HomeMy WebLinkAbout0722 MAIN STREET (HYANNIS) (15) �t"E' ti Town of Barnstable Building Department - 200 Main Street 11MMSTMIX, # Hyannis, MA 02601 y MASS. 1639• (508) 862-4038 Qp ArFD�a Certificate of Occupancy Application Number: 200704191 CO Number: 20070139 Parcel ID: 308283 CO Issue Date: 07/12107 Location: 724 MAIN STREET (HYANNIS) Zoning Classification: Village: HYANNIS Gen Contractor: PROPERTY OWNER Permit Type: CC00 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY COMM Comments: PERFECT IMAGE NAILS o Building Department Signature Date Signed TOWN OFy=:' >,"IRSTABLE ti Bui ding Application Ref: 200704191; ' Permit � BARNSTABLE Issue Date: 07/09/07 gjAr�O �a�0 Applicant: Permit Number: B 20071603 Proposed Use: p . Expiration Date: 01/06/08 Location 724 MAIN STREET (HYANNIS) Zoning District Permit Type: COMMERCIAL ADDITION ALTERATION Map Parcel 308283 Permit Fee$ 50.00 Contractor PROPERTY OWNER Village HYANNIS App Fee$ 100.00 License Num Est Construction Cost$ 0 Remarks APPROVED PLANS MUST BE RETAINED ON JOB AND TENANT FIT-OUT FOR PERFECT IMAGE NAILS THIS CARD MUST BE KEPT POSTED UNTIL FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE. WHERE A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS REQUIRED,SUCH Owner on Record: CONDO WORK BUILDING SHALL NOT BE OCCUPIED UNTIL A FINAL Address: HYANNIS, MA 02601 INSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE. Application Entered by: PC Building Permit Issued By: THIS PERMIT CONVEYS NO'RIGHT TO:OCCUPY ANY STREET,ALLY OR SIDEWALK OR ANY PART THEREOF,EITHER TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY. ENCROACHEMEN.TS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY;NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED UNDER THE BUILDING CODE,MUST BE APPROVED BY'THE JURISDICTION. STREET OR ALLY GRADES AS WELL AS DEPTH AND LOCATION OF PUBLIC.SEWERS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS., THE ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOTRELEASE THE APPLICANT FROM THE CONDITIONS OF ANY APPLICABLE SUBDIVISION RESTRICTIONS. MINIMUM OF FOUR CALL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED FOR ALL CONTSTRUCTION WORK: 1.FOUNDATION OR FOOTINGS. 2.ALL FIREPLACES MUST BE INSPECTED AT THE THROAT LEVEL BEFORE FIRST FLUE LINING IS INSTALLED. 3.WIRING&PLUMBING INSPECTIONS TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FRAME INSPECTION. 4.PRIOR TO COVERING STRUCTURAL MEMBERS(READY TO LATH). 5.INSULATION. 6.FINAL INSPECTION BEFORE OCCUPANCY. WHERE APPLICABLE,SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL,PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL INSTALLATIONS. WORK SHALL NOT PROCEED UNTIL THE INSPECTOR HAS APPROVED THE VARIOUS STAGES OF CONSTRUCTION. PERMIT WILL BECOME NULL AND VOID IF CONSTRUCTION WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN SIX MONTHS OF DATE THE PERMIT IS ISSUED AS NOTED ABOVE. PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO GUARANTY FUND(as set forth in MGL c.I42A). ice. a s9 'N` w .?i "&' h.: r.S./a•.:\:. s ' .' ti:.ti /i.., R AH BUILDING INSPECTION APPROVALS PLUMBING INSPECTION APPROVALS ELECTRICAL INSPECTION APPROVALS 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 Heating Inspection Approvals Engineering Dept 7 --T -0 7 Fire Dept 2 Board of Health r 0 o� �I�alv TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Map Parcel Application# 04D I® t- Health Division Date Issued Conservation Division Application Tax Collector Permit Fee / Treasurer Planning Dept. Date Definitive Plan Approved by Planning Board Historic-OKH Preservation/Hyannis CPr--oiect Street Addressa� c�,� �T-elephone--, Permit Request � �0�,�--r S J Square feet: 1 st floor:existing proposed 2nd floor:existing proposed Total new Zoning District Flood Plain Groundwater Overlay `*Project Valuation Construction Type Lot Size Grandfathered: ❑Yes ❑No If yes, attach supporting documentation. Dwelling Type: Single Family ❑ Two Family ❑ Multi-Family(#units) Age of Existing Structure Historic House: ❑Yes ❑No On Old King's Highway: ❑Yes ❑No Basement Type: ❑Full ❑Crawl ❑Walkout ❑Other Basement Finished Area(sq.ft.) Basement Unfinished Area(sq.ft) Number of Baths: Full:existing new Half:existing new Number of Bedrooms: existing new Total Room Count(not including baths):existing new First Floor Room Count Heat Type and Fuel: ❑Gas ❑Oil ❑Electric ❑Other Central Air: ❑Yes ❑No Fireplaces: Existing New Existing wood/coal stove: ❑Yes ❑No Detached garage:❑existing ❑new size Pool:❑existing ❑new size Barn:❑existing ❑new size Attached garage:❑existing ❑new size Shed:❑existing ❑new size Other: Zoning Board of Appeals Authorization ❑ Appeal# Recorded❑ Commercial ❑Yes ❑No If yes, site plan review# Current Use Proposed Use BUILDER INFORMATION "-"''Name - ` ,ilZ"-" yL Telephone Number -ae�, f 7�-",L200 Address o2 9 License# /I4f � � Home Improvement Contractor# Worker's Compensation# ALL CONSTRUCT EBRIS RESULTING FROM THIS PROJECT WILL BE TAKEN TO A SIGNATUR �� DATE -�-�J-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY f APPLICATION# DATE ISSUED d� MAP/PARCELNO. ADDRESS VILLAGE OWNER � DATE OF INSPECTION: FOUNDATION FRAME INSULATION FIREPLACE ELECTRICAL: ROUGH FINAL PLUMBING: ROUGH FINAL GAS: ROUGH FINAL FINAL BUILDING DATE CLOSED OUT ASSOCIATION PLAN NO. fax Sent DtJ- 131t73t3L7t77 f Wr7J/J ivuAriri ivbr, 001 JLal u r uo•i r a y. c.•a, DE/12/2007 20;82 50E'7712870 DARLENE DION DESIGN PAGE 02/06 PX0M TM OFFICE Op: 774 Main Sane LLC COMMRCYAL LEAS$ 0/0t>.rm0rniwa li`lS tfTwMQ Suet.Mail 0tai a i New York,M'10013 I. MAIAf STREET Ury LMM' which expression shall Include its helm strcwMrs, and asgns wriem the Mlexe so edatit4 does hrretry I=e to RorBIN DION,whw address is 29 Phoasartt Lone.South DennJn,MA 02660.Which rxpresaiotr sball hiclude their suecmgrs,txveuiore,Adminioit1lbli,and aarigns wherry the milk rt so odmitr. and the LEM htrtby leases the following described prirttiyisr 2 Rt MiSBS M41 E at 724 Main shvvt,Ifiyattttils,mA 026p1 located on the&at now of the complex kntrwn As the 724 Main Street Bwlding in Hyart;tlei,Maadetltrasett6t'TrM LMUD 1'R>SMfSlo together with the right to use in common,with others entitled thereto,the hailwaya,9Wr1w3y$t and elevatum rwacessary for acusa to!said leased prenii9ea,and lavatories nearest thereto, 3 ERh7 The term of this lease shall be far three yoera cormnlmftg on July L 2007 lmd ending an June 90,2010, 4 ASE RENT . The LEWEE shall pay to tht LESSOR Saar Rant occording to tht Ssehedule below,base •I of shall be payable in ddvanw an the first of each month in monthly installment, subject to prorarton hi the case of ony p■rtiol calendnr month,All narao Rr;M shall be payllble witltont of l or deduction, pmnd P July 1.2007tDSeptambur�W,2007 $0.00 October 1,2009 to June A 2009 SS 0.00 July 1,2004 to June X x010 Pun $• 1 rrr= LB ME shall pay, are thtY become 4rt4 all bins for electricity and cowl utilitipa (ynitcd=they aze used for tu=bjng heat or other Moses)that arty famisbed to thq ktesed promises and prits+ently or to the fuhue separately metered,axed all bills for fuel fumiohrd to o aaponie conk aerAc1j%; the loafed prsnttdee exclusively, The utility servilms am all subject to interruption duo to any ACCI t to the MAking of ropAled, altero<tWA Or lmpr6"Mvnta, to labor diftltift to trouble In obtaining fuel, eleMcity,service,or supplies from the sources from which they,art usually obtained for said building,or to any cause beyond the L&1;S i'a oantsol. LP,SSOR ahan have no abligatlan to provide utilities or equipment other than the utilities and equipment within lho promises cur of tho ComMndem4rit date of tt lots& In the ovint LUSSEB requires addltlonpl uti{itlat or equipmv% the Itutallotlah and tnsitlt mIlIct thereof Stroll bt thv USSIM s sole oblipgon, pmvlded that such i7tarlllation shall be aubjW to the wricton wr isent of the LESSOR 6. VIfIONAL RE 1r o In addition to paying Base Imt specitled in paragraph 4 of this Comntsreial Leas-, LUSEE shall pay AA Additional rent,annual real e9tate taxes and Cotldommium fees!ar the Premiers On a monthly 011644 payable In advottct:an the Arat duy of och month. Thi Currant monNy cottdominluat food for the prCirilres are$60Sy and the monthly real WON Wxes lot•the Bscal year ended June g0,2006 are$104.69;subjm to proradon let the case of airy putW ealettdarr month Arid atrbject to odjluatmeru for actual costs. a/Sz/0 9t10 amo � ` ' d fd :od 8Zl a 49/'.13/98 39ttI$llll'JOZS/SW14 L6BfiZt3 Y f R4 ?uaw XvA fax JG114 Uy 1JIUJOL7U7f W170f J 1 VVr5Dn I DtlUi CIV' 1.J•UI UU•t1 ay J•a, 106/12/2007 20:82 50f7712870 DARLENE DION DESIGN PAGE 03/86 CUM E>RMAL LEAM(coblt'd) 7. C[J1iiTY17vC1ST1' 0 "son the macaroon of this lease, the LESSEE shall to dw SSM $M.W or rwurh shall satlxfy rent due for Ow month beg tt n IW3,1 � ntng an July 1,z007 and SeUM of which shall satisfy rest due,for the month bNgirui4 aft June 1,2010,The remaining$900.00 shall W held as security kw the L(wr se'x pwrormance ar heroin 'ptwided and refunded to trhe t.p3$!:E at the end of thin lease,without intvtkat,subject V the LESSEE's sodafactory compliance%Ith the mndiliom hereof. 8. PSE OF Lt?a9130 �W The LrME Shan US;e the leased prearlseis only for the purpose of a nall salon and other Sb�ISEg busfnesa related be6vity necessary to carry out the busirim obJ dvea of the LZSEL LMSE9 aottnowledgaar that such related buainoa4 activity w411 not violato any federal, state or city laws. 9• CE IA'M11 UN The LB89S8 ackhowlecipos that no trade or Mupathon shall be coAduetad in the lwed WS 1 or use anode thereof whlein will be unlawful,Improp9L nday or otfensivr,or contrary to xt,y law cm a„y mgnlcipal by-law or orcHnox=in force in the dty er lawn 11) which the Pr*ML%m art situated. Without limiting the 8o+kmlity of the toragotng the LESS EE shall not being or psrmat to be brought or kept in or on the leased preotisra or elsewhere on de LE5 O&s property any hazardous,104C,inflammable,eambuaHble or explvalve fluid,rnattrfal, Chmrsucol of Subatuweq including without>�tedon any Item defined as ha nxlm purbtttlttt to Chapter 213 of the Musachuattml Comm, U Ws, 10. rE lNSURANCI,, Thu LFMPP..xh,ll not pYrndt any uau of tire, 10004d 1erMi0co which will nlakc votdyble any insurance on the propmy of which the 1Qa1 premisca are a part,yr on the contents of paid property or,which Oa be contrary to any law pr xeguhadffl tram tiro e . to tiurc established by the Naw Lnpind Fire Insurance 1iaUS A dadoa or any Aimifer body sucmding to 14 powers. The (LESSEE shall on demand rdmburag th uak of the prem!"s, e LBSSOP,and all vthvr tenants,all extrA fnbtrrance premiams caused by the LES4E 11• AINTENANCE; The LESSEE agrees to maintym the li axsd remiwv frf and other usual vnl p e3 � �+,darugr•67 Ere tY Y tx MA and whenever namnary,to replaell,plate glees mid other glass thltroiry adonvwledging that the leased prgr+risev are AM In gppp order and the glass whole. 1%q LESSEE a1ial]but permlt the*And pramlsea to by oWerloaded, damaged,stripped,or dafsad,nor suffer any wA,to, 12. S GNACV ' LESSEE shall obtain written constrit of LEWA before erecting arty sign on the Dremisoa which Consul trhaIl not be t nMwonably hold. Signagr shall be Wnai9ftt form,Color and sizR with signage of other urq W oweod by LESSOR Up"9rep4ra8et►or termbration of Lease,LESSEE will eemove a119iSnagv and rtgtore arras where pigna&t was postal to original aohditlen. 13, LTERNAT1t7N5 the LMUE shall not=6 strucwra]alteration!:or nddielona to rho topsad Premlaan, VMON5 but taay make non-structural altmtiws provided the LESSOR eoasent9 thatM in writing, which consent Shall not by unrsssonably withhold or delayed. All such allowed a lteratior*shall be at l.ts'5SEE's expeW pnd shall be in quality atj=t equal to the present construction. LE5SESE shell not permit Any lylkhantcs'$ems, by Ilfmllar liM to rmtoin upon the lvasvd PremleeS for labor and mtrhtrinl furnished to LMSEE or dohs W tp have been tuttrlohed to LMEE in C"MPCllon with work at any dwaetcr PwfO"A or dabned to have delfts perjarmed at the ditn.d 11 of L13625 and shall hallos any such lion to be 101ca69d of mord forthwith without toast to Ll SSM Any alterations or irnprmmme nts made fry the LMSEll shall h bane the property of the L1S30It at the tetminauon of occupancy as provided herein Cr MUM by LE50Z At LESMJW requtpt. a/12/0� 91t0 t+19 ? L/8 $d ev.Li 40,4 t/913 Dal a8 als/sW Asameelet Rq auras xrd r dx 3t m t; Uy 131U3t3L7U7( wno/J 1 V 1.%DA 1 LhE UO/13.,U f UO•1 f r y• W O 06/12/2007 20:32 501117712870 DARLENE DION DESIGN PAGE 04106 COW 4ERCIAL LEA 9(ooved) 14. ICNMENT The LES=shall not assign or sublet the whole or any put of the leawI ptemisms LEA3INCi without LM90R's prior written¢rncO-L Nottnythstandin&such=c"t,LESSEE Stnali tMnatn liable to LESMR for the payment of all rent and for the full performarilM of the Covenants and conditions of this lease. In the event thta p1'exnfsps ore oubiot i.K.gSOR will Mlivr Any amount of yenta t i„Come above Base Rant and Additionel Rent. 19, UBORDINATIC'N% This less*shall be subjeatacnd subardi»eto to any end ail mertgdgee,deem aI trust and ribs!btstltunents in the nature of a n+artPlM now on st any tlrrte hereak0r,a lien or v'sts on the property of which the leased premises are a part and the LESM shall,• when requescee, Promptly exearte and deliver Such written fnsrrorrtents 06 shall bH necessary to show the dubordlnoHon of this leave to said mortgages,deeds of{rust or ether such Instruments In the nature of a mortgop. ESSORSACCEI'S�+ The Lr;SOR or agents of the LEMM may, et reasonable timer}, Otter r0 view the leand promises and rMay ramovo pla=4 and digs„ nut approved and .8ixad a$ herein provided,and malct repairs and altrratloho Os LESSOR should 41C41 to do and they show the!eared premises to others,and at any time within five(5)months before the expiration of the semi,may affix to any suitabit part of the leased pmMiM a notice for left S or m MAS the leased premi2e9 or pmpqrfy of whiten tlla leased preardses are a Part and k"p thm aurae NO afllxrrd without hindmee or molestatfam 17, I EMWICATON�b The LESSER shall save the LESSOR harmless hunt allJade and dge ama otxoatoetod 1�LIA>3ILlT1(. anything occurring on this loea(�ei premi itp naiads cnueod 4y 1119 r4l BM40 pis miston&O of the LESSQIi and trw all loss and danatage whct+avtst K=ring occasioned by any oudxdon,fault;neglect Of other mim mduct of the LESSEE, Is, ESSas TAmury 0) The LES5E8 shall tnakttain with trsPect to the leased Promises and the property of UUNCE which the leased premium rate a part comprehensive gerlml liability Insunnce in the 4ttaownt of of]most$11000,000 with property damage insurance in limits of 31,0W,000 and filr legal liability Insurance of at it ca 31o0,o00 In TW?OvAle companies tluslified to do business in Mataadtuwetsx and in good rise„ding tht coin insuring the I,in=as wen aQ C,SME agalnst*rY to pCMM or damage to properry as provided. The LESSEE Ad]deposit with the LESSOR certificates for such insurance at or prior to the cvylrntawcmt rat of taw aermo end st,vreatter within thury PC) days pnor 10 the expiration of any such poltcles, All auoh illvufariea cerrigCOWs shalt provl49 that Bush pollcilc$eholl not be cnnceAed without at heist ten(10)days prior wrlttyn Ao ca W each assured named theMn. I9. RE CASUALTY:— Shotald A sub Untial POrti0r,of the leased premises.or of the property of whirl,thry NENTPO A fN f'' are a part be subitantially damaged by fire or other casualty,or be taken by tmtirwr domalm the LESSOR may elect to lorminate this level, VPhan such fire,cosuaity,or Wring rundure the leeyrd premiwka sutwlontially uneuitabiq for chair Intal ig i t+ev,e Just and propordanele abott`mtrnt of rent ehrlll b9+++dart lane rho LH5561;n111cy,dart to that kne if (a) The LESSOR!ails to give written notice within, ttdrty(90)days of intertfson.to restore loses premises,or (b) The LESSOR falls to tti8tote t1u ltwsed premises to a condition subvtandrnlly $Unable for theft intended un within ninety (90) days of said flre,,Cagualiy or taking: The LESSOR reserves, and file LESSEE gtAM to the LE550R, all rights which eho LESSEE may have for loser m or injury to the]mood promi"m FM ehlr tacking by ominent domain,except for ClAmage V the LESSEE's fixtures,property,or equlpmem, 4/is/09 leis red 3 L/ir :Bd 8ZlLC dt3/,Ltr/9® X1I 90i8/S6N0 d686Z8£A[EX Rq Wos x j r ax sent Dy 13103tiL707 f WrIJ/J 1 VI.ISrirS 1 LIaB 00/JLJ l 0 f uo.1 r ry• ZY 0 06/12/2007 20.32 50117712870 DARLENE DION DESIGN PAGE 05/06 GOfH 49RCIAL LEA9ah;(oont'd) 20. VAULT A14D. in the Went that. All-=UPTCY . (a) The I,=EE shall default in the payment of any installment of rent or other sum herein specified and such default shall coetinue for five(5)days;or (b} The LESSEE shall da(auh in the observariea or performarrae of any other of the LEMEB'st eavmnents,e9Mtmente,or obligadom hereundor pnd such default shall not ba corroad within thtsty(30)ctM akar wrrttan not+ce tharaof;ar (c) The LESSEE shall be 4eclasa4 bankrupt or insolvent ncgmrftg to law,or,if any asotgrrme nt shall be made of LESSEra pmperiy ror the benefit of creditorr q'hm the LESSOR shalt have:the right theresher;white such default continues,to re- enter and take complaee possession of the leased pretntaea`to dedrrti the tam of dds lease endK and remove the LESSEE's effects, without preludi a tp any remedies which might bt otherwise used for arrean of rust or o%a defoult The LESSEE shall tndm=4 the LESSOR aEsinO all cosy of rent and other paymuhtl,which Ow LESSOR may incur by reason of Such termination during the residue of the term. If fete'LESSEE shall default after reasonable notice dwztof,in the obsrvatece or erfamthe of bn Conditions or 0r�erWnbs um LE53SE"s pert to be obauvmd or peniormed nridar ov by virtue of any Of the pr'o"lions In army article of thus 1#0%the LESSOR,wiMotrt 1>oing under M7 obligation to do so and without thereby waiving such delbalt may remedy such default for the ACcortttt and at the etxpense of tltm LBS5& 1f the LESSOR emcee any expenditures yr Incurs any obligation$for the payment of money in wnneclion the%"th, including but hot!united t% roasotlabae Attorneys fps in ihff"1Ut1 ng, prosecuting or dAndbrg any action or Flmwdtn& Ouch Bums paid or obligations insured,with interest at the rate of 12% per M=m fait costs,shall bt paid to the t.r560R by thc.LEarSS ao addift=1 rem; 2I' Ary notloa hem the I.E,9 M to the LESSEE relating to the leased pramisoa or to the occupancy thetcof, shall be deemed duly vent , if leh at thv leased ptvmim addmsed to the 1,'MEE,or if mallcd.to the teased prW00,regisUred or Carefitd mg'L mtum reed reQuectmd,p60490 prepaid,'addrossed t„the T.Rr%q p. Ary rwtice from the LESSEE to the 11,I56011 relating to the leased pr¢>stis¢s or to the oomrpancy Sureot,shall be deemed duly served,if mailed to the LESSOR by reglatetsd or certified marl, retam tvwipt mquested, postsSC Pmpasd, Cddresued to ft LC95v'R at such addreas as the L11=9 may ftym ttint to tame stubs In writing, All runt notige o ghatl bC paid 724 Mean Street LLC and stint 10 the LESSOR at DAMUN DRAKE,525 Sroa>ac Street,s 5,1V$W YpieK,N'Y,100xS. 22, -n" LESSEE shaft at the expiration or other terminotion of this lease remove all L E's goods and effects from the lined premieres, (including, without hemby limping the Samrallty of the farogotttg,all signs and lettaring affixed or pointed by the C SSSESi aithcr 1"e141e Of butsidc the llfwv4 pmmiaes and nsw plurnblag). LC99BE shell deliver to the LESSOR the laastd itemise+and all keys,Iocks thereto,aged other 9xt Cumected therewith and all attendees tired addld=made to or upon eh@ rmt leased Pret:;in good t vnaitiori damage by tie or other Casualty only excepted. In the event of tilt LESME's failure to remove any of LWEE's property from the MM100e,LES R fa hcmby authoriand,without lisblltty to LYM1113 for loan of damage thereto,and at On sale risk of LESSEE to romow avid store any OF t)w property at Lt3 LTS"IMU4, or to main some under LESSOR'S Control yr to sell at public e;r privet*sat*'without nottem my Cr oil of the Party sat to r a,aved and to apply the net prOmds Of suds sate to the payment of any sum due hvroundef,or to dwtroy such property. Getime 9110 B,r 4/S :bd ez"47 L8011/99 Gq 1=8 xrd .06112/2007 20:32 5007712970 DARLENE DXON DESIGN PAGE 06/06 COMHI WBIRCIAL LIVSE(cout'd) 31. rAMALINVAiIDITY 4 rf a11y tetra Wr yrwisdcn of t11ie Qmms�rial lima*or o app3icaaorr the ftf to n., person Ot dre mst'" a will,to any extent,be inwlid or=en[omeabla,the rWabnder Of thlo Comawdsl Least or the applleation of such term or provisim to persons or di'tu"Otaetaw 90wr than thew io whidh it it held Invalid yr wngnfprgV40lQ�will not bQ lActed thel'mbyl and each such term and prdvisicn of this Commereial Laashh will ba vnitd and be a ftmd to the fullest mirnt permlite6 by few, 31 ATTORNM F1iES Wb If MY tutfm suit:arbittatien or other proot ldiAg is t"sated to reedy,prevent Or obtain relief frain a dekult in th+i perforawa by any pArW to tWit Cbh=a,,Bl Lease of its ob"Pti "under this Cmmordal Leare,the pw4iliq party will reCOM all of ouch Parry's attvrneyS fires;Incurred in 4aah End OvOY each iledm sulk atbltmtien or ash"rrawedin&including my and all"Is or p4mumu*Iex *m. Ar uoed in this SCC66ht,dttcsney■'fool R IMS the full and actual casts of any legal nrrviaw actually perfa'AW in cCritiect)cn with the rttOM=involved esicubted on the bot>is of the usual fee rlhatged by H+p at" perlpRrrtltig such services and will not be HOUNd tv rG"wNblO AltoMV3'ftCs"as d&6nhld in any xtatute cr rule of court 7r8 M 'WI•=Cfi] flW amid pl%vus hmunto an ti+etr f:anda and at!ala thl IYQM DION 774 MAIN S7 RMrr 1. L0 ROBI?JDIp LMiM-17ARK NDRAKE,UANAGEK R/»/n w•<n vrr 8 h!/L �d Bg:di LB✓a:'6/98 35QIlI X001S41411 d6B6z868F£1 fil pw xej YOU WISH TO.OPEN A BUSINESS. For Your Information: Business certificates(cost$30.00 for 4 years). A business Gerxificate ONLY REGISTERS YOUR NAME in town (which i u permission to operate.) Busines s Certificates are available at the Town Clerk's Office, 1`FL., 367 you must do by M.G.L-it does not give you p - p ) . Y • Main Street, Hyannis,-MA 02601 (Town Hall) . DATE: Fill in lease: APPLICANTS YOUR NAME : J �,un BUSINESS YOU13 HOME ADDRESS: Q Pht-4 h'yfc-�3`7_ ��3�I � - �s 1 • TELEPHONE # Home Telephone Numbers. NAK.I]F NEW-BUSIN SS .. . TYPE Op BLJ.SINESS; 0 r. IS THIS A 1 IQM OCOUPATI0111'� YE ; T�11Ji3- ✓ ; Have yiiu b'ee .giveii.dpproual f.row t .build'tn .divisi4n�. YES NO AIhDA�5S QE BI�.SINE S r +, MAP%PAI1GEl.NUMBER ' When starting a new business there are several things you must do in order to be in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Town of Barnstable. This form is intended to assist you in obtaining the information you may need. You MUST GO TO 200 Main St. - (corner of Yarmouth Rd. &Main Street) to make sure you have the appropriate permits and licenses required tb legally operate your business in this town. (A], Al v"Cy 1. BUILDING CO MISS NER FF CE This indivi ual a ee f me - any permit req ire tthat pertain to this type of business. Authorize hat re* �- COMNTS: ,UQ.QO --)b 2. BOARD OF HVALTH. This individual has been informed of the permit requirements that pertain to this type of business. Authorized Signature** COMMENTS: 3. CONSUMER•AFFAIRS (LICENSING AUTHORITY) This individual has been informed of the licensing requirements that pertain to this type of business. Authorized Signature* COMMENTS: