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" Title 5 Official Inspection Form �i Subsurface Sewage-Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments �:1:_✓ > 141 Hollingsworth Rd Property Address Cam. Vida Veitas t� Owner Owner's Name information is ^' required for every Osterville MA 02655 3-12-20� page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection Inspection results must be submitted on this form. Inspection forms may not be altered in any way. Please see completeness checklist at the end of the form. . A. Inspector Information Shawn Mcelroy Name of Inspector Upper Cape Septic Services Company Name P.O. Box 73 Company Address E. Falmouth t+ MA 02536 City/Town State Zip Code 1-508-495-0905 S 13971 Telephone Number License Number B. Certification I certify that:l am a DEP approved system inspector in full compliance with Section 15.340 of Title 5 (310 CMR 15.000);1 have personally inspected the sewage disposal system at theproperty address listed above;the information reported below.is true, accurate and complete as of the time of my inspection; and the inspection was performed based on my training and experience in the proper function and maintenance of on-site sewage'disposal systems.After conducting^this inspection I have determined that the system: 1. ®' Passes .� . . 1. . 2. ❑ Conditionally Passes 3. ❑ Needs Further Evaluation by the Local Approving Authority a. , It. 4. ❑ Fails 3-12-20 Inspector's Signature Date The system inspector shall submit a copy of this inspection report to the Approving Authority (Board of Health or DEP)within 30 days of completing this inspection. If the system has a design flow of 10,000 gpd or greater,the inspector and the system owner shall submit the report to the appropriate regional office of the DEP. The original form should be sent to the system owner and copies sent to the buyer, if applicable, and the approving authority. Please note: This report only describes conditions at the time of inspection and under the conditions of use at that time. This inspection does not address how the system will perform in the future under the same or different conditions of use. t5insp.doc•rev.7/26I2018 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 1 of 18 Commonwealth of Massachusetts r� Title 5 Official Inspection Form �%i. Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments T, >` 141 Hollingsworth Rd Property Address Vida Veitas Owner Owner's Name information is required for every Osterville - MA 02655 3-12-20 page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection C. Inspection Summary Inspection Summary: Complete 1, 2,"3, or 5 and all of 4 and 6. 1) System Passes:', '• ® 1 have not found any information which indicates that any of the failure criteria described in 310 CMR 15.303 or in 310 CMR 15.304 exist. Any failure criteria not evaluated are indicated below. Comments: System is in good working order with no sign of failure. 2) System Conditionally Passes: ❑ One or more system components as described in the "Conditional Pass"section need to be replaced or repaired. The system, upon completion of the replacement or repair, as approved by the Board of Health, will pass. Check the box for"yes", "no" or"not determined" (Y, N, ND)for the following statements. If"not determined," please explain. The septic tank is metal and over 20 years old*or the septic tank (whether metal or not) is structurally unsound, exhibits substantial infiltration or exfiltration or tank failure is imminent. System will pass inspection if the existing tank is replaced with a complying septic tank as approved by the Board of Health. *A metal septic tank will pass inspection if it is structurally sound, not leaking and if a Certificate of Compliance indicating that the tank is less than 20 years old is available. ❑ Y ❑N ❑ ND (Explain below): t5;nsp.doc-rev.7/26/2018 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System-Page 2 of 18 Commonwealth of Massachusetts :.. p; Title 5 Official Inspection Form 4 Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form-Not for Voluntary Assessments `>" 141 Hollingsworth Rd Property Address Vida Veitas Owner Owner's Name information is required for every Osterville. MA 02655 3-12-20 page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection C. Inspection Summary (cont.) , 2) System Conditionally Passes (cont.): ._ F ❑ Pump Chamber pumps/alarms not operational. System will pass with Board of Health approval if pumps/alarms are repaired. ❑ Observation of sewage backup or break out or high static water level in the distribution box due to broken or obstructed pipe(s) or due to a broken, settled or uneven distribution box. System will pass inspection if(with approval of Board of Health): ❑ broken pipe(s) are replaced ❑ Y ❑N ❑ +ND (Explain below): ❑ obstruction is removed ❑ Y' El ❑ ND (Explain below): ❑ distribution box is leveled or replaced ❑Y' ❑ N ❑ ND (Explain below): ❑ The system required pumping more than 4 times a year due to broken or obstructed pipe(s). The system will pass inspection if(with approval of the Board of Health): ❑ broken pipe(s) are replaced ❑Y ❑N ❑ ND (Explain below): ❑ obstruction is removed ❑Y ❑N ❑ ND (Explain below): 3) Further Evaluation is Required by the Board of Health:., ❑ Conditions exist which require further evaluation by the Board of Health in order to determine if the'system is failing to protect public health, safety or the environment. a. System will pass unless Board of Health determines in accordance with 310 CMR 15.303(1)(b)that the system is not functioning in a manner which will protect public health, safety and the environment: -a , t5insp.doc•rev.7/26/2018 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 3 of 18 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments 141 Hollingsworth Rd Property Address Vida Veitas Owner Owner's Name information is required for every Ostefville MA 02655 3-12-20 page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection C. Inspection Summary (cont.) ❑ Cesspool or privy is within 50 feet of a surface water ❑ Cesspool or privy is within 50 feet of a bordering vegetated wetland or a salt marsh b. System will fail unless the Board of Health (and Public Water Supplier, if any) determines that the system is functioning in a manner that protects the public health, safety and environment: ❑The system has a septic tank and soil absorption system (SAS) and the SAS is within 100 feet of a surface water supply or tributary to a surface water supply. ❑The system has a septic tank and SAS and the SAS is within a Zone 1 of a public water supply. ❑The system has a septic tank and SAS and the.SAS is within 50 feet of a private water supply well. ❑The system has a septic tank and SAS and the SAS is less than 100 feet but 50 feet or more from a private water supply well**. Method used to determine distance: ** This system passes if the well water analysis, performed at a DEP certified laboratory, for fecal coliform bacteria indicates absent and the presence of ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen is equal to or less than 5 ppm, provided that no other failure criteria are triggered.A copy of the analysis must be attached to this form. c. Other: , r 4) System Failure Criteria Applicable to All Systems: You must indicate "Yes",or"No"to each of the following for all inspections: Yes' No r ❑ ® Backup of sewage into facility or system component due to overloaded or clogged SAS or cesspool ❑ ® Discharge or ponding of effluent to the surface of the ground or surface waters due to an overloaded or clogged SAS or cesspool t5insp.doc-rev.7/26/2018 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System-Page 4 of 18 Commonwealth of Massachusetts r� 3� Title 5 Official Inspection Form it Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Vol untary:Assessments . 141 Hollingsworth Rd " Property Address Vida Veitas Owner Owner's Name information is Osterville MA 02655 3-12-20 required for every - page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection C. Inspection Summary (cont.) 4) System Failure Criteria Applicable to All Systems: (cont.), Yes No + F ❑ ® ' - 'Static liquid level in the distribution box above outlet invert due to an overloaded or clogged SAS or cesspool Liquid depth in cesspool is less than 6" below invert or available volume is less ❑ ® than '/2 day flow - ❑ ® Required pumping more than 4 times in the last year NOT due to clogged or obstructed pipe(s). Number of times pumped: ❑; ® Any portion of the SAS, cesspool or privy is below high ground water elevation. ❑ ® Any portion of cesspool or privy is within 100 feet of a surface water supply or tributary to a surface water supply' Any portion of a cesspool or privy is within a Zone 1 of a public water supply ❑ ® we11. ❑- ®r Ariy`portiori of a'cesspool or privy'is within 50 feet of a.private water supply well. ❑ ® Any portion of a cesspool or privy is less than 100 feet but greater than 50 feet from a private water supply well with no acceptable water quality analysis. (This system passes if the well water analysis, performed at a DEP certified laboratory,for fecal coliform bacteria indicates absent and the presence of ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen is equal to or less than 5 ppm, provided that no other failure criteria are triggered.A copy of the analysis and chain of custody.must be attached to this form:] The system is a cesspool serving a facility with a design flow of 2000 gpd- .. ®, 10,000 gpd. The system fails. I have'determined that one or more of the above failure ❑ " ' ® criteria exist as described in 310 CMR 15.303,therefore the system fails. The t ,system owner should contact the Board of Health to determine what will be necessary to correct the failure. 5) Large Systems:To be considered a large system the system must,serve a facility with a design ` flow of 10,000 gpd to 16,000 gpd. ` +For large systems, you must indicate,either"yes" or"no"to each of the following, in addition to the questions in Section C.4. ,. k Yes No ❑ ❑ the system is within 400 feet of a surface drinking water supply ❑ ❑ the system is within 200 feet of a tributary to a surface drinking water supply ❑ ❑ the system is located in a nitrogen sensitive area (Interim Wellhead Protection Area— IWPA) or a mapped Zone II of a public water supply well t5insp.doc-rev.7/26/2018 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 5 of 18 Commonwealth of Massachusetts r Title 5 Official In ection- Form i i�l Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form Not for Voluntary Assessments �1__�- . 141 Hollingsworth Rd Property Address Vida Veitas Owner Owner's Name information is Osterville MA 02655 3-12-20 required for every page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection C. Inspection Summary (cont.) If you have answered "yes' to any question in Section C.5 the system is considered a significant threat, or answered "yes"to any question in Section CA above the large system has failed. The owner or operator of any large system considered a significant threat under Section C.5 or failed under Section CA shall upgrade the system in accordance with 310 CMR 15.304. The system owner should contact the appropriate regional office of the Department. 6. You must indicate "yes or no for each of the following for all inspections: Yes No ❑ ® Pumping information was provided by the owner, occupant, or Board of Health ❑ ® Were any of the system components pumped out in the previous two weeks? ® ❑ Has the system received normal flows in the previous two week period? ❑ ® Have large volumes of water been introduced to the system recently or as part of this inspection? ® ❑ Were as built plans of the system obtained and examined? (If they were not available note as N/A) ® ❑ Was the facility or dwelling inspected for signs of sewage back up? ® ❑ Was the site inspected for signs of break out? ® Were all system components, excluding the SAS, located on site? ® ❑ Were the septic tank manholes uncovered, opened, and the interior of the tank inspected for the condition of the,baffles or tees, material of construction, dimensions, depth of liquid, depth of sludge and depth of scum? ❑ Wasthe facility owner(and occupants if different from owner) provided with information on the proper maintenance of subsurface sewage disposal systems? The size and location of the Soil Absorption System (SAS) on the site has been determined based on: ® El Existing information. For example, a plan at the' Board of Health. ® ❑ Determined in the field (if any of the failure criteria related to Part C is at issue approximation of distance is unacceptable) [310 CMR 15.302(5)] t5insp.doc-rev.7/26/2018 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 6 of 18 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official Inspection Form c�ll Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments a 141 Hollingsworth Rd Property Address Vida Veitas ,. Owner Owner's Name information is required for every Osterville MA 02655 3-12-20 page. City/Town ' r, State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information j 1. Residential Flow Conditions: Number of bedrooms (design): 4 Number of bedrooms (actual): 4 DESIGN flowbased on 310 CMR 15.203 (for example: 110 gpd x#of bedrooms): 440 Description: Number of current residents: , , ,, 2 Does residence have a garbage grinder? r. r. ,,. „ ,, ❑ Yes ® No Does residence have a water treatment unit? f; * t' ❑ Yes ® No If yes, discharges to: Is laundry on a separate sewage system? (Include laundry system inspection ❑ Yes ® No information in this report.) Laundry system inspected? ❑ Yes ® No Seasonal use? ❑ Yes ® No Water meter readings, if available (last 2 years usage (gpd)): Detail: • e +'f '-.i 1, C* � - Sump pump? ❑ Yes ® No Last date of occupancy: ,rr, ,_ .z, ; „ f 3-2020 Date t5insp.doc-rev.7/2 612 01 8 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System-Page 7 of 18 Commonwealth of Massachusetts .. <' L ,w Title 5 Official Inspection Form ! ial Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments r U , 141 Hollingsworth Rd Property Address Vida Veitas Owner Owner's Name , information is Osterville MA 02655 3-12-20 ' required for every ' page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (cont.) 2. Commercial/Industrial Flow Conditions: Type of Establishment: t. Design flow(based on 310 CMR 15.203): Gallons per day(gpd) Basis of design flow(seats/persons/sq.ft., etc.): Grease trap present? No ❑ Yes ❑ Water treatment unit present? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, discharges to: Industrial waste holding tank present? ❑ Yes ❑ No Non-sanitary waste discharged to the Title 5 system? ❑ Yes ❑ No Water meter readings, if available: Last date of occupancy/use: Date Other(describe below). .f 3. Pumping Records: Source of information: N/A Was system pumped as part of the inspection? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, volume pumped: gallons How was quantity pumped determined? Reason for pumping: t5insp.doc•rev.712 612 01 8 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 8 of 18 C ;;� Commonwealth of Massachusetts 3 Title 5 Official Inspection Form "�i Subsurface sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments 141 Hollingsworth Rd _ Property Address Vida Veitas Owner Owner's Name information is required for every Osterville " " MA 02655 3-12-20 page. City/Town t State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (cont.) ; 4. Type of System: ® Septic tank, distribution box, soil absorption system ' ❑ Single cesspool c ❑ • Overflow cesspool' ❑ Privy ❑ Shared system.(yes or no) (if yes, attach previous inspection records, if any) ❑ Innovative/Alternative technology.Attach a copy of the current operation and maintenance contract (to be obtained from system owner) and a copy of latest inspection of the I/A system by system operator under contract ❑, r , 'Tight tank.Attach a copy of the DEP approval!. ? . ❑ Other(describe): Approximate"age of all components, date installed (if known) and source of information: 2011 Were sewage-odors detected when,arriving at the site? ❑' Yes ® No 5. Building Sewer(locate on site plan): Depth below grade: ,, ;,a, , , 44" `'feet Material of construction: ` ❑ cast iron ®40 PVC ❑ other(explain): , Distance from private water supply well or suction line: feet Comments (on condition of joints, venting, evidence of leakage, etc.): Good condition. t5insp.doc•rev.7/26/2018 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 9 of 18 e Commonwealth of Massachusetts f r Title 5 Official Inspection Form r�► Subsurface Sewage.Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments > r� r 141 Hollingsworth Rd Property Address Vida Veitas Owner Owner's Name info mad on is Osterville MA 02655 3-12-20 required for every page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (cont.) , 6. Septic Tank (locate on site plan): Depth below grade: 36"feet Material of construction: ® concrete ❑ metal ❑ fiberglass ❑ polyethylene ❑ other(explain) If tank is metal, list age: years Is age confirmed by a Certificate of Compliance? (attach a copy of certificate) ❑ Yes ❑ No Dimensions: 1500 gal H-20 Sludge depth: 12" Distance from top of sludge to bottom of outlet tee or baffle 20" Scum thickness 2" Distance from top of scum to top of outlet tee or baffle 6" Distance from bottom of scum to bottom of outlet tee or baffle 16" How were dimensions determined? Tape Comments (on pumping recommendations, inlet and outlet tee or baffle condition, structural integrity, liquid levels as related to outlet invert, evidence of leakage, etc.): Tank is in good condition with baffles installed and no sign of leakage. Recommend pumping for solids. t5insp.doc-rev.7/26/2018 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System-Page 10 of 18 I Commonwealth of Massachusetts 1w� Title 5 Official. Inspection Form i'i Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments 141 Hollingsworth Rd Property Address Vida Veitas Owner Owner's Name information is required for every Osterville ? MA 02655 3-12-20 page. City/Town •- State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (cont.) 7. Grease Trap (locate on site plan): Depth below grade: feet- Material of construction: ❑ concrete ❑ metal ❑ fiberglass :. ❑ polyethylene ❑ other(explain): Dimensions: Scum thickness Distance from top of scum to top of outlet tee or baffle Distance from bottom of scum to bottom of outlet tee or baffle Date of last pumping: R,- . . Date Comments (on pumping recommendations, inlet and outlet tee or baffle condition, structural integrity, liquid levels as related to outlet invert, evidence of leakage, etc.): 8. Tight or Holding Tank (tank must be pumped at time of i nspecti on)(locate on site plan): Depth below grade: Material of construction: ❑ concrete ❑ metal ❑ fiberglass ❑ polyethylene ❑ other(explain): Dimensions: Capacity: gallons Design Flow: - gallons per day t5insp.doc•rev.7/26/2018 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 11 of 18 Commonwealth of Massachusetts {. Title 5 Official Inspection Forni f� w" ,�� �i�l Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments 141 Hollingsworth Rd -`T Property Address - Vida Veitas Owner Owner's Name information is required for every Cisterville MA 02655 3-12-20 page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (cont.) 8. Tight or Holding Tank (cont.) Alarm present: ❑ Yes ❑ No Alarm level: Alarm in working order: ❑ Yes ❑ No Date of last pumping: Date Comments (condition of alarm and float switches, etc.): *Attach copy of current pumping contract (required). Is copy attached? ❑ Yes ❑ No 9. Distribution Box (if present must be opened)(locate on site plan): Depth of liquid level above outlet invert 0 Comments (note if box is level and distribution to outlets equal, any evidence of solids carryover, any evidence of leakage into or out of box, etc.): Good condition with water at working level and no sign of back-up from field. t5insp.doc-rev.7/26/2018 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 12 of 18 r Commonwealth of Massachusetts r� Title 5 official Inspection Form �.1. �i Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments P ,;r 141 Hollingsworth Rd Property Address Vida Veitas Owner Owner's Name information is required for every Osterville MA 02655 3-12-20 page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (cont.) ' 10. Pump Chamber(locate on site plan): ,; Pumps in working order: ❑ Yes. ❑ No* F r- - ti r Alarms in working order: t, j ❑ Yes. ❑ No* Comments (note condition of pump chamber, condition of pumps and appurtenances, etc.): * If pumps or alarms are not in working order, system is a conditional pass. - 11. Soil Absorption System (SAS) (locate on site plan;excavation not required): If SAS not located, explain why: Type: _ ' ❑ ' ' leaching pits number:. ® leaching chambers number: 8-Cultec 330's ❑ leaching galleries number: ❑ leaching trenches number, length: ❑ leaching fields number, dimensions: ❑ overflow cesspool number: ❑ innovative/alternative system Type/name of technology: t5ins,p.doc-rev.7/2 612 01 8• Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 13 of 18 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official} Inspection Form . -'l Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form.-Not for Vol u ntary,Assessments >" 141 Hollingsworth Rd .4 Property Address Vida Veitas Owner Owner's Name information is required for every Cisterville MA 02655 3-12-20 page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (cont.) 11. Soil Absorption System (SAS) (cont.) Comments (note condition of soil, signs of hydraulic failure, level of ponding, damp soil, condition of vegetation, etc.): Cultec leach field in good working order and empty at inspection with no sign of back-up into d-box or surrounding stone. 12. Cesspools (cesspool must be pumped as part of inspection) (locate on site plan): Number and configuration Depth—top of liquid to inlet invert Depth of solids layer Depth of scum layer Dimensions of cesspool Materials of construction Indication of groundwater inflow ❑ Yes ❑ No Comments (note condition of soil, signs of hydraulic failure, level of ponding, condition of vegetation, etc.): t5 nsp.doc-rev.7/26/2018 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System-Page 14 of 18 Commonwealth of Massachusetts a ,w Title 5 Official, Inspection Fora i-'M Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not.for Voluntary,Assessments 141 Hollingsworth Rd Property Address - Vida Veitas Owner Owner's Name information is required for every Osterville MA 02655 3-12-20 �-• page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (cont.) 13. Privy (locate on site plan): } Materials`of construction: r ' Dimensions Depth of solids ` Comments (note condition of soil, signs of hydraulic failure, level of ponding, condition of vegetation, etc.): I 1 t5insp.doc•rev.7/26/2018 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 15 of 18 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official Inspection Form i Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments 141 Hollingsworth Rd Property Address Vida Veitas Owner Owner's Name information is required for every Osterville MA 02655 3-12-20 page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (cont.) - 14. Sketch Of Sewage Disposal System: Provide a view of the sewage disposal system, including ties to at least two permanent reference landmarks or benchmarks. Locate all wells within 100 feet. Locate where public water supply enters the building. Check one of the boxes below: ® hand-sketch in the area below ❑ drawing attached separately 33 1 N 1. I t5insp.doc-rev.7/26/2018 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System-Page 16 of 18 r Commonwealth of Massachusetts 011, Title 5 Official. Inspection Form C�l Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments 141 Hollingsworth Rd , Property Address �. Vida Veitas ' Owner Owner's Name information is required for every Osterville '° ' MA 02655 3-12-20 page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (cont.) , 15. Site Exam: i ,� �f - : ❑ Check Slope ❑ Surface water ❑ Check cellar ❑ Shallow wells z, , Estimated depth to high ground water: 12'+ feet Please indicate all methods used to determine the high ground water elevation: ® Obtained from system design plans on record , _ If checked,,date of design plan reviewed: pate ® ,Observed site (abutting property/observation:hole within 150 feet of SAS) ® Checked with local Board of Health -explain: ® Checked with local excavators, installers- (attach documentation) ❑ Accessed USGS database- explain: You must describe how you established the high ground water elevation: Original design plans show no groundwater at 12'. Before filing this Inspection Report, please see Report Completeness Checklist on next page. t5insp.doc-rev.7/26/2018 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System-Page 17 of 18 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official Inspection Form ! it Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary•Assessments 141 Hollingsworth Rd Property Address Vida Veitas Owner Owner's Name information is Osteryille MA 02655 3-12-20 required for every page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection E. Report Completeness Checklist Complete all applicable sections of this form inclusive of: ® A. Inspector Information: Complete all fields in this section. ® B. Certification: Signed & Dated and 1, 2, 3, or 4 checked ® C. Inspection Summary: 1, 2, 3, or 5 completed as appropriate 4 (Failure Criteria) and 6 (Checklist) completed ® D. System Information: For 8: Tight/Holding Tank—Pumping contract attached For 14: Sketch of Sewage Disposal System drawn on pg. 16 or attached For 15: Explanation of estimated depth to high groundwater included t5insp.doc•rev.7/26/2018 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 18 of 18 ` TOWN OF � BARNSTABBLE LOCATION ad S o //o 1W VILLAGES Y l 11' ASSE,SSSQ.1 'S MAP & LOT TVQ- 0!J�J `m — '� INSTALLER S NAME&PHONE NO� � SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY t' S� "�—" l (size) LEACHING FACILITY: (type) NO.OF BEDROOMS BUILDER OR OWNER AZ V�1�� ��►4I� PERMITDATE: COMPLIANCE DATE: —S _ Separation Distance Between the: Maximum Adjusted Groundwater Table and Bottom of Leaching Facility Feet Private Water Supply Well and Leaching Facility (If any wells exist on site or within 200 feet of leaching facility) Feet Edge of Wetland and Leaching Facility(If any wetlands exist within 300 feet of leaching facility) Feet Furnished by r ate. . 7 r Y T{3Wid 4B ST Lfi SEWAGE iACti"I�OI�t M4 6 _ PTA11 ion.. ho SBFTLC r3-3 ANx cfAc i L1��A,CFIf�}'G PAGII.1'i'lr +( . ) NO nF$BT3 '00 :I R '- C{3N�fLt� fop �onD�t�nce i .re�nebe' j :Feet b6aximu�m Adstaeidwa the te�Tableio Buttom bfl: dttFaccty Px4vate Qatar Super Wei sad wing Fagr Eany was ex'sst Feat ons�te ttraitbI 200 feR aSe � Y) Edge of�i�leAatld a�ud Ixeehing iN !!� �retlaads exist :` withla 3QU beets� teaclt�a�f .) �Beet; s � r r 3 0 '3 -3a'(. Town of Barnstable > Regulatory Services c� Thomas F. Geiler,Director BAMSTAat „„ Public Health Division 9�'OrE039. ' Thomas McKean,Director 200 Main Street, Hyannis,MA 02601 Office: 508-862-4644 Fax: 508-790-6304 Date: 3 1zy Zo r i Sewage Permit# Zoro-3S 2- Assessor's Map/Parcel 1 YG b8 3 Installer& Designer Certification Form Designer: A. W,lsu, P E: Installer: Htekc!r Csnslr�� rn-� Address: ?_ex - IVca c Address: 3® 2osa f4. 1,onc 7� l�a� St. Hyannis Ni�annis On y zr 2 o r n Ackt t CCM5/r,/C/?V ► was issued a permit to install a (date) (installer) septic system at JW 14oj11N45'a1drjA zo . l�s�rryr'l Cc based on a design drawn by (address) S k f1 G'i is a►r O E dated /T! 2 0/o (designer) �( I certify that the septic system referenced above was installed substantially according to the design, which may include minor approved changes such as lateral relocation of the distribution box and/or septic tank. Stripout (if required) was inspected and the soils were found satisfactory. . I certify that the septic system referenced above was installed with major.changes (i.e. greater than 10' lateral relocation of the SAS or any vertical relocation of any component of the septic system) but in accordance with State & Local Regulations. Plan revision or certified as-built by designer to follow. Stripout (if required) w ected and the soils were found satisfactory. ��jN 01F'At n STE PHEN c• - �� ALLYN m (Installer's Signature) WUON a No..30ti8 Designer's Signature) (Affix Desi ere) PLEASE RETURN TO BARNSTABLE PUBLIC HEALTH DIVISION. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL BOTH THIS FORM AND AS- BUILT CARD ARE RECEIVED BY THE BARNSTABLE PUBLIC HEALTH DIVISION. THANK YOU. gAoffice formsWesignercertification form.doc (,�� 20 1 o—0 2 V:0 1 Commonwealth of Massachusetts - Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form - Not for Voluntary Assessments 141 Hollingsworth Rd. Property Address Irwin Hall Owner Owner's Name information is required for Osterville Ma. 02655 5/25/2010 every page. Cityrrown State Zip Code Date of Inspection Inspection results must be submitted on this form. Inspection forms may not be altered in any way. Please see completeness checklist at the end of the form. Important:\ A. General Information When filling out forms on the computer,use 1. Inspector:only the tab key to move your Robert Paolini / cursor-do not use the return Name of Inspector key. Capewide Enterprises,LLC. Company Name P.O.Box 763 Company Address Centerville Ma. 02632 re"0" City/Town State Zip Code (508)428-4028 S14454 Telephone Number License Number B. Certification I certify that I have personally inspected the sewage disposal system at this address and that the information reported below is true, accurate and complete as of the time of the inspection. The inspection was performed based on my training and experience in the proper function and maintenance of on site sewage disposal systems. I am a DEP approved system inspector pursuant to Section 15.340 of Title 5 (310 CMR 15.000).The system: ❑ Passes ❑ Conditionally Passes ® Fails ❑ Needs Further Evaluation by the Local Approving Authority 2/25/2010 Inspe ors Slg ure Date The system inspector shall submit a copy of this inspection report to the Approving Authority(Board of Health or DEP)within 30 days of completing this inspection. If the system is a shared system or has a design flow of 10,000 gpd or greater, the inspector and the system owner shall submit the report to the appropriate regional office of the DEP. The original should be sent to the system owner and copies sent to the buyer, if applicable, and the approving authority. ****This report only describes conditions at the time of inspection and under the conditions of use at that time.This inspection does not address how the system will perform in the future under the same or different conditions of use. t5ins•09/08 ,Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage4Disposalm•Page 1 0 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments 141 Hollingsworth Rd. Property Address Irwin Hall Owner Owner's Name information is required for Osterville Ma. 02655 5/25/2010 every page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection B. Certification (cont.) Inspection Summary: Check A,B,C,D or E/always complete all of Section D A) System Passes: ❑ I have not found any information which indicates that any of the failure criteria described in 310 CMR 15.303 or in 310 CMR 15.304 exist. Any failure criteria not evaluated are indicated below. Comments: 13) System Conditionally Passes: ❑ One or more system components as described in the"Conditional Pass"section need to be replaced or repaired. The system, upon completion of the replacement or repair, as approved by the Board of Health,will pass. Check the box for"yes", "no"or"not determined" (Y, N, ND)for the following statements. If"not determined," please explain. The septic tank is metal and over 20 years old*or the septic tank(whether metal or not)is structurally unsound, exhibits substantial infiltration or exfiltration or tank failure is imminent. System will pass inspection if the existing tank is replaced with a complying septic tank as approved by the Board of Health. *A metal septic tank will pass inspection if it is structurally sound, not leaking and if a Certificate of Compliance indicating that the tank is less than 20 years old is available. ❑ Y ❑ N ❑ ND (Explain below): t5ins•09/08 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 2 of 17 Commonwealth of Massachusetts w Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments °M 141 Hollingsworth Rd. Property Address Irwin Hall Owner Owner's Name information is required for Osterville Ma. 02655 5/25/2010 every page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection B. Certification (cont.) B) System Conditionally Passes (cont.): ❑ Observation of sewage backup or break out or high static water level in the distribution box due to broken or obstructed pipe(s)or due to a broken, settled or uneven distribution box. System will pass inspection if(with approval of Board of Health): ❑ broken pipe(s)are replaced ❑ Y ❑ N ❑ ND (Explain below): ❑ obstruction is removed ❑ Y ❑ N ❑ ND (Explain below): ❑ distribution box is leveled or replaced ❑ Y ❑ N ❑ ND (Explain below): ❑ The system required pumping more than 4 times a year due to broken or obstructed pipe(s). The system will pass inspection if(with approval of the Board of Health): ❑ broken pipe(s)are replaced ❑ Y ❑ N ❑ ND (Explain below): ❑ obstruction is removed ❑ Y ❑ N ❑ ND (Explain below): C) Further Evaluation is Required by the Board of Health: ❑ Conditions exist which require further evaluation by the Board of Health in order to determine if the system is failing to protect public health, safety or the environment. 1. System will pass unless Board of Health determines in accordance with 310 CMR 15.303(1)(b)that the system is not functioning in a manner which will protect public health, safety and the environment: ❑ Cesspool or privy is within 50 feet of a surface water ❑ Cesspool or privy is within 50 feet of a bordering vegetated wetland or a salt marsh t5ins•09/08 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 3 of 17 Commonwealth of Massachusetts W Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments 141 Hollingsworth Rd. Property Address Irwin Hall Owner Owner's Name information is required for Osterville Ma. 02655 5/25/2010 every page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection B. Certification (cont.) 2. System will fail unless the Board of Health (and Public Water Supplier, if any) determines that the system is functioning in a manner that protects the public health, safety and environment: ❑ The system has a septic tank and soil absorption system (SAS)and the SAS is within 100 feet of a surface water supply or tributary to a surface water supply. ❑ The system has a septic tank and SAS and the SAS is within a Zone 1 of a public water supply. ❑ The system has a septic tank and SAS and the SAS is within 50 feet of a private water supply well. ❑ The system has a septic tank and SAS and the SAS is less than 100 feet but 50 feet or more from a private water supply well**. Method used to determine distance: **This system passes if the well water analysis, performed at a DEP certified laboratory,for coliform bacteria indicates absent and the presence of ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen is equal to or less than 5 ppm, provided that no other failure criteria are triggered.A copy of the analysis must be attached to this form. 3. Other: D) System Failure Criteria Applicable to All Systems: You must indicate "Yes" or"No"to each of the following for all inspections: Yes No ❑ ® Backup of sewage into facility or system component due to overloaded or clogged SAS or cesspool ❑ ® Discharge or ponding of effluent to the surface of the ground or surface waters due to an overloaded or clogged SAS or cesspool ❑ ® Static liquid level in the distribution box above outlet invert due to an overloaded or clogged SAS or cesspool ❑ ® Liquid depth in cesspool is less than 6" below invert or available volume is less than Y2 day flow t5ins•09/08. Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System-Page 4 of 17 Commonwealth of Massachusetts W Title 5 Official Inspection Form _ Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments 141 Hollingsworth Rd. Property Address Irwin Hall Owner Owner's Name information is required for Osterville Ma. 02655 5/25/2010 every page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection B. Certification (coat.) Yes No ❑ ® Required pumping more than 4 times in the last year NOT due to clogged or obstructed pipe(s). Number of times pumped: ❑ ® Any portion of the SAS, cesspool or privy is below high ground water elevation. ❑ ® Any portion of cesspool or privy is within 100 feet of a surface water supply or tributary to a surface water supply. ❑ ® Any portion of a cesspool or privy is within a Zone 1 of a public well. ❑ ® Any portion of a cesspool or privy is within 50 feet of a private water supply well. ❑ ® Any portion of a cesspool or privy is less than 100 feet but greater than 50 feet from a private water supply well with no acceptable water quality analysis. [This system passes if the well water analysis, performed at a DEP certified laboratory,for fecal coliform bacteria indicates absent and the presence of ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen is equal to or less than 5 ppm, provided that no other failure criteria are triggered.A copy of the analysis and chain of custody must be attached to this form.] ❑ ® The system is a cesspool serving a facility with a design flow of 2000gpd- 1 0,000g pd. ® ❑ The system fails. I have determined that one or more of the above failure criteria exist as described in 310 CMR 15.303, therefore the system fails. The system owner should contact the Board of Health to determine what will be necessary to correct the failure. E) Large Systems: To be considered a large system the system must serve a facility with a design flow of 10,000 gpd to 15,000 gpd. For large systems, you must indicate either"yes"or"no"to each of the following, in addition to the questions in Section D. Yes No ❑ ❑ the system is within 400 feet of a surface drinking water supply ❑ ❑ the system is within 200 feet of a tributary to a surface drinking water supply ❑ ❑ the system is located in a nitrogen sensitive area (Interim Wellhead Protection Area—IWPA)or a mapped Zone II of a public water supply well If you have answered "yes"to any question in Section E the system is considered a significant threat, or answered "yes" in Section D above the large system has failed. The owner or operator of any large system considered a significant threat under Section E or failed under Section D shall upgrade the system in accordance with 310 CMR 16.304. The system owner should contact the appropriate regional office of the Department. t5ins•09/08 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 5 of 17 Commonwealth of Massachusetts W Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments 141 Hollingsworth Rd. Property Address Irwin Hall Owner Owner's Name information is required for Osterville Ma. 02655 5/25/2010 every page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection C. Checklist Check if the following have been done. You must indicate"yes"or"no"as to each of the following: Yes No ❑ ® Pumping information was provided by the owner, occupant, or Board of Health ❑ ® Were any of the system components pumped out in the previous two weeks? ❑ ® Has the system received normal flows in the previous two week period? ❑ ® Have large volumes of water been introduced to the system recently or as part of this inspection? ® ❑ Were as built plans of the system obtained and examined? (If they were not available note as N/A) ® ❑ Was the facility or dwelling inspected for signs of sewage back up? ® ❑ Was the site inspected for signs of break out? ® ❑ Were all system components, excluding the SAS, located on site? ® ❑ Were the septic tank manholes uncovered, opened, and the interior of the tank inspected for the condition of the baffles or tees, material of construction, dimensions, depth of liquid, depth of sludge and depth of scum? ® ❑ Was the facility owner(and occupants if different from owner) provided with information on the proper maintenance of subsurface sewage disposal systems? The size and location of the Soil Absorption System (SAS) on the site has been determined based on: ❑ ® Existing information. For example, a plan at the Board of Health. ❑ ® Determined in the field (if any of the failure criteria related to Part C is at issue approximation of distance is unacceptable) [310 CMR 15.302,(5)] D. System Information Residential Flow Conditions: Number of bedrooms (design): 3 Number of bedrooms (actual): 2 DESIGN flow based on 310 CMR 15.203 (for example: 110 gpd x#of bedrooms): 330 t5ins•09/08 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 6 of 17 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official Inspection Form m' Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments ;M 141 Hollingsworth Rd. Property Address Irwin Hall Owner Owner's Name information is required for Osterville Ma. 02655 5/25/2010 every page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information Description: Number of current residents: 0 Does residence have a garbage grinder? ❑ Yes ® No Is laundry on a separate sewage system? [if yes separate inspection required] ❑ Yes ® No Laundry system inspected? ® Yes ❑ No Seasonal use? ❑ Yes ® No Water meter readings, if available last 2 ears usage d NA 9 ( Y 9 (gp ))� Detail: Sump pump? ❑ Yes ® No Last date.of occupancy: unknown Date Commercial/Industrial Flow Conditions: Type of Establishment: Design flow (based on 310 CMR 15.203): Gallons per day(gpd) Basis of design flow (seats/persons/sq.ft., etc.): Grease trap present? ❑ Yes ❑ No Industrial waste holding tank present? ❑ Yes ❑ No Non-sanitary waste discharged to the Title 5 system? ❑ Yes ❑ No Water meter readings, if available: L15ins9/08 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 7 of 17 Commonwealth of Massachusetts W Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments ^M 141 Hollingsworth Rd. Property Address Irwin Hall Owner Owner's Name information is required for Osterville Ma. 02655 5/25/2010 every page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (cont.) Last date of occupancy/use: Date Other(describe below): General Information Pumping Records: Source of information: Was system pumped as part of the inspection? ❑ Yes ® No If yes,volume pumped: gallons How was quantity pumped determined? Reason for pumping: Type of System: ® Septic tank, distribution box, soil absorption system ❑ Single cesspool ❑ Overflow cesspool ❑ Privy ❑ Shared system (yes or no) (if yes, attach previous inspection records, if any) ❑ Innovative/Alternative technology. Attach a copy of the current operation and maintenance contract(to be obtained from system owner)and a copy of latest inspection of the I/A system by system operator under contract ❑ Tight tank.Attach a copy of the DEP approval. ❑ Other(describe): t5ins•09/08 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 8 of 17 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form - Not for Voluntary Assessments �nM 141 Hollingsworth Rd. Property Address Irwin Hall Owner Owner's Name information is required for Osterville Ma. 02655 5/25/2010 every page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (cont.) Approximate age of all components, date installed (if known)and source of information: Were sewage odors detected when arriving at the site? ❑ Yes ® No Building Sewer(locate on site plan): Depth below grade: 14 feet Material of construction: ❑ cast iron ® 40 PVC ❑ other(explain): Distance from private water supply well or suction line. 10'+ feet Comments (on condition of joints, venting, evidence of leakage, etc.): Joints appear tight.No evidence of Ieakage.System vented through the house vents. Septic Tank(locate on site plan): Depth below grade: 18"feet Material of construction: ® concrete ❑ metal ❑ fiberglass ❑ polyethylene ❑ other(explain) If tank is metal, list age: years Is age confirmed by a Certificate of Compliance? (attach a copy of certificate) ❑ Yes ❑ No Dimensions: 1000 gallon Sludge depth: 3" t5ins•09108 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 9 of 17 Commonwealth of Massachusetts ;w v Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments 141 Hollingsworth Rd. Property Address Irwin Hall Owner Owner's Name information is required for Osterville Ma. 02655 5/25/2010 every page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (cont.) Septic Tank(cont.) Distance from top of sludge to bottom of outlet tee or baffle 29" Scum thickness 1' Distance from top of scum to top of outlet tee or baffle 7" Distance from bottom of scum to bottom of outlet tee or baffle 13" How were dimensions determined? measured Comments (on pumping recommendations, inlet and outlet tee or baffle condition, structural integrity, liquid levels as related to outlet invert, evidence of leakage, etc.): Pump tank every two years.lnlet and outlet tees are in place.No evidence of Ieakage.Tank appears structurally sound. Grease Trap (locate on site plan): Depth below grade: feet Material of construction: ❑ concrete ❑ metal ❑fiberglass ❑ polyethylene ❑ other(explain): Dimensions: Scum thickness Distance from top of scum to top of outlet tee or baffle Distance from bottom of scum to bottom of outlet tee or baffle Date of last pumping: Date t5ins•09/08 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 10 of 17 Commonwealth of Massachusetts W Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments 141 Hollingsworth Rd. Property Address Irwin Hall Owner Owner's Name information is required for Osterville Ma. 02655 5/25/2010 every page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (cont.) Comments (on pumping recommendations, inlet and outlet tee or baffle condition, structural integrity, liquid levels as related to outlet invert, evidence of leakage, etc.): Tight or Holding Tank(tank must be pumped at time of inspection) (locate on site plan): Depth below grade: Material of construction: ❑ concrete ❑ metal ❑fiberglass ❑ polyethylene ❑ other(explain): Dimensions: Capacity: gallons Design Flow: gallons per day Alarm present: ❑ Yes ❑ No Alarm level: Alarm in working order: ❑ Yes ❑ No Date of last pumping: Date Comments (condition of alarm and float switches, etc.): Attach copy of current pumping contract(required). Is copy attached? ❑ Yes ❑ No 15ins•09/08 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 11 of 17 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official Inspection Form _ Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments ;M 141 Hollingsworth Rd. Property Address Irwin Hall Owner Owner's Name information is required for Osterville Ma. 02655 5/25/2010 every page. City/Town State Zip Code .Date of Inspection D. System Information (cont.) Distribution Box (if present must be opened) (locate on site plan): Depth of liquid level above outlet invert No Comments (note if box is level and distribution to outlets equal, any evidence of solids carryover, any evidence of leakage into or out of box, etc.): Box is Ievel.Box has one outlet Iateral.No evidence of solids carryover.No evidence of leakage. Pump Chamber(locate on site plan): Pumps in working order: ❑ Yes ❑ No Alarms in working order: ❑ Yes ❑ No Comments (note condition of pump chamber, condition of pumps and appurtenances, etc.): Soil Absorption System (SAS) (locate on site plan, excavation not required): If SAS not located, explain why: t5ins•09/08 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 12 of 17 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments 141 Hollingsworth Rd. Property Address Irwin Hall Owner Owner's Name information is required for Osterville Ma. 02655 5/25/2010 every page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (cont.) Type: ® leaching pits number: 1 ❑ leaching chambers number: ❑ leaching galleries number: ❑ leaching trenches number, length: ❑ leaching fields number, dimensions: ❑ overflow cesspool number: ❑ innovative/alternative system Type/name of technology: Comments (note condition of soil, signs of hydraulic failure, level of ponding, damp soil, condition of vegetation, etc.): Sandy soil.Pit shows signs of hydraulic failure.Pit was dry at time of inspection.Stain line observed over invert. Cesspools (cesspool must be pumped as part of inspection) (locate on site plan): Number and configuration Depth—top of liquid to inlet invert Depth of solids layer Depth of scum layer Dimensions of cesspool Materials of construction Indication of groundwater inflow ❑ Yes ❑ No . t5ins•09/08 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 13 of 17 Commonwealth of Massachusetts . Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments 141 Hollingsworth Rd. Property Address Irwin Hall Owner Owner's Name information is required for Osterville Ma. 02655 5/25/2010 every page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (cont.) Comments (note condition of soil, signs of hydraulic failure, level of ponding, condition of vegetation, etc.): Privy(locate on site plan): Materials of construction: Dimensions Depth of solids Comments (note condition of soil, signs of hydraulic failure, level of ponding, condition of vegetation, etc.): t5ins•09/08 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 14 of 17 Commonwealth of Massachusetts v . Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments 141 Hollingsworth Rd. Property Address Irwin Hall Owner Owner's Name information is required for Osterville Ma. 02655 5/25/2010 every page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (cont.) Sketch Of Sewage Disposal System: Provide a view of the sewage disposal system, including ties to at least two permanent reference landmarks or benchmarks. Locate all wells within 100 feet. Locate where public water supply enters the building. Check one of the boxes below: ❑ hand-sketch in the area below ❑ drawing attached separately Fr,o d 019 t5ins•09/08 Tide 5 Official Inspection Forth:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System-Page 15 of 17 r Commonwealth of Massachusetts W Title 5 Official Inspection Form o Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments 141 Hollingsworth Rd. Property Address Irwin Hall Owner Owner's Name information is required for Osterville Ma. 02655 5/25/2010 every page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection D. System Information (cont.) Site Exam: \ ® Check Slope ® Surface water ® Check cellar ❑ Shallow wells Estimated depth to high ground water: Bottom of LP 18' feet Please indicate all methods used to determine the high ground water elevation: ❑ Obtained from system design plans on record If checked, date of design plan reviewed: Date ❑ Observed site (abutting property/observation hole within 150 feet of SAS) ® Checked with local Board of Health -explain: As-Built ❑ Checked with local excavators, installers- (attach documentation) ❑ Accessed USGS database-explain: You must describe how you established the high ground water elevation: USED:USGS Observation Well Data.USED:Technical Bulletin 92-0001 plate#2 annual ranges of groundwater elevations. Before filing this Inspection Report, please see Report Completeness Checklist on next page. t5ins•09/08 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System-Page 16 of 17 N Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -Not for Voluntary Assessments ;M 141 Hollingsworth Rd. Property Address Irwin Hall Owner Owner's Name information is required for Osterville Ma. 02655 5/25/2010 every page. City/Town State Zip Code Date of Inspection E. Report Completeness Checklist ® Inspection Summary: A, B, C, D, or E checked ® Inspection Summary D (System Failure Criteria Applicable to All Systems)completed ® System Information—Estimated depth to high groundwater ® Sketch of Sewage Disposal System either drawn on page 15 or attached in separate file tEins•09/08 Title 5 Official Inspection Form:Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Page 17 of 17 r ~ _ ENVIROTECHLABORATORIES, INC MA CERT.NO.:M-M4 063 8 Jan Sebastian Drive Unit 12 Sandwich,MA 02563 (508)888-6460 1-800-339-6460 FAX(508)888-6446 Client Name Desmond Well Drilling Location Veitas,141 Hollingsworth Rd Address PO Box 2783 - Osterpille,Ma Orleans,MA 02653 Sample Date 04/o4/11 Collected By Client Sample Time 12:15 Sample Type New Well Date Received o4/o4/11 Lab Order Number DW-110594 Well Specs 4"SCH 40 PVC Geothermal 51731' Location Source Date Collected Time Collected 'Comtnenls A � •04/04/11 -_ 12 15': Analysis Requested Units Recommended Limits Analysis Result Method Date Analyzed Analyzed By Total Coliform /100ml 0 0 SM9222B 4/4/2011 MC -_ pH - —_ pH units 6.5-8.5 5.33 SM4500-H-B 4/4/2011 LL - Specific Conductancen umhos/cm _ - 500 129 EPA 120.1 4/4/2011 LL Nitrite-N m /L 1.00 <0.004 EPA 300.0 4/4/2011 LL -- --_Nitrate-N _ - 10 0 1.87 EPA 4/4/20111 L - mg/L - _ - . LL Sodium _ ,- ------ ---- ---�.. L _`- -_ _ mg/L 20.0 14.1 EPA—200.7_ 4/5/2-01-11 MC Total Irons mg/L 0.3 0.11 EPA 200.7 4/5/2011 MC -- -- Manganesen -- -__— mg/L _- ----- --0.05- -- 0.018 EPA200.7 4/5/2011 MC_— Comments: — — ----------- --- —-- -- Low pH indicates high corrosive characteristics. Water meets EPA standards and is suitable for drinking for parameters tested. Date Ronal .Saari Laboratory Dire to BRL=Below Reportable Limits 'See Attached Page 1 of 1 cCertfication is not available for this analyte for non potable water samples.. i . r CERTIFICATE OF" ANALYSIS /v OE NA qf9--,' Page: 1 Barnstable County Health Laboratory (M-MA009) lst:% Report Prepared For: Report Dated:4/21/2011 Sally Desmond Desmond Well Drilling Order No.: G1161542 P O Box 2783 Orleans, MA 02653 Laboratory ID#: 1161542-01 Description: Water-Drinking Water Sample# Sample Location: 141 Hollingsworth;Rd,ostervilie, MA Collected 4/7/2011 Collected by: Customer map 140 Parcel 083 Received 4/7/2011 Test Parameters ITEM RESULT . UNITS RL MCL METHOD# TESTED Chlorides 20 mg/L 1.0 EPA 300.0 4/8/2011 Nitrate plus Nitrite as N 1.7 mg/L 0.10 10 EPA 300.0 -4/8/2011 Arsenic ND mg/L 0.010 0.010 EPA 200.7 4/13/2011 Perchlorate ITEM RESULT UNITS RL MCL METHOD# TESTED Conductance 150 umohs/cm 2.0 EPA 120.1 4/20/2011 Perchlorate 0.19 'J' uglL 1.0 2.0 EPA 314.0 4/21/2011 Attached please find the laboratory certified parameter list. Approved $ ......f . _ (Lab irector) ND=None Detected RL = Reporting Limit MCL=Maximum Contaminant Level Superior Court House, PO. Box 427, Barnstable,' MA 02630 Ph: 508-375-6605 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 'v 'M, g x Barnstable County Health Laboratory (M-MA009) Recipient: Sally Desmond Matrix: Water-Drinking Water Desmond Well Drilling Sampled: 04/07/2011 13:30 P 0 Box 2783 Received: 04/07/2011 16:00 Orleans, MA 02653 Collection Address: 141 Hollingsworth Rd,osterville,MA Order#: G1161542 Sample Location: map 140 Parcel 083 Description: . Geotherm Lab ID: 1161542-01 Date Analyzed: 4/8/2011 @ 10:31 Sample#: Analyst. yn Method. " EPA 524.2 Dilutioh�Factor: " 1 Comment: EPA 524.2- Volatile Organics by GC/MS Result MCL MDL Result MCL MDL Parameter ug/L ug/L ug/L Parameter ug/L ug/L ug/L Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 0.50 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 70 0:50 Chloromethane ND 0.50 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.50 Vinyl chloride ND 2.0 0.50 Dibromochloromethane ND 0.50 Bromomethane ND 0.50 Dibromomethane ND 0.50 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.50 Ethylbenzene ND 700 .0.50 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 200 0.50 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 0.50 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.50 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.50 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 5.0 0.50 Methylene chloride ND 5.0 0.50 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.50 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND 0.50 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 7.0 . 0.50 Naphthalene ND 0.50 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 0.50 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.50 1,2,3-_Trichlorobenzene ND 0.50 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.50 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.50 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 0.50 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 70 0.50 sec-Butylbenzene ND 0.50 1,2;4-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.50 Styrene ND 100 0.50 0 50, tert-Bu. (benzene ND 0 50 1,2-Dibromo-3=chloropropane ND:::, ty 1,2-Dibromoethane(EDB) ND 0.50 Tetrachloroethene ND 5.0 0.50 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 600 0.50 Toluene 2.0 1000 0.50 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 5.0 0.50 Total xylenes ND 10000 0.50 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.50 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 100 0.50 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.50 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.50 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND- 0.50 Trichloroethene ND 5.0 3.50 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 0.50 Tdchlorofluoromethane ND 0.50 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.0 0.50 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.50 2-Chlorotoluene ND 0.50 4-Chlorotoluene ND 0.50 Benzene ND 5.0 0.50 Bromobenzene ND 0.50 Bromochloromethane ND 0.5o Bromodichloromethane ND 0.50 Bromoform ND 0.50 Carbon tetrachloride ND `5.0 0.50 Chlorobenzene ND 100 0.50 Chloroethane ND o.50 Chloroform 2.4 so 1 0.50 er list` . Attached please find the laboratory certified paramet Approved By. (Lab Director) Lq t Level�2-�l� ND=None Detected RL = Reporting Limit MCL=Maximum Contaminan Superior Court House, P0. Box 427, Barnstable, MA 02630 Ph: 508-375-6605 Page 1 of 1 i N Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection- Drinking Water Program C10 4 Perchlorate Report J. PWP NFPRMATION Please refer to your DEP Water Quahty,`:Samphng Schedule(WQSS)to help complete this form °- PWS ID#: __ City/Town: JOrleans PWS Name: (Desmond Well Drilling PWS Class: COM © NTNC ❑ TNC ❑ bEP LOCATION " DEPocation Name Sample Inforrnation Date Collected Collected;:By (LOC)`W iap 140 Parcel 08 141 Hollingsworth Rd,osterville,MA ❑ Multiple ❑ (R)aw 4/7/2011 Customer [� (S).ingle ❑ (F)irnshed If resubmitteC Re ort,list below _ r Routine or Original or Resubmitted Report p Special (1)Reason for Resubmission ;,,:(2)"Collection`Date of.OnginaFSample RS ❑ SS W Original ❑ Resubmitted ❑ Resample❑ Reanalysis❑ Report Correction SAMPLE NOTES- (Such'as,if a'Manifold/Multiple sample;list any sources that were on Ime,dunng'collection) •.. ;,=11 ANALYTICAL LABORATORY INFORMATION" " ;, ,,"�> •, � � � .,... ,� -.•.�. - •. �- ••- - Primary Lab MA Cert.#: M-MA009 Primary Lab Name: Barnstable County Health Laboratory Subcontracted?(YIN) N Analysis Lab MA Cert.#: Analysis Lab Name: CONTAMINANT" Result UOM MCL f MDL MRL Lab Method' gate Analyzed aab Sample']D# PERCHLORATE 0.19 IS ug/L V 2 0 0.050 1.0 EPA 314.0 4/21/2011 116154201 CONDUCTIVITY 150 umhos/cm 1.0 2.0 EPA 120.1 4/20/2011 116154201 Perchlorat analysis requires the use of a Massachusetts DEP approved laboratory. Perchlorate concentrationsbetween the Minimum Detection Limit(MDL)and the Minimum Reporting Lavel(MRL)must be reported as estimated(J)values. , (i.e,perchlorate is positively present but tentatively quantified). All field samples with measured native perchlorate concentrations between 0.8 ug/L and 2.0 ug/L must be tested with and without a perchlorate spike approximately equal to the native perchlorate concentration. LAB SAM"PLE NOTES Reanalysis and Spike Recovery(required for results between 0.8ug/L and 2.0 ug/L or samples subject to pretreatment in.method EPA 314.0) _ -comoo0&qt, esult(ug/L) MDL(ug/L) MRL(ug/L) Spike Concentration_ Spike Recovery Lab Method -Date Analyzed J. Perchlorate (Reanalysis) Perchlorate (Spike) I certity under pehalties of faw that 1 am the Primary Lab Director Signature: pers'one uthorized to fill out this.form and the mformahon contained herein is true,accurate:;and complete to>!he besf.; extent of my knowledge. ' Date: If not submitting these results electronically,mail TWO copies of this report to your DEP Regional Office no later than 10 days after the end of the month in which you received this report,or no later than 10 days after the end of the reporting period, whichever is sooner. DEP REVIEW STATUS(Initial and Date) Review ❑ WQTS Accepted Disapproved Comments.. Oata Entered ,. ^ a _ Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection ry j� Bureau of Resource Protection WELL DRILLER Please specify work performed: Address at well location: New Well Street Number: Street Name: 141 HOLLINGSWORTH RD Please specify well type: Building Lot#: Assessor's Map#: Geothermal Open Loop Discharge Well -------= -- — - --- -- Assessor's Lot#: ZIP Code: Number Of Wells: 102655 - -_ — --------- City/Town: —Well-Location - -- - - -BARNSTABLE In public right-of-way: GPS • Yes No' North: West: 41.62161 - 70.38107 — Su bdivision/Property/Description: Mailing Address: • click here if same as well location address Property Owner: Street Number: Street Name: VEITAS 141 HOLUNGSWORTH RD Cityfrown: Stater Engineering Firm: IBARNSTABLE MASSACHUSETTS ZIP Code: 02655 Board of health permit obtained: • Yes Not Required. Permit Number: Date Issued: W2010 29 12/13/2010 Page 1 of 1 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection I eDEP Transaction -Copy - - Here is the file you requested for your records. To retain a copy of this file you must save and/or print. Username: PDESMOND Transaction ID: 387679 Document: WELL DRILLER Size of File: 67.79K Status of Transaction: submitted Date and Time Created: 5/1*9/2011:9:43:08 AM Note: This file only includes forms that were part of your transaction as of the date and time indicated above. If you need a more current copy of your transaction, return to eDEP and select to "Download a Copy"from the Current Submittals page. N 1 i Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection -� Bureau of Resource Protection—Well Driller Program, t Well Completion Reports(General) Well Driller - General Well Form DRILLING METHOD Overburden Bedrock (Auger Choose Bedrock WELL LOG OVERBURDEN LITHOLOGY From - Drop in _Y'Extra fast or slow Loss or addition of To(ft) Code ,, Color Comment (ft) n' drill stem,drill rate fluid 20 Fine To Coarse Sand Brown , Yes Fast-T,Slow Loss.- Addition i_.�__ — - t - - - - - 20 40 Fine To Coarse Sand Brown Yes Fast Slow Loss Addition 51 Fine To Coarse Sand Brown Yes Fast Siow • Loss Addition; 40 C ( WELL LOG BEDROCK LITHOLOGY From Drop in Extra fast or slow Loss or addition of Visible ~Extra To(ft) Code Comment Rust Large Aft) drill stem drill rate ;. fluid -Staining Chips> Choose Code �^ _ Yes Fast Slow,. Loss Addition' fes. Yes ADDITIONAL WELL INFORMATION Developed Yes No Disinfected . Yes No Total Well Depth 151 Depth to Bedrock Fracture Surface Seal Type (None Enhancement Yes No, • CASING Is Casing above ground? From: 1 To: 0 From To Type Thickness Diameter "Driveshoe' Polyvinyl Chloride Schedule 40 4 Yes; SCREEN No Screen `From To ?Type ' Slot Size Diameter 11 51 Continuous Wire PVC J 0.01214 WATER-BEARING ZONES DRY WELL From. To Yield(gpm) PERMANENT PUMP(IF AVAILABLE) Choose Pump Choose Horsepower-- Pump Description Horsepower Description--- r Pump Intake Depth(ft) �— Nominal Pump Capacity(gpm) Page 1 of 2 t I Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection w ` Bureau of Resource Protection—Well Driller Program Well Completion Reports(General) Q a ANNULAR SEAL/FILTER PACK Water From To Material 1 Weight Material 2 Weight(gal) Batches Method Of Placement �^ (� Choose Material Choose Material r Choose One-- I__ L__._. GEOTHERMAL INFORMATION Thermal Conductivity Thermal Diffusivity Formation Water Sample taken (BTU/hr.ft,°F) (ft2/day) Temperature(°F) DEP UIC# from this well? 20216 Yes • W WELL TEST DATA Time Pumping Time To Recovery(ft Date Method, Yield(gpm) "Pumped 'Level(ft Recover BGS) (HH:MM) BGS) (HH:MM) 4/21/2011 [Constant Rate Pump 15 11:00 1 132 �O1 _ 31 WATER LEVEL _ Date Measured Static Depth BGS(ft) Flowing Rate(gpm) 4/21/201.1_ 31 COMMENTS WELL DRILLERS STATEMENT This well was drilled or altered under my direct supervision,according to the applicable rules and regulations,and this report is complete a knowledge. Driller IWILLIAM URQUHART Registration# i 877. _ Monitoring[M] Supervising Drill Firm DESMO ID WELLDRILLI Rig Permit# 1024 Date Job Compl NOTE:Well Completion Reports must be filed by the registered well driller within 30 days of well completion. Page 2 of 2 c1 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection 'r y Bureau of Resource Protection i r WELL DRILLER Please specify work performed: Address at well location: New Well Street Number: Street Name: 141 HOLLINGSWORTH RD Please specify well type: Building Lot#: Assessor's Map#: GeoThermal Open Loop Assessor's Lot#: ZIP Code: Number Of Wells: 02655 City/Town: Well Location BARNSTABLE In public right-of-way: GPS • Yes North: West: 41.62170 70.33 448 Subdivision/Property/Description: Mailing Address: click here if same as well location address Property Owner: Street Number: Street Name: VEITAS 141 HOLLINGSWORTH RD City/Town: State: Engineering Firm: 1BARNSTABLE MASSACHUSETTS ZIP Code: 02655 Board of health permit obtained: • Yes • Not Required': Permit Number: Date Issued: 1029 12/13/2010 Pagel of 1 - r r 1 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection eDEP -Transaction- Copy Here is the file you requested for your records. To retain a copy of this file you must save and/or print. Username: PDESMOND q Transaction ID: 387678 I Document: WELL DRILLER Size of File: 67.78K Status of Transaction: Submitted Date and Time Created: 5/i9/2011:9:42:14 AM Note: This file only includes forms that were part of your transaction as of the date and time indicated above. If you need a more current copy of your transaction, return to eDEP and select to "Download a Copy" from the Current Submittals page. r Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection-Well Driller Program Well Completion Reports(General) Y Well Driller General Well Form _ l <_ ;p DRILLING METHOD Overburden Bedrock Auger _ Choose Bedrock-- WELL LOG OVERBURDEN LITHOLOGY From Drop in Extra fast or slow Loss or addition of w To(ft) Code r Color, Comment ,- drill stem'drill_rate -` fluid C15 Sand And Gravel = Browns _ -Yes _ • Fast Slow • Loss • Addition s 15 35 Fine To Coarse Sand Brown Yes • Fast Siow, Loss Addition C CSC ( I Fine To Coarse Sand Brown Yes; i Fast Slow Loss Addition' 35 51 L— WELL LOG BEDROCK LITHOLOGY Visible Extra From Drop In. Extra fast or slow Loss or addition of To(ft) Code -Comment- ,1 ., Rust` 'Large (ft) drill stem drill rate fluid m' .,,-Staiining�Chips Choose Code — Yes FastY• Slow l •`Loss Addition Yes' Yes ADDITIONAL WELL INFORMATION — Yes No Disinfected . 'Yes :No'_ .. Developed ' Total Well Depth 51 Depth to Bedrock Fracture Surface Seal Type lNone Enhancement Yes Pb! CASING Is Casing above ground?' From: To: 0 From To ;Type 'Thickness Diameter Driveshoe 47 Polyvinyl Chloride _ ; Schedule 40 Yes; SCREEN No Screen: From To Type x Slot Size Diameter' 47 51 Stainless Steel Well Point _ 0.01214 WATER-BEARING ZONES DRY WELL" From To„ Yield(gpm) 31 _ = 51 ------= 15------— PERMANENT PUMP(IF AVAILABLE) 3 Wire Variable Speed Pump Description Horsepower ; Submersible 1 1/2 Pump Intake Depth(ft) 47 — _ Nominal Pump Capacity(gpm) 25 Page 1 of 2 - �, a •.-!' ., y � I Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection f _ Bureau of Resource Protection—Well Driller Program Well Completion Reports(General) ANNULAR SEAL/FILTER PACK Water From To Material 1 Weight Material 2 Weight(gal) Batches Method Of Placement Choose Material �- Choose Material Choose One-- L._._ a GEOTHERMAL INFORMATION Thermal Conductivity Thermal Diffusivity Formation Water Sample taken (BTU/hr.ft.°F) (ft2/day) Temperature('F) DEP UIC# from this well? �— MAS 1A 41 6 0-2021 � — _ -_ Yes No WELL TEST DATA Time Pumping Time To Date Method Yield(gpm) Pumped Level (ft Recover Recovery(ft (HH:MM) BGS) (HH:MM) BGS) 4/4/201 t Constant Rate Pump 115 1:00 33 _ 0:01 31 WATER LEVEL Date Measured Static Depth BGS(ft) Flowing Rate(gpm) 41412�^ 31 15 COMMENTS WELL DRILLERS STATEMENT This well was drilled or altered under my direct supervision,according to the applicable rules and regulations,and this report is complete a knowledge. Driller PATRICKDESMOND 'i Re istration# 877 Monitoring[M] F Supervising Drill f g - _ - Firm FDESMOND WELLDRILLI Rig Permit# C24_ Date Job Compl NOTE:Well Completion Reports must be filed by the registered well driller within 30 days of well completion. Page 2 of 2 TOWN OF BARNSTABLE LOCATION SEWAGE# 0ZalID VILLAGE �.STeo�. /�[_ ASSESSOR'S MAP&PARCEL t INSTALLER'S NAME&PHONE NO. fT1 kt j SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY \t SbO 1-1-2y LEACHING FACILITY. (type) 6_JAre0 330s (size) Z— 30,V6 NO.OF BEDROOMS q V OWNER (,'- PERMIT DATE: S Z t 0 COMPLIANCE DATE: 3 Separation Distance Between the: Maximum Adjusted Groundwater Table to the Bottom of Leaching Facility Feet Private Water Supply Well and Leaching Facility(If any wells exist on site or within 200 feet of leaching facility) Feet Edge of Wetland and Leaching Facility(If any wetlands exist within 300 feet of leaching facili ) Feet FURNISHED BY ;. f'�. _r_.__ ,. i i i� 3 1�'g" � n � 2. ��' 9 �� Ib tbfi c �� � � �� 'NO. �® ® � 3 929- r r Fee THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS� Entered in computer: Yes PUBLIC HEALTH DIVISION -TOWN OF BARNSTABLE., MASSACHUSETTS 01pplication for �31!5po l *p5tem Con5t action Permit Application for a Permit to Construct(X)Repair( )Upgrade( )Abandon( ) Complete System ❑Individual Components Location Address or Lot No. `tf I Owner's Name,Address and Tel.No. t Assessor's Map/Parcel lrt--ss Installer's Name,Address,and Tel.No. Designer's Name,Address and Tel.No. Rxe �p v�SS'�_ C'0 ` w - 5 4z phch A .Li.t s on; per 3� � (3c�ic1-cr• ��-c- l:1 �wvus1 7& l.10r Mlln��c5 oZ ro©/ Type of Building: Dwelling No.of Bedrooms Lot Size I Z Oct Z sq.ft. Garbage Grinder(A/o) Other Type of Building No. of Persons Showers( ) Cafeteria( ) Other Fixtures Design Flow //a -%* gallons per day. Calculated daily flow gallons. Plan Date 9lZ/ 20,eo Number of sheets ono Revision Date Title P��o kt skr_m Size of Septic Tank 1S6n �._//c" Type of S.A.S. 2 rA . ti� ,�,�.� 3rs'�r��x 2 W Description of Soil 4.m :SQ;1 1 a 25 l a 14 (P-d Zt Nature of Repairs or Alterations(Answer when applicable) Date last inspected: Agreement: The undersigned agrees to ensure the construction and maintenance of the afore described on-site sewage disposal system r-1 in accordance with the provisions of Title 5 of the Environmental Code and not to place the system in operation until a Certifi- cate of Compliance has been isstiia this Boar o Signed Date 1 Q Application Approved b Date Ale) 1 Application Disapproved for the following reasons 0 �v Permit No. /0 '_ 30 Date Issued ~\ - 44, ...... FCC THE COItl�MON1I�EALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Entered in computer: Yes PUBLIC HEALTH DIV;ISION ='TOWN OF BAR NSTABLE.,fMASSACHUSETTS - Application for bigo.5il *pgteln­�Con! truction Permit Application for a Permit to Construct(?( Repair( )Upgrade( )Abandon( ) l Complete System ❑Individual Components Location Address or Lot No. (�F I N of(�a� ti.io ►�P Owner's Name,t ddress and Tel.No. I C�Sl�rv,��,► fgtmcrs, VC1 f__% Assessor's Map/Parcel w�{ H Mc_ss ` Installer's Name,Address,and Tel.No: Designer's Name,Address and Tel.No. 5�-77 1-�7 5'02 j,*f i3 t't�C �10r� S}e�ken A . W,19-n, "PF� -1lb �� �Q„o (3ax}r� ( C_%,�iS C 78 /JOrftt Sty Gnr1C5 OZroo/ Type of Building: Dwelling No.of Bedrooms Lot Size I Z G9 Z sq.ft. Garbage Grinder(Alo) Other Type of Building No. of Persons Showers( ) Cafeteria( ) Other Fixtures ! t Design Flow //D -9vW1, cdr VM gallons per day. Calculated daily flow YID gallons. Plan Date W Zv/o Number of sheets ores Revision Date Title Py:S 4 farphc S-rSfeen Size of Septic Tank�S6�//ceases Type of S.A.S. 2 scfs oleha x�b..s �O'x(orx 'Al;2 e Description of Soil rein, 4- ,poi I 1 o yS le ti (P-1 Za '?7G ) Nature of Repairs or Alterations(Answer when applicable) .I Date last inspected: t k Agreement: The undersigned agrees to ensure the construction and maintenance of the afore described on-site sewage disposal system in accordance with the provisions of Title 5 of the Environmental Code and not to place the system in operation until a Certifi- p cate of Compliance has,been issu�by.,his Boar. o = t.- Signed _...--��a Date j Q Application Approved b Date q A�k/ /U l Application Disapproved for the following reasons s G 4 Permit No. Date Issued 9 P I D D ——---——————————— ————————————————————— - t THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BARNSTABLE, MASSACHUSETTS ' Certificate of Compliance THIS IS TO CERTIFY, that the On-site Sewage Disposal System Constructed (X ) Repaired ( )Upgraded ( ) ,Abandoned( )by at-��I l t, 11 ms W ovtfiL ��Q , C7 S r i �L has been constructe�f i accordancewith the provisions of Title 5 and the for Disposal System Construction Permit No.o01G-3 dated Installer Designer The issuance f thi permit shall not be construed as a guarantee that the syst ill J&ction a_ designe Date 2 4 1 Inspector uv: 1 No , D�GI 2S - -- Fee THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS PUBLIC HEALTH DIVISION - BARNSTABLE., MASSACHUSETTS IBigpogai *p!tem Construction Permit Permission is hereby granted to Construct(,K )Repair( )Upgrade( Abandon'" ) System located at H o l h n 'w mr k-s 12aP Cif r r and as described in the above Application for Disposal System Construction Permit. The applicant recognizes his/her duty to comply with Title 5 and the following local provisions or special conditions. Provided: Construction A,)et ��]eted within three years of the daQb Date: Approved :t 1 No.---wa°1v:=�� Fee�SJ------------ � BOARD OF HEALTH ° TOWN! OF BARNISTABLE DESMOND WELL DRILLING, INC. AYBER ROAD,BOX 2783 Zi��licat ion-for Well Con5tructionperrr��RLEANS,MA 02653 (508)240-1000 Application is hereby made for a permit to Construct (�/ ), Alter ( ), or Repair ( )an individual Well at: Location — Address Assessors Map and Parcel Owner Address O�Q_ArS3_ — Installer Driller _ — Address Type of Building. I Dwelling Other - Type ''of Building— +--__—_______ No. of Persons-- YhCCr�^aA S `A d1Sc�"�@,sf Type of Well—�°-------"—`��--- �� �. � Capacity--_------------------------ Purpose of Well--- Agreement: ��C ' M r l.!� Wo�0; 0,) The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed individual well in accordance with the provisions of The Town of Barnstable Board of Health Private Well Protection Regulation - The undersigned further agrees not to place'the well in operation until a Certificate.of Compliance has been issued by the Board of Health. Signed7-c310�- s ate Application Approved By �^ !2A__—_ date Application Disapproved for the following reasons: —date Permit No. Issued—JZ t -- —__ — date --------- BOARD OF HEALTH DESM RAY WELL DRILLING, INCI�-O N] O F B A R NI S T A B L E 5 RAYBER ROAD,BOX 2783 ORLEANS,MA 02653 (508)240-1000 C ertif irate ®f Compliance THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the Individual Well Constructed (V ), Altered ( ), or Repaired ( ) Installer at has been installed in accordance with the provisions of the Town of Barnstable Board of Health Private Well Protection Regulation as described in the application for Well Construction Permit No. -------------Dated------------- THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE WELL SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. DATE -- -_— ___ --_ Inspector-- -- —-- - ------------- Fee--V 5 BOARD OF HEALTH TOWN OF BARNSTABLE DESMOND WELL DRILLING, INC. 5 RAYSERA ROAD, 0-265383 Application-for Well uCootruct ion Permit " ORLEANS,MA b2653 , (508)240-1000, Application is hereby made for a permit to Construct (\A, Alter ( ), or Repair ( )an individual Well at: Location--Address Assessors Map and Parcel LR'211��S-iNork�\ KA ,(03�fCA�e, -- Owner — -- Address — P- _13u\,. 21%3------ ,,s ,VA Installer Driller Address Type of Building Dwelling _-----____-- Other - Type of Building --- No. of r . Type of Well 5" �1'3' �'scA�ar _ Ca acit Purpose of Well LA S �.__1� h_ c.,--_--------- P Y---------------------------------- Agreement: UT,C Y4 0; v,-)l b'•SC 2- The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed individual well in accordance with the provisions of The Town of Barnstable Board of Health Private Well Protection Regulation - The undersigned further agrees not to place the well in operation until a Certificate.of Compliance has been issued by the Board of Health. Signed \ .�-�(--------- _—I i 16�w l o----- Application Approved By date Application Disapproved for the following reasons: date —_-- Permit No. �,J 0 /V -- Issued--L z ' � -----= date " ------------------ DESMOND WELL DRILLING, I BOARD OF HEALTH 5 RAYBER ROAD,BOX 2783 Nf O W N OF B A R N S T A B L E ORLEANS,MA 02653 (508)240-1000 Certificate Of Compliance THIS IS' TO CERTIFY, That the Individual Well Constructed (J), Altered t. ), or Repaired.( ) by nd W�11 l '�1�Sc7_Ll,,(. _ __----- a Installer at y—� o �S�ec yi e_ _ _ has been installed in accordance with the provisions of the Town of Barnstable Board of Health Private Well Protection a Regulation as described in the application for Well Construction Permit No. ------------Dated—_----------- THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE WELL SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. DATE _-- __ Inspector--- ----- - ---- -----_-- -=------__,_-. __ - -- ----- --------- ------ _ ------- ----------------- BOARD OF HEALTH DESMOND WELL DRILLING, INCT O W N OF B A R N S T A B L E 5 RAYBER ROAD,BOX 2783 A OR(508)240-1000 fti MA 02653 well Con,�+�truct ton errrt�t (508) No. �. U �� r of Fee- V _ Permission is hereby granted sw o ��i cv1i to Construct (✓), Alt ( ), or Repair ( ) an Individual Well at: No. Street as shown on.the application for a Well Construction Permit No.- n - Dated- - /'-------._ - -___-__-__--.- l_ DATE 1( 3 Boar of•Health �4 1 Transmittal Letter TO: ; Board of Health 1 200 Main Street 'Hyaruii"s;MA 02601�`r Attn:. From: Stephen A. Wilson; P.E. Subject: 1(41 Os��di/lc Date: 6 -ze _ zo/o We are sending you Attached ❑Under Separate Cover The following documents: ElPrints❑Order of Conditions❑Variance Approval ElRecording Slip,❑Septic System Permit ❑Notice of Intent Other DATE QUANTITY DESCRIPTION a, /09, /e These items are transmitted as checked below: For Your Use ❑ As Requested 10 For Your Files ❑ For Review and Comment` El. For Recording As Required Other: Additional Distribution �I,a File No. Zo.lo - 024116 Baxter Nye Engineering&Surveying Phone:508-771-7502,ezt.13 78 North Street,3'd Floor Fag: 508-771-7622 Hyannis,Massachusetts 02601 i E-Mail:swilson@baiter-nye.com TransmittalLett&5.doc Town of Barnstable P n OFttIB fps Department of Regulatory Services Public Health Divis Date • BARNSTABLE, lion. v e 9. 200 Main Street,Hyannis MA 02601 m �PrFD MP'�� • Date Scheduled a Time Fee Pd ` Oy Soil Suitability Assessment for SewageYisposal Performed By: ��-e�(i�evt (��I SoV1 Witnessed LOCATION & GENERAL INFORMATION Location Address t�l( G l i l��.5 ui o rh �mc d Owner's Name Rlrrag Vim, �S'erv�Ile. Address o�y Assessor's Map/Parcel: Yap 1�01 ^caI Engineer's Name SkeYt A ( lIc l svr�. Pt? NEW CONSTRUCTION X REPAIR Telephone# :Sp - -7SaZ' Oct l3 Land Use Y`C C 5 A-0-A Slopes(%) Surface Stories Distances from: Open Water Body ft Possible Wet_Area It Drinking Water Well tt Drainage Way ft Property Line ft Other It t TCH: Street name dimensions of lot exact locations of test holes& rerc tests locate wetlands in proximity to holes SKID ( I P ry ) ' 0 . �.> 1 �y .l a S ,�,m •�I �I.I I R: .., �0.182 NAESt .,., P`l Pitreiit material(geologic).�pl � C"a��"►�k•3lL Depth to Bedrock Depth to Groundwater: Standing Water in Hole: Weeping from Pit Face Estimated Seasonal Fligh Groundwater DETERMINATION FOR SEASONAL.HIGH WATER TABLE Method Used:. Depth Observed standing in obs.hole: In: Depth to soil mottles: in. Depth to weeping from side of obs.hole: int Groundwater Adjustment ft. Index Well N Reading Date: Index Well level Adj.factor Adj.Groundwater Level PERCOLATION TEST. Date Time Obscrvatioll- Hole# Time at 9". Depth of Pere Time at 6" Start Pre soak Time a Time(9"-6") End Pre-soak Rate Min./Inch Site Suitability Assessment: Site Passed Site Failed: Additional Testing Needed(Y/N) Original; Public.i►enith Division Observation Hole Data To Be Completed on Back -- --- -- **.*If percolation test is to be conducted within 100"of wetland,you must first notify the Barnstable.Conservation Division at.least one (1)weelc prior to beginning. : Q:HEALTH/W P/PERC FO RM • ZnID- DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Hole Depth from Soil Horizon Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Other- USDA Munsell 8 Mottlin (Structure,Stones,Boulders. Surface(in(in.) ( ) Consistency. Gravel) it to `t'r`' a� Y►'Ic.Q; .how lv Y� %/ _ fea ( o C : c.t.btes DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Hole# �, Depth from Soil Horizon Soil Texture Soil Color Soil: Other Surface(in.) (USDA) (Munsell) Mottling (Structure,Stones,Boulders. Consistency.°o Gravel) . 0 Ar (00"- /38 l►lt�rR , So o 10 YC DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG' Hole# 3 Depth from Soil Horizon Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Other surface(in.) (USDA) (Munsell) . Mottling (Structure,Stones,Boulders. Gravel) p — G° C MCA, S o •P Ora `f l� _10. 50'� ,aart I�G�, sG i® Y DEI•JP�OBSERVATION HOLE.LOG . Hole# Depth from Soil Horizon Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Other Surface from in. (USDA) (Munsell) Mottling (Structure,Stones,Boulders. consistency.c ° Iry Z& G' . a1o"� �.aa Flood Insit'rance Rate Map- Flood 500 year flood boundary No_ Yes �C Within 500 year boundary No Yes. Within 100 year flood boundary No x Yes Denth of Naturally Occurring Pervious Material Does at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in all areas observed throughout the area proposed foi the soil absorption system? `1c2 If not,what is the depth of naturally occurring pervious material? Certification I certify that on A_,,l `` cis (date)I have passed the soil evaluator examination approved by the. Department of Envirotunental Protection and that the above analysis was performed by m.e consistent with, the required training,exNertise and experience described in 310 CMR.15.017. Signature - Date Co 2S Q:11EALTI /WP/PERCFORM *26to citq`O/ i r 77 s � 1 Fas. THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH TOWN OF ($ lrf_jj� AVVIiraliun for Dinpusu1 Works Tunitrurfinn "rrmit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ( ) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at •... ............ -A s or Lot No. ......... ....... Oj4ner s._ Add .... ................ w ......... ........tF..��.. �... . ...... .: �,u-r�-�r- a :...... Installer Address Type of Building Size Lot............................Sq. feet aDwelling—No. of Bedrooms........:...............................Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) 04 Other—Type of Building ............................ No. of persons............................ Showers ( ) Cafeteria ( ) Oa Other fixtures .-----------•----••-----••..................... W Design Flow......... ......................gallons per person per day. Total daily flow......53...3 C2 .................. WSeptic Tank—Liquid capacity.!��..gallons Length......... Width._5........... Diameter................ Depth................ x Disposal Trench—No. .................... Width.................... Total Length.................... Total leaching area....................sq. ft. 3 Seepage Pit No.......I............ Diameter....1.D'....... Depth below inlet.....42............ Total leaching area..................sq. ft. Z Other Distribution box ( ) Dosing tank ( ) ►-' Percolation Test Results Performed by.......................................................................... Date------------------------------- •....... Test Pit No. 1................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth to ground water........................ L% Test Pit No. 2................minutes per inch- Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth'to ground water........................ Ix ......................................... 0 Description of Soil.......... Y�.��i !ti` ' ......................................... _ = ..... \at loop s x �-r---------------- / U Nature of Repairs or Alterations-Answer when a ca le.- ................. � � . . -..... . Agreement The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Tndividual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of il`:%I: 5 of the State Sanitary Code— The undersigned further agrees not to 1: �e.the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been iss d y the boar under* health. QQ Signed... ... ... .: ........ .... .... -- .... ... `. �.'...7. . Date Application Approved. ` .... ............... ..., ....: o PP PP Y ........ ^— ......... �� .. ...•..........Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons:---•---•..................................:.................................: ......_....._ ................•--•........------.-•----•------•-•...................•--...........-•----............---••-•----...........--------------.........-•--•----•-•..................--•......_.....•. Date PermitNo...........-l ,S�.......... -f/.................. Issued........................................................ Date r; No .. Fas....... _. ...._..._ > THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH TOWN OFH>vf �j(� Applirtttiott for Diopnottl Works Tonotrtirtinn Permit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ( ) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal Systemt -.._.---------- ..................... .... ...........................-•----. ..............................-........-- ... .- - ..................................---•- --....A...r. s or LotNo ......• = ..... --... ---.:......1....................... ......... f .................................... Oy6ner.�J!P. 1...�... Addr.. ..... ". .... :. . Installer Address Type of Building Size Lot .......................Sq. feet Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms...........................................Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) Other—Type of Building .... No. of persons............................ Showers — Cafeteria a Other fixtures ................................. . W Design Flow.. gallons per person per day. Total daily flow............................................gallons. WSeptic Tank—Liquid capacity............gallons Length................ Width................. Diameter................ Depth................ x Disposal Trench—No. .................... Width.................... Total Length.................... Total leaching area....................sq. ft. Seepage Pit No..................... Diameter.................... Depth below inlet.................... Total leaching area..................sq. ft. Z Other Distribution box ( ) Dosing tank ( ) , Percolation Test Results Performed by.......................................................................... Date........................................ aTest Pit No. I................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth to ground water........................ Test Pit No. 2................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth to ground water................:....... 0 Description of Soil........................................................................................................................................................................... U --......-•---•-•............................................•-••-•....-----•---•-----------....----••-•-•......-•-------•--..........----•-------••-----•-•-••----...............--..........._......... W -----••--•-------------------------•---...•••------•--•----------------•...........----•-••-••-•--•-------•----•-----•-------------•••-••---••-................---•-••-•--•. .......................... UNature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when �Iica..le._ - -..-;��G Agreement The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Tndividual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITL% 5 of the State Sanitary Code — The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has beel is, ed b the boar of health. r Signed. .. Date Application Approved By..... ... ------. m o ate Application Disapproved for the f ollowsng reasons:................................•--•-----•----•-----..................:....................................... - -••..............•-•-•-............-•--•--•.........--•-----•--•............--•-•---••••••.--•-•••----•--------•......:-----..............•--•••-•-•-•--•.......................................•--.... Date PermitNo.......... .�.... /................... Issued..................Date..................................... THE COMMONWEALTH OF W.ASSACHUSE--S BOARD OF HEALTH TOWN of YARMOUTH _ � - C�ertif irttte of f�nnt�rlittnre THIS S_T0 ERTIFY That th Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed ( ) or Repaired . ....•••... ... .. .•........... ...4 .... ae.. ............_... al ati_....._.... / /- ---- ---- .__:... :...................................... has been installed in accordan with the provisions of TITLE 5 of The State Sanitary Code as described in the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No.......-._;! dated................................................ PP 1 r- � �fj��-'- - THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. DATE................................................................................ Inspector..................................................--................................ THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH Q,o TOWN of YARMOUTH ..TV.. FED .................... - lisp 1 lot rko Ono action Permit Permission is hereby grante .... to Co ct ) Repair ( an dividual S age Disposal ystem atN . -/......................... ......................... =.............................................................................................................................. Street as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit N Datd„...v�. ..........:. PP P �.7�' .......-•••••---•----•--•---•- � taj�yt�rd of IIealth DATE.................. a r . NOTICE: This Form is to be used for the Repair of Failed Septic Systems Only CERTIFICATION OF SKETCH AND APPLICATION FOR A DISPOSAL WORKS CONSTRUCTION PERMIT (WITHOUT DESIGNED PLANS) I , hereby certify that the application for disposal works construction permit signed by me dated , concerning the property located at meets all of the following criteria: • There are no wetlands within 300 feet of the proposed septic system • There are no private wells within 150 feet of the proposed septic system • The observed groundwater table is 14 feet or greater below the bottom of the leaching facility • There is no increase in flow and/or change in use proposed • There are no variances requested or needed. SIGNED :. DATE: LICENSED SEPTIC:SYSTEM INSTALLER IN THE TOWN OF BARNSTABLE NUMBER [Attach a sketch plan of the proposed system.Also if the licensed installer posesses a certified plot plan, this plan should be submitted]. jxert ���' R. .,• ,;�% C� . �.J NOTICE: This Form is to be used for the Repair of Failed Septic Systems Only CERTIFICATION OF SKETCH AND APPLICATION FOR A DISPOSAL WORKS CONSTRUCTION PERMIT (WITHOUT DESIGNED PLANS) hereby certify that the application for disposal works I, construction permit signed by me dated � concerning the -` property located at bQ ���/ meets all of the - ]\ � ��`�' following criteria: • There are no wetlands within 300 feet of the proposed septic system • There are no private wells within 150 feet of the proposed septic system .5 The observed groundwater table is 14 feet or greater below the bottom of the leaching facility • There is no increase in flow and/or change in use proposed • 'There are no variances requested or needed. SIGNED : 1 DATE: LICENSED SEPTIC SYSTEM INSTALLER IN THE TOWN OF BARNSTABLE NUMBER [Attach a sketch plan of the proposed system.Also if the licensed installer posesses a certified plot plan, this plan should be submitted]. jxert ��/ d Q � / _."�� �� ,_,, / f i t TOWN OF BARNSTABLE LOCATION I `µl �`��w'� t: ,r, SEWAGE # VII LAGS_ F t�V II I T 1ASSESS0R'S MAP& LOT l�f D_Q y y INSTALLER'S NAME&PHONE NO.�_ SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY _ /eo 0 LEACHING FACELM: (type) e, 5,t (size) NO.OF BEDROOMS BUILDER OR OWNER �` dZ ►'��L i� I� PERMITDATE: 3 - bn -9 S— COMPLIANCE DATE:_ -n; Separation Distance Between the: Maximum Adjusted Groundwater Table and Bottom of Leaching Facility Feet Private Water Supply Well and Leaching Facility (If any wells exist on site or within 200 feet of leaching facility) . Edge of Wetland and Leaching Facility(If any wetlands exist Feet within 300 feet of leaching facility) Furnished by Feet d .................. Fi;:�.....�..:�C�._ THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEyALTH C (� 1 ___..__ d�r�...�'. OF........41.�4k✓.-S71 1 Appliration -fur 473i ipofial Works Tonstrurtion Pun it Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ( ) or Repair an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: /�I /�dGL/GC- S 'Odf7/v. OJT`fz/� or Lot No. �.,7 �`/� LB Locatio Ail jress_ L �— ------...•----•-------- ----••.Y. �..�....�................................. Owner Address Installer Address Type of Building Size Lot............................Sq. feet U Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms------62_-- Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) aOther—Type of Building __-________-______________ No, of persons--__________________________ Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) Ga Other fixtgres --••----------- --------------- - W Design Flow............,f--------......................gallons per person per day. Total daily flow...--------------------------------------...gallons. WSe-.)tic Tank—Liquid capacity________-_gallons Length________________ Width................ Diameter.........------- Depth..--____--_-.-. x Disposal Trench—No_ ____________________ Width-------------------- Total Length.................... Total leaching area--------------------sq. ft. Seepage Pit No--------------------- Diameter----------_......... Depth below inlet..................... Total leaching area------------------sq. ft. Z Other Distribution box ( ) Dosing tank ( ) Percolation Test Results Performed by-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date----------------- ...................... Test Pit No. 1................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit-------------------- Depth to ground water---____-_-_--__-_--_---- (i, Test Pit No. 2................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth to ground water---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_---------------•----•---••----................. 0 Description of Soil--------- ---•--------------------•---•-----•-•-•------•------•-•---••--------------------------•---_-___--•-------------------------------------...---••---•---._...-- x V ---------------------------------------•------------------..._.._..•------------•-•-----••••-•-.._..------•---------•---•--•-...-•---------•-------------------••--•------•-----•--•---•--- ------ W ---•---------------------•----- ----------•----------------•----------------•-------•--•----------••---•---- ---- - -• - - ------------•--- V Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable.-_____________--­_--_.___......_- __-______-_..-_____-_____-________-_..................... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ........ l_•-----,,--------------------- ----------- Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of Article NI of the State Sanitary Code—The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has bffn issued by th boar f health. d Signed.-- - - - �------------ ---------•--Da--te--------------- Da ApplicationApproved By-------------- ------ •-..................------------------------------------------ ----------- Date Application Disapproved for the ollowing reasons------=----------------> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------..-.--------------------•---------------------- ................................................ Date / a Permit No. � �/ Issued--------? -� •7 J ---------•---- a ................ Date Finic THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH ......... , c>G�L` ._.. ..oF .....:��1.� u..,. T�'9 .....€'............................. Applira#iun -fur Uiupuuttl Workii Cnunti#rur#iun Vrruift Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ( ) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at:_ r ---------------- ....-----•••-•••---••-Loeatio.;7.. ess--- ........................-•---- •. -••-or Lot No. /. •----••---•••.......................... .....................Owner .. "A ' Address Installer Address Type of Building Size Lot----------------------------Sq. feet Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms--------------------------------------------Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) Other—Type of Building ___________________________ No. of persons---------------------------- Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) a' Other fix-ures ----- ------------------------------------------------ W ........_.._.__. ___gallons per person per day. Total daily flow......................... ...._gallons. Design Flow.............!_ WSeptic Tank—Liquid capacity------------gallons Length................ Width---------------. Diameter---------------- Depth---------------- x Disposal Trench—No..................... Width-------------------- Total Length.................... Total leaching area-------.------------sq. ft. Seepage Pit No--------------------- Diameter-------------------- Depth below inlet__________---._._-__ Total leaching area------------------sq. ft. Z Other Distribution box ( ) Dosing tank ( ) Percolation Test Results Performed by-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date.--------------=----------------------- aTest Pit No. 1----------------minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth to ground water-._._.______.__-__.----- li Test Pit No. 2................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit________..--_._____- Depth to ground water__.._....-_____.____.--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•------------------------------------- 0 Description of Soil----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- x V ---------------------------------•---------------------------------------------------------------_-.--------------------------------------------- ----------------------•----•--------------;------ W ------------------------- ---------- ----- --------_...------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ---- V Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable.-..__________________________ -A, ---------------------------------- Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of Article XI of the State Sanitary Code—The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the boar of health.r �n >� t Signed � ` = '`�t ° Q_t.c?_21� ;f C ----•-------- ------------------ Date Application Approved By----.._...../_i--------- ------- ------------. D f/ Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons-------------------------------------------------------------------------------•------------••-•-------•-•••-•-- -•-•----•------•••--------------••------•-----•---------------.......--•••••--•--•-••--•••---•--•--•---•-I---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•- Date �' 7 PermitNo.------ ---- t=---------------------------------------- Issued--------------`--------------3---------------------- Date THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS fig BOARD OF HEALTH j a'...............OF........ frk: T 46.4..-6.................................. err#ifira#r of ITontlittnrr THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed ( ) or Repaired ( yO Installer -----------------•-----•--•-•-------••--------------- has been installed in accordance with the provisions of Article XI of The State Sanitary Code as described in the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No.......J_3_:-Z----------------- dated..,-------- ...........23........... THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUE© AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. ..DATE............. ...... -------- --------------------------------------- Inspector------ ---------"�- �----- THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS z BOARD OF HEALTH '.✓z `). ................j l,!„...,�d...........O F.......'�* .$!r �1 + r;G '--.........-•----------....---- . J 2— '�r No....-----•......-• a. FEE........................ �i��u�ttl urk,� �uttu#r�tr#iutt �rroti# . Permission is hereby granted....... __.__l5el_e-e, .1-1j�ev: ` S� f`' to Construct ) or Repair ()() an Individual Sewage Disposal System r7//-t/�-, ! %.s C�.ffT<r 0 S T;''4 t"/ C.L � atNo..-----•--- ' ;lr ---------------------- - ---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- Street as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No..___.,�?._;._L____ Dated..;__�_�.___e__--- �_�.___.... ----------------------------- ------ Board of Hedlth DATE-----------! - �� - 7 --------------------------------- • /Z .Y FORM 1255 HOBBS & WARREN. INC.. PUBLISHERS Q4 A -A372 4'-2 12' 1r-11' J r-T r410 24'612' - - W_(r 4'-2 1? 2'6,2' 17-0' 2'6,2` 7 12• 74 it 4'-W 3'412• 1 6'-O W 17-0114' 9-8 aw 1 O --._- - - O m fm I1I 1.; •- - - - v � I ' Z I f I i t1 _ � � 1�✓'1 I L� I // N � c r 1 yl.• rr - I 1 ,17 E a pF; � � 4 ,aw,�, yt� � t4f14 � - 14 n a t � � ll 1os' L�uwoar os RooM t �, c O nl ^, t ti .. a yu�Y t�., - .,r w•.,: I .„. •, ,.. a:: .�. .. I,. .. I ------ -------------- - t ENrar _ 111 QD - - i -- _.. ..r --- 1 F �-� _ - I 5 �----��` • h � • y. I I i _-.PMJIRY \\ .. I— - - __. oo 1 103 t e L ° T , O O- O O II 7 lq .. I 703 ,. ._-. -..--itu E t 4� n DINING ROOM nl it 1 1 1 8 r6 2M2• 16'•J 21li2' r-1612• 3'6 12 now 114 12• - 5412' r41/Y r6 irr • Y 2V-2 11r 226 12' 14•-11• ; 7.6 11F - O 2 c A B ' A302 A307 r AT61 _ AJ61 - " s MAIN LEVEL PLAN �' 6B'-2 7fr 14'-9114' 13'4 N' O r 1 O C 09 o m ., _ _ � E � E E :• E � E E � - - x f���jtpu� T, BATH OOM,' x 1 .. qq I ryCD � - . b � .BEDROOM .. LL 1 I BEDROOM 4. I _ ; r I , _._._.. 61TTING __.._ S ® W tq .. p - ' -- ------ ---- - ----- --�-- y --- -i - - - --- "M • - x v.� ME 4-4-4 AC)� , ; BEDROOM •� - ; �i I .� � - >�., - °• - T427/32' 1P-721W T41YC 3'41f1 .'.11'-23I4' 11'3314' T4112' T41? of .. � ... 1S A303 I l U PPER LEVEL PLAN i TO-11 Off' F(p( ;.�.�«,r�':A301 � 3 t 1 fi f) 1 ,e'-0' T-0' 8'-V 24,-0, W-T _ _____________ _________________________________________________________ _ z -------------------------------- 4 - Q t 0 4 F F A383 - Np3 iri z K Q U a � 7 z 3 � : V 0 pQ' y z z U__________________________________________ __ �_ _____________________� r I I O m : : :---------------- ----------------------------- ' o O i ' _ _______ 5O ® W2 N.BASEME ' .� '1'SAN 1 ---------- With i AREAWAY HEIGHT roBE COOFD f. i 104^ BT OWNER VERRY WIGPAGING I y �� - I I S c:�q f51�= '- NOTES.IANDSGPE ARCHRECT y GR ___ _____ _____ b rc 091 i E c 19'-7 It2' ,W n O - - 2� vIx V-5" Q Z 'I ow I - - - - - - wog I — I I 4:- = - --- - > UJ 00 . A9G2 A702 ----------------------------------- I 21'- T-0' 2Z-T d nao, wwz azo, wvo, � � Z � — '�.�'l'✓d 'C W i� � Q U m a 9 i f S �. Hi j,y+�-i�• tUl J'" ( I a-r y,•: t .r ..>i. •"al ♦, ;;� -- ; • :+�w , �, CONSTRUCTION NOTES: GENERAL NOTES 60 ' " ' •C,. :°'��'.• + . ' 6 FINISHED GRADE 1. ALL S1'S1EY CaVOIENIS SWILL BE IN INTH 1.) THE INTENT OF THIS PLAN IS TO SHOW DXISTBNG � AT LOCUS r � •�.-• � � '• ,,� �°c:> _�` _ `<` MIN ' COMPACTED FILL 3/4"-t-t/2' 36"MAX.-9" �- NNSTIYIED /MCCORAANGF li1LE V OF 1FE DESIGN SCHEDULE � � •� �'' ELEVATION STTIIE SAMTARY COOS DATED APRN. 21. 200t% AS AAENOED 1FINa1GH 1FM DATE OF THIS . 2. LOCUS IS COMPRIsm OF -�, • \ 8s:e 8 �- PLAN, ANY LOCAL RULES REGl1U1110NS APPLICABLE ) •,• :'. ' PEA STONE 2 OF PROPOSED FINISH FLOOR 36.8 BARNSTABLE ASSESSORS MAP 140 PARCEL 083 • _ DIST. LINE IN - 1 ANY CHANGE TO THIS PLAN MUST BE APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE DN(INEER: DEED BOOK 763 PAGE 016 saw OR FILTER FABRIC O 3/4" TO 1 1/2 N CULTEC REpMRGIR 330XL .l• co SEMIER INVERT AT HOUSE 30.3 ELEVATION INFORMATION MUST NOT BE CW GO WITHOUT WRIITEN PRIOR APPROVAL BY LOT 12A IN BLOCK A AT PLAN BOOK 93 PAGE 47 . ,. • �, t� `s• DOUBLE SEWER INVERT INTO SEPTIC TANK 30.1 THE ENGINEER. "`, �� --' -• `•i4 , WASHED STONE SEWER INVERT OUT OF SEPTIC TANK 29.8 APPL CW.- MR. RI1tAS VEITAS a� _ .. 3. *EN OOMSTRIKl'iiON 5 COMPLETED, PRIOR TO 9ACKFILLM NOTIFY THE BIRO OF 24 MAIN STREET SEM�ER INVERT INTO DISTRIBUTION BOX 29.3 � SITE � , , 28' HIaLTH AGENT AND ENarNmR TOR IfSPEC;RON. FINGFIAAI, MA 02043 1 4 1 SEWER INVERT OUT OF DISTRIBUTION BOX29.1 30' SEWER INVERT INTO SAS. 29.0 4. ALL SAINITARY OfSPOSN. SYSTEM PIPING TO BE 4' SCHED 40 PVC. UNLESS o, � ' ' l < • �'a` " • ,� ' ,•' �4N o111ERWISE NOTED III. 3.) BaNI,YNANRIG SCALED ELEV11110N 35' NGVD 1-FOOT ABOVE GRADE AT UP/LP #114 1/2 BOTTOM OF SAS 27.0 NORTH OF LOCUS PER 94MABLE BASEIAAP 140 i' r •• • _ _ `'c PLAN VIEW NO GROUNDWATER OBSERVED TO ELEVATION 21.6 1 EXGVATE UNSUITABLE MATER14L AS NOTED, TO THE 'C HORIZON' , FOR A FIORIZ CULTEC 330XL OR EQUAL 015TMNCE OF 5' SURROUNDING THE LEACHING FELD AND REPLACE WITH CLEAN SAND 4.) ZONING INFORMATION LOCUS MAP NO SCALE PER 310 CMR 15.255 TO THE TOP ELEVATION OF THE SAS. ZONING DISTRICT : RC SC81@: 1' = Z000' CB/DH FND MAP 14o/PARCEL. 201 \ � s. MUTE ALL PIPES AGAINST FREEZING AS REGUNRED IWE'N LESS THAN 3' OF COVER: CURRENT MINIMUM ZONING REQUIREMENTS PROJECT BM RETAIN N� \ AREA a 87,120 S.F. EL = 33.33 + MARC do JUDITH CUTTER UcF�0 7. fl�NS'ThIG SEPTIC S15TEM R TO BE PUMPED AND,RE'MOVED OFF-SIZE \ \ \© FRONTAGE = 20 S THE CONTRACTOR MU CONTACT DIG SAFE (AT 1--M-DiG•-SATE) Mq WUM : 100' �c �, UMI Y COMPANIES TO LOCATE ALL WING U1M11E5. AT LEAST 72 HOURS BOW THE , MAP\\140��ARCEL O44 �'2s'42' STOCKADE F �F T ' START OF CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE THE DXACT LOG TIOR, FRONT YARD SETBACK 20 LOT 2A tZa '� �ICF L qs BOTH HORIZONTALLY AND VBWA LLY, OF ALL 00STING UMITM:S BEFORE THE START OF SIDE AND REAR YARD SETBACK = 10' 12 b92 SQ. FT. f �.,, cF GTE ' xlw1 r:AMY WOK THE r O�NI.Y�M���� sHutlt>nEsowN I AN ARE SHOON n w�wE 0.2�S, ACRES t \�'� ---------------------------- � NOT BEEN IND PONDMY VERIFIED BY THE OWI0 OR ITS REPRE NTATIVE THE OVERLAY R�POD M AGREES TO BE FULLY FM ANY NO ALL MOM 10HICH MW BE OCCASIONED BY TINE CONTRAC �FAN.IIRE TO LOCATE 111E111E UTILITIES 4.� 'A , EXACRY. IF ELEYAl10N N�I'ORANtiON DIFFERS FROM'PLAN INFORMA110FL THE CONTRACTOR 5.) A TITLE SEARCH WAS NOT BEEN PERFORMED FOR THIS SITE IT DETERMINED x 3 .� r x 3 .2 o x 5.2 ` 2 34.5 SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER DNTELY FOR POSSIBLE REDE5i�I1. AT URN 1O BE NECESSARY A TITLE SEARCH SHALL BE PERFORMED BY OTHERS x 35 �� u/P 41�/7 CR4�Nfr'S, VERIFY N FIELD THE LOCATION / NV M OF ELECTRIC, GAS,, lE1EPHONE 6.) THE PROPERTY LINE INFOR'INTION SHONIV IS BASED ON CURRENT AVMABLE & WAICDIMI AND RD.OGiiE IF CffLICT ` WITH PROPOSED NVE'R'T5 PER THE RECORD INFORMATION CONSISTING OF PLMIS AM DEEDS. \` x 35 ON t f ENGINEERS DIREC". THE CONTRACTOR SWILL PRESERVE ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES J x 34 '`� AS REQUIRED THE OUSTING FEANO SHOrIN HEREON WERE OBTAINED FROM AN ON THE GROIMD FIELD SURVEY PERFORMED BY BARTER Iff DOES" dt 9 THE PROPOSED UTIM CO1#&0IONS SHOM�N HEREON ARE SCFEIMM FINAL SURVEYING ON JUNE 3. 2010 �\ N 0� LAYOUT SWMI BE AS DEE NW BY THE APPROPRIATE U'RliY COMPANY. Q 7.) COMMUNITY PANEL MANOR.' 250001 0016 D PR THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP DEFINES THIS AREA AS ZONE C, ' AREA OF MINIMAL FLOODING. M x 32.8 �� � i\\ \�� � AY 8.) o '�' `� TO DISPOSED •SiTE IS NOT WITHIN AN AC.EC, (AREA OF CRITICIV. E IIIFMAL CONCERN). m 32.9 � `� AND asPosEo of z , OFF SITE � •SITE IS NOT WOW AN AREA OF ESTT111ATE0 WORT OF RARE INM.DLIFE PER NHESP MAP OCTOBER 1 2OD9 'ESTIMATED HABITATS OF RARE WiLDLI 27. FOR USE WITH THE MA WETLANDS PR0TEC110N ACT REMILATIONS (310 CMR 10). \ x 33.2 "-- Z x 32.6 •SITE DOES NOT CONTAIN A CERTIFIED VERNAL POOL PER NFESP MAP OCTOBER 1. 2009 S ' 'CERTIFlED VERNAL POOLS 19.6' TP #11-STORY EXISTING 22�5.8' SiTE DOES NOT APPEAR TD BE WTiHIN A PRIORITY HABITAT PER NESP MAP OCRW 1, 2009 �`"''`''��•..�,,� , 1--S TOR Y �o 'PRIORITY HABITATS OF RARE SPECIES FOR SPECIES UNDER o^� - - _ WOOD 34.6 ° TIE WSSACHIaTTS ELAN( RED SPM ACT. REGULATIONS (321 CMR10) MAP 140/PARCEL 036 -�✓ f' GM DWELLING Q d: •SiTE iS NOT WffHIN A STATE APPROVED ZONE I GROUND WATER RECHARGE N� °' y # 41 PROTECTION AREA OTTO J. dt ANNE M. PRESCIA. 'IRS. F.F. E.=36.65 34.8 (•o BE Rom) x 34.7 0 •SITE iS NOT WITHIN A ZONE OF CONTRIBUTION li) A SALTWATER ESTUARY 04 (B.O.H. SECTION 360-45). W ---. yy 3 i 9.\ UTILITY IEic11ATiON SHOWN HEREIN: / W 56.4' ,- ./ l _- 8 1•"' 3 •THE CWWAC70R UTILITY Tn OCATEAAALLL�©MIN SAFE (AT 1 881N-aG�SJ� ANDS • 11HI1S AT WA DEVELOPED LOT P'ROTEC'iiGN - DEMtTlJT10N x 33 ; N c 35 SERVICE ��� g 3 PRldt TD THE START df CaNSTRtM.T10N Tft LOCAiIbhL flF w.. _._ _ AND LOPE LD LOT ON N C TAT TP �" '` 000 AIM. x � -' � '� Q � �1 �� CONDUITS AND LINES ARE SHOWNN, (ZONINGS SECTION 240-91) N AN APPROXIIIAiI WAY ONLY, MAY NOT BE UNITED TO THOSE SFIOIMN HEREIN #2 \l 34.9 f,�G G ' G 33.92 •F- LAND FIVE BEEN IiESEADb BASED ON THE AVAILABLE UTILITY RECORDS � _ Ste' Leaching Area Requirements• `r t I a° g WIM HHEREONI''THE CONTRACTOR AGREES TO BE FUlY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALLOM --_ , '\ ; / �\ V •� I 4 BEDROOMS AT 110 GPD/BEDROOM = 440 GPD ANY ALL BUM VJCH INGFR BE 000ASIONED BY THE CONTRACTOR'S J FAILURE TO LOCATE SW NFRASTRUCIVRE AND UTILI S EXACTLY. IF FIELD LOT COVERAGE 20% (2,418 SF) 18 4% (2,22s SF) 3'4 i -- --_" -- -- ��/ '' %1\\ I r g Ill ` NO GARBAGE GRINDER CONDITIONS DIFFERS FROM PLAN INFORMATION, THE CONTRACTOR SIWL`NOTIFY FLOOR AREA RATIO 30% (3,62'7 SF) 29.9% (3,626 SF) I r t rr I J 1FIE ENGINEER IMMIEDNTELY FOR POSSIBLE REDESK;II / MC RATE <5 MIN. INCH CLASS 1 2-t/2 STORES OR 30 FT t t/2 STORY t � t a i I i / ( ) NSTAR: ELECTRIC SERVICE TO THIS SITE fS FED BY OVERFIfAD TITRES FROM UP 413-7, BUILDING HEIGHT: `� 33 x 33 � �i � J i = I O ► LTAR = 0.74 GPD/S.F AS VERIFIED DUOIG FELD SURVEY. CAUTION SHOULD BE USED W'FEN WORKING IN t THIS AREA, AS HOUSE 11131 IS FED UNDERGROUND THROUGH A WIND-HOLE SYSTEM. 3�.7 RESERVE AREA ' � � � � , � MIN. TP #3 t - - 33,91 i •. MIN. LEACHING AREA OF SAS. . owl #4 SHED 4____ TIM `� i O PROJECT BM •OEM SEPTIC COMPONENiS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE APPROXU47E AS PER TOWN LEGEND/ABBREVIATIONS `, , MAG FND �� 440 GPD/ 0.74 GPD/S.F = 595 S.F. MIN. OF BARNSTABLE AS-BUNJ CARD 195-911 (CNRA4CE DATE 3-5-97). LEACHING AMB S � �� � ELEVATION = 33.92 �\ TOWN Wy11ER LINE SHOWN ON THiS PLAN PER FAX DINED: 06 10 TO BE REMOVED ' 1 PROPOSED SYSTEM: TWO SETS OF 4 - CULTEC RECHARGER 33DXL - °'U� = u� POLE 3 y LEACHING ; I CHAMBERS WITH 1' STONE ON ALL SIDES 2' EFFECTIVE DEPTH = ELECTRIC METER 10• CHAMBERS .s ( ) C-O-W WATER OEPARTMETNi' (AS-BUILT CARD; PERANT' / 95-�1). ® = GAS METER ,' ; W I SIDEWALL AREA: (30' + 6')2 x 2' DEPTH- 144 S.F. i 8 / r' \` ___ - BOTTOM AREA: (30' x 6') = 180 S.F. GAS LINE /' -W -W - = WATER LINE b z �//111\�� �71\� / I ~~ TOTAL EFFECTIVE LEACHING AREA - 324 S.F. x 2=648 S.F. SITE LOCATION' E -E - = ELECTRIC LINE _ sT x %.;� �, 141 Ho►111 Road x. s8.a - ----- --' SCE ' x 34 0 , AIL Box SEPTIC TANK SONG. 440 PRD x 20OX = 880 GAL. - USE 1500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK �.,�,�.,,t = SPOT GRADE 4 , x 35 ®3 .6 - ���j MA EL = ELEVATION F.F.E. - FIM FLOOR ELEVATION i l 1 •- .0 . __ I C, � PREPARED FOR Epp = EDGE OF PAVEMENT N 85'14'37" W► x I r� N _ I CMff THAT IN Oft 1995. 1 WINE PASSED THE SUL EVALUATOR EXAMINATION APPROVED BY THE Rifflas Veitas F HOLE �d n r-"!r DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND THAT THE ABOVE ANALYSIS WAS PERFORMED BY ME MAP 140 ARCEL 043 1 CONSISTENT WITH E REQUIRED TRAINING, EXPERTISE AND D(PERIENCE DESCRIBED IN 310 CMR 15.017. TITLE N I ,,i I101,119/F , SIGNATURE DWTE Za a Pf'0 . tiC stem ROBERT G. HARRINGTON. TRUSTEE rr � p HARRINGTON INVESTMENT TRUST SOIL LOGS DAM:6✓24/2010 B #P 12,976 AXTER NYE ENGINEERING & 1 RVEYING ENGINEER: BOARD OF HEALTH AGENT: Registered Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors S A.Wilson,P.E. David W.SW aft,R.S. 78 North Street-3rd Floor,Hyannis,Massachusetts 02601 CDNsTRUCT ACCESS TEST PIT 1 TEST PIT 2 TEST PIT 3 TEST PIT 4 Aw roLE OVER INLET TYPICAL SYSTEM PROFILE Phone-(508) 771-7502 Fax-(508) 771-7622 FMISHED TO TAW TO AT LEAST G.S.E = 32.6t G.S.E = 33.8t G.S.E. = 34.0± G.S.E = 34.0t �cNOFM FLOOR EL 'f FMMSf1ED GRADE = 34.5f WITIAN 6 FiiM GRADE NOT TO SCALE ADJUST COVER In s' BELOW GRADE " Sand/FiII "0 " Sand/FlII " Sand/Fill 10 0 10 20 ' � BEN = 3s.8 ::,� FiNIS♦rED GRADE OVER TANK = 34.Of FMNSHEti GRADE OVER o. Box = 34.Ot Parr Tn w FIMSHED GRADE OVER GRADE 9 5 12 Driveway g Driveway s. AMIMIW "LE'ACI�rNG TRENCH = 34 of A A B B SCALE I N FEET B , a SUN. Ln 11 4' SCH. 40 PVC 3 4' SCH. 40 PVC FIRST 2' (TO BE LEVEW " min) Cover Loamy Sand Loony S� Loamy Sand Loamy Sand SCALE: 1" = 10' i 36 {max) Cover " " " 8� ATE 0 2.oz then O 2.OX " 12 10 YR 3/4 12 10 YR 3/3 15 10 YR 4/3 14 10 YR 3/3 /41y1iL E N ;• O 2.0% / tO' 14' � m• 4' SCH. 40 PVC 2"Layer 1/8 tot/2 B 8 C / C! TEES INN. IN.=29.3 ' SUMP Peastone C �3 2410 FINISHED ,• INV. IN.-30.1 J INV. OUT- 29.8 \ Lao Sand 1 1 Sand BASETrtENi �.. `INV. IN.=29.1 Loamy Loamy Sand Ned. Sand " / es FLOOR BAFFLE - 18" 10 YR 5/6 19 10 YR 5/5 28" 1 26 10 YR 4/5 REINFORCED CONCRETE STONE INN. IN CRUSHED 4 29.0 C 0 PVC DATE: 912110 FOOTING 1 Med. Sand C� Mod. Sand � Med. Sand � Med. Sand �i •.'S•ir'4••°:,:::,..5• �"'r•...:+n�.•.•,:l� .y, . .,•..;r `, " w CObble$ " w Gabbles 86 10 YR 5/4 10 YR 5/5 �" 10 YR 5/6 �" 10 YR 5/6 f 5' MIN 1500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK DISTRIBUTION BOX C2 C2 C3 C3 NO. BY DATE REMARKS 1 No Groundwater Observed O Elev. 21.6 SLt'i0b'fied Sbvilfied TO BE INSTALLED ON A LEVEL STABLE BASE TO BE INSTALLED ON A LEVEL STABLE BASE 132" Mod. Send 138" Ned. Sand 144" Med. Sand 132" Ned. Sand DRAWING NUMBER C) 1�O 6�6 10 YR s/s 10 YR 7/4 10 YR 7/5 0: 2010 2010-024 Iv�t Pt t RATE- <5 MNN/IIN C o 2010-024s .dw b NO OBSERVED WAITER 2010-024 O O v 10 CONSTRUCTION NOTES: GENERAL NOTES ; ; r `, -- 6 _� FINISHED GRADE 1. All SYSTEM COMPONENTS SMALL BE INSTALLED N ACCORDANCE N1tH TIRE v OF THE 1.) THE INTENT OF THIS PLAN IS TO SHOW DUSTING CONDITIONS AT LOCUS " - COMPACTED FILL 3/4'-t-1/2' DESIGN SCHEDULE ELEVATION STATE SANRARY CODE DATED APRIL 21, 2006, AS AMENDED THROUGH THE DATE OF THIS 36 MAX.-9 Mi N• / \ / a 2.) LOCUS IS COMPRISED OF Y� F ;*y Best Bar- " & ANY LOCAL RULES A REG,tMTIORS APPLICABLE lira2 OF PEA STONE - PROPOSED FINISH FLOOR 36.8 ,y w Y �: F. : �.: 13ARNSTABLE ASSESSORS MAP 140 PARCEL 083 ^� ( DUST. LJNE IN N 2. ANY CFWNGE TO THIS PLAN MUST BE APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE E�NG M. DEED BOOK 763 PAGE 016 OR FILTER FABRIC 4 CULTEC RECF AIM 330XL o. J .v�•: • ,�, ti, A:•, •4r 3/4 TO 1 1/2 SEWER INVERT AT HOUSE 30.3 �yA� MFORMMTION MST NOT BE DIANGED WITHOUT` WRITTEN PRIOR APPROVAL B, 0 DOUBLE SEWER INVERT INTO SEPTIC TMK 30.1 � per, LOT 12A M BLOCK A AT PLMI BOOK 93 PAGE 47 sN. WASHED STONE SEWER INVERT OUT OF SEPTIC TANK 29.8 WFEM CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED, PRIOR TO BApGFLLMGr NOIFY THE BOARD OF APPLIC�WT: 24 MR.MAIN STREET g4,1 SITE SEWER INVERT INTO DISTRIBUTION BOX 29.5 HEALTH AGENT AND ENGWAn FOR MSPEC DON. HINGHAM, MA 02043 »d1- - � - 1' 4, 1' 28' SEWER INVERT OUT OF DISTRIBUTION BOX 29.3 �gyse 4. ALL SANITARY DISPOSAL SYSTEM PIPING TO BE 4 SCFED 40 PVC. INNIESS 3.) � EIEVATION 35' NGVD 1-FOOT ABOVE GRADE AT UP/LP #114 1/2 a 30' ( �+ •• YiL7eli][iI SEWER INVERT INTO SAS. 29.2 ODD � �� BOTTOM OF SAS. 27.2 NORTH OF LOCUS PER BARNSTABLE BASEaMAP 140 PLASTIC LEACHING CHAMBER DETAIL PLAN VIEW NO GROUNDWATER OBSERVED TO ELEVATION 21.s 5. EXGVIIIE INNSINTABLE MATERIAL AS NOTED, 1D THE � HORIZON- . FOR A HORIZ. I CULTEC 330XL OR EQUAL DISTANCE OF 5' SURROUNDING THE LEACHING FIELD, NO REPLACE WITH CLEAN SAND 4.) ZONING INFORMATION LOCUS MAP No SCALE PER 310 CMR 15.255 TO THE TOP ELEVATION OF THE SAS ZONING DISTRICT : Rc Scale: 1' = 1000' CB/DH FND _ MAP 140/PARCEL 201 6• INSULATE ALL PIPES AGAINST FREEZING AS REQUIRED WHEN LESS THAN 3' OF COVER CURRENT MINIMUM ZONING REQUIREMENTS PROJECT BM RETAINI N� ��FQ AREA = 87,120 S.F. EL - 33.33 MARC & JUDITH CUTTER �c C� 7. OEM SEPTIC S1'S'1EM IT TO BE PUMPED AND REMOVED OFF-SRE F 0&, FRONTAGE - 20' \�sF 8. �� THE CONTRACM SHALL CONTACT DIG SAFE (AT 1-MS-DIG-SAFE) AND WUM - 100' VI1UTY COMPANIES TO LOCATE ALL EXISTNG UI11 AT LEAST 72 HOURS BEFORE THE 7" F �F I START OF CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SWILL DEIERMANE THE EXACT LOCATION, FRONT YARD SETBACK 20 STOCKADE FENCE �To q BOTH HORIZONTALLY AND VERTICALLY, OF ALL EXISTING UMES BEFORE THE START OF SIDE AND REAR YARD SETBACK = 10' 126•03' �oF�r I ANY WORK THE LOCATION OF DUSTING UNDERGROUND UMES ARE SHOWN IN AN TF� APPROVATE WAY ONLY, MAY NOT BE LA#rED TO THOSE SHOWN HEREON AND FIVE OVERLAY DISTRICTS : AP PROPOSED -------------------- r � NOT BEEN IIEEPENDENRY VERIFIED BY THE OWNER OR ITS REPRESETNTATNE THE R� GEOTHtOtMAL ^ti --------- cF I CONTRACTOR AGREES TO BE FULLY RESPOH�IF FOR ANY AND ALL DMMAGES WHICH WELL I M09 BE OCCASIONED BY TFE CONTRACTOR'S FAILURE TO LOCATE THE U11UTES 5.) A TITLE SEARCH HAS NOT BEEN PERFORMED FOR THIS SITE. IF DETERMINED MAP 140/PARCEL 044 x 3 .2 0 x 5.2 D(AC LY. IF ELEVATION I FI)FUTION DIFFERS FROM PLMI NEC)RM mK THE CONTRACTOR TO BE NECESSARY A TITLE SEARCH SHINY. BE PERFORMED BY OTHERS. 34.5 SHALL NOTIFY THE ONGNEER IMAEDMTELY FOR POSSIBLE REDESIGN AT UTILITY LOT 2A ` x 35 U/P 41r/7 CROSSINGS; VERIFY IN FIELD THE LOCATION / INVERTS OF ELECTRIC, GAS, TELEPHONE 6.) THE PROPERTY LAME WORYATION SHOWN IS BASED ON CURRENT AVAILABLE \ 12,092 SQ. FT. t 24 a DATA/COMM AND RELOCATE F CONFLICTING WITH PROPOSED INVERTS PER THE RECORD INFORMATION CONSIS NG OF PLANS AND DEEDS. 0.28 ACRES, f � oo' x 35 ENGINEERS DIRECTION. THE CONTRACTOR SMALL PRESERVE ALL UNDERGROUND URrtES AS REQUIRED. THE DOSING FEATURES SHOMIN HEREON WERE OBTAINED FROM AN ON THE GROUND FIELD SURVEY PERFORMED BY BAXTER NYE ENGINEERING 8: ^ri I 9. THE PROPOSIED UTILITY CONNECTIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE SCIEMMTIC. FINAL SUIRVEYMG GN�1 JUNE 3, 2010. ` LAYOUT SFMLL BE AS DETERMINED BY THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY. 0 1a00 7.) COMMINVITY PANEL NUMBER: 250001 0016 D a ^ ` aN - THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP DEFINES THIS AREA AS ZONE C. M x 32.8 3�, N 7 00. Nv /�'I'\\� �� / PROPOSED AY I AREA OF MINIMAL FLOODING. rn _ $ Y � \\ \2 PROPOSED W 0 r, G£OTHf�tM1Al 8•) WELL 0 g, x 34.5 TO BE/PGMPED • SITE IS NOT WITHIN AN A.C.EC. (AREA OF CRITICAL E1tNIRONMEN AL CONCERN). AND DISPOSED OF I Z ri ��,, , � � , OFF SITE •SRE IS NOT MRIIMV AN AREA OF ESTMATED FMBRAT OF RARE WLDLFE PER �. 15.7' g'4� \- FftftD Nips d '/ ? FOR USE wrrFl THE MNHESP MAP °�A wEiTANOs PROTECTION 1 2009 �GMTIONS (ATS OF RARE 3 0 CMR 1ul• 3 3.2 _ _ F-E + 3Ae • SIZE DOES NOT CONTAIN A CERTIFIED VERNAL POOL PER NIESP MAP OCTOBER 1, 2009 'CERTIFIED VERNAL POOLS.' -'' ; 10. • SITE DOES NOT APPEAR TO BE WITHIN A PRIORITY HABRAT PER NHESP MAP OCTOBER 1, 2009 TP #1 �•� 00' 00' �•� g 'PRIORITY HABITATS OF RARE SPECIES" FOR SPECIES UNDER �� - -- x 3 3 I THE ENDANGERED SI'ECES ACT, REGULATIONS (321 CMR10) MAP 140/PARCEL 036 °' h ' I PROTECTION AREA SITE IS NOT W171HIN A STATE APPROVED ZONE n GROUND WATER RECHARGE N/F ✓ Q OTTO J. do ANNE M. PRESCIA, TRS. 22s0' (lb BE x �.7 • SITE IS NOT WITHIN A ZONE OF CONTRIBUTION TO A SALTWATER ESTUARY RAZED) a I 0 (B.O.H. SECTION 360-45). 8 2 W �_ W p 9.) UTILITY INFORMATION SHOWN HEREIN: � Leaching Area Requirements g J I � � 4 BEDROOMS AT 110 GPD/BEDROOM = 440 GPD • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT DIG SAFE (AT 1-888-DIG-SAFE) AND f o z x 3 5. PROPOSED-----'--_ $ 3 Z3 COMPANIES TOOCAT ALLPRIOR 10 THE START Or M D0S11NG U IUTIES AT LEAST 72(X91T1f1111 f]F FkZSirNG HOURS DEVELOPED LOT PROEEC M - OEMOUTION N r 4 tWI:S; CMUITS AND LINES ARE SHOWN AND REBUILDING ON NON LOT . - J j z 0 03 NO GARBAGE GRINDER UNNDEIM NND INFRASIRUC'itiRE,MAY BE LIMITED TF105E SFFOM41 HEREIN IN AN APPROX1MATE WAY ONLY, _ (ZONING; SECTION 240->i1) - K ,T.g �' ' 33.92 �-!5I PERC RATE = <5 MIN. / INCH (CLASS 1 ) NOTED HEREON. THE CONTRACTOR AGREES 10 BEE FULLY RAND HAlf BEEN RE"00 BASED ON THE AVAL48LE ESPONSIBLE RECORDS FOR • , I a LTAR - 0.74 CPD/S.F. ANY AND ALL 004GES WHICH MIGHT BE OCCASIONED BY THE CONTRACTOR'S Al I OWED ---____ � � o z � � � V . ��J FAILURE TO LOCATE SO MID UTILITIES DUCTLY. F FIELD LOT COVERAGE 20% (2,418 SF) 18.4% (2,226 SF) I -'------ - � ` MIN. LEACHING AREA OF SAS. CONDITIONS OFFERS FROM PIMA INFORMATION, THE CONTRACTOR SWW. NOTIFY THE ENGP*1R IAI►EDIATELY FOR POSSIBLE REDESIGN. FLOOR AREA RATIO.- 3OX (3,627 SF) 29.9X (3,626 SF) I J 440 GPD/ 0.74 GPD/S.F. = 595 S.F. MIN. BUILDING HEIGHT: 2-1/2 STORES OR 30 FT 1 1/2 STORY 33 I x 33 I •NSTAR: ELECTRIC SERVIfE TO THIS SIZE IS FED BY OVERHEAD WIRES FROM UP 413-7, l �� O 00 N� ,\ /Ik O I PROPOSED SYSTEM: TWO SETS OF 4 - CULTEC RECHARGER 3WXL AS VERIFIED DURING FIELD SURVEY: CAUTION SHOULD BE USED WHEN WORKING IN RESERVE , I CHAMBERS WITH 1 STONE ON ALA. SIDES (2 EFFECTIVE DEPTH) THIS AREA, AS HOUSE /131 IS FED UNDERGROUND THROUGH A HAND-HOLE SYSTEM. VE AREA n lo•�_--- n ; 33.9, SIDEWALL AREA: (30' + 6')2 x 2' DEPTH = 144 S.F. MIN. I ----------T--- TP #4 '� i I PROJECT BM BOTTOM AREA l'30' x = 180 S.F. •EXISTMG SEPTIC COMPONENTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE APPROXMATE AS PER TOWMN LEGEND/ABBREVIATIONS c - O MAG FND OF BARNSTABLE AS-Bl1N.T CARD95-911 (OOMPLNN(IE DATE- 3-5-97). LEACHING IHAMB� I ELEVATION - 33.92 TOTAL EFFECTIVE LEACHING AREA = 324 S.F. x 2=648 S.F. TO BE REMOVED S ' '' •TOWN IIWIIER LIVE SFpWN ON THIS PLAN PER FAX GATED 06/07/10 b.U/P = UTILITY POLE _;� LEACHING / v� RESERVE AREA: SIDEWALL AREA (12: + 36')2 x 2' DEPTH= 192 S.F. ® = ELECTRIC METER lO`,�� G CHAMBER$ / .6 , I$ I I \ a MIN. / 41 BOTTOM AREA (12 x 36 ) 432 S.F. C-0-MMI WATER DEPARTMENT (AS-MT CARD, PERMIT � 95-911). ® = GAS METER / I d I TOTAL EFFECTIVE LEACHING AREA = 624 S.F. -G -c - = GAS LW \, /I // I w w -w -w - = WATER LINE ��� O z - �//1 IV�� 8 / / ----- -E -E - = ELECTRIC LINE stoat x ;/ I Ir--• - 141 Nolll Road ----- --' FENCE t �� ��%i� z' x 3 4 i, o z MAUL Box I r-_ SEPTIC TANK SIZING: 440 PRO x 200% = 880 GAL - USE 1500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK x y* SIT _ � .4 x ®3 ._ �; � � i 35 I ��eg MA EL = ELEVATION .BT %illll\`; COI F.F.E. - FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION '/Ill \' ` _ PREPARED FOR ° \ -- I I • � I ___ Rimas Veitas EDP = EDGE of PAVEMr1rT N as�4'37" W , �;� x .7 34 00I I I CERTIFY THAT IN APRIL 1995, 1 HAVE PASSED THE SOIL EVALUATOR EXAMINATION APPROVED BY THE El = COWRETE FOUND BOUND/DRILL HOLE I II �� II DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND THAT THE ABOVE ANALYSIS WAS PERFORMED BY ME I I �`` --- - CONSISTENT WITH THE REQUIRED TRAINING, D(PERTISE AND EXPERIENCE DESCRIBED IN 310 CMR 15.017. � I MAP 140/PARCEL o43 I N/F I J ROBERT G. HARRINGTON, TRUSTEE I i SIGNATURE DATE Pro � iC490M I HARRINGTON INVESTMENT TRUST I SOIL LOGS DATE:024/2010 BAXTER NYE ENGINEERING & SURVEYING #P-12,976 ENGINEER: BOARD OF HEALTH AGENT: Registered Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Stephen A. Wilson,P.E. David W. Stanton,R.S. 78 North Street-3rd Floor,Hyannis,Massachusetts 02601 CONSTRUCT' AC TYPICAL SYSTEM PROFILE TEST PR 1 TEST PR 2 TEST PIT 3 TEST PIT 4 phone - (508) 771-7502 Fax - (508) 771-7622 MANH01� °"� "'"� G.S.E. = 32.6t G.S.E. = 33.8E G.S.E. = 34.0f G.S.E. = 34.0f FINISHED TO TANK TO AT LEASE FLOOR EL 't FP#SHED GRADE = 34.5E WITHIN 6' FINISH GRADE NOT TO SCALE ADJUST COVER TD s' �' GRADE Sand/Fill Sand/Fill Sand/Fill 10 0 10 20 = 36.8 FINISHED GRADE OVER TANK = 34.0± g` 5" 12" Driveway go Driveway for StFPHFN Cyr.FUVISiED GRADE OVER D. BOX = 34.Of .l 6' r'IMPECTION PORT In a 8'MHN. FN ISHED GUM OVER LEACHING TRENCH = 34.0f 3 LOW GRADE A A B B SCALE IN FEET rn . ( ) - • 9'" min Cover Loamy Sand Loamy Sand Loamy Sand Loamy Sand SCALE: 1" 10' �, ^��� 4 SCH. 40 PVC 3 4 SCH. 40 PVC FIRST 2 BE LEVEL) M ) 36 (max) Cover 0 2.ox 12' 10 YR 3/4 12' 10 YR 3/3 15" 10 YR 4/3 14" 10 YR 3/3 �� ��U, �,��° `��` �r. „r,•' �then O 2.Ox . O 2.07LPv+CG or U m 4" SCH. 40 PVC 2"Layer 1/8 tot/2 /0NAL'. 0 / LIO. LEACHING p TEES 14' INN. IN.=29.5 16* SUMP w Pea On° B B C1 Mom. �� Cl Med. Sand // /5 �/G FMfSIED INV. IN.-30.1 J INV. OUT- 29.8 •. = Loamy Sand Loamy Sand w/Cobbles \ BASEMENT GAS BAFFLE :.. ., ENV. our 29.3 18" 10 YR 5/6 19" 10 YR 5/5 28' 10 CYR b4/6 26les " 10 YR 4/5 FLOOR r.•. -��• ..:. REINFORCED coNCRErE s" cR11srIED 4" Pvc� r DATE: 9/2/10 n STONE INN. IN.-29.2 Cl C1 1 n. . Med. Sand Med. Sand Med. Sand Med. Sand z {....:: :•.-�. : _.:..:....:..•....: : . .. .:,. .: ,..:.�;-., 66' 10 Y-ObR 5�4 �� 10 YRbles S/5 �" 10 YR 5/6 �" 10 YR 5/6 2 sew 1/15/1 wlorasm sWn�ru w�us 0 0 5' MIN 1 Sur 0/16/1 IIObE SfP11C 1711r( col N C2 C2 � C3 NO. BY DATE REMARKS 1500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK DISTRIBUTION BOX a NO Groundwater Observed O Elev. 21.6 strobffed Stro{If� YYN • MTM ED CH CK BY: MWE DRAWING NUMBER 132 138 Med. Sand 144• Med. Sand 132" Med. Sand J m � �� � A LFVEI. �� t� � � �� � A LlvE1 �� BASE " 1O YR 6/6 " 10 YR 6/6 10 YR 7/4 10 YR 7/5 PERC a 70" 0: 2010 2010-024 Civil Plot 2010-024s .dw 0 NO OBSE n � 2010-024 0 N O O fl