HomeMy WebLinkAbout0095 FALMOUTH ROAD/RTE 28 - Health 95`Falmouth Rd ' ' Owner,Corresp , I{ II I li i EMERtENCY ACTi�N E1(AC„UATION)` and CONTING`EN Y PLAk,' "h4DRAV"V VC e , Pf■ MEM � � ,E■ YE :... /r jHYAN N' .� .. .-.,x., .. ,. .. ...... .. -PRLIUIEF-S-ERUICE C5 TE`R G 4HYANNIS' . � �95 Falmouth .Road � .n x� Hya'nn�s, MA 02601 �K 5U8 8�' EPA, 1D#,MA'=OOl"8.3 SIC Co: le�5511 g d k, 4 Tab'1dw Contents ;E ` � Rage Number< Table of ContentsY .f Facility Descriptl'on yout" BuildingLa Emergency.Coo.rd�natorj Hours of Operattori Potentially'Hazardous.Materals' Heat s+ 2 Fire Proteetign Train� g,ri Emerg�ney Rasponse • 3 ` Pi-o.cedue 4 Purpose 4 P P.npin /Tr } g a�ning 4 Cham�of=C'ommartd� - Cornrnun�catibn A5 Evacuation; 5 Site;Se`curty 7; Emergency S,hutDovun,Procedures 71 'M"e"dical Treatment: j' Response Material.' 7 Decontamination; f 8 PostEval.uatron' 8 List of Attachmns_: Attachment 1:p S te�Plaris Aft acNJ'ment42_; Pradu,ct,'Descrptior' Attachment 3 Emergency`Response Te ephone Numbers; p Attachment 4x enc Emergy Procedures ,Aftachm.i tz5 Personal Protective Equuipinent e d PRIME SERVICE CENTER {7FaHYANNIS' w 9S Falmouth R66d,, Hyannis, MA 0261,014 508=6 5 2'I00 FACILITY DESCRIPT ON Pnrrie ServiceCenter:of>Hyannis rs engaged in the;sale and service of automobiles In:connection vuth: this activity quantities of antifreeze motor oilwaste'oil and solve nts are used and stored on site. Oxygen/Acetylene cu#tirig,torchss are also used Ire addition, there is a Recon operatipn at this site., Although there is ha'gasalinekstorage, there is fuel in the=tanks ofthe vehicles under repair irrthe service urea -A list'of these.materials and others used and^storedonzsr#e can;be found in the„fran#of the Material . w.. .. ,Safety` bma'Sh66t,,,Bb6k`s located in,the Service Manager s Office. A layout of ttie':facrlity"kandbuilding is`provided in Attachment 1whichsmciudes the iocatron of`personrei work areas, communications equipmentA-za 04'.,i ter al and waste s#orage,floor and stormadrains n emergency exits and emergency response equipment This dra► ing should be usetl as`a pnme source of inforrriatran',for.3thrs`.Emergency Response`F?lan. = :The Emergency CoortlinatorfortPriine„Sen+ee,Center is .. Frank,Makrrn Off Hours'T elephoe# 508 397 9070j , ThewalternatemergencykCoorginatar is Paul Fyerrerr: Off Hours Telephone#: 401i624-3470� rin thekevent of an ncident`,. The Emergency Coorwdinatorwlll contact the public or private emergency`support organizations listed,' in Attachment 3. sHQURS OF.OPERATION Service, - Monda Fnda`. b Y Y from f 8 00 AM to 5 00,110M No :of Employees; 10`; Saturtlay; from 8 00 ANf to 4p0`P(1l! No�:of Employees:a,3 Parts M , r Montlay'Fr►day from 8 00 AM #0 5 00 PM No;;of Employees;�2 Sat"iirdayY sfrori 8 00 AM. to Y4 00TPM No of Employees- fiShwooym' Oce r ay Fff from J TOO-AM". to6' 0, . PMMondraY No ofEmployees Saturda ' 6 from 9 00 AM `to 6,00 PM Na.of Employees; 5 ie g POTENTIALLY HAZARDQUS`MAT,ERIALS' Potentially hazardous;rnatenals.located.as:shown,onithe Site Plan m Attachment ' include the following; Underground`storage_ ; None:; . 3= w f= Atiave gr'ound:storage ,located as shown on AttachmentAl,consists of fheffollowin Acetylene one(1) eylmd- �. Oxygen one(1);F cylrndersx Antrfreaze- one(1) �2"$Q gallon#ank lr Motor'tJil' one(1)- 500 gallon,tank, ;SolVeiit one(1)< 30 gallon>cvri'taine�(RartsJNasher) Used.0�1 Filters5 on'e{9). d;urnpster " Waste;0i1, one i(9,); 5Q0 gallon, an,, WmdshieitlINaSti; on"e{1}: 25Q galiontank Natural Gas:; seivice,to�budtling, z Heat is°provided through hot air by;gas in}the Parts C7epf and hl, Offices&Showroom er �w , c kx-e s- Heat is,prov�ded throughwaste oil t3urners and radiantsheat by gas in the Service Department;- FIRE`E'RflTECTIflN [ Fire extingu4ishers a"r'e located throughout the facility Pull,stativns;are located thrvughout:the factlity; ! TNer,Jsmoke heat,}:and.carbon monoxide";detectors through6UtJhefacii ty The alarm sounds IQeally,<a t the F ire Station, and at the alarm company;, The:alarm.campany`''s 'Oa&t BayState Alarm'sl Tel:; $00`u4'27=5956:� , . `TRAINING'; Y The Emergency CoordinatorsYshallWbe trained>to HAZWOPI=R First Respontler Operations Level. All sm�plvyees.have?;received r+ � xWoryker HAZ C,OM 1'Right"-To Know Traming> HAZVIIOPER Training Generai<Awareness.,Level I_ock'Out,lTag FOut Procedures ,. ,' Training in th USe'of frre.f'ightrng,equipMen`t Training�n evacuation(procedures rv. Training;on speclalwr occasionat.job tasks; 2, Refresher traning,is:condueted on;,an annualbbass; New employees arearamedin Jof;Requiremenfsa Er-Ot'gency Evacuation Worker HAZ,-COM J'Right,Ta Know Drills are#o be con`d'uc#ed regularly^x EMERGENCYrRESPQNSE Erriergency telephone numbers are to be posted;at each felephorie These numbers which are provided in Atiac6i enA 3 include ,A> FireDepartment r B' Ambulance:, Pohce� - DPOlpe YE Hospital= F: Spill Contrai' G: E'Mergencyr'Coordi`nators E H: National�Response Center fi I?RIME,SER1/ICE GENTER ® IVIVISy 95falmouith Road Hyan,nlls, MA:02fiQ�,< 508=8'15-2100 :PROCEDURE , PURPOSE To provide�an effectrue work place.safety amend health prop"rare To111 sprevent and"to tnrnirnize hazards to employee's public healtFi safety and the environment from'fires,jexplosions, spills or: any;iother"unplanned su"dde'n or..n on-sudden release of"a hazardous materaI,t6,'6,ir.,-isbil, sUeface or gr"ound water Tits p(ar?shall.be'carried.out:imme,iafely"whenever putilic:,health safety.or, environment:is atrisk: PLANNING/TRAINING . T A;- The effectiveness of"a response dunng an emergency dependsson the amount of planning and trainin'g performed.m=advance All.employees"`are to:bexirformed of,ther= responsibilities under this ptan,as,follows:% ;When the';plan is iieV.elop,ed. r When the employees' responsibil.tres.or designated actions under�the plane change a .. Whenever the plan is changed { Arnuallyirn con�unctton with Rlght,To-Know;Trarrnng:, < „. 8.,, The,actionsYthat shall be fia{cen inAthe event of anemergency.are outlined below See;. Attachment 4,.fora flow,cFrart of the Emergency Response,P,lan.. w Uerbal notifioatran will.be given-to#he"Emergency Coordinator orhhis alternate; either personally,or by te}ephone using the;numbers pr ovrded above: ' The EmergencyCoordrrtator'will evaluate the'`sifivation.;and initiate.appropriate- action{sj as outlined:.bel' w * Notification of Response Team * N'otificatlon of on site personnel * determination ofF Personal Pr'otectrve Equipiiment requrr'ed (See Attachment"5)- * Dectron,of trained personnel to respond to the emergency * Evacuation of al,l personnel notirnvoluetl rn emergency response' y * Securing of ignition sources such asnheatmgsystems and, +automatic equipment *§Nofirficatton of outside agenc Z Ai" ted on Attachment 3 { * Notification of,pi ivate contracrs to assist►n remediat�on to C: Assistance an'd direction for disabled and rion englr�h�speakEng;employees r EstabliW'a Tuddy System"for;each;,mpoi oe 'Ornplayee;,assign.buddy zL- Review,necessary assstance;for eachsituation } 4 CHAIN OF COMMAND. A In the eventof an emergency;personnel;must know exactly who is,in charge;,;as well'as #heproper authorities 164be notified: The Emergency Coordinator fior€'rime Serwce Cente�is. Frah W Mak', Off WourS Telephone# r.`508 397 xo The'alternate Emergency�Coordinator�s Paul Ferreira . Off*Hours Telephone#= 401624 3470 B3 These personnel are on call and available to respond in an emergency: As required,:one of them must b-a able.to reach the'facrloty',wit '' o ie hour COMWUNICAI IONS:: A;: All communicat►ons will;tibe<routedAff.bugh the EmergencykCoordmator=br his designated;' representative � _ � - � B Emergency cammun�cat ons equipment,.such as:#he,telephone`or PA`system shall be" utilizedy(of not�fymg employees of an emergency antl for'contacting,local'auth rides G Arrangements shall be_-made to_xfamrharize,policesnd fire=departmentswitf The layout of the facility(SeeyAttactimeni 1) F'roperhes of the hazardous.ma#enals<(See Attachment 2) Places where,fac�lity per$onnel wouldrriormally be working.'(See Attachment 1)f Enuances,ta the facill#y and;:possible?';evacuat ion,r..utesk,(5ee Attachment 1); ' Q Communications withfthe news media�s to,kie limiked tc +;a single porn#of contact designated_by Christian Ay_ward:; ;..EVACUATION.,. At Iff d eventll" a fire or other emergency, employees are to leave by the exit nearest ,theirwork area in an ortlerly fash�?)n They arerto assemble Qut front by the sign, as;- shorn mAttachment 1 Once theYevacua#ionis completed, the,Emergency,Coordinator or,his'alternate will take a`leatl coon#of alt em to ees: B, In the evenf:of an uncontrolled release`of a gas k , '1 Employees are to exitrand assemble ou#front by#hesign xas shawri in Attachment 1 Based upon the Erriergency Coordinator's assessment it may tie " necessary to relocate,pe�sonnel tb a`pos tion 30 feet to 1/4 mile up wintl of the; fa'ciitty Once the-.evacuatpp:�!s completed' Emergency Ccfl�drnator or,his< " �alternate._will.take'a head coon#of:all employees ' " �Evacu"ation::of suirrounding areas; if necessary,.will be cpnducted by the Fjre � . .Department: __ .. .,.._. . _ .. C: fn the�'event of,a,tornado`' 1A The}formation and approach of a tornado,is rapid and unpredictable The lead;: time on a warning is,therefore, limited The Emergency Coordinator wdl cause; the warning`to be announced on the public address system as soon as it comes,, toeh�s attention "Petsonnel'willstoy sheltered inside the$building; f 2 If the building is struck +personnelshould evacuate assoon as the storm has Passed and:assemble ou#front fayth�e sigmas shownMin`Attachment 1 Qnce the evacuation described above is completed,the Emergency Coordinator or his alternate will#aloe a head count of'all employees D fn the event of'a snowstorm; hurricane,flood or other severe weather .< n sa-r' a 3 a r k rfz m The Emergency Coordinator willgmorntor weather-reports When a warning is ssued"the shall pass-,the word to employees on the:public address system or othe'r�means of communication All employees except emergency,response personnet_shall be disiriissed from work with enough time to seek proper shelterk ,s E In the eventof a bomb threat 1, if the`facility,receives.',a,o'tnb.threat "the threafishall.be`considered:.real ,The person,receiving the;threat thould,ttry to,remain calm andary to,gain as much informafionaboutthenthreat3asi.possible *dCa'Iler's identity -sex, age,etc " Voice ctiaracteristics, tone,yimpedinents; accent, etc: * Manner calm;angry, emotion's!,etc x Backgroundjnoises hstreet noiseaircr"aft animals,Yquetk etc, " Bombfacts,.hype size,;location;,tirne`ofAetonation;,etc Rt the conclusion of,the conversation,thegerson receiving a telephone threat sho ,d tryul to use the"69 or*57feature of the telephone:ta#r'ace the source of the` ;4.; The'Emerg ncy Coordinator wiilu ie notified immediately He wiWin-furn relayPfhe_• inforrnatiop>to the emergency responders listed;;'n,Attactiment;3:., Employeeswill be notified=arid instructed not to"touch of move any unusual packages;boxes, br of cases`or�otherconfainers Employees are tale_ave by" the exitFnearest to,their work area map orderly,fashion:and assemble out frorlt< by fhe sign<<asRshown in AttachmentFl `Once`.f i` 6acuat16n s coin"ple.ted",the Emergency°Coordinator or.his alternate will take ahead count:of all employees .Based upon th'e Emergency C;oordmator's assessment if may be' necessary=,to relocate personnek to a position 300 feet to 1/4.,mile up'vvind"of the'facility's F The cirawmg,,provided m Attachment 1�shows locations where personnel may be working:; exit and`entry routes,telephones and communicat�ons.equipment, fire`extinguishers;#hey main electrical panel wale$faucets, paint; fiamrnabie and hazardous waste storage areas; and emergency.response and`clean up'egi,lpmer t(e g.shovels;=botmj booms r. G Location"drawings'areposted.,throughoutfhe;faclityftodirecteemployeestoLLthe.exit °. nearesttheir:`work'area I SITESECURITY s;. tten necessary:dunngan emergencyto secure thearea to prevenfaccess.of unauthorized` personnel antl to protect vifa#'"records and';equipment •An,off.Jim'its area mu"st.besesta lished,t3y cordoning off'the`area with temporary barriers and warning tape: TheErriergericy,Coordinator wll!notify local law:,enforcement"to,h{elp secure'tkie.area:if.required: EMEEtGENCY4SHUT46WN PROCEDUR> S` A;, Activate the;warnirig<system and the eme"rgency p#an I'f,the:situation,'is iriirrminent notify, the appropriate responders; {see`Attactrrients3rc`and If the;emergency rnvolves�fhe re#ease ofa`f#ammable'liquid, gas leak or.heater malfunction„the;Emer'.9 Coordinator;must in tiate,,the:followFng act to Shutoff elecfr�cat servrceat the.main electricals`ervice disconnect inthe electrical, closetzloca#ed'in,the Parts,Dept., as'°,shown inrA"ttachmert 1.. ;Reset the owest setting`: 'Shutoff�the"fine.rgency Shut Qff#Switch",for tF%e heafing units, located at Masts Oil Burner�atlthe door to shop and;in the,Power.Panel locate at°fhe door to; Service,-as rshown,an=Attachment 1 Secure gas supply if this can be done safely, located h-Ahe`northeasteorner of'the Parts bepartrrlent,as shown iri:Attachment 1. , MEDICALTREATMENT' The Emergency Response I erson el frorn;the;Medical`Facility"listed"in Attachment 3 wil#:perform;' medical duties,ofher'tha'ri minor ffrst aid; Dunngcextre,me.emergencies, Company Pohey is.to pro"vide assistance and assessment of a medical ernergency;whileawaitingnthe arrival of professionalwresponders, 'RESPONSE Wtk,(A'LS: " A: The r4poseti respons"e matOna#s in1cludin' those`zl sted'.bel ow, , are to be`m`ainta ned En the ServiceShop,as shown�in the plan providedym Attachment 1. Dis'posa`ble Bags Absorbent Pads Recoveryidrum - Boots Br6om16'rid Dust Pan - Tyvek Scats Temporary Barriersand Warning Tapes - Spla`sh Goggles; j FirexExt Neoprene;Glove Mad P RaGop l ear, kSo�els(nan 14stic2Ste ets - Containment Booms': B See t Attachment 5re ardin9'Personal f?rotective E ui ,rrten F?f'E ` .� 9 x 4 p 7 I r 3:K DECONTAMiN f ON A, Decontamination,procedures may need to be`:impleri entdd;bef&e person el are allowed oUt` of'the area to avoid spread oft he spiEl'etl material 'To accomplish'this, a,separate area should be setup adjacent to the spill b'rea ,Decontamination contaation procedures involve the physical' removal and/o.'rh# t6!6tion�.6f.harnnfulr.contarriiriants: The extent�bf.,decontdtnir ation: necessarily de ;ends,onrthe#p ype.of hazard and th inant: B: Basic decontam'inatian should pnrnar ly consist of washingan-rins ng with;;svap=and water..to remove'contaminantsfrom the exterror of protective g y.,66 ng tne.gear (,see Attachment 5) Coveralls`and gloves sYiall be:removed by;.turning,the"`1"thing.inside o'-t Most protective gear such"as boots and'gloves cambe:�cleanW and,"re`used: Other.} equipment such as Tyvek suits- are, isposaOe Disposal of contamfnated:protective equiprrientAs,to be in accordance�with:'statutes governing disposal of,contaminated so id waste The complexity'of decontamination'wll vary;.with thesize ofthe release and the Itb dity of the matenai being,dealt vuitb:: Large`operations i'inv ng.very oxic ma#erial may, require'"additidn'al steps: na holdnludetheollowiG.. Eguipmr# devntanatiom thingsu : ng rt FDrop clotfs or plastictarps, ColEectior contamemsuch as drums-or linedr,trasti'cans' #ading pp,,, to bald wash andcr nse.,solutions Long handled, soft bristled brushes >v. Nand pumps or pistol grip bottles far;washing,and,rinsing 'H ;Paper`,or°clo#h,towels fordryingequipment: Y POSTrEVALUAT10Ni A A;`post incidentyevaluat on shafh be aceompli' ed to,docurnent the cause 6Q'h emergency;` t the response and tv evaluate rnethods<to preventsrecurrenceyand impro a future response: All:personnel who were inuolved inz°the;incident should be interviewed either separately or iri a"meeting set up for;thts,.purpose, Tt e.questions thafgshould beFdiscussed are as'follows 1., What actually .... �2 s How-was it`reported� 3, Was the produc'tiinyolvedrprboerly,ide�n#ified``and',clearly yri tv'd?l� 4, What was the timeliness of the response? How,soon did help'arrive? 5, Was,i#properly coo"rdmated� 6.� Was��the�Ghain of Command followed properly. 7., Were the roles of EMS,?FIF , aril P©LICE appropriate. 8. If private contractors were involved¢how ditl'tFrey work? g Was�evacuation, if any,conducted in an orderI fashion? 1U; Was the media mvolved,? `6§Ahef'-` single point of contact. "11, Was the ALl_CLEAR�commuhlcated� 12 Was waste disposal effect'ive? 13 WasKthe spill repvrtetl on`tme? `8' B: As each"of the questiowstated,above`is'addresse ,have°fihe ihdiVidualydr group carisider` #hie.following::: What°d�d`we'do rgii{? , y Review the:positEve aspects of-tire inciderit:< -. What<'did:we.00`W'rong. Try to ford out what caused the prokilem=;Without"-,'placing blame:, ' Wh"at would we do_differently Try`to learn>frornzfYie incident so that another�ocet#rrence can.be prevented or a fu#tire response:im'proved,� . 9, t m El ErergenzActn {E ' rrg�ncyPao. uaP ` ®npyi . Lost of Attac�rnent pact men0 'SI PIans-, Attachment,l2 Product Desc��pt�on Atta;ch """ Eme,rgency F�esponseMTelephone Numbers rrren; Attta'chnent 4 : Emergency Procedur+ : , / Emerge,ncyK Response FFlow:Cliarfi =BA Notification Priorities w Atta'chment;'5 , Personal P: rotectve Equiprne,rt; t r � r _ 4 Attachmenty'� r l �eLocne SteetAtlas:USAO 2012: o . r' Srvocx� r ►f Hyan -No3YanAveiaa"s�s��e 132 - Jce's�lge 'panere Bread ManchuWoKp �, ' McDonald scoo r 1 t3Z ,Qg y Mun t3oatttlrnaNPMantld' ^,Budget most lnn"l�,eMag e. el ted g T,pn�cek i}�S+tal �as W'wl. y a Apr ralit'n[ae r�ilto In RG.,,�rs+„��! VIS� P =2 + tat - � UCt�td r P sAklre F",At1Ci � e gym. p� r 01 `441 deerNCeYFtTirc '° R�rARIr - f tT t µ � l Service Nantu etShuffie u . O`: w BE toCafa<: in"Robhrr�s NI 1 fin\ : ARSE�.RR,''� �yr Nor FS� Rp 11IIT 28 RORr' de'roKrtkcha t - a �'w sa�4s'' �RE �Rp �r� �- r.C+Yi ° � y1 •"`�`�.�gA17ER N . SH H l 4 I f t1 RD xFC } f g pk�SRD;•a�r' �. �!�SiI y in'; e I p IIAXT�Rb SYCAMORE�5► � � rfRf:syfNODSRbt w tr a jj a y st t d ft z ' . Pp; ' y ar s�e7 P U�t �G ✓ a stF 3 o It � / r R(E� ' 3 ¢ �"¢ t7 1 Ty, _ taeRRY.jt ST ri s 44Y' y�p£ ^C7` q .^' 'yes + c �1L. ' t Tzj d,flE Alt f l _ � QU�'✓E �t t :. ..-.' t ErjyST; II �� 1r' wr/ t �gRdAk� eOJ l fit € pr c1 �' r�r�" k`a�s� a^°'�.,,„...,.-��� �1 �X,: ' � �,t` •:- �. #� '�� �,�,. .`"i ¢TUARTaS7 F pOs _CH�STryttTSF 3Q1 R�eiasn is f'J a 4 PgYi1AFLow' } .." t Data usesub}ect to license"' '- V -' ;*H Scale't;8,004; 8 OeLorme.DeL"orme.Street AtIaS USAF E012;: r!r+t+e,,wvi ,. A• o asa qua .ao, sro �x wwve.delorrlie.com i -$ss,Z-tt Qata Zaam 14 6 AttaOMOt 1A, approx mate,property,'line �Prim'e_�Senrr�e�Center �� y � . of Mann�s� ' 95�Falmouth Road# �I;fwt Hyannis,�MA 02601 ,'�' h �5�1$481a�=211t�r I? i e»D , F3alpter.�a; it sC7391Ufam Knox Zan � y Falmouth Road: ,� �EVacuatron� Sign � _ . ,I Attaehtnerit;j, B,, i �Prime�Serv�ce�Center of Hynrns © ales <95�F.aimouttt�Road� - �� �Hyax�nts,Mitt0�f>01? 508 E � �� •g � -/ Tgt l { s C74 4, y L end , iM1JOdDumpater `EdTlatg9nCyltUf 'R�aWash." rr� PuilSYatlon�. � � , Fhs Blanket �R� �Re8400tn a>, � �Seiv€ce. tlsz $pill E9yign�ntu Shope �'c� !,ReExbn iEtsher * "T let p� FAP =ErteAlamrParret r ®. .,kFirstAid Kit - � =Gas Main gyyytra WindahlatdWash 3 . 1 Waste OBI&imer, T t ,� kr Oye t)oor8 ., Locker Room w Bte7fi; #+� ttcan} +Parts` "Aar a s �► (`-,� i Sarver Main FF ^ t R IR, $ „ RxD- R ;Gas iV SW � E Saks FrO�ffiCe �' Otftce=` t '. !1 <.VYrite-Up � r ReGon ' IM Evacuatron Iiimouth Road locat,on Sign; Attachment 1C' 5' Attachment 2 t "Note::,Further information can these products,can,\be found on the Maternal Safety Dafa Sheets z which_-are located in;Ehe Seance il%lanager's Offrcey i Product: Acetylene* - AppearancelOdor't Colorless gas';garlic like odor, Health Hazards Asphyxiant, moderate concen#rationsinay,causeieadache drowsiness dizziness nausea,vomiting, ezcessNsaiivation uncon'sciousr ess Vapor rnay,cause eye�irritation Fire/Explosion "Extremely Fla'mmable� Forms'expiosive mixture with air. Evacuate all:`personnel . �` �" Containers may'rupture due to heat"or fire Cool'co stainer with water spray:,. _ Ito NOT EXTINGUISH,,FLAME`due to possible explosive reignitibn Stop leak, �f possible wtthou#Cisk or allow fire to burn out Reap tive 'contact with copper;.,silver, mercury or their alloysras well as halogens can cause' explosion Spill Response; Shut off Ignit oh"§oufd .Prouide ventilation with explosion proof equipment Sfop;aeak, if possible.:without risk Flammable-vapors may. spread frorri�;leak, � ` .- Explosive=atmospFiere may.(inger.,"Before:enteringarea,'especiallya con#road"space, check* dkygen level;and explosive atmosphere with!' an approved meter Pi?E to`.be.,Worni Remove allJgnttion sources;` Check�atmosphere before'en#ering�area r " - Use self contained breathing apparatus w,h'ere°needed` Protluct Gasoline (unleaded)* Appearance/,Odor _jght straw color tq,clear liquid with"a hydrocarbon odor: Health Hazards:; Shgh!to moderate eye and skin irritation tlzzmess irntaton of eyes, nose and throat, vomiting; plutsh color of the skin and; effec#s cen#ral;rnervous systorrt Fife/Explosion Classk1 BFFlammable_liquid. 'SpAI#Restonse Shut off igmtionsources Provide ventilation with expl+ sion,proof equ�pmerits° Stop leak, if possible without nsk Take up wi#h sand ar_othepif,ppri combustible absorbEent an, place in#o containers far later disposal PPE to Wo b& rn` Gloves,'chemical type safely gaggles Protective coveralls_' Use resptrato�with approved cartridges for oil or ri'st SCBAor supp.lted air when makmgsronfined space entries; :.Pro uct ImmersionXleaner(mineral spirts;' Appearance/Odor` Clear teen h uid with cliaracter�st�c h drocarbon odor. ,5 4 y Health Hazards'` ' -Severe eye'.irntant� Inhalation can cause-headache 4d17iness;.and nausea:- Contact can cause drying of skin: } FirelExolosion ;Combustible-liquid Reactive with`strong oxidizing}age'nts= ySpifl Response< Shut off'gmtio"n sources' Provide ventilation, Stop leak if passible without risk. Take"up with=sand or other non,..com ustiftab'-J"N t-ai dJplace into`. containers for;later disposal:: be}Worn. ,Gloves;, cherrcalstype safety'goggles Protectvecoveralls ':Use respirator w�th`approved cartridges tor;ail or rr�s# .SCBA ar-,Sup ie`d airwhen aboreAjT�Uxor makinonfined "s'pace ert g c nes;, . . Attachmenflli! Page 1�of,3, Product:,. 'IsopropylwAlcohol�(Glass Cleaner)" AopearancelOdor colorless liquid,withiodor of rubbing'alcatiol"� Health Hazards T' Mild irnfant to eyes,antl nose;,concentrations can cause narcosis and; (respiratory distress; „ Fire/Expiosion Class'- 6-Flarnmable'bqu"id:. 8 ;IcAeS76onse: Shutoff igmbon sources:, Provide uOr(M,ition aw th explosionFproof eq'iaipment' Stopwleak ,if possible withoutnsk: Take up with sand#or other,non,combustit le`absotbent antl place into . ;containers fof;fater disposal ,PPE to tie Worn. Wear impervious clothing, eye protection Use.full face cartridge type-"respirator with organic>vapor=cartridge' Product< Methyll,Alcohol(Glass Cleaner Concentrate)* Appearance/Odor. Colorless liquid with a characteristic-pungent`otlor Health.Hazards li l yEe irritant, causes,headach;e nausea, vomiting: Will,absorb thru;akin attack central nervous system„and-cause.,bindness:r Fire/Explosion Class 1 BxFiamrni Ie iiqurd, E ,., ` Spill Response;! Shut 9_,,Jgnitian sources Provide ventilation with explgsion proof equipmentfi Stop teak if possible without°risk , Take up with sand or'b#her non le,,,absorbentand place into containers for Inter disposl PPE to be Worn` Yj u Wear full' encapsulafed sit' Use"supplied airpr SCBA�. _.. M.. :..v. .__ . Product: s Motor 01I1!, ApbearancelOdor Thick brown liquid`With a hydrocarbon odor Health Hazards: Slight to moderate eye and s un'irritatio- , ft FirelExplosian; C`or»bustible li`gtiitl; Sptll Response r; Stop leak, transfer product into another container Take up with "sand ormth vbon combustible absorbent�and place in#oNcon#ainers"for later disposal , PPE to be Worn: '_Neoprenetgloyes, chemical;type safe#y goggles.= - Userespirator with approved organic vapor..>cartr'rdge"s: Product Natural.Gas",- Appearat celOdor zCol or(ess odorless gas Afoul smelling odgrant is=kded-j r leak detection Health Hazards; Vapors may,cause dizziness=or suffocation Fire may produce irritatrn for poisonous gases Fire/Explosion Extremely'Flarnmat?(ei Forms explosive mixture with air Vapors'may travelfto source of ignitiornand°flask`baok *Evacuate afi personnel DO NOT EXTINGUISH Ft.AME due„to,possitile; • explosive re rg"nitron`� J Stop leaky if possible tiiurthout nsk or`allow fire to(burn out Spill Response jSut off ignition'sources Stopzlea,, if possible,__ t nsk Flammable,vapors,may spread from<feak :Provide ventilation`with explosionproof equ pment' 7Water spray may reduce vapor but may not;prevent ignition in may,_ "spaces � � .. Explosive atmosphere maylinger Before entering area, e$peciallya confinedtspace;check for Oxygen level and explosive x `atrnospherewlth an approvedwmetei PPE#o be Worn"` Rernove al!°gnitiOwsources Check>atmospher`e before entenng�area Use sdlf'contAin_ed breathing '6ppa'ra tut,where rieed`etls AMidhfnentl?, Pagel:'bU-a Product Oxygen* Appeara6c Odor r Colorless odorless,gas:,. Heal6Haz5rds= None {See MSDS) FrelExolosion: Vigorously accelerates combustion,, 'Evacuate personnelfrom area Cool containers month water sprayx React(ve w.,ith;flarnmable.,and combustible°inbteriblS`especiblly,oils;and greases S�pili,Response Stop leak„if possibWffw,thaut;risk Shutroff�grntton sources, remove flammable materals'from;area Ven#elate areaor move con#a�ner to well venhlatedarea;: xPPE to`be.Worn ; Glovesand{proper 'Hoes,foe Fiaridling cyliritlers'.; Protluct Sulfuc�c Acid(BatteryAcid)* Appearance/Odor': Colorless tocdark"`brown,oily otlor(ess hqulHd;: Health Hazards; Contact causes If burns to skin,and"eyes„` rymhbledsmay be harmful, Runoff may cause pollution: Fire/Explosion:` Non Combustible, but„capable of igniting finely divided • combustible materials;; ' Readily reacts with organic;matenals, chlorates,,,carbides,; fuliminates,water and=powderetl metals. NpTE Reacts violently with water causmgrheat Corrosive to metals Spill Response, Do not#oucYi ortiwaik throughrsp�lled;rnater�al Stop leaks if you can do so without risk Use water spray to retluce'vapors DONOT put water` µdirectly an spill or Rn contamer PPE to be Worn Use approved respiratory proteCfion poweetl air purifying�respirator vutth�ac{dcartridge {See,NIOSH guide);. Fu11y encapsulafed vapor protect��e clothrng should be worn Attachmentl Page.3'of�3 f r® TELOHON U BE IN Attachment i3�; � . . EM;ER ENCY RESPUN E AND C)TI t ATiC}N` RRIm' ERVIeE CENTER OF HYANNIS' 95 Falmouth Road Hyannis, M 02�04'I . 508 815 ,21,O;Q . The Emergency Coordinator fora'Prrne Service'Genterxaf'Hyann's is; Frank Makrir Off;HaursTrelephone 9070; The:>alternate Emergency Caardrr_ator is Paul Ferreira • Offf Hours Telephone# 401-624=3470 i DEP:(Sou#hews#Regional Office) 508 9"46 2700 DEP (24 her Spill Reporting): E" 888�3Q4 1,:1,33= Mass?State Police(:So Yafmauth Barracksj` 508 398.2323;" Local:Police 91�1 Local<�Fire�.Dep#st: 91'1 . Local`:%Arnkiulance 9'11 Metlical Cente% Cape Cotl Hospital 508 771 180Q `27`°Park`S#reetF Hyarnisuy:MS 02601 NATIfUNALRespor:"se C.entee 8Q0 424 88021 EPA Idbhti icatian.I661er: MAC3;000155$3 EMERGENCY.RES:P©N,DERS/TRANSPORTERS Cy.n EnViroomentalk a00 E399 1038 Wh'�ri repoifngya sp:rll to,DE ', the_following mfgr_.mat�on must be provided; A, location`&time,of release B Nlaterial`c'leased . - W Amount released' - �D Impact of spill on,catch basins, homes,water bodies, etc E Ac#ions#aken by EC? DPW(contained,vurth speedr'tiri or sand; evacuated buildm9,setc) .. , F., Name ofsResponsible Party, address, &telephone number: Attacli'ment 3 A##achmen# 4 ., E'ME GENCY RESPONSE L43W CHART Notice Received by . `Eme.rg.ency ti hS�tuation' a Not�,ty 6utsitleNot�fiy 4n Site Notify clean Up z Agencies Perso`nn`ef Contractors; C? . a a. °Personnel to , or' J Respo.nd = � r Assess, A ss �lazards . w • A ipo"V ' D e econtamtnata. "L t!} i+VaGU8t8 W< aCil8tF6 EY nt Co an tz: mpioyees; R,esldent H s, aza aid �xtin h az Victirns. x 0; • l s Clean Up, Replace �amaed EquEpment =p Post;EvaWation L'F DoGumentatian' `L Attachment 4A NOT!" IC PO A 1 ' Es :1:ncicient: H r Reportin 9, 'Source Pollee„ Ftre Emergency' Coordfna't©r` y A¢mbuiance> or Altrtla#�; E mploye es z h National, Res'pon3e' Emergent Center 24' hrN Spill, Reportingp sponse 8q4 424='8 01 $$8.3D4'..1133 tiC,ontractors e Nydite Telephone numbers for emergency response= Y and not�ftcation ,are1prc:��dednnAttachm'ent Attauehment 4B f PSC� LP �1'e 'TIECIJIP`i - .GUID5"' IVIE'NT INSPECTI©hl CHECK LIST; ' ,Selection i3e suretyou are'usmgthe correc#level,4of pratect�an for the task to be dane' Be sure you: aye using therco�rect matenals-for the-task to'be lane` 'Cdnsult MSDS.andyN(�SH Gloves:' Bofare use, check for pinholes Blow into glove and squeeze air info forgers No at s should escape p Clothing; t3efare use Be>sure that the material Es correct fior the tobf `Uisuallji inspec#for tears,,defective seams, defective zippers, etc Hold up to the light and check far pinholes Laok�for cracks�or other signs of detenora�on Look far s�gns:of chemical attack from any previous use„ Verify proper fit of wrists ankles and4neck..; If'egiaipped,Wifh fac�'`sh�eld ✓check fo��foggness ,cracks or�crazing, Duringuse Gheck.far tears, punctures;seam oriipperxfa�lur'e..,_ E'Check farzsigts.of>ctemc'el'attactc Attachment 5 Page I ,Danning to -ddOb 1: Inspect the clothing and respira#or equpmentfor donning: 2: Adjust hard hat; 3.: Sfanding`or sitting step into the legs ofuthe suit' B;e,sure,feet'are placed prgpedy, then gather the' sui around the3waist {4:, Put on the chemical'resistan't boots andtape#tie leg cuff over the tqp of the;boot Out on the resp�rator,yif required4 Perform negative and,poOt tests on the respirator::: 6:. Put ow,'!"inner gloves(surgical gloves) 7.; Put sleeves of suit over your`arms and''pull up over shoulders 8:; Put on har. at;v'if neetled 9. Raise hood over`'head aid aciJust to comfortafle position; 1 Q Close upsu�t and adjust belts, arm and;leg bands: 11: Put on-"outer gloves':. 9:2'.' ,,Have assistants"check aQ closutes and obseruewthe,wezrer'for a period gfftme toe surehe' weareris.comfortable'and equ%pment ;s fund©ningfpraperiy in9 'Pro ..ed.ure 1i., Deeontarr�inate outer clothing ? Remove queer tithing such asouter,:boats, baot`covers;tape, etc 3; f3'emove disposable`clotfmg { . ,Remove orie�a�m,at..a�tirne - Qvo�d3any contract between thetouts�de of"the su�fi and the wearers,body e'suit out behind thevearer; r;Leave nternalgloves`:on 4 Havex.. wearer,;s�t dawn antl remove>uoth legs from the suit 5= ,emo4lnternal gloves by rolling mside�out, 6; Remove internal clothing2and uvash:thoroughly:: Attachments ' Page Tod6 GUIDE TO PERSO.NAl. PIR4TECTIVE,EQUIPMENT Euipment ; ria'Shotildb yh r LmLeve of Ptt q Providedroecion: ; :A. RECOItiIIMEN'QED ; The highest The chernical,si3bstance hasyteen Fully=encapsulating Pressure demand full facepiece SCBA or availab velle le _of identified and requires the highest R,suit'inust be pressure demand suppled air respiratoryvth =respiratory,.skin' Ievel of,protection#or,skEn;,eyes,`;and compatible;with the xescape SCBA and eye "'. ttxerespira#ory:system based,tr�, ssub"stances involved>I ;p'or tectian;; either fiully encapsulating, chemacal ,resistant suit, '. measured {or potential for} ;high concentration of Inn tm er chemical resistant gloves:; - aospheric vapors, gases, _ _ , ..T ., � .. ., _ ror particulafes '° Chemical resistan#,safety bootslshoes� , `Two way radio cornmunicatooris.; ` ,site operafions and work :a7PTIONAL` functions involving ahigh; ;,Cool�ng'units potential forTsplash coveralls: jmme.rsion,or exposure tox -Long cotton underwear;: sunexpected,vapors;,;gasesg Hard hat .. ,or particula#es of rnafenals Disposable gloves and boat covers ;that are harmful to skin or �... .{�,., . ..... ;capabE,e of being absorbed' - , ;through the intact sknA;; ` Substances with a high clegree;of ftazard to the skirl are known or suspected r#a ba present and skin; contact ispossi#le Operations must. beti conciuct€:d in confined, poorly ventitatedtiareas until the absence of condifRons requiring Level A; _ protection is determined': Attachrinent�S, ­0;age 3 of 6 GUIDE TO ;PERSONAL PRaTECTIVE' EQUIPMENT`' Level'of. Equiprnen€ Protections Should:- e.u"sed when:. Limiting.criteria Pro#ec tine P 64id6d g 'RECOIVIMEh1QEQ Ttie same level-of The typeand a#mosphenc Use only"when tfie Pressure demand, frill face ice," CBA orb r,.es iratory concenta#ion of.=substances have vapor or,gases.` pp pressure-demand suppl�edsair respirator vuth pratection,,'but been rtlentrfiedand re `uire;a ti h> presen#are not q 9 ;escape SCBA? less skill level of respiratory protection; but with' suspectedof protection than less skm?:protection. ST.tris imroI' contamm hi h= n 9 g Cl7emrcal resistant clothing {overalls and Level.A,; atmospheres: concentrations of long sleeved jacket, hooded=one or twos- ctierni-CN!.:that are_= piece chemicalsplash suit,disposable Jfiis the:minimum` with IDLH conceritrat�ons of>' harmful to"skm or chemical resistant one piece suit); level specific substances.that do capable,of being recommended for not-represent a severe skirl absorbed'throragh't4d' ;Inner and ou#er chemical,resistant;gloves initial site en`t�ies hazard intact.skin_ until the hazards M` ` Chernica! resistant safe bootslshoes.; h tyave been`furtherrUseuonly when rt-is' identified: ,F highly unlikely than Hard hat:; that dq not rrieet the;;crrtena`; theswork tieing done; for use of air punfying will generate either Two way�radio communica#tuns: respirators h►gkiconcentrations or vapors gases`=.nr' OPTIONAL; Af'mosphere contains less thari 19 5 particulates,or, :Coveralls percent oxygen,: splashes of material' D ; isposable boot covers,: tliatwill affect:. face shield Presence o.-incompletely identified exposed skin_,. Long cotton underwear uapors_or gases'is mdicateci by direct reading organicvapor ietest!on instrumen- but uapors;and gases ar..e: : not suspected.6fcontainmg high levels of schemieals harmful to skin or. ,capable of beh-jk,4 rbed#hrougf the intacf�skin., n Attache►- Page 4 of 6 GUIDE T PERSONA L PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT" Level of; Equipment, 'Protection ShoUld'he used when- `L°irniting>:critetia: Protection: Provided; G: !RECOMMENDED, Tate same levelof' "Th;e type,atmospheric contarnirrants; Atriasptieric Full facepiecearr purifying canister= skin protection as liquid splashes aor other,direct contact: concentrations of! -. :equipped respiFator.--: Level B abut a. will not acl�ersely affect°any exposed; chemicals must.rot dower leuel or skin: exceed lDL`H levels. pChemrcalresistant clothing {overalls:and �resprratory Tfieatrnosphere; Long sleeved Packet hooded :one or iwo. protectron.0 The types:of air contamnantshave must"confain atleas#' fprece clernrcal splasF sort disposatle ` been rdentrfed, concentrations,, 19 5 perce'r5t oxygen':. chemical resistantrorie piecesurt).., re�asure ,and a:canister is>avarlable that.can removethe contamianf lnnec and outer chemical,resstant,gloves. All M1cnterra for the use of air puri yrng Priem cal resis s tant afety 6dots/shoes= respirators are met: ;Hard hat" - Two way radrofcommumcafions:;; OPTIONAL' Coveralls' A Disposable booteovers': ,Face shield: Escape, Long catton;underwear„ . a r,Ma£ chment s:' ,,, P'age 5 of,6;... WIDE, PERSONAL PRQTECTIVE EQUIPMENT wLevei'of' Equipment; Protection€ Shoulct:be=used when,; 0 iting,criteria> Protection- ;i?rovidei D RECOMMI=IVDED` °No respr'ra#ory The a#rnosphere:con#ans,no:kriawrn This level�should'riot_ .- Coveralls rotect�an:; ' " hazard;, be-btn:'ri the ...._ P ' 11trnrnai E%teiusion',Zone: Safe boo#slshoes Work,fnct�ons.preclude splashes;,; immersion or the poteri#ial for Theatmosphere Safety glasses or chem�calrsplash goggles`^. unexpected �nhalahon of or.,contacf must contain at�ll a f with hazardous levels,o any 19 5 percent oxygen:, f=iarci;hat� them„icals� - - �..�-. I OPTIONAL �G#oyes; Escape;mask. Face�sfiield;t a Based on EPA{protective pnsem' es., Attachcnerit'5 Page 6 of6' Town of Barnstable C'f jt( # �(�7 Regulatory Services . ,A Thomas-F. Geiler,Director Public Health Division Thomas McKean,Director 200 Main Street, Hyannis,MA 02601 Office: 509462-4644 Fax: 508-790-6304 AppMatron-Fee:$10,9.00 ASSESSORS MAP AND PARCEL NO. 311 Q'73 DATE Oq /30 /I I APPLICATION FOR PERMIT.TO.STORE.AND/OR UTILIZE.MORE.THAN. 111 GALLONS.OF.HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FULL NAME OF APPLICANT - -AM 12 A(An Hpl I nz` K/l 14. LL C , NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT 1`�I me, i�"e-(� �vrv�nl C'ef'lfea^ ADDRESS OF ESTABLISHMENT C15 F(d n0j)1 kVk_ 'R CA, TELEPHONE NUMBER ( ) 815 " DO SOLE OWNER: X YES NO IF APPLICANT IS A PARTNERSHIP,FULL NAME AND HOME ADDRESS OF ALL PARTNERS: �y -Dav i CA y 5 Ph`11; 'lea `2d A t rt. m A IF APPLICANT IS A CORPORATION: FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION NO. )--1 i STATE OF INCORPORATION lie I a Ware, r FULL NAME AND HOME ADDRESS OF: PRESIDENT 1 Qyi'cI 2[ =1`Y71Cl phj'I I ��r1 l y Se)WaW1nSGl fI TREASURER CLERK SIGNATURE OF ILMICANT R, RESTRICTIONS: HOME ADDRESS HOME TELEPHONE# Hazdoc/wp/q MAIL-IN REQUESTS Please mail the completed application form to the address below. Also include a copy of your contingency plan(to handle hazardous waste spills, etc). In addition,please include the required fee of$100. Make check payable to: Town of Barnstable. Allow five to seven (7)working days for in- house processing. Our mailing address is: Town of Barnstable Public Health Division 200 Main Street Hyannis,MA 02601 FOR FAXED REQUESTS Our fax number is (508) 790-6304. Please fax a completed application form. Also, please fax us a ' copy of your contingency plan (to handle hazardous waste spills, etc). In addition, please mail the required fee amount of$100.00. Please make the check payable to: Town of Barnstable. The check must be mailed to the address listed above. Allow up to four days for in-house processing. For further assistance on any item above, call(508) 852-4644 SPILL CONTINGENCY PLAN Emergency Coordinator, Name: J06ebb 1�06r Address: L42.5 'j:),avldrjXjf J+W Daytime Phone: ('181 ) 12- 3()73 Evening Phone: Fire Department: Barnstable Public Health Division: 508-862-4644 DEP 24 Hour Spill Hot Line: 888-304-1133 Waste Hauler: Name: Cy 14 O ( L Phone: 8 00 1 e° Building diagram indicating hazardous material/waste storage area, location of absorbent scavenger materials, fire extinguishers, fire alarms (if present), and evacuation route (if applicable). T Actions to be taken to control a spill or release, and preventing it from reaching a catch basin, sewer system or the ground. 1 RESPONSE MATERIALS Response materials, including those listed below, are to be maintained in the Tool Room, as shown in the plan provided in Attachment 1. - Disposable Bags - Absorbent Pads - Recovery Drum - Boots - Broom and Dust Pan - Tyvek Suits - Temporary Barriers and Warning Tape - Splash Goggles - Fire Extinguishers - Neoprene Gloves - Mop and Pail - Rain Gear - Shovels(non-sparking) - Plastic Sheets - Containment Booms EMERGENCY RESPONSE FLOW CHART {. Notice Received by Emergency Coordinator Size-Up Situation Notify Outside Notify On-Site Notify Clean-Up oAgencies Personnel Contractors I a I C Direct a Personnel to Uj Respond cc CL Assess Assess Casualties Hazards W Stabilize a Z Victims O Remove Decontaminate Victims Victims W Evacuate Evacuate Contain Extinguish Employees Residents Hazard Hazard Transport/Treat Victims a 3 Clean-Up, Replace Damaged Equipment .t O J' J O Post Evaluation & U. Documentation Attachment 4A NOTIFICATION PRIORITIES Incident Reporting Source Emergency .Coordinator Police, Fire or Alternate Ambulance Employees 11 I 724hr. EP FNational Response Emergency nter ill Reporting Response 4-8802 888-304-1133 Contractors Note: Telephone numbers for emergency response and notification are provided in Attachment 3. Attachment 4B iq Town of Barnstable Hazardous Materials On-Site Inventory and Inspection FACILITY INFORMATION:Business Name: ;2RIA'l'L &PCV16C &7AI TZ7t Business Location: 015- �L,/Ld0 U/N 13OA�-13, A7 x'+1jA)rs Mailing Address: A-60YE Telephone Number: J D r f/5- - 2-10 ;L Contact Person: r—)C*-A1K /VA-Aghkl S&—KV IC /-1AA1A'46-r Emergency Contact Telephone Number: /"1A1QR/AJ 46-U- 16-09-' 3 9-7'9e)76 Type of Business: 14117-V Ate'1A17 WA-� AND iTCPA- HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (CHAPTER 108) Virgin Product Total Quantity Container Size(s) Storage Location Major Materials Gallons or Pounds Quarts, gallons, Shed,retail store, drums,tank,etc... cabinet,closet,etc i c/i vos rLn � �s (/) /73- 6 A-1-cow WA.ShV-�C_Jz: !V/b 1+80VE C/ZOfLNB jRAl '^5140 P" 0) 300 64tLOAl or ✓' WI'>TAN "SHOP " 'VL.-/ O/LP &-ci-V 6 -t-LO S 0) `::�za 4,+'-c.cM M ' REAi2m� <�P% da,werc o4i7-*-1 be-pr �V-AlbiWhVA-L PA�Ts 0A/6- LI 7ZX 1P +Rn IA y640L;fLVIP e0W71AA9nS vcp/ e0A1 77"aJ&Des 46 Cpl. 8, .•4KC % 0-41 /-/7t7Z- P�4RTS A-AIV lcWcEze /5'" C1kee.0A/y- 1 1 Misc.G"mbft9tk4 77 6U7 •0t,-' e.Q05A)4-7-IAJ Misc. Corrosives Misc. Reactive Misc.Toxics Inventory Total Amount: I ly (o O �9k0AJ Hazardous Materials License Posted?Yes Contingency Plan Posted? Yes 0 Fire District: Fire Extinguisher Service Date: ,.T'u[ Z O!/ Metal Covered Rag Bin: Yes No l✓Absorbent Material Available?Qes No Type of Absorbent: Speedy Dry ads Pigs Other: MSDS on site? es No (E5) Computer Access Hazardous Waste Handling vs4g4 aF#ASkJ*S Hazardous Waste Generator Identification Number: A1fL 3000/55-e 3 L QC� U/�s�D1L Type(s) of hazardous waste product(s): 5� "& ULA-a7) V`L MT 512�-/1. q--SrC �A-�'•CK Gc.' �1�1.9a D S' Date of last hazardous waste shipment,type of waste and quantity: 7-zr IV rE 6490 Hazardous Waste Transporter(s): I V AJ 0!L A2-4AuY. 9z,55: la ®/L ey DAL �I/ORY7�LiE Nb ENS Designated Hazardous Waste Facility: D!l-: 6 TaL[LilTDN KA fZkM�l.4f�[�S•'�ieovi®��uc��R Hazardous Waste Storage Area Description: A157-N- &L A-AJ® W4-s lr . AJ 77 r-9ZE-ZE A- r 57Z)/2L_b JA) A66VF 690VAJ5 7,+A KS IAJ THE R-6AV2 Or IRE 5" i�N� ARC OA) AA1 /fitP6P?V1ou 0Z6a4 Is hazardous waste storage area labeled: Yes Are tanks/drums/containers labeled with the words "Hazardous Waste",the type of waste and the associated hazard (i.e. ignitable,corrosive,reactive or toxic) Yes t) If hazardous waste is stored out of doors is it covered from the elements? Yes No MIX Is it in 110% containment? Yes No If hazardous waste is stored indoors is it on an impervious floor?(9 No - 2 - � _ t FLOOR DRAINS (Chapter 381) Town Sewer Account Number: Indoor floor drains: Yes & If yes,circle one,does it discharge to a: holding tank dry well on site septic. Outdoor surface drains: Yes A�oJ If yes,circle one,does it discharge to a: holding tank dry well on site septic. �'��-// FUEL AND CHEMICAL STORAGE TANKS (Chapter 326) Underground Storage Tank(s) on site? Yes Age: Is removal required? Yes No If yes,when? Is testing required? Yes No If yes,when? Out of doors above ground storage tank on site? Yes If yes,is it protected from the elements? Yes No If yes,how? Is it on a foundation larger in size than the tank? Yes No COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS/CORRECTIVE ACTIONS -5e- ac �E An 'Pe-IME 5cf'yIG� / 0'-tjTe7't GTES �`r oiw r� Date: 17r Public Health Inspector: Facility Representative: ,u - 3 - Prime Service Center Notes Comments/Recommendations/Corrective Actions The facilitystores uses and/or generates more than one-hundred and eleven gallons of hazardous material and is therefore subject to Town of Barnstable ordinance Chapter 108. Prime Service Center shall, within fourteen days, file for a Hazardous Materials License. Upon receipt of the license it is to be posted at the facility. (A license application form was provided to Mr. Markin on the date of the inspection.) The tank containing the waste oil to be burned in the space heater is to be labeled "REGULATED RECYCLABLE MATERIAL", "USED OIL FUEL", "TOXIC". (The fact sheet"Safe Handling of Waste Oil for Burning in Space Heaters" was provided to Mr. Markin on the date of the inspection.) The tank containing waste antifreeze should be labeled as such. Large absorbent"pigs" or booms should be available on site to control potentially large spills. There is a car wash adjacent to Prime Service Center. The floor trench drain discharges to an oil-water separator prior to discharge to the municipal sewer. The Prime Service Center garage floor is cleaned with a small Zamboni machine. The waste water/liquid from this machine is discharged to the car wash floor drain. i Material Safety Data Sheet C rysta I Crystal Clean Premium 142+ Mineral Spirits Clean Revision Date: 02-14-2008 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Crystal Clean 142+ Mineral Spirits Supplier: Heritage-Crystal Clean 2175 Point Boulevard - Suite 375 Elgin,.IL 60123-9211 Technical Contact: Heritage-Crystal Clean - EHS Department Telephone: 877-938-7948 or 847-836-5670 Fax: 847-836-5677 Email: ehs@crystal-clean.com Website: www.crystal-clean.com Synonyms: Mineral Spirits, Petroleum Naphtha, Parts Cleaner Solvent, Stoddard Solvent, Petroleum Distillates EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS Medical: Local Poison Control Center or Hospital ' Technical Questions: Heritage-Crystal Clean EHS Department 877-938-7948 2. COMPOSITION / INFORMATION OF INGREDIENTS Component Name CAS No. Wt Distillates (petroleum), aliphatic 64742-47-8 100 This solvent may be produced from several sources utilizing different refining processes that generate different CAS registry numbers based on the refining process used. Petroleum solvent naphtha, medium aliphatic is a complex stream of predominantly C9 to C12 hydrocarbons. 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Maior Routes of Entrv: Skin contact. Inhalation OSHA.Physical Hazard Classification: Combustible Potential Health Effects: Inhalation: High Concentrations of vapor may be harmful if inhaled and may irritate the respiratory tract (nose, throat, and lungs). High concentrations may cause nausea, vomiting, headaches, dizziness, loss of coordination, numbness, and other central nervous system effects. z Eye Contact: This material may cause transient eye irritation. Symptoms may include stinging, tearing, redness, and swelling of the eyes. Skin: This material can cause mild, transient skin irritation with short-term exposure. Repeated or prolonged skin contact can produce irritation (dermatitis) Ingestion: May be harmful if swallowed. Aspiration can result in lung damage or possible death. Symptoms of Exposure: Signs of central nervous system depression begin with headaches, dizziness, and apparent intoxication, through loss of consciousness. Aggravated Conditions: Skin contact can aggravate existing dermatitis. Preexisting eye and respiratory disorders may also be aggravated by exposure to this product. NFPA Hazard Rating NPCA/HMIS Rating: - Health: 1 = Slight : Health 1 = Slight - Fire 2 = Moderate - Fire 2 = Moderate - Reactivity 0 = Negligible - Reactivity 0 = Negligible - Protective Equipment C,X C = Safety glasses or goggles, gloves; synthetic apron X = Consult supervisor for handling info. Inn Health i SE4L'[S 3Pb&'m1TY flammability 2 Reactliih 0 Pivectiyey Equip C.S 4. FIRST AID MEASURES Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. If victim has difficulty in breathing, tightness of the chest, is dizzy, is vomiting, or is unresponsive, administer oxygen, artificial respiration, or CPR if required until medical assistance can be rendered. Eyes: Check for and remove contacts. If symptoms develop, flush eyes gently with water for at least 15,minutes while holding eyelids apart. Seek immediate medical attention. Seek medical attention. Skin: Remove contaminated clothing. Flush exposed area with large amounts of water. If skin is damaged, seek immediate medical attention. If skin is not damaged and symptoms persist, seek medical attention. Launder clothing before reuse. Ingestion: Do NOT induce vomiting. If victim is coughing, choking, has shortness of breath, or difficulty in breathing, transport to nearest medical facility for additional treatment. If any of the delayed signs and symptoms appears within the next 6 hours, transport to the nearest medial facility: fever greater that 1010F, shortness of Rev. 02/14/2008 i 3 breathe, chest congestion, or continued couching or wheezing. If vomiting occurs spontaneously, keep head below hips to prevent aspiration. Note to Physician: Inhalation overexposure can produce toxic effects. Monitor for respiratory distress. If coughing or difficult breathing develops, evaluate for upper respiratory tract inflammation, bronchitis, and pneumonitis. Vigorous anti- inflammatory/steroid treatment may be required with upper airway or pulmonary edema. Administer 100% humidified oxygen with assisted ventilation, as required. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Flash Point: >1420F ; > 61°C TCC Auto-ignition Point: >440°F ; >226°C Explosive Limits: 1% (lower) - 6% (upper) NFPA 30 Classification: Combustible Liquid Class IIIA Fire and Explosion Hazards: Vapors are heavier than air and may travel along the ground or may be moved by ventilation and ignited by pilot lights, other flames, or other ignition sources. Never use welding or cutting torch on or near drum (even empty) because product, or even residue, can ignite explosively. Extinguishing Media: Use carbon dioxide, dry chemical, regular foam, or water fog. Do not use a direct stream of water. Material will float and can be reignited on the surface of the water. Fire Fighting Instructions: Use self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). Containers exposed to fire should be kept cool with water spray. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Small Spill: appropriate inert absorbents, such as vermiculite, floor absorbent, or absorbent booms or pads, can absorb small spills. Avoid breathing vapors and ventilate the area. Large Spill: Eliminate all ignition sources (flares, flames including pilot lights, electrical sparks). Persons not wearing protective equipment should be excluded from area of spill until clean up has been completed. Stop spill at source if safe to do so. Prevent material from entering confined areas, drains, sewers, streams or other bodies of water. Prevent from spreading. If runoff occurs, notify authorities as required. Prevent run-off to sewers, streams or other bodies of water. If run-off occurs, notify proper authorities as required that a spill has occurred. Pump or Vacuum transfer spilled product to clean containers for recovery. Absorb unrecoverable product. Transfer contaminated absorbent, soil, and other material to proper non-leaking containers for disposal. Precautions to be taken in Handling and Storing: Keep containers closed when not in use. When opening covers and outlet caps.on storage tanks, use face shield and.gloves to avoid possible injury from pressurized hydrocarbon vapors. Do not overheat. Surfaces that are sufficiently hot may ignite liquid material. All five-gallon pails and larger containers, including tank cars and truck cargo tanks should be grounded and/or bonded when material is transferred to prevent ignition of vapors by static electricity. Hydrocarbon solvents are basically non-conductors of electricity but can become electrostatically charged during mixing, filtering, or Rev. 02/14/2008 4 pumping at high flow rates. If the charge reaches a sufficiently high level, sparks can form that may ignite the vapors of flammable liquids. Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated safety storage cabinet or room with appropriate labels. Do not store in closed vehicles. Keep away from ignition sources and ground all equipment containing this material. Containers must be able to withstand expansion and/or pressures expected from warning and cooling in storage. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Empty containers can be dangerous. Do not pressurize, cut, weld, braze, solder, drill, grind, or exposure such containers to heat, flames, sparks, or other sources of ignition. They may explode and cause injury or death. S. EXPOSURE CONTROLS AND PERSONAL PROTECTION Eye Protection: Safety glasses or chemical splash goggles are advised to safeguard against potential eye contact, irritation, or injury. Ensure that an emergency eyewash station and safety shower are located nearby. Skin Protection: Wear resistant gloves (consult your safety equipment supplier) To prevent repeated or prolonged skin'contact, wear impervious clothing and boots. Res irato Protections: If engineering controls do not maintain airborne rY 9 � concentrations at a level that is adequate to protect worker health, a NIOSH/MISHA approved air supplied respirator must be worn in accordance with the OSHA respiratory standard. Appropriate respirators may include air-purifying cartridge respirators for organic vapors, supplied air respirators, or self-contained breathing apparatus (in environments with unknown concentrations or emergency situations). Engineering Controls: Provide sufficient mechanical (general and/or local exhaust) ventilation to maintain exposure below the permissible exposure limits and threshold limits values. Other/General Protection: Wear body-covering clothing to avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Launder before reuse. Varying application methods can dictate the use of additional protective safety equipment such as impermeable aprons, etc. OCCURational Exposure Guidelines: Substance: Petroleum Hydrocarbon Distillates _ OSHA PEL 2900 mg/ms or 500 ppm ( our ) ACGIH TLV 100 ppm (8-hour TWA) 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL.PROPERTIES Physical State: Liquid Appearance:' Clear or slight light blue color Odor: Hydrocarbon solvent odor Boiling Point: >186 °C, >367 °F Vapor Pressure: <1.0 mm Hg @ 20 °C, 68 OF Reid Vapor Pressure: < 0.1 psia (VP @ 38 °C , 100 OF) Vapor Density (Air=1): > 1.0 Specific Gravity: 0.78 - 0.98 Rev. 02/14/2008 5 Percent Volatiles: 100% Percent VOC: 100% Lbs/Gal VOC: 6.5-8.2 Solubility: Negligible Physical properties given are typical for this product. 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability: Stable Incompatible Materials: Strong oxidizers. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Thermal decomposition may result in an airborne mixture of solids (smoke and soot), liquids (mist), and gases including a complex mixture of fumes, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and other organic hydrocarbons. Conditions to Avoid: Avoid heat, open flames, strong acids and strong oxidizers. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Acute Studies: Petroleum Distillate: Oral (LD50): > 5,000 mg/kg (rat) Inhalation (LC50): > 5,500 (rat, 4 hours) Dermal (LD.50): > 3,000 mg/kg mg/kg (rabbit) Miscellaneous Toxicological Information: Studies on laboratory animals have associated similar materials with eye and respiratory tract irritation. Studies on laboratory animals have shown similar materials to cause skin irritation after repeated or prolonged contact. Repeated direct application of Stoddard Solvent to the skin can produce defatting dermatitis and kidney damage in laboratory`animals. Rats developed kidney damage and elevated blood urea nitrogen levels when exposed to a concentration of 1.9 mg/L for 65 days. The kidney damage occurred only in male rats and appeared to involve both the tubules and glomeruli. The significance of these animal study results to human health is unclear. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Acute Toxicity Fish: Low toxicity: LC/EC/IC50 > 1000mg/I Aquatic Invertebrates: Low toxicity: LC/EC/IC50 > 1000mg/I Algae: Low toxicity: LC/EC/IC50 > 1000mg/1 Mobility: Floats on Water; Adsorbs to soil and has low mobility Persistence / Degradability: Expected to be readily biodegradable Oxidizes rapidly by photo-chemical reactions in air Bioaccumulation: Has the potential to bioaccumulate Rev. 02/14/2008 6 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Material: Maximize material recovery for reuse or recycling. The characteristics of this product do not in itself cause the resulting waste to be considered a hazardous waste under RCRA criteria of 40 CFR 261. Container: Drain container thoroughly. After draining, vent in a safe place away from sparks and fire. D'o not puncture, cut, or weld unclean drums. Send drum to metal or drum reclaimer. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION' DOT Non-Bulk Package (< 119G container) Shipping Name: Mineral Spirits (Petroleum Naphtha) (Not DOT regulated) DOT Bulk Package (> 119G container) Shipping Name: Combustible liquid, n.o.s. (petroleum naphtha) UN/NA #: NA 1268 Hazard Class: Combustible Liquid Packing Group: III Placards: Class 3, NA 1268 Packaging Exceptions: 49 CFR 173.150 Packaging Requirements: 49 CFR 173.203, 173.242 North America Emergency Response Guidebook Guide No: 128 This material is not classified as hazardous under IATA and IMDG regulations. 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION US Federal Regulations: TSCA: This material is listed in the U.S. Toxic Substance Control Act Chemical Substance Inventory CWA: This material is classified as an oil under Section 311 of the Clean Water Act and the Oil Pollution Control Act of 1990. Spills and discharges that cause a sheen on surface waters or in waterways and seaways that lead to surface waters must be reported to the national Response Center at 800- 424-8802 CERCLA: This material does not contain any hazardous substances listed pursuant to the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) and 40 CFR 302, Table 302.4. SARA 302 and 304: This product does not contain any components listed in 40 CFR 302.4 and 40 CFR 355. SARA 313: This product does not contain "toxic" chemicals subject to the requirements of Section 313 of Title II of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) and 40 CFR 372. SARA 311 and 312: This product poses the following health hazards as defined in 40 CFR 370 and are subject to the requirements of Sections 311 and 312 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA): Rev. 02/14/2008 I 7 - Immediate (Acute) Health Hazard - Delayed (Chronic health Hazard - Fire Hazard 16. OTHER INFORMATION Reference Documents: Some of the information provided in this Material Safety Data Sheet is supplied by manufacturers of products supplied to Heritage-Crystal Clean. Although reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of this document we extend no warranties and make no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained therein, and assume no responsibility regardless of the suitability of this information for the user's intended purposes or the consequences of its use. Each individual should make a determination as to the suitability of the information of his or her particular purpose(s). Heritage-Crystal Clean Rev. 02/14/2008 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY HCC Generator AC II"�/Sta HCC Service Agreement#: Cleans' HERITAGE-CRYSTAL CLEAN, LLC ("HCC") GENERATOR CERTIFICATION l i`'✓ C( 1 ;; ' S d^ K Customers EPA ID#: (Customer) `' ► t`oV,-l"" C Customer's State ID#(if applicable): (Address) (City) (State) (Zip Code) (Phone Number) THIS FORM IS DEEMED PART OF THE ABOVE REFERENCED SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN HERITAGE-CRYSTAL CLEAN,LLC AND THE IDENTIFIED CUSTOMER AND ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS CONTAINED THEREIN ARE DEEMED A PART HEREOF. ALL SERVICES ®Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator(CESQG) (or state equivalent designation) The Customer hereby certifies that it qualifies as a Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator by generating less than 100 kilograms(approximately 28 gallons)of characteristic(D codes),F,K,or U-listed hazardous waste during a calendar month,and less than one kilogram(approximately 2.2 pounds)of acute hazardous(P-listed)waste during a calendar month. The Customer also certifies that no more than 1,000 kilograms of characteristic F,K,or U-listed hazardous waste and no more than one kilogram of acute hazardous waste was accumulated on-site at any one time during a calendar month.The Customer will inform HCC if more than 1,000 kilograms of characteristic F,K,or U-listed hazardous waste or more than'one kilogram of acute hazardous waste is accumulated on-site at any one time during a calendar month. ❑Generator Does NOT Qualify as Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator The Customer hereby certifies that it qualifies as: ❑Small Quantity Generator(SQG) or ❑ Large Quantity Generator(LQG) >100 kg/220 lbs.Per month and >1000 kg/2200 lbs.Per month <1000 kg/2200 lbs.Per month : GENERATOR'S QUANTITY CERTIFICATION PARTS CLEANER SERVICES Customer represents,warrants and certifies as follows: The Parts Cleaner fluids are generated in Customer's business operations without Customer adding any additives or other materials to the fluids and the fluids do not include any waste generated by any other person or any other business operation. Customer understands that any Parts Cleaner fluids tendered to HCC for pickup have not been mixed with any materials regulated as hazardous waste under RCRA,or any polychlorinated bi-phenyls(PCBs)or other materials regulated under TSCA and all constituents present in such fluids are contaminants resulting from,and incidental to, normal use of the fluids as a degreaser or cleaner and any failure of these Certifications to be true and accurate may result in its fluids being classified as hazardous waste subject to federal and state laws and regulations. ®Non-Hazardous Parts Cleaner Program Certification Customer hereby certifies that it qualifies for HCC's Non-Hazardous Parts Cleaner Program and understands that the HCC degreasing/cleaning fluids picked up by HCC may be managed as a non-hazardous waste. _ ❑Reuse Program Certification Customer hereby certifies that it qualifies for HCC's Reuse Program and understands that the HCC degreasing/cleaning fluids picked up by HCC may be utilized as an effective substitute for a commercial chemical product. In the event of any breach of this Certification or if analytical results determine that the fluids do not qualify,said determination in HCC's sole discretion,HCC retains the right to disqualify the fluids from either the Non-Hazardous Parts Cleaner or Reuse Program in which case,Customer will be obligated to pay for testing,management and disposal of the fluids as hazardous waste.The person signing this Certification has reviewed the Customer's facilities,administrative practices and operational procedures(or has directed the comp i of such review by others)and based upon such review,is willing to make this true,accurate and complete Certification. V" SOLVENT USE CERTIFICATION (in als) USED OILNACUUM SERVICE Customer acknowledges that HCC may,but is not required to,retain samples of materials,which may be used to confirm contaminants in said materials. Customer represents,warrants and certifies that the waste materials described in this Agreement for these services meets the definition of used oil in 40 CFR 279("Used Oil means any oil that has been refined from crude oil,or any synthetic oil,that has been used and as a result for such use is contaminated by physical or chemical impurities") and has not been mixed with other regulated materials,including but not limited to polychlorinated bi-phenyls(PCB's),other materials regulated under TSCA,or hazardous waste,and recognizes that HCC is relying on this Certification to properly manage these waste materials,and in the event that this Certification is untrue,Customer accepts complete responsibility for all costs related to the proper management and disposal of the waste materials and any commingled materials. Customer acknowledges that the Used Oil will be co-mingled by HCC with used oil from third parties and that in the event the Used Oil is found to be nonconforming,either before or after said co-mingling,HCC may refuse to accept or revoke its prior acceptance of the Used Oil and Customer's indemnification in the Service Agreement shall apply to said non-conforming Used Oil and other used oil received from other parties which is affected thereby. USED OIL CERTIFICATION (initials) Customer hereby agrees to immediately notify HCC of any facts that would result in a change as to the truth,accuracy or completeness of the above Certification or any prior Certifications of the Customer.These initialed Certifications hereinabove supersede all prior Certifications as to the Certification subject matter,but no other Certifications.The signature below applies to all of the Certifications initialed hereinabove by the Customer. Av.r �" 1 \i da 2 — - (Date) (Printed Name of Responsible and Authorized Party) (Sign Pure I ^^^ ^^^ Qz;el� X' CORPORATE OFFICES. L, Ja r, Z. 2115 Point Blvd-Suite 375 tz 5 � Elgin IL 60123 i � tzfi .(877)938 7948 , :. a F - , ..-�' y �-.Fs N s _ ''K`t 'i r r.<-rU .�.M'�`^� f4 ED TAX1 D::#,3b-2083150 }� a�ixer�vrcecAgreernent�rr VISA MASTERCARD AND AMERICAN EX?RES"CCEFTED rr �z u,,�, ryy, rT ,•P t n y �C - _.:;.. .1.:j ".x:.-,jµ�.�i,F-.fL..'isL f^! ^+.as^f.. fi...�;r3.. ...s.-..:., �' ,::>°�..ire n..✓X:_+1 ,.. _.�.:-,(:s.'TF....rl.. ,5. 5.:.��i.A:�t,tr-.,...;. r.,. , '1. K, n�kc-nformet HC6 Customer# Orl coal S eem # Placement f g ervice Agr ent ServlceRequest# Yc 4 { HCC'Generator# f r,*... �. P,,.' . THE ADDITIONAL,SERVIQESDESCRIBEDHEREIN,ARESUPPLEMENTALT.O.THOSESERVICES;DESCRIBED INTHE:ASOVEORIGINALSERVICE - �nSta. a.bon $ AGREEMENTAND ALLTERMS CONDmONS AND CERTIFlCATIONSTHEREIN ALSO GOVERNTHESE ADD[T10NAL SERVICES ERIp,.ID# r *}`' r' ¢ rr Thlsagreementasmadethts ` .2, t 'of' 20"fit `day byndbetween °Y, 4y" 'rt-,... `u' - ��,^' .`�`4t r r vz �` ksrc'�.r rs�Y g `^'Se zrt,a '' i `+f ,w rx•_e.cv ni 4 1 N -3'.0.:..ts� ram` � HEF�TAGE CRxSTAL CLEAN,rLLC LOCATION BILL TO Nam' Y ` G3 t,/ E:s r M s x Name Address ., ,ie n�.. . ..ti�a Y"^, ,.�s City Ye State p t CI State'. ZIp Tele hone# Coitact Name/TiNe" Tele # *`� Faz# , . � � � �? .. 't State::EPAtI D # * Fetl`EPA 15D #. FEIN#( ' n E mall ' WCC shaN'provlde the seances designated herein sublegt to the other termsand contli6on's hereof The tens of this Agreement shall be fora penod of one(1)year from the date hereof which penod;shall be aubomatcxlly eictended for;penods:of,one(1}yearLfrom the date of'each'service'hereunder subled'<to(a)written notice of terminAtori.by.Cri§tomer whldt would•be effective as of the end of the Then rxirrent one(1}year penod:or(b)written notice of tenrnna4on by Customer within thirty(30)days after an increase In pnoes by hereunder which rfI the"aggregate�dunng any Immedlatey preceding twelve(12)-ril— peri exceeds a ten percent(10%)Irx senor(c)termination by HOC at any finis irr the event of4Customel'sbreac of this Agreerneni s w, z:, s _ , PLEASE SEE�A�ODITION'ALTERMS�CONDITIONS,AND:CERTiFICATfONSON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOFAND/OR�PROVIDED � ' 1,. .�� HREVu1THWHICHAREPARfOFTHIS'AGREEMENT �i ` Authonzed'Custom?r Representative Signature - HCC Representative Signature yr-�u��x,'u rs tar.vs-sa_.,a:`rrJerzsxe,.bb.r t..rs,z: 3:L"�.;2.k,;..,f 7.. ' ,a^�v+.?,�-.. .-xo-. :3ra�^!' .az-�rr,3.+.._.:_ .Wzr a«. •r, e,s_i - C MACHINE PLACEMENT ill Y. A.. 11 111 - - Product ��` t'L''OCflt1011 "�Z r 1 s "`'' Plc Code SeMce'Int `$/service • �.:t+r z m.sz..izt r.xkf t4 yG>n^-aT1r'Y ,,.4s.?`. P ^C..::;'�;.7^r, 4,....�.W}` .-;x%1 ."4 �, r'.�v�� �•' ��. 2`) v l N Qi b t# r� Y ,.0 iNX r7ws k wy t d $ 7r,�� '�r.. - 5 0 - 6.)t4O y,.R.� l �3✓ j L�LS TTE Y'l . , j S� Y 4 L E.I JFu�X $ $^ S i;. '.> 5 L%;•?T�'(,. ^3R''t'+'� S`'"`"'.� ,:t'F`}y34 ,i. ,7 r 1F` i',!,�" ex",,., ,,.q l 3 ...rtM1' { ^a ',i.:-t iN'✓^t a^ "' F Product Coder jQty� � tx Product�Descrlptlon l /Servla x J' M .3�..- ':. �* � C' A {� ly fj� �✓ aY�i�'�,.a.;'.:� f.� 4�v, e� �,? 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Wood 730 Bearse's Way Hyannis, MA 02601 IMPORTANT NOTICE Re: 95 Falmouth Rd., Hyannis,MA. 02601 Map & Parcel : 311-073 Dear Mr. Wood: According to our records, your property at 95 Falmouth Rd., Hyannis, MA has a I°I8) septic system (last inspected in 44") and is not connected to the public sewer system. Public sewer lines have been available in your neighborhood for many years.The property owner was previously notified of the obligation to hook up and establish a sewer account with the town. This letter directs you to connect your building located at 95. Falmouth Rd., Hyannis, MA, to public sewer on or before Sept. 30, 2011. Sewer connection permits are available from DPW-Water Pollution Control Division, 617 Bearse's Way, Hyannis MA 02601 (508) 790-6335. You may request a hearing before the Board of Health. If you would like a hearing please send a written petition requesting a hearing on this matter within seven (7) days of receipt of this letter. If you should have any questions, please call 508-862-4644. PER ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH cKean, R.S., C.H.O. Agent of the Board of Health Ni f—`�` :�_. 1 s• " Fee d� ' THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Entered in computer: Yes PUBLIC HEALTH DIVISION -TOWN OF BARNSTABLE, MASSACHUSETTS 4plication for Disposal *pstrm Construction permit Application for a Permit to Construct( ) Repair( ) Upgrade( ) Abandon(Vy' ❑Complete System ❑Individual Components Location Address oor,r�L,o�.�t N�o. Owner's Name,Address,and Tel.No. o15o1 Map/Parcel t h �- }Ay(:Xr S,'1 �.A me.'�'il�cce e S ?-:)ZT12 Installer's Name,Address,and Ted.No. Designer's Name,Address,and Tel.No. 'txcG.loatin�Cock �ov��n Cr��e �neei ►n Type of Building: Dwelling No.of Bedrooms Lot Size sq.ft. Garbage Grinder( ) Other Type of Building No.of Persons Showers( ) Cafeteria( ) Other Fixtures Design Flow(min.required) gpd Design flow provided gpd Plan Date Number of sheets Revision Date Title Size of Septic Tank Type of S.A.S. Description of Soil Nature of Repairs or Alterations(Answer when applicable) v_ cndC)n Date last inspected: Agreement: The undersigned agrees to ensure the construction and maintenance of the afore described on-site sewage disposal system in accordance with the provisions of Title 5 of the Environmental Code and not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by this Board of Health. Signed Date /� V Application Approved by {' V .! /5 Date 5'—1> Application Disapproved by Date for the following reasons Permit No. Date Issued No ��6`` t� .fir• �. €. Fee I �. fiHE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Entered in computer: Yes ' PUBLIC HEALTH DIVISION -TOWN.OF BARNSTABLE, MASSACHUSETTS 9ipiication for Disposal *pstrm Construction Permit Application for a Permit to Construct( ) Repair( ) Upgrade( ) Abandon(VY ❑Complete System ❑Individual Components Location Address or Lot No. Owner's Name,Address,and Tel.No. 9! y D �c1- ��Ca�nnls�\1 Pc 1 m�'S~IleccedeS �emz As e sor's ap arce Installer's Name,Address,and el.No. Designer's Name,Address,and Tel.No. Far�Cl�or �xcQ uc+�i n�Coc P �ov�rti C�fie.F i r�eei i n� Type of Building: Dwelling No.of Bedrooms Lot Size sq.ft. Garbage Grinder( ) Other Type of Building No.of Persons Showers( ) Cafeteria( ) Other Fixtures ' Design Flow(min.required) gpd Design flow provided gpd Plan Date -'` Number of sheets .Revision Date Title Size of Septic Tank Type of S.A.S. Description of Soil Nature of Repairs or Alterations(Answer when applicable) �(���� Date last inspected: Agreement: The undersigned agrees to ensure the construction and maintenance of the afore described on-site sewage disposal system in accordance with the provisions of Title 5 of the Environmental Code and not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by this Board of Health. Signed Date Application`Approved byAA M, Date Application Disapproved by --�T-�-� Date for the following reasons v Permit No. o Date Issued l ik y THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BARNSTABLE,MASSACHUSETTS Certificate of Compliance THIS TO CERTIFY,that the On-site Sewage Disposal system Constructed( ) Repaired( ) Upgraded( ) Abandoned(THIS - at tJi` has en construo ed in accordance with the provisions of Title 5 and the for Disposal System Construction Permit No. dated Installer Designer #bedrooms Approved design flow gpd The issuance of this permit shalb not be construed as a guarantee that the system will functto a designed. Date f Inspector ` -No. ram! 0 Fee r a THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ` PUBLIC HEALTH DIVISION-BARNSTABLE,MASSACHUSETTS -isposal *pstem Construction Permit 4 Permission is hereby granted to Construct( ) Repair( ) Upgrade( ) Abandon System located at !i1 and as described in the above Application for Disposal System Construction Permit. The applicant recognized his/her duty to comply with Title 5 and the following local provisions or special conditions. Provided:Construction r�nust be completed within three years of the date of this permit. G Date 9 ��� Approved by_ � / _ l B G D E F G H J K I I ----------------------------, I I I I DETAILING I I I I I I I o ----------' IO0. TF-1 �----- — I SERVICE DRNE i p THRU ------- I-0 TF 1 I i ! ' I ; � m 2.8 We, ol I I 3 I ` SERVICE i +�, MEN 17S TF- WPITING .... _, ADV150R5 I WOMEN 114 O 103 TV-1 102 N-1 in N-1 -N 1 I i OULK r` FI 120 t TF-1 k ...... TEG 7 3.8 — • ._ --- �` TOIL - _ _ .-�,r, -,r�'",_....W> `• I 1 vj i T8 F -;- . t .. _. � - , ------------- BREAK TV-2 -4 TF-3 07 G RETAIL 10 I I L t PARTS -3 - - - -- --� - - - - - - - T SERVICE 8AY USED CAR SALES "-• "' 5 - -•---�- t' 104 N-1 t SALES ` r 119 TF-1 t ...... _. . 100 GAMI r--------------� PARTS TECH.PARTS EQUIPMENT ` 117 TF-S =` _ 109 TF-3 ': 1 a 1� TF T L } I ' I GEN ' 105 GA 1 ...` [`I I E - - - _ -------------- I I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- �,#Nli e�s L Ft i i III i o} i 19 I I I i W NIGHTINGALE .Q� ROAD 191 p0 AIRPORT I� I' LOCUS HINKL S/S ROAD �/ 0' \ SEWER As \3\Lj S S EX151\NG SMH �� o �• P 192+0-�0 " AC WATCRpIN PER �B�D 151 Ar1D SEWER PSB%S �NDSCAPE 8 8 CV 'ps `nv EX\WINS M SEWER MPOA 5 E \ VAC ,JS t s W S o 7 W W BENCHMARK: S \ 151 6 ' CENTEg E ING WF�COVER 44.94 CURBED l 044.35 'S f o NAVD88 S n7.417 w 15LP.ND ^CV LOCUS MAP SCALE 1 "= 2000' S EXISTING SCAPE d'+ RESET SIGN REQ. PAVEMENT V O yYo LAND � � � SURFACE SAWCUT a � SMH1 __45 AND REPLACE AS ASSESSORS MAP 311 PARCEL 73 ExlsT.vAcuuM PIT RI"TO REQUIRED +45.37 'o j INV.'S IN 38.5 2 INV. 39.1 +45.23 RESTRIPE PROPOSED HIGHLAND 350 a m ZONING: HIGHWAY BUSINESS - HB (V.I.F.) S'j� DISTURBED PAINT QZ j GP- GROUNDWATER PROTECTION OVERLAY DISTRICT s`O OIL WATER SEPARATOR ` CONC PAD WITH AREA: 40,000 SF z o £D 4y s 30"x54 HATCH k FRONTAGE: 20 FT yo r j 6` ,P SEE DETAILS W SETBACKS 0 FT - FRONT* SEE BELOW 44.75 �. rvWIDTH: 160 FT � 309 NHS INV. 41.0 ** .75 LEGEND. 30 FT SIDE 10 MIN. y � HATCH COVER 45.4 0 20 FT - BACK VENT - -gg-- EXISTING CONTOUR UNES . INV. 41.3 � �I f'J\° " l ROOF REQ PAD 30% MAXIMUM BUILDING COVERAGE rr � ItW +99.92 EXIST. SPOT ELEV. 30 FT MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT-(OR 2 STORIES, WHICHEVER IS LESSER) of A/VG- O o,45.68 i * 100 FT ALONG ROUTES 28 AND 132 ' ate/ S O 0 O EXIST. SEWER VALVE PIT �- �y W 2 IM BENCHMARK 9� ** THE MINIMUM TOTAL SIDE YARD SETBACK SHALL BE THIRTY (30) FT 2 / 2 6' DOORSILL EXISTING MOUNT N INV. 42'5�e 45.68 W ter. U/�n EMA4 IN9-42 PROVIDED THAT NO ALLOCATION OF SUCH TOTAL RESULTS IN A SLAB THIS AREA P'AN LARM / SETBACK< OF LESS THAN TEN (10) ,FT, ,EXCEPT ABUTTING A Q ' EL 45.93 NAVD88 (ELECTRI�EL INSIDE�CON DL _ ,� PROPOSED SEWER MANHOLE ' RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT WHERE.A MINIMUM OF TWENTY 20 FT IS REQUIRED a �� l P RMIT oN qLL l _ L E ( ) � � . � REQUI o fo t� , c' MAP a ) O a 1.0% SLOPE OF PIPE OWNER OF RECORD: GILBERT WOOD, 730 BEARSES WAY, HYANNIS, MA 02601 ,� / / 3>> a / P o ED O TITLE REFERENCE: LC CERT# 124775, LC PLAN #29953-A a h EXIST//�G C� SEWER FLOW ESTIMATE: ap SF RETAIL 50 GPD 1000 SF) ='35o GPD �o /r•• #95 FAL)wotj �D/NG Q = w UTILITY POLE CAR WASH BAY- STANDARD HOSE- 10 GPM EST. - USE 10 PPM 35 GPM SEPARATOR �a "l cC PRIME PRE, H ROAD a a o FIRE HYDRANT 8 SC-tz-v�tC- i�RyS 15 o spa^-f = k2oc� GPt7 v'yo o F MEj�CY OWNED CE(RT 28) o o C CAPE 55v C,pt7 � Z 44.67 � / APE CO ��DO OR 2 �o NEAT SAW CUT/ JOINT SEALER -o- STREET SIGN J o I ce / UNDER SMI SSIO TORS i _ a- ' o SSA RENOVA TION N z �, T B 0 M tiI S 45.$f 3 TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE 10O� 2 NEW PAVEMENT Z N 2 2 UZ EXISTING PAVEMENT 2",BINDER, 1" TOP 4"LOAM AND SEED Q (� 1 MDPW TYPE 11 BIT. ASPHALT DISTURBED AREAS , aQ o , CATCH BASIN O i w y 45.71 z GRAVEL Q : P95?�Q \� a a - - _ WATER GATE BASE COURSE A:off ooA o �i Q 2" PROCESSED GRAVEL rTto�8 0 0 0 4. &� by Q pq;:44s; \\ ' 2• // \ PROPOSED SEWER LINE EXCAVATION- EARTH OR ROCK ALL ROCK EXCAVATION AND STONES Wa I G 45.64 E ELECTRIC LINE LARGER THAN 6" SHALL BE \ DISPOSED OF AND REPLACED WITH 2OlA• COS APP OX. LOCATION o \\\ APPROVED EXCAVATED MATERIAL OR GRAVEL BORROW. OR EXI TING SEPTIC SYSTEM I V1 - WATER LINE \� �\ k T9 BE REMOVED AND 1 COMPACTED FILLED WITH COMPACTED G GAS LINE APPROVED T SAND. SEPTIC BACKFILL SMH2 I ABANDONMENT WHEELSTOP \\\� RIM 41.3 n �� PERMIT REQUIRED. CT IN 12" LIFTS INV. 41.4 7 GAS METER MOD. PROCTOR 44.07 "ORIG. DWPC 81-750 Y WITH VIB. COMPACTOR \\\ Q 'R / A 2D/ . CO f - VR 4, \` k NOTE: NOT ALL SYMBOLS MAY APPEAR IN DRAWING OR LEGEND I °pip V C 00. O °o v PIPE O.D. °o°° / If 12' MIN. \\ CAREFULLY COMPACTED If ` ?,0/A• CO 8"MAX 12"MIN. \' SELECTED MATERIAL OR 9"MIN. \\ GRAVEL BORROW f VER `1 \� / o q °o E °�.o \\\ 43.981/2 O.D. ti.bzso :000; A ��� CRUSHED STONE BEDDING REQ / 0)_ ono?�zsootas$o;an oMzsoa F••o.bb' a?'�9aa''\�\ 3/4" STONE REQUIRED.LINE Q ON6 MIN. INEI` elNE ONE `` 2N) • \ \\ 3 EO ONE \ m GE OF PA V UNDISTURBED EMENT UNDISTURBED FIRM MATERIAL ROCK SURFACE REPLACE ANY W BELOW GRADE EXCAVATION OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL � GRq i f � WITH CAREFULLY .COMPACTED f L SELECTED MATERIAL - n R IN 12 LIFTS,, MAX. •-`�RK/N _ .:. _ _ _, ..... __: .. ;v Vim:.._ , _. __._4_.. -___ G EARTH TRENCH ROCK TRENCH +43.68 r - STAN DAR D D ETAI L \ SEWER TRENCH X- X NOT TO SCALE �- 146.71 N 85'18 00 E NOTES: 1. THE LOCATION OF EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN IS PLAN VIEW APPROXIMATE. PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION ON THIS SITE, THE EXCAVATING SCale: 1"- 20' CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE THE REQUIRED 72 HOUR NOTIFICATION TO DIG SAFE (1-888-344-7233) AND ANY OTHER UTILITIES WHICH MAY HAVE CABLE, PIPE OR EQUIPMENT IN THE CONSTRUCTION AREA FOR VERIFICATION OF LOCATIONS. 0 10 20 30 40 50 FEET 2. ALL CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, COMPONENTS, AND METHODS EMPLOYED ON THIS PROJECT WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE TOWN OF BARNSTABLE SUBDIVISION REGS. 48 AND\OR THE MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS STANDARD 48 SPECIFICATIONS FOR BRIDGES AND HIGHWAYS AS AMENDED TO PRESENT. EXISTING VACUUM SEWER MANHOLE ALL SEWER WORK AND MATERIALS TO CONFORM TO 310 CMR 15.00 TITLE 5. ELEVATION IS ESTIMATED FROM ASBUILT AND TOWN OF BARNSTABLE DPW STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR SEWER AND WATER CONNECTIONS. 4'VENT SEWER PLANS. VERIFY DEPTH IN FIELD PRIOR TO I� 3. VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD88 FROM RTK GPS. ANY OTHER SEWER WORK j 4. MUNICIPAL WATER AND OTHER UTILITY CONNECTIONS ARE EXISTING ON SITE. BLDG. FA EXISTIN PAVEMENT SURFACE 5. THIS PLAN IS FOR PROPOSED WORK ONLY AND IS NOT TO 46 SAWCU AND REPLACE AS REQUIRED 46 BE USED FOR PROPERTY LINE STAKING. SLAB FALMO TH ROAD 6. OFF-SITE DETAILS FROM G.I.S. DATA- APPROXIMATE, FOR REFERENCE ONLY. RIMH44.3 CLEANOUT S RIM�15-o RO TE 28 7. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF ALL INVERTS AND.UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INV. 41.4 J 8. CONTRACTOR TO REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO OWNERS ENGINEER 44 AND RECEIVE WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING. 44 0 9. EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEM CONSISTS OF (1) 1000 GAL SEPTIC TANK AND TWO 6'X6' PITS WITH 2' STONE a I WITH DISTRIBUTION BOX, INSTALLED UNDER PERMIT # 81-750. ALL TO BE REMOVED PER TITLE 5 SPECS. EXIST. INVERT CONTRACTOR TO APPLY FOR SEPTIC ABANDONMENT PERMIT FROM BOARD OF HEALTH. 43.0 t �- ZT LEAVE MH FOR 10. TRENCH TO BE COMPACTED AND PAVED PER SECTION VIEW, REPAINT ALL DISTURBED PARKING LINES. FUTURE AB. CONNECTION EXPAND TO 6" PVC 42 42 10' OFF BLDG CAUTION: APPROX. 11. SEWER LINES SHOULD BE 36" (18"MIN.) BELOW WATER SUPPLY LINES, BUT IF IT IS NECESSARY INV. 41 5 1 WATER SERVICE TO CROSS ABOVE A WATER UTILITY, BOTH THE BUILDING SEWER AND THE WATER LINE SHALL BE 6X6 WYE INV 40.6 ENCASED IN A LARGER DIAMETER WATERTIGHT PIPE FOR A DISTANCE OF 10 FEET ON BOTH SIDES INV. 41.4 OF THE CROSSING. (REF. BARN. SEWER R€GS, TITLE 5, AND TR-16) PROPO 12. EXISTING PIPE INVERTS ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR TO EXPOSE PIPE, VERIFY ED 6.. S 40 R35 VC q y" 0 1 INVERTS IN FIELD, AND NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCY. 40 ITCH �� l H�=T2 13. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE PLAN: OIL WATER SEPARATOR SHALL BE INSPECTED MONTHLY AND CLEANED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS 5 �/e. RECOMMENDATIONS OR WHEN THE LEVEL OF WASTE OIL IS 25% THE EFFECTIVE DEPTH C{e4 � ENV' yq.,� , OR AT LEAST EVERY THREE MONTHS, WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. THE COVER SHALL BE vt PROTECTED FROM VEHICULAR TRAFFIC BY H2O COVER AND KEPT FREE OF SNOW IN 38 WINTER. 38 EXISTING _ INVERT 38. EXISTING 5 ` VACUUM 14. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR UNIT ACCOMPANYING PLAN. }` -� VERIFY INVERT ATAND MAIN R 15. DESIGN INTENT: PROVIDE REQUIRED OIL/WATER SEPARATOR FOR HAND-WASHING 5.• BLDG PIT PRIOR VAC. CANY AUTOMOBILES BY PRIME PRE-OWNED CENTER, ESTIMATED FLOW 12 GPM MAX. 170't ER ORK i SEPARATOR RATED FOR 35 GPM- O.K. ON SITEW 36 36 16. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS WITH TOWN. I I I 34 34 , E PROTECT VENT W/ 4" VENT 6"X6" P.T. WOOD \ � - SEWER CONNECTION PROFILE- WEST SIDE BOLLARD. \ , APPROX. SCALE 1" 20' HORIZONTAL of 4f,4 1 2' VERTICAL ��`ZNssgc �•\N of o� MgSs i DANIEC qc A m� �o� DANIELA. yGs� o OJALA o OJALA CLEANOUT DETAIL: No.40980 " CIVIL `� No.46502 LeBARON CAST IRON LA0910 EXISTING CAST IRON COVER H-20 RATED FEMALE ADAPTOR & THREADED PLUG �gNpSUR�E °F0 IST -� VALVE BOX TO ` ZONAL E GRADE AT BLDG Scale: 1"=20' II SEE MANHOLE, 0 W SEP. DETAILS / 0 10 20 30 40 50 FEET SEWER CONNECTION - - - - - BUILDING 4.0"OCAST IRON SWEEP 90' SWEEP _ INVERT I I y 3.0 v.t,i^ sirr 4" CAST IRON AT BLDG O1' LAND D IN HYANNIS, MA i I 0"oSDR 35 PVC AT 1.5% 6 off 508-362-4541 , . 1'ALMO V TH ROAD I 4"XAT 6" SbSDR 35 PVC ECCENTRIC REDUCER fax 5O8 362-9880 #9 5 (10' OFF BLDG.) 4"X6" OSDR 35 PVC ECCENTRIC REDUCER EXISTING SDR21 4" STUB ELEV. 38.5 (V.I.F.) ( PREPARED FOR: II do'W' n cape erg girk eerie g, Inc. EXISTING PIT (NO (TOWN VOA DD UUM AC VALVE PRI RATONST RTQUP) ANCHOR EXCAVATING CIVIL ENGINEERS PIP ING DETAILS DATE. 3/31/11 II L A ND SUR VE YORS - - - J NOT TO SCALE 939 Main Street YARMOUTHPORT, MASS. DCE # 11-059 11-059 PRIME.DWG I . .-_.-...-......--... , i FINSHED GROUND SURFACE p� LeBARON CAST IRON LA0910 SEE PAVEMENT SECTION NOTE: OPTION- LOWER PAD 1" AND LEAVE TOP CONC. ROUGH, FEMALE ADAPTOR & 4" THREADED PLUG H-20 RATED TACK COAT AND PAVEMENT OVERLAY TO MATCH NEW SITE OVERLAY. VALVE BOX TO SLEEVE TO ALLOW MOVEMENT 10' CONCRETE 3500 PSI l0 GRADE AT EA. END. 6" TO 4" REDUCER POURED CONCRETE DONUT #5 REBAR @ 12 O.C. BOTH a 1.5 CU.FT.t DIRECTIONS IN CENTER OF PAD, MATCH EXISTING GRADE 8"X6" WYE INTO MAIN ? HIGHLAND R-GLM 54 X48' H-20 6" SDR35 ELBOW M NjEo 4.0"0SCH4C C:S, RECTANGULAR GRADE LEVEL MANWAY, EL. ,41.35f 4 AT 2% MIN. SERVICES I a r .8 1/8„ . 4 6"SDR35 PVC C LE A N O U T D E TA I L 8" MAIN AT 2% TO STUB H-20 FOR USE IN PAVED AREAS SEE TRENCH AT LOT LINE (TYP.) DETAIL 4"SCH40 PVC AT 2% MIN. BUILD UP WITH SEWER BRICK 48" + Gp+sT IAo*i MORTAR IN PLACE SUPPORT MANWAY ON 12" WIDE SEWER BLOCK MORTAR IN PLACE, COMPACTED GRAVEL BASE SEE CLEANOUT DETAIL SEWER SERVICE LINES TYPICAL ACCESS - COVER - NOT TO SCALE GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED EQUIPMENT NO. REQ'D: 1 ,° ° .°- • . 1 . 150# R.F.S.O. FLANGE W/ 2" NPT FOR VENT CAPACITY: 350 GALLON 10'X6'X10" REINF. " 14 13 18 16 2. 2"0 FTG. FOR LEAK DETECTION TYPE: HTC, HIGHGUARD, DOUBLE WALL CONCRETE PAD OVER 3. VELOCITY HEAD DIFFUSION BAFFLE MATERIAL: MILD CARBON STEEL r - -- 1--1I - - ----IR T- 4. WEAR PLATE SEE DETAILS FLOW RATE: 35 GPM o1 ° 1 - II - II I I I 5. SEDIMENT CHAMBER GAUGE: INNER OUTER 1 I 1-f I I 6. UNDERFLOW BAFFLE SHELL- 7 GA. 10 GA. HIGHLAND CB SERIES I � 131 1.1 III I I 7. SLUDGE BAFFLE HEADS- 7 GA. 10 GA. SOLIDS CATCH BASIN 6 1 9" 11� I I ly\I I I III I I 8. STRIKER PLATES SURFACE PREP: 9. PARALLEL CORRUGATED PLATE COALESCER. CORELLA PVC PLATES SSPC NO.6 BLAST ALL EXTERIOR SURFACES I III I I I III I II -4- 10. OIL/WATER SEPARATOR CHAMBER II-= I III I I 11 . 6" THICK PETROSCREEN COALESCER MATERIAL INSTALLED WITH COATING: MATERIAL THICKNESS I 15 `H� I I lil I I I II I I I PULL ROD SHIPPED LOOSE EXTERIOR- POLYURETHANE (75 MILS) I II I �� 11 III I I 12. OUTLET DOWNCOMER INTERIOR- NE 10 MILS. 2 I I I I t I I = N SHIPPED LOOSE DFT H.D. POLYEURETHA 30 � MANWAY WITH BOLT ON EXTENSION 13. O I II III I I I 1 - AL PIPE INSTALLED CONSTRUCTION LAP FIT & WELD ALL EXTERIOR SEAMS „ L_ JI-_IL _ILL L J_-J o 14. 4 � FTG.FOR OIL PUMP OUT WITH INTERN OPERATING PRESSURE : ATMOSPHERIC HIGHLAND R-GLM 54 X48 H-20 ---- - & RISER PIPE SHIPPED LOOSE NOTES: RECTANGULAR GRADE LEVEL MANWAY 15. 2"0 FTG. FOR LEVEL SENSOR WITH RISER PIPE SHIPPED LOOSE 1 . POLYURETHANE HIGHGUARD TANK IS NOT APPROVED 6„ 16 17 16. LIFTING LUG FOR THE STORAGE OF HEATED PRODUCTS 17. 2"0 FTG. FOR VENT 2. ALL VENT PIPING BY INSTALLER POUR 6'X10' X10"THICK CONCRETE PAD 18. 4"0 FTG. FOR GAUGE WITH PLUG 3. 15000. VOLT SPARK TEST PROVIDED AT FACTORY 3500 PSI, #5 REBAR @ 12" O.G.. • PLAN „ BOTH DIRECTIONS IN CENTER OF HIGHLAND R-GLM 54 X48 H-20 PAD, MATCH EXISTING .GRADE [RECTANGULAR GRADE LEVEL MANWAY EL. 45.4 (SLOPE SLIGHTLY TO DRAIN, MATCH EXIST. PAVE) tEL. 45.4 f 18 1 g NOTE: OPTION- LOWER PAD. 1" AND LEAVE TOP CONC. ROUGH, TACK COAT AND PAVEMENT OVERLAY TO MATCH NEW SITE OVERLAY. ° ° 4 ° d TOP RISER 44.1 1 14 `\ SUPPORT MANWAY ON 12" WIDE SEWER BLOCK la.. .n a MORTAR IN PLACE, COMPACTED 12" GRAVEL BASE 17 24"RISER 14 2 13 1 4 0 13 17 4 1 17 I 0 4" FLANGE 42.13 TOP TANK 41.80 - O F- - ------- --J --T TOP TANK 41.80 4 11 3-2 VENTS 11 1 1 9 v ' L J1- V 41.3 CL PIPE 41 .47 I I 114 I INLET IN . 1 � � GALV. STEEL PIPE 7» �� o UP TO ROOF I 11 I I L J � I I � 10 � 3 1 g" ' o I SEE NFPA-30I 11 11 I I O III @12.CONNECT TO DRAIN 1 042" I j ANY LOWPOINT BACK jl Ij I I OI 4 �i TO TANK. 12" SUPPORT MANWAY ON 12" WIDE SEWER BLOCK 8 � an ank MORTAR IN PLACE END VIEW 6„ 8„ 16» 22" 12.�, 8„ 350 GALLON OIL WATER SEPARATOR HTC, HIGHGUARD, DOUBLE WALL 6 NOTE 75 'MIL. HIGHGUARD COATING ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THIS DRAWING OR ANY PART THEREOF MUST NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION 1 OF HIGHLAND TANK. ELEVATION HIGHLAND TANK SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE ONLY FOR ITEMS INDICATED ON THIS FABRICATION DRAWING UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING CORRECTNESS OF SIZE / LOCATION OF FITTINGS , ACCESSORIES & COATINGS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING 1/204-0' 7-30-07 00350HGDWHTC NEMA 4 AUDIBLE/VISUAL SYSTEM WITH SILENCE CONTROL. LEVEL SENSORS TO BE INTRINSICALLY SAFE 110 VOLT SINGLE PHASE POWER REQ. HIGHLAND PANEL OR EQUAL 3-2"GALV STEEL VENT PIPES TO ROOF BLDG. A MOUNT INSIDE OFFICE ON WALL PITCH BACK TO INLET AND OUTLET OF TANK, CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE 0/W LEVEL SENSOR NO LOW POINTS, SEE NFPA-30 & PLUMBING DRAWINGS 2'-1 O" AND INTERSTITIAL SPACE SENSOR TO PANEL HIGHLAND R-GLM H-20 RECTANGULAR MANWAY 10" REINF. CONC. PAD ASH CAN STYLE' LIDS UNDER H2O COVER ALL COMPONENTS AS AVAILIBLE FROM HIGHLAND TANK COVER TO BE 54" X 48", H-20 RATED 26" n (PITCH TO DRAIN) (PATCH PAVE TO MATCH EXIST. GRADES) NEW SLOPED CONC.WASH AREA - SEE SHEET 1 45 'FXISTIIS�G GRADE REPAIR OAVE RIM 45.5t 44 PIPE AT 2.0% VENTS I V. 43.5 PROVIDE - EWE 8 1 43 S ONE UNDER PIPE 64'-4" SDR35 PVC E V V E GRIT CHAMBER SUMP 42 SEE PLUMBING DWGS. 42.5t SCHB CO NDUIT -7 41 I 41.0 24" 40 INVERT 41.3 LEVEL SENSOR THRU RISER PIPE TO AIRVAC 39 HIGHLAND HTF/HTSF SERIES OIL MANHOLE TOP TANK EL. 41.8 WATER INTERFACE LEVEL SENSOR 38 SCREENED SAND.BACKFILL ONLY. MMEACT AROUND BASE UNIT- MANUF. LeBARON, BROCKTON, MA 37 0 CONCRETE PAD REQUIRED UNDER. MODEL: LK 110 36 HIGH AND 350 GAL HIGHGUARD,,,O/W SEPARATOR __. WEIGHT: 475 LBS 35 INTE NAL COATING, EXTERNAL HIGHGUARD COATING 34 W TANK WITH AKDETECTION TYPICAL ACCESS COVER NOTE: THE INSTALLER SHALL VERIFY EWER CONNECTION PROFILE- EAST SIDE SCALE: 1 " 1 '-0 S i THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UTILITIES AND ALL BUILDING SEWER OUTLETS AND APPROX. SCALE 1" = 20' HORIZONTAL ELEVATIONS PRIOR TO INSTALLING ANY 1" - 4' VERTICAL (APPROX.) PORTION OF SEWER SYSTEM Scale: 1"= 20' 0 10 20 30 40 50 FEET i i i i NOTE: USE FLAT TOP STRUCTURE ONLY IF INADEQUATE COVER EXISTS OVER SUMP TO ACCOMODATE ECCENTRIC CONE TOP. g H-20 RATED F&C 8" HIGH 12" X 3" OF LeBARON LK 110 H-20 CCBERM WHERE INDICATED (FORMED INTEGRAL WITH TOP COAT ASPHALT) �HOFMgss9cy �jN MAssgc MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER MASS DPW �� DANIELA. �N LABELED "SEWER" TO GRADE. 1.0" TOPCOAT o� DANIEL tiG RIM ELEVATIONS LISTED TYPE 11 o OJALA `"`+, 0 A ,I 2.0" BINDER BITUMINOUS CIVIL W OJALA ADJUST TO GRADE V/ PAVEMENT No.46502 �No.40980� WITH BRICK COURSES (THICKNESS-AFTER COMPACTION) �o �F �� F( d<'kf(( G/STEM ! P WITH 3/8" MORTAR JOINTS o 0 0 0 0'o000o NEAT SAW CUT AND PATCH AFTER TRENCH COMPACTION 0 0 0 0 ONAL SUR\J _ 000�0000000000000 000000 ALUMINUM, SAFETY TYPE 4' a z w EXTEND GRAVEL 18" MIN. 12" REPROCESSED ASPHALT GRAVEL COMPACTED IN (2) 6" LIFTS STEP CAST IN MANHOLE C)z PAST EDGE PAVE MDPW MI.1 1.0 SPEC. VIB. ROLLER COMPACTED TO 95% MAX. DENSITY MOD. 12" O.C. w o0 REMOVE TOP & SUBSOIL PROCTOR PER ASTM-1557 METHOD D COMPACT SUBGRADE Ci M w - NOTE: REMOVE FROST SUSCEPTIBLE MATERIAL TO A DEPTH OF 36" BELOW FINISHED GRADE. p V) w 4. REPLACE WITH NON FROST SUSCEPTIBLE MATERIAL SEWER N W FORM UP INVERTS (LESS THAN 10% PASSING #200 SIEVE) ► E 1 ♦ ER CONNECTION TO FULL PIPE HEIGHT PAVEMENT CROSS SECTION. INSIDE MANHOLES. 6"0 & 4"0 SDR35 PVC u 4'-0" 5" NOT TO SCALE PIPE. INV.'S VARY SEE NQ PLAN irr o - 6. ~.. jj- .. OF LAND IN HYANNIS, MA MORTAR CONCRETE: 4000 PSI MIN. AT 28 DAYS off 508-362-4541 ##95 FALMOUTH ROAD ASTM C-478 4'0 H-20 DESIGN LOADING fox 508 362-9880 PRECAST MANHOLE ACME ORCEQUAL ENTRIC TOP I PREPARED FOR: FORMED INVERT TO �,// FULL PIPE HEIGHT H-20 ECCENTRIC TOP U O Wr) cap e en gin e erin g, l r) C. SEWER MANHOLE DETAIL Cl VIL ENGINEERS ANCHOR EXCAVATING NOT TO SCALE LAND SUR VE YORS DATE: 3/31/11 9J9 Main Street - YARMOUTHPORT MASS. DCE # 11-059 11-059 PRIME.DWG