HomeMy WebLinkAbout0220 NORTH BAY ROAD - Health 202 North Bay Road Osterville A = 073 - 010 ;v �1 Atlantic 1 ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 1 1 i i i 1 Engineers & Environmental Scientists 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' � 1 1 1 1 1 �I 1 1 T 2D Atlantic ' ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES,INC. ENGINEERS&ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME STATEMENT DEP RTN 4-11606 ' Residential Property =0 2&2 North Bay Road ' Osterville, MA 02655 Prepared for: ' Mr. Kenneth A. Hines P. O. Box 2045 ' Osterville,MA 02655. ' Prepared By: Atlantic Environmental Technologies, Inc. ' P.O. Box 1051 Sandwich, MA 02563 ' September 25, 1995 AET Job No. 5281.0 ' Faunce Corner Office Park 221 E. Main St. • Suite 205 P.O. Box 1051 86 Faunce Corner Rd. • Suite 410 Milford,MA 01757 Sandwich,MA 02563 ' N. Dartmouth,MA 02747 (508)478-2206 • FAX 478-0327 (508)888-9282 • FAX 888-5859 (508)997-5422 • FAX 999-4060 ,DAtlantic ' ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES,INC. ENGINEERS&ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS September 25, 1995 Mr. Spence Brennan Department of Environmental Protection BWSC 20 Riverside Drive Lakeville, Massachusetts 02347 Re: RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME STATEMENT ' Residence, 220 North Bay Road Osterville, MA 02655 DEP RTN 4-11606 ' Dear Mr. Brennan: Atlantic Environmental Technologies, Inc. (AET) is pleased to submit the accompanying Response Action Outcome(RAO) Statement for the property referenced above. The property is owned by Mr. Kennneth A. Hines of the same address. On August 18, 1995 you offered verbal approval to AET to proceed with this IRA, which included the excavation and disposal of contaminated soil in the release area. ' A Class A 2 RAO was deemed appropriate for the site, since soil contamination has been remediated to within S-1 Risk Characterization limits and groundwater has not been impacted. ' If you have any questions regarding this Response Action Outcome Statement, please do not hesitate to call. On behalf of AET, it is my pleasure to be able to offer our professional environmental ' consulting, engineering, and analytical services. Very truly yours, ATLANTIC ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Na am el L. Zsness Envirp4mental Scientist 1 " Ro ert P. Warren ' Licensed Site Professional Enclosures: RAO Statement Report cc: Kenneth A. Hines ' Donna Morandi;Barnstable Board of Health Warren Rutherford;Barnstable Town Manager ' Faunce Corner Office Park 221 E. Main St. • Suite 205 P.O. Box 1051 86 Faunce Corner Rd. • Suite 410 Milford,MA 01757 Sandwich,MA 02563 N, Dartmouth,MA 02747 (508)478-2206 • FAX 478-0327 (508)888-9282 • FAX 888-5859 (508)997-5422 • FAX 999-4060 r TABLE OF CONTENTS ' 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Authorization 1 ' 1.2 Limitations 1 2.0 GENERAL SITE INFORMATION 2 ' 2.1 Site Location 2 2.2 Brief Site Description 2 ' 2.3 Site Geology/Hydrogeology 2 3.0 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION 3 3.1 Description of Release 3 323 Description of AET's Immediate Response Action ' 3.2.1 Assessment 3 3.2.2 Excavation 3 3.2.3 PID Soil Screening 4 ' 3.3 Confirmatory Soil Sampling 5 3.4 Management of Remedial Wastes 6 ' 3.5 Environmental Monitoring Plan 6 4.0 SUPPORT OF RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME 7 4.1 Current and Foreseeable Use 7 4.2 Soil and Groundwater Categories 7 ' 4.3 Exposure Points in Soil and Groundwater 7 4.4 Achieving Level of No Significant Risk 7 4.5 Achieving Background Levels 8 5.0 SUMMARY 8 Alanfic ' LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Site Plan Showing Response Actions Area ' Figure 2 U.S.G.S. Map, Cotuit, MA, 1974 ' Figure 3 Groundwater Informational Systems Map. MA DEP BWSC LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A RAO Statement and Release Notification Form ' Appendix B Photographs Appendix C Laboratory Reports Appendix D Bill of Lading and Certificate of Recycling I Alanfic ' 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Authorization This Response Action Outcome Statement (RAO)Report is submitted at the request of Mr. Kenneth A. Hines-of P.O.Box 2045, Osterville, Massachusetts. Mr. Hines is the Potentially Responsible Party (PRP) for the property located at 220 North Bay Road (the Site). The RAO was developed in accordance with Subpart J- Response Action Outcomes of 310 CMR 40.0000, the Revised 1995 Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) and it incorporates all other applicable sections of the MCP. It was developed under the oversight and direction of ' a Licensed Site Professional (LSP). ' 1.2 Limitations The scope of this report is limited to response actions taken by AET relative to the releases described below, and is strictly limited to the horizontal and vertical limits of the excavations shown on Figure 1 and labeled the"Response Action Outcome Areas". The two Response Action Outcome Areas are situated as follows: ' UST 1: The 4'x 3'x 6' deeP area directly east of the generator shack where the 110 gallon gasoline UST was located; ' h 8' x 5' x 9' deep area directly east of the northern onion of the home UST 2. The p y p , where the 330 gallon#2 fuel oil UST was located. Further,this RAO is not intended as a source of any information or opinions concerning areas outside of the Response Action Outcome Areas. _1_ � AO l nfi� ' 2.0 GENERAL SITE INFORMATION ' 2.1 Site Location Address: 220 North Bay Road Osterville, MA 02666 County: Barnstable U.S.G.S. Quadrangle: Cotuit, 1974 (Figure 2) ' 2.2 Brief Site Description ' The Site is a residential property, approximately 30,000 square feet in area, located on the west side of North Bay Road in Osterville,MA. This portion of Osterville is known as Oyster Harbors. The Site is centered on a small hill, with the house located at the peak. According ' to the USGS Map for the Cotuit quadrangle,the high area of the Site is approximately 30 feet above mean sea level. The east side slopes down to North Bay Road and the west side slopes down to Cotuit Bay. All neighboring properties are residential. ' The house is connected to the municipal water supply system, as are all other homes in the vicinity. All of Cape Cod is considered to He over a sole source aquifer, placing the Site in a ' sensitive Groundwater 1(GW-1) category, according to the Massachusetts Dapartment of Environmental Protection (DEP). Sanitary wastes are handled through an individual septic ' system. The site is vegetated with ornamental bushes and shrubs. Areas of the site around the ' buildings are grassed and a paved circular driveway is located along the east side of the house. ' 2.3 Site Geology/Hydrogeology The site is located on a glacial outwash plain. Soils are comprised of well sorted sands and ' gravels. Groundwater is approximately 30 feet below the ground surface (BGS) and the regional groundwater flow direction is towards the west. _2— t r AH(anfic ' 3.0 SITE RELEASE HISTORY ' 3.1 Description of Release On August 16, 1995 releases of both gasoline and 92 fuel oil were discovered at the Site during the removal of two USTs. Upon detection of petroleum contaminated soil by the UST removal contractor and the Fire Inspector, the Barnstable Board of Health agent was called in to inspect the ' site. Donna Morandi of the Board of Health tested soils with an HNU Photoionization Detector (PID), revealing 200 parts per million(ppm) in the soil below the gasoline UST and 90 ppm below the fuel oil UST in a standard soil headspace analysis. ' Atlantic Environmental Technologies, Inc. was verbally contracted to perform necessary emergency response services at the site. Nat Finsness of AET was present to oversee and direct petroleum ' contaminated soil (PCS) excavation and stockpiling on 8/16/95. ' UST#1 UST #1 was a 110 gallon gasoline tank used for the fueling of the home's backup generator. The UST was removed from the excavated area and appeared sound; no holes were noted in either the vessel or piping. The fill valve however, had not been attached for an unknown period of time, allowing rainwater to infiltrate the tank and displace gasoline out into surrounding soils. The removal ' contractor stated that the tank was filled prior to removal, approximately half of which was water. UST#2 ' UST#2 was a 330 gallon#2 fuel oil tank used to supply heating oil to the residence. Upon removal, the tank did not exhibit_obvious holes, but contaminated soil was observed downward in the area of the fill pipe. 3.2 Description of AET's Immediate Response Action 3.2.1 Assessment ' On August 16, 1995 AET personnel collected soil samples from each of the open UST graves upon arrival at the Site. Soil samples were field screened with a PID (HNU-101)by standard headspace methodology. Upon completion of preliminary field screening, AET personnel ' determined that both USTs had released fuel to the environment as defined by 310 CMR 40.0000. i -3- AlanfiC' 3.2.2 Excavation On the date of assessment, contaminated soil in the area of the both releases was excavated by Enviro-Safe, Inc. of Sagamore Beach, Massachusetts. Excavation operations were continued until no signs of petroleum remained in each UST grave. Groundwater was not encountered throughout excavation procedures. 3.2.3 PID Soil Screening The Jar Headspace Analytical Screening procedure as described in the DEP Policy Statement #WSC-89-001 was used to screen the soils on the site using an HNU PI-101 PID: TABLE 1 PID Field Screening 8/16/95 UST# SAMPLE DEPTH ft PT m COMMENT UST 41 BASE 1 3.0 150 GAS ODOR BASE 2 5.0 150 GAS ODOR PE BASE 5.5 2 NO ODOR PE NORTH 4.0 3 NO ODOR PE SOUTH 4.0 2 NO ODOR PE EAST 4.0 12 NO ODOR UST#2 BASE 1 5.0 7 PETRO ODOR tBASE 2 8.5 2 MILD ODOR PE BASE S 9.0 2 NO ODOR PE BASE N 8.0 0.5 NO ODOR ' PE EAST 5.0 ND NO ODOR PE NORTH 5.0 ND NO ODOR PE SOUTH 5.0 ND NO ODOR Notes: Results in ppm ND-Not Detected; 1 ppm Limit PE-Post Excavation West wall of each UST area limited by foundations -4 f 0 q a O 0c 3.3 Confirmatory Sampling Upon completion of excavation in each of the two UST graves, confirmatory soil samples were collected and submitted toGroundwater Analytical of Buzzards Bay, MA, a State ' certified environmental laboratory. UST#1 Upon completion of excavation activites,two composite soil samples were collected from the UST 41 grave; one from the base at 5.5 feet below grade (Base Composite) and the second was collected from the three side walls at a depth of 4 feet (Wall Composite). The west side of the grave abutted the generator shack and soil samples could not be collected. Soil samples were analyzed for the presence of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) by EPA Method 8260. The following table is a summary of analytical results in comparison to Reportable Concentrations as established in the Massachusetts Contingency Plan 310 CMR 40 (Laboratory reports are included in Appendix C): TABLE 2 tUST#1 Analytical Summary of Post Excavation Composite Soil Samples Collected 8/16/95 ' Sam le Benzene Toluene E h (benzene X lenes Base Composite BRL(.250) BRL(.250) BRL(.250) BRL(.250) Wall Composite BRL(.250) BRL(.250) BRL(.250) BRL(.250) RCS-1 10 90 80 500 Notes: Results in ppm RCS-1 -Risk Characterization limit for soil category S-1,310 CMR 40.0975 BRL(30)-Below Reportable Limit(.250 ppm) ' UST#2 Two composite soil samples were collected from the UST #2 grave upon completion of ' excavation activites; one from the base at 9.0 feet depth and the other from the three side walls at a depth of 5.0 feet. The west side of the grave abutted the house foundation. Soil samples were analyzed for the presence of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons by EPA Method 418.1. The following table is a summary of analytical results in comparison to Reportable -5- f Abnfic ' Concentrations as established in the Massachusetts Contingency Plan 310 CMR 40 (Laboratory reports are included in Appendix C): ' TABLE 3 UST#2 Analytical Summary of Post Excavation Composite Soil Samples Samples Collected 8/16/95 Sample TPH Result Base Composite 130 ' Wall Composite 72 RCS-1 500 ' Notes: Results in ppm RCS-1 -Risk Characterization limit for soil category S-1,310 CMR 40.0975 BRL(30)-Below Reportable Limit of instrument(30 ppm) 3.4 Management of Remedial Wastes On 8/16/95,one(1)composite soil sample was collected from the contaminated soil stockpile and analyzed by Groundwater Analytical for standard Disposal Parameters. The composite ' sample consisted of eight random grab samples collected throughout the stockpile. All petroleum contaminated soil(PCS)was stockpiled on site with a polyethylene liner and cover until analytical results were recieved. A total of 7.08 tons of PCS was removed from the site and recycled into asphalt at the Bardon Trimount facility in Stoughton, Massachusetts. The Bill of Lading and Certificate of ' Recycling are included in Appendix D. Soil was loaded into a truck and shipped by Shoreline Construction of Osterville, MA to the recycling facility on September 6, 1995. 3.5 Environmental Monitoring Plan Due to the low levels of petroleum in remaining soils within the release areas and the extensive depth of groundwater (estimated at 30 feet), the threat of vertical migration of gasoline and #2 fuel oil to the water table is was deemed minimal. Therefore, further environmental monitoring is not necessary. -6- 4.0 SUPPORT OF RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME ' 4.1 Current and Foreseeable Use There is one building on the property, which is currently used as residential property. No ' activities are occurring either on-site or on an adjacent site that would allow for human or environmental exposure to any remaining residual petroleum contamination. It is not likely that the Site's use will change in the foreseeable future, hence minimizing the potential for an ' exposure pathway. ' 4.2 Soil and Groundwater Categories All of Cape Cod is considered to lie over a sole source aquifer, placing the Site in a sensitive ' (GW 1) category, according to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Soils on the Site have been remediated to within Method 1 Risk Characterization Limits for soil category S 1. All soil samples were collected within the upper 10 foot horizon of soil. 4.3 Exposure Points in Soil and Groundwater ' According to the MA DEP (GIS Map, Cotuit Quad) and the Barnstable Water Department, no active sources of potable water are located within a one mile radius of the Site. As noted ' above, all soil samples as analyzed have exhibited contaminant concentrations below the Method 1 Risk Characterization Limits for soil category S-1. 4.4 Achieving Level of No Significant Risk ' Analytical results of confirmatory soil samples taken from the sidewalls and bottom of the excavations indicate that all petroleum contaminated soils in excess of applicable Risk Characterization limits have been removed from the Response Action Outcome Areas. Hence, ' a condition of No Significant Risk of harm to health, public welfare, and the environment has been achieved at the Site. 4.5 Achieving Background Levels ' Background TPH and VOC levels across the site, outside of the Response Action Outcome Area, are assumed to be below detection limits based on general knowledge of the vicinity and the fact that the use of the site has been limited to residential throughout its history. Alanfice ' atory soil samples from the four sidewalls and base of the UST 41 excavation indicate that VOC levels in this Response Action Outcome Area have been remediated to background levels. This was achieved by excavation and removal of contaminated soil and its replacement ' with clean fill. Soil samples collected from the base and walls of the UST 92 area have exhibited TPH ' concentrations of 130 ppm and 72 ppm respectively. The response actions summarized above have reduced contaminants in this area to levels which have achieved a condition of No Significant Risk in accordance with the MCP. Furthermore,concentrations have been reduced to levels approaching background. Further reductions in concentrations are expected over time due to natural biodegradation processes. Further action to achieve background levels is ' not justified based on economic factors;both structural shoring and major reconstruction of the building's foundation would be required if further excavation were implemented. The cost of this action was determined to be greater than the exposure/health benefits of further ' contaminated soil removal in an attempt to achieve background levels. ' 5.0 SUMMARY Based on the fact that all contaminated soil with TPH and VOC concentrations greater than 1 applicable Method 1 Risk Characterization Limits has been excavated and removed from the release areas, and that no human or environmental receptors are threatened by the remaining contaminated soil, a condition of No Significant Risk exists and a Permanent Solution has ' been achieved within the Response Action Outcome Areas. As such, the conditions for a Class A-2 Response Action Outcome have been met at the Site, whereby no Activity and Use Limitation is required,in accordance with regulations in the Massachusetts Contingency Plan 310 CMR 40. -8- � �iPlo�nPot" 1 FIGURES 1 1 1 � 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GRASSED �0 GENERATOR RESIDENCE SHACK ' 220 NORTH BAY ROAD FORMER LOCATION UST #1 Qom-FORMER LOCATION 110 GAL GAS UST #2 390 CAI, #2 RJFL OIL ' SHRUBS WOODED ASPHALT DRIVE`�/AY WOODED LANDSCAPED NORTH BAY ROAD FIGURE 1 SITE PLAN SCALE: 11N. =40 FT. ' Hc ® 39 PLEASANT STREET RELEASE AREASRA BY,AHanSAGAMORE, MASSACHUSETTS 220 NORTH BAY RD. DRAWN : N. FINSNESS Environmental Technologies, Inc. (508) 888-9282 O S T E RV I L L E, MA PROJECT#: 5 2 81 DATE: a/25/95 - \ l .�� � tp, � /;-3Gl� � 0 3 i,� �c--�----Lys,� \• Q (v/ d \\ �./ , �/ _ �aJ�� ;!� CI V \uj o •m\� '�oa C,ranBerr� � � , ii o1l Cranb ry� q a o. n (lj � Sgx1Pw.� �e 1 o O ( \\ �o Si Island IsabeFla t j •�` 2 ,q oy+' p 7 it . l✓ is mil ��° � r� '— ` HaFldy Hoopers Pt ✓{ �+ r -C,-s o Beach r If Club Y\te ,`\` - • t 3" Noisys °32.� rbors � � �f 38 ub is ,- � e � �,_J,• • �• 3 ° gip°of1/� �LBnding �► �Vc �LE D IS 1 N� � o 'i Cotuit° �v • " �° C` ° n $InPf •l �- 2Q / j _ _ 1 f. �I•D Tl4 \a >r1 �,:.�\. ,� _ ! r 1Tr��3 r•,. �.II"� - � - l>�°:/� Ffat �•,�-' • � j! ,y` FI IFIa .•.,n ll� i �I 'p 1if L t •'/i SEAY�EW II.. r© �: �jl' sla dead rs Beach 0 At 1Ahtic P.0 Box 1051 ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES,INC. SANDWICH,,MA 02563 Engineers& Environmental Scientists (508) 888-9282 Figure 2 - USGS Map, Cotuit, MA, 1974 i i lT"— �"',� .Ti•1I,�`� I I � i -l'TI I I �,�� �-P` � I ,u �N��I� -� 1 1 DP I 3rulp. p�; x v .i 1[ f . 4 - 1 r { ^ � �•..� 3. .� '. I.:,�-' �� } - � I,�. tl,�'�8 ��t �',.ii�y "�.lq�_y9�, ',; `�b9�x�p' �!l� {� I�t^ I� �i .., � � f I � I w:��A"^ 1 i.` ► � aT �I��MJ�'�'°"«.fiui,� � � .fir' •d'� ty y - I { 1 � �. � � L,I• I( � I J4 I l, ,� � i {{{ �.�„2 � � a� .w+F � � I , t GAF�"� �y�+� a�• � a "°y e 4E.y •{ (�{• :• F7 A t, ,� : A47- �.I i_ ��, 3Y'^���9YH' I I ( � I \ 14,I "IDS �"� ��'I• ,i UNIX IL NIB. YMM IL �.s fli I I � - p a V r A lan 1_ . P.O.BOX 1051 ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES,INC. SANDWICH,MA 02563 Engineers &Environmental Scientists (508)888-9282 Figure 3 - MADEP._GIS MAP; Cotuit, MA' 1 % 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1LU 1 Alan HC® APPENDIX A RAO Statement and Release Notification Form ,. :: �,. -.•r d -^ '"k -Fi-'Y•"a . 'i7 ,w-•sew. srr a r` s r q ..: -.f, .:sir:..y±.a trr .,ws-b ...z.H � ... r. ,....... ....,.. .s?+`.. .. ._ �":'.�t ... 9 �'h •fi x -,ts� "Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protecti6M'w M BWSC 104 ..Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup i r 7 7. RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME (RAO) STATEMENT 8. .Release Tracking Number ' P DOWNGRADIENT PROPERTY STATUS TRANSMITTAL FORM 11606 Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0180(Subpart B),40.0580(Subpart E)&40.1056(Subpart J). ' A. SITE OR DOWNGRADIENT PROPERTY LOCATION: Site Name:(optional) Residential Property Street: 220 North Bay Road Location Aid: Ovster Harbors ' Cityrrown: Osterville, ZIP Code: 02655-0000 ❑ Check here if this Site location is Tier Classified. If a Tier I Permit has been issued,state the Permit Number. Related Release Tracking Numbers that this Form Addresses: If submitting an RAO Statement,you must document the location of the Site or the location and boundaries of the Disposal Site subject to this Statement: If.submitting an RAO Statement for a PORTION of a Disposal Site,you must document the location and boundaries for both the portion subject to this submittal and,to the extent defined,the entire Disposal Site. If submitting a Dovmgradient Property Status Submittal,.` you must provide a site plan of the property subject to the submittal and,to the extent defined,the Disposal Site. B. THIS-FORM IS BEING USED TO: (check all that apply) ® Submita Response Action Outcome(RAO)Statement(complete Sections A,B,C,D,E,F,H,1,J and Q. ❑ Check here if this is a revised RAO Statement: Date of Prior Submittal: ❑ Check here if any Response Actions remain to be taken to address conditions associated with any of the Releases whose Release Tracking ' Numbers are listed above. This RAO Statement will record only an RAO-Partial Statement for those Release Tracking Numbers. Specify Affected Release Tracking Numbers: ' ❑ Submit an optional Phase I Completion Statement-supporting an RAO Statement or Downgradient Property Status Submittal (complete Sections A;B,H,I,J,and L). ❑ Submit a Downgradient Property Status Submittal(complete Sections A,B,G,H.1,J and K). ❑_ Check here if this is a revised Downgradient Property Status Submittal. Date of Prior Submittal: x ❑ Submit a.Termination of a Downgradient Property Status Submittal(complete Sections A,B,I,J and ' ❑ Submit Periodic Review Opinion evaluating the status of-a Temporary Solution(complete Sections A B H`:I J and L) Specify one. _ ❑ For a Class C RAO ❑ For a Waiver Completion Statement indicating a Temporary Solution '.' .... .. t rIX Provide Submittal Date of RAO^Statement or Waiver Completion Statement. ` You must`attach all supporting documentation required.for each use of form.indicated,including copresof any Legal Notices and Notices to Public Officials required by 310 CMR 40.1400:,'. " ;, :. C DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSE ACTIONSx (check all that apply) b � Y tr;�"' r ;�� n s..,,, , yt F+` �„•y ,.rs*.+Lf ^., j w d is s�"�-4^!^s'ia'Yz�`3se?-.�.P� •,4•f u�" •` -, ❑^ Assessment and/or Monitoring Only ❑ or Contamrnent Materials Deployment of Absorbent ® Removal of Contaminated Soils fi ❑ Temporary Covers or Caps � F € ® Re-use,Recycling or Treatment ❑ Bioremediation `" O On Site, ® Off Site Est Vol.: 7 cubic yards ❑ Soil Vapor Extraction s 3 TN ' Describe Petro contain soil'9recycled at Bardon ❑ Structure Venting System '> ❑ Landfill Q Cover °Q Disposal Est Vol c yard ❑ Product or NAPL Recover cube s rY n _ c` 4'x. t •� ❑* Removal of Drums Tanks or Containers ❑ Groundwater Treatment Systems, ^`, � y -�H� . ro >. n ..� � ..... , >..•" +.,. . a- ❑�'':{Dte,+s.c:ri-�b,.e ,; .;,"d' r. .":`' ` 't,K ;al .y: a' ❑ A..:i^r,S a ar.gerinr:g aysr� 144 4 ast TeRemoval of Other Contaminated Media mporary .:.Water Supplies_ Specify Type and Volume ❑ Temporary Evacuation or Relocation of Residents ❑_ Other Response Actions- ❑ Fencing and Sign Posting; y Describe:, Fj - SECTION C IS CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE. {! .#11 Revised 4r7195 Supersedes.Forms BWSC-004 and 010(in part) Page 1 of 4 T Y .Y4.t 4.: Do Not After,This Fon» t., { Ya^.§.4-s. _,..._.s,.... .>..�:.we.:....�s:s't,...-r..a..�v.`-3:a:,�..Yrn+,•o...sc,.,_.rya..:a..-.c,..e,..,.......�s:sv u..,..e•,s.a .....m...a_s...�..,� y,�.d .�: ____�:..,...a.-�'.�"s�r..-1�e4��'4t _.....,—��• .-:�.^i',,.?:,?a�:r aiv_ .Yp - >3 f ae+•i+ �, tf• t... Fx �,k ?1 } .>'Cr t .r_ Y .d,''utF...'k P� 9 .q v"��'.P,a }..0 a,r.� ��� '1`�� ,�,+J �uw fld xi..:...sb� �..er.h ..... .L'•. .,.n ale _ '4n�aZr K. yU � �ar. ��� .:A4A...b3 k3e3�.nma.� .ia'aN>��++b�''�Y__-:F6+µSt -:�.+ir'?Sr�`id� L`evw�Y�i ' . Massachusetts'Department of Environmental Protection " _BWSC404 .. Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME (RAO) STATEMENT& Release Tracking Number RADIENT PROPERTY STATUS TRANSMITTAL FORM � DOWNG 4 11606 Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0180(Su bpart art B),40.0580(Subpart E)&40.1056(Subpart J ) ❑ ' C. DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSE ACTIONS: (continued) Check here if any Response Action(s)that serve as the basis for this RAO Statement involve the use of Innovative Technologies. (DEP is interested in using this information to create an Innovative Technologies Clearinghouse.) Describe Technologies: D. TRANSPORT OF REMEDIATION WASTE:(if Remediation Waste was sent to an off-site facility,answer the following questions) Name of Facility. Bardon Trimount Town and State: Stoughton, MA s Quantity of Remediation Waste Transported to Date: 7 cubic yards ' E. RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME CLASS: _ Specify.the Class of Response Action Outcome that applies to the Site or Disposal Site. Select ONLY one Class: ❑ Class A-1 RAO: Specify one of the following: _ O Contamination has been reduced to background levels. Q A Threat of Release has been eliminated. ® Class A-2 RAO: You MUST provide justification that reducing contamination to background levels is infeasible. ' ❑ Class A-3 RAO: You MUST provide both an implemented Activity and Use Limitation(AUL)and justification that reducing contamination to background levels is infeasible. ' If applicable,provide the earlier of the AUL expiration date or date the design life of the remedy will end: ' Class B-1 RAO: Specify one of the following: O Contamination is consistent with background levels O Contamination is NOT consistent with background levels ' ❑ Class B-2 RAO: You MUST provide an implemented AUL. If applicable,provide the AUL expiration date ❑ Class C RAO: ❑ Check here if you will conduct post-RAO Operation,Maintenance and Monitoring at the Ste. Specify One sive O Pas Operation and Maintenance O Monitoring Only t O Active Operation and Maintenance(defined at 310 CMR 40.0006) F. RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME INFORMATION: ❑ If an RAO Compliance Fee is required,check here to certify that the fee has been submitted You MUST attach a photocopy of the payment . ❑ Check here if submitting one or more AULs. You must attach an AUL Transmittal Form(BWSC-113)and a-copy of each implemented AUL related to this RAO Statement. Specify the type of AUL s below: (required for all Class A-3 RAOs and Class B-2 RAOs ' Q Notice of Activity and Use Umitation Q Grant of Environmental Restriction Number of AULs attached Specify the Risk Characterization Method(s)used to achieve the RAO described above and all Soil and Groundwater Categories applicable to the Site; ' More than one Soil Category and more than one Groundwater Category may apply at a Site Be sure to checkoff all APPLICABLE categories,even if more stringent soil and groundwater standards were met. Risk Characterization Method(s)Used x Method 1 Method 2 >y ❑ Method 3 , a2 x ,.„• T ❑ - s , x sue'` 20% Soil Category(ies)Applicable ny ❑+Sf 1 r ", ❑ S 2 M t - Groundwater Category(ies)Applicable ; ❑ GW-i: ,' 4. ;❑ GW-2' �� ❑ GW-3 >t When submitting any Class A-1 RAO or a Class B-1 RAO where contamination is consistent with background levels,do NOT specify a3 ' Risk Characterization Method. K >•When submitting any Class A-2 RAO or a Class B-1 RAO wherecontamination is NOT consistent with background levels,you cannot use an AUL to maintain a level of no significant risk..Therefore,you must meet S-1.Soil Standards,-if using.Risk Characterization: Method 1.. , x Revised 417/95 Supersedes.Forms BWSC-004 and 010(in part), Page-2of4- Do Not Alter This:Form Y k, ..M:d.r.V:rna....zrw sacs .i�x_e......n-ru. s-i++.+,.....an........en-+.w.. .......w..v..."—..w.�,':unr.+Y•�'�i.i'1'i n.. _.�E••1 ..:.... ..rrtt... S. ... ... .M a.a l..na..Q.a.:wd�.a...A:. .v... C.e4<'"t .. 3,"J1�f�"?�a�: :.. j..,....ax�n.srwAr.�r.. ,�31�,` •� ,,;;�s.�v.a,4 ;s.. �k" �_ �� r �,�," ,,,_._: v'Massachusetts.Department of Environi-nmental Protection ^r BWSC-104` ' Bureau-of Waste Site:Cleanup $ � � _ RESPONSE ACTION'OUTCOME (RAO) STATEMENT& Release Tracking Number DOWNGRADIENT PROPERTY STATUS TRANSMITTAL FORM " E 1160E Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0180(Subpart B),40.0580(Subpart E)&40.1056(Subpart J) ' G. DOWNGRADIENT°PROPERTY STATUS SUBMITTAL:-- 0 If a DowngradientProperty Status Submittal Compliance Fee is required,check here to certify that the fee has been submitted. You MUST attach a photocopy of the payment. ' Check here.if a Release(s)of Oil or Hazardous Material(s),other than that which is the subject of this submittal,has occurred at this property. Release Tracking Number(s): 1 O Check here if the Releases identified above require further Response Actions pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0000. Required.documentation for a Downgradlent Property Status Submittal Includes,but is not limited to,copies of notices provided to owners and operators of both upgradientand dovungradient abutting properties and of any known or suspected source properties. 1 H.. LSP OPINION:. I attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that I have personally examined and am familiar with this transmittal form,including any and all documents accompanying this submittal. In my professional opinion and judgment based upon application of(i)the standard of care in 309 CMR 4.02(1),(ii)the applicable provisions of 309 CMR 4.02(2)and(3),and(iii)the provisions of 309 CMR 4.03(5),to the best of my knowledge,information ~r 1 and belief, > if Section 8 indicates that a Downgradient Property Status Submittal is being provided,the response action(s)that is(are)the subject of this submittal(i)has(have)been developed and implemented in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000,(ii) 1 is(are)appropriate and reasonable to accomplish the purposes of such response action(s)as set forth in 310 CMR 40.0183(2)(b),and(iii)complies(y) with the identified provisions of all orders,permits,and approvals identified in this submittal', > if Section 8 indicates that either an RAO Statement,Phase I Completion Statement and/or Periodic Review Opinion is being provided,the response action(s)that is(are)the subject of this submittal(i)has(have)been developed and implemented in accordance with the applicable provisions ' of M.G.L.c:21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000,(ii)is(are)appropriate and'reasonable to accomplish the purposes of such response action(s)as set forth in the applicable provisions of M.G.L c.21 E and 310.CMR 40.0000,and(iii)complies(y)with the identified provisions of all.orders,permits,and approvals ` identified in this submittal. - I am aware that significant penalties may result;.including,but not limited to,possible fines and imprisonment;if I submit information.which I know to be. 1 false,inaccurate or materially incomplete.- Check here if the Response Action(s)on which this opinion is based,if any,are(were)subject to any orders) permits)and/or approval(s) x , issued by DEP or EPA. If the box is checked,you MUST attach.a statement identifying the applicable provisions thereof ` y r d Robert P ' Warren 7613 LSP Name LSP#� Stamp: �.� OF .: Telephone 508 888 9282 E `'� R06Ffl h � _ +. lp FAX(optional) 508 888 a 4 F Signature1 s a>« = 1+ i ;� Date "f x s. ! ��J I. PERSON MAKING SUBMITTAL:. Name of Organization. Name of Contact: Kenneth A. Hines Title: Owner 1 Street P.0 Box 2045 } Y OsCityfrown rv� le .State-. ZPs36 f o3d e� �026554000 6550000`-4 r as 'r �' - 1 +, t�� per. �✓ ,�,,M''� "`F:. "' �teu:✓t-�r� ,�� �,+���7! -�zs. �+�SJ"f—� C°�x e *..,._ .. -u-�:i i '+ °N'- r "aF •t '"`'�, ,. } :;;.rs> ,., � '`.,��- to 4.f� �r'C",. h�s�'�iv�'"��ht� s-.,��{ a'J`r„.'*�*4. k'�k 1 Telephone-4 honer, 617-722.-4040 �'- p J. RELATIONSHIP TO SITE OF PERSON MAKING SUBMITTAL (check 1 ® RP orPRP Speafy ® Owner O Operator Q Generator`O. Transporter Other RP or PRP Q Fiduciary,Secured Lender or Municipality with Exempt Status(as defined by M.G.L.c.-.21 E s-2) s . d Agency or Public Utility on a Right of Way(as defined by M:G.L. ? Any Other Person Submitting This Form Specify Relationship:'— Revised 417195 k Supersedes Forms,BWSC-004 and 010(in part) {Y x Page 3 of 4 F Not s`FO t t rw s tfsr s Do er Tht rrw - k .. __vuws..we.vs.cxr.4-.,.•ia>.�a��s.�ru,.:..} - .,...N.-v.......,v.»..ww.w..'::lwar.............:i......a.....:.t....�..3�...�`.�9..- ..�z�*�,54!r�_5w...-..... ..«,.._....,.........� ''� `�.�W4 ii Mar r.. f`I 1 :w a yak + �S na r L a 4e � y K' �d 7 ? } _ a, t vaS.fi t ! xr kg me L acr' am Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection '� BWSC_104 ` Sureau of Waste Site Cleanup N { y a RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME (RAO) STATEMENT Release Tracking Number DOWNGRADIENT PROPERTY STATUS TRANSMITTAL FORM Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0180(Subpart B),40.0580(Subpart E)&40.1056(Subpart J) - a 11606 y K. CERTIFICATION OF PERSON SUBMITTING DOWNGRADIENT PROPERTY STATUS SUBMITTAL: I, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury(i)that I have personally examined and am. familiar with the information contained in this submittal,including any and all documents accompanying this transmittal form;(ii)that,based on my inquiry ' of the/those individual(s)immediately responsible for obtaining the information;the material information contained herein is,to the best of my knowledge, information and belief;true,accurate and complete;(ill)that,to the best of my knowledge,information and belief,lithe person(s)or entity(ies)on whose behalf this submittal is made satisfy(ies)the criteria in 310 CMR 40.0183(2);(iv)that Uthe person(s)or entity(ies)on whose behalf this submittal is made have provided notice in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0183(5);and(v)that I am fully authorized to make this attestation on behalf of the person(s)or entity(ies)legally responsible for this submittal. I/the persons)or entity(ies)on whose behalf this submittal is made is/are aware that there are significant. ' penalties,including,but not limited to,possible fines and imprisonment;for willfully submitting false,inaccurate,or incomplete information. By. Title: (signature) j t For: Date: (print name of person or entity recorded in Section 1) Enter address of the person providing certification,if different from address recorded in Section I: Street: ' City/Town: State:+ ZIP Code Telephone: Ext.: FAX(optional) ' L.-_CERTIFICATION-OF PERSON MAKING SUBMITTAL:- , If you are completing only a Dovmgradient.Property Status Submittal,you do not need to complete this section of the form:.. , I; Kenneth. A. Hines attest under the pains and penalties of perjury(i)that.I have personally examined and am ; ' familiar with the information contained in this submittal,including any and all documents accompanying this transmittal form,(ii)that,based on my inquiry, of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information,the material information contained in this submittal is,to the best of my --, a,. L_, knowledge and belief,true,accurate and complete;and(ill)that I am fully authorized to make this attestation on behalf of the entity legally responsible for=,�; �-- this submitial. I/t person or entity on whos behalf this submittal is made ads aware that there are significant penalties including but not limited to r { ' possible fin impnsonm nt f willfull submitting false inaccurate or incomplete information ..'r; .�# ` } f, .,� Ott �t _ f �* k „k s J � �•� ��r, t ...1/ �•-� , ry �"'. � � .� ' t _� �rs � r3 -*< n. a, t d �..t �� �, By .,- 'Title g re) c <, s zh t �Ir` s ,t17. _ < _ A C _+ - t �• i u 2' zS" -„++ -' F iy ,t e< 'ry _ ' r r s�': � ^r_:� { �. .. .�•7 •,ti a T-fit� .�- s�. �• a For "Date y �!J a (print name of person or entity reeerded in Section 1) x .` Enter address of the person providing certification if different from address recorded in Secton 14 r px ,.;* �,Gt _ sf R 3§...t# +,2 � -,� -u.�x y'Y r. f .rt,e � w+• R T*w�,q � r s'rya "'e ��' 4� h .� "?r# k u 1L°..` ;a rik�� eE x �,>,` "'�h`kae �f tx� "'�' ''tt -�'t :,:• " .kt d a. * "' e �` S�'sJ 'k r ;.r t 5 ,,,,r �1 piC' K .gx 4 Street 7.t y t• ,. t :s-a ''`''a-?k s;, 5, ':r - C 2''}43 t's`3'� �t�NYc i �"S>.�:,�,�i"fr.'' .. •R) � #7 ^A f 5�. 9 � ( Y ir,,, r i •t K �,� "3 lei �}.� �L -Y:, k 'Y � � City/Town. State. 5 ZIP Code Telephone: Ext.. FAX(optional) YOU MUST COMPLETE ALL RELEVANT SECTIONS OF THIS FORM OR DEP MAY RETURN-THE DOCUMENT AS INCOMPLETE.. IF YOU SUBMIT AN.INCOMPLETE FORM,YOU MAY BE PENALIZED-FOR MISSING A.REQUIRED DEADLINE,.AND YOU MAY INCUR ADDITIONAL COMPLIANCE.FEES v ,�,,r'`",sx,.n. s :.'v Via.. - +� .3`."= a '... ar_ 'a.e }u +r 3fi' 4,. r . +.. iF`4'�"a• " Fak.^ .w:'r fi .:n r 4^' _ a a t <. i. t Y ate`" rt, �, ry•'rF �,:f: '3-G'¢..."`t r$` .Y aW e. z •3.,.., t fv".s r y:�i -<.rtz- 3k" 'z-r, .a. ,..2-^`' '.: r�t„7 '^f.k a vT �. x Kt #-�. c.,r¢_ '€� .•�. .,.- #r •, �,S.E ram' } K Y x x a d u" f`.M1 aat.,��, i;,,xl�g rs,,n b%S t. to y`'"'xrSA" r'r�t,,sm 1" a; . k _., f � N5 L � rL' `'�•' L .` �C'. �` i� w rw 'r5 :.. 1� ��z -ra y, T 1 - F-` Yr si7• X p > Y ' -'�,�, a }- 5 �:� k,zM X Y � m' ,,�0.t";}� +..z�2 ea`'� 'T�-'�,F• .�,-"` � a��,� l �: •} M ^? .M - 4 ram ,:F,y Y1 .K .s T1s 4 � {A q �„� k `�•T i '. y b� t~�r $-� .i" i.- ,. ��. -.. +.• � r Esc"�' M1< ; �'.Y� � °r- .. k ' 5x-sr'i'"x� w � `•`.°r tit 'a�,Y t ti'4'fir. ..-. F �" T 1 s. .C7(L• I "r Y "r�'I� 3Y�a 4 j` #. '' .: :c:r.� i. n. '. ., • ,. ,r.. ... -' �,T x.gc Revised 4l7195 Supersedes Forms BWSC-004 and 010(�n part) r' x {Pa e 4 of 4"�` S 4''r' .: '•' - ! a 4.. w 'fir.. i'` .�' r 1 M "s+.t L d ' v^. "�maEev `�Sw�nz .,."xt:'Yi? �asb"smze:t.'aefGxsY ::�. � x.,.<:...a+,...�•s�xc�u syr•:•r•�-•`„uwex-�"-:�e s .s'a.�,.' �� a '^"S�..k..........'.��..'�s.-.u.ad:�^ _ .. .. +�a�'r�'��.li'err''.� ..:,.. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC-103 Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Release Tracking Number RELEASE NOTIFICATION & NOTIFICATION RETRACTION a 11666 FORM Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0335 and 310 CMR 40.0371 (Subpart C) If assigned by DEP ' A. RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE LOCATION: Street: 220 North Bay Road Location Aid: Oyster Harbors City/Town: Osterville ZIP Code: 02655-0000 B. THIS FORM IS BEING USED TO: (check one) ® Submit a Release Notification(complete all sections of this form). ' ❑ Submit a Retraction of a Previously Reported Notification of a Release or Threat of Release(complete Sections A,B,E,F and G of this form). You MUST attach the supporting documentation required by 310 CMR 40.0335. ' C. INFORMATION DESCRIBING THE RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE(TOR): Date and time you obtained knowledge of the Release or TOR. Date: 0 8/16/9 5 Time: 10:0 0 Specify: W AM ❑ PM ' The date you obtained knowledge is always required. The time you obtained knowedge is not required if reporting only 120 Day Conditions. IF KNOWN,record date and time release or TOR occurred. Date: Time: Specify: ❑ AM ❑1 PM ❑ Check here if you previously provided an Oral Notification to DEP.(2 Hour and 72 Hour Reporting Conditions only). Provide date and time of Oral Notification. Date: Time: Specify: ❑ AM ❑ PM Check all Notification Thresholds that apply to the Release or Threat of Release: (for more information see 310 CMR 40.0310-40.0315) 2 HOUR REPORTING CONDITIONS 72 HOUR REPORTING CONDITIONS 120 DAY REPORTING CONDITIONS ❑ Sudden Release ❑ Subsurface Non-Aqueous Phase ❑ Release of Hazardous Material(s)to Soil or Liquid(NAPL)Equal to or Greater than Groundwater Exceeding Reportable ❑ Threat of Sudden Release 1/2 Inch Concentration(s) ❑ Oil Sheen on Surface Water Underground Storage Tank(UST) ❑ Release of Oil to Soil Exceeding Reportable Release Concentration(s)and Affecting More than 2 Cubic ' ❑ Poses Imminent Hazard Yards Threat of UST Release ❑ Could Pose Imminent Hazard ❑ Release of Oil to Groundwater Exceeding Reportable ❑ Release Detected in Private Well ❑ Release to Groundwater near Concentration(s) Water Supply Subsurface Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid(NAPL) ❑ Release to Storm Drain _ ❑ Release to Groundwater near ❑ Equal to or Greater than 1/8 Inch and Less than 12 ❑ Sanitary Sewer Release School or Residence Inch ' (Imminent Hazard Only) List below the Oils or Hazardous Materials that exceed their Reportable Concentration or Reportable Quantity by the greatest amount. If necessary,attach a list of additional Oil and Hazardous Material substances subject to reporting. 1 Name and Quantities of Oils(0)and Hazardous Materials(HM)Released: Reportable Concentrations 0 or HM Released 0 HM CAS# Amount or Units Exceeded,if Applicable ' (check one) (if known) Concentration (RCS-1,RCS-2,RCGW-1,RCGW-2) Gasoline ® ❑ 150 rpm D. ADDITIONAL INVOLVED PARTIES: ' ❑ Check here if attaching names and addresses of owners of properties affected by the Release or Threat of Release,other than an owner who is submitting this Release Notification(required). ' ® Check here if attaching Licensed Site Professional(LSP)name and address(optional). You may waste in names and addresses on the bottom of the second page of this form. ' Revised 3/1/95 Supersedes Form BWSC-003 Pagel of 2 Do Not Alter This Form Massachusetts Department a artment of Environmental Protection BWSC-103 ' Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Release Tracking Number RELEASE NOTIFICATION & NOTIFICATION RETRACTION a 11606 D FORM Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0335 and 310 CMR 40.0371 (Subpart C) If assigned by DEP ' E. PERSON REQUIRED TO NOTIFY: Name of Organization: Name of Contact: Kenneth A. Hines Title: Owner ' Street: P.O. Box 2045 Cltylrown: Osterville State: MA ZIPCode: 02655-0000 ' Telephone: 617-7 2 2-4 0 4 0 Ext.: FAX(optional) F. RELATIONSHIP OF PERSON REQUIRED TO NOTIFY TO RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE: (check one) ® RP or PRP Specify. ® Owner O Operator O Generator O Transporter Other RP or PRP: ' Fiduciary,Secured Lender or Municipality with Exempt Status(as defined by M.G.L.c.21 E,s.2) ❑ Agency or Public Utility on a Right of Way(as defined by M.G.L.c.21 E,s.50)) Any Person Otherwise Required to Notify Specify Relationship: G. CERTIFICATION OF PERSON REQUIRED TO NOTIFY: ' I Kenneth A. Hines ,attest under the pains and penalties of perjury(i)that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal,including any and all documents accompanying this transmittal form,(ii)that,based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information,the material information contained in this submittal is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate and complete,and(iii)that I am fully authorized to make this attestation on behalf of the entity legally responsible for ' this submittal. Ilthe person or entity on whose pehalf this submittal is made amfis aware that there are significant penalties,including,but not limited to, possible fines n ' prisonmegt,for willfully !milting false,inaccurate,or incomplete information. By. L Title: ' (sign t e) For: Date: %J2 y (p nt name of person or entity recorded in Section E) ' Enter address of the person providing certification,if different from address recorded in Section E: Street: r ' City/Town: State: ZIP Code: Telephone: Ext.: FAX(optional) ' YOU MUST COMPLETE ALL RELEVANT SECTIONS OF THIS FORM OR DEP MAY RETURN THE DOCUMENT AS INCOMPLETE. IF YOU SUBMIT AN INCOMPLETE FORM,YOU MAY BE PENALIZED FOR MISSING A REQUIRED DEADLINE. Revised 311/95 Supercedes Form BWSC-003 Page 2 of 2 Do Not Alter This Form � x t 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 a 1 1 1 � AHanhc" 1 1 APPENDIX e Photographs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Alanfic _ ,�y�, p � w t Photograph 1 -UST#.1 Grave Shown s � 7pY,a t _-�. 72�T+ f' • '• ' td� �/� �s •34.` �P� [y{t��'�f Lt � `���-���k" lei•.. � .-, q}-'r�la ��� aR�, Photograph 2 UST#1 Grave Shown During Excavation ' . i !�. ■, .� 00 \� �., WX jFPer �� S' r:''�. i M.. yp.• '3 ' �. � f`i+ �' 2 "its •• � _ 1p SScc� �. frc +vo�l.�`�"`�""'^„✓.i 1�.�+. -���� ���1!`'.M � TI ixYC d- .�':s�r`#:,� � —` § �.�.�'i .�f�' w_�T. �F„iiMti.•t•, ,! ,r Ise • vim. ■,!\.�..�. '1�" •' _ .x�... •:/ si :yyyyp,� �'p � C �•y t � m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i � OanhcAPPENDIX C 1 - 1 1 1 Laboratory <ao 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8-31-95 14:51 ;GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL ATLANTIC—DES 508 759 4475;9 1/ 7 ' Groundwater Analytical, Inc. GROUNDWATER 228 Main Street Buzzards Bay,MA 02532 ' ANALYTICAL Telephone(508)759-4441 FAX(508)759.4475 August 31, 1995 Mr . Nat Einsness Atlantic Environmental Technologies, Inc. ' P.O. Box 1051 Sandwich, MA 02563 Dear Nat: ' Enclosed are the Volatile Organics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Analyses erformed for the 220 North Bay Oyster Harbors project, sampled on 08-16-95. p project was processed for Standard Two Week turnaround. This p J 't Control procedures ' description of the uality Assurance/Qua li y p A brief p employed by Groundwater Analytical . and a statement of our state certifications are' the contained results nand eshould tbe considered. This raa part �ofsthis release of the analytic report. Should you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, 1 Jonathan R. Sanford Vice President JRN adw ' Enc osures t Ii 8-31-95 14:51 ;GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL ATLANTIC—DES 508 759 4475;4 2/ 7 GR13UNE WATER P METHOD 8260/TCL ANALYTICAL Volatile A Organics (GC/MS) i Lab ID: 11570-01 Field ID: UST-1 BASE Batch ID: VMZ-1056-E Project: 220 North Bay Oyster Harbors Sampled: 08-16-95 ' Client: Atlantic Received: 08-17-95 Cont/Prsv: 125mL Glass/Cool Analyzed: 08-24-95 Matrix: Soil Percent Moisture: 4 % ' CONCENTRATION REPORTINGLIMIT PARAMETER (ug/Kg) (u g/ g) BRL 500 Chloromethane BRL 500 Vinyl Chloride BRL 500 Bromomethane BRL 500 ' Chloroethane BRL 250 1,1-Dichlorethene BRL 2,500 Acetone BRL Z50 Carbon Disulfide BRL 250 Methylene Chloride. BRL Z50 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL 250 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL 250 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL 2,500 2-Butanone BRL 250 Chloroform BRL 250 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL 250 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL 250 Benzene BRL 250 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL 250 Trichloroethene BRL 250 ' 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL 250 Bromodichloromethane BRL 250 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL 2,500 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone BRL 250 ' Toluene BRL 250 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL 250 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL 250 Tetrachloroethene BRL 2,500 2-Hexanone BRL 250 Dibromochloromethane . BRL Z50 Chlorobenzene BRL 250 Ethylbenzene BRL 250 ' meta-and para-Xylene BRL 250 ortho-Xylene BRL 250 Styrene BRL 250 Bromoform BRL 250 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane QC SURROGATE COMPOUNDS SPIKED MEASURED RECOVERY QC LIMITS Dibromofluoromethane 2,500 2,800 113 % g0 - 117 % ' Toluene-d8 2,500 2,600 103 4-Bromofluorobenzene 2,500 2,700 1081 74 - 121 BRL = Below Reporting Limit: Concentrations reported on dry sample weight basis. Method Reference: Method 8260 - Volatile Organic Compounds by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry: Capillary Column PA Technique, High Concentration Methanol Extraction listod, Test Mthods is specified by the Targeting Solid Compound Liste(TCL)US Eof ' SW-846> Third Edition (Revised 1992). the US EPA Contract Laboratory Program. 8-31-95 14:51 ;GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL ATLANTIC—DES 508 759 4475;# 3/ 7 r ' GROUNDWATER EPA METHOD 8260/TCL ANALYTICAL volatile organics (GC/MS) ' 11570-02 Field ID: UST-1 WALLS Lab ID: Batch ID: vM2-1056-E Project: 220 North Bay Oyster Harbors Client: Atlantic Sampled: 08-16-95 Received: 08-17-95 Cont/Prsv: 125mL Glass/Cool e: 3 % Analyzed: 08-24-95 Matrix: Soil Percent Moistur ' CONCENTRATION REPORTING LIMIT PARAMETER (u9/Kg) (u9/K9) ' Chloromethane BRL 500BRL Soo Vinyl Chloride BRL 500 Bromomethane BRL 500 ' Chloroethane BRL 250 1,1-Dichlorethene BRL 2,500 Acetone BRL 250 Carbon Disulfide' 250 Methylene Chloride BRL 250 trans-1,2-Dichloroethane BRL 250 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL 250 cis-la-Dichloroethene BRL 2,500 2-Butanone BRL 250 Chloroform BRL 250 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL 250 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL 250 Benzene BRL 250 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL 250 Trichloroethene BRL 250 ' 1,2-Dichloropropene BRL 250 Bromodichloromethane BRL 250 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL 2,500 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone BRL 250 Toluene BRL 250 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL 250 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL 250 Tetrachloroethene BRL 2,500 ' 2-Hexanone BRL 250 Dibromochloromethane BRL 250 Chlorobenzene BRL 250 Ethylbenzene BRL 250 meta-and para-Xylene BRL 250 ortho-Xylene BRL 250 Styrene BRL 250 I Bromoform BRL 250 ' 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane QC SURROGATE COMPOUNDS SPIKED MEASURED RECOVERY QC LIMITS ' Dibromofluoromethane 2,500 2,900 114 % 80 - 120 %Toluene-d8 2,500 2,500 101 % 81 - 117 % 4-Bromofiuorobenzene 2,500 2,700 109 % 74 - 121 BRL = below Reporting Limit. concentrations reported on dry sample weight basis. Method Reference: ' Method 8260 - Volatile Organic Compounds by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry: Capillary Colum Technique, High Concentration Methanol Extraction Method, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, US E SW-8d6, Third Edition (Revised 1992). Parameter list is specified by the Target Compound List (TCL) of ' the US EPA Contract Laboratory Program. 8-31-95 14:51 ;GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL ATLANTIC—DES 508 759 4475;9 4/ 7 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL EPA METHOD 418.1 (Modified Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (IR� Lab ID: 11570-03 ' Field ID: UST-2 Base Batch ID: HI-0743-X Project: 220 North Bay Oyster Harbors Sampled: 08-16-95 Client: Atlantic Received: 08-17-95 ' Cont/Prsv: 500ml Glass/Cool Extracted: 08-28-95 Matrix: Soil Percent Moisture: 3 '� Analyzed: 08-30-95 ' CONCENTRATION REPORTING LIMIT PARAMETER (mg/Kg) (mg/Kg) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 130 30 BRL = Below Reporting Limit. Calculations based on dry carbons, Total Recoverable,g tMethodse enc Chemical Method Analysis (Spectrophotometric, Infrared) - Petroleum HydroMethod 3sis of Water and Wastes, US EPA EPA-600/4-79-020, Revised (1983). Adapted for solids_ by 540 (Modified) -_Soxhlet Extraction, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, US EPA SW-846, Third Edition __ i 8-31-95 14:51 ;GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL ATLANTIC—DES 508 759 4475;9 5/ 7 GR IUNI3WATER ANALYTICAL EPA METHOD 418.1 (Modified) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (IR) ' Lab I0: 11570-04 Field ID: UST-2 Walls Batch .ID: HI-0743-X Project: 220 North Bay Oyster Harbors Sampled: 08-16-95 Client. Atlantic Received: 08-17-95 Cant/Prsv: 500m1 Glass/Cool Extracted: 08-28-95 Matrix: soil Percent Moisture: 3 %Y Analyzed: 08-30-95 REPORTING LIMIT PARAMETER CONCENTRATION ' RE (mg/Kg) (mg/Kg) ' 72 30 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons tBRL Below Reporting Limit. Calculations based on dry T�leRecovecahleetMethodsefar ChemicalhAnalysis (Spectrophotometric, Infrared)- Petroleum Hydrocarbons, of Water and Wastes, US EPA EPA-600/4-79-020, Revised (1983). Adapted for solids by Method 3540 (Modified) - .Soxhlet:Extraction, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, US EPA SW-846, Third Edition 8-31-95 14:51 ;GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL ATLANTIC-DES 508 759 4475;4 6/ 7 r � 1 GROUNMATER ANALYTICAL Qua�irr ASS URANCE Project Narrative Lab ID: 11570 ' Project: 220 North Bay Oyster Harbors Received: 08-17-95 Client: Atlantic A. Phvs 1ca1 Condition of Sam le s This project was received by the laboratory ri satisfactory condiwithtion. Thet sample(s were received undamaged in app p preservation. ' B. Project Documen tion This project was accompanied by satisfactory Chain of Custody documentation. All sample container label (s) agreed with the Chain of Custody. C. Analysis of Sam le s No any al tical anomalies or non-conformances were noted by the laboratory during the peleasednwithout these qualafpcationAll data contained within this ' report are r . ROLN Buzzards Mein Say, N .18574 T Say,MA 769�1 AND WORK ORDER RECORD NALYTICAL FAX � �e� to Ner L Fimt TURNAROUND ANALYSIS REQUEST w 2�D tN OR.Tr+6 y mow.. � � te.r. t other w ��STE�= N IFQltitlL] �`47� � E�y. STANDARD(10 8usirte as Days) t W.G. TWI NIA wt Mia+e.:r, Address-. ❑ PRIORITY(5 Bustnaea Days) } t0 E?C;.,e3o3c /Os/ ❑ RUSH(RAN- ) i N pyre ppitral►waMlwtraem N�raMt 9�, � � � !��#� � it� y plot mo: City/Slate!ap: Please,FAX 7p�YES ❑ NO o 0 o a s a a a a a o a c o a > ' . ..�Na SS Sf7�.11 ,acw -,Lbr $�63 FAX Number. ` � N n a g r II ad M :dyer TNephonr. BILLING e a SPurchase Order No.: GWARelereece No.: rRUCMNS:Use separate the for each cornsirter(except duplicates). C Preserved RMW*d " 1 a a y zsupiq Wpi: Pe CoMakte,r(s► o s $. 0a o t�/ORATOHY r L 9 ruueea J 013 SAMPLE tt+e Use oay) I 6 � 11I _ 0a9 i a o oa o Cuss aoa � aoaoaoo � 9 sr — tc X 1 t z a A `C 1 2 k { 1 H x a AtE 1 it, H 97N r a TM z . I H REMARKS/SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES CHAIN-0OF-CUSTODY RECORD ROi�118tOf11 ptogratA Pet1)eat 8pealtla QC MOTE:All swplm suMrdWd suoiec+to Sumrd-rums ud corstoons on wwse hereat. gtippivAitdli Number. t7 gggmgg� yproprama tuq EPA meatodv trq it wgaa apeo sa OC. by Sampler: oate Time Received bY• �❑Slala OtkAtYp Water Ad IadugtN BunpN puplicatsa.Math spats,solosxpecare.tabbrateryoc b na prapa apacKc twesag;LUONPDES CbenwaterAx>Z voiea apeoyb aC asnplea wa�.p.a m•Pe satnpbCustody SeW Number: ❑RCRAnIai.WaW Crux. e aatrOrtM.ttttrlt MS,M30 arp t3aapls Oup6cata!saws+ R iened by: Dae9 lkrw Received by: . >N addxlsrrl samPk aogt+w. ❑MA MCP(310 CMR 40) • Rpwwbk Concentrations Prepot apeolrb Qa/required aeaac/bn of 0C 8—Ple Time vad by tory: .. ❑RCGW-t ❑RCS-.1 ❑eample QwWase []Saw-- try tube cot, Reltnquraaed by: _ Cooke Serial Number: O RCG1N-2 ❑RCS.2 Cl Matrix sow ❑Reese tee sarmle: :Jtl� ❑taatna SPA Ouptcate M d of S ' ant: Q GWA Cou O ettprea3 Mall O Fe a•Express ❑Oros emo luprrt O'UPS erW ❑ • o 03 J to J (P J J 9- 1-95 1 :31 - a ' Groundwater Analytical, Inc. R13UNDWATER 228 Main Street ANALYTICAL Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 Telephone(508)759-4441 ' FAX(508)759-4475 August 31, 1995 ' Mr. Nat Finsness Atlantic Environmental Technologies, Inc.- P.O. Box 1051 Sandwich, MA 02563 Dear Nat: ' Enclosed are the Volatile Organics, Pesticides/PCBs, Metals, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon, Corrosivity, Reactivity and Flash Point Analyses performed for ' the 220 North Bay Oyster Harbors project, sampled on 08-16-95. This project was processed for Standard Two Week turnaround. A brief description of the Quality Assurance/Quality Control procedures ' employed by Groundwater Analytical , and a statement of our state certifications are contained within the report. This letter authorizes the release of the analytical results and should be considered a part of this report. ' Should you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact me. ' Sincerely, Jonathan R. Sanford ' Vice President ' JRS/adw Enclosures 9- 1-95 16:31 ;GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL, ATLANTIC-DES 508 759 4475;9 2/ S GROUNDWATER EPA METHOD 8260/TCL ANALYTICAL Volatile Organics (GC/MS) i Lab ID: 11570-05 Field ID: Disposal Pile Batch ID: VM2-1057-E 1 Project: 2-20 North Bay Oyster Harbors Sampled: 08-16-95 Client: Atlantic Received: 08-17-95 Cont/Prsv: 500mL Glass/Cool Analyzed: 08-24-95 Matrix: soil Percent Moisture: 5 % ' PARAMETER CONCENTRATION REPORTINGIT (u9/K9) BRL 2,500 ' Chloromethane BRL 2,500 Vinyl Chloride BRL 2,500 Bromomethane BRL 2,500 1 Chloroethane BRL 1,250 1,1-Dichlorethene BRL 12,500 Acetone BRL 1,250 Carbon Disulfide BRL 1,250 1 Methylene Chloride BRL 1,250 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL 1,250 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL 1,250 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL 12,500 1 2-Butanone BRL 1,250 Chloroform 1,250 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL 1,250 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL 1,250 Benzene BRL 1 1,250 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL 1,250 Trichloroethene BRL 1,250 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL 1 1,250 Bromodichloromethane BRL BRL 1,250 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 12,500 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone BRL 2500 1,250 Toluene , BRL 1,250 1 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL 1,250 1,1,2-Trichlor-oethane BRL 1,250 Tetrachloroethene BRL 12,500 2-Hexanone BRL 1,250 Dibromochloromethane BRL 1,250 Chlorobenzene 4,500 1,250 Ethylbenzene 1 28,000 1,250 meta-and Para-Xylene 7,000 1,250 ortho-Xylene BRL 1,250 Styrene BRL 1,250 Bromoform BRL 1,250 1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane QC SURROGATE COMPOUNDS SPIKED MEASURED RECOVERY QC LIMITS 1 70 = 121 % Dibromafluaromethane 2,500 3,700 109 � 84 - 138 % Toluene-d8 2,500 2,700 59 113 % 4-Bromofluorobenzene 2,500 2,700 106 % 1 Elevated reporting limit due to required sample dilution. BRL a Below Reporting Limit. concentrations reported on dry sample weight basis. Method Reference: Method 8260 - Volatile Organic Compounds by Gas chromatography/Mass spectrometry: Capillary Column Technique, High concentration Methanol Extraction te, US EPA 46, tion (Revised list specified by the Target compound 1Lists(TCL) of the 5Us8EPA Contract'Laboratory Program. Parameter 1 p i 9- 1-95 16:31 ;GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL ATLANTIC—DES 508 759 4475;9 3/ 8 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL EPA METHOD 418.1 (Modified) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (IR) ' Lab ID: 11570-06 Field ID: Disposal Pile Batch ID: ' HI-0743-X Project: 220 North Bay oyster Harbors Sampled: 08-16-95 Client: Atlantic Received: 08-17-95 Cont/Prsv: 500ml Glass/Cool - Extracted: 08-28-95 ' Matrix: Soil Percent Moisture: 5 % Analyzed: 08-30-95 CONCENTRATION REPORTING LIMIT PARAMETER (mg/Kg) (mg/Kg) ' Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons I,000 30 r - „ ' BRL = Below Reporting Limit. calculations based on dry sample weight. Method Reference: Method 418.1 (Spectrophotometric, Infrared) - Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Total Recoverable, Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, US EPA EPA-600/4-79-020, Revised (1983). Adapted for solids by Method 3540 ' {Modified} - Soxhlet Extraction, lest Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, ifs EPA SW-846, Third Edition (1986). 9- 1-95 16:31 ;GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL ATLANTIC-DES 508 759 4475;# 4/ 8 ' GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL TRACE METALS (ICP/AA) Field ID: Disposal Pile Lab ID: 11570-06 ' Project: 220 North Bay Oyster Harbors Sampled: 08-15-95 Client: atlantic Received: 08-17-95 Cont/Prsv: 5001111 Glass/Cool Matrix: soil Percent Solids: 96 % REPORTING DATE EPA ' PARAMETER CONCENTRATION LIMIT ANALYZED BATCH METHOD (mg/Kg) (mg/Kg) 1.0 08-30-95 MM-0365-S 7060 Arsenic, Total BRL ' Cadmium, Total BRL 0.51 08-21-95 MM-0365-S 6010 Chromium, Total 1.8 • 1.0 08-21-95 MM-0365-S 6010 BRL 10 08-22-95 MM-0365-S 6010 Lead, Total ' Mercury, Total BRL 0.054 08-21-95 MP-0306-S 7471 f BRL = Below Reporting Limit. miUS EPAISW-846,'sThirdd on dry Editiion sample-weight. Method(986). Graphite IFurnaceranalysesjest performeds for with ' Evaluating Solid Waste, . Zeman background correction and Lvov platform technique. 9- 1-95 16:31 ;GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL ATLANTIC-DES 508 759 4475;9 5/ 8 ' G!?OUNDWATER ANALYTICAL EPA METHOD solo ' Organochlorine Pesticides and PCBs (GC/ECD) Field ID: Disposal Pile Lab ID: 11570-06 ' Project: 220 North Say Oyster Harbors Batch ID: PP-0418-N Client: Atlantic Sampled: 08-16-95 Cont/Prsv: 1L 61ass/Cool Received: 08-17-95 Matrix: Soil Percent Moisture: 5 % Extracted: 08-21-95 ' Analyzed: 08-25-95 ' PARAMETER CONCENTRATION REPORTING LIMIT (u9/K9) (ug/K9) Aldrin BRL 8.3 ' BRL 8.3 alpha-BHC BRL 8.3 beta-BHC delta-BHC BRL 8.3 ggamma-BHC (Lindane) BRL BRL 7.3 ' 4,4'-DDD BRL 17.0 4,4'-DDE BRL 17.0 4,4'-DDT BRL 17.0 Dieldrin BRL 8.3 Endosulfan I BRL 17.0 Endosulfan II BRL 17.0 Endosulfan Sulfate BRL 17.0 t Endrin BRL 17.0 Endrin Aldehyde BRL 17.0 Endrin Ketone BRL 8.3 Heptachlor BRL 8.3 Heptachlor Epoxide BRL 83.0 Methoxychlor 170.0 Chlordane (Technical) 180 BRL g 420.0 Toxaphene BRL 83.0 Aroclor 1016 BRL 83.0 Aroclor 1221 BRL 83.0 Aroclor 1232 BRL 83.0 ' Aroclor 1242 BRL 83.0 Aroclor 1248 BRL 83.0 Aroclor 1254 BRL 83.0 Aroclor 1260 ' QC SURROGATE COMPOUND SPIKED MEASURED RECOVERY QC LIMITS Tetrachloro-m-xylene 6.9 7.1 102 % 25 - 121 % Decachlorobiphenyl 6.9 8.8 127- % 28 - 138 % ' g = Analyte result estimated due to sample matrix interference. 9RL Below Reporting Limit. Calculations based on dry sample weight. Method Reference: Method 8080 - organochlorine Pesticides and ' PCBs and Method 3S50 - sonication Extraction, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, US EPA SW-846, Third Edition (1986). 9- 1-95 16:31 ;GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL ATLANTIC-DES 508 759 4475;# 6/ 8 r SR13UN13WAOMR ANALYTICAL RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE CHARACTERIZATION ' Field ID: Disposal Pile SampLab ID: 8-16-95 Project: 220 North Bay Oyster Harbors Receive 08-17-95 Client: Atlantic Received: 08-17-95 ' Cont/Prsv: 5OOmL Glass/Cool Matrix: Soil ' REPORTING DATE PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT ANALYZED EPA METHOD Corrosivity 6.3 pH N/A 08-22-95 9045 Ignitability Flashpoint > 165 F N/A 08-22-95 1010 ' Reactive Cyanide BRL mg/Kg 5 08-22-95 Chp 7.3.3.Z Reactive Sulfide BRL mg/Kg 25 08-22-95 Chp I ' BRL - Below Reporting Limit. N/A = Not Applicable. Method References: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, US EPA SW-846, Third Edition (1986). 9- 1-95 16:31 ;GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL ATLANTIC-DES 508 759 4475;# 7/ 8 ' 61OUNMATER ANALYTICAL QUALITY ASSURANCE ' Project Narrative ' Project: 220 North Bay Oyster Harbors Lab 1D: 11570 Client: Atlantic Received: 08-17-95 ' A. Physical Condition of Sam le s � This project was ceivedeundamagedlinoappropriateacontainers withithencorrect ' sample(s) were recei 9 preservation. ' B. Project Documentation This project was accompanied by satisfactory Chain of Custody documentation. ' All sample container label (s) agreed with the Chain of Custody. C. Analysis of Sample(sl ' The following analytical anomalies or non-conformances were noted by t;e laboratory during the processing of these samples 1. The Method Blank for batch PP-0418-N for EPA Method 8080 had a surrogate t recovery outside recommended lime 1 t 1 . 228 Main Strut N2 .16574 0 TBuzzardsee s ��1 AND WORK ORDERY RECORD ANALYTICAL`CAL FAX(508)A 4475 Proleot Name: Rim TURNAROUND ANALYSIS REQUEST 2ao t40evr+t3iy ., swr.ea.w. wwwarc • er.see KM cGw r cow r O 5mit"446c'AS A�t�rL E^j v. STANDARD(10Business Days) Project Number: Address: a PRIORITY(5 Business Days) /OS I O RUSH(RAN- ) 3 8 Ok h,.M. Nw-W) 11 3t er Name: City/State/Zia Please FAX YES d NO a o 5 o a o a°o o a ° °° � o w :�Wv�aSS , X�K�IC.vI /W �.563 FAXNumber. r Project Manager: Telephone BILLING "5 5 o S"+w•1 (�Y u /2-F 2— Purdt�Order No.: QWA Reference No.: ° ° o o ° B E o INSTRUCTIONS 'Use separate line tar each container(ehCepf duplicates). M SQ@ Q 1 G Sampling tilatrix Type Cortiaireer(s) Preew"don t9Raed ® o ° a o o _ d u, t Itt3 RATORY 1 2 o ffi ° o " �q 8 ¢ r 1DEN11FICAiION i (lab Use Only) $g § A I >NUMBt'R�q yQ� QQ S ° a e 0 a 111 o 0 0 0� o 0 o ° o o Q o g 9 z b USr 1 1( �( l I _ a LLIL- Lftr-I- Poise IAL H 1( t r a X I I i �a > FTI .z •4 REMARKS!SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD n I Regulatory ProgrAm Projootpee Specific CC NOTE:All samples autxnaaW subgo:to StenderdLrma arxl Catdabna on reverse hereof. SNppireglAiibfO Number i m Many roplLLterY Wo9n vd EPA mode regxire prW«+.pecak DO. Reyquisned by sampler. Date Tine Received by: `Cn i - ❑Sale DMMng WoWA* mreiectapedlk OCirxdt,dea sample Wpacetaa,Matra States,arrdlor �/, rf'i i �. ❑NPOI�A7aen Water Act Mabbr Sy Ns OupWcetsa.labaretory DC 4 not pm)eol�edee unlace prearrergad Praiep apatlac OC samples are durged an a par eamde i .. ❑RCRAltlox.Weeta Char. bash.Forwater samptea,each MS.M 0 and SampleDuploata require. R quiahed by: Gate Time Received by: Custody seat Number: en arWte.nal sample atquae. . - ❑MA MCP 1310 CMR 40) . Reportable Caecereuasona Proleot apadlle OC Required 8eNetloa or OC Sample Raftipiahad by: Date Tlma 'vad by laboratory: ❑RGOW-1 ❑RCS-1 ❑Sample Duplicate 0 Selected by laboratory ��?by r r Cooler Serial Number: ❑FCGW-2 {3 RCS-2 ❑ sPM O Please use sample: t "C C]Maelx spas Dupeoste. - Method of Shipment: ❑GWA Cou V Express Mai []F al E ss I7 UPS and ❑ cn ro cn J U Y tb 00 1 1 ' i 1 1 ' l i� l 1 1 1 1 Y i � 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o Afl-an �� APPENDIX D ' Bill of Lading and Certificate of Recycling Y g r Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC-012A Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Release Tracking Numoer*. BILL OF LADING (pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0030) []4 - 11606 A. LOCATION OF SITE OR DISPOSAL SITE WHERE REMEDIATION WASTE WAS GENERATED: Re!ease Name(optional): Residential_ Property Sneer. 220 North Bay Road Location Aid: OY'atar Harhnrc C;ty/Town: Osterville Zip Code: 02655 DateiPeriod of Generation: 8 16 95 to 8 /16 /9 5 ' I .4ecluonai Release Tracking Numcers Associated with this Bill of Lading: *Note: If this Bill of Lading is the result of a Limited Removal Action (LRA) taken prior to Notification, a Release Tracking Number is not needed. B. PERSON CONDUCTING RESPONSE ACTION ASSOCIATED WITH BILL OF LADING: vame of Oro_anlzauon: Residential Property ' game e Contac,,: Kenneth A. Hines ;if1E Owner , Street. P 0 Rnx 204S :y/TJwn: Osterville State; MA Zia Cod 02655 - "e:epncne: txt. C. RELATIONSHIP TO RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE OF PERSON CONDUCTING RESPONSE ACTION ASSOCIATED WITH BILL OF LADING: ' (cnecx one/specify) _? Soec,fy(c:rc;e one): owner Operator Generator Transporter Other RP I X -- Soecary(c:rc;e one Kwne Operator Generator Transporter Other PRP' I _ .-.., :cuaarv/Secured Lender _ i agencyiP-jbiic utiiity on a Ricnr of Way. Caner Person: ' ;f an owner and/or operator is not conducting the response action associated with the Bill of Lading,provide on an attachment the name. I contact person.acpress and teiecnone number,including any area code and extension,for aacn.if known. i D. TRANSPORTERICOMMON CARRIER INFORMATION: Transp c:Person:orter/Common Carrier Name: Enviro-Safe Corp.- Coma Heather -Atwood Title: Pres . Street: P.O. Box 304 Sa amore Beach MA C 02562 - �.tv/Town. g State: zpode: Telephone: 908 A 8 R 5 4 7 8 Ext. ' E. RECEIVING FACILITY/TEMPORARY STORAGE LOCATION: Coerator/Facdity Name: Ra rr7 nay mr i mnn n t Contac:Person: Bill Reinhardt Title: F-nsa Street: 1101 Turnpike Street City/Town: Stoughton Stater MA Zip Code: 02072 - ' Teieonone: 617 - 3 4 4 - 110 0 Ext. Type of Facility: ❑ Asphalt Batch/Cold Mix ❑ Landfill/Disposal ❑ Incinerator (cnecx one) Asphalt Batch/Hot Mix ❑ Landfill/Daily Cover ❑ Temporary Storage ❑ Thermai Processing ❑ Landfill/Structural Fill ❑ Other: Division of Hazardous S 9 0-0 2 0 Division of Solid Waste EPA Identification#: MAD 981213531 'NasteiCtass A Permit#: Management Permit#: Actual/Anticipated Period of Temporary Storage(specify dates if applicable): _ �— �— to reason for Temporary Storage(if applicable): Page t of 2Revisea to/l/93 This form is printed on recycled paper. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC-012A i ' Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup ?eiease Tracx:ng Nu=er 1 14 - �t6o6 BILL OF LADING (pursuant to 310 CMR 40.00301 E. RECEIVING FACILITY/TEMPORARY STORAGE LOCATION (continued): Temporary Storage Address: ' Street: - — City/Town: State: Zio Code: F. DESCRIPTION OF REMEDIATION WASTE: ' (check all that apply) i LX Contaminated Media(c:rc:e ail that apply): X Soi Groundwater Surface Water Other. Contaminated Deoris(c:rcie ail that apply): emolitioniConstruc ion Waste VegetationiOrganic Materials ' inorganic Absorbant Materiais Other: I_f Non-hazardous Jncontainenzea Waste(circle ail that appiy): won-aqueous Phase Ligwc Other: von-::^azarpous Oontainenze Waste(circle all that aociv): Tanis 3ottomsiS;udges ortainers :Drums =ngineered mcouncments Other Type or Contamination(circle ail that apply): Gasoune Diesel Puei2 Oil as OiI a6 Oil Neste Oii Kerosene Jet Duel Other ' =stimated Voiume of Matenais: Cubic Yards: Tons: 10 . 5 Other: Oontaminant Source(checx oneisce&y): Li Transoortation Acc:dent a Underground Storage Tank ❑Other. Rescense Act:on.,ssoc:ated wan-3iii of Lacing(c:rcia one): Immeliate Response Action Release abatement Measure Uuiiry-Reiateo Abatement Measure timitea Removal Action(LRA) Comcrenensve Resoonse Acton Other(soec:fy): Remediation Waste Characterization Sucport Documentation attached: r- to Site-istory Information _ Sampling and Anaiytical:Methods and Procedures Laocratory Data _ R;eld Sc:eening Oaia i It supporting aocumentation is not appended. provide an attachment stating the date ane :n conneCaon with what Coc ment such information was oreviousiy submittea to OEP. G. LICENSED SITE PROFESSIONAL (LSP) OPINION: 1 Name of Organization: Atlantic Environmental Technologies LSP Name: Robert P_ Warren Tide: Pri nriral Telephone: 5 0 8 — 8 8 8 — 9 2 8 2 Ext. . I have personally examined ana am familiar with the information contained on and submitted with this form. Based on this information,it is rnv Opinion that the testing and assessment actions undertaken were adecuate to characterize the Aeme i ate. in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0030.and that the facility or location can accept remediation wastes with the charactensti is submntai. I am aware that significant penalties including, of lirqited to,possible fines and imprisonment may result i'' �V 'Ti.triformation which I know to f ' be false.inaccurate, aten coHfp to _�� RO3E,r,T Signature: / /�t%� Seal: VlARREN P.Date: L i NO.7613 4 co License Number: 7 613 T. SAES`' ' H. CERTIFICATION OF PERSON CONDUCTING RESPONSE ACTION ASSOCIATED WITH THIS BILL OF LADING: I certify under penalties of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal. including any ano all documents accompanying this certification, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately resoonstbie for oatatningr the information, the material formation contained her in is,to the best of my knowledge and belief. true. accurate and comciete. I am aware that :here are signitica t enalties. inc' ding, but n limited to, possible fines and imprisonment, for wilfully suomitting faise. :naccurate, or incompiete informatio . r c _ i Signature: - v Date: Name of Person(pr'r Kenneth A. Hines ' Revised 10/1193 This form is printed on recycled paper. Page 2 of 2 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC 12B ' Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup aeiease I f3CKing Numoer BILL OF LADING (pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0030) C-� I1 bo 6 LOG SHEET OF I. LOAD INFORMATION: ; LOAD 1• Signature of Transporter Representatve: Receiving FaciiiryiTemporary Storage Representative: ate cf Shioment: Time of Shioment-. Date of Receiot: Time of Recalcr (circle one)am/pm /— ' Trucx/Tractor Registration: Trailer Registration (if any): (circle one)amipm Load Size(cu.yds./tons): LOAD 2• Signature of Transporter Representative: Receiving Fac,fi[yiTemporary Storage Representatve: i �a:e of Shioment Time of Shioment: Date of Receipt: Time of Recel^r. (cfrcte cne)am/pm /— =Kj7raC::r neglszraucn Trailer,Registration(if anv): (c:rcie one)3mlpm _.ad Size(cu.yds./tons): - ,, ecs:vin - c:kvi I emocrary Storage iecresentauve: ' I LOAD 3: Signature f I ransccrte. ;ecresentauve: g_a - ate ci S^icment: Time of Shioment: of Rece:ot: I ime of Rece:ct: m (circle one)am/cm um—i,ac:cr Registration: i rafier Regfs[raucn(if any): (CifC:e One)arT;pm Load Size(cu.ycs./tonsl: LOAD 4• Signature of Transccrier Representative: ^,eceiving Fac:firyiTempoiary Storage Representatve: ' .ate of Receipt: Time of;ecalc:: :ate or Shicmenr. Time or Shipment (circle one)am/pm i I- ' . .,cvTrac:or Regatranon: Trailer Registraton(if any): I (c,rc,e one)amipm I Load Size(cu. /cs./tons): LOAD 5: Signature of Transporter Representative: Receiving Fac.iiryiTemporary Storage Represer.,auve: .-;ate of'Shipment Time of Shioment•. i Oa[e of Receipt: Time of Rece:c;: (circle one)am/pm 'ruckrTrac,or Registration: Trailer Registration(if any): . (circle one)amipm i !sad Size(cu.yds./tons): i LOAD 6: Signature of Transporter Representative: Receiving Facilfty/Temporary Storage Representative: :)ate of Shioment. Time of Shioment: i Cate of Receipt. :ime of Rece:p:: (circle one)amipm /— ' 7rucx/Trac:cr Registration: Traiier Registration(if any): (circle one)amipm Load Size(cu.yds./tons): LOAD 7: Signature of Transporter Representative: Receiving Facility/Temporary Storage Representative: ' 0ate of Shioment: "lime of Shipment: Cate of Receipt: Time of Receipt-. — /— /— .(circle one)am/pm /- 7rucluTrac:cr Registration: Trailer Registration(if any): (circle one)amipm Loss Size(cu.yds./tons): i J. LOG SHEET VOLUME INFORMATION: - ' i otal Volume This Page(cu.yas./tons): Total Carried Forward(cu.yas./tons): ' Total Carried Forward and This Page(cu.yds./tons): Revisea 10/1i93 This form is printed on recycled paper. Page ' of : Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC-012C 1 Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Re""Tnekinq Nunber: BILL OF LADING(pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0030) ' SUMMARY SHEET —4— OF K. SUMMARY OF SHIPMENTS: DATE OF SHIPMENT: DATE OF RECEIPT: NUMBER OF LOADS SHIPPED: DAILY VOLUME SHIPPED(CU.YD JTON . --------------- - S_- ----------�--------------- --- -----_3�0 9--------- .--- 1 _______________ __ -_-__-- -----_ ----------_ --- ---------- -_------------- 1 --------------- --------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------- --------- -------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- 1 --------------- -------------- -------------------------- ----- -- ------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------- 1 --------------- --------------- ------------------------------ -- ------------- ---- ----------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------- --------------- ----- --------------------- ----------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------- -------------------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------- ------------------------- -- T -- - ' ------- ----- ------------- ------------------------ ------------ ----------- I� --------------- --------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------- --=-------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------- 1 --------------- --------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------- 1 ------------- - _ ----- -------------------------- ---------------------------- ------ ------ --------=------ ------7-------- ----------- -- -------------- ,----------- SUMMARY SHEET TOTAL SHIPPED: ,O BILL OF LADING TOTALSHIPPED(only if different): ' Revised 10/1/94 —Tnis form is prinlea on recyclea paper. Page 1 of 2 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC-012C Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Remew Trsddrq N=W: BILL OF LADING(pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0030) SUMMARY SHEET L. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF REMEDIATION WASTE AT RECEIVING FACILITY OR TEMPORARY STORAGE LOCATION: Receiving Facility/Temporary Location Representative(print): David M. Peter Title: Manager—Env. Services Signature: V Date: ' M. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SHIPMENT AND RECEIPT OF REMEDIATION WASTE BY PERSON CONDUCTING RESPONSE ACTION ASSOCIATED WITH THIS BILL OF LADING: ' I certify under penalties of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal,including any and all documents accompanying this certification, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information,the material information contained herein is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties, including, but not limited to, possible fines and imprisonment, for wilfully submitting false, inaccurate, or incomplete information. Q •G(E� y GL Date: 2 Signature: �-2 ' Name of Person(print): �cNty Zti l l (1�4�J 1 ' Revised 10/1/94 1 his totm is prinlea on recyciea paper. Page 2 at 2 Bardon Trimount,Inc. • Turnpike Street Stoughton �(mT iil lO� Stoughton ,Massachusetts 02072 • Tel: 617-344-1100 Fax:617-341 -2440 'Operating as: Lynn Sand&Stone Company September 13 , 1995 _ McNamara Concrete Wood w ` Ms . Heather Atwood Corp. 9 P.O. Box 304 Sagamore Beach, MA 02562 a r. Re: Soil , 220 North Bay Road ' Osterville, MA Release Tracking # : . 4-11606 ' Dear Ms . Atwood: The recyclable soil from the above address was received at our facility on September 11, 1995 . Attached are the shipper 's log of soil receipts which total 7 .08 tons along with the Bill of Lading. The Bill of Lading contains an original signature which may require special handling or 1 submittal . We will issue a "Certificate of Recycling" upon processing. ' Thank you for recycling soil at our Stoughton facility. Yours truly. ' David M. Peter, Manager Environmental Services • BTES/1400 ' A subsidiary of Bardon Group,Inc. 1 • ' Page 1 of 3 BARDON TRIMOUNT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1101 TURNPIKE STREET, STOUGHTON, MA 02072 PHONE (617) 341-5500 , FAX (617) 341-2440 ' SOIL RECYCLING SUBMITTAL Site Information: r Name: Residential Property Contact : Kenneth A: Hines IStreet : 220 North Bay Road Phone # : 617-722-4040 City/Town: Osterville State/Zip: MA 02655 ' Generator Information: ' Name: Same Contact : Street : Phone # : ' City/Town: State/Zip : Consultant Information: rName: Atlantic Environmental Tech. Contact : Nat Finsness ' Street : P .O. Box 1051 Phone # : sop-RRR-A2R7 City/Town: �Sandwich State/Zip : MA n29l r _ Estimated Soil Quantity 10 . 5 Tons 7 Cubic Yards 1 Soil Contaminants (gasoline, diesel fuel , motor oil , etc. ) Gas and #2 Fuel 0i1 r ' Analyses Performed (check all that apply) rX TPH, X VOCs , ' X Flash, X pH, X Reactivity (S, CN) , X PCBs , X As , X Cd, X Cr, X Hg, X Pb, TCLP (metals) , if required based on total levels ' All the above tests were performed O—ther abo L ratory Analytical Data Attached X • ' Screening Data Attached Instrument Used and Constituents Found 1 Page 2 of 3 description/Source of Release x UST Other, Describe including date of release oil Description ■ Physical Description (sand, gravel , silt , etc . ) Sand Gravel ' Classification Method Ph�ZGirAi Check if the following materials are present : _ clay, _ construction debris , _ vegetative matter, _ ash, coal , _ other deleterious materials (list) Soil Characterization Methodology Sampling Method _ Grab � Composite _ Biased samples (e.g . headspace screened, visually contaminated) Constituents of Concern ' Site History ( _ check if extra sheets attached) Current .Use Residential Property. Past Use Same I , the generator, having used due diligence determined that there is no reason to suspect or believe that the petroleum contaminated soil has been impacted by any releases of oil or hazardous materials other than that of the known source or I have identified the additional oil and hazardous materials that are suspected or known to be present in the soil, in addition to those associated with the known release , including any anthropogenetic contaminants . ' I , the generator, realize that due diligence shall consist of a search of information and records reasonably available to the generator of the contaminated soil sufficient to make the determination. Such records and , information may include, but are not limited to, those of the generator, location of generation (i .e. facility if not the generator) the Department' s ' Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup and the municipality (i . e. Board of Health, Fire Depar ment) within which the site is located. ' nature of Generator Kenneth A. Hines ' Generator - Printed Name Date i , ' Page 3 of 3 A site diagram is required indicating any major structures or roads , xcavation areas and stockpile locations . All sampling locations must be doted. Check if diagram attached. SITE DIAGRAM VZn El) OENERATCR SHACK RESIDENCE =0 NORTH BAY RC1A0 FORMER LOCATION UST Ct FORMER LOCATION UST 02 w SHRUBS ')0 I L. Woc= _ AE .. (T DRIVEWAY wccceo T F PLC LANDSCAPED` "Z SOIL.yt+�Ptc I Lp 10*.A S NC RTH BAY RCSAD i SUE PLAN SCALE: nN.a 60 Fr. �� �1; a� STREE RAO AREAS L\ SAGA9mORE39 ,MPLEASANTASSACHUESTMS NORTH BAY RD. DRAWN BY: N•RNSNE55 Environmental Technologies, Inc. (508)888.9282 OSTERVILLE, MA PROJECT H: 5 2 81 DATE: b?y95 I Name of individual preparing diagram: CIf r-S's ' BTES/900 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I � 1