HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertificate of Appropriateness Town of Barnstable �yExOr�Era Old King's Highway Historic District Committee :y � `a .aararaati ; 367 Main Street, Hyannis~ MaLssa huurtLv 02601 ` Telephone (508) 862-4787, Email �rtl)CC.RkCI u!t 11 w111w1Y11fiI111IC. lI%4 �.+ . LP AI)P ICAVON rOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is befcby c,N%A sig f6) complete: cnk ml s N ,r the i ija ice of a Ccaiifieme of Appropriateness ander tiec:l inn h ol' t :hnPlcr CM AGIa tend Reynlvcs oY c t9�3r-feE-ptapoudsnpik`gb described belnw Anel on phax drnwints of PhntOVAPhS aetompotling I is applieatiou fir. Doty Jwz) L OAq fAC> lC, Dato Built: It) JC, —'4'-!- Map & Parcel . . . Property' [hr tier ] tiiy� Y�1`c f V C:rY'.i C(��71c0{ 1 Phone `sac ) Ji A _� Sveetuddress 1C1 1 L7C 1J c� Itcrmll , 11 1�C �� fw.ge . Ci lex Vulalc M.rilii uddn,Ya AgctrtlCmtnrinr M1•� f H1 _ _ Phone Agm t Address f:rtrAil AKcnf Si'ymurtrm Ir approved, the Certifnate of Approiwimteness expires one year from the slumped approval date or open the expiratiou of a Building Permit. whichrvxr date shall be later. A Otte year extemrinn may be requested, in writing, to the Oki Kions Highway Adminislrniivr Amistnnt rt ]6' Main street. Ha•annl% MA 112601. This "ItiweE must be reetived print to the date of expiration• lherr is a 10 day appeal period plus a torr day Waiting period for all applications after which time your appro+al paperwork will be available for pickup and bafkGag permit iagmwel[L A11 applications arc avblece to tneetioK any applicable baddiag rade regtdretnrnlw f hecii till arregarks dem al+* Building Cottttrartien ❑ Naw Rnild ❑ Addition ❑ Alteration U N.esidenl'cil ❑ Commercial Type of Building ❑ Hunt ❑ uUMPe ❑ Ham ❑ Sited ❑ anter Project ❑ Roof ❑ Window,4)mm ❑ SidingTainting ❑ Solar ❑ Other 4 � n Landscape ll'eut■re ❑ Fencc ❑ Well ❑ Fing• POIc ❑ Pool Sign ❑ New Sip)i ❑ Replace Sial ❑ Repaint Sign ❑ �,l n J 1)rmrriptinn of Proposed work" �jx �� �✓ jarl.anmiWerineotvly This Certificate L% hereby APPROVED DFIVIVII) Ityavou: u Ate Nov Ahstain [;nndatiuns of •lpproval r r1Rt'.'A _ FORM Nt) . FORM 13 BBUILDING iVBC - 4) 5 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL COMMISSION i �. 94 WASHINGTON S 'T'REET , BOSTON , MA 02108 ' r.. ,u BtLrllxtablc ( West Barnstable-We a , '. 1Si5 tdaplG st . _ #7 Uirltriri; :, e . he�ol haul - . LOLic Ni,mc Riasidential Jprival- e Preseat MI' . had J1rs , 11ans L'os Di met 'r7 Schoolhouso Town . r > 1--Etii > �Irl ._ W SCIOPTIQM : circa 1810 source, Reg-lotry of Deeds Show property ' s locatis ui relation Style Grook Revival to nearest cross strvcvc. s and /or _ O�rbT hi a7 features , Indicate) Architect. unknown all hn:ildirigs Between iaucnLorierl --- - property and ucarest. qy,,tCVSCCLion , Exterior wall fabric unpalat ort :wIhinglc' Indic_at.e nott MAK WIDGEbN 5TR� fi Dk0uildings 13arn with t: j i i ' r nr, n l.LAN __ CVj O I _atlditiou ; imtl I :-:1w d Major alterat;ioas (with da Les ) _ _, _____ WH ( POND grtsll :ind obitnn (*y addc; d r. . 1021. bow window_ in, tallcrd_ 1970 /w Moved np Da Le LE�RR V -- STRIfY Approx . nerctage 1 . 02 ac+ rils_,------. rded by Aazol Muyr.r Set Ling Re, Sident iIll __ nizaLion _ Barnrotgblc• •. 11l;~ toric,al Coinmia ., iyii_ llat.e May 1983 ( Staple additional sbeeLs here ) ARCli1'1'P.t;i'URAI. SIGNIFICANCE ( Desct ilc iinportunt aLFC UCturcrl features tuid evaluate in 1-vile, of other buildiogst twiti, iu Ilrte rorruutmit.y. j This two �-, t. ory house of the Greek Revival style was remodelled from a district school houRo and ha :s had an enclosed porch addod which runs tho length of the southea%t gable end . in ,1. 970 u bay window was added on the length of the -southwest facade , There is a ane �; Lory ol. I on Ov northwer; t gable. end . A chlntney is located on the exterior , southeast gablo tend iq t. ho middle between a sot of windows In the pedimont, . The oriGinai, chimnoy , in a dtfferent location , w,ts removed , . but the intorior section of it is located in a small, e1ousot in the dining room , This is the only mid - " k ?lWt#YtlWhY1n )OR .1F?t1it ('2fiYiYCsI4w7f4tPRO t4't4il 4bE, � v,es r }6m �rtsc 14 � history anti how the building, vclat ;: 4 i +i 1, 110 duvelopttrnt of rhe conruniity * 1 In 1899 Alba* rt Iitk , : pitrct.'+ l I with Lhe building from Abel bktkopoaco , proruinlmt In thr! cranbt3rcy indu :: try rind Ulu operation of the West Barnstable Brick Company , Abr. l Makopoach purchflecd rhe, propairty from George. and Cyrus Fish in 1895 , Their fathiir Harrison F15h , a large property owner in West Barnr; ta.ble , died in 18 : 1.1 and hi. :�. wJT +:r in 1 $ 95 . 1'ho estate was settled by Cyrus Fish . in 1 £ 73 George Fish }surchar (Ad a I,:t1C sat. re and thc, Snilool hnds?3 frr,rn Sr:hrrol, ]) i :4rLi1 #'7 , Town of Barnstable . The ' Town of Barnstable purchased " one schnol hnu , ka lot containing four square rods " in 1. 836 from Jsaac Smittl , in 18ty Lc; aao Smith purchased lana from Ar L Conpxtt and had rr: r; e lvi-id land rr• om hirl father Mathias Smith in 1812 . NIBULU0141Y and/ or REF1JU NCIwS (nutsx. of I ublaaal .ion , autl ,.r1' , dale^ 11110 pul 't l t*vrl Joan Vos - int ( ,yVICA' , May 4 , 1. 982 Otis , Amos - Vronoa.' 2 ical Notes of Barnstable Families , 118 Tower of Barnstable ASiassor map #132 - 6 Barnt, tablo County Atlases - 1884 and 1854 Registry of Deeds - Barnstablo County ;A Registry of probaLr; - Barnstable County PRL.VLOUS OJVNERB 1970 - .loan and Hansa Vos from henry and Virj;inia slope . Lot B :and l, ttilrllng 1969 - Henry and Virginia [lope from Victor E . Leeman 1960 - Hfmry arta Virginia Hopi. from Aida Loeman , widow of John T . Loomitn 1954 - Aida Lieemsan by will of Jahn T . [ eoman 1" 7 - John T . Leeman from Leonard Fisk , executor of tete will of Francis Pater Fisk 1915 - F'ranoir, Peter Fish from William E . Lake 1912 - William E . Lake by will of his !rather Albert Lake 1%j - "r / R2 1899 - Albort bake from Abel D , Makopcaoe 1895 - Abol D . M41tepeaae from George nnrl ev„ , , w Vi Qt, INVENTORY FORM CONTINUATION SHEET Cmurtaiity ; lo715i No : MASSAWNUTTS HISR)RIV,AL W+ffSSl ()N Barnstable Wtjstt WBC- 95 Ofii.ctr of the SocrL to Barnstable St } �' � 13ns�ta� Property Name : #7 Uistr ic. t school ho vi, < Intlicato each item on inventory form %bidi i, Wing contirhuctd l :elcv REFERENCES ranLi. nued ( Previous Owners ) 1894 and 1895 - Cyrus Fi , h by inheritance of Harr ,Lsnn Fish hiF, Mth •ml and his tnol. h :: r 187 :3 - George F . F'ich , firijm ., Schoo .l Ulstrict: # 7 , Town of Barn ,tabiu 1836 - Town of Bu robtable from Inane Smith . Ono school houo-- e 1a (. , Four syliarn rods 181. 9 - Isnac Smith from Asa Conant . Land 1812 - l;> nnc 8mi. th from hiathi. a := Smith , Land . i Staple to .Inventory form at bottom, d