HomeMy WebLinkAbout0950 IYANNOUGH ROAD/RTE 28 - Health 950 IYANOUGH f 1T. IS A= Z'-)4 e� e r i r 1 1 i 1 1 Report i ' BSC Cape Cod Survey Consultants I� 1 1T73 - Cape Cod Survey Consultants 3261 Main Street/Route 6A Barnstable Village, Massachusetts 02630 (617)362-8133 ' t . i 1 1 � r Water Quality Impacts Proposed Commercial Building G'�o Airport Rd. & route 132 Hyarirds, Mass. , ' for: Ibbert Williams qSO � 0L � 1 May 7, 1985 1 ' 03-1548-00 1 The BSC Group of Companies Planning Surveying Design Engineering ' TABLE CF CONTENTS — VP= QUALITY IMPACTS — 03-1548-00 Report Appendix 1 — calculations Appendix 2 — locus naps IAppendix 3 — references tom" r . tCape Cod Survey Consultants 76 Enterprise Road Hyannis, Massachusetts 02601 A division of Boston Survey Consultants, Inc. Branch offices throughout Southeastern New England r PROJECT BACKGROUND BSC/Cape Cod Survey Consultants was retained to review the water ' quality impact from a proposed commercial building to be located on the northwest corner of Route 132 and Airport Road in Hyannis. The lot contains 1. 2 acres and was the site of the Boy Scouts of America office building. _ - The site lies to the northeast of the municipal sewer plant in an area zoned Business Limited which requires a minimum lot size of ' 40 , 000 s . f . with a 100 ' setback for buildings from Route 132 . Topography slopes gently from northwest to southeast across the northerly half of the site and east to west across the southerly half. Sediments as observed by others show approximately two (2) ' feet of top and subsoil with medium sand and gravel to a depth of 12 ' (approximately elevation 26. 41 ) with groundwater at approxi- mately elevation 31 . 4 ' or 7 ' below the surface at the test pit ' site. It is our understanding that the building was in design at the time the Board of Health adopted its rule allowing no more than 330 gpd/AC. sewer flow generation from any site in the SEA identified Zones of Contribution 1, 2 and 3. It is further our understanding that this site was found for the developer by the Barnstable Airport Commission as the result of a negotiatory process following condemnation of a site on Attucks Rd. on which the developer was ready to build a similar facility but which turned out to be in the glide slope/instrumentation slope for the proposed Runway 15/33 extension. ' SEWER CONNECTION DENIAL The site is within 3000 ' of a municipal sewer line . At their meeting of April 23 , 1985 the Barnstable Department of Public ' Works sitting as Sewer Commissioner refused permission to connect the site to the Town Sewer system. ' WATER QUALITY As proposed, the building would have two stories and a basement. ' Uses would include retail space , office space and an exercise salon as follows : 1st floor - retail - 8 ,884 s.f . ' 2nd floor - retail - 4, 116 s .f. - office - 4 , 665 s.f. basement exercise - 4, 673 s.f. ' - office - 4, 000 s.f.. In order to determine potential Nitrogen loading, Title 5 was used ' to determine sewer flows for office and retail use. Actual water meter readings were used to determined exercise salon flows . The Cape Cod Survey Consultants 3261 Main Street/Route 6A Barnstable Villaae. Massachusetts 02630 The BSC Group of Companies Planning Surveying Design Engineering r I , formula for determining nitrogen loading for non-residential uses ' as set forth in the Cape Cod 208 report was used to calculate quantities of nitrogen to be produced by the project. Another 208 formula was then used to determine resultant Equilibrium Concentrations for Nitrogen. It appears that if fully developed the project would have a nitro- gen concentration of approximately 17. 4 ppm. This figure can be ' manipulated by limiting the amount of occupied space in the build- ing. Eliminating the second floor and basement office space, for instance, result in an equilibrium concentration of approximately 10. 9 ppm. In terms of water quality im act it is important .not to look at q Y P P this project as an isolated' development, but in the context of the entire area within which it is situated. The normal groundwater flow in this area is southerly to southeasterly-as shown in by the 208. groundwater contour map. In their recent hydrologic report for the Town, SEA Consultants stated that at capacity inflow to - ,' the Town's Wastewater Treatment Plant and capacity pumping of the Barnstable Water District and Barnstable Water Company Wells to the north and northeast of the Treatment Plant , the combined ' groundwater mounding and sink created would change local ground- water divide and flow directions . Under these conditions a por- tion of the plant' s discharge plume would flow toward the ' northerly drinking water supply wells causing a water quality problem. In that same report, SEA noted, however, that, were it not for the ' Treatment Plant , even at full development Nitrates would not create a water quality degradation problem for the so-called Mary Dunn well field . They also noted that .d-enitrification at the ' Treatment Plan to a level necessary to protect water quality in the Zone of Contribution for those wells is well within the capa-. bility of existing technology and that no other solution will ' protect those wells for the long run. SUMMARY AND REQUEST FOR RELIEF ' Taking all of these statements into account, it would appear that prohibiting+ a level of development for this project which would result in -10 ppm for this site would cause a "manifest injus- tice" . The project proponent would have been well on his way to opening his new building at Attucks Way, were it not for actions of the Airport Commission. The time it took to locate a second site and to develop new plans resulted in his being caught in a regulatory change which would ' reduce the size of the project to a point at which it is finan- cially infeasible. Cape Cod Survey Consultants 3261 Main Street/Route 6A Barnstable Village, Massachusetts 02630 The BSC Group of Companies - Planning Surveying • Design Engineering 1/ The effluent from the proposed use will be only of a domestic- type. Nitrates are the major concern in such effluent. Were it ' not for the location and operation of the Town's Treatment Plant, even this would not be problematic. in the area. And, based, on the report of the Town' s own consultant, even prohibitng '+all new ' development in the area by itself will . be insufficient -to ensure protection of the Mary Dunn Wells. The only long term solution which would be unnecessary even at saturation development were it not for the Town Treatment Plant according the the . Town' s consultant - is denitrification at .the Plant. We , therefore , believe that , for this project , `limiting the ' Nitrogen concentration to 10 ppm until such time as the site can connect to the Municipal Sewer System and/or denitrification is installed at the Treatment Plant is not only a fair 'application, ' but within-reasonable safety limits, all things considered. Respectfully submitted, 1 BSC/CAPE COD SURVEY CONSULTANTS r Arlene Wilson Project Manager 1 i 1 . 1 Cape Cod Survey Consultants 3261 Main Street/Route 6A Barnstable Village, Massachusetts 02630 The BSC Group of Companies Planning Surveying • Design • Engineering Appendix 1 . 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 BSCJOB NO. d3 b' SUBJECT: d C5l 5 CALC. BY: REFER TO: ' �erJC/a�r►c�u f' DATE: LOCATION: via CHECKED BY: DATE: SS •SCt /� ' �j� Or �!//j2OG��/ /y/�i�C' T S Gl S � � t't=.9 ;$'.�� � ��� off, —'y�od c✓i ri - ��ittu7�Jim rolse — 'el m�.;z 3 /.9, 3 a>-r r� /3 3 off; a" IrFs / z /9. 3 A42 �9e,S 3 -- /� 5�3 FT, 3- /dam i i ' CALC. SHEET l OF SHEETS BSc JOB NO. 03 SUBJECT: :�;,ce,16WS CALC. BY: REFER TO: oEU�.oi�lE�/T DATE: LOCATION: CHECKED BY: DATE: ZoT V,ecx ti z :qe �.9sEr�r��vT : �'XeE•�C'�.sc s.4co-f/ - �lo� 3 S, � 5/Ooa S ,l i z �cpo� 2�T�ic uiiG s T Ys�cLAd zo8 cc da ,/L� /',Lf-02*? _ /' Cd ;,/air Ira>Il / I/a." ,EPA c a p-,le r ' i(/ir�"���.t/ ,Co,�� i�f/G' r-c?P iyo,�- •�s�y��T.s�� ups ' "oe f CALC. SHEET OF OF SHEETS ' r BSC JOB NO. (51 3 S SUBJECT: CALC. BY: REFER TO: DATE: LOCATION: CHECKED BY: DATE: 4117 20C,, /1V6 3 ,oq) cx e- •09���'���' sip�3 S ,�,f Zl D �e y�.� a. 000iG j- s�s� lee -7 5� v X p, �DOOov,�,r�� o�s�� XZGO �y5 XO.oao ' L7�S 000 ���- Alld,,p00 // /d s = X zoo cv�-/ �'/Gr -� o, 000 l� z""o vod CALC. SHEET .3 OF S SHEETS BSC JOB NO. 0-3 SUBJECT: CALC. BY: REFER TO: DATE: LOCATION: CHECKED BY: DATE: J T, 1 _ Z e y ' iV - _d d�y / v = 3511 � d x Zoo_ o/d -y .ro.000 i/0 3X ■ _ /s z /6,5 IV ■ .lo�J i�� �5z'�.�r�-.�y ■ us - r CALC. SHEET 5� OF SHEETS f BSC JOB NO. 03 SUBJECT: CALC. BY: REFER TO: DATE: LOCATION: . CHECKED BY: DATE: i /I u ,!/ _. �/ aO� X C�Q71 ��iY-s/oji _.Y7 IX,�� ,-c�s�S � s .Lo d C1/ G-vr y A, 61 rs/ t - t CAM SHEET `7 OF 8 SHEETS f r BSC JOB NO. :::2,3 SUBJECT: CALC. BY: REFER TO: DATE: LOCATION: CHECKED BY: DATE: r r r - Zzoo 1 1 � - r s�9© z o067 h� r >4 r r r CALC. SHEET � 0F SHEETS BSC JOB NO. 03 SUBJECT: CALC. BY: REFER TO: DATE: LOCATION: CHECKED BY: DATE: T i /y 1 97 CQ eo X�Z,2: �roC7 CALC. SHEET OF SHEETS BSC JOB NO. 03 —/Sy8' SUBJECT: CALC. BY: REFER TO: DATE: LOCATION: CHECKED .BY: . DATE: LG� !! �j'/(,(iyrt �/Y1C� �d- TZ Gsh cC'�ittiutaL` y 74 V J� z r CALC. SHEET OF SHEETS � Appendix 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 June 20, 1985._ Mr. Robert Williams P. O."Box 572 „ Cotuit, MA.`02635 Dear Mr. Williams: Your, request fora variance -from the Board of Health,Interim Regulation for the• protection. of-ground water,quality within'zones of contribution to public supply welts is not approved at this time: You proposed a 26,339,square foot building with a daily.sewage flow approximately five.times greater.. than 330 gallons. per Acre with a nitrate.loading of 17.4 mg./L, more than three times! the '5 mg./L • recommended by Cape Cod Planning,:and Development Commissions S:B.A.,Consultants, and ,the.Watei Advisory`Committee. The. Water"Advisory Committee, at•:its_ meeting June• 12, 1985, voted' against recommending approval of your proposal. It was their,¢trong feeling that projects such as yours should be.put-.on hold until the Town sewer study is completed possibly , in. September. At this 'time your proposal could be re-evaluated. The Board of Health concurs with their recommendation. ; ;"We do understand -your plight and,are sympathetic in our feelings; however, the protection of our water supply takes.priority over individual,concerns._ Ver ul ours, Robert L.'Childs Chairman BOARD OP HEALTH: 16WN OP DARNSTABLS JMK/mm cc:, Attorney,Gerald Garnick Attorney'Bruce Gilmore Board'of Selectmen Mr. Thomas Mullen TOWN OF BARNSTABLE WATER QUALITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE 367 Main Street Hyannis, Mass. 02601 June 17, 1985 Board of Health Town of Barnstable .467 Main St. Hyannis, Mass. 02601 Dear Board Members: At the June 12th meeting of the Water Quality Advisory Committee the proposed Robert Williams (Gloria Stevens Salon) pro- ject on Airport 'Road was discussed with Mr. Williams, his attorney Gerald Garnick and a representative of Cape Cod Survey Consultants. Mr. Williams was seeking relief from your Board of Health regulat- ion as regards the discharge of sewage to an on site disposal system - of amounts greater than 330 gallons per day per acre. The Water Quality Advisory Committee applauds your efforts in this area and though we sympathized with Mr. Williams ' plight, we feel that he should not be granted any relief from your regulat- ion as he exceeds your limit by a great margin. That vote was cast by the committee in light of the fact that many decisions will be made between now and the end of Sept- ember as regards sewering of the area and permanent land use controls to limit ground water contamination. Sincerely, Thomas . Mullen Chair n, W.Q.A.C. TJM:jg a J ............. THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH To w�/..............OF...........13_ ? .!�1-3.7"A.DL. ................. Appliratiott for Di-sposal Works Towitrur#iott rumit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (V� or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: 4 n • G co T 6.:e BA 1Qr7.-.4Iq.0.-1 Location-Address or Lot No. _CL 11 .................. .............. Owner Address W Installer Address Type of Building Size Lot..ZGB�-9/.----•Sq. feet Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms,,,,,,,,_ _.___Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) p, Other—Type of Building _Gfi_ym/-t4wzAP)- No. of persons....G o................ Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) p-1 Other fixtures ..._OF_FG�.E? 29�P4.T. ?-_75�a.Qi. +Po,3_F---- -----------------•--------•-----------•------....._.....----- d W Design Flow..................Z5.................. per person per day. Total daily flow__._-/-7._9z.........__..........gallons. Septic Tank—Liquid capacity.3—gallons Length_/7..Q_0_ Width__7..op__- Diameter_-.__-__-__-_- Depth. =^46."00 W Disposal Trench—No. .................... Width.................... Total Length.................... Total leaching area....................sq. ft. Seepage Pit No........Z--------- Diameter-------1.4_'.___. Depth below inlet.......?........... Total leaching areal/85,Af_sq. ft. Z Other Distribution box ( ✓) Dosing tank ( ) '-' Percolation Test Results Performed .................. Date.... �v Test Pit No. I..__t_Z----minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit........ Depth to ground water...A1-44e....... 44 Test Pit No. 2__5;;mr__..minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth to ground water........................ P4 ...-•--•----••-•••--•--•---••-••..........................J•-...•-•---.....---•--..........------.........•--•------..............•--.........--••••-•--•-. O Description of Soil........................... W -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.._......-----•-- U Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable._..................................................................................:........... --------------•------------.....•--••-•----•-•-•-----•••---•••----••---•-•-----••---•-••-------•_...---••--•••-•------------....-•••-•--•---•-•• ................................................. Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 of the State Sanitary Code— The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certifi of Compliance has been issued by the board of health. ne . -•----.._.....•-•------•-•-•--•...-••--••-•------•--•--•-----•----••-•......-•-•-- ••• -----•-- ApplicationApproved •.. ••... . --•--...••--•----•-•----••••----•...................•••---------•-•-- =R --- ---------•-----•-•------ Date Application Disap ove r th following reasons--------------------------------------------------------------------•-------------------•----•--••--....---...._ ........................... ---_... -- -------- -•------------------••----•-----•....-•------•-•--•----••-•-••-•--•--------------------•---•--•-------•----•-•--------....-------••--••---•-------- Date Permito......................................................... ,_Issued-....................................................... Date THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH ..........................................OF........................11.1.............................. Trrtifiratr of Tautpiittttrr THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed (, or Repaired ( ) by....:----- ..-•--. -........ ---- ----------------- --•- . -•--•----- --------......--•---.......-----•-•----•--•-----•--. •- �_ st er . at........... ----- Q •---------- _._....... --- ----- - has been installed in accordance with the provisions TI_rr 5 of State Sanitary C as bed in the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit To ._........_-&.................... dated_- � _ THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALT. NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. DATE................................................................................ Inspector..................................................................................... THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH n/ .....................OF................................................................. ....... "O No(l.lr� d-....._... FEE..'................... ilivoottl rk15 Qomitrt ion rrmit Permissionis hereb granted------.--•- --.--.------•---------------------------------------•--•-----------•----...................................... to Construct a (dual Sewage Disposal System at No.. -------- •--------------- lk Street as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Pe mit .. ................. Dated.......................................... ................ --•-- --•-•-....----•--•••--•---------••--•---•••-----•----•--._....---•...---.� Board of Health DATE............................................................................... FORM 1255 HOBBS & WARREN. INC.. PUBLISHERS THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH ..................... ..................OF........... .:-........... . pphrFatioat for Bispoii al 0orks Tontitrurti n amit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (V) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: cvT r_--3 -�3e� tPT"TUc,� Wi;;r /niG�=/fir_=c�caE�ic F /��?/�k t�Ys�2i:cr, �•1As 5 ...................................... ._ .. -•----............--•--•........---•-- •----•••--•-•..._._...................---•• . -----..... Location-Address or Lot No. ......................__........................................................................ ..........-•...................................................................................... Owner Address W Installer Address UType of Building Size ------Sq. feet Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms,.. �,` _______________________Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) P4 Other—Type of Building _ :�J_. r?aj!�n?No. of persons....�0................ Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) � Other fixtures ---- W Design Flow.................. s........_......._..gallons per person per day. Total daily flow---------- 70`.-?''......................gallons. 1:4 Septic Tank—Liquid capacityr2:: _gallons Length!L.��: Width__...-'°__. Diameter................ Depth.'O'' Disposal Trench—No..................... Width.................... Total Length.................... Total leaching area....................sq. ft. Seepage Pit No--------------------- Diameter.__...! .------- Depth below inlet.................... Total leaching area!,,� _-t.sq. ft. Z Other Distribution box ( ✓) Dosing tank ( ) Percolation Test Results Performed by. :-vic/c_ Thy!/.r; F Date....................................... `� minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit -_____ ...... Depth to ground water ____ ,.� Test Pit No. 1___..�'.._z_--- ��_ �lor (i Test Pit No., 2+ ��...minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth to ground water........................ O ; � ' ------------------------------•--•---•-••----�---------------------------------------------•••••.......................................................... Descript OI Sol;.. J` .. /oc..,;<�-.......................................................,P7 ' ' a �r_s= ... .....-/. .... h!.....r... ---------------�---•-----------•--•-------•-•-------•--•--------------•--•-•. - •-•------------._...._..---------------•--•-••-•----------••---•----•---•---••-••-----------•-•---••••--- 4� ature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable___________________________________________________________________________________•-_--._-___. l Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with f"I -� the provisions of T11�t— 5 of the State Sanitary Code— The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certin of mpliance has bee issued by the board of health. Signe -------•--•=...................................................................... .....1_-------- • ...... Application Approved :_ -- t._ / fi........ ................ Date Application Disap ove 'or th following reasons-------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------•-•-•----••-•-•--•----•••••--- Date PermitNo.......................................................... Issued-....................................................... Date THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH ..........................................OF................................................................ Tprtifiratr of Tons rlittttrr THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed ( )✓ or Repaired ( } at -! '!/------- �f T -p St- has been installed in accordance with the provisions 'T 'r. j9q� gState Sanitary . as lbed in the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit \' 6•_ �6 dated_.-. l _.___; ................... THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. DATE.......................•••-•-----••--••.....••---•-•...._...---------•-••-•-•-.. Inspector.................................................................................... THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH ��'//' OF.....................•------............................_............................ No �_o_:_.. -- FEE........................ �►i�����1 r�� ��tt��tirrrt anti# Permissionis hereby granted.............. --------•---------------------------------------•---------------------------•----------•----••---••••-•-_--- to Construct ( ) or Repair ( ) an In vidual Sewage Disposal System atNo....................................................................-............................ ...... Street as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit ............... Dated.......................................... -------------•-•....... ....-•---•----•---•----•---•-•-••••••------•--•---••-••--••-----•-••-••-•--- Board of Health DATE................................................................................ FORM 1255 HOBBS & WARREN. INC.. PUBLISHERS S/TE PLAN sHEEr l of 2 I 7TOwti/ OF '#',i',: s7a" 56'z/•E /52'.iG' cps �o �OTB • 59/.G. 0 s7D,ioB<°�CA3T G�G � cove• .ctalc,w.!J�*J✓ 'PLOP ... �o o��icE r9 oa 4' o GYA4A1A114-/A4 . yyy ✓ �A3/ p.PQL9Go o�z 3040 - � N Zo I10 �• � I -- - - — - STD. CgJTGoAnC• / S � L E•dC �.�N N-Zo Lo n y N-=a A.aAo o --- - --- ,eEeFays \ i - /2 20 '24 ` /27. oe NBoe¢5'50"� 9 WA y r T OF Mqs y�'t WILLIAM Nr. GJ'� WARWICK No, 19771 !'9 AI StE��o ' yQ: SURV.E� FOR �E TE/2 04161-f 67f". REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR ,LoT 8 -04 ,g7-Tuck� ZONE... ....._._ . /,yoE/G��oc-.uc,E e9EM NrA v u,�."A PLAN REF PB 378 aaz 2z DATE /uLr ;2L 12aA v ' BENCH MARK DATUM �./ '� ?Z ,/'� ,��..� WM:. M., WARW/C.K .A ASSOC., INC. DOMESTIC WATER SOURCE...7-4 L�eU t -9 M BOX. Ol . - ,NOR rH FAL mourH FLOOD ZONE. A112&Z Rz MASS. 02556 • (6I7 563 -P630 t �._ �_____._ - 1 r SCALE LFAGI�IIUG /�ASII'✓ SECTIONSECTIONNor rc' -•.'.'4"C./.MI/ COVER 14-2a Logo EART)Y F/L L - RICK AND.MORTAR.COURSES AS RE0'0• TO BRING. 4"• �•_ :. COVER T0' GRADE 4" d" FLOW L 111E i w. p= "TO ° WASHED PEA STONE FREE OF IRONS, INLET �-- - --- P/PE, � 1 FINES AND DUST IN PLACE r ':v'•' 7 ••' OPENING W/1H 4�g' +•i_ • '' S'4�� TO l�?"WASHED CRUSHED STONE, FREE OF $ DOTER DIAMETER '. • ' IRONS, FINES ANO Of/ST !N PLACE :., AND /3/4" INSIDE • D/AMETER ' ' 1. CONCRETE TO BE 4000 PSI 28 DAYS 2• REINFORCED WITH 6%6"' NO. 6 GA. W.W.M. ' 3 2'ANO 4! SECTIONS ARE AVAILABLE FOR �n GREATER DEPTH REQUIREMENTS 6'0" -�-5'—{ 4. NUMBER OF PITS REQUIRED P_ MIN. EFFECt/VE-E D/AMETER NOTE: EXCAVATE TO ELEVATION OOR r- � (NOT TO EXCEED 3 Tmcs EFFECTIVE DEPTH) LOWER AS REQUIRED TO REMOVE ALL �-..�•-- - - - WATER TABLE - Ale- E LOAM AND CLAY BENEATH PIT. REPLACE EXCAVATED MATERIAL WITH CLEAN TYPICAL PROFILE GRAVEL TO DESIGNED GRADE. '..4 y...:' •��. GC•o " ----•/B STD LT. WGT. C.I.MN COVER N-2o LOAo ' - SLAB ,�j�A .,• 55.o SB•5 °.� Go.a 4`8/T•FIBER PIPE 4"C./.PIPE TIGHT JOINT OUTLET LEVEL lil 2c LoDWELC/NG FLOW_LINE TO FIRST ✓DINTt00C.I. TEE ti20 � ia000 0ii70 STD• PRECAST CO 1ST BOX TO BE S�,oa '1 0D OO Oi i L.SEPT/C TANK: INSTA�N LEVEL 0 d00 OI Ic STABLE BASE i 1 000 0 ' :1 000 0iS P 1 7 ,vK TO BE 1 10OIO : ,INST L D UP/ LEVEL, 1 0 0 00 : ,STABLE BASE. 1 000 0 , ,► O , ,BASE TO BE LEVEL i 1 , ` ELt 4W O SOIL AND PERC. DATA TEST PIT NO. 1 TEST PIT NO. 2 PERC. RATE MIN. /IN. " /V ' TEST 'BY Qauic/ C. 7-A4//..n,,_P 3• //7C-GOOrsG 6�+✓C ., •+ $• n WITNESSED. BY: �/oco%i f33H SQ,•,�e, ciao., I TEST PIT GR. EL. 4. DATE it/oV. 2/, DESIGN DATA GENERAL NOTES �� GFF/GEC 7SG0� �' NO HEAVY EQUIPMENT TO RUN OVER SYSTEM. �✓-2� L�'`'o ':' �iA,►n. Gor�o�G�z6G..% ... DISPOSAL 'y°�� SEPTIC TANK, DIST. BOX AN TEACHING BASINS TO BE`STANDARD EST. TOTAL DAILY EFFl..�722 GPD. PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE UNITS. v ALL .SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE :QEPTIC TANK � TO REVISED TITLE 5 OF THE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL CODE, SIDEWALL AREA 2•5 GAL•/SQ.FT. MINIMUM PE-01ARE'MENTS FOR THE SUBSURFACE DISPOSAL OF a �,,, ,,.,... BOTTOM AREA I.n GAL./SO;FT, SANITARY SEWAGE EFFECTIVE ON . .!.-Y I 197T. LEACHING REQUIREDBo SQ..FT•, ANY CHANGES TO THIS PLAN MUST 0E APPROVED BY THE BOARD I ACTUAL LEACHING• AREA OF HEALTH. Rio Q.FT. ;:. AT -COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION PRIOR TO BAC`KFILLING, THE BOARD OF HEALTH SHALL BE NOT'.�IED FOR INSPECTION. I T. UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE. . , • PITG�' ALL SEWER LINES /4 / F U LES S t , s, r C` 4 CE DI,�POSA L SYS TEN, MARTIN E. ,1 I t�'U!P' PETE,� D�iGL E GEv. Co^ni2 . .v MORAN {, L.oT 6 �6R /V7 �S WAy s 023417 ry of�cc/s' �G�r�� f. �.<10EPEuDE�10E PACK NY19"AllS, Itl q:55. SCALE A$ lMD/CArEO DArg Y 3<, • Wes• M. t' ARYIICK 8 ASSOC-* INC. wx O/ 1VORrHI.FALAf0urH l i N,45S. 02556 a �'• � a10 PROFE5510NAL FIVOIAleF-17 p.•-. .. . S/rE PLAN sNEEr /of z SCALE: / Go' TO wev OF ,�3,4.pev5T.4 8,L� s7a" se'2/"E e52.eG' cvs OT 8 /o6, 59/.G. -a 1 0 JTD•PRGgCwQT fro.;oee;c 93T GX G O GONG, L�.aCf/.c4GSiN co.vc• ,cE,glc,v,Bev P.ev,? -� ' GO OFF/ce 'I9<o4 \ 0 G[oRl'Q sTEV45AIS H �o GY"AlA11UM ol • o•uc, �0000 , P V 20 AD 't $ ' L E•nC 6fl�V.V 1 /A/✓.iV. SS.�o /l_Zo L41.9ve o N-: AL-4 Ao _ p9 /oc.Z.gxo. to j /1 zo 24 Zz �2?.G7' Gti' r h /O rT-� rso- Of Mqs yti'i vs ' wiu.iAM M. j wARwiCoc no, 19771 /STE�E� r�7,ya SUOE�� p ,vim . FOR e�E7"-Z 04161- 677 cowT,e, REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR .LoT 8 ZONE IA/D.. /it/DEPE.VD '•yC.E' .��, NYC t�ve s M�. PLAN REF. PB -976 4-2. 2Z ..��.�... . DATE BENCH MARK DATUM L-1565 r=4..�R��"��. WM. M. WARWICK 8 ASSOC,, INC. DOMESTIC WATER SOURCE , e wU 6CAT"A9 rho '._._.. BOX. B®l NORTH fAL I�DUPf! FLOOD ZONE. 6 2 yAZaW '�" IWASS. 02536. (6//7 .163 -z636 Zil '~ l-FAGl/lNG! ,ASII J_ SECT10 NQT TO SCALE _:,4„�•/MH COVER R-2o 4-34,0 EAHT/I FILL -- T -+BRICK AND.MORTAR COURSES AS R£0D• TO BRING. �. - _ COVER TO GRADE 4" _1 4 �" FLOW LOF 2=Sjg t0/j WASHfO PfASTONE FREE OF IRONS " / i. INLET i - - i:j ar r:' i P/Pf FINES AND DUST /N PLACE 6 '•.• q" TO l%2 4 WASHED CRUSHED STONE, FREE OF OPENING W/TH 4%g $ 7 OUTER DIAMETER IRONS, FINES AND DUST /N PLACE AND 114" INSIDE ' • ' DIAMETER .' ' 1. CONCRETE TO BE 4000 PSI 28 DAYS 2. REINFORCED WITH 6%6" NO. 6 GA. W.W.M. ' & 2�AND -� SECTIONS ARE AVAILABLE FOR �n GREATER DEPTH REQUIREMENTS s b"-------�--- 4. NUMBER OF PITS REQUIRED 2 40 /ev' ._ 1 NOTE: EXCAVATE TO ELEVATION T,4•¢,DOR MIN. EFFECTIVE DIAMETER (Nor TO EXCEED 3 TINES EFFECT/VE OEPTNI LOWER AS REQUIRED TO REMOVE ALL WATER TABLE • NawE LOAM AND CLAY BENEATH PIT. REPLACE< EXCAVATED MATERIAL WITH CLEAN TYP/SAL PROFIL'£ GRAVEL TO DESIGNED GRADE. /B"STD. LT. WGT. C.l.A/H COVER A9 55 5 4"t~/PIPE 4"BIT.FIBER PIPE OUTLET LEVEL N-2o Lowp i DWELLINS FLOW LINE '" T/GNT JOINT 00 TO FIRST ✓DINT .�=�► /4 110 Q019 . 57GO C.L TEE .50 .20 l l 0 0 U o I 00 01 11 /V A STD• PRECAST CONC •3T i ' 1 0 00 O 0 r 1 1 5G.78 D/ST. BOX TO BE $"J�i00 1 1 1 000 00 O e l l r;;:• L.SEPTIC TAN INSTALLED ON LEVEL, 1 1 000 0 0 0 e 1 i ., STABLE BASE 1 1 0 0 0 00 0 ' SFP /C NK TO BE '1 600 00 0i t INSTALLED .6W-4EVE4, 1 1 f 100108 1 STABLE BASE. 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 i 1 000 G 0 0 I „ ' LEACHING BASIN 1 0 Q 0 0 0 ► , , BASE TO BE LEVEL I S S o f eZ,40.6 SOIL AND PERC. DATA PERC. RATE : < ? MIN. /IN. O�� TEST PIT NO. I. O� TEST PIT NO. 2 � 3, TEST BY �Cru%c/ C. 77r7u�i�,4P E• •n�-G®o C o•�a✓e 5 WITNESSED. BY: �/oh� .loco%% ,eoH S�z,•,-��. r C/won I � TEST PIT GR. EL. i DATE: Alek: 21, /9B3 /8, i 1 AA0 d5e'o DESIGN DATA GENERAL NOTES zq4 4FF1ce ap &_o (2p44..%r. NO HEAVY EQUIPMENT •TO RUN OVER SYSTEM. N-Zo GoAo DISPOSAL tio�c SEPTIC TANK, DIST. BOX AN LEACHING BASINS TO BE STANDARD EST. TOTAL, DAILY EFFL,��eZ GPD. PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE UNITS. ALL .SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE ' ScPTIC TANK 3caoc GAL• TO REVISED TITLE 5 OF THE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL CODE, SIbEWALL AREA 2 5 GAL./SQ.FT. MINIMUM PE'QIJIREMENTS FOR THE SUBSURFACE DISPOSAL OF n BOTTOM AREA- / " GAL./SO,FT, SANITARY- SEWAGE EFFECTIVE ON +' ;..Y E , 1977• LEACHING REQUIRED SQ.FT.• Bo9•zy ANY CHANGES TO THIS PLAN MUST BE APPROVED BY THE BOARD I . ACTUAL LEACNNG� AREA OF HEALTH. �::.AT -COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTIO"', PRIOR TO BACKFILIING, THE I BOARD OF HEALTH SHALL H NOT'.-IED FOR INSPECTION. PIT;H, ALL SEWER LINES 1/4" / FT. UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE, \ V ..f F 4 DISPOSAL.* SY TEl's� MARTIAN - I FOR.- Q PETE,Q OA/GLE GE.t/. Cvvne . MORAIV a!�i R ? �l2341T�ry L.oT B t BR �4TTVCKS WAY � <. j °\'��.FG/�� �`�`�,�a s 1iVpC.�Ec./DF�l10E �A•2K • /�Y_ �nlil/�S. MFISS . � "�'✓¢�3 GNRL ENG� I .:� �. SCALE AS IND/CArEO ®QrE ��'L r 3/, i9e¢ 9 ' GYM. M. WARWICK 8 ASSOC., INC. I QOX 80/ . NOR H X L a? ZMU r � + 'r' ' P190fESS/4NA/_ ENG/NEEf� ((V. -t��,.�•et•� pOGdi s�'. I� j o ! C;J �•; .�t;�~d } �G��(n 0 Y /, �• '`�, 1 � \ ��� ice—�-�._.�u0 _ _ _ •--�_ -_ Lanky �} i.l( ��, y✓t'.__ o(o ��' ` ^ .O° r to pi � Vj �0 0 _� r, "Sank c T If ANG i,Suhst11lZ-�✓ r%. " 7(�r i�e(�� =139 ` .. ,,o c•l I` ,_)f o - Gra el ` .10 �t'� s H�GG -.•� `y "r'�Q7 0�. )� ✓� — ('. 1 t--i .` .� �� i .,.� ° L,.. ate- I'i�\>✓,�'i �r -/_ � � � +^ ^- o�� .•}�'.1� �� r 31 r } % 1 _ I '� Radio EttlC�.S7Q21 K t l�L(y/1Zg071� C `Tower I"•i` 'i GraveliiPitS `; —J p P01id '' Pond ep ` and �I r,-''„ �� ' [--1. rt heater o/ 1 I �/ ° Dunn 9• r ° f i �' / �.r t Q �f �� I� 7) 26 Pond io ' • ��c� f s� 1 o I( P • i ubstatio l �\r �// /~ .'•I D; �J owery 1,, •Pw�Li�.l( C�► �� ® R LE; f %ATR `owl •,1 (J •/ '• :- ��i: 132 s• •f�. as -� ;jO�Se sa µl•:� :`� �'� <s o �/J' o.✓�: x L'/Water r / 1 28.���/// l r / , �r� r- t• _�p _ ff t, e o �E •� P� !► /r �!`� -BIM-..1,,.i���! /.rl�,,"T'�� `'y,+. .� t71F0; f ° ( � ° I'•s it fQo �o� ?� ��' (1`tz �;'��� U,� �•:v:�•�- : j .KRIS CV r Tll 'a :p I T yl n iA J II y'28 ke �. Il B F•e Po" rrar `` H I ��frfc�oRt ;\\A'mdry ji �_ V-p�,\• ` ' III- \�l�i��' �, ' _�',S �"e -/ ') \ lB;Ya ifiR $gE�Ue J �� 1 �s'�7 ..' 1• .�°C! rch i��; EA ed 10 'fi High t � i`,✓ . il,✓n r ���` �J �.t .yy � ann� r from: USGS topographic quadrangle map BSC ENGINEERING Hyannis JOB NO. FIG. HORIZONTAL SCALE IN FEET 6 77,5 l .. f ♦ �3`• d �. .: '♦'¢,, 1 f t c 1 ::r�..:_ e - q -:.yq<,#b. %aoa,w. - s: .:3�• sxe C'Y%Y.Is 3 em a 33 4,w.. E� ,r9SM9,«, ` ...Hxaaa,.,<'' `C' ;,, ..,«wi tx 3 w• - - .. . z -j,,;,,. r LZ .. a ..�' ... � '�`x ;3�.,...w::,.,� :�f . ....... \ ¢� .mow' .4-.-C ..... Qj... i ram/' „� i �� �:3�c r t,a�..q'`a�a• n Q�,,,',.�,,,, � s i•r°3'• �'"�! \ i'• RMt�.�` ,r.... � ♦,� f.. i` ;'i _ aq;.:<.: !: ry_ s aC3a'n`ft '�S4 �?o�vC f ��c,M�.w.a � t ''tf `�"^.."!3 / .6^ '3„j>�`f ` `bJWx.�. $�a `�,`Y ,.� y .K m�'�<�.Y' r: ` �?r¢ '^_� S% .ai1 .r+.r�.e^f ( '"' u'r' .G'e.�'t . 'ai'�a?� -g R x'S".k >• ,K � �y�,, a�f. ���� j• �'• � „ s ;4" .�'�� w.»"f '�,���.r�a`C"";'ti� '*2's'� ``'� f �'y i f� � �''•✓!''o"•,�r�t'"' 3 V;% � �` .. 0 Yqr%",'�° �': \./""�♦, �'vr � s<I P ,,.-�'ar ` ff♦„�,3 ��s ';i /� u elf � as � ��.�:;:i an ,,,��� �,.r•_�ecoa°S„'.`"`-""�.•��� £i7°,� ��-•.,. '��.-�.,,/�-. i Baia J� i �ra,\•`w �,ed :-y� :'- . D ` � �.f °ss A ':' . •fit. etma'gsm '"" ;. - ° `4' ,4� y '� f .Q \ ��� .: .~� ..� .. t r'3� k' �.♦ \ \. 09 s °fi < fr: �,•J ° t%. j: i: ,.j, - �'\ y` �'fit' V M` Al e °�' � �����♦� �.XA9� '`.�`. fi'�za,. `�� _�¢:�° --w°�e9atCJ 4�'Ji"� :>� �• �,'� .t.�.....rs.,.. In :.. x.`\.� \ ✓ mar% aria j. •.'... �a� r4 .,:.� ; �s&t ° f'v .�.a. �'� r ,� ^:i � s l mfr .�rc Y..• % $ "'�'y' ........,,ss>••1C`- tvf: p::�•�~ !\ � - ef<"�.,�.' t Xa•. £�ys x;j�xck - s<' �:\r mY` ,- y R. q ¢ j `: £,' :,n . -•i#' �, m d^"e ,'",. w t r r m t' `4 £7.: from: SEA Consultants Zone of Contribution BSC ENGINEERING . Map for the `Ibwn of Barnstable JOB NO. FIG. HORIZONTAL SCALE IN FEET i t: » •.ifi /.-. 1 ':�:Y. ���.may vJl::.R,.:::: ..1•:.. ;.:v�;:•:• :;Y:::1t:' .is .,Q:.;:::•:::.. •T: �+< •v Y.' •1•J . .l. '%•:fit•• .v ` '., Y' •Y: �:} 'V ... ... .. " y \b L'. / '•r/. _ ..... ::: .•�•.�.:;:.�;�• ....... /�yyam� ;•:�;�:,/':'.'-: f: .1•\'. .•�' 77 j . I goes :#!•.: 4. . i'1.•.•'''.•'• . .n. '•M �::: + •• :1. �':%• tom•�: •4 •7' r.. ,;,y,;. Via' >:•r;i:: � M •� •. �y ,. � - i from: CCPEDC Zone of Contribution Map BSC ENGINEERING for the Town of Barnstable JOB NO. FIG. HORIZONTAL SCALE IN FEET L I.-C". U U.-1.1'4 1.3 k,U 1 4 1 t ILJt N L-AJ I--J j A.I I I L M t- I- i a I k..k ful i 77 4 L cl C,I d 1 1-1 r�ti v 1. n u a I IS 7L �c i-d i n z-7%t 1 1 iJ i Fw r 6 ay NC= 1 A n d t]F-11' 1 PLOT IS DONE--PRESS UP ARROW AND PrtSc KEYS TO GET PRINTER COPY, OTHERWISE PRESS THE LETTER R TO REDO PLOT ML . -6.6 equa(pet -6 Vi( _ 6-. *66 i'.Lake F ' ;� •. J'16 A]ppr-o-x Ir jp Locatio ti� X Prr ,-.6 e%% --% w I la. riV /jl � .1e r -.&—--.I— d- ........r J .1 a ..I ,rpr- -.P S Lewi J. Bay r A USGS, Groundwater model of eastern Barnstable BSC ENGINEERING at +lMGD flow to WWTP and peak yield from JOB No. FIG. Mary Dunn Area Well Fields HORIZONTAL SCALE IN FEETJ � Appendix 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L SIN `._ ¢_, _ Cape Cod Planning and Economic Development Commission Water Supply Protection Project ` Final Report - - Barnstable Bourne Brewster Dennis Yarmouth December 14, .1979 Figure 6 - CCPEDC/208 en Loading' 9 Rates and Formula Lind Use :knalvsis Beyond the identification of Water Resource Districts which would be :onrd to. control future uses , this project was designed to analyze housing densities and other non-point. sources of.groundwater pollution. 1v'hile this was prohably an unrealistically ambitious undertaking, considerable information was developed for each town and is presented in this report to the towns. f Analysis of Housing Densities r Using assessor's maps , and drawing upon the generous cooperation of town engineers, health agents and other. individuals, tables were prepared indicating -- - total land area, existing (subdivided) house lots, developable open land and reserved open land. This information was- used to determine the housing density allowed by present subdivision and at saturation under existing zoning. To the extent feasible water use information for major non-residential. uses in the ' area was obtained from Water Departments to estimate sewage -flows. The draft and final 208 plans.present. discussions of the-impact of housing (population) density and related on-.site sewage disposal on the groundwater. In these plans nitrate-nitrogen, loading to the groundwater is used as an -indicator of water quality impacts both for planning purposes and water quality assessment. The same approach has been adopted in this project,, with some re- visions based- on recent research performed during the Nassau/SuTfolk (Long Island, New York) 208 planning program. The nitrogen loading assumptions from single family residences has been revised, and assumptions of loading from lawn fertilizer were added to the formula. A method of estimating nitrogen loading from non-residential uses was also developed. These methods are dis- cussed below. Backup information and assistance in interpreting this informationis available from CCPEDC staff. Nitrogen Loading Calculations - - ' The Draft 'Plan presents a method for estimating of on- sewage on groundwater nitrate-nitrogen concentrationsoonn the lbasiscof nitrogene loading at 6.9 lbs./person/year. This is based on a standard estimate of Nsnicipal sewage concentrations developed by Metcalf & Eddy of 20 ppm. The concentration of nitrates in sewage will vary with water use, however. or example, at 100 gallons/capita/day (gcd) flows, a cor.:non estimate for persons served with municipal sewerage,nitrate-nitrogen concentrations would be 20 m while the same loadingPP at 65 (6.9 lbs./person) would result in 35 ppm sewage strength The gcd, a. common estimate for persons using on-site wells and septic systems . ' expression of nitrate loading, in pounds rather than concentrations is, therefore, intended. to equalize varying water use patterns for planning purposes. ' The Draft and Final 208 plans recommend that nitrogen loading should 16 lbs./40,000 s g g not exceed loadin q. ft./year in a water supply recharge area. As shown below, this g, when diluted by natural recharge (1,092 gal./day/40,000 sq. ft. ) , would result in an estimated groundwater concentration of 5.0 ppm (parts .per million P P ) 16 lbs. X .000454 mg. /lb. i'092 �1-/ av/40 000 s q. ft. X 365 dals X 3.8 liters/gal. = 4.79 mg./liter �ounded off to S.0 mg./liter, parts per million tia f Nitrogen' Budget -Single Famil y Household (Cont.) - N-Wastewatez - (Per Person) (Total) .Lawn Area N_fert. T-nitrogen load 7 lbs. '21 lbs. 0 2 0 21 lbs. -7 lbs. 1 lbs. 5,000 ft.2 9 lbs. 30 lbs. S lbs- 15 -lbs. 5,000 ft. 9 lbs . 24 lbs. e :.,; . Gross Density Required to Maintain Groundwater Concentration of--S' ppm (under 3 loading assumptions) �. @ 7 lbs_/cap.9yr• T(N) = 21 lbs. 1 unit/52 000 s ft. 3. q• (gross area) @ 7 lbs./cap /yr. plus fertilizer T(N) = 30 lbs. 1 unit/75,000 sq. ft. ' @ S lbs./cap./yr.. plus - fertilizer T(N) = 24 lbs . 1 unit/60,000 sq. ft. On the basis of this analysis it was decided that the density recommendations =`_of one dwelling unit/60,000 sq. feet should remain unchanged, but that it Would be more technically correct to adopt the combined sewerage/lawn ferti- 1izer estimates as revised on the basis of Long Island studies. (C) Total nitrogen oading which was attributed too single family dwelling units in the housing _ r density inventory was .24 lbs. /year. " Estimation of Nitrogen Loading from Non-Residential Uses To estimate nitrogen loading from non-residential uses the previously discussed ` standard concentration of 20 ppm was used. The formula for converting a - "known volute of .effluent to pounds of nitrate-nitrogen is as follows : Calculation of N Load Based on known Wastewater Volume at 20 ppm Concentration Gal. X N (lbs.) 3.8 (liters/gal .) X 02 (grams/liter)454 grams/lb. = Gal. X .0001674 This formula was used in calculating N load from wastewater disposal in the Yarmouth Industrial Zone for which yearly water consumption was available. To calculate N load for non-residential uses for which water consumption in- formation is not available two appraches can be used: ' 1• To calculate annual nitrate loading for a specific business or use: N (lbs.) _ Sewage flow (Title 5) X 260 (work days/yr. ) X .0001674 2' To project nitrogen loading from future general business development : -- Inventory water use for existing businesses i 3�,r a IF -Cape Cod Planning and Economic Development Commission Water Supply Protection Project Final .Report j Barnstable Bourne Brewster Dennis _ - _Yarmouth ' December 14, 1979 Eaf, £ Nitrogen Budget - Single Family Household (Cont.). px,� �r N Wastewater j `pe son) (Total) Lawn Area N=fert. -}T-nitrogen load (per �.. r bg 21 lbs. 0 2 0 21 lbs 7 bs �., . 21 lbs. 5,000 ft.2 9 lbs. _ "'30 lbs. 0�� 1bs 15 lbs. 5,000 ft. 9 lbs. _ 24 lbs q y Density Required to Maintain Groundwater Concentration of--5 ppm Gross D = (under 3 loading assumptions) lbs /cap./yr. T(N) = 21 lbs. _ 1 unit/52,000 sq. ft._ (gross area) A7,lbs./cap./yr. plus T(N) = 30 lbs. 1 unit/75,000 sq. ft. ;fertilizer ! S lbs /cap./yr. plus T(N) - 24 lbs. 1 unit/60,000 sq. ft. ` -fertilizer r Mt l � N." , - 'On:the basis of this analysis it was decided that the,.&ensity recommendations kloe or.-one dwellin unit/60,000. sq. feet should remain unchanged, but that it iould- a_ more technically correct to adopt the com ined sewerage/lawn ferti- lizer;testimates as revised on the basis of Long Island studies. (C) Total nitrogen `,loading which was attributed to single family dwelling units in the housing. ' jensity inventory was 24 1bs.N/year. Estia►ation. of�Nitrogen Loading from Non-Residentia-t Uses To estimate nitrogen loading from non-residential uses the previously discussed standard concentration of 20 ppm was used. -The formula for converting a known°volume of effluent to pounds of nitrate-nitrogen is as follows: Calculation of N Load Based on known Wastewater Volume at 20 ppm Concentration '1 lbs _ Gal. X 3.8 (liters/gal.) X .02 (grams/lit er) = Gal. X .0001674 . 4S4 .grams/lb. d This formula was used in calculating N load from wastewater disposal in the Yarmouth Industrial Zone for which yearly water consumption was available. To calculate N load for non-residential uses for which water consumption in- forma tion is not available two appraches can be used: 1• To calculate annual nitrate loading for a specific business or use: N (lbs.) = Sewage flow (Title 5) X 260 (work days/yr.) X .0001674 2• y�oat. i� olay work wee{C • To project nitrogen loading from future general business development: ' Inventor y water use for existing businesses I-1.1 Y IpIrA.1f, V 71, OEM= Aw W I %�n - Vp59: cA �Zg:REPO L16 A tr io. '� -.,.... -'4� .r � <r �-T .._,.Z i � - f y�.c--'�'r � s. 5ro 'F GROUNDWATER AND WATER j . RESOURCE PROTECTION PLAN PREPARED FOR THE TOWN Of BARNSTABLEv MASSACH*USEI-M FEBRUARY 1985 S E A CONSULTANTS INC. Engineers/Architects Boston, Massachusetts Portland, Maine Wethersfield, Connecticut ' .10-17 Table 10.9 Predicted Nitrate-Nitrogen Concentrations Without WPCF Influence ` Concentration in mg/l for Recharge Rate of 16-i�nch_/„v�r 18-i h/vr = 3.55 3.04 4.12 3.74 3 8.26 7.62 Alternative A: Abandon the WPCF Under present zoning regulations and without the presence of the WPCF discharge, nitrate-nitrogen concentrations or Zones 1 and 2 would remain under the established 5 m 1 guideline. This condition- only be reached if the WPCF is no longer in operation. It is readily apparent that this. alternative is not feasible for a host of reasons ' has been outlined here for discussion purposes but is not considered to be a. v able solution. Alternative 'B: Route WPCF Discharge Outside o_f_Zone_of Contribution - If the WPCF remained in operation, effluent discharge may be routed outside of the zone of contribution 'so that groundwater within the zone would be unaffected by the facility. An example of .this alternative is the possibility_ of an ocean outfall. In view of current state and federal policies on ocean (_discharges in this geographical area (Massachusetts Ocean Sanctuaries Act), this alternative is considered to be unlikely to be implemented. Alternative C: 'Feat WPCF Discharge - A third option for Zones 1 and 2 is additional treatment in the form of nitrification/denitrification of the IVPCF discharge at the present location. It is noted that even with the WPCF influence, the nitrate-nitrogen concentration of groundwater in Zones 1 and 2 t is expected to be less than the 10 mg/l. However, the calcWated values would statisticsily exceed the VICL of 10 rncr _ /l at least 10 percent the. time if >l ' the concentration was not reduced to approximately 5 m;iL Therefore, SEA Consultants Inc. 1G-I8 treatment at the WPCF, assuming options A and B are not adopted, will be ' require to ensure the long-term viability of supply we in zones 1 and 2. V. The. degree of nitrifisation/denitrification_.necessitated would be based on maintaining the groundwater—concentrationof nitrate-nitrogen` af5 mg/l. In . order to attain this goal, the required nitrate-nitrogen concentration the ..WPCF discharge under various recharge scenarios has been calculated using the original methodology and is presented in Table 10.10. ' Table 10.10 Nitrate-Nitrogen Concentration of WPCF Effluent Needed to Maintain 5 'nig/1 Concentration (mg/1) for Recharge Rate of •Z_ 1616_i_ nch/vr 18-inch/vr 1 10.50 12.38 2 8.06 9.90 7 3. 0.22 0.87 i �. ✓ z Assuming that the present discharge of the WPCF has a nitrate-nitrogen concentration of 20 mg/l, this level would have to be reduced by at least 60 percent to maintain a concentration of 5 mg/1 in the groundwater system for ' Zones 1 and 2. Wastewater t trea meat technology presently exists would achieve this required level of effluent quality.. The treatment process would involve ni tri fication/denitrificat ion technology. Nitrification is a biological treatment process whereby ammonia is converted to nitrate in the wastewater stream.'The biological reactions involved in the ' conversions may take place during activated sludge treatment or as a separate stage following removal of the carbonaceous biological oxygen demand. rSeparate stage nitrification may be accomplished via suspended growth or attached growth unit processes. In either case, the nitrification step is ' preceeded by a pretreatment sequence to reduce carbonaceous demand. Deni- trification involves the reduction of nitrates and nitrites to nitrogen ;as S E A Consuitants Inc ASSESSORS MAP N( : S .1eA0l� PARCEL NO:N. Fee L �� THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Entered in computer: Ye PUBLIC HEALTH DIVISION -TOWN OF BARNSTABLE., MASSACHUSETTS 01ppYication for Migozal *potem Conotruction Permit Application for a Permit to Construct( . )Repair( )Upgrade( )Abandon( ) ❑Complete System ❑Individual Components Location Address or Lot No. n f � D p (�l Ow er's Name,Address and Tel.No. Assessor'sMap/Parcel wqyl,,(AJ' kg- Installer's Name,Address,and Tel.No. Designer's Name,Address and Tel.No. Type of Building: ' Dwelling No.of Bedrooms Lot Size sq.ft. Garbage Grinder( ) Other Type of Building No. of Persons Showers( ) Cafeteria( ) Other Fixtures Design Flow gallons per day. Calculated daily flow gallons. Plan Date Number of sheets Revision Date Title Size of Septic Tan Type of S.A.S. Descriptio of - t r t /0 Lu U k— j / _ �u! �• l � Nature of Repairs or Alterations(Answer when applicable) Date last inspected: Agreement: • The undersigned agrees to ensure the construction and maintenance of the afore described on-site sewage disposal system in accordance with the provisions of Title 5 of the Environmental Code and not to place the system in operation until a Certifi- cate of Compliance has been issued y t 's d He h. ) Signed .� Date ✓ ©0 Application Approved by Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons Permit No. �>��" - Date Issued "'' No. 4 ; Ar. Fee �. . . THE COMMONW \ � F MASSACHUSETTS i '`-Entered in computer: PUBLIC HEALTH DIVISION TOWN OF BARNSTABLE., MASSACHUSETTS Zippficatio.0 for Zigpool *p5tem Construction Permit -Application for a Permit to Construct( )Repair( )Upgrade( )Abandon( ) ❑Complete System El Individual Components Location Address or Lot No.` Owner's Name,Address and Tel.No. Assessor's Map/Parcel `— SY1ti�� ' Installer's Name,Address,and f6l.No. Designer's Name,Address and Tel.No. cot Type of Building: 4ok -p�/YDwelling No. drooms Lot Size sq.ft. Garbage Grinder( ) Other Type of Building No. of Persons Showers( ) Cafeteria( ) Other Fixtures Design Flow gallons per day. Calculated daily flow gallons. . Plan Date Number of sheets Revision Date Title .7 Size of Septic Tank Type of S.A.S. ` Description of Soil r !r Nature of Repairs or Alterations(Answer when applicable) Date last inspected: Agreement: _ The undersigned agrees to ensure the construction and maintenance of the afore described on-site sewage disposal system in accordance with the provisions of Title 5 of the Environmental Code and not to place the system in operation until a Certifi- cate of Compliance has been issued by this Board of Health. Signed Date Application Approved by Date Application Disapproved f6rilie o owtng reasons Permit No. �� > Date Issued _. ——————————————————————————————————————— c j THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BARNSTABLE, MASSACHUSETTS �. Certificate of Compliance _.i THIS IS TO CERTIFY,that the On-site Sewage Disposal System Constructed( )Repaired( )Upgraded(t Abandoned( )by at 4 has been constructed in accordance with the provisions i 5 and the or spo ahem Construcrion e t No. dated Installer Designer / The issuance s permit shall of a hstrued as a guarantee that the sy tem w` 1 function as designed Date Inspector 1 /� t�h ----------0(// -------------------- - N Fee THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS PUBLIC HEALTH DIVISION - BARNSTABLE., MASSACHUSETTS ` Zisspont, *pgtem construction permit Permission is hereby granted to Construct( )Repair( )Upgrade( )Abandon( ) System located at C `7 and as described in the above Application for Disposal System Construction Permit. The applicant recognizes his/her duty to comply with Title 5 and the following local provisions or special conditions. Provided:Construction must be completed within three years of the date of this permit. Date: Approved by 7T//� S' �/� Q HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGISTRATION FORM sS: S CN VV\ 'YJ I 0�::q10 Mail To: TION: °J S S L►d �-� �► d — `�i'i' 1 sa Board of Health Town of Barnstable RESS: T1 T. ) 3';L• d o-2-bo I P.O. Box 534 :� E NUMBER: 5 O 3 - 771 —8 8l b Hyannis, MA 02601 CONTACT PERSON: �`il�►r!� Q '1� f-� c��d►�J 13d6 )�j ev --k&La EMERGENCY CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER: Does your firm store any of the toxic or hazardous materials listed below, either for sale or for your own use, in quan ' 'es totalling, at any time, more than 50 gallons Ions liquid volume or 25 pounds dry weight? YES NO This form must be returned to the Board of Health regardless of a yes or no answer. Use the enclosed envelope for your convenience. _ If you answered YES above, please indicate if the materials are stored at a site other than your mailing address: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: LIST OF TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS The Board of Health has determined that the following products exhibit toxic or hazardous character- istics and must be registered regardless of volume. Please estimate the quantity beside the product that you store: Quantity/Case Quantity/Case -�-' Antifreeze (for gasoline or coolant systems) $ Drain cleaners Automatic transmission fluid I ja°,L21Toilet cleaners -tom Engine and radiator flushes 4 - Cesspool cleaners -d- Hydraulic fluid (including brake fluid) -6- Disinfectants -�- Motor oils/waste oils -fib Road Salt (Halite) --B' Gasoline, Jet fuel Refrigerants 4-9- Diesel fuel, kerosene, #2 heating oil Pesticides (insecticides, herbicides, $ Other petroleum products: grease, lubricants rodenticides) Degreasers for engines and metal - SPhotochemicals (fixers and developers) 41 Degreasers for driveways & garages -b- Printing ink 4 Battery acid (electrolyte) $- Wood preservatives (creosote) -a Rustproofers -r} Swimming pool chlorine -�} Car wash detergents -8- Lye or caustic soda -69- Car waxes and polishes Jewelry cleaners --& Asphalt & roofing tar - Leather dyes 5-)D 541 Paints, varnishes, stains, dyes Fertilizers (if stored outdoors) )Paint & lacquer thinners $ PCB's I �a1 Paint & varnish removers, deglossers Other chlorinated hydrocarbons, -� Paint brush cleaners (inc. carbon tetrachloride) -� Floor & furniture strippers _ Any other products with "Poison" labels )�.1,i> Metal polishes (including chloroform, formaldehyde, 6 Laundry soil & stain removers hydrochloric acid, other acids) (including bleach) 3I,Other products not listed which you feel may �_ off, Spot removers & cleaning fluids be toxic or hazardous (please list): - (dry cleaners) V 15 k W as S6696 &VtA -f� Other cleaning solvents YJttj fp R 0-111,0 -e-- Bug and tar removers Household cleansers, oven cleaners White Copy- Health Department/ Canary Copy-Business TOWN OF BARNSTABLE 'Ca LOCATION j 5� �T �3 Z YQ"��19�/ EWAGE # Z,Ve—/� VILLAGE ASSESSOR'S MAP & LOT INSTALLER'S NAME&PHONE NO. i6z9l J�4O101i er,,::PAtS - j S TANK CAPACITY h-W91G 5 S CGS 94/, i LEACHING FACII.ITY: (type) (size) NO.OF BEDROOMS BUILDER OR OWNER 4' PERMITDATE: COMPLIANCE DATE: • Separation Distance Between the: Maximum Adjusted Groundwater Table to the Bottom of Leaching Facility Feet Private Water Supply Well and Leaching Facility (If any wells exist on site or within 200 feet of leaching facility) Feet Edge of Wetland and Leaching Facility(If any wetlands exist within 300 feet of leaching facility) Feet Furnished by t r. i i 1 .. i , O_sd � TOWN OF BARNSTABLE ' LOCATION j 5� ���� Z � l EWAGE # ZAALIX Z � U L A G E tY yQ'AEV:2 ASSESSOR'S MAP& LOT INSTALLER'S NAME&PHONE NO. dAr l® �lv TANK CAPACITY VC- J®!,'> LEACHING FACILITY: (type) (s' NO.OF BEDROOMS BUILDER OR OWNER / �/� �s✓`� PERMTTDATE: - COMPLIANCE DATE: Separation Distance Between the: Maximum Adjusted Groundwater Table to the Bottom of Leaching Facility Feet Private Water Supply Well and Leaching Facility (If any wells exist 4 . on site or within 200 feet of leaching facility) Feet Edge of Wetland and Leaching Facility(If any wetlands exist within 300 feet of leaching facility) Feet Furnished by x v � • � �, .� ��. ® � O . �. ., �.. .� ww d W� �. h ,. g. � 4, n TOWN OF-BAR/NSTABLE LOCATION SEWAGE # �� VILLAGE ASSESSOR'S MAP & LOT INSTALLER'S NAME&PHONE NO. &,C ADL m4mzrANK CAPACPTY ,�Ywoe- 7-a—,e4 .S eo? l LEACHING FACILrrY: (type) / loo- (size) NO.OF BEDROOMS BUILDER OR OWNER PERMITDATE: `COMPLIANCE DATE: Separation Distance Between the: Maximum Adjusted Groundwater Table to the Bottom of Leaching Facility Feet Private Water Supply Well and Leaching Facility (If any wells exist on site,or within 200 feet of leaching facility) Feet Edge of Wetland and Leaching Facility(If any wetlands exist within 300 feet of leaching facility) Feet Furnished by w Ce , t I` �1 9^- DIAM MIN .HEAVY OUTY COVERS 10 FINISH GRADE. s - RIM-46. 76 6' DIAM PIPE EXISTING 6- DIAM PIPE SEWER MANHOLE 0 l0' • S-0.02 FLOW LINE 89' • 5-0.02 46.2 �., 45.75 46.0 ^ 43.97(EXIST) Li I2 pm aMO 5500 GALLON GREASE TRAP _ - - ., - a _ SHOREY ST-5500 H 20 OR EOUAL T sd -a�-• � ,_'�ti—'.✓�. ....✓ :.. _ ..- ^r. ...-.. ..... �..,.,.._. y,y..._.?.�E.. � 1 i.A- _ .ir. t ..• N]"y u y. Y REF fir 1{ - 4 ...}. �' a »,..,..,'. *.t "+.y:4F' .y,.{<•.«Fy ny rx-. .w. �.raJ in_1 W u4r RUSHED"STONE��•BA-SE � 1 R_ ___ T7/L NO T_ l0 __S_CA L E 77 I : 6 PR_0 p O S GRE-A SE 7- R I P PREPA RED FOR SAM D % EGO S P 950 / ,YAN0UGH ROAD . HYANN / S . MA 0124501 SCAL E : NONE ,JA /VUAR Y / 3 . 2000 EAGLE SURVEY I NO. 1 NC 923 Route 6A Ya rmou t h p o r t ... MA . 02675 ( 508 ) 362-8 1 32 ( 508 ) 432-5333 ,'_.... ., w: .,. '•; .�+ `''.. ' �ss '" tiKc k°t,�, .0 �'�rs..�t"-� r t 3 y� :.: •r-._.. �:€.a� K (.w .. � 1. Y w _. 4 l.'. ,•r.`•+/fy' p}. 1t1.+�.�r ji,iY - • .' - � ::-��:�h Z z-�2`r'<' .�v:,,�,F#o....:fyr..,,... ...5. :.M+'�,.•-..c.am• .r,'w^ri•ti1E`�' i'i:l.'.;'r .e t..:..,.�a«o .tu,:ak'a��.,.krr't{Y^ 9'�°tdPrv°rhtl�rY#ty.'^.+'4r••kk�.� fa3 ,.a:.t._'.� .1 -#w'`"�s�+r�"'�;rt'3'a'�'-'�.". T , ...w...e�r i^att;•:iw.F.tg'INaS'..,^J` .�... ..r': - _ Or - :. LQ' t AOOrS I GENERAL NO TE'S 1. PROPERTY LINE INFORMATION WAS COMPILED FROM AVAILABLE PLANS AND DEEDS OF,RECORD AND DOES NOT REPRESENT AN ACTUAL ON THE GROUND SURVEY. i ssa- 2. TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION WAS OBTAINED BY r ELECTRONIC SURVEY METHODS ON APR I L J. 1998. /�� i , Locus Q o�Yor� / b S AP J. VERTICAL DATUM 1 APPROXIMATE NGVD. FOR P BENCH MARKS SET. SEE SITE PLAN. / 1 ♦♦♦ , f PROPOSED LroNT JsrANDARD lrvPr j s ♦♦ 4• WORK PROPOSED WITHIN THE ROUTE 132 RIGHT y, j l �%� 3 J 9 f � ♦♦ 1 OF WAY IS LIMITED TO REMOVAL OF EXISTING SIGN AND PAVEMENT AS SHOWN AND RECONFIGURING OF THE ENTRANCE DRIVE. ANY CURBING. SIDEWALKS AND LANDSCAPING .IS TO BE DONE IN CONJUNCTION � 7 :` Am Cv/911 1 P WITH THE ROAD, WORK BEING DONE FOR THE CAPE . ; i a-star LOCUS MAP COD MALL EXPANSION. 1 t � J RWWED t t ASSESSORS S 294. PARCELS 8 73 arAWARD I SSOR MAP S. ALL RUNOFF FROM IMPERVIOUS AREAS IS TO -BE J J .. � ; ,,�� 1 r / ' `" ,.` ° OWNER OF RECORD: RUTH C. MOY CONTAINED ON THE LOT. ROOF RUNOFF IS TO BE J. low.. 1 � / t •.� 523 GREAT PLAIN AVE. DIRECTED TO. DR YWEL L S AS SHOWN. �, ` 1 NEEDHAM. MA 02192 / PROPOSED L t 47. .. ./ : '�•,� ! / ?p�. S. ALL PROPOSED SrI GHT L I GHT I NG IS TO BE DESIGNED 1 srAAAttD tryP1 --r' ; ,,/ F r . IN ACCORDANCE WITH CAPE COD COMMISSION TECHNICAL • ti ,. ,, j / �... --f / � � ASSESSORS MAP 294. PARCELS 69•-2 A 59-3 BULLETIN #95-001. 0.71 OWNER OF RECORD: INDEPENDENCE PARK. INC. VP4o0J � ter"""""_"'- .,♦ .r SCOPE LlANIPROP•b ,,,, ! � f j TYPE r•'t BrT1frNOW CDACRETE aERN AROfAVD / TREES ITYPt -~ � I f2_1 � ZONING DISTRICT: HB. HIGHWAY BUSINESS • ENTIRE PARKIMP /` .�� 3o A'a / y j f'` A 81AM COURSE: r' TOP COHSE - . . • ., AAV DRIVE AREA* ! ,� J r ► h t1 MIN LOT SIZE. 40. 000 S.F. #1 OEM 00400 awstts0 Bronx"a / f' J� � � t • MIN FRONTAGE: 20 ! + J f WIDTH: I 0' PAVEMENT DETAIL ! d�A J� PROP D �' , MIN WID 6 � No SCALE / '�� �� i f TRk trYPt BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT-100' SIDE 30 , REAR-20' / ROP'D R a. J Ei � 00 F'RAIAE AM arATE +� v / r,` - CALIPE1R r a. M ,�r. x BUILDING COVERAGE 30x, MAX IpRTAREq IN PLACE / / / tREES' ITYP) s / 4 ! -UT�CH BASINS . / ! 1 GROUND WATER OVERLAY DISTRICT: GP BRICK LEMIM COf NSE � y f! `pROPosm cr � `t 509 S I TE CO VERAGE MAX STANDARD CUP ELeow w/ is CUP TO LEACH►No � � �' � � � r -- f � 30X NATURAL AREA MIN I• VEmr �' FACILITY !� ' . r 1 ,p / PROP. .91 ID CATCH BASIN ! TREES fTYP P if / sA'01rJED .!?7° / 1 p 4a. h Riot J ' SY187INe 1 f / 4e.24 , OAK .- -MAW PARKING CALCULATIONS; , ; 1 � LEICIr PITS t �fpPN o $ t WOO, ♦ REQUIRED: I SPACE / 3 SEATS VAX CATCH BASIN � t � e�R/ ! .r f 0.b u - / �r 1 342 SEATS / 3 /14 SPACES DETAIL . � N'0 SO" / SQUIRED. 1 SPACE / 2 EMPLOYEES �? atrsT- R a Nin. � s s i 40 EMPLOYEES / 2 20 SPACES AND w crar rRN FRAME AAO COYER w/I VENT / R 47.271 xAMIOLE ® / .� i I SPADE PARED 7N PLACE � f REQUIRED-• 5 SPACES FOR TAKEOUT TO FINISH . 1rOR 4•MIN. PEISTOl�' J r J l 0.04 NET d ! RICK LEVELIMP OMSE ter• I �/ !'E" Lt 1 / / r .•��' - 5 SPACES NIL POLY oR TER FAMICvsmewNr to J . / BE i t , ! / ' 47,48 TOTAL PARKING SPACES REQUIRED 139 SPACES ► �• ..,.. �00 / AREA LalYbscAP NEw ssca / / /1 FRau BASIN /' \ry ♦ j too i / DRY=& C OREtSE � ! / / } TOTAL PAVED SPACES PROVIDED - 143 SPACES ai4•-rt/x� rAar�EO tEtattAro FOR Roo e J .t o 0 1 / r,..-� TOTAL GRAVEL SPACES PROVIDED - 28 06M SMW ALL AROM 9DtSIN i° 4a.2t ,g� ^J ! / / / TOTAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED - 171 SPACES IN•20t I� r i" / EASE TRAP`..; Exrsr L can • `'' AROPesE»L I i I TOTAL HAND I CAPPED SPACES - 6 SPACES POST � �` , ' 1 OW FIRE 4e.0e a DIM. I FAVEMW tiI TOTAL TREES REQUIRED - 171/8 - 21 4 urN. TO at ft ymm " 40.ss «� t t 4i o° TOTAL TREES PROVIDED • 21 40.10 la11 f I t ® �5,J. r� �/ i l l t `o• LEACHING $AS 1 N DETAIL 49.43'�• No BALLS47. - 4a.rs � �T � � � t t i t � AREA CALCULATIONS : 0R L o � \ " ! r 1 / t t l TOTAL LOT AREA - 128,045* S.F.- 2.94 ACRES foam ♦ ' ss. a O \ J / i ♦ \ g`` BUILDING/PATIO AREA - 11.8321 S.F.- 9.3x OF SITE PAVED AREA 51.945 S.F. 40.5x OF SITE i TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA w 63.777t S.F.- 49.8x OF SITE a rt t 4Af *rAPPtETREE1 f uP sr r slam P rEars4 i WIM / TOTAL GRAVEL PARKING 7.9463 S.F.- 6.29 OF $I TE `. �► c` el /p TOTAL NATURAL AREA • 38.743s F. 30.3x OF SITE 4r.os ! •OAK r am WON to I301E3 112 4S.02 ,/^� /� / TE_ /--© L A IVl/ F- L A / V D i s• ' °� '�' V50 / YANOUGH ROAD ''�` ... r♦. T L s t H.YA IVI%l ! S > MA SARIVS A49 LEGEND � � �- J PR�F'ARECa �•OR 0 CONCRETE.BOUND FOUND VA GarE S A /�'l' O / E 0 0 * S -W WATER LINE ROGER T KE•RSHAW �o Q HYDRANT up 30/58 i (� OAS GATE' 950 ! Y,4NC?UGH R'CyA © . HY.4N MA 02F4 / N / S . a G OAS L INS N ... ✓ E' / / 9 9 S •e SCALH . / .3O UN , SEWER 94NHOLE \t%OF REVISED: NoVEMBER 4. 1998, 7Rp� Rrs >tg S SEWER LINE q � � � ',. cy6 o s° t t o NC 0 CATCH BASIN e• A EAGLE G E .`�"-SURVEY�,/ E Y I N � , s-••o- UT 1 L 1 TY POLE W/ OUY WIRE y HAAB y -� �rrIsrs CIVILa ,. 9 2 3 Route 6 A ,_..._�._OHW OVER HEAD WIRES w 2m No.35481 s„ Yarmouth ort , MA . 02675 •--T•-- UNDERGROUND :TELEPHONE LINE FGr�T � � o �t�tt - P �40.4 EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION ,%L ( 508) 362-w-- 'aMa E •� -r•8132 `'-I00.__.•r• EXISTING CONTOUR S (508) 432--5333 ® PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION ` //%0p ma PROPOSED CONTOUR !6.OAK � EXISTING TREE W/I•YPE it 0 30 6o JOB NO 98-028 FIELD: SAH/CFW CAL C: CFW CHECK: CFW DRN: SAH 1� l M i • I I i � R✓;t'^'�c•n�a,w:;�.t;x�!*h-. -.>.rx .: .NF.•5s9sbt�rlMpfl �+urafw;�w��°�at•:�:zs�rr�rs�-��t • • w+>,.,.,,a;,mrrm,:,,,sn•�¢rr � ,� • ! �;+u,an-,.e,'.eatlsu•»tw,'_,*vr ro„ ,9` i e,.rc....� rw s 4„ ,w. _ 4,4<:�a A,;x^..<_�a.a:+sst>war+...we�w.,+'' am9cvt ,�.; ..na..+•.nr� +r ;R.Y9,vM.A � ¢s �rfwww a�'...,r«,t�,sa ...�;46ueru5 � • s t da i ;Y { eae+.�.vmo-xy'1�x., iA � ♦ � '¢. 2. 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