HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-5-4 HHDC Draft Minutes (1) Town of Barnstable Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District Commission www.townofbarnstable.ma.us/hyannismainstreet MINUTES May 4, 2022 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Cheryl Powell, Betsy Young, Jack Kay, Mark Despotopulos and Tom Doherty Members Absent: Cecelia Carey Staff Present: James Kupfer, Senior Planner, and Karen Herrand, Principal Assistant, Planning & Development Dept. in attendance. To all persons deemed interested or affected by the Town of Barnstable’s Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District Commission Ordinance under Chapter 112, Article III of the Code of the Town of Barnstable, you are hereby notified that a hearing is being held at Town Hall, 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA Selectmen’s Conference Room, 2nd Floor 6:30 P.M. on Wednesday, May 4, 2022. Please note that this meeting will be recorded and broadcast on Channel 18 and, in accordance with MGL Chapter 30A §20, anyone taping this meeting please make their presence known. Please silence your cell phones Call to Order Jack Kay Tom Doherty Betsy Young Mark Despotopulos Cheryl Powell Welcome to New Members, Special Guests, Advisors and Comments Updates  Trainings  Awards – no updates  Correspondence Reminder of Commission’s Purpose and Proper Procedure Continued Business Mary George & Anastaci Pacella – 430-438 Main Street, Hyannis – Map 309 Parcel 219 Mural/Community Art Wall - continued from April 20, 2022, for corrected address Mary George, Co Director of The Cordial Eye in attendance. Anastaci Pacella – in attendance. Will Caolo in attendance. Would like to thank the Commission and the Cordial eye and all in support of the project. Art Wall. Wants the Cape to have one of these walls. A lot of people will utilize. Outdoor exhibition. Over a year involved with project and interacted with. Presentation Hyannis Community Art Wall. Exhibit A. Mary George – 8 ft. high 64 ft. 4 ft. long. Refers to the pictures with application, Exhibit B. Support from stakeholders. Anastaci Pacella explains that this is a living space. Community will change as they see fit. Ideas can be added to the wall, and changed. Only three of these in Massachusetts. Mary George – it will be a combination of work, all can contribute to. When there is a space, it will get used onto a legal space. Social media likes to take pictures. Improve the connectivity to Main Street and North Street. Alley way is not lit well at present. 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 2 Want to add lighting and make the connection from one side to the other. Encourage multigenerational way, all can be there/diversity. Anastaci Pacella, 430 Main Street, Puritan parking lot, shows the wall where the ally way is. Mary George, it will run the full length, Exhibit C, picture of brick wall. Affixing plywood panels. Makes any portion of the wall removable, have volunteers for this. Joey Mars, Wellfleet , Cape based artist will do the inaugural artwork. Offer some workshops for locals. Community education is part of this project. Aerosol artwork. Anastaci Pacella, would like to add onto existing community events. Working with the Business Improvement District (BID). Mary George, The Cordial Eye will manage the process, serve as point of contact for oversight of the wall. Can replace any portion of it and will be monitored, will have camera in the area as well. Have protocols in place. Will have stencils available. The BID removes trash in this area and will continue to do so. Anastaci Pacella, Sturgis and a lot of others, Hyannis Film Festival are all excited. Seaside Selections. Refers to letters of support. Mary George- Mass Development has helped and have donated $12,500 worth of funding for the project. Neighbor is in support, future Dunkin Donuts is also in support, lighting and traffic is amenable with him. Tom Doherty, likes the idea. Mass Development letter, Joey Mars will share the base line. There are no guidelines for this in the Historic District (HHDC) do we need guidelines moving forward? Base lines, and for other artists. Mass Development Support letter, Exhibit D. Anastaci Pacella, will show a skill level, base line. Mary George, community space is unpredictable, space open for community artists to express their work. Part of the monitoring will be for obscenity. Tom Doherty just doesn’t want it to become a political platform. Maybe shouldn’t be in a historical district. There’s no precedent here. Maybe Staff or Commission can set some guidelines for this. Mary George, did a lot of research as similar to this as they could find. This type of problem doesn’t seem to happen, the data doesn’t bear out that way. Examples of Joey Mars artistic works shown/presented. To generate a level of respect.. Will Caolo comments, it’s kind of an unwritten set of rules for artists that contribute to this. General etiquette is to be confident that what goes over existing work is well done and respectful to the artist. The community understanding of what to be added. Mary George, community and space for things that young people care about. One year pilot to see if space will work and have sense of together. Tom Doherty we need some type of guideline, some constraints to be applied. Maybe more tied to the history of Hyannis. Mary George maybe affix some type of signage “community space, the area is monitored”. Mark Despotopulos, we don’t have any type of baseline/guidance for this. Chair Cheryl Powell, it would be establishing a precedent. Betsy Young, commends Will for expressing this and The Cordial Eye. Innovative and new for this area. Three in Mass and this would be the 4th, any in Historic Districts? Seed money for the Pilot year, what is funding for? What happens at the end of the Pilot Year? Lighting? Muralists work on commission? How does it work? How do you get something taken down/removed timely? Mary George, doesn’t think so, none in historic district. 65% to pay the artists. Camera installation and plywood. Administrative time for monitoring the wall. Would come back to HHDC to review and evaluate at that time. In conjunction with stakeholders. Festooning may have been previously done for lighting. Community artists throughout the day and evening would come and practice, this would serve as an open canvas for any to come with their art supplies. Schools/field trips. Simple stencils for young. 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 3 Can see with monitoring and other stakeholders in the area can let them know. Have volunteers committed and they would cover/take down. Jack Kay, is there a difference between amateur and professional artists area? Has seen these types of walls and had a lot of tagging done on them and had to have constant attention. Would not want to see a professional piece destroyed by another. Would entire panel get removed? Doesn’t know what the policing act would be. Theme to be applied as and with the historic district. Anastacia Pacella, this is a temporary – thinking of stencils. The artists understand that their work is temporary. Jack Kay, maybe clear plastic coverings to keep good artwork. Cheryl Powell, confirms can change for maintenance/updates. Letters of support mentioned, Elizabeth Wurfbain, Joey Mars, Sophia Marharas, Fine arts faculty - mentions all the correspondence. What is on the stencils? Mary George, can make some that would be in themed with the historic area. Cheryl Powell – any other mediums to use? Suggestion, might make a compilation of the pictures and of the art that goes up. Mary George, yes, markers or whatever people would like to use. We will be working in conjunction with others as the art goes. Chair Cheryl Powell opens up public comment. Brian Pacella in attendance. Thinks spectacular and using the stencils to bridge the gap and go with the area and historic in the area. Renee Boshane, Sturgis East art student. To celebrate the arts. Can see herself using this wall herself, excited for this project. Elizabeth Wurfbain, director of the BID. Monitor Main St. daily, truck and clean team. Every day they take off graffiti. We found that this is a good practice. Alberto’s alley mural. They had a small area. Good at the maintenance of this and taking/removing inappropriate art. Maybe in a way this will stop by having this wall. We would control it. Chris George, trustee of tac realty trust. In support of this wall. Business owner of the building. For beautification of the building. The wall being transient for the community – it just seemed to fit. Fits with the character of the location. Mia Caleb, Will’s Mom. Thinks nice to have something so unique. Could be a draw for people. Likes the idea that people can recreate. Allows people of all abilities to be a part of. Great for professionals and intrigued for what amatuers can do. Chair Cheryl Powell closes public comment. Jim Kupfer, this is the permit granting entity for this. Good presentation. Condition for storage of materials, stencils, plywood etc. stored daily. Trash receptacles? Signage for mural direction to – would need to come back for any signage review? Mary George, the upper floor of 430 to 438 has storage area for this. The BID currently canvases for trash, but can make this available. Probably have something on the space itself. Chair Cheryl Powell, will you keep the panels? Mary George, some of the artists may be interested in keeping, but probably. Town Council Liaison Kris Clark in attendance. Guidelines. Political. Doesn’t want to reflect in an unbalanced way. Maybe some guideline/boundaries. Community character. Professional artists take the upper area/panels and the younger smaller can access the lower. Chair Cheryl Powell, stress one year pilot. Come back after that and have an update of how it worked. Non Political, non obsenity and non racist. Lighting, signage would have to come back to HHDC. Sign for the road come back. Would like sign to state there are cameras/monitoring the area. Any changes would have to come back. Can use different art, markers etc, not just aerosol. 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 4 Betsy Young, confirms that the wall is for graffiti. Tagging also a place for that, which is creative expression as well. Put explanation on sign that THIS is the art wall, not the one at Alberto’s. Art is political, or can be very political. Not sure how to word that. Mary George, can work together subjectivity. Gives voice to what the community has. Appropriate balance of artistic freedom and the beauty of Main Street. Tom Doherty, there is political art. Not all art is political. Do art of the history of Hyannis. Need guidelines for anything that is political. Town Council Liaison Kris Clark. Could be an opportunity of misusing the intention of what this could be. , Betsy Young, may have some disagreement and/or offensive, different opinions. Also, when pilot year over, certain things have to happen for it to become complete/restored to original way that the wall is. Jim Kupfer, maybe work with applicant to draft some conditions for consideration/regulating speech, need to be careful. We can bring back something. Mary George would like to do a launch event, have been working for many months on this. Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion to continue to May 18, 2022, moved by Betsy Young, seconded by Tom Doherty, Vote: Mark Despotopulos - aye Betsy Young - aye Tom Doherty - aye Jack Kay - aye Cheryl Powell - aye New Business Paul Mazzeo – 435 Main Street, Hyannis – Map 308 Parcel 080 New windows and doors Brenda Mazzeo in attendance. Replace 9 windows, rotted, need to be replaced. Will not be changing pattern shape, size, will look the same as now. Two doors to be replaced, see Exhibit E, picture of bldg. The same type door, just a different size. Both entrances are service entrances, no customers go in these doors. One of the doors is broken now. Betsy Young clarifies which doors are being replaced. Jack Kay, simple maintenance. New doors will last a long time. Chair Cheryl Powell asks for any public comment. None. Jim Kupfer, confirms the color. Brenda Mazzeo, white. Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion for the Findings, moved by Mark Despotopulos to find the application compatible with the preservation and protection of the district, seconded by Jack Kay, Vote: Betsy Young - aye Mark Despotopulos - aye Tom Doherty - aye Jack Kay - aye Cheryl Powell - aye Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion for a Certificate of Appropriateness, moved by Mark Despotopulos to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness for the application at 435 Main Street, as described in the submitted materials, seconded by Jack Kay, 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 5 Vote: Betsy Young – aye Mark Despotopulos – aye Tom Doherty – aye Jack Kay – aye Cheryl Powell – aye Dhaval Prajapati – 259 Main Street, Hyannis – Map 327 Parcel 127 Fence and Pergola Dhaval Prajapati in attendance. Patio area, between indoor pool and outdoor pool. This area is completely exposed. Needs to put some type of privacy here. An enclosure. Will connect to existing fence. Want to put the fence along the patio. Tom Doherty confirms the color to be white. Betsy Young clarifies wood? Need to know what the material will be. Chair Cheryl Powell asks for any public comment. None. Discussion about the material. Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion to continue to May 18th, moved by Betsy Young, seconded by Tom Doherty, The motion is withdrawn by Betsy Young. Dhaval Prajapati will have wood as the material. No need to come back for another hearing, he will do wood. Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion for the Findings, moved by Tom Doherty to find the application compatible with the preservation and protection of the district, seconded by Mark Despotopulos, Vote: Betsy Young – aye Mark Despotopulos – aye Jack Kay – aye Tom Doherty – aye Cheryl Powell - aye Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion for a Certificate of Appropriateness, moved by Mark Despotopulos to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness for the application at 259 Main Street, as described in the submitted materials for fence and pergola, the materials to be wood, painted white, seconded by Betsy Young, Vote: Betsy Young – aye Mark Despotopulos – aye Jack Kay – aye Tom Doherty – aye Cheryl Powell – aye Matters not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chair Jim Kupfer LCPC Committee is on the Agenda for Thursday, night. Town Council will be discussing that. Cheryl Powell is on the committee. Town Council Liaison Kris Clark thanks all for making the commitment. Two year process. Asks all to stay engaged. Policy is made by those who show up – historic concerns for our community. Jim Kupfer, process LCPC applications. To add an advisory committee that would facilitate discussion. Bring to advisory committee for guidance and ideas as well. Other Business Approval of April 20, 2022, draft minutes 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 6 Chair Cheryl Powell would like to table the draft minutes of April 20, 2022. Next HHDC meetings scheduled for May 18th and June 1st 2022 Adjournment Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion to adjourn, moved by Betsy Young, seconded by Tom Doherty, Vote: Betsy Young – aye Mark Despotopulos – aye Jack Kay – aye Tom Doherty – aye Cheryl Powell – aye The meeting ended at 8:18 p.m. Respectfully submitted Karen Herrand Further detail may be obtained by viewing the video via Channel 18 on demand at http://www.town.barnstable.ma.us List of Exhibit Documents Exhibit A – Presentation re: 430-438 Main Street, Hyannis – Map 309 Parcel 219 - Mural/Community Art Wall Exhibit B – Pictures of proposed work - 430-438 Main Street, Hyannis – Map 309 Parcel 219 - Mural/Community Art Wall Exhibit C- Pictures of brick wall - 430-438 Main Street, Hyannis – Map 309 Parcel 219 - Mural/Community Art Wall Exhibit D – Mass Development Support letter - 430-438 Main Street, Hyannis – Map 309 Parcel 219 - Mural/Community Art Wall Exhibit E – Picture of two doors -435 Main Street, Hyannis – Map 308 Parcel 080