HomeMy WebLinkAboutSR-2022-004 Coughlin 186 Elizabeth Dr CENT DCPC SPStaff Report Special Permit No.2022-004 –Coughlin § 240-131.4 D (2) (a) and 240-131.4 E –Craigville Beach District Use Regulations To allow the alteration/expansion of the existing dwelling Date:February 22, 2022 To:Zoning Board of Appeals From:Anna Brigham, Principal Planner Applicant:Patrick K. and Kimberly Piculell Coughlin Property Address:186 Lake Elizabeth Drive,(Craigville)Centerville, MA Assessor's Map/Parcel:226/184 Zoning:Craigville Beach District –Craigville Village Neighborhood (CBDCV) Filed February 3, 2022 Hearing:March 9, 2022 Decision Due:May 16, 2022 Copy of Public Notice Patrick K. Coughlin and Kimberly Piculell Coughlin have applied for a Special Permit pursuant to Section 240-131.4D (2)(a) Change, Expansion or Alteration of Uses or Structures and Section 240-131. 4 E. Dimensional Relief for the front yard setback where 15 feet is required and 4.7 feet is provided.The Applicants seek to alter/expand the existing dwelling pursuant to the plans prepared by Sullivan Engineering & Consulting, Inc. and Atelier R Design. The existing dwelling contains 2,704 square feet and the proposed dwelling contains 3,264 square feet. The subject property is located at 186 Lake Elizabeth Drive, Centerville, MA as shown on Assessor’s Map 226 Parcel 184. It is located in the Craigville Beach District –Craigville Village (CBD-CV) Zoning District in the District of Critical Planning Concern (DCPC). Background The subject property is a 0.24 +/-acre lot located on Lake Elizabeth Drive, overlooking Red Lilly Pond,in the Craigville Village area of Centerville.The lot is improved with a four-bedroom dwelling containing 1,374 square feet of living area (2,704 gross square feet)and constructed in 1971. The property is within the Craigville Beach District, an area designated by the Cape Cod Commission as a District of Critical Planning Concern. The Craigville Beach DCPC was initiated by village residents concerned with the changing character of the area and adverse impacts to the Centerville River. The DCPC addresses issues related to natural and ecological resources; cultural, historic and architectural resources; natural hazards; wastewater management; and waterfront management. The regulations contained in Section 240-131 are the adopted DCPC implementing regulations. These implementing regulations are the means by which all development is regulated within the district; grandfathering provisions and/or nonconforming rights conferred by M.G.L. Chapter 40A do not apply within the Craigville Beach District. Relief Requested Patrick K. Coughlin and Kimberly Piculell Coughlin have applied for a Special Permit pursuant to Section 240-131.4D (2)(a) Change, Expansion or Alteration of Uses or Structures and Section Town of Barnstable Planning and Development Department Town of Barnstable Planning & Development Staff Report Special Permit No.2022-004 Coughlin 240-131. 4 E. Dimensional Relief for the front yard setback where 15 feet is required and 4.7 feet is provided. The Applicants seek to alter/expand the existing dwelling pursuant to the plans prepared by Sullivan Engineering & Consulting, Inc. and Atelier R Design. The existing dwelling contains 2,704 square feet and the proposed dwelling contains 3,264 square feet. The subject property is located at 186 Lake Elizabeth Drive, Centerville, MA. Proposed Special Permit Findings For all Special Permits, the Board is required to make general findings pursuant to § 240- 125(C). The Board should review the evidence presented by the Applicant, staff, and members of the public and, after weighing such evidence, is encouraged to articulate if and how the evidence contributes to each of the required findings. Staff has outlined all of the findings required by the DCPC ordinance. The application falls within a category specifically excepted in the ordinance for a grant of a special permit: Section 240-131.4(D)(2)(a)and 240-131.4 (E)allows for expansion of lawfully existing structures with a Special Permit from the Board. After an evaluation of all the evidence presented, the proposal fulfills the spirit and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and would not represent a substantial detriment to the public good or the neighborhood affected. Further,§240-131.4 of the Craigville Beach DCPC ordinance states that in granting a special permit, the Board shall find that: The proposed alteration/expansions are not substantially more detrimental to the environment, community and/or historic character of the neighborhood than the existing building or structure. Comply with § 240-131.1, Purposes and intent: The purpose and intent of §240-131 through 240-131.8 are to guide development in the Craigville Beach District pursuant to the Guidelines of Barnstable County Ordinance 09-10 to ensure that development and redevelopment meets the following standards: Contributes to and respects the character and historic development patterns of the area and minimizes inconsistent development and redevelopment impacts to the historic and community character resources in this area. Protects and preserves scenic views and vistas and ways to the water. Protects and improves natural resources, including but not limited to the barrier beach and groundwater and coastal water quality and minimizes development and redevelopment impacts to the natural resources and ecosystems in this district. and with the general performance standards and design guidelines for the neighborhood overlay area in which the development is located, in accordance with § 240-131.7, Neighborhood District Overlay regulations: The development complies with the setbacks and lot coverage requirements set forth herein, and is in character with surrounding structures, particularly structures that predate it.Relief is being requested for expansion of the structure in accordance with § 240-131.4D. Town of Barnstable Planning & Development Staff Report Special Permit No.2022-004 Coughlin The redevelopment complies with the height limitations set forth herein.1 The addition is set back at least 50 feet from the top of the coastal bank resource area. Existing natural vegetation within the fifty-foot buffer area to salt marsh and undisturbed buffer areas 50 feet landward of the mean high-water mark of coastal water bodies shall be preserved to the maximum extent feasible. The expansion does not exceed 25% of the gross floor area of structures in existence as of July 1, 1989, or do not exceed 10% of the gross floor area of structures in existence as of November 6, 2009.2 The expansion does not increase lot coverage over what is allowed under § 240- 131.6, Coverage limitations, or by more than 10% over what was existing on November 6, 2009, whichever is greater. The expansion does not increase flood hazards in the neighborhood. The expansion maintains views to Nantucket Sound /Centerville River: a minimum 20 foot view shed is existing and maintained. Suggested Conditions Should the Board find to grant the Special Permit No. 2022-004, it may wish to consider the following conditions: 1.Special Permit No. 2022-004 is granted to Patrick K. Coughlin and Kimberly Piculell Coughlin for dimensional Relief for the front yard setback where 15 feet is required and 4.7 feet is provided. The Applicants seek to alter/expand the existing dwelling pursuant to the plans prepared by Sullivan Engineering & Consulting, Inc. and Atelier R Design. The existing dwelling contains 2,704 square feet and the proposed dwelling contains 3,264 square feet. The subject property is located at 186 Lake Elizabeth Drive, Centerville, MA 2.The proposed alteration shall be constructed in substantial conformance with the site plan entitled “Site Plan Proposed Improvements at 186 Lake Elizabeth Drive Barnstable (Centerville) Mass”,prepared by Sullivan Engineering & Consulting, Inc.,dated December 27, 2021. 3.There shall be no further expansion of the structure, construction of accessory structures, or impervious surface coverage on the lot unless approved by the Zoning Board of Appeals. 4.This decision shall be recorded at the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds and copies of the recorded decision shall be submitted to the Zoning Board of Appeals Office and the Building Division prior to issuance of a building permit. The rights authorized by this special permit must be exercised within two years, unless extended. 1 BUILDING HEIGHT: The vertical distance from the grade plane to the highest point of a gable, hip or gambrel roof and the highest point of the coping of a flat roof. These height limitations shall not apply to chimneys cupolas, flagpoles or other similar appurtenances as approved by the Building Commissioner.) (Gable roofs having a slope of 7/12 or greater allowed maximum height; hip and other sloped roofs with a slope of 4/12 or greater are allo wed five feet less than the max) 2 Gross floor area is defined as “the sum of all floor areas within a building or structure, measured from the perimeter of the outside walls of the building under consideration, without deduction for hallways, stairs, closets, thickness of walls, columns,or other features. It shall include all areas capable of being used for human occupancy, including all basement floor areas, mezzanine and attic space and enclosed porches. Town of Barnstable Planning & Development Staff Report Special Permit No.2022-004 Coughlin Copies:Applicant (c/o Attorney Michael Schulz) Attachments:Application Site Plan Building Plans