HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning Purposes_Lot Shape By-Law_RD-1 Zoning Regulations§240-2 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to promote the health, safety, convenience, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the Town of Barnstable, to protect and conserve the value of the property within the Town, to increase the amenities of the Town, and to secure safety from seasonal or periodic flooding, fire, congestion or confusion, all in accord with the General Laws, Chapter 40A, as amended §240-7 Application of district regulations. Regulations within each district established herein shall be applied uniformly to each class or kind of structure or use. A.Conformance to use regulations. No building shall be erected or altered and no building or premises shall be used for any purpose except in conformity with all of the regulations herein specified for the district in which it is located. B.Conformance to bulk and yard regulations. No building shall be erected or altered to exceed the height or bulk, or to have narrower or smaller yards or other open spaces than herein required, or in any other manner contrary to the provisions of this chapter. C.Lot size requirements. Wetlands shall not be included in the lot area (square feet) requirement for zoning compliance. D.Lot shape factor/residential districts. To meet the minimum area requirements in residential districts, a lot must be a closed plot of land having a definite area and perimeter and having a shape factor not exceeding the numerical value of 22, except that a lot may have a shape factor exceeding 22 if the proposed building site is located on a portion of a lot that itself meets the minimum lot area requirement and has a shape factor not exceeding 22, and such lots shall not be created to a depth greater than two lots from the principal way. §240-11 RB, RD-1 and RF-2 Residential Districts. A.Principal permitted uses. The following uses are permitted in the RB, RD-1 and RF-2 Districts: (1)Single-family residential dwelling (detached). E.Bulk regulations. Minimum Yard Setbacks Zoning Districts Minimum Lot Area (square feet) Minimum Lot Frontage (feet) Minimmum Lot Width (feet) Front (feet) Side (feet) Rear (feet) Maximum Building Height (feet) RB 43,5602 20 100 203 10 10 301 RD-1 43,5602 20 125 303 10 10 301 RF-2 43,5602 20 150 303 15 15 301 NOTES: 1 Or 2 1/2 stories, whichever is lesser. 2 A minimum lot area of 87,120 square feet is required in RPOD Overlay District. [Added 10-26-2000]