HomeMy WebLinkAbout0026 CAMP STREET - Health 26 Camp Street Sewer Acct #.2014 Hyannis`. a , I� i� °�`m" BARNSTABLE COUNTY ilEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL DEPARTMENT SUPERIOR COURT HOUSE O� � BARNSTABLE, MASSACHUSETTS 02630 DATE; May 13, 1988 ATg5e� SWIMMING POOL and/or WHIRLPOOL ANALYSIS FORM PHONE: 362.2s„ EXT. 330 LAB 337 CLIENT: Lucille Mullaly COLLECTOR: Lucille Mullaly MAILING ADDRESS: Touchstone Institute AFFILIATION: Owner 26 Camp St. TIME & DATE OF COLLECTION: 5/11/88, 10:00am Hyannis, MA 02601 771-. 6312 DATE OF 5/11/88, 12:30pm TELEPHONE #: ANALYSIS: - TOTAL COLIFORM HETEROTROPHIC PLATE COUNT MEETS LIMITS PSEUDOMONAS COUNT SAMPLE LOCATION per 100 ml . CFU/ml . @ 35% for 48 hrs. FOR SWIMMING /ml . @ 35°C for 48 hrs . ,,Limit: 2 Limit: 200 YES NO RESULTS ONLY Touchstone Institute -Floating Tank (Epsom Salts) 0 (Background TNTC XXX TNTC 26 Camp St. TNTC) Hyannis, MA 02601 REMARKS: TNTC: Too Numerous To Count CC: Barnstable Board of Health CC: r' CC: ANALYST: THE DEEPEST RELAXATION FLOATING . . . YOU HAVE EVER KNOWN! • Hailed by athletes as a fine tuning for physical perfor- Step into a roomy,private,sound-proof environment with a mance. temperature-controlled bath. A natural solution of epsom iOo4 Tj4 • An effective therapy for pain: reduces blood pressure, salts,ten inches deep,maximizes floatation,allowing you to promotes healing. fully.relax in comfort and safety.Feel the release of stress or • Enhances "right-brain" thought: beneficial for writers, pain as you float effortlessly, while your body's Alpha rhythms naturally restore inner health and peace.Awaken to musicians, artists; for scientists and others whose prob- renewed vitality, clarity, and increased self-awareness, with lem solving involves a link to the unconscious. regular use,feeling the effects up to two weeks later. q • An aid to memory and "super learning". • Useful in addiction control,working from the inside out �-� with drugs, alcohol, nicotine, and overeating. Floating relieves anxiety and tremors of withdrawal. i • An enrichment for meditation practice and prayer, for both the beginner and the seasoned traveller.It provides d{ r an optimum setting for past life regression,as an example. • Most popularly,a float is a simple,welcome retreat from the rigors of daily life. r. � •:c:'• tX •� 4 nm • t x y.,5 r P ' ��� I �� � f _ 't �•s' X X -V..�ii•.ty,5.''�t•t55524,1M 4 4'• /� g� � F ..�:•��;:t�Y Stitt:"" •� t5: ti ::54•.•.5C4 P t e .... Y::..... .....:. TOUCHSTONE of Cape Cod,Inc. % •: 26 Camp St. Hyannis,Ma. 02601 771-6312 Note: The ten inch deep epsom salt solution bath is beneficial to the skin and hair,and is meticulously cleaned Allow yourself to find out firsthand what floating is all j� and filtered.It is super-saturated,to make it denser than the P R 0 F 0 U N L R E L A X A T I 0 N about by calling for an appointment at Touchstone.If you'd human body;therefore any person can float in comfort and like to really experience deep relaxation, take an hour and safety. try floating. We're sure you'll be amazed. FLOATING . . . NOTES FROM CAPE COD FLOATERS =ws • '' "r John Lilly, M.D., noted for his work with dolphins "I choose to spend quiet nurturing time in the tank after developed the sensory deprivation tank after years of psychotherapy to experience my feelings in a safe, warm research.Continuing to reveal its wide potential,the tank is environment. Floating is one of the helpful tools I have for now widely utilized by therapists and has grown in private anxiety management." Deborah Von Storch use. Floating was the first time my body felt totally relaxed. z Recommended Reading: Emerging from the tank,I was immediately aware of a pro- The Book of Floating,Michael Hutchinson, Ph.D. found sense of awareness and a deep sense of peace.I recom- o The Deep Self,John Lilly, M.D. mend floating to everyone who is concerned about being a ii►'�, more effective human being." -Timothy Manninen :- Certified Spinologist "I pulled a ligament in my calf while jogging;it was painful and incapacitating. This happened on a Friday, and I was THE DEEPEST RELAXATION From The Book o f Floating due to enter a marathon Sunday.That Saturday, I floated T y for an hour.Not only did the pain cease,but I did better in YOU HAVE EVER KNOWN! the marathon than ever before. -Bernie Williams, . • Dallas Cowboy,Rafael Septien, was suffering from pain Computer Programmer and stiffness,which later proved to be a hernia.After the team acquired a flotation tank, he began floating and "I was suffering from sudden,severe bursitis.My shoulder found great relief from the affliction. He also found it was badly swollen and I could not sleep.After seven days of greatly improved his concentration. floating, my shoulder had dramatically healed. I also find that regular use of the tank hastens the process of self • Dr. Beldon and Jacobs,of St. Elizabeth hospital,Apple- integration and transpersonal orientation." ton, Wisconsin, used the tank as part of their stress -Lucille Multaly, management program for years. It reduced intensity of Director of Touchstone anxiety by 74%, Frequency by 65%, and physiological symptoms by 65%. "Floating can serve quite different needs at different times for different people. I have found, on separate occasions, • Dr. Rod Borrie uses the tank to help clients change be- simply physical rest and relaxation of tensions without havior patterns, and states that increased self-awareness distractions, a chance to reflect on high goal expectations helped a client lose weight. and adjust them with practical steps for achievement,and a clear experience of the calm "OK" center of myself with W • Dr.John Lilly,developer of tank:"I went five days with- awareness of my higher power." out sleep following fracture of several bones.There I was, -Richard York, Ph.D. f 0 o free of pain,without drugs for the first time since the acci- dent,due to floating." "A far,cry from the sensationalist film,Altered States,I've cs learned that real floating is for real people. It's a rich Uto • Dr. Jeffrey Gmelch of Columbia U.: "I noticed better experience for me, and I feel so lucky to have this facility V n .G athletic performance from tank use. It improved ease of here on the Cape. `�• U U T movement." -Gayle McKennon, N y Artist O H 7�71 SEVvENi T-11IES OF by Michael Hutchison,author of 'The Book of Floating" HERE'S NO • DOUBT that mysterious, elusive state, potentially pieces together; it operates by pattern floating works—as• a theca- highly productive and enlightening;but recognition—visually, intuitively, peutic educational, and enter- experimenters have had a difficult time rapidly absorbing large-scale informa- tainment tool it has powerful effects on studying It, and it is hard to maintain, . lion. . a number of levels,including the physi- since people tend to fall asleep once Just as in the sunshine of a bright day cal,emotional,intellectual,and spiritu. they begin generating theta waves. It Is impossible to see the stars, so arc al. But why is the a floatation environ- One way of learning to produce theta the subtle contents of the right ment so effect?What can be so actively waves is to perfect the art of medita- hemisphere usually drowned out by the beneficial in an •essentially passive tion. A study of Zen monks conducted noisy chattering of the dominant ver- device? This is a question that has in by Akira Kasamatsu and Tomio Hirai, bal/analytical left brain, whose trigued scientists,and today there is an In which the monks brainwaves were qualities are the more cultivated and explosion of floatation research going charted as they'entered meditative valued. In, our culture. But recent on in laboratories around the world. states, Indicated that the four medita- research indicates that floating In The evidence accumulated so far falls tive plateaus (from alpha to the more creases right-brain (or minor hemis- into a number of distinct,though Inter- sublime theta) "were parallel to the phere) function. Floating turns off the related, explanations.Among the most disciples'mental states,and their years external stimuli, plunges us into literal important of these are-, spent in Zen training," Those monks and figurative darkness—then sudden- The Antigravity Explanation. with over twenty years of meditative ly the entire universe of stars and galax- The buoyancy afforded by the experience generated the greatest ies is spread out before our eyes.Or,as Y dense Epsom-salt solution amount of theta, the monks were not brain researcher Dr. Thomas Budzyn- eliminates the body's specific gravity, ..asleep but mentally-alert. ski of the University of Colorado puts bringing the floater close to an expert- However,'since many of us are un- it, "in a floatation environment , the ence of total weightlessness. Gravity,. willing-to spend twenty years of medi- right hemisphere coma out and says, - which has been estimated to occupy tation to learn to generate theta waves, 1Whoopeel"• nearly 90 percent of all central nervous It's helpful to know that several recent system activity; is probably the single studies(at Texas A&M and the Univer- The Three-Brain Explanation In largest cause of human health pro- sity of Colorado) have shown that . 4 a series of seminal studies pro- blems—the bad backs, sagging abdo- floating increases production of theta duced over the last twenty-five mens, aching feet, painful joints, and waves. Floaters quickly enter the theta years, Paul MacLean, chief brain muscular tensions that result from our state while remaining awake, con- researcher at the National Institute of vnielvie b-it ennatsrral ti-right :,..e• smA,sly aware of all the vivid imaSery •-tti, P ,,. Mental H_�i..., ha: produces cunr:a: This theory asserts that,by freeing our and creative thoughts that pass through Ing evidence that the human brain has brain and musculoskeltal system from their minds:and after getting out of the three separate physiological layers, gravity, floating liberates vast amounts floatation environment, floaters con- each corresponding to a stage in our of energies and large areas of the brain tinue1 to generate larger amounts of evolutionary history. In this 'Triune to deal with matters of mind, spirit, creativity-promoting theta. waves for Brain Theory," the most ancient layer and.enhanced awareness of internal up to three weeks, is called the reptile brain, and it con. states. '' "''' """ "' " The Left-Brain Right Brain trols basic self-preservative, reproduc- e Brain Wave Explanation. Explanation. The two hemis- tive and lifesustaining functions.Sitting 2knhown More interesting than the well- 3pheres of the neocortex ope- atop the reptile brain is the limbic alpha waves generated rate in fundamentally different modes. system,which MacLean has dubbed the by the brain in moments of relaxation, The left hemisphere excels at detail, visceral brain, because it generates all are the slower theta waves, which are processing information that is small- our emotions. The most recent part of accompanied by vivid memories, free scale, ' requiring fine resolution: It the brain to develop is the "thinking association, sudden -insights, creative operates analytically, by splitting or cap" of convoluted gray matter called inspiration, feelings of serenity and dissection.The right hemisphere on the the neocorter,seat of our abstract,con- oneness with. the universe. It is a other hand, is good at putting all the gnitive functions: memory, intellect, P R 0 F 0 _ U N D R E LA X A T I 0 N language, and consciousneu.�. �'. : the fetus experiences true prenatal bliss. body's optimal level, every encounter While many of these three separate When.a floater is suspended in the with other people, everything we see brains have overlapping functions they, dense,* warm solution, enclosed In. and feel can disrupt our homeostasis. are all quite different in chemistry, darkness, body pulsing rhythmically But when we enter the tank,we abrupt- structure, action, and style. Three and brain pumping out endorphins,it's ly stop this constant adjustment to brains should be better than,one, but possible• that subconscious memories outei stimuli. Since there are no exter- unfortunately, due to a ruinous design. are stirred and profoundly deep assoicl- nal threats, no pressures to adapt to error, there is insufficient communica ations called up. It is no coincidence outside events, the system can devote tion and coordination between the neo that at least one commercial float all.its energies to restoring itself. The cortex and the two..older levels. This'' ' center is named 'The Womb Room. normal state, of course. Is health, lack of communication results in a i The Blofeedback Explanation, vigor, enthusiasm, and immense plea- chronic dissociation between the higher Because" of biofeedback re- . ' sure.in being alive. The way the body and lower brains, which MacLean calls Beach(including Johns Hopkins gets there, this floating there concludes schizaphysfology, and which we ex researcher John Basmajian's conclusive and stays there, is homeostasis. ■ perience in the form of conflicting study of subjects consciously firing off by drives—unconscious and conscious,sa- single motor-unit neurons), we now p you are intriguedresented here,and would the excerpts vage and civilized, lusty and loving, ri- know that humans can learn to exercise pd like to know tualistic and symbolic, rational and conscious control over virtually every more about Floating, you can order verbal. There are times when the levels cell in their bodies. Processes long Michael Hutchison's new book by mail do act in harmony, as in peak ex- thought to be involuntary, such as the or by telephone. periences when body and mind unite in rhythm and ampli-de of our brain 'The Book of Floating-,published by exhilarating moments of vitality, when waves,healing,blood pressure,the rate William Morrow and Company, is the our actions come effortlessly, spon- and force of heard contractions, res- FIRST and ONLY comprehensive guide taneously. But it's hard to predict when piratory rate, smooth-muscle tension, to floatation.This one volume provides these perfect moments will occur. and the secretion of hormones and in-depth coverage of the practical uses Now there is evidence that suggests neurotransmitters are now thought to of floatation environments. . that, due to heightened internal be controllable. You will read about HOW & WHY awareness and decreased physical The way biofeedback machines work floating works. Included are step-by- arousal, floating increases the vertical is by enhancing concentration: by step techniques to enhance and control organization of the brain, 4nhancing focusing on a single, subtle change in the benefits of floating like:deep relax- communication and harmony between the body, which is being amplified by ation, improved athletic performance, the separate levels.Floating,It has been the machine,we are able to shut off our control of habits & addictions, weight hypothesized, can provided us with awareness of the external environment, loss, reduction of anxiety&depression peak experiences almost at will. This shutting-off of external stimuli is plus accelerated learning methods. An 5 The Neurochemical Explana- exactly what the floatation environ- Indispensable text for the novice or ex- tion. Neuroscientists have re- ment does best—almost as if in an perienced floater. , Gently covered that the brain is "organic"biofeedback machine, in the• The book is $14.95 plus $2.25 for an endocrine organ that secretes tank every physical sensation Is magni- shipping, handling and 81/4% NYS numerous neurochemicals which in- fied,and because there is no possibility sales tax. To order by phone call fluence our behavior. Our brains of outside'distraction, we are able to 212-475-5225 and have your VISA, secrete hormones that make us happy, relax deeply and focus at will upon any Mastercard or American Express card anxious, depressed, shy, sleepy, sexy, part of system of the body, handy. OR mail your check for$16.20 Each of us creates different amounts of The Homeostasis Explanation. to Tranquility Center—Dept. 10F 141 these various' neurochemicals, and The human body has an ex Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10012. those who create, for example, more ' quisitely sensitive self-moni- Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. endorphines—natural opiates—ex- toring and self-regulating system that is �1R YOU CAN ALLOW yourself perience more pleasure as a result of a constantly working to maintain the one hour to find out firsthand given experience than those who create body in homeostasis—an optimal state Uwhat floating is all about by fewer endorphines. of balance, harmony, equilibrium, calling for an appointment to float at Tests indicate that floating increases stability.Considered in these terms,we Tranquility Center. Everything in this the secretion of endorphins at the same can define stress as a disruption of our article and much more is true. If you'd time as it reduces the levels of a number internal equilibrium, a disturbance of like to really experience deep relaxation of stress-related neurochemicals, such our natural homer stasis. Research now take an hour and try floating. We're as adrenaline, norepinephrine, ACTH, Indicates that many of floating s most sure you'll be amazed. , and cortisol—substances that can cause powerful effects come from Its tenden- tension,.anxiety, irritability, and are cy to return the body to a state of related to ailments such as heart homeostasis. disease, hypertension,;and high levels When we view the mind and body as of cholesterol. a single System, it becomes clear that One other neurochemical theory is external: stimuli are constantly the "return of the womb"explanation. militating against the system's Since pregnant women produce up to equilibrium: every noise, every degree eight times the normal endorphin level, of temperature above or below the P R O F O U N D ! R° E L A X A T I . O N .$ I '��.� G Kenneth A. Hagg /i?fit � 0 /ate Acting Commissioner J April 11, 1988 NOTICE OF PUn1,IC MEETING AND HEARING Nassachuapt.ts Contingency Plan Risk Characterization slid Evaluation [310 CMR 40.545(4)(d)] Waiv er of Approvals for No n_ -Priority Disposal Sites [310 CMR 40.533) In December 1987, the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering prepared regulations pursuant to G.L.C.21E which will establish requirements for responding to releases and threats of releases of oil and hazardous materials in the Commonwealth. The regulations, known as the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) , were the subject of public meetings in December 1987, and public hearings in January 1988. The major portion of the MCP will be pro- mulgated shortly. Two issues which were discussed during the MCP public comment period last winter remain outstanding. They are: 1 . Characterization and evaluation of risks to human health during Phase II of the dispposal site remedial action. In a discussion paper distributed in December 1987 with the proposed regulations, the Department proposed six options on this issue. The Department is now proposing specific regulatory language based in part on a com- bination of Options 2 and 4 from that paper. These regulations will have important implications for Department programs which require the characterization and evaluation of risks to human health. 2. Waiver of approve]- 1'e uired for a Potentially Respsonsible Party to proceed with a response action at non-priority disposal sites. At the January MCP public: hearings, the Department received significant comments on the apprt.)val process for non-priority sites. The Department is propubi111! new regulatory language which would streamline the appru%,111 process for non-priority disposal sites. Copies of the proposed regulht.ions and fact sheets describing them in detail will be available from DEQr. after April 22, 1988. Free copies of these documents are available from III(. DEQE Division of Hazardous Waste, Public Participation Branch, One W111t.t,r Street , 5th Floor Boston, Massachusetts 02108 (telephone: 617/556-1071) . (over) 'The.public comment period begins on April 25, 1988, and closes on May 18, 1988. To help the public understand the proposed .regulation the Department will hold a public information meeting, at which Department staff will explain the proposed regulation and will discuss issues of concern with the audience. To obtain public comment, the Department will hold a public hearing, at which the Department will take testimony regarding the proposed regulation. Anyone wishing to is encouraged to attend the public meeting, and to submit oral or written comments. Written testimony may be submitted until May 18, 1988 to the "Massachusetts Contingency Plan" at the above address. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS EVENT DATE TIME LOCATION Public Meeting 5/2/88 1 :30-4:00 pm DEQE Boston Office loth Floor Conference Room One Winter Street Boston, Massachusetts 02108 Public Hearing 5/16/88 9:30 am DEQE Boston Office loth Floor Conference Room One Winter Street Boston, Massachusetts 02108