HomeMy WebLinkAbout0199 EAST BAY ROAD UNIT BLDG 1 UNIT 1 - Health 1 199 EAST BAY ROAD The Cove at East Bay Osterville y- 90 N G AUTHQRIZATION FOR 260 Cranbefq Highway �✓ Orleans,MA 02653 508.255.6511P 508.255.6760 TECHNICAL COASTAL O /� TA n engineering.co. Orleans l Sandwich l Nantucket' SERVICES coastalengineeringcompany corn To: The Cove of East Bay Condominium Trust Date: 11/20l2019. Project No.WBA001.00 c/o First Property Management Project:' Bioclere Treatment System Attn:Andrew Witter Operetion_b Maintenance ' 1046 Main.Street,Suite 11< 4 Osterville,MA 02655 t + VIA EMAIL:fpm.andy(@comcast.net, T 508-4 . 20-0299 Location. The Cove at East Bay ._>. 199 East Bay Road 'osterville, MA Coastal Engmeenng Company,Inc:(CEC)will perform the Assessor's Map.14p,'Parcel:157 following professional services relating to the ref_erenc_ed Fixed Fee: See Attachment 2 project. Contract Duration'Ongoing _ a SCOPE OF SERVICES: I Coastal Erigineerfng Co:°:Inc.(CEC)will perform e services outlined in Attachment lzegardin.g the Operation and Maintenance of-the Wastewater Treatment System;at theabove-noted location. ' CAS?mmw• SUBJECT TO TERMS 'AND CONDITIONS ON:REVERSE SIDE AUTHORIZED FOR COASTAL ENGINEERING: ® We are proceeding with service(s)noted as per your By: direction:" Immediate notification in writing' ls ' 11 required ifiyou,wish to alter this authorization. t r . Chad A:Simmons,WWTPO ® Please execute this .`agreement._ Project Manager ` November 20,2019 AUTHORI_ZED BYtEC _. ® This document will become;6ur original agreement: ' 'Acceptance cif this agreenientby Signature authorizes Signature `Dat COASTAL ENGINEERING to proceed as described.This proposal expires In 90 days if not signed by both parties: l E'r 9 Printed Name and Title: PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN ONE COPY - D.\DOgW1WBA\0011Lonirncis\20I9d3-ZDATS.doc - r i i I COASTSTANDARD AL CONDITIONS FOR ENGAGEMENT TECHNICAL SERVICE CONTRACT engineering co. Pr g FIXED FEE PROPOSAL January 1,2019 COMPENSATION FOR SERVICE CONTRACT:Coastal Engineering Co.,Inc(CEC) and exclusive property of CEC as instruments of service.The.CLIENT may,at bases its compensation for services on'this project on the fee given for the ,his/her expense, obtain record prints of drawings,in consideration of which project.CLIENTS are advised that Additional Services requested beyond the .the CLIENT'will use them solely in connection with the above described Scope covered by the fee proposal or change orders attached thereto will be project and not for the purpose of making subsequent extensions or based upon the time input according to our current hourly fee rate schedule, enlargements thereto. Ail photographic documentation shall remain the i Fee proposals for services are prepared to the best of our ability based on property of CEC and may be used in marketing materials(electronic and print) facts available at the time of submission. unless'otherwise specified by CLIENT.The CLIENT hereby consents to CEC's use of the CLIENT's name and general project description in.marketing TRANSPORTATION:Time and travel expenses incurred,when travel is in the materials(electronic and print)unless otherwise specified by CLIENT. interest.of the project, will he charged far in accordance with our fee schedule. USE Of DOCUMENTS:Services performed and documents prepared by:CEC under this agreement shall be for the benefit of CLIENT only and may not be SUBCONTRACT SERVICES: CEC may :engage subcontractors and/or other ,rOied upon by any third party(ies)unless specifically agreed to in advance by I professionals to perform required 'services such ,as soil borings; drilling, CEC and CLIENT. I construction, etc.That subcontractor's charge plus a service charge will be f added to our fee. USE OF STAKES:CLIENT,CLIENT's contractor,or any third party may not use REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES:Reimbursable expenses will be billed at our cost stakes or other markers set at the site by CEC before obtaining verification from CEC that the stakes or other markers were set far the intended purpose plus a,service charge.Examples of reimbursable expenses ordinarily charged and are in place to the accuracy appropriate for the intended use. are replacement equipment,plumbing and hardware supplies,and chemical supplements for process control. •ELECTRONIC FILES:Electronic files are transmitted for informational purposes. only and at the request of the CLIENT orCLIENT's agent:CEC's official product PAYMENT:Invoices will be rendered monthly or as.work progresses.Invoices Is limited to its signed and3ealed hard copy plans,specifications;and/or are due and payable upon receipt. Amounts over 30 days past due are studies. The'CLIENT agrees to hold.CEC harmless for any damages from subject to a service charge of 1.5446 per month (18%annually).The CLIENT Inappropriate or illegal uses by others from any electronic transfer of agrees to pay reasonable attorneys tees and any collection fees Incurred in information that was requested by the CLIENT or CWENT's agent._ the collection of any amount owed hereunder and not paid when due. INDEMNIFICATION AND LI IMITATION AF LIABILITY:CEC agrees to indemnify and CHANGE OF SCOPE: If, during the performance of services under this hold CLIENT harmless against damages and liability resulting from the i Agreement,there is a change in the Scope of Services,requested on the basis negligent acts,errors,or omissions of CEC The CLIENT agrees to limit CEC's Of an oral or written order by the CLIENT,or as required by circumstances to liability,resulting from'-errors and/or omissions in services furnished to the ) address rontingencies,or to revise plans upon the request of the CLIENT,CEC CLIENT directly by CEC to an amount not to exceed bur fee. The CLIENT will perform these services in accordance with;ourfee schedule.CEC reserves agrees to require a like limitation from any contractor engaged to perform he right, at our discretion, to issue a Change order to this Agreement work for which we have provided reports,plans, and/or specifications.The j However,a.Change Order is not required prior,to rendering such services and CLIENT shall further indemnify and hold CEC harmless from any liability I the CLIENT agrees to pay for such additional_services. resulting from the acts,errors,or omissions of the CLIENT or CLIENT'S agents, SUSPENSION OF.SERVICES:If the CLIENT falls to make payment of invoices contractors,or assigns.Such indemnification shall include the cost of defense when due,CEC'may suspend performance of services under this Agreement. arising In any way with claims connected with any such liability excepting to the only such liability as may arise out of CEC's sole negligence In performance of In the.event of a suspension of services, CEC shall have no liability j CLIENT for belay or damage caused by such suspension of services. services.CLIENT agrees that any and all damages arising from negligent act, r error,or omission shall be made against CEC directly and shall not be made TERMINATION PROVISION:This Agreement may be terminated by either party personally against any of its directors,officers,agents,;or employees. upon'five (S) days written notice in the event of failure of performance of terms and conditions of this Agreement by the other party through,no fault of CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES:Notwithstanding any other provision hereof,CEC the terminating party.CEC shall be compensated for services performed up to shall not be liable to the CLIENT for any Incidental,Indirect,of consequential the time of termination. - - damages arising out of or connected in any way l0 the services rendered. hereunder, including, but not limited to, loss of use, loss of profit, loss of INSURANCE:CEC is covered by worker's Compensation Insurance and Puolic business,loss of income,or loss of reputation. and Professional Liability insurance,We will furnish certification upon request: NO WARRANTIES: CEC makes no warranties,'express or otherwise, in RIGHT OF ENTRY: Unless otherwise agreed, the CLIENT furnishes right-of connection with CEC's services except for those which may be specifically i entry an the land for CEC to make measurements,soil tests,or other required stated in the Operation and Maintenance Scope of Services. explorations.CEC will take reasonable precautions to minimize damage to the lanai from,the use of equipment,but we have'no,included in our fee the cost of restoration from damage that may.result from our operations. If we are. .. ' r required to restore the land to its former conditions,the cost of doing so will ` be added to our fee. J ` OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: All documents, including original:drawings, estimates,specifications,held notes,and data,are and shall remain the sole .. 4 t • I Tne Cove at Ea"st Boy CondainWurri Trust. Nbvem6ec20,20.14 ATTACHMENT 1 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE , SCOPE OF.SERVICESw The allowing Is a summary of the scope of services to be provided by Coastal Engineering Co:,-Inc.(CEC): The:'treatm'Int system shall be`ope�atetl'by a Certified`1Nastewater Plant Operator in,accordance with the requirements of 257 CMR 2.00 and the Board of Certification of Operators of Wastewater Treetment,Piants.The treatment system shall also be'operated in accordance with the conditions established by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection(DEP)under.310 CM.R 15 000„Title 5 of the Massachusetts Environniental:Code for the permitted use and with the-local Board of.Health. EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE Vuithin design capacity and:capabil ty of the equipment,maintain the system forthe benefit of Client. 1 Certify and document all maintenance fortfie system;Maintenance reports will be:provided on an,annual basis or by request-of,the Client. 3, Certify and document all repairs to the Equipment: 4.. `.P,erform'other services`that;are incidental to the services specified here iricluding;faulitating'emergency repairs in the._most expeditious and cost effective manner at an additional cost as requested by Client, 5. Pump maintenance to be Performed in aceo�dance'with manufacturer`sspeahcations by subcontractor and invoiced. by thern.ill ' ly to the client: SYSTEM MAINTENANCE 11,, standard:maintenance as follows: _ a, Check general condition/appearance of u_nit: b. Check vent flow,odor, c Cheek'generafcondit on of fan.box including internal and'external wiring,lock,latch,gaskets;.etc. d. Check quiet fan operation. ` e, Check`condition of cover locks,latches,gaskets: f,, Check and characterize biomass. g. Check recycle pump operation,.timing,;and 'effluent clarity;; h. Check dosing pumps operation,timing,effluent clarity;and spray pattern: i; Check general condition of dosing asternbly Clean'noizles if regw ed.. j; Check general condition of control box including locks,gaskets,etc: k. Check control box switches,alarms,timers etc: ,-. �f Complete and'mafntain service report file: 2.. Maintenance frequency as follows:Quarterly Operation and Maintenance visits to perform sfandard maintenance, 3. 'Sampling:Conduct quarterly testing of effluent for pH GODS,TSs;NO2,'NO3 and TKN. 4.. ;Reporting;Prepare summary report and file with the Oepartment:of Envirohmentai Protection,.the Barnstable`County Department of Health and Environment,and,the local Board of,Health., , NOTES: 1 'Coastalfrigmeering will perform no procedures requiring confined apace entry. 2, Services under this contract specifically do not include or cover any responsibility for system malfunction attributed to :process design,equipment*specified,and/or installations:as provided by others. 3. ';Client must provide access to all system components-attime of the OSM visit. A. This service contract assumes year round occupancy of-the dwelling or facility.The Owner shall notify CEc if ;occupancy becomes seasonal. Ck will_notify the appropriate authority of any'event of electrical or mechanical failure within the treatment system, or of any event,which may adversely affect the performance of the treatment system., li'. .In the event that the system alarm is activated and the'system fails,the OWNER shall.notify CEC who shall notify the OEP and,Board.of,Health within 24 hours.•Corrective action shall66 It ken-Immediately. TOWN OF BARNSTABLE OFFICE OF ? 13AMSTABL BOARD OF HEALTH MAO& C °o 039• \gym 367 MAIN STREET o MnY HYANNIS, MASS.02601 May 6, 1999 Arne H. Ojala, P.E., P.L.S. Down Cape Engineering 939 Main Street Route 6A Yarmouthport, MA 02675 RE: Cove at East Bay Dear Mr. Ojala: During the public meeting held on April 27, 1999, the Board of Health reviewed your proposed -effluent monitoring plan at the Cove at East Bay Condominiums, r 199 East Bay Road, Osterville. The submitted monitoringIan approved with a condition that the frequency pp of testing shall be revised to read as follows: "The minimum frequency of testing shall be quarterly (once every three months) for two years," the Board shwll review the date at the end of 2 years and consider future monitoring requirements. Please submit a revised monitoring plan which includes the above language. Sincerely yours, �usan G. Risk, R.S. Chairperson Board of Health Town of Barnstable SGR/bcs Commonwealth of Massachusetts Tit le e 5 Official Inspection dorm Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments �QA i J The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust U.Cic / 1 CEC File No. C16293.00 Property Address } c/o First Property Management, Attn: Andrew Wittier, 832 Main Street Suite F Owner Owner's Name information is required for Osterville MA 02655 7/16/07 every page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection Inspection results must be submitted on this form. Inspection.forms may not be altered in any way. Important:When filling out A. General Information�s - forms on the computer,use 1. Inspector: only the tab key to move your John G. Schnaible cursor-do not use the return Name of Inspector key. Coastal Engineering Co.', Inc. Company Name •260 Cranberry Highway Company Address Orleans T MA - 02653 City/Town State Zip Code 508-255-6511 R.S. 1017 Telephone Number License Number B. Certification Co. I certify that I have personally inspected the sewage disposal system at this address and that the information reported below is true, accurate and complete as of the time of the inspection. The inspection was performed based on m training and experience in the proper function and maintenance of on site �- p Y 9 P p P a� sewage disposal systems. I am a DEP approved system inspector pursuant to Section 15.340 of Y;' r Title 5 (310 CMR 15.000). The system: ®.Passes ❑ Conditionally Passes ❑ Fails d-7- 5 .. ❑ Needs VrEuation b the Lo al pproving Authority Inspector's Signature Date The system insp for shall submit a copy of this inspection report to the Approving Authority(Board of Health or DEP)within 30 days of completing this inspection. If the system is a shared system or has a design flow of 'i 0,0.00 gpd or greater, the inspector and the system owner shall submit the report to the appropriate regional office of the DEP. The original should be sent to the system owner and copies sent to the buyer, if applicable, and the approving authority. T his report oniy describes conditions at the time of inspection and under the conditions of use at that time. This inspection does not address how the system will perform in the future under the same or different conditions of use. t5insp_071607.doc-08/06 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 1 of 15 k Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System.Form - Not for Voluntary Assessments The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust CEC File No. C16293.00 t• Property Address c/o First Property Management, Attn: Andrew Wittier, 832 Main Street;Suite F Owner Owner's Name information is required for Osterville. MA 02655 7/16/07 every page. Cityrrown State Zip Code Date of Inspection B. Certification (cont.) Inspection Summary: Check A,B,C,D or E/always complete all of Section D A) System Passes: . ® 1 have not found any information which indicates that any of the failure criteria described in 310 CMR 15.303 or in 310 CMR 15.304 exist. Any failure criteria not evaluated are indicated below. Comments: B) System Conditionally:Passes: "❑ One or more system components as described in the "Conditional Pass" section need to be replaced or repaired. The system, upon completion of the replacement or repair, as approved by the Board of Health, will pass. Answer yes, no or not determined (Y, N, ND) in the ❑ for the following statements. If"not determined," please explain. ❑ The septic tank is metal and over 20 years old*or the septic tank (whether metal or not) is structurally unsound, exhibits substantial infiltration or exfiltration or tank failure is imminent. System will pass inspection if the existing tank is replaced with a complying septic tank as approved by the Board of Health. *A metal septic tank will pass inspection if it is structurally sound, not leaking and if a Certificate of Compliance indicating that the tank is less than 20 years old is available. ND Explain:. ❑ Observation of sewage backup or break out or high static water level in the distribution box due to broken or obstructed pipe(s) or due to a broken, settled or uneven distribution box. System will •c v... :« c n...._a c i i....u�..�. Pass itispeutiuitt it (wlu t appr oval.ot Board Ul nCatu I). ❑_ broken pipe(s) are replaced obstruction is removed t5insp_071607.doc•08106 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 2 of 15 f Commonwealth of Massachusetts a N Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form Not for Voluntary Assessments r wM The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust CEC File No C16293 00 Property Address c/o First Property Management, Attn: Andrew Wittier 832 Main Street, Suite F Owner Owner's Name information is required for Osterville MA 02655 7/16/07 every page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection B. Certification (cont.) .,B) System Conditionally Passes (cont.): ❑ distribution box is leveled or replaced r ND Explain: ❑ The system required pumping more than 4 times a year due to broken or obstructed pipe(s). The system will pass inspection if(with approval of the Board of Health): ❑ broken pipe(s) are replaced ❑ obstruction is removed ND Explain: C) Further. Evaluation is Required by the Board of Health: ❑ Conditions exist which require further evaluation by the Board of Health in order to determine if the system is failing to protect public health, safety or the environment. 1. System will pass unless Board of Health determines in accordance with 310 CMR 15.303(1)(b) that the system is not functioning in a mariner which will protect public health, safety and the environment: El Cesspool or privy is within 50 feet of.a surface water ❑` Cesspool or privy is within 50 feet of a bordering vegetated wetland or a salt marsh 2. System will fail unless the Board of Health (and Public Water Supplier, if any) determines that the system is functioning in a manner that protects the public health, safety and environment: ❑ The system has a sentir_.tank and coil ahgnrnt nIn cvctPm (C4C) anri the CAC ig Within _ .r.. 1........ 1... 1 ... 100 feet of a surface water supply or tributary to a surface water supply. ❑ The system has a septic tank and SAS and the SAS is within a Zone 1 of a public water supply. ❑ The system has a septic tank and SAS and the SAS is within 50 feet of a private water supply well.. t5insp_071607.doc•08/06 - Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 3 of 15 ' Commonwealth of Massachusetts W Title 5 official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust CEC File No C16293 00 Property Address c/o First Property Management, Attn: Andrew Wittier, 832 Main Street Suite F Owner Owner's Name information is sterville MA 02655 7/16/07 required for O - , every page. City/Town State" Zip Code Date of Inspection k B. Certification(cont.) C) Further Evaluation is Required by the Board of Health (cont.): The system has a septic tank and SAS and the SAS is less than 100 feet but 50 feet or more from a private water supply well**. Method used to determine distance: ' **This system passes if the well water analysis, performed at a DEP certified laboratory, for coliform bacteria indicates absent and the presence of ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen is equal to or less than 5 mprovided that no other failure criteria are triggered. Pp gge ed.A copy of the analysis must be attached to this form. .3. Other: t 'D) System Failure Criteria Applicable to All Systems: You must indicate "Yes" or"No" to each of the following for all inspections: Yes No Backup of sewage into facility or system component due to overloaded or clogged SAS or cesspool ® Discharge or ponding of effluent to the surface of the ground or surface waters due to an overloaded or clogged SAS or cesspool El N Static liquid level in the distribution box above outlet invert due to an overloaded or clogged SAS or cesspool ® Liquid depth in cesspool is less than 6" below invert or available volume is less than %day flow Rani brad p imninn more than 4 timed in 'he 12St "ear A:�T clue—to ,k.,clogged+ 7 r r a ' y u...J,you or El N obstructed pipe(s). Number of times pumped: 1. ❑ ® Any portion of the SAS, cesspool or privy is below high ground water elevation. ® Any portion of cesspool or privy is within 100 feet of a surface water supply or tributary to a surface water supply. t5insp_071607.doc-08/06 . - Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 4 of 15 Commonwealth of Massachusetts F Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments M The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust CEC File No C16293 00 Property Address c/o First Property Management, Attn: Andrew Wittier,832 Main Street Suite F Owner Owners Name information is required for Osteryille MA 02655 7/16/07 every page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection B. Certification (cont.) D) System Failure Criteria Applicable to All Systems (cont.): Yes No ❑ ® Any portion of a cesspool or privy is within a Zone 1 of a public well. ❑ ® Any portion of a cesspool or privy is within 50 feet of a private water supply well. ❑ ® Any portion of a cesspool or privy is less than 100 feet but greater than 50 feet from a private water supply well with no acceptable water quality analysis. [This system passes if the well water analysis, performed at a DEP certified laboratory,for fecal coliform bacteria indicates absent and the presence of ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen is equal to or less than 5 ppm, provided that no other failure criteria are triggered. A copy of the analysis and chain of custody must be attached to this form.] ❑ ® The system is a cesspool serving a facility with a design flow of 2000gpd- 10,000gpd. ® The system fails. I have determined that one or more of the above failure criteria exist as described in 310 CMR 15.303, therefore the system fails.The system owner should contact the Board of Health to.determine what will be necessary to correct the failure. E) Large Systems: To be considered a large system the system must serve a facility with a design flow of 10,000 gpd to 15,000 gpd. For large systems, you must indicate either"yes"or"no" to each of the following, in addition to the questions in Section D. Yes No ❑ ❑ the system is within 400 feet of a Surface drinking water supply ❑ ❑ the system is within 200 feet of a tributary to a surface drinking water supply ❑ the system is located in a nitrogen sensitive area (Interim Wellhead Protection Area— IWPA)or a mapped Zone II of a'public water supply well If you have answered "yes" to any question in Section E the system is considered a significant threat, or,answered "yes" in Section D above the large system has failed. The owner or operator of anv large system considered a significant threat under Section E or failed under Section D shall upgrade the v system in accordance with 310 CMR 15.304. The system owner should contact the appropriate regional office of the`Department. t5insp_071607.doc•08106 ,. Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 5 of 15 Commonwealth of Massachusetts W Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments wM The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust CEC File No•C16293 00 Property Address c/o First Property Management Attn: Andrew Wittier, 832 Main Street Suite F ' Owner Owners Name information is required for Osterville -MA 02655 7/16/07 every page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection C. Checklist Check if the following have been done. You must indicate"yes" or"no"as to each of the following: . t Yes No ® ❑ Pumping information was provided by the owner, occupant, or Board of Health ❑ ® Were any of the system components pumped out in the previous two weeks? Z. ❑ Has the system received normal flows in the previous two week period? ❑ ® Have large volumes of water been introduced to the system recently or as part of this inspection? ® 0 Were as built plans of the system obtained and examined? (If they were not available note as N/A) ® ❑ Was the facility or dwelling inspected for signs of sewage back up? Zr, . ❑ Was the site inspected for signs of break out? ® ❑ Were all system components, excluding the SAS, located on site? i ® ❑ Were the septic tank manholes uncovered, opened, and the interior of the tank inspected for the condition of the baffles or tees, material of construction, dimensions, depth of liquid, depth of sludge and depth of scum? r Was the facility owner(and occupants if different from owner)provided with information on the proper maintenance of subsurface sewage disposal systems? The size and location of the Soil Absorption System (SAS) on the site has been determined based on: ® ❑ Existing information. For example,a plan at the Board of Health. ® ❑ Determined in the field (if any of the failure criteria related to Part C is at issue approximation of distance is unacceptable) [310 CMR 15.302(5)] t5insp_071607.doc-08/06 - • Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 6 of 15 Commonwealth of Massachusetts W Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments M The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust CEC File No C16293 00 Property Address c/o First Property Management, Attn: Andrew Wittier, 832 Main Street, Suite F Owner Owners Name information is required for Osterville MA, 02655 7/16/07 every page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection • h D. System Information ' Residential Flow Conditions: N/A Number of bedrooms (design): 48 Number of bedrooms (actual): 48 DESIGN flow based on 310. CMR 15.203 (for example: 110 gpd.x#of bedrooms): 5,280 Number of current residents: 20± Does.residence have a garbage grinder?' ❑ Yes ® No Is laundry on a separate sewage system? [if yes separate inspection required] ❑ Yes ® No Laundry system inspected? ❑ Yes ❑ No Seasonal use? Yes ❑ No Water meter readings;if available last 2_ ears usage d Each unit metered g ( y g �9P ))' individual) Sump pump? ❑ Yes ® No Last date of occupancy: occupied Date Commercial/Industrial Flow Conditions: Type of Establishment: Design flow(based on 310 CMR 15:203): Gallons per day(gpd) Basis of design flow(seats/persons/sq.ft., etc.): Grease trap present? ❑ Yes ❑ No Industrial waste holding tank present? ❑ Yes ❑ No "ion-sanitary waste discharged to the Title 5 system? ❑ Yes ❑ No Water meter readings, if available: Last date of occupancy/use: Date Other(describe): t5insp_071607.doc•08/06 / _ Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 7 of 15 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust CEC File No C16293 00 Property Address c/o First Property.Management, Attn: Andrew Wittier, 832 Main Street Suite,F 'Owner Owners Name information is required for Osterville MA 02655 7/16/07 every page. Cityffown State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. S stem Information y anon cont. General Information Pumping Records: Source of information: None found . Was system pumped as part of the inspection? ❑ Yes ® No. If yes, volume pumped: gallons How was quantity pumped determined?,. Reason for pumping: Type of System: ® Septic tank, distribution box, soil absorption system ❑ Single.cesspool ❑ Overflow cesspool ❑ Privy ❑ Shared system (yes or no) (if yes, attach previous inspection records, if any) ® Innovative/Alternative technology. Attach a copy of the current operation.and maintenance contract(to be obtained from system owner) ❑ Tight tank. Attach a copy of the DEP approval.: ❑ Other(describe): Approximate age of all components, date installed (if known) and source of information: 8 years based on site plan Were sewage odors detected when arriving at the site? ❑ Yes ® No t5insp_071607.doc-08/06 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System-Page 8 of 15 ' Commonwealth of Massachusetts W Title 5 Official Inspection Form R Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments �M The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust CEC File No C16293 00 ° Property Address c/o First Property management Attn:Andrew Wittier, 832 Main Street, Suite`F Owner Owners Name information is . required for Osterville MA 02655 ` 7/16/07 every page. CitylTown State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (cont.) Building Sewer (locate on site plan): •Depth below grade: 4' feet, Material of construction: ❑ cast iron. ® 40.PVC ❑ other(explain): Distance from private water supply well or suction line: N/A feet Comments (on condition of joints, venting, evidence of leakage, etc.): No evidence of leaking Septic Tank (locate on site plan): Depth below grade: 2-3 feet Material of construction: ®-concrete ❑ metal ❑ fiberglass ❑ polyethylene El other(explain) If tank is metal, list age: years Is age confirmed by a Certificate of Compliance? (attach a copy of certificate) ❑ Yes ❑• No Dimensions: 1=17x10x5', 2=17x10x4, 3=17x10x5' (2) �3) Sludge depth: 12" 12" ? Distance from top of sludge to bottom of outlet tee or baffle 28 16" ` A Scum thickness 2" 0" 0.. Distanc e rl-urn top of Scum to top of outlet tee or baffle Distance from bottom of scum to bottom of outlet tee or baffle 20 20 ? How were dimensions determined? Measured t5insp_071607.doc-08106 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System-Page 9 of 15 y , I Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official Inspection Form { Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments M The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust CEC File No C16293 00 Property Address c/o First Property Management, Attn: Andrew Wittier, 832 Main Street, Suite F Owner Owner's Name information is required for Osterville MA 02655 7/16/07 every page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (cont.) Comments (on pumping recommendations, inlet and outlet tee or baffle condition, structural integrity, liquid levels as related to outlet invert, evidence of leakage, etc.): Recommend pumping Tank 1 and 2. Recommend raising outlet cover to grade for Tank 3 Grease Trap (locate on site plan): N/A Depth,below grade: feet Material of construction: ® concrete ❑ metal ❑ fiberglass- ❑ polyethylene ❑ other (explain): Dimensions: Scum thickness Distance from top of scum to top of outlet tee or baffle Distance from bottom of scum to bottom of outlet tee or baffle Date of last pumping: Date Comments (on pumping recommendations, inlet and outlet tee or baffle condition, structural integrity, liquid levels as related to outlet invert, evidence of leakage, etc.): Trgi It or Holding Tank ktaitk miiSt be pUlitpeU at time of inspection) (locate On site plan): N/A Depth below grade: Material of construction: ❑ concrete ❑ metal ❑ fiberglass ❑ polyethylene ❑ other(explain): t5insp_071607.doc•08/06 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 10 of 15 Commonwealth of Massachusetts w W Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments '• . M The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust CEC File No. C16293.00 Property Address c/o First Property Management, Attn: Andrew Wittier, 832 Main Street, Suite F Owner Owner's Name . information is Osteryllle MA 02655 7/16/07 required for • every page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection ,D. System Information (cont.) Tight or Holding Tank (cont.) Dimensions: Capacity: gallons Design Flow: gallons per day Alarm present: ❑ Yes ❑ No Alarm level: Alarm in working order: ❑ Yes ❑ No Date of last pumping: Date Comments (condition of alarm and float switches, etc.): *Attach copy of current pumping contract(required). Is copy attached? ❑ Yes ❑ No Distribution Box (if present must be opened) (locate on site plan): N/A Depth of liquid level above outlet invert Comments (note if box is level and distribution to outlets equal, any evidence of solids carryover, any evidence of leakage into or out of box, etc.): Pump Chamber(locate on site plan): Pumps in working order: ® Yes ❑ No Alarms in working order: ® Yes ❑ No l5insp_071607.doc-08106 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System-Page 11 of 15 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust CEC File No C16293 00 Property Address . c/o First Property Management, Attn: Andrew Wittier, 832 Main Street, Suite F Owner Owner's Name information is required for Osterville MA %02655 7116/07 every page. Citylrown State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (cont.) Comments (note condition of pump chamber, condition of pumps and appurtenances, etc.): Pumps and floats appear to be in good condition. Alarm is visual only. Chimney for easterly hatch requires some repair(blocks missing). Soil Absorption System (SAS) (locate on site plan, excavation not required): If SAS not located, explain why: Type: ❑ teaching pits number: ❑ leaching chambers number: ❑ leaching galleries number: ® .leaching trenches number,length: 20-60' long ❑ leaching fields number, dimensions: ❑' overflow cesspool number: ❑ innovative/alternative system Type/name of technology: - Comments (note condition of soil, signs of hydraulic failure, level of ponding, damp soil, condition of vegetation,_etc.): System is pressure dosed. Clean out opened and distal pressure checked. No evidence of hydraulic failure. e t5insp_071607.doc•08/06 Title 5 Official Inspection Form.Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 12 of 15 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title. 5 Official Inspection Fora Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust CEC File No C16293 00 Property Address c/o First PropertyManagement, Attn: Andrew Wittier, 832 Main Street Suite F Owner Owner's Name information is required for Osterville MA 02655 7/16/07 every page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (cont.) Cesspools (cesspool must be pumped as part`of inspection) (locate on site plan): N/A Number and configuration Depth—top of liquid to inlet invert Depth of solids layer Depth of scum layer Dimensions of cesspool Materials of construction Indication of groundwater inflow ❑ .Yes ❑ No Comments (note condition of soil, signs of hydraulic failure, level of ponding, condition of vegetation, etc.): Privy(locate on site plan): N/A. Materials of construction: i Dimensions Depth of solids Comments (note condition of soil, signs.of hydraulic failure, level of ponding, condition.of vegetation, etc.): r t5insp_071607.doc-08/06 Title Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 13 of 15 Commonwealth of Massachusetts W W Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments ,M °F The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust CEC File No. C16293.00 Property Address c/o First Property Management, Attn: Andrew Wittier, 832 Main Street, Suite F Owner Owner's Name information is required for Osterville MA 02655 7/16/07 every page. Citylfown State Zip Code Date of Inspection t D. System Information cont. Y (cont..) Sketch Of Sewage Disposal System:Provide a sketch of tl ,, '-ding ties to at least two permanent reference landmarks or benc+ Locate where public water supply enters the buildir- Qlg t/ A, tie \ Q t5insp_071607.doc•08I0o Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 14 of 15 . 1'b B Commonwealth of Massachusetts W Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form m Not for Voluntary Assessments The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust CEC File No. C16293.00 Property Address c/o First Property Management,Attn: Andrew Wittier, 832 Main Street, Suite F Owner Owner's Name information is required f or Osterville MA 02655 7/16/07 every page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection M'System Information (cons) Site Exam: ❑ Check Slope ❑ Surface water ❑ Check cellar ❑ Shallow wells Estimated depth to ground water: 11.1 from bottom of trenches feet Please indicate all methods used to determine the high ground water elevation: ® Obtained from system design plans on record If checked, date of design plan reviewed: Date 9 Date ❑ Observed site (abutting property/observation hole within 150 feet of SAS) ❑ Checked with local Board of Health-explain: ❑ Checked with local excavators, installers - (attach documentation) ❑ Accessed USES database - explain: You must describe how you established the high ground water elevation: Based on site observation and from site plan by Down Cape Engineering. - t t5insp_071607.doc•08/06 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 15 of 15 FROM 1ST PROP. MGMT, PHONE NO. Jul. 17 2007 04: 14PM P1 ASTAL � �k �-ING AUTHORIZATION FOR MPANY, INC. TECHNICAL SERVICES 2 6 Cranberry Hwy.,Orleans,MA 02653 50&255-6511 F=SM-255.6700 sftv.ceccapecod.com TO: The Cove at East Bay Condominium Trust . c%First Property Management BATE: 7117/07 PROJECT NO.:WBA001.00 Andrew Witter,President PROJECT: Biot;lere Treatment System 832 ivlaia Strert,Suite F 0 jNration&Maintenance Osterville,MA 02655 LOCATION: The Cove at East Bay Tel hone: 508-420.-0299 Pax: 508-420-0789 199 East Bay Road OsterMlle,MA COASTAL ENGIAIEERING will perform the following, FIXED FEE: See Attachment 2 professional services relating to the above-referenced project CONTRACT DURATION. 2 years -SCOPE OF.SERVICES#, Coastal Engineering Co',Inc.(CEC)will perform the services outlined in Attachment 1 regarding the Operation and Maintenswe of the Bioclere Wastewater Treatment System at The Cove at East Day, 199 East Bay Road,Osterville,MA. TJPrjb v.�'dl vlMfVBauwliCM2x-A1r&<ove ups 7 i7 ur.zbe SUBMCT'Tl'O TERMS AND CONDMONS ON AUTHORIZED FOR COASTAL ENGINEM NO: REVERSE SIDE We are proceeding with service(s)noted as per your By: di=d,on. ivanediate notification in writing is required if you wish to alter this authorization. Todd J.Palmatier,Program Coordinator ® Please execute this agreement authorizing us to Date:' ly 17,2007 proceed at the above axed fee. AUT R This document will become our original agreement By: Title: Acceptance of" this agreement by signature authorizes COASTAL ENGINEERING to proceed Bate: as described.This proposal expires in 90 days if not signed by bout parties. JUL 1 7 200? PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN ONE COPY 07/17/2007 TUE 15:25 [TX/RX NO 91171 Zo of The Love at East Ba_v 7/I '0 ATTACHMENT 1 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE SCOPE OF SERVICES The following is a summary of the scope of services4o be provided by Coastal Engineering Co.,Inc.,Technical Services Division(TSD),for the benefit of the Bioclere Treatment System owner: The treatment system shall be operated by a Certified Wastewater Plant Operator in accordance with the requirements of 257CMR2.00 and the Board of Certification of Operators of Wastewater Treatment Plants.The treatment system shall also be operated in accordance with the conditions imposed by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection(DEP)for General Use and with the local Board of Health. , EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE l. Within design capacity and capability of the equipment,maintain the Bioclere for the benefit of Client. 2. Certify and document all maintenance for the Bioclere.Maintenance reports will be provided on an annual basis or by request of the Client: 3. Certify and document all repairs to the equipment. 4. Perform other services that are incidental to the services specified here including facilitating emergency repairs in the most expeditious and cost effective manner at an additional cost as requested by Client. 5. Pump maintenance to be performed in accordance with manufacturer's specifications by subcontractor and invoiced by them directly to-the client. BIOCLERE MAINTENANCE l. Standard maintenance as follows: a. Check general condition/appearance of unit, b. Check vent flow,odor. C. Check general condition of fan box including internal and external wiring,lock,latch,gaskets,etc. d. Check quiet fan operation. e. Check condition of cover locks, latches,gaskets. f ' Check and characterize biomass. g. Check recycle pump operation,timing and effluent clarity. ° h. Check dosing pumps operation,timing, effluent clarity and spray pattern. i. Check general condition of dosing assembly. Clean nozzles if required. j. Check general condition of control box including locks,gaskets,etc. k. Check control box switches,alarms,timers, etc. 1. Complete and maintain service report file. 2. Maintenance frequency as follows: Quarterly Operation and Maintenance visits to perform standard Bioclere maintenance. 3. Sampling:Conduct annual field testing for pH,turbidity,and dissolved oxygen. 4. Reporting:Prepare and submit reports to the DEP,the Barnstable County Dept. of Health and Environment,and the Barnstable Board of Health. NOTES: 1. Coastal Engineering will perform no procedures requiring confined space entry. 2. Services under this contract specifically do not include or cover any responsibility for system malfunction attributed to process design,equipment specified and/or installations as provided by others. 3. Client must provide access to all Bioclere System components at time of the O&M visit. 4. This service contract assumes permanent occupancy of the dwelling or facility.The Owner shall notify TSD if occupancy becomes seasonal. 5. TSD will notify the appropriate authority of any event of electrical or mechanical failure within the treatment system,or of any event which may adversely affect the performance of the treatment system. v. T_ tu%C...ra that th, `.:... .+I...— iS ��tiyota�ar tha cucti m f�ilc the fIWNF.R chnll nntify T._qD who shall notify the DEP '1 and Board of Health within 24 hours and corrective action shall betaken immediately. The,Wove at East Bay 8111/06 ATTACHMENT 2 COST OF SERVICES 1. The yearly fixed fee costs for the services outlined in Attachment 1 shall be as follows: Operation and Maintenance: ..............................................012MYearly Field Testing: ........`.:....................:.:...........,.....:.......:..:.......:MIM Yearly Reporting- ...... ....... ;........... early Total Yearly Cost: ..............:..:....................................:.......JWbilled @jjjMer quarter 2. Any services beyond those noted, including responding to alarms,will be invoiced aAWper. hour i w { OASTAL � NGIIVEERING COPY . . TRANSMITTAL OWANY, INC. ; 7e 44W OF- 260 CranberryH Orleans MA02653 �'Y, '�ti �� � �y g�•� Lpr.-ytG�.c�•/ 508-255-6511 Fax: 508-255-6700 www.ceccapecod.com To: The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust Date: 7/18/07 Project No. C16293.00 c/o First Property Management Attn: Andrew Whittier Via: ®1st Class Mail ❑Pick up ❑Delivery❑Fed Ex 832 Main Street,Suite F Phone: Osterville,MA 02655 , Fax: Subject: Title 5 Inspection Report No.of pages to follow: The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust East Bay Road, Osterville, MA Plan❑ s ❑ Copy of Letter ❑ Specifications ® Other We are sending the following items: Copies Date No. . Description. 1 7/16/07 Title 5 Official Inspection Form These are transmitted as checked below: ❑for approval ®for your use • ❑as requested ❑for'review & comment ❑ Remarks: cc: Town of Barnstable Board of Health By•� John G. Schnaible, R.S. y . JGS/dlb NOTE: IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED, PLEASE CONTACT US AT (508) 255-6511. OA,S�.TAL _ NIGINEERING T_RANSMITTA-L-- f` OWANY, INC. __•_____ _._____.__.__.___._._. -'260-Cranberr Hwy.,Orleans,lVIA 02653_. ; r...._.. •508-255-6511 Fax"508-255-6700 wwwxeccapecod.corn _ ___..-.-.--- -------_.__._._.__�__.._ To: ---°-T-own of Barnstable , __ Date.. 7/25/09 Project No. - C16293.00 --Board.of Health i. - 200 Main Street Via: ®1st Class Mail ❑Pick up [:]Delivery ❑Fed Ex Hyannis, MA 02601 Phone: w _ Fax: C C G a r-- -n Subject: Title 5 Inspection Report No. of pages to follow: - The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust East Bay Road, Osterville,MA k_, _ ES ❑Plans ❑ Copy of Letter ❑,Specifications ® Other c cs.� r-- �, rn We are sending the following items: Copies Date No. Description _ 1 .,•7,/25/07,, ,-,s .,,,22905 Original+co y_9f check for$25.00` These are transmitted as checked below: ❑for approval ®for your use ®as requested ❑for review & comment ❑ Remarks: cc: The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust By: John G. Schnaible,R.S. JGS/pen NOTE: IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED, PLEASE CONTACT US AT (508) 255-6511. 22905 a A Y. CAPE COD FIVE ORLEANS,MA 02653 1 I ' COASTAL ENGINEERING CO.,-INC: .x , 53a107 2113,fi x � r, 260 CRANBERRY HIGHWAY u ORLEANS MA 02653 HECK DATE C s z k L m- Twenty F1�e and 00/100 Dollara ' p n /��/ � s zf a tF 1 .r Y qy Town of Barnstable r ` s s AMOUNT41 I ... �. _ f•r � f t l " y CCI a 892003L2 en 02290511 = . 2b � 37LO78�. I . . COASTAL ENGINEERING CO., INC. - . 22905 Town of Barnstable Op tHE 1p� Regulatory Services BARNSTABM~* Thomas F. Geiler, Director 7 MASS. 16,39. Public Health Division ATFo N,ar°' Thomas McKean,Director 200 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 Office: 508-862-4644 Fax: 508-790-6304 REGARDING SEPTIC INSPECTIONS BY PRIVATE CONTRACTORS DISCLAIMER A septic system inspection report was completed by a private inspector who is certified by the State of Massachusetts, Department of Environmental Protection. Although the Town of Barnstable Health Division received the original or copy of the report; this Division does not warranty the functionality of the septic system in the future nor does this Division agree with any technical observations and interpretations contained within this report. In addition, by receiving the report the Town of Barnstable Health Division does not automatically approve the number of bedrooms listed within this report. The actual number of bedrooms approved at a particular property would be listed. on the Disposal Works Construction Permit. QASEPTIC\Disclaimer Private Septic Inspections.DOC GINEERING RAID NMI T�TALaf0ASTAL MPANY,, INC. 260 Cranberry Hwy.,Orleans,MA 02653 508-255-6511 .Fax:508-255-6700 www.ceccapecod.com To: Department of Environmental Protection Date: 9/13/04 Project No. see remarks below Attn: Title 5 Program Via: ®1st Class Mail ❑Pick up ❑Delivery ❑Fed Ex One Winter Street, 6t'Floor Fax: Boston, MA 02108 Phone: Subject: DEP Inspection& 0&M Forms No. of pages to follow: Barnstable Sites ❑Plans ❑ Copy of Letter ❑ Specifications ® Other We are sending the following items: Copies Date No. Description 1 Various DEP inspection and 0&M forms, field report and sample results (where required). These are transmitted as checked below: ? "` ❑for approval ®for your use ❑as requested ❑for review & comment ❑ i-s yz r. c-x Remarks: The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust WBA-001 DEPJ-,P #BC-2-69 7? �u c� r rn cc: Barnstable Board of Health By: Todd J. Palmatier TJP/pen D:DOCIWIWBA14iBA0011TransDEMBOK 9-13-04.doc NOTE: IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED, PLEASE CONTACT US AT (508) 255-6511. ' Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Title 5 DEP Approved Inspection and O&M Form for Title 5 I/A Treatment and Disposal Systems A. Installation Important: The Cove at East Bay Condominium Trust, c/o First Property Management When filling out Owner forms on the computer, use 199 East Bay Road . only the tab key Facility Street Address to move your Osterville 02655 cursor-do not use the return City Zip key. Mailing address of owner, if different: 832 Main Street, Suite F Street Address/PO Box: Osterville MA 02655 City State Zip (508) 420 -0299 ext. Telephone Number B.- Authorized Service Provider Coastal Engineering Co., Inc. O&M Firm 260 Cranberry Highway Street Address Orlearjs MA 02653 City State Zip (508) 255 -6511 ext. Tatephone Number SM;4k l08s Certified Operator Name Certification Number C. Facility/System Information BC 269 278 24/24/950 DEP ID Manufacturer ID Model Number 8/11/99 12/20/99 Installation Date Start of Operation Approval Type: ® General ❑ Provisional ❑ Piloting ❑ Remedial Seasonal Residence—used less than 6 mo./year: []Yes ®No D. Operating Information Inspection Date Previous Inspection Date Sludge Depth(to be checked yearly) Pumping Recommended ❑ Yes ❑ No Clan , fvo o dors Effluent Des ription DEP I-A Form9-6-02.11/21/03 Page 1 of 2 ............. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Title 5 DEP Approved Inspection and O&1111 Form for Title 51/A Treatment and Disposal Systems E. Sampling Information Samples Taken: ❑ Influent ❑ Effluent Parameters sampled: ❑ pH ❑ BOD ❑TSS ❑ TN ❑ Other(list below) Other 1 Other 2 Other 3 Description of any maintenance performed since previous inspection & during this inspection: £ h(1 0 F L4,11 CK(-Cj d C#A�rDI anal C GLe-S v y1M 5 . = Qk . Notes and Comments: �\kk (-01+0k Qt✓elk` nc� N0 AAA14 F. Certification I certify: I have inspected the sewage treatment and disposal system at the address above, have completed this report and the attached technology operation and maintenance checklist, and the iplormation r orted is true, accurate, and complete as of the time of the inspection. I am a 1,=Ietceiged operator in accordance with 257 CMR 2.00. II -l1 -Q.3 O erator Si ature Date System owner must submit this report, technology O&M checklist, and any required sampling results to the local board of health and DEP as follows for each inspection performed: r Remedial Use—by January Piloting & Provisional Use- General Use—by September 31 s'of each year for the within 30 days of inspection 301h of each year for the previous calendar year date previous 12 months Department of Environmental Protection Attention: Title 5 Program One Winter Street, 61h Floor Boston. MA 02108 DEP I-A Form9-6-02.11/21/03 Page 2 of 2 COASTAL,ENGINEERING CO., INC. 260 CRANBERRY HIGHWAY ORLEANS, MA 02653 TEL. 508 255-6511 FAX. 508 255=6700 BIOCLERE FIELD REPORT Date: Project No.: ,00 " Installation: Tested: Client: '�\�C Covc.- Service Commissioned: Address: e, Other Sceduled O&M Ins ector: ISS Biociere Model Number s 1 Odor around site? Y/ Source of odor? Check all that apply: Mild: Medium Strong: Musty: Septic: 2 Take influent/effluent samples as required. 3) a Measure sludge in primary tanks and grease traps as required:, b Sludge depth in primary tank: I Scum depth: Sludge depth: c Does grease trap need pumping? Y / N UNIT 1 UNIT 2 BIOCLERE VENTS a Is air passing through the vent? / N Y / N If in doubt put a small plastic bag around vent and allow to fill. b Is the fan operating and in good condition? Y N Y / N GENERAL a) Any external damage to the units ? If Yes, provide details on back. Y /. Y / N b Are cover, fan box and control panel secure! locked? Y / N Y / N C Any filter flies in the unit? Y/ N few/many Y/ N few/many Location of flies: d Locks/ latches/handles. OK? I Y / N Y / N e Lid gasket OK? / N Y / N fl Does the fan box contain standing water? Y N Y / N If Yes, then remove water and clean drain holes if necessary. BIOMASS CHARACTERIZATION a Color of biomass? 1)white 2)white/gray 3)gr 4) ray/brown 5)brown 6)red/brown 7)black 8 other . b Thickness of biomass 6-12 inches below media surface. 1 i ht 2 medium 3 heavy NOZZLE SPRAY PATTERN a Does spray cover the entire surface area of media? I ftY N I Y / N If not, clean each nozzle with a bottle brush Does the spray now cover the entire surface area? Y / N If not then: 1 remove nozzles and soak in a bleach solution 2 manually engage both dosin um s for two minutes 3 replace nozzles Does the s rar— y now cover the entire surface area? I Y / N I Y / N If not, consult AWT Environmental, Inca PUMPS AND CONTROL PANEL a Record dosing and recycle pump timer settings from control panel. Dosing Pump 1: min on: 10 min off: 7-1 min on: min off: Dosing Pump 2: min on: min off: min'on: min oft: Recycle Pump: min on: L hrs off. min on: hrs off: In Bioclere control panel set dosing and recycle timers to a test cycle: a Amperage of dosing um 1: 3 , amps amps b Amperage of dosing um 2: Lj. o amps amps c Am era a of recycle pump: 3,g amps amps Are dosing um s alternating? Y / N Y / N Are the timers operating ro ert ? / N Y / N Visually inspect relays for wear and record problems below. * Ifs are components are needed contact AWT If an ammeter is not avaiiable,set the timers to a test cycle as above and at the Bioclere check the um s's operation as follows: Dosing pumps: check that um s are operating, alternating and the Pump 1 OK? Y / N Pump 1 OK? Y / N designated rest cycle is occurring. Pump 2 OK? Y / N Pump 2 OK? Y / N OK? Y / N OK? Y / N *If pumps or control components are not operating property, record below And consult AWT Environmental, Inc. RESET TIMERS TO ABOVE SETTINGS: Note any changes here: min on: min off: min on: min off: *Do not change timers without consulting AWT Environmental, Inc. min on: min off: min on: min off: PLUMBING a Are the unions in the Bioclere leaking? Y / Y / N If yes, then tighten with pipe wrench FINAL CHECK a Main power"on" and set toggle for all pumps to "normal" position. I / N b Alarm toggle set to the "ON" position. Y / N I Y / N c Lock control panel, Bioclere cover and fan box. d) If possible, record the water meter reading: REPORT SUMMARY: ro1 S L c l r o fo t C�c 5 C4�c —O C SIGNATURE: ---......_.... Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Title 5 LA5 DES Approved Inspection and O&M Form for Title 5 I/A Treatment and Disposal Systems A. Installation Important: The Cove at East Bay Condominium Trust, c/o First Property Management When filling out Owner forms on the computer,use 199 East Bay Road only the tab key Facility Street Address to move your Osterville 02655 cursor-do not use the return City Zip key. Mailing address of owner, if different: 832 Main Street, Suite F Street Address/PO Box: Osterville MA 02655 City State Zip (508) 420 -0299 ext. Telephone Number B. Authorized Service Provider Coastal Engineering Co., Inc. O&M Firm 260 Cranberry Highway Street Address Orleans MA 02653 City State Zip (508) 255-6511 ext. Tel! one Number beccca 1_ SM,A C rtified Operator Name Certification Number C. Facility/System Information BC 269 278 24/24/950 DEP ID Manufacturer ID Model Number 8/11/99 12/20/99 Installation Date Start of Operation Approval Type: ® General ❑ Provisional ❑ Piloting ❑ Remedial Seasonal Residence—used less than 6 mo./year: ❑Yes ®No D. Operating Information a - 9 -°y 1VoI/-03 Inspection Date Previous Inspection Date Sludge Depth(to be checked yearly) Pumping Recommended ❑ Yes ❑ No Effluent Description DEP I-A Form9-6-02.2/20/04 Page 1 of 2 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection -Title 5 DEP Approved Inspection and O&Illl Form for Title 51/A Treatment and Disposal Systems E. Sampling Information Samples Taken: ❑ Influent ❑ Effluent Parameters sampled: ❑ pKF] BOD ❑TSS ❑ TN El Other(list below) Other 1 Other 2 Other 3 Description of any maintenance performed since previous inspection&during this inspection: 0 of uA i� C A'L P d Cu 4-e'l d o f?t,i' C�Clk_S rid ra tgO25 C 64,d 50rA�, NUzLIcS CALacd �411 - 0 . Q� C44c o! A'l b0K. Notes and Comments: F. Certification I certify! I have inspected the sewage treatment and disposal system at the address above, have co pleted this report and the attached technology operation and maintenance checklist, and the ir rmation repprted is true, accurate, and complete as of the time of the inspection. I am a s ach e c ified operator in accordance with 257 CMR 2.00. Operator S nature Date System owner must submit this report, technology O&M checklist, and any required sampling results to the local board of health and DEP as follows for each inspection performed: Remedial Use—by January Piloting.& Provisional Use- General Use—by September 31"of each year for the within 30 days of inspection 30'h of each year for the previous calendar year date previous 12 months Department of Environmental Protection Attention: Title 5 Program One Winter Street, 61h Floor Boston. MA 02108 DEP I-A Form9-6-02.2/20/04 Page 2 of 2 COASTAL ENGINEERING CO., INC. 260 CRANBERRY HIGHWAY ORLEANS, MA 02653 TEL. 508 255-6511 FAX.. 508 255-6700 BIOCLERE FIELD REPORT Project No.: i3A .00 Installation: Tested: Date: �-��.p Client: Service Commissioned: '\ c as-� 3+�� Q rya Address: \yy C Other Sceduled O&M Inspector: Bioclere Model Number(s) 1 Odor around site? Y KNIN Source of odor? Check all that apply: Mild: Medium Strong: Musty: Septic: Take influent/effluent samples as required. I 3 a Measure sludge in primary tanks and grease traps as required: b Sludge depth in primary tank: Scum depth: Sludge depth: c Does grease trap need pumping? Y / N UNIT 1 UNIT 2 BIOCLERE VENTS a Is air passing through the vent? ! N Y / N If in doubt put a small plastic bag around vent and allow to fill. b Is the fan operating and in good condition? Y N Y ! N GENERAL a Any external damage to the units ? If Yes, provide details on back. Y ! N b Are cover, fan box and control panel securely locked? Y / N Y / N c Any filter flies in the unit? Y/ M few/many Y/ N few/many Location of flies: d Locks/ latches/handles. OK? / N I Y / N e Lid gasket OK? ! N Y / N f Does the fan box contain standing water? Y Y / N If Yes, then remove water and clean drain holes if necessary. BIOMASS CHARACTERIZATION a Color of biomass? 1)white 2)white/gray 3)gray 4)gray/brow 5) own 6)red/brown 7)black 8 other b Thickness of biomass 6=12 inches below media surface. 1 light 2 medium 3 heavy �D NOZZLE SPRAY PATTERN I 1 a Does spray cover the entire surface area of media? Y b N I Y / N If not, clean each nozzle with a bottle brush Does the spray now cover the entire surface area? Y / N Y / N If not then: 1 remove nozzles and soak in a bleach solution 2 manually engage both dosing pumps for two minutes 3 re lace nozzles Does the spray now cover the entire surface area? Y / N Y ! N if not, consult AWT Environmental, Inc. PUMPS AND CONTROL PANEL a Record dosing and rec cle pump timer settings from control panel. Dosing Pump 1: min on: 10 min off:2 min on: min off: Dosing Pump 2: min on: min off: min on: min off: Recycle Pump: min on: hrs off: I min on: hrs off: In Bioclere control panel set dosing and recycle timers to a test cycle: a Amperage of dosing um 1: 3 .g amps amps b Am era a of dosing um 2: yA . Z amps amps c Am era a of recycle um S amps amps Are dosing pumps alternating? Y)/ N Y / N Are the timers operating ro ert ? / N Y / N VisualIV inspect rela s for wear and record problems below. Ifs are components are needed contact AWT If an ammeter is not avaiiable,set the timers to a test cycle as above and at the Bioclere check the pum s's operation as follows: Dosing pumps: check that um s are operating, alternating and the Pump 1 OK? Y / N Pump 1 OK? Y / N / designated rest cycle is occurring. 2 OK? Y / N Pump p 2 OK? Y N OK? Y / N OK? Y / N *1f pumps or control components are not operating property, record below And consult AWT Environmental, Inc. RESET TIMERS TO ABOVE SETTINGS; Note any changes here: min on: min off: min on: min off: *Do not change timers without consulting AWT Environmental, Inc. min on: min off: min on: min off: PLUMBING a Are the unions in the Bioclere leaking? Y / Y / N, If yes, then tighten with pipe wrench I ` FINAL CHECK a Main power"on" and set toggle for all pumps to "normal" position. / N Y / N b Alarm toggle set to the "ON" position. N Y / N c Lock control panel, Bioclere cover and fan box. d If possible, record the water meter reading- REPORT SUMMARY: aIV, 0n,� z�c.c o n i�l A': wvc Y s i_ y S AA ri r d• Q,Y �, f 0 SIGNATURE: , LlMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Title 5 DEP Approved inspection and O&M Form for Title 5 I/A - Treatment and Disposal Systems A. Installation Important: The Cove at East Bay Condominium Trust. c/o First Property Management When filling out Owner iorms on the computer, use 199 East Bay Road only the tab key Facility Street Address to move your Osterviile 02655 cursor-do not City Zip use the return key. Mailing address'of,owner, if different: 832 Main Street, Suite F J. Street AddreswPO Box: city isle MA Zip- City State _ Zio (508)420 -0299 ext. Telephone Number B. Authorized Service Provider Coastal Engineering Co.. Inc. 0&M Firm 260 Cranberry Highway Street Address Orleans MA 02653 C;0 State Zip (508) 255 -6511 ext. T ephone Number r) Sr'n,4�• Certified Operator Name Cartification Number C. Facility/System Information . BC 269 278 24/24/950 DEP ID Manufacturer ID Model Number 8/11/99 12/20/99 Installation Date Start of Operation Approval Type: ® General ❑ Provisional ❑ Piloting ❑ Remedial Seasonal Residence—used less than 6 mo./year: ❑Yes ®No D. Operating Information InZo ion Date Previous nspection Date Pumping Recommended ❑ Yes !XI No Sludge Depth(to be checked yearly) A — Effluent Descniption DEP I-A Form9-6-02.doc•916io2 Page 1 of 2 i Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection ' Li Bureau of Resource Protection - Title 5 DEP Approved Inspection and O&M Form for Title 5 I/A Treatment and Disposal systems E. sampling Information Samples Taken: ❑ Influent❑ Effluent Parameters sampled: ❑ pH ❑ BCD ❑TSS ❑ TN ❑ Other(list below) Other 1 Other 2 Other 3 Description of any maintenance performed since previous inspection & during this inspection: G�VY\ 0� SuoC-rA - 1k Cor4t s opera�t'ng Notes and Comments: r i F. Certification I certify: I have inspected the sewage treatment and disposal system at the address above, have coMpleted this report and the attached technology operation and maintenance checklist, and the information reported is true, accurate, and complete as of the time of the inspection. I am a M=htt M'fi o erator in accordance with 257 CMR 2.00. Operator Signature k Date System owner must submit this report, technology O&M checklist, and any required sampling results to the local board of health and DEP as follows for each inspection performed: Remedial Use—by January Piloting & Provisional Use- General Use—by September 31"'of each year for the within 30 days of inspection 30`r'of each year for the previous calendar year date previous 12 months Department of Environmental Protection Attention: Title 5 Program One Winter Street, 6`" Floor Boston, MA 02108 DEP I-A Form9-6-02.doc•9/6102 Page 2 of 2 J COASTAL ENGINEERING CO., INC. 260 CRANBERRY HIGHWAY ORLEANS, MA 02653 TEL. 508 255-6511 FAX. 508 255-6700 BIOCLERE FIELD REPORT Date: —p Project No.: W p Installation: Tested: Client: CUJC Service: Commissioned: Address: 0 51t,01,V,'t Le Other: Scheduled O&M: DA-4 K60,Jv ' . D -C Inspector: JZ.S Bioclere Model Numbers Zy Z- ill 90 1 Odor around site? Y N Source of odor? Check all that apply: Mild: Medium: Strong: Musty: Septic: 2 Take influent/effluent samples as required. 3 a Measure sludge in primary tanks and grease traps as required: b Sludge depth in primary tank: Scum depth: Sludge depth: c Does grease trap need pumping? Y / N UNIT 1 UNIT 2 BIOCLERE VENTS a Is air passing through the vent? Y N Y / N If in doubt put a small plastic bag around vent and allow to fill. b Is the fan operating and in good condition? (Y)/ N Y / N GENERAL a Any external damage to the unit(s)? If Yes, provide details on back. / Y / N b Are cover, fan box and control panel secure) locked? / N Y / N C Any filter flies in the unit? Y/ few/many Y/ N few/many Location of flies: d Locks/ latches/ handles. OK? / N Y / N e Lid gasket OK? 0/ N Y / N Does the fan box contain standing water? Y N Y / N If Yes, then remove water and clean drain holes if necessary. BIOMASS CHARACTERIZATION a Color of biomass? 1)white 2)white/gray 3)gray 4)gray/brow 5) rown 6)red/brown 7)black 8 other b Thickness of biomass 6-12 inches below media surface. 1 li h 2 medium 3 heavy NOZZLE SPRAY PATTERN a Does spray-cover the entire surface area of media? Y / N Y / N If not, clean each nozzle with a bottle brush Does the spray now cover the entire surface area? Y / N Y / N If not then: 1 remove nozzles and soak in a bleach solution 2 manually engage both dosing pumps for two minutes 3) replace nozzles Does the spray now cover the entire surface area? Y / N Y / N If not, consult AWT Environmental, Inc. PUMPS AND CONTROL PANEL a Record dosing and recycle pump timer settings from control panel. Dosing Pump 1:. min on: f min off: min on: min off: Dosing Pump 2: min on: min off: min on: min off- Recycle Pump: min on: hrs off: min on: hrs off: In Bioclere control panel set dosing and recycle timers to a test cycle: a Amperage of dosing um 1: 9.0 amps amps b Amperage of dosing um 2: 3 .1 amps amps c Am era a of recycle um ,0 amps amps Are dosing pumps alternating? / N Y / N Are the timers operating properly? / N Y / N Visually inspect relays for wear and record problems below. * Ifs are components are needed contact AWT If an ammeter is not available,set the timers to a test cycle as above and at the Bioclere check the um s's operation as follows: Dosing pumps: check that um s are operating, alternating and the Pump 1 OK? Y / N Pump 1 OK? Y / N designated rest cycle is occurring. Pump 2 OK? Y / N Pump 2 OK? Y / N OK? Y / N OK? Y / N *If pumps or control components are not operating properly, record below And consult AWT Environmental, Inc. RESET TIMERS TO ABOVE SETTINGS: Note any changes here: min on: min off: min on: min off: *Do not change timers without consulting AWT Environmental, Inc. min on: min off: min on: min off: PLUMBING a Are the unions in the Bioclere leaking? Y /V I Y / N If yes, then tighten with pipe wrench FINAL CHECK a Main power"on" and set toggle for all pumps to "normal" position. Y N Y / N b Alarm toggle set to the "ON" position. N Y / N c Lock control panel, Bioclere cover and fan box. d If possible, record the water meter reading: REPORT SUMMARY: b� w\ r At-\ 44A t V s 0. i rp c� AV � an ob 5. c,V 0 L o s Z.,-LN,c-S •F� D x SIGNATURE:AIKu Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection LABureau of Resource Protection - Title 5 DEP Approved Inspection and ®&M Form for Title 5 I/A Treatment and Disposal Systems A. Installation Important: The Cove at East Bay Condominium Trust. c/o First Property Management When filling out Owner forms on the computer, use 199 East Bay Road only the tab.key Facility Street Address to move your Osterville 02655 cursor-do not use the return City Zip key. Mailing address of owner, if different: 832 Main Street. Suite F Street Address/PO Box: Osterville MA ip Ci Z ty State Zip (508)420-0299 ext. Telephone Number B. Authorized Service Provider r Coastal Engineering Co., Inc. 08M Firm 260 Cranberry Highway Street Address Orleans MA 02653 City State Zip (508) 255 -6511 ext. Telephone Number 2Lf`� YZ Cartified Operator Name Certification Number C. Facility/System Information BC 269 278 24/24/950 DEP ID Manufacturer ID Model Number 8/11/99 12/20/99 Installation Date Start of Operation Approval Type: ® General ❑ Provisional ❑ Piloting ❑ Remedial Seasonal Residence—used less than 6 mo./year: ❑Yes ®No D. Operating Information Inspection Date Previous Inspection Date 1 Pumping Recommended ❑ Yes, ( No Sludge Depth(to be checked yearly) Effluent Description DEP I-A Form9-6-02.dec-9i6102 Page of 2 J - Massachusetts bepartment of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Title 5 !� DEP Approved Inspection and ®&M Form for Title 5 I/A Treatment and Disposal Systems E. Sampling Information Samples Taken: ❑ Influent❑ Effluent Parameters Sampled: ❑ pH ❑ BCD ❑ TSS ❑TN ❑ Other(list below) , Other 1 Other 2 Other 3 Description of any maintenance performed since previous inspection & during this inspection- Notes and Comments: 0+K . 1�GL`�Y�t� �1K1G 1= t SI�G�T �Ki�J� O✓auu l lJ✓�t� . i��/1 WCUYU�1 l ��S`o�� Y► ,SL'cuic � C,0AAeAro-1 r C7�L +tow cQbAj6-A! +t--r'e PGuL,*ef t-cjgx/ t W F. Certification I certify: I have inspected the sewage treatment and disposal system at the address above, have corhpleted this report and the attached technology operation and maintenance checklist, and the information reported is true, accurate, and complete as of the time of the inspection. I am a Massachusetts certified operator in accordance with 257 CMR 2.00. Operator Signature Date System owner must submit this report, technology O&M checklist, and any required sampling results to the local board of health and DEP as follows for each inspection performed: Remedial Use—by January Piloting & Provisional Use - General Use—by September 31-'of each year for the within 30 days of inspection 301h of each year for the previous calendar year date previous 12 months Department of Environmental Protection Attention: Title 5 Program One Winter Street, 6 h Floor Boston, MA 02108 DEP I-A Form 9-6-02.doc•9/6/02 Page 2 of 2 -a _ COASTAL ENGINEERING CO., INC. " 260 CRANBERRY HIGHWAY ORLEANS, MA 02653 TEL. 508 255-6511 FAX. 508 255-6700 BIOCLERE FIELD REPORT Date: Project No.: V OA —ca I Installation: Tested: Client: —1 In o,1 wA f ac-� fj CvJv` Service: Commissioned: Address: ef,r lCt Other: Scheduled O&M: Inspector: Bioclere Model Numbers o 1 Odor around site? / N Source of odor? Check all that apply: Mild: Medium: Strong: Musty: Septic: 2 Take influent/effluent samples as required. N I d4 3 a Measure sludge in rims tanks and grease traps as required: b Sludge depth in primary tank: Scum depth: .c t' Sludge depth: / c Does grease trap need um in ? Y / N A)fA UNIT 1 UNIT 2 BIOCLERE VENTS a Is air passing through the vent? (Y,)/ N Y / N If in doubt put a small plastic bag around vent and allow to fill. b Is the fan operating and in good condition? ,,, Y / N Y / N GENERAL a)Any external damage to the units ? If Yes, provide details on back. Y / Y / N b Are cover, fan box and control panel secure) locked? CY / N Y / N c Any filter flies in the unit? Y/ N e many Y/ N few/many Location of flies: d Locks/ latches/ handles. OK? O / N Y / N e) Lid gasket OK? 0/ N Y / N flI Does the fan box contain standing water? Y / Y / N If Yes, then remove water and clean drain holes if necessary. BIOMASS CHARACTERIZATION a Color of biomass? 1)white 2)white/gray 3)gray 4)gray/brown 5)brown 6)red/brown 7)black 8 other b Thickness of biomass 6-12 inches below media surface. 1 light 2 medium 3 heavyj . NOZZLE SPRAY PATTERN a Does spray cover the entire surface area of media? Y / N Y / N If not, clean each nozzle with a bottle brush Does the spray now cover the entire surface area? YCU/ N Y / N If not then: 1 remove nozzles and soak in a bleach solution 2 manually engage both dosing pumps for two minutes 3) replace nozzles Does the spray now cover the entire surface area? Y / N Y / N r If'not, consult AWT Environmental, Inc. PUMPS AND CONTROL.PANEL a Record dosing and recycle pump timer settings from control panel. Dosing Pump 1: min on: min off:2 min on: min off: Dosing Pump 2: min on: min off: min on: min off- Recycle Pump: min on:5 hrs off: min on: hrs-off- In Bioclere control panel set dosing and recycle timers to a test cycle: a Amperage of dosing um 1: 3 amps amps b Amperage of dosing um 2: amps amps c Am era a of recycle pump: F amps amps Are dosing pumps alternating? 0 / N Y / N Are the timers operating ro erl ? / N Y / N Visually inspect relays for wear and record problems below. * Ifs are components are needed contact AWT If an ammeter is not available,set the timers to a test cycle as above and at the Bioclere check the um s's operation as follows: Dosing pumps: check that um s are operating, alternating and the Pump 1 OK? Y / N Pump 1 OK? Y / N designated rest cycle is occurring. Pump 2 OK? Y / N Pump 2 OK? Y / N OK? Y / N OK? Y V N *If pumps or control components are not operating properly, record below And consult AWT Environmental, Inc. RESET TIMERS TO ABOVE SETTINGS: Note any changes here: min on: min off: min on: min off: *Do not change timer§ without consulting AWT Environmental, Inc. min on: min off: min on: min off: PLUMBING - a Are the unions in the Bioclere leaking? Y / Y / N If yes, then tighten with pipe wrench FINAL CHECK a Main power"on" and set toggle for all pumps to "normal" position. CY N Y / N b Alarm toggle set to the "ON" position. / N Y / N c Lock control panel, Bioclere cover and fan box. d If possible, record the water meter reading: REPORT SUMMARY: 1 WO5 f1 A-i ��`. P D�t o— ndw O C.OJ-U we. IOOS( W.'cr.l. rLAaeo '✓ -1 0^� �L µ.)%J \ j /� t S' ` L C7 `Or uG� y V41 J(5 5'QOr 4�ll SIGNATURE: G OASTAL NGINEERING TRANSMITTAL OMPANY,,INC. E 260 Cranberry Hwy.,Orleans,MA 02653 508-255-6511 Fax:508-255-6700 www.ceccapecod.com To: Town of Barnstable Date: 6/21/04 Project No. C16293.00 Board of Health Via: ®1st Class Mail ❑Pick up ❑Delivery ❑Fed Ex 200 Main Street Phone: Hyannis,MA 02601 Fax: Subject: Title 5 Inspection Report No.of pages to follow: The Cove at Fast Bay Condo Tn-ist East Bay Road, Osterville,MA ❑Plans ❑ Copy of Letter ❑ Specifications ® Other We are sending the following items: Copies Date No. Description 1 6/3/04 Title 5 Official Inspection Form These are transmitted as checked below: ❑for approval ®for your use ❑as requested ❑for review & comment ❑ Remarks: cc: property owner . By: John G. Schnaible, R.S. JGS/dlb = 1 HEP , NOTE: IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED, PLEASE CONTACT US AT (508) 255-6511. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHusETTS Z ExECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS } d DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION p m� ,y She TITLE 5 OFFICIAL INSPECTION FORM—NOT FOR VOLUNTARY ASSESSMENTS SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM FORM CERTIFICATION CEC File No. C16293.00_. Property Address: The Cove at East_Bay.Condo Trust CEast_Bav Road'Ostervi!ie Owner's Name: c/o First Property Management,Attn: Andrew Wittier Owner's Address: 832 Main Street, Suite F Osterville,MA 02655 !� Date of Inspection: 6/3/04 G Dc Name of Inspector: (please print)John Q. Schnaible,R.S. Company Name: Coastal Engineering Co.,Inc. Mailing Address: 260 Cranbelly HHi_'ghway Orleans,MA 02645 Telephone Number: 508-255-6511 CERTIFICATION STATEMENT I certify that I have personally inspected the sewage disposal system at this address and that the information reported below is true,accurate a d complete as of the time of th inspection.The inspection was performed based on my training and experience in the pr per function and maintenance f n site sewage disposal systems..I am a DEP approved system inspector pursuant to S ction 15.340 of Title 5(310 C 1 00).The system: Passes Condi nall Pa s Needs urthe Ev u ion by the Local Appr vin Authority Fails Inspector's Signature: Date: 6 The system inspector shall submit opy of this inspection report to the Approving Authority (Board of Health or DEP) within 30 days of completing this i ection.If the system is a shared system or has a design flow of 10,000 gpd or greater,the inspector and the syste wner shall submit the report to the appropriate regional office of the DEP.The original should be sent to the syste wner and copies sent to the buyer,if applicable, and'the approving authority. Notes and Comments There are 16 condo units with 3 bedrooms each. 1 ****This report only describes conditions at the time of inspection and under the conditions of use at that time. This inspection does not address how the system will perform in the future under the same or different conditions of use. k Title 5 Inspection Form 6/15/2000. page 1 Page 2 of 11 Property Address: The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust,East Bay Road,Osterville Owner:c/o First Property Management,Attn:Andrew Wittier Date of Inspection:6{3/04 OFFICIAL INSPECTION FORM-NOT FOR VOLUNTARY ASSESSMENTS SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FORM PART A CERTIFICATION (continued) Inspection Summary: Check A,B,C,D or E/ALWAYS complete all of Section D A. System Passes: XX I have not found any information which indicates that any of the failure criteria described in 310 CMR 4 5.303 or in 310-CMR 15.304 exist.Any failure criteria not evaluated are indicated below. Comments: . l B. System Conditionally Passes: One or more system components as described in the"Conditional Pass"section need to be replaced or repaired. The system,upon completion of the replacement or repair, as approved by the Board of Health, will pass. Answer,yes,-,no or not determined Y,N,.ND in the for the following statements.If"not determined"( ) lease g P explain. The septic tank is metal and over 20 years old*or the septic tank(whether metal or not)is structurally unsound, exhibits substantial infiltration or exfiltration or tank failure is imminent. System will pass inspection if the existing tank is replaced with a complying septic tank as approved by the Board of Health. *A metal septic tank will pass inspection if it is structurally sound,not leaking and if a Certificate of Compliance indicating that the tank is less than 20 years old is available. ND explain: Observation of sewage backup or break out or high static water level in the distribution box due to broken or obstructed pipe(s)or due to a broken,settled or uneven distribution box.System will pass inspection if(with approval of Board of Health): broken pipe(s) are replaced obstruction is removed distribution box is leveled or replaced ND explain: The system required pumping more than 4 times a year due to broken or obstructed pipe(s).The system will pass inspection if(with approval of the Board of Health): broken pipe(s)are replaced obstruction is removed ND explain: Title 5 Inspection Form 6/15/2000 2. J Page 3,of 11 Property Address: The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust,East Bay Road,Osterville Owner:c/o First Property Management,Attn:Andrew Wittier Date of inspection:6/3/04 OFFICIAL INSPECTION FORM -NOT FOR VOLUNTARY ASSESSMENTS SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FORM PART A CERTIFICATION(continued) C. Further Evaluation is Required by the Board of Health: Conditions exist which require further evaluation by the Board of Health in order to determine if the system is failing to protect public health, safety or the environment. 1. System will pass unless Board of Health determines in accordance with 310 CMR 15.303 1 bOO that.the system is not functioning in a manner which will proiect public health,safety and the environment: Cesspool or privy is within 50 feet of a surface water Cesspool or privy is within 50 feet of a bordering vegetated wetland or a salt marsh 2. System will fail unless the Board of Health(and Public Water Supplier,if any)determines that the system is functioning in a manner that protects the public health,safety and environment: The system has a septic tank and soil absorption system(SAS)and the SAS is within 100 feet of a surface water supply or tributary to a surface water supply. The system has a septic tank and the SAS is within a Zone 1 of a public water supply. The system has a septic tank and the SAS is within 50 feet of a private water supply well.' The system has a septic tank and SAS and the SAS is less than 100 feet but 50 feet or more from a private water supply well".Method used to determine distance "This system passes if the well water analysis,performed at a DEP certified laboratory, for coliform bacteria and volatile organic compounds indicates that the well is free from pollution from that facility and the presence of ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen is equal to or less than 5 ppin,provided that no other failure criteria are triggered.A copy of the analysis must be attached to this form. 3. Other: Title 5 Inspection Form 6/15/2000 3 Page 4 of 11 Property Address: The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust,East Bay Road,Osterville Owner:c/o First Property Management,Attn:Andrew Wittier Date of Inspection: 6/3/04 OFFICIAL INSPECTION FORM-NOT FOR VOLUNTARY ASSESSMENTS SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FORM PART A CERTIFICATION(continued) i D. System Failure Criteria applicable to all systems: You must indicate"yes"or"no"to each of the following for all inspections: Yes No XX Backup of sewage into facility or system component due to overloaded or clogged SAS or cesspool XX . Discharge or ponding of effluent to the surface of the ground or surface waters due to an, overloaded or clogged SAS or cesspool XX Static liquid level in the distribution box above outlet invert due to an overloaded or clogged SAS or cesspool XX Liquid depth in cesspool is less than 6"below invert or available volume is less than 1/2 day flow XX Required pumping more than 4 times in the last year NOT due to clogged or obstructed pipe(s). Number of times pumped XX Any portion of the SAS, cesspool or privy is below high ground water elevation. XX Any portion of cesspool or privy is within 100 feet of a surface water supply or tributary to a surface water supply. XX Any portion of a cesspool or privy is within a Zone I of.a public-well. XX.­Any portion-of'a cesspool'or priory iswiihin 50,fee t of a,private-water supply well:---- _ /XX--Any portioii of a cesspool or privy is less than 100 feet but greater than 50 feet from a private water- supply, well with no acceptable-water quality analysis. [This system passes if the well water analysis, performed at a,DEP certified laboratory,for coliform bacteria and volatile organic compounds indicates that the well is free from pollution from that facility and the presence of ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen is equal to or less than 5 ppm,provided that no other failure criteria are triggered.A copy of the analysis must be attached to this form.) No(Yes/No)The system fails.I-,have determined that one.or,more.of the above failure criteria exist as described in..3T0 CMR 15.303,therefore the system fails.The system owner shouh contact the Boaid'of Health to determine what will be necessary to correct the failure. E. Large Systems: To be considered a large system the system must serve a facility with a design flow of"10,000 gpd to 15,000 gpd. You must indicate either"yes"or"no"to each of the following: (The following criteria apply to large systems in addition to the criteria above) Yes No The system is within.400 feet of a surface drinking water supply The system is within 200 feet of a tributary to a surface drinking water supply The system is located in a nitrogen sensitive area(Interim Wellhead Protection Area—IWPA)or a mapped Zone II of a public water supply well If you have answered"yes"to any question in Section E the system is considered a significant threat,or answered"yes"in Section D above the large system has failed.The owner or operator of any large system considered a significant threat under Section E or failed under Section•D shall upgrade the system in accordance with 310 CMR 15.304.The system owner should contact the appropriate regional office of the Department. Title 5 Inspection Form 6/15/2000 4 Page 5 of 11 Property Addresg: The Cove ai East Bay Condo Trust,East Bay Road,Osterville Owner:c/o First Property Management,Attn:Andrew Wittier r Date of Inspection: 6/3/04 OFFICIAL INSPECTION FORM-NOT FOR VOLUNTARY ASSESSMENTS SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FORM PART B CHECKLIST Check if the following have been done.You must indicate"yes"or"no"as to each of the following: Yes No XX Pumping information was provided by the owner,occupant,or Board of Health XX Were any of the system components pumped out in the previous two weeks? XX Has the system received normal flows in the previous two week period? XX Have large volumes of water been introduced to the system recently or as part of this inspection? N/A Were as built plans of the system obtained and examined?(If they were not available note as N/A) XX Was the facility or dwelling inspected for signs of sewage back up? XX Was the site inspected for'signs of break out? XX Were all system components,excluding the SAS,located on site? XX Were the septic tank manholes uncovered,opened,and the interior of the tank inspected for the condition of the baffles or tees,material of construction,dimensions,depth of liquid,depth of sludge and depth of scum? Was the facility owner(and occupants if different from owner)provided with information on the proper maintenance of subsurface sewage disposal systems? The size and location of the Soil Absorption System(SAS)on the site has been determined based on: Yes No XX Existing information.For example,a plan at the Board of Health. XX Determined in the field(if any of the failure criteria related to Part C is at issue approximation of distance is unacceptable) [310 CMR 15.302(3)(b)] Title 5 Inspection Form 6/15/2000 5 Page 6 of 11 Property Address: The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust,East Bay Road,Osterville Owner:c/o First Property Management,Attn:Andrew Wittier Late o.Inspection:6/3/04 OFFICIAL INSPECTION FORM-NOT FOR VOLUNTARY ASSESSMENTS SUBSURFACE SEWAGE.DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FORM PART C SYSTEM INFORMATION FLOW CONDITIONS RESIDENTIAL Number of bedrooms(design):48 Number of bedrooms(actual):48 DESIGN flow based on 310 CMR 15.203 (for example: 110 gpd x#of bedrooms)—:5 0 d Number of current residents: 12± Does residence have a garbage grinder(yes or no):No Is laundry on a separate sewage system(yes or no):No [if yes separate inspection required] Laundry system inspected(yes or no): Seasonal use: (yes or no): Yes Water meter readings,if available(last 2 years usage(gpd):Each unit metered individually Sump pump(yes or no):No Last date of occupancy:Occupied COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL Type of establishment: Design flow(based on 310 CMR 15.203): gpd Basis of design flow(seats/persons/sgft,etc.): Grease trap present(yes or no): Industrial waste holding tank present(yes or no): Non-sanitary waste discharged to the Title 5 system(yes or no): Water meter readings,if available: Last date of occupancy/use: OTHER(describe): GENERAL INFORMATION Pumping Records Source of information:None found Was system pumped as part of the inspection(yes or no): If yes,volume pumped: gallons--How was quantity pumped determined? Reason for pumping: TYPE OF SYSTEM XX Septic tank,distribution box,soil absorption system Single cesspool Overflow cesspool Privy. Shared system(yes or no) (if yes,attach previous inspection records, if any) XX Innovative/Alternative technology.Attach a copy of the current operation and maintenance contract(to be obtained from system owner) Tight tank Attach a copy of the DEP approval Other(describe): Approximate age of all components,date installed(if known)and source of information: 5 years based on Site Plan Were sewage odors detected when arriving at the site(yes or no):No Title 5 Inspection Form 6/15/2000 6 4 Page 7 of 11 Property Address:The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust,East Bay Road,Osterville Owner:c/o First Property Management,Attn: Andrew Wittier Date of Inspection: 6/3/04 OFFICIAL INSPECTION FORM-NOT FOR VOLUNTARY ASSESSMENTS SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FORM PART C SYSTEM INFORMATION(continued) BUILDING SEWER(locate on site plan) Depth below grade: Materials of construction: cast iron 40 PVC other(explain): Distance from private water supply well or suction line: Comments(on condition of joints,venting,evidence of leakage,etc.): SEPTIC TANK: Yes(locate on site plan)(3 Tanks) Depth below grade:Tw 3' Material of construction, XX concrete metal fiberglass polyethylene other(explain) If tank is metal list age: Is age confirmed by a Certificate of Compliance(yes or no): (attach a copy of certificate) Dimensions: Per plan Tank 1 — 17'x10'x5',Tank 2— 17'x10'x4' Tank 3— 17x10'x7' Sludge depth: (1)6",(2) 14",(3)6" Distance from top of sludge to bottom of outlet tee or baffle: (1)34",(2) 14", (3) ? Scum thickness: (1)0", (2) 1", (3)0" Distance from top of scum to top of outlet tee or baffle: (1) 10", (2)9",(3) ? ti Distance from bottom of scum to bottom of outlet tee or baffle: (1) 20", (2)20",(3) ? How were dimensions determined:Measured&from plan. Comments(on pumping recommendations,inlet and outlet tee or baffle condition,structural integrity, liquid levels as related to outlet invert,evidence of leakage,etc.): Tank and tee observed appear to be in good condition Recommend pumping Tank 2 Recommend replaceing cracked access cover over Tank 1 and raising inlet and outlet covers to grade over Tank 3 GREASE TRAP:No(locate on site plan) Depth below grade: Material of construction: concrete metal fiberglass polyethylene other(explain)' Dimensions: Scum thickness: Distance from top of scum to top of outlet tee or baffle: Distance from bottom of scum to bottom of outlet tee or baffle: Date of last pumping: Comments(on pumping recommendations, inlet and outlet tee or baffle condition,structural integrity,liquid levels as related to outlet invert,evidence of leakage,etc.): Title 5 Inspection Form 6/15/2000 7 Page 8 of 11 Property Address:The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust,East Bay Road,Osterville Owner: c/o First Property Management,Attn: Andrew Wittier Date of Inspection:5/3/04 OFFICIAL INSPECTION FORM-NOT FOR VOLUNTARY ASSESSMENTS SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FORM PART C SYSTEM INFORMATION(continued). TIGHT or HOLDING TANK:No(tank must be pumped at time of inspection)(locate on site plan) Depth below grade: Material of construction: concrete metal fiberglass polyethylene other(explain): Dimensions: Capacity: gallons Design Flow: . gallons/day Alarm present(yes or no): Alarm level: Alarm in working order(yes or no): Date of last pumping: Comments(condition of alarm and float switches,etc.): DISTRIBUTION BOX:No(if present must be opened) (locate on site plan) Depth of liquid level above outlet invert: Comments',(note if box is level and distribution to outlets equal,any evidence of solids carryover,any evidence of leakage into or out of box,etc.): c PUMP CHAMBER:Yes(locate on site plan) 1 Pumps in working order(yes or no):Yes Alarms in working order(yes or no):Yes Comments(note condition of pump chamber,condition of pumps and appurtenances,etc.):Tank,pumps,and floats are functioning.Easterly hatch does not close properly and needs to be repaired or replaced. i Title 5 Inspection Form 6/15/2000 8 S . Page 9 of 11 Property Address:The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust,East Bay Road,Osterville Owner:c%First Property Management,Attn:Andrew Wittier Rate of Inspection:6/3/04 OFFICIAL INSPECTION FORM-NOT FOR VOLUNTARY ASSESSMENTS SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FORM PART C SYSTEM INFORMATION(continued) SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM(SAS): (locate on site plan,excavation not required) If SAS not located explain why: Type leaching pits,number: leaching chambers, number: leaching galleries,number: XX leaching trenches,number,length: 20—60'long=pressure dosed leaching fields,.number,.dimensions: overflow cesspool,number: . XX innovative/alternative system Type/name of technology:Bioclere Comments(note condition of soil, signs of hydraulic failure,level of ponding,damp soil,condition of vegetation,etc.)`. No signsydraulic failure—opened and observed. CESSPOOLS:No(cesspool must be pumped as part of inspection)(locate on site plan) Number and configuration: Depth—top of liquid to inlet invert: Depth of solids layer: Depth of scum layer: Dimensions of cesspool: Materials of construction: Indication of groundwater inflow(yes or no): Comments(note condition of soil, signs of hydraulic failure,level of ponding,condition of vegetation,etc.): PRIVY:No(locate on site plan) Materials of construction: Dimensions: Depth of solids: Comments(note condition of soil,signs of hydraulic failure,level of ponding,condition of vegetation,etc.): I Title 5 Inspection Form 6/15/2000 9 I Page 10 of 11 t Property Address:The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust,East Bay Road,Osterville Owner:c/o First Property Management,Attn;Andrew Wittier Dale of Inspection:6/3/04 L INSPECTION FORM—NOT FOR VOLUNTARY ASSESSMENTS / SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FORM PART C SYSTEM INFORMATION(continued) l SKETCH OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM Provide a sketch of the sewage disposal system including ties to at least two permanent reference landmarks or benchmarks.Locate all wells within 100 feet.Locate where public water supply enters the building. V �A��' s N3 Title 5 Inspection Form 6/15/2000 10 I {, Page 11 of 11 Property Address:T6 Cove at East Bay Condo Trust,East Bay Road,Osterville Owner: c/o First Property Management,Attn:Andrew Wittier Date of Inspection: 6/3/04 OFFICIAL INSPECTION FORM—NOT FOR VOLUNTARY ASSESSMENTS 'SUBSURFACE SEWAGE.DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FORM PART C SYSTEM INFORMATION(continued) SITE EXAM Slope Surface water Check cellar ' Shallow wells Estimated depth to high ground water 11.1 feet to bottom of trenches. Please indicate(check)all methods used to determine the high ground water elevation: ; XX Obtained from system design plans on record-If checked,date of design plan reviewed: Observed site(abutting property/observation hole within 150 feet of SAS) Checked with local Board of Health-explain: Checked with local excavators,installers-(attach documentation) Accessed USGS database-explain: i You must.Aescribe how you established the high ground water elevation:Based site observation and data from Site Plan by Down Cape Engineering, Title 5 Inspection Form 6/15/2000 11 COASTAL ENGINEERING CO.,INC. a'0 Cmnb€-Y E ighway,Orleans,M.s 02653 AUTHORIZATION FOR Phone:50s-255-011 Fa=508-255-6700 - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Wastewater Treatment Plant Operation and Maintenance Wastewater and Groundwater Monitoring and Testing Materials Testing:Soils and.Concrem TO: The Cove at East Bay Condominium Trust DATE:.6/28/02 PROJECT NO.:P20627.01 c/o First Property Management = -Oa Andrew-Witter,President - —--- ----- PROJECT:------Bioclerela?-Treatment System Operation-& 832 Main Street,Suite F Maintenance Osterville;MA 02655 ____. - LOCATION- The Cove at East Bay Telephone:508-420-0299.Fax:.508-420-0789 199 East Bay.Road Osterville,M& COASTAL ENGINEERING will perform the following =tD FEE: See Attachment 2 professional services,relating to the.above-referenced p-ojectr' CONTRACT DURATION-2 years SCOPE OF SERVICES: Coastal Engineering Co.,Inc..(CEC)will perform the services outlined in Attachment)regarding:the..Operation and-Maintenance of the Bioclere®Wastewater.TreatmentSystern.at The Cove at East Bay,,199 EastBay Road,Osterville, JUL 3 200 Coas#a�Engutr;ng Co,inc TJP/dTli-' r` DA�PROPOSALSV e - doc-.. SUBJECT TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE AUTHORIZED FOR COASTAL ENGINEERING: '�w ❑ We are proceeding with sei-vice(s)noted as per your direction. By: ` t z Immediate notification in writing is required if you wish to alter this authorization Todd.L Palmatier,Hydrogeologist ® Please execute this agreement authorizing us to proceed at the ' Date: ne 28,2002; above fixed fee.No services will.be performed until you return this agreement with authorization in writing. A O F R ® This document will become our original agreement. By: Title: AVK Acceptance of this agreement by signature authorizes COASTAL ENGINEERING to proceed as described. This proposal expires Dater 2 f U in 90 days if not signed by both parties. JUN 2 5. 2004 i'J"N 0f BARNSTABLE HEALTH.DEPT. PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN ONE COPY d 'vlieCove.atEastBay Tune28,2002 ATTACEMIENT 1 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE SCOPE OF SERVICES' The following.-,is a.summary of the scope of services to be providedlby Coastal Engineering Co.,Inc.,Technical Services Division(TSD),for the benefit of the Bioclere®TreatmeufSy Ali,m=owner: The treatment system shall be operated by a Certified`Wastewater Plant Operatof is accordance with the requirements of 257CMR2.00 and the Board of Certification of Operators of Wastewater Treatment Plants.The treatment system shall also be operated in accordance with the conditions imposed by the Massachusetts.Department ofEnvironmental Protection for General Use.and-with the local Board of Health. EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1. Within design capacity and capability of the equipment,maintain the Bioclere®for the benefit of Client.. 2. Certify and document all maintenance for the Bioclere®.Maintenance reports will be provided on an annual basis or by request of the.Client. ' 3. Certify and document all repairs to the.equipment.. 4. Perform other services that are incidental to the services specified here including facilitating emergency repairs in the most expeditious and cost effective manner titan additional.cost as requested by Client. 5. Pump maintenance to be performed in accordance with manufacturer's specifications by subcontractor and invoiced by them directly to the client BIOCLEREO MAINTENANCE A. Standard maintenance as-follows- 1. . Check general conditiontappearance of unit: 2. Check vent--,flow;:odor.-. 3. Check general condition of fan box including internal'and external wiring,lock;latch,gaskets;etc. 4. Check,quiet fan operation_ t 5. Ckgrkcondition-a cover locks,;latches„.gaskets::.::,,;..,.....:._.:. . ...--. _ 6. Check and characten.ze�tiiomass-..-...__ 7. Check recycle pump operation,timing and effluent clarity. 8. Checkdosmg'pumps`operation,timmg,`efIluent clarity and spray pattern. 9. Check.general condition of dosing assembly.Clean nozzles if required. 10: Check general condition of control'box including locks,gaskets,etc. 11. Check control box switches,alarms,timers,etc_ 12. Complete and maintain service report file. B. Maintenance frequency as follows:Quarterly Operation and Maintenance visits to perform standard Bioclere®maintenance. C. Reporting:Prepare and submit reports as required by the Dept.of Environmental Protection. NOTES: A 1. Coastal Engineering will perform no procedures requiring confined entry. 2. Services under this contract specifically do not include or cover any responsibility for system malfunction attributed to process design,equipment specified and/or installations as provided by others. 3. Client must provide access to all Bioclere®System components at time of quarterly O&M visit. 4. This service contract assumes permanent occupancy of the dwelling or facility.The Owner shall notify TSD if occupancy becomes seasonal. 5. TSD will notify the appropriate authority of any event of electrical or mechanical failure within the treatment system,or of any event which-may adversely affect the performance of the treatment system. 6. In the event that the system alarnr is activated or the system fails,the OWNER shall notify TSD who shall.notify the DEP and Board of Health within 24 hours and corrective action shall be taken immediately. r - '1 T e-Cove at East Bay June.28,2002. ATTACHMENT 2 COST OF SERVICES 1. The yearly fixed fee costs for operation&maintenance shall be as follows: Operation and Maintenance $600 Yearly f Reporting $120 Yearly Total Yearly Cost $720 billed.at$180 per quarter 2. Any services beyond those noted,including responding to alarms,will be invoiced at$60.00 per hour. I Submitted by: COASTAL ENGINEERING CO.,INC. John L.Qu' O—Grade 7 Date Accepted by: 0P Q� pF �� Bioclere®Owner ' Date f PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN ONE COPY COASTAL ENGINEERING CO., INC. 260 Cranberry Highway,Orleans,MA 02653 WiA c) o 'Phone: 508-255-6511/Fax: 508-255-6700 TRANSMITTAL Web Site: www.ceccapecod.com To: Department of Environmental Protection Date: 9/16/03 Project No. see remarks below Attn: Title 5 Program Via: ®1st Class Mail ❑Pick up ❑Delivery❑Fed Ex One Winter Street, 6`h Floor Fax: Boston,MA 02108 Phone: Subject: DEP inspection&O&M forms No.of pages to follow: Barnstable Sites ❑Plans ❑ Copy of Letter ❑Specifications ® Other We are sending the following items: Copies Date No. Description 1 9/16/03 DEP inspection and O&M forms, field report and sample results(where required). F These are transmitted as checked below: ❑for approval ®for your use ❑as requested ❑for review& comment ❑ Remarks: The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust WBA-001 DEP ID#BC-269 cc: Barnstable Board of Health By: Todd J. Palmatier TJP/dlb i - NOTE: IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED, PLEASE CONTACT US AT (508) 255-6511. APR-12-99 08:47 AM 'DOWN CAPE ENGINEERING 508 362 9880 P.03 r P r tel.(508)362-4541 939 main street rt 6a, fax(508)362.9= ya►MMth port ass 02675 down cape engineering - structural design civil engineers&land surveyors Arne H.0jala P.E.,P.L.S. April 9, 1999 Timothy H.Covell.P.L.S. land coup Daniel A.0jala,P.L.S., fD"1Q'" Board of Health Town of Barnstable site piannIiep 367 Main Street Hyannis,MA 02601 sewage system designs Re: Cove at East Bay Septic Monitoring Plan insoections Dear Board Members: permits Pursuant to the request issued with the approval of the septic system,the following represents the proposed effluent monitoring for the Cove at East Bay Condominiums at 199 East Bay Road in Osterville. It is proposed to test the effluent for the following components: pH,CBOD5,TSS, Alkalinity,Ammonia,TKN,Nitrite and Nitrate. The minimum frequency of testing recommended by the manufacturer is twice annually, once during summer peak flows and once in the winter low flows. To be conservative,we propose testing on a quarterly basis for the first year and two times during the following year,once at the summer peak and once during the winter low flow. The results of the tests would be forwarded to the Board of Health for review. The system would be under maintenance contract wiih the MA certified operator as required. Please do not hesitate to call with any questions or comments. Sinc rely, z Arne H. Ojala P.L.S.,P.E. Down Cape Engineering I, LlMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Title 5 DEP Approved Inspection and O&M Form for Title 5 I/A Treatment and Disposal Systems A. Installation Important: The Cove at East Bay Condominium Trust, c/o First Property Management When filling out Owner forms on the computer,use 199 East Bay Road only the tab key Facility Street Address to move your Osterville 02655 cursor-do not use the return City Zip, key. Mailing address of owner, if different: VQ 832 Main Street, Suite F Street Address/PO Box: Osterville MA 02655 P00/ City State Zip (508)420-0299 ext. Telephone Number B. Authorized Service Provider Coastal Engineering Co., Inc. O&M Firm 260 Cranberry Highway Street Address Orleans MA 02653 City � State Zip (508) 255 6511 ext. Telephone Number Certifie pe-rator Name Certification f umber C. Facility/System Information BC 269 278 24/24/950 DEP ID Manufacturer ID Model Number 8/11/99 12/20/99 Installation Date Start of Operation Approval Type: ® General ❑ Provisional ❑ Piloting ❑ Remedial Seasonal Residence—used less than 6 mo./year: ❑Yes ®No D. Operating Information Inspection Date Previous Inspection Date Sludge Depth(to be checked yearly) pp _� Pumping Recommended ❑ YesJANo Effluent Description DEP I-A Form9-6-02.doc•9/6/02 Page 1 of 2 LlMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Title 5 DEP Approved Inspection and O&M Form for Title 5 I/A Treatment and Disposal Systems E. Sampling Information Samples Taken: ❑ Influent❑ Effluent Parameters sampled: ❑ pH ❑ BOD ❑ TSS ❑ TN ❑ Other(list below) Other 1 Other 2 Other 3 Description of any maintenance performed since previous inspection &during this inspection: Notes and Comments: F. Certification I certify: I have inspected the sewage treatment and disposal system at the address above, have completed this report and the attached technology operation and maintenance checklist, and the information reported is true, accurate, and complete as of the time of the inspection. I am a Massachusetts certified operator in accordance with 257 CMR 2.00. I Ol. Operator S' ture Date System owner must submit this report, technology O&M checklist, and any required sampling results to the local board of health and DEP as follows for each inspection performed: Remedial Use—by January Piloting & Provisional Use- General Use—by September 3151 of each year for the within 30 days of inspection 301h of each year for the previous calendar year date previous 12 months Department of Environmental Protection Attention: Title 5 Program One Winter Street, 6th Floor Boston, MA 02108 DEP I-A Form9-6-02.doc•9/6/02 Page 2 of 2 n Cr CaASTALEN INE.RINGCa.. INC:. 260.CRANEERRY HIGHWAY ORL'EMS, MA 02653 TEL 508) 255-6577 FA:G(508) 25a`-fi700 I I I SICCLERERELD REPORT I i Date: VA bl- I Instailabon: I Te-red: j C+leni: Uv,4. — 6 j Service ! Commissioned_ Address: v l j Other j Sc--duied O&„n j ' I j j Insaeaor. I I Bioc'ere Mode! Number's) I 1) Odor around site? Y% Source of odor? Check ail that aaoiV- I Mild: I Medium Strong: i Musty: Seabc: 2) Take influent(effluent samoies as required_ 3) a) Measure sludge in primary tanks and crease traos as mauired: I I I b) Siudae death in primary tank_ i Scum depth: I Saudge demh: j c) Daes crease trail need oumoina? I Y / N I I I UNrr1 ! UNrr2 BIOCLFRE VENTS a) Is air passina through the vent? I Y / N i Y / N I j If in doubt puta smail.piastic bag around vent and ailow to fiil. b) Is the fan coerabng and in good condition? I N I Y / N j I e I M GENERAL a) Any external damage to the unit(s)? If Yes, provide detaiis an back- I Y /nI Y / N b)Are cover; fat box and contras panel secureiv locoed? I N Y / N c) Any fiiterflies in the unit? I Y/ feNi marry I Y I N few many j Location of flies I I d) Locks! latcfiesl handles- OK? I / N I Y / N e) Lid gasket OK? I / N I Y / N f) Does the fan box contain standing water? I Y / I Y / N If Yes, then remove water and clean drain haies R necassarv. I I I I BIOMASS CHARACTERIZATION a) Color of biomass? 1)white 2)whitelary 3)gry 4)gray/browni� wn 6)red/brown 7)biact S)other I - b) Thickness of biomass 6-12 inches beiow media surface. 1) liah medium 3) heavv I � I I i = NO=SPRAY PATTERN a) Does soray cover the entire surface area of media? i N I / / N If not, clean each nozzie with a bottle brush Does the snrav now cover the entire surface area? I Y N � Y / N I If not then: I 1) remove nozzles and soak in a bieach solution 2) manuafiv engage both dosing pumas for two minutes I I 3 reoiacs nozzles Does the sarav now cover the entire surface area? j Y If not consuitAWTEnvironmental..Inc- PUMPS AND CONTROL PANE- ( I I I a) Re:.-ani dosing.and recede, pumo timer-sertnas from control pane!_ I I Dosing-Pump 1: I min an: miry oif- I min an: min air { Dosing Pump 2 I min an: min a& I min an: min a& Recxile Pump• I min on: hrs air j min on: hrs air I I I In Bicdemcontro! pane! setdosing and.recvc:e timers to a.testcjcie:- a) Amperage of dosing purno 1: I amps ► amps b) Amoeraae at dos-Ina puma 2 I amps I amps c)Aomeraae of rer;c!e pump: I amps ( amps Are dosina pumas alternating? I / N ( Y / N Are the timers.operating property? I Y / N I Y / N { Visuaily inscer:relays forwear and record probierns below_. i I I I I I ;If-ware compcnents are needed.contact AWT I I I I I I If an ammeter is not avaiiabie,set-the timers to.a.tes-Lwde as above and atthe Biociere check the pumps's-operation as fcilows: { Qosinapumps:check thatpump(s) are operating,alternating and:the I Pump 1 OK? Y / N I Pump.1 OK? Y / N desonated:rest cc;cie is occurring_ I Pump 2 OK? Y / N I Puma 2 OK7 Y / N I OK?- Y / N. { OK? Y / N I if pumps or controi components are not operating properly, record below { And consultAW T Environmental, Inc I -I I I I REST TIMERS TO ABOVE SETT INC -Nate anv -anaes here_. I min on: min oiF: I min on: min off-- 'Do not chance timers without consulting AWT E+tvironmertal.Inc I min an: mirr a&- I min on: min oift I I PL UMEING { a) Are the unions in the Biociere leaking? I Y / I Y / N If yes,then tiahtert with pine wrench I I I FINAL CHECK a) Main ower"on' and set toaaie for ail pumas to "normal" position• I Y / N I Y / N b) Alarm toggle set to the "ON"position_ I N i Y / N c) Lack control panef, Bioclere cover-and fan box_ d) if possibie, record the water meter reading- { I I I I . REPORT SUMMARY: C b { I I I I � I I I I I I ( I I I SIGNATURE_ I I ! Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection -Title 5 DEP Approved Inspection and O&M Form for Title 5 I/A Treatment and Disposal Systems A. Installation Important: The Cove at East Bay Condominium Trust, c/o First Property Management When filling out Owner forms on the computer, use 199 East Bay Road only the tab key Facility Street Address to move your Osterville 02655 cursor-do not City Zip use the return key. Mailing address of owner, if different: 832 Main Street, Suite F Street Address/PO Box: Osterville MA 02655 �411 City State Zip (508)420-0299 ext. Telephone Number B. Authorized Service Provider Coastal Engineering Co., Inc. O&M Firm 260 Cranberry Highway Street Address Orleans MA 02653 City State Zip (508) 255-6511 ext. Telephone Number Certified Operator Name Certification Number C. Facility/System Information BC 269 278 24/24/950 DEP ID Manufacturer ID Model Number 8/11/99 12/20/99 Installation Date Start of Operation Approval Type: ® General El Provisional ❑ Piloting ❑ Remedial Seasonal Residence—used less than 6 mo./year: []Yes ®No D. Operating Information a- ati —a3 Inspection Date Previous Inspection Date Sludge Depth(to be checked yearly) Pumping Recommended ❑ Yes No , No o �UrS Effluent Description DEP I-A Form9-6-02.doc-9/6/02 Page 1 of 2 LlMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Title 5 DEP Approved Inspection and O&M Form for Title 5 I/A Treatment and Disposal Systems E. Sampling Information Samples Taken: ❑ Influent`❑ Effluent Parameters sampled: ❑ pH ❑ BOD ❑TSS ❑TN ❑ Other(list below) Other 1 Other 2 Other 3 Description of any maintenance performed since previous inspection &during this inspection: \ i i' C.hec �cl� c_on�rol r7o.Y"d �i me..v S c,/ I woric t'ns _11twP�1�n . L-6 ckcJ clt-anx SlIr-,,, tvoZtbQs. Notes and Comments: F. Certification I certify: I have inspected the sewage treatment and disposal system at the address above, have completed this report and the attached technology operation and maintenance checklist, and the information reported is true, accurate, and complete as of the time of the inspection. I am a Massachusetts ce ified o erator in accordance with 257 CMR 2.00. -Q —?_(a — 03 Operator Signatu Date System owner must submit this report, technology O&M checklist, and any required sampling results to the local board of health and DEP as follows for each inspection performed: Remedial Use—by January Piloting & Provisional Use- General Use—by September 31st of each year for the within 30 days of inspection 30t'of each year for the previous calendar year date previous 12 months Department of Environmental Protection Attention: Title 5 Program One Winter Street, 6th Floor Boston, MA 02108 DEP I-A Form9-6-02.doc-9/6/02 Page 2 of 2 COASTAL ENGINEERING CO., INC. 260 CRANBERRY HIGHWAY ORLEANS, MA 02653 TEL. 508 255-6511 FAX. 508 255-6700 BIOCLERE FIELD REPORT Date: 0.- -p Installation: Tested: Client: C [ \1 Service Commissioned: Address: Other Scheduled O&M Inspector: �ZzzS Bioclere Model Number(s) 1 Odor around site? Y N Source of odor? Check all that apply: Mild: Medium Strong: Musty: Septic: 2 Take influent/effluent samples as required. 3 a Measure sludge in primary tanks and grease traps as required: b Sludge depth in primary tank: Scum depth: Sludge depth: c Does grease trap need pumping? Y / N UNIT 1 UNIT 2 BIOCLERE VENTS a Is air passing through the vent? / N Y / N If in doubt put a small plastic bag around vent and allow to fill. b Is the fan operating and in good condition? / N Y / N GENERAL a Any external damage to the units ? If Yes, provide details on back. Y / Y / N b Are cover, fan box and control panel secure) locked? Y / N Y / N C Any filter flies in the unit? Y few/many Y/ N few/many Location of flies: d Locks/ latches/handles. OK? / N Y / N e Lid gasket OK? -IN, Y / N f Does the fan box contain standing water? Y N Y / N If Yes, then remove water and clean drain holes if necessary. BIOMASS CHARACTERIZATION a Color of biomass? 1)white 2)white/gray 3)gray 4)gray/bro n 5) own 6)red/brown 7)black 8 other b• Thickn s of biomass 6-12 inches below media surface. 1 li h 2 edium 3 heavy NOZZLE SPRAY PATTERN a Does spray cover the entire surface area of media? YJ N Y / N If not, clean each nozzle with a bottle brush Does the spray now cover the entire surface area? Y / N Y / N If not then: 1 remove nozzles and soak in a bleach solution 2 manually engage both dosing pumps for MO minutes 3 replace nozzles Does the spray now cover the entire surface area? Y / N Y / N If not, consult AWT Environmental, Inc. PUMPS AND CONTROL PANEL a Record dosing and recycle pump timer settings from control panel. Dosing Pump 1: min on: p min off: y min on: min off: Dosing Pump 2: min on: min off: min on: min off: Recycle Pump: min on: S hrs off:)& min on: hrs off: In Bioclere control panel set dosing and recycle timers to a test cycle: a Amperage of dosing um 1: amps amps b Amperage of dosing um 2: amps amps c A mera a of recycle pump: amps amps Are dosing pumps alternating? Y / N Y / N Are the timers operating r0 erl ? Y / N Y / N Visually inspect relays for wear and record problems below. * Ifs are components are needed contact AWT If an ammeter is not available,set the timers to a test cycle as above and at the Bioclere check the um s's operation as follows: Dosing pumps: check that um s are operating, alternating and the Pump 1 OK? Y / N Pump 1 OK? Y / N designated rest cycle is occurring. Pump 2 OK? Y / N Pump 2 OK? Y / N OK? Y / N OK? Y / N *If pumps or control components are not operating properly, record below And consult AWT Environmental, Inc. RESET TIMERS TO ABOVE SETTINGS: Note any changes here: min on: min off: min on: min off: *Do not change timers without consulting AWT Environmental, Inc. min on: min off: min on: min off: PLUMBING a Are the unions in the Bioclere leaking? Y UN Y / N If yes, then tighten with pipe wrench FINAL CHECK a Main power`on" and set toggle for all pumps to "normal" position. Y / N Y / N b Alarm toggle set to the "ON" position. / N Y / N c Lock control panel, Bioclere cover and fan box. d If possible, record the water meter reading: REPORT SUMMARY: No 2z. 'LS Z. C L cS SIGNATURE: Q.e5 Po�S e COASTAL ENGINEERING CO., INC. 260 CRANBERRY HIGHWAY ORLEANS, MA 02653 TEL. 508 255-6511 FAX. 508 255-6700 BIOCLERE FIELD REPORT Date: Installation: Tested: Client: Service Commissioned: Address: NN, p,_ p\ Other Sceduled O&M Inspector: Bioclere Model Number s 1 Odor around site? Y/Q14,, Source of odor? Check all that apply: Mild: Medium Strong: Musty: Septic: 2 Take influent/effluent samples as required. 3 a Measure sludge in primary tanks and grease traps as required: b Sludge depth in primary tank: Scum depth: Sludge depth: c Does grease trap need pumping? Y / N UNIT 1 UNIT 2 BIOCLERE VENTS a Is air passing through the vent? / N Y / N If in doubt put a small plastic bag around vent and allow to fill. b Is the fan operating and in good condition? N Y / N GENERAL a)Any external damage to the units ? If Yes, provide details on back. Y Y / N b Are cover, fan box and control panel secure) locked? D N Y / N c Any filter flies in the unit? Y/ few/many Y/ N few/many Location of flies: d Locks/ latches/ handles. OK? / N Y / N e) Lid gasket OK? / N Y / N Does the fan box contain standing water? Y / Y / N If Yes, then remove water and clean drain holes if necessary. BIOMASS CHARACTERIZATION a Color of biomass? 1)white 2)white/gray 3)gray 4)gray/brown1Z!)rown 6)red/brown 7)black 8 other b Thickness of biomass 6-12 inches below media surface. 1 li h edium 3 heavy NOZZLE SPRAY PATTERN a Does spray cover the entire surface area of media? N Y / N If not, clean each nozzle with a bottle brush Does the spray now cover the entire surface area? Y / N Y / N If not then: 1 remove nozzles and soak in a bleach solution 2 manually engage both dosing pumps for two minutes 3) replace nozzles Does the spray now cover the entire surface area? Y / N Y / N If not, consult AWT Environmental, Inc. PUMPS AND CONTROL PANEL a Record dosing and recycle pump timer settings from control panel. Dosing Pump 1: min on: min off:.I, min on: min off: Dosing Pump 2: min on:` min offa, min on: min off: Recycle Pump: min on:S hrs off: min on: hrs off: In Bioclere control panel set dosing and recycle timers to a test cycle: a Amperage of dosing um 1: amps amps b Amperage of dosing um 2: amps amps c A mera a of recycle pump: amps amps Are dosing pumps alternating? N Y / N Are the timers operating ro erl ? / N Y / N Visually inspect relays for wear and record problems below. Ifs are-com ponents are needed contact AWT If an mmeter is not available,set the timers to a test cycle as above -pan at the Bioclere check the um s's operation as follows: osing pumps: check that um s are operating, alternating and the Pump 1 OK? Y / N Pump 1 OK? Y / N designated rest cycle is occurring. Pump 2 OK? Y / N Pump 2 OK? Y / N OK? Y / N OK? Y / N *If pumps or control components are not operating properly, record below And consult AWT Environmental, Inc. RESET TIMERS TO ABOVE SETTINGS: Note any changes here: min on: min off: min on: min off: *Do not change timers without consulting AWT Environmental, Inc. min on: min off: min on: min off: PLUMBING a Are the unions in the Bioclere leaking? If yes, then tighten with pipe wrench FINAL CHECK a Main power"on" and set toggle for all pumps to "normal" position. / N Y / N b Alarm toggle set to the "ON" position. N Y / N c Lock control panel, Bioclere cover-and fan box. d If possible, record the water meter reading: REPORT SUMMARY: w V .7 wa C� SIGNATURE: L Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Title 5 DEP Approved Inspection and O&M Form for Title 5 VA Treatment and Disposal Systems A. Installation Important: The Cove at East Bay Condominium Trust, c/o First Property Management When filling out Owner forms on the computer,use 199 East Bay Road only the tab key Facility Street Address to move your Osterville 02655 cursor-do not use the return City Zip key. Mailing address of owner, if different: 832 Main Street, Suite F Street Address/PO Box: Osterville MA 02655 RQOJ City State Zip (508)420-0299 ext. Telephone Number B. Authorized Service Provider Coastal Engineering Co., Inc. O&M Firm 260 Cranberry Highway Street Address Orleans MA 02653 City State Zip (508) 255-6511 ext. TelephS Number ` o3v Certified Operator Name Certification Number C. Facility/System Information BC 269 278 24/24/950 DEP ID Manufacturer ID Model Number 8/11/99 12/20/99 Installation Date Start of Operation Approval Type: ® General ❑ Provisional ❑ Piloting ❑ Remedial Seasonal Residence-used less than 6 mo./year: ❑Yes ®No D. Operating Information s 1 1_\ Inspection Date Previous Inspection Date Sludge Depth(to be checked yearly Pumping Recommended ❑ Yek-RNo rA Effluent Description DEP I-A Form9-6-02.doc•9/6/02 Page 1 of 2 LlMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Title 5 DEP Approved Inspection and O&M Form for Title 5 I/A Treatment and Disposal Systems E. Sampling Information Samples Taken: ❑ Influent❑ Effluent Parameters sampled: ❑ pH ❑ BOD ❑TSS ❑ TN ❑ Other(list below) Other 1 Other 2 Other 3 Description of any maintenance performed since previous inspection &during this inspection: Notes and Comments: T l o� F. Certification I certify: I have inspected the sewage treatment and disposal system at the address above, have completed this report and the attached technology operation and maintenance checklist, and the information reported is true, accurate, and complete as of the time of the inspection. I am a Massachusetts pprtified Qperator in accordance with 257 CM R, 2.00. Operator Sign u Date System owner must submit this report, technology O&M checklist, and any required sampling results to the local board of health and DEP as follows for each inspection performed: Remedial Use—by January Piloting & Provisional Use- General Use—by September 31 n of each year for the within 30 days of inspection 301h of each year for the previous calendar year date previous 12 months Department of Environmental Protection Attention: Title 5 Program One Winter Street, 60 Floor Boston, MA 02.108 DEP I-A Form9-6-02.doc-9/6/02 Page 2 of 2 COASTAL ENGINEERING CO., INC. -ZSQ CRANBERRY HIGHWAY ORLEANS, MA 02653 TEL. 508 255-6511 FAX. 508 255-6700 BIOCLERE FIELD REPORT Date: Installation: Tested: Client: Service I Commissioned: Address: Other I Sceduled O&M Inspector: Bioclere Model Number(s) 1 Odor around site? Y / Source of odor? Check all that apply: Mild: I Medium Strong: Musty: Seotic: 2 Take influent/effluent samples as required. 3 a Measure sludge in primary tanks and grease traps as required: b Slud e.de th in primary tank: Scum depth: Sludge depth: c Does grease trap need pumping? Y / N UNIT 1 UNIT 2 BIOCLERE VENTS a Is air passing through the vent? / N Y / N If in doubt put a small plastic bag around vent and allow to-fill. b Is the fan operating and in good condition? Y N Y / N GENERAL a) Any external damage to the units ? If Yes, provide details on back. Y / Y / N b Are cover, fan box and control panel secure) locked? N Y / N C Any filter flies in the unit? Y/ few/many Y/ N few/many Location of flies: d) Locks/ latches/ handles. OK? Q N Y / N e) Lid gasket OK? k Y / N Does the fan box contain standing water? Y Y / N If Yes, then remove water and clean drain holes if necessary. BIOMASS CHARACTERIZATION a Color of biomass? . 1)-white 2)white/gray 3)gray 4)gray/brow own 6)red/brown 7)black 8)other b) Thickness of biomass 6-12 inches below media surface. 1) light nedium 3 heavyI NOZZLE SPRAY PATTERN a Does spray cover the entire surface area of media? Y N Y / N If not, clean each nozzle with a bottle brush Does the spray now cover the entire surface area? ( Y / N Y / N j If not then: I 1 remove nozzles and soak in a bleach solution 2) manually engage both dosing pumps for two minutes 3) replace nozzles Does the spray now cover the entire surface area? Y / N Y / N If not. consult AWT Environmental, Inc. PUMPS AND CONTROL PANEL I a Record dosing and recycle pump timer settings from control panel. Dosing Pump 1: min on:W min off:' I min on: min off- Dosing Pump 2: min on:1(9 min offia min on: min off: Recycle Pump: min on:5 hrs off: I min on: hrs off: I In Bioclere control panel set dosing and recycle timers to a test cycle: a) Amperage of dosing um 1: I , S' amps I amps b Amperage of dosing um 2: I 3r amps amps c)A mera e of recycle pump: I 3A amps amps Are dosing pumps alternating? N Y ! N Are the timers operating properly?, N Y / N Visually inspect relays for wear and record problems below. * ifs are components are needed contact AWT If an ammeter is not available,set the timers to a test cycle as above and at the Bioclere check the um s's operation as follows: Dosing pumps: check that um s are operating, alternating and the Pump 1 OK? Y / N Pump 1 OK? Y / N designated rest cycle is occurring. Pump 2 OK? Y / N Pump 2 OK? Y / N OK? Y / N OK? Y / N *If pumps or control components are not operating properly, record below And consult AWT Environmental, Inc. RESET TIMERS TO ABOVE SETTINGS: Note any changes here: min on: min off: I min on: min off: *Do not change timers without consulting AWT Environmental. Inc. I min on: min off: min on: min off: PLUMBING a) Are the unions in the Bioclere leaking? Y / Y / N If yes, then tighten with pipe wrench I FINAL CHECK a Main power "on" and set toggle for all pumps to "normal" position. Y / N Y / N b Alarm toggle set to the "ON" position. IIr N Y / N c Lock control panel, Bioclere cover and fan box. d) If possible, record the water meter reading: I REPORT SUMMARY: U14 M0 - I I I I II I I I I SIGNATURE: Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau-of Resource Protection - Title 5 DEP Approved Inspection and O&M Form for Title 5 VA Treatment and Disposal Systems A. Installation Important: The Cove at East Bay Condominium Trust, c/o First Property Management When filling out Owner forms on the computer,use 199 East Bay Road only the tab key Facility Street Address to move your Osterville 02655 cursor-do not City Zip use the return key. Mailing address of owner, if different: 832 Main Street, Suite F Street Address/PO Box: Osterville MA 02655 reQ01 City State Zip (508)420-0299 ext. Telephone Number B. Authorized Service Provider Coastal Engineering Co. Inc. O&M Firm 260 Cranberry Highway Street Address Orleans MA 02653 City State Zip (508)255-6511 ext. elephone Number ca 3 -S-1MA L., IOi's Certified Operator Name Certification Number C. Facility/System Information BC 269 278 24/24/950 DEP ID Manufacturer ID Model Number 8/11/99 12/20/99 Installation Date Start of Operation Approval Type: ® General ❑ Provisional ❑ Piloting ❑ Remedial Seasonal Residence—used less than 6 mo./year: ❑Yes ®No D. Operating Information $ -Z-z- 03 Inspection Date Previous Inspection Date Sludge Depth(to be checked yearloy y Pumping Recommended El Yes [A No Q,L CkI SI t' hk C CLV O kn J C1110 Effluent Description DEP I-A Form9-6-02.doc-9/6/02 Page 1 of 2 LlMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Title 5 DEP Approved Inspection and O&IIII Form for Title 5 I/A Treatment and Disposal Systems E. Sampling Information Samples Taken: ❑ Influent❑ Effluent Parameters sampled: ❑ pH ❑ BOD ❑TSS ❑ TN ❑ Other(list below) Other 1 Other 2 Other 3 Description of any maintenance performed since previous inspection & during this inspection: CIS any d Sty.a., n,ozztQS . c h��k�d Far -0 Notes and Comments: F. Certification I certify: I have inspected the sewage treatment and disposal system at the address above, have completed this report and the attached technology operation and maintenance checklist, and the information reported is true, accurate, and complete as of the time of the inspection. I am a M ssachuse s certified operator in accordance with 257 CMR 2.00. � , tz,e3 Operator Agn 'ure Date System owner must submit this report, technology O&M checklist, and any required sampling results to the local board of health and DEP as follows for each inspection performed: Remedial Use—by January Piloting & Provisional Use- General Use—by September 31St of each year for the within 30 days of inspection 301h of each year for the previous calendar year date previous 12 months Department of Environmental Protection Attention: Title 5 Program One Winter Street, 6th Floor Boston, MA 02108 4 DEP I-A Form9-6-02.doc-9i6i02 Page 2 of 2 O� Kj COASTAL ENGINEERING CO., INC. ` 260 CRANBERRY HIGHWAY ORLEANS, MA 02653 TEL. 508 255-6511 FAX. 508 255-6700 BIOCLERE FIELD REPORT LWCjA Date: $ - 'Z Z— O Installation: Tested: Client: Q. [-, Zpp Service Commissioned: Address: Other Scheduled O&M Inspector: 1�S Bioclere Model Number(s) 1 Odor around site. ! N Source of odor? 6,c,c Icrc. Check all that apply: Mild: ✓ Medium Strong: Musty:V Septic: 2 Take influent/effluent samples as required. 3 a Measure sludge in primary tanks and grease traps as required: b Sludge depth in primary tank: Scum depth: Sludge depth: c Does grease trap need pumping? Y / N UNIT 1 UNIT 2 BIOCLERE VENTS a Is air passing through the vent? Y N Y / N If in doubt put a small plastic bag around vent and allow to fill. b Is the fan operating and in good condition? Y[/—N Y / N GENERAL a Any external damage to the units ? If Yes, provide details on back. elk Y / N Y / N b Are cover, fan box and control panel secure) locked? / N Y / N c Any filter flies in the unit? Y/ N ew/many Y/ N few/many Location of flies: d Locks/ latches/handles. OK? Y / N Y / N e Lid gasket OK? Y / N Y / N f Does the fan box contain standing water? Y / N Y / N If Yes, then remove water and clean drain holes if necessary. BIOMASS CHARACTERIZATION a Color of biomass? 1)white 2)white/gray 3)gray 4)gray/bro n 5) rown 6)red/brown 7)black 8 other b Thickness of biom s 6-12 inches below media surface. 1 light 2 mediu 3Peavy NOZZLE SPRAY PATTERN a Does spray cover the entire surface area of media? / N Y / N If not, clean each nozzle with a bottle brush Does the spray now cover the entire surface area? Y / N Y / N If not then: 1 remove nozzles and soak in a bleach solution 2 manually engage both dosing pumps for two minutes 3 replace nozzles Does the spray now cover the entire surface area? I Y / N Y / N If not, consult AWT Environmental, Inc. PUMPS AND CONTROL PANEL a Record dosing and recycle pump timer settings from control panel. Dosing Pump 1: min on:10 min off: 2. min on: min off: Dosing Pump 2: min on: min off: min on: min off: Recycle Pump: min on: hrs off: min on: hrs off: In Bioclere control panel set dosing and recycle timers to a test cycle: a Amperage of dosing um 1: amps amps b Amperage of dosing um 2: amps amps c A mera a of recycle pump: amps amps Are dosing pumps alternating? Y / N Y / N Are the timers operating ro erl ? Y / N Y / N Visually inspect relays for wear and record problems below. * Ifs are components are needed contact AWT If an ammeter is not available,set the timers to a test cycle as above and at the Bioclere check the um s's operation as follows: Dosing pumps: check that um s are operating, alternating and the Pump 1 OK? Y / N Pump 1 OK? Y / N designated rest cycle is occurring. Pump 2 OK? Y / N Pump 2 OK? Y / N OK? Y / N OK? Y / N *If pumps or control components are not operating properly, record below And consult AWT Environmental, Inc. RESET TIMERS TO ABOVE SETTINGS: Note any changes here: min on: min off: min on: min off: *Do not change timers without consulting AWT Environmental, Inc. min on: min off: min on: min off: PLUMBING a Are the unions in the Bioclere leaking? Y / Y / N If yes, then tighten with pipe wrench FINAL CHECK a Main power`on" and set toggle for all pumps to "normal" position. / N Y / N b Alarm toggle set to the "ON" position. Y / N Y / N c Lock control panel, Bioclere cover and fan box. d If possible, record the water meter reading: REPORT SUMMARY: 10 rG CS :n A Ww I' L SIGNATURE: COASTAL ENGINEERING CO., INC. 260 CRANBERRY HIGHWAY ORLEANS, MA 02653 TEL. 508 255-6511 FAX. 508 255-6700 BIOCLERE FIELD REPORT Date: $— a V —O Installation: Tested: Client: he C.av, CA) Q/ Service Commissioned: Address: Other Scheduled O&M Inspector: 4?,zS Bioclere Model Number(s) 1 Odor around siteKYY N Source of odor? Check all that apply—: Mild: Medium Strong: Musty: Septic: 2 Take influent/effluent samples as required. 3 a Measure sludge in primary tanks and grease traps as required: b Sludge depth in primary tank: Scum depth: Sludge depth: c Does grease trap need pumping? Y / N UNIT 1 UNIT 2 BIOCLERE VENTS a Is air passing through the vent? Y / N Y / N If in doubt puta small plastic bag around vent and allow to fill. b Is the fan operating and in good condition? N Y / N GENERAL a Any external damage to the units ? If Yes, provide details on back. / Y / N b Are cover, fan box and control panel secure) locked? Y N Y / N C Any filter flies in the unit? Y Kfet many I Y/ N few/many Location of flies: 6�c qa\,,0. s c d Locks/ latches/ handles. OK? Y / N Y / N e Lid qasket OK? / Y / N f Does the fan box contain standing water? Y N Y / N If Yes, then remove water and clean drain holes if necessary.-- BIOMASS CHARACTERIZATION a Color of biomass? 1)white 2)white/gray 3)gray 4)gray/br n 5) own 6)red/brown 7)black 8 other b Thickness of biomass 6-12 inches below media surface. 1INight 2 medium 3 heavy NOZZLE SPRAY PATTERN a Does spray cover the entire surface area of media? Y N Y / N If not, clean each nozzle with a bottle brush Does the spray now cover the entire surface area? Y / N Y / N If not then: 1 remove nozzles and soak in a bleach solution 2 manually engage both dosing pumps for two minutes 3 replace nozzles Does the spray now cover the entire surface area? Y / N Y / N If not, consult AWT Environmental, Inc. PUMPS AND CONTROL PANEL a Record dosing and recycle pump timer settings from control panel. Dosing Pump 1: min on: /o min off: Z min on: min off: Dosing Pump 2: min on: min off: min on: min off: Recycle Pump: min on: y his off: min on: his off: . In Bioclere control panel set dosing and recycle timers to a test cycle: a Amperage of dosing um 1: 3.3 amps amps b Amperage of dosing um 2: amps amps c A mera a of recycle pump: Z. U_ amps amps Are dosing pumps alternating? Y / N Y / N Are the timers operating ro erl ? Y / N Y / N Visually inspect relays for wear and record problems below. Ifs are components are needed contact AWT If an ammeter is not available,set the timers to a test cycle as above and at the Bioclere check the um s's operation as follows: Dosing pumps: check that um s are operating, alternating and the Pump 1 OK? Y / N Pump 1 OK? Y / N designated rest cycle is occurring. Pump 2 OK? Y / N Pump 2 OK? Y / N OK? Y / N OK? Y / N 'If pumps or control components are not operating properly, record below And consult-AWT Environmental, Inc. RESET TIMERS TO ABOVE SETTINGS: Note any changes here: min on: min off: min on: min off: To not change timers without consulting AWT Environmental, Inc. min on: min off: min on: min off: PLUMBING a Are the unions in the Bioclere leaking? Y / N Y / N If yes, then tighten with pipe wrench FINAL CHECK a Main power"on" and set toggle for all pumps to "normal" position. / N Y / N b Alarm toggle set to the "ON" position. Y / N Y / N c Lock control panel, Bioclere cover and fan box. d If possible, record the water meter reading: £ach v. i �S Ow N W a{car m c, �✓ REPORT SUMMARY: ex'v�L`. Gw dUOV CLm l4in� £ � L � 0 V.�► (Z2 n-c. k c 4\4 t1jrj1n-kAb ti-L c.C n - d 1C �-a uX C014rU16 Gof rc&4t',)r, riot rA i mL cm rn o i rc SIGNATURE: . COASTAL ENGINEERING CO., INC. <il� 260 Cranberry Highway,Orleans,MA 02653 Phone:508-255-6511/Fax:508-255-6700 Web Site:www.ceccapecod.com TRANSMITTAL To: Department of Environmental Protection Date: 9/27/02 Project No. see remarks below Attn: Title 5 Program Via: 01st Class Mail❑Pick up❑Delivery❑Fed Ex One Winter Street,6`t'Floor Fax: Boston,MA 02108 Phone: Subject: DEP inspection&O&M forms No.of pages to follow: Barnstable Sites ❑Plans ❑ Copy of Letter ❑Specifications ®Other We are sending the following items: Copies Date No. Description 1 9/27/02 DEP inspection and O&M forms,field report and sample results(where required). These are transmitted as checked below: ❑for approval ®for your use ❑as requested ❑for review &comment ❑ Remarks: The Cove at East Bay Condo Trust WBA-001 DEP ID#BC-269 cc: ��Barnstable Board of Health _ By: Todd J.Palmatier TJP/dlb D.\DOC\MWha\TransDEP&BOH 9-27-Ol.doc NOTE: IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED, PLEASE CONTACT US AT (508) 255-6511. el_. c` a, AM Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection -Title 5 DEP Approved Inspection and 0&M Form for Title 5 I/A Li A Treatment and Disposal Systems A. Installation Important: 1)t- 0 �C✓S_ ��l�l� -ids When filling out Owner AA l forms the 1 q,q �Ct1r� 1�6J,/ �O(1LoA computer, r, use only the tab key Facility/VSttrreetAddress to move your 40\V LV C 1M1�� a j Jr cursor-do not use the return City Zip key. Mailing address of owner, if different: " 1 OA*J SU L tG StreetAddress/PO Box: —��541.,wt lac. oZb�s City State Zip ( 5b$H 2-0 - ULQj ext. Telephone Number B. Authorized Service Provider 10 O&M Firm V Street Address (9ti1.f -,�6 City State Zip ext. Telephone Number �b Li,�wJ $b�0 Certified Operator Name j Certification Number C. Facility/System Information DEP ID Manufacturer ID Model Nu ber (�1��cc, ��.'-1-013 Installation Date Start of Operation Approval Type-'�SGene al ❑ Provisional ❑ Piloting ❑ Remedial Seasonal Residence—used less than 6 mo./year. ❑Yes'&.No D. Operating Information I) hL N1� Inspection Date r Previous Inspection Date Sludge Depth(to be checked yearly Pumping Recommended ❑ Yes�4No Effluent Description DEP I-A Form.doc•1o/17/01 Page 1 of 2 1 <f Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Title 5 Ll DEP Approved Inspection and O&M Form for Title 5 I/A Treatment and Disposal Systems E. Sampling Information Samples Taken: ❑ Influent ❑ Effluent Parameters sampled: ❑ pH ❑ BOD ❑ TSS ❑ TN ❑ Other(list below) Other 1 Other 2 Other 3 Description of any maintenance performed since previous inspection & during this inspection: Notes and Comments: F. Certification I certify: I have inspected the sewage treatment and disposal system at the address above, have completed this report and the attached technology operation and maintenance checklist, and the information reported is true, accurate, and complete as of the time of the inspection. I am a Massachuse certif d rator in accordance with 257 CMR_2.00. Operator Sig at re Date System owner must submit this report, technology O&M checklist, and any required sampling results to the local board of health and DEP as follows for each inspection performed: Remedial Use—by January Piloting & Provisional Use- General Use—by September 31"of each year for the within 30 days of inspection 3oth of each year for the previous calendar year date previous 12 months Department of Environmental Protection Attention: Title 5 Program One Winter Street, 6th Floor Boston, MA 02108 HennyDEP I-A Form.doc•2114/02 Page 2 of 2 CCASMLENGNEERIN.0 CIO'.-INC- 26J--CRANES RRY_ HICRWAY ORL'EANSr MA 026EM FAX_(08):zE= I I I HICCL' EFEFf R RE=L.OR T I I I f Date. C6' t Ins=�il�orz I i es22 I C lerrc 1 yl� p I I Se. ic= I Commission- j Adore= I Other I ScLduled C&A j I. I I lnsaec-mr_ L. Eiadare Made! Number(s) i 1) Odor around sae? Y/ Source aT odor? I Check ail thataaoiv- I Mica- ( Medium i Sirana I must'_ S�*iic 2) Take influeade*fluent samaies as recuired- I j) a) Measure,sliudae-in prim2ry tanks and grease trans as recuired- I ! b) Studae deottr in:arimary tank I Satrrr de;.*dx I Sludge dew: a,. Does grease=c newm auoina? I Y / N I I I UNrrT UMT2 BIOC'��"-yEVE�13s I I ! a) is air.passing throuch the venf� I Y N ! Y / N I If in douibt out a.srnail.da_tc bag;around vent and allow to nii_ I f I b) is the tamn Ooe-.ibncr and in goad condition? I \' 9 �V I Y / N GENERAL Y N a) Any exmmai damage tc� the unitfs',? if Yes. provide deraiis on bad-c- I Y / j b) Are(=ver, fan box and contrai oanei sL—c-ireiv located? ! ` I Y / N ci Anv ffliterlifes in the unit? I Y/ fewi many I Y/ v fewi many I Lacmt cn at flies_ ! ! 7 d) L.a�!latches'handles_ OK? j N I Y / N e) Lid aasket:OK? Does the fan box=rft2in st2ndina water`? Y / I Y / N f)f�: N If Ye-,.them remove water and dean drain haies it nerssZarv. ! i I I ' EIOMASS CNARACT—t ZATiON i a) Coicr or biomass'? 1)wnae 2;wnite/aravS)ory 411arayibrawn S)brawn e!Jbrrwn 7)biac:t S)ather � b) T nicatness ai biomass 6-i 2 inc:lEs below me^ia suracs_ I I i 1) !tan _ edium 31) heavy I ' I I i NOZn F SPRAY PAi c N a) Does sarav cover the entire surface area of media. i ! If not. dean e=cn ncz ie with a bottle brush I Does the sarav now cover the entire surface area? Y ; N I Y '/ N i If not then_ ! 1) remove nodes and soak in a bleach solution 2) manuaily enaaae both dosing pumas for two minutes 3) neJiaces nodes I l Does the wrs r now cover tile entire•sui,atw area? Y ! N If not con suitAWTEiviranmental_Inc- PUMPS AND.CIINTROLPANE r a) Re=rddesin¢and r r-fCepumo timersettnasfrom contras caned_. I l7cs;n¢Puma:1: 1 mirr ar=to rwrarMl min(3n_ min aiF- ! Obsina Eumo:2= j min arr_I b min air:& min.an. mirr air= I Re--;c!e RumII- mirr on: T hrs air I min on: hrs air j I I I In-ETaderercantmi pane!serdasina and-recfc:etimersm a_testcfde ( I i a) iAmae—aaeardasna-puma 1: I amps- amns i j b) Amceraae of dosincr puma 2 amps I amps c;Aa>'rre Qae ar made puma~ I r), arms I amps,i Are dcsina_pumas aite:natind? { / N ; Y / N Are:the:tmers aaeratina proae.-W ► / N I Y / N Wsuallv insuectr0aysfarwear-and record probiems beiow_. I I I I I i I Ifisaan=ccmaane.�are neeredccntac AWT ! I I If an:ammeter-is notavaiiabie-,serthe dm@rs tQ a ttesrcJc:Eassabove• f I and ar-the,Eedere died'~:the pumas's oaeraffcrr as faiiows_ ( I I Qosmi a:pumps--chest that•pumas) are aaeratina,aitemaiin¢and:the: ! Puma 1.CK7 Y / N I Puma.T OK? Y / N desianatetrest dace is acc.-I cr I Puma 2 CK? Y / N I P•,ima 2CKT Y % N CKT Y / N. I aK7 Y / N I I If pumps or contras components are not aperhng prooery; re rd beiew And consuitA1N i E-Mranme-Ti<!. Inc I I I I ! I I RES TIMERS.TO AEOVE Sc—iiNC-S=Note anv cnanaes here_ j min arr_ min aift I mirr an_ mire ait 2-c net c:ianae-times withcut consuitina AW-t Envirenmen al_Inc I min on: mirraiT I min on: min aii: PLUMEING a) Are the unions in the Eiadere leaidna? i Y / I Y / N If yes,there tighten with aide wrench i I 1 FINAL CHECK I I ! a) Main pawer"an'and set toddle for a pumps to 'ncrmai" position_. ! Y / N ! Y / N b) Alarm toddle set to the 'OW position. I / N j Y / N ! j c) Lack controi pane'. Eicc:ere cover•and fan box I I II d) If Dassbe record the water me*er reading: REFORiT SUMMARY: c b I ! 1 � I I ! I I I I I I I I i SIGNATEIRE 4, I c AOW P.O.Boa 50591 Michael-Allain TravelersPropertyCasualty J New Bedford,MA 02745 Technical Specialist AUmbuo[TfataekraGrottp Commercial''&Personal Property (800)422-3340 Ext 6433 Fax(508)995-0446 September 28, 1999 Town of Hyannis - Board of Selectmen - Town Clerk - Building Inspector Board of Health Hyannis Ma 02601 - i Insured: The Cove at East Bay Location: 199 East Bay Road Osterville Ma 02655 Contact: General Contractor Jim Crocker 508428-8800 Claim#: B5F5256 Date of loss: September 24, 1999 y Re: Water Damage Claim has been made involving loss, damage or destruction of the above captioned property which may either exceed $1,000 or cause Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 143, Section 6 to be applicable. If any notice under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 139, Section 3B is appropriate, please direct it to the attention of the undersigned and include a reference to our insured, the location, the date of loss, the policy number, and the claim number. ' Thank you. Michael Allain � Technical Specialist a N �PyOFTHE Tpy G TOWN OF BARNSTABLE , .., OFFICE OF BaaASIL M : BOARD OF HEALTH � ABB. � 1639. �� 367 MAIN STREET HYANNIS, MASS. 02601 May 6, 1999 Arne H. Ojala, P.E., P.L.S. Down Cape Engineering 939 Main Street Route 6A Yarmouthport, MA 02675 RE: Cove at East Bay Dear Mr. Ojala: During the public meeting held on April 27, 1999, the Board of Health reviewed your proposed effluent monitoring plan at the Cove at East Bay Condominiums, 1.99 East Bay Road, Osterville. The submitted monitoring plan was approved with a condition that the frequency of testing shall be revised to read as follows: "The minimum frequency of testing shall be quarterly (once every three months) for two years," the Board shwll review the date at the end of 2 years and consider future monitoring requirements. Please submit a revised monitoring plan which includes the above language. Sincerely yours, Can G. R4sk R.S. Chairperson Board of Health Town of Barnstable S G R/bcs -------------- APR-12-99 08:46 AM DOWN CAPE ENGINEERING 508 362 9880 P.02 tel.(508)362-4541 939 main street rt 6a tax(J08)362-9880 yarmouth port mass 02675 down cape engineering truetural design civil engineers&land surveyors Arne M.Ojata P.E.,P.L.S. April 9, 1999 Timothy M.coven;P.L.S. and court Daniel A.Ojala.P.L.S. surveys Tom McKean,R.S.C.H.O. Board of Health Town of Barnstable µa planning 367 Main Street Hyannis,MA 02601 sewage system signs Dear Tom: inspections Enclosed please find one set of the revised septic plans for the Cove at East Bay Condominiums at 199 East Bay Road in Osterville. permits As you may know,the Town of Barnstable Zoning Board of Appeals reduced the number Of units at the site from 19 to 16 as a condition of their approval. The existing tower building,an accessory office flow of 96 gallons per day,is shown attached to the main septic system. The total design flow of the system is reduced from 6270 gpd to 5371 gpd, a reduction of 894 gpd or14%. The plans have been revised to reflect the sixteen units permitted,with the appropriately sized septic system. The building sewers run outside the units,and the leaching trench lengths have been reduced by 10'each. The Bioclere unit shown on the original plans remains specified for the complex. As with the original plans,no variances from Title V are requested. Please do not hesitate to call with any questions or comments. Sincerely, 0 ' Arne H. Ojala P.L.S., .E. Down Cape Engineering r TOWN OF BARNSTABLE THE OFFICE OF �'DesasTSDi, s BOARD OF HEALTH °o i639• �+t$' 367 MAIN STREET May M HYANNIS, MASS.02601 February 6, 1998 q James Crocker P. O. Box 496 Osterville, MA 02655 RE: 199 East Bay Road Cove at East Bay The Board of Health has no objections to your proposal to construct an onsite sewage disposal system with an alternative unit at 199 East Bay Road, Osterville. The new septic system will serve condominium buildings consisting of 57 bedrooms. The proposed alternative system, a Bioclere Onsite Wastewater Treatment System, is approved with the following conditions: (1) The system shall be installed in strict accordance with the submitted plans dated January 6, 1998, revised January 12, 1998. f (2) The designing engineer shall supervise the construction of the system and shall certify in writing to the Board that the system was installed in strict accordance with the plans. (3) The wastewater effluent discharging from the Bioclere unit shall be tested once every three months for the following parameters: B.O.D., T.S.S., T.K.N., Nitrate Ammonia. (4) The applicant shall notify the Town of Barnstable Public Health Division health inspector at least 48 hours prior to each wastewater sample collection to provide the health inspector sufficient time to schedule the witnessing of the sample collections. (5) The wastewater effluent exiting the Bioclere unit at the pump chamber shall not exceed 19 mg/liter of total nitrogen. (6) Copies of all wastewater testing results shall be submitted to the Board of Health and to the Barnstable County Health Department crocker S f The Board of Health has no objections to this proposal because the estimated sewage will . be significantly reduced from 13,140 gallons per day to 6,270 gallons per day, a 52% reduction. Also, the applicant will install a Bioclere Unit, which has been demonstrated to reduce significantly B.O.D., T.S.S., and total nitrogen of the sewage effluent. Sincerely yours, Susan G. Risk, R.S. Chairman Board of Health Town of Barnstable SGR/bcs crocker y r � n January 17, 1998 8 Leonard Rd Osterville, MA 02655 Town of Barnstable Board of Health 367 Main Street Hyannis MA 02601 Re: Effluent pollution of East Bay, Osterville, by proposed development at East Bay Lodge Property An acquaintance with varied experience with similar problems in San Francisco Bay, California, Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, and Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, has advised that the Federal Clean Water Act very probably has jurisdiction in the subject effluent discharges into East Bay, Osterville. It is respectfully suggested that this be investigated. Leonard 508-428-1107 Town of Barnstable • suweree�, Ar 1639.. 6 9. A`� Board of Health ED P.O.Box 534,Hyannis MA 02601 Office: 508-790-6265 Susan Q Rask,R S. r FAX: 508-790-6304 Sumner Kaufman,MSPH _ Ralph A.Murphy,M.D. January 13, 1998 LEGAL NOTICIJ f The Town of Barnstable Board of Health will hold a special public meeting,on Tuesday ;January 27, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. at the School Administration Building first floor Conference Room, located at 230 South Street Hyannis regarding the proposed septic system for the Cove at East Bay (East Bay Lodge site) located at 199 East Bay Road, Osterville. [This hearing was originally scheduled to be held on February 24, 1998 as announced during the public meeting held on January 6, 1998. However, new information was recently received which prompted the Board of Health to reschedule this special meeting at this earlier date, on January 27, 1998.1 Susan G. Rask, R.S. Chairman Sumner Kaufman, M.S.P.H. Ralph A. Murphy, M.D. TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH F / P 4 _ s or cC) NO. THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSET FEE BOARD OF HEALTH r� /C2C27z1 OF APPLICATION FOR DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Application for a Permit to Construct ( ) Repair ( ) Upgrade ( ) Abandon ( ) Complete System ❑Individual Components Location �.�j� Owner's N fine Map/Parcel# �d ess --A ac) Lot# phone#�� Installer's Name Designe me W C�-.Jo�E w 4°i17 Lh/ C —5 7 l Telephone# Telephone# Type of Building: T1`rS��f�-ahol `Q��(�ds�»1y�1���1't Lot Size Sq.feet Dwelling—No.of Bedrooms 7 Garbage Grinder ( ) — Other—Type of Building No.of persons Showers ( ), Cafeteria ( ) Other fixtures Design Flow(min.required) 1070 gpd Calculated design flow�Z'70 gpd Deslgg flow provided gpd Plan: Date umber pf sheets _ evision Date Title ALCI I �� Description of Soil(s) C Soil Evaluator Form No. Name of Soil Evaluator�_ /ill c nN Date"of Evaluation DESC TION OF R AI S OR.ALT R IONS a - ��p f z z� Q 7 The undersigned a rees to install the above described Individual Sew i a Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 and further agrees not to�placee system�ipe:rati I a Certi cote of Compliance/has been issued by the Board of Health. Signed n Date Dve& / L4//7`1-1 l0 LLB DESIGNING ENGINEER SYSTEMTHE WAS INSTALLED ED 10 CTRICT AeCORE ANCST- PI ON_ FORM t - APPLICATION FOR DSCP DEP APPROVED FORM 5/96 NO. v Olt r THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS eE Im/ *" a ,,; A'BOARD . T ' I APPLICATION FOR DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Application for a Permit to Constr'det ( ) Repair ( ) Upgrade ( ) Abandon Complete System ❑Individual Components Location � �N� Map/Parcel rs Adde . Lot# ' .�honc# e Installer's Name , �r Designe e ' v Zd ( 9.docE.rvoolk LN ��°n,w�l ��,r }5Add5¢7 4 - � ���eZ' js "relephonc# ✓ T �`- Telephone# r .. _Type of.Building: t' (�» Lot Size S, q.feet `Dwelling k—No.of Bedrooms Garbage Grinder , Other—Type of Building No.of` _ persons Showers y 'yp p ( ), Cafeteria ( ) ` Other fixtures _ Design Flow(mirr required) 27 p gpd Calculated design flow(�Z'�Opd Design flow provided gpd Plan:Date Number 3f sheetsp ` ' t ,evigion Date ` P 1. Title ail � a to `G1 �11 c Description of Soil(s) CG ! to Soil Evaluator Form No. Name of Soil Evaluator 0 Date of Evaluations. DESCRIPTION OF R P,AIRS OR ALTERATIONS C"Dn t r S aD'± Q t ' I n IC?k `. to CPA_ Ar'e # The,u/ndersigned a4ees to install the above described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of t TITLE 5'and fuirther agrees not to place the system in- peratio Rtil a CeTfifi Fate of Compliance has been issued by the Board of Health. Signed Date 6 f /lL/ga FORM 1 ;- APPLICATION FOR DSCP DEP APPROVED FORM_ 5/96,• •... a 1 No.� k� THE.COMMONWEALTH OF�MASSA•CHUSETTS FEE 100 BOARD OF HEALTH ;, t - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Description'oWork: ❑ Individual Component(s) ❑Complete System The undersigned hereby certify that the Sewa e Dis salzSyst 'm;Constructed( ),Repairlj�w(�'),'Upgraded`( ),Abandoned'( ) by: at has been installed in accordance with-the provisions of 310 CMR 1-5.00 (Title 5) and the approved design plans/as-built plans relatin to ap licati n No.% dated �' Approved Design Flow (gpd) Installer / � R/z Designer:1AAW t� ( lfi k-r (� IJ/ / � The issuance of this certificate shall not betonstYued�as,a"guar a ee that the system will function as des gned. FORM 3 - CERTIFICATE,OF COMPLIANCE DEP/APPROVED FORM 5/96 _ ———————r - No. t `�� THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS FEJ .l0/pw<///. ,A BOARD OF HEALTH DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Permission is hereby granted to Construct ( -)-I epair ( ) Upgrade ( ) Abandon ( ) an individual sewage disposal system at 1�1 25 P, ea cNI / as described in the application for Disposal System Construction Permit No. q R ' G dated 1 .! 7 Y/7/g Provided: Construction shall be completed within three years of the date of this pe All local c Ltions must be met. 91 Date 7^ Board of Healthy �� �- � FORM 2 - DSCP DEP APPROVED FORM 5/96 V' FORM 1255 (REV 5/96)---__. _H&W HOBBSB WARREN TM PUBLISHERS- BOSTON -tel.(508)362-4541 939 main street rt 6a fax(508)362-9880 yarmouth port mass 02675 down Cape en'tifteerin' civil engineers& land surveyors structural design Arne H.Ojala r7.E.,P.L.S. Timothy H.Covell,P.L.S. land court. Daniel A.Ojala,P.L.S. surveys August 13, 1999 site planning sewage system Thomas McKean, R.S. designs Barnstable Board of Health 367 Main Street s inspections Hyannis, MA 02601 permits Re: The Cove at East Bay, Osterville Dear Tom: On July 9 and 30, and August 5,6,11,12,and 13, Down Cape Engineering, Inc. performed soils inspections and an as-built of the septic system at the above-referenced location. 4 As-built elevations and the location of the septic system are hereby certified to be installed in substantial compliance with the approved plan. The soils removal and ` replacement were also performed satisfactorily. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Yours truly, fl Arne H. Ojala, PE, PLS Down Cape Engineering, Inc. cc: J. Crocker let.(508)362-4541 939 main street rt 6a fax(508)362-9880 yarmouth port mass 02675 i down cape enffiaeeriftg civil engineers& land surveyors structural design Arne H.Ojala P.E.,P.L.S. 1/7/9 8 Timothy H.Covell,P.L.S. land court David C.Thulin,P.E. surveys Mr . Thomas A. McKean ,R. S . , CHO • Town of Barnstable Public Health Division t site planning 367 Main Street Hyannis , MA 02601 sewage system ref : The Cove at East Bay designs Dear Mr . McKean: k inspections As a result of further- review of site conditions and plan information, subsequent -to the 1/6 meeting of the Board of Health relative to The 'Cove at East Bay, I request that permits you not release copies ,of the plan until DCE has had a chance to confirm .information shown on the plan and report back to you with • corrective -measures if necessary. We are actively engaged -in investigations leading to reslolution of a suspected problem and anticipate getting back to you prior , to s1%13/99 Very truly yours- Down Cape Engineering, Inc. Arne H. Ojala, PE, PLS cc. James Crocker ..; ' tel.(508)362.4541 fax(598)362-9880 ►. 939 main street rt 6a Yarmouth port mass 02675 q 10WO cope engineering civil engineers&land surveyors Arme ji.ojata P.E..P.L.S. structural design Timothy H.Covell,RI.S. David C.Thulin;P.E. lend court January 12, 1998 surveys Thomas A. McKean,RS,CHO Barnstable Public Health Division site Planning - 367 Main Street Hyannis,MA 02601 sewage system designs Re: The Cove at East Bay,Osterville s inspections tip Dear Mr. McKean: permits Enclosed are revised plans of The Cove at East Bay for your review,prior to the he Board of Health meeting scheduled for January 27, 1998. Also included with plans are applications for disposal works construction permits for both plans. The set ch is able of plans dated January 8, 1998 is for a standard Title t em revised,whiJanuary 12,E 1998 1998 without variances. The set of plans dated January 6, , ioclere unit as previously filed. Minor revisions were made to this incorporates the B elevation.of i rpo plan to correct unit numbering, some found to have of the test hole logs, as well as moved since the original survey the permanent bench mark,which in 1989. We look forward to a favorable cview. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, ' Arne H. Ojala,PE,PLS Down Cape Engineering,Inc. cc: James Crocker } r' OSTERVILLE VILLAGE ASSOCIATION ' P.O. BOX 520 OSTERVILLE, MASS. 02655 f January 7, 1998 Town of Barnstable Board of Health Susan Rask, Chairman Town Hall, 367 Main Street Hyannis, MA 02601 Madam Chairman and members: My sincere thanks for the very thorough analysis you are giving to the possible affects on East Bay of the proposed development on the East By Lodge property. The Directors of the Osterville Village Association are on record as opposing the condominium proposed for this piece of land for many reasons, the possible further contamination of East Bay being one of them. The developer's's comparisons of his proposed systems to the existing system are irrelevant. The only point is whether or not his proposal will adequately protect East Bay from further contamination in the future. As one of your members pointed out in the January 6t' hearing, past abuses of East Bay waters don't justify further carelessness or lack of safeguards in the future. We have to start fixing things now. The developer has often referred to the 300 seat restaurant has an index of the load of the present system. In fact, with the exception of a handful of catered affairs, there haven't been that many people in that facility in years. It failed as a restaurant under the management of experienced restaurant people; that's why it came in to the hands of a real estate developer. We believe that a proper outcome for that property is an end to nonconforming use and reversion to the 1 acre residential zoning called for the Town's zoning ordinance and that comparisons of waste and ground runoff should be made against this standard, not the presently existing system. Ty rely you on dent Jay Larmon 109 Eel River Road, Osterville, Massachusetts 02655 508-428-2640 Tom: Attached, copies for the 3 board members and yourself. Thanks for your help OSTERVILLE VILLAGE ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 520 ❑ OSTERVILLE, MASS. 02655 January 7, 1998 Town of Barnstable Board of Health Susan Rask, Chairman Town Hall, 367 Main Street Hyannis, MA 02601 Madam Chairman and members: - My sincere thanks for the very thorough analysis you are giving to the possible affects on East Bay of the proposed development on the East By Lodge property. The Directors of the Osterville Village Association are on record as opposing the condominium proposed for this piece of land for many reasons, the possible further contamination of East Bay being one of them. The developer's's comparisons of his proposed systems to the existing system are irrelevant. The only point is whether or not his proposal will adequately protect East Bay from further contamination in the future. As one of your members pointed out in the January 6' hearing, past abuses of East Bay waters don't justify further carelessness or lack of safeguards in the future. We have to start fixing things now. The developer has often referred to the 300 seat restaurant has an index of the load of the present system. In fact, with the exception of a handful of catered affairs, there haven't been that many people in that facility in years. It failed as a restaurant under the management of experienced restaurant people; that's why it came in to the hands of a real estate developer. We believe that a proper outcome for that property is an end to nonconforming use and reversion to the 1 acre residential zoning called for the Town's zoning ordinance and that comparisons of waste and ground runoff should be made against this standard, not the presently existing system. S" ly yours, J La on- resident NOTIFICATION LISTING REGARDING THE JANUARY 27th B.O.H.SPECIAL MEETING CONCERNING THE COVE AT EAST BAY NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE MAIL PHONE/ NOTIFICATION NOTIF. Chuck Sabatt,Esq. 25 Mid Tech Drive, 1/8/98 1/13/98 ✓ West Yarmouth 775-3433 Daniel Santos,P.E. Horsley&Witten,Inc. 1/8/98 1/13/98 'S Sextant Hill 90 Route 6A Sandwich,MA 02563 833-6600 Bernard Kilroy 171 Main Street 1/8/98 1/13/98 / P.O.Box 960 Hyannis,MA 771-6900 / Mary Gaines Standish 73 East Bay Road 1/8/98 1/13/98 ✓ P.O.Box 5008 Osterville Ma 02655 428-6123 Patsy Finnegan 14 York Terrace 1/13/98 1/13/98 Osterville 02655 420-1024 / Virginia Regal 21 York Terrace 1/13/98 1/13/98 428-5776 Pauline Peck 21 York Terrace, 1/13/98 1/13/98 v Osterville 02655 420-6095 Richard O'Harra,M.D, 1413 Lancewood Terrace 1/13/98 1/13/98 Palm City FLA 34990 Mary Ellen O'Hara (561)336-3479 1/13/98 1/13/98 Jay Larmen,Osterville Civic Association 109 Eel River Rd 1/8/98 1/13/98 Ost.MA 02655 428-2640 Jane Eshbaugh Box 514 1/8/98 1/13/98 Osterville 02655 Jim Crocker P.O Box 496 1/8/98 1/13/98 v Osterville,MA 02655 428-8800 Arne Ojala 939 Main Street,Route 6A 1/8/98 1/13/98 Yarmouthport 02675 362-4541 r� —- AN- T-1999 00:06 FROM WIANNO REALTY OSTERVILLE TO 77157526 P.06 v � v AGREEMENT FOR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES. FOR SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL TREATMENT SYSTEM This Agreement is made this day of 1997, by and between (OWNER) ,and AtNT Environmental. Inc. (AWTE), a corporation duly organized and existing under the lavVs of Massachusetts and having its principal place of business at 241 ®uchaine Blvd., New Bedford, Massachusetts. In consideration of the mutual agreements herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follow;: AVIT'E agrees to perform the following services regarding operation and maintenance of the Lioclere wastewater treatment system at The treatment system shall be operated by a Certified Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator, (John Lafreniere - License No. 36352) in accordance with the requirements of 257 CMR 2.00 and the Board of Certification of Operators of Wastewater Treatment plants. The treatment system shall also be operated in accordance vrith the conditions imposRd by tho DePailment of Environmental Protection. 9. AVVi Environmental Inc.Services: A. Standard Ouarteriy maintenance as follows- 1 Check general condition/appearance of unit. 2 Check vent flow, odor. 3. Check general condition of fen box including internal and external eviring, lock, latch, gaskets. etc, 4. Check quiet fan operation, 5• Check condition of cover locks, latches, gaskets. 5. Check and characterize biomass. f. Check recycle pump operation, timing, and 0flL!ent clarity. . Check dosing pumps operation, timing, effluent clarity and spray pattern. 9• Check general condition of dosing assembly. Clean noZZles if required. 10. Check general condition of control box including lochs, gaskets, etc. 11- Check control box switches, alarms, timers, etc. 1k• Complete and maintain senice report file, s. w;'per ytions and maintenance reports vviil tie provided for each service visit. C. In the event that the system alarm is activated or the system fails, the OWNER shF,11 notify AWTE who shall notify the 9epar lent of Environmental Protection and the Board of Health within 24 hortra and corrective action measures will be taken immediately. It is understood that corrective ac'tiora may be beyond the work contemplated in this Agreement and, may resuit in additional charges. k;rJ T Envirvnr icntai.Ine.4 a M OTRL r','U'xj f 1AN-27-1998 00:05 FROM WIANNO REALTY OSTERUILLE TO 7757526 P.05 III: COM r ERM a 1®N Cost for services itemized in Sub-Paragraphs I A and B shall be $ annually, invoiced at $ quarterly. Additional services will be invoiced at $60.00 per hour, IN; PAYMENT A payment deposit of S initiates services under this contract. Thereafter, quarterly invoices will be provided to the OWNER by AWTE for services performed under PART I of this Agreement. The OWNER agrees to issue payment for all invoices within thirty (30) days of the date of issue. If any invoice remains unpaid after 30 days, interest charges will be assessed at the rate of 1-1/2 percent per month. Failure to provide payment within forty-five (45) days of the date of issuance of any invoices will be cause for AWTE to stop providing services outlined in PART I of this Agreement. IV: TERM- Services provided under Paragraph I will commence in accordance with the schedule from the date of this Agreement. The services shall be terminated two years from the date of !his ,agreement, at which time the continuingwork if necessary, shall be subject to a new contract for a second imp i� ry 1 time period. p V: ADDITIONA_L SERVICES It is further agreed that if AWTE is requested or is required to perform any services other than those outlined in PART I of this Agreement, AWTE shall receive additional compensation using the schedule set forth in PART If of this Agreement, but not without first receiving authorization in writing, Vl: ACCESS TO SITE/RIGHT OF ENTRY 1. OWNER represents that all sampling ports are at ground level with access covers that may be reasonably removed by one person. 2. OWNER further represents that access to the control panel may be readily achieved during contract maintenance visits. 3, OWNER grants to AWTE, its agents. employees, consultants, contractors and subcontractors, entry to the Site, from time to time, for the purpose of performing the services as described in the Agreement. If occupant is not the owner of the Site, occupant warrants and represents that he has permission of the to grant AWTE this right of entry. AWTE agrees to take reasonable precautions to minimize damage to the Site from use of equipment required to perform the services and the cost of any correction, repair or replacement resulting from AWTE's entry onto the Site shall be borne by OWNER. In the event that AWTE shall require access to property that is not owned by OWNER for the purpose of making surveys or other investigation, OWNER shall make all necessary arrangements for AWTE to gain access to such property. It OWNER cannot make such arrangements, and AWTE cannot perform its services as set forth in the Agreement because of such failure to gain access,AWTE's services shall be terminated and OWNER shall pay for all costs incurred by AWTE up to the date of termination, and for all services of AINTE's subcontractors performed after termination which AWTE could not reasonably terminate prior to termination notice A\N i Environmontar, Inc.0&M 2 JAN-27-1998 00:05 FROM WIANNO REALTY OSTERUILLE TO 7757526 R.Bu to OWNER. VII: SEASONAL USE This service contract assumes permanent occupancy of the dwelling or facilities specified in this Agreement. OWNER agrees to notify AWTE should occupancy become seasonal (i.e. unoccupied for a period in excess of 8 to 10 weeks). VIII: PROVISION TO TEST DATA The monitoring protocol in the permit for the.installation provides data which contributes to the proper operation and maintenance of the treatment system. OWNER agrees to provide all test data required by the installation permit to AWTE in a timely «canner. 1X: NOTICE OF FAILURE OWNER grants AWTE the authority to independently notify the appropriate authority of any event of electrical or mechanical failure within the treatment system or of any event which may adversely effect the performance of the treatment system. X NOTICE TO TRANSFER In the event the property is sold or otherwise transferred the OWNER agrees to notify AWTE by promptly completing the transfer document attached to this contract. AWTE agrees to provide continuity of service for the party to whorn this contract is transferred under the same terms and conditions herein stated. X1: CFRTIFICATION AWTE agrees to provide upon request certification that it has appropriately maintained the Sioclere treatment system in the manner provided for in this contract. XII: INSURANCE AND INDEMNITY AWTE shall not be responsible for any loss, damage or liability arising from OWNER'S willful or negligent acts, errors and omissions of for those by OWNER's staff, consultants, contractors and agents or for any person for whose conduct AWTE is not legally respansible. OWNER shall indemnify AWTE, its officers, directors, agents, and employees from all claims, demands and causes of action, including expenses of defense for personal injury and loss or damage to property owned by third parties arising out of or in any manner connected with or related to the performance of services and caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of OWNER. Such indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, the cost of defense arising out of or in any way connected with the presence, discharge, release. or escape of contaminants of any kind, excepting only such liability as may arise out of AWTE's sole negligence in the performance of services. AWT Environmental,Inc.0 M, 3 JAN-27-1998 00.04 FROM WIANNO REALTY OSTERUILLE TO 7757526 P.03 XiiIB: aElb!`PY ASIGNMENT If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable. elf remaining previsions shall continue in full force and effect. OWNER shall not assign any aspect of this Agreement except upon the prior written consent of AWTE. Upon conveyance and/or transfer of the title to this property, the buyer or successor in title agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of this agreement, In the event of a conveyance, a new agreement shall be prepared for an signed by the successor in title. XIV: FORCE MAJEURE AWTE shall have no liability for any failure to perform or for any delay in performance due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control. XV; TERMINATION This Agreement may be terminated by either of the parties by providing written notification to the other party at least ten (10) days prior to the date of termination. The local Board of Health shall be notified by the OWNER in writing in the event of change of ENQINEERS for this work or in the event of a change in the occupancy or o:vner of the premises. AVV Env;ronrnentdl, Inc.0&M fJr JAN-27-1998 00:04 FROM WIANNO REALTY OSTERUILLE TO 775752E P.02 The parties to ihis Agreement hereby accept the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Cate: r4VVT ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. By: ®ate: AWT Environmental,InQ,p a M JAN-27-1958 00:04 FROM WIANNO REALTY. OSTERUILLE TO 7757526 P.01 TRANSFER NOTICE Date: . In accordance with the Service Agreement behveen AWT Environmental Inc. and ® t with r . . exC pect to the property at notice is hereby given of transfer of this property to: Name, Address: Tel. No Effective ®ate: Therefore, please transfer this Service Agreement from: to: Signature of Owner Signature of Assignee ,AWT Environmental, Inc.0 a ro i e Proposed findings of Barnstable Board of Health in connection with the application of James H. Crocker, Jr. , Trustee of East Bay/Osterville Trust ( "Applicant") for the approval of an alternative system at the Cove at East Bay at 199 East Bay Road, Osterville, MA (the "facility" ) . 1 . The project premises is not located in a Nitrogen Sensitive Area as described in 310CMR15 . 215; 2 . The project premises is not located in an area requiring the installation of an alternative system as defined in 310CMR15 . 284et seq. 3 . On behalf of the Applicant a standard Title 5 system has been designed and submitted by Down Cape Engineering, Inc . ( "Down Cape" ) illustrating full compliance with the provisions of 310CMR15 . 00 with no variances required from this Board; 4 . In addition, the Applicant has voluntarily submitted a standard Title 5 system with a BIOCLERE SYSTEM added thereto to enhance nitrogen reduction designed by Down Cape; 5 . Down Cape has submitted a memorandum dated January 6, 1998 (the "Memorandum" ) outlining the flow and nitrogen reduction in connection with the current and proposed use of the facility. The Cape Cod Commission nitrogen loading model was applied by Down Cape in preparing the Memorandum. 6 . As outlined in the Memorandum: a. the reduction in flow from current use to proposed. use is 6, 870 gallons per day or 52% reduction in daily flow; and b. the percentage reduction in nitrogen loading from current use to proposed use, adjusting for the reduction in daily flow, using a standard Title 5 system without the BIOCLERE SYSTEM addition is 34 . 3 . By adding the BIOCLERE SYSTEM the said percentage reduction is 51 .4 in nitrogen loading. 7 . The proposed use of the facility in conjunction with the installation and use of the proposed alternative system will result in a significant reduction in nitrogen loading at the facility. 8 . The Board has reviewed and approved the operation and maintenance agreement (the "Agreement") into which the Applicant intends to enter with AWT Environmental, Inc . in the event the system is built . The Agreement calls for quarterly maintenance of the system with appropriate notification provisions to the Board. s. Y1 ■a C l:l.l co OFTHE Q W � Town of Barnstable � z Er IABNSTABL6. * Q U cn 639: ,. Board of Health ED z Z LL Q � TFn Mp+s P.O.Box 534,Hyannis MA 02601 O O r- Z Z ~ � } co= Office: 508-790-6265 Susan G.Rask,R.S. Q FAX: 508-790-6304 Sumner Kaufman Ralph A.Murphy,M.D. January 13, 1998 LEGAL NOTICE The Town of Barnstable Board of Health will hold a special public meeting on Tuesday ,January 27, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. at the School Administration Building first floor Conference Room, located at 230 South Street Hyannis regarding the proposed septic system for the Cove at East Bay project, 199 East Bay Road, Osterville. This hearingwas originallyscheduled to be held on February 24 1998 as announced �Y during the public meeting held on January 6, 1998. However, new information was recently received which prompted the Board of Health to schedule this special meeting at an earlier date, on January 27, 1998.1 Susan G. Rask, R.S. Chairman Sumner Kaufman, M.S.P.H. -------------------- Ralph A. Murphy, M.D. TOWN OF BARNSTABLE, BOARD OF HEALTH tel.(508)362-4541 939 main street rt 6a fax(508)362-9880 yarmouth port mass 02675 down cope engineering civil engineers& land surveyors structural design . Ame H.Ojala P.E.,P.L.S. Timothy H.Covell,P.LS. land court, January 6, 1998 David C.Thulin,P.E. surveys Barnstable Board of Health site planning 367 Main Street Hyannis,MA 02601 sewage system Re: The Cove at East Bay, Osterville designs inspections Dear Board Members: Presented herewith is a revised plan of a proposed subsurface sewage disposal system permits designed to serve "The Cove at East Bay", a facility consisting of(19)3-bedroom 2 units. The system as presented meets the requirements of Title 5, without variances. In addition, it is proposed to enhance the treatment provided by a standard Title 5 S system by the addition of a Bioclere unit. Bioclere units have been shown to reduce the B.O.D., T.S.S. and total nitrogen of septic tank effluent. Since the Bioclere unit is not normally a part of a Title 5 system,we are requesting Board of Health approval for this enhancement. dditionally, it is our opinion that approval of the proposal will provide a means of mproving the ground water quality over that which would result from the continued se of the present restaurant and innkeepers complex. This improvement would result from a decrease in the Title 5 sewage flow from a calc ated 13,140 gallons per day to a calculated Title 5 flow of 6270 gallons per day, , / reduction. Condominium documentation will provide for the continued contract maintenance of the Bioclere system by the manufacturer's representative.. Attached are submittal notes which address the concerns of the Board of Health as a result of the original submittal. Very truly yours, q- C� Arne H. Ojala,PE,PLS Down Cape Engineering,Inc. i Memo: The Barnstable Board of Health Re: Submittal notes -The Cove at East Bay,pOsterville Date: January 6, 1998 A, A previous plan was filed for review by the Board of Health. We have addressed the concerns which the previous submittal raised as follows: 1. A pressure dosing system is provided in accordance with 310 CMR 15.254(2), in conformance with the precedure set forth by DEP guidelines. 2. Two pumps have been provided as per 15.231. 3. Emergency storage capacity above working level equal to daily flow is provided as per 15.231, plus allowance for drain back. 4. Detailed specifications for the dosing system,including pump curves,cycles and depth per cycle are provided. 5. The system is not designed for garbage grinders. No garbage grinders are allowed per plan notes. 6. Notes are on the plan indicating that private drinking water wells and wetlands are not within 300 feet of the proposed septic system. 7. The adjusted high ground water elevation is shown on the plan per 15.103(3)and 15.220(4xn). 8. Per 15.220(4)(i),percolation test depth and test hole locations are shown on the plan. 9. Three percolation tests spaced uniformly have been performed in accordance with 15.104(4). 10. The proposed system has been designed to meet the requirements for construction in fill. A five foot removal of unsuitable material is detailed on the plan. The reserve area is shown to the above requirements as well. 11. Nitrogen loading calculations for the project are provided, using the Cape Cod Commission nitrogen loading model. The calculations are provided for the following scenarios: a. Standard Title 5 14.2 ppm b. 30% nitrogen removal 10.5 ppm c. Total nitrogen at 19 mg/l 8.6 ppm d. Present conditions (300 seat restaurant) 21.6 ppm DAVID C. THULIN 97-418 30-Dec-97 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RESIDENTIAL LOADING CALCULATIONS: WITHOUT WASTEWATER TREATMENT PROJECT: THE COVE AT EAST BAY STREET: 199 EAST BAY ROAD TOWN: OSTERVILLE COMPS. BY:DCT CLIENT: CROCKER CHKD. BY: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ METHOD: CCC WRO TECHNICAL BULLETIN 91-001 LOT SIZE: 3.79 AC NITRATE CONCENTRATION: NATURAL AREA: 24129 SF WASTWATER: 35 mg/l LAWN AREA: 72387 SF LAWNS: 3 lbs/1000sf IMPERVIOUS AREA: ROAD RUNOFF: 1.5 ppm ROOF: 53701 SF ROOF RUNOFF: 0.75 ppm PAVEMENT: 15079 SF DWELLING UNITS: 19 DU RECHARGE: BEDROOMS: 57 BDRM IMP. SURFACE: 40 in./yr. LOCAL OCCUPANCY: 2.50 PERS/DU NATURAL AREA: 18 in./yr. WASTEWATER FLOW ESTIMATE: ------------------------ TITLE V SEWAGE FLOW: 6270 GPD 310CHR 15.02 (13) - 110 GPD/BEDROOM ACTUAL SEWAGE FLOW: 2613 GPD LOCAL OCCUPANCY X DU X 55GPD/PERS NITRATE CONTRIBUTION: TITLE V ACTUAL -------------------- (mg/d) (mg/d) ------------------------------------------------------------ NATURAL AREA: 0 0 LAWN AREA: 67528 67528 ROOF AREA: 10417 10417 ROAD AREA: 5850 5850 WASTEWATER: 830618 346091 ------------------------------------------------------------ TOTALS 914413 mg/d 429885 mg/d RECHARGE: TITLE V ACTUAL --------- (1/d) (1/d) ------------------------------------------------------------ WASTEWATER 23732 9888 RAINFALL 29021 29021 ------------------------------------------------------------ TOTALS 52753 38910 NITRATE CONCENTRATION: 17.3 pp® 11.0 ppe FINAL CALCULATION: 14.2 ppn NITRATE LOADING ESTIMATE \97-418\NITRATE.WK1 PAGE OF DAVID C. THULIN 97-418 30-Dec-97 RESIDENTIAL LOADING CALCULATIONS: 30% NITROGEN REMOVAL PROJECT: THE COVE AT EAST BAY STREET: 199 EAST BAY ROAD TOWN: OSTERVILLE COMPS. BY:DCT CLIENT: CROCKER CHKD. BY: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_------------ METHOD: CCC NRO TECHNICAL BULLETIN 91-001 LOT SIZE: 3.79 AC NITRATE CONCENTRATION: NATURAL AREA: 24129 SF WASTNATER: 24.5 mg/l LAWN AREA: 72387 SF LAWNS: 3 lbs/1000sf IMPERVIOUS AREA: ROAD RUNOFF: 1.5 ppm ROOF: 53701 SF ROOF RUNOFF: 0.75 ppm PAVEMENT: 15079 SF DWELLING UNITS: 19 DU RECHARGE: BEDROOMS: 57 BDRM IMP. SURFACE: 40 in./yr. LOCAL OCCUPANCY: 2.50 PERS/DU NATURAL AREA: 18 in./yr. WASTEWATER FLOW ESTIMATE: ------------------------ TITLE V SEWAGE FLOW: 6270 GPD 310CMR 15.02 (13) - 110 GPD/BEDROOM ACTUAL SEWAGE FLOW: 2613 GPD LOCAL OCCUPANCY X DU X 55GPD/PERS NITRATE CONTRIBUTION: TITLE V ACTUAL -------------------- (mg/d) (mg/d) NATURAL AREA: 0 0 LAWN AREA: 67528 67528 ROOF AREA: 10417 10417 ROAD AREA: 5850 5850 WASTEWATER: 581433 242264 ------------------------------------------------------------ TOTALS 665227 mg/d 326058 mg/d RECHARGE: TITLE V ACTUAL --------- (1/d) (1/d) ------------------------------------------------------------ WASTEWATER 23732 9888 RAINFALL 29021 29021 ------------------------------------------------------------ TOTALS 52753 38910 NITRATE CONCENTRATION: 12.6 ppm 8.4 ppm FINAL CALCULATION: 10.5 ppm NITRATE LOADING ESTIMATE 1,97-418\NITRATE.WK1 PAGE OF DAVID C. THULIN 97-418 30-Dec-97 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RESIDENTIAL LOADING CALCULATIONS: NITROGEN REMOVAL AT 19mg/l PROJECT: THE COVE AT EAST BAY STREET: 199 EAST BAY ROAD TOWN: OSTERVILLE COMPS. BY:DCT CLIENT: CROCKER CHKD. BY: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ METHOD: CCC WRO TECHNICAL BULLETIN 91-001 LOT SIZE: 3.79 AC NITRATE CONCENTRATION: NATURAL AREA: 24129 SF WASTWATER: 19 mg/l LAWN AREA: 72387 SF LAWNS: 3 lbs/1000sf IMPERVIOUS AREA: ROAD RUNOFF: 1.5 ppe ROOF: 53701 SF ROOF RUNOFF: 0.75 ppm PAVEMENT: 15079 SF DWELLING UNITS: 19 DU RECHARGE: BEDROOMS: 57 BORN IMP. SURFACE: 40 in./yr. LOCAL OCCUPANCY: 2.50 PERS/DU NATURAL AREA: 18 in./yr. WASTEWATER FLOW ESTIMATE: ------------------------ TITLE V SEWAGE FLOW:" 6270 GPD 310CMR 15.02 (13) - 110 GPD/BEDROOM ACTUAL SEWAGE FLOW: 2613 GPD LOCAL OCCUPANCY X DU X 55GPD/PERS NITRATE CONTRIBUTION: TITLE V ACTUAL -------------------- (®g/d) (og/d) ------------------------------------------------------------ NATURAL AREA: 0 0 LAWN AREA: 67528 67528 ROOF AREA: 10417 10417 ROAD AREA: 5850 5850 WASTEWATER: 450907 187878 ------------------------------------------------------------ TOTALS 534702 .g/d 271672 tg/d RECHARGE: TITLE V ACTUAL --------- (1/d) (1/d) ------------------------------------------------------------ WASTEWATER 23732 9888 RAINFALL 29021 29021 ------------------------------------------------------------ TOTALS 52753 38910 NITRATE CONCENTRATION: 10.1 ppm 7.0 ppo FINAL CALCULATION: 8.6 ppn NITRATE LOADING ESTIMATE \97-418\NITRATE.WK1 PAGE OF `. DAVID C. THULIN ( 97-418 ( 30-Dec-97 COMMERCIAL LOADING CALCULATIONS: PRESENT CONDITIONS PROJECT: THE COVE AT EAST BAY STREET: 199 EAST BAY ROAD TOWN: OSTERVILLE COMPS. BY:DCT CLIENT: CROCKER CHKD. BY: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ METHOD: CCC WRO TECHNICAL BULLETIN 91-001 LOT SIZE: 3.79 AC NITRATE CONCENTRATION: NATURAL AREA: 14282 SF EST 25% WASTWATER: 35 mg/1 LAWN AREA: 42847 SF EST 75% LAWNS: 3 lbs/1000sf IMPERVIOUS AREA: ROAD RUNOFF: 1.5 pp® ROOF: 17387 SF ROOF RUNOFF: 0.75 ppm PAVEMENT: 90780 SF WASTEWATER DATA: RECHARGE: UNITS GPD/UNIT IMP. SURFACE: 40 in./yr. RESTAURANT 300 SEATS 3s NATURAL AREA: 18 in./yr. INK. UNITS 6 BDRM 110 MOTEL 18 BDRM 110 WASTEWATER FLOW ESTIMATE: ------------------------ REFERENCE: TITLE V SEWAGE FLOW: 13140 GPD 310CMR 15.02 (13) NITRATE CONTRIBUTION: TITLE V ACTUAL -------------------- (mg/d) (®g/d) ------------------------------------------ ------ --------- NATURAL AREA: 0 0 LAWN AREA: 39971 39971 ROOF AREA: 3373 337 PAVEMENT: 35218 521 WASTEWATER: 1740722 116 2 --------------------------------------------- - ------------ TOTALS 1B19283 mg/d 1244 4 mg/d RECHARGE: TITLE V ACTU --------- (1/d) (1/d --------------------------------------------- -- ----------- WASTEWATER 49735 3 32 RAINFALL 34624 3 624 -----------------------------=-------------- ---- --------- TOTALS 84359 7947 NITRATE CONCENTRATION: 21.6 pps 18.3 p a NITROGEN LOADING ESTIMATE \97-418\COMMNITR.WK1 PAGE OF x A y a O a . A v \ O _ . z i 4 a M a • nn 7791 1 �4U r y ar , 1 � ter. q � ,,r � • . �, k . a Aq -ODORS _ m ' � � � " f _ 4 If 4 0 nvironmentd nc. C Bioclerelm is a modified trickling filter for the over a clarifier containing pumps that secondary treatment of wastewater as well maintain a consistent.(losin,'g pattern as the conversion and reduction of nitrogen. throughout flow variations. Designed for years of dependability,!its fixed film biological process is stable and r Bioclere-self-contained units require inexpensive to operate. Bioclere-modular minimal onsite assembly, reducing installation units have flow capacity between 200 and costs. Bioclere m is easily integrated between 26,000 GPD. the primary tank and distribution box in new or existing treatment facilities. Fresh ' Bioclere—reduces the biochemical oxygen, water may be used to commission the demand (BOD5) and total suspended solids Bioclere TMprocess and pre-test the control (TSS) to levels meeting or exceeding NSF sequence if the initial wastewater supply is and EPA standards.As wastewater trickles minimal.The biological growth necessary to through the biological filter, organic material sustain,treatment is rapidly established in is absorbed into the biological mass which the biofilter. \ forms on the media surface. Secondary sludges,which slough off the self-purging p 3 k filter,,return to the primary 4fank. Clarified I i p> , wastewater is displaced,to,the disposal area. Bioclere-"m may be designed to reduce The modular units can be installed in parallel for larger flows; or in series to achieve nitrogen, r phosphorus in wastewater. ` higher levels of treatment:Biocler&rm is sealed Nitrogen is reduced substantially and "{ - ° cost-effectively by.recirculating treated and insulated to minimize the impact of wastewater from the BioclereT"'to the primary • seasonal temperature variations on the - � � - settling tank. In larger systems, a.nitrifying _ treatment process.The biofilter is positioned • BioclereT° is added to'the process chain. Bioclere TM units are also adaptable for reliable phosphorus precipitation. - $r"+ d i a�•� .�; -6 :,::1 �` d .R�s. At � Jf ...-mac ' y i W ., r PRcap- �P ccao9e1600s • 4 F • • -• • Low capital investment; low installation, Energy-efficient, self-managing process operating and maintenance costs Infinitely adjustable recirculation •• Modular units for increasing capacity (minimizes impact of flow variations) r Passive gravity flow system utilizes existing ' Process unaffected by external septic tank and leaching facilities temperature variations Relieves existing biologically Internal flow stabilization (minimizes 3 _ overloaded facilities need for equalization chambers) Corrosion and UV resistant components Designed for high-strength waste streams 44 Sealed and,insulated unit for stable, Nutrient removal and disinfection easily • ,, r ,quiet,processing added to the process chain is LIKE is F w r R: ter. c C r AST o Summary of AnalyticaliResults� • n " o „m Biodere' Certtfication Test „ s Nataondl'San�tatiowFoundatlon Y �. -., Interquartile �Medmit n- Average Mm. Max Ranger' influent 13 13.2 10 17 11 -14 6 Temperature septic tank 11 10.9 5 15 8 14 °C effluent effluent 11 11.4 5 16 8-14 �. influent 7.5 7.6 7.3 7.9 7.5-7.7 septic tank pH ( effluent 7.5 7.6 7.1 8.1 7.4-7.8 "Tti effluent 8.0 7.9 7.4 8.5 7.8 8.1 • _ 170 167 80 290 130-210 Biochemical influent Oxygen Demand septic tank effluent 73 74 44 100 62 86 � effluent 11 13 5 45 8 16 `1 influent 120 141 54 720 97-160 Suspended �. y k- Solids septic tank 40 47 18 200 33 52 (mg/L) effluentTo effluent 13 17 5 50 8-24 a Volatile influent 100 111 37 430 77-120 Suspended septic tank ffl y a Solids euent 32 37 13 160 26-42 w t`. 1t �zr, y f (mg/L) effluent 10 14 5 35 7-20 lam' Dissolved e- v �i� effluent 5.6 5.9 3.4 10.2 4.7-6.5 k en g t, " x Im9/L1 yg „ Central ` Access Channel .. Fan D Biofilter Vent µ D d ® Access Points Q ar � � � IIiA�• fit.: i[ x' °. 't j n R• • • ,: k r R u „ s. ,... on 0 ram'- ,• 1 • w I} tw 1 •• • • x t • ups r1'+ " ��' ti� `10 �01 e a , Est M MR • . 1 O • 1 1 �� 1 1 • • . 1 • • IwoDATE: JANI ARY 6 1998 PLBASB 310N 1N. BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING In s�.: TBLgPHUNB NO. *** item on the agenda. *** =ea �t i Ln. 4 WAfL f?� NVAJ /I Tv l�J'l� i�v 7 { . r Si 1 � leg ; r Cv�n - . ft `mil I ,. cu S Gti o n F. ✓✓C at V-140 XFj *f3h3 �.. :x - wk .c 1t "1'¢ r U::• �",y.tµt .v y. .'�,ty�+ �. R� •;�. Y .y �� i "BIOCLERET°° , Self-Contained 200 gpd to 50,000 gpd Wastewater Treatment Plants AWT ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 241 Duchaine Blvd. P.O. Box 50120 New Bedford, MA 02745 Tel. 508-998-7577 Fax 508-998-7177 r . BIOCLERE' Wastewater Treatment Systems Introduction i Finland n which The Bioclere as a modified trickling filter which was developed n la d and c is used extensively throughout Europe and the Middle East for the secondary treatment of wastewater and the conversion and reduction of nitrogen. A modified Bioclere for the precipitation of phosphorus is frequently added to the process chain. _ r •x vo" III IIi I Bioclere system sewing a housing development. Standard effluent requirements are: 15 mg/1 BOD, 25 mg/1 TSS, 3 mg/1 Ammonia and 1 mgll Phosphate. The final stage of treatment is U.V. disinfection. BIOCLERE 2 AWT ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Installations range from 200gpd to 50,000gpd The Bioclere is constructed of insulated and U.V. resistant fiberglass or plastic. Modular in nature they may be installed in parallel to accommodate larger flows or in series to achieve higher levels of treatment. The stability of the process, which is characteristic of its trickling filter heritage, and the simplicity of design minimize the life cycle operating and maintenance costs generally associated with the secondary treatment of wastewater. Typical installations include individual homes, residential clusters, malls, nursing homes, schools, supermarkets, restaurants, gas stations, golf courses, hotels and small communities. The trickling filter is a fixed film aerobic process in which microorganisms attach themselves to a highly permeable media creating a biological filter or slime layer through which wastewater is trickled allowing organic matter to be absorbed into the slime layer. Designed properly this filter is self-purging and maintenance free. Unlike traditional trickling filters in the Bioclere the biofilter is enclosed and positioned over a clarifier. Hydraulic dosing and secondary sludge return pump systems are set at pre- determined rates minimizing maintenance and enhancing treatment. The self-purging biological filter is designed by AWT Environmental Inc. to accommodate influent characteristics and achieve effluent requirements . Oxygen is introduced to the system through a fan in the Bioclere housing and is exhausted through a vent typically located in the discharge line. The Bioclere is a gravity flow treatment system. Installed in line between the primary tank and distribution box, the Bioclere neither intrudes on or adversely affects the flow of a conventional onsite system. Because the treatment process is above the gravity flow of the system electrical outages do not inhibit flow and dilution factors within the system minimize the impact of a short term power failure on effluent quality. The Bioclere's fixed film process and hydraulic capacity minimize the impact of organic and hydraulic fluctuations on the treatment process and effluent quality. Generally Bioclere installations do not require flow equalization prior to treatment. The ability of the biological film which forms in the filter to self-regulate daily and seasonal variations in hydraulic and organic loading as well as environmental variations such as temperature, pH and process inhibitors is widely acknowledged. The Bioclere is- a designed treatment system. Hydraulic and organic influent characteristics must be determined in designing the Bioclere to meet effluent requirements. A design questionnaire is included for this purpose on page 8. The National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) has tested and approved the Bioclere under its Criteria C-9 which is essentially equivalent to Standard 40. The test results and Executive Summary are on.pages 9 and 10. BIOCLERE 3 AWT ENVIRONMENTAL,INC. a, BIOCLERE PROCESS Wastewater flows from the septic tank or primary settling tank into a baffled chamber in theclarifier of the Bioclere. Dosing pumps located in this clarifier intermittently dose the filter media with the wastewater. In the trickling filter the organic material in the wastewater is reduced by a population of microorganisms which attach to the filter media and form a biological slime layer. In the outer portion of the slime layer treatment is accomplished by aerobic micro- organisms. As� the microorganisms multiply, the biological film thickens and diffused .oxygen and organic substrate are consumed before penetrating the full depth of the slime layer. Consequently the biological film develop aerobic, anoxic and anaerobic zones. Absent oxygen and a sufficient external organic source for cell carbon the micro- organisms near the media surface lose their ability to cling to the media. The wastewater flowing over the media washes the slime layer off the media and a new slime layer begins -to form. This process of losing the slime layer is called "sloughing" and it is primarily a function of the organic and hydraulic loading on the filter. This natural process allows a properly designed media bed to be self-purging and maintenance free. The sloughed biomass settles to the bottom of the sump as sludge. These seconda rY_.:.slud es_ are... periodically pumped back to. the..primary tank for storage and g eventually removed. This_process is essentially.the.same for.the reduction of BOD5 and nitrification or the conversion of ammonia nitrogen to nitrate. NITRIFICATI ON/DENITR IFICATION Removing ammonia from wastewater is a well established and quantifiable biological process. Nitrogen exists in the influent primarily in the form of organic nitrogen and ammonia (TKN). The principle part of the organic nitrogen is converted to ammonia by anoxic bacterial activity. Therefore, ammonia is commonly regarded as the starting point in the nitrogen reduction process. Nitrification: the conversion of ammonia nitrogen (NH3) to nitrate (NO3) which is rich in oxygen is a biological process accomplished in the presence of oxygen. Becausecarbonaceous BOD asserts the primary demand for oxygen in the treatment process, large flow nitrifying Bioclere systems are typically designed as split filters or with two units in series. By placing Biocleres in series each unit may be designed to achieve the effluent required from the influent characteristics. Nitrification is a major consideration for most of the Bioclere installations in Europe. Typical requirements for effluent ammonia are from 1 to 3 mg/I which is reliably accomplished. BIOCLERE 4 ' AWT ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 3 Successful nitrification is accomplished with a healthy microorganism population and an environment where pH, temperature, organic loading and supply of oxygen are stable. In a Bioclere system the pH is buffered by the carbonate system associated with the wastewater; the temperature remains consistent because of the insulated environment and the relatively constant temperatures generated by the fixed film biomass; the organic loading is relatively constant because the waste water has been pre-treated in the first stage; and the fan provides an adequate supply of oxygen. Denitrification utilizing septic tank carbon is widely considered to be the most economical and efficient method for nitrogen removal. Utilizing prescribed recirculation rates this method of returning Bioclere nitrified wastewater to the carbon source in the anoxic zone of the primary tank has achieved reductions of nitrogen between 85% and 906/0. Biological denitrification is accomplished by anaerobic heterotrophic organisms under anoxic conditions. In this process bacteria convert the nitrate to nitrogen gas which is released into the atmosphere. In the Bioclere system the nitrified mixed liquor in the clarifier of the nitrifying Bioclere is returned to the anoxic. zone in the primary tank for denitrification. NITROGEN TRANSFORMATIONS AND REMOVAL Responsible —-- --- -- --� -_--Control and Form of Nitrogen Microorganisms Representative Equations I Removal Process Organic-N Aerobic (Protein) Heterotrophs Ammonia-N NH3 Aerobic j Autotrophs Biological Nitrosomonas 2NH3+302=>2NO2+2H+2H2O I nitrification 'i for control Nitrite-N I I li NO2 I Nitrobacter I 2NO2+02=>2NO3 Nitrate-N — — - - NO3 3NO3+CH30H=>3NO2+2H2O+CO2 Biological Nitrite-N Anaerobic I I "u NO2 I Heterotrophs for i 2NO2+CH30H=>N2+H2O+20H+CO2 removal Nitrogen gas N2 BIOCLERE 5 AWT ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. ti NOTES: 1. THIS INSTALL UTILIZES BIOCLERE MODEL 30-32. _ 2. OTHER MODELS MAY BE SUBSTITUTED. 1�4� 3. VENTING CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED THROUGH BUILDING. 1-1/Z' RECYCLE LINE 12" TYPICAL SLOPE -+ RECYCLED FLOW cc I I L------J L------J _ J L--------I-------------J FROM C) BUILDING TO LEACH FIELD STEEL LIDS 6" MIN. DROP VENT AT GRADE TYPICAL sEE NOTE 3 VENT SEE NOTE 3 GROUND LEVEL 12" MIN• �TyP5 STEEL LID AT GRADE 1-1/Y RECYCLE LINE 187 MIN. SAMPLING CHAMBER a.. PRECAST SEPTIC TANK SAMPLING CHAMBER 2000 GALLON CAPACITY PRE—CAST CEMENT PAD CONCRETE SURROUND OR BIOCLERE NO.1 BIOCLERE NO.2 3/8" PEA STONE BED IIC�(II m �.M,A AWT EAIIOMORAL Ills /.a ww ua i KYl MpR M O[TY m m l♦W IK�Tl IN pal M-ll WNW TYPICAL GROUND INSTALUTON nA PHOSPHORUS PRECIPITATION The most common and reliable method of achieving phosphorus removal is by ,chemical precipitation. The Bioclere onsite system incorporates a separate stage chemical precipitation unit which is placed in line after carbonaceous BODS and nitrification have been accomplished, thus minimizing sludge production. These systems have been used for over 20 years in Europe and typically reduce effluent phosphorus concentrations to > 1 mg/I. Chemical precipitation requires dosing of a coagulant, rapid mixing and flocculation to precipitate insoluble phosphate. Metal salts (aluminum sulfate) are the most efficient and easily managed coagulants. Dosing requires a coagulant storage tank and chemical feed system which are housed in the top portion of a modified Bioclere. The rapid mixing and flocculation devices are fixed in the clarifier located directly beneath the dosing system. Dosing is based upon the stoichiometric metal salt to phosphorus ratio as dictated by the concentration of phosphorus contained in the daily wastewater flow. Sludge produced by the reaction is typically returned to the septic tank for storage and eventual removal. BIOCLERE COMPONENTS Major components of the Bioclere are constructed of. U.V. resistant insulated fiberglass or plastic. The filter shell and lid are insulated to provide near constant temperature conditions in the biofilter. The clarifier (sump) is of single wall construction and baffled to facilitate settling. A central channel provides ready access to dosing and recirculation pumps. Random packed media which is biologically inert and mechanically durable facilitates oxygen transfer and increases wastewater detention time in the biofilter. Weir bowl or spray nozzle distribution systems uniformly distribute the wastewater over the biofilter. Pumps are used for both dosing the biofilter, sludge return and recirculation. 1/4 horse, 1/3 horse and 1/2 horse stainless steel Grundfos pumps are used. The size and number of pumps is dependent on model and wastewater.characteristics. A moisture resistant axial fan provides a consistent supply of oxygen to the treatment process. BIOCLERE 6 AWT ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. The control panel contains the following equipment: NEMA IV cabinet audio and.visual alarms circuit breakers control and regulation electronics rriain switch , electrical connection terminal strip pumping timers options for remote control alarm alternators controls for tertiary treatment components are optional GENERAL INFORMATION Existing septic tanks may be adapted to form:the primary treatment stage of the Bioclere process. Sizing the primary tank should take into consideration the impact of recirculation on detention time. Biocleres are constructed with the effluent pipe 180" opposite the influent pipe. However, the influent and effluent pipes may be positioned at different angles. Should this be necessary for a specific project please review your needs with AWT. The only routine service procedures required by the Bioclere are pump and fan maintenance and cleaning of the distribution system. Tertiary treatment equipment added to the process chain may require additional service. In most states this maintenance must be performed by a licensed wastewater treatment plant operator. AWT provides operations and maintenance services. Please contact our offices for a service contract proposal. Biocleres may be easily installed into new or existing facilities. Generally the pre- assembled, self-contained Bioclere is delivered with a lifting harness. Concrete pads with lifting rings are set at appropriate elevations and the Bioclere is set on the pad. The Bioclere is leveled using self-adjusting cables in tripod fashion from the top of the clarifier to the rings on the cement pad. A larger two stage system may be installed in a few hours if site preparation is adequate.` The Bioclere may be pre-tested by filling the clarifiers with fresh water if wastewater is not readily available. Once the Bioclere system is commissioned six to twelve weeks are required to establish a functioning biomass for treatment. BIOCLERE 7 AWT ENVIRONMENTAL,INC. t BIOCLERE SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA Date: Engineer: !Client/Site Address: I Tel. Fax. a)Application: l)Residential 2) Commercial 3)Other Description: b) Description of proposed treatment components: c) Permits: Massachusetts,TITLE 5: 1) General 2)Remedial . 3)Provisional Other: Typical Residential Wastewater Assumptions *(single family homes without home based businesses) BOD5 =250 mg/l Design Flow=In of bedrooms ( ) * (110 gpd) = gpd TSS =250 mg/I - TKN =45 mg/I Actual Flow =Pop. Equivalent( )* (55 gpd) = gpd *Pleasespecify effluent requirements under EFFLUENT DATA Commercial, Industrial or Other Residential Applications' *Please obtain composite samples at the septic tank effluent tee for the parameters listed under INFLUENT DATA *Please provide A WT Environmental with all applicable Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) 'INFLUENT DATA EFFLUENT DATA Specify test location: Please specify location of effluent requirements. Flow data(gpd):Design Ave. Peak Seasonal Flows: Y N when? Are low flow devices utilized?: Y N NVIII they be used?: Y N Are arba e ders utilized?: Y N The),should not be used in conjunction with the Bioclere H: H: BOD5: BOD5: COD: ,COD: TSS: TSS: TKN: TKN: Ammonia-N: Ammonia-N: Nitrate-N: Total nitrogen: Oil &Grease(omit if traps are included): Oil&Grease: Phosphorus: Phosphorus: Alkalinity: Other: NOTES: *Commercial installations require baffled septic tanks and a gas baffle under the effluent tee Signature: I t Summary of Analytical Results Interquandle Median' Average Std. dev Min Max range Temperature (°C) influent 13 13.2 2.0 . 10 17 11 - 14 septic tank 11 10.9 3.0 5 15 8 - 14 effluent effluent 11 11.4 3.0 5 16 8 - 14 PH influent 7.5 7.6 0.14 7.3 7.9 7.5 - 7.7 septic tank 7.5 7.6 0.22 7.1 8.1 ?A-- 7.8 effluent effluent 8.0 7.9 0.20 7.4 8.5 7.8 - 8.1 Biochemical Oxygen influent 170 167 49 80 290 130 - 210 Den-land (mg1L) septic tank 73 74 14 44 100 62 - 86 effluent effluent 11 13 6 5 45 8 - 16 Suspended Solids influent 120 141 85 54 720 97 - 160 (mom-) septic tank 40 47 26. 18 200 33 - 52 effluent effluent 13 17 10 5 50 8 - 24 Volatile Suspended influent 100 ill 58 37 430 77 - 120 Solids (mg/L) septic tank 32 37 20 13 160 26 - 42 effluent effluent 10 14 8 5 35 7 - 20 Dissolved Oxygen effluent 5.6 5.9 -1.3 3.4 10.2 4.7 - 6.5 (mom-) ' Median: Fifty percent of the values are less than or equal to this value. 2 Interquartile Range: The range of values about the median between the upper and lower 25 percent of all values 9. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Testing of the Bioclere Model BP3 was conducted under provisions of NSF Criteria C-9. The evaluation protocol was developed by a special Task Committee composed of professionals working in the field of wastewater treatment and public health. The protocol established the procedures.to be used in the performance evaluation and criteria to be met for the plant to be listed under the criteria. The performance evaluation was conducted at the NSF Wastewater Technology Test Facility in Chelsea, Michigan, using wastewater diverted from the Chelsea municipal wastewater collection system. The, evaluation consisted of two months of dosing at 200 gallons per day, a stress test sequence and two months of dosing at design loading. The stress test sequence consisted of four separate loading patterns: wash day, working parent, equipment or power failure, and a one week vacation. The performance evaluation was complete using a 1,000 gallon septic tank ahead of the Bioclere BP3 plant. The septic tank was seeded with septage from a residence that had been in service for at least two years. Sampling of the effluent started after four weeks of dosing.to allow for plant start-up. Sampling started in the fall and continued through the winter and into late spring, covering a full range of operating temperatures. At the request of the manufacturer, additional sampling and analysis was completed to evaluate the performance of the Bioclere BP3 for coliform reduction and nitrification. Over the course of the evaluation,the Bioclere BP3 produced an effluent with carbonaceous BODS ranging from 5 to 45 mg/l, suspended solids ranging from 5 to 50 mg/I and pH ranging from 7.34 to 8.5. During the non-stress dosing period, the effluent BODS averaged 13 mg/I, while the effluent suspended solids averaged 17 mg/I. During the stress testing, the effluent GODS averaged 13 mg/I and the effluent suspended solids averaged 9 mg/I. --- -.--.The-plant-.produced-an.effluent-that-successfully--met the--performance:requirements.established in the evaluation protocol. During the-non-stress dosing: The-arithmetic-mean of seven-.consecutive sample days ranged from 8 to 24 mg/l for BODS and 6 to 36 mg/l for suspended solids, both well below the requirement of 45 mg/l. The arithmetic mean of 30 consecutive sample days ranged from 9 to 17 mg/I for BODS and 9 to 23 mg/I for suspended solids, both well below the requirement of 30 mg/I. Removal rates ranged from 91%to 97% for BOD, and 86% to 93% for suspended solids. The pH during the entire evaluation remained in the range of 7.3 to 8.5, within the required range of 6.0 to 9.0. Effluent BODS concentrations during the stress testing ranged from 5 to 17 mg/l, well below the required 60 mg/I. Likewise,the effluent suspended solids ranged from 5 to 14 mg/I during the stress test, well below the required 100 mg/I. BIOCLERE 10 AWT ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. TOWN OF BARNSTA BL E SITE PLAN REVIEW INFORMATION MATION 4 APPLICATION � NOV 2 5 1996 > MAS& G w Town Of Barnstable FOR OFFICE USEONL3' Date Rccenrd: Application for Site Plan Review AcdonDueBr Location Legal Description: See Enclosed Description Planning Board Subdivision Number: None _ Assessors Map and Parcel Number: Map 140, Pare 1 s 197, 2.17 K 918 Property Address: 199 East Bay Road/308 Wianno Ave Osterville, MA 0 695 Owner of Properti, Applicant Name: Last bay sterville Trust Name: Same c/o James H. Crocker, Jr. Trustee Address: P.O. Box 496 Address: . Osterville. MA 02655 Phone: (508) 428-8800 Phone: Engineer Agent /Contractor Name Weller & Associates Name Bayside Building, INc. Address: P.O. Box 119 Address: P.O. Box 95 Yarmouthwrt, MA 02675 Centerville, Ma 02639 Phone: (508) 362-8131 Phone: (508) 771-1040 St.oragc Tanks Utilities Zoning Classification Existing NONE 1roposed NONE Sewer District: RC Number: 'Number: Public flood Hazard: "C" Size: Size: Private X Groiindwater Overlay: NONE Above Ground: Above Ground: fire DistrictC-OM.M. Lot Area: 209,470 Sq.Ut. Underground: Underground: Water Number of Buildings Contents: Contents: Public: X Existing: 4 .' Private: Proposed: 13 Parking Spaces Curb Cuts fire Protection: No Demolition: 4 Required: 36 Existing: 2 Electrical Total P1oor Arca Provided: 88 Proposed: 1 Aerial: Residential: 2276-2385 sq. ft. On-Site 44 in garage To Close: 1 Underground:X Office: 0 Off-Site: 44 in drivewayTotals: 2 Gas Medical Office: 0 Natural: X Commercial: 0 In Historical District: Yes/(9 Propane: (Specify Use) Wholesale: In Area of Critical Environmental Concern Institutional: (E.O.E.A) Yes4l Industrial: Project within 100' of Wetland Resource Area: Yes, 10 4 © �� J' To be reviewed by the Building Commissioner Zoning District: RC - Residential Old King's Highway Regional Historic District: No Listed in National and/or State Register of Historic Places: No Perimeter setbacks: Front: 20' ' Side: 10' Rear: 10' Lot Coverage: N/A Type of Use (Zoning): Residential Flood Plain Zone: Elevation: N/A Number of Floors: 2 Floor Area: 22 Units Proposed First: 35,4M sq. f t. Second: 15,409 sq. ft. Other (Specify): 5,904 sq. ft. (decks, patios, porch) 12,184 garages Parking Requirements: Required: 37 Provided: (88) - 44 in garage 1 44 in drivawgVc; IIandicapped Spaces: N/A Are there Accessory Buildings' No Accessory Building Floor Area: N/A Please provide a brief narrative description of your proposed project. We plan to demolish the existing 4 buildings, remove all naverl enrfar•ac and septic systems Then build 229 three bedroom 2, bath condominiums with attached 2 car garages. I assert that I have completed (or used to be completed) this page and the Site Plan R Wet Applicl lion and Mat, Fi best my know e e, the information submitted here is e. �0 Si Date 5 �I__ rk j fA n PROPERTY DESCRIPTION The land together with the buildings and improvements thereon situated at 199 East Bay Road, 308 Wianno Avenue and 318 Wianno Avenue, all in Barnstable (Osterville) , Barnstable County, Massachusetts as more particularly bounded and described as follows : NORTHERLY by East Bay Road EASTERLY by land now or foremerly of Goodspeed, about two hundred, thirty eight (238) feet; SOUTHERLY by land now or foremerly of Parsons; EASTERLY by land now or foremerly of said Parsons; SOUTHERLY by land now or foremerly of Frazier, twelve ( 12 ' ) feet; EASTERLY by land now or foremerly of Frazier, about two hundred, six (206) , feet SOUTHERLY by Wianno Avenue; and WESTERLY by land now or formerly of York. Containing about five (5 ) acres . Title Reference Plan Book 10286, Page 193, Date 7/3/96 For Title See Deed Book 7832 , Page 5 Deed Book 7911, Page 64 and see decree recorded herewtith. November 19, 1996 PAGE: 4 , Y 1 S November_3, 1997 Ms Susan�G Risk, RS � ' Chairman° , ­,;Barristable°Board' of Health r 367,Main Street' - Horsley;&Whten Intl ,Hyari is, 1VIA 02601^ Sextant Hill Re 4.East Bay Lodge-Redevelopment Proposal;�l sterville, 3 90 Route sA' 1VIdSSa h c use s Sandwich MA F. 'j 02563 a Dear lVls Rask f (508)83M600 w r i 1 Horsley.&:Witten, Inc. (H&W) has reviewed the plans'for the Fax(508).833 3150 . c , proposed septic,system that`were:submitted,for Site Plan Reyiew,- cons st><ng'of Sheets S-1 and:p 2,.prepared by,Weller and Associates; �Y ;Centerville;"Mass , dated September 29 1997. H&w would like you to cons>der the following comments regarding the`'proposed system Dosing System Two dosing pumps{a"re required''for sys ems''servmg more than two s dwelling 6nits :(310 CM.R 15:,231) ,.Calculations for-the design-ofthe ' dosing system slZould Be`provided, including required and_provided ' dosin chamber'cap , u,rn prvsadspecfications number•actyp , : f F of�dosirigeycles tarid depth;orifice location and sizn ,ete � -.'v ri iktr ,iih g •S ' l +,. „1.!•/'P '•S !Vr"i � Y t �'t".l �" ti F f...+. fie., t t. +, z D><str<'but><on Box: �7.1..-f , 49,.s [ ri,'e .� }l JP t f' a An miet tee; baffle; or splash plate'musf,be rovided for;'dosed x P systems (310 C1VIR 15 232(3)(a)� Percolahon,Testmg :In systems,which'exceed 2,000,gpd, a minimum ofythree percolation f tests;;spaced uniformly over the proposed ;Oil •absorption area shall `be erformed 310 C-MR 5- 04 4, The plans.show only:two tests in, = the primary area, both of which were located on;the eastern.- ' Where multiple testa a"re required; the,slowest-percolation rate must 4 t ;be used for design Test hole'#4�indicates the presence:of sandy ^loam from 45""b�elow-.ground surface (BGS)„to 85" B.GS. The 'Percolation test.should have been`conducted_°in this horizon. -If it yo - was,:Ixsuspect that the jpercolation rate::would hare`been greater "than the 2 minutes per anch '>ndicated "Additionally ,since sandy' .5 i� a loam is a",Class II soil (310 CMR 15 243), the effluent loadingq rate ?¢ 1 C.,,}.I .5 Y.. 3,.,} ., ix. ifi t Boston&Sandwich MA t r 7 Ms. Susan & R'ask; R.S. November.3, 1997 Page,2 5 used for design should"have been 0.60 g/sf/d;not the 0.74 g/.sf/d figure used, which is only, appropriate for Class:I soils (310 CMR 15.242). This,design chinge would'result,in a larger leaching area , for the given design: Reserve "Area The"size of the reserve area has not b'e&i'adequately sized (see note on percolation testing.,above). No permanent structures should be. constructed on the reserve area (3.10 CMR 15248). Garbage:Grinders The design does not consider.the use of garbage grinders. The proposed development_is-for very expensive and-exclusive home's. Homes of. this"'type are usually provided with a full complement of conveniences,_including garbage grinders. ' The prohibition against - the installation and"use of'garbage-grinders should be a legal requirement of ownership.•:, Septic Tank 310 CMR 15:223(1)(b)_requ res,the use�of a two:compartment septic . tarik'or'two septic to"nks in series"when the design serves"other than a single-family dwelling unit or the design capacity"is greater than 1000 gpd Furthermore, multiple compartment tanks must be designed in accordance with 310 CMR`15.224: Groundwater H&W has not obtain. ed.the;"Soil Evaluation Forme:in order to 'review the high,groundwater calculations. Considering the,l«rge sewage.flow and additional stormwater •'disposal,on' the site and overall,intensity of'development, H&W strongly `recommends that the'water table and groundwater flow conditions be definitively"determined as part of the,design. A groundwater mounding analysis should--also-'be required in order to insure adequate separation from the water table; particularly considering th'e'environmental:seiisitivity of East Bay'. Horsley&Witten,'lnc m °2 Ms. Susan G. Rask, R.S. Ncivemher 3, 1997 Page 3 Bioclere,S.ystem' The Bioclere system has:been)certified for 'use by DEP and has been; shown_to 'reduce-nitrogen'over a conventional septic system.. However,,since`there are concerns over'the'nitrogen loading to East Bay, now is the right time to determine the carrying capacity of the, Bay and-what might be the`appropriate:nitrogen loading rate on'an annual basis from this development and others within the ' watershed: •It.is possible-that the Bioclere proposed may not be enough to reduce nitrogen to a.safe level for the Bay. H&W strongly:recommends that,the Board of Health require"the above -mentioned level of analysis in'order,to•protect the coastal. resources of the Town of Barnstable, If you have any questions regarding this correspondence or care to discuss any.aspect further, please contact me. Sincerely, HORSLEY & ITTEN„INC: . Daniel W. San ps, P.E. Vice President S 1. L•" •. •, - _ �' -. . - Horsley,&Witten;'nc. ':`; 8 Leonard Road r Osterville,MA O2M55 October 9,1997 �- To: Town of Barnstable Board ofs , Ref:East Bay Lodge proposed development In reviewing a recent proposal to erect housing for twenty families on the present East Bay Lodge property,it is assumed that this development complies with the marginally adequate Title 5 sewage regulations.However,Title 5 regulations do not require the containment of liquid effluent which is permitted to enter the ground system.The potential for such effluent to contaminate the Cape's aquifer even on upland locations has been noted in studies conducted by the A.P.C.C.(Association for the Preservation of Cape Cod)and others. The estimated(and probably conservative)sewage flow for the proposed East Bay Lodge devel- opment is 6600 gallons per day. Sewage such as would be generated by the subject development is approximately 95%liquid effluent.This volume of discharged effluent would be in the order of 6,000 gallons per day. This effluent,reeking with dissolved chemicals such as nitrates, phosphates,urea,etc.,will form a plume which will inevitably flow down-gradient into East .. r Bay,approximately 200 yards away. This is 2,190,000(two million,one hundred-ninety thousand)gallons/year into a very small and shallow bay. ✓' In addition,if only one family in four has a dog,then approximately three pounds a day of raw untreated dog excrement and urine,,A ill be deposited along the shore of East Bay.This is about a half ton a year. i At this point I call to your attention a recent article(copy enclosed)from U.S.News&World Report,July 28, 1997,that describes i particularly-6nilent toxic algae which thrive on pollutants and are killing fish,making people seriously sick,and are spreading nationwide. Should contamination of East Bay by sewage effluents from the subject development be permitted,the possibility of the establishment of these very dangerous algae in East Bay is real. Consider the consequences:No swimming,no shell fishing,no fishing,and the potential for human disease.This would be an ecological and economic disaster which has reasonable probability of occurring should the subject proposal be permitted. It is clearly and seriously in the interest of the village of Osterville,the town of Barnstable,and Cape Cod to disallow this development eW.H. 'nard zY` Iy a .,The cell '.. Toxic algae that thrive on pollutants are killing fiSh,niaking people sick, and spreading nationwide BYM]CI AELSATCHELL symptoms can include open sores, nau- sea,memory loss,fatigue,disorientation, etired North Carolina fisherman and the near-total incapacitation suffered David Jones struggles with symp- 'byJones. toms similar to those of several Pfiesteria was first discovered in 1991 chronic afflictions: the mental and has since killed hundreds of millions confusion of Alzheimer's,.the of fish in North Carolina. State workers physical crippling of multiple sclerosis, 'have used bulldozers to clear piles of the wasting of AIDS. But.Jones has none dead menhaden from the beaches. A of these. Doctors.say all the e%idence 1995 ou-tbreak wiped out 14 million fish, points to a neuroko�-ical assault b}algae. temporarily closed arts of the Neuse P �. � P P Jones is one of about 100 North Caroli- River,and put 364,000 acres of shellfish na victims—fishermen., commercial beds off limits. Since then, the problem divers,marine construction workers- has been spreading.Around the country, who appear to have been poisoned by . outbreaks of pfiesteria and other harm- Scientists are studying whether pfiesteria killet pfiesteria,a toxic alga foundkn the states ful algal blooms known as red or brown eastern rivers and estuaries.The victims' tides are devastating marine life and pos-. . and people.On the eastern tip of Long Is- G'JS-Ow.' in-,risks for fishermen in bays and and, a brown tide has NNiped out a $20 ..�- estuaries. Last summer, 20,000 :pillion bay-scallop industry. In the past r` rock-fish in a Maryland fish farm :wo years, a red tide on Florida's Nvest on the Chesapeake Bay were killed _oast has killed 150 manatees, about 10 _ by the organism. Earlier this percent of the state's sea cow population. month, "very, very concerned" And in Texas,the Corpus Christi area has Maryland,officials launched a been plagued for seven years \+ith a �€ $250,000 emergency study of brown tide that hills eel grass and other what is causing pfiesteria-type le- underwater vegetation. Their habitat de- Z sions on fish in the lower Poco- stroyed, the fish have disappeared and, moke River, which empties into with them,man} of the tourists. the Chesapeake Bay. Scientists View these problems as an Dead sea cows. In the past 25 urgent Nvarning of the declining health of years, more than 35 poisonous al- the nation's 127 ecologically Nital and gae outbreaks have killed or sicken- commercially valuable bays and estuar- y ed fish,shellfish,marine mammals, ies.Increasing development of coastal ar- The toxic alga pfiesteria in action seabirds, underwater vegetation— eas is sending more se-,age effluent,farm 26 US.NEWSA WORLD REPORT.JULY 28.1997 "`6- i t �� r t rXa ik :T1�✓ ��s�"'�r"-,♦ �. •�� i I' I{I� �I �� � � .X4t v •f}�. 7• f 1 y� • 7. IL i i m the Pocomoke River on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.In North Carolina,authorities needed bulldozers to clear beaches of dead fish. 'runoff, and factory wastewater flowing coal characteristics. Nlost of the time the the .d'stinctive oozing red sores found into bars and estuaries, triggering poi- cells remain in a hard,cystlike condition both can fish and on humans who have sonous algal blooms on all three coasts. in the sediment of bays and estuaries. been in.direct contact Nrith the organism. Pfeesteri.a is .a nasty little customer But when fish swim by, the organisms -The microscopic attackers feed on the dy- that some biologists have dubbed the swell and transform themselves into ag- in-fis!i.reproduce furiously,then change "cell from hell."The alga is a dinoflagel- gressive ambush predators with t\Nin, shape vahen sated and return to dorman- late, a•class of single-celled aquatic or- : whiplike tails called flagella that propel cy in he sediment. Although attacks on ganisms that exhibit both plant and ani- the killers toward their prey. They then humans are far more rare, the organism i - release a toxin that is 1,000 does pose significant risks to fishermen Pollution spurs toxic algae times more powerful than cy- orpeopleinprolongedcontactwithpfies- anide. Even in minute quan- teria. Laboratory, tests show a voracious tities,the'poison is deadly to appetite for human blood,and its neuro- outbreaks: Last year 25 fish, dispatching a guppy in toxin powerful enough to harm hu- 10 minutes and a 20-pound mans. Joann Burkholder, a scientist at million gallons of Swine striped bass in four hours. North,Carolina State University in Ra- Stricken fish gasp for oxygen leigh,discovered the microbe,along with an swuside do-wn or in her assistant. Both experienced sevre manure poured into one river. circles.i The toxin also causes neurological symptoms in 1993 after in- U.5.N-ors n\VOFt-P REPORT.Jt i.i _s.I�.; 27 r- r. r• und and ts co 7 '• haling the town in their lab.The potential much of the blame lies,that hasith the nmuush- these are being closel y m n for d. The threat to humans recently prompted 131 al scale hog farmingo physicians in the New Bern,N.C., area to roomed in the eastern part of the state.A organism has not caused problems on is re kills petition Vice President Al Gore for feder- decade ago, North Carolina \vas the na the ocean side of the Outer Banks or �.. al help to combat what they called"a truly tion's seventh-largest t behind producer.Iowa. Last haelsve occurred n the Ne,.N?here n the state.use Rivereestuary i, threatening em-ironmental issue." Their day, it is second,j leers were and elsewhere have been temporarily g action reflects the growing frustration in year, more than 16 million porkers North Carolina'over the state's inabilit}' ` erlBa lbeshHundreds of miween Interstate l ors of gal5 and the lons nts warn d n- closed 0 otst 11 enter the water.Says sen- er en to find answers. feces and on of the North Carolina's pfiesteria problem n unne of untreated, rrod aced at these loosely regulated VS oodseHole.Oceanographic sInstitution has roots in its booming economy.Urban P areas like Raleigh-Durham and Charlotte factory farms times leaktored lor collapse.lIn, your North Carolina vacati"It isn't on or to our :- are expanding.Large numbers of well off goons that somea much So- retirees,eager to live near the n ater,have 1995, for example, 25 million gallons of property, but pfiesteriagettingreflects se." So- settled along,the inland coastal region. liquid sine manure—more than twice bigger problluti nsem twould include better ,lt,.:o scaao�o.=us,&wq sewage treatment,control- ling farm runoff, and im- proved wetlands protection. ` Among the experimental J strategies available to attack I . .; M harmful algal blooms is use �--- of algicidal bacteria, para- . sites and viruses. Environmentalists are ` •-< Y� s frustrated because they feel early signs of trouble were �.- - ignored. In the six years t since Burkholder discovered - - the organism and warned of its devastating conse- - quences, officials in the t - states Department of Em i- ~� ronment, Health and Natu- ral Resources have belittled her scientific credibility, downplayed the threat, and 1 failed to attack the problem s _ aggressively.They dismissed her pollution-cause conclu- $. — sion as "specious" and told !. her to return when she had v �I� 10 -ears of confirming data Fisherman David Jones,who suffers from pfiesteria poisoning,and his wife,Margaret,in New Bern,N.C. they state haveltrieda ondiscredit l: ny Tourists are flocking to the mountains Pnncoe 1liameSound—Exxon`floc ed intez oil olthe Shel in me aand o he ssuspect—but cannot g; and beaches. Forests and marshlands rove—a connection between official foot i. which filter pollutants and act as buffer New River after a lagoon was breached. dragging and a desire to protect the com- : zones,are being rapidly replaced by high Local officials .en\ironmental groups ways,golf courses subdivisions,ision�s,and s ,tourism, and hog indus h p and�hake malodorous Northents in pact of the hog tnes,lina,fed �which pal ump over$10 billion a year malls. Along with all this bro�growth Pinto come an increase of pollutants rich in ni- industry and its co> nb fo°stron to p ertzona the state's voman for the state ebie n : trogen,phosphorus, and other nutrients, outbreaks, are pu_ g es otherwise. 7. flowing into creeks and rivers that feed ing powers and other measures to regu- vironmental agency, argu the Albemarle-Pamlico Sound. This has late hog fa ctories the their attional Pork spond gro "Bureaucracy by Unfortunate things,. triggered the pfiesteria algal blooms that s>e,ed bynow have been decimating fish populations Producers Council says it is researching have= n happened hard to beat this thing." r°ertl► since been These outbreaks are of deep better methods of manure disposal. g land are currently try-; concern because Albemarle-Pamlico Getting worse.Negative publicity about Carolina and ing to do just th th ercent. Sound,the nation's secols 0 nd-largest bav af- pfiesteria has spurredehoule wonderingndreds of )if of the populationtnow li g j5ithin 50 ter the Chesapeke, provides half of the to state offices from people g nursery waters for fish spawned on the it is safe to vacation in North Carolina. miles of theti1Ge Great Aga and the P regu t East Coast between Maine and Florida. Tourism officials say there is cause for coastlines, ~ Scientists and emironmentalists seek- concern,not alarm.The threat is limited lators worr}ing about where the nee,. ing answers to the algal assault believe the inland waters of Albemarle Pamli- outbreaks +ill occur. �. 28 L'.5.\E\\'S c WORLD REPORT-JUL).:S.1997 l Q �E oars-s:.r a:Ofvx ..: -- --- -- .PM 1 \ Z • 'W 10 LA N I � \ ,IY ����:-tee yr•L ' S_" Orr. t .. - ---._. _ __ _- -- - - - - ---- _ --- - - - - --- --- --- - - - 30 I 5 TIQ SYSTEM DESIGN DATA SEWAGE FLOW ESTIMATE- TOTAL FOR FACILITY 25 + _�\ i SOURCE UNITS GPD/UNIT OTY GPD COMMENT SOIL I L TEST DATA ` V) CONDOMINIUM - UNITS 1-19 BEDROOM 110 57 6270 3t0CMR t5.203 (2) DATE' AUG 6, 1997 tJ) J:�, J TOTAL ESTIMATED PEAK DAY FLOW 6270 EXCAVATOR; a ct C) Co rn W �J (� �,-WAGE FLOW ESTIMATE - ST1 B.O.H. AGENT; G. DUNNING (BARNSTABLE BCH) '"a° cC ENGINEER: D. MASON, C.S.E. SOURCE UNITS GPD/UNIT OTY GPD COMMENT 20 _ CONDOMINIUM - UNITS 1-11 BEDROOM 1 110 1 33 3630 310 CMR 15.203 (2) LOCATION: TP- 1 LOCATION: TP-2 LOCATION: TP-3 LOCATION: TP-4 co V) TOTAL ESTIMATED PEAK DAY FLOW 3630 OAMY SAND s> ELEV. DEPTH ELEV. DEPTH LOAMY SAND ELEV. DEPTH ELEV. DEPTH S LETIIC TANK - A - 10YR6/3 16.5 0.0 16.5 0.0 A - 10YRS/3 t6.5 O.Q 16.5 0.0 TOTAL FLOW x DET. TIME = 3630 GPD X 2.0 DAYS = 7260 USE 8000 GALLON TANK LOAMY SAND 15.6 0.9 LOAMY SAND FILL 15 ___ A 10YR4 4 - 15.4 1.1 BW - tOYRF,/6 -q, 14,7 1.8 f LOAMY" SAND - .. 14.5 20 NO GARBAGE GRINDERS TO BE INSTALLED 14.1 2.4 LOAMY SAND BW - 10YR5/8 Q; Bwl - 10YR6/6 136 2.9 ti LOAMY SAND SL WAGE FLOW ESTIMATE ST2 ►,., 12,z 4 3 BWZ - 10YR5/8 FINE-MED. SAND 12.7 3.8 � t!} SOURCE UNITS GPD/UNIT OTY GPD COMMENT 12.0 4.5 PERC 2 MIN,/IN C - 2.5Y7/3 SANDY LOAM FINE-MED SAND BW - 10YR4 6 O .� CONDOMINIUM - UNITS 12-19 BEDROOM 1 110 1 -24 15.203 (2) 10 ____ FINE-MED SAND C - 2.5Y7f4 TOTAL ESTIMATED PEAK DAY FLOW 2640 C - 2.5Y7/4 9.4 7.1 SEPTIC TANK - S12 FINE-MED. SAND C - 2 5Y7 f a � R> CTOTAL FLOW X DET. TIME = 2640 GPD X 2.0 DAYS = 5280 USE 6000 GALLON TANK _- 6.5 100 6.5 110 6.5 10.0 NO GARBAGE GRINDERS TO BE INSTALLED BOTTOM BOTTOM 80TITOM 5 4 11 1 5 - NO GROUNDWATER NO GROUNDWATER NO GROUNDWATER BOTTOM LEAI::HINC; FACILITY NO GROUNDWATEP. _`. LEACHING TRENCHE: LEACHING 6P A (,_APACITY NO. LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH SIDE BOTTOM SIDE BOTTOM TOTAL i (ft) (ft) (ft) (Sf) (S ( Pd) ( Pd) ( Pd) 20 70 2.0 2.0 288 1 140 1 4262 1 2072 1 63341 PERCOLATION RATE; 2.0 MIN /IN. LEACHING RATE: (GPD/SF) SIDE - 0.74 BOTTOM - 0.74 0 --- i1 r. 30 _ 2' X 2' X 70' STONE TRENCHES SEE PUMP PIT DETAIL I � ^5 HD RISER AND 24' H-20 C I. COVER 0 GRADE / RESERVE AREA BETWEEN TRENCHES HD. RISER AND 24" H- 20 C.I. COVER ® ,TRADE 3' MAX. COVER - 3' MAXIMUM COVER y� PROPOSED GRADE loo w, / EXISTING GRADE 10 20 BOT TRENCH 16.10 - ` i .60 - - - 1 I 1 i i J 15.94 - STl - - a vvc w - s•o.o,o 15-61 - ST2 - - --- \ 15 25 - ST1 15.50 - ST1 1.5.00 - ST2 4' PVC - 15.25 ST2 s-oo" 14.2� -- U t3 13 39 ;� ,-c; 13 92 �_ _ _--- - ____. 13 25 s�o'o10 4 PvC 5-0 020 4' PVC PRESSURE PIPE f 8000 GALLON -- -- - - - _-_ ST1 - 8000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK SEPTIC TANK USE 6270 GAL UNITS 1-tt CAPACITY = 10000 GALLON I 5.82' LIQUID LEVEL PUMP CHAMBER ST2 - 6000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK 71' - ST2 ;T3 USE 8000 GAL ! ' 21,1' ST1 - 19' ST2 UNITS TAN f 87.8' - ST1 CAPACITY = 6270 GAL EMERGENCY STORAGE PLUS 1730 GAL. AT p -_ _. OPERATING LEVEL AND DRAtNBACK Z . 1 SECTION THRU SEPTIC SYSTEM i in == 10 it Hi->RT 11J +r 1 in. r 5 ft VERT, I CD I- r F- o C 1 30 i n Q o z� ff w EXISTING GRADE i (J') Li i LOCATION TP6 z ) 2' x X 70' STONE TRENCHES i l ELEV.26.0 DEPTH 0 p AAND10YR3.2 Q 0 SEE PUMP PIT DETAIL _ �' Q cL 25- 25.4 0.6 25- EXISTING BUILDING _ _ I LOAMY SAND RESERVE AREA BETWEEN TRENCHES r_.___.________ ____. _,� PROP. FINISH GRADE SOIL TEST T DATA 23.6 2.4 BW - 10YR6/8 r 3' MAX. COVER 3' MAXIMUM COVER TO BE REMOVED ;� MED. SAND DATE: DEC. 24, 1997 _ C1 2.5Y7.6 EXCAVATOR: 2t.6 a.4 B.O.H. AGENT: G. DUNNING (BARNSTABLE BOH) PERc 2 MIN./IN ENGINEER, MASON C.S.E. BOT TRENCH 16,10 - - - LOCATION: JP-4A N ; _ a o i 14.60 I - ( - I - I .._1 I --I I + I i I I I ! I I / r I - ELEV. DEPTH Q � - �- 16 5 0.0 0 �-- 2 �- u; 4' Pvc FILL - � L _ 16.0 10.0 t BOTTOM to V) h � 5 `> NO GROUNDWATER w �' w 6' PRESSURE RATED PVC \ i 0 REMOVE ALL A AND B HORIZON SOILS AND ANY OTHER �15.37 W w J o i z �a UNSUITABLE SOILS ENCOUNTERED BELOW AND WITHIN 5' j 2 4 - `�3�25 LATERALLY IN ALL DIRECTIONS FROM THE OUTER PERIMETER SANDY LOAM U, a a, OF THE SAS AND REPLACE WITH SOIL AS SPECIFIED 'n BW -- 10YR4/6 a a- PVC PERC 5 MIN./IN I Z IJ_1 x �oozo 4- PVC PRESSURE PIPE I IN 310 CMR 15.255 "CONSTRUCTION IN FILL" < 9.4 7.1 J m r� ----- ___---- -------------- - --- -_ FINE-MED. SAND r a C - 2.5YR7/4 J W I � > o � � � w t68 0' 5.6 9.9 EST, HIGH GW tl Q w � r 1 m u-y a w V u 5 �, ►- Q 10000 GALLON a 3 12 2 OBS. GW �'-° I PUMP CHAMBER ;� V) ! USE 8000 GAL ? `; 14.0 CAPACITY = BOTTOM � Q 6270 GAL EMERGENCY STORAGE PLUS 1730 GAL, AT 0 ! OPERATING LEVEL AND DRAINSACK USGS Hlf�H--ELLS AT R T O INDICATOR WELL. M1W29 � v ZONE- A DATE: 12/97 SECTION THRU SEPTIC SYSTEM- IADJ FACTOR: 2.3 in = 1p ft. HGRT. 7 1-2-m -7 - 418 ,n. 5 ft VERT SHEET 2 OF 4 fa MiT_. .� t 17'-0" _-_ _______-_ �� — _- 17'-0" - 4" VENT THRU ROOF OF BUILDING I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ --� _ _ _ _ _ - -_ _ _ f A "I" OPENINGS a r� 21" OPENINGS \ 19'00" E / 53 CID I I 00� 8" KNOCKOUTS (TYP) - 8" KNOCKOUTS (TYP) UNIT 16 nQ {J) UNIT 15 0) ! I \ UNIT 14 0— v ; Q UNIT 13 PLAN PLAN 1 1/2"o VENT CONNECTS TO END OF EACH LATERAL \' Co Co UNIT 1 i LIMII OF UNSUITABLE SOIL REMOVAL /` CONNECT VENTS 0 f ��--�� , / �-''�� ST2 b000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK INLET _ _ �� _ OUTLET PUMP CHAMBER �) ' > �d .� ^J � P, BIOCLERE 24 30 -� RAGE a —.-- - GAS BAFFLE - ` _ Ira _Y GAS BAFFLE - \�\ o. BIOCLERE RECYCLE LINE GA• o 0 - ►._r�_ - 1 - --, ;T3 ECTipN A— A 1, ` SECONDARY TANK ION A—A SECT — 1 _. 6900 GALLON SEPTIC TANK � 1 ST1 1/4' - 1 ' - (7)" r y 1/4" 1'- 0 . — 8000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK -a _1_ _ _ _ -- .__ _ LOCATION OF SECOND INLET TEE. , r -- { i I _ - _ _ WHERE REQUIRED. TEE MUST BE f ' I T - DIRECTLY" UNDER OPENING �V _ 1 I 1 PROP SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM , 20 2' X ?' X 70' LEACHING TRENCHES �i-" UNIT i LAJ ^ f- RESERVE AREA BETWEEN TRENCHES 22.3 UNIT 8 CONNECT VENTS UNIT 9 I 21' OPENINGS > - -- - UNIT 10 1 C.I. COVER ® GRADE 4" VENT THRU ROOF OF BLDG 1 1/2"0 VENT CONNECTS TO END OF EACH DIST. LATERAL UNIT 11 !( 1 INLET OR OUTLET TEE LOCATION 8" KNOCKOUTS (TYP) -,� I PLAN OUTLINE OF SEPTIC TANK BELOW \ . VARIES _ C I. COVER ® GRADE BRICK ADJUSTING COURSE AND -- -- CASTING SET IN FULL MORTAR BED �- ------ ,,.--- 24" I.D. PRECAST CONC. RISER PLAN WHERE "D" EXCEEDS 14" SEPTIC SYSjE� PLAN t5 70 sc, t20 ---- I 1;'2" SCH40 PRESSURE PIPING & FITTINGS -- �� - - ---- --- _ MORTAR BED AND FILLET - { MORTAR JOINT IN - I ALL AROUND _ - e ( IN FEET ) ! 1/4" ORIFICE ® 5 C C. -"' -\, IN El -_-� STD. KNOCKOUT SURFACE IS BIT. CONCRETE AND LANDSCAPED AREA � 1 inch = 30 fI. _ - PRECAST CONC. SEPTIC TANK ---- ----- - - OSI ORIFICE SHIELD "OS125 (CW)" - -------- __ -- - r OUTLET ---- SANITARY TEE a z CA � "� � SEt-TION A_;_A � � 1 1/2"m SCH40 PVC (PERF) I � t a 'T - GRAVEL BASE UNDER PAVED AREAS / _._ _ _ _ -" —"� Z - - RISER,, FRAME & COVER �` ALL 4 P f 4"0 SCH40 PVC O GA5 E AFFLE ALL SCH40 VC PIPING AND FITTINGS / > }� Q o� COMPACTED NON-FROST SUSCEPTIBLE BAC------ , USED IN SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM,, _ -' 1 12•, = 1•__ 1... � � _ ��' I c c I RED. To 1 1/2" w Z) 6" I kJ a SHALL BE PRESSURE RATED PIPEUJ " 26" -I ' / /J z- - - - ` /� VENT TO ROOF W • LIQUID LEVEL SECONDARY TANK-ST = 6'-7 1/2 / . \ - - - - ---_ f ' - l j 1 1/2" SCH 40 PVC C.I. COVER �/ , ,> �` m -- O op K SECTION A-A A A I ? 1; 8 ?/8" \ f PERF. DISTRIBUTION - - V a. U Z q� t- �' ! 1 T-�� 1/8" TO 1/2" DBL. WASHED STONE LATERAL - Q W I�/ � I ` � � W !''y ? 1 -_�� j N I I _ s C C.I. RING AND COVER 4" TEE C w Op Q U21 8000 GALLON SEPTI TANK /$ --; ,� z ( _ 3/4" TO 1 1/2" DBL. WASHED STONE LEBARON LA0910 OR EQUAL Q © Q Q � T W V Q 11 FINISH GRADE Ti N A -A 2 l�! 6 2 ,� _ PLAN NOTE. MFG: LEBARON, BROCKTON, MA. (� _ -- - $' UNDISTURBED EARTH �_, BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT THIS SEPTIC TANK USED FOR BOTH ST1 AND �ECI}NDAR i SEPTIC TANK ST3. FOR III MODEL L1105 SECONDARY SEPTIC TANK PROVIDE INLET AND OUTLET KNOCKot)TS AT LOCATIONS 2-2" 1 WEIGHT' 430 LBS. RESERVE AREA BETWEEN PRIMARY SAS TRENCHES -----*---- AS INDICATED ABOVE. - 2'-10" PLAN _ / _ PAVEMENT BASE - SEE PAVEMENT SECTION N SECTION A-A TNR,U LEACHING ENCHES Q ALL TANKS SHALL BE MANUFACTURED TO WITHSTAND AASHTO H-20 WHEEL LOADING T�1CAL ACCESS COVER �- --. - END CAP / +4 �"--- I AT THE DEPTHS OF COVER INDICATED ON THE SYSTEM PROFILE DRAWING TANKS �. SHALL BE DELIVERED AND INSTALLED IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURERS -' ' 4 1i i ? = 1'-O" THREADED PLUG I +� i \ 4 CF 1 1/2" WASHED STONE COMPACTED NON-FROST SUSCEPTIBLE BACKFILL INSTRUCTIONS AND SHALL BE GUARANTEED BY THE INSTALLER TO BE WATER TIGHT -- - Q AFTER INSTALLATION. TANKS AND PRESSURE PIPING `:HALL BE DEMONSTRATED TO BE 1 � 1 1/2" PVC VENT VENT TO ROOF I / 4" PVC I WATER TIGHT UNDER OPERATING PRESSURES BY FILLING TANKS AND OPERATING PUMPS I EPTI(� SYS M i S LATI E�,F AL „OTE 1 f WITH CLEAN WATER PRIOR TO BACKFILUNG -� 1C .� �^ lLLL ?i.._.,__11f1,1.._.,_,��� . �-- -\\ � /�___~ w o ~ � L f _- �._ - - - - - -- - - - = - Q r o 1. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS SHALL CONFORM TO THE PROVISIONS h LOCATION OF WELLS AND SEPTIC SYSTEMS ON ADJACENT LOTS ARE AS SHOWN USING I I / ( � Z CU OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ENVIRONMENTAL CODE TITLE 5 '95 BEST AVAILABLE DATA. THE PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM IS NOT TO BE PLACED 4" SHC40 PVC Z v, WITHIN 150' OF AN EXISTING WELL, NOR IS A PROPOSED WATER SUPPLY TO BE I -- c'I O z W 7X - 2. EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM PIPING AND PLANED WITHIN 150' OF AN EXISTING SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM, VENT LATERAL J' - Q cr m I,_ p FITTINGS SHALL BE 4"m SCH40 PVC TYPE 11, 110PSf MIN. ET TO THE LINE tCbb r NJTE THAT CONSTRUCTION tJF THE LEACHING SYSTEM REQUIRES REMOVAL OF I PP,IMARY TRENCH I p C:3 T AND INVERT ELEVATIONS SHOWN THE MINIMUM PITCH OF PIPES CARRYING SEWAGE 3" MIN OUTLET,LET ` V D a OR SEPTIC TANK EFFLUENT SHALL BE 1/8TH INCH PER FOOT IF NOT SPECIFIED. UNSUITABLE SOIL UNSUITABLE SOILS SHALL BE REMOVED TO ITS MAXIMUM DEPTH -I / Q ? FROM WITHIN 5' OF THE PROPOSED LEACHING COMPONENTS AND REPLACED WITH I RESERVE � 3. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF THE SEPTIC SYSTEM DEPICTED ON THIS PLAN, THE CLEAN SAND MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF 310CMR 15.255 (.�,). EXCESS � � � }- m CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN A DISPOSAL WORKS CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FORM IHE EXCAVATED SOIL MAY BE USED AS REQUIRED FOR FILL ON THE SITE OR SHALL BE \>/> , } m _ SAN. 'EE TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH DISPOSED OF OFF SITE. VARIES• - t- Q SEE S.T DETAIL 10 0 V W 4" SCH40 Pti'C 4. THE LOCATIONS OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN APE 8. ALL PRECAST CONCRETE COMPONENTS SHALL BE AS AVAILABLE FROM ACME PITCH TOWARD PUMP PIT PITCH TOWARD PUMP PIT u = APPROXIMATE. AT LEAST 72 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION FOR THIS PROJECT PRECAST, 520 THOMAS LANDERS ROAD, HATCHVILLE, MA ALL COMPONENTS SHALL % 2' a, w 45' EL WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE THE REQUIRED NOTIFICATION 11) DIG SAFE BE AASHO H-20 WHEEL LOAD RATED ALL. COMPONENTS DELIVERED TO THE JOB SITE 6" PVC HEADER rn a CONCRETE TANK (1•-800-322-4844) AND THE C.OMM WATER DISTIRICT FOR SHALL BE MARKED AS TO COMPLIANCE WITH TITLE 5 '95. SPECIFICATION. -- - VERIFICATION OF LOCATIONS. � � _ 9 SEPTIC TANKS, BIOCLERE AND PUMP CHAMBER SHALL BE SET ON A LEVEL BED OF v 5 CONSTRUCTION OF THE SEPTIC SYSTEM ;,HOWN ON THIS PLAN IS SUBJECT TO THE 3/4" TO 1-1/2" WASHED STONE, AT LEAST ONE FOOT IN DEPTH OR AS OTHERWISE SECTION C GAS_„�AI`FLE DETAIL INSPECTION OF THE TOWN OF BARNSTABLE HEALTH AGENT AND DESIGN ENGINEER NO REQUIRED BY THE TANK, MANUFACTURER TO GUARANTEE A WATER TIGHT SEAL AT SEC�ON B B S.�,S ,DEADER DETAIL FART OF THE SEPTIC SYSTEM SHALL BE BACKFILLED OR MADE INACCESSIBLE UNTIL TANK JOINTS. '� NTS INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY THE HEALTH AGENT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL � � SCHEDULE INSPECTIONS AS REQUIRED. 1 / � = 1 —O" 97 -- 418 SHEET 3 OF 4 �!7x. -yg -,t� , �� - ',- -'­� ,"­-, 'o-. ., ;- V�'-" -�� ' �;-- �� vlp"� ,.w-4,�—?rY IV',—f ..'r, 111. 7 vs 9 �7 lK 4 tj FLOAT SWITCHES U Li 1/ SEWAGE PUMP CONC BLOCK RISER /I A �, 30" X 30" OPENING ,4 00 L�j �7- 00 cn c4" o BIOCLERE "O(o Q) Q� - =—. �t 11.0 1 N"�-PUMP RAIL AND DISCONNECT Q) INLET I AND VENT 0�)00 ALUMINUM HATCH CHECK VALVE 0 6" 0 Ltd 1/4" WEEP HOLE Ti- Jl- --j I c)- THRUST BLOCK "4 D.I. OR EQ. GATT Tr VALVE - 3 REO EXPAND TO 6*' PVC HEADER PLAN EACH HEADER CONNECTED TO TEN TRENCHES Q�) C.I. VALVE BOX LOARON STYLE SL. 30" X 30' HATCH 4" GATE VALVE��—' ----ll TO FIN. GRADE CONC BLOCK RISER TYPICAL OD GATE VALVE AND BOX J VENT EILEC )NC7 'P7)x INLET tl it ELEV 13.39 q* 4" D.I. PIPE 7'-ll 112 FLOAT ASSEMBLY ITS 6' LIFT CHAIN SHUT OFF PUMP RAIL or SECONDARY TANK INLET PRECAST CONC. H-20 TANK SECTION A-A SEWAGE PUMP Fill �111 D ECHD 80 PVC 3111111 INSIDE TANK 1 4 1 I co 12- SCHD 40 PVC ul PUMP INSTALLS R RECYCLE LINE FROM BIOCLERE I, PRESSURE DOSING PUMPS Sr, L BE MEYERS 3WHV 3HP PUMPS OR EQUAL CAPABLE OF 185GPM AT AN 22FT TDH. ALL PUMPS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN A PUMP PIT SECURE PIPE TO INSIDE TANK WALL CAPABLE OF STORING 6270 GALLONS PLUS ONE 960 GALLON DOSE VOLUME PUMPS 1112- SCHD 40PVC SHALL BE INSTALLED IN STRICT CONFORMANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURERS fj RECYCLE LINE SPECIFICATIONS. PRIOR TO OPEDFRING PUMPING EQUIPMENT AND THE INSTALLER SHALL PROVIDE THE DESIGN SHOP DRAWINGS OF THE ALL PUMPING EQUIPMENT FOR CONTACT AWTE FOR LENGHT OF LEG IF REQ. APPROVAL, INSTALLER SHALL CONFIRM THAT THE REQUIRED POWER CONFIGURATION FOR FOR THE PUMP(S) IS AVAILABLE AT THE SITE. 6" SCHD 40 PVC INLET 2. CONTROLS: PUMP CONTROLS SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN THE BUILDING IN AN ACCESSIBLE AREA AND SHALL BE ENCLOSED AS RFOUIRED TO MEET ALL STATE AND LOCAL CODES AND REGULATIONS. THE PUMPS SHALL OPERATE ALTERNATELY ON A TIMED BASIS SUCH THAT EACH OPERATION APPLIES 960 GALLONS TO THE PORTION LI) OF THE SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM TO WHICH A PUMP IS CONNECTED PUMP CYCLES z DETAIL RECYCLE LINE INSTALLATION 6" SCHD40 PVC OUTLET SHALL BE TIMED TO APPLY 4 DOSES PER DAY AT EQUAL INTERVALS AND DURATION 0 TO THE SAS. PUMPS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A LOW LEVEL OVERRIDE AND to NTS REDUNDANT LOW LEVEL ALARM SET SUCH THAT THE PUMPS REMAIN SUBMERGED. 5� PUMPS SHALL OPERATE FOLLOWING SEQUENCE: LA LAJ a. PUMPS OFF b LEAD PUMP ON (TIMED CYCLE - IF LIQUID IS AVAILABLE) 4000 PSI CONCERETE W1 6X6 10/10 WW REINF 3-5' 1 1 1 c ALARM ON AND LAG PUMP ON (TWO PUMPS OPERATE OR ALTERNATE PUMP SUB5TITIUTES FOR FAILED PUMP) d. PUMPS MUST ALTERNATE co 1/2- BAR W/LEGS EMBEDDED IN CONCRETE 0 0() -t 3 ALARM: PUMPS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH AN ALARM POWERED BY A CIRCUIT Z 0) 1-- uj SEPERATE FROM THE PUMP POWER. THE ALARM SHALL CONSIST OF A RED I LJ WARNING LIGHT AND AUDIBLE SIGNAL WITH PRESS TO SILENCE SWITCH. THE 00 ALARM SHALL SIGNAL A LOW WATER CONDITION Lj z. cf) '_1 (PUMPS NOT SUBMERGED) AND A LLJ to HIGH WATER LEVEL CAUSED BY PUMP FAILURE 0 -j - y < z ? -T k-) < LL .U-) 4 PROPER FUNCTION OF PUMPS, CONTROLS AND ALARMS SHALL BE DEMONSTRATED BY CLEAN WATER TESTING PRIOR TO BACKFILLING SAS TRENCHES, 120' (TYP) SUMIP 8' DIA. 40 Lj PRECAST CONCRETE MOUNTING PAD Lc Lj PRECAST CONCRETE MOUNTING PAD a NTS U-1 < 0 F- tLl MEYERS V3WHV 3WHV30M4-3HP ,(n F BIOCLERE MODI Lj 30 LIJ LLJ 6" IMP DIAMETER I uj _j 1/2" lf— 0-1 z V) 22 z < w CL m < 2 > ui 0 cl 0 NOTE: > < LLJ 0 CONNECTING PIPING, EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL, CONCRETE MOUNTING PAD AND HOISTING EQUIPMENT TO BE SUPPLIED BY SEPTIC SYSTEM INSTALLER AWTE PERSONNEL SECURE UNIT IN PLACE AND PROVIDE STARTUP AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES. 0 In V) 10 < CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FROM AWTE AND COORDINATE SITE WORK. L0 LLJ < 77 B10CLERE TRICKLING FILTER. 0 100 200 3�00 400 500 (-FM SCALES AS NOTED C A P A Cl T 17 PUMP CURVE FOR MEYERS 3WV PUMP Ll (7 f- li 117 5HEE 4 :DI._ i 7 V Z O a A w li r Z cc If O n "cc V I o z N W I a.� n r 1 � d w o o o Z0ks � dN r C /7 d I� �'4 t O — _ __ __ -uc. 14 — • i ,mac>E2 p�7 \ 03ioC — _ .ai9v�c _ ?' J • ?'' I o>cZ �'p `�Ec ' c W �looF � llom T /� ?yam) 'g fI2CA , I V ice` � Q - � [---__'_-__---- �%'�� j. � �-- _� i�_s ✓✓ -� • � ! _ s G xG� 11 �, o o s v';Z i i ot�p J _ 1— _ l l IIO.i� I"TS ' *4 ¢ pQ I i3 G 3 ' i V I « _ ._ I c I %h '—� G•a 7c�+' .13�.5i .1 u� �� ,� , 4 l ../ \;,--- � '• W z ► � �/T- ---�—� � � I ,� 81 s���� I _ �i,.. cc. ��� _ - --- -__- 8 Gd�Tc1z Ma� / _ i , .i_jo W I �' _ _ i ' fie ` — _ �o-,-•c, --_1_ A'- _ _ _ _ _ � _ 1 = - MVO c� , , m ff /of Z�v S ccQougQo Tj CPS , - �. ��� W - -- 02 ¢ Y 1� �Z�GrCG Ct3 o 1�15 Olt IL / ' w REFERENCES I,OC CIS: ASSESSORS MAP 140 PARCELS 157, 217, & 218z " z n rz U "1'ITI,E: DEED BOOK 10286 PAGE 193 RECORD OWNER: EAST BAY OSTERVILLE TRUST OX JAMES H. CROCKER, JR., TRUSTEE P.O. BOX 496 OSTERVILLE, MA. 02655 ?b,uC 'A'iS �p'ce tn (508) 428-8800 Q � � Zo„JC s vloQG l-�iH v i� a G" c > ZONING DISTRICT: RC -RESIDENTIAL GENERAL NOTES RliIt,D1NG SETBACKS: i. PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED IN A GROUNDWATER OR FRONT: 20' _ � Q F SIDE: 10' WELL PROTECTION RESOURCE AREA. REAR: 10' 2. PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED IN AN AREA OF CRITICAL ENVIROMENTAL CONCERN. Q TOTAL LOT AREA: 165210 S.F. -3,8 ACRES 3. PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED IN A HISTORICAL DISTRICT PARKING REQUIREMENTS NOR ARE ANY OF THE EXISTING BUILDINGS OF ANY FI,OOD ZONE: "C" -FIRM # 250001 0016 D HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE. 4. BASED UPON THE EXISTING ELEVATIONS (NGVD �► REcElvFO PROPERTY ADDRESS: 199 EAST BAY RD. 19 UNITS x 1.5 PARKING SPACES/UNIT= 28.5 REQUIRED SPACES DATUM), THIS PROPERTY FALLS OUTSIDE BOTH THE 500 NOV 2 0 1997 •� OSTERVILLE, MA. 02655 YEAR AND 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN, THEREFORE IT IS TOTAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED : 58 PARKING SPACES PROVIDED DESIGINATED AS ZONE "C". DESIGN: HJf74'J TOWN OF BARNSTABLE 6 HEALTHDEPT. DRAWN: !t/�►GtJ CHECK: L FILE #: DWNG#: S-- w Y U w U LOW PROFILE SEPTIC TANK 6,000 GALLONS ST-6000-H-20 LOW PROFILE SEPTIC TANK 8,000 GALLONS ST-8000-H-20 LOW PROFILE SEPTIC TANK 9,000 GALLONS sr-xao-H-zo DISTRIBUTION BOX 11 OUTLET DB-11 H-20 LEACHING CHAMBER FD 4 x a-L I=LowolFFusorr= z 0 a 17_0" U THE BEARING POWERS STRUCTURE NG ANY SOIL 1] 17 0' 16-0" SHOULD TBE DETERMINED AND llE ACIZSf[OVER 8" 8" EQUATED TO THE APPLIED 17'0- II-•-- 16 0" _ LOADS TO CALCULATE THE r� miar'T r-sli r a vV1- r'W IWSING 18 0 - - 8.• 8.. BEARING AREA REQUIRED f .' ��q 1 - _ e1nEAro r�ra 1, �1- 1-1 CYC w I,16 I rtEcrtL[uNE V'-0'1AA APEWA `,_ _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 30"DIA.COVERS E" • o• ie r �e°Oa9fE� 30'DIA.COVERS 8.. PLAN VIEW n,s-ou.ouncrs L - 71-COVER VLAN VIEW `,, ., . 30"O1A.COVERS � PLAN VIEW �r --- --�--- - ---- ,` '�\ ^ '\ � PLAN VIEW al"OET—,IA 8"DIA.OUTLET—� I� r O ,r \ \ \ \ 0 MDE7 8"OUTLET IA 10' ' t-0" -- O C3 O O t O O r R l/[' ~ \ 8"DIA .. .. .� j.. y .,�. 1. _ Q INLET 8"DIA OUTLET-- t0' I Ila1Z.5 'OVENiNGS O 1.0 3" FRONTVIEW SIDE VIEW Z 1: Will �. -- -L-- ---- - v-s -4 kiNi _ w af� 8._4.. .. o C °w - o 0 0 0 0 o o w•-a vR• 8..4 > ..E ' 'w s'-s' Fojw I m7> N��W 111 nO � .. • _ _ 2"; J , J , •' SECTION SECTION MODEL / 4 24 / 1600 SERIES SUMP W 2 VIEW A-A VIEW A A VIEW A-A SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS • ::onr_rate Minimum Sfrength 5.000 P S 14 28 days I` •Staei P—torcement.ASTM AS-615.Grade 60 •Concrete Minimum Strength 5.g00 P S C 28 days Concrete Minimum Strength 5,000 P.S.I.'@ 28 days Concrete Minimum Strength.4.1'p0 P.S.I. 28 days Concrete Minimum Strength 4,000 P S.I 0 28 days 3` •Desipn Loading.AASHTO-HS-20 •steel Reinforcement.ASTM AS-615.Grade 60 .Steel ReinfgcerT+ent.ASTM AS-615.Grade 60 •Steel Reinforcement.ASS 15.Grade 60 •Steel Reinforcement.ASTM AC1S75,Grade 60 r •'Weight 62 8401bs Deign Loading AASHTO-u5-20 Design Loading AASHTC-HS-20 Design Loading.AASHTO-HS-20 Design Loading:AASHO HS-20 IL�I •Weight.71.4801bs Weight 75,3201bs Weight.1,880 lbs. •Weighl 2.1801bf CROSS SECTION 4 W � > wa w w w ,r E* Inlet— O ALU w LU w ° High Liquid Alarm Switch— '- _ Outlet M�1 OQ p4 a High Liquid Level Switch(Pump onl- w Low Liquid Level 83M1tcrdlPump oW- � •,j; d w Pump--J w xy w /3,2 S T is- S 7 ' Z /S,So , o o /J/7 �\—�- - T L E.A c,N /ECa r3' 6A.5r 11ZcV.I EAW rld1-( /2, oo Fr-Aoi5 t.424�IE CU-zo) - /�00 /� S3 •42- .�0>< fJv AL.L_C'IJrs 'f06w- '/ HEAVY DUTY (H-20) scPTi�' T.'9N�C �Io�ArzEn I N W AND/D. 7S P��• / CAST IRON FRAME I� LEACHAND OBASI BVER ASINS ALL W f �.v.a /g'':I lo" PEASTONE BRICKS MAY BE USED FOR GRADE ADJUSTMENTS. FRAME 8"MIN. TO BE SET IN FULL BED OF MORTAR S r7 * :O Cr _ 4 _fyUjy ''rr'.t.:? , '�i' ;''%� %` 1' r �► - 4 MIL POLY G �j W OR EQUAL M c� FROM CATCH 12" MIN. CORR. OVER PEASTONE "~' _ + _ `] T.-. - W /boo BASIN --► , ALUM. PIPE - —► TO OTHER LEACHING 7 cc =R� -tllMpi—u1= Iu=n1-_IR-_Il_ , T TNI�el = ; WASHED LEACHING BASIN EXISTING pl� STONE GROUND ALL H-20 LOADING ' E=i-IUMRI AROUND -Ielpul ALL PIPE TO BE 4" DIA. SCII 40 PVC. Q PIPE TO BE LAID LEVEL FOR 2' OUT OF DISTRIBUTION Ld _,} Y ' o I , � y' I BOX. 1 , 1 IOoo GAUD P��ST � ? ;- RAISE ALL APPLICABLE MANHOLE COVERS TO WITHIN lift SOLID Ga,TL�iSI� ----•- - In 6 OF FINISH GRADE. 3' �' 31 a SEPTIC TANK AND DISTRIBUTION BOX TO BE INSTALLED ON A 6" LAYER OF STONE. Go �soN�9G T LEACHING BASIN INSTALL GAS BAFFLE IN OUTLET TEE. w/.3 `STo�/C .qai�� DETAI L TYKE 1-/ B/T CoivC• N M N O I � I SAS cEP7-isGE �t/.97�.�i•9L � � � va SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN r4c- zTEST HOLE LOGS o �uT E xiSTi�✓ sioEuJ�c A.,.o I --yJo/C'f��• ,0.�-�/ Z ' _ DATE: AUGUST 6, 1997 SOIL EVALUATOR: D. MASON,C.S.E. L DAILY FLOW: (57) BEDROOMS x 110 GPD/BDRM. = 6270 GPD WITNESS: G. DUNNING,BARNS. HEALTH U W p ,012/l/�Lu.9 5� G'UTS,� .eE Gay,$T.eCJG.T I b /C7��/�G��/�/7 �C� ���G� A C I ` PERC RATE: <2 MIN./IN. c \ A 34 SEPTIC TANKS: Ian \ ,ecfx.cacE cv�l�tiv T� .ti.�Tr I .1 . ow 1�,5 � Q >6.5 Ir,.S b v� TANK #1 D/O: (24) BDRMS. X 11O GPD x 20U = 5280 GPD I \ o wS A=LOAMY SAND A=LOAMY SAND A=LOAMY SAND FILL " M n 11 I 10YR4/4 '/� IOYR5/3 11 10YR613 Ise' � = IO/ USE: 6000 GAL. PRECAST SEPTIC TANK I \\ BW1=LOAMY SAND BW=LOAMY SAND BW=LOAMY SAND BW=SANDY LOAM d O �, \ `w --Q6/6 I 10YR518 �S /0YR6/6 Z4t4 c'q. 10YR4/6 �E M TANK #2: (33) BDRMS. x 110 GPD x 200% = 7260 GPD �� — - - t 000 USE: 8000 GAL. PRECAST SEPTIC TANK ��\ Io �, Sio�wA� ND P4y,\ = y ��/ ' �ia�/ST�"/(� C�i�•8 (-=F SAV F,DII'M C SAND C F MEDIUM � /" TANK #3: (57) BDRMS. x 110 GPD x 100% = 6270 GPD ter, ,o,�o� w-4c.� SX1.II 2.SY73 SAND pO, 2SY714 c Z USE: 7000 GAL. PRECAST SEPTIC TANK - Gxi3""` G,,ie,4s 3G m Z �' Z BIOCLERE: MODEL # 24/1600 NO WATER ENCOUNTERED IG PUMP CHAMBER: 9000 GAL. PRECAST SEPTIC TANK DISTRIBUTION BOX: (2) 11 OUTLET DIST. BOXES — -r LEACHING FACILITY: RECEIVED �,�o�QS c a .�,�ivcw�Y o�E.�/i�./� - T USE: (2) 52' x 82' LEACH FIELDS NOV 2 0 1997 .OG- ��)/L-- CAPACITY: (52' x 82' x 0.74) X 2 = 6310.7 GPD TOWN OF DESIGN: HFALTH DEPT. DRAWN: �. CHECK: �G�U FILE #: — O/ 0 o DWII —� "k .lfr , lelrsell Ie1IeIIeIN i 40 _ BENCHMARK Q \: FIRE HYDRANT F� �.; TAG BOLT #126 ELEV = . 19.34' U � I- MYERS V3WHV - 3WHV3OM4-3HP �. W 30 PDIAMETER1 7 - W 6 IMP. -s� L'- ' z T.O.W. 18.03 BASEMENT FLOOR 9.61 N 71 10, STAIRWELL 20 R LEGENDW I rni L W ill O g Coco v� Oq� ci ! _t v,c J <tqr Q v^i 16 EXISTING CONTOUR 0000 F•- 3 - , •- CAR: K 13.3 0 � �..: d .- 24 PROPOSED CONTOUR o� �! � p - Ah0 TE. TOP STRUCTURE / �� CUT EXISTING SIDEWALK AND x CJl 10 /, O. ELEVATION (IYP.) • I CURB AS REQUIRED FOR NEW W r- v �) Q P� - J�'t� = SEE DETAIL \ DRIVEWAY CUTS. RECONSTRUCT J (i0a� PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION o. ` ) � ,• •. SIDEWALK BY PROVIDING A � TM � Q EAST BAY LODGE RAMP WITW A SLOPE OF 1:12, TEST PIT LOCATION L ' 3 S OY 6 X6 LPITS /� �p SIGN REPLACE CURBING TO MATCH J y„ i i' _ W)4' STONE CF RAMPS'. --W R-- WATER SERVICE p HOTFL 1 AND VX3' ,�1� 01 E E E N _ TRENCH / �F _E-- APPROX. ELECTRIC SERVICE 0 UNIT 1 ` _ `� BETWEEN ,- • I © 100 200 300 400 500 / \` cp V. 16.38 r 113 6 �8 tic --G PROP.CABLE UTILITIES V CAPACITY - GPM BRIG � 0 c AND GAS SERVICE i' STEP TOP"STRUC RE FIRE HYDRANT , , � EL. 13.9 S PUMP CURVE FOR MYERS 3WHV PUMP �° ti INV. 1 a / , s GUY WIRE i 0 UTILITY POLE ROOF RUNOFF DRYWELLS (TYP.) ; �. r C INV. USE 1 HIGH CAPACITY INFILTRATOR Dc� GO / ,� CL INV. :_•2 16.06 SLAB N 46 / P� A ♦ PROPOSED CATCH BASIN WITH (1,STONE AROUND AND 6" UNDER: .' 3� 16.07 ��i S O • C ' � �l � \�F' ,• � !j 6�X LPITS .2 `1 MIRAFI 140+I FABRIC OVER STONE. 0 S 13 /\. F nW F ST OVERALL DIMENSIONS 8.25• X 5,_X 2, G � d, '' � _�-.; � INV. A•ti -Ni ���.�!%' - DRAIN LINES ARE 4"SCH40 PVC AT 2% MIN. / _!. UBIE 1 ,o, S7 1 • �/ PROPOSED LEACH PIT/TRENCH _ F� • 16. 9 0 2.0 \ CONNECT ONE DRYWELL PER 1400 SF OF ROOF. , \ G S EL. ? � SET IN CLEAN SAND ONLY, REMOVE ANY 17.20 A of�� 9 UNSUITABLE SOIL FOR 5' AROUND DOWN ,LO. y� ♦ P\ , , 1_.^"�ti`r, '` ��JO O' 1 LIGHT POST/POLE TO CLEAN SAND. SAVE r G �•�0F UNIT 3 0 , ! , i g /� � 0 �•; ,, J �,10. I • I ST �P^`� �� �'i ® STEEL COVER/SEPTIC (REMOVE) - �, Gyo egg ,/�,}I �p p J�,o� �`✓ _ F&G'S 2.3 EL. 15.5 �� °t ' GAS GATE OW INV. 17.38 \♦ 13.5 m�G J0 S 0VIL ;A \ % `� i Na C `��� - ; rs, I ► EXIST. LEACH PIT REMOVE INV. 1 .38 INV. 16.26 14.63 ♦� 0. �a°tih ❑ EXIST. BASIN (REMOVE) UNIT 4 14.3 ` ��2s�� / a ,�� �"� ; Q \ on `9 ' 1 J`'� SWEEP ELL EXIST. TREE ♦ �0 F 0 J f^ ® , TOP OF STRUCTURE v `�1, OF p', �,\ �♦ ST2 y� ♦, 11 � F 14.11 i' O w �Ct ELEVATIONS ARE LISTED o ARNE �• y0 �F °I° 1 95 �.� �\ �,o, SEE DETAIL OJALA �.ve Q 9 5 \yQ w F INV. 15.4 PR POSED PAVED NM 28348 io A. ti ® D EWAYS 5 STOCKADE � U T t' � ( � G.r .,9�0, F. G P FENCE ti• $ SEPARATE ++� E E - �, O. VENTS OvQ 18.38 THR i , .l. -„�O• J0 V. ROOF O 1 5 9.38 C UNIT 6 0 _ Irb Cl UT `� L , 13.9 5 •,� \ � FLOOD .ZONE Al II j 17. t, __EE`,E 0 E.W. � ... NV T UNI . I I LOT { 1 t 3,ss 65 293 S F �- _....._.__ J ^ _ I sINV. 1 9 C , P.ate. .. .,• .:. s ._ } _...: ,. H1 _,y of O v v I 0 I � CEAST , � O i'L 1 � QJ„ o .. � 5 3 i O , O J . �9 � ,o INV -p � �. �... � O 19.38 0 ♦ j _ / � c� ,.- :.� .:., � _ P BAY � z . �• 0 / m I ti /i" 17.15 mot- \ ! I I I � I J 0 / iLJ. G 6 °I •.:_ STORY G C�I VENT \ ,Y OSTERVILLE LL UNIT 11 VE RU ROOF I T3 \ 1 �. \ c' \ CL NV! P -INV. 7.25 .. . .. / Z \ 12.fr1 G F1.00D ZONE B \` � 1 ' f c� INV. 18.25 / i / ;�.� \ Z LR. O IT 7 . s o --- .y FLOOD ZONE A11 M0. UNIT 10 z W z � 17.95 m 1� i 4 p �. / :D� • EXISTING .. ,y - GARAGE q I O O� n z z 00 1 _ / LOCUS .n IIJ� 18.2 OG� O _ �lJ NIT 9 I 5 ❑ , p cy- It UNIT $ o to FORMER �, o� �,ti f v� \-- �' -- \ \ - < = 00 TENNIS \ / ,\ ® �,„ 6• -.\ o ¢ II rn 3 COURT AREA \ _ - , �zoso o Is 30 60 SEE COMMUNITY PANEL 250001 0016 D JULY 2, 1992 \ Q PROPOSED SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM \ / / ,/ -•- F- W IN FEET ) ii Li 0 J (20) 2 X 2 X 60, LEACHING TRENCHES \ / /" 1 inch = 30 ft. L C U S MAP Q `1 Q z RESERVE AREA BETWEEN TRENCH \ \ / GARAGE / ZpNE B I 0 2 U Q 0) \ (REMOVE) N soo o ^g^ Soo 1000 2000 0 U (n -� O� 2 FEMA FLOODZONE LINE 'L1 \ \ / �♦ b' - APPROX. EXIST. ROC CREATE RIDGE TO KEEP RETAINING WALLS ( IN FEET ) STORM RUNOFF FROM SLOPE [� F ♦� - �` 1 1 inch = 500 ft. 00 _.-_ N 5' REMOVAL AS REQUIRED INQ o ,2 oil. J 19 -erne= 20- w IN �O 21 f- ITT ~ 5 V7 J 22- T z 0 5 ALSO SEE ADDITIONAL NOTES SHEET 4 Q N ----23 SITE PLAN -- GENERAL NOTES. r 24- Q V) 1. LEGAL BOUNDARY INFORMATION FROM "SUBDIVISION PLAN OF LAND IN OSTERVILLE, 6• ALL EXISTING LEACHING CATCH oASINS, DRYWELLS, AND EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEM W rn " - ►'•'` PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED SEPTIC W WCL -� o LOT 2_ 25 (BARNSTr�.BLE), MA. FOR EAST BAY OSTERVILLE TRUST, DATE: DECEMBER 11, 1997, SCALE. 1 - COMPONENTS ON THE SITE WILL , REMOVED m 50 , BY WELLER & ASSOCIATES, 1645 FALMOUTH''ROAD, CENTERVILLE, MA, 02632. PLAN SYSTEM AND .PROPOSED DRAINAC,L :SYSTEM. a j rn 26 ,� ro SHOWS PI.. APPURTENANT EASEMENTS. � 7: ALL EXISTING WATER AND UTILI,Y LINES ON SITE WILL BE ABANDONED. WATER SUPPLY WILL Q O - 2 +- , BE FROM EAST BAY RD TO THE Ri_AR OF EACH PROPOSED BUILDING. GAS AND CABLE.UTILITIES UTILITIES a + ) m 2. TOPO�..APHY AND DETAIL FROM SURVEY BY DOWN CAPE ENGINEERING. T THE REAR OF THE PROPOSED BUILDINGS APPROXIMATELY AS SHOWN CO0 c" � • �� I WILL BE INSTALLED A E 1 p O�\ �i' ? tic• PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM: ALL ALL SUBJECT TO FINAL DESIGN 'd0 LOCATION AS REQUIRED BY UTILITIES VENDORS). 3. NO P'IPLIC WATER SUPPLY EXISTS WITHIN 400 OF THE ( L.i•,J I >_ c. � ,'OF PRIVATE PROPERTIES WITHIN 300 OF THE PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM ARE SERVED BY THE 310 CMR 15.00 ARE SOUGHT IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS PLAN. o Q + WATER SUPPLY. 8. NO VARIANCES FROM 0: w F - p CENTER\L:LE/OSTERVILLE/MARSTONS MILLS MUNICIPAL TE S m w 2g F, 9. NO RECIRCULATING SAND FILTER OR ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGY IS REQUIRED FOR CONFORMANCE 0 > cP 4• NO SURFACE WATERS OF THE COMMONWEALTH, RIVERS, BORDERING VEGETATED WETLANDS, SALT WITH 310 CMR T5.00. (NOTE. BIOCLEP,E TRICKLING FILTER IS PROPOSED FOR SECONDARY m V w MARSHES INLAND OR COASTAL BANKS REGULATORY FLOODWAYS, VELOCITY ZONES, SURFACE WATER r 1 v 29 TREATMENT.) U �- Q y t SUCTION N R GRAVEL PACKED OR TUBULAR PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY WELLS ARE N W SUI PLiE OR SUCTO LINES, O G VEL 10. LOCUS PARCEL IS ASSESSORS MAP 140 PCL 157. Q LOCATErI WITHIN THE REQUIRED 310CMR 15.211 MINIMUM SETBACK DISTANCES FROM THE PROPOSED W w rn SEPTIC !SYSTEM. 5• THE `i'OPOSED SEPTIC"SYSTEM LOCATION IS NOT WITHIN A NITROGEN SENSITIVE AREA AS E-- o DEFINED,BY 310 CMR 15.215 - -- 418 97 SHEET 1 OF 4 97-418 t LeBARON CAST IRON SEE PAVEMENT SECTION R RING &C.I. COVER H-20 RATED C E VALVE BOX TO FEMALE ADAPTOR & THREADED PLUG LEBARON LA0910 OR EQUAL CONC. BASE GRADE. (20) REQ. SLEEVE TO ALLOW MOVEMENT CAST IRON COVER POURED CONCRETE DONUT OVER CLEANOUT REDUCER LE SEE SIDE ELEVATION VIEW DRILL LAST HOB.. IN EACH 2 CU Ff: MIN. END CAP LATERAL ON TOP TO VENT 1.5"m VENT THREADED PLUG 4"mSCH ZNR ELBOW AIR WHILE LATERAL FILLS SCH 40 PVC Q Imo" DOUR2 CU. -------------------------------------------------- --- ----------- --- ----- 2.0' 6' •� 1.5"mSCH40 PVC 2 CF CONC. VENT .• ..•VENT 3000 PSI C . 1.5"mSCH40 LATERAL Opp i 90' ELECTICAL CONDUIT SWEEP1.5"m SCH40 PVC THRUST BLOL 1 p t WRAP OR SLEEVE 2"LEVEL BETWEEN TRENCHES 0.5% MIN. AROUND COmRISER 1 - INVERT LEVEL AT 18.21 1ST 10 TRENCHES. 1 T ARIES I1 4 ORIFICE ALTERNATE TOP & BOTTOM , O PREVENT BOND (TYP.)(T�•) INVERT LEVEL AT 18.91 2ND 10 TRENCHES p6 0 N PIPING DETAILS N-- •--------- - --- I 60 O.C. WITH SHIELDS 00 O---- (`- , 0 0 (13 ORIFICES PER LATERAL) q " 00§ 0 I " d °> �UTEES ' 1 0 0 4 mSCH-40 PVC 1.5 RESERVEI 6"mSCH 40LD L----_ ------------------ __-- ---- -- -------------------_.1 CLEANOUT AT THE END h1N � - ------ - OF EACH OF THE TWO 2.0' 2.29 - M i° (� 1.1 ; MANIFOLDS. olI 00 BOTTOM STONE LEVEL AT 16.21 1ST 10 TRENCHES o o •� W I ! , DRILL LAST MOLE ON TOP (TYP.) I I BOTTOM STONE LEVEL AT 16.91 1ST 10 TRENCHES 12 o'cLocw PosirloN) I SIDE ELEVATION VIEW - w " 1 ( , - , : t - 6"m SCH 40 PVC MANIFOLD - .005 MIN. _ (TYP. OF 2) V J END ELEVATION VIEW CONC. THRUSTBLOCKS r ! ! 1 S 1.5"SCH 40 VENT Q VENT FROM SECOND 10 TRENCHES TO BE 154' 2 CU.FT. MIN. (TYF.) VENTS TO ROOF: 4"mSCH 40 VENT i I I 1 I SEPARATE FROM FIRST 10 TRENCHES. w„ N ( ) NOTE: VENTS FILL WITH EFFLUENT DURING NOTE: 1.5 VENT FILLS WITH EFFLUENT DURING DOSING SO THEY MUST PITCH BACK TO TRENCHES LIMIT 5' REMOVAL Qg " TO ALLOW DRAINING BETWEEN DOSES.. - - �r DOSING SO IT MUST PITCH BACK TO TRENCHES w C MAINTAIN 0.59: MIN. DO NOT CONNECT VENTS BETWEEN TO ALLOW DRAINING BETWEEN DOSES. MAINTAIN 0.5R MIN. }u r , ph THE TWO (10) TRENCH BANKS. " 1 I ! I DRILL LAST ORIFICE ON TOP OF LATERAL CAST IRON COVER OVER p DO NOT CONNECT 1.5 VENT WITH ANY OTHER PIPE 1 ' CLEANOUT. SEE DETAtI CONNECT ENO OF TRENCHES WITH R SHOULD BE SEPARATE THRU TO ROOF. : L �• Q } , } TO VENT AIR DURING START OF DOSE. " w 1 1 I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -VENT_ SCH-4 1 - 1 I i - 0 _5 PIPE_ - - - - � 2� 1 I ' p ' i I 1 1 I I I I 1\ I I I I I I .005 MIN. ! , _ ' •,A ; I _ I �• ' 1 1 - I V F v I ''J v v v v 1 I I I , f - 1 1 I 1 1 1 t I 1 l 1 1 1 r I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , , _ 1 1 1 I 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 l 1 1N OFF ! ! a N n 1 1 I 6 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 - I I 1 1 ! ; ! N i i 1 4 SHOP GRILL D ORIFICE I 1 P�\, r, `i y I I I < �� ARN�E H. G WITH SHIELD (SE DETAIL) 1 1 1 1 '.. ' i �,.i 1 1 1 I I 1 , , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I. t 1 I 1 1. 1 1 1 1 I Z p OJALA t I 13 REQ. PER TR NCH I n J I \I -i �7 CIVIL -' -I 1 1 t 1 1 1 t I 1 1 1 1 1 I I � �1 I �1 1 1 1 1 `1 t `1 I 1� 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 ( 11 1 I - �•• y 1 r 11 ! I I 1 �` 1 t 11 �1 ! I� I I ' ► I 11 11 I� 11 I I I: f t. \, '� , 1 \NJ z 1 1 I I I 1 I I It v 1 1.5 SCH-40 PVC LATERAL ' \ z , _! a l 1 W 1 I ! I \; 1 I I I t I .� I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I _ ! al I I I I I I I �, W 1 I CAP " VENT STUB 1 I I _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1JUS _ U O 00 I I 1 w ; I I I ' I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I. I I w I I I I TH ST ApFA LOW GRADE IN FROM > N I 1 1 1 ( 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 :1 I =1 1 1 1 ST2 U RECYCLE LINE W z W t V I ! ! lY r^ m 60.0' V wzl a 1 ; is I I 1\ I v !. '� Izl I z �• O 1 = 1 -.. , - I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 \1 1 I 1 1 1 I I I I 1 , 1 1 1 I 1 1 t w I 1 1 1 1 1 1 W ^ z v I v I I I ' N v I f, I ti ! I I I (L = O 1 , - ' ' - I Z I - BIG- J (1 �Qv7 v W I c4'i I I , r\ r. '1 1\ y I I y I CLERE SEPTIC TANK V X; I N 11 ►-., 1 1 1 1 _ _ 1 1 - 1 1 I .`1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 J I 1 - : ( 1 1 , 1 O, 1 1 1 .1 1 : I I 1 1 1 1 - I 1 24/24 - ST3 O " Z I I I W I 1 I , r\ r, 1 r r \1 3 . r v I\ I I f\ m N O w' ' 1 0 W 1 - - - 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 ..1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- I""; 1 1 1 I 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 I 1 1 \ 1 1 1 1 O J , I I I a I YpJ I --1 X t`, , ' I ! /` ! I 1 1 1 t` 1 '•,.1 I 1 I \1 t , I 1 I 1 1 I 1 6 1 �, 1 1 1 1 1 1 I _j p, I I ; I W M I I I 1 , ,\ t I 1. ` I I, I w I. I I I\ j\ ` 1 I I ` l N 1 \I ( ) 1 I 1 \1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 Z ! ! ! , , I I I I I I ►\. I i 1 1 I I 11 I 1 I I 1 I I I I I LWI I\ 1 11 I 0 1 , 1 THRUST BLOCK (TYP.) I `\ v V w ti t Q 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 11 I I ' 11 I I 11 I I I I I 11 11 p 4" TO 6" POUR ,2.rCU.. FT. MIN. I - t \/ _ \r .•.� V - 1 �� I I - ` W 300 F al CONC. , p EXPANSION I i I r I I I I_ ..i I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I !: :f `I I I I I I I I G� 1 1- n 1\ n n n I 1 n <. I, I , F 1 �,. I s 1 1, FROM _ .z t P t a.FP In : . _. �} t I ! C P CHA ,_ 1 t - 4 m H40 TRANSPORT I 1\ l 1 ST1 4 V• SC T SORT PIPE I 1 ,_ 1 1\ , ' ,1 � I. � 1 \ ';SEE DETAIL _: 6mSCH0 � � . I � . . i I 1 r `I` `` ,I I l I I I I I } L I I 1 1 i I I I I I H TYP F I!1 I 1- 1 l - (n •- MANIFOLD O 2 TO FIRST 10 TRENCHES I t I 1 1 1 t 1 I 1 1 1 0 i` ' } ! J I I z I I I ! I I W Z 1\ I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 T MORE 0 •8 E F- Ti�ENCHES TO PUMP LEANOUT ' 1 J V \1 1 � \1 V ' I ! INV.'S 15.5 - SEE DETAIL I I 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1•` 1 1. t 1 1 1 1 I 1 t I'. 1 1 1 I - I t 1 I 1 1 - 1 1 j ..1 r - 1 1 1 1- r r 1 1 - I - I O PITCH INV. y I I (n Z IN. , 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 ' 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I VALVE NORMALLY CLOSED TO SECOND 005 FT/FT M p0 ► ► ► ,j ► y ► ► ► ► ► 16.2 I. ► ► ► ► t I_ ► ► t GATE VALVE (3 REQ.) ZO 00 01 6" MANIFOLD TO PUMP FEEDING SECOND 10 �' PIT \ N RISER WITH THRUSTBLOCK WEEP ELL'S � 04 6 INV. 16:60 PITCH WITH THRUSTBLOCKS > C) TRENCHES 005 FT/FT MIN. " -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - k-I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :LIMIT W4 H4 m SC 0 - -NNV. 1 6 2 4"0 SCH40 PVC TRANSPORT PIPE _ TRANSPORT PIPE . 6 m SCH40 PVC MANIFOLD NO CONNECTION f - " o BETWEEN THE TWO BANKS 4'm SCH40 PVC TRANSPORT PIPE 6 m SCH40 PVC MANIFOLD TO SECOND 10 00 TRENCHES WITH THRUSTBLOCKS (TYP.) 5' REMOVAL PLAN VIEW TRENCH LAYOUT DETAIL BLDG. TO 6E REMOVED 0 o F- PIPING DETAIL, o Q z SCALE: 1" = 10' 3: NOT TO SCALE 2nd BANK OF 10 TRENCHES I 1. 1st. BANK OF 10 TRENCHES', w m a - 0a0 ORIGINAL GRADE .--- _ U~.. 0 J d FINISH GRADE It I c� c� 0 < rn " 24 -- C.I. RING & COVER -- ---- ------ - - LEBARON LA0910 OR EQ. OVER FIN el IILA " TO -" EXPANSIONFINISH GRADE MANHOLES GLEANOUT TO GRADE. H-20 CAST IRON COVER _ - INUM HATCH -!A 22 H-20 F&C S H-20 CAST IRON COVERS _ " FIRST FLR LABEL "SEWER. SEE DETAIL 2nd BANK OF 10 TRENCHES EL. VARIES MOTAR ALL 1 st. BANK OF 10 ITRENCHES BOTTOM STONE EL. 16.91, TOP PEASTONE EL. 19.20 20 _ BOTTOM STONE EL. 16.21, TOP PEASTONE EL. 18.50 3 MAX. - (TYP.) 17.37 16.95 1-1/2" PVC INV. LEVEL AT 18.21 TYP. 16.34 ST1 i -/- I ------ ----- -- ----- --- - --- --- -- --- _ _ CONC. - - _ BIOCLERE MODEL 24/24 :005 SIN. ESE 16 - _ - ---- - -- - m T 1. 9: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ - - -- - - - - - - __ - -_ - - - - - - ,►-mSGNC _ - - 5 MIN. MIN. 6 mS H40 py �_ -' _.__ .- c AT 1 _ 14AtL A AND 8 HORIZON SOILS AND ANY 10- ST1: 24"TEE pVC 6"mSCH 0 'PVC ORIGINAL GROUN URFACE UNSUITABLE SOILS ENCOUTERED BELOW AND WITHIN 5' ASTM C-478 4'm ST2: 19" TEE 13.65 ST1 AT 1% MIN. LATERALLY IN ALL DIRECTIONS FROM THE OUTER PERIMETER 12 13.90 STt 14.11 ST20j, 10" AT 1� RERI ACE WITH Cl EAN SAND AS-SprCirirn H-20 FLAT TOP SECTION 14.36 ST2 - - E 12.36 - - - --- _-�- - --- -- IN 310 CMR 15.255 "CONSTRUCTION IN FILL" 12 ,� 12.61 12.28 12.10 11.97 - to OR EQUAL W/ GAS BAF E 4.99' to ---- 11.1 N FORMED INVERT TO LIQUID LEVEL - ____ �- ----- - 10 Q 4 0 10 - --LIQUID - --- (5) REQ. W/ GAS BAFFLE REMOVE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE B LAYER SHOWN DUAL SEWAGE PUMPS ON TEST HOLE LOGS. THE DEPTH OF FILL AND8 WITH I•¢- � r: a t--IdWNfi-'sYSiE#- 8 Q � � 7.46 ST1 SEE DETAIL SHEET INSPECT REMOVAL. �-- � H tli 9.32 ST2 h � (n -- - -------__---------- 6.87 r ^ 6.05 5.1 W v> � ST1- 7000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK ST3- 9000 GALLON F- Q O f- EST. HIGH GW _ O 4 4 .J W A PA 71 N CAPACITY TY USE 53 GALLON C J J = 5.69 LIQUID LEVEL = 4.99' LIQUID LEVEL 4.20 O m --1 cp ST2 6000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK (/) �.._ a 5 0 2 USE 4620 GALLON CAPACITY ------------- - 2 N � P/C- 11,000 GALLON . 1 Q z W x = 4.29' LIQUID LEVEL SEPTIC SYSTEM SECTION. � mp -_ - - - -- -. 0 J m p SCALE: 1" _ 5' HORIZ. & VERTICAL ` a a _ Q[Y. / O Q w mw 0 a I-Voj W r , m V) U SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN DATA \.,J SEWAGE FLOW ESTIMATE: TOTAL FOR FACILITY - Q LAJ = CONDOMINIUM UNITS: 16 UNITS (3 BEDROOMS/UNIT) (110 GPD/BEDROOM) - 5280 GPD ?- W W In -ACCESSORY USE: OFFICE SPACE OF 1216 SF: 1216 (75 GPD/1000 SF) = 91 GPD 0 o, W TT rn � 5371 GPD STt: 9 UNITS 3 BDRMS/UNIT 110 GPD/BDRM +OFFICE(91 GPD X2 = 6122 GAL REQ. USE 7000 GAL S T UTILIZE 6128 GAL CAPACITY O M )�IT 1 P ) M s ) / ( ) ST2: 7 UNITS 3 13EDR00 S UN 10 G D BDR X2 4620 GAL RE USE 6000 GAL S T (UTILIZE 4620 GAL CAPACITY Q Z ST : 16 UNITS B RM UNIT 10 GPD RM +OFFI = ACAPACITY) U 3 S 3 0 S 1 BD CE 91 GPD X1 371 GA RE 90 A T (UTILIZE 71 L( / )( / ) ( ) 5 L 0 USE 00 GAL S/ (U L ZE 53 G P/C: 5371 GAL RESERVE + DOSE + DRAINBACK + SUMP = 7830 GAL REQ. USE 11000 GAL S/T (UTILIZE 7830 GAL CAPACITY) LEACHING FACILITY: NO GARBAGE GRINDERS ALLOWED. SEWAGE FLOW = 5371 GPD Q i USE (20) 2' X 2' X 60' LEACHING TRENCHES= 7360 SF (.74) = 5446 GPD 9 7 41 8 SHEET 2 OF 4 .,._ 17'-0" �1 DATE: AUG 6 1997 DATE: DEC 24. 1997 B.O.H. AGENT: JERRY DUNNING BARNSTABLE BOH) B.O.H. AGENT: JERRY DUNNING (BARNSTABLE BOH) �T SOIL EVALUATOR: DAVE MASON (BARNSTABLE CSE SOIL EVALUATOR: DAVE MASON RS, CSE g 24" OPENINGS - LOCATION: THII LOCATION: TH2 LOCATION: TH3 LOCATION: TH4 LOCATION: TH4A. LOCATION: TH6 •�' ELEVATION DEPTH ELEVATION DEPTH ELEVATION DEPTH ELEVATION DEPTH ELEVATION DEPTH ELEVATION DEPTH 0.0 A-LOAMY SAND 15.0 0.0 A-LOAMY SAND 15.0 0.0 15.0 0.0 15.5 0.0 A-LOAMY.SAND 15.0 25.0 0.0 A-LOAMY SAND„ 13.7 1.8 10YR4/4 : 14.1 0.9 10YR4/4 13.9 1 1 10YR4/4 24.4 10YR3/2 � k 10-0 BW 1-LOAMY SAND FILL FILL 0.6 z k Q . 10YR6/6 . BW-LOAMY SAND BW-LOAMY SAND (UNSUITABLE) (UNSUITABLE) BW-LOAMY SAND �00 •� W 13.1 2.4 10YR5/8 1 2.0 10YR5/6 1OYR6/8 to rn L Q 12.1 2.9 2.0 22.6 2.4 ill M BOYRS 8 MY-SAND 1 1.2 3.8 1 1.2 3.$ cv cv " 1 1.2 4.3 / toto 10.7- -- -- - 4.3 PERC 5 MIN./IN. -- - -- - to r7 8 KNOCKOUTS TYP. 10.8•- "♦-- - 4.7 PERC 2 .MIN/IN. BW-SANDY LOAM 20.6 � 4.4 10Y 4/6 BW-SANDY LOAM PERC 2 MIN./IN. ao 00 •� � J 10YR4/6 0 o W 7.9 7.1 7.9 7.1 C-MED. SAND 'n FT 2.5Y7 6 X Q - C-FINE-MED. SAND C-FINE-MED. SAND C-FINE-MED. SAND C-FINE-MED. SAND / o.� 2.5Y7/4 2.5Y7/4_ 2.5Y7/3 2.5Y7/4 C-FINE-MED. SAND PLAN VIEW 2.5Y7/4 Q 8" 5.5 10.0 5.0 10.0 5.0 10.0 3.9 11.1 5.1 - -Y - 9.9 EST. HIGH GW 15.0 10.0 N -� BOTTOM NO GROUNDWATER BOTTOM NO GROUNDWATER BOTTOM NO GROUNDWATER BOTTOM NO GROUNDWATER BOTTOM NO GROUNDWATER L 2.8 - -� --12.2 OBSv. GW V (� 1.0 14.0. ,C �- r USGS HIGH 'GROUNDWATER EST. 10"MIN. 3�(TYP.) 24" INDICATOR WELL: MIW29 ' SOIL TEST "T" GAS BAFFLE TYP. DATA . ZONE: A Q 8-10 1/2" DATE: 12/97 ADJ. FACTOR: 2.3 6.44' 5.69' 6» LIQ. LEVEL 6» CAST IRON COVER SEE DETAIL SECTION VIEW H-20 PRECAST RISER (TYP.) TANK _ 7000 GALLON SEPTIC 24I.D. SCALE: 1/4" 1'-0" 1" TOPCOAT MASS DPW - TYPE 11 - CONCRETE MINIMUM. STRENGTH: 5000 PSI AT 28 DAYS MORTAR ALL COMPONENTS TYP. STEEL REINFORCEMENT: ASTM-AS-615 GRADE 60 2" BINDER DESIGN LOADING: AASHTO HS-20 17 -0 O O OppC O O OOpp O C >000000 00000000 00000 O O pOpO O 0000 0 REMOVE TOP & SUBSOIL 12" PROCESSED GRAVEL ROLLER COMPACT SUBGRADE MDPW M1.03.1 VIB. ROLLER COMPACTED �`H OF NON FROST SUSCEPTIBLE MATERIAL ARNE H. G 24 OPENINGS CIVIL -• PAVEMENT CROSS SECTION NOT TO SCALE 10'-O» 1$T R NAL W 8" KNOCKOUTS TYP. _ .-.I U U " > � 2'-10 U - W PLAN VIEW (' » W Z I I LOCATION OF TEES MUST BE 26" �. W L1 , _ DIRta.TLY UNDER OPENING •` U i SUPPORT WITH STAINLESS STRAP O 8 i 8" m TO RISER. O EWE Q Z 24" W 10.5' 10"MIN.(TYP.) mi „ p U.. EWE MANUF. LeBARON, BROCKTON, MA L - - - - _ p 5.74' � MODEL; LT 105 I•- 4.99' WEIGHT: 430 LBS W Z 6 LIQ. LEVEL fu Z TYPICAL ACCESS -COVER co SCALE: 3/4" 1'-0". O SECTION VIEW N \ \ 90.00 GALLON SEPTIC TANK W �- \ SCALE: 1 4 1 -0 ll // PSI AT AY - CONCRETE MINIMUM STRENGTH. 5000 S 28 DAYS STEEL REINFORCEMENT: ASTM-AS-615 GRADE 60 1.5"o SCH-40 PVC LATERAL DESIGN LOADING: AASHTO HS-20 2.0' g' ORIFICE SHIELD OS150CW Q ORENCO SYSTEMS INC W 17 -0 PH. 1-800-348-9843 O = p O OR EQUAL. Q Q Z ?l - 2 O 0) a L m Q 00 " » p " p W r- 2 OF 1/8 TO 1/2 DOUBLE p� 1.5 � 1/4 HOLE AT 5 D.C. SNAP-ON L� Ld TEE -10CATION WASHED STONE Y Q S ED 0 E RESERVE ALTERNATE BETWEEN TOP SHIELD Z 2.29' � = U Q �/T:NCH 2.0' TRENCH & .BOTTOM OF PIPE." NATU SAND U V) -3 cn 24 OPENINGS 1.5 LATERAL WITH :8, O OR CL N SAND FILL � � p 13) PER LATERAL i �'` DRAINAGE SLOTS I ORIFICES & SHIELDS SEE TE T HOLE Qd' XACT DIAMETER HOLE ALL TANKS SHALL BE MANUFACTURED TO WITHSTAND AASHTO H-20 WHEEL LOADING D GROUND O SHOULD BE SHOP DRILLED WITH AT THE DEPTHS OF COVER INDICATED ON THE SYSTEM PROFILE DRAWING. TANKS ELEVATIONS A DRILL PRESS TO ENSURE 10'-0" SHALL BE DELIVERED AND INSTALLED IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURERS 4" T 1-1 2" --� UNIFORMITY. REMOVE BURRS INSTRUCTIONS AND SHALL BE GUARANTEED BY THE INSTALLER TO BE WATER TIGHT 3/ 0 DOUBLE BOTTOM OF STONE ELEVATION LISTED PRIOR TO PLACING PIPE. WASHED STONE ORIFICE SHIELD DETAIL u PIPING HADEMONSTRATED T B TQ u AFTER INSTALLATION. TANKS AND PRESSURE I ING SHALL BE 0 E END ELEVATION TI ON VIEW -TRENCHES BEN CI 1 ES WATER TIGHT UNDER OPERATING PRESSURES BY FILLING TANKS AND OPERATING PUMPS �/ /"1 Y NOT TO SCALE N WITH CLEAN WATER PRIOR TO BACKFILLING. Q d 0 8" KNOCKOUTS TYP - N.T.S. MM w � J F- Ld PLAN VIEW I- 5 LA W Q V) SEPTIC SYSTEM INSTALLATION GENERAL NOTES --� L.LJ W N N W J O 7 1. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS SHALL CONFORM TO THE PROVISIONS . 6. LOCATION OF WELLS AND SEPTIC SYSTEMS ON ADJACENT LOTS ARE AS SHOWN USING Z m J t OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ENVIRONMENTAL CODE TITLE 5 '95 BEST AVAILABLE DATA. THE PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM IS NOT TO BE PLACED W �- ;Q � 0) WITHIN 150' OF AN EXISTING WELL, NOR IS A PROPOSED WATER SUPPLY TO BE O Z W x PLACED WITHIN 150' OF AN EXISTING SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM. CL -f- 2. EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM PIPING AND Q a m 10"MIN.(TYP.) " FITTINGS SHALL BE 4"0 SCH40 PVC TYPE II, 11OPSI MIN. SET TO THE LINE O 00' p o 7•-9- 19 AND INVERT ELEVATIONS SHOWN. THE MINIMUM PITCH OF PIPES CARRYING SEWAGE 7. NOTE THAT CONSTRUCTION OF THE LEACHING SYSTEM REQUIRES REMOVAL OF U W c OR SEPTIC TANK EFFLUENT SHALL BE 1/8TH INCH PER FOOT IF NOT SPECIFIED. UNSUITABLE SOIL. UNSUITABLE SOILS SHALL BE REMOVED TO ITS MAXIMUM DEPTH a c- FROM WITHIN 5 OF THE PROPOSED LEACHING COMPONENTS AND REPLACED WITH > 0 Q O 5.45' 6" LIQ.30EVEL 3. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF THE SEPTIC SYSTEM DEPICTED ON THIS PLAN, THE CLEAN SAND MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF 310CMR 15.255 (3). EXCESS W m'Y CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN A DISPOSAL WORKS CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FROM THE EXCAVATED SOIL MAY BE USED AS REQUIRED FOR FILL ON THE SITE OR SHALL BE V) O m F- �� 6» TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH. DISPOSED OF OFF SITE. U Q U -7 4. THE LOCATIONS OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE 8. ALL PRECAST CONCRETE COMPONENTS SHALL BE AS AVAILABLE FROM ACME w w = • SECTION VIEW APPROXIMATE. AT LEAST 72 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION FOR THIS PROJECT PRECAST, 520 THOMAS LANDERS ROAD, HATCHVILLE, MA. ALL COMPONENTS SHALL L.LJ a, w WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE THE REQUIRED NOTIFICATION TO DIG SAFE BE AASHO H-20 WHEEL LOAD RATED, ALL COMPONENTS DELIVERED TO THE JOB SITE GALLON SEPTIC TANK (1-888-344-7233) AND THE C.O.M.M WATER DISTIRICT FOR SHALL BE MARKED AS TO COMPLIA14CE WITH TITLE 5 95. SPECIFICATION.B000 VERIFICATION OF LOCATIONS. _ " ._ " 9. SEPTIC TANKS, BIOCLERE AND PUMP CHAMBER SHALL BE SET ON A LEVEL BED OF t� SCALE: 1/4 1 0 5. CONSTRUCTION OF THE SEPTIC SYSTEM SHOWN ON THIS PLAN IS SUBJECT TO THE 3/4 TO 1-1/2 WASHED STONE, AT LEAST ONE FOOT IN DEPTH OR AS OTHERWISE CONCRETE MINIMUM STRENGTH: 5000 PSI AT 28 DAYS INSPECTION OF THE TOWN OF BARNSTABLE HEALTH AGENT AND DESIGN ENGINEER. NO REQUIRED BY THE TANK MANUFACTURER TO GUARANTEE A WATER TIGHT SEAL AT STEEL REINFORCEMENT: ASTM-AS-615 GRADE.60 PI R A INACCESSIBLE UNTIL TANK JOINTS. DESIGN LOADING: AASHTO HS-20 PART OF THE SEPTIC SYSTEM SHALL BE BACK LLED 0 MADE ACCESS BLE U L INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY THE HEALTH AGENT, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SCHEDULE INSPECTIONS AS REQUIRED. NOTE: PROVIDE NON STANDARD INLET AN T 9 / - `1'1 V LE D OUTLET KNOCKOUTS AT LOCATIONS AS INDICATED ABOVE. SHEET 3 OF 4 ,.y PROPOSED H-20 F&G CONC. BLOCK RISER ` COVER 2 X 2 GRATE MID.) PUMP RAIL AND DISCONNECT HEAVY DUTY H-20 F&G ON LAST PIT TYP. LABLED "DRAIN" DOUBLE GRATE WHERE INDICATED V DRILL (2) 1 0 HOLES IN COVER ALUMINUM _ RAISE BERM TO 12n X4" 0"X30 OPENING 4" LOAM AND SEED COMPACT BACKFILL IN 6" SEE PAVEMENT CROSS SECTION AT BASIN MIRAFI 140N 10 -0" ALL DISTURBED AREAS LIFTS (TYP. ALL DRAINAGE) �/ �/ FABRIC OVER (j) TOP STRUCTURE (TYP.); MIRAFI 140N FABRIC OVER H-20 DRILL (2) 1"0 OVERLAP 12 (� Z PRECAST SOLID H-20 ;, .:.,. �, HOLES ,..• 3" MIN PEASTONE :�'. Q k O ELEVATION AS LISTED H-20 SLOTTED H-20 RISERS 12"0 HDPE " f •• TOP OF STRUCTURE 3" PEASTONE OVER PIPE 12"0 SLOTTED H-20 ON SITE PLAN PRECAST 12 0 HDPE u�00 00 L AS REQ. ADS N-12 OR EQ. GRILL (2) 1 0 M TAR ALL COMPONENT ELEVATION LISTED CORRUGATED HDPE PIPE CHECK VALVE W SER SLOPE 1Z MIN. HOLES cy) (TYP.) ON SITE PLAN ADS N-12 OR EQUAL r,-.. " n` yr,-.:sr,-i'.:,Mfsy.l:r►�y. ,P+.N•►N n?+p3•r,- nr...�:,.p�:r•.w4+syn.; +;sr+. r,- . ns..�•,,,.�.w 75 1.5 DOUBLEto W 2.0 (TYP.) 2.0' (TYP.) REMOVE WASHED STONE 1 4" WEEPHOLE ANY :,.. .,. . 0000 Q PROPOSED PROPOSED 3 ''` IN BOTTOM PIPE :. :• 3, "c.e. TRAP 3' ;• •: •: O o W UNSUITABLE :• :• :•• .:: :.: - :.. ' : ;.? C.B. TRAP ; . . • • : TYP. 40 ul H 20 12 0 HDPE PIPE VALVE NORMALLY CLOSED ( ) SOIL H-20 l2"0 HDpg pIPE ELBOW ... X „. a J O ENCOUNTERED '' ^a 1000 GALLON ELBOW SOLID 12"0H 20 CPP o 1000 GALLON ;; ) Z (IF ANY) • LEACHPIT SLOPE 1% MIN. ; ., . FOR LEACHPIT 3 5' MI . : :.'. " 6'0X6'-8" SHOR£Y PROPOSED V J _ PROPOSED U.FT CONCRETE MIN. +.. N. 6 0X6 8 SHOREY 1000 GALLON PRECAST H-20 CATCH BASIN 4"OSCH40'PVC AROUND LP1000H-20 OR EQUAL LP1000H 20 OR EQUAL 1000 GALLON PRECAST 1 C STONE :: H 20 CATCH BASIN _ '0X6' 8" SHOREY SOLID SOLVENT WELD ALL JOINTS (TYP. THRUST BLOCK (TYP.) REPLACE w ...:..; :. :'' - HOREY souo _ TRENCH CROSS SECTION / BASIN H 20 OR EQUAL CLEAN SAND € . ' •. _ R EQUAL NTS VE (3 REQ.) 'OX6' 8" S Q BASIN H 20 0 GATE VAL Al "" ................. 6" WASHED STONE UNDERNEA H :' SECTIONAL PLATE SECTIONAL PLATE 6" WASHED STONE UNDERNEA H 3'x3' LEACHING TRENCH STRUCTURE ,. STRUCTURE BETWEEN STRUCTURES WHERE SHOWN ....................................................................:` EACH HEADER CONNECTED TO TEN TRENCHES .� 3/4 - 1 1/2 ......... ....• SEE TRENCH CROSS SECTION Q ............... 4' MIN AROUND PIT WASHED STONE (TYP.) 4' MIN AROUND PIT OR AS NOTED C.I. VALVE BOX TO FINISH GRADE ALUMINUM HATCH 30" X 30" � " 4" GATE VALVE AND BOX DRAIN AGE-.-CROSS-SECTION 4 GATE VALVE LIFTING CHAIN (TYP.) NOT TO SCALE TYPICAL CONC. BLOCK RISER GATE VALVE AND BOX NOTE: NUMBER AND ALIGNMENT OF PITS _ AND BASINS VARIES, SEE SITE PLAN.. MYERS PUMP RAIL SYSTEM PUMP RAILS (STAINLESS STEEL) 12.75' ' 5.053715 GALS. ADDITIONAL NOTES. `N of 1. THE LOCATIONHIGH LEVEL ALARM DISCONNECT � 3" TO 4" EXPANSION .��� 2.6 ABOVE � BOTTOM TANK Aft- BOTTOM OF EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN IS 5. DESIGN LOADING FOR ALL PRECAST UNITS � H. TO BE AASHTO-H2O. OJA A r* APPROXIMATE, PRIOR TO ANY.EXCAVATION ON THIS SITE, THE EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE THE REQUIRED 72 HOUR NOTIFICATION TO DIG SAFE 6. THIS PLAN IS FOR PROPOSED WORK ONLY AND IS NOT TO ... (1-888-344•-7233) AND ANY OTHER UTILITIES WHICH MAY HAVE CABLE, PIPE OR BE USED FOR PROPERTY LINE STAKING. 0.73 WORKING RANGE CIVIL EQUIPMENT IN THE CONSTRUCTION AREA FOR VERIFICATION OF LOCATIONS. 7 4 LOAM AND SEED ALL DISTURBED AREAS NOT PAVED. 1.54 S MP ,� CIS ER 2, ALL CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS,'COMPONENTS, AND METHODS EMPLOYED ON THIS :. PROJECT WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE TOWN OF BARNSTABLE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS A AND\OR THE MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS STANDARD LOW LEVEL ALARM SPECIFICATIONS FOR BRIDGES AND HIGHWAYS AS AMENDED TO PRESENT. 1.3 ABOVE BOTTOM TANK ALL SEPTIC WORK AND MATERIALS TO CONFORM TO 310 CMR 15.00 TITLE 5. _ W .AND BARNSTABLE. HEALTH REGULATIONS. J U U 3: VERTICAL DATUM IS NGVD29. . . .. � 1 .000 GALLON PUMP PIT �- 4. NOTE THAT CONSTRUCTION OF THE LEACHING SYSTEM REQUIRES REMOVAL OF : U � SCALE:.. 1/4" 1'-0" W UNSUITABLE SOIL. UNSUITABLE .SOIL SHALL BE REMOVED TO ITS MAXIMUM DEPTH w P I T DAYS + CONCRETE MIh:MUM STRENGTH. 5000 S A 28 FROM UNDER AND WITHIN 5' OF .THE PROPOSED LEACHING COMPONENTS AND REPLACED -11 8 W C� -STEEL REINFORCEMENT: ASTM-AS-615 GRADE 60 x Z a WITH CLEAN SAND MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF 310CMR 15.255 (3). — DESIGN LOADING: AASHTO HS-20 W n- - U CL :.Y 0 9 5 5/8 � , • L c7( - I _J PUMP INSTALLk.IION _ • a MYERS WHV 3HP PUMPS OR EQUAL CAPABLE H Z 1. PRESSURE DOSING PUMPS SHALL BE E S 3 V OF 205GPM AT AN 22FT TDH. INSTALL WITH MYERS STAINLESS RAIL MOUNTING SYSTEM. Q — 1 1/2 SCH 40 PVC PUMPS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN STRICT CONFORMANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURERS O w RECYCLE LINE w SPECIFICATIONS. PRIOR TO ORDERING PUMPING EQUIPMENT AND THE INSTALLER H- p SHALL PROVIDE THE DESIGN SHOP DRAWINGS OF THE ALL PUMPING EQUIPMENT FOR CL SECONDARY TANK INLETS APPROVAL. INSTALLER SHALL CONFIRM THAT THE REQUIRED POWER CONFIGURATION FOR FOR THE PUMP(S) IS AVAILABLE AT THE SITE. F.- 6"SCH 40 PVC INLET 6" SCH 40 PVC IW- Z INLET OUTLET IN AN 2, CONTROLS: PUMP CONTROLS SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN THE BUILDING 1 O ACCESSIBLE AREA AND SHALL BE ENCLOSED AS REQUIRED TO MEET ALL STATE AND N Z LOCAL CODES AND REGULATIONS. THE PUMPS.SHALL OPERATE ALTERNATELY : Z 00 SUCH THAT EACH OPERATION APPLIES 800 GALLONS TO THE PORTION O 0) 0) OF THE SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM TO WHICH THAT PUMP IS CONNECTED. N N WITH A LOW LEVEL OVERRIDE AND REDUNDANT w PUMPS SHALL BE PROVIDED LOW LEVEL ALARM SET SUCH THAT THE PUMPS REMAIN SUBMERGED, r PUMPS SHALL OPERATE FOLLOWING SEQUENCE: PUMPS OFF 7,-7 7/8, b. LEAD PUMP ON 0 1 1/2" SCH40 PVC RECYCLE c. ALARM ON AND LAG PUMP. ON (TWO PUMPS OPERATE OR ALTERNATE PUMP SUBSTITIUTES FOR FAILE! PUMP) O p CLE LINE FROM BIOCLERE Q 00 d. PUMPS MUST ALTERNATE Q Z CO 3 5'-8 3/4" 5'-6 5/8" 3. ALARM: PUMPS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH AN ALARM POWERED BY A CIRCUIT SEPARATE FROM THE PUMP POWER. THE ALARM SHALL CONSIST OF A RED W m 00 SECURE PIPE TO INSIDE TANK WA WARNING LIGHT AND AUDIBLE SIGNAL WITH PRESS TO SILENCE SWITCH. THE I•- W i LL ALARM SHALL SIGNAL A LOW WATER CONDITION (PUMPS NOT SUBMERGED) AND A Q : Q Z SUMP HIGH WATER LEVEL CAUSED BY PUMP FAILURE. x _ U Q O V V) 00 4. PROPER FUNCTION OF PUMPS, CONTROLS AND ALARMS SHALL BE DEMONSTRATED BY CLEAN WATER TESTING PRIOR TO BACKFILLING SAS'TRENCHES. v7 t to PRECAST CONCRETE MOUNTING PAD Q N a o m � RECYCLE LINE DETAIL W J 610CLERE MODEL 24/24 0 s � t NOT TO SCALE Q r ^ w O s SCALE: 1/2,. = 1,-0 W N �- O 8' DIA. Lv N W W J O Z m . J t0 Ld > �'"' O z H x CL Q m c/) In U LL.� cs a } 0- cr- W / m W OY m F-v�< 4" - 6" HIGH 6" THICK > U Q U a Lj i Li W W T NOTES: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED: U N 1. CONCRETE MINIMUM STRENGTH: 4,000 PSI ® 28 DAYS. 2. STEEL REINFORCEMENT: 6 X 6 10 GAUGE STEEL WIRE MESH. 3. EYES: (4): 1/2" DIAMETER RE-BAR CAST IN PLACE AS SHOWN PRECAST MOUNTING PAD 6" FROM O.D., EQUALLY SPACED. NOT TO SCALE - 97 418 SHEET 4 OF 4 ROOF RUNOFF TO DRYWELLS THIS SIDE OF BUILDING 3 DESIGNINGENGINEER ISE SEE WELLER SITE PLAN ' 18 INSTALLAT:ON AND C ;',G <\ THE SYSTEM WAS INSTALLLJ 114 STRICT OJ PROPOSED BUILDING TO BE SERVED BY SEPTIC SYSTEM LA=RDMGF.TO FLA11- EXISTING BUILDING TO BE REMOVED .:PROPOSED U.G. DRAINAGE STRUCTURES IN THIS AREA (j) SEE NOTE 6 BELOW 0c) Q� L0 00 L "4 TBM ELEV. 20.67 19.92 (NGVD) 0000 c •4" VENT THRU ROOF OF BUILDING 00 V) F 0.2 c -,j 00 N UNIT 19 C 4� / �' LEGEND N ��;��L5- oo 4t; UNIT 18 n\ UNIT 17 EXISTING CONTOUR UNIT 16 PROPOSED CONTOUR (UNIT 16 p, UNIT 14 [70.21 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION % L TEST PIT LOCATION UNIT 13 41 W WATER SERVICE 0 C— PROP.CABLE UTILITIES -0 VENT C.01SINECITS TO H LATERAL 1 1/2 4n AND GAS SERVICE ONIT/12 0 PROPOSED LIMIT OF UNSUITABLE SOIL REMOVAL BITUMINOUS CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS 1 1 T2 kk Of ARNE 2 PUMP CHAMBER Na 0.21 V T BlIONE-RE It LA 24/24 NDS 0 0 UNIT 1 ST3 rn % UNIT 4 d UNIT 21 0. 0 0 UNIT�,3` _j 154, UNIT F_ 0. 0 UNIT 6 PROP. SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM U) 2' X 2' X 70' LEACHING TRENCHES '22.3 UNIT 7 P' UNIT 8 R ERVE AREA BETWEEN TRENCHES 9 UNIT 9 �_j 0 V) �4 C�, 0 -UN 1 T -1 ILI z 4" VENT THRU ROOF OF BLDG F- 1 1/20 VENT CON ECTS 0 END OF EACH DIST. LATERAL T s z :D 6 < INISTING BUILDING TO B REMOVED S 42 356- , z EXISTING BUILDING TO BE REMOVED Ope 18 — 16 `ro Z 00 0 CF) '49C W i'l \ �l s 5217 4 > 00 tY -10 , F RUNOFF TO DRYWELLS THIS SIDE OF BUILDING 7(9 , 7 6 Roo .4 ?0, F; bl),�ZONE BOUNDARY SEE WELLER SITE PLAN rROM L.E.W. SITE PLAN PROPOSED BUILDING TO BE SERVED BY SEPTIC SYSTEMO 0 CO LJ < z FLOOD -ZONE BOUNDARY C) 0 uj Ld FROM L.E.W. SITE PLAN Lij M z 30 0 15 30 60 120 C) 0 FLOOD ZONE All LL _j < < UJI 0 < V) _5 IN FEET) 1 inch ft, IN EAST BAY > (o OSTERVILLE < 0 FLOOD ZONE B SITE PLAN GENERAL NOTES: m 1. LEGAL BOUNDARY INFORMATION ACHING CATCH BASINS, DRYWELLS, AND EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEM V) _j FROM "SUBDIVISION PLAN OF LAND IN OSTERVILLE, 6. ALL EXISTING LE Lj (BARNSTABLE), MA. FOR EAST SAY OSTERVILLE TRUST, DATE: DECEMBER 11, 1997, SCALE: 1 COMPONENTS ON THE SITE WILL BE REMOVED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED SEPTIC 50'", BY"'WELLER & ASSOCIATES, 1645 FALMOUTH ROAD, CENTERVILLE, MA. 02632. PLAN V) :D FLOOD ZONE Al 1 SYSTEM. DRAINAGE��-SYSTEMS WILL BE CONSTRUCTED WITHIN THE AREA OUTLINED ABOVE.�, �REFER z Vi 5; V) SHOWS NO APPURTENANT EASEMENTS. TO "SITE PLAN OF LAND FOR THE COVE AT EAST BAY, 199 EAST BAY ROAD, OSTERVILLE, MA. PREPARED FOR EAST BAY OSTERVILLE TRUST, SCALE: 1" = 30', REVISED 11/17/97" BY WELLER _j 0 Cl- LLj LL, 0 2. TOPOGRAPHY AND DETAIL FROM "SITE BASE PLAN, EXISTING CONDITIONS — EAST BAY LODGE, & ASSOCIATES) FOR DRAINAGE DESIGN AND DETAILS. _j _j (o AR TA (OSTERVILLE), MASSACHUSETTS FOR EAST BAY ACQUISITIONS LIMITED, SCALE: :l > 30' 10/16/89" BY LEVY, ELDREDGE & WAGNER ASSOCIATES, INC. 889 WEST MAIN STREET, 7. ALL EXISTING WAILH AND UTILITY LINES ON SITE WILL BE ABANDONED. WATER SUPPLY WILL LF CENTERVILLE, MA CONNECT AT THE EAST BAY ROAD END OF EACH PROPOSED,BUILDING, GAS AND CABLE UTILITIES V) z Lj­x < 0 WILL BE INSTA�LED AT THE REAR OF THE PROPOSED BUILDINGS >_ GS APPROXIMATELY AS SHOWN V) V) ,m LOCUS -,S (SUBJECT TO FINAL DESIGN AND LOCATION AS REQUIRED BY UTILITIES VENDORS). 3, NO PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY EXISTS WITHIN 400' OF THE PROPOSED SEPTIC,�, YSTEM. ALL 0 PRIVATE PROPERTIES WITHIN 300' OF THE PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM ARE' SERVED BY THE 6 uj CENTER\ALLE/OSTER\IILLE/MARSTONS MILLS MUNICIPAL WATER SUPPLY. 8, NO VARIANCES FROM 310 CMR 15.000 ARE SOUGHT IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS PLAN, a- > o _4 10 uj ui 41� NO SURFACE WATERS OF THE COMMONWE >_ i COMMONWEALTH, RIVERS, BORDERING 'VEGETATED WETLANDS, SALT 9.'NO RECIRCULATING SAND FILTER OR ALTERNATIVE.TECHNOLOGY IS�REQUIRED FOR CONFORMANCE U) 0 �4 < F_ 0 MARSHES, INLAND OR COASTAL BANKS, REGULATORY FLOODWAYS, VELOCITY..; ONES, SURFACE WATER WITH 310 CMR 15.00. (NOTE: BIOCLERE TRICKLING FILTER IS PROPOSED FOR SECONDARY m Ix t SUPPLIES OR SUCTION LINES, OR GRAVEL PACKED OR TUBULAR PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY WELLS ARE TREATMENT.) 0 LOCATED WITHIN THE REQUIRED 310CMR 15.211 MINIMUM SETBACK DISTANCES FROM THE PROPOSED uj SEPTIC SYSTEM. 10, LOCUS,PARCEL,IS ASSESSORS MAP 140 PCL 157. W' Ld V) , LAJ 5' THE PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM LOCATION IS NOT WITHIN A NITROGEN SENSITIVE AREA AS. 3: 1992 DEFINED BY 310 CMR 15.215. SEE COMMUNITY PANEL 250001 0016 D JULY 2, 0 U LOCUS MAP 1000 2000 500 0 250 5w 97 - 418 IN FEET 4.� LIMIT�OF U 1 inch = 500 ft. SHEET 1 OF 4 30 SEPTIC SYMEM DESIGN QAJA TOTAL FOR FACILITY SEWAGE FLOW ESTIMATE 25 SOURCE UNITS GPD/UNIT OTY GPD COMMENT So S CONDOMINIUM - UNITS 1-19 1 BEDROOM 1 116 1 57 1 62701 310CMR 15.203 (2) DATE: AUG 6, 1997 6' TOTAL ESTIMATED PEAK DAY FLOW 6270 EXCAVATOR: -0 B.O.H. AGENT: G. DUN LNG (BARNSTABLE B01i) 00 to 00 L SEWAGE FLOW ESTIMATE - ST1 20 ENGINEER: D. MASQN, C.S.E. SOURCE UNITS GPD/UNIT OTY GPD COMMENT CID CONDOMINIUM - UNITS 1-11 I BEDROOM 1 110 1 33 1 36301 310 CMR 15.203 (2) OCATION: TP-1 LOCATION: TP-2, LOCAlION: TP-4 ELEV. DEPTq -OCATION: TP-3 00 TOTAL ESTIMATED PEAK DAY FLOW 3630 ELEV. DEPTH LOAMYSAhD SAND ELEV. DEPTH 0 L�j SEPTIC TANK - ST1 17.0 lo' ) - LOI SAND 16.! 0.0 10YR5/3 �_XEV. DEPTF OAMY w") f A - 16.r x r A - 10YR6/3 0.0 0 "1 'JUSE 8000 GALLON TANK A - 10YR4/4 15.f 0.9 16.0 O.0 -LOAMY SAND rILL 0 TOTAL FLOW X DET. TIME - 36301 GPD X 2.0 DAYS 7260 15 15.2 1, - i nAmy q,&Kjri LOAM SAN) 14.9 14.b 2.4 t5w - IVIKID/v 9WI--- ftr`il�716 BW - 10YO15/8 ,j NO GARBAGE GRINDERS TO BE INSTALLED LOAMY SAND 13.E 2.9 14.0 2C BW2 10YR5/8 SEWAGE FLOW ESTIMATE - ST2 =:w 12.7 3.8 SANDY LOAM Q) PERC 2 MIN./IN FINE-MED. SAND SOURCE UNITS GPD/UNIT OTY GPD COMMENT FINE MED SAND FINE-MED SAND C 2.5Y7/3 BW - 10YR-4/6 lCONDOMiNIUM - UNITS 12-191 BEDROOM 1 110 1 24 1 2640115.203 (2) 10 C - 2.5Y7/4 I C 2.5Y7)'4 TOTAL ESTIMATED PEAK DAY FLOW 2640 9.4 7.1 FINE-MED. SAND SEPTIC TANK - a!Z C - 2.5Y7/4 TOTAL FLOW X DET. TIME = 2640, GPD X 2.0 DAYS 5280 Fu_sE 6,000 GALLON TANK 7.0 10.0 BOTIbM 6.! lo.o NO GARBAGE GRINDERS TO BE INSTALLED BOTTOM 6.0 10.0 NO GROUNDWATER BOTTOM 5.4 11.1 5 NO GROUNDWATIFIR -8()Mw- NO GWOUNOWATER LEACHING FACILITY 40,GROUNDWATER LEACHING AREA CAPACITY LEACHIN9 TRENCHES NO. LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH SIDE BOTTOM SIDE BOTTOM TOTAL (ft� �ft� (ft) (sf) (sf) (gpd) (9pd) (gpd) 20 288 140 4262 2072 1 6334 0 PERCOLATION RATE: 2.0 MIN,/IN. LEACHING RATE: GPD SF SIDE 0.74 BOTTOM - 0.74 $OIL ]]EST DAIA 30 2' X 2' X 70' STONE 'rRENCHES OE SEE PUMP PIT DETAIL 25 HD. RISER AND 24" H-20 C.f." �COVE R 0 GRADE RESERVE: AREA BETWEIETRENCHES D. RISER AND 24" H-20 C.I. "OVER 0 GRADE 3' MAX. COVER PR POSE GRADE 3' MAXIMUM COVER 4 EXISTING GRADE z 20 -- BOT IRENCH 16.10 14.60 _j Ld m w Pvc S-0,010 LAj 5.94 S 15 - _1 --NNWMNM� 15.61 ST ST1 Z \_15.25 w 1 .50 STI/ K, A00 15.00 ST2 4* PVC S-0.011 x 14.1 LIJ .,n 0 15.25 ST2 A S-0020 4- P� f / swo.020 0 4* PVC PRE SSURE PPE 1 1/2" PVC RECYCLE LINE 8000 GALLON EPTIC TANK STI 8000 GALLON 5 -SEPTIC IANK APACITY 10000 GALL Cl. UNITS 1-11 LIOUID LEVEL PUMP CHAMB R ST2 - 6000 GALLON USE 5000 G 71' ST2 5T3 SEPTIC IANK 87,8' ST1 CAPACITY Ld 21.1' ST1 19' ST2 UNITS 1 11 6270 GAL EMERGENCN STORAGE PLUS 1500 GAL� AT OPERATING LEVEL AND DRAINBACK 0 Z co 0 SEPTIC SEC TI O N TH RU S YS TE M 1 in. TO ft. HORT. LLJ 5 ft. VERT. 0 o 30- z 00 0) LLJ EXISTING GRADE 0 uj LOCATION: TP6 U5 '4. < 2' X 2' X 70' STONE TRENCHES 14 uj (.0 ELEV. DEPTH SANDY LOAM 0 � _j 26.0 0 F A - 1 OYR3.2 (j, < z SEE PUMP PIT DETAIL .0 �5.4 0,6 1 0 < CL V) 25 -cl 7 EXISTING BUILDIN4 PROP. FINISH GRADE LOAMY SAND RESERVE: AREA BETWEEq TRENCHES SOIL "'EST DATA 3' MAX. COVER '11, 23.6 2.4 BW - 10YR6/8 3' MAXIM COVER TO BE RE MED. SAND DATE: DEC. 24, 1997 Cl - 2.5Y7.6 EXCAVATOR: 21.6 4.4 PERC 2 MIN. IN B.O.H. AGENT: G. DUNNING (BARNSTABLE BOH) ENGINEER- D. MASON C.S.E, < C14 0 ca 14. DEPTH BOT 1RENCH 16.10 -4A 7 TRENCH 16.98 LOCATION: TP 60 16.5 0.0 < wl ELEV. 7*�7 / / r / / / /I/ / / / I " . 1 1 1 - I.I FILL 4' PVC /7]r/- 'If �11 /1Z 16.0 10,0 1 (r) _j W Z_ BOTTOM V) 15 - tY 6' PRES JRE RA19D PVc/X NO GROUNDWATER LLJ 4:k v) /-0,905, REMOVE ALL A, kND B HORIZO 'SOILS AND ANY OTH�R15.3 0 LINSUITASL 0 _j E SOILS ENCOUNTER D BELOW AND NI'l 5 _j 3 3SANDY LOAM 13-25 LATERALLY IN ALL DIRECTIONS FROM THE OUTER PE�METER > 0) OF THE SAS AN REPLACE WIT SOIL AS BW - 10YR4/6 4" M 1� 310 CMR 15.255 -CONSTRUCTION IN FILL- PERC 5 IN. IN I L-Li X 4 PVC PRESSURE PIPE SwO.020 ////Z/ 17;11117-1"7771IZ211ZIZ17-171,�,,Z 1- 0 Z/ z 9.4 7,1 Lij co 1 V) co _j 0 -MED. SAND FINE C - 2.5YR7/4 0 6.6 9,9 -.v o EST. HIGH GW I-_ 0 < 4.3 12.2 GW L-Li 10000 GALLOq PUMP CHAMBER V) USE 8000 GAL 2.5 14,0 CAPACITY 3: 1 BOTTOM 6270 GAL EMERGENC STORAGE USGS HIGH RQU PLUS 1500 GAL AT INDICATOR WELL: MlW29 0 OPERATING LEVEL K ZONE: A DATE: 12/97 ADJ. FACTOR; 2.3 SECTI ON TH RU SEPTIC SYSTEM 1 in. = 10 ft. HORT, 1 in, 5 ft. VERT. 97 . 418 00 0 Lr) s s7T, 5, 'w SHEE'rl 2 OF,,4 7P' -------------------- � _-_- __L�_ 17'-0" rIf( FLOAT SWITCHES U ., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , SEWAGE PUMP I I , A I CONC. BLOCK RISER A 1 30" X 30" OPENING 0)Q o I I �00 v CV N n` BIOCLERE I :. a• 1 PUMP' RAIL AND DISCONNECT M M VJ INLET I oG� � AND VENT I IN TCH II CHECK VALVEALUMUMHA ©d .� x �,.. t 6" o a 4 Q ' L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1/4" WEEP HOLE w ; THRUST BLOCK U •� 4 D.I. OR E Q. GATE VALVE 3 REQ EXPAND TO 6" PVC HEADER PLAN EACH HEADER, CONNECTED TO TEN TRENCHES —� C.I. VALVE BOX LBARON STYLE SL 30" X 30" HATCH TO FIN. GRADE CONC BLOCK RISER 4" GATE VALVE r�o TYPICAL00 GATE VALVE AND BOX VENT v I ELEC. JNCT BO INLET ELEV = 13.39 0 J pJD4" D.I. PIPE \ J M M N O rn FLOAT ASSEMBLY �tH OF 7'-11 1/2". . .._:6" co LIFT CHAIN SHUT OFF PUMP RAIL a PRECAST CONC. H-20 TANK SECTION A-A SECONDARY TANK INLET SEWAGE PUMP SCHD 80 PVC .. 1` +T�LiG�fL1S 1<G.�. .�L NPUMP PIT �-V INSIDE TANK Ai � _INSTALLATLON 1 1/2" SCHD 40 PVC O� OF ul RECYCLE LINE FROM BIOCLERE 1. PRESSURE DOSING PUMPS SHALL BE MEYERS 3WHV 3HP PUMPS OR EQUAL CAPABLE i v► OF 185GPM AT AN 22FT TDH. ALL PUMPS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN A, PUMP PIT CAPABLE OF STORING 6270 GALLONS PLUS ONE 960 GALLON DOSE VOLUME: PUMPS ECURE PIPE TO INSIDE TANK WALL 1 1/2" SCHD 40 PVC SHALL BE INSTALLED IN STRICT CONFORMANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURERS RECYCLE LINE SPECIFICATIONS. PRIOR TO ORDERING PUMPING EQUIPMENT AND THE INSTALLER 18, SHALL PROVIDE THE DESIGN SHOP DRAWINGS OF THE ALL PUMPING EQUIPMENT FOR I APPROVAL. INSTALLER SHALL CONFIRM THAT THE REQUIRED POWER CONFIGURATION FOR W FOR THE PUMP(S) IS AVAILABLE AT THE SITE. CONTACT AWTE FOR LENGHT OF LEG IF REQ. ' F-- 6" SCHD 40 PVC INLET 2. CONTROLS: PUMP CONTROLS SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN THE BUILDING IN AN z ACCESSIBLE AREA AND SHALL BE ENCLOSED AS REQUIRED TO MEET ALL STATE AND LOCAL CODES AND REGULATIONS. THE PUMPS SHALL OPERATE ALTERNATELY ON A I TIMED BASIS SUCH THAT EACH OPERATION APPLIES 960 GALLONS TO THE PORTION V) OF THE SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM TO WHICH A PUMP IS CONNECTED, PUMP CYCLES Z 0� SHALL BE TIMED TO APPLY 4 DOSES PER DAY AT EQUAL INTERVALS AND DURATION 6" SCHD40 PVC OUTLET \ DETAIL -- RECYCLE LINE INSTALLATION TO THE SAS: PUI�*S. SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A LOW LEVEL OVERRIDE AND O j REDUNDANT LOW EEVEL ALARM SET SUCH THAT THE PUMPS REMAIN SUBMERGIED. I.J NTS PUMPS SHALL-OPERATE FOLLOWING SEQUENCE: IY T o. PUMPS OFF b• LEAD _PUMP ON (TIMED CYCLE - IF LIQUID IS AVAILABLE) c• ALARM ON AND LAG PUMP ON (TWO PUMPS OPERATE OR ALTERNATE PUMP � 4000 PSI CONCERETE W/ 6X6 10/10 WW REINF 3.5' SUBSTITIUTES FOR FAILED PUMP d. PUMPS MUST ALTERNATE t•- © M p Go �. 3. ALARM: PUMPS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH AN ALARM POWERED BY A CIRCUIT p �Uj z 0) 1/2" BAR W/LEGS EMBEDDED IN CONCRETE I j SEPARATE FROM THE PUMP POWER, THE ALARM SHALL CONSIST OFA RED V) - WARNING LIGHT AND AUDIBLE SIGNAL WITH PRESS TO SILENCE SWITCH, THE m _ � is ALARM SHALL SIGNAL A;LOW WATER CONDITION (PUMPS NOT SUBMERGED) AND A �`I m M ,n HIGH WATER LEVEL CAUSED BY PUMP FAILURE. U- 0 00 tY 2 W U O- I 4• PROPER FUNCTION OF PUMPS, CONTROLS AND ALARMS SHALL BE DEMONSTRATED BY in CLEAN WATER TESTING PR'OR TO BACKFILLING SAS TRENCHES. �o 120- (TYP) SUMP u) ul in N a 40 Q 5 S PRECAST CONCRETE MOUNTING PAD �-- o p� PRECAST CONCRETE MOUNTING PAD — w Q r NTS F- MEYERS V3WHV - 3WHV30M4-3HP W w O BIOCLERE MODEL24/24 30 6" IMPLLJ . DIAMETER z a uj C? Z w x o - - - - - - - - - m o Q 20 p (5 0 •q NOTE: J I W Q: m w CONNECTING PIPING, EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL, CONCRETE MOUNTING PAD AND HOISTING EQUIPMENT TO BE SUPPLIED BY I 0 I 1 m V U SEPTIC SYSTEM INSTALLER. AWTE PERSONNEL SECURE UNIT IN PLACE AND PROVIDE STARTUP AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES, H 10 �•/ 0Q 7 CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FROM AWTE AND COORDINATE SITE WORK. W w rn w N O 010CLERE TRICKLING FILTER, 0 100 200 300 400 500 SCALES AS NOTED CAPACITY - 'GPM PUMP CURVE FOR MEYERS 3WHV PUMP 9 7 - 41 g I SHEET 4 OF 4 ,� _. -._ -. -.-.. ... r,•uY.way ion ROOF RUNOFF TO DRYWELLS THIS SIDE OF BUILDING 'I V) SEE WELLER SITE PLAN U � I 18 �J PROPOSED BUILDING TO BE SERVED BY SEPTIC SYSTEM I �C� h EXISTING BUILDING TO BE REMOVED \\ PROPOSED U. . DRAINAGE G \ G GE IN THIS AREA 0) � \ SEE NOTE 6 BELOW o k O GJ \ 1000 >. \ \ Cq \\ TBM ELEV. = 19.92,.(NGVD) TAG BOLT - HYD• #126 4" VENT THRU ROOF OF BUILDING / 11 \ , F$� 25 1�. \A ..--- -" c a ,off \ \ SEE WELLER AND L.E.W. SITE PLANS 00 '� (1) 00 I » E / _— I .— UNIT 19 \\�� �Q •. l N v 6045 UNIT 18 UNIT 17 1 V�\ ' 10 EXISTING CONTOUR UNIT 16 PROPOSED CONTOUR 'UN�� 1 / ` [70.21 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION UNIT 14 / `IL m ?�" ® TEST PIT LOCATION V UNIT 13 \ \ 1 � I \ / \ '� � \ 1 1/2"0 VENT CQNWECTS TO EN NCH LATERAL Ory � \I � � I \ / � � \ /�� Q \ —W— WATER SERVICE — C— PROP.CABLE UTILITIES � O� ��• I i -' ' -- � � � � a°° / PROPOSED � �O LIMIT OF UNSUITABLE SOIL REMOVAL BITUMINOUS CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS I \ 1 I << \ / 1 PUMP CHAMBERo Aft* BIOCLERE 24/24 0 GE r ( UNIT 1 -c \ 1 r /� ST1 UNIT 4 UNIT 2 0. 1 UNIT r i a /i � t54• — I UNIT 1 " � S 150, •: � _....._ 0. Off. 1 PROP. SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM x _ �2 UNIT 7 2►1 n• { -N. �, - � F / W. ��,,,.r .,NIT 9 14 _. UNIT 10 1 " 0 r VENT THRU ROOF OF BLDG / 1 1 4 1 1/2.0 VENT CON1ECT5 0 END OF EACH DIST• LATERAL � 5o 1 ..! / I ---- -- y I'_XISTING BUILDING TO 8 REMOVED / �� c r .«�N� _ I 356.42 � I E EXISTING BUILDING TO BE REMOVED' SIN 18 - -- - a ' O 5217 Flo Ld � � — \ 2 I °° / 22 \20 18 76 / "� 2 F<�,0 UNOFF TO DRYWELLS THIS SIDE OF BUILDING / ! 6 4 �,OiyE _ -- - FLOOD ZONE BOUNDARY M �$ ! Z 8C!' cs LLER SITE PLAN FROM L.E.W. SITE PLAN W a PROPOSED BUILDING TO BE SERVED BY SEPTIC SYSTEM / 4 O F_ 00 / ri0( ZONE BOUNDARY O 0 O " Ij V) ciJ / 1 �O;.I L.E.W. SITE PLAN 6Y >- Q t�`J- L,J ' `\ \ FLOOD ZONE A11 a0 0 is 30 so 120 tl 0 J ` '•;'r{ �fR � c � Lail U Q CL 4, IN FEET ) P \ 1 inch = 30 ft. EAST L� \ I BAY > OSTERVIL_E � o FLOOD ZONE B g''`�� � � ,-; a PLAN GENERAL NOTES: W 2 FgST \ o / I " 6. ALL EXISTING LEACHING CATCH BASINS DRYWELLS, AND EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEM � EGAL BOUNDARY INFORMATION FROM SUBDIVISION PLAN OF LAND IN OSTERVILLE, (n -� (F'' NS'rABLE), MA. FOR EAST BAY OSTERVILLE TRUST, DATE: DECEMBER 11, 1997, SCALE: 1" = COMPONENTS ON THE SITE WILL BE REMOVED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED SEPTIC w � 5 BY WELLER & ASSOCIATES, 1645 FALMOUTH ROAD, CENTERVILLE, MA, 02632. PLAN SYSTEM. DRAINAGE SYSTEMS WILL BE CONSTRUCTED WITHIN THE AREA OUTLINED ABOVE. REFER Q W ,. FLOOD LONE All S,,4j*S NO APPURTENANT EASEMENTS. TO SITE PLAN OF ;:AND FOR THE COVE AT EAST BAY, 199 EAST BAY ROAD, OSTERVILLE, MA. � O E- \ 9� PREPARED FOR EAS-7 BAY OSTEPVILLE TRUST, SCALE: 1" = 30', REVISED 11/17/97" BY WELLER 0- U w G 2. ',0POGRAPHY AND DETAIL FROM "SIT BASE PLAN, EXISTING CONDITIONS - EAST BAY LODGE, & ASSOCIATES FOR DRAINAGE DESIGN AND DETAILS. m J � t19TABLE (OSTERVILLE), MASSACHUSETTS FOR EAST BAY ACQUISITIONS LIMITED, SCALE: 1" = W �,... O \ / f 00 16 89" BY LEVY, ELDREDGE & AGNER ASSOCIATES, INC. 889 WEST MAIN STREET, 7, ALL EXISTING WE TER AND UTI.ITY LINES ON SITE WILL BE ABANDONED. WATER SUPPLY WILL ►-- Vn (]_ 9�F \ ` r K 1'ER JILLE, MA. CONNECT AT THE EAST BAY RO,.l END OF EACH PROPOSED BUILDING, GAS AND CABLE UTILITIES G `�._. WILL BE INSTALLED AT THE REAR OF THE PROPOSED BUILDINGS APPROXIMATELY AS SHOWN V) m LOCUS 3. •10 PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY EXISTS WITHIN 400' OF THE PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM. ALL (SUBJECT TO FINAL DESIGN AND LOCATION AS REQUIRED BY UTILITIES VENDORS). W G1-• °D O o � 1\\ / Or,ATE PROPERTIES WITHIN 300' OF THE PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM ARE SERVED BY THE Co Z 0 Q cc ri.,TERWILLE/OSTERVILLE/MARSTONS MI LS MUNICIPAL WATER SUPPLY. B. NO VARIANC c FROM 310 CMR 15A00 ARE SOUGHT IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS PLAN, CLLLJ d • , 9 NO RECIRCULATING SAND FILTER OR ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGY IS REQUIRED FOR CONFORMANCE a�'� V) 0 �" p Y i O 4. O SURFACE WATERS OF THE COMMONWEALTH, RIVERS, BORDERING VEGETATED WETLANDS, SALT `k,_ N Z ¢ I- 0 INLAND OR COASTAL BANKS REGULATORY FLOODWAYS VELOCITY ZONES, SURFACE WATER ,N 310 CMR 15.G0. (NOTE: BIOCLERE TRICKLING FILTER IS PROPOSED FOR SECONDARY U m \ M, SHES, U Q p 0 Tw•ATMENT, F" r- Q v \ \ 5L PLIES OR SUCTION LINES, OR GRAVEL PACKED OR TUBULAR PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY WELLS ARE ) to N Li.i v _ 1 C °TED WITHIN THE REQUIRED 310CMR' 15.211 MINIMUM SETBACK DISTANCES FROM THE PROPOSED t- < 2 SYSTEM. 10. LOCUS P� ' Fa_ !; ASSESSORS MAP 140 PCL 157. �" W G SHE PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM LOCATION IS NOT WITHIN A NITROGEN SENSITIVE AREA AS Z CC C.M SEE COMMUNITY PANEL 250001 0016 D JULY 2, 1992 \� cr;,vED BY 310 CMR 15.215• WZ�O U 0 p SIGNING ENGINEER IN WRITING a w ,nm AN CER',6) IN STRICT P Ti.- L� LOCUS MA _ . �0 T aoyPc `� -9 ''0N. S00 0 250 500 1000 2000 O - 9 I - 4 18 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 500 ft. SHEET 1 OF 4 t �. 30 -.- -- - --------------- --- - - --------------------------- ---- -- ------------------ _ ------- --- ----- ._ . _. __I _ SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN DATA SEWAGE FLOW ESTIMATE - TOTAL FOR FACILITY 25 SOURCE UNITS GPD/UNIT OTY GPD COMMENT CONDOMINIUM - UNITS 1-19 1 BEDROOM 110 57 6270 310 MR 15.203 DATE: AUG 6 1997 J EXCAVATOR: � � TOTAL ESTIMATED PEAK DAY FLOW 6270 O O T1 B.O.H. AGENT: G. DUN ING (BARNSTABLE BON) io it 00 �L SEWAGE FLOW ESTIMATE - S 20 ENGINEER: D. MASON, C.S.E. -- -- - - -- - - - - ------ - -._.--- -- --- N SOURCE UNITS GPD/UNIT OTY GPD COMMENT M CONDOMINIUM - UNITS 1-11 1 BEDROOM 1 110 33 1 3630 310 CMR 15.203 (2) OCATION: TP-1 LOCH' ION: TP-2. OCATION: TP-3 LOCATION: TP-4, 1 >• .OAMY SAND o o (�� TOTAL ESTIMATED PEAK DAY FLOW 3630 LEV. DEPTHELEV. DEPTH LOAMY SAD LEV.' DEPT 10YR6/3 ELEV. DEPTH In� � SEPTIC TANK - ST1 ts.5 0. 16., d.0 A - 10YR 3 1 .5 0. LOAMY SAND 1s. o.o 0 0 p TOTAL FLOW X DET TIME = 3630 GPD X 2.0 DAYS = 7260 USE 8000 GALLON TANK LOA Y SAND 15. O,g15.4 FILL 0 L - 15 A - i YR44 4. LOAMY SAND j--- -- ---LOAMY- SAN -------- -14.5 -- 2.0 ----- -- - BW - 10YR6 6 --- -------- ---------- -------- -- -- �_. - - Q "" 14,1 2. BW - 10YR /8 NO GARBAGE GRINDERS TO BE INSTALLED BW1 -- 1OY 6/6 13. 2.9 LOA Y SAND Q SEWAGE FLOW ESTIMATE - ST2 12.2 4. BW FIN -MED. SAND 12• 3.8- 10YR5/8 SANDY LOA' 2 MIN./IN C 2.5Y7/3 SOURCE UNITS GPD/UNIT OTY GPD COMMENT 12.0 4. BW - 10YR;/6 C NE-M5Y7_ED SA AND C CONDOMINIUM - UNITS 12-19 BEDROOM 110 24 2640 15.` 3 (2) 10 FIN -MED SAND TOTAL ESTIMATED PEAK DAY FLOW 2640 � 9. 7.1 _--------- '------- - ------- - �,`. FINE-MED. $AND 1S OPTIC TANK - ST2 _ X T. TIME = 2640 GPD X 2.0 DAYS = 5280 USE 6000 GALLON TANK C 2.5Y7�j4 TOTAL FLOW DE 6.5 lo.c 6. 10.0 6.5 10. NO GARBAGE GRINDERS TO BE INSTALLED BOTTOM BOTTOM BOTTOM 5 - -WA r-ROUNDWATFR IEI_ - -- -- -- A TF R ------5. - 11.1 -- --- ------- -------------- -- ----- ----- i LEACHING FACILITY LEACHING TRENCHES I ACHING AREA CAPACITY NO GROUND+WATER NO. LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH SIDE BOTTOM SIDE BOTTOM TOTAL ft ft ft sf (8f) (gpd) ( Pd) ( Pd) 20 70 2.0 2.0 288 140 4262 2072 6334 0 PERCOLATION RATE: 2.0 MIN./IN. LEACHING RATE: (GPD/SF) SIDE - 0.74 BOTTOM - 0.7T4 SOIL TE.ST DATA 30 2' X 2' X 70' STONE RENCHES TS SEE PUM PIT DETAILvS�1 6 25 HD. RISER AND 24" -20 C.I. COVER 0 GRADE D. RISER AND 4" H-20 C.I. OVER ® GRAD 3' MAX. C VER RESERVE' AREA BET EN TRENCHES w 3' MAXIM M COVER PROPOSE GRADE EXISTING GRADE 20 BOT RENCH 16.10 a - _ - _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ � - _ 14.60 w 4 Pvc _ 5� PVC /T 0 % 15 15.94 - S 15.61 T = ST1 w Ix / T1 0 I 4. t L A x 1 .5 5- .o1i a cr 1 ' 25 - ST2 0 1 / / / / 4 PVC S-0 020 VC PIPE 10 Ll OOG + ALLON SEPTIC TANK 5 ST1 - 8000 GALLON SEPTIC ANK - -6�0-GAL - - ----- - ---- APAt,TY = 10000 GALLO _ UNITS 1 11 5.8 ' L-0'0ID LEVEL PUMP CHAMBER T - 6000 GALLON USE 8000 GAL S2 7 - ST2 ST3 SEPTIC ANK g7 g' - ST1 CAPACITY 21.1' ST1 - 19' ST2 UNITS 1 1i 6270 GAL EMERGENC STORAGE PLUS 1730 GAL AT V) O SECTION THRU S�PTIC SYSTEM W 1 in. 10 ft. j-4pRT. 1 in. 5 ft. 1RT. O O w '`� © Z tj EXISTING GRADE V) LW 30 j 2 X 2 X 70 STONE RENCHES - - - - - - - - - - - LOCATION: 7P6 w m z w c=n - - - - - - LOAM ELEV. DEPTH AAND'OYR3 2 4 C]x (!1' Q Z a SEE PUMPPIT DETAIL - - 26.0 O.d LL' � W U Q tl 25.4 0.6 MYSAND RESERV AREA BETWEE TRENCHES EXISTING BUILDING PROP. FINISH GRADE SOIL TES I DATA 23.6 2.4 6W- 10YR6/8 3 MAX. C VER ! 3' MAXIM M COVER TO BE REMOVED DATE: DEC. 24, 1997 Cl 2.5YD7..6 EXCAVATOR: 21.6 4.4 PERC 2 MIN./IN L B.O.H. AGENT: G. DUNNING (BARNSTABLE BOH) }'""' N i ENGINEER: C7. MASON C.S.E. 'Q d IF RENCH 16.10 _ _ _ I � I � I -1 i y, I � I � I � MI � MI I I j BOT. TRENCH 16.98 LOCATION: TP-4A Qm � 14.so I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I ELEV. DEPTH a W 16.5 0.0 0 �*-* j ►- W - -, FILL 16.0 10.0 � N PVC - / / , BOTTOM 5 15 ' ';e PR RE RATED PVC / / , i i � / � / �/ NO GROUNDWATER .. / / i / / , ,/ ' i;'� :' / A N HORIZON SOILS AND A Y OTHER /%i '/ S� /i %/' i/,' 15.3 i w w O %/ ''% '%/ /�/� REMOVE ALL D B �/ %/ /% /// i/// / /' ; / -i / // UNSUITABLE SOI S ENCOUNTER D BELOW AND (THIN 5 / /// i %/ / / O m J 13.39 / i/' / /' ' ' ATERALLY IN A L DIRECTIONS FROM THE OU R PERIMETER i///� j / / / /j // /i' 4' SANDY LOAM V < j 0 13.25 / / // SPECIFIEDj �� BW - 10YR4/6 to LL' `t F THE SAS AN REPLACE WI SOIL AS 4"PVC i / % / // ✓ / ' / , / [r / �' i PER 5 MIN./IN I z W x S-0.o a" PVC PR SURE PIPE ; / / I 310 CMR 15. 55 CONSTRU TION IN FILL / , / / / // ��/ m m / %if) // / i / / i i / / i i / 9.4 7.1 J O ci FINE-MED. SAND p C - 2.5YR7/4 O v� o Q j !Y > 6.6 9.9 _ EST. HIGH GW a O Q o 16 '0' j wVm x � Q � -- -- - H 10000 GALL 4.3 12.2 ` OBS. GW W w w PUMP CHAMBER ! V) rn W USE 8000 GAL 2.5 14.0 - L BOTTOM CAPACITY = 6270 GAL EMERGENC STORAGE PLUS 1730 GAL AT INDICATOR WELL: r�A�W29 T ' ZONE: A DATE: ;2/,7 SECTION THRU SEPTI C SYSTEM ADJ. FACTOR: 2.11 1 in. = 10 ft. HORT. 9 7 - 418 1 in. = 5 ft. VERT. SHEET 2 OF 4 x �� -- 17'-0" 17 -0 4" VENT THRU ROOF OF BUILDING - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - " .- - - N 53'19'00 E A 21" OPENINGS A A 21" OPENINGS A lo� O '� O O aa) I ,. I ! I UNIT 16 00 8 KNOCKOUTS (TYP) ! ! 8" KNOCKOUTS (TYP) I UNIT 15 `o n I UNIT 14 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - UNIT 13 (bU J 1 1/2"0 VENT CONNECTS TO END OF EACH LATERAL PLAN PLAN Q �, UNIT 12 LIMIT OF UNSUITABLE SOIL REMOVAL CONNECT VENTS O C S T 6000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK INLETF 1 - = a OU TLET O � PUMP CHAMBER = J N i V NT R T � '`) °1 = '� _ � N p, A ���j / � / BIOCLERE LU T 24 30 0 IN, GAS BAFFLE o.f_`BloCLERE RECYCLE LINE GARAGE op a GAS BAFFLE " J i o� ✓i / / /� ST3 SECONDARY TANK SECTION A-A t0D Y/ ST1 SECTION A-a 6000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK m /�/ , 0 7000 GALLON SEP 11 C TANK 1/4" = 1'- o" 1/4„ = 1,_ O„ � _ � � �' ! , ' �,y/�• L; /.:-f' 8000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK - -I -I_ - _ _ _ _ LOCATION OF SECOND INLET TEE i / ITS I I WHERE REQUIRED. TEE MUST BE 1 T I DIRECTLY UNDER OPENING 17'-0" 1 1 1 PROP. SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM 1 I 20 - 2 X 2 X 70' LEACHING TRENCHES UNIT 7 T A I A RESERVE AREA BETWEEN TRENCHES '22.3 UNIT 8 W - I- UNIT 9 r w CL CONNECT VENTS A 21 OPENINGS A > - 1- 1 4" VENT THRU ROOF OF BLDG UNIT 10 1 C.I. COVER ® GRADE I 1 1/2.0 VENT CONNECTS TO END OF EACH DIST. LATERAL UNIT 11 1 INLET OR OUTLET TEE LOCATION o ! t L - - - - - - - - - 0 OUTLINE OF SEPTIC TANK BELOW 8" KNOCKOUTS (TYP) PLAN ,i- C.I. COVER ® GRADE iEs BRICK ADJUSTING COUf+"$s'E AND - �. _.:. - - -_ _ - - CASTING SET IN FULL MORTAR BED �- 24" I.D. PRECAST CONC. RISER SEPTIC SYSTEM PLAN D - WHERE "D" EXCEEDS 14'" •' PLAN 30 0 15 30 60 120 co 1 1/2" SCH40 PRESSURE PIPING & FITTINGS I r� MORTAR BED AND FILLET • f "'" MORTAR JOINT IN ALL AROUND 1/4" ORIFICE ® 5' C.C. ( IN FEET } INLET STD. KNOCKOUT SURFACE IS BIT. CONCRETE AND LANDSCAPED AREA 1 inch 30 ft. PRECAST CONC. SEPTIC TANK OSI ORIFICE SHIELD "OS125 (CW)" OUTLET iN SANITARY TEE v' z N _ 1 1/2"0 SCH40 PVC (PERF) z z N to \ W SECTION A - A GRAVEL BASE UNDER PAVED AREAS 4"0 SC PVC � } I } M o GAS BAFFLE RISER. FRAME & COVER NOTE: -> COMPACTED SUSCEPTIBLE BACKFILL ALL SCH40 PVC PIPING AND FITTINGS „ �, -��, USED IN SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEMS I /` � C)i. 1/2 = 1 - O RED. TO 1 1 [" L'-1 Is. SHALL BE PRESSURE RATED PIPE. w a VENT TO ROOF / . f � i LIQUID LEVEL SECONDARY TANK-ST3 = 6'-7 1/2" \�� - / \�` 1 �\ ' /, ,1��7�SCH. 40 PVC C.I. COVER ' \ \ / � I�F; DISTRIBUTION 4 W SECTION A—A A A 1 1/2" 8 1/8" \j�j� , ' .. i I /i/ i '',L 'FERAL, j � � _ EC ��1/8" TO 1/2"4,',BL. WASHED STONE 4" TEE C Q v C.I. RING AND COVER W z cp t t/8" �� - ! %\ \// LEBARON LA0910 OR EQUAL U- U J tY = W U Q Q- .� �j\ � \ 3/4" TO 1 1/` DBL. WASHED ST , / � Q Y (n Q z O 1/4 - 1 -- 0 2• / l. .._ • ' /; ;' o C) n v> > 3 ' '-~y-' \\ \ \ \ FINISH GRADE PLAN SECTION A—Aa _ NOTE: (� UNDISTURBED EARTH BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT MFG, LEBARON, BROCKTON, MA. THIS SEPTIC TANK USED FOR BOTH ST1 AND SECONDARY SEPTIC TANK ST3. FOR MODEL: LT105 2'-2" RESERVE AREA BETWEEN PRIMARY SAS TRENCHES % ' % : , , � SECONDARY SEPTIC TANK PROVIDE INLET AND OUTLET KNOCKOUTS AT LOCATIONS 2'_t0" WEIGHT: 430 LBS. •. AS INDICATED ABOVE. _ PAVEMENT BASE - SEE PAVEMENT SECTION o PLAN LEACHING TRENCHES Q ALL TANKS SHALL BE MANUFACTURED TO WITHSTAND AASHTO H-20 WHEEL LOADING 1 LrICAL ACCESS CO VER SECTION A'-A THRUM END CAP M AT THE DEPTHS OF COVER INDICATED ON THE SYSTEM PROFILE DRAWING, TANKS 1/2pp = 1 f-O„ THREADED PLUG SHALL BE DELIVERED AND INSTALLED IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURERS 4, CF 1 1/2" WASHED STONE COMPACTED NON-FROST SUSCEPTIBLE BACKFILL J INSTRUCTIONS AND SHALL BE GUARANTEED BY THE INSTALLER TO BE WATER TIGHT _ 1 1/2" PVC VENT fy fy � AFTER INSTALLATION, TANKS AND PRESSURE PIPING SHALL BE DEMONSTRATED TO BE -SENT TO ROOF _ - 4" PVC W V) WATER TIGHT UNDER OPERATING PRESSURES BY FILLING TANKS AND OPERATING PUMPS SEPTIC SYSTEM INSTALL_A_110N -- GENERAL NOTES' WITH CLEAN WATER PRIOR TO BACKFILLING — ^— - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - J J le 1. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS SHALL CONFORM TO THE PROVISIONS 6. LOCATION OF WELLS ANDS `'TIC SYSTEMS ON ADJACENT LOTS ARE AS SHOWN USING g' w Q OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ENVIRONMENTAL CODE TITLE 5 '95 BEST AVAILABLE DATA. .TIC PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM 15 NOT TO BE PLACED 4" SHC40 PVC iv 0 N L WITHIN 150' OF AN EXISTIN(ti WELL, NOR IS A PROPOSED WATER SUPPLY TO BE VENT LATER.+�L a AS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM PIPING AND PLACED WITHIN 150' OF AN EXISTING SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM. m ~ °D 2. EXCEPT 0 FITTINGS SHALL BE 4"0 SCH40 PVC TYPE II, 11OPSI MIN. SET TO THE LINE PRIKW ARY TRENCH © O d AND INVERT ELEVATIONS SHOWN. THE MINIMUM PITCH OF PIPES CARRYING SEWAGE 7. NOTE THAT CONSTRUCTION (:F THE LEACHING SYSTEM REQUIRES REMOVAL OF _ - U a " OUTLET T IF N T SPECIFIED. UNSUITABLE SOIL. UNSUIT �3LE SOILS SHALL BE REMOVED TO ITS MAXIMUM DEPTH - J MIN. T HA BE 1 8TH INCH PER FOO 0 RESERVE �= Q L 3 OR SEPTIC TANK EFFLUENT S LL / FROM WITHIN 5' OF THE Pf3i�POSED LEACHING COMPONENTS AND REPLACED WITH. m w 3. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF THE SEPTIC SYSTEM DEPICTED ON THIS PLAN, THE CLEAN SAND MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF 310CMR 15.255 (3). EXCESS 1" AI A DISPOSAL WORKS CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FORM THE EXCAVATED SOIL MAY BE USED AS REQUIRED FOR FILL ON THE SITE OR SHALL BE � � m ~ x CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN D S DISPOSED OF OFF SITE. VARIES SAN. TEE TOWN OF BARNSTABLE BOARD OF HEALTH. PITCH TOWARD PUMP PIT � a w = SEE S.T DETAIL 10• r 4" SCH40 PVC 4. THE LOCATIONS OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE 8. ALL PRECAST CONCRETE COMPONENTS SHALL BE AS AVAILABLE FROM ACME PITCH TOWARD PUMP P:' HATCHVILLE MA. ALL COMPONENTS SHALL 2' APPROXIMATE. AT LEAST 72 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION FOR THIS PROJECT PRECAST, 520 THOMAS LA ¢IJERS ROAD, 6" PVC HEADER °' 45' EL WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE THE REQUIRED NOTIFICATION TO DIG SAFE BE AASHO H-20 WHEEL LtAI) RATED. ALL COMPONENTS DELIVERED TO THE JOBSITE -• `� (1-800-322-4844) AND THE C.O.M.M WATER DISTIRICT FOR SHALL BE MARKED AS TO -OMPLIANCE WITH TITLE 5 '95. SPECIFICATION. 0 CONCRETE TANK VERIFICATION OF LOCATIONS. '„ o 9. SEPTIC TANKS, BIOCLERE A#��� PUMP CHAMBER SHALL BE SET ON A LEVEL BED OF v v 3/4" TO 1-1/2" WASHED ,''ONE, AT LEAST ONE FOOT IN DEPTH OR AS OTHERWISE SECTION C - C 5. CONSTRUCTION OF THE SEPTIC SYSTEM SHOWN ON THIS PLAN IS SUBJECT TO THE INSPECTION OF THE TOWN OF BARNSTABLE HEALTH AGENT AND DESIGN ENGINEER. NO REQUIRED BY THE TANK M,WWFACTURER TO GUARANTEE A WATER TIGHT SEAL AT SECTION13m-0 SAS HEADER DETAIL GAS BA TANK JOINTS. - PART OF THE SEPTIC SYSTEM SHALL BE BACKFILLED OR MADE INACCESSIBLE UNTIL NTS INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY THE HEALTH AGENT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL 1�2�� = 1�-O�� (� /� SCHEDULE INSPECTIONS AS REQUIRED. �:J / 4 18 SHEET 3 OF 4 i i 17'-0" FLOAT SWITCHES �[ r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � SEWAGE PUMP 1 1 � A 1 CONC. BLOCK RISER I e Z 1 30" X 30" OPENING 1 /"� O U-)� O N CV BI NLETRE I I RAIL AND DISCONNECT "�1)(0-PUMP •� O AND VENT i ALUMINUM HATCH i CHECK VALVEul Ll► I I 0 L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1/4" WEEP HOLE Q �) U J � L - O THRUST BLOCK V C 4" D.I. OR EQ. GATE VALVE - 3 REQ Q) EXPAND TO 6" PVC HEADER _O PLAN EACH HEADER CONNECTED TO TEN TRENCHES V C.I. VALVE BOX LBARON STYLE SL 30" X 30" HATCH TO FIN. GRADE CONC BLOCK RISER 4" GATE VALVE TYPICAL _ GATE VALVE 00 AND BOX It I If L VENT v ® ELEC. JNCT BOX INLET ELEV = 13.39 W N O J Q _j tO 4" D.I. PIPE 04 st 1� LA FLOAT ASSEMBLY e ITS 7'-11 1/2- 6" SHUT OFF ------- ------- LIFT CHAIN ---------- w PUMP RAIL w PRECAST CONC. H-20 TANK SECTION A-A � SECONDARY TANK INLET SEWAGE PUMP SCHD 80 PVC 10, 0'QALLON PUMP_PIT INSIDE TANK 1/4„ l,- O„ 7. = , P. � P IN T ►LL 1 1 2" SCHD 40 PVC pE RECYCLE LINE FROM BIOC ERE N ep��0 u1 1. PRESSURE DOSING PUMPS SHALL BE MEYERS 3WHV 3HP PUMPS OR EQUAL CAPABLE OF 185GPM AT AN 22FT TDH, ALL PUMPS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN A PUMP PIT CAPABLE OF STOONG 6270 GALLONS PLUS ONE 960 GALLON DOSE VOLUME. PUMPS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN STRICT CONFORMANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURERS SECURE PIPE TO INSIDE TANK WALL 1 1/2" SCHD 40 PVC SPECIFICATIONS. PRIOR TO OREDERING PUMPING EQUIPMENT AND THE INSTALLER RECYCLE LINE SHALL PROVIDE THE DESIGN SHOP DRAWINGS OF THE ALL PUMPING EQUIPMENT FOR �8y APPROVAL. INSTALLER SHALL CONFIRM THAT THE REQUIRED POWER CONFIGURATION FOR FOR THE PUMP(S) IS AVAILABLE AT THE SITE. CONTACT AWTE FOR LENGHT OF LEG IF REQ. 6" SCHD 40 PVC INLET 2. CONTROLS: PUMP CONTROLS .SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN THE BUILDING IN AN ACCESSIBLE AREA AND SHALL BE ENCLOSED AS REQUIRED TO MEET ALL STATE AND LOCAL CODES AND REGULATIONS. THE PUMPS SHALL OPERATE ALTERNATELY ON A TIMED BASIS SUCH THAT,QiCH OPERATION APPLIES 960 GALLONS TO THE PORTION V) OF THE SO!L ABSORPTION 5: $TEM TO WHICH A PUMP 1S CONNECTED. PUMP CYCLES z 6 SCHD40 PVC OUTLET SHALL BE TIMED TO APPLY A DOSES PER DAY AT EQUAL INTERVALS AND DURATION O TO THE SAS. PUMPS SHA" BE PROVIDED WITH A LOW LEVEL OVERRIDE AND � DETAIL - RECYCLE LINE INSTALLATION REDUNDANT LOW LEVEL AL4, M SET SUCH THAT THE PUMPS REMAIN SUBMERGED. NTS PUMPS SHALL OPERATE FOLLOWING SEQUENCE: w a. PUMPS OFF b. LEAD PUMP ON (TIMED CYCLE IF LIQUID IS AVAILABLE) c. ALARM ON AND LAG PIMP ON (TWO PUMPS OPERATE OR ALTERNATE PUMP 4000 PSI CONCERETE W/ 6X6 10/10 WW REINF 3.5 SUBSTITIUTES FOR FAILED PUMP) d. PUMPS MUST ALTERNATE O Ew- F" = H O 00 00\ 3. ALARM: PUMPS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH AN ALARM POWERED BY A CIRCUIT Q Q Q Z 0) 1 j 1/2" BAR W/LEGS EMBEDDED IN CONCRETE SEPERATE FROM THE PUMP POWER. THE ALARM SHALL CONSIST OF A RED In 0') Ld WARNING LIGHT AND AUDIBLE SIGNAL WITH PRESS TO SILENCE SWITCH. THE <C m n ALARM SHALL SIGNAL A LOW WATER CONDITION (PUMPS NOT SUBMERGED) AND A H u� HIGH WATER LEVEL CAUSED BY PUMP FAILURE. li 0 J Q Y (n Q zCD 4. PROPER FUNCTION OF PUMPS,` CONTROLS AND ALARMS SHALL BE DEMONSTRATED BY DC = W U q n 'n CLEAN WATER TESTING PRIO" TO BACKFILLING SAS TRENCHES. U cp 120' (TYP) SUMP ul Q c N Q 0 m �.iwi 40 w g J 8' DIA. ----- -- --- - Q �.... j J PRECAST CONCRETE �MNTING PAD 5; PRECAST CONCRETE MOUNTING PAD - -- - --- - --- -- < NTS BIOCLERE MODEL24/24 W 30 MEYERS V3WHV - 3WHV3OM4-3HP W w W p W 6 IMP. DIAMETER F- � .J /2 �- 0�, - — ------ --- -- w T > rn 0) Z z0 a uj w Xo ---- -- --- a a m m 20 O 0 o w � U LIJ o n: NOTE: Q ---- I — w > In w CONNECTING PIPING, EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL, CONCRETE MOUNTING PAD AND HOISTING EQUIPMENT TO BE SUPPLIFD BY - -- --- --- - - 0 SEPTIC SYSTEM INSTALLER. AWTE PERSONNEL SECURE UNIT IN PLACE AND PROVIDE STARTUP AND MAINTENANCE StRVICES. O m ~ 10 V Q v W CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FROM AWTE AND COORDINATE SITE WORK --- -- - - - --- -- - - - w z o, w rn a BIOCLERE TRICK-LING FILTER100 200 300 400 500 SCALES AS NOTED CAPACITY - GPM PUMP CURVE FOR MEYERS 3WHV PUMP 9 7 --- 41 8 SHEET 4 OF 4