HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973 Subdivision Rules & Regulations Town of Barnstable Subdivision Rules and Regulations THE S BABBBTABLX s p i639 M - GO 3q. � _- �'0 MPY p" 73 PRINTED ON CAPE COD BY THE PATRIOT PRESS.HYANNIS l TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) ITEMS PAGE — Authority, Purpose ITEMS PAGE Section 1 -------------- ---------�------_---- 4 Section 5 — Specifications for Construction of Required A. Authority -_-------------- . .------_.._----__._._-_.________-__-._.____-_-_ 4 Improvements 18 B. Purpose _-______ ----.__-___.---_.- 4 -...._....-_-..-__-_-.-.._ A. General 18 Section 2 — General ____—_--__. ._ _.__._ ..__ __ _.__ ..--.--_-.-_.__ 5 B. Subdivision Layout -.-_.___--_ _.-_-_ 19 A. Definitions --------------- 5 C. Clearing, Grubbing and Excavation ._ 19 --.-_. __--__-.---. B. Administration ____._--_- .- 6 D. Drainage System __-____—_ 19 6 E. Municipal Services __—._—-----—__—_ 20 C. Certification of Plans _.._... ... --------- F. Fill - 21 D. Variation ..-------------_-__.-.---.-------- --- --- 6 G. Roadway Foundation 21 E. Supervision _---------- ._____------------------------------ ---- 6 H. Roadway Surface 21 F. Responsibility _------- - ---- 6 I I. Sidewalks 22 —_ J. Curbing and Berms 22 G. Separability --.._._-.._--__. - - __--__-- -_- 7 E. Grass Plots _____--___. —_---- 25 H. Amendments _-------------- --------- - -------------- L. Street Trees 25 Submission and Approval of Plans 7 M. Side Slopes --_____--___-_.-. 25 Section 3 N. Monuments 25 A. Plan Believed Not to Require Approval -_--------...___—--- 7 O. Street Signs __. 26 B. Preliminary Plan _____—___.-. - -_..___ _- __.--_---- 7 P. Cleaning Up .--__� __._.___._..-.. te p 26 (1) General Q. Maintenance __-____.-_- _._-__. 26 (2) Contents of Preliminary Plan Section 6 Inspection .-____._ __.___---__--___-_—___.—_---- 26 (3) Board Actions A. General -.--__.___.- 26 C. Definitive Plan __-__—____— __ ____._.____--_ g B. Notification to the Engineer ------—.____._._ 27 (1) General C. Lines and Grades 27 (2) Contents of Definitive Plan D. Inspection of Required Improvements ----_----_-_--_-------- 28 (3) Review of Board of Health as to Suitability of Land (1) First Inspection (4) Review of Other Town Officials ( Inspection (5) Performance Guarantee (33)) Third hird Inspection (6) Public Hearing (4) Fourth Inspection (7) Approval, Modification or Disapproval (5) Fifth Inspection (8) Certificate of Approval (6) Sixth Inspection ( ) Recording of Plan (7) Seventh Inspection (10) Revisions of Definitive Plan (8) Eighth Inspection (11) Evidence of Satisfactory Performance (9) Ninth inspection E. Engineer's Report 29 (13) Reduction of Bond or Surety _ _ (14) Time of Completion of Ways and Installation of Municipal Inspection Report Form Services Appendix I Section 4 — Design Standards ..__..__. _ - 13 A. Plan Be Forms __ _ 30 - ---- - � Believed Not To Require Approval 30 A. General _ --------------------- --- ----------------- 13 h B. Application for Approval of Preliminary Plan -___.-__- ____ 31 B. Streets ---- -------------------------------- ----- - - 13 C. Application for Approval of Definitive Plan 32 (U Location of Streets D. Performance Bond Form — Surety Company ____-_____— 33 (2) Width, Alignment & Grades of Streets E. Performance Bond — Secured By Deposit _,-------- _ 34 (3) Dead-End Streets F. Covenant Form C. Subsurface and Storm Drains _.-- --.-..-- 15 G. Covenant Release Form __-.__-_______.- —_ - _ 36 (1) General (2) Subsurface Drains Appendix II — Design and Construction Standards (3) Storm Drains A. Typical Roadway Cross Sections ------_---- ------__..___________- 52 D. Easements --- ---------- ________-- . _. _-______---_------ 16 B. Typical Drainage Structures - - 38 E. Sidewalks _—__—------------------_...__..___.._ ._.--____ _----__- 16 C. Typical Headwalls _-___________—__-----_— 40 D. Rational Method (Drainage) __ ---___.. 43 F. Curbing and Berms .____-___-_._- - . .-.---.---------------------- 17 E. Gravel Base Specifications _.-_ 49 G. Lots ------------ _ ___._.-_.___ - __.. 17 F. Utility Cross Sections _-___..______------ ---__--_ _ 48 H. Open Spaces - - -----.---------------- 17 G. Design Standards 51 I. Protection of Natural Features ------ -. H. Fees __ 59 J. Retaining Walls ----------__--------------____---_._._._-_....__-_-----___- _ 17 K. Cases m Which Ways are Not Adequate .._-_.._._-------__----- 17 L. Municipal Services .- . __------- - ---------_.-------_-------__ 17 0 Subdivision Rules and Regulations A. Definitions SGenieal AASHO Latest Revisions of Standard Specifications for High- way Materials and Methods of Sampling Testing adopted by the American Association of State Highway Officials. Section 1 ACI Latest Revisions of the Manuals of Concrete Practice pub- Authority, iPurpose lished by the American Concrete Institute. Applicant "Applicant shall include an owner, or his agent or A. Authority representative, or his assigns. Under the authority vested in the Board or its legally consti- ASTM Latest Revisions of Standard Specifications published by tuted successor, by Section 81-Q of Chapter 41 of the General Laws, the American Society for Testing and Materials. said Board hereby adopts these rules and regulations governing the Board The Planning Board of the Town of Barnstable. subdivision of land in the Town of Barnstable. Such rules and regu- Definitive Plan The plan of a subdivision as submitted (with lations shall supersede and replace any previously adopted Sub- appropriate application) to the Board for approval, to be recorded division Control Law Rules and Regulations; and may be amended in the Registry of Deeds or filed with the Recorder of the Land in accordance with the provisions of Section 81-Q of the General Court when approved by the Board, and such plan when approved Laws. and recorded or filed. The requirements and content of the Defini- tive Plan shall be as specified hereinafter. Joseph J. Reardon, Chairman j _ Department's Specifications The Standard Specifications for Hugh C. Findlay, Vice-Chairman Highways and Bridges of the Massachusetts Department of Public Sally A. Norris, Clerk Works, including all revisions thereto. Roger A. Goodspeed Department's Standards Latest Revisions of the Construction John J. Rosario Standards of the Massachusetts Department of Public Works. William P. Knowlton Engineer A Registered Professional Engineer or Registered William G. Howes III Land Surveyor. General Laws The General Laws, Ter. Ed., With all additions B. Purpose thereto and amendments thereof. In case of a re-arrangemnt of The subdivision control law has been enacted for the purpose of the General Laws, any citation of particular sections of the General protecting the safety, convenience and welfare of the inhabitants of Laws shall be applicable to the corresponding sections in the new the town by regulating the laying out and construction of ways in codification subdivisions providing access to the several lots therein, but which Lot "Lot" shall mean an area of land in one ownership, with have not become public ways, and ensuring sanitary conditions in definite boundaries and shape, used, or available for use, as the subdivisions and in proper cases site of one or more buildings. of p p parks and open areas. The powers the Board under the subdivision control law shall be exercised Municipal Services Sewers, surface water drains, water pipes, with due regard for the provision of adequate access to all of the gas pipes, electric lines, telephone lines, fire alarm lines and their lots in a subdivision by ways that will be safe and convenient for respective appurtenances and other like services. travel; for lessening congestion in such ways and in the adjacent Owner As applied to real estate, the person (as hereinafter public ways; for reducing danger to life and limb in the operation defined) holding the ultimate fee simple title to a parcel, tract or of motor vehicles; for securing safety in the case of fire, flood, lot of land, as shown by the record in the appropriate Land Regis- panic and other emergencies; for ensuring compliance with the tration Office, Registry of Deeds or Registry of Probate, applicablezoning ordinances or by-laws; for securing adequate pro- Person An individual, or two or more individuals or a group vision for water, sewerage, drainage, underground utility services, or association of individuals, a trust, a partnership or a corpora- fire, police, street lighting, and other similar municipal equipment tion having common or undivided interests in a tract of land. and other requirements where necessary in a subdivision; and for Planning Board Engineer A Registered Professional Engineer co-ordinating the ways in a subdivision with each other and with or Registered Land Surveyor so designated by the Board to act the public ways in the town and with the ways in neighboring subdi- as their agent in that capacity. visions. Preliminary Plan A plan of a proposed subdivision or a re- subdivision of land submitted for discussion and consideration by No person shall make a subdivision of any land within the the Board prior to the preparation of a definitive plan. Require- town, or proceed with the improvement or sale of Lots in a sub- ments and contents shall be as specified hereinafter. division, or the construction of ways, or the installation of munici- Print A contact print, dark line on white background. Pal services therein, unless and until a Definitive Plan of such Roadway That portion of a way which is designed and pre- Subdivision has been submitted to and approved by the Board as pared for vehicular travel. hereinafter provided. + Street Major Street: A street which, in the opinion of the Board, is being used, or will be used as a thoroughfare between After the approval of such plan, the location and width of different portions of the Town or which will be the principal ways shown thereon shall not be changed without the approval of access to a business or industrial subdivision. the Board; but the number, shape and size of the lots shown on Secondary Street: A street intercepting several minor streets the plan so approved may be changed without action by the Board, and which in the opinion of the Board may carry traffic from such provided every lot so changed still has frontage on a public way minor streets to a major street or community facility, including or a way shown on a plan approved by the Board and such fron- the principal access streets or principal circulation streets of resi- tage, size and shape of the lot meets the latest requirements of dential subdivisions, and including all streets, except those designa- the Zoning By-Laws of the Town of Barnstable. ted as major streets, of a business or industrial subdivision. — Page 4 — — Page 5 — Minor Street: A street which, in the opinion of the Board, is G. Separability being used or will be used primarily, to provide access to abutting If any section, paragraph, sentence, clause or provision of lots, and which is not intended for use by through traffic. There these regulations shall be adjudged not valid, the adjudication shall be two types of minor streets: (A) That street which, in the shall apply only to the material so adjudged and the remainder opinion of the Board, may be used for access to land as yet on- of these regulations shall be deemed valid and effective. subdivided or is of sufficient length to justify the additional width H. Amendments to insure convenience of travel, (B) That street which, in the opinion These regulations or any portion thereof may be amended, supp- ed the Board, may not be used for access to land as yet in lemented or repealed from time to time by the Board after a public ed and is less than seven hundred and fifty d in Feet in length. hearing on its own motion or b Subdivision The division of a tract of land into two or more g y petition. lots and as further defined in Section 81-L, Chapter 41, G.L. Subdivision Control Law Sections 81-K to 81-GG, inclusive; of Section 3 Chapter 41, G.L. as now in force, and any acts in amendment Procedure for the Submission and Approval of Plans thereof. Way A way shall be the full strip of land designated as a way �, A. Plan Believed Not to Require Approval or street as distinguished from the roadway. 1. Any person wishing to record a plan of land who believes Wetlands—That area of land which may not be excavated or that his plan does not require approval under the subdivision con- filled as of right and is subject to Federal, State, County or Town trol law shall proceed as follows: regulations governing tidal lands, salt marsh, lakes, ponds, rivers, (a) Submit original cloth tracing and three prints from original streams and fresh water swamps, for a meeting of the Board. The Plan shall be at a scale of (1) inch equals forty (40) feet, plus one copy which shall be a scale B. Administration of one (1) Inch equals one-hundred (100) feet. Plan sheets shall be No plan shall be deemed to have been submitted to the Board twenty-four (24) inches wide and thirty-six (36) inches long with until said plan, together with all application forms, fees and other a 3/4 inch border, items as required and executed as specified herein has been de- (b) Submit Form A (see Appendix I) in duplicate to the Board, livered in person to the Board at a meeting thereof, or by regis- with a twenty dollar ($20.00) filing fee, plus one dollar $1.00) for each tered mail through the Office of the Town Clerk by the owner of lot in excess of five (5). the land involved or his authorized agent. (For matters not covered (c) Give written notice of submission to the Town Clerk by by these rules and regulations, reference is made to Section 81-K delivery or by registered mail, postage prepaid. Such notice shall to 81-GG, inclusive, Chapter 41, G.L.) describe the land to which the plan relates sufficiently for identifi- cation, and shall state the date when such plan was submitted and C. Certification of Plans the name and address of the owner of such land. All plans submitted to the Board shall include a certification (d) Plan shall show locus, Assessors Map number, lot number as to their conformance with these Rules and Regulations and as and zoning district. to the validity of their content executed by a person registered in 2. The Planning Board shall: the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as a Land Surveyor or Pro- (A) At a Meeting of the Board, Sign and date Form A. (Clerk's, fessional Engineer or both as required by the Board. The Board Vice-chairman's or Chairman's signature only necessary) suggests that the owner be represented at any meeting with the (b) Examine plan and Form A and if it finds that the plan Board by the person responsible for the design of the subdivision does not require such approval, it shall without a public hearing and the preparation of the plans. and within fourteen days endorse on the plan the words "Barnsta- D. Variation ble Planning Board approval under the subdivision control law net 1. The Board may, when appropriate, waive such portions of required." Endorsement shall be signed by those duly authorized to act for the Board. these rules and regulations, when, in their judgment such action is in the public interest and not inconsistent with the purpose of the Return plan, original tracing only, to applicant and notify Subdivision Control Law. Town Clerk of its action by noting such on duplicate Copy of Form A and deliver to Town Clerk. 2. For matters not covered by these rules and regulations, 3. If the Board shall determine that the plan requires approval reference should be made to Section 81-K to 81-GG, inclusive, of It shall notify the Town Clerk and the applicant within 14 days of Chapter 41 of the General Laws. submission of the plan of its determination. The Town Clerk shall be notified on Form A and the applicant by letter. Original tracing E. Inspection shall be returned to applicant with the letter. All work required by these Rules and Regulations shall be Applicant may: under the inspection of and with the approval of the respective (a) Submit his plan for approval as provided by law and the Town Departments and utilities involved hereunder. rules and regulations of the Board, or F. Responsibility ( (b) Appeal from the determination of the Board in the manner 1. All work performed under these rules and regulations shall provided by law (Chapter 41, Section 81BB), within (20) days af- be the responsibility of the owner and/or applicant. ter the date of notice of its determination, 2. The purpose of inspection by the Town is to assure that B. Preliminary Plan good practices are followed in constructing the project in accord- 1. General - A Preliminary plan of a subdivision may be sub- ance with the designs and specifications, and not to establish these mitted by the subdivider for discussion and approval by the Board. practices. The purpose of the submission of such a Preliminary Plan will be 3. The owner is expected to employ his own quality control pro- to enable the subdivider, the Board and other municipal agencies gram through the services of a Professional Engineer. to discuss and clarify the problems of such subdivision before a — Page 6 — — Page 7 — Definitive Plan is prepared. Three (3) copies of the plan shall be submitted to the Board with the necessary copies to the Board of equals forty (40) feet, plus one copy which shall be a scale of Health and written notice of such submission made to the Town one (1) inch equals one hundred (100) feet. Plan sheets shall be Clerk by delivery or by registered mail, postage prepaid. A pro- twenty-four (24) inches wide and thirty-six (36) inches long with perly executed Form B and the necessary fees shall be submitted. 3/4" border. (See Appendix I & H) a. Name of subdivision, date, scale, name of owner, subdivider, 2. Contents - The Preliminary Plan so titled may be drawn on surveyor, north point, bench marks. A title block must appear on tracing paper at a suitable scale. Said Preliminary Plan should each page. show sufficient information about the subdivision including locus, to b. Names of all abutters as they appear in the most recent form a clear basis for discussion of its problems and for the pre- tax list, and approximate intersecting boundary lines of the abut- paration of the Definitive Plan. ting lands. Such information will include major site features such as exist- c. Lines of existing and proposed streets, ways, lots, ease - ing stone walls, fences, buildings, wooded areas, rock ridges and ments and public or common areas within the subdivision. (The outcroppings, swamps and water bodies, and existing topography as proposed names of proposed streets shall be shown in pencil until required, together with the information required by items (e) and < they have been approved by the Planning Board. No duplicate (f) of Section 3-C-1 and items (a) to (h) and (o) inclusive of Section names or names closely similar to existing street names shall be 3-C-2. In s permitted). special instances where subdivision construction could d. Sufficient data to determine the location, direction and len- result in excessive removal of large trees, the Planning Board may gtb of every street and way line, lot line and boundaryline, and require a tree map showing the size, species and location of all to establish these lines on the ground. trees over six (6) inches in diameter. During ei itivionv of the e. Location of all Preliminary Plan, information required for the Definitive Plan will permanent monuments as defined in "Design be developed. Standards and Required Improvements," properly identified as to 3. Board Actions - The Board shall, within sixty (60) days after whether existing or proposed.f. Location, names, and present widths of streets bounding submission, give such Preliminary Plan its approval with or with- approaching or within reasonable proximity of the subdivision. out modification, or shall disapprove such plan stating its reasons. g. Size and location of existing proposed storm drains, water The Town Clerk shall be notified of the Board's decision in writing. mains, utilities and their appurtenances, including hydrants, within Such approval does not constitute approval of a subdivision, and adjacent to the subdivision. (Refer to design standard Section but does facilitate the procedure in securing final approval of the 3-A). Definitive Plan. h. Profile plans of proposed streets drawn as follows: C. Definitive Plan (1) A horizontal scale of one inch (1") equals forty feet (40') (2) A vertical scale of one inch (1") equals four feet (4') 1. General - Any person who submits a Definitive Plan of a (3) Existing center line in fine solid line. subdivision for approval shall file in accordance with Chapter 41, (4) Existing right side line in fine dotted line. Section 81T, 81U and shall also file the following: (5) Existing left side in fine dashed line. " a. An original drawing of the Definitive Plan to the Board and (6) Proposed center line grades in heavy lines, all appropriat- four (4) reproductible contact prints thereof, dark line on white ely designated showing grade elevations at every fifty (50) foot background. station, except on vertical curves where they shall be shown at (The original drawing will be returned after approval or dis- every twenty-five (25) foot station and at P.V.C. and P.V.T. approval). (7) Proposed system of drainage, including catch basins, man- b. The necessary copies to the Board of Health. holes and proposed inverts, and pipe sizes. c. A properly executed Form C and the necessary fees re- (8) All existing intersecting walks and driveways. quired. (See Appendix I & ID (9) Elevations referred to mean sea level as established by the d. A sketch plan showing a possible or prospective street lay- U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. out for any adjacent unsubdivided land owned or controlled by the (10) Rates of gradient shown by figures for roadways and owner or subdivider of the subdivision, unless such a plan has al- drainage. ready been filed with the Board. In the case where the applicant i. Typical section of proposed streets shown on a profile plan does not own or control any contiguous land, a statement to this in accordance with typical cross section as shown in Appendix, effect shall appear in the application, showing construction and all proposed and required utilities. e. The applicant shall submit calculations for the determination j. Profiles and cross sections of drainage easements, existing of all waterway openings to justify culvert and drain sizes as re- water bodies, natural waterways, swamps and flood plains within quired by Section 4-C-3c. Such calculations shall be prepared by a and adjacent to the subdivision. Registered Professional Engineer. k. Suitable space for endorsement by the Board and verifica: (f) The applicant shall submit a boring log and soil classifica- tion of no appeal by the Town Clerk. tion performed by a Registered Professional Engineer of borings 1. Require present zoning be shown. taken at the location of each proposed catch basin and manhole m. Show Assessors map page number for locus. to a depth of two (2) feet below these structures, but in no case less than ten (10) feet below finish grade. n. Existing and proposed topography set forth on a separate 2. Contents The Definitive Plan shall be prepared by a Civil plan as follows: Engineer and/or Land Surveyor, registered in Massachusetts, and f The contour intervals shall be two feet (2') where slopes are shall be clearly and legibly drawn in black India Ink upon tracing less than 5% and five feet (5') on slopes 5% or greater. Existing cloth. All surveying shall conform to the requirements of the Land contours shall be shown as solid lines, and proposed final contours Court, Class A, as set forth in the manual of said court, from as dashed lines. Contours shall extend beyond the boundaries of the time to time current. The Plan shall be at a scale of one (1) inch property a sufficient distance to indicate the effect of the sub- division on abutting property as required by the Board. — Page 8 — — Page 9 — o. Gross area of the subdivision in square feet and in acres. and as specified in Sections 4 & 5 not covered by a covenant Gross area of roads and cul-de-sacs, in square feet and in acres. under "b" below. Such bond or security, if filed or deposited, shall be approved as to form and manner of execution by the Gross area of wetlands in square feet and in acres. Net area of wetlands a Within each lot or parcel, 5n square feet. Town Counsel and as to sureties by the Town Treasurer and shall 3. Review by Board of Health as to Suitability of the Land be contingent on the completion of such improvements within one When a definitive Plan of a subdivision is submitted to the year of the date of the bond. The form of the bond may be as given by Form D. or Form E in Appendix I, or as otherwise re- Planning Board a copy thereof shall also be filed with the Board quired, by the Hoard. At the discretion of the Board a time ex- of Health. Such health board or officer shall report to the Planning tension may be granted for a period not to exceed one (1) year; Board in writing approval or disapproval of said plan, and in the provided that such an extension may be conditioned upon an in- event of disapproval shall make specific findings as to which, if crease in the amount of such bond or security as determined by any, of the lots shown on such plan cannot be used for building ! the Board. sites without injury to the public health, and include such specific (b) Final approval with covenant findings and the reasons therefor in such report, and, where possible, The applicant shall file a covenant acceptable to the Board shall make recommendations for the adjustment thereof, provided, executed and duly recorded by the owner of record, running with however, if a municipal sewerage system will service the Proposed the land, whereby such improvements as shown on the Definitive subdivision, then failure of the board to make such a report within Plan and as specified in Sections 4 & 5, not covered by bond or forty-five days after the plan is filed with their office shall be deposit under ^a" above, shall be provided to serve any lot be- deemed approval by such board or officer. Such health board or fore such lot may be built upon or conveyed, other than by mort- officer shall send a copy of such report, if any, to the person who gage deed. A suggested form of the covenant is given by Form F submitted said plan. in Appendix I. -- 6. Public Hearing �(a) Any lot so located that it cannot be served by a connection Before approval of the Definitive Plan is given, a public hear- re to a municipal sewer system shall be provided with on-sitendt sewage ing shall be held by the Board at the time and place designated P1 disposal facilities satisfactory to the Board of Health and the Plan- by the Board. Notice of such hearing will be given by the Board fa ning Board. roval by the Board at least fourteen (14) days prior thereto by advertisement in an (b) If district sewage is not proposed, app official publication o£, or in a newspaper of general circulation in de of Healt�t of the means of sewage disposal proposed and approval the Town of Barnstable. A copy of said notice will be mailed to tl of the soil structure of the disposal locus shall be required. ! the applicant and to all owners of land abutting upon the subdi- ,. �.iv r.ra uepartmeni as to the location of the vision as appearing in the most recent tax list. hydrants and the layout of the fire alarm system, including loca- 7, Approval, Modification or Disapproval tion of boxes if anv. After the required hearing but within sixty (60) days of sub- (c) The Tree Warden and Park Department as to the location, mission of the Definitive Plan the Board will take final action size and species of street trees. thereon. The Board may approve, approve with modification, or (d) The Sewer Commissioners as to the requirements for pro- disapprove said Plan. If the Board modifies or disapproves said vision for connections to the sewer system and, if required, the Plan, it will state in its vote the reasons for such action, and layout and design of the necessary connecting mains, laterals, shall so notify the applicant. manholes and stubs for such system. In such cases, review by the Sewer Commissioners will include the profiles of the streets. S. Certificate of Approval (a) The Manager of the Water Company as to the location and The action of the Board in respect to said Plan shall be by o vote, copies of which shall be certified and filed with the Town size f water mains, including service to the fire hydrants. (o The Manager the Electric Company as to the require- Clerk and sent by registered mail to the applicant. Final appro- f i Val, if granted, shall be endorsed on the original drawing of the me ( for electrical service. (g) The Gas Company as to the location and size of gas mains. Definitive Plan by the signature of the person officially authoriz- (h) The Telephone Company as to the location of the telephone ed by the Board but not until the statutory twenty-day appeal peri- od has elapsed following the filing of the certificate of the action lines. of the Board with the Town Clerk and said Clerk has notified the (i) The Highway Surveyor. Board that no appeal has been filed. In any case, approval of the (j) The Police Chief. Definitive Plan shall not constitute the laying out or acceptance (k) The Superintendent of Schools. by the Town of any ways within a subdivision. (1) The Conservation Commission. (m) Such other departments or officials deemed necessary. 9. Recording of Plan Guarantee After the return to the applicant of the Definitive Plan, as an- 5. Performanceproved and endorsed, he shall cause to be recorded at the Barn- Before approval of a Definitive Plan of a subdivision, the ap- , stable Registry of Deeds and in the case of registered land, with plicant shall agree to complete the required improvements as shown on the Definitive Plan and as specified in Sections 4 & 5 the recorder of the Land Court, said plan with covenant and ease- for all lots in a subdivision, such construction and installation to ments, if any, and shall pay all fees and costs related to the be secured by one, or in part by one and in Part by the other. registry of the plan. After such plan, with covenant, and ease- of the following methods which may from time to time be varied menu, if any, modification thereof is approved the Board it shall be recordeded within six (6) months, or said approval roval will no by the applicant: longer be valid. Furthermore, he shall notify the Board of such (a) Final Approval with bonds or surety recording, submitting evidence thereof satisfactory to the Board The applicant shall either file a surety company performance within thirty (30) days of final endorsement. bond or a deposit of money or negotiable securities in an amount Upon receipt of notification of recording, the Board shall file determined by the Board to be sufficient to cover the cost of all one print of the Definitive Plan with the Building Inspector. Where or any part of the improvements as shown on the Definitive Plan — `Page 10 — — Page 11 — 12. Release of Performance Guarantee approval with covenant is noted thereon, he shall issue no permit Upon the completion of the improvements as shown on the for the construction of a building on any lot within the subdivision Plan and as required herein, security for the performance of which except upon receipt from the Board of a copy of the certificate of was given by bond, deposit or covenant, or upon the performance performance (Form G) releasing the lot in question. of any covenant with respect to any lot, the applicant may request 10, Revision of Definitive Plan and agree on terms of release with the Board. The applicant shall No revision or change of the Definitive Plan can be made send by registered mail to the Town Clerk and Planning Board without the prior approval of the Planning Board. This includes a written statement in duplicate that the said construction or in- any revision of any nature whatsoever of the Definitive Plan. If stallation in connection with such bond, deposit or covenant has the applicant desires to make revisions due to field conditions or been completed in accordance with the requirements contained in for any reason whatsoever, he shall submit a print of the defini- these rules and regulations, such statement to contain the address tive plan or plans to be revised with a colored pench representa- of the applicant. tion of the changes he proposes to make. The Board will consider If the Board determines that said improvements have been such change in the same manner as consideration of the original completed, and these Rules and Regulations have been complied plan and approve, disapprove or modify the requested change with with, it shall release the interest of the Town in such bond and or without a public hearing as the Board may determine. The return the bond or the deposit to the person who furnished the change as approved shall then be incorporated on the original same, or release the covenant by appropriate instrument, (From Definitive Plan or a cloth reproduction thereof, and prints shall be G), duly acknowledged, with a copy to the Building Inspector. filed as required of the original plan. If the Board determines that said improvements have not been 11. Evidence of Satisfactory Performance completed, and/or these Rules and Regulations have not been com- Before the Board will release the interest of the Town in a plied with, it shall specify in notice sent by certified mail to the performance bond or deposit or, in the case of approval with a applicant and the Town Clerk the details wherein said improve- covenant, issue a release of covenant: ments fail to comply with its rules and regulations. (a) The applicant shall furnish the Board with satisfactory 13. Reduction of Bond or Surety evidence of compliance with the provisions of 3-C-9. Upon written application of the applicant stating reasons there- (b) The applicant shall be responsible for filing with the Plan- fore, The penal sum of any such bond, or the amount of any Be- ning Board as-built plans of the ways of the subdivision, clearly posit held hereunder may, from time to time, be reduced at the marked as such. The as-built plan shall include the profile plan discretion of the Board and the obligations of the parties thereto and shall meet the requirements as to format and content as given released by said Board in part. If release is by reason or cove- in Section 3-C-(2) for the Definitive Plans. The as-built plans may nant, a new plan of the portion to be subject to the covenant may be cloth reproductions of the Definitive Plans. The as-built plans be required. shall represent the as-built conditions of all work and appurten- 14. Time of Completion of Ways and ences constructed as a requirement of the subdivision and shall Installation of Municipal Services show with a, reasonable degree of accuracy all municipal services Every applicant shall state in his application the time within installed as part of the subdivision. As a condition precedent to which he agrees to complete the proposed ways, and to install the the preparation of the as-built plans, the applicant shall engage the drainage system, water pipes, gas pipes and electric lines, and all necessary engineering services to properly record the location of other municipal services required by the Board, The Board may the municipal services installed, and the as-built plans shall con- decline to approve any plan unless the applicant agrees to com- tain a certification by such engineer that the municipal services plete the ways shown thereon and install the municipal services were installed in the location as shown on the plans. The as-built aforesaid within one (1) year of the date of his application. plans shall be submitted as a condition of the release of the Bond In the event the work is not completed within the time set or Covenant, as required for the approval of the Definitive Plan, forth or as extended, the Board may recind its approval and re- and as a condition of approval by the Planning Board of a.ccep- quire a new Public Hearing. tance of the ways by the Town Meeting. (c) The applicant shall furnish to the Board from the appli- cants engineer, a certified inspection report to the effect that all Section 4 A. General work required by these rules and regulations has been completed for each way in the subdivision (or way or ways serving the lots Existing contours shall be preserved insofar as it is practical. in question), and that he has approved the methods of construction In any event no change shall be made in existing contours which and the materials used in the performance of such work. adversely affects and land abutting the proposed subdivision. Due (d) The Board may obtain from the Chief of the Fire Depart- consideration shall be given to the attractiveness of the layout and ment a statement that he has approved the installation of the by- the preservation of natural features. All work on the ground here- drant system for each way in question and that the installation of inafter specified shall be performed by the subdivider in accor- the fire alarm cable and boxes has been approved by the Fire dance with these rules and regulations, in conformity with approved Chief. definitive plans and specifications and other construction require- (e) The Board may obtain from the Superintendent of the Tree ments of the Town Agencies concerned, and the satisfaction of such Agencies. and Park Department a statement that he has approved the loca- tion, size and species of street trees. B. Streets (f) The Board may obtain from the Sewer Commission a state- 1. Location of Streets ment that they have approved the installation of the sewer system (a) The streets shall be designed and located so as, in the as required by them. opinion of the Board, to be continuous and in alignment with existing (g) The Board may obtain from all other utilities a statement streets; to provide adequate access to all lots in the subdivision, that they have approved the installation of the utillities as required by streets that are safe and convenient for travel; to lessen con- by them. — Page 12 — — Page 13 — gestion in such streets and adjacent public streets; to reduce dan- (b) Dead end streets shall be provided at the closed end with ger from the operation of motor vehicles; to secure safety in case a turn-around having an outside roadway diameter of at least ninety of fire, food, panic and other emergency; to insure compliance (90) feet with a property line diameter of at least one hundred with applicable Zoning By-Laws; to secure adequate provision for five (105) feet or greater if required by the Fire and School Depart- proper drainage and water, sewers and other municipal services; ments. and to coordinate the streets in the subdivision with each other (c) Upon construction of an extension of a dead end street the and with the existing street system of the Town, and the streets in easement for the existing turn-around shall terminate in accor- neighboring subdivisions. dance with the provision of Chapter 41 of the General Laws. (b) The proposed streets shall be designed and located so as to conform to the Master Plan, if any, as adopted in whole or in C. Drainage part by the Board. 1. General (c) Provision satisfactory to the Board shall be made for the All drainage systems within the subdivision shall be designed proper projection of streets, or for access to adjoining property in accordance with Rational Method based on the storm frequency which is not yet subdivided. and rainfall intensity indicated in the Appendix. Calculations shall (d) Due consideration will be given by the Board to the attrac- be made from the source of drainage run off using topographic tiveness of the layout and to the conformance of the ways to the maps for the entire drainage area, including those areas outside topography. the subdivision. Copies of all drainage calculations shall be sub- (e) Reserve strips prohibiting access to streets or adjoining mitted on forms as contained in the Appendix. Percolation tests property shall not be permitted, except where, in the opinion of may be required at the discretion of the Board. the Board, such strips shall be in the public interest. - 2. Subsurface Drains or Subdrafns (f) In case access to a subdivision crosses land in another In areas where the finished grade of the roadway is less than municipality, the Board may require certification, from appropriate four (4) feet above the water table or in areas where less than authorities, that such access is in accordance with the Master Plan four (4) feet of fill is placed above water in swampy places or and subdivision requirements of such municipality and that a le- any standing water, or in other areas, where in the opinion of gally adequate performance bond has been duly posted or that the Board the subgrade must be drained, a system of subdrains such access is adequately improved to handle prospective traffic, shall be designed for such areas. The subdrain shall consist of a 2. Width, Alignment and Grades of Streets minimum of one longitudinal drain for each forty (40) foot width (a) The criteria contained in the Appendix shall be observed of roadway or fraction thereof. In addition, laterals shall be re- in the design of streets, The Board may require that the traveled quired as directed by the Board in areas in which an undue amount way be separated by a raised median strip with a width to be of water could accumulate in the subgrade. The system of subdrains determined by the Board. In this case, the traveled way shall con- shall be discharged into the storm drainage system or other- sist of two roadways, each with a minimum width of 15 feet or wise disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the Board. Subdrains such greater width as the Board may specify. shall also be required where test borings show an impervious layer of soil above a permeable layer of soil which is located at hundred and fifty (150) feet shall be avoided unless otherwise speci- ( Street intersections with center line offsets of less than one or above one (1) foot below the proposed basement floor elevation. 3. Storm Drains fied by the Board. A complete storm drain system shall be designed for each ( ) Streets shall be laid out so as to intersect as nearly as street of the subdivision and, to the satisfaction of the Board, shall possibble at right angles. No street shall intersect any other street be so laid out and of sufficient size to permit unimpeded flow of at less than sixty (60) degrees. p pe (d) Where the angle of intersection between two streets varies all natural waterways, to provide adequate drainage of all per- more than ten degrees (10°) from a right angle, the radius of the tions of the street system so that water does not accumulate there curve at the curb line at the obtuse angle shall be less and at on, to intercept storm water runoff from the adjacent lots of the the acute angle shall be correspondingly greater than the radius subdivision, and to eliminate undesirable or unnatural accumula- specified in the Appendix to the extent approved or required by tion of water on any portion of the subdivision or surrounding the Board. property. Those conditions which result from a ten (10), twenty- (e) All changes in grade exceeding two (2%) percent shall be five (25) or fifty (50) year-storm as required shall be assumed connected by vertical 'curves of sufficient length to afford the fol- as a basis for design of the street drains. The storm drain sys- lowing sight distances: Minor Street 100 feet; Secondary Street 250 tem shall include gutters, catch basins, manholes, culverts, drain feet Major Street 500 feet. lines, headwalls and such other items as may be required to com- plete the system to the satisfaction of the Board. (f) Na center line gradient is to exceed six (6) percent on any (a) Catch Basins shall be located in pairs, one on each side curve. of the roadway, at all low points or sag curves in the roadway, (g) No center line gradient is to exceed six (6) percent within at intervals of not more than three hundred (300) feet an con- 500 feet of a dead end. tinuous grades of the roadway, and at or near the corners of the (h) No street shall intersect another street at a gradient in roadway at intersecting streets. excess of two (2) percent for a distance of at least one hundred (b) Manholes 'shall be located at all changes in direction, either (100) feet from the intersection, horizontally or vertically, of a drain line or at the intersection of (i) et lines shall be two (2) or more drain lines, or so located that no drain line Y parallel unless otherwise specified by greater than three hundred (300) feet in length would exist with- the Planning Board. out either a catch basin or manhole. 3. Dead End Streets (c) Culverts shall be designed (a) Dead end streets shall not be longer than five hundred that the assumption that the en- (a) which drainage area a built up to that density and in the manner (500) feet unless, in the opinion of the Planning Board, a greater which the applicable section of the Zoning By-Law allows. The length is necessitated by the topography or other local conditions, calculations (or a copy thereof) necessary to determine the size Page 14 — — Page 15 — of any culvert which carries a brook, stream, river or other on- F. Curbing and Berms tural waterway shall be submitted to the Board for review. All All Streets may have bituminous concrete "Cape Cod Berms," culverts shall have a headwall at each end and any culvert over vertical granite, sloped granite, or precast concrete curbing at the thirty-six (36) inches in diameter shall include at the upstream end discretion of the Board. In the case where granite or precast con- additional protection, as approved by the Board, for the roadway Crete is used, the curbing shall extend along the entire circum- side slopes. ference of curves plus six (6) feet at all intersections. Vertical to- (d) All the drains shall be a minimum of twelve (12) inches let curbing shall be used for all catch basins when either granite in diameter and shall be laid on a slope of not less than one- i or precast concrete curbing is used. half of one (6.5) percent. The minimum design velocity shall be G. Lots three (3) feet per second and maximum design velocity shall be All lots within the subdivision shall comply with the Zoning ten (10) feet per second. If the system is designed as a self- By-Law of the Town, or with terms of any variance from such cleaning system, the Board may accept a lesser minimum slope requirements which may have been specifically granted by the for the drain lines. All outfall shall extend to a natural waterway Board of Appeals. Percolation tests may be required or each lot or to the exterior boundary of the subdivision and such pipe shall at the discretion of the Board. Lot numbers as shown on the ap- have a capacity 25 percent greater than required by the calcula- tions. Ea such cases as it is deemed necessary and acceptable by which shall be visible from the road layout. the Board and its Engineer. surface water may be disposed of by a leaching system of the proper size and design. Calculations for A. Open Spaces the design of such system shall be submitted with other drainage 4 Before approval of a plan, the Board may also in proper cases, calculations for the subdivision and under the same provisions. require the plan to show a park or parks suitably located for play- Provision shall be made for the disposal of surface water inter- ground or recreation purposes or for providing light and air. The cepted or collected by the system in such a manner that no flow Board may, by appropriate endorsement of the plan, require that is conducted over Town ways, or over the land of others unless no building be erected upon such park or parks for a period of a drainage easement is obtained or unless such flow, in essen- not more than three (3) years without its approval. These parks tially the same quantity, previously existed in the same location. shall be offered for just compensation to the Town in the form of Where adjacent property is not subdivided, provision shall be made a deed, with the Town having the option of accepting or releasing for extensions of the system by continuing appropriate drains to these areas within the three (3) year period. the boundary of the subdivision at such size and grade as will I. Protection of Natural Features allow their proper projection. (e) A headwall shall be provided at the outfall end of all Due regard shall be shown for all natural features, such as large trees, water courses, scenic points, historic spots, and similar drains where required. community assets, which, if preserved, will add attractiveness and (f) A tide gate shall be provided at the discharge end of all value to the subdivision. drainage outlets into tidal waters. J. Retaining Walls D. Easements 1. Wherever retaining walls may be required, design and type 1. Easements for municipal services shall be provided and re- of wall construction shall be submitted to the Board's Engineer corded as required and centered on lot lines where practical. for approval prior to installation. 2. Where a subdivision is traversed by a. water course, drain- K. Cases in Which Ways Are Not Adequate age way, channel or stream, the Board may require that there be In any case in which the Board deems ways are not adequate, provided a storm water easement or drainage right of way of ade- it may approve the plan on conditions limiting the lots upon which quate width to conform substantially to the lines of such water buildings may be erected and the number of buildings that may courses, drainage way, channel or stream, to provide for construe- be erected on particular lots without further consent by the Board tion, maintenance, or other necessary purposes. to the access provided and in each such case shall endorse such 3. Access Easements may be required where deemed necssary. conditions on the plan to which they relate or set them forth in a 4. Slope Easements may be required where deemed necessary. separate instrument attached to which reference is made on the 5. Sight and/or Scenic Easements may be required where deem- plan. ed necessary. L. Municipal Services & Utilities I. The Board may require that the plan show munpipal ser- E. Sidewalks vices and utilities of the kinds existing in the public ways nearest Sidewalks, having a width of not less than four and one half to the subdivision, or which in the opinion of the Board are likely (4%) feet, constructed of either bituminous or Portland Cement con- to be laid in such public ways within the reasonably near future Crete shall be installed beside the roadway along each way in a and which will be necessary for the health, safety, or convenience subdivision as follows: of the prospective occupants of the subdivision. Major Street - Both sides. 2. The municipal services and sleeves for house connections Secondary Street - Both sides. shall be located as shown on the "Typical Road Cross-Sections!' Minor Street - One side. The number and type of sleeves for house connections will be di- Final decision as to the requirement and type of sidewalks rected by the Board. will be at the Board's discretion with due consideration being 3. The design of the sewer system, if required, shall be as di- given to size and number of lots in the subdivision, population rected and aproved by the Sewer Commissioners. Dead line sewer density of the subdivision, and location of the subdivision in regard connections shall be required in areas that now have service or to walking distance to both existing and future schools, shopping are scheduled for such service within three (3) years. See Appen- districts, etc. dix. — Page 16 — — Page 17 — 4. The design of the water system and provision for hydrant work will be approved which has been covered prior to inspection service shall be as directed or approved by the Water Depart- by subsequent work. Reference should be made to the Appendix ment in accordance with "Typical Road Cross-Sections." In the for inspections required by the Board. case where sidewalks are to be constructed on one side of the roadway, the water and hydrants shall be on the opposite side of B. Subdivision Layout the roadway. The subdivision, including all way and lot lines and all drain 5. The location and type of hydrants and size of pipe serving lines and municipal services shall be laid out as to line and grade the hydrants shall be as directed or approved by the Fire De- by a Registered Land Surveyor and a certificate filed with the partment and or Water Department. Board to this effect. Stakes for line and grade, clearly marked 6. The location and type of the fire alarm boxes and point of with the proper station shall be maintained throughout construction. entry into the subdivision of the connecting fire alarm cable shall Any work which, in the opinion of the Board, has not been be as directed by the Fire Chief. The applicant shall furnish and properly laid out or does not conform to the Plans may be checked install the necessary ducts, fire alarm boxes, and electric cable. by a Registered Land Surveyor employed by the Board. If the See Appendix. a Board determines that such work does not conform to the Plan, 7. The design and location of the electric power system shall the applicant shall pay all costs which the Board incurs as a con- be as directed by the Electric Company. See Appendix, sequence of checking the work, The Board may require the removal 8. The applicant shall consult the Gas Company relative to co- and correct replacement of any work which has been incorrectly ordination of the installation of gas pipes, if gas service is to be laid out. installed. See Appendix. C. Clearing, Grubbing and Excavation 9. The applicant shall consult with the Telephone Company The entire area of each way within its exterior lines shall be relative the installation of telephone service. See Appendix. cleared of all trees not intended for preservation, stumps, brush, 10. Allll utility poles shall be centered between the way line a between the way roots, rocks, or boulders, and all perishable or unsuitable material. and edge of sidewalk where sidewalks exist The entire area to be occupied by the roadway plus an addi- line and edge of roadway where no sidewalks exist. See Appendix, tional four (4) feet or extending outward to the toe of slopes in i All electrical, telephone, and other utility wires shall be fill areas, whichever is greater, shall be excavated a minimum of placedd below ground in every subdivision whose definitive plan is fifteen (15) inches below finished grade in cut sections or as nec- submitted after the adoption of these Rules and Regulations, un- essary to remove the topsoil in fill sections or such greater depth less the Board determines that such placement is not feasible or as may be required by the Board's Engineer if soft or yielding is not in the best interest of the Town. Such utilities shall be con- material, clay, peat, silt, sand pockets, boulders or rocks, organic structed according to the information contained in the Appendix. material, or other material detrimental to the subgrade is encoun- 12. All service connections for utilities shall be clearly marked tered. All fill or undisturbed material shall be non-frost susceptible at the lot line and shall be installed such that electric, telephone, and shall contain not more than three (3) percent passing the 0.02 sewer, and water services are located on the lot line perpendicular millimeters sieve for a minimum depth of three (3) feet below to the street and the gas service is located on the alternate lot the finished roadway grade. line and said service connection shall be installed prior to the com- Trees intended to be preserved shall be protected from in- pletion of the fill, jury by suitable boxes, or fenders, or wells if in fill. The Board's Engineer will make an inspection when this phase Section 5 of the work is completed. Specifications for Construction of the Required Improvements D. Drainage System The construction of the drainage system, including methods of A. General construction and quality of materials shall conform to the appli- All improvements specified or implied on the Definitive Plan cable sections of the Department's Specifications except as modi- shall be constructed or installed by the applicant in accordance fied hereafter or as directed by the Board's Engineer, with the provisions of this Section of the Rules and Regulations or as directed by the Board. The applicant, at his own expense, All storm drains within the street line and in any location sub- ject to vehicular loading shall be reinforced concrete pipe and shall furnish all necessary materials, labor, and equipment which shall be laid with a minimum of two and one-half (2-1/2) feet of may required t complete the work called for or implied cover. All storm drains outside the street line and in a location the Definitive Plan.. Items not specifically mentioned herein shall be constructed in accordance with the latest revision of the Stan- not subject to vehicular loading shall be either plain or reinforced dard Specification for Highways and Bridges of the Massachusetts concretePipe or asphalt coated corrugated metal pipe. All joints Department of Public Works (herein after referred to as the De- shall be sealed by caulking and cement mortar or firmly clamped partment's Specifications), unless specifically directed otherwise by as applicable. Plain concrete pipe shall be laid with minimum the Board. cover of three and one-half (3-1/2) feet. All work performed by the applicant as a consequence of these All catch basins shall be constructed of air entrained cement Rules and Regulations will be subject to the review and accep- concrete, and a standard square frame and grate, with square holes, tance or approval of the Board. Therefore, the Board may employ and a granite mouth frame shall be furnished and set. All catch basins a Registered Professional Engineer or Land Surveyor to act as its shall have an inside diameter of at least six (6) feet, shall be agent for the inspection of the work. In order that the Board's constructed with a minimum depth of two (2) feet below the in- Engineer may properly inspect the work as it progresses, the ap- vert of the outflow pipe, and as otherwise shown in accordance plicant will keep the Engineer informed of the progress of the with the latest revisions of the construction Standards of the Mas- work, and shall at any time, provide safe and convenient access sachmetts Department of Public Works (hereinafter referred to as to all parts of the work for inspection by members of the Board the Department's Standards). In cases where a leaching system for or its Engineer or such persons as the Board may designate. No surface water disposal has been approved, a standard air entrained — Page 18 — — Page 19 cement recast leaching basin may be employed. (See Appendix). or last as a result u the paving operation. (See Appendix for fur- cement g Y ther construction requirements). All manholes shall be constructed of the same materials as 8. All trench backfill material for the municipal services with- permitted herein for catch basins except that a standard heavy in the way limits shall conform to the base course requirements twenty-six (26) inch diameter cover and frame shall be furnished and shall be deposited to required subgrade in not more than six and set and all other details shall be as shown in the Depart- (6) inch layers and thoroughly tamped, not puddled, to 95 percent ment's Standards for manholes. (See Appendix), of the maximum dry density as determined by modified Proctor The subsurface drainage system as shown on the Definitive Test, in accordance with ASTMD-1557, Method `D." Plan or as ordered by the Board during construction shall be con- structed of not less than 10-inch diameter perforated asphalt coated F. Fill corrugated metal pipe with all joints firmly clamped, perforations All fill material which may be required within the exterior turned up, and laid to line and grade. lines of the way up to the twelve (12) inch gravel foundation shall All drainage pipe shall end in an air entrained cement con- be of clean gravel or other suitable material as approved by the crete or air entrained cement masonry headwall having dimensions Engineer and compacted to 95 percent of the maximum, dry den- as specified in the Department's Standards and constructed in sity as determined by modified Proctor Test, in accordance with accordance with the Department's Specifications. (See Appendix) ASTMD-1557, Method "D". All municipal services including but The air entrained cement concrete shall have a minimum com- not limited to storm drains, subdrains and drainage structures and pressive strength of 3000 pounds per square inch after twenty-eight sewers if required within the way lines shall be installed prior to (28) days curing. the completion of the fill. This shall include the installation of All tide gates shall be of standard manufacture, of the same - each service pipe, sleeve or conduit to the front lot line of each size as the outfall pipe, cast-iron frame and flap each fitted with lot in the subdivision. Upon completion of the fill and the back- s bronze seat and subject to the approval of the Engineer. fill of all service trenches, the work will be inspected by the The Engineer will inspect the completed drainage system or Board's Engineer, Subsequent work shall not be commenced until sections thereof prior to placing any backfill. the Engineer has approved the fill as acceptable for the appli- All trench backfill for the storm and subsurface drains and cation of the roadway foundation material. other backfill within the limits of the way shall conform to the G. Roadway Foundation base course requirements and shall be deposited to required sub- grade in not more than six (6) inch layers and compacted to 95 A minimum of twelve (12) inches of clean gravel, as approved Percent of the maximum dry density as determined by modified by the Engineer, shall be deposited in not more than six (6) Proctor Test, in accordance with ASTMC-1557, Method "D." inch layers for the full width of the way so as to form a roadway foundation which shall be at all points parallel to the finished E. Municipal Services grade of the roadway surface. The gravel shall be compacted to 1. The applicant shall provide and install all necessary ma- 95 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by the terials, appurtenances and equipment to complete the municipal modified Proctor Test, in accordance with ASTMD-1557, Method services as may be required by the Definitive Plan in a manner "13". The gravel shall conform to the following gradation: acceptable to the officials or agency having jurisdiction of each Sieve Size % of Passingb y Weight service as previously mentioned herein. All costs incurred by the 3•• 300 applicant as a consequence of installing and maintaining such mu- 2 95-100 nicipal services as the Board required shall be paid by the appli- 1 60-100 cant, including all costs which may be incurred for any reasons 3/4 55-95 whatsoever until such time as the Town assumes the responsibility 1/2 48-85 for such service. The Board will not take any action to have the 3/8 44-80 applicant reimbursed for any costs so incurred. .# 4 33-68 2. The fire alarm system connection will be made by the Fire 10 23-55 Department using materials which shall be furnished by the appli. 20 15-43 cant as specified by the Fire Chief. 40 8-34 3. The type of hydrants and type and size of pipe serving the 80 2-22 hydrants shall be as directed or approved by the Fire Chief. 200 0-10 4. The type and size of pipe, fittings and appurtenances for .02 mm 0.3 the water system shall be as directed or approved by the Water Department. The Engineer will inspect the roadway foundation after the 5. All materials and work in connection with the sewer system compaction of each six (6) inch layer, and, after the approval of shall be as directed and approved by the Sewer Commissioners the completed foundation, the entire roadway shall be penetrated or authorized agents. with an application of .25 to .50 gallons per square yard of MC-70 6. All materials and work in connection with the street lights - cutback asphalt in accordance with Department's Specifications and electric power service shall be as directed and approved by and as approved by the Engineer. the Manager of the Electric Co. H. Roadway Surface 7. All work in connection with the municipal services shall be (a) All roadways shall be paved to conform with the finished left uncovered until such time as the Board's Engineer permits the backfill to be laced. grade and width as specified with Class I Bituminous Concrete p Paving Mass. Type I to accordance with the Department's Specific- The applicant shall notify all utility companies with municipal ! ations and subject too the approval of the Engineer. The applicant services installed or to be installed within the ways as to the date shall submit a specification job-mix formula to the Engineer for and time he intends to place the gravel base course and the pav- approval prior to starting the work, and a test report verifying that ing so that such utility company may properly record the location the minimum temperature of each load is 350oF. of pertinent features of the system so that they will not be covered — Page 20 — — `Page 21 - (b) Minimum Depth Requirements After Compaction (1) Exposed face shall be smooth quarry split to an approxi- Type Street Binder Course Finish Course mately true plane having no projections or depressions which will Major 2-1/2 inches 1-1/2 inches cause over one (1) inch to show between a two (2) foot straight- Secondary 1.1/2 inches 1-1/2 inches edge and the face when the straightedge is placed as closely as Minor 1.1/2 inches 1-1/2 inches _ possible on any part of the face. If projections on the face are I. Sidewalks more than that specified, they shall be dressed off. Drill holes Sidewalks shall have a finished glade in relation to the road- will be permitted on the exposed face, but only along the bottom way as shown on the "Typical Road Cross-Sections" and shall be edge. constructed of Bituminous or Portland Cement Concrete. The ( Arris line, tap front, shall be pitched o a. line which shall foundation shall be a minimum of six (6) inches in thickness r and not show over one-half (1/2) inch in any direction between the stone requirements of the Roadway and a straightedge bottom the null length of the stone. shall otherwise conform to the re q Y (3) Arris line, bottom front, shall be pitched so that not over Foundation. one-half (1/2) inch shall show between the stone and a straight- Bituminous concrete sidewalks shall consist of one (1) inch of edge, the full length of the stone, when viewed at right angles to Type I-1 binder course and one (1) inch of Type I-1 surface coarse the plane of the face. after compaction. (4) Arris lines at ends shall be pitched with no variation from Portland Cement concrete sidewalks shall be constructed of a the plane of the face more than one-quarter (1/4) of an inch. mix of the following design: (5) Ends shall be square to the plane of the face and so fini- Batch Weights - (1 cubic yard - Dry) shed that when stones are placed end to end as closely as possi- Cement — 517 lbs. (Type II) ble no space more than three-quarters (3/4) of an inch shall show Sand — 1250 lbs. in the joint for the full ,depth of the face. 3/4"W,R stone — 38.5 lbs. (6) Tops and bottoms shall not be under the square more than W.R Pozzolith — 6.5 oz. four (4) inches or over the square at the back more than one or Darex ith — 16.5 oz. (1) inch. Darex — 1.0 oz. (c) Mortar Air Content — 7 },'— 1 m (1) Mortar for pointing joints shall be composed of equal parts Aggregate to conform to Specification ASTM C-33. All of air entraining cement and sand with sufficient water to farm a concrete operations to conform to the most recent workable mixture. Materials shall conform to the requirements of edition, references, and revision of ACI 301. ASTM C-91 and C-144. The sidewalks shall be four (4) inches thick and have a scored (2) Setting method - Slope gramte curb shall be set at line joint every four and one-half (4-1/2) feet. After each four (4) and grade required. Top line of curb shall be set straight and scored sections there shall be an expansion joint consisting of a, true allowing natural variations in depth of curb to occur at the preformed joint filler, caulked at the surface with a bead of Thio- bottom of the face. Spaces under the stones shall be filled with kol or approved equal. approved material and so tamped that the slope granite curb will All concrete shall be mixed, placed and cured satisfactorily bear and be completely supported throughout its entire length and in accordance with ACI Manuals. No concrete sidewalks shall be width at the required line, grade and slope. Curbstones shall not constructed later than September 30 in any year. fit closer to each other than one-quarter (1/4) of an inch, other- When the concrete surface has sufficiently dried, it shall be wise, they shall be fitted together as closely as possible. treated with two (2) applications of a mixture of fifty (50) per- (3) Pointing Joints - Joints shall be primed and caulked with cent boiled linseed oil and fifty (50) percent mineral spirits. a bead of Thiokol or approved equal. Joints shall be filled with J. Curbing and Berms mortar when necessary to provide adequate base for caulking. 1. Granite Curbing - General (4) Protection - The contractor shall protect slope granite curb Curbstone shall be of hard and durable granite, of a light and keep stones in first class condition until completion of the color satisfactory to the Engineer, free from seams which impair entire contract. Particular care shall be exercised to prevent any its structural integrity, and of a good, smooth splitting appearance. discoloration of exposed surfaces. Granite shall came from approved quarries and, when tested, shall 3. Vertical Granite Curbng have a Los Angeles percentage of wear not more than 32. Test a. Dimensions samples shall be hand broken. The stones for the several types of curb shall be cut to the 2. Slope Granite Curbing dimensions given in the following table: (a) Dimensions Width at Top Depth In Minimum Length Minimum Width The stones for the several types of slope curb shall be cut to Type (inches) (inches) (feet) •• at Bottom (in.) the dimensions given in the following table: VA-4 6 17 - 19 6 5 (for 2/3 length) Depth of Slant Face Thickness Length ^` - *Minimum lengths do not apply to radial curb and closures Type (inches) (inches) (feet) Type VA curbstones to be set on a radius of one hundred SA 12 5 3 to 6 sixty (160) feet or less shall be cut to the curve required, unless *Minimum lengths do not apply to radial slope curb. otherwise directed by the Engineer. Maximum lengths of stones shall be as directed by the En- b. Finish gineer, when the curb is used on curves of one hundred (1.00)foot radius or less. Finish and surface dimensions for the several types of curb (b) Finish shall conform to the following requirements: Type VA curb Finish and surface dimensions for the several types of stone (1) Top surface of curbstones shall be sawed to an approxi- curb shall conform to the following requirements: Type SA curb. mately true plane. — Page 22 — — `Page 23 — (2) Exposed arris lines shall be pitched straight and true with of twenty-eight (28) days. Temperature shall be held constant dur- no variation from a straight line greater than one-eight (1/8) of 1ng this period regardless of which method of curing is used. an an inch. Curb shall be set in a trench which shall have been excavated (3) Back surfaces of curbstones, shall have no projection, for a to a width of 18". The subgrade of the trench shall be at a depth distance of three (3) inches down from the top, which would ex- below proposed finish grade of the curb equal to 6" plus the depth ceed a batter of four (4) inches in twelve (12) inches. of the curbstone. Subgrade, shall then be filled to proper level to (4) Front face shall be at right angles to the plane of the top support curb at final grade. Fill for this purpose shall consist of and shall be smooth quarry split. Drill holes in exposed part of fine gravel or very coarse and thoroughly tamped. Curb units face will not be permitted. shall then be placed in accurate line, each piece butting the next (5) Front face shall have no projections greater than three- with maximum ,joint spacing no larger than 1/4". The ,joints shall quarters (3/4) of an inch or depressions greater than one-half be caulked with a bead of Thiokol or approved equal. Final points (1/2) inch measured from the vertical plane of the face through _ shall be joined by closure pieces made to order. No curb shall be the top arris line for a distance down from the top of eight (8) cut in the field. After alignment curb shall be carefully backfilled inches. Remaining distance shall have no projections greater than with suitable material. Extreme care shall be taken not to destroy one (1) inch measured in the same manner. e alignment. (6) Ends of all stones shall be square with the planes of the 5. Cape Cod Berms top and face, and so finished that when stones are placed end to Cape Cod Berms" two (2) feet in width shall be installed on each side of the roadway. The berms shall be constructed mono- end as closely as possible no space more than one-half (1/2) inch lithically with the bituminous binder and top courses and shall be shall show in the joint for the full width of the top or down on the face for eight (8) inches. Remainder of end may bleak back the same thickness as the bituminous binder and top courses. Grass Plots not over eight (8) inches from the plane of the joint. K. 1. A grass plat shall be provided on each side of all roadways c. Mortar according to "Typical Road Cross-Sections". (See Appendix), The Mortar for pointing joints shall be composed of equal parts of finished grade of the grass plot in relation to the finished grade air entraining cement and sand with sufficient water to form a of the roadway shall be as shown on the "Typical Roadway- Cross workable mixture. The materials shall conform to the require- Section." ments of ASTM C-19 and C-144. 2. The tap six (6) inches of grass plots and side slopes (cut d. Setting Curbstones or fill) shall be good quality loam as approved by the Engineer (1) Curb shall be set at line and grade required, and it shall and shall be screened, raked and rolled with a hand roller to project seven (7) inches above the shoulder grade or pavement, finished grade. The loam shall be seeded with lawn grass seed unless otherwise directed or called for on the plans. applied in sufficient quantity to assure adequate coverage and (2) Curbstones for Type VA curb shall not fit closer to each other establish growth. The subdivider shall perform sufficient cuttings than one-eight (1/8) of an inch, otherwise, they shall be fitted to- and maintain the grass plot until such time as the street is ac- gether as closely as possible. cepted by the Town. 4. Precast L. Street Trees Precast concrete curb units shall consist of castings conform- ing to the size and dimensions as follows: Street trees, not less than twelve (12) feet in height and of a De- Radius of Top species approved by the Superintendent of the Tree and Park De- a. Width at To Depth Length Face Ede Chamfer at Edges partment, shall be planted on each side of every street in the sub- P P g g g division wherever, in the opinion of the Planning Board existing (inches) (inches) (feet) inches) (inches) woodlands or individual trees are not retained. Trees shall be lo- 6 18 6 3/4 1/2 cated outside the exterior roadway lines and at such distance Straight curb shall be cast in standard lengths of six (6) feet there-from and spacing as the Superintendent of the Tree and Straight and curved curb may be cast in lengths of not less than Park Department shall specify in accordance with general prac- four (4) feet where needed and as directed. Curb on a radius of tice in the Town. At the discretion of the Board, an easement, of 100 feet or less shall be cast in radius forms to correct radius such width as requested, outside the exterior way lines may be (radius measured to the outside face of the curb.). required for the planting of trees. Curb shall be made of Portland Cement Type II, conforming to ACI 301. Forms shall be made of metal or concrete, (wood not I, M. Side Slopes allowed) to tight, rigid construction with true surfaces. The area outside the traveled way (cut or fill) shall be sloped b. Concrete mix shall be of the following design: at a rate not steeper than two (2) to one (1) until it intersects Dry Batch Weights - 1 cubic yard the finished grade of the abutting lots, except as may be required Cement 564 lbs. for sidewalks. All such slopes shall be learned and seeded as pre- Sand 1250 lbs. viously required for grass plot. 3/4" stone 1800 lbs. N. Monuments WRDA 42.0 oz. Granite or Reinforced Concrete Bounds shall be set at all street or Pozzolith 18.0 oz. intersections at all points of change in direction of curvature of Dares: 1.0 oz. streets, and at other points where, in the opinion of the Board Air Content 7 1 qo Slump 2 },'— permanent monuments are necessary, but a no case more than 1 % (500) five hundred feet apart. Monuments shall be at least five (5) Aggregate to conform to Specification ASTM C-33. by five (5) by thirty (30). The cap shall be as specified by the After finishing, the curb shall be cured under a polyethylene Board. The bounds shall otherwise conform to the Department's blanket or in a humidity curing chamber at 100 o humidity. Curing Specifications and shall not be set until all construction which could shall be at a temperature of 70o-80° F. and for a minimum period disturb the monument is completed. — Page 24 — — Page 25 — O. Street Sims hereinafter, the construction of the required improvements may be Street signs of the type commonly used on public ways of the inspected by the Board's Engineer ar authorized agent, and unless Town and bearing the names of the intersecting streets as indicat- approval of the work completed, including approval of materials ed on the Definitive Plan shall be erected at all intersections of used, to each such point has been given in Writing, no further work streets in the subdivision. Such signs shall be subject to the ap- shall be commenced. Such inspections may include the taking of proval of The Board. certain samples for laboratory analysis or testing, in such cases, the applicant shall insure that the Engineer is in no way hindered P. Cleaning Up or obstructed in the course of obtaining such samples. Where such The entire area of the subdivision shall be cleaned up so as samples are removed from the completed work, the applicant shall to leave, in the opinion of the Board, a neat and orderly appear- replace and restore such work, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, ante free from debris and other objectionable materials. All catch to its condition prior to the taking of the sample. basins and manholes shall be cleaned out. The Engineer may require certified copies of delivery receipts Following the completion of this and other items of work as or bills of lading or other certification as to the description of required herein, a final inspection will be made. materials used or incorporated in the work. The Engineer may Q. Maintenance _ also require a sample of any materials or supplies which may be If released from restrictions with regard to sale of lots or incorporated in the work; such samples shall be furnished at the buildings on lots by the posting of a performance bond, the sub- expense of the applicant, and the applicant shall be liable for all divider shall maintain the roadway for vehicular traffic in a man- costs and fees incurred by the Board as a result of transporting ner satisfactory to the Board. Further, the subdivider shall main- and testing such materials. tain the roadway in a subdivision in a condition which meets all B. Notification to the Engineer the above requirements to the satisfaction of the Board either until 1. After the approval of the Definitive Plan and subsequent to acceptance of the way by vote of the Town, or for a period of the receipt by the Board of the fees required in the Appendix, the one (1) year from the date of release of check, bond, or all restric- Board will notify the applicant of the name and address of the tions pertaining to the subdivision. Engineer, if other than the Town Engineer, designated as its repre- sentative to perform the inspections as required herein and other- Section 6 wise act as the Board's agent to insure compliance with these rules and regulations. The applicant shall notify the Planning Board as Inspection to the Engineer who will act as his agent, and keep the Town A. General Engineer fully informed as to the status and progress of the work 1. All work performed as a consequence of these Rules and Reg- and shall notify the Engineer directly in writing at least forty-eight ulations shall be subject to the review of the Board which shall (48) hours in advance, that the work has progressed to a stage approve and accept or disapprove and reject each phase or portion that an inspection is required. The applicant shall also submit of such work and at completion shall recommend the acceptance samples for testing one (1) week in advance of the date the test of all work or disapproval of the work with reasons therefor. The results are needed. Board will employ a Registered Professional Engineer to act as 2. In the event that the Town Engineer is unable for forty-eight its agent in the inspection of the work to insure compliance with (48) hours after the work is ready to make such inspection or those Rules and Regulations and to report to the Board his recom- examination the applicant shall notify the Chairman or Clerk of mendations as to approval or disapproval of the work. The Applicant the Board to such effect, who will designate an alternate to make will engage the services of a Professional Engineer throughout both such inspection and shall notify the applicant. the design and construction phases of the work who will act as his 3. In the event the Town Engineer makes an inspection of the agent with the Planning Board Engineer or the Town Engineer and work at the time designated and finds that such work is not at who will submit to the Planning Board a certified inspection report. the proper state of completion or that the work has been covered Such Engineer may make certain inspections as prescribed herein or otherwise obscured; the Town Engineer shall notify the applicant in order to check the adequacy of the work at various stages prior and the Board as to the additional steps the applicant shall take to such work being covered by subsequent work, However the Board, to complete the work to the point required or to the extent the its Engineer, and such other persons as the Board may designate work shall be uncovered or exposed to full view. The applicant shall shall have the right to inspect the work at anytime. Therefore, the notify the Town Engineer again when the work is ready as prescrib- applicant shall at any time provide safe and convenient access to ed in Section 6-B-1. all parts of the work for inspection by the Board or its authorized 4. The applicant shall be liable for all costs and fees incurred agents. by the Board as a result of requests by the applicant for an in- 2. All work which has been disapproved or is not acceptable spection of the work which. in the opinion of the Board, was not to the Board shall be removed and replaced or otherwise corrected at an acceptable stage of completion for such 'inspection, said costs to the point of complying with the requirements of the Board for and fees to be in addition to those specified in appendix. 11. acceptance. Any work which has been covered by subsequent work - prior to acceptance or is otherwise not available or obscured to C. Lines and Grades the point of rendering inspection of the work difficult shall be con- 1. The Engineer will advise the Board at any time during the sidered to be not acceptable to the Board. Such subsequent work construction if, in his opinion, he believes that the work has not shall be removed as directed by the Engineer to insure availability been laid out to the lines and grades as shown on the Definitive of the work to be inspected as required herein. The release of the Plan. In such cases, the Board will proceed as described in Sec- performance guarantee shall depend upon the acceptance of all tfon 5-B. work prescribed herein and on the Definitive Plan and as directed 2. Any costs which, in the opinion of the Board, are the re- by the Board. sponsibility of the applicant as noted in Section 5-B shall be in 3. At points indicated in Section 5 and as further described addition to the fees required elsewhere herein. — Page 26 — — Page 27 — 6 8. Eighth Inspection: An inspection will be made of all work D. Inspection of Required Improvements as required on sidewalks, curbing, grass plots, side slopes, monu- ments,The following inspections of the required improvements will bounds and street signs. 9. Ninth Inspection: A final inspection will be made of all be made by the Subdivider's Engineer and may be verified by the Planning Board's Engineer. These inspections may be in addition subsequent work as required herein or on the Definitive Plan to to any other inspections the Board may make or cause to be made. Include the final clean-up. 1. First Inspection: An inspection will be made of the work E. Engineer's Report upon completion of all clearing, grubbing and excavation and all 1. The Subdivider's Engineer will submit a completed certified work incidental thereto as may be required or implied in Section report to the Board for each way in a subdivision. Such report will 5-C. No fill shall have been placed at the time of this inspection. be similar to that given herein and will be augmented by such 2. Second Inspection: An inspection will be made of the com- additional information as the Board may require to describe any pleted drainage system (without backfill) as required or implied special problems or situations which may arise during the con- herein or on the Definitive Plan. At the same time, or such other struction of the required improvements. time as the work may be available, an inspection will be made of 2. The Engineer will report to the Board that the work has the completed municipal services (without backfill) as required on been performed in accordance with these Rules and Regulations the Definitive Plan. The inspection of the required municipal ser- and the Definitive Plan, or the Engineer will advise the Board vices will be made by the agency responsible for the particular that the work is not acceptable with the reasons therefor. service. Each agency so involved will notify the Board's Engineer 3. At any time during the progress of the work, the Engineer of the approval of such owrk. will advise the Board, immediately, of any factors which may ad- Backfill of any portion of the drainage system or municipal versely affect the progress of the work. services shall not be made until after receipt of notification of approval or acceptance by the Engineer or agency responsible. The inspection of the construction of the ways shall include the inspection of the back-filling and compaction of all utility tren- ches as may be installed by utility companies, and such work shall be performed in the manner as required by these Rules and Regu- lations. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to insure com- pliance with these requirements. If, in the opinion of the Planning Board, the backfillin.g and compaction of utility trenches and the patching of the pavement, if required, has not been performed in accordance with these Rules and Regulations, the Planning Board may not release the bond or covenant applicable until such work has been performed to the satisfaction of the Planning Board. 3. Third Inspection: An inspection will be made of the com- pacted fill as specified in Section 5-F and as may be required to bring the roadways to their proposed grades. The applicant shall notify the Engineer as to his source of gravel for fill as soon as such information is known, so that samples may be taken and analyzed by the Engineer. The applicant is hereby advised not to proceed with the filling operation until such time as the Engineer notifies the applicant that the gravel proposed for the fill is accep- table, if the applicant proceeds with the fill prior ,to such notice he does so at his own risk. The applicant shall not use a gravel source other than the one designated without prior notice to the Engineer. 4. Fourth Inspection: An inspection will be made of the first six (6) inch layer of compacted roadway foundation as specified in Section 5-G. A gravel sample or samples may be taken at the option of the Engineer, in the same manner as prescribed for the Third Inspection. 5. Fifth Inspection: An inspection will be made of the final six (6) inch layer of compacted roadway foundation (prior to the appli- cation of the asphalt penetration) as specified in Section 5-G and gravel samples may be taken by the Engineer. 6. Sixth Inspection: An inspection will be made of the com- pleted application of the asphalt penetration as specified in Sec- tion 5-G. 7. Seventh Inspection: An inspection will be made of the com- pleted Class I Bituminous Concrete Pavement Type I-1 for the roadway surface. Samples of the mix may be taken by the En- gineer for purposes of performing an extraction test in order to compare the sample with the job-mix formula previously submitted. — Page 29 - - Page 28 — c FORM A FORM APPLICATION FOR TENTATIVE APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAN Barnstable, Massachusetts 19 19.... -_ Form A_ Application for Determination that Plan does net Require Approval To the Planning Board of the Town of Barnstable To the Planning Board of the Town of Barnstable The undersigned, being the owners of ail land included within a proposed subdivision shown on The undersigned hereby submits the accompanying plan proposed division of land in Barnstable which, for the reason below stated, he believes does not require approval under the Subdivision Control the accompanying plan, entitled Low and dated _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ 19_ __ submit such plan as o preliminary plan showing in a Said land is described as follows generol way the proposed subdivision of the land, and makes application to the Board for tentative op- provol thereof. The Owner's title to the land is derived under deed from Reason dated _ _ _ __ , 19 __ _ and recorded in Barnstable Country Registry of Deeds, Book Page _ or under Certificate of Title No. ____ _ registered in Land Registry District, Book The undersigned hereby requests the Planning Board to determine that the proposed adviser does not require approval under said low Page Applicant Submitted this .. . . day of_ , . _ . . . . 19 Address Signature - — Page 30 — — Page 31 — FORM C FORM D APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF DEFINITIVE PLAN PERFORMANCE BOND Worge pertinent champion Par o gr h provided. applicant 11 to .elect and complete t Paragraph to KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS To the Planning Boned of the Town at earnsmble That as Principal, e undersigned icon owner of all land mtluded within a proposed subdivision shown on e accompanying plan, entitled and dated , 19 r ranging such p deffn� p of the and z Th Proposed l a ubdiv sco r and makes application to the Boa for fin approval thereof a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the ,tote of e on within the proposed subdivision Is subject to the following easements and restrictions end having a usual place of business In _ as Surety, hereby bind and obligate Jthemselves and then respective heirs, do curs I o , a mi dmstralors, bone rots and asslgns, Jointly and rev- orally, to the Town of Barnstable, a Mazsachusetl: rnmenCifecul corporation, to the cunt a43 Three age appurtenant To ?he land . . sui.nons over The Iona of others within t proposed subdivision and following agreements and re, f dollars. The condition of this obligation is that If the moaner and In the time therein specified, all of the . . ... _ _ . .. .... covenants, conditions, agreements, terms and provisions conramed In The application signed by the Pan - a (a) A preliminarr plan of the proposed subdivision has rim been submitted ro the Board rlpal and dated . . , 19 under which approval of a definitive plan of a OR certain subdivision, entitled and dared . . . , fn A preliminary pion of the proposedsubdivision, to whmh the accompanying planmn s 19 . has been or Is hereafter granted by the bamsTahle Planning Board, then this obligation shall OR tentatively approved by the Board an _ . . . , Tg Fbe Vold; otherwise it shall remmn In full force and effect and the aforesaid sum shall he paid to the rel A preliminary plan of the subdivision was anactively approved by the Boardan Town of Barnstable as liquidated damage. F its with modifications, whim countenance have Waco r densest n he IX py g pion The Surety hereby assents to any and all changes and modification Thai may be mode of the afore 5 The applicant Trans if The definitive plan is approved, to construct nts and covenants, conditions, agreements, terms and provisions to i , observed and performed by the armed the proposing sectoolon Begrai or in force on the date of this moored by bit u the Rules and Regulifibris of piem ed by install all Barnstable work Principal, and wolves notice thereof. pecficauons and other ep sements a earth in the nataments attached h to 6 The customer further agrees to complete all said prol improvements within a" year core of ge m of the denauTve unless the Board approved o different p od of rime from the IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto set our bonds and seals be . day of 7 a the defigniver plan is apprey"i the applicant agrees to record or register the plan in Barnstable .. . . . . . . . . , 19 . . Counts Pecaly and agrees tt even if otherwise "Ittornead so To do by the filing of a dominant ea recorded or shave adds Pont will nor r c, offer to sell e o the Into within the ventilation until so plan isPrincipal 8 The applicant further agrees that if the deffinit;de pion In approved applicant will prompi at any By ... . Title . , .. . . groda adapter �Jdgl ammued .0 to do by he Burger convey to the isetriff in form ag ruscory 10 The Board, title to owes and the ingrained easements .wit`. sal agrees Surety m conveyto the Town tine to storm min improvements and easements therefor 9 nil m Betio BY .. . . . . . .. cause to Ida filed with the Board Q (Attorney m-rani completion of all purpose improvements in the Line and manner Pregarral in a na sum sufficient, in The opinion of the Regard, to your the cost of such work, und evenness by ve am storm as prumman and a r e able semepr,esan on amount equalto the penal sum established by the coon OR SET of subdivision deal por sold and no building goil be eferfied or placed on any lot until he the burned improvements recovery to adequately serve such lot have been completing to the saur fal of the Board I0 This application is Gurearraymenj by meant drawing of The Proposed Appear plan with three block line cons its unit a fee of f $Ts ao to cover the cost of c g care of 9 public hearing n The owners all to the land is derived under deed from unry Disrri dated 19 and recorded in Barnstable �so Earri Page 0 OR under Ouldicate of rings No preferred in :and Peg try District, Book Page Aporge Address A life ofrhe names and addresses of the abutters of this subdivision is noshed. Verification will be made by trip Planning Board — Page 32 — — Page 33 — FORM E FORM F PERFORMANCE BOND .. SECURED BY DEPOSIT COVENANT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS The undersigned . . . , - . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .. . ... .. . . . . . . . . that of County, Massachusetts, hereinafter called the 'Covenanter;' having sub- of Massachusetts, hereby binds and obligates himself/itself and his/their mitted to the Barnstable Planning Board, a definitive plan of subdivision, entitled . . _ „ . , executors, administrators, de. isees, hen assigns successors and a g s to the sown of Barnstable, a Masao- dated ' shrugs municipal corporation, inthe sum of I. Dollars, and made by has secured this obligation by the deposit with the Treasurer of said Town of Barnstable of said sum does hereby covenant and car" with said Planning Board and the successors in office of said Board, in money or negotiable securities pursuant to GL. (Ter Ed C. 41 , Sec BID, as amended, that I The covenantor is the owner of record of the premises shown on said plan, 2. This covenant shall runwith the land and be binding upon the executors, administrators, heirs, 9 The condition of this obligation is that if the undersigned or his, its executors, administrators, do- assi ns of the covenantor, and their successors in title to the premises shown on said plan; visees, heirs, successors and assigns shall fully and satisfactorily observe and farm in the manner and 3 The con c n of ways and the installation of municipal services sholl be provided to r ve per y lot construction cordance with the applicable Rules and Regulotions of said Board before such T lot in the time therein specified, all of the c nanove s, conditions, agreements, terms and provisions contained may be built upon or coni other than by mortgage deed; provided that a mortgagee who in the application signed by the undersigned and dated acquires titleo they mortgaged premises by foreclosure or otherwise and an succeeding ow ner under mortgaged t of the mortgaged part t may se y such left only to portiondet . . . , 19 .. . . , taints r hereof II an h lot, sub I thatf this Covenant which dad that such lot t; sold shall be buiH upon until such ways and ser- vices approval of a defimtise plan of a terrain subdivision, entitled prow and dated es have been provided to serve such lot; vend 19 . , , has been or is hereafter granted by the Barnstable 4 Nothing herein shall be deemed to prohibit o conveyance subject to this covenant by o single PlanningBoard, then this obli main deed of the entire parcel of land shown on the subdivision plan o of all lots not previously gotion shall be void, otherwise it shall re in full force and effect and released by the t Planning Board without first providing such ways and services. the aforesaid security for said sum shall become and be the sale Property of mid Town of Barnstable as 5 This covenant n t shall take effect upon the approval of said plan liquidated damage 6 Reference to this covenant shall be entered upon said plan and this covenant shall be recorded when said plan is recorded - - - IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned has hereunto set his hand and ual this. . . . . . . . .... . The undersigned.. .. day of . . . , 19. . . . wife, husband, f the covenantor hereby agree that such interest as I, we, may have in said premises shall be subject to the provisions of this covenant and insofar as is necessary release all rights of tenancy by the courtesy, dower, homestead and other interest therein. EXECUTED as a sealed instrument this day of . .. 19 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS . . . . . . ss . . . .... . . .... 19, Then personally appeared . ...... . . . . . . . . ...... . . ...... .... . . . and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be . .... . free act and deed, before me Notary Public — Page 34 — — Page 35 — FORM G CERTIFICATE OF PERFORMANCE (Covenant Approval Release) Barnstable, Massachusetts. . . . ..... . ......... 19........ The undersigned, being a majority of the Planning Board of Barnstable, Massachusetts, hereby certify that the requirements for work on the ground called for by the Covenant dated .. . . . . . . 19 a a and recorded in ., . .. . . . District Deeds, Book ... . ....... . . Page . . . .. ..... , (or registered on Certificate of Title No in Registration Book ... . . ... .. , Page . a . . . . ...... ) have been completed to the satisfaction of the Planning Board as to the following enumerated jots shown on Plan entitled . _ . . . recorded with said Deeds, Plan Book .. .... . ... . . .. . Plan . , (or registered in said Land Registry District, Plan Book . .. . . . . . , Plan .... . . . . . ) and said lots are hereby released from the restrictions as to sale and building specified thereon. Lots designated on said Plan as follows: . . . . ... . ... ... . .. .. . ... ... .. . . . . . ... . . . ....... ................. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . ...... ..........._.mama . . . . _.. APPENDIX II ..ad & a a a d a & a b ad. . . . . . ... . . . . . ... . . .. . ... . . . .....I...I...... ... .. . . . . _. ... Minority of the . . . . .. . ... ... . ............. . ............... . ... ... . . Planning Board of the Town of . . . . . ... ............I..................... ... . Barnstable. ... . . .. .a . ... a . I . . . . . . ...... .... . .......... ... . ....... ............... ...... . ... COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUBETTS .. .. . . . . . . .. . ... . . . is . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . ... . ... 19... ... .. Then personally appeared . . . . . . ......... .. one of the above named members of the Planning Board of the Town of Barnstable, Massachusetts and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to bs the Design And Construction act and deed of said Planning Board, before me ..... Standards Notary Public Mycommission expiator . . . d.&....b&..........amp. ja — Page 36 — — Page 37 — TYPICAL DRAINAGE STRUCTURES GASi \RaN FRRM(I Cp1(F.� All PIPSTC0. re To P\P6,MORTNR<L ` YRR1A¢�E ty ST6HDPR9 �NS\o(IOU[yc¢ ^ Mo 0.r TM. Lll 1 O DIp mIN �s SO\NT5 `\ AD N CTOrA0. OT KUG[JRE� "TCN BASIN MANHOLE NOTE'.USE AkRENTRRIMEDCEMENT FOR P\l MORTAR BRiCKL[vtL�Nc �- - - FCAST IRON FRAME&COVER - 3w PE0.BOttE � \ �� l 3� PEASTOUE F _ T's" ReII4 pp i� p\`Q`!4l E To? 8 ` 0 0 0 0 0 _ o I AIR ENT? x"VtD CONCRETE �CONYLCTOR PIP[ _ � _- 0 W WASHER WASHED `o _940NE 0 0 0 0 0 o STONE 0 0 0 0 0 o s IF 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 I STANDARD PRECAST LEACHING BASIN TYPICAL HEADWALLS Portland Cement (air entrained) TYPICAL PEADMPILS Mortar Cap In Thick 121 12" Chamfer ��--1�2"y 1" Cap �JI C D E j L _I 1 1 tln I- PCementl i1" T. I_f_ U �� L �• - A ttt���7�JJJ n 'I °•, r, T �r (air r --�� PIPE .Q 12 'A 12' e� _ .�, I/`/�I};�Yy�+/�� +`1`/T{� b l.� Jam'.-a'J 2 P • a l) Line ;7, 3 I ;Min. �f IY"-3" (� Ground In'ne� } �._sj-=-N3'712' ) r D IMBEDDED W�d C7_Oo F ON �C-)._ U D�� IELIMBEDDED2I4"t,•:(-): ° r , 24r. r ( t lei.,W3012 4 a, u C�L_]� -'- IN GEMEaTIT MORTAR 18" Z Fieldstone Imbedded in Mortar(air entrained) L=.��--_/ o [/�J-L.,�� ff (air_lentrained 1_ -� Iy }{-QUO END ELEVATION FRONT ELEVATION l_J�lr ! �L�J Cl p• "• _ L. I y..','J f 18''I 18r� COMBINATION ENDS FRONT ELEVATION. • END F,LEV. ALTERNATE - 1. 1^ Chamfer FOR CLASS "C" CONCRETE 3-03 Tie Pars T _ 10, PIPES UP TO 30 INCH DIAMETER---- 11a:1 SLOPE 2:1 SLOPE Lewthe Pnund -a beslgnl in Inches Nerds C(J, CU, NO' A E c D E �teso sieel .I D L I YDS, LBS. L I YDS. LBS. C and 1-N3 1 1 12" 12" 3' - 911 2' - 2" )' - 9"I 1.89 27 I ,`,11 t ma e ,, - 2 12' 15" 14' - 3" 2' - 4° 4' - 5" 2.P7 31 Be ( a- n r_ . 6m 1§^ 7 12" la" 4' - 9"1 2' _ e^I5' _ o'�I z 56 36 a 2 0.77 13 15 1 1.08 19 • Clear L 12 211 5' - 4"1 2' - B" $' - d"I 3.12 41 - - } t I S 1z" 2L" 5' - 9^1 2' - 10-6' - 3" 3.54 46 I LOU 4'-10" 0.92 14 6'-8' 1.2II 22 1 CONCRETE CRADLE 1 6 12" 30" 1 6' - 9"1 3' - 1"17' - 6^I 4.4tl 56 I END ELEVATION 7 _15" L5^ 4' - 5^ z' - 6"I4' - S' 2.32 32 FOR PIPE CreVSpec (ALTERNATE) 8 15" 18" 4' - 11111 2' - B" I5' - O" 2.72 36 12" 5'-6" 1.08 19 7'-6' 1.49 26 (To Be ase3 Where Specified) CLASS "C" CONCRETE _9_ 15" 21" 5' - 5"1 2' - 10'S' - 8" �.1 41 I Class ntr entraConcrined) to (a,r enexaineat _1D- 1 -1 z�^ 5' - 115' - 1P - o^16' - 3n1 3.60 46 _ 151, 6'-6" 1.34 21 8'-9' 1.82 29 0" 6' - 11 2" 7' - 6" h.54 57 (air entrained) 11 -15!'_ _� _12 18^ 1B^ 5' - 0 2%1 5' - o"I z.7z 36 116" 6'-10'' 1.42 22 9'-211 1.94 30 13 18" 21" 5' - 7" 2 10' 5' - B^I 3.17 41 ' 1a"-_ 18 24 6! o" 3' 0" 6' - 3"I 3.58 46 18" 7'-6" 1.61 _ 27 10'-01+ 2.18 32 15 181, 30^ 7' - 0" ^17' - - - . . 57 1 16 21" 21" 5' - 8" 3' - 0"15' - e"I 7.20 42 1 I 21" B'-8" I 1.95 30 17J-6'i 2.62 42 1 17 21" 1 24" 6' _ 2"1 ar _ 4d16, - 3'") 3.609 47 I Ib 21" 0" 7' - 2" 3' - M' 7' - 6"1 4.55 5B I 19 24" 24" 6' - 3" 3' - 4" 6' - 3"I 3•b'i 47 24" 9'_-3" 2.16 34 12'-6' 2.97 46 1 20 24" 30" 7` - 3n 3' - B^I7' - 6^ 4.69 5B I 1 21 30^ 50" T - 6^ 4' - 0^17' - 6"1 4.76 59 1 130^ 2.63 40 15'-0 3.86 56 Q 4" FOR 11:1 SLOPE 6" FOR 2:1 SLOPE FIELD STONE MASONRY AND CONCRETE ENDS FOR 8" TO 30" PIPE CULVERTS - Page 40 - - Page 41 - cc�r ``ll APPENDIX II DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS to N .� tin b K m (— � DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS Q v T w j q u T' 1�• �• w (Rational Method) � � 1. Use the rainfall intensity and storm frequency shown in the 'g; o L. )p, - Table of Design Standards for the appropriate type of roadway. cam.. ri vt vJ t- d 2. Determine the area in acres of each drainage area as de- " w 4 vJ �' �L �N termined by contour study both within and without subdivision area. w m c �� N N (1 acre = 43,560 feet) ")• Ln N I A V � 3. Determine the time of flow (TOF) by using Figure 1. The mo° �- - distance is the greatest measured distance of water runoff from the highest to the lowest elevation. The / slope is the drop in W L, E, y ro — x _ I elevation divided by the distance times 100. The runoff coefficients (C) to use are listed as follows: o 03 Type of Surface Runoff Coeficfent (C) ,a Concrete of Bituminous Concrete 0.8 - 0.9 Gravel 0.4 - 0.6 ridw,y Bare Earth 0.2 - 0.9 K ,=a l Steep Grassed (2:1 or steeper) 0.5 - 0.7 N iyi N N N I Cj i 1 0 ,b �-�, d ,y n L(i,� w c Turf Meadows 0.1 - 0.4 ��qq 33 o I o • , �, UJ(O� c m� Forested 0.1 - 0.3 - Cultivated Fields 0.2 - 0.4 -j� �U �Vni� v F"w a �� �I .�n, v• �, w n C � - yUf " p ;,�.i If variable surfaces exist within an area, the average C value o��i q� ,� ;q m O o �10 Ii-1 k y is determined by using the following formula: F ,r C = ClAl + C2A2 + C3A3 + q O N ¢� O N .� p V, + U .n .7 �- m / Al + AZ + A3 where C+ = total or average C value � F yl.. Y •o o�E Cl = C value for area 1 IJ Al = area 1 in acres P `may b Figure 1 can be used by plotting a line horizontally and right from the distance value until it intersects the/ slope value curve; \9\ m thence plotting a line vertically downward until it intersects the N C value curve; thence plotting a. line horizontally and right until it intersects the time. The final value of time obtained is the TOF value. 4. Determine the rainfall intensity (D by using Figure 2. The z curves shown on Figure 2 are for storm frequencies of 10, 25, and w O. .{T'^ m Y Y g graph is specifi- ,� , e 50 ears and the I value obtained b wing this tally for the drainage area under consideration. Figure 2 can be used by plotting a line vertically uFward until it intercepts the LL intensity curve; thence plotting a line horizontally and left until �J u it intercepts the intensity. The final value of inches per hour is iy " '• '—x I N the rainfall intensity for the area being studied. M d 5. Calculate the rake of runoff by using the following Rational Method formula: Q = CIA where Q = rate of runoff in cubic feet per second (c.fs.) H C = runoff coefficient fff - I = rainfall intensity in inches per hour A = drainage area in acres. — Page 12 — — Page 43 — 6. Pipe and ditch sizes are calculated by using the following Manning Fbrmula: 1 . 486 A 2/3 1/2 Table- . . Q = n R 5 where Q = discharge in cubic feet per second A — cross sectional area of flow in square feet :• n — roughness coefficient G - - / /l, / R = hydraulic radius in feet S = gradient in feet per foot area of section in square feet sac Note: -hydraulic radius = wetted perimeter in feet `•Type of Conduit n Concrete Pipe 0.015 Asphalt Coated Corrugated Metal Pipe 0.024 +./1141 / 0/// / Channel — shallow 0.080 j �/ // / / / y'/ ✓' , Channel — over 1 ft. depth 0.060 (/ // / Q ..__ �// /_�// .10 i 7 _ mac:g5— ';I- _ I � — Page 41 — — Page 45 — BURIED UTILITIES TYPICAL CROSS SECTION I Q Q , CJ - T u F1NI5X GRP9E � I I f (I 1 I - I I � _ I I II �° - I rl FILL MATERIAL Z, ' NON-FRosT SUSCEPF\BLE _ I p - - -, / 1 1 . ' BITUMINOUS CONCRETE - 9" LOOSE ROLLED I°2V / / // /• � IS q EIITUMINIZED"5E CLEAN TIM /e1 TELEPHONE --SPARE ELECTUGgI O I � "VONAYEP LN �/.1\VNE1N llYl N1Y`1 �e� tl\LR - I P1Pt I IZN — Page 46 — — Page 47 — TYPICAL CROSS SECT10W BURIED U 'CIL FLIES o � r I I Cq SERVICE EINc m% PleunSlNIc1.D - - „ E " ILL E - • _;:� _ _ a f l 0 fee SCOnC . f+ ScovE — d CDRE•N PIPE, t cR .o , I � DE.,,, P, P[ ca CONNR<T [D To eu Rcr,c M>iE0. GONN cTCD t0 cO4s Rc WRTSF DRAIN .O[ SVSTSM DR%%"KGL 15116TILM vR01FCi COAYE6 DALE COy�BSC SDE[LE E[ T1�dc US STANDARD SIEVES WET MECHANICAL ANALYSIS ] 2 1 h 1140 . 6 16 ]0 50 80 212 I . L a 10 20 40 60 100 200 1n^ 90 1 21to _III 20 Q 10 ~ VAR ]0 z A 7 YAP 40 s0 50 Re co46 + 1 _ — 6a ]0 — — — _ 20 � - a . ie 20 I P . . s0 90 D I I f l I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I `I��— I I i I I 'oo 100 50 20 to 5 2 1 05 02 01 005 002 001 0005 0002 0001 ➢A INAGE DESIGN CALC➢LATIONS PRpIECT: DESIGN METHOD: DATE: Location Area(A) Time of Intens.ity(i)Coefficient FIow(p3 Velocity(V;Fciction Gradient(S) Pipe (acres) 'low(min) (in/h ) of R..f£(C (C.f.s.7 (f.p.s.) Factor(nl (£t/ft) Size DESIGN STANDRR05 Minimum Minimum Length or Storm Type Width Width Minimum Maximum Minimum Curb Radius Tdngent Frequency of of of Centerline Centerline Centerline at street Between for Street Way Roadway Radii Grade Grade Inter- Reverse Drainage Sections Major 60, 30t * 6001 5% 1% 5011 300# 50 yr H Secondary 50+ 26, a 300, 7% -1y. 40t 150t 25 yr ti Minor "A" 401 22f 150, 9%. 0•87 30, loot 10 yr Minor "B" 40, 22+ 300, 10% 0.57. 30, 0 � 10 yr • The Board may require that the traveled way be separated by a raised median strip with a width to be determined by the Board. In this case, the traveled way shall consist of two roadways, each with a minimum width of 20 feet or such greater width as the Board may specify. TYPICAL_ CRO55 SECTION CL IE MAS5,Z?W.. TYPE I OITUMINOU5 CONCRETE $- EppNE INILTCV RE CTYP TOP PGIE�� WZFR N fiVeR[6Wry rtC L'IpA � S�VERT 6RANf1E q �wN CtMtOCTvv) IOEWALK �..�— GR.A56 1 0� � 6' IMM CIAMIIY M ) CRo �• M 9E L��GRAV GsL EABFL!!r I BINCER� $WATER y1 ITCP o / MINIMUM 2,12 NON FROST SUSCEPTIBLE MATp21AL� R I � J! 6T COVT NC-T BVRIEO 025-oSpGN��A � Lm ES UTGH BASIN YP YN Tg0.Y SEweR O 12 22' v IWAY 9, _40 WAY MINORSTREETR _ VERTICALCURD TYPICAL CROSS 5E TION MA55. DPW. TY� I BITUMINOUS Co NCRE F_ Tcv.rxeNe i z°1 BINDER AND-iOP role —> GRAB 5VERr cwwire 4 5�s�a[j NtE slnFw<i.R wRiB pro GRA�sz 6" LeAn r �� cone HEFT lTvv) 4' cRawN C "G(tAVEL 12'Swavtti C'f15E � � L_— L CLAMING _ s E"se"e'11 - �el I`TOP 6Ad0 A1ER MINIMUM 2'/, NON P9.O SUSCEPTIRL MATERIAL 111. (U U 025 05J L-A��,WI TLITIES lCH BASIN NARY 5�5EWER 4%z Q 4%i 22� 9� Rc,ADwcy - q' - AO WAY MINOR STREETA- SLOPED CURB I TYPICAL CROSS BECZION I MASS DPW TYPE S BITUMINOUS Cb NCR= TELC-FNONE - II/� BINDER AND T6P 510Ewgth GM95 4' CROWN _ 6"CYn ELP LOAM 77 �bRPVEL 9nsE •GRAVEL E SENE4T IOINcaR A 1`TOP fAS AT MUM 21/g NON VW5T Su5cEPf1OLE MPTERIAL II (��J� '� \TACK l�`T MC-/O �10NDUTRIGI \W+R1eR I � .'125-Q56rY�VO UPE c➢D fjER!'I lR LITES 4TCM OASIN ✓W fTARY CSGwCIi = SO 22' 4G I' wcY MIWR5TREEr A- CAPE COD BERM TYPICAL CR�5 &ECT IOtA I MA55 DPW T\'PES i ITUMINOUS CONCR=- � 1%2� FINDER AND TGP _ SmEWiJC FR45$ 4 <ROWN �i� 'EPCLC cEWAUK - b LOAM O"GRnrEY I 4 A6' RevEl ASE✓IE,JT z C-RAVEL 134E I— iem OeR pjj,, CC tFn TOP IM1.'M 'J.%2 NON FROST SL'S.EFT161£ MATEP.IA I- FF//,n � ` ) ``PCK CmT NCIO HONCL1�ulC I \NVR�E� IIIIL---JIIII Te5 f 625 0.5 ox�so !o CP PE COo 3E0.M v, TCH�3ASIN _ rtnRY ER A Y2, 79z' - _ 7%Z 4%z III I,�, ROAownY 12' S o_ WAY 5EGONDARY STRkET - CAPE CCO ZER" _ TYPICAL CRO55 SECTION I MASS.DPWTYPE I IITUMINOUS CONCRETE g_ �i TELEPHONE P0.E 81ND£R AND TOP SIDEWALK GRA55 5 yE�¢'�N� v[N21'oF4N SIDewALfC _LET cuRB�CTYG) 4'CIbWN 6°6FAbEL Gu LOAM _.-.. -. . _ _.1.. ¢B•T' G'GRAVEL PLGNTINC- 12 GGAVELBg9E � � EASEMEASI- 1 pINCE I' 01NDER ITOP Cy�s Y+4 1"TOP \ MINIMUM 2V2 NON FR 505CEP BLE MATERWL �T CTACKCMTHC-70 MO�L1Try1CJ \pU0.EO 02505w1,/y1 Yo. CAPE cop BERM unurlES i CATCH (Y151N SeWER �Z 12 � 7/2 7/2' 12 4/2so WAY SECONDARY STREL-T - VERTICAL CUR& TYPICAL CRO55 SECTION l I F MASS DPW TYPE I BITUMINOUS CONCRETE I/ —� i TELE VHONE ' % HINCER AND TOP POLE S IDEWgLK 5"VET2T GggN(T£ 6v N <' Laa v; A'cRowN_ ��T,P sloewgL __ 6"GPArEti � . . --.•,� '----� .._� SiS49Ci ab PgVEL PUNTNG 12 C-R4V C-L Li'�iE EASE MG1JT 181NpEld _ (I`pINCER I 1TOp J GAvPiER A t TOG MIN IMVM 2'/2 NON FROST SUSGEPrIOLE MATERIAL I�I ff �TA[K CMT Mc-TO MONDUTNIC \bJRI� 0250.Scx�sR yD, UPC WD p Rll Un LITES V CATCH OASIN SAN IrnR`I },SF✓ER 9%a' 7/i y7V^Yz' 4%z ' _ -- 12 � go fl WAY SECONDARY 9TiEE7- 5LOPED CURB 1. Filing Fee FEES (a) A filing fee of $50.00 shall be submitted to the Board at the time of submission of the Preliminary Plan. This fee shall be held by the Board as a deposit until the Board takes action upon _ the Preliminary Plan. At the time of the taking of such action, 9 N the Board in its discretion may waive or refund such filing fee in whole or in part to the extent the Board determines that pro- fessionual or other services were not required in consideration of u1' the Preliminary Plan. �1 (b) A filing fee of $50.00 minimum, plus $5.00 per lot and/or dwelling unit and $2.00 per abuttor in excess of 10, shall be sub- mitted to the Board at the time of submission of the Definitive Plan. If the Definitive Plan has evolved from a Preliminary Plan, the Board shall credit against the required filing fee the amount s of any filing fee paid (and not waived or refunded) by the applicant Az under paragraph (a). Said fee shall be made payable to the Town 1 and deposited with the Planning Board. 2. Inspection Fee N 3 g Prior to the return to the applicant of the Definitive Plan as approved and endorsed the applicant shall pay to the Board a fee i a of $100. per lot and/or dwelling unit. QJQ O N w U o N ? GA z a u a m C( `� r J W - } n £ h bi N F g < a I � m p' 0 LO N — Page 58 — — Page 59 —