HomeMy WebLinkAboutReg Agmt Modification Packet COMPANIES March 25, 2022 BY HAND DELIVERY Mark Ells, Town Manager Town of Barnstable 367 Main Street Hyannis, MA 02601 Re: Request for Amendment to Regulatory Agreement Dear Mr. Ells: On Behalf of CapeBuilt Pleasant Street, LLC (“CapeBuilt”), I am writing to submit the attached Application for Amendment to the Regulatory Agreement between the CapeBuilt and the Town of Barnstable first dated January 26, 2018 for the development of certain parcels on Pleasant Street, Hyannis, and first amended by the Minor Amendment dated December 30, 2021. As you may recall, Sea Captains Row was originally approved for sixty (60) residential units distributed across eight (8) newly constructed buildings and one preexisting building. Currently one new building containing six (6) rental apartments has been completed and is fully occupied, and four (4) additional buildings containing a total thirty-eight (38) additional apartments are in the final stages of construction and scheduled for occupancy within the next four months. This will complete “Phase One” of Sea Captains Row. The relief and modifications sought in this Amendment will facilitate development of Phase Two (43 and 53 Pleasant Street) consisting of two (2) buildings containing a total of fourteen (14) residences for independent young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and neurotypical peer roommates. This model was developed by Best Buddies International – a 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1989 by Anthony Kennedy Shriver to foster one-to-one friendships, integrated employment, leadership development and inclusive living for, between and with individuals with IDD and their neurotypical peers. Best Buddies Living is being brought to Hyannis by Best Buddies along with parents of students attending the Riverview School in Sandwich. These young people will be graduating from Riverview next June at the age of 22 and are eager to embark on the next chapters of their lives here in Hyannis! As detailed in the attached Applications and plans, the requested amendments include the addition of a single one-bedroom “walkout” apartment to be added in the basement level of each of the two buildings that were previously approved as Buildings A and B. This will increase the total project unit count from 60 to 62. These additional units will be occupied by Best Buddies resident managers who will be living in each building. The Application also proposes upgrading the two (2) Affordable units at 50% of Area Median Income from studio apartments to 1-bedroom apartments, to locate the two units on a “floating” basis dispersed within the forty-four (44) rental apartments in Phase One (thereby making them COMPANIES available for occupancy by July 2022), and to make these two 1-bedroom apartments available to any qualifying applicant earning up to 50% of AMI. Previous intentions memorialized in the original Regulatory Agreement were to recruit artist-residents for studio apartments and workspace. However, limiting occupancy to residence of particular occupations has raised concerns about qualifying these units for inclusion on the Town’s Subsidized Housing Inventory (SHI) List, and about drawing lottery applicants from the greater Barnstable area. This project will represent a milestone in the revitalization of Hyannis. CapeBuilt was introduced to the Riverview families and Best Buddies through MassDevelopment’s Hyannis TDI Fellow, George Durante, and this project is a perfect fit with the goals and values of MassDevelopment’s Transformative Development Initiative. To date, Best Buddies has only implemented its Best Buddies Living model in Washington, DC and Miami, Florida. When completed, these 14 apartments will be the organization’ largest residential initiative for young adults with IDD and their neuro-typical peers. The Riverview families and Best Buddies International view Hyannis as in ideal fit for Best Buddies Living because of the village’s “Live, Work, Play” offerings, its walking proximity to the Regional Transit Authority, our thriving Main Street rife with employment opportunities, and our rich history that shares common ground with that of Best Buddies founder, Anthony Kennedy Shriver. We hope that you will support this Application for Amendment, and we look forward to working with you, your staff, the Town Council and the Planning Board on moving Sea Captains Row forward into its next Phase. Sincerely, Robert L. Brennan, Jr. President, The CapeBuilt Companies Town of Barnstable Planning Board Application for a Regulatory Agreement Hyannis Village Zoning Districts All applications for a Regulatory Agreement must be reviewed by the Director of the Planning & Development Department prior to submission. All applications must include a Jurisdictional Determination Form signed by the Building Commissioner. The Jurisdictional Determination affirms that the project is within the Hyannis Growth Incentive Zone development allowance and does not require the Cape Cod Commission as a party to the agreement. That determination allows the applicant to proceed with the filing of this two-party Regulatory Agreement application (between the Town of Barnstable and the applicant). This includes a determination that the project will not require review under MEPA. The applicant shall additionally provide: § Three (3) completed Application for a Regulatory Agreement forms along with all required information, supporting materials, and including a proposed draft Regulatory Agreement at the time the application is made. All materials should be on letter size (8½ x 11 inch) paper and copies of all full-size plans shall be reduced and provided on 11 x 17 inch paper. § Three (3) copies of all full size plans shall be provided with the application along with electronic “pdf” copies of all plans. An electronic file of the site plans is also required.1 All materials submitted are transmitted to the Planning Board members one week prior to the meeting. Any material submitted after the transmittal to the members requires twelve (12) copies to be submitted. Completed applications must be submitted to the Town Clerk's Office to be time and date stamped. One (1) application shall remain with the Clerk's Office, and the remaining two (2) copies shall immediately be filed with the Planning Board, 367 Main Street, Hyannis, along with all required materials and all filing and required fees. It is recommended that all applications be reviewed by the Planning & Development Department prior to clocking at the Town Clerk’s Office to ensure a complete application. The filing fee schedule for Hyannis Village Zoning District Application for a Regulatory Agreement is as follows: Regulatory Agreements Limited Waiver Request $1500 Regulatory Agreements Minor Project Review up to 10,000 SF $2500 + $50/residential unit + $50/ each additional 10,000 SF Regulatory Agreements Major Project Review $5000 + $50/residential unit + $50/ each additional 10,000 SF 1 All “pdf” and electronic plan files (format AutoCad.dwg, AutoCad.dxf) may be submitted by disks or e-mailed to Karen.Herrand@town.barnstable.ma.us. In addition to the application filing fee, you will receive an invoice proof for your legal notices. The first is Notice of the Hearing and a second is Notice of the Regulatory Agreement. Each notice is published twice. A check made payable to the Town of Barnstable is required at the time the application is made. The applicant is required to provide postage to cover the mailing of the Notices of the Hearing and Notices of the Regulatory Agreement to abutters to the property.2 The applicant shall also be responsible for the cost to record the Regulatory Agreement with the Registry of Deeds. After the application is received, abutters will be notified by mail of the date and time of the public hearing and the Notice of the Hearing published in the paper twice as prescribed by law. Please note that this process takes 4 weeks to complete before the public hearing can be opened by the Planning Board. At the public hearing the applicant will be expected to present the proposed development to the Board and public, summarize what waivers and/or regulations relief are being requested. The Planning Board shall act to guide the negotiation of the elements of the regulatory agreement and participation may include other municipal boards, departments and commissions as necessary. The hearing is not to exceed 60 days unless extended by mutual agreement. At the culmination of the hearing the Planning Board will vote whether to approve the application and regulatory agreement. If so affirmed by a majority vote of the Board, the application and agreement will be forwarded to the Town Council for review and approval. A simple majority vote of the Town Council is needed to approve a regulatory agreement, unless certain types of zoning relief are sought (i.e. height, use) in which case a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Town Council is needed. The Town Council may hold a public hearing on the application if a simple majority vote is needed. The Town Council will hold a public hearing on the application if a waiver from zoning is sought. Within seven (7) days of Town Council approval, the Town Manager will sign the agreement and forward it to the applicant, via certified mail. The applicant must return the signed agreement within twenty-one (21) days of the date of the Town Manager’s certified mailing. The Town Manager will file the fully executed Regulatory Agreement with the Registry of Deeds and copies of that recorded agreement will be sent to; the Town Clerk; The Clerk for the Cape Cod Commission and to the Planning Board. Thereafter the Planning Board will cause to be published a Notice of the Regulatory Agreement and notice to abutters. The applicant will then receive the second invoice from the Barnstable Patriot. 2 At the time of filing the application, staff will determine the number of abutters and the required number of stamps. First Class Postage is required for mailing of the public Notice of the Hearing (“forever” stamps) and Postcard Postage is required for Notice of the Regulatory Agreement ($0.39 stamps). Town of Barnstable Planning Board Application for AMENDMENT To Regulatory Agreement (Attach additional sheets if necessary) A regulatory agreement is a contract between the applicant and the Town of Barnstable, under which the applicant may agree to contribute public capital facilities to serve the proposed development and the municipality or both, to build fair affordable housing, to dedicate or reserve land for open-space community facilities or recreational use, or to contribute funds for any of these purposes. The regulatory agreement shall establish the permitted uses, densities, and traffic within the development, the duration of the agreement, and any other terms or conditions mutually agreed upon between the applicant and the Town. A regulatory agreement shall vest land use development rights in the property for the duration of the agreement, and such rights shall not be subject to subsequent changes in local development ordinances. For office use only: RA # _____________ The undersigned hereby applies to the Planning Board of the Town of Barnstable for an Amendment to the Regulatory Agreement originally executed by and between Applicant and the Town dated January 26, 2018 and recorded in the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 31057 at Page 63, and thereafter amended by Minor Amendment to Regulatory Agreement between Applicant and the Town dated December 30, 2021 and recorded in the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 34800 at Page 279, in the manner and for the reasons set forth below: 1. Applicant Name3: CapeBuilt Pleasant Street, LLC Phone: c/o 617-233-4897 Applicant Address: 255 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601___________________________ Applicant Email Address:rob@capebuilt.com 2. Project Name: Sea Captains Row – Phase 2 Property Location: _24, 28, 43, 44, 53, 56, 64, 66 Pleasant Street and 86 South Street, Hyannis, MA ____ Map 327 Parcels 131, 245, 122, 133, 121, 143, 268, 135 and 137 respectively. If applicant differs from owner, state nature of interest:4 Applicant is owner of 24, 28, 44, 56, 64 and 66 Pleasant Street and 86 South Street, and holds option to acquire 43 and 53 Pleasant Street pursuant to joint venture agreement with McEvoy Parking Associates LLC 3 The Applicant Name will be the entity in whose name the Regulatory Agreement will be executed. 4 If the applicant differs from owner, the applicant is required to submit one original notarized letter authorizing the application, a copy of an executed purchase & sales agreement or lease, or other documents to prove standing and interest in the property. 3. Owner(s) of Record. Provide the following information for all involved parcels (attach additional sheets if necessary): Owners Land Ct. Lot & Registry of Deeds # Years Map/Parcel Name Certif. of Title # Plan Book/Page # Owned 327/131 CapeBuilt Pleasant Street LLC 30988/0091 4 24 Pleasant Street 327/245 CapeBuilt Pleasant Street LLC 30988/0091 4 28 Pleasant Street 327/122 McEvoy Parking Associates, LLC 21784/138 15 43 Pleasant Street 327/121 McEvoy Parking Associates, LLC 21784/141 15 53 Pleasant Street 327/245 CapeBuilt Pleasant Street LLC 30988/0091 4 44 Pleasant Street 327/142 CapeBuilt Pleasant Street LLC 30988/0091 4 56 Pleasant Street 327/268 CapeBuilt Pleasant Street LLC 30988/0091 4 64 Pleasant Street 327/135 CapeBuilt Pleasant Street LLC 30988/0091 4 66 Pleasant Street 327/137 CapeBuilt Pleasant Street LLC 32162/257 4 86 South Street Owners Contact information (if different from applicant) Name Address Phone number Email McEvoy Parking Associates 40 Chase Road, East Sandwich, MA 02537 _________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. List all Zoning District(s) within which the property is located, HVB (GIZ), HHDC and Hyannis Parking _ 5. Is this project located within the Groundwater Protection Overlay District? Yes [ ] No [ X] 6. Is this project located within the Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District? Yes [ X] No [ ] 7. Does this project involve the demolition or alteration of a building or structure, or any portion of any building or structure, that is over 75 years old? Yes [ ] No [ X] (Not as part of activities under Amendment) 8. Is this proposal subject to the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission? Yes [ ] No [ X] 9. Is this proposal subject to the jurisdiction of the Board of Health? Yes [ X] No [ ] 10. Is the Cape Cod Commission a party to the proposed Regulatory Agreement? Yes [ ] No [ X] 11. Total land area subject to the Regulatory Agreement: 103,688_sq. ft._______________________________ Total land area upland: 103,688_sq. ft. Total land area wetland: N/A 12. Total estimated cost of construction: $4Million (Phase 2 Only) 13. Existing Development – Describe existing buildings including number of buildings, Gross Floor Area of each building, height of each building and uses in each building (include Gross Floor Area of each use): _________________________________________________________________________________________ __Properties within the Phase 2 area include only 43 and 53 Pleasant Street. Both properties are currently vacant lots and used only for permitted vehicle parking. ________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. Existing Residential Uses: Provide existing density (units per acre), number of total residential units, number of market rate units, number of affordable units counted in the Town’s DHCD inventory, and number of workforce units deed restricted, together with the number of bedrooms contained in each unit ( also identified by market, affordable and workforce), and a description of which building said units are located (if more than one residential building exists on site): 43 and 53 Pleasant Street contain no current residential uses. 44, 56, 64 and 66 Pleasant Street contain a total of 44 residential apartments developed pursuant to the original 2018 Regulatory Agreement between the Applicant and the Town. 15. General Description of proposed Amendment: The Applicant is requesting the addition of one (1) 1-Bedroom apartment in the basement of Building A and one (1) 1-Bedroom apartment in the basement of Building B shown on the Master Layout Plan Sheet C3.0 prepared by Baxter-Nye Engineering & Surveying dated June 23, 2017 and Revised March 22, 2022. These additions will result in a total project count of 62 residential units and will facilitate the development of Buildings A & B as an inclusive living community that will be operated under the auspices of Best Buddies for young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and neurotypical peer roommates. The Applicant also proposes to modify the project’s affordable housing component by scaling up the two (2) affordable units from studio apartments to 1-Bedroom apartments, to make the units available to any income- qualifying applicant earning no more than 50% of Area Median Income (thus modifying the provision originally limiting tenancy to working artists) and to relocate the placement of those units from the Patriot Press Building to Buildings C, D, E, F and G on a “floating” basis pursuant to a Local Initiative Plan that will be subject to review by Town counsel and approved by the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development. This amendment will upgrade each affordable unit to a larger apartment, will make the affordable units available for tenancy beginning Summer of 2022, and will allow the affordable units to be more easily and directly brought to market for families and individuals in immediate need of affordable housing. Proposed Level of Development - Number of Buildings: __9 total, 2 in Phase Two______ Proposed Use(s): __Residential________________________________________________________ Height of Proposed Uses: __within zoning limits_______________________ Density of Proposed Uses: ___26.05 Dwelling Units Per Acre__(increased from 25.21 u/a in original Agreement) 16. List all zoning relief sought under the regulatory agreement, including a reference to each section of the zoning ordinance under which the applicant seeks relief. (Note: This information will form the basis of the legal advertisement for public hearings on this application and should include all relief that may be required to construct the project. Failure to list all required relief may result in an inability to approve the application and may result in the need to re-advertise the public hearing(s) on the application.): Through this Amendment, Applicant seeks the following additional zoning relief beyond that granted in the original Regulatory Agreement: 240-24.1.3 mixed-use density relief, set-back relief parking relief, landscape setback, max floor area 240-24.1.7(A.)(1) Principal permitted use, density C. dimensional bulk requirements set-backs, height max l.ot coverage landscape relief 240-1.11 A-4 Off-street parking 17. List all relief sought from general ordinances, rules and/or regulations of the Town of Barnstable, including a reference to each section under which the applicant seeks relief (Note: This information may form the basis of the legal advertisement for public hearings on this application and should include all relief that may be required to construct the project. Failure to list all required relief may result in an inability to approve the application and may result in the need to re-advertise the public hearing(s) on the application.). Through this Amendment, Applicant seeks the following additional relief from general ordinances, rules and/or regulations of the Town of Barnstable beyond that granted in the original Regulatory Agreement: Chapter 9, Article I Inclusionary Affordable Housing Requirements – Section 9-4-D requiring at least 10% of the residential units constructed shall be dedicated by deed restriction to affordable housing units. Applicant is requesting this to be waived and limited to the provision of two (2) 1-bedroom apartments at 50% of Area Median Income as proposed herein. 18. List the state and/or Federal Agencies from which permits, funding, or other actions have been/will be sought: _Barnstable Planning Board; Barnstable Town Council; Barnstable Building Department; Barnstable Department of Public Works; Hyannis Water Company; Hyannis Fire Department; Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development; MassHousing; Executive Office of Housing & Economic Development; and Barnstable Community Preservation Committee 19. Proposed duration of the Regulatory Agreement (Note: By law, the agreement cannot exceed 10 years. The duration of the agreement limits the amount of time during which the applicant may seek to obtain development permits to construct the development. All conditions and terms of an executed agreement are on- going obligations of the parties that shall be honored in perpetuity once the applicant exercises development rights under the Regulatory Agreement): __10 Years_______________________________________________________________________ 20. A description of the public facilities and infrastructure to service the development, including whom shall provide such facilities and infrastructure, the date any new facilities will be constructed, a schedule and a commitment by the party providing such facilities and infrastructure to ensure public facilities adequate to serve the development are available concurrent with the impacts of the development: __No modifications to the Redevelopment Plans submitted, approved and incorporated by reference into the 2018 Regulatory Agreement are requested except for those reflected in the January 2022 architectural renderings prepared by Union Studio and the March 22, 2022 Master Layout Plan prepared by Baxter-Bye Engineering & Surveying and submitted herewith. Please note, neither plan proposes to expand the footprint of either Building A or Building B. Modifications are limited to the interior configurations of Buildings A and B. 21. A description of any reservation or dedication of land for public purposes: ___Not applicable__________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ 22. Description of Construction Activity (if applicable), including any demolition, alteration or rehabilitation of existing buildings and a description of building(s) to be demolished, altered or rehabilitated: For additional construction activity addressed by this proposed Amendment, see January 2022 architectural renderings prepared by Union Studio and the March 22, 2022 Master Layout Plan prepared by Baxter-Bye Engineering & Surveying and submitted herewith. Attach additional sheet if necessary Submission Requirements: The following information must be submitted with the application at the time of filing, failure to do so may result in a denial of your request. Plan Submissions: All plans submitted with an application shall comply with the requirements of Section 240- 102 of the Zoning Ordinance. In addition, the following shall be provided: • Three (3) copies of the completed application form, each with original signatures. • Three (3) copies of a ‘wet sealed’ certified property survey (plot plan) and three (3) reduced copies (8 1/2” x 11” or 11” x 17”) showing the dimensions of the land, all wetlands, water bodies, surrounding roadways and the location of the existing improvements on the land. • Four (4) copies of a proposed site improvement plan and building elevations and layout as may be required plus three (3) reduced copies (8 1/2” x 11” or 11” x 17”) of each drawing. These plans must show the exact location of all proposed improvements and alterations on the land and to the structures. In addition, “pdf” electronic copies of all plans and materials are requested as well as all an electronic file of all plans (format AutoCad.dwg, AutoCad.dxf). Electronic and pdf’s can be submitted by disk or e-mailed to karen.herrand@town.banstable.ma.us. Other required submissions: • Review Fee(s) payable by certified check to the Town of Barnstable. • Deed(s) or Purchase and Sale Agreement(s) for all involved parcels. • Proof of filing of a Project Notification Form with the Massachusetts Historical Commission if the project is located outside of the Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District. Other: The applicant may submit additional supporting documents to assist the Board in making its determination. All supporting documents must be submitted eight days prior to the public hearing for distribution to the Board. Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _March 24, 2022______ Applicant's or Representative’s Signature Print Name Robert L. Brennan, Jr._______________________ Representative’s5 CapeBuilt Pleasant Street, LLC 255 Main Street, Suite A Hyannis, MA 02601 __________________________ Phone: 617-233-4897 Address: ____________________________________________ Fax No.: _________________ Representative’s E-Mail Address: Rob@CapeBuilt.com 5 Note: All correspondence on this application will be processed through the Representative named at that address and phone number provided. Except for Attorneys, if the Representative differs from the Applicant/Owner, a letter authorizing the Representative to act on behalf of the Applicant/Owner shall be required. 070308 Town of Barnstable Planning Board Hyannis Village Zoning Districts Agreement to Extend Time Limits for Closing a Public Hearing on an Amendment to Regulatory Agreement In the Matter of __CapeBuilt Pleasant Street, LLC____, the Applicant(s), seeking a Regulatory Agreement approval as requested in an application submitted to the Town Clerk’s Office of the Town of Barnstable on ___________________ , the applicant(s) and the Planning Board, pursuant to Section 168 of the Barnstable Code, agree to extend the time limits for closing of a public hearing for a period of ________ days beyond that date the hearing was required to be closed. In executing this Agreement, the Applicant(s) hereto specifically waive any claim for a constructive grant of relief based upon time limits applicable prior to the execution of this Agreement. Applicant(s): Planning Board: Signature: ____________________________ Signature: ____________________________ Applicant(s) or Applicant’s Representative Chair Print: _Robert L. Brennan, Jr._______ Date: ________________________________ Date: _______________________________ Address of Applicant(s) or Applicant’s Representative ___255 Main Street, Suite A___________ ___Hyannis, MA 02601 _____________ Planning & Development Department ____________________________________ 367 Main Street, Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 Phone 508-862-4687 cc: Town Clerk Applicant(s) File SEA CAPTAINS ROW - BUILDING B SCHEMATIC DESIGN HYANNIS, MA JANUARY 13, 2022 SEA CAPTAINS ROW - BUILDING B JANUARY 13, 2022 PAGE 2 LOCUS PLAN 0 50’100’150’200’250’300’ SCALE: 1”=100’-0”PLEASANT STREETSOUTH STREETSCHOOL STREETOLD COLONY ROADMAIN STREET B B PP A E C C D D SEA CAPTAINS ROW - BUILDING B JANUARY 13, 2022 PAGE 3 AERIAL PERSPECTIVE - LOOKING SOUTH ON PLEASANT STREET SEA CAPTAINS ROW - BUILDING B JANUARY 13, 2022 PAGE 4 AERIAL PERSPECTIVE - COMMON GREEN AT WEST SIDE OF PLEASANT STREET DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS: - BUTTERFLY-MX INTERCOM SYSTEM - INDUCTION COOKTOPS - LOW VOC MATERIALS - SOUNDPROOFING BETWEEN APARTMENTS, AS WELL AS BETWEEN ROOMS SEA CAPTAINS ROW - BUILDING B JANUARY 13, 2022 PAGE 5 FLOOR PLANS - TYPE B (CONDOMINIUM) 0 1’2’4’10’20’40’ SCALE: 3/32”=1’-0” BASEMENT PLAN(1)1BR UNIT 00 506 SF KITCHEN 14-6 x 11-0 DINING LIVING 11-2 x 7-9 CL. REF. CL. BATH BED 9-0 x 10-6 STG 01 5-4 x 9-2 STG 02 5-4 x 9-2 STG 03 5-4 x 9-2 STG 04 5-4 x 9-2 STG 05 5-4 x 9-2 STG 06 5-4 x 9-2 BIKE STG AREA MECH FIRE COMMUNITY SPACE 15-0 x 38-2 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS: - BUTTERFLY-MX INTERCOM SYSTEM - INDUCTION COOKTOPS - LOW VOC MATERIALS - SOUNDPROOFING BETWEEN APARTMENTS, AS WELL AS BETWEEN ROOMS SEA CAPTAINS ROW - BUILDING B JANUARY 13, 2022 PAGE 6 FLOOR PLANS - TYPE B (CONDOMINIUM) SECOND FLOOR PLAN(2) 2BDR 0 1’2’4’10’20’40’ SCALE: 3/32”=1’-0” FIRST FLOOR PLAN(2) 2BDR KITCHEN 15-0 x 10-5 KITCHEN 15-0 x 10-5 DINING 6-8 x 7-6 DINING 6-8 x 7-6 LIVING 15-0 x 11-4 LIVING 15-0 x 11-4 BATH BATH BATH BATHCL.CL.L.L.CL.CL.CL.CL. FRONT PORCH FRONT PORCH W/D W/D BED 1 11-8 x 10-9 BED 1 11-8 x 10-9 BED 2 12-8 x 10-1 BED 2 12-8 x 10-1 REF.REF. UNIT 01 1,095 SF UNIT 02 1,095 SF UNIT 03 1,095 SF UNIT 04 1,095 SF STAIRSTAIR OPTIONAL BALCONY SHOWN OPTIONAL BALCONY SHOWN CL.CL. REF.REF. KITCHEN 15-0 x 10-5 KITCHEN 15-0 x 10-5 DINING 6-8 x 7-6 DINING 6-8 x 7-6 LIVING 15-0 x 11-4 LIVING 15-0 x 11-4 BATH BATH BATH BATHCL.CL.L.L.CL.CL.W/D W/D BED 1 11-8 x 10-9 BED 1 11-8 x 10-9 BED 2 12-8 x 10-1 BED 2 12-8 x 10-1 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS: - BUTTERFLY-MX INTERCOM SYSTEM - INDUCTION COOKTOPS - LOW VOC MATERIALS - SOUNDPROOFING BETWEEN APARTMENTS, AS WELL AS BETWEEN ROOMS SEA CAPTAINS ROW - BUILDING B JANUARY 13, 2022 PAGE 7 FLOOR PLANS - TYPE B (CONDOMINIUM) 0 1’2’4’10’20’40’ SCALE: 3/32”=1’-0” ROOF PLAN UNIT 05 1,095 SF UNIT 06 1,095 SF BUILDING ELEVATION - TYPE B FRONT ELEVATIONSIDE ELEVATION SEA CAPTAINS ROW - BUILDING B JANUARY 13, 2022 PAGE 8SCALE: 1/8”=1’-0” 0 8’16’4’1’32’2’ OPTIONAL BALCONY SHOWN