.
Technical Assistance Scope of Services & Estimated Cost
Massachusetts Downtown Initiative
100 Cambridge Street Boston, MA 02114 617.593.1364 www.state.ma.us/dhcd/components/dcs/downtown
Service Description:
Branding and Wayfinding Technical Assistance to the Town of Barnstable
Proposed Dates of Service:
January 13, 2022 to June 30, 2022
MDI Staff Contact: Emmy Hahn
Consultant: Stantec Consulting, Inc.
Date: January 21, 2022
Scope of Work:
The Scope of Services to be provided by of Stantec includes the following list of tasks, meetings and deliverables. Stantec will be
assisting the Town in the development of a downtown Hyannis wayfinding plan and ready-to-manufacture wayfinding signage
designs to support a stronger distinction of the downtown’s identity between districts and improved navigation for visitors using all
modes. It is assumed that work not identified below will be performed by Town staff or be outside of this Scope of Services. Stantec
will produce a single draft of the final report and will incorporate feedback into a final version based on a single set of non-
conflicting comments. All interim work products and the final branding package will be provided to the Town in electronic PDF files
as well as in their native file formats, potentially including updated GIS shapefiles.
The kick-off meeting will introduce the project, discuss project goals, define the proposed work plan, identify consultant and Town
staff roles and responsibilities, and generally establish the overall project schedule. This meeting should also be used to solidify the
list of participants for a Wayfinding Committee to provide input throughout the process. The kick-off meeting will also provide an
opportunity to review the available Town data for the study and identify any gaps. Due to COVID-19, this meeting may be conducted
through a virtual web platform.
Stantec will conduct a thorough review and analysis of past plans and processes that may inform the wayfinding approach, such as
the Hyannis Parking Study, the Rapid Recovery Plan, existing branding such as with the Hyannis HyArts Cultural District and the
Hyannis Main Street BID, and recent efforts of MassDOT Shared Streets & Spaces projects. Working with the Town, Stantec will also
develop a list of key downtown destinations, as well as map businesses and other Town resources.
Based upon available GIS, other available data from prior planning and technical studies, field observations, and aerial pictometry
data provided by MassGIS, Stantec will establish a comprehensive inventory of the Town’s existing signage (by type and condition) in
the defined study area. This will be used to support a walking site visit with Town staff of the entire study area. Stantec will notate
specific roadway, parking, and other multimodal wayfinding and circulation challenges and opportunities, as well as and historic and
cultural resources to inform the wayfinding strategy and signage design/placement recommendations.
Early consensus among stakeholders will be vital to informing the direction of the brand and ensuring it is widely embraced and
integrated throughout the community once finalized. Stantec will conduct one meeting with a designated Wayfinding Committee to
build on previous consensus on Town branding strategies and to identify priorities, preferences, and other relevant information to
Technical Assistance Scope of Services & Estimated Cost
Massachusetts Downtown Initiative
100 Cambridge Street Boston, MA 02114 617.593.1364 www.state.ma.us/dhcd/components/dcs/downtown
inform the potential signage designs and recommended phasing of deployment. Stantec will conduct an additional meeting, if
desired, to share design options once developed.
Stantec may also develop an outreach strategy that reintroduces the intended approach of the project to local businesses and the
public (potentially a survey through an online platform). This will help gauge an understanding of perceptions or associations with
the City’s culture, history, and other characteristics to further inform the brand. The City team may also wish to use the survey to let
the public “vote” on their most preferred motto, slogan, or vision statement based on the Committee’s shortlist.
Both the Committee and the public would be invited to attend one presentation on the final wayfinding plan/strategy.
Following the site visit, Stantec will use the signage inventory map (and reference the Proposed Wayfinding Locations Map from the
parking study) to define priority areas, and early recommendations of signage types which might be appropriate at certain locations
based on observations of visibility, access, safety, and other considerations. Using GIS and other data available, Stantec will define a
set number of potential sign typologies appropriate both to considerations of the City’s geography and intent of the project. These
will generally fall within the following categories of: 1) Directional Signage (such as to parking or other key destinations), 2)
Identification Signage (such as welcome signs or identifying landmarks), and 3) Informational Signage (such as with a kiosk).
Based on the findings from tasks 2-4 and stakeholder input, Stantec will develop up to (2) preliminary design options for the sign
typologies identified. Each option will include clear illustrations of scale of signs by typology and at least two renderings per option
for discussion and presentation to stakeholders. Based on a consensus design, Stantec will develop a final design to include:
• Color Specifications
• Recommended Materials and Specifications
• Incorporated Logo or other branded elements (e.g. motto), as appropriate, and as defined by other Town efforts
• Sign and primary printed feature dimensions to scale
In addition, Stantec will recommend short-term signing solutions that can be done in-house, in addition to higher material cost
installations for longer-term options.
The team will assemble all work into a final wayfinding plan. The plan will include:
Summary of background research and community input
Overall branding program description
Wayfinding messaging and installation approach
Map of proposed signage locations
Illustrations of signage typologies and design options
Implementation plan, including phasing approach and best practice user guide for recommended placement/installation
Print-ready files of signage for the manufacturer
Based on a single set of consolidating non-conflicting comments from the Town after a final presentation to the Committee and/or
another entity, the team will refine the draft into a final Hyannis Wayfinding Signage Plan.
Technical Assistance Scope of Services & Estimated Cost
Massachusetts Downtown Initiative
100 Cambridge Street Boston, MA 02114 617.593.1364 www.state.ma.us/dhcd/components/dcs/downtown
Estimated Costs for Work Outlined Under Scope of Work:
The fee for services described above is $25,000.
A Project Schedule is listed below:
Phase 1 Action
• Field visit to verify signage inventory and evaluate conditions
• Conduct analysis of previous plans and efforts
• Stakeholder meetings (up to 3)
• Develop signage typologies
• Establish quantities and materials needed
• Develop design options
• Present findings and recommended wayfinding strategy to
stakeholders, public, and other defined audience
• Complete final wayfinding plan
The Town is responsible for the following tasks:
Task Action
Site Visit & Map Confirmation • Confirm downtown study area
• Work with Stantec to collect existing data and information
• Verify draft inventory maps created by Stantec
Stakeholder & Public Outreach • Generate stakeholder list
• Schedule meeting time for the public and working group meetings
• Distribute stakeholder and public meeting advertising materials generated by
• Create public notices for stakeholder and public meetings
This map is for illustration purposes
only. It is not adequate for legal
boundary determination or
regulatory interpretation. This map
does not represent an on-the-ground
survey. It may be generalized, may
not reflect current conditions, and
may contain cartographic errors or
3/3/2022Map printed on:
Parcel lines shown on this map are
only graphic representations of
Assessor’s tax parcels. They are not
true property boundaries and do not
represent accurate relationships to
physical objects on the map such as
building locations.
Approx. Scale: 1 inch =
667 1,333
367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601
Town of Barnstable GIS Unit
Road Names