HomeMy WebLinkAbout0242 WASHINGTON AVENUE - Health 242 WASHINGTON AVE,, ' ` A=138-030 LOT 2 i o I r I i o f i i t Town of 139arnstahle P q Department of health,Safety,and Environmental Services O � q q It Public Health Division Date 367 Main Street,I Iyannis MA 02601 KLARNEMAWA �tA99. prEDlrlAt�` Date Scheduled Oxt,19 fiV Time WA Fee Pd. Soil Suitability Assessinent for Sewage Disposal Performed By: S���f)TL2 Witnessed By: _ s>o>J r1 LOCATION & GENERAL INFORMATION Location Address rt} ZqZ\ Owner's Name C�ROI�\►�� Z` �1�5 U TYt-. J WC Xla�c�NPott+- c�.a.. AddressAPlS Assessor's Map/Parcel: I3 O 3D Engineer's Name STEPHEN J. DOYLE ASSOC. / 42 Canterbury Lan NEW CONSTRUCTION V REPAIR Telephone# East Falmouth, MA 02536 / -2534 V Land Use At Slopes Surface Stones AebT- Dislancesfrom: Open Water Body _11 Possible Wel Arca�—n Drinking Water Well ft Drainage Way > p It Property Line � 1 I It Other It SKETCH: (Street name,dimensions of lot,exact locations of lest holes&pert tests,locale wetlands in proximity to holes) U� 7-(. Z � 1 LET 7 ZL -r-`tA S l � Parent material(geologic) �y Depth to Bedrock Depth to Groundwater: Standing Water in Ilole: ILsG?\r Weeping from Pit Face Estimated Seasonal I ligh Groundwater DETEI MINATION It"OR SEASONAL HIGH WATER TAI3LE Method Used Sr_r Depth Observed standing in obs.hole: in. Depth to soil mottles: Depth to weeping from side of obs.hole: in. Groundwater Adjustment n. Index Well# _ Rendine.Date: ___ Index Well level_ _____ Adi.factor __ Adl.Groundwater Levcl PERCOLATION TEST °UAte Time Observation I tole# Z Time at 9" Depth of Pere — Z Zt�y Time at 6" Start Pre-soak Time a 10-40 \'V-S Time(9"-6") End Pre-soak I j'O j :Z o 4 C.\tLl ,L4kA134U_ Rate Min./Inch 6 L Site Suitability Assessment: Site Passed / Site hailed: Additional Testing Needed(Y/N) Original: Public Ilealth Division Observalion ►tole Data"To i3e Completed on I3aclt j Copy: Applicant UEEP 013S.L+RVATION IIO.UE L Hole # ) Depth from Soil I lorizon SoiI 1'exit re Soil Color Soil Other Surface(in.) (USDA) (Munsell) Willing (Structure,Stories,noulderes. Consistency,"/o Gravcl) b ill ( 51— \o�R �-� / Loo srt Goa ha.\UUr toy lL 4/Lo Loo si= %Ck co(X rU.S C.i 7)�a� 41 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Mole # z Depth from Soil 11067.ort Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Olhcr Surface(in.) (USDA) (Munsell) I Motlling (Structure,Stones,Bouldcres. Consistcnc, %Gravel t? 4 art_7-9 y 2 Zv 'Lido C, — Ir-1� 1J Z,5 00 3 41r 1) Z.s b 3 \ice s'm'co llEEP:OBSERVATION MOLL LOG IIoie # Depth from Soil Ilorizon Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Other Surface(in.) (USDA) tMunsell) Mottling (Structure,Stoncs,llouldcres. Consistency, o Gravcl) DEEP: OBS3;R ,VATION HOLE LOG hole# . Depth lion Soil Ilorizon Soil•I•czlure Soil Color Soil Other Surface(in.) (USDA) (Munsell) Molding (Structure,Stones,Iloulderes. CZillsislency.°oCiravcl) i I ' Mood Insurance Rate Maw Above 500 year flood boundary No , Yes f . Within 500 year boundary No_ Yes Within 100 year flood boundary No_ Yes DeWli of Naturally Occurring Pervious Material Does at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in all areas observed throughout the area proposed for the soil absorption system? If not, what is the depth of naturally occurring pervious material? Certification I certify that oil (date) I have passed the soil evaluator examination approved by the Department of Environmental Protection and that the above analysis was performed by Inc consistent with the required training,expertise and experience described in 310 C M R 15.017. Signature S I _ Date Ol.i• "II Town ofRarnstable PtI Department of flealtit,Safety,and Environmental Services O Public 1IealtlitDivision Date qq Sh 367 Main Street,I lyannis MA 02601' SARNSTA11M "rEvluN�$$. Date Scheduled t Time Fee Pd._. ,. ,. _ t4 • m� f 4 -Soil suitability-Assessment for Ser age Disposal^, j Performed By: t)�LT" Witncsse.d l3 T� y: �llt,1 - LQCATION & GENII RAID INI+ORIYIATION Location Address �SZ ZqZ, Owner's Name 2al.�ya� !� 1�e 1 UtL: 'Address Assessor's Map/Parcel: Engineer's Name STEPHEN J. DOYLE ASSOC. 42 Canterbury Lan NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIR IelephoncN East Falmouth, MA .02536 / ,/ -2534 Land Use VAr as\'�— po'�}g� 'Slopes(%) � —r[ r Surface Stones gr— Distances from: Open Water Body�Qp` 11 Possible Wel Area -56o lt- Drinking`Water.Well ft - l - Draina a Way t g y � �D Il Property Line �� Il Other 11 ' • SKETCH:(Street umne,dimensions of lot,exact locations of test holes&perc:Icsls,locale.wetlands in proximity,lo.holes) - »r�� _ , .� + ,���.. ,%, a . .b ,t.te f.. ,•�' .. � ILI Z ram`^)� ' V l LoT -zZ Z(0IzRA JPV Y=— Parent material(geologic) V., _ Depth to Bedrock a' I 1, 1 . Depth to Groundwater: Standing Water,in Itole: 1j' t' Weeping front Pit Pace Estimated Seasonal I ligh Groundwater DETERMINATION POksEA80NAIL IIIGII WATER'IAI3LE Method Used: Sr_� �r(�� 1 st > "►S��$ Depth Observed standing in obs.hole: in. Depth to soil'moltleS: ° in. Depth to weeping from side of obs.hole: in. Groundwater Adjustment R. Index Well it _ .. Rrading Dale: __-_ Index Well levet' Adj.factor_.-_ Adj,Groundwater Level PEIZCOI AT!ON TEST ''Odtc Tlrne Observation llole ll Z ,p• ,a .11one at 9" u x • Depth of PercZ Tirne al 6" f Start Pre-soak"rime a 10,40 Time( ).r '-V t End Pre-soak it 1.0� Nk:Zo Z°1 C�A1 .uN\JyfSL it To s Rate Min./Itch Site Suitability Assessment: Site Passed V/ Site Failed: Addilional Testing Needed(YM) Original: Public Ileallh Division Observation 1101e Data To Be completed on Back j 6. Copy: Applicant ., 1 DEEP.013s.1,RVATi ON:>i10c L I1olc # l Dcplh from Soil Ilorizon Soil'I'cxlure' Soil'Color Soil Other Surface(in.) (USDA) (Munsell) Mottling (Structure,S(oncs,Ilouldcres. Consistency.%Gravel) lvvsr w(I'cOo�l_ S v8-A10 c, .� — — -- DEEIP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG AJOIC # -z Depth from Soil Horizon Soil'I'exturc Soil Color. Soil ( thcr Surface(Ill.) ' (USDA) ( lonsell) Mottling,.. (Slrnlchlrc,Stoncs,llouldcres. Consistency,%('ravel c. 1 — T_ DEEP.OMERVA`I`ION IIOLE LOG I1(Ac# Depth rronl Soil Ilorizon Soil'1'exlure Soil Color Soil Other Surface(in.) (USDA) (Atunscll) Mottling (Structurc,Stones,Ilouldcres. n i�stcncv. (;ravel) i DEEP.088"tAVATION MOLE LOG Mole# Depth from Soil I lorizon Sail Texture Soil Color Soil Other r SwFace(in.) (USDA) (K41111sell) Mottling (Shucture,Stones,Ilouldcres. ;on *,s cy Ql avc1) o � — Es lood Insurance Rate Mall: Above 500 year flood boundary No--- Yes Within 500 year boundary No— Yes Within 100 year flood boundary No— Yes DeWlt of Naturally Occurring Pervious Material Does at least four feet of naturn.11y occurring pervious material exist in all areas observed throughout tile area proposed for the soil absorption system? � If not, what is the depth of naturally occurring pervious material? Certification I certify that on _ -3/q (date) I have passed the soil evalu ator examination approved by the Department of Environmental Protection and that the above analysis was performed by ale consistent with the required training,expertise and experience described in 310 CMR 15.017. Signature 5�--� —� Dale Off• "Is �cffl