HomeMy WebLinkAboutPilot Way Planning Board Submittal Final Planning Board Petition Application The Crocker Children Trust Roadway Improvement Plan 55 Pilots Way Barnstable, Massachusetts March 21, 2022 Form D & Form C Checklist Filing Fee Abutters Map/List TOWN OF BARNSTABLE SUBDIVISION RULES AND REGULATIONS FORM D APPLICATION FOR MODIFICATION OR RESCISSION OF DEFINITIVE PLAN Date: 01/13/2022 Subdivision #: ANR 1988 To the Planning Board in the Town of Barnstable: The undersigned authorized applicant(s) or owner(s) of all the land shown on the accompanying approved Definitive Subdivision plan located and described as follows: Plan # Plan Book 622 Page 5 Title: Plan of Land in Barnstable, (West) MASS. For Charles F. Crocker, Jr. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Plan Date: 07/20/1988 Date of Planning Board Approval: 09/12/1988 Assessor's Map and Parcel Number(s): 237 / 064-001 Zoning: RF Area: 2.95 Acres Number of Lots: 2 Drawn By: ____________________________________________________________________________________ hereby submits this Application for a Modification __X___ or Recision ______ of an Approved Definitive Subdivision Plan. The Modification is described as follows: Proposed Roadway Improvements ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ If a proposed Modification will result in changes to the Definitive Plan, the plan submission requirements for a Definitive Plan shall be followed and a Form C Checklist must also be completed and attached. List all lots which have been conveyed: Lot 7 & 8 as shown on the 1988 ANR Plan _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ * Attach a list of lot owners and their addresses. ** Attach a list of all abutters and their addresses as they appear on the most recent tax list. List all mortgage holders of the land by lot: N/A _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 TOWN OF BARNSTABLE SUBDIVISION RULES AND REGULATIONS FORM C DEFINITIVE SUBDIVISION PLAN – SUBMISSION CHECKLIST This form must be completed by the plan preparer, signed and dated and returned with a completed copy of Form C attached and the appropriate filing fee. For the complete submission requirements see Section 3-6 of the Subdivision Rules and Regulations. PLEASE CHECK EACH ITEM: __X__ One copy of the completed Form D and Form C Checklist. __X__ Filing Fee paid $350.00. _N/A_ GIS file, see Appendix A. __X__ A list of all abutters, with addresses, from the most recent tax list. __X__ Copy of most recent recorded deed and tax bill unless submitted at Preliminary stage, and there is no change. __X__ Evidence of payment of taxes on all lots, _N/A_ For applicants who are not owners – a copy of the P and S, or written authorization from owner. Evidence of right of access over any private way providing frontage and access to lot(s). _____ Will the subdivision conform to all the requirements of the Subdivision Rules and Regulations? yes __X__ no (see attached letter) If "no", attach a list of waivers required. __X__ List of any waivers from strict compliance to these Rules and Regulations. _N/A_ Location of soil test sites and data obtained from them. _N/A_ Boring logs and soil classifications from proposed manhole and catch basin sites. _N/A_ Calculations for the determination of waterway openings to justify culvert and drain sizes. _N/A_ Drainage calculations. _N/A_ Nine copies of the Environmental Analysis Report, when required, or request for waiver. _N/A_ Engineer's report outlining maintenance. _N/A_ Tree map (see Section 3-1.6) _N/A_ Report from the Cape Cod Commission, if any. __X__ Land Surveyor’s and Engineer’s original seal and signature on all plans including copies 2 SHEET(S) A - N/A Eight copies of the Definitive Plan Sheet A containing the following information: _____ Scale of 1" = 40', or other suitable scale, sheets not to exceed 24" by 36". _____ Subdivision name and number, north arrow, date, scale, legend, and the words "Definitive Plan". _____ Key map at 1" = 2,000' _____ Below the key map the assessor's map and parcel number(s), zoning district(s), zoning overlay district(s),and zoning area, frontage and width requirements. _____ Title block – Names of record owner, applicant and plan preparer, location and fire district, revisions described, dated and signed, date scale and bar scale and the words “Definitive Plan” _____ Subdivision boundaries, adjacent property lines and abutters. _____ Zoning District designations and lines, including any overlay districts. _____ Existing and proposed streets, ways, easements, public areas, and width of paving. Names of streets in pencil until approved by the Board's Engineer. Classification of streets as Major, Secondary, Minor A or B. _____ Sufficient data to determine readily the location, direction and length of every street and way line, easements, lot lines and boundary lines, and to establish these lines on the ground. _____ Location of all monuments, existing and proposed. _____ The location of any existing buildings and stone walls. _____ The location of wetlands, and surface water bodies. _____ Area of each lot in square feet and acres. Area of wetlands within each lot. . _____ Lot shape calculations noted on each lot. _____ Note: "Approval of this plan subject to compliance with covenant to be recorded herewith”, or written description of other security to be submitted separately. _____ Space for the Board's signatures and Town Clerk's Certification of no appeal. _____ 10 copies of Sheet A at a reduced 100 scale, or other suitable scale for distribution. SHEET B - N/A A separate reproducible copy of the plan showing: _____ Below the key map, the total number of linear feet, measured along the centerline, for each street proposed on the plan. Gross area of roads and cul-de-sacs in sq. ft. and acres. _____ Lot numbers. _____ Coordinates of all property corners, lot corners, street line changes in direction, tied in to Mass. Plane Coordinate System 3 SHEET C- N/A A separate reproducible copy of the plan showing: _____ Location, name, legal status and width of right-of-way and paved surface of streets bounding, approaching, or within reasonable proximity of the subdivision. _____ Top and toe of proposed slopes adjacent to the proposed roadway _____ Slopes in excess of 10%, slopes with severe slope characteristics for building sites according to the Soil Conservation Service. _____ Road centerline stationing, referenced to the street plans and profiles 0 point for centerline station from intersection of centerlines. _____ Existing and proposed contours at two foot intervals, extending beyond boundaries of subdivision to indicate effect on abutting property. Two bench marks. _____ Sight distances, see Section 3-1.4. _____ Drainage systems existing and proposed, delineation of watersheds; water to and from the site. _____ Erosion and sediment control plan including temporary drainage facilities. _____ Location of wetlands and surface waterbodies, within 200 feet of the subdivision boundary lines. _____ Existing water mains, utilities, sewers and utility poles within and adjoining the subdivision. _____ Separate plans and profiles of every street, showing the following data: _____ Horizontal scale of 1" = 40'. Vertical scale of 1" = 4'. _____ Existing centerline profile lines, lines of sidelines. _____ Finished design profile: elevations every 50 feet, 25 feet on vertical curves. _____ Elevations related to mean sea level, adjusted using Frimpter correction method. _____ Profiles and cross sections of drainage including swales, retention basins, catch basins, manholes and proposed invert and pipe sizes. The location of drainage easements and any surface water body or wetland, and the height of groundwater (adjusted – Frimpter). _____ Existing walks and driveways. _____ Rates of gradient shown by figures for roadways and drainage. _____ Location of existing and proposed gas, water, sewer, electric, telephone, cablevision and other utilities including utility poles. Any conflict between existing utilities and proposed construction. _____ Two bench marks for each street. _____ Cross sections of roadway at 50 foot intervals showing existing and proposed grades, top and toe of slopes, pavement thickness, width and gravel base. Utilities and proposed drainage.. _____ Spot elevations on gutters, center lines of corner roundings at street intersections and cul-de-sacs. _____ Location and type of proposed traffic signs and markings, and street name signs. 2,100.00 Planning Board Preliminary & Definitive Plans Abutter Map for Subject Parcel 237064001 This map is for illustration purposes only. It is not adequate for legal boundary determination or regulatory interpretation. This map does not represent an on-the-ground survey. It may be generalized, may not reflect current conditions, and may contain cartographic errors or omissions. Legend Direct abutters to subject parcel. Parcel lines shown on this map are only graphic representations of Assessor’s tax parcels. They are not true property boundaries and do not represent accurate relationships to physical objects on the map such as building locations. 88 Town of Barnstable GIS Unit 175 1/13/2022 gis@town.barnstable.ma.us Printed on: 0 ft.175 Subject Parcel Abutters ft. 1 inch = approx. Parcels Town Boundary Railroad Tracks Buildings Approx. Building Buildings Parking Lots Paved Unpaved Roads Paved Road Unpaved Road Bridge Paved Median Water Bodies Planning Board Preliminary & Definitive Plans Abutter List for Subject Parcel 237064001 Direct abutters to subject parcel. Parcel ID Owner 1 Owner 2 Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City State Zip 217026 GEORGE, ERIC S & PRISCILLA J 2084 MAIN STREET WEST BARNSTABLE 02668MA 217055B00 DREIER, PRISCILLA CROCKER PO BOX 1241 3735 MAIN STREET BARNSTABLE 02630MA 237064 CROCKER, DEACON J 2110 MAIN STREET WEST BARNSTABLE 02668MA 237064001 CROCKER, DEACON JAMES & ALLISON LEE TRS THE CROCKER CHILDREN TRUST P O BOX 1494 BREWSTER 02631MA 1/13/2022 10:28 AMReport Generated On:Page 1 of 1 4Total Number of Abutters: This list by itself does NOT constitute a "Certified List of Abutters" and is provided only as an aid to the determination of abutters. If a Certified Abutter List is required, you must contact the Assessing Division to have this list certified. Narrative to Accompany the Petition & Exhibits March 15, 2022 Barnstable Town Hall Planning & Development c/o James Kupfer 367 Main Street Hyannis, MA 02601 RE: Planning Board – Roadway Improvement Application 55 Pilots Way Parcel ID 237-064-001 West Barnstable, MA 02668 Dear Board Members, On behalf of The Crocker Children Trust, we are respectfully seeking relief from certain provisions of the 1973 Town of Barnstable Subdivision Rules and Regulations for roadway improvements to Pilots Way which provides access to #55 Pilots Way. The subdivision was originally approved in May of 1973 by the Barnstable Planning Board for 2 lots, a copy of the original Subdivision Plan is attached (Plan Book 271 Page 70). In August of 1983 a Plan of Land was filed and approved by the Planning Board to divide Lot 1 into three (3) new lots known as lots 3, 4 and 5, refer to attached Plan of Land (Plan Book 375 Page 55). A covenant was also recorded at the registry of deeds in 1983 requiring Pilots Way to be brought up to the 1973 roadway standards in order to convey any of the newly created lots for development. Lot 3 was further divided into three (3) lots now known as lots 6,7 and 8 in September of 1988, refer to attached Plan of Land (Plan Book 662 Page 5). The applicant is looking to convey and develop #55 Pilots Way, lots 7 & 8 as shown on the most recent Plan of Land from 1988. In order to do so the applicant is proposing roadway improvements to comply with certain provisions of the 1973 Subdivision Rules and Regulations. Under Section 2 (General) subsection D (Variation) the Board may waive certain provisions of these rules and regulations, when, in their judgement such action is in the public interest and not inconsistent with the purpose of the Subdivision Control Law. The following waivers are being requested as shown on the Roadway Improvement Plan: Section 5 - Specifications for Construction of the Required Improvements D) - Drainage System: No drainage system currently exists, none proposed E) - Municipal Services: All above ground services shall remain overhead as they currently exist G) - Roadway Foundation: To remain as currently exist, no known issues 2 H) - Roadway Surfaces: Currently exists as gravel to remain gravel and improved, no pavement proposed I) - Sidewalks: No sidewalks currently exist, none proposed J) - Curbing and Berms: No curbing or berms currently exist, none proposed K) - Grass Plots: No grass plots currently exist, edge of clearing along edge of way will remain as shown on Roadway Improvement plan L) - Street Trees: The existing edge of clearing along the edge of the way will remain as is unless shown differently on Roadway Improvement plan M) - Side Slopes: The existing edge of clearing along the edge of the way will remain as is unless shown differently on Roadway Improvement plan Design Standers (Type of Street - Minor “A”) 1) Width of Roadway: Required 22’; Proposed 16’ at beginning, 14’ along straightaway We are proposing to widen the gravel along Pilots Way to 16’ at the beginning closest to Route 6A (Main Street) and then narrow down to 14’ along the straightaway of Pilots Way. We are also proposing to expand the gravel at the hard left to allow the ladder truck to comfortably turn around without using private driveways. The proposed width is highly desired to minimize the disruption to the historic value of Pilots Way including preserving significant trees, stonewalls, etc. This will also minimize grading which would require more noticeable vegetation removal and significantly impact the aesthetics of the way. There are no known issues that currently exist with the width of Pilots Way, and the current proposal will impose minimal, arguably not noticeable, additional trips along Pilots Way; hence justifying the reduced width. Once the proposed roadway improvements are completed, we will then petition the Planning Board to release the existing parcel from the covenant recorded at the registry of deeds in 1983 allowing a Building Permit to be issued. In closing, thank you for taking the time to consider and review our Client’s Petition for relief from certain provisions of the 1973 Town of Barnstable Subdivision Rules and Regulations. We sincerely hope you agree with our position granting the relief will minimize the disruption to the historic value of Pilots Way and preserve the aesthetics of the way. We respectfully submit granting the relief is not a substantial derogation from the 1973 Subdivision Rules and Regulations. 3 Very truly yours, MERRILL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS Timothy Santos, P.E. Senior Project Manager H:\21-255\Docouments\Planning Board Submittal\55 Pilot Way Planning Board Narrative.doc N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y Deed, Property Card & GIS Map N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y 106943 1300 Account #Bldg #1 Sec # 1 of Card # of UTILITIESTOPO LOCATION 801 CURRENT ASSESSM ENT Total 1300 175,800 1 4 5 Gas Well 6 1 Septic Paved 1 Marginal View SUPPLEMENTAL DATA PREVIOUS ASSESSM ENTS (HISTORY) This signature acknowledges a visit by a Data Collector or AssessorOTHER ASSESSMENTS APPRAISED VALUE SUMMARY EXEMPTIONS 0 0 0 175,800NOTES BUILDING PERMIT RECORD LAND LINE VALUATION SECTION Level CURRENT OWNER 55 PILOTS WAYProperty Location Map ID Vision ID Bldg Name State Use Print Date STRT / ROAD VC Total VISIT / CHANGE HISTORY 175,800 175,800 1 1 1 Alt Prcl ID Split Zonin BID Parcel ResExpt Q #DL 1 #DL 2 GIS ID Description Code Assessed 175,800 Assessed CodeYear AssessedCodeYear Total Assessed VYearCodeAssessed TotalTotal 2020 2019 130013001300162,800 162,800 175,800 162,800 162,800 0 Permit Id Issue Date Year Code Description Amount 0.00 Code Description Number Amount Comm Int Appraised Bldg. Value (Card) Appraised Xf (B) Value (Bldg) Appraised Ob (B) Value (Bldg) Appraised Land Value (Bldg) 175,800Total Appraised Parcel Value Special Land Value 1F 1 00 1 175,800 1 1 Use Code Type Description Amount Insp Date % Comp Date Comp Comments Vac Land M-00 Vac Land M-00 RF RF Zone Total Card Land Units 2.95 Total Land Value B 1300 1300 Parcel Total Land AreaAC DM AL DR DR IdDate 05-13-2020 06-15-2015 06-11-2013 01-17-2012 237/ 064/ 001/ / 622/5Plan Ref. Land Ct# #SR Life Estate PP Acct Assoc Pid# LOTS 7 & 8 F_973453_2717418 RES LAND Field Review Change of Address In Office Review In Office Review Purpost/Result FR 22 16 16 Is CdType 22 03 03 BARNS ASSESSING NEIGHBORHOOD Nbhd 0106 Nbhd Name B Tracing Batch Total Appraised Parcel Value 175,800 Valuation Method C 175,8002021 THE CROCKER CHILDREN TRUST P O BOX 1494 BREWSTER MA 02631 CROCKER, DEACON JAMES & ALLIS 2.95 11/14/2021 10:10:36 Description Land Value 142,500 33,300 Adj Unit P 142,500 17,100 Location Adjustmen 1.0000 1.0000 NotesNbhd. Adj 1.200 1.200 Nbhd. 0106 0106 Cond. 1.00 1.00 Site Index 5 0 Size Adj 1.00000 1.00000 Unit Price 118,750 14,250 Land Units AC AC 1.000 1.950 Land TypeLA 1 1 FY2022 BARNSTABLE, MA RECORD OF OWNERSHIP CROCKER, DEACON JAMES & ALLISON SMITH, ERIN MARIE SMITH ERIN MARIE & KEITH ERIK PECKHAM, TAMSIN C SALE PRIC 1 1 200,000 1 V/I V V I I Q/U U U Q U SALE DATE 03-02-2018 03-02-2018 12-16-2013 12-20-2011 BK-VOL/PAGE 0210 0206 0343 0057 31116 31116 27886 25937 No Sketch 1300 Account #Bldg #1 Sec # 1 of Card # of 55 PILOTS WAY Element Dep % Ovr Dep Ovr Comment Misc Imp Ovr Misc Imp Ovr Comment Cost to Cure Ovr Element Undeprec Value COST / MARKET VALUATION 0 Adjust Type CONDO DATA Factor% 106943 Property Location Vision ID Map ID Bldg Name State Use Print Date111 Description Cost to Cure Ovr Comment Description Code OB - OUTBUILDING & YARD ITEMS(L) / XF - BUILDING EXTRA FEATURES(B) BUILDING SUB-AREA SUMMARY SECTION Unit Cost RCNLD 100 Condition 1 0External Obsol 0Functional Obsol 0 Year Remodeled Remodel Rating 0 0Year Built 0 Ttl Gross Liv / Lease Area 0 0 0 Parcel Id 0.0 SB C CONSTRUCTION DETAIL CONSTRUCTION DETAIL (CONTINUED) Owne Condo Flr Condo Unit Code Description Code Description Living Area Floor Area Appr. Value Depreciation Code Building Value New Effective Year Built Depreciation % Trend Factor Condition % Percent Good Unit Price Yr Blt Cond. Cd % Gd Grade Grade Adj.Description L/B Units 237/ 064/ 001/ / Cd Eff Area 0 Cd Style Model Grade: Stories Exterior Wall 1 Exterior Wall 2 Roof Structure Roof Cover Interior Wall 1 Interior Wall 2 Interior Floor 1 Interior Floor 2 Heat Fuel Heat Type AC Type Bedrooms Full Baths Half Baths Extra Fixtures Total Rooms Bath Style Kitchen Style Occupancy Accessory Apt Foundation Rms Prts Bath Split Vacant Land Vacant or OBY 99 00 11/14/2021 10:10:36 2,000.00 This map is for illustration purposes only. It is not adequate for legal boundary determination or regulatory interpretation. This map does not represent an on-the-ground survey. It may be generalized, may not reflect current conditions, and may contain cartographic errors or omissions. Parcel lines shown on this map are only graphic representations of Assessor’s tax parcels. They are not true property boundaries and do not represent accurate relationships to physical objects on the map such as building locations. 3330167 Feet feetApprox. Scale: 1 inch =167 Legend Town of Barnstable GIS Unit 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 508-862-4624 gis@town.barnstable.ma.us Map printed on:1/12/2022 Parcels Town Boundary Railroad Tracks Buildings Approx. Building Buildings Painted Lines Parking Lots Paved Unpaved Driveways Paved Unpaved Roads Paved Road Unpaved Road Bridge Paved Median Streams Marsh Water Bodies Site Photos Pilot Way/Route 6A Entrance Looking down Pilot Way Area of 16’ widening Area of 14’ widening Area of 14’ widening (Straightaway) Approaching 4-way intersection 4-way intersection Roadway Improvement Plan (Attached Separately)