HomeMy WebLinkAbout0146 EAST BAY ROAD - Health 146 EAST BAY ROAD Osterville A = 141 - 131 I ° v BENNETT ENVIRONMENTAL IRONMENTAL ASSOCIATE► 9 INC. .� LICENSED SITE PROFESSIONALS,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS,GEOLOGISTS,ENGINEERS 41573 Main Street,P.O.Bog 1743 (508)896-1706 Brewster,MA 02631 fax(508)896-5109 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: DATE: JOB NUMBER: Mr.Jaime Goncalves, Case Officer 8/8/18 BEA17-11064 MA DEP,Southeast Regional Office Emergency Response Section/Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup 20 Riverside Drive REGARDING: Lakeville,MA 02347 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION COMPLETION w/PERMANENT SOLUTION STATEMENT &SUPPORTINGDOCUMENTATION SHIPPING METHOD: RTN 4-26880 Regular Mail ❑ Pick Up ❑ Bianchi Residential Property 146 East Bay Road Priority Mail ❑ Hand Deliver ❑ Osterville,MA Express Mail ❑ Other Upload 0 [Assessor's Map/Parcel ID: 141-131] Certified Mail ❑ Green Card/RR ❑ COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 7/23/18 PSS Report with Supporting Documentation(Appendices A-F) Lawrence A. &Susan H Bianchi check#9243 in the amount of$1470.00 as PSS filing fee,to the Commonwealth of MA Lockbox by certified mailing with green card for proof of receipt,to: P.O.Box 4062 Boston MA 02211,with BWSC 104 eDEP Transaction ID: 1027429. For review and comment: ❑ For approval: ❑ As requested: ❑ For your use: ❑ REMARKS: CC,via eDEP file link:Lawrence Bianchi,Property Owner Horst Genten,Property Caretaker Diane Siti,Claims Adjuster-Raphael and Associates CC,via*Abbreviated Copy:Thomas McKean,Director-Barnstable Health Department-) !Darcy Karle,Administrator—Barnstable Conservation Department Mark Ellis-Barnstable flown Manager Martin McNeely,Fire Prevention Officer-COMM Fire Department *As part of Public Notice requirements,the report Title Page,Narrative,Index,Transmittal forms and Site Plan are included,.pursuant to paperwork reduction policy. The full report is available as public record on the MA DEP website database at http://public.dep.state.ma.us/SearchableSites/Search.asp or, upon written request to BEA,full copy(electronic or paper)will be provided. FROM: David C.Bennett,LSP/Todd M.Everson,PM/Lezli Rowell,Administrative Assistant If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once Lezli Rowell From: Lezli Rowell Sent: Wednesday, August 8, 2018 8:33 AM To: 'Larry Bianchi'; 'Bianchi, Larry'; 'horst@genten.org'; 'Diane Siti'; 'Robert Margetta' Cc: David Bennett;Todd Everson Subject: BEA's Notice of Permanent Solution Statement Report filing to MA DEP: RTN4-26880, 146 East Bay Road, Osterville Attachments: BEA17-11064 Notice of DEP Filing PSS Report-Bianchi.pdf Good morning, Please find attached Bennett Environmental Associates' Letter of Transmittal,along with BWSC forms, outlining the distribution of the above referenced project report,filed with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. Please find below a link to that agency's platform,to retrieve your copy of this report: http:Heeaonline.eea.state.ma.us/EEA/fileviewer/Default.aspx?formdataid=0&documentid=459649 It is recommended that you download, not just view the link,to retain a copy of the IRAC-PSS. In the event that you are unable to access this way and require copy via CD, please let me know where to mail it. If I can be of further assistance, please let me know. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Lezli Rowell Administrative Assistant BENNETT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC. 1573 Main Street/P.O. Box 1743 Brewster, MA 02631 508-896-1706 508-896-5109 fax http:/Ibennett-ea.com Please visit us on Facebook Bennett Environmental Associates, Inc: From: Lezli Rowell - Sent: Friday, February 16,201810:45 AM To:'Larry Bianchi'<larrybianchi33@gmail.com>; 'Diane Siti'<diane.siti@raphaelandassociates.corn>; 'Robert Margetta' <rjmclaim@margettaadjustment.com> Cc: David Bennett<dbennett@bennett-ea.com>;Todd Everson<teverson @ben nett-ea.com> Subject: BEA's Notice of Immediate Response Action Status I Report filing to MA DEP: RTN4-26880, 146 East Bay Road, Osterville Good morning, Please find attached Bennett Environmental Associates' Letter of Transmittal,along with BWSC forms,outlining the distribution of the above referenced project report,filed with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. Please find below a link to that agency's platform,to retrieve your copy of this report: 1 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION COMPLETION PERMANENT SOLUTION STATEMENT SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION RTN 4-26880 Bianchi Residential Property 146 East Bay Road Osterville, MA 02655 [Assessor's Map/Parcel ID: 141-131] BEA17-11064 JULY 23, 2018 M ]AA,�,,,, BENNE T T E3•NIRONMENTAL ` ASSOCIAms,m' •ASSESSMENT •REMEOIATION •RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 1573 Main Street-P.O.Box 1743,Brewster,MA 02631 t 50B-896.1706L fax 508-896.5109 www.bennef-ea.com i IoENNETT ENVIRONMENTAL As.sOCIATEs9 INCO LICENSED SITE PROFESSIONALS © ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS b GEOLOGISTS 6 ENGINEERS 1573 Main Street-P.O. Box 1743, Brewster, MA 02631 ® 508-896-1706 Fax 508-896-5109 ® www.bennett-ea.com BEA17-11064 July 26, 2018 Mr. Jaime Goncalves, Case Officer MA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (MA DEP) Southeast Regional Office (SERO) Emergency Response Section/Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup (BWSC) 20 Riverside Drive Lakeville, MA 02347 RE: IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION COMPLETION REPORT WITH PERMANENT SOLUTION STATEMENT SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Bianchi Residential Property, RTN 4-26880 146 East Bay Road—Osterville, MA Dear Mr. Goncalves, BENNETT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC. (BEA) has prepared the following Immediate Response Action Completion report with IRAC and Permanent Solution Statements (IRAC-PSSNC) and Supporting Documentation, as a summary of release discovery, preliminary response, environmental assessment and remedial response actions completed throughout the project under the MA Contingency Plan (MCP), 310 CMR 40.0000. The Permanent Solution Statement frames a finding of No Significant Risk without any conditions, in support of regulatory closure. Environmental assessment for exposure risk considerations drove Remedial Response Actions under the MCP following discovery and subsequent Release Notification of a 2-Hour Reportable Condition on October. 18, 2017. The MA Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) was advised of an apparent sudden release of more than 10 gallons of fuel oil from a tank that was inactive but had never. been emptied. Immediate Response Actions followed as described herein are inclusive of the evaluation of Imminent Hazards and Critical Exposure Pathways, and any other potential significant exposure risks to identified human and environmental receptors. Preliminary response concurrent with discovery and Notification Release Notification included the removal of impacted household debris and implementation of engineering controls for isolation and active ventilation of the effected basement area, to protect against off-gassing of building materials into the unoccupied seasonal residence. Subsequent assessment activities for the collection of soil samples below the concrete floor qualified a contiguous area of significant soil impact associated with infiltration along the south and west foundation walls in the subject portion of the basement, near the southwest corner of the dwelling. Soil sampling along the release area indicated significant soil impacts in permeable sands threatening groundwater impact. l EMERGENCY SPILL RESPONSE WASTE SITE CLEANUP SITEASSESSMENT PERMITTING SEPTIC DESIGN&INSPECTION WATER SUPPLY DEVELOPMENT,OPERATION&MAINTENANCE WASTEWATER TREATMENT,OPERATION&MAINTENANCE JULY 26,2018 BIANCHI,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 2 OF 17 MAC-PSS,RTN 4-26880 in a waterfront area, as a Potential Drinking Water Source Area (PDWSA); monitoring wells were installed and groundwater tested to further qualify exposure risks. Based on the evaluation of the available soil, groundwater, and indoor air screening data, wherein the release area was beneath the footprint of the unoccupied dwelling as effectively capped against direct contact and precipitation, no Substantial or Imminent Hazards, or CEPS, were reported throughout the project. As part of the IRA Plan filed December 18, 2018, BEA requested authorization and received presumptive approval to remove up to 35 yards of fuel oil contaminated soil and concrete. Contaminated soil removal began in February 2018. Environmental assessment of end- point soil samples along the initial areas of excavation, represented as Zone A and Zone B, reported all petroleum hydrocarbon and target analyte concentrations significantly less than the strictest S-1 GW-1 Method 1 Risk Characterization standards. Once ex osed b the removal ( )� p Y of the concrete basement floor, environmental assessment of soils along the remainder of the subject basement reported significant residual impact in one area outside the original zones of excavation, represented as Zone C. A second phase of contaminated soil removal resulted in effective removal of residual fuel oil impacts, and laboratory analyses of the Zone C end-point soil samples reported all petroleum hydrocarbon and target analyte concentrations Non-Detect (ND), wherein the reporting limits were less than the strictest applicable S-1 (GW-1) Method 1 Risk Characterization standards. Laboratory analysis reported all volatile compounds in all end- point samples ND, thereby demonstrating the potential vapor intrusion pathway to be incomplete and that soil vapor was not a medium of concern, pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0942(1)(d) and the Final Vapor Intrusion Guidance (#WSC-16-435). This soil data combined with quarterly groundwater analyses have been used to demonstrate a condition of No Significant.Risk as the basis for the IRA Completion and Permanent Solution Statements, offered herein. This work has and will continue to proceed under direct LSP oversight in a manner consistent with the MCP Response Action Performance-Standards (RAPS) pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0191 and the QA/QC policies of BENNETT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES,INC. The facts and statements herein are, to the best of our knowledge, a true and accurate representation of the Site activities, remedial response actions and environmental conditions associated with the project and LSP Opinions acknowledged by the certifications on the attached BWSC-104 Permanent Solution Statement and the BWSC-105 IRA Transmittal Form. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS [Refer to Appendix A] i The subject property is 146 East Bay Road in Osterville (a Village in the Town of Barnstable),MA. The Barnstable Assessor recorded this property as Map/Parcel ID 141-131, and it is approximately 900 feet southeast of the intersection between East Bay Road and Bates Street, and abuts East Bay [Refer to Figure 1]. The coordinates for the subject property are Latitude 41.6259610 N, Longitude 70.374731° W. The property contains approximately 3.5 acres w JnY 26,2018 BIANCHI,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 3 OF 17 IRAC-PSS,RTN 4-26880 of land area and is developed by a 7,051 square foot (SF), two-story dwelling, with detached garage as waterfront property. Site Description The Defined Site, that area of the subject property where fuel oil was released to the environment, is within an approximate 18' x 18' area (— 324 SF) along the southwest portion of the basement to various depths, between 2 - 5' below the basement floor (bf) ± [refer to Site Plan]. The following Site features and environmental conditions were previously established: - Access to the property is unrestricted, with high/frequency/liigh intensity of use, and children potentially present: - Access to the basement release area is restricted by the locked dwelling, with high frequency/low intensity of use, and children potentially present. - Based on monitoring well installation and testing, groundwater is reported I l' — 16' bgs along the dwelling footprint. Local groundwater flow is northeasterly towards .the abutting tidal creek. - Based on local flow and proximity, East Bay and its associated marshes and tidal creek are the primary potential environmental receptors [Refer to Figure 2]. - The property is within a Potential Drinking Water Source Area (PDWSA), part of the Cape Cod Sole Source Aquifer. - The property is not within a Zone II Protective Radius, a Zone A Protective Radius, nor an Interim Wellhead Protection Area(IWPA). - The property and surrounding area are served by the Cotuit-Osterville-Marston's Mills (COMM) Water Department PWS. Based on these conditions, the GW-1/GW-2/GW-3 groundwater criteria, and the S-3 (GW-1/GW-2/GW-3) soil categories apply to Method 1 Risk Characterization, per 310 CMR 40.0932 and 40.0933, respectively. Laboratory analytical results have been evaluated against the strictest GW-1 and S-1 (GW-1), Method 1 Risk Characterization standards in review of potential exposures and reasonably foreseeable Site conditions without deeded restriction. BACKGROUND/PRELIMIARY RESPONSE ACTIONS [Refer to Appendix B] The homeowner noticed an odor in the dwelling over the weekend of October 14-15, 2017 while visiting the property. A significant release of home heating oil exceeding 10 gallons was eventually. discovered by the caretaker and subsequently reported to the MassDEP on October 18, 2017. BEA was contacted and engaged to respond to the release, to evaluate conditions and provide LSP Oversight to direct waste site clean-up operations. BEA established active ventilation and, along with a tank removal contractor, Tank Removal Services, applied and recovered speedy-dry into steel drums, in order to remove standing fuel oil from the basement floor. The caretaker installed plastic in the ceiling as a vapor barrier. Impacted household items JULY 26,2018 BIANCHI,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 4 OF 17 MAC-PSS,RTN 4-26880 were placed outside to improve indoor air quality. Indoor air screening in consideration of worker safety reported modest impact to indoor air in the basement; indoor air along the living space was reported consistent with background. CT 71'P ik jc L I+ ' Photo 1: View of fuel tanks and release area inside unfinished portion of basement ahead of preliminary response. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT [Refer to Appendix B] Environmental assessment of soils beneath the concrete basement floor was performed in October 2017. The seam between the foundation walls and concrete floor was deemed the most likely route of infiltration. A series of 13 hand borings was advanced along the release area. One-foot soil samples were collected from the basement floor to depth and placed in 8-ounce glass jars with aluminum septa. The samples were then agitated to develop organic vapors and screened with a photoionization detector (PID, 580B Thermo Environmental OVM, 11.6 eV lamp, calibrated to benzene standard) by "jar headspace" method, consistent with the Interim Soils Policy (WSC-94-400). Based on the field screening results and the distribution of hand borings, BEA prepared select soil samples for MA Certified analysis of extractable petroleum hydrocarbons (EPH), volatile petroleum hydrocarbons (VPH) and target analytes (PAH, BTEX). The analytical results for these soil samples are presented in Table I. The significance of these results is.discussed in the Risk Characterization section of this report. JULY 26,2018 BIANCHI,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 5 OF 17 IRAC-PSS,RTN 4-26880 TABLE I:SUMMARY OF SOIL ASSESSMENT - ..,......, .........___146_EAST BAY ROAI),OSTERVILLEMA_RTN426880_____-_. VPH EPH TARGET ANALYTES-METHOD 1 RISK CHARACTERIZATION HB-2:0-i'SSi HB-0:0-1'SS: 1014:lfi'SS' HB-9:04'SS! HB-9:1-2'SS HB-13:0-1'SS' HB-13:1-2'SS!. BB-9:8-10'SS' HB-13:4-6;SS' _ ._ ,_ ., _....._I_ .__. _ ._. __._._..._. .. -. _._ - .._. SAlY1PLINGDATE 24-0CT-17 34-0CT-17. 24-0Cf-17 IJ-0CI-17 I 24-0CI-17 2JA_CI 17 24-0CT-17 I 30-0CT-17 30-OCT-17 - LABSAIHPLEID L1738784-01i L1738784-O 1.1738784-03 L1738784-04, L1738784-05i L1738784-06 L1738784-071 L173966841 L1739668-021 1 11GI-14 SI/43I-14'Sl/G3-14 Units fQ 1 I ! - l VPH+TARGEI ANALYI}S Beaune ._. _ 2 '40 40 agAg _0 107 U 0252 !U ,.,0.124 U 0117 U O t 17 U 0 369 U 0104 U 0152 _U _ 0.103 1 U CSLSA'hettcs,Ad sled IID 100 100 268- _'- v -` _ 1 ,- 101 26 IU 63 U 257 IU __. 1. C9-C12Ahphat¢s,Ad3nst d -1000 1000 1000 vghg 3.03 /U_ 88- �U .._31 IU 543 iU. 293_ �U 286 _ 26_ mew.. _.. C9-CIOA t 100 100. 100 721 661 3.1 U 292 U 293 U ___ 250 .i. _ 26 IU 63 ___fU 257 U - Ethymenune 40 SM SOD ugAg 0107 iU 0.252 U 0124 U 0117 .0 0117 .0 0369 1U __ 0104 U 0252 U 0103_ _U Metlryl!e butyl elder 0.1 100 100 ugAg OOo4 ;U 0:176 U 0062 -U 0058 U 0.059 iU�0d84 U 0052 IU„�.0_126 U 0051 .0 __ Naphthakn 4 20 SOD mg/kg U99 __ 0.504 U 0248 U 0-234 U 0235 U 1737 U 0108 IU 0504 u _0106 !u 400 100 500 mBAg 0.107 �U 0-2 U 0124 IU 0.117 U 0117 1U.... _104 0104.. iU 0152._.U0 I03_...-,U - p/�Xykne__. 400 IOD 500 og/� _0107_ _:u o1s2 U 0124_ '[J o.t n f u OAR j u_._,_1 ss 0104.--. J U o1s1...... u. 0_103__ 'U ToNrne ._ .30 500- 500 O.loi...lu 0252_.. ..0 0124 'U 0117 IU 0.117 ?U 0.369 -tU- 0104 U1 0152 U 0.103 1U EPH+TARGETPAH ` 2-McWybtaphthekne 1.7:. 80 300 ug/}g 0462 0357 !U _0.34 U 0.327 �U 0346 !U-- - 18 - i._ 0322 -IU 0.422 tU 0343 !U - A rnaphlh 4 imo 1000 ag/kg 0325 U 0357 IU 034 U 0327 U 0346 1U 376 0322 U 0422 U 0343 U I GM 10 vg/Yd_.._0325 U.....:.0357..,.iU 034 IU- 0327 7U.. .0346.,. 'U 165 U.._ 0322 iU 0422__U _ 0343 -TU .. Aatluscen 100D' 1000 1000 ng/Ig 0325 1U 0357 �U 034 U 0327 iU 0.346 tU 1.65 U 0322 U 0422 �U 0343 !U _____ ._. __ -. _ ... __._ .._ __ Hrnm(a�hntiva 7 1' 7 'T vg/kg_ 0.325,. IU_-.0357 U _.0.34 U 0327 �U, _0.346' iU 165 ;U _0_22....IU ...0422 IU 0343 :U Brnm.(.)pYe....__ . ....... 2- 2 .2 rtg/N. 0325 _ U__ 0.357U_ 0.34_,,. ,U 0327.._;U. ..0346,.:iU16i . 'U_._.0322__„U_ 0472.._...U ._0343-._`.0 Benin omntheae 7 ' 7 7 0 325 IV 0357... U 0 34 'U _.0_327 U 0_346' .U 1 65 - 'U 0322 U 0422 U 0.343 t U men8. ._._ _ __ _ Benm(gW�erylrne - 100D 1000 1000 r,4 0325 _.�U 0357 ,U _034 .IU_ 0327. _U 0346 U 165 ..,_ U 0322 IU 0422 U _ 0343 'U .. Brnm(k)Ouomnthene 70 A 7D _w% 0325 Lu 0.357_ U_ ,034_19_.032/. _,tU _ 0346 .0 �_t 65_ _,U_. 0322 _U C11-C22A trc Adjusted 1000 1000 1000 mgAg 781 i - 499 I 679 IU 7.32 _ 6:92 :U -7s7 .__.I.. 644 IU 843 _ 10 C19L36A halls 30DO 30DD 3000 4u ': 223 679- - U 654 IU 6.92 'ill 616 644 !U 843_ IU _ 6.96 _ - C9-CIBA� 1000 1000 IODO ¢g/Lg _999 _j 719 _ I ,679 _ U 7.48, 6_92., j 1=2210 644 lU .8.43 _ U _ 10.6_ -_ CWys e _ 70 70 7D og�q_ 0325 IU 0357 U 0.34 U 0327 IU 0346 U 165 U 03II 7U 0422 _ U 0343 -.U, 0.7 0.7 D.7 �/kg _0325. _';U_. 0357 .._,:U 0.34 IU 0-327 !U 0346 IU" I65 u„-..0322 ,. IU 0421 Fbtormth ne 1000 1000 100) �Ag 0325 iU 0357 iU 0.34 U _0_.327 _1U 0346 iU 1.65_ 'U 0322 :U 0421 U 0343 ;U FWortne 1000 10DO 1000 pg/� 0325 �U 0.357 U 034 IU 0.327 ,IU 0.346_ U - _-_165 __ -- - -_ ' _. .___ ';U 0422_._.:{U .0.343 _U ' Iadeno Ij}c rene 7 7 7 _ 0.325_IU 0357 U 034 _U 0327 U 0346 �U 1.65 ,_U 0322 ;U 0422 U 0343 U - .�...._. _. -.. ............ .. ._ __ Nephthakne 4 20- 500 vg/lg 0.325 �U 0357 U 0.34 U 0.327 U 0.346 .0 A.06 0322 _U 04R U 0343 IU Phenanthrtne 10 500 500 �/kg 0325 lU 0577 0.34 U 0327 IU 0346U 16s 'U 0322 U 0422' U 0343U - _____ _ _.._.__........ .. _._____ _ __.__. _ rene 1000 1000'. 1000 -. 0.325 I U 0.357 t U 0.34 U 0.327 :U 0.346 U 1.65 U 0322 !U 0.422 'U VPH=Volat0e PetmkumHydmcafions,EPH=EmadabkPetmkumHydrocecbons,PAH=PolynudearAmnatb Hydrocafions._ Shaded areas repmmtapplicable Method l criteria.Umd¢ates Non-Detectconcrntretion.Highlighted bold indicates exeedenceofstaadertl. - The sum of field screening and laboratory analyses of soil samples indicated significant fuel oil impacts along an approximate 36' (L) x 3-4' (W) area to depths ranging from approximately 1' bf to 6-8' below the basement floor. The most intense fuel oil impacts were reported in the southwest corner of the subject portion of the basement [Refer to Site Plan]. A Contaminated Stockpile sample reported S-1 (GW-1) exceedances for TPH (1,240 mg/Kg) and 2-methylnaphthalene ('1.9 mg/Kg) in review of disposal options. An appropriate Bill of Lading (BWSC-112) and Generator Waste Profile were prepared and executed for thermal desorption treatment of fuel oil contaminated soils at ESMI of NH. BEA coordinated competitive bids from qualified environmental contractors for the proposed soil removal, including the installation of temporary shoring specified by APEX Engineering of Rochester, MA. The fuel oil contaminated household items were transported to Covanta in Rochester, MA (SEMASS) for incineration on November 9, 2017. On December 5, 2017, BEA directed test borings and monitoring well installation, performed by Desmond Well Drilling of Orleans, MA. Soil samples along the capillary fringe reported poorly sorted sands with appreciable silt and occasional clay. No significant TOV concentrations were reported in any of the soil samples collected from the test borings. Monitoring wells were installed in down-gradient (MW-1, MW-4), cross-gradient (MW-2) and up-gradient(MW-3) positions [Refer to Site Plan]. The wells were constructed of 2" Schedule 40 PVC with partially penetrating. 10', screens and locked aluminum caps. Groundwater elevations throughout the project have demonstrated a northeast local flow direction towards the East Bay tidal creek located north and east of the dwelling [Refer to Figure 1, Site Plan]. Quarterly groundwater sampling in December 2017, March 2018 and May 2018 reported all JULY 26,2018 BIANCHI,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 6 OF 17 IRAC-PSS,RTN 4-26880 EPH, VPH and target analyte concentrations consistent with background, discussed further in the Post-Excavation Monitoring and Risk Characterization sections of this report. REMEDIAL RESPONSE As part of the IRA Plan report, BEA requested authorization for the removal of up to 35 cubic yards of contaminated soil and concrete; presumptively approved by default following submittal. The PRP selected Dowling Corporation of Wrentham, MA as the environmental contractor to perform contaminated soil removal prescribed by BEA. Dowling Corporation contracted Atlas Systems of New England to install the appropriate resistance piers and angle iron specified by APEX Engineering, for temporary shoring of the dwelling foundation. The initial phase of contaminated soil removal was performed between February 6 and February 14, 2018. The sequence of work included the removal of stained concrete blocks from specific zones (i.e., Al, 131; A2, 132; etc.), the excavation of fuel oil contaminated soils from those zones, end- point sampling and field testing to confirm effective source removal, installation of perforated PVC piping set in washed stone aggregate as a contingency for potential remedial additive applications, and backfill of the active zone with poured concrete to "under-pin" and restore those portions of the foundation where concrete blocks had been removed. The poured concrete was allowed to cure for two days before Dowling returned to remove contaminated soil from the next series of zones (A3, B3, etc.), wherein the process was repeated. This sequence was followed in order to minimize shoring infrastructure and maintain integrity of the historic concrete block foundation. Following the completion of prescribed soil removal, Dowling demolished and removed the remaining portion of the concrete basement floor along the release area, and managed it as remedial waste with transport to ESMI_of NH. Used absorbents from the original response that had been stored on-site in steel drums were also transported to ESMI. Bottom of hole samples and composited sidewall samples were submitted for each zone, to qualify remedial performance and evaluate exposure risk. Laboratory analyses reported all EPH, VPH and target analyte concentrations, for end-point samples collected from the multiple "A" and "B" zones, significantly less than the strictest S-1 (GW-1), Method 1 Risk Characterization standards. In fact, only two individual zones reported detectable residual impact: the sidewall sample for B-1, and the bottom of hole sample for B-2. All other end-point. .samples reported all EPH, VPH and target analyte concentrations Non-Detect.(ND), wherein the reporting limits were less.than the strictest S-1 (GW-1); Method 1 criteria. The end-point sample results are presented in Table II. The significance of these results is discussed in the Risk Characterization section of this report. JULY 26,2018 BIANCM,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 7 OF 17 IRAC-PSS,RTN 4-26880 TABIE O:SUAIMAitY0Y6Y0-PoINTSMIflANG Omm VPA,FYH,TARCtTANALVIFS-MEMO�I R6ACTUAAfIAAQATION i : umva rnm I IomnL am L mni lom S : Inchon .. +. mnaw aw:ua 9' sw,my aec emus s xgr w S ff ..'L'. __ a^N9 .9 watimim•.___. ..1... '_..._.umnu+ uwnl+...Wwavf- uwaiia - �. a _. v - ..._ u ® RL -u ry e-pu m mn �enq u .. D ID rva I - u . .. _- n V u Du u V - ... A _ m w of - I V m u aiil - u .n� .0 u u egl:e:amllme ... m _ u _ u _U. m..xm.vannbug.hv.4.ee^vmm._m,_,.o,Y_b ... _ -m ... .. _ _ mT au " . _ bx a. ura u . - _ .._. u _. . .-_.-.'.. - ..0 u ue un - _ _ m >,m ti e_r il u .a. um uml u m u es ti n fiw� .. u iis m. u _ v po I , _ u eL no u_ en u em _ v u u u _ ml _u a ....0 am U cn' vn I ti �c n un n u m In I os nme en an u nvx u amt u --em 'ti BEA performed a series of slug tests at MW-3 on February 14, 2018 in order to qualify hydraulic conductivity, estimate groundwater velocity and solute Time of Travel. The results of the slug tests were used with the AQTESOLV software (Geraghty & Miller, Inc.) to develop solute Times of Travel to down-gradient wells MW-1 and MW-4 of approximately 398 days and 348 days, respectively. The Time of Travel to MW-3 as adjacent to the release area was qualified as approximately 25 days. On February 20, 2018, BEA returned to qualify potential residual impacts. Indoor air screening, in the absence of active ventilation and a basement concrete floor, reported a TOV concentration of 0.1 ppmv for the finished basement and a TOV concentration of 0.3 ppmv for the unfmished portion of the basement where the release occurred. BEA established a grid pattern and collected a series of 28 surface soil samples from the areas exposed after demolition of the concrete floor, in consideration of other oil infiltration through any cracks in the basement floor previously unidentified. Field testing established a single area of significant fuel oil impact in the middle of the unfinished basement, labeled Zone C, approximately 4' x 4' to a depth of 2' ± sub-slab (ss). Dowling Corporation returned to the Site on February 22, 2018 to excavate contaminated soils from the newly established Zone C [Refer to Site Plan]. Excavation resulted in an approximate 7' x 5' x 3'D area of soil removal, wherein field testing indicated effective source removal. Laboratory analyses of end=point samples reported all EPH, VPH and target analyte concentrations ND, wherein the reporting limits were less than the strictest S-1 (GW-1) thresholds. The laboratory results for the Zone C end-point samples are presented in Table II. The significance of these results is discussed in the Risk Characterization section of this report. Dowling Corporation back-filled Zone C and poured a new concrete floor, to complete restoration. In the period of February 15-26, 2018,impacted soils and concrete were shipped from the subject property to ESMI for thermal treatment under a fully executed Bill of lading. A total of 30.51 yards of remedial wastes were accepted at the facility in three separate loads, documented in the BWSC-112 Bill of Lading Attestation of Shipment transmittal form filed on March 3, 2018 [Refer to Appendix B]. JULY 26,2018 BIANCHI,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 8 OF 17 MAC-PSS,RTN 4-26880 POST-EXCAVATION MONITORING On March 5, 2018, BEA completed quarterly groundwater sampling of monitoring wells. Static water levels reported a northeasterly groundwater flow direction, consistent with previous contours. Low-flow methodology was employed, and samples were collected for EPH, VPH and target analytes upon meeting purge requirements and the stabilization of field parameters (pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, temperature). Laboratory analyses reported all EPH, VPH and target analyte concentrations ND, with the exception of benzo(a)pyrene in MW-1. This groundwater sampling event took place some 13 8 days after Release Notification. The estimated solute Time of Travel of 398 days ± to the down-gradient MW-1 exceeded the time since the release. Environmental .assessment before the remedial response and end-point soil samples _ collected from the extent of soil removal reported no detectable concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene. Based on these conditions and considering that benzo(a)pyrene is not a compound typically associated with fuel oil, the reported analytical result were suspect, and the retesting MW-1 was prescribed. BEA returned on March 26, 2018, to purge and collect a groundwater sample from MW-1 for EPH and target PA-Hs. Laboratory analysis reported all EPH and target PAH concentrations ND; however, the detection limit for benzo(a)pyrene was marginally greater than the applicable GW-1 threshold (0.202 ug/L vs. 0.2 ug/L). In the absence of any other detectable EPH or PAH concentrations and considering half the detection limit as significantly less than the GW-1 standard (0.101 ug/L vs. 0.2 ug/L), the reported detection limit was considered consistent with background. TABLE IH:SUMMARYOF GROUNDWATER MONITORD4G 146 EAST BAY ROAD,OSFERVILLE,MA—RTN 4-2688¢ - _ _ VPH,EPH,TARGET ANALYIFS-METHOD 1 RISK CHARACTERIZATION LOCATION ' M1t'-1 - hM1V-2 hIWJ ...,.,._hOVJ ' MW-1 h0V-1 MN'J hnVa hIW 1, hM1VI 1 MW_2 hnVJ ]!]1V-4..._.t. SAIL 1 LA?E_,____._ 74O 044 IIVV 8 N7835 8VM18__-_IBIW18 3/ISIt0l8 _ 5/15/2018 LISROIB_ 5/IS/2018 1_ - IABHAh�CE<D LI]Jmm-01 L1]45.166a2 LI]Jmmd3 U]im40-0J� W8D]PoS-01 LIBO]8]5-03 L180]B35m: LI80]815-04 I28101]0-01- LIBI188801 IJ811888-01 W81]PoB-01 LI81]PoH-04' - VPH TARGET ANAI.ttFS ocIOAl4omk, '3]D mm s0000 eon m -u m u m :u m ;u m vN4U m iu m u m �u m u m 'u m u O{9A N'n<,Ad'dW l00 mOD mm0 m U mU m -U m iU m u m !U m U m ,U m u m :U m iU dC12A"Wtk<,Ad'<(N ]m Sm0 moao m U m U m =U m 'u m U m U m 'U m 'U 5D U m :U m !U Bm�c 5 1000 I= u01 U 2 u 2 u 2 'u 2 U 2 IU 2 U 'U u 2 'U 2 iu TOMmc In Smm 40000 U U 2 'u 2 'u 2 U 'U 'U 'u 2 U 'U 2 'U 0hvlbmanc ]OD m0(A SILO ..n U u 2 u 2 111 2 U !u 2 u 2 U 2 U I U 2 IU mXvkn< '(W) 30W SOW u4A u 2 U 2 �U :u 2 u 2 !U 2 'u 2 iU 2 U -U 2 'u o-xvkee Im ]m0 SOm "e/I U U 'U 2 :U 2 u 'U u 2 :u U 'u 2 'U Mdhvl lcrtbvtvl Ma m mW0 SODm .01 3 U 3 U 3 U 3 :U 3 U 3 111 3 u 3 :u 3 U 3 ;u 3 !U . N<hWkne ICJ m0 m000 4 U 4 �U 4 •U 4 'U 4 U d IU d U 4 'U 4 U 4 IU i :U 2Pi3a TARGQ PAW - @CIBA" u ]00 mm Smm wA Im U Im u Im +U Im IU Im u Im .0 Im !U Im U Im 'u Im 1U Im U Im u Im !U CIVJ36A' a� I40m m¢o0 Im U IW U Im U Im IU Im U Im .0 Im IU Im •U Im �U Im :U Im U Im !!U Im ;U C11J31Amm1iu.Ad' ¢d EIO 50100 5000 wA Im U Im U Im 'U Im IU Im U Im U Im IU Im U Im U Im :u Im U Im 'U Im :U h0ulmc IQ ]00 3am 0.4 -U OA 'u Q4 'u 04 i U ¢d U n4 �U Oa 113 04 U a4 'U OA 'U a4 U OA ;U Q4 t U 2-McN M h0aknc 10 mm h]%10 a4 u OA 'u a4 )u n0 i U Q4 U a4 -U 04 !u OJ U ndm 'U OA 111 1` 4 U OA IU 04 Acma hWrkoc i0 Imm m wA a4 U 0.4 •U 04 •U ad :U Q4 U n4 U OA 'U 0.4 'U ndm :U 04 :U a4 U a4 !U Q4 :u - A<m4hWmc m I= wA 0.4 U OA u 04 U a4 :u n4 u a4 iU OA 'U a4 U (,x iU 0.4 IU a4 u OA IU 04 IU Hwrne m ® U U Od "U a4 ,U 0.4 iU a4 U Od 'U 04 IU 04 -u aim !U 04 ;u U u Oa tU 04 IU PommOu<ve 40 Imm uvA 04 u 0.4 u Q4 IU 0.d i U U U a4 IU OA I u ad U ndm U OA 'U a4 U D4 :U a4 ;U A40'n<me m m wA ¢d U OA U a4 U ad I III ¢d U ¢4 'v OA 'U 04 •U am4 'U OA ;u Q4 u OA 'U 04 ;U Flrormthme m 1t0 MA a4 U 0.4 U O.d ,u a4 'U " u a4 'ul 0.4 !.U OA U a- 'U 04- 111 U u 04 !U a4 1 u m m u4/I 04 u OA 'U a4 U ad ;U 04 U ad 'U 04 iU 04 U a40t 'U Od 'U a4 U OA iU Q4 lu Bmmf4pv0u<cmc 1 I= WI nd U OA U a4 U a4 111 a4 U a4 'U a4 !U. (14 u a4 I u a4 •U a4 u oa ;U 04 I u a'r<mc 2 m mn M u Da •U a4 :u ad 'u ad u a4 U 9.4 'u DA 'u aaw 'u 0,4 'u a4 u 0.4 111 D4 :U yM4mmm< I M) W Dd a OA u n4 U a4 IU 0d U a4 !u a4 :U am III a4 u a4 iu M u oa 111 a4 lu Bm YluvrmO'me I Im W ad U OA U ad U 44 1 U ad U a4 �U a4 :U ad __21 n1 :U OA 11 a4 u 14 I u a4 !u Bcvm(4 'rn a m0 WI W 4U� 02' 4U= ¢2 4U .0 -JU__.ai 4 —03 4U�R02- ill: 02 iu3 02m 4U. 0± 4U^V02i:I.U lEkcw54U:^' 02 4U Mdcro 1.23<d a5 Im A D.A U 0.4 :U U a4 IU a4 U 44 'u OA lU 04 'U a4 lul 04 :U a4 U OA iU n4 IU a8)avthncmc QS m veA n4 u 0.4 u as ;U ad :U nd U n4 'U Qa 'U D4 •U 0.d05 !U OA U a4 u a4 :U Bmm(h' src m m n4 'U oA -U ad IU a4 IU a4 U n4 U Qd iu ¢d u nJOf 'U a4 'U a4 11 0.3 tU as 'U VM- a'k Pdmkvm Hvdmc<hOIu.PPH-Ec d4bkP Iw Hrd.c ..PAH•PoHnuelru Amwlic Hvdmc4bm<.8h4dcd ucac c [k1b]c Mdh4d l MCm U ndkm N,Daddc4ncrn'n0m4.Mh6otd WM ndi t4l ceccd.n of4hoGk. On May 15, 2018, BEA completed the final site inspection and quarterly groundwater sampling event. Indoor air screening reported TOV concentrations consistent with background in the subject portion of the basement. Groundwater samples were collected from each well for EPH, VPH and target analyte concentrations. Groundwater elevations demonstrated a local groundwater flow to the northeast, consistent with historic contours. Laboratory analyses reported all petroleum hydrocarbon and target analyte concentrations ND, wherein the reporting JULY 26,2018 BIANCHI,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 9 OF 17 IRAC-PSS,RTN 4-26880 limits were less than or equal to the strictest GW-1 Method 1 Risk Characterization standards. These analytical results are presented in Table III. The significance of these results is discussed in the Risk Characterization section of this report. RISK CHARACTERIZATION/IMMINENT HAZARDS [Refer to Appendix D] The S-3 (GW-1/GW-2/GW-3) soils categories apply to Method 1 Risk Characterization, per the provisions of 310 CMR 40.0933. These soil standards were developed to evaluate potential dermal contact exposures and environmental impacts (S-3), and in consideration of potential leaching of contaminants to groundwater, as based on accessibility, frequency and intensity of use. The groundwater standards were developed.to evaluate potential ingestion (GW-1), inhalation (GW-2), and dermal contact/environmental impacts (GW-3). The strictest GW-1, and S-1 (GW-1/GW-2/GW-3), Method 1 Risk Characterization standards were considered against laboratory results in review of foreseeable future uses and activities at the Site without limitation. Soil Laboratory analyses of end-point soil samples following contaminated soil removal .reported all VPH, EPH and target analyte concentrations along the extent of excavation significantly less than the strictest S-1 (GW-1), Method I Risk Characterization standards. Only two of eighteen end-point samples reported detectable residual EPH concentrations (Zone B-1, SW-E/W: 0-2'; Zone B-2, BOH@2'). The balance of end-point samples reported all VPH, EPH and target analyte concentrations ND, wherein the reporting limits were less than the strictest S-1 (GW-1), Method 1 Risk Characterization standards. The sum of the laboratory analytical data for the end-point soil sampling demonstrates a condition of No Significant Risk under Method 1. Groundwater Groundwater is reported approximately 11-16' bgs throughout the property, and approximately 9'below the basement floor in the area of release. Laboratory results for bottom- of-hole samples reported all VPH, EPH and target analyte.concentrations significantly less than. the strictest S-1 (GW-1), Method 1 Risk Characterization standards. The majority of bottom-of- hole samples reported all.VPH, EPH and target analyte concentrations ND, wherein reporting limits were less than the strictest S-1 (GW-1), Method 1 standards. Based on the greatest depth of soil removal as 5' bf in Zone B-4, the soil testing has demonstrated that the limit of significant fuel oil impact is at least 4' above'groundwater. Only two end-point.soil samples reported detectable residual impact, and all residual concentrations were reported less than the strictest S- I (GW-1) standards. All sidewall and bottom-of-hole areas are beneath the footprint of the building and not subject to receipt of storm water or the associated leaching of compounds to groundwater. JULY 26,2018 BIANCM,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 10 OF 17 MAC-PSS,RTN 4-26880 Notwithstanding, all monitoring well testing has reported all fractional EPH/VPH compounds and target analyte concentrations ND, except for the MW-1 sample collected March 5, 2018, which reported a benzo(a)pyrene concentration marginally greater than the strictest GW- 1 threshold (0.21 ug/L vs. 0.2 ug/L).. Benzo(a)pyrene is not a typical constituent of#2 fuel oil; no detectable concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene were reported in any soil analyses. As such, MW-1 was re-sampled for analysis on March 26, 2018. Laboratory analysis reported all EPH and target PAH concentrations ND, although the reporting limit for benzo(a)pyrene was marginally greater than the GW-1 standard (0.202 ug/L vs. 0.2 ug/L). Pursuant to the standard of practice wherein under CAM the minimum detection limit should be less than the reporting limit, half the reporting limit concentrations are considered for analytes reported as ND. For benzo(a)pyrene in the March 26t' sample, half the reporting limit is less than the respective S-1 (GW-1), Method 1 threshold. Given the typical compounds associated with fuel oil, the soil testing reporting no detectable concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene, the solute Time of Travel and the consistency of the groundwater analytical results, the benzo(a)pyrene concentration reported for MW-1 on March 5, 2018 as a non-target analyte is considered an anomaly, attributed to sampling or laboratory error. A final round of groundwater sampling was conducted on May 15, 2018. Again, all fractional EPH/VPH compounds and target analytes. were reported as ND consistent with background, wherein the reporting limit concentrations were below the most stringent GW-1, Method 1 standards. With the exception of benzo(a)pyrene anomaly resolved, the sum of groundwater analyses have demonstrated backgroundconditions and absence of groundwater impact as a media of concern. Indoor Air Active ventilation was established during the initial site inspection and contributed to substantially diminished TOV concentrations in indoor air. The removal of the ASTs and impacted household items from the unfinished portion of the basement also contributed to improved indoor air quality. PID readings within the basement of the subject dwelling before excavation reported organic vapor concentrations consistent with or approaching background. PID readings in the basement following excavation and restoration have reported TOV concentrations consistent with background. PID readings in the living space have reported TOV consistent with background. Laboratory results for the end-point soil samples reported no detectable residual volatile concentrations, wherein the reporting limits were less than the strictest S-1 (GW-1/GW-2/GW-3) Method 1 criteria. Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0942(1)(d) and Final Vapor Intrusion Guidance (#WSC-16-435), relative to the contaminant of concern, post- remedial conditions were not likely to negatively impact indoor air. The, soil and groundwater testing, and indoor air screening, represent multiple lines of evidence to evaluate the potential for vapor intrusion. In the absence of any detectable volatile organic compounds reported in end- point samples, laboratory analyses under Method 1, and indoor air screening, have demonstrated that soil vapor and indoor air are not media of concern, that potential vapor intrusion is an incomplete pathway, and no further testing is required to characterize risk. I JULY 26,2018 BIANCHI,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 11 OF 17 IRAC-PSS,RTN 4-26880 Imminent Hazards The release was limited to the dwelling basement, and the dwelling was unoccupied from release discovery through the completion of remedial response actions. The dwelling was kept locked and was monitored by the property caretaker, thereby restricting access to the subject release. Contaminated source removal was performed under active ventilation, and indoor PID screening reported TOV concentrations at or approaching background. Given municipal water service provided to the Site and surrounding area, the practical exposure risk to ingesting impacted groundwater is overstated. Based on the reported groundwater data, there are no apparent exposure risks associated with ingestion (GW-1), inhalation(GW-2), or dermal contact and environmental impacts (GW-3). Based on the soil data, there are no apparent exposure risks associated with ingestion, particulate inhalation, dermal contact or environmental impacts, and the potential vapor intrusion pathway is incomplete. Based on the historic and current conditions, no Imminent Hazards have been reported throughout the project. DATA USABILITY ASSESSMENT& REPRESENTATIVENESS EVALUATION The following presents a discussion of the Site information used to support the PSS, as .required by 310 CMR 40.1056(2) (k) and incorporating the guidance provided in Mass DEP Policy WSC-07-350. It provides an evaluation and demonstration of the adequacy of the spatial and temporal data sets used to support the PSS and makes conclusions on the accuracy, precision and sensitivity of the data used and consistent with internal QA/QC Plan [See Appendix E]. Conceptual Site Model A release of fuel oil from an AST was discovered by the caretaker while investigating a reported petroleum odor. Release Notification for a 2-Hour Reportable Condition due to a Sudden Release was made to.the Department by the COMM Fire Department. BEA was hired to respond to the release, recover puddled fuel oil, direct preliminary response actions, investigate the extent and magnitude of release, and direct waste site cleanup operations. Environmental assessment established significant soil impact beneath the subject basement floor but above groundwater, and an IRA Plan was developed to excavate impacted soils from the release area. The proposed excavation would be accommodated by temporary structural support of the dwelling foundation. Following the implementation of the IRA Plan, analytical results for end-point soil samples were reviewed under Method 1 Risk Characterization, supporting a finding of No Significant Risk in support of a Permanent Solution, without conditions. Quarterly groundwater sampling at monitoring wells intermediate to potential receptors and adjacent to the release area reported petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations consistent with background, significantly less than the strictest applicable GW-1/GW-2/GW-3, Method 1 Risk Characterization standards. JULY 26,2018 BIANCHI;146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 12 OF 17 IRAC-PSS,RTN 4-26880 Wherein no detectable concentrations of volatile organic compounds were reported in end-point soil samples, laboratory analysis under Method 1 demonstrated the impact to indoor air was not likely, and soil vapor testing was not required to demonstrate the vapor intrusion pathway was incomplete. Indoor air screening, along with the analysis of end-point soil samples and groundwater samples, represent "Lines of Evidence"that demonstrate indoor air is not a medium of concern. Based on the remedial response actions performed under the IRA, environmental sampling and laboratory analysis of soil and groundwater samples under Method 1 Risk Characterization have demonstrated a condition of No Significant Risk as the basis for IRA Completion in support of a Permanent Solution without conditions. Field Screenin>7 PID screening and visual/olfactory observations were used to qualify significant impact in soil and to make informed decisions in the field ahead of submitting samples for MA Certified analyses. PID screening was used to qualify the horizontal and vertical extent of contaminated soil as technical guidance for excavation operations. Samples with higher levels of odor or PID readings were assumed to be more contaminated than those samples with lower levels. A comparison of observations and PID readings with laboratory analytical results indicates the screening data correlates well with the analytical data. PID screening was also used in consideration of potential vapor entry. Sampling Locations Hand borings and test borings were advanced along the release area based on petroleum staining to the concrete basement floor, as well as potential routes of infiltration. Soil samples were collected along the extent of soil removal,from representative bottom-of-hole and sidewall areas, as critical samples. All end-point soil samples were preserved for risk-based EPH/PAH and VPH/BTEX analyses. The samples were placed in appropriately preserved laboratory containers and placed on ice pending shipment to the laboratory under a properly executed chain of custody. All end-point soil sample results were reported as consistent with or approaching background, less than the strictest S-1 (GW-1),Method 1 Risk Characterization standards. Monitoring well were installed intermediate to potential receptors and adjacent to the release area. The monitoring wells were installed across the groundwater interface, representative of potential petroleum hydrocarbon impacts underlying the release area and in near proximity to the source area. Field duplicates or trip blanks for soil sampling were not collected nor considered necessary because the Disposal Site was small, soil removal operations had produced clean conditions and QA/QC protocols were employed and documented with Method Blanks and Spikes performed by the laboratory. JULY 26,2018 BIANCHI,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 13 OF 17 IRAC-PSS,RTN 4-26880 Temporal Data Soil samples were collected subsequent to the excavation of contaminated material. Due to the nature of soil removal as the primary remedial strategy, temporal data for soils was not applicable in consideration of final exposure risks, and laboratory analysis of confirmatory end- point samples was relied on for risk characterization, wherein the most restrictive S-1/GW-1, GW-2 and GW-3 Method 1 standards were met in all end-point areas. Groundwater was tested via the monitoring well network within the projected spatial and temporal solute transport pathways. Static water level measurements have demonstrated down- gradient wells MW-1 and MW-4 to be within the projected solute transport pathway. However, the estimated solute Times of Travel to MW-1 and MW-4 exceed the time elapsed since release discovery and sampling. However, monitoring well MW-3, located adjacent to the area of release and has been considered relative to potential groundwater impact given the proximity adjacent to the "worst case" area of original soil impact associated with the release. As such, temporal data for travel through the vadose zone and solute transport to MW-3 has been combined with end- point soil analysis as some 4-5' above the groundwater interface as basis of a finding of No Significant Risk relative to groundwater at the Site, wherein background conditions have been demonstrated. Indoor air has been screened during the project as associated with off-gassing of impacted household_debris and building materials. Such screening was conducted prior to and following the remedial response, as additional temporal data. The field screening, in conjunction with groundwater and soil analyses, represent Lines of Evidence that demonstrate indoor air and soil vapor are not media of concern and that the vapor intrusion pathway is incomplete. No additional temporal data has been gathered or deemed necessary to evaluate potential exposure risk or support regulatory project closure, based on the reported findings of the on-site monitoring wells and field screening. Field Completeness The analytical,data set is complete. Critical data from the sidewall and bottom-of-hole areas of the excavation was obtained and represents the extent of significant impact and the limits of contaminated soil removal. Additionally, critical data from soil and groundwater testing established the basis of no significant groundwater impacts and no potential for significant indoor air concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons, respectively. The sum of the critical data supports the PSS, wherein QA/QC thresholds and Presumptive Certainty requirements were met under the Data Usability and Representativeness policy. Data Inconsistency JULY 26,2018 BIANCHI,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEAi7-11064 PAGE 14 OF 17 IRAC-PSS,RTN 4-26880 A detectable concentration of benzo(a)pyrene was reported in MW-1 during the second quarterly groundwater sampling event in March 2018. For this sampling event, laboratory QA/QC did not identify any deficiency. For all other groundwater samples collected in December 2017, March 2018, and May 2018, laboratory analysis reported all other petroleum hydrocarbon and target analyte concentrations ND, wherein the reporting limits for fuel oil related compounds were less than the strictest GW-1, Method 1 Risk Characterization standards. Static water level measurements throughout the project have demonstrated local flow direction to the northeast, and MW-1 is in the projected solute transport pathway. However, the estimated solute Time of Travel exceeds the time elapsed between release discovery and sample collection I n March 5, 2018. All groundwater testing at MW-3,.adjacent to the release area, reported all EPH, VPH and target analyte concentrations ND. Quarterly groundwater testing has demonstrated no significant persistent impact. to the aquifer, in support of the Permanent Solution. Based on the preponderance of physical data, the reported benzo(a)pyrene detection in MW-1 on March 5, 2018 is an anomaly, and groundwater along the Site is considered consistent with background. No other inconsistent data was identified. Visual observations, odors, and field screening were reportedly well correlated with analytical results. No significant inconsistencies were identified between the field screening of end-point soil samples and their respective laboratory analyses that have compromised remedial performance or risk characterization. Data Not Used The complete analytical data set associated with soil samples and groundwater samples was employed and reported towards qualification of significant petroleum hydrocarbon impacts and evaluation of exposure risks. Data Usability Based on the Representativeness Evaluation,the critical analytical data has.been reviewed and validated. The analytical data provided in support of this PSS has met the method quality control requirements and performance standards for "Presumptive. Certainty" as described in CAM VH A, Section 2.0 (a), (b), (c), and (d) or have been evaluated as comparable to CAM requirements as usable,and representative of potential exposure risks. Regarding end-point soil samples collected from the extent of soil removal, laboratory QA/QC reported no deficiencies and all questions required for Presumptive Certainty were answered in the affirmative. As such, all end-point soil data has been determined to be both representative and usable for the evaluation of risk characterization under Method 1 in accordance with the REDUA policy WSC-07-350 for.Presumptive Certainty. JULY 26,2018 BIANCM,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 15 OF 17 I AC-PSS,RTN 4-26880 Relative to quarterly groundwater monitoring, laboratory QA/QC reported deficiencies associated with the Lab Control Spike (LCS), and the Relative Percent Differences (RPDs) between the recoveries of benzo(b)Ruoranthene in the LCS versus LCS Duplicate (LCSD) for samples collected December 6, 2017. In these cases,the LCS recoveries were high (> 140%) and the RPDs exceeded 25% Refer to Data Usability table Alpha Analytical Lab ID #L1745360 . � tY � p Yt j Assessment of these deficiencies reported potential high or non-directional bias for each sample in question. Despite the potential high bias, analyses reported all EPH, VPH and target analyte concentrations ND, wherein the reporting limits were less than or equal to the strictest GW-1 criteria. As such, the data is representative and usable for risk characterization. All groundwater data for the subject release is both representative and usable for risk characterization under Method 1 in accordance with the REDUA policy WSC-07-350 for Presumptive Certainty. The validity and defensibility of the analytical data used to support the findings of the PSS for this Site with respect to accuracy, precision and completeness pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1056(2)(k) have, therefore, been satisfied. It has been determined that the Site data is sufficiently representative of actual Site conditions and may be used to support this PSS. BACKGROUND FEASIBILITY EVALUATION A review of cost and feasibility to meet background conditions through additional soil removal was considered as part of this IRA, in accordance with the provisions of 310 CMR 40.1020. All EPH/VPH and target analyte concentrations in end-point soil samples were reported ND or significantly less than the most restrictive S-1 (GW-1/GW-2/GW-3), Method 1 Risk Characterization standards. Only fractional EPH concentrations (C9-C18 aliphatics, Cll-C22 aromatics) in two end-point samples (Zone B-1, SW-E/W: 0-2'; Zone B-2, BOH @ 2') were reported above detection limits. These detectable concentrations were each at least two orders of magnitude less than their respective standards. All other EPH, VPH and target analyte concentrations in all end-point soil samples were reported ND, as consistent with background. The end-point soil data supports a condition of No Significant Risk. The exposure point locations are beneath the dwelling footprint, and additional soil removal would require temporary shoring, representing a risk to worker safety and the structural integrity of the dwelling. Additional remedial response actions are unjustified, wherein a condition of No Significant Risk has been established and further soil removal will not result in a greater reduction of exposure risk. The low-level, residual EPH concentrations in soil represent non-persistent, naturally degrading compounds, and meet the "Conditions of Categorical Infeasibility" established in Section "Remediation of Degradable (Non-persistent) Contaminants". of the MA DEP policy "Conducting Feasibility Evaluations Under the MCP" (WSC-04-160). Based on the location of the low-level, residual soil impact beneath the dwelling, Section "Excavations Under Permanent Structures" also applies given risks to worker safety and structural integrity of the dwelling. JULY 26,2018 BIANCHI,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 16 OF 17 IRAC-PSS,RTN 4-26880 GARDENING BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES In the 2014 MCP revisions, the Method 1 soil standards do not specifically consider exposure risks associated with consuming vegetables grown in impacted soils. The S-1 (GW-1) Method 1 standards have been met and background conditions exist throughout the vast majority of the excavation at the subject Site and pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1056(2) 0) (1), laboratory analytical results support a Permanent Solution without conditions, and Gardening Best Management Practices (BMPs) are not required in connection with the subject Site to support a fmding of No Significant Risk. CONCLUSIONS Based on the removal of impacted household items, stained concrete and contaminated soil, as well as the groundwater monitoring conducted, a condition of No Significant Risk has been achieved in support of project closure without restrictions. No Significant Risk to the environment or to human receptors was qualified by environmental assessment and the physical testing of end-point soil and representative groundwater samples, wherein source removal has demonstrated that soil vapor is not a medium of concern. A Permanent Solution Statement (PSS) without Conditions has been achieved and is applicable to support completion of the IRA and closure of the project, in accordance with the provisions of 310 CMR 40.0427 and 40.1056. The findings of this investigation, as represented herein, set forth the rationale and technical justification for the LSP Opinions offered, as established by the certifications made on the attached Permanent Solution Statement (BWSC-104) and Immediate Response Action Transmittal Form (BWSC-105). The LSP Opinions are based on available data and regulations in effect at the time of this reporting specific to the subject Site. LIMITATIONS [Refer to Appendix F] Our professional services have been performed, our findings obtained, and our recommendations prepared in accordance with current,customary principles and practices in the fields of environmental science and LSP practice as subject to certain Limitations. It must be recognized that environmental investigations are inherently limited to conclusions drawn and recommendations developed from information obtained through research and review of relevant site investigation. The passage of time may result in changes to environmental characteristics at this site and/or surrounding properties, changes in governing regulations and/or professional practice. This report specifically speaks only to those regulations and policies in effect, and the standards of LSP practice, temporal to this submittal. No guarantee or warranty of future conditions, regulations, policies or standards of,practice is expressed or implied relative to the LSP Opinions rendered herein. Should you have any questions regarding the project, or require additional information, please contact our office at your earliest convenience. JULY 26,2018 BIANCM,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 17 OF 17 IRAC-PSS,RTN 4-26880 Sincerely, BE TT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC. LaviVd . t�ett LSP Todd :.Everson;PM Senior vironmental Scientist Encl: - Supporting Documentation [Appendices A-F] Cc: Lawrence Bianchi, Property Owner Horst Genten, Property Caretaker Diane Siti, Claims Adjuster—Raphael and Associates Thomas McKean, Director—Barnstable Health Department) Darcy Karle, Administrator-Barnstable Conservation Department' Mark Ellis - Barnstable Town Manager' Martin McNeely, Fire Prevention Officer COMM Fire Department' 1 As part of Public Notice requirements,the report Title Page,Narrative,Index; Transmittal forms and Site Plan are included, pursuant to paperwork reduction policy. .The full report is available as public record on the NIA DEP website database at hq://public.dep.state.ma.us/SearchableSites/Search.as� or, upon written request to BEA, full copy(electronic or paper)will be provided. IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION COMPLETION REPORT WITH PERMANENT SOLUTION STATEMENTS SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION RTN 4-26880 Bianchi Residential Property 146 East Bay Road—Osterville,MA 02655 [Assessor's Map/Parcel ID: 141-131] BEA17-11064 JULY 26;2018 Prepared For: MA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Southeast Regional Offices: Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup/Emergency Response Section 20 Riverside Drive-Lakeville,MA 02347 Jaime Goncalves, Case Officer Prepared By: BENNETT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES,INC. 1573 Main Street-Brewster,MA 02631 David C.Bennett,LSP On Behalf Of: Lawrence Bianchi,Property Owner 46 Chestnut Street Boston,MA 02655 APPENDIX A:Reference Plans -Figure 1: Site Locus Plan[USGS Topographic Quad.,Barnstable,MA. 1998] (excerpt) -Figure 2: Ground-Water Resources of the Cape Cod,MA.. [LeBlanc et al, 1986] (excerpt) -Figure 3:MA DEP Priority Resource Map [2017] -Site Plan entitled,"Immediate Response Action Completion..."Prepared by BENNETT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES,INC.,Dated July 10,2018. APPENDIX B:Field Reports -Inspector's Records of Work Progress -Monitoring Well Sampling Logs -Borehole Permeability Test -AQTESOLV -Solute Transport/Time of Travel Calculations APPENDIX C: Environmental Records/Permits/Correspondence -BWSC-112,-A,-B: Attestation of Shipment w/eDEP Submittal Summary and Receipt -BWSC-104:Permanent Solution Statement w/eDEP Submittal Summary and Receipt -BWSC-105: Immediate Response Action Transmittal Form w/eDEP Submittal Summary and Receipt APPENDIX D: Laboratory Analysis -Remedial Response- Soil[Alpha Analytical](Lab#L1804269,2/14/18) Remedial Response—Soil[Alpha Analytical] (Lab 41,1804671,2/16/18) -Remedial Response Soil[Alpha Analytical] (Lab#1804983,2/20/18) Remedial Response—Soil[Alpha Analytical] (Lab#L1805396,2/22/18) -Remedial Response—Soil[Alpha Analytical] (Lab#L1806306,3/1/18) -Environmental Monitoring—Groundwater[Alpha Analytical] (Lab#L1807835 3/14/18) -Environmental Monitoring—Groundwater[Alpha Analytical] (Lab#L1810470,4/3/18) Environmental Monitoring-Groundwater[Alpha Analytical] (Lab#L1817888,5/23/18) -Environmental Monitoring—Groundwater[Alpha Analytical] (Lab#L1745360, 12/15/17) APPENDIX E: Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan APPENDIX F: MCP Limitations Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection r e DEP Transaction Copy 1 Here is the file you requested for your records. To retain a copy of this file you must save and/or print. Username: TODDEVERSON Transaction ID: 1027429 Document: BWSC104 Permanent And Temporary Solution Statement Size of File: 224.10K Status of Transaction: In Process Date and Time Created: 8/7/2018:2:43:17 PM Note: This file only includes forms that were part of your transaction as of the date and time indicated above. If you need a more current copy of your transaction, return to eDEP and select to "Download a Copy" from the Current Submittals page. assachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC 104 12 Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Release Tracking Number ' PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY SOLUTION STATEMENT 4 Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1000 (Subpart]) _J For sites with multiple RTNs,enter the Primary RTN above. A.SITE LOCATION: 1. Site Name/Location Aid: SUMMER RESIDENCE 2. Street Address: 146 EAST BAY ROAD 3.City/Town: OSTERVILLE 4.ZIP Code: 5. Coordinates: a.Latitude:N 41.62596 b.Longitude:W 70.37473 r- 6.Check here if the disposal site that is the source of the release is Tier Classified. Check the current Tier Classification Category: r a.Tier I b.Tier ID r c.Tier H B. THIS FORM IS BEING USED TO: (check all that apply) 1.List Submittal Date of the Permanent or Temporary Solution Statement, or RAO Statement(if previously submitted): mm/dd/yyyy r 2.Submit a Permanent or Temporary Solution Statement a.Check here if this Permanent or Temporary Solution Statement covers additional Release Tracking Numbers (RTNs).RTNs that have been previously linked to a Tier Classified Primary RTN do not need to be listed here. b.Provide the additional Release Tracking Number(s)covered by this El -I D -' I Permanent or Temporary Solution Statement. 3.Submit a Revised Permanent or Temporary Solution Statement(or revised RAO Statement) F a.Check here if this Revised Permanent or Temporary Solution Statement covers additional Release Tracking Numbers(RTNs), not listed on the Permanent or Temporary Solution Statement or previously submitted Revised Permanent or Temporary Solution Statements.RTNs that have been previously linked to a Tier Classified Primary RTN do not need to be listed here. b.Provide the additional Release Tracking Number(s)covered by this 1— Permanent or Temporary Solution Statement. —� 4.Submit a Permanent or Temporary Solution Partial Statement Check above box,if any Response Actions remain to be taken to address conditions associated with this disposal site having the Primary RTN listed in the header section of this transmittal form.This Permanent or Temporary Solution Statement will record only a Permanent or Temporary Solution-Partial Statement for that RTN.A final Permanent or Temporary Solution Statement will need to be submitted that references all Permanent or Temporary Solution-Partial Statements and,if applicable,covers any remaining conditions not covered by the Permanent or Temporary Solution-Partial Statements. Also,specify if you are an Eligible Person or Tenant pursuant to M.G.L.c.21 s.2,and have no further obligation to conduct response actions on the remaining portion(s)of the disposal site: r a.Eligible Person r b.Eligible Tenant r 5.Submit a Revised Permanent or Temporary Solution Partial Statement(or revised RAO.-Partial Statement) r 6. Submit an optional Phase I Completion Statement supporting the Permanent or Temporary Solution Statement r 7.Submit a Periodic Review Opinion evaluating the status of a Temporary Solution,as specified in 310 CMR 40.1051 (Section F is optional) r 8.Submit a Retraction of a previously submitted Permanent or Temporary Solution Statement(or RAO Statement) (Sections E&F are not required) (All sections of this transmittal form must be filled out unless otherwise noted above) Revised: 6/21/2016 Page 1 of 8 assachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC 104 12 L ureau of Waste Site Cleanup Release Tracking Number RMANENT AND TEMPORARY SOLUTION STATEMENT _ursuant to 310 CMR 40.1000(Subpart26880 For sites with multiple RTNs,enter the Primary RTN above. C.DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSE ACTIONS: (check all that apply;for volumes,list cumulative amounts) 1.Assessment and/or Monitoring Only F 2.Temporary Covers or Caps N7 3.Deployment of Absorbent or Containment Materials 4.Treatment of Water Supplies 5.Structure Venting System/HVAC Modification System r 6.Engineered Barrier 7.Product or NAPL Recovery 8.Fencing and Sign Posting 9.Groundwater Treatment Systems 10.Soil Vapor Extraction 11.Remedial Additives 12.Air Sparging 13.Active Exposure Pathway Mitigation System r-14.Passive Exposure Pathway Mitigation System 15.Monitored Natural Attenuation 16.In-Situ Chemical Oxidation 17 17.Removal of Contaminated Soils a.Re-use,Recycling or Treatment i.On Site Estimated volume in cubic yards ii.Off Site Estimated volume in cubic yards 20 iia.Facility Name: ESMI OF NH Town: LOUDON State:. NH iib.Facility Name: Town: State: iii.Describe: LICENSED THERMAL DISORPIION FACILITY F b.Landfill r i.Cover Estimated volume in cubic yards Facility Name: Town: State: ii.Disposal Estimated volume in cubic yards Facility Name: Town: State: W 18.Removal.of Drums,Tanks or Containers:. a.Describe Quantity and Amount: 2 X 275-GALLON,STEEL,ABOVEGROUND STORAGE TANKS b.Facility Name: WALTER ZION MIDDLEBORO RECYCLING Town: MIDDLEBORO State: MA c.Facility Name: Town: State: r7 19.Removal of Other Contaminated Media: a.Specify Type and Volume: FUEL OIL IMPACTED HOUSEHOLD DEBRIS-840 POUNDS b.Facility Name: cOVANTA Town: ROCHESTER State: MA c.Facility Name: Town: State: Revised: 6/21/2016 Page 2 of 8 ar assachusetts De tment of Environmental Protectionp BWSC 104 12 L7� ureau of Waste Site Cleanup Release Tracking Number E RN AMNT AND TEMPORARY SOLUTION STATEMENTNT ursuant to 310 CMR 40.1000 (Subpart J) I_ For sites with multiple RTNs, enter the Primary RTN above. C. DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSE ACTIONS (cont.): (check all that apply;for volumes,list cumulative amounts) F7 20. Other Response Actions: Describe: SOIL ASSESSMENT,MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION AND TESTING r 21.Use of Innovative Technologies: Describe: D. SITE USE: 1.Are the response actions that are the subject of this submittal associated with the redevelopment, reuse or the major expansion of the current use of property(ies)impacted by the presence of oil and/or hazardous materials? r a.Yes r b.No r c.Don't know 2.Is the property a vacant or under-utilized commercial or industrial property("a brownfield property")? r a Yes r b.No r c.Don't know 3.Will funds from a state or federal brownfield incentive program be used on one or more of the property(ies)within the disposal site? r—a.Yes P-1 b.No c.Don't know If Yes,identify program(s): 4.Has a Covenant Not to Sue been obtained or sought? a.Yes b.No r c.Don't know 5. Check all applicable categories that apply to the person making this submittal: a.Redevelopment Agency or Authority r—b.Community Development Corporation c.Economic Development and Industrial Corporation d.Private Developer e.Fiduciary f.Secured Lender r g.Municipality h.Potential Buyer(non-owner) 171 i.Other,describe: PRIVATE OWNER This data will be used by MassDEP for information purposes only,and does not represent or create any legal commitment,obligation or liability on the part of the party or person providing this data to MassDEP. E.PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY SOLUTION CATEGORY: Specify the category of Solution that applies to the Disposal Site,or Site of the Threat of Release. Select either 1,2,or 3. 1.Permanent Solution with No Conditions(check one) a.A threat of release has been eliminated. b.All contamination has been reduced to Natural Background levels. rv— c.A condition of No Significant Risk exists or has been achieved with no Activity and Use Limitation or other limitations, assumptions,or conditions(310 CMR 40.1013). Revised: 6/21/2016 Page 3 of 8 • �" assachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC 104 12 ureau of Waste Site Cleanup Release Tracking Number ERMA.NENT AND TEMPORARY SOLUTION STATEMENT 4 26880 — ursuant to 310 CMR 40.1000(Subpart n For sites with multiple RTNs,enter the Primary RTN above. E.PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY SOLUTION CATEGORY(cont.): s 2.Permanent Solution with Conditions(check a and/or b): a.An AUL has been implemented pursuant to 310 CMR 1012(2)(check one) i.Required pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1012(2) Is the AUL required because the Permanent Solution relies on an Active Exposure Pathway Mitigation Measure pursuant to CMR 310 40.1025? r 1.Yes r 2.No ii.Optionally implemented pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1012(3) b.Limitations or conditions apply pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1013(check all that apply): r i.Gardening Best Management Practices(BMPs)for non-commercial gardening in a residential setting ii.Concentrations of Oil and Hazardous Material consistent with Anthropogenic Background iii.Residual contamination in a Public or Railroad Right-of-Way r iv.Groundwater.contamination would exceed GW-2 Standards except for the absence of an occupied building or structure 3:Temporary Solution(check a or b/and c) r' a.Response actions to achieve a Permanent Solution are not currently feasible r b.Response actions to achieve a Permanent Solution are feasible and are being continued toward a Permanent Solution c.Does the Temporary Solution rely on an Active Exposure Pathway Mitigation Measure pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1026? i Yes ii.No F.PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY SOLUTION INFORMATION: 1. Specify the Risk Characterization Method(s)used to achieve the Permanent or Temporary Solution,described above: r a.Method 1 r b.Method 2 c.Method 3 d.Method Not Applicable-Contamination reduced to or consistent with background,or Threat of Release abated 2. Specify all Soil Category(ies)applicable.More than one Soil Category may apply at a Site.Be sure to check off all APPLICABLE categories: r- a.S-1/GW-1 r d.S-2/GW-1 r g.S-3/GW-1 r j.Not Applicable r b.S-1/GW-2 e.S-2/GW-2 ry-� h.S-3/GW-2 c.S-1/GW-3 r f.S-2/GW-3 r�o i.S-3/GW-3 3.Specify all Groundwater Category(ies)impacted.A.site may impact more than one Groundwater Category.Be sure to check off all l MIPACfED categories: r- a.GW-1 r b.GW-2 F c.GW-3 7 d.No Groundwater Impacted Revised: 6/21/2016 Page 4 of 8 assachusetts Department of Environmental Protection $WSC 104 12 ureau of Waste Site Cleanup t° Release Tracking Number ERMANENT AND TEMPORARY SOLUTION STATEMENT i a ursuant to 310 CMR 40.1000(Subpart J) I4 I - 126880 For sites with multiple RTNs, enter the Primary RTN above. F.PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY SOLUTION INFORMATION(cont.): 1' 4. Check here if the risk assessment includes any changes to the groundwater category pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0932(5)(a)through(e).Check all conditions that apply: I' a.A a InterimWellhead Protection Area does not apply based on a hydrogeologic evaluation(310 CMR 40.0932(5)(a)) b. Groundwater was determined not to be in a Potentially Productive Aquifer or is not feasible to be developed as a drinking water supply(310 CMR 40.0932(5)(b)) F c.A Non-Potential DrinldngWater Source Area determination was made(310 CMR 40.0932(5)(c)) d.Existing private wells were permanently closed(310 CMR 40.0932(5)(d)) e. Groundwater is located within a Zone A,but is not hydrogeologically connected to a drinking water supply (310 CMR 40.0932(5)(e)) 5.Check here if the Permanent or Temporary Solution supports a finding of No Significant Risk for petroleum in a GW-1 area pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0924(2)(b)3.. 6. Specify whether remediation was conducted: a.Check here if soil remediation was conducted. r b. Check here if groundwater remediation was conducted. r c.Check here if other remediation was conducted. Specify: 7. Specify whether the analytical data used to support the Permanent or Temporary Solution used the Compendium of Analytical Methods(CAM): rV a.CAM used to support all analytical data. r b.CAM used to support some of the analytical data. r c.CAM not used. r 8.Check hereto indicate that the Permanent or Temporary Solution Statement includes a Data Usability Assessment and Data Representativeness Evaluation pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1056. 9.Estimate the number of acres this Permanent or Temporary Solution Statement applies to: 0.01 Revised: 6/21/2016 Page 5 of 8 r _ assachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC 104 12 -L7�, uYeau of Waste Site CleanupERMANENT AND TEMPORARY SOLUTION STATEMENTRelease Tracking Number . � 26880 ursuant to 310 CMR 40.1000 (Subpart J) For sites with multiple RTNs,enter the Primary RTN above. G.LSP SIGNATURE AND STAMP: I attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that I have personally examined and am familiar with this transmittal form,including any and all documents accompanying this submittal.In my professional opinion and judgment based upon application of(i)the standard.of care in 309 CMR 4.02(1),(ii)the applicable provisions of 309 CMR 4.02(2)and(3),and 309 CMR4.03(2),and(iii)the provisions of 309 CMR 4.03(3),to the best of my knowledge,information and belief, >if Section B indicates that either a Permanent or Temporary Solution Statement,Phase I Completion Statement and/or Periodic Review Opinion is being provided,the response action(s)that is(are)the subject of this submittal(i)has(have)been developed and implemented in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000,(ii)is(are)appropriate and reasonable to accomplish the purposes of such response action(s)as set forth in the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000,and(iii)comply(ies)with the identified provisions of all orders,permits,and approvals identified in this submittal. I am aware that significant penalties may result,including,but not limited to,possible fines and imprisonment,if I submit information which I know to be false,inaccurate or materially incomplete. 1.LSP#: 4303 2.First Name: DAVID C 3.Last Name: BENNETT 4. Telephone: 5088961706 5.Ext.:: 6.Email: 7. Signature: DAVID C BENNETT 8.Date: 8/7/2018 9.LSP Stamp: df mm/dd/yyyy " C-,e tm n l "too: H.PERSON MAHING SUBMITTAL: 1, Check all that apply: 17 a.change in contact name r—b.change of address P.c.change in the person undertaking response actions 2.Name of Organization: BIANCHI RESIDENCE 3.Contact First Name: LAWRENCE 4.Last Name: BIANCHI i 5. Street:. 46 CHESTNUT STREET 6.Title: PROPERTY OWNER 7.City/Town: BOSTON 8.State: MA 9.ZIP Code: 021080000 10.Telephone: 6175713980 11.Ext::. 12.Email: Revised: 6/21/2016 Page 6 of 8 assachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC 104 12 ureau of Waste Site Cleanup ' ! Tracking Number $ ERMANENT AND TEMPORARY SOLUTION STATEMENT � j Release Tracking 26880 ursuant to 310 CMR 40.1000 (Subpart J) I_ For sites with multiple RTNs,enter the Primary RTN above. I.RELATIONSHIP TO RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE OF PERSON MAKING SUBMITTAL: r Check here to change relationship P 1.RP or PRP W a.Owner r—b.Operator c.Generator d.Transporter e.Other RP or PRP Specify: 2.Fiduciary,Secured Lender or Municipality with Exempt Status(as defined by M.G.L.a 21E,s.2) 3.Agency or Public Utility on a Right of Way(as defined by M.G.L.c.21E,s.50)) r 4.Any Other Person Making Submittal Specify Relationship: J. REQUIRED ATTACHMENT AND SUBMITTALS: r- 1.Check here if the Permanent or Temporary Solution on which this opinion is based,if any,are(were)subject to any order(s), permit(s)and/or approval(s)issued by DEP or EPA.If the box is checked,you MUST attach a statement identifying the applicable provisions thereof. r— 2.Check here to certify that the Chief Municipal Officer and the Local Board of Health have been notified of the submittal of a Permanent or Temporary Solution Statement that relies on the public way/rail right-of-way exemption from the requirements of an AUL. 3.Check here to certify that the Chief Municipal Officer and the Local Board of Health have been notified of the submittal of a Permanent or Temporary Solution Statement with instructions on how to obtain a full copy of the report. r 4.Check here to certify that documentation is attached specifying the location of the Site,or the location and boundaries of the Disposal Site subject to this Permanent or Temporary Solution Statement.If submitting a Permanent or Temporary Solution Statement for a PORTION of a Disposal Site,you must document the location and boundaries for both the portion subject to this submittal and, to the extent defined,the entire Disposal Site. r 5.Check hereto certify that,pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1406,notice was provided to the owner(s)of each property within the disposal site boundaries,or notice was not required because the disposal site boundaries are limited to property owned by the party conducting response actions. (check all that apply) a.Notice was provided prior to,or concurrent with the submittal of a Phase II Completion Statement to the Department. b.Notice was provided prior to,or concurrent with the submittal of this Permanent or Temporary Solution Statement to the Department. - - - - c.Notice not required. d.Total number of property owners notified,if applicable: f— 6.Check here if you are submitting one or more AULs.You must submit an AUL Transmittal Form(BWSC113)and a copy of each implemented AUL related to this Permanent Solution or Temporary Solution Statement.Specify the type of AUL(s)below:(required for Permanent Solution with Conditions Statements where an AUL is being implemented) r a.Notice of Activity and Use Limitation b.Number of Notices submitted: c.Grant of Environmental Restriction d.Number of Grants submitted: r 7.If a Permanent Solution Compliance Fee is required for any of the RTNs listed on this transmittal form,check here to certify that a Permanent Solution Compliance Fee was submitted to DEP,P.O.Box 4062,Boston,MA 02211. r 8.Check here if any non-updatable information provided on this form is incorrect,e.g.Site Address/Location Aid.Send corrections to bwsc.edep@state.ma.us. ry 9.Check here to certify that the LSP Opinion containing the material facts,data,and other information is attached. Revised: 6/21/2016 Page 7 of 8 A assachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC 104 12 ureau of Waste Site Cleanup Release Tracking Number lEu RMANENT AND TEMPORARY SOLUTION STATEMENT _ rsuant to 310 CMR 40.1000 (Subpart J) 26880 a For sites with multiple RTNs,enter the Primary RTN above. K.CERTIFICATION OF PERSON MAKING SUBMITTAL: 1.I, LAWRENCE BIANCHI attest under the pains and penalties of perjury(i)that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal,including any and all documents accompanying this transmittal form,(ii)that,based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information,the material information contained in this submittal is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate and complete,and(iii)that I am fully authorized to make this attestation on behalf of the entity legally responsible for this submittal.I/the person or entity on whose behalf this submittal is made am/is aware that there are significant penalties,including,but not limited to,possible fines and imprisonment,for willfully submitting false, inaccurate,or incomplete information. 2.By: LAWRENCE BIANCHI 3.Title: Signature 4.For: BIANCHI RESIDENCE 5.Date: 8/7/2018 (Name of person or entity recorded in Section H) mm/dd/yyyy 6.Check here if the address of the person providing certification is different from address recorded in Section H. 7.Street: 8.City/Town: 9.State: 10.ZIP Code: 11.Telephone: 12.Ext.: 13.Email: YOU ARE SUBJECT TO AN ANNUAL COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE FEE OF UP TO$10,000 PER BILLABLE YEAR FOR THIS DISPOSAL SITE.YOU MUST LEGIBLY COMPLETE ALL RELEVANT SECTIONS OF THIS FORM OR DEP MAY RETURN THE DOCUMENT AS INCOMPLETE.IF YOU SUBMIT AN INCOMPLETE FORM,YOU MAY BE PENALIZED FOR MISSING A REQUIRED DEADLINE. Date Stamp(DEP USE ONLY:) Received by DEP on 8/7/2018 2:40:25 PM Revised: 6/21/2016 Page 8 of 8 uiiizu i� eDEP-MassDEP's OnlineFiling System `# .� MassDEP Home I Contact I Privacy Policy I ' I �MssDEF's�Online Filin g System Username:DAVIDBENNETT Nickname:BENNETTDAVID FormsMy eDEIP • • Notifications Recet:pt i". .. .•_.�-..y.rryKyy{e='iM.."sS M. ,..�y r. .�I'.:.:..tr' _.tr-�Y.d.;t�'r{s.'.L. -Y'.+�x Pa JE ±'+.x�'w ww..fE-..sW _ .yrw_. _ -:�Y Forms Attach Files Signature Receipt Summary/Receipt _ print receipt _ Exit Your submission is complete. Thank you for using DEP's online reporting system. You can select"My eDEP to see a list of your transactions. DEP Transaction ID: 1027429 Date and Time Submitted: 8/7/2018 2:40:25 PM Other Email Form Name: BWSC104 Permanent And Temporary Solution Statement RTN: 4-26880 Location: SUMMER RESIDENCE Address: 146.EAST BAY ROAD, OSTERVILLE, Person Making Submittal BIANCHI RESIDENCE LAWRENCE BIANCHI 46 CHESTNUT STREET BOSTON, MA 021080000 LSP LSP #: 4303 LSP Name: DAVID C BENNETT Person Making Certification BIANCHI RESIDENCE https://edep.dep.mass.gov/eDEP/Pages/PrihtReceipt.aspx 112 8/7/2018 eDEP-MassDEP's OnlineFiling System Lawrence Bianchi Ancillary Document Uploaded/Mailed BWSC-104 QUESTION32 - Perm. or Temp. Solution Stmt or RAO Report - Uploaded (BEA17-11064 IRAC-PSS 7.23.18.pdf) My eDEP MassDEP Home Contact Privacy Policy MassDEP's Online Filing System ver.© 2018 MassDEP https://edep.dep.mass.gov/eDEP/Pages/PrintReceipt.aspx 2/2 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection { eDEP Transaction Copy Here is the file you requested for your records. To retain a copy of this file you must save and/or print. Username: TODDEVERSON Transaction ID: 1027492 . Document: BWSC105 Immediate Response Action Transmittal Form Size of File: 189.39K Status of Transaction: In Process Date and Time Created: 817/2018:2:41:01 PM Note: This file only includes forms that were part of your transaction as of the date and time indicated above. If you need a more current copy of your transaction, return to eDEP and select to "Download a Copy" from the Current Submittals page. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC 105 �.. Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup f _ Release Tracking Number Immediate Response Action (IRA) Transmittal Form — Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0424-40.0427 (Subpart D) - 26880 I. A.SITE LOCATION: 1.Release Name/Location Aid: SUMMERRESIDENCE 2. Street Address: 146 EAST BAY ROAD 3.City/Town: OSTERVILLE 4.Zip Code: 5.Check here if this location is Adequately Regulated,pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0110-0114. r—a CERCLA r b.HSWA Corrective Action c. Solid Waste Management d.RCRA State Program(21 C Facilities) B.THIS FORM IS BEING USED TO: (check all that apply) 1.List Submittal Date of Initial IRA Written Plan(if previously submitted): 12/18/2017 r 2.Submit an Initial IRA Plan. r— 3.Submit a Modified ERA Plan of a previously submitted written IRA Plan. r 4.Submit an Imminent Hazard Evaluation.(check one) r a.An Imminent Hazard exists in connection with this Release or Threat of Release. W b.An Imminent Hazard does not exist in connection with this Release or Threat of Release. c.It is unknown whether an Imminent Hazard exists in connection with this Release or Threat of Release,and further assessment activities will be undertaken. d.It is unknown whether an Imminent Hazard exists in connection with this Release or Threat of Release.However,response actions will address those conditions that could pose an Imminent Hazard. 5. Submit a request to Terminate an Active Remedial System or Response Action(s)Taken to Address an Imminent Hazard. 6.Submit an IRA Status Report 7.Submit a Remedial Monitoring Report.(This report can only be submitted through eDEP.) a.Type of Report: (check one) r i.Initial Report ii.Interim Report iii.Final Report b.Frequency of Submittal: (check all that apply) i.A Remedial Monitoring Report(s)submitted monthly to address an Imminent Hazard. ii.A Remedial Monitoring Report(s)submitted monthly to address a Condition of Substantial Release Migration. r iii.A Remedial Monitoring Report(s)submitted every six months,concurrent With an IRA Status Report. iv.A Remedial Monitoring Report(s)submitted annually,concurrent with an IRA Status Report. c.Number of Remedial Systems and/or Monitoring Programs: A separate BWSC105A,IRA Remedial Monitoring Report,must be filled out for each Remedial System and/or Monitoring Program addressed by this transmittal form. Revised: 11/14/2013 Page 1 of 6 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection $WSC 105 Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Immediate Response Action (IRA) Transmittal Form Release Tracking Number_ Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0424-40.0427(Subpart D) 26880 8.Submit an IRA Completion Statement. r a. Check here if future response actions addressing this Release or Threat of Release notification condition will be conducted as part of the Response Actions planned or ongoing at a Site that has already been Tier Classified under a different Release Tracking Number b.Provide Release Tracking Number of Tier Classified Site(Primary RTN): These additional response actions must occur according to the deadlines applicable to the Primary RTN.Use the Primary RTN when making all future submittals for the site unless specifically relating to this Immediate Response Action. 9.Submit a Revised IRA Completion Statement. r 10.Submit a Plan for the Application of Remedial Additives near a sensitive receptor,pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0046(3). (All sections of this transmittal form must be filled out unless otherwise noted above) C.RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE CONDITIONS THAT WARRANT IRA: 1.Media Impacted and Receptors Affected:(check all that apply) a.Paved Surface r b.Basement F c. School r-d.Public Water Supply e.Surface Water r f.Zone 2 r g.Private Well r7 h.Residence r- i.Soil r-j.Groundwater r k.Sediments r I.Wetland r m.Storm Drain n.Indoor Air o.Air F p.Soil Gas r q.Sub-Slab Soil Gas r.Critical Exposure Pathway F s.NAPL t.Unknown r r.Others Specify: 2.Sources of the Release or TOR: (check all that apply) r a.Transformer r7.b.Fuel Tank c.Pipe I—d.OHM Delivery P-0 e.AST F£Drums r-g.Tanker Truck r h.Hose i.Line r j.UST Describe: r k Vebicle r 1.Boat/Vessel in.Unknown n. Other: 3.Type of Release or TOR: (check all that apply) a.Dumping r-b.Fire r-c.AST Removal d.Overfill r e.Rupture f.Vehicle Accident r-g.Leak r h.Spill i.Test failure j.TOR Only k.UST Removal Describe: 1.Unknown in Other: 4.Identify Oils and Hazardous.Materials Released:(check all that apply) T a.Oils r b.Chlorinated Solvents r c.Heavy Metals F d. Others Specify: D.DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSE ACTIONS: (check all that apply,for volumes list cumulative amounts) 1.Assessment and/or Monitoring Only r 2.Temporary Covers or Caps r7e 3.Deployment of Absorbent or Containment Materials r 4.Temporary Water Supplies P 5.Structure Venting System/HVAC Modification System r-6.Temporary Evacuation or Relocation of Residents 7.Product or NAPL Recovery 8.Fencing and Sign Posting F 9.Groundwater Treatment Systems r 10..Soil Vapor Extraction 11.Remedial Additives r 12.Air Sparging r 13.Active Exposure Pathway Mitigation System 14.Passive Exposure Pathway.Mitigation System Revised: 11/14/2013 Page 2 of 6 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC 105 J Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Immediate Response Action (IRA) Transmittal Form Release Tracking Number Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0424-40.0427(Subpart D) 4 - 26880 D.DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSE ACTIONS: (cont.) W 15.Excavation of Contaminated Soils. a.Re-use,Recycling or Treatment i.On Site Estimated volume in cubic yards ii.Off Site Estimated volume in cubic yards 20 iia.Receiving Facility: ESMI OF NH Town: LOUDON State: NH iib.Receiving Facility: Town:. State: iii.Describe: LICENSED THERMAL DISORPTION FACILITY r b. Store r i.On Site Estimated volume in cubic yards r ii.Off Site Estimated volume in cubic yards iia.Receiving Facility: Town: State: iib.Receiving Facility: Town: State: +r' c.Landfill r i.Cover Estimated volume in cubic yards Receiving Facility: Town: State: r ii.Disposal Estimated volume in cubic yards Receiving Facility: Town: State: 16.Removal of Drums,Tanks,or Containers: a.Describe Quantity and Amount: 2 X 275-GALLON,STEEL,ABOVEGROUND STORAGE TANKS b.Receiving Facility: WALTERZJON MIDDLEBORO RECYCLIN Town` MIDDLEBORO State: MA c.Receiving Facility: Town: State: r 17.Removal of Other Contaminated Media: a.Specify Type and Volume: IMPACTED HOUSEHOLD DEBRIS-COVANTA 11/9/2017,840 POUNDS W 18. Other Response Actions: Describe: SOIL ASSESSMENT,MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION AND TESTING 19.Use of Innovative Technologies: Describe: Revised: 11/14/2013 Page 3 of 6 r Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC 105 Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Immediate Response Action (IRA.) Transmittal Form Release Tracking Number 4 26880 Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0424-40.0427 (Subpart D) E.LSP SIGNATURE AND STAMP: I attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that I have personally examined and am familiar with this transmittal form,including any and all documents accompanying this submittal.In my professional opinion and judgment based upon application of(i)the standard of care in 309 CMR 4.02(1),(ii)the applicable provisionsof 309 CMR 4.02(2)and(3),and 309 CNR 4.03(2),and(iii)the provisions of 309 CMR 4.03(3), to the best of my knowledge,information and belief, >if Section B of this form indicates that an Immediate Response Action Plan is being submitted,the response action(s)that is(are)the subject of this submittal(i)has(have)been developed in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000, (ii)is(are)appropriate and reasonable to accomplish thepurposes of such response action(s)as set forth in the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and(iii)complies(y)with the identified provisions of all orders,permits,and approvals identified in this submittal; >if Section B of this form indicates that an Imminent Hazard Evaluation is being submitted,this Imminent Hazard Evaluation was developed in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.2 1 E and 310 CMR 40.0000,and the assessment activity(ies)undertaken to support this Imminent Hazard Evaluation comply(ies)with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000; >if Section B of this form indicates that an Immediate Response Action Status Report and/or a Remedial Monitoring Report is(are)being submitted,the response action(s)that is(are)the subject of this submittal(i)is(are)being implemented in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000,(ii)is(are)appropriate and reasonable to accomplish the purposes of such response action(s)as set forth in the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and(iii)comply(ies)with the identified provisions of all orders,permits,and approvals identified in this submittal; >if Section B of this form indicates that an Immediate Response Action Completion Statement or a request to Terminate an Active Remedial System or Response Action(s)Taken to Address an Imminent Hazard is being submitted,the response action(s)that is(are)the subject of this submittal(i)has(have)been developed and implemented in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000,(ii)is(are)appropriate and reasonable to accomplish the purposes of such response action(s)as set forth in the applicable. provisions of M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and(iii)comply(ies)with the identified provisions of all orders,permits,and approvals identified in this submittal. I am aware that significant penalties may result;including,but not limited to,possible fines and imprisonment,if I submit information which I know to be false,inaccurate or materially incomplete. 1.LSP#: 4303 2.First Name: DAVID C 3.Last Name: BENNErf 4.Telephone: 508-896-1706 5.Ext 6.Email: 7.Signature: DAVID C BENNE T 8.Date: 8/7/2018 (mm/dd/yyyy) 9.LSP Stamp: of lectro Illy ' Seal ; Revised: 11/14/2013 Page 4 of 6 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC 105 Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup 71 Immediate Response Action (IRA) Transmittal Form Release Tracking Number Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0424-40.0427 (Subpart D) E - 26880 F.PERSON UNDERTAIONG IRA: 1.Check all that apply: r a. change in contact name r b. change of address P-c.change in the person undertaking response actions 2.Name of Organization: BIANCHI RESIDENCE 3.Contact First Name: LAWRENCE 4.Last Name: BIANCHI 5.Street: 46 CHESTNUT STREET 6.Title: PROPERTYOWNER 7.City/Town: BOSTON 8.State: MA 9.Zip Code: 021080000 10.Telephone: 617-571-3980 11.Ext 12.Email: G.RELATIONSHIP TO RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE OF PERSON UNDERTAKING IRA: I— Check here to change relationship N 1.RP or PRP a.Owner r b.Operator c.Generator d.Transporter e.Other RP or PRP Specify Relationship: 2.Fiduciary,Secured Lender or Municipality with Exempt Status(as defined by M.G.L.c.21E,s.2) 3.Agency or Public Utility on a Right of Way(as defined by M.G.L.c.21E,s.50)) 4.Any Other Person Undertaking Response Actions: Specify Relationship: H.REQU1RED ATTACHMENT AND SUBMPI"TALS: 1.Check here if any Remediation Waste,generated as a result of this IRA,will be stored,treated,managed,recycled or reused at the site following submission of the IRA Completion Statement.If this box is checked,you must submit one of the following plans,along with the appropriate transmittal form. r a.A Release Abatement Measure(RAM)Plan(BWSC106) 1—b.Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan(BWSC108) r 2. Check here if the Response Action(s)on which this opinion is based,if any,are(were)subject to any order(s),permit(s)and/or approval(s)issued by MassDEP or EPA.If the box is checked,you MUST attach a statement identifying the applicable provisions thereof. 3. Check here to certify that the Chief Municipal Officer and the Local Boardof Health were notified of the implementation of an Immediate Response Action taken to control,prevent,abate or eliminate an Imminent Hazard. r 4.Check here to certify that the Chief Municipal Officer and the Local Boardof Health were notified of the submittal of a Completion Statement for an Immediate Response Action taken to control,prevent,abate or eliminate an Imminent Hazard. 5. Check here if any non-updatable information provided on this form is incorrect,e.g.Release Address/Location Aid. Send corrections to BWSC.eDEP@state.ma.us. 6.Check here to certify that the LSP Opinion containing the material facts,data,and other information is attached. Revised: 11/14/2013 Page 5 of 6 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC 105 Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup ' Immediate Response Action (IRA) Transmittal Form Release Tracking Number Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0424-40.0427 (Subpart D) - 26880 I.CERTIFICATION OF PERSON UNDERTAKING IRA: 1.I, LAWRENCE BLANCH] attest-under the pains and penalties of perjury(i)that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal,including any and all documents accompanying this transmittal form;(ii) that,based on my inquiry of the/those individual(s)immediately responsible for obtaining the information,the material information contained herein is,to the best of my knowledge,information and belief,true,accurate and complete; (iii) that,to the best of my knowledge,information and belief,I/the person(s)or entity(ies)on whose behalf this submittal is made satisfy(ies)the criteria in 310 CMR 40.0183(2);(iv)that I/the person(s)or entity(ies)on whose behalf this submittal is made have provided notice in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0183(5); and(v)that I am fully authorized to make this attestation on behalf of the person(s)or entity(ies)legally responsible for this submittal. I/the person(s) or entity(ies) on whose behalf this submittal is made is/are aware that there are significant penalties,including,but not limited to,possible fines and imprisonment,for willfully submitting false, inaccurate, or incomplete information. 2.By: LAWRENCE BIANCHI 3.Title: PROPERTY OWNER 4.For: BIANCHI RESIDENCE 5.Date: 8/7/2018 (mm/dd/yyyy) r 6.Check here if the address of the person providing certification is different from address recorded in Section F. 7.Street: 8.City/Town: 9.State: 10.Zip Code: 11.Telephone: 12.Ext: 13.Email: YOU ARE SUBJECT TO AN ANNUAL COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE FEE OF UP TO$10,000 PER BILLABLE YEAR FOR THIS DISPOSAL SITE.YOU MUST LEGIBLY COMPLETE ALL RELEVANT SECTIONS OF THIS FORM OR DEP MAY RETURN THE DOCUMENT AS INCOMPLETE.IF YOU SUBMIT AN INCOMPLETE FORM,YOU MAY BE PENALIZED FOR MISSING A REQUIRED DEADLINE. Date Stamp(DEP USE ONLY:) Received by DEP on 8/7/2018 2:38:32 PM Revised: 11/14/2013 Page 6 of 6. 8/7/2018 eDEP-MassDEP's OnlineFiling System iJ MassDEP Home i Contact i Privacy Policy I MassDEP's Online Filing System I� , Username:DAVIDBENNETT Nickname.BENNETTDAVID Forms-My eDEP1 • • • cations Receipt Forms Attach Files Signature Receipt Summary/Receipt Print receipt `Exit Your submission is complete. Thank you for using DEP's online reporting system. You can select "My eDEP" to see a list of your transactions. DEP Transaction ID: 1027492 Date and.Time Submitted: 8/7/2018 2:38:32 PM Other Email Form Name: BWSC105 Immediate Response Action Transmittal Form RTN: 4-26880 Location: SUMMER RESIDENCE , Address: 146 EAST BAY,ROAD, OSTERVILLE, l Person Making Submittal ' BIANCHI RESIDENCE LAWRENCE BIANCHI 46 CHESTNUT STREET BOSTON, MA 021080000 LSP LSP #: 4303 LSP Name: DAVID C BENNETT Person Making Certification BIANCHI RESIDENCE https://edep.dep.mass.gov/eDEP/Pages/PrintReceipt.aspx 112 (' 8/7/2018 eDEP-MassDEP's OnlineFiling System Lawrence Bianchi Ancillary Document Uploaded/Mailed BWSC-105 Q.1304 - Imminent Hazard Evaluation Doc BWSC-105 Q.1308 - IRA Completion Report - Uploaded (BEA17-11064 IRAC- PSS 7.23.18.pdf) My eDEP MassDEP Home Contact Privacy Policy MassDEP's Online Filing System ver.© 2018 MassDEP I f https://edep.dep.mass.gov/eDEP/Pages/PrintReceipt.aspx 9/9 j BENNETT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC. LICENSED SITE PROFESSIONALS,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS,GEOLOGISTS,ENGINEERS 1573 Main Street,P.O.Box 1743 (508)896-1706 Brewster,MA 02631 fax(508)896-5109 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: DATE: JOB NUMBER: Mr. Jaime Goncalves,Case Officer 2/16/18 BEA17-11064 MA DEP,Southeast Regional Office Emergency Response Seciion/Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup tiQ Riverside Drive REGARD INGs Lakeville,'MA 02347 D&AEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION STATUS I w/SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION RTN 4-26880 SHIPPING METHOD: Bianchi Residential Property Regular Mail ❑ Pick Up ❑ 146 Vast Bay Road Osterville,MA Priority Mail ❑ Hand Deliver ❑ [Assessor's Map/Parcel ID: 141-131] Express Mail ❑ Other Upload ❑X Certified Mail ❑ Green Card/RR COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 2/13/18 IRASI Report with Supporting Documentation(Appendices A-E) For review and comment: For approval: ❑ As requested: For your use: REMARKS: CC,via eDEP file ltril Lawrence Biaftdhi,Pfopefty O'wrier Diane Siti,Claims Adjuster—Raphael and Associates CC,via*Abbreviated Copy: Thomas McKean,Director—Barnstable Health Department Darcy Karle,Administrator—Barnstable Conservation Department Mark Ellis-Barnstable Town Manager Martin McNeely,Fire Prevention Officer_COMM Fite Department *As part of Public Notice requirements,the report Title Page,Narrative,Index,Transmittal forms and Site Plan are included,pursuant to paperwork reduction policy. The full report is available as public record on the MA DEP website database athttp://public.dep.state.ma.us/ SearchableSites/Search.asp or,upon written request to BEA,full copy(electronic or paper)will be provided. FROM: David C.Bennett,LSP/Todd M Everson,PM/Lezli Rowell,Administrative Assistant If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once Lezli Rowell From: Lezli Rowell Sent: Friday, February 16, 2018 10:43 AM To: 'Larry Bianchi; 'Diane Siti'; 'Robert Margetta' Cc: David Bennett;Todd Everson Subject: BEA's Notice of Immediate Response Action Status I Report filing_ to MA DEP: RTN4-26880, 146 East Bay Road, Osterville Attachments: BEA17-11064 Notice of IRASI Filing to DEP-Bianchi.pdf Good morning, Please find attached Bennett Environmental Associates' Letter of Transmittal,along with BWSC forms,outlining the distribution of the above referenced project report,filed with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. Please find below a link to that agency's platform,to retrieve your copy of this report: http://eeaonIine.eea.state.ma.us/EEA/FileViewer/Default.aspx?formdataid=0&documentid=435164 It is recommended that you download, not just view the link,to retain a copy of the IRASI. In the event that you are unable to access this way and require copy via CD, please let me know where to mail it. If I can be of further assistance, please let me know. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Lezli Rowell Administrative Assistant BENNETT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC. - - 1573 Main Street/P.O. Box 1743 Brewster, MA 02631 508-896-1706 508-896-5109 fax http://bennett-ea.com Please visit us on Facebook Bennett Environmental Associates, Inc. IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION STATUS I SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION RTN 4-26880 Bianchi Residential Property 146 East Bay Road Osterville, MA 02655 [Assessor's Map/Parcel ID: 141-131] BEA17-11064 FEBRUARY 13,2018 i .. . aq,T lL ] . BENNETT ENVIRONMEfYrAL , t <issocu►TEs,INc. •.ASSESSMENT REMEDIAMON •RESOURCE MANAGEMENT r 1573 Main Street-P.O.Oox 1743,Brewster,MA 02631 U 508-896.1706 t Fax SOM96-5109 - - www.bennett-ea.com -uENNETT ENVIRONMENTAL Ass®CIAT Es9 NCO LICENSED SITE PROFESSIONALS 6 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS 6 GEOLOGISTS 6 ENGINEERS 1573 Main Street-P.O. Box 1743, Brewster, MA 02631 508-896-1706 Fax 508-896-5109 O www.benneft-ea.com BEA17-11064 February 13, 2018 Mr. Jaime Goncalves, Case Officer MA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (MA DEP) Southeast Regional Office (SERO) Emergency Response Section/Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup (BWSC) 20 Riverside Drive Lakeville, MA 02347 RE: IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION STATUS I SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Bianchi Residential Property, RTN 4-26880 146 East Bay Road—Osterville, MA Dear Mr. Goncalves, BENNETT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC. (BEA)has prepared the following Immediate Response Action Status I report (IRAS I) with Supporting Documentation, as a summary of response actions performed since the filing of the IRA Plan(IRAP) on December 18, 2017. Circumstances and conditions associated with those response actions completed in the first 60-days following Release Notification on October 18, 2017 including release discovery, preliminary response and environmental assessment are summarized herein, to orient the reader to this previous work. Immediate Response Actions continue to evaluate the presence of any Imminent Hazards and Critical Exposure Pathways associated with the release of fuel as the subject of the RTN, and to implement the remedial strategy for soil removal as outlined in the IRA Plan. The excavation of significantly impacted soils under the basement floor and removal of all impacted household items and building materials is intended to mitigate potential human exposures and environmental impacts, to support a Permanent Solution Statement for project closure, without conditions. Response actions completed under the IRA have included active ventilation against vapor entry into the living areas, applying and drumming absorbents (Speedy Dry), removing and disposing of impacted household items, and removing the subject ASTs. Environmental assessment has included hand borings through the concrete basement floor for soil sampling, as well as test borings for monitoring well installation and testing. This work has been used to develop a cleanup strategy for appropriate remedial response actions. Based on field testing and laboratory analyses, four contiguous areas of soil impact were qualified along the foundation walls in the unfinished portion of the basement, representing approximately 14 cubic yards of contaminated soil. The proposed remedial response actions include the removal of these impacted soils from the release area,as well as the removal of the bottom two courses of cinder l EMERGENCY SPILL RESPONSE ® WASTE SITE CLEANUP 6 SITE ASSESSMENT 6 PERMITTING 6 SEPTIC DESIGN&INSPECTION WATER SUPPLY DEVELOPMENT,OPERATION&MAINTENANCE O WASTEWATER TREATMENT,OPERATION&MAINTENANCE FEBRUARY 13,2018 BIANCM, 146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEAi7-11064 PAGE 2 OF I I IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION STATUS I,RTN 4-26880 block and a portion of the concrete floor, which were stained by fuel oil.. At the time of this report, the removal of contaminated soil and concrete has begun, with field testing indicating effective removal thus far. The location of the Site as a residential property within a Potential Drinking Water Source Area (PDWSA) drives the prioritization of aggressive source removal given the threat of groundwater impact. Based on the lack of occupancy, restricted access to the locked dwelling and active ventilation as an engineering control, no exposure pathway is complete and no Substantial or Imminent Hazards are apparent, wherein PID screening within the living space has consistently reported TOV concentrations as Non-Detect (ND < 0.1 ppmv). These conditions will continue to be evaluated with the development of additional data though the next reporting period. The removal of all impacted soils in the defined area is intended to eliminate significant exposure risk and Critical Exposure Pathways, and support project closure with a Permanent Solution Statement. Laboratory analytical results of end-point soil samples and quarterly groundwater samples will dictate the need for additional response actions as potential IRA Modifications. During site visits, indoor air screening will be performed in consideration of potential inhalation exposure risks to visitors and workers. Following soil removal and restoration, the vapor intrusion pathway may be further qualified by APH testing, pursuant to the provisions of 310 CMR 40.0942(1) (d). Any additional remedial measures will be represented in future IRA Status reports filed within 6 months of this IRA Status I report, and then every six months thereafter. This work has and will continue to proceed under direct LSP oversight in a manner consistent with the MCP Response Action Performance Standards (RAPS)pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0191 and the QA/QC policies of BENNETT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC.: The facts and statements herein are, to the best of our knowledge, a true and accurate representation of the Site activities, remedial response actions and environmental conditions associated with the project and LSP Opinions acknowledged by the certification on the attached BWSC-105 Transmittal Form. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS [Refer to Appendix A] The subject property is 146 East Bay Road in Osterville (Town of Barnstable), MA. The Barnstable Assessor recorded this property as Map/Parcel ID 141-131, and it is approximately 900 feet southeast of the intersection between East Bay Road and Bates Street, and abuts East Bay [Refer to Figure 1]. The coordinates for the subject property are Latitude 41.625961' N, Longitude 70.374731' W. The property contains approximately 3.5 acres of land area and is' developed by a 7,051 square foot(SF), two-story dwelling, with detached garage. Environmental assessment has qualified the Site covers approximately 200 SF along the southwest portion of the basement to various depths between 2 - 6' below the basement floor.(bf)f [Refer to Site Plan]. FEBRUARY 13,2018 BIANCHI,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 3 OF 11 WNIEDI ATE RESPONSE ACTION STATUS I,RTN 4-26880 The following environmental conditions were established in the previous IRA Plan report: - Access to the property is unrestricted, with high/frequency/high intensity of use, and children potentially present. - Access to the basement release area is restricted by the locked dwelling, with high frequency/low intensity of use, and children potentially present. - Based on monitoring well installation and testing, groundwater is reported 1 l' — 16' bgs along the dwelling footprint. Local groundwater flow is northeasterly towards the abutting tidal creek. - Based on local flow and proximity, East Bay and its associated marshes and tidal creek are the primary potential environmental receptors [Refer to.Figure 2]. - The property is within a Potential Drinking Water Source Area (PDWSA), part of the Cape Cod Sole Source Aquifer. - The property is not within a Zone II Protective Radius, a Zone A Protective Radius, nor an Interim Wellhead Protection Area(IWPA). - The property and surrounding area are.served by the Cotuit-Osterville-Marston's Mills (COMM) Water Department PWS. Based on these environmental conditions, the GW-1/GW-2/GW-3 groundwater criteria, and the S-3 (GW-1/GW-2/GW-3) soil categories apply to Method 1 Risk Characterization,per 310 CMR 40.0932 and 40.0933, respectively. Laboratory analytical results have been, and will continue to be, evaluated against the strictest GW-1 and S-1 (GW-1), Method 1 Risk Characterization standards in review of potential exposures and reasonably foreseeable Site conditions. BACKGROUND/PRELIMIARY RESPONSE ACTIONS [Refer to Appendix B] The homeowner noticed an odor in the dwelling over the weekend of October 14-15, 2017 and contacted the caretaker on October 16th. On October 17, 2017 the caretaker found the fuel oil release on the concrete basement floor and contacted a plumber, who subsequently told the caretaker to contact the Centerville-Osterville-Marston's Mills (COMM) Fire Department. On October 18, 2017, the caretaker contacted a tank removal contractor, Tank Removal Services (TRS) of Hyannis,MA. TRS and COMM representatives responded to the release that day and applied Speedy Dry to recover puddled fuel oil. TRS later set up a temporary oil tank to maintain heat. The fire department notified the MA DEP of the significant fuel oil release exceeding the Reportable Quantity of 10 gallons. BEA was contacted to respond to the release, minimize impacts, and eventually to direct waste site clean-up operations. BEA met with the MA DEP (Jaime Goncalves, Case Officer), the COMM Fire Department(Fire Prevention Officer Martin McNeely) and the property caretaker on October 18th to review the circumstances of release: BEA established active ventilation with a commercial grade fan to exhaust fuel oil vapors. BEA noted two steel, 275-gallon, single-walled aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) along the west foundation wall of the basement release.area. The leaking AST had been isolated from service years ago, but it contents had never been removed. BEA and TRS recovered spent Speedy Dry into a steel drum and applied fresh absorbents to stained areas of the basement concrete floor. BEA and TRS also moved impacted FEBRUARY 13,2018 BIANCHI,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 4 OF 11 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION STATUS I,RTN 4-26880 household items outside to improve indoor air quality and manage remedial waste. Indoor air screening with a calibrated PID (MiniRAE 3000, 10.6 eV lamp, calibrated to benzene standard) reported total organic volatiles (TOV) concentrations between 3-5 parts-per-million-by-volume (ppmv), while the living space reported TOV more consistent with background (<1 ppmv). The site was secured with active ventilation ongoing. .a of rZ .�.J �+' ,4 R��.',f•YN^H i�t r y}, � �,�•-� c.+��y�`''r ; �y 1�,^,L' � qy' s fi' �, ".� r; 1 ti��.. -. sPi� k.r.•f.' �♦ �1j ��-�6��.s^��y a;�c�u4 F, � -` ► } '�'�c rr!� .. Photo is View of fuel tanks and release area inside unfinished portion of basement ahead of preliminary response. PRELIMINARY RESPONSE/ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT [Refer to Appendix B] BEA coordinated with the local authorities and the MA DEP to confirm verbal authorization to apply and recover absorbents, ventilate the basement, and manage impacted household items as remedial waste. :The Barnstable Conservation Department informed BEA that a formal `Notice of Intent' wetlands filing was not necessary because work would generally be limited to the basement interior and driveway area. Indoor air screening reported PID readings between 0.6 and 1.0 ppmv in the release area in.the unfinished portion of the basement; the finished portion of the basement and upstairs living space reported PID readings consistent with background(<O.1 ppmv). On October 24 and October 30, 2017, BEA performed the initial environmental assessment to qualify fuel oil impacts to soils underlying the basement concrete floor. No significant cracks or voids were found along the release area, and the seam between the foundation walls and concrete floor was investigated as the most likely route of infiltration. BEA FEBRUARY 13,2018 B_IANCHI,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 5 OF 11 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION STATUS 1,RTN 4-26880 advanced hand borings along the release area. Clean, fine to medium sands were predominant throughout the boreholes, though small intervals of fines were noted in some boreholes along the east portion of the basement. One-foot soil samples were collected from the basement floor and placed in 8-ounce glass jars with aluminum septa. The samples were then agitated to develop organic vapors and screened with a photoionization detector (PID, 580B Thermo Environmental OVM, 11.6 eV lamp, calibrated to benzene standard) by "jar headspace" method, consistent with the Interim Soils Policy (WSC-94-400). Field screening reported mostly low-level headspace concentrations (<20 ppmv) that generally decreased with depth. Based on the lateral distribution of the hand borings and relative headspace concentrations, BEA prepared select soil samples for MA Certified analysis of extractable petroleum hydrocarbons (EPH), volatile petroleum hydrocarbons (VPH) and target analytes (PAH, BTEX). The analytical results for select soil samples collected during environmental assessment are presented in Table I. The significance of these results is discussed in the Risk Characterization section of this report. The sum of field screening and laboratory analyses of soil samples collected from beneath the basement floor indicated significant fuel oil impacts along an approximate 36' (L) x 3-4' (W) area to depths ranging from 1' bf to 6-8' below the basement floor± [Refer to Site Plan]. TAiLL7:St'if)tAAl'OF502 w55355'-4E.\T • :Cm1:x3T Ew7i AOAA OSTZAt317:.?mw.-AT\d.I59m0 �YB.LD$TAACZT A�d.L17L5.?(Z71mOD z At9:GBwkwtTFA]7.cTIC� lsrsstsafz9 sss na a. ses:orss• Taro ss� smoaf zs. sores:sz sma�_ss ss abf::t ss, r+sraarzs msu..c�: zoczr 12, a —m.acis-�" Lf.3' L"1'!►0[f if�7+7'1 f.1' eeis�i02+ S.i:JC6lfi 3CQd:� G9;m. tiid' C>Qa C C C C •C C •C i3 ;C "cwYlaa ufs�a :M1 W ,.W csr o.,,.m>:. �', •nm 9 f ss`as>c. � a i'- z am .a s � t_ xsua 1ldtaa r]5o.. 1 m55 :tsn exs- r s: - I:. a-iGimf .ffi :W !w Cif[_ G j. 0 .a..., .,1.:IW_l ��S'�G.a ice:.4$ J. . 1. - R-7dTuQT7d1t ar tyw+M 1 i t M:A1h t -41. mot afeo Q L' r��1W ..t tom"1 mr 4A: (F r�atrrc .. .; ;i —s _ e'-� .�- s _y' __ -�• a c "I -c,e-. .1_' t #II s It xv�ictu -. .ewe _Taro_ �FmK ..IBa. c4 - .. csiL:..ea3'.`2e:=ui:attaitmCa::nta.:.• tas 2,t">dt�LaYRCic :at:tsu:tQ cat�i� BEA continued to perform routine Site inspections, wherein indoor air screening reported TOV concentrations consistent with background (<O.1 ppmv). MA Certified analysis of a Contaminated Stockpile soil sample reported S-1 (GW-1) exceedances for TPH (1,240 mg/Kg) and 2-methylnaphthalene (1.9 mg/Kg). This waste characterization was submitted to ESMI of NH for approval, and ESMI of NH was eventually selected as the recycling facility for thermal desorption treatment. BEA reviewed the Site with different environmental contractors to secure competitive bids for the soil removal as outlined. Such work would include the installation of temporary shoring specified by APEX Engineering of Rochester, MA, to maintain building integrity, while excavating along the foundation footings. FEBRUARY 13,2018 BIANCHI,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 6 OF 11 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION STATUS I,RTN 4-26880 On December 5, 2017, BEA returned to direct test borings and monitoring well installation, as performed by Desmond Well Drilling of Orleans, MA. Inspection of the Site revealed that the subject tanks had been removed from the property and a temporary tank had been set up outside for heat and hot water. Active ventilation had been. suspended by the caretaker due to heat loss; indoor air screening reported a TOV concentration of 1.6 ppmv in the release area, and 0.6 ppmv in the finished portions of the basement. TOV readings continued to be ND in the first and second floor living areas. Soil samples along the capillary fringe reported poorly sorted sands with appreciable silt and occasional clay. All soil samples collected from the test borings reported headspace concentrations consistent with or approaching background (<1.0 ppmv). Monitoring wells were installed in presumed up-gradient (MW-3) and down-gradient (MW-1, MW-2) positions. Monitoring wells MW-1 and MW-2 were installed north and east of the release area, and MW-3 was installed immediately west of the release area. Top-of-casing (TOC) elevations were established, and static water level measurements during an ebb tidal cycle reported a northeasterly groundwater flow towards the East Bay tidal creek [Refer to Site Plan]. Desmond Well Drilling subsequently installed monitoring well MW-4 east of MW-1, as directly down- gradient from the release area, based on the local flow direction. The wells were constructed of 2" Schedule 40 PVC with partially penetrating 10' screens and locked aluminum caps. BEA performed groundwater sampling on December 6, 2017 by way of low-flow methodology, wherein representative samples were collected upon meeting purge requirements and the stabilization of field parameters. Static water level measurements demonstrated.a northeasterly site-specific groundwater flow direction during a flow tide. Analytical results for the groundwater sampling showed no petroleum impacts to any of the wells at the time of this initial testing, to be re-evaluated on a quarterly basis for representative sampling of down-gradient monitoring wells, through the projected solute time of travel from the release area to the down-gradient monitoring well(s). IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION STATUS I As noted, laboratory analyses for the initial groundwater sampling were reported December 15, 2017 and reported all EPH, VPH and target analyte concentrations as ND, wherein the reporting limits were less than the strictest GW-1 Method 1 Risk Characterization standards. BEA returned to the Site on December.19, 2017 to confirm the location and.top of casing (TOC) elevation of monitoring well MW-4 and record static water level measurements towards local flow determination. Groundwater gauging during an ebb tide demonstrated a site-specific groundwater flow direction to the northeast, towards the East Bay tidal creek, consistent with previous flow determinations. BEA coordinated with Apex Engineering .of Rochester, MA, to prepare a shoring plan that would accommodate prescribed removal of soils beneath the footing while maintaining the structural integrity of the foundation and dwelling. BEA coordinated with the homeowner and the caretaker, as well as Apex, to send structural plans to qualified contractors and facilitate inspections of the subject property so that bids could be prepared. On January 24, 2018, BEA directed an on-site meeting with the property caretaker, the structural engineer, and the selected i FEBRUARY 13,2018 BIANCHI,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 7 OF 11 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION STATUS 1,RTN 4-26880 contractor, Dowling Corporation of Wrentham, MA. BEA and Apex reviewed logistics and work sequencing with Dowling Corporation, including the installation of piers, support brackets and the timing of soil removal, end-point sampling, underpinning, and backfill/restoration. Dowling noted that it would employ Atlas Systems of New England, of Norwood, MA, to install the appropriate piers and angle iron, per the shoring plan, to facilitate the safe removal of contaminated soils. BEA conducted indoor air screening with a PID, and reported a TOV concentration of 0.3 ppmv in the basement release area without active ventilation. BEA recorded static water level measurements that demonstrated a northeasterly flow direction towards the East Bay tidal creek, consistent with previous groundwater gauging. This site-specific groundwater flow direction confirmed monitoring well MW-4 as within the projected spatial solute transport pathway. At the time of this report, contaminated soil removal has begun and end-point samples have been collected from the initial discrete areas of excavation. The details and outcome of such excavation operations will be presented in the next IRA Status report, or IRA Completion report with a Permanent Solution Statement (IRAC-PSS), to be filed within six months of this R?AS I submittal. RISK CHARACTERIZATION/IMMINENT HAZARDS [Refer to Appendix D] The S-3 (GW-1/GW-2/GW-3) soils categories apply to Method 1 Risk Characterization, per the provisions of 310 CMR 40.0933. These soil standards were developed to evaluate potential dermal contact exposures and environmental impacts (S-3), and in consideration of potential leaching of contaminants to groundwater, as based on accessibility, frequency and intensity of use. Likewise, the groundwater standards were developed to evaluate potential ingestion (GW-1), inhalation (GW-2), and dermal contact/environmental impacts.(GW-3). The strictest GW-1, and S-1 (GW-1/GW-2/GW-3), Method 1 Risk Characterization standards are considered against laboratory results in review of foreseeable future uses and activities at the Site without limitation. Soil Laboratory analyses established that fractional EPH.and VPH compounds, and the target PAHs 2-methylnaphthalene and naphthalene, exceed the strictest S-1 (GW-1), Method 1 Risk Characterization standards in soils at the Site. These soils represent potential exposure threats for incidental ingestion, inhalation and dermal contact, and potential leaching to groundwater. Remedial response actions were prescribed under the IRAP to absolve potential exposure risks to the identified human and environmental .receptors and to meet regulatory closure objective without limitation of activities or use of the property. The dwelling is currently unoccupied, and is expected to remain unoccupied throughout the winter. As such, no exposure pathway is complete. Contaminated soil removal has begun under active ventilation,and PID screening has been used in consideration of visitor and worker exposures pending the completion of proposed removal of soils, impacted flooring and cinder blocks. The locked dwelling restricts access to the release area. The location of the impacted soil FEBRUARY 13,2018 BIANCHI,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVU LE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 8 OF 11 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION STATUS I,RTN 4-26880 beneath the footprint of the dwelling restricts the leaching of soil impacts. Based on the restricted access and isolated impacted soils, the lack of occupancy, and the laboratory data reported under Method 1 Risk Characterization; no.Imminent or Substantial Hazards are apparent relative to soils under current conditions. Groundwater Groundwater is reported approximately 11-16' bgs throughout the property, and approximately 9' bf in the area of release. Field screening and laboratory results indicate the. vertical extent of fuel oil impact in the worst-case area is approximately 6-8' bf. Based on shallow groundwater throughout the subject properly and the volume of the release, monitoring wells were installed and tested to qualify potential significant impacts. Static water level measurements and associated site-specific groundwater flow direction have demonstrated that monitoring well MW-4 is within the projected spatial solute pathway as down-gradient from the significant soil impacts qualified. Laboratory analytical results for groundwater samples have reported all petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations as ND, wherein the reporting limits were less than the strictest GW-1/GW-2/GW-3, Method 1 criteria. Groundwater monitoring will continue through three quarters, consistent with the VPH/EPH Guidance (Policy #WSC-02-411). A series of slug tests will be used with the AQTESOLV software (Geraghty & Miller, Inc.) to develop a Hydraulic Conductivity and solute Time of Travel in review of representative groundwater sampling. Given municipal PWS service provided to the Site and surrounding area, the practical exposure risk associated with the ingestion (GW-1) of fuel oil contaminated groundwater is overstated. Based on the reported groundwater data, there are no apparent exposure risks associated with ingestion (GW-1), inhalation (GW-2), or dermal contact and environmental impacts (GW-3). Potential groundwater impact due to leaching will also be considered, based on laboratory analyses of end-point soil samples from the extent of excavation. Based on environmental conditions currently investigated, . laboratory analyses and the presence of town water, no Imminent or Substantial Hazards, nor any Critical Exposure Pathways, have been reported relative to groundwater, as will continue to be investigated throughout the IRA. Indoor Air PID readings within the basement of the subject dwelling reported significant organic volatile concentrations above background during the initial inspection. Active ventilation was employed during the initial site inspection and has contributed to substantially diminished TOV concentrations in indoor air. The removal of the ASTs and impacted household items from the unfinished portion of the basement has also contributed to improved indoor air quality. Current conditions report modest TOV (0.3 ppmv) in the release area, and TOV consistent with background in the finished portion of the basement and remainder of the dwelling (<O.1 ppmv). Indoor air will continue to be monitored during subsequent inspections, particularly following contaminated soil removal, in review of potential vapor intrusion and inhalation exposures. Based on the results of end-point soil samples, APH testing may be conducted to further.qualify potential exposure risks as considered within the provisions of 310 CRM 40.0942(1) (d) and the Final Vapor Intrusion Guidance Document (#WSC-16-435). FEBRUARY 13,2018 BIANCHI,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 9 OF 11 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION STATUS I,RTN 4-26880 No Imminent or Substantial Hazards are reported under current conditions as requiring additional investigation following source removal. The indoor air and soil vapor screening, and potential APH testing, will serve as multiple lines of evidence to evaluate potential vapor intrusion pathway and qualify related inhalation exposure risks. IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION PLAN/ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING The information from the assessment of current soil conditions was used to develop a remedial strategy for the excavation of impacted soils from the identified release areas. At the time of this report, a building permit has been issued, appropriate shoring of foundation walls and footings with resistance piers has been completed, and contaminated soil removal is underway. The selected contractor, Dowling Corporation of Wrentham, MA is using an "underpin" technique specified by the shoring plan prepared by Apex. Engineering. Dowling Corporation will remove discrete sections of contaminated soils to the depths specified by BEA based on soil assessment. Where appropriate and necessary, a shoring box may be constructed and advanced to depth, to minimize caving and involvement of clean soils under the dwelling, and prevent damage to the structure. Once end-point field testing has indicated successful contaminated soil removal for a specific area, Dowling will set 4", schedule 40, perforated PVC pipe in washed stone aggregate, and then complete backfill of that area with concrete to "pin"the footing for appropriate structural support. The concrete will be allowed to set for 24 hours, and then Dowling will return to address the next section of soil removal. Each section of perforated pipe will be connected to adjacent sections as soil removal progresses. The final configuration of perforated pipe will comprise an infiltration system for potential remedial additive applications towards in-situ remediation of residual impacts, if necessary. Based on analytical results of end- point soil samples, a 4" solid piece of PVC riser may be plumbed to the lateral components of the infiltration system and completed outside above ground with a Y fitting. Vertical 4" solid PVC pipes ("blanks") may also be installed in the discrete portions of the excavation for future sampling of bottom-of-hole areas, if necessary. As part of such excavation operations, Dowling will remove the bottom two courses of the cinder block foundation wall that was stained by fuel oil, as a result of the release. After contaminated soils and cinder blocks have been removed, new cinder blocks will be installed along the bottom two courses, to re-establish foundation wall integrity. Finally, at the completion of soil removal, backfill and foundation work, the area of stained concrete floor will be removed for disposal. Similar to removal of the fuel oil stained cinder blocks, removing the impacted portions of the concrete floor will eliminate a source of odor and persistent impact to indoor air. BEA will inspect soils beneath the concrete floor for fugitive impacts, which will be removed if found. A fresh concrete floor will be poured upon completion of soil removal, backfill and foundation restoration. Based on the environmental assessment, approximately 14 cubic yards (+/-) of significantly impacted soils will be generated under the IRA. Authorization for the removal of up to 35 yards of fuel oil contaminated soil and concrete was proposed in the IRA Plan to accommodate potential unqualified impacts and caving of clean sands. The executed Bill of Lading, presented in Appendix C, will be used to facilitate direct loading and transport to ESMI FEBRUARY 13,2018 BIANCHI,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 10 OF 11 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION STATUS I,RTN 4-26880 in Loudon, NH, as an approved thermal desorption facility. BEA will employ field PID screening and Dexsil PetroFlag testing as technical guidance to direct excavation operations. End-point samples will be submitted for MA Certified analysis of risk-based EPH, VPH and target analyte concentrations. Given the small zones of discrete removal projected, end-point sidewall samples may be composited for laboratory analysis, subject to field screening results. The quarterly sampling of monitoring wells will continue for EPH/VPH analyses until contaminated soil removal has been completed. BEA will perform a series of rising head slug tests, and those results will be used with the AQTESOLV software (Geraghty & Miller, Inc.) to calculate Hydraulic Conductivity, groundwater velocity, and solute Time of Travel. This information will be considered relative to representative groundwater sampling within the projected temporal solute pathway. Field PID screening of ambient air within the unoccupied dwelling will continue in consideration of working safety during construction activities, wherein all impacted soils will be excavated from the prescribed vertical and horizontal distances to absolve potential vapor entry. The need for APH testing of sub-slab soil vapor or indoor air, in consideration of vapor entry, will be made based on soil/groundwater conditions and indoor air/soil vapor screening, following remedial response actions. Field screening, laboratory analyses of soil and groundwater, and observations following excavation and quarterly sampling will be presented as "Lines of Evidence" to qualify exposure risks considering project closure objectives towards a Permanent Solution. Field measurements of groundwater elevations, olfactory and visual observations and the field-testing of pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity and temperature will be reported on Monitoring Well Sampling Logs. Field inspections will be conducted and documented on Inspector's Daily Records of Work Progress. Remedial response and environmental assessment work will proceed as consistent with the QA/QC Policies of BEA outlined within Appendix E. CONCLUSIONS Remedial response actions for the removal of fuel oil contaminated soil and concrete are underway. Demolition and removal of the basement concrete floor will accommodate inspection of underlying soils, and unqualified soil impacts will be removed. This work is intended to eliminate the contaminant source in all accessible and potentially accessible areas to absolve potential adverse impact to groundwater and indoor air. Laboratory analysis of end-point soil samples will be used to qualify exposure risks in consideration of a permanent solution objective without any restriction to activities or use of the property. Based on the analytical results of end- point soil samples, soil vapor testing and/or indoor air testing may be conducted to qualify the potential for vapor intrusion and associated exposures. Quarterly groundwater monitoring will continue to qualify potential impacts to the shallow aquifer associated with the subject release. It is anticipated that the soil and concrete removal, as well as backfill and restoration, will be completed within one month of this filing. The next IRA Status Report (IRAS .II), or IRA Completion with a Permanent Solution Statement (IRAC-PSS) will be submitted within 6 months of this filing to document soil removal and environmental monitoring activities. Subsequent IRA Status Reports will be filed every six months thereafter until a preponderance of physical evidence supports a condition of No Significant Risk as the basis of the IRA Completion r FEBRUARY 13,2018 BIANCHI, 146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 11 OF 11 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION STATUS I,RTN 4-26880 and a Permanent Solution Statement,without restrictions. The findings of this investigation, as represented herein, set forth the rationale and technical justification for the LSP Opinions offered, as established by the certifications made on the attached Immediate Response Action Transmittal Form (BWSC-105). The LSP Opinions are, based on available data and regulations in effect at the time of this reporting specific to the subject Site. Should the Department have any questions regarding this project, please contact our office at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, BENNETT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES,INC. eD . tt, LSP Todd M./Everson, PM Senior E 'ironmental Scientist Encl: - Supporting Documentation [Appendices A-E] Cc: Lawrence Bianchi, Property Owner Diane Siti, Claims Adjuster—Raphael and Associates Thomas McKean,Director—Barnstable Health Department' Darcy Karle, Administrator—Barnstable Conservation Department' Mark Ellis Barnstable Town Manager' Martin McNeely, Fire Prevention Officer-COMM Fire Department' ' As part of Public Notice requirements, the report Title Page,Narrative, Index, Transmittal forms and Site Plan are included, pursuant to paperwork reduction policy. The full report is available as public record on the MA DEP website database at hn://public.dep.state.ma.us/Searchab]eSites/Search.asl2 or, upon written request to BEA, full copy(electronic or paper)will be provided. IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION STATUS I SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION RTN 4-26880 Bianchi Residential Property 146 East Bay Road—Osterville, MA 02655 [Assessor's Map/Parcel ID: 141-131] BEA17-11064 FEBRUARY 13, 2018 Prepared For: MA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Southeast Regional Offices: Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup/Emergency Response Section 20 Riverside Drive-Lakeville,MA 02347 Jaime Goncalves, Case Officer. Prepared B BENNETT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES,INC. 1573 Main Street-Brewster,MA 02631 David C.Bennett,LSP On Behalf Of- Lawrence Bianchi,Property Owner 46 Chestnut Street Boston,MA 02655 APPENDIX A: Reference Plans -Figure 1: Site Locus Plan [USGS Topographic Quad.,Barnstable,MA. 1998] (excerpt) -Figure 2: Ground-Water Resources of the Cape Cod,MA...[LeBlanc et al, 1986] (excerpt) -Figure 3: MA DEP Priority Resource Map [2017] -Site Plan entitled, "Immediate Response Action Status I..."Prepared by BENNETT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC.,Dated February 6, 2018. APPENDIX B: Field Reports -Inspector's Records of Work Progress -Monitoring Well Sampling Logs APPENDIX C: Environmental Records/Permits/Correspondence -Tank Removal Permit -ESMI Generator Waste Profile BWSC-112: Bill of Lading w/.eDEP Submittal Summary and Receipt -BWSC-105: Immediate Response Action Transmittal Form w/eDEP Submittal Summary and Receipt APPENDIX D: Laboratory Analysis -Environmental Assessment-Groundwater [Alpha Analytical](Lab#L1745360, 12/15/17) APPENDIX E: Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan r Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection f e®EP Transaction Copy Here is the file you requested for your records. To retain a copy of this file you must save and/or print. Username: TODDEVERSON Transaction ID: 991898 Document: BWSC105 Immediate Response Action Transmittal Form Size of File: 188.77K Status of Transaction: In Process Date and Time Created: 2/15/2018:4:30:10 PM Note: This file only includes forms that were part of your - transaction as of the date and time indicated above. If you need a more current copy of your transaction, return to eDEP and select to "Download a Copy"from the Current Submittals page. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC 105 Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup . Immediate Response Action (IRA) Transmittal Form Release Tracking Number Pursuant to 310 CNIR 40.0424-40.0427(Subpart D) 26880 A.SITE LOCATION: 1.Release Name/Location Aid: SUMMER RESIDENCE 2. Street Address: 146 EAST BAY ROAD 3.City/Town: OSTERVILLE 4.Zip Code: 5.Check here if this location is Adequately Regulated,pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0110-0114. r a.CERCLA b.HSWA Corrective Action c.Solid Waste Management d.RCRA State Program(21 C Facilities) B.THIS FORM IS BEING USED TO: (check all that apply) 1.List Submittal Date of Initial IRA Written Plan(if previously submitted): 12/18/2017 2.Submit an Initial IRA Plan. 3.Submit a Modified ERA Plan of a previously submitted written IRA Plan. r 4.Submit an Imminent Hazard Evaluation.(check one) r a.An Imminent Hazard exists in connection with this Release or Threat of Release. ]✓b.An Imminent Hazard does not exist in connection with this Release or Threat of Release. r c.It is unknown whether an Imminent Hazard exists in connection with this Release or Threat of Release,and further assessment activities will be undertaken. r d.It is unknown whether an Imminent Hazard exists in connection with this Release or Threat of Release.However,response actions will address those conditions that could pose an Imminent Hazard. r 5.Submit a request to Terminate an Active Remedial System or Response Action(s)Taken to Address an Imminent Hazard. rv- 6.Submit an IRA Status Report r 7.Submit a Remedial Monitoring Report.(This report can only be submitted through eDEP.) a.Type of Report:(check one) r i.Initial Report r ii.Interim Report r iii.Final Report b.Frequency of Submittal:(check all that apply) r i.A Remedial Monitoring Report(s)submitted monthly to address an Imminent Hazard. r ii.A Remedial Monitoring Report(s)submitted monthly to address a Condition of Substantial Release Migration. r iii.A Remedial Monitoring Report(s)submitted every six months,concurrent with an IRA Status Report. r iv.A Remedial Monitoring Report(s)submitted annually,concurrent with an IRA Status Report. c.Number of Remedial Systems and/or Monitoring Programs: A separate BWSC105A,IRA Remedial Monitoring Report,must be filled out for each Remedial System and/or Monitoring Program addressed by this transmittal form. Revised: 11/14/2013 Page 1 of 6 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection $WSC 105 ' Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Immediate Response Action (IRA) Transmittal Form Release Tracking Number Y Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0424-40.0427(Subpart D) 26880 r 8.Submit an IRA Completion Statement. r a.Check here if future response actions addressing this Release or Threat of Release notification condition will be conducted as part of the Response Actions planned or ongoing at a Site that has already been Tier Classified under a different Release Tracking Number (RTN) b.Provide Release Tracking Number of Tier Classified Site(Primary RTN): These additional response actions must occur according to the deadlines applicable to the Primary RTN.Use the Primary RTN when making all future submittals for the site unless specifically relating to this Immediate Response Action. r 9.Submit a Revised IRA Completion Statement. r 10.Submit a Plan for the Application of Remedial Additives near a sensitive receptor,pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0046(3). (All sections of this transmittal form must be filled out unless otherwise noted above) C.RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE CONDITIONS THAT WARRANT IRA: 1.Media Impacted and Receptors Affected:(check all that apply) r a.Paved Surface r7 b.Basement r c.School r d.Public Water Supply r e.Surface Water r f.Zone 2 r g.Private Well r h.Residence �� i.Soil r j.Groundwater r k.Sediments r I.Wetland r in.Storm Drain r n.Indoor Air r o.Air r p.Soil Gas r q.Sub-Slab Soil Gas r.Critical Exposure Pathway r s.NAPL r t.Unknown r r.Others Specify: 2.Sources of the Release or TOR:(check all that apply) a.Transformer r b.Fuel Tank r c.Pipe r d.OHM Delivery W e.AST r f.Drums r g.Tanker Truck r h.Hose r i.Line ri.UST Describe: r k Vehicle r 1.Boat/Vessel r in.Unknown r n. Other: 3.Type of Release or TOR:(check all that apply) r a.Dumping r b.Fire r c,AST Removal r d.Overfill r e.Rupture r f.Vehicle Accident N7 g.Leak r h.Spill r i.Test failure r j.TOR Only r k.UST Removal Describe: r 1.Unknown r In Other: 4.Identify Oils and Hazardous Materials Released:(check all that apply) P_a.Oils r b.Chlorinated Solvents r c.Heavy Metals r d. Others Specify: D.DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSE ACTIONS:(check all that apply,for volumes list cumulative amounts) r 1.Assessment and/or Monitoring Only r 2.Temporary Covers or Caps W 3.Deployment of Absorbent or Containment Materials r 4.Temporary Water Supplies r 5.Structure Venting System/HVAC Modification System r 6.Temporary Evacuation or Relocation of Residents r 7.Product or NAPL Recovery r 8.Fencing and Sign Posting r 9.Groundwater Treatment Systems r 10.Soil Vapor Extraction r 11.Remedial Additives r 12.Air Sparging r 13.Active Exposure Pathway Mitigation System r 14.Passive Exposure Pathway Mitigation System Revised: 11/14/2013 Page 2 of 6 I Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC 105 L7), Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Release Tracking Number Immediate Response Action (IRA) Transmittal Form Pursuant to 310 CNM 40.0424-40.0427(Subpart D) - 26880 D.DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSE ACTIONS:(cont.) 1— 15.Excavation of Contaminated Soils. a.Re-use,Recycling or Treatment i.On Site Estimated volume in cubic yards ii.Off Site Estimated volume in cubic yards iia.Receiving Facility: Town: State: iib.Receiving Facility: Town: State: iii.Describe: I b.Store i.On Site Estimated volume in cubic yards ii.Off Site Estimated volume in cubic yards iia.Receiving Facility: Town: State: iib.Receiving Facility: Town: State: r" c.Landfill i.Cover Estimated volume in cubic yards Receiving Facility: Town: State: ii.Disposal Estimated volume in cubic yards Receiving Facility: Town: State: r 16.Removal of Drums,Tanks,or Containers: a.Describe Quantity and Amount: 2 X 275-GALLON,STEEL ABOVEGROUND STORAGE TANKS b.Receiving Facility: WALTER ZION MIDDLEBORO RECYCLIN Town: MIDDLEBORO State: MA c.Receiving Facility: Town: State: 1y-o 17.Removal of Other Contaminated Media: a.Specify Type and Volume: IMPACTED HOUSEHOLD DEBRIS-COVANTA 11/9/2017,840 POUNDS r7 18.Other Response Actions: Describe: SOIL ASSESSMENT,MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION AND TESTING;TRANSPORT OF IMPACTED SOILS TO ESMI PENDING 19.Use of Innovative Technologies: Describe: Revised: 11/14/2013 Page 3 of 6 r Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC 105 ,r Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Immediate Response Action (IRA) Transmittal Form Release Tracking Number Pursuant to 310 CUR 40.0424-40.0427(Subpart D) - 26880 E.LSP SIGNATURE AND STAMP: I attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that I have personally examined and am familiar with this transmittal form,including any and all documents accompanying this submittal.In my professional opinion and judgment based upon application of(i)the standard of care in 309 CMR 4.02(1),(ii)the applicable provisionsof 309 CMR 4.02(2)and(3),and 309 CMR 4.03(2),and(iii)the provisions of 309 CMR 4.03(3), to the best of my knowledge,information and belief, >if Section B of this form indicates that an Immediate Response Action Plan is being submitted,the response action(s)that is(are)the subject of this submittal(i)has(have)been developed in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000, (ii)is(are)appropriate and reasonable to accomplish thepurposes of such response action(s)as set forth in the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and(iii)complies(y)with the identified provisions of all orders,permits,and approvals identified in this. submittal; >if Section B of this form indicates that an Imminent Hazard Evaluation is being submitted,this Imminent Hazard Evaluation was developed in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000,and the assessment activity(ies)undertaken to support this Imminent Hazard Evaluation comply(ies)with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000; >if Section B of this form indicates that an Immediate Response Action Status Report.and/or a Remedial Monitoring Report is(are)being submitted,the response action(s)that is(are)the subject of this submittal(i)is(are)being implemented in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000,(ii)is(are)appropriate and reasonable to accomplish the purposes of such response action(s)as set forth in the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and(iii)comply(ies)with the identified provisions of all orders,permits,and approvals identified in this submittal; >if Section B of this form indicates that an Immediate Response Action Completion Statement or a request to Terminate an Active Remedial System or Response Action(s)Taken to Address an Imminent Hazard is being submitted,the response action(s)that is(are)the subject of this submittal(i)has(have)been developed and implemented in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000,(ii)is(are)appropriate and reasonable to accomplish the purposes of such response action(s)as set forth in the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and(iii)comply(ies)with the identified provisions of all orders,permits,and approvals identified in this submittal I am aware that significant penalties may result,including,but not limited to,possible fines and imprisonment,if I submit information which I know to be false,inaccurate or materially incomplete. 1.LSP#: 4303 2.First Name: DAVID C 3.Last Name: BENNE FF 4.Telephone: 508-896-1706 5.Ext: 6.Email: 7.Signature: DAVID C BENNE17 8.Dater 2/15/2018 (--lddlyyyy) 9.LSP Stamp: of EltroniG Sea] 0 Revised: 11/14/2013 Page 4 of 6 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC 105 Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Immediate Response Action (IRA) Transmittal Form 147 Release Tracking Number Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0424-40.0427(Subpart D) 14 I - 26880 F.PERSON UNDERTAKING IRA: 1.Check all that apply: r a.change in contact name r b. change of address W c.change in the person undertaking response actions 2.Name of Organization: BIANCHI RESIDENCE 3.Contact First Name: LAWRENCE 4.Last Name: BIANCHI 5.Street: 46 CHESTNUT STREET 6.Title: PROPERTY OWNER 7.City/Town: BOSTON 8.State: MA 9.Zip Code: 021080000 10.Telephone: 617-571-3980 11.Ext 12.Email: G.RELATIONSHIP TO RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE OF PERSON UNDERTAKING IRA: r` Check here to change relationship r 1.RP or PRP r a.Owner r b.Operator r-c.Generator r d.Transporter r-e.Other RP or PRP Specify Relationship: 2.Fiduciary,Secured Lender or Municipality with Exempt Status(as defined by M.G.L.c.21E,s.2) r 3.Agency or Public Utility on a Right of Way(as defined by M.G.L.c.21E,s.50)) r 4.Any Other Person Undertaking Response Actions: Specify Relationship: IL REQUIRED ATTACHMENT AND SUBN HIPALS: r 1.Check here if any Remediation Waste,generated as a result of this IRA,will be stored,treated,managed,recycled or reused at the site following submission of the IRA Completion Statement.If this box is checked,you must submit one of the following plans,along with the appropriate transmittal form. r a.A Release Abatement Measure(RAM)Plan(BWSC106) r b.Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan(BWSC108) 2.Check here if the Response Action(s)on which this opinion is based,if any,are(were)subject to any order(s),permit(s)and/or approval(s)issued by MassDEP or EPA.If the box is checked,you MUST attach a statement identifying the applicable provisions thereof. r 3.Check here to certify that the Chief Municipal Officer and the Local Boardof Health were notified of the implementation of an Immediate Response Action taken to control,prevent,abate or eliminate an Imminent Hazard. r 4.Check here to certify that the Chief Municipal Officer and the Local Boardof Health were notified of the submittal of a Completion Statement for an Immediate Response Action taken to control,prevent,abate or eliminate an Imminent Hazard. 5.Check here if any non-updatable information provided on this form is incorrect,e.g.Release Address/Location Aid.Send corrections to BWSC.eDEP@state.ma.us. r 6.Check here to certify that the LSP Opinion containing the material facts,data,and other information is attached. Revised: 11/14/2013 Page 5 of 6 r - Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC 105 �,.IBureau of Waste Site Cleanup Immediate Response Action (IRA) Transmittal Form Release Tracking Number 4 - 26880 Pursuant to 310 CNM 40.0424-40.0427 (Subpart D) I.CERTIFICATION OF PERSON UNDERTAKING IRA: 1.I, LAWRENCE BIANCHI ,attest under the pains and penalties of perjury(i)that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal,including any and all documents accompanying this transmittal form;(ii) that,based on my inquiry of the/those individual(s)immediately responsible for obtaining the information,the material information contained herein is,to the best of my knowledge,information and belief,true,accurate and complete;(iii) that, to the best of my, knowledge,information and belief,I/the person(s)or entity(ies)on whose behalf this submittal is made satisfy(ies)the criteria in 310 CMR 40.0183(2);(iv)that I/the person(s)or entity(ies)on whose behalf this submittal is made have provided notice in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0183(5); and(v)that I am fully authorized to make this attestation on behalf of the person(s)or entity(ies)legally responsible for this submittal. I/the person(s) or entity(ies)on whose behalf this submittal is made is/are aware that there are significant penalties,including,but not limited to,possible fines and imprisonment,for willfully submitting false,inaccurate,or incomplete information. 2.By: LAWRENCE BIANCHI 3.Title: PROPERTY OWNER 4.For: BIANCHI RESIDENCE 5.Date: 2/15/2018 (mm/dd/yyyy) 6.Check here if the address of the person providing certification is different from address recorded in Section F. 7.Street: 8.City/Town: 9.State: 10.Zip Code: 11.Telephone: 12.Ext 13.Email: YOU ARE SUBJECT TO AN ANNUAL COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE FEE OF UP TO$10,000 PER BILLABLE YEAR FOR THIS DISPOSAL SITE.YOU MUST LEGIBLY COMPLETE ALL RELEVANT SECTIONS OF THIS FORM OR DEP MAY RETURN THE DOCUMENT AS INCOMPLETE.IF YOU SUBMIT AN INCOMPLETE FORM,YOU MAY BE PENALIZED FOR MISSING A REQUIRED DEADLINE. Date Stamp(DEP USE ONLY:) Received by DEP on 2/15/2018 4:28:25 PM Revised: 11/14/2013 Page 6 of 6 i r �2/15/2018 eDEP-MassDEP's OnlineFiling System '- � MassDEP Home I Contact I Privacy Policy ® M..sDEP's Online Filing System Usemame:DAVIDBENNETT Nickname:BENNETTDAVID Receipt Forms Attach Files Signature Receipt Summary/Receipt _ print receipt Fait Your submission is complete. Thank you for using DEP's online reporting system. You can select"My eDEP" to see a list of your transactions. DEP Transaction ID: 991898 Date and Time Submitted: 2/15/2018 4:28:25 PM Other Email Form Name: BWSC105 Immediate Response Action Transmittal Form RTN: 4-26880 Location: SUMMER RESIDENCE Address: 146 EAST BAY ROAD, OSTERVILLE, Person Making Submittal BIANCHI RESIDENCE LAWRENCE BIANCHI 46 CHESTNUT STREET BOSTON, MA 021080000 LSP _ LSP #: 4303 LSP Name: DAVID C BENNETT Person Making Certification BIANCHI RESIDENCE Lawrence Bianchi Ancillary Document Uploaded/Mailed BWSC-105 Q.1304 - Imminent Hazard Evaluation Doc- Uploaded (IRAS I IHE Reference (Bianchi).pdf) BWSC-105 Q.1806 - IRA Status Report- Uploaded (BEA17-11064 IRASI 2.13.18:pdf) My eDEP MassDEP Home Contact I Privacy Policy MassDEP's Online Filing System ver.© 2017 MassDEP https://edep.dep.mass.gov/Pages/PrintReceipt.aspx 1/1 IBENNIETT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC. LICENSED SITE PROFESSIONALS,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS,GEOLOGISTS,ENGINEERS 1573 Main Street,P.O.Box 1743 (508)596-1706 Brewster,MA 02631 fax(508)596-5109 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: DATE: JOB NUM[BER: Mr. Jaime Goncalves,Case Officer 12/21/17 BEA17-11064 MA DEP,Southeast Regional Office Emergency Response Section/Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup 20 Riverside Drive REGARDING: Lakeville,MA 02347 IlV MEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION PLAN&RELEASE NOTIFICATION w/SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION RTN 4-26880 SHIPPING METHOD: Bianchi Residential Property Regular Mail ❑ Pick Up ❑ 146 East Bay Road Osterville,MA Priority Mail ❑ Hand Deliver ❑ [Assessor's Map/Parcel ID: 141-131] Express Mail ❑ Other Upload ® . Certified Mail ❑ Green Card/RR ❑ COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 12/13/17 IRAP Report with Supporting Documentation(Appendices A-F) For review and comment: ❑ For approval: ❑ As requested: ❑ For your use: ❑ REMARKS: CC,via eDEP file link:Lawrence Bianchi,Property Owner Diane Siti,Claims Adjuster—Raphael and Associates f CC,via*Abbreviated Copy: Thomas McKean,Director—Barnstable Health Department Darcy Karle,Administrator—Barnstable Conservation Department Mark Ellis-Barnstable Town Manager Martin McNeely,Fire Prevention Officer—COMM Fire Department *As part of Public Notice requirements,the report Title Page,Narrative,Index,Transmittal forms and Site Plan are included,pursuant to paperwork reduction policy. The full report is available as public record on the MA DEP website database athttp://public.dep.state.ma.us/ SearchableSites/Search.asp or,upon written request to BEA,full copy(electronic or paper)will be provided. FROM: David C.Bennett,LSP/Todd M.Everson,PM/Lezli Rowell,Administrative Assistant If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once LeAl Rowell From: Lezli Rowell Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2017 8:33 AM To: 'larrybianchi33@gmail.com'; Diane Siti Subject: FW: BEA's Filing with DEP, Re: RTN4-26880 - 146 East Bay Road Osterville Attachments: BEA17-11064 Notice of Filing TRAP with DEP RTN4-26880.pdf ...And this time,with the intended attachment! Happy Holiday Season, Lezli BEA From: Lezli Rowell Sent:Thursday, December 21, 2017 8:31 AM To: 'larrybianchi33@gmail.com'<larrybianchi33@gmail.com>; Diane Siti<diane.siti@raphaelandassociates.com> Cc: David Bennett<dbennett@bennett-ea.com>;Todd Everson<teverson@bennett-ea.com> Subject: BEA's Filing with DEP, Re: RTN4-26880-146 East Bay Road Osterville Good morning, Please find attached Bennett Environmental Associates' Letter of Transmittal,along with BWSC forms,outlining the distribution of the above referenced project report,filed with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. Please find below a link to that agency's platform,to retrieve your copy of this report: http://eeaonline.eea.state.ma.us/EEA/FileViewer/Default.aspx7formdataid=O&documentid=426882 It is recommended that you download, not just view the link,to retain a copy of the TRAP. In the event that you are unable to access this way and require copy via CD, please let me know where to mail it. If I can be of further assistance, please let me know. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Lezli Rowell Administrative Assistant BENNETT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC. 1573 Main Street/P.O. Box 1743 Brewster, MA 02631 508-896-1706 508-896-5109fax http://bennett-ea.com Please visit us on Facebook Bennett Environmental Associates, Inc. 1 �I IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION PLAN AND RELEASE NOTIFICATION SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION RTN 4-26880 Bianchi Residential Property 146 East Bay Road Osterville,MA 02655 [Assessor's Map/Parcel ID: 141-131] BEA17-11064 DECEMBER 13,201/ z B- r i S eZrAL A IE%INC. •ASSESSMENT ti •REMEDIATION •RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 0 t �jT f �ti • l s IPA _ 1573 Main Street-P.O.Box 1743,Brewster,MA 02631 c 508-896.1706 o Fax 508-896.5109 www.bennett•en.l om - f- -n ENN ETT ENVIRONMENTAL AssOCIATEs9 INC® LICENSED SITE PROFESSIONALS 6 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS 6 GEOLOGISTS 6 ENGINEERS 1573 Main Street-P.O. Box 1743, Brewster, MA 02631 6 508-896-1706 6 Fax 508-896-5109 www.bennett-ea.com BEA17-11064 December 13, 2017 Mr. Jaime Goncalves, Case Officer MA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (MA DEP) Southeast Regional Office (SERO) Emergency Response Section/Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup (BWSC) 20 Riverside Drive Lakeville,MA 02347 RE: IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION PLAN AND RELEASE NOTIFICATION SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Bianchi Residential Property, RTN 4-26880 146 East Bay Road—Osterville,MA Dear Mr. Goncalves, BENNETT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC. (BEA) has prepared the following Immediate Response Action Plan (IRAP), and Release Notification with Supporting Documentation, as a summary of release discovery, preliminary response and environmental assessment conducted following verbal notification on October 18, 2017. Immediate Response Actions were undertaken to evaluate the presence of any Imminent Hazards and Critical Exposure Pathways. This information has been used to identify and mitigate potential human exposures and environmental impacts associated with the sudden release of an estimated 30-50. gallons of #2 heating fuel from an interior aboveground storage tank (AST) at the subject location, as a 2-Hour Reportable Condition. On the investigation of an unusual odor in the dwelling reported by the homeowner, the property caretaker discovered the fuel oil release where two steel ASTs were kept, in the unfinished portion of the basement. The local fire department and a tank removal contractor were contacted by the caretaker to respond to the release, and the fire department subsequently contacted the MassDEP to notify of a 2-Hour Reportable Concentration. The MassDEP responded that day to document site conditions and the circumstances of release, as well as issue a Notice of Responsibility to the homeowner as the Potentially Responsible Party (PRP). Release tracking number (RTN) 4-26880 was assigned to the IRA. BEA was subsequently contacted and responded to the scene to direct preliminary response actions. BEA was later formally engaged to direct cleanup operations under LSP Oversight. In this initial 60-day reporting period, response actions under the IRA have included the set up of active ventilation as an engineering control against vapor entry into the living areas, application and drumming of absorbents (Speedy Dry), the removal and disposal of impacted l EMERGENCY SPILL RESPONSE A WASTE SITE CLEANUP ® SITE ASSESSMENT O PERMITTING Q SEPTIC DESIGN&INSPECTION WATER SUPPLY DEVELOPMENT,OPERATION&MAINTENANCE ® WASTEWATER TREATMENT,OPERATION&MAINTENANCE i DECEMBER 13,2017 BIANCHI,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 2 OF 12 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION PLAN,RTN 4-26880 household items, and the removal of the subject ASTs. BEA has conducted coring through the concrete basement floor to advance hand borings and soil testing, and directed test borings and monitoring well installation and testing, to establish existing conditions in consideration of further remedial response actions and cleanup strategy. Additionally, on-site meetings have been conducted with environmental contractors to review the delineated extent of soil impacts and proposed scope of work, and review building construction in consideration of appropriate shoring to accommodate excavation beneath the foundation. Based on field testing and laboratory analyses, four contiguous areas of soil impact have been qualified along the foundation walls in the unfinished portion of the basement, representing approximately 14 cubic yards of contaminated material. Proposed remedial response actions include the removal of these impacted soils from the release area, as well as the removal of the bottom two rows of cinder blocks that were stained by "wicking" of fuel oil. Based on the timing of the proposed contaminated soil removal as contingent on the issuance of a Building Permit, extended verbal authorization for the response actions framed herein may be sought ahead. of Presumptive Approval. The location of the Site as a residential property within a Potential Drinking Water Source Area(PDWSA) drives the prioritization of aggressive source removal, wherein a threat of groundwater impact has been identified. Soil testing has indicated significant soil impact in close proximity to the groundwater interface in the southwest corner of the basement area, primarily under the footprint of the dwelling. Based on active ventilation as an engineering control, and where the dwelling is kept locked, is currently unoccupied and will likely remain unoccupied throughout the response actions, no Critical Exposure Pathway is complete and no Substantial or Imminent Hazards are apparent at the Site, at this time. These conditions will continue to be evaluated with the development of additional data though the next reporting period. The removal of all impacted soils in the defined area is intended to eliminate significant exposure risk and potential Critical Exposure Pathways, and support project closure with a Permanent Solution Statement. Results of end-point laboratory soil analysis will dictate the need for additional response actions as potential IRA Modifications. During any subsequent site visits, indoor air screening will be performed in consideration of potential inhalation exposure risks to visitors and workers. PID reading within the living space have consistently been reported as Non-Detect (ND < 0.1 ppmv). The vapor intrusion pathway will be further qualified by APH testing pursuant to the provisions of 310 CMR 40.0942(1) (d), following soil removal. The proposed remedial response activities performed, and potentially to follow, are intended to mitigate any Critical Exposure Pathways and Significant Risk to identified human and environmental receptors, in support of a Permanent Solution Statement (PSS) and regulatory project closure. Any additional remedial measures will be represented in future IRA Status reports filed within 60 days of this IRA Plan, and then every six months thereafter. This work has and will continue to proceed under direct LSP oversight in a manner consistent with the MCP Response Action Performance Standards (RAPS)pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0191 and the QA/QC policies of BENNETT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC. The L DECEMBER 13,2017 BIANCHI,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 3 OF 12 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION PLAN,RTN 4-26880 facts and statements herein are, to the best of our knowledge, a true and accurate representation of the Site activities, remedial response actions and environmental conditions associated with the project and LSP Opinions acknowledged by the certification on the attached BWSC-105 Transmittal Form. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS [Refer to Appendix A] The subject property, 146 East Bay Road in Osterville (Town of Barnstable), is approximately 900 feet southeast of the intersection between East Bay Road and Bates Street [Refer to Figure 1] as water front property. The coordinates for the subject property are Latitude 41.625961'N, Longitude 70.374731' W. The property contains approximately 3.5 acres of land area and is developed by a 7,051 square foot (SF), two-story dwelling, constructed in 1939. The Site, that portion of the property where the fuel oil release has come to be located, is along the southwest portion of the basement [Refer to Site Plan]. The surrounding area is modestly developed in similar residential use, with seasonal and year-round properties throughout. Access to the subject property is unrestricted, with high frequency/high intensity of use, and children potentially present. Based on its position within a locked basement, access to the area of release is restricted with high frequency/low intensity of use and children potentially present. The occupants, on-site workers and visitors to the property are identified as the primary human receptors to potential particulate inhalation and dermal contact exposures associated with soil impacts. Though soil and groundwater testing have indicated no significant groundwater impact, based on the location of the Site the primary environmental receptor is the adjacent East Bay and its associated wetlands, within approximately 200' of the release area. Monitoring wells MW-1, MW-2 and MW-4 were installed down-gradient of the Site and intermediate to the environmental receptors. Static water level measurements have reported local groundwater flow to the northeast during ebb and flow tides. Based on the position of the Site next to East Bay, site-specific groundwater flow is expected to remain generally to the north and east, and not towards abutting residential properties. The installation and testing of monitoring wells at the property has reported groundwater approximately 11' — 16' below ground surface (bgs) along the dwelling footprint, as subject to topography. Regional groundwater contours indicate a southeasterly flow direction towards East Bay [Refer to Figure 2]. Static water level measurements recorded from on-site monitoring wells demonstrate local flow to the north and east as subject to tidal influence. Monitoring wells MW- 1 and MW-4 are in a down-gradient locations. Monitoring well MW-3 is located next to the worst case portion of the release area [Refer to Site Plan]. According to the MA DEP BWSC GIS mapping program, the subject property is not located within the Zone II Protective Radius of a Public Water Supply (PWS) well, nor is it located within the Zone A Protective Radius of any surface water reservoir. The subject property and surrounding area are shown within a Potential Drinking Water Source Area (PDWSA) as part of the Sole Source Aquifer designation for all of Cape Cod east of the canal. The subject L DECEMBER 13,2017 BIANCHI,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 4 OF 12 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION PLAN,RTN 4-26880 property and surrounding area are served by public water. It is unknown if there are active. private wells within 500' of the Site. The MA DEP GIS map shows the subject property surrounded by East Bay and its wetlands to the east, north and west [Refer to Figure 3]. Based on the environmental conditions and MA DEP GIS mapping, the RCS-1 and RCGW-1 Reportable Concentrations apply to the subject property, per 310 CMR 40.0361 and 40.0362, respectively. Under Method 1 Risk Characterization, the GW-1, GW-2 and GW-3 groundwater categories apply per 310 CMR 40.0932. Based on Site conditions relative to frequency/intensity of use and accessibility of soils, the Site is subject to the S-3 (GW-1/GW- 2/GW-3), Method 1 Risk Characterization standards, per 310 CMR 40.0933. These standards were developed in consideration of ingestion (GW-1), inhalation(GW-2) and dermal contact and environmental/ecological exposures (S-3, GW-3). In considering future use of the property without deeded restriction, the most stringent S-1 (GW-1/GW-2/GW-3) Method 1 Risk Characterization standards are weighed against laboratory analyses in review of potential exposures. The Defined Site, as those areas where heating oil was released or came to be located is a small portion of the subject property. The Site, without the groundwater analytical results at the time of this filing, is presently understood to correspond to the "Proposed Areas of Excavation" and stained portions of the basement floor shown on the Site Plan [Appendix A] and covers approximately 200 SF of land area under the footprint of the dwelling. BACKGROUND/PRELIMIARX RESPONSE ACTIONS [Refer to Appendix B] The homeowner noticed an odor in the dwelling over the weekend of October 14-15, 2017. The homeowner contacted the property caretaker on Monday, October 161h, and the caretaker investigated the dwelling on October 171h. The caretaker found the release of fuel oil onto the concrete basement floor and contacted a plumber, who subsequently advised the caretaker to contact the Centerville-Osterville-Marston's Mills (COMM) Fire Department. The following morning, October 18, 2017, the caretaker contacted a tank removal contractor, Tank Removal Services (TRS) of Hyannis, MA. TRS and COMM representatives responded to the release that day and applied clay absorbents (Speedy Dry) to recover puddled fuel oil, and TRS was to set up a temporary oil tank to keep the heating system running. TRS advised the owner to contact BEA and engage professional services to direct cleanup operations under LSP Oversight. Subsequent to inspection, the fire department notified the MassDEP of the significant fuel oil release exceeding the Reportable Quantity of 10 gallons. BEA was contacted to respond to the release to direct preliminary response actions, to stop and mitigate the release. Upon arrival, BEA met with the MassDEP (Jaime Goncalves, Case Officer), the COMM Fire Department (Fire Prevention Officer Martin McNeely) and the property caretaker, to review the circumstances of release. BEA photo-documented the release area and established active ventilation with a commercial grade fan to exhaust fuel oil vapors. BEA documented two steel, 275-gallon, single-walled aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) manifold together along the west foundation wall between the full, unfinished portion of the basement, and a crawl space beneath the western-most portion of the dwelling, added after the original construction. It was reported to BEA that only one of the tanks was in service, and that the leaking AST to the west had been DECEMBER 13,2017 BIANCHI,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 5 OF 12 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION PLAN,RTN 4-26880 removed from service some years ago. The feed line valve on the leaky tank had been shut, but the fuel oil had never been removed. Though the subject tank was empty, it was placed on its end as a precautionary measure to avoid further release. The remaining abandoned AST was left in place. It was understood that the suspect tank was not to be further utilized and taken out of service. TRS agreed to set up a temporary tank outside the far end of the dwelling, closest to the burner, to re-establish heat and hot water to the dwelling. MassDEP and COMM Fire Department personnel departed the site while BEA and TRS recovered spent Speedy Dry into a steel drum and applied fresh absorbents to heavily stained areas of the basement concrete floor. TRS and BEA also removed household items impacted by the fuel oil release from the basement, in order to improve indoor air quality and manage remedial waste. BEA performed indoor air screening with a calibrated PID (MiniRAE 3000, 10.2 eV lamp, calibrated to benzene standard). The basement release area reported a total organic volatiles (TOV) concentration of 3-5 parts-per-million-by-volume (ppmv), while the living space reported TOV more consistent with background (<1 ppmv). After cleaning up and securing the Site, BEA and TRS departed with active ventilation ongoing. 51. EW i t ..( 110, 1 4 i M� y` _ � _ �C '�����, ��'�.� yx3}ig,",�s`��°�, ,. •�a� a..a. :,w s`°'�r,t. � c� � «� T`'�, '-J b ' }, y ?i 4 4y x•2-f.j .4''. ply.,,, "�C.,@l �t -.".�`y •a"p `�µk "'a-aw"HI ID.�� Y!SsT]°� �`Mw7i yr- � t�'.a � _w•,4»5a y""M'} t �� ,{"M�s{+rn.5�An .}• \ f s�-h s � 14 yy+'3,}} t+.+:`'' /A . 3,y. •' i k: dJ , rx� } +,5 ',: w',1 tk `'' ... "'�`e. �y'&.YZ•�ty^°+'Scµ ��.`'y�•.• , =,� 'nrT, •NXi jt,5- '{ 1 �f � 6. .� .f`�°"�.yc 55.f.� ° s.w a.t. .:t... 't ..:y:� r,.,• Photo 1: View of fuel tanks and release area inside unfinished portion of basement ahead of preliminary response. PRELIMINARY RESPONSE/ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT [Refer to Appendix B] Over the next few days, BEA (David Bennett, LSP) consulted the homeowner and PRP, Larry Bianchi, to outline the next steps of the project and provide an overview of the MCP DECEMBER 13,2017 BIANCHI,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 6 OF 12 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION PLAN,RTN 4-26880 process. BEA also coordinated with the MassDEP to declare LSP engagement and confirm verbal authorizations for application of absorbents, assessment, ventilation and remedial waste management, particularly of impacted household items. BEA coordinated meetings with the caretaker, an environmental contractor, and Barnstable Conservation representatives towards review of environmental conditions and coordinating assessment and remedial response actions. Barnstable Conservation later informed BEA (David Bennett,LSP)that a formal filing would not be required because work would generally be limited to the basement interior and driveway area. Indoor air screening during these meetings reported PID readings between 0.6 and 1.0 ppmv in the release area in the unfinished portion of the basement; the finished portion of the basement and upstairs living space reported PID readings consistent with background (<O.1 ppmv). On October 24, 2017, BEA performed the initial environmental assessment to qualify release to the environmental and any significant fuel oil impacts to underlying soils. BEA inspected the concrete basement floor and found no significant cracks or voids along the release area. The seam between the foundation walls and concrete floor was the most likely route of infiltration, and was investigated as such. BEA used a hammer drill to remove cores from the concrete basement floor and provide access for hand borings. BEA advanced a series of thirteen shallow hand borings along the release area in areas of potential infiltration [Refer to Site.Plan]. Clean, fine to medium sands were predominant throughout the boreholes, though small intervals of fines were noted in some boreholes closer to East Bay, along the east portion of the basement. Soil samples were collected from the basement floor in one-foot intervals to depth and placed in 8-ounce glass jars with aluminum septa. The samples were then agitated to develop organic vapors and screened with a photoionization detector (PID, 580B Thermo Environmental OVM, 11.6 eV lamp, calibrated to benzene standard) by "jar headspace" method, consistent with the Interim Soils Policy (WSC-94-400). Field screening reported mostly low level headspace concentrations less than 20 ppmv that generally decreased with depth. The one exception to low level headspace concentrations was soil sample HB-13: 0-1' which reported a headspace concentration of 40.7 ppmv; the subsequent interval reported a headspace concentration of 7.6 ppmv. Based on the field screening and olfactory observations, significant impacts were identified below the basement floor as a release to the environment [Refer to Site Plan — Appendix A]. Based on the lateral distribution of the hand borings and relative headspace concentrations, BEA prepared select soil samples for MA Certified analysis of extractable petroleum hydrocarbons (EPH), volatile petroleum hydrocarbons (VPH) and target analytes (PAH, BTEX). The analytical results for the soil samples collected as part of environmental assessment are presented in Table I. The significance of these results is discussed in the Risk Characterization and Immediate Response Action Plan sections of this report. BEA returned to the Site on October 30, 2017 to advance select borings deeper to qualify the depth of significant impacts, wherein TOV readings were increasing. BEA assisted with loading impacted household items into a roll-off container for containment and eventual disposal. Based on field screening results, hand borings HB-4, HB-9 and HB-13 were advanced to qualify the depth of significant soil impacts and establish the need for potential monitoring well installation. BEA collected two-foot soil samples in 8-ounce glass jars with aluminum septa for field PID screening. Soil samples collected from hand borings HB-4 and HB-9 reported low DECEMBER 13,2017 BIANCHI,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 7 OF 12 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION PLAN,RTN 4-26880 level headspace concentrations indicating no significant impacts. HB-13 reported modest headspace concentrations (23.5 - 43.1 ppmv) that peaked in the 4-6' bf interval. BEA ran a Dexsil PetroFlag test on soil sample HB-13: 6-8'; a field total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) concentration of 34 ppm was reported, corresponding to a headspace concentration of 30 ppmv. BEA prepared and submitted a pair of samples, HB-9: 8-10' sub-slab (ss) and HB-13: 6-8' ss, for MA Certified analyses of EPH, VPH and target analyte concentrations. These results are presented in Table I and are further discussed in the Risk Characterization and IRA Plan sections of this report. The sum of field screening and laboratory analyses of soil samples collected from beneath the basement floor indicated significant fuel oil impacts along an approximate 36'L x 3- 4'W area to depths ranging from V to 8' below the basement floor± [Refer to Site Plan]. TABLE I:SUMMARY OF SOIL ASSESSMENT 146 EAST BAY ROAD OSTERVILLE MA-RTN 4-26880 VPH EPH TARGET ANALYTES-METHOD 1 RISK CHARACTERIZATION H-B..-_2:0._1_S_S_iI'_..A.-B4:_0.-_1.'S_S... _H-B4:ifi'SS_,__._B_-9:0-_'_S ..__. . F --13:-1-2'SS_.__1_3B_.-.9_.:..8-_1.0.'S_S_ 30-13:4fi'S S..,! SAMPLINGDATE _ 24OCT-17 -0C-17 24-0C_7: 2JOCI17 i_ -OCT-__ -17 30-OCT-17 L1 9668-02!LABSAMLEID L1738784-0 _L1738784-0 __L1738784-03' 71 7ll. 7884 738784-06 L17388 L .�_ ffinci 34 SUG214 SUG3,14.Dalts i QI I vpH+TARGErTai YrFs &none 2`" 40 40 rrg/�__0107 U 0-M U 0124 U -0117__ U __0117 U 0.369_ 'U _0.104 U 025] CS-CSAB hetics,Ad' ted ]Wig ]OO yk 100 'rt�/I�a 268 �U 6.3 -U 3.1 U 292 IU 293 U 101 i 16 �U 63 U 257 ;iJ C9LIOAmrmtcs Fifoo jR.100 :+.t.105' nGAS 721_' 662_I 3.1 U 292 �U 293 U 288 26 U 63 U 257 ,U C9L12A'hatcs,Adjusted 000' .`t"1000 IIOOD ap/6g_ 3.03 45.8 IIF_ 3.1 U 543 2.97 U 250 26 __U 63 _ U _257_-----_.- Elhymrn>ene_ _ 'S00 me/4__0107__I U 0252 U_ 0.124 'U_ _0.117__U__0.117 U D 369 U 0104 U 0252 U 0103 U Meth lteR but lelher D1I;�{r 100jr yf�7110 E 0054 .rU0.1'Jh' U 0062 �U 0058 �U 0059 UM77i 03BA- U 0052�U� D]16'- U v 0.051 ;O Naphthalene _ _ F4�4 f, 711�'*'-'XIO{ng/l_0299_T_ 0504 U 0245 __U _0237 _U 0235 U 0737 U 0208 U 050' IU 0206 �U o Xycne __-_ t 400,k If'c 700�� rSW �/k8.. O 107 U_ 0252 U 0124_ U 0.117 U 0.117 U,-_-_1 07 0104 U 0.2 -U.0252 _r 0103^- U ToNeneFa51D: i;'€SIIDti{G 0.107 ;U--0252- U -0.124 U 0.117 a__WI I7 iU0.369 iU 0.109 IU 0252 IU 0.103 'U EPH+TARGEPPAH 2-McWYNaphthelene _ 074: 80n, `3W -og/Ig _ 0.462_ ' _ 0.357 U _0_34_ `U 0_327 U _0.346 'U_18 r _0322 _ U _0.471 U_ 0.343 U Acrnaphthrne .-0lj 1W0i ]000E rt�/kg 0.32571�1 ;U 0.3>7 (U 0.34 0.327 -IU 0.346 iU 376 0322_IU 0.422-_�_U 0.343 'U Acrno filh cne ]`-'€ 600�,T,;3y lOt rrg/14 0325 iU 0357 U 034 U - 0327 U 0346 U' 1 (U 0322 U 0422 U 0.343 iU Anthrecrne �Il1W: 70004.,' 1000 rrg - 0.325 'U 0.357 U _0.39___.0 0.327 U_ 0346 U 165 �U 0322 U D422 U 0373 _._ .- _ _ ,-.._-.__.-_ ......_ _ -_ _ Benm{eirittuaeene_ - 7.��f� 7, �.7 ey ng/63_ 0.325 iU 0.357 U 039_..._ U 0.327_ U 0.346 U _I 65 �U - 0422 U 0393_.TU Benin o rene �2- II 2 t:2"P 0.325 U 0.357 U 0 34 U 0.327 U 0 346 ;U 165 .U 0.322 U 0.421 U 0343 'U B n@phromnthene 7 Q 7`f' 7'"it 0.325 ;U 0.357 U 0.34 U 0327 U 0346 ,U 1.65 '.U 0.322 U 0422 U_ 0.343 ;U Benm(gh�perylrn<_ t 7000 } 10D0$ 7000 .:m=A� 325 U o.3>7 u- 034 ;u o.3n u o34G_ :u _ 165 iu o3zz_ u_ 0472 _u o.343 yu F F ---- - - - -- Bewnm(kJOvomnthene 70{{�, A`R„ -70jyy ng/Az_0 325 U 0.357 U 0.39 U 0 327 U 0.346 :U 1.65 I U 0322 U 0.422 U 0343 U .._ __ _ _ __..-_ _ _ _ Cll-MAru=tics,Ad'sted "1000"?t 3000 i I 000 ng/ka. 782 449 679 U 732 6.92 1U 757 644 U 8.43 U 163 ~ C19C36Ahphetcs 3000_ If 3000 '�''-3000 a% _ 412 223 6.79 U 654 U 6.92 U_616 _ 644_ U 843 U 686 C9-CISALphat¢s_ s�+10004 i000 �.2000-:ng/kg 999 719 _ 6.79 _U _ 7.48 6.92 �U,�, 2210 v+i _ 6.44_-_U-_8.43 -U10.6--_- Ctuysene pA .;iA �/kg 0325 jU 0337 U 034 �U_ 0.327 U 0.346 lU 165 IU 0322 U 0422 U 0.373 fU A'benzoe tlwcene V 07 I 07 -.1'O.T �/Yy_ 0325 iU 0357 U 034 '.0 0.327 U 0.346 U'?` 165? U 0322 U 0.422 U 0.343 .0 F'Womnthene flow Al?0 j ng8- U 0.357 U 034 U 0.327_ U 0346 IU 165 �U D322 U OA22 U _ 0343 'U FWorene 1000= IODD ,100Di ag/hb 03b U 0.357 U 0.34 'U 0.327 U 0346 IUI65 iU 0.322 U 0.412 U 0.343 iU Indrno(1,2,3-cd rene7Ik}7si '7 _ 0325 IU 0357 U 0.34 U 0327 IU 0346 IU 1.65 IU_ 0322 U 0422 U 0.343 ~U Na hthecn �4''.L 9D .; SOD vg/Ag 0.321 U 0.357 IU 034 U 0.327 U 0346 U 9A6 1 0.322 Ill 0422 U 0.343 'U Phenanthrene _ 10 e y "SOD s „500• ng/{g 0.325 _ U 0.571 __0.39 U__0.327 U 0 346 U 165 U 0.322 U 0.422 U - 0.343 !U _....._____.._ _ .. _.. _ _ .._. -_- _._.._..__ Pvrene ��1000 ]000_ is-_3000 - 0.325 ;U 03>7 U 0.34 U 0.327 U 0 346 :U 1.65 :U D.322 U 0.422 U 0.343 :U VPH=VolatBe PetmcumH dmcarbons,EPH=Elmctable PctmleumH dmcarbona,PAH=PolynuclosrAraccuticH dmcmbons. Shaded areas resents pliable Method t criteria Uindicates Non-Detect concentration.F 61dighted bold indicates erneedance otstandard. BEA continued to coordinate inspections of the dwelling, wherein indoor air screening reported TOV concentrations consistent with background (<O.1 ppmv). BEA also submitted a Contaminated Stockpile soil sample for MA Certified analysis of PCBs, metals, VOCs, SVOCs and TPH, in review of waste characterization and disposal options. Laboratory analysis reported the sum of VOC detects greater than the Comm-97 standard of 10 mg/Kg. As such, disposal of the soil at the Bourne Integrated Solid Waste Facility, a lined landfill, was eliminated from consideration as the cheapest alternative since the shutdown of Aggregate Industries. BEA also reviewed the Site with different environmental contractors in order to secure competitive bids for the soil removal outlined. Such work would include the installation of temporary shoring to maintain building integrity while excavating along the foundation footings. At the time of this report, shoring plans from a licensed structural engineer had just been received and as such, contractor proposals for contaminated source removal pending. On December 5, 2017, BEA direct Desmond Well Drilling of Orleans, MA to advance test borings, collect discrete soil samples, and install monitoring wells to qualify potential groundwater impacts associated with the subject release. Due to colder weather, the caretaker DECEMBER 13,2017 BIANCHI,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 8 OF 12 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION PLAN,RTN 4-26880 stopped active ventilation and kept the release area isolated in order to limit the mobilization of volatiles. BEA noted that the subject tanks had been removed from the property and that a temporary tank had been set-up outside in order to maintain heat and hot water. Indoor air screening reported a TOV concentration of 1.6 ppmv in the release area, and a TOV concentration of 0.6 ppmv in the finished portions of the basement. TOV readings continued to be ND in the first and second floor living areas. Desmond used a geoprobe-type drill rig, wherein soil samples were collected in Shelby tubes via direct push. Soil samples along the capillary fringe reported poorly sorted sands with appreciable silt and occasional clay [Refer to Geologic Borehole Logs]. None of the samples from any of the locations displayed an elevated TOV reading as all < 1.0 ppmv. Monitoring well locations were selected based on proximity to the release area in presumed up-gradient (MW-3) and down-gradient (MW-1, MW-2, MW-4)positions. Monitoring wells MW-1 and MW-2 were installed north and east of the release area, while MW-3 was installed immediately west of the release area. BEA ran a level loop to establish top-of-casing (TOC) elevations relative to a common vertical datum, and recorded static water level measurements during an ebb tidal cycle, to establish a northeasterly local groundwater flow towards a tidal creek associated with East Bay. BEA then directed Desmond Well Drilling to advance an additional test boring east of MW-1 for installation of monitoring well MW-4 directly down-gradient from the release area, based on calculated site specific groundwater flow. All of the wells were constructed of 2" Schedule 40 PVC with partially penetrating 10' screens. The wells were finished above grade with locking aluminum caps. BEA returned to the site on December 6, 2017, to collect representative groundwater samples from the new monitoring wells. Static water level measurements demonstrated a northeasterly site-specific groundwater flow direction during a flow tide. Each of the wells was purged and sampled by low flow methodology with a peristaltic pump. Representative groundwater samples were collected upon meeting purge requirements and the stabilization of field parameters. Groundwater samples were collected for MA Certified analyses of EPH, VPH and target analyte concentrations as appropriate given the contaminant of concern, #2 fuel oil. Laboratory analytical results for the groundwater samples were pending at the time of this report. RISK CHARACTERIZATION/IMMINENT HAZARDS [Refer to Appendix D] As presented, the S-3 (GW-I/GW-2/GW-3) soils categories are applicable in consideration of Method 1 Risk Characterization, per the provisions of 310 CMR 40.0933. These soil standards were developed to evaluate potential dermal contact exposures(S-3), and in consideration of potential leaching of contaminants to groundwater, as based on accessibility, frequency and intensity of use. Likewise, the groundwater standards were developed to evaluate potential ingestion (GW-1), inhalation(GW-2), and dermal contact/environmental impacts (GW- 3). The strictest GW-1, and S-1 (GW-1/GW-2/GW-3), Method 1 Risk Characterization standards are considered against laboratory results in review of foreseeable future uses and activities at the Site without limitation. DECEMBER 13,2017 BIANCM,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 9 OF 12 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION PLAN,RTN 4-26880 Soil Laboratory analysis has established that fractional EPH and VPH compounds, and the target PAHs 2-methylnaphthalene and naphthalene exceed the strictest S-1 (GW-1), Method 1 Risk Characterization standards in soils at the Site. These soils represent potential exposure threats for incidental ingestion, inhalation and dermal contact, and potential leaching to groundwater. As such, remedial response actions are prescribed under the IRAP to absolve potential exposure risks to the identified human and environmental receptors and to meet regulatory closure objective without limitation of activities or use of the property. The dwelling is currently unoccupied, and is expected to remain unoccupied throughout the winter. As such; no Critical Exposure is complete, and PID screening has been used in consideration of visitor and worker exposures pending the completion of proposed removal of soils, impacted flooring and cinder blocks. The fuel oil contaminated soils are isolated from human receptors being under the concrete basement floor and by the way of the locked basement restricting access to the area of release. Furthermore, the location of the impacted soil beneath the footprint of the dwelling restricts the leaching of soil impacts. Based on the restricted access to, and isolation of impacted soils, the lack of occupancy, and the laboratory data reported under Method 1 Risk Characterization, no Imminent or Substantial Hazards are apparent as related to soils under current conditions. Groundwater Based on the PDWSA designation and proximity to groundwater, the GW-1, GW-2 and GW-3 groundwater categories apply to Method 1 Risk Characterization per 310 CMR 40.0932. Groundwater is reported approximately 11-16' bgs throughout the property, and approximately 9' bf in the area of release. Field screening and laboratory results indicate the vertical extent of fuel oil impact in the worst-case area is approximately 6-8' bf. Based on the presence of shallow groundwater throughout the subject property and the volume of the release, monitoring wells were installed and tested to qualify potential significant impacts. Laboratory analytical results for groundwater samples had not been disclosed at the time of this report. Groundwater monitoring will continue through three quarters as consistent with the VPH/EPH Guidance (Policy#WSC-02-411). Given a municipal PWS is provided to the Site and surrounding area, the practical exposure risk associated with the ingestion (GW71) of fuel oil contaminated groundwater is overstated. In the absence of the initial groundwater data, no further exposure risk associated with inhalation (GW-2), or dermal contact and environmental impacts (GW-3) can be qualified at this time. On the receipt of this pending data, and with the quarterly testing of monitoring wells prescribed with the benefit of tidal influence and solute transport, groundwater impacts will continue to be investigated, most specifically at MW-3, which is adjacent to the release area. Potential groundwater impact will also be considered following end-point soil sample at the extent of excavation. Based on environmental conditions currently investigated, laboratory analyses and the presence of town water, no Imminent or Substantial Hazards, nor any Critical Exposure Pathways, have been reported relative to groundwater, as will continue to be investigated throughout the IRA. 4 E T E DECEMBER 13,2017 BIANCHI,1 6 EAST B RD,OS ERVILLE,MA/B A17-11064 PAGE 10 OF 12 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION PLAN,RTN 4-26880 Indoor Air PID readings within the basement of the subject dwelling reported significant organic volatile concentrations above background during the initial inspection. Active ventilation was employed during the initial site inspection and has contributed to substantially diminished TOV concentrations in indoor air. The removal of the ASTs and impacted household items from the unfinished portion of the basement has also contributed to improved indoor air quality. Current conditions report modest TOV (1.6 ppmv) in the release area, and TOV consistent with background in the finished portion of the basement and remainder of the dwelling (<0.1 ppmv). Indoor air will continue to be monitored during subsequent inspections, particularly following contaminated soil removal, in review of potential vapor intrusion and inhalation exposures. Based on the results of end-point soil samples, APH testing will be conducted to further qualify potential exposure risks as considered within the provisions of 310 CRM 40.0942(1) (d) and the Final Vapor Intrusion Guidance Document(#WSC-16-435). No Imminent or Substantial Hazards are identified under current conditions as requiring additional investigation following source removal. The indoor air and soil vapor screening, and APH testing, will serve as multiple lines of evidence to evaluate potential vapor intrusion pathway and qualify related inhalation exposure risks. IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION PLAN The information from the assessment of current soil conditions was used to develop a remedial strategy for the excavation of impacted soils from the identified release areas. At the time of this writing, a shoring plan is being prepared by the structural engineer, and the contractors are preparing competitive proposals for the removal of the fuel oil contaminated portions of the basement concrete floor, as well as removal of underlying fuel oil contaminated soils. Once the contractor is selected, a Building Permit application with shoring plans will be filed. Upon receipt of an approved Building Permit, temporary structural support of the dwelling will be installed and inspected for the continuation work under the IRA. The contractor will begin by the removal or a section of flooring in alternating 6-8' sections along the release area so impacted cinder blocks can be removed and impacted soils excavated. One this work is complete, and end-point sampling completed with analytical results received, the areas will be backfilled with stone such that the alternate sections can be excavated and impacted materials removed. Where appropriate and necessary, particularly nearest Zone A-2, a shoring box may be constructed and advanced to depth to minimize caving and involvement of clean soils under the dwelling, and prevent damage to the structure. Based on the environmental assessment performed, a removal volume of approximately 14 cubic yards (+/-) of significantly impacted soils will be generated under the IRA. Authorization for the removal of up to 35 yards of fuel oil contaminated soil and concrete is requested to accommodate potential unqualified impacts and caving of clean sands. A completed Bill of Lading will be used to facilitate direct loading and transport to an approved recycling facility. Under LSP Oversight, field PID screening and Dexsil PetroFlag testing will be used by DECEMBER 13,2017 BIANCHI,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 11 OF 12 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION PLAN,RTN 4-26880 BEA personnel to provide technical assistance and direct excavation operations and soil removal. the removal of significant soil impact, confirmato end-point soil samples will be Following g p ry p p collected for risk-based EPH/PAH and VPHBTEX analyses. After sample collection and field screening, the area of excavation will be backfilled and a fresh concrete floor poured. Based on the qualified depth of significant impacts, no infiltration system is currently prescribed, though site and environmental conditions may trigger construction of a remedial additive delivery system as appropriate and necessary. Vertical 4" solid PVC pipes ("blanks") may be installed in the excavation for future sampling of the bottom-of-hole. If necessary,the infiltration system will be constructed of 4" perforated PVC pipe laterals, as set in washed stone along the bottom-of- hole area. A 4" solid piece of PVC riser will be plumbed to the lateral components and completed outside above ground with a Y fitting. The quarterly sampling of monitoring wells will continue for EPHNPH analyses until contaminated soil removal has been completed. Field PID screening of ambient air within the unoccupied dwelling will continue in consideration of working safety during construction activities, wherein all impacted soils will be excavated from the prescribed vertical and horizontal distances to absolve potential vapor entry. The need for APH testing of sub-slab soil vapor or indoor air in consideration of vapor entry will be made on soil/groundwater conditions, PID screening and observations made following soil removal and quarterly sampling under"lines of evidence" considerations. CONCLUSIONS The IRA Plan, represented by this filing, will employ an aggressive soil removal strategy for the excavation and recycling of up to 25 yards of fuel oil contaminated from within the qualified area of impact. Fuel oil stained cinder blocks will be cleaned to eliminate potential sources of indoor air quality degradation. Water from such cleaning will be recovered and managed as remedial waste. The impacted basement concrete floor will be demolished and removed to accommodate inspection of underlying soils, and unqualified soil impacts will be removed concurrent with impacts previously identified. This work is intended to eliminate the contaminant source in all accessible and potentially accessible areas. Laboratory analysis of end- point soil samples will be used to qualify exposure risks in consideration of a permanent solution objective without any restriction of activities or use of the property. Based on the analytical results of end-point soil samples, soil vapor testing and/or indoor air testing may be conducted to qualify the potential for vapor intrusion and associated exposures. Quarterly groundwater monitoring will continue to qualify potential impacts to the shallow aquifer associated with the subject release. It is anticipated that the soil removal operations will begin within one month of this filing. The first IRA Status Report (IRAS I) with any proposed modifications will be submitted within 60 days of this filing to document soil removal and environmental monitoring activities following this submission. Subsequent IRA Status Reports will be filed every six months thereafter until a preponderance of physical evidence supports a condition of "No Significant Risk" as the basis of a Permanent Solution Statement,without restrictions, in support of an IRA Completion. DECEMBER 13,2017 BIANCHI,146 EAST BAY RD,OSTERVILLE,MA/BEA17-11064 PAGE 12 OF 12 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION PLAN,RTN 4-26880 The findings of this investigation, as represented herein, set forth the rationale and technical justification for the LSP Opinions offered, as established by the certifications made on the attached Immediate Response Action Transmittal Form (BWSC-105). The LSP Opinions are based on available data and regulations in effect at the time of this reporting specific to the subject Site. Should the Department have any questions regarding this project, please contact our office at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, B NNETT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC. 4Da) nnett, LSP Todd M. verson, PM m Senior En ironmental Scientist Encl: - Supporting Documentation [Appendices A-F] Cc: Lawrence Bianchi, Property Owner Diane Siti, Claims Adjuster—Raphael and Associates Thomas McKean,Director—Barnstable Health Department' Darcy Karle, Administrator—Barnstable Conservation Department' Mark Ellis -Barnstable Town Manager' Martin McNeely, Fire Prevention Officer—COMM Fire Department' ' As part of Public Notice requirements,the report Title Page,Narrative,Index, Transmittal forms and Site Plan are . included, pursuant to paperwork reduction policy. The full report is available as public record on the NIA DEP website database at bq://public.dep.state.ma.us/SearchableSites/Search.asp or, upon written request to BEA, full copy(electronic or paper)will be provided. IlVIMEDIA'TE RESPONSE ACTION PLAN AND RELEASE NOTIFICATION SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION ]ITN 4-26880 Bianchi Residential Property 146 East Bay Road—Osterville,MA 02655 [Assessor's Map/Parcel ID: 141-131] BEA17-11064 )1DECEMBER 13,2017 Prepared For: MA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Southeast Regional Offices: Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup/Emergency Response Section 20 Riverside Drive-Lakeville,MA 02347 Jaime.Goncalves, Case Officer Prepared By_ BENNETT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC. 1573 Main Street Brewster,MA 02631 David C. Bennett, LSP On Behalf Of Lawrence Bianchi, Property Owner 46 Chestnut Street Boston, MA 02655 APPENDIX Ae Reference Plans -Figure l: Site Locus Plan [USGS Topographic Quad., Barnstable,MA. 1998] (excerpt) -Figure 2: Ground-Water Resources of the Cape Cod, MA...[LeBlanc et al, 1986] (excerpt) -Figure 3: MA DEP Priority Resource Map [2017] -Site Plan entitled, "Irmediate Response Action Plan..."Prepared by BENNETT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC., Dated December 11,2017. APPENDIX Bo Field Reports -Field Response Log -Geologic Borehole Logs -Monitoring Well Sampling Logs APPENDIX Ce Environmental Records/Permits/Correspondence -BWSC-101: Release Log Form -BWSC-102: Release Amendment Form -BWSC-128 with Notice of Responsibility -BWSC-102: Release Amendment Form -Global Remediation Straight Bill of Lading -Covanta Pre-Shipment Notification and Non-Hazardous Certification with Weight Slip -BWSC-103: Release Notification Form w/eDEP Submittal Summary and Receipt -BWSC-105: Immediate Response Action Transmittal Form w/eDEP Submittal Summary and Receipt APPENDIX De Laboratory Analysis -Environmental Assessment-Soil [Alpha Analytical] (Lab#L1738784, 11/5/17) -Environmental Assessment-Soil [Alpha Analytical] (Lab#L1739668, 11/9/17) -Waste Characterization—Soil [Alpha Analytical] (Lab#L1742306, 11/27/17) APPENDIX Eo Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan APPENDIX Pe Site Health and Safety Plan Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection eDEP Transaction VOOPY Here is the file you requested for your records. To retain a copy of this file you must save and/or print. Username: BOINC Transaction ID: 974144 Document: BWSC103 Release Notification &Retraction Form Size of File: 150.29K Status of Transaction: Submitted Date and Time Created: 12/18/2017:4:09:17 PM Note: This file only includes forms that were part of your transaction as of the date and time indicated above. If you need a more current copy of your transaction, return to eDEP and select to "Download a Copy"from the Current Submittals page. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC 103 iE Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup i , Release Tracking Number RELEASE NOTIFICATION&NOTIFICATION k ` RETRACTION FORM Fj�j - 268801. ' Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0335 and 310 CMR 40.0371 (Subpart C) A.RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE LOCATION: 1.Release Name/Location Aid: SUMMERRESIDENCE 2.Street Address: 146 EAST BAY ROAD 3.City/Town: OSTERVILLE 4.ZIP Code: 5.Coordinates: a.Latitude:N 41.62596 b.Longitude:W 70.37473 B.THIS FORM IS BEING USED TO: (check one) 17 1.Submit a Release Notification r 2.Submit a Revised Release Notification 3.Submit a Retraction of a Previously Reported Notification of a release or threat of release including supporting documentation required pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0335(Section C is not required) (All sections of this transmittal form must be filled out unless otherwise noted above) C.INFORMATION DESCRIBING THE RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE(TOR): 1.Date and time of Oral Notification,if applicable: 1 011 8/2 0 1 7 Time: 10:30 NF AM r—PM mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm _.. ..2.Date.and time you obtained-knowledge of the Release or TOR: 1.01,18/201.7.._._._..____Time:. 09:30_ . r AM-- 17 PM- —-- • - mm/dd/yyyy bh:mm 3.Date and time release or TOR occurred,if known: Time: r AM r7 PM mm/dd/yyyy bh:mm Check all Notification Thresholds that apply to the Release or Threat of Release: (for more information see 310 CMR 40.0310-40.0315) 4.2 HOUR REPORTING CONDITIONS 5.72 HOUR REPORTING CONDITIONS 6.120 DAY REPORTING CONDITIONS rV a.Sudden Release r a.Subsurface Non-Aqueous Phase 17. a.Release of Hazardous Material(s)to Liquid(NAPL)Equal to or Greater than Soil or Groundwater Exceeding 1/2 Inch(.04 feet) Reportable Concentration(s) T° b.Threat of Sudden Release r b.Underground Storage Tank(UST) r b.Release of Oil to Soil Exceeding Release Reportable Concentration(s)and Affecting More than 2 Cubic Yards c.Oil Sheen on Surface Water r c.Threat of UST Release r c.Release of Oil to Groundwater Exceeding Reportable Concentration(s) r d.Poses Imminent Hazard r d.Release to Groundwater near Water r d. Subsurface Non-Aqueous Phase Supply Liquid(NAPL)Equal to or Greater than 1/8 Inch(.01 feet)and Less than 1/2 Inch 04 feet r e.Could Pose Imminent Hazard " e.Substantial Release Migration r f.Release Detected in Private Well Q g.Release to Storm Drain h.Sanitary Sewer Release (Imminent Hazard Only) Revised:07/18/2013 Page 1 of 3 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC 103 Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup RELEASE NOTIFICATION&t NOTIFICATION Release Tracking Number RETRACTION FORM 26880 Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0335 and 310 CAM 40.0371(Subpart C) C.INFORMATION DESCRIBING THE RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE(TOR): (cont.) 7.List below the Oils(0)or Hazardous Materials(HM)that exceed their Reportable Concentration(RC)or Reportable Quantity(RQ)by the greatest amount. r Check here if an amount or concentration is unknown or less than detectable. O or HM Released CAS Number, O or HM Amount or Units RCs Exceeded,if Applicable if known Concentration (RCS-1,RCS-2,RCGW-1, RCGW-2) #2 FUEL OIL 0 30 GAL N/A Check here if a list of additional Oil and Hazardous Materials subject to reporting,or any other documentation relating to this notification is attached. D.PERSON REQUIRED TO NOTIFY: 1.Check all that apply: 17 a.change in contact name lb.change of address V c.change in the person notifying 2.Name of Organization: BIANCHI RESIDENCE 3.Contact First Name: LAMENCE 4.Last Name: BIANCHI 5.Street: 46 CHESTNUT STREET 6.Title: PROPERTY OWNER 7.City/Town: BOSTON 8.State: MA 9.ZIP Code: 021080000 10.Telephone: 617-571-3980 11.Ext: 12.Email: 13.Check here if attaching names and addresses of owners of properties affected by the Release or Threat of Release,other than an owner who is submitting this Release Notification(required). E.RELATIONSHIP OF PERSON TO RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE: r Check here to change relationship V.1.RP or PRP TV—a.Owner 1--b.Operator r c.Generator r d.Transporter r'e.Other RP or PRP Specify: r 2.Fiduciary,Secured Lender or Municipality with Exempt Status(as defined by M.G.L.c.21E,s.2) 13.Agency or Public Utility on a Right of Way(as defined by M.G.L.c.21E,s.50)) 4.Any Other Person Otherwise Required to Notify Specify Relationship: Revised: 07/18/2013 Page 2 of 3 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC 103 Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Release Tracking Number RELEASE NOTIFICATION&NOTIFICATION 34 RETRACTION FORM I4 I - 26880 Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0335 and 310 CNM 40.0371(Subpart C) F.CERTIFICATION OF PERSON REQUIRED TO NOTIFY: 1.I,LAWRENCE BIANCHI ,attest under the pains and penalties of perjury(i)that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal,including any and all documents accompanying this transmittal form,(ii)that,based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information,the material information contained in this submittal is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate and complete,and(iii)that I am fully authorized to make this attestation on behalf of the entity legally responsible for this submittal.I/the person or entity on whose behalf this submittal is made am/is aware that there are significant penalties,including,but not limited to,possible fines and imprisonment,for willfully submitting false, inaccurate,or incomplete information. 2.By: LAWRENCE BLANCH] 3.Title: PROPERTYOWNER Signature 4.For: BIANCHI RESIDENCE 5.Date: 12/18/2017 (Name of person or entity recorded in Section D) mm/dd/yyyy 6.Check here if the address of the person providing certification is different from address recorded in Section D. 7.Street: 8.City/Town: 9.State: 10.ZIP Code: 11.Telephone: 12.Ext.: 13.Email: YOU ARE SUBJECT TO ANNUAL COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE FEES FOR EACH BILLABLE YEAR FOR TIER CLASSIFIED DISPOSAL SITES.YOU MUST LEGIBLY COMPLETE ALL RELEVANT SECTIONS OF TIHS FORM OR DEP MAY RETURN THE DOCUMENT AS INCOMPLETE.IF YOU SUBMIT AN INCOMPLETE FORM,YOU MAYBE PENALIZED FOR MISSING A REQUIRED DEADLINE. Date Stamp(DEP USE ONLY:) Received by DEP on 12/18/2017 3:52:00 PM Revised: 07/18/2013 Page 3 of 3 Kara Risk From: eDEPConfirmation@massmail.state.ma.us Sent: Monday, December 18, 2017 3:52 PM To: Kara Risk Subject: eDEP Submittal Confirmation for DEP Transaction ID: 974144 Thank you for using eDEP Online Filing from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection.Your transaction is complete and has been submitted to MassDEP. This email is your receipt for the eDEP Online Filing transaction described below. Please review it and keep a copy for your records. Please do NOT reply to this message,this email address will not receive messages. For assistance with eDEP Online Filing, please email the EEA Service Desk at mailto:EEA.ServiceDesk@State.MA.US or call 617-626-1111. MassDEP is interested in how we can serve you better.To help us make improvements to eDEP, please take a minute to complete our eDEP Online Filing Survey at http://www.mass.gov/eea/agencies/massdep/service/online/edep-contacts- and-feedback.htm1. To contact MassDEP Programs, please see http://mass.gov/dep/about/contacts.htm. DEP Transaction ID:974144 Date and Time Submitted: 12/18/2017 03:52:00 Form Name: BWSC103 Release Notification & Retraction Form RTN:4-26880 Location: SUMMER RESIDENCE Address: 146 EAST BAY ROAD OSTERVILLE Person Making Submittal BIANCHI RESIDENCE LAWRENCE BIANCHI 46 CHESTNUT STREET BOSTON MA 021080000 Person Making Certification BIANCHI RESIDENCE Lawrence Bianchi Additional Forms Submitted EMAIL ID OF THE USER: krisk@bennett-ea.com 1 MassDEP Home I Contact IPrivacy Policy MassDEP's Online Filing System Usemame:BOINC Nickname:BENNETT My eDEP I Forms®( My Profile94 Help I Notifications Receipt Forms Signature Receipt — e Summary/Receipt "print'receipt ExrC Your submission is complete.Thank you for using DEP's online reporting system.You can select"My eDEP"to see a list of your transactions. DEP Transaction ID:974144 Date and Time Submitted: 12/18/2017 3:52:00 PM Other Email Form Name: BWSC103 Release Notification&Retraction Form RTN:4-26880 Location:SUMMER RESIDENCE Address: 146 EAST BAY ROAD,OSTERVILLE, Person Making Submittal BIANCHI RESIDENCE LAWRENCE BIANCHI 46 CHESTNUT STREET BOSTON,MA 021080000 Person Making Certification BIANCHI RESIDENCE Lawrence Bianchi Additional Forms Submitted My eDEP MassDEP Home I contact I Privacy Policy MassDEP's Online Filing System ver.©2017 MassDEP Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection eEP Transaction 1 Here is the file you requested for your records. To retain a copy of this file you must save and/or print. Username: TODDEVERSON Transaction ID: 974174 Document: BWSC105 Immediate Response Action Transmittal Form Size of File: 187.01K Status of Transaction: In Process Date and Time Created: 12/18/2017:4:10:34 PM Note: This file only includes forms that were part of your transaction as of the date and time indicated above. If you need a more current copy of your transaction, return to eDEP and select to "Download a Copy" from the Current Submittals page. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection RWSC 105 Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Release TrackingNumber Immediate Response Action (IRA) Transmittal)form126880 _ - Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0424-40.0427(Subpart D A.SITE LOCATION: 1.Release Name/Location Aid: SUMMERRESIDENCE 2.Street Address: 146 EAST BAY ROAD 3.City/Town: . OSTERVILLE 4.Zip Code: r 5.Check here if this location is Adequately Regulated,pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0110-0114. a.CERCLA r-b.HSWA Corrective Action c.Solid Waste Management r,d.RCRA State Program(2 IC Facilities) B.THIS FORM IS BEING USED TO:(check all that apply) 1.List Submittal Date of Initial IRA Written Plan(if previously submitted): r 2.Submit an Initial IRA Plan. r 3.Submit a Modified IRA Plan of a previously submitted written IRA Plan. 4.Submit an Imminent Hazard Evaluation.(check one) a.An Imminent Hazard exists in connection with this Release or Threat of Release. r b.An Imminent Hazard does not exist in connection with this Release or Threat of Release. 17 c.It is unknown whether an Imminent Hazard exists in connection with this Release or Threat of Release,and further assessment activities will be undertaken. r d.It is unknown whether an Imminent Hazard exists in connection with this Release or Threat of Release.However,response actions will address those conditions that could pose an Imminent Hazard. f" 5.Submit a request to Terminate an Active Remedial System or Response Action(s)Taken to Address an Imminent Hazard. 6.Submit an IRA Status Report r 7.Submit a Remedial Monitoring Report.(This report can only be submitted through eDEP.) a.Type of Report:(check one) r i.Initial Report r ii.Interim Report iii.Final Report b.Frequency of Submittal:(check all that apply) i.A Remedial Monitoring Report(s)submitted monthly to address an Imminent Hazard. r ii.A Remedial Monitoring Report(s)submitted monthly to address a Condition of Substantial Release Migration. r iii.A Remedial Monitoring Report(s)submitted every six months,concurrent with an IRA Status Report. iv.A Remedial Monitoring Report(s)submitted annually,concurrent with an IRA Status Report. c.Number of Remedial Systems and/or Monitoring Programs: A separate BWSC105A,IRA Remedial Monitoring Report,must be filled out for each Remedial System and/or Monitoring Program addressed by this transmittal form. Revised: 11/14/2013 Page 1 of 6 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection RWSC 105 l Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Release Tracking Number Immediate Response Action(IRA) Transmittal Form Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0424-40.0427(Subpart D) - 26880 8.Submit an IRA Completion Statement. r a.Check here if future response actions addressing this Release or Threat of Release notification condition will be conducted as part of the Response Actions planned or ongoing at a Site that has already been Tier Classified under a different Release Tracking Number b.Provide Release Tracking Number of Tier Classified Site(Primary RTN): These additional response actions must occur according to the deadlines applicable to the Primary RTN.Use the Primary RTN when making all future submittals for the site unless specifically relating to this Immediate Response Action. J 9.Submit a Revised IRA Completion Statement. 10.Submit a Plan for the Application of Remedial Additives near a sensitive receptor,pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0046(3). (All sections of this transmittal form must be filled out unless otherwise noted above) C.RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE CONDITIONS THAT WARRANT IRA: 1.Media Impacted and Receptors Affected:(check all that apply) a.Paved Surface 1-b.Basement r7 c.School r d.Public Water Supply r e.Surface Water rif.Zone 2 g.Private Well r.h.Residence I i.Soil r-j.Groundwater r-k.Sediments 11.Wetland ri in.Storm Drain r n.Indoor Ai r!o.Air r p.Soil Gas I-:q.Sub-Slab Soil Gas r r.Critical Exposure Pathway r s.NAPL 17't.Unknown r r.Others Specify: 2.Sources of the Release or TOR:(check all that apply) a.Transformer r-b.Fuel Tank r c.Pipe r d.OHM Delivery r7l e.AST f.Drums 'g.Tanker Truck r h.Hose �`;i.Line t7 j.UST Describe: r k.vehicle 1.Boat/Vessel r-in.Unknown r n. Other: 3.Type of Release or TOR:(check all that apply) r a.Dumping r'b.Fire r c.AST Removal r d.Overfill e.Rupture £Vehicle Accident g.Leak r.h.Spill 17,i.Test failure r j.TOR Only r k.UST Removal Describe: 1.Unknown in Other: 4.Identify Oils and Hazardous Materials Released:(check all that apply) r a.Oils r b.Chlorinated Solvents r.c.Heavy Metals r d. Others Specify: D.DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSE ACTIONS:(check all that apply,for volumes list cumulative amounts) 1.Assessment and/or Monitoring Only 2.Temporary Covers or Caps rw 3.Deployment of Absorbent or Containment Materials 4.Temporary Water Supplies 5.Structure Venting System/HVAC Modification System r-6.Temporary Evacuation or Relocation of Residents r 7.Product or NAPL Recovery r 8.Fencing and Sign Posting r 9.Groundwater Treatment Systems r 10.Soil Vapor Extraction r 11.Remedial Additives r 12.Air Sparging h 13.Active Exposure Pathway Mitigation System 14.Passive Exposure Pathway Mitigation System Revised: 11/14/2013 Page 2 of 6 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection DWSC 105 Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup r Immediate Response Action (IRA) Transmittal Form Release Tracking Number , Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0424-40.0427(Subpart D) 4 - 26880 D.DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSE ACTIONS:(cont.) 15.Excavation of Contaminated Soils. r a.Re-use,Recycling or Treatment r i.On Site Estimated volume in cubic yards r ii.Off Site Estimated volume in cubic yards iia.Receiving Facility: Town: State: iib.Receiving Facility: Town: State: iii.Describe: b.Store r i.On Site Estimated volume in cubic yards r ii.Off Site Estimated volume in cubic yards iia.Receiving Facility: Town: State: iib.Receiving Facility: Town: State: r c.Landfill r i.Cover Estimated volume in cubic yards Receiving Facility: Town: State: r ii.Disposal Estimated volume in cubic yards Receiving Facility: Town: State: r 16.Removal of Drums,Tanks,or Containers: a.Describe Quantity and Amount: b.Receiving Facility: Town: State: c.Receiving Facility: Town: State: r 17.Removal of Other Contaminated Media: a.Specify Type and Volume: IMPACTED HOUSEHOLD DEBRIS-COVANTA 1 1/911 7 840 LBS 18.Other Response Actions: Describe: SOIL ASSESSMENT,MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION AND TESTING r 19.Use of Innovative Technologies: Describe: Revised: 11/14/2013 Page 3 of 6 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC 105 Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Release Tracking Number Immediate response Action (IRA) Transmittal Form Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0424-40.0427(Subpart D) 26880 E.LSP SIGNATURE AND STAMP: I attest under the pains and penalties of peiju y that I have personally examined and am familiar with this transmittal form,including any and all documents accompanying this submittal.In my professional opinion and judgment based upon application of(i)the standard of care in 309 CMR 4.02(1),(ii)the applicable provisionsof 309 CMR 4.02(2)and(3),and 309 CMR 4.03(2),and(iii)the provisions of 309 CMR 4.03(3), to the best of my knowledge,information and belief, >if Section B of this form indicates that an Immediate Response Action Plan is being submitted,the response action(s)that is(are)the subject of this submittal(i)has(have)been developed in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000, (ii)is(are)appropriate and reasonable to accomplish thepurposes of such response action(s)as set forth in the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and(iii)complies(y)with the identified provisions of all orders,permits,and approvals identified in this submittal; >if Section B of this form indicates that an Imminent Hazard Evaluation is being submitted,this Imminent Hazard Evaluation was developed in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000,and the assessment activity(ies)undertaken to support this Imminent Hazard Evaluation comply(ies)with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000; >if Section B of this form indicates that an Immediate Response Action Status Report and/or.a Remedial Monitoring Report is(are)being submitted,the response action(s)that is(are)the subject of this submittal(i)is(are)being implemented in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000,(ii)is(are)appropriate and reasonable to accomplish the purposes of such response action(s)as set forth in the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.2 1 E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and(iii)comply(ies)with the identified provisions of all orders,permits,and approvals identified in this submittal; >if Section B of this form indicates that an Immediate Response Action Completion Statement or a request to Terminate an Active Remedial System or Response Action(s)Taken to Address an Imminent Hazard is being submitted,the response action(s)that is(are)the subject of this submittal(i)has(have)been developed and implemented in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000,(ii)is(are)appropriate and reasonable to accomplish the proposes of such response action(s)as set forth in the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and(iii)comply(ies)with the identified provisions of all orders,permits,and approvals identified in this submittal. I am aware that significant penalties may result,including,but not limited to,possible fines and imprisonment,if I submit information which I know to be false,inaccurate or materially incomplete. 1.LSP#: 4303 2.First Name: DAVID C 3.Last Name: BENNE17 4.Telephone: 508-896-1706 5.Ext 6.Email: 7.Signature: DAVID C BENNETT 8.Date: 12/18/2017 (mm/dd/yyyy) 9.LSP Stamp: Of Electronic Seal 49fte "PT Revised: 11/14/2013 Page 4 of 6 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection DWSC 105 Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup r Immediate Response Action (IRA) Transmittal Form Release Tracking Number Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0424-40.0427(Subpart D) - 26880 F.PERSON UNDERTAKING IRA: 1.Check all that apply: r a.change in contact name r-b.change of address 'c.change in the person undertaking response actions 2.Name of Organization: BIANCHI RESIDENCE 3.Contact Fast Name: LAWRENCE 4.Last Name: BIANCHI 5.Street: 46 CHESTNUT STREET 6.Title: PROPERTY OWNER 7.City/Town: BOSTON 8.State: MA 9.Zip Code: 021080000 10.Telephone: 617-571-3980 11.Ext: 12.Email: G.RELATIONSHIP TO RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE OF PERSON UNDERTAKING IRA: r- Check here to change relationship rV 1.RP or PRP rV_a.Owner r b.Operator, I c.Generator rid.Transporter r e.Other RP or PRP Specify Relationship: r 2.Fiduciary,Secured Lender or Municipality with Exempt Status(as defined by M.G.L.c.21E,s.2) I--, 3.-Agency-or-Public Utility on a-Right-of Way-(as defined by-M:G:L-.a.2-1E,-sr50)) - ---- --- — - - - -- r 4.Any Other Person Undertaking Response Actions: Specify Relationship: H.REQUIRED ATTACHIVIENT AND SUBMITTALS: r 1.Check here if any Remediation Waste,generated as a result of this IRA,will be stored,treated,managed,recycled or reused at the site following submission of the IRA Completion Statement.If this box is checked,you must submit one of the following plans,along with the appropriate transmittal form. r a.A Release Abatement Measure(RAM)Plan(BWSC 106) b.Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan(BWSC108) ,r- 2.Check here if the Response Action(s)on which this opinion is based,if any,are(were)subject to any order(s),permit(s)and/or approvals)issued by MassDEP or EPA.If the box is checked,you MUST attach a statement identifying the applicable provisions thereof. rV 3.Check here to certify that the Chief Municipal Officer and the Local Boardof Health were notified of the implementation of an Immediate Response Action taken to control,prevent,abate or eliminate an Imminent Hazard. r 4.Check here to certify that the Chief Municipal Officer and the Local Boardof Health were notified of the submittal of a Completion Statement for an Immediate Response Action taken to control,prevent,abate or eliminate an Imminent Hazard. r- 5.Check here if any non-updatable information provided on this form is incorrect,e.g.Release Address/Location Aid.Send corrections to BWSC.eDEP@state.ma.us. I`d 6.Check here to certify that the LSP Opinion containing the material facts,data,and other information is attached. Revised: 11/14/2013 Page 5 of 6 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection DWSC 105 4``�x Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Immediate Response Action (IRA)Transmittal Form Suart D ( p Release Trac6 8g0 Ntunber y'�A Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0424-40.0427 b ) L! I.CERTIFICATION OF PERSON UNDERTAEI NG IRA: 1.I, LAWRENCE BIANCHI ,attest under the pains and penalties of perjury(i)that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal,including any and all documents accompanying this transmittal form;(ii) that,based on my inquiry of the/those individual(s)immediately responsible for obtaining the information,the material information contained herein is,to the best of my knowledge,information and belief,true,accurate and complete;(iii) that,to the best of my knowledge,information and belief,I/the person(s)or entity(ies)on whose behalf this submittal is made satisfy(ies)the criteria in 310 CMR 40.0183(2);(iv)that I/the person(s)or entity(ies)on whose behalf this submittal is made have provided notice in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0183(5);and(v)that I am fully authorized to make this attestation on behalf of the person(s)or entity(ies)legally responsible for this submittal. I/the person(s)or entity(ies)on whose behalf this submittal is made is/are aware that there are significant penalties,including,but not limited to,possible fines and imprisonment,for willfully submitting false,inaccurate,or incomplete information. 2.By: LAWRENCE BIANCHI 3.Title: PROPERTY OWNER 4.For: BIANCHI RESIDENCE 5.Date: 12/18/2017 (mm/dd/yyyy) �"" 6.Check here if the address of the person providing certification is different from address recorded in Section F. 7.Street: 8.City/Town: 9.State: 10.Zip Code: 11.Telephone: 12.ExL 13.Email: YOU ARE SUBJECT TO AN ANNUAL COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE FEE OF UP TO$10,000 PER BILLABLE YEAR FOR THIS DISPOSAL SITE.YOU MUST LEGIBLY COMPLETE ALL RELEVANT SECTIONS OF THIS FORM OR DEP MAY RETURN THE DOCUMENT AS INCOMPLETE.IF YOU SUBMIT AN INCOMPLETE FORM,YOU MAY BE PENALIZED FOR MISSING A REQUIRED DEADLINE. Date Stamp(DEP USE ONLY:) Received by DEP on 12/18/2017 4:08:22 PM Revised: 11/14/2013 Page 6 of 6 12/18/2017 eDEP-MassDEP's OnlineFiling System - y MassDEP Home I Contact I Privacy Policy MassDEP's Online Filing System Usemame:DAVIDBENNETT Nickname:BENNETTDAVID Receipt Forms Attach Files Signature Receipt d Summary/Receipt _ print receipt Exit Your submission is complete. Thank you for using DEP's online reporting system. You can select"My eDEP" to see a list of your transactions. DEP Transaction ID: 974174 Date and Time Submitted: 12/18/2017 4:08:22 PM Other Email Form Name: BWSC105 Immediate Response Action Transmittal Form RTN: 4-26880 Location: SUMMER RESIDENCE Address: 146 EAST BAY ROAD, OSTERVILLE, Person Making Submittal BIANCHI RESIDENCE LAWRENCE BIANCHI 46 CHESTNUT STREET BOSTON, MA 021080000 LSP LSP#: 4303 LSP Name: DAVID C BENNETT Person Making Certification BIANCHI RESIDENCE Lawrence Bianchi Ancillary Document Uploaded/Mailed BWSC-105 Q.1302 - IRA Plan - Uploaded (BEA17-11064 IRAP 12.13.17- LR.pdf) BWSC-105 Q.1304 - Imminent Hazard Evaluation Doc- Uploaded (TRAP IHE Reference.doc) My eDEP MassDEP Home I Contact I Privacy Policy MassDEP's Online Filing System ver.© 2017 MassDEP https://edep.dep.mass.gov/Pages/PrintReceipt.aspx 1/1 f - c' Sullivan Engineering Inc. ' 7 Parker Road Box 659 Osterville MA 02655 Peter Sullivan PE Mass Registration No. 29733 e-mail PSuIIPE@aol.com phone 508-428-3344 tax. 508-428-3115 r _ MEMO TRANSMITTAL SHEET March 27, 2001 f To: Glen Harrington, Health Agent Fr: Sullivan Engineering Inc. �Rl46 East Bay Road, 0sterville Enclosed is a copy of a letter to Ms. Parrish Bianchi regarding the septic upgrade at the above referenced property. Could you please put this copy of the letter to her in her file in case there is ever a question in the future regarding the system. If you have any questions, please call the'office. Thank you. . /'J �,f Vr �,44T>>fa ;�F� i 4 SULLIVAN ENGINEERING INC. 7 PARKER ROAD/P O BOX 659- OSTERVILLE, MA 02655 Peter Sullivan P. E. Mass Registration No. 29733 psullpe@aolxom phone 508-428-3344 fax 508-428-3115 March 27, 2001 Susan Parrish Bianchi 9 West Hill Place Boston, MA 02108 RE: 146 East Bay Road, Osterville, MA/Septic Design Dear Ms. Bianchi, As a follow up to my discussions with your builder, Paul Caprio, I believe it is important to forward you this note outlining the design parameters for the upgrade of your septic system at 146 East Bay Road in Osterville. The septic system flow was originally designed for five (5) bedrooms with a garbage grinder. The Town Assessor's office has your property listed for five (5) bedrooms and the Board of Health records show a garbage grinder. This is an important factor because a garbage grinder will considerably shorten the life of your septic system. Based on discussion with your builder, we have modified the design of the septic system to reflect "no garbage grinder." This change is based on note signed by you dated March 14, 2001 which we received from, your builder, in which you acknowledge "we do not plan to install a garbage grinder in our home on East Bay". A copy of this note will be a part of your file at the Town of Barnstable Board of Health office. If you have.any questions, please feel free to contact my office. Ve truly yours, Peter Sullivan P. E. 4 , Sullivan Engineering Inc. Cc: Town of-Barnstable-Boardof-Health Paul Caprio, Olde Cape Builders Members of American Society of Civil Engineers, Boston Society of Civil Engineers M i One Forty Six East Bay Road w Osterville, Ma. 02655 To: Sullivan = From: Susan Parrish-Bianchi a Date: March 14, 2001 I wanted to let you know that we do not plan to install a garbage grinder in our home on East Bay. Thanks for your help with the engineering. TOWN OF BARNSTABLE Wool, LOCATION SEWAGE # ,7,M/"O Z-7 VILLAGE ASSESSOR'S MAP & LOT INSTALLER'S NAME&PHONE NO. Or`/ 3 a D 5"36 SEPTIC;TANK CAPACITY lS uU i /Uyo g A,,`" p,��p &k'. LEACHING FACU ITY: (type) LA,,l V;%` (size) I t 5 i NO. OF BEDROOMS iUt DER OR 6Rtl S.cc,d,�svi PERMITDATE: 3t! I`1 I a2 ( COMPLIANCE DATE: df Separation Distance Between the: Maximum Adjusted Groundwater Table and Bottom of Leaching Facility . Feet' Private Water Supply.Well and Leaching Facility (If any wells exist on'site or within 200 feet of leaching facility) Feet Edge of Wetland and Leaching.Facility (If any wetlands exist within 300 feet of leaching facility) Feet Furnished by �c ,c!yt � �� .eyti der fD Ei' e � y _ a cm• c'n .� r, 's�. ',cni s N► . psi y„ � ,., . n e J � 'TOWN OF BARNSTABLE r . . SEWAGE # 'ZC'� !`=0 Z 7 LOCATION / 70F y, VILLAGE 0..4.t .V rho + ASSESSOR'S MAP & LOT—! ` 1 INSTALLER'S NAME&PHONE NO.. �a- •��• ��. Sty y 3a o 5-36 i rr_ SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY 15 UU i >�DC) . .�,�t.�. pa,,..gyp v�. .�j . LEACHING FACILITY: (type) (size) / 6- NO. OF BEDROOMS 5 I BjJTT T1FR OR IIWNF,F� S r 3 l �1 awd.' .. COMPLIANCE 'DATE:. "C PERMIT DATE; 1" .: 'Separation Distance Between the: i Maximum Adjusted Groundwater Table and Bottom of Leaching Facility Feet �. Private Water.Supply Well and Leaching Facility (If any wells exist on site or within 200 feet of leaching facility) Feet Edge of Wetland and Leaching Facility (If any wetlands exist within 300 feet of leaching facility) Feet ! Furnished byc� .. t y; 1 � A- CI A _ r _ c _ ''tr 3LA, ' -rz a3 I- = S,11 i No. CCU v 1� Z- y Fee A/,90,6� LTH OF MASSACHU THE COMMONWEALTH ETTS Entered in computer:S Yes PUBLIC HEALTH DIVISION - TOWN OF BARNSTABLE, MASSACHUSETTS Zipprication for Digpogaf *pgtem Congtruction permit Application for a Permit to Construct( )Repair( )Upgrade((x)Abandon( ) ❑Complete System ❑Individual Components Location Address or Lot No. Owner's Name,Address and Tel.No. I q!o C��St �� ed dd>�i^y 1.l l� `JLi50.r) Arr�-Sh tom. I'ZL 1 Assessor's Map/Parcel w es,+ f i )) p)ac.e- rn l l°a rz 4 /3 I s ,, M 19 o d, lvd' Installer's Name,Address,and Tel.No. Designer's Name,Address and Tel.No. Su I i ivCln. E 1'� i r�a�r i Tr�� �Ok"qa*'334# O s f-u V i I 1 P r►l va tp55 Type of Building: _>- Dwelling No.of Bedrooms Lot Size Fwres Garbage Grinder(✓) Other Type of Building No. of Persons Showers 1; ) Cafeteria( ) Other Fixtures Design Flow '-�S� gallons per day. Calculated daily flow f32� gallons. Plan Date —I6i n Q 0 0 Number of sheets Revision Date At A Title 514-e _Pho Frolwset aA d d),fr&A r- r2d.c. Size of Septic Tank �7000 gd r)L�.� �e of S.A.S. IPQ�ifn; 1�.0 �/�S/dot. 'S�x7-5 Co'YYlt rtrn,c - Description of Soil Nature of Repairs or Alterations(Answer when applicable) l Date last inspected: / Agreement: The undersigned agrees to ensure the construction and maintenance of the afore described on-site sewage disposal system in accordance with the provisions of Title 5 of the Environmental Code and no[4o place the system in operation until a Certifi- cate of Compliance has been is e by th• az f lea } Signed;.. .��"� Date Application Approved by Date LZ Z 0 Application Disapproved for the following reasons Permit No. y a 7 Date Issued OF --------------------------------------- ' No. THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS_ Entered in computer: 1'./ PUBLIC HEALTH/DIVISION -TOWN OF BARNSTABLE., MASSACHUSETTS Yes 01pprication for -Miopogar *pgtem Cowaruction Permit Application for a Permit to Construct( )Repair( )Upgrade(X)Abandon( ) O Complete System ❑Individual Components Location Address or Lot No. Owner's Name,Address and Tel.No. Jylo [mot far/ '�I, ferv,'!�� ,araaal Jrrsh t3,a.nch�` Assessor's Map/Parcel 0--PA� q w e5+' µ-! 11 f lacx Installer's Name,Address,and Tel.No. Designer's:Name,Address and Tel.No. 4 svlJi-4o EYE�j;,uir��� r3� 5G8T�de- 33N�/ e r•v ► r , rfl ►1 c> cPSS Type of Building: } Dwelling No.of Bedrooms Lot Size Gcra sit-' Garbage Grinder Other Type of Building No. of Persons Showe`rs5( ' ) Cafeteria( ) i Other Fixtures 'Design Flow SD gallons per day. Calculated daily flow f32 gallons. Plan Date _14 n a00 Number of sheets Revision Date N A Title 54 C /Q/rk n o'O POS eW. r S.e-,ptl'� S U< n� �0 R. . Size of Septic Tank 4 U y 0 qGt-11 G-)L .� Type of S.A.S. 1 ea�i g-i bl k d e4l,�G. h5"x 76/ Description of Soil r Nature of Repairs or Alterations(Answer when applicable) Date last inspected: Agreement: - ""-�"' The�undersigned agrees to ensure the construction and maintenance of the afore described on-site sewage disposal system r in accordance with the provisions of Title 5 of the Environmental Code and not to place the system in operation until a Certifi- cate of Compliance has been lis ed y this B ardj f Heal Signe-eA /"/ Date 3 /0/ Application Approved by / r. Date I—/Z-0 Application Disapproved for the following reasons Permit No. d Z 7 Date Issued �� 4 --------------------------------------- THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BARNSTABLE, MASSACHUSETTS Certificate of (Compliance THIS IS TO CERTIFY, that the On-site Sewage Disposal System Constructed( )Repaired( )Upgraded(Y) L. Abandoned( )by bq 0(,^ Go at L CAS_/_ ew ,, GSfe r yi'l 1 c, has been constructed in accordance JI with the provisions of Title 5 and the for Disposal System Construction Permit No. "7i�U -O z7 dated / /Z 0 / Installer Designer The issuance of this p, t shall not be construed as a guarantee that the sysgwwill fu p4my a designed,./ Date Inspector _ If- - /Gd t No. —Zffv f- G Z 7 Fee `��` THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS PUBLIC HEALTH DIVISION - BARNSTABLE: MASSACHUSETTS '=i5po0a1 *pgtem Congtruction Permit Permission is hereby granted to Construct( )Re air( )Upgrade( ) bandon( ) System located at V/Ile- and as described in the above Application for Disposal System Construction Permit. The applicant recognizes his/her duty to comply with Title 5 and the following local provisions or special conditions. Provided:Construction must be completed within three years of the date of this permit. Date: Approved L No ... . + Fss..... THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS I BOARD OF HEALTH ..............O F..........................................----------.•--••-.-----................_...----- Allp iration for Dhipas'al Works Tonstrnrtinn ramit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ( ) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal PP Y � P System at: I�6 .....ems ..... ... u z. ........ ................... ....... ............. Location Address or Lot No. a Own r •_.-..Address_'Tad....... .s7.�.L!A.?-t'..-.Y.q..................................... ......•--•---........... ........................................... Installer Address Type of Building Size Lot............................Sq. feet U Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms............. ..........................Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) aOther Type of Building ............................ No. of persons............................ Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) G" Other fixtures --------------- ----------•--•. •. - dT ke--------------•-.--------------... W Design Flow..... yd.............................gallons per person per day. Total daily flow..........�..._........................_gallons. WSeptic Tank—Liquid capacity -440._gallons Length................ Width................ Diameter____-__---__.._- Depth................ x Disposal Trench—No..................... Width.................... Total Length.................... Total leaching area....................sq. ft. Seepage Pit No....�---------- Diameter.._l..a.`.......... Depth below inlet.................... Total leaching area..................sq. ft. Z Other Distribution box ( ) Dosing tank ( ) Percolation Test Results Performed by --•-------------------•----------------•------ Date. -------.._.....: aTest Pit No. 1................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit...:_............... Depth to ground water.._._.__.__._........__.. Test Pit No. 2................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth to ground water........................ -------------------------------- --------••--------••---..-................._._...........--• ---------.-------- -----.........._......--- ODescription of Soil.....................n=.•---•........................................••-•-•--•----------------------------------....--------------------------••--•...---------------- x .......... ,... U ------------------------------ ..........--------------- ... ------- .--------------- ...._. W ---•------•----------------•-••---•---------•-•----......-------•-------•---•----•----------•=•-.....-------••--------------------•------•...-------------•-•-----------------•----•-•-........ U Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable.....1'.5—a.c1__ z ..T�.k..... f.__e .--:.�l�U._._........ ----------------------------•--•------•---.........-----•------------------------------••-•-••_.....--------.........•---•-•-----......-•--.....-••----------------------•--•.......................... Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage.Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of iITLL 5 of the State Sanitary Code—The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has be n issued th board of Health. Application Approved B PP PP Y=....... = ............................................................. __�----------------- Date Application Disapproved for e f Ilowing reasons:...........................................................................................................•--- Date PermitNo.,f6................................................ Issued....................................................... Date • p r t Fmm..... , .......... THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH ..........................................0 F.......................................................................................... Appliration for Diipoiittl Workii Tomitrurtion unfit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ( ) or Repair O an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: ST._ Y....... .. ..L1 1. ................ .. ....------.......---..................... -- -- --. Location Address or Lot No. .................................... .................• --•-•-•--------•...............--•-.......------...... Owner Address a .._....T0.4 J'.?-------------------------------- ... Installer Address d Type of Building Size Lot............................Sq. feet U Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms................_.._...._._.._...____.__Expansion Attic ( ) "` Garbage Grinder ( ) 'A Other—Type of Building No. of persons............................ Showers Pa YP g ---------------------------- P ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) Q' Other fixtures --------------- •---••--•-•-... - Design Flow gallons per person per day. Total daily flow---- .i ...............................gallons. w WSeptic Tank—Liquid capacitv_,fdp..gallons. Length................ Width................. Diameter................ Depth................ x Disposal Trench—No. .................... Width.................... Total Length.................... Total leaching area....................sq. ft. Seepage Pit No.... ..;._____. Diameter....14b.......... Depth below inlet.................... Total leaching area..................sq. ft. z Other Distribution box ( ) Dosing tank ( ) Percolation Test Results Performed by.......................................................................... Date........................................ Test Pit No. I................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth to ground water........................ Test Pit No. 2................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth to ground water........................ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•---..--.......................................................... 0 Description of Soil.................... ••----••---•----•---------•-------••---------••-----------•----•--------------------...------....------------------------..._...........----------- x w �s U Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable...__,rS:u-ce + �__ w + .... .._( ,_rG %/ ------------------------------------------•-----•-•-----------------------------------......................-•-•-----------•----•--------------------...................................--•--•......---- Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITL L 5 of the State Sanitary Code—The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has be �u , th board of health.Srgn ... -...�.�........- --...... ........... Application Approved B ,..4 = ........... /� 0 Date-------------- Application Disapproved for a Mowing reasons-------------•--------------..........--•.................... ------•-------------------------------•--.--------------------------.......------------------------------------- •............................................................ Date PermitNo. ?, ............................................... Issued........................................................ Date THE COMMONWEALTH OF ,MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH ..........................................OF..................................................................................... (Irrtifiratr of Tootpliatta TH.1 IS T CE IFY, That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed or Repaired ( ) by--^-:-- ?�':--- ---1. . .............. .. .................... stall.. ......................................................................................I........ --- - --at ---------•---ZUAANTEE ................ been installed in accordance wi i t provisions of T TLE 5 of The State Sanitarycribed in the application for Disposal Works Co ruction Permit ................. dated ...._.............. THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED S A THAT THE SYSTEM WILLy t�fA/G�CTION SATISFACTORY. DATE .................................................... Inspector........ .... .................................................................... THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH �.. ..........................................OF..................................................................................... Fi 11Wposal Workii Tomitrtt'tiott Vprrmit Permission ' ; reby granted.....__. to Cons `�" � >m• e a ( ) �ndividua ewage System atN ----•--- •. ----------------- • ........ -- . -•-•----•--- -•--•--•--•••-----••-•...............•••-•---•-•--•-......._........... Street. as shown on the ap n for Disposal Wo s onstruction o.......... ......... Dated.......................................... ..-- ---------------------------------•----••-•--•-•-....... Board of Health DATE. . .....-- -- .. .. .................................................... FORM 1255 A. M. SULKIN, INC., BOSTON Fee--- BOARD OF HEALTH TOWN OF BARNSTABLE 2pplication Ar Vell Cootruction Permit n is hereby m for permit toConstruct L- Alter or R air an individual Well at: Application y made p ( ), ( ), Repair ( ) PP , Location�— Address — Asssseessors Ma and Parcel (� O ner / Address ---Q__�__J-Lc�__Nw�1� -------- - ...... _�__ �f� Installer — Driller Address Type of Building Dwelling------------------------------------------------------------- Other - Type of Building----------------------------------- No. of Persons----------------------------- --------------- Type of Well- a). C---:-------------------------------- Capacity-- - - - -- - - —--— ---- Purpose of Well---��� J �Q"� -o a�/(-- - - Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed individual well in accordance with the provisions of The Town of Barnstable Board of Health Private Well Protection Regulation - The undersigned further agrees not to place the well in operation until a Certificate .of Complian54,has been issued by the Board of Health Signed date Application Approved B —q— c1ate Application Disapproved for the following reasons:----- - - ---------------------------------- ------ - --------------------------------------------------------------- --------- date t Permit No. Issued--- `'- -- — ---------------- date BOARD OF HEALTH TOWN OF BARNSTABLE Certificate ®f Compliance THIS IS TO CE TIFY, That the Individual Well Constructed ( ') Altered (, ), or Repaired ( ) bY- - --- -- - ---- - - ---------- �taller _ < / at- -�,G �4�7 6 _,1 �j-_ ----PS7- ----------- ----------------------- --- has been installed in accordance with/the provisions of the Town of Barnstable Board of Health Private Well Protection � � Regulation as described in the application for Well Construction Permit No. e�-----�-' ---�ated THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE WELL SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. DATE- --- ---— - --- -- Inspector--------------------------------------- - --- L n�:,•.'y;:''�v���.•1 ,... �.�rr^r.�"r1�{-.r�X�-.:...-i!'S•r:-.r+'F.'-y..y...--y��r� ri'"".�.'�.%r-.'r'^r'•.�s++'�rL'"' w...f�c. :j!i •rr; . 70'440 0, �. S ge/ aj No.-t�!Y"--� - Fee--- BOARD OF HEALTH TOWN OF BARNSTABLE application-*r V ell Cow5truct ion permit PP - -- Y -; --------P �l-- � 'Repair (A lication is here ma de ade fora permit to Construct �, Alter or )an individual Well at:( ), Location,'— Address � / � Assessors Map and Parcel t ✓'��l��,W��� '` ,�6_•_ Cis ----�G ) - /f� __�__��,P.v,�/--- >. O ner Address r a N - �-Al=- - 450 -b- --------------------------------------------- Installer — Driller Address Type of Building - Dwelling------------------------------------------------------------ Other - Type of Building--------------------------------- No. of Persons--------------------------- Type of lNell ------ Capacity Purpose of Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed individual well in accordance with the provisions of The Town of Barnstable Board of Health Private Well Protection Regulation - The undersigned further agrees not to place`the well in operation until a Certificate .of Compliancd has been issued by the Board of Health. I Signed ---------------- - -- -�>l! date A7Application Approved B - PP PP --=� --- --- -- -— - dace --- -r .y Application Disapproved:for the following reasons:------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- - --- --- — --- --- - - - - -- - - - - -- --------—--------------- date Permit No. - �- � �-- -- - Issued ---- r'/ 4 --`-�- - --- --------- date r' BOARD OF HEALTH r� TOWN OF BARNSTABLE Certificate Of Compliance THIS IS TO CE TIFY, That the Individual Well Constructed ( �; Altered ( ), or Repaired by----------2 _ �u � �-'��'- �`- staller at �YG C4 S7 �JG! _—_�r� Of T'e/c)l `lam rua - --- - ----— —_____ _— --------------------------------- -------------- has been installed in accordance with the provisions of the Town of Barnstable Board of Health Private Well Protection Regulation as described in the application for Well Construction Permit No*,—-9����wated _ 1� THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE WELL SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. DATE- - -- ---— _ -- -- Inspector-------------------------------------------—- - ------------ BOARD OF HEALTH TOWN OF BARNSTABLE Vell ContructionA3ermit No. --------- ---/ Fee Permission is hereby granted to Construct ( ), Alter ( ), or Repair ( ) an Individual Well at: Street as shown o the appjication for a Well Construction Permit �1 Q No. - --- ------- - - Dated---77 - / -`- --------------------------------- DATE Board of Health ---��-����/�/_ - -- x •� + ♦y F ' - xeACIAe a N <5. _ lz 1-7 / ' .�JI.Sit. Z-low G�4 •ekf S ` ?cif L L°��S�t,/' 7!O G 6.•�? I f/�Ga To t f/��9`rEf/r✓fZ'� f _ �r r«s. °�` &5,q7:.' tyJ t5A �• r 7. 7 f'/Z:��r1� //�J�{s, e , � ,�; f � ,a +• 'dry r�',{i 3`d �� • t ,r o.. ��..ss s .c 4 .w/! :, ' .:- r ,, . ,� � � �� Of � vs CJ` '� � �-' c� �� � �� � I � �� � =:j �� -r. a �� -, �, fl "$ �:� �y as ii r"` � j � � i {F. � '. BARNSTABLE, REFERENCE MA - PLAN TITLED "SUBDIVISION PLAN OF LAND IN BARNSTABLE 0 6 (05TERVILLE), PREPARED BY CROWELL AND TAYLOR CORP., DATED MARCH 1975 - PLAN TITLED "SITE PLAN PROPOSED ADDITION * SEPTIC SYSTEM a UPGRADE", PREPARED BY SULLIVAN ENGINEERING INC., DATED JAN. 4, a .p 2001 - TOWN OF BARNSTABLE AS-BUILT DATED 414101 - TOWN OF BARNSTABLE ASSESSOR'S MAP 141 BLOCK 13 1 '1 \� - TOWN OF BARNSTABLE GIS MAP PRINTED 10/19/17 LOCUS NOTE: TH15 51TE PLAN WAS NOT PREPARED FROM ANY INSTRUMENT F SURVEY AND UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD THE DISTANCES, d asteay BEARING AND/OR OTHER FEATURE5 SHOWN BE USED TO ESTABLISH 'ho Ra PROPERTY LINES. KEY MAP v� 2\ AV° SDK°K LEGEND HB HAND BORING 0 MW MONITORING WELL ZONE B-2 AREA OF SOIL REMOVAL 3' x 3' x 2-3' (D) FULL BASEMENT DEPTH PID/TOV1 0- 1 ' 15.7 1 -2' 10.0 2-3' 7.6 3-4' 3.6 gr 6-8' 1 .5 wp n O DEPTH PID/TOV 77 I . I TIDAL CREEK DEPTH PID/TOV \ 0- 1' 1 . 1 / ot, DEPTH PID/TOV 0-I` •. SAW CUT CONCRETE �J- I -2' 1 . 1 ZONE B I FLOOR AND REMOVE AS \G AREA Of 50IL.REMOVAL REMEDIAL WASTE I3' x3' x 1 -2• (D) �OD� MW-I \ H5- 1 2 ZONE A-2 AREA Of 501L REMOVAL O VENT PIPE x•4' x.6-1 ' (D) .. HB-8 DEPTH PID/TOV e --,`� M W-4Q DEPTH PIDlfOV " 0- I' 1 . I H5-13 HB-I Q�1.' 0.3 I -2' 0.3 ASAll T 1•-2' .0.3 LOCUS 146 EAST BAY ROAD DEPTH PID/TOV HB-2 ZONE A-I H13-7 0-1' 1 . 1 MW-3 � AREA OP 501L REMOVAL 1 -2 1 . 1 MW-2 AST / DEPTH PID/TOV \� DEPTH PID/TOV 0-1' 4.4 H B-5 O- I' 0.3 1-2' 0.3 I -2' I . I H5-3 2-3' 0.3 3-4' 0.3 ch/M� DEPTH PID/TOV H13-6 1-2' 1 . 1 SEE DETAIL * REMOVE t- REPLACE KEY MAP BOTTOM 2 COURSES OF CINDER BLOCKS SCALE 1"=50' DEPTH PID/TOV CRAWL SPACE DEPTH PID/TOV 0- 1' 40.7 DEPTH PID/TOV I -2' 7.6 0-I' 10.0 I -2' 2.0 0-1' 0.3 2-4' 25.8 2-3' 0.3 I -2' 0.3 �s . 4-6 43. 1 3-4' 2.0 6-8' 30.0 8-91z 23.5 4-5' 2.8 5-6' 3.6 ILL LOCATION PID/TOV PARAMETER CONCENTRATION 6-8' ND HB-1 3:0- 1' 55 40.7 VPH , C9-C 10 288 mcg/kc3 8- 10 ND t H5-13:0- 1' 55 EPH �O C9-C 18 22 10 mg/kg 2-Methylnapth 18 mg/kg - Napthalene 4.06 mcg/4 RTN 4-26880 DETAIL Project: 0 4 8 12 LAWRENCE BIANCHI SCALE 1"=4' 46 CHESTNUT STREET-BOSTON,MA 02108 Title: IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION STATUS I 146 EAST BAY ROAD-OSTERVILLE,MA 02655 BENNETT ENVIRONMENTAL �A ASSOCIATES, INC. LICENSED SITE PROFESSIONALS,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS, GEOLOGISTS,ENGINEERS 1573 MAIN STREET,P.O.BOX 1743,BREWSTER,MA 02631 PHONE:(508)896-1706 www.bennett-ea.com FAX:(508)896-5109 DATE SCALE BY CHECK I JOB NUMBER 2/6/18 As Noted SRF THE BEA17-11064 Hi ��• �: 40 texts s 3 1 ya ."ro ast Bey, NOTE: Proposed Kitchen Addition is spa Jo -to •• seac ` \ Neck �,--�`.•• ..�"` "• C-A R r \ \ y / nA r� �s LOCUS PLAN 4 \ o� Scale: I 2000' O?� \ Ao�• klr� �• . .. ,` � p Assessors Map 141 TiON NLN' O\ ' N Parcel 131 6 s o `r' g� `11�� ' Zoning RFI O cu �> o � _ Setbacks: Front- 30 Side - 15 Rear - 15 o¢� ' A.0 Igo Lot Area 2 Ac LL t! �`L&A.^j tit G� 45?.�- o .� XX o ,, AlI `�s�� '' /l I -P � I MIN N/F JOHN GALLAGHER o ePSK eP `� •� PLAN VIEW Scales I = 40' F.G. I8.0 F.G.18.5 24"0Opening Above For M.H. ` ri n . Inv.16.5 I/2'h Galy Pipe For Frame 81 Cover. Bat.16.0 Float Support 15.5 Pump 16.9 16.7 15.3 Chamber OF PumpPowerB Float Control To D•Box Cabls Installed in Accordance Com arGtment' 2 Bedding as SULLIVANWith Local BIdg.8�Elec.Codes. � Per Title 5 LLlVt rd+ Se tic Tank Idly.29733 DEVELOPED PROFILE OF PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM' CIVIL 4"0 From.Septic Precast Pump Not to Scale Tank.Sch.40 PVC ' Chamber 81-0" NOTES L 1.Water Supply ForThis Lot is Municipal Water DESIGN DATA 2 Location of Utilities Shown on This Plan Are Approx. Single Family- 5 Bedroom At Least 72 Hours Prior to Any Excavation For This Project The ContractorSholl Make The Required PLAN With Garbage Grinder Daily Flow= 110 x 5 = 550 gpd Notification to Dig Safe(1-800-322-4844) Septic Tank:550 gpd x 200%= 1100 gpd 3.The Contractor is Required to Secure Appropriate Use a 2000 Gallon,2 Compartment Permits From Town Agencies For Construction DlreCtlOr1S: from Hyannis take Septic Tank r Defined by This Plan. y 4. Install Risers as Requiredto Within 12'of Route 28 towards Ostervllle; Left LEACHING AREA 4"0 Sch.40 PVC Finished lights onto Osterville West From Septic Tank Grade 550 gpd/0.74= 774s.f.+50%= 1116y,f. Finished Grade. at llg Required.Use Bottom Area Only. 5.All Structures BuriedI Four Feet or More or Subject Barnstable Rd. to end; Left onto ii� �s yisaisws to Vehicular Traffic to be H-20 Loadin ;;; (LppaF. p g•1 Bottom Area= 15 x 75 = 1 125 s.f. g Main Street and bear left at fork In ,., 6. Septic System lobe Installed in Accordance With rb LEACHING BED DESIGN Inv.l5.l Conduit Thru Chamber Galv. r� 310 CMR 15.00 Latest Revision And The Town of the village s0 that you Stay On Main For Power&Float •' To D-Box AI I Pipes to be Schedule 40 PVC Perforated Barnstable Board of Health Regulations V01.1950_yStorage c Cables. Chain a; Min.2'Cover With Ends. Use 4-4' Distributions in Street; Take a right onto East Bay Alarm 15 x 75' Leaching Bed as Shown. T. All Piping tobe Sch.40 PVC. Road and house Is on the left #146. on El. 13.0 `D 2"0 Sch.40 PVC 8.Septic Tank Shall be a 2000 Gal.,2 Compartments. Pump on EI. 12.5 Mercury Float y Threaded Pipe The First Compartment Shall Have a Volume of Not Switchs-3Req'd Less Than I100 Gal.And The Second of Not Less Than 550 Gal. Pum off EI 11.8 Check Valve Secure PipeatTopa Finish Grade R, Bottom of Chamber Compacted Fil I--� Filter 40 Perforated Bottom El 10.8 ;� :'a 6"Washed •� Fabric PVC Pipe SITE PLAN SAM"i: ,D':` :°.°''. one Min. iv Pea Slone SECTION �— - 3/4%11/ PROPOSED ADDITION 81 (1000 Gallon H-10 Septic Tank) Double_' /4- 1/2 _ SEPTIC SYSTEM UPGRADE PUMP CHAMBER DETAIL 10 • St Washed Not to Scale " AT a'-o' 3'-0 5_0„ a-.o 3-0' 146 EAST BAY ROAD OSTERVILLE, MASS. CROSS SECTION OF LEACHING BED FOR Not to Scale SUSAN PARRISH BIANCHI SCALE: AS SHOWN DATE:JAN. 4, 2001 SULLIVAN ENGINEERING INC. OSTERVILLE MASS. BARN5TABLE, REFERENCE MA - PLAN TITLED "SUBDIVISION PLAN OF LAND IN BARNSTABLE o (OSTERVILLE), PREPARED BY CROWELL AND TAYLOR CORP., DATED MARCH 1975 - PLAN TITLED "51TE PLAN PROPOSED ADDITION * SEPTIC SYSTEM UPGRADE", PREPARED BY SULLIVAN ENGINEERING INC., DATED JAN. 4, o 2001 - TOWN OF BARNSTABLE A5-BUILT DATED 4/4/01 - TOWN OF BARNSTABLE ASSESSOR'S MAP 141 BLOCK 131 - TOWN OF BARNSTABLE GI5 MAP PRINTED 10/19117 �0a1 y �aw�ti LOCUS NOTE: THIS 51TE PLAN WAS NOT PREPARED FROM ANY INSTRUMENT SURVEY AND UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD THE DISTANCES �dste 0 BEARING AND/OR OTHER FEATURES SHOWN BE USED TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY LINES. KEY MAP 9� o1�/ 2��\ LEGEND HB HAND BORING MW MONITORING WELL ZONE B-2 AREA OF SOIL REMOVAL 3' x 3' x 2-3' (D) FULL BASEMENT DEPTH PID/TOV ' Rf 0-I' 15.7 1 -2' 10.0 3-4' 3.G G-8' 1 .5 �pp� 8- 10, 4.5 ✓H B-9 DEPTH PID/TOV �. 0-1 ' 1 . I TIDAL CREEK 1 -2' 1 . 1 1-113-10 DEPTH PID/TOV \ S DEPTH PIDJOV SAW CUT CONCRETE / 0 2.8 HB-I I ZONE 5-1 FLOOR AND REMOVE AS AREA OF SOII,.REMOVAL REMEDIAL WASTE 13' x 3' x I -2' (D) �oo MW-I HB-1 2 ZONE A 2 AREA OF 501L REMOVAL O VENT PIPE 6' x•4'.x.G-8'•(D) DEPTH PID/TOV m" MW-4 - .._. — _ 0 - DEPTH• PID/TOV 1 -2' 0.3 H B- 13 H B-I 0- L' 0.3 'AST - .. 1--2' 0.3 A50T CUS BAY i 14G E ROAD DEPTH PID/TOV H5-2 HB-7 0-I I . I MW-3\ ZONE A- \ AREA OF 501L REMOVAL 1 -2' 1 . 1 13' x 3' x 1 -2' (D) / MW-2 AST \ HB- DEPTH PID/TOV \ \ f DEPTH PID/TOV \� 0- I' 4.4 H B-5 0- I' 0.3 1 -2' I . I I -2' 0.3 H B-3 -� 2-3' 0.3 C,y�M DEPTH PID/TOV 3-4 0.3 ti m}- O- I ' I . I HB-G ��-� I -2' I . SEE DETAIL " REMOVE REPLACE BOTTOM 2 COURSES KEY MAP OF CINDER BLOCKS SCALE 1 "=50' DEPTH PID/TOV CRAWL SPACE DEPTH PID/TOV 0- I ' 40.7 DEPTH PID/TOV 1 -2' 7.G 0- I ' I0.0 2-4' 25.8 2 3' 0.03 02' 0.3 4-0 43. 1 G-8' 30.0 3-4' 2.0 8-9'� 23.5 4-5' 2.8 5-0 3.G LOCATION PID/TOV PARAMETER CONCENTRATION G-8' ND HB- 13:0-I' SS 40.7 VPH 8- 10' N D 79-C 10 285 mg/kg t H5-1 3:0- 1' 55 EPH �O C9-C 18 2210 mg/4 2-Methylnapth 18 mg/kg Napthalene 4.OG mg/kg DETAIL RTN 4-26880 Project: 0 4 8 12 LAWRENCE BIANCHI SCALE 1"=4' 46 CHESTNUT STREET-BOSTON,MA 02108 Title: IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION PLAN 146 EAST BAY ROAD-OSTERVILLE,MA 02655 BENNETT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES INC. LICENSED SITE PROFESSIONALS,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS, GEOLOGISTS,ENGINEERS 1573 MAIN STREET,P.O.BOX 1743,BREWSTER, MA 02631 PHONE:(508)896-1706 www.bennett-ea.com FAX:(508)896-5109 DATE SCALE BY CHECK JOB NUMBER 12/11/17 As Noted SRF THE BEA17-11064 BARNSTABLE, REFERENCE MA 3 � ' - PLAN TITLED "SUBDIVISION PLAN OF LAND IN BARNSTABLE N (OSTERVILLE), PREPARED BY CROWELL AND TAYLOR CORP., DATED MARCH 1975 Z, - PLAN TITLED "SITE PLAN PROPOSED ADDITION t- SEPTIC SYSTEM ��o� UPGRADE", PREPARED BY SULLIVAN ENGINEERING INC., DATED JAN. 4, o 2001 �o0011 �� - TOWN OF BARNSTABLE A5-BUILT DATED 414101 ' �00 01' T\ �� - TOWN OF BARNSTABLE ASSESSOR'S MAP 141 BLOCK 131 - TOWN OF BARNSTABLE GI5 MAP PRINTED 10/15/17 O � 2 '1 eaw�jw Focus �qj\ NOTE: THIS SITE PLAN WAS NOT PREPARED FROM ANY INSTRUMENT Fds � � o� 0) \ SURVEY AND UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD THE DISTANCES, tea,2 �11 ` p�°�' BEARING AND/OR OTHER FEATURES SHOWN BE USED TO ESTABLISH 0)4 - PROPERTY LINES. KEY MAP 9� LEGEND ' FULL BASEMENT HB HAND BORING 0 MW MONITORING WELL 55 SOIL SAMPLE `.� 55-35. " 55-29 55-3G !� µ H B-9 55-30 S -38 DEFINED SITE/ AREA OF PERMANENT --'' SOLUTION STATEMENT 55 . -3 1 H3- 10 I8' x 18' 55-24 55-3� . . 55-32 B3t-�40 HB-42 55-25 55-33 C. B SS-19 55-4 I''' 55-2G 55-34 TIDAL CREEK HB-12 VENT PIPE �� SOL0 A4. HB-I -.55-7HB 85S-27 T� \ SS-14 ` 0 ---�� AST / Al. 55- 15 t. HB-2 HB-7 55-22 55-•1 G W • A5T .55-23 MW 4 HB-4 'A2. -95-17 0 HB-5 H B-3 55-18 LOCUS 14G EAST BAY ROAD HB-G MW-3 MW-2 CRAWL SPACE SEE DETAIL KEY MAP DETAIL SCALE 1 "=50 0 4 8 12 MOOR SCALE 1"=4 . t �Q RTN 4-26880 AREAS OF CONTAMINATED SOIL REMOVAL Project: LAWRENCE BIANCHI A I —4.5' x 3' x 3'(D) A2 —4' x 3' x 2'(D) 46 CHESTNUT STREET-BOSTON,MA 02108 A3 —4.5' x 3' x 2'(D) Title: A4 —G' x 4.5' x 4'(D) IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION COMPLETION B2 -3' x 3' x 2'(D) with PERMANENT SOLUTION STATEMENT 133 —4' x 4' x 2'(D) 146 EAST BAY ROAD-OSTERVILLE,MA 02655 134 —5' x 4' x 5'(D) BENNETT ENVIRONMENTAL C —7' x 5' x 3'(D) ASSOCIATES, INC. LICENSED SITE PROFESSIONALS,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS, GEOLOGISTS,ENGINEERS 1573 MAIN STREET,P.O.BOX 1743,BREWSTER,MA 02631 PHONE:(508)896-1706 www.benneff-ea.com FAX:(508)896-5109 DATE =ES BY CHECK JOB NUMBER 7/10/18 Noted SRF THE BEA17-11064