HomeMy WebLinkAboutOKH 02 09 22 minutes Town of Barnstable Old King’s Highway Historic District Committee MINUTES Wednesday, February 9, 2022, 6:30pm To all persons deemed interested or affected by the Town of Barnstable's Old King’s Highway Historic District Act under Section 9 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended. You are hereby notified that a hearing was held by remote participation via Zoom Meetings on the following applications: A quorum being met, Bett McCarthy called the hearing to order at 6:30 pm. The Chair explained the hearing and appeal process and invited the public to address the Committee and view the plans of interest when the application is called. ROLL CALL Acting Chair McCarthy called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and took roll call. There was a motion made by Member Coholan to nominate Bett McCarthy as acting Chair for the meeting due to the absence of Chair Richard. The motion was seconded by Member Goldstein. So voted: Aye: Goldstein, Coholan Nay: 0 Abstain: McCarthy Councilor Clark made a point of order to ask if the Committee had a quorum for the meeting. Acting Chair McCarthy and Administrative Assistant Rogers stated that the Committee has 5 regular members and 3 members is a quorum. The meeting could continue. Acting Chair McCarthy requested Administrative Assistant Rogers to call member Jessop to join the meeting. There was a motion made Acting Chair McCarthy to nominate Ryan Coholan as temporary Clerk for the meeting. The motion was seconded by Member Goldstein So voted: Aye: Goldstein, McCarthy, Coholan Nay: 0 Abstain: 0 Paul Richard, Chair Absent Bett McCarthy, Clerk Present George Jessop, AIA Present @ 6:50pm Ryan Coholan Present Lesley Wallace Absent Jeffrey Goldstein, Alternate Present Grayce Rogers, Administrative Assistant Present CONTINUED APPLICATIONS Diocese of Fall River, 4 Parker Road, West Barnstable, Map 197 Parcel 005/000, built c. 1920. Our Lady of Hope Catholic Church Built c. 1920, contributing structure in the Ol d King’s Highway Historic District. To remove existing slate roof and replace with new asphalt shingle roof. The application was represented by Bob Falzarano. Public Comment was made by Town Councilor Clark. Discussion: Councilor Clark commented that she had spoken to the applicant who told her that he would like to continue the application. Acting Chair McCarthy asked what date the applicant would want to continue the application to. Administrative Assistant Rogers, for the record, noted that an authorized representative would need to request a continuance. There was discussion that the Church was seeking funding to preserve the existing slate roof. Falzarano requested a continuance to the February 23, 2022 meeting. There was a motion made by Member Jessop to continue the application to the February 23, 2022 meeting. The motion was seconded by Member Coholan. So voted: Aye- Jessop, Coholan, Goldstein, McCarthy Nay - 0 Abstain- 0 Reardon, Paul, 94 Country Club Drive, Map 350 Parcel 019/000, built c. 1983. To strip wood clapboard and replace with vinyl clapboard on front façade only. There was no representation present. There was no discussion. There was no public comment. There was a motion made my Member Jessop to continue the application to the Febru ary 23, 2022 meeting. The motion was seconded by Member Coholan. So voted: Aye- Jessop, Coholan, Goldstein, McCarthy Nay - 0 Abstain-0 APPLICATIONS Foley, Robert & Mary, 109 Point Hill Road, West Barnstable, Map 136 Parcel 020/000, vacant land. To construct a new single family dwelling and to construct a new barn kit. The application was represented by Robert Foley, Mary Foley, John Armstrong, and Jennifer Bernstiel. There was no public comment. Discussion: John Armstrong presented the proposed project. The cedar shingles will be covered in a weathering stain. The plan is to use the same weather stain for the two sides and the rear. The house will be sided in cedar. The hood over the door is a metal roof which will be a bronze aluminum to appear as copper. The windows will be stone white which matches the exterior paint. The entrance door will be a bungalow style, Nantucket door. The side lites will match. The garage doors will be painted. There was a motion made by Alternate Member Goldstein to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness as submitted with the modification that the proposed stone veneer must be approved at a later date for Robert and Mary Foley at 109 Point Hill Road, West Barnstable, Map 136, Parcel 020/000, vacant land to construct a new single family dwelling and to construct a new barn kit. The motion was seconded by Member Jessop. So voted: Aye- Jessop, Coholan, Goldstein, McCarthy Nay - 0 Abstain- 0 Horn, Rebecca, 40 Maggie Lane, West Barnstable, Map 217 Parcel 032/000, built c. 1972. To install roof mounted solar panels on dwelling. The application was represented by Nathan Tissot of Tesla Energy. There was no public comment. Discussion: Tissot presented that the application was for installing ten black solar panels on the rear elevation on the roof. Maggie lane is set off Route 6A. There may be visibility from the nearby street, John Maki Road, but would be limited. The committee was in consensus that this application was appropriate. There was a motion made by Member Coholan for Rebecca Horn at 40 Maggie Lane, West Barnstable Map 217 Parcel 032/000 which was built c. 1972 to install roof mounted solar panels on dwelling. The motion was seconded by member Jessop. So voted: Aye- Jessop, Coholan, Goldstein, McCarthy Nay - 0 Abstain- 0 Farrell, Eileen M., 21 Meridian Way, Barnstable, Map 319 Parcel 008/000, built c. 1957. To install a new bay window on the front elevation, replace all windows, redo entryways, add pergola at front entry deck, change clapboard to cedar shingles, and repair and replace split rail fence. The application was represented by George Blakely. Acting Chair McCarthy recused herself from the application. There was a motion made by Member Goldstein to nominate Member Jessop as temporary chair for the application. The motion was seconded by Member Coholan. There was no public comment. Discussion: Blakeley presented the project. He clarified the window installments, specifically the grille patterns and orientations. There was discussion about the size of the shutters in regards to scale of the building. There was a motion made by Member Cohol to approve the Certificate of Appropratieness as submitted for Eileen M. Farrell at 21 Meridian Way, Barnstable, Map 319 Parcel 008/000 which was built c. 1957. to install a new bay window on the front elevation, replace all windows, redo entryways, add pergola at front entry deck, change clapboard to cedar shingles, and repair and replace split rail fence. So voted: Aye- Coholan, Goldstein, Jessop Nay - 0 Abstain- 0 There was a motion made by Member Coholan for Bett McCarthy to be the Chair of the meeting. The motion was seconded by Member Goldstein So voted: Aye – Coholan, Goldstein, Jessop, McCarthy Nay- 0 Abstain – 0 Barnstable Land Trust Inc., 1540 Main Street, West Barnstable, Map 197 Parcel 015/000, built c. 1940. Contributing building in the Old King’s Highway Historic District. To install roof mounted solar panels on front elevations. The application was represented by Neal Holmgren of Solar Rising. There was no public comment. Discussion: Holmgren presented the application. The committee noted that they usually do not approve application on the front of the structure. Member Goldstein did not find the application to be appropriate for the district. The solar panels are too visible. Holmgren said motorists would be looking forward at the road, not the roofs. Member Coholan noted that he was concerned with the historic integrity of the district. He advocates for alternative energy, but not feel that this design Acting Chair McCarthy discussed alternative designs. She mentioned that the roof was light which increased the visibility of the proposed panel design. There was a motion made by Member Jessop to deny the Certificate of Appropriateness for the Barnstable Land Trust Inc. at 1540 Main Street, West Barnstable, Map 197 Parcel 015/000 which was built c. 1940. And is a contributing building in the Old King’s Highway Historic District to install roof mounted solar panels on front elevations. The motion was seconded by Member Goldstein. So voted: Aye- 0 Nay – Jessop, Coholan, Golstein, McCarthy Abstain- 0 Johnson, Courtney 3915 Main Street, Barnstable, Map 335 Parcel 051/000, built c. 1745. Contributing building in the Old King’s Highway Historic District. To replace 17 windows. The application was represented by Courtney Johnson. There was no public comment. Discussion: Johnson presented the application. She noted that the windows had experienced damage and had traces of lead which is a health concern. Member Jessop noted that black colored windows is not appropriate color. The windows will be the same dimensions as the existing. The grilles are fixed exterior grilles. There was a motion made by Member Coholan to approved the Certificate of Appropriateness for Courtney Johnson at 3915 Main Street, Barnstable, Map 335 Parcel 051/000, which was built c. 1745 and is a contributing building in the Old King’s Highway Historic District. to replace 17 windows. The motion was seconded by Member Jessop. So voted: Aye- Jessop, Coholan, Goldstein, McCarthy Nay - 0 Abstain- 0 Comer, Susan Eacott TR, 294 Milway, Barnstable, Map 301 Parcel 013/000, built c. 1979. To remove a portion of the roof and to construct a second story. The application was represented by Kevin Werner of Fine Line Design and Susan Comer, the owner. There was no public comment. Discussion: Kevin Werner made a presentation about the application. Member Jessop commented that the construction of a second floor as well as the addition of attic space changes the character of the structure. Member Jessop discussed the option of clipping the ceilings. Werner noted that the attic would create additional space for the mechanicals for the dwelling. Member Coholon discussed the measurements from the grade to the top of the tower. His concern is with the height of the tower. Member Goldstein asked if the second story addition was ever considered as a dormer instead. There was concerned expressed with the overall massing of the design. Acting chair McCarthy expressed her concerns for the mass of the structure is inappropriate for the neighborhood. Member Goldstein suggested perhaps a 2 week extension with amendments to the design plans. The Committee discussed various design options to keep the architectural in keeping with the historic district. There was a motion made by Member Coholan to deny the Certificate of Appropriateness for Susan Eacott Comer TR at 294 Milway, Barnstable, Map 301 Parcel 013/000, which was in built c. 1979 to remove a portion of the roof and to construct a second story. The motion was seconded by Member So voted: Aye- 0 Nay – Jessop, Coholan, Goldstein, McCarthy Abstain- 0 MINOR MODIFICATIONS None EXTENTIONS Garvey, Joshua, 111 George Street, Barnstable, Map 319 Parcel 052/000, built c. 1930. Request for a one year extension of the Certificate of Appropriateness approved on August 12, 2020 to remove and replace the single family dwelling. There was no representation There was no public comment. Discussion: There was a motion made by Member Jessop to approve the extension request year for Garvey, Joshua, 111 George Street, Barnstable, Map 319 Parcel 052/000, built c. 1930 for a request for a one year extension of the Certificate of Appropriateness approved on August 12, 2020 to remove and replace the single family dwelling. The motion was seconded by Member Coholan. So voted: Aye- Jessop, Coholan, Goldstein, McCarthy Nay - 0 Abstain- 0 OTHER Matters not reasonably anticipated by Chair None ADJOURNMENT There was a motion made by Member Coholan to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Member Goldstein. So voted: Aye- Jessop, Coholan, Goldstein, McCarthy Nay-0 Abstain-0 Respectfully Submitted, Grayce Rogers Administrative Assistant – Planning & Development Exhibit A Certificate of Appropriateness File 197/005/000 Exhibit B Certificate of Appropriateness File 350/019/000 Exhibit C Certificate of Appropriateness File 136/020/000 Exhibit D Certificate of Appropriateness File 217/032/000 Exhibit E Certificate of Appropriateness File 319/008/000 Exhibit F Certificate of Appropriateness File 197/015/000 Exhibit G Certificate of Appropriateness File 335/051/000 Exhibit H Certificate of Appropriateness File 301/013/000 Exhibit I Certificate of Appropriateness File 319/052/000