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HomeMy WebLinkAbout081622-Duggan-115022 Amendment RequestAugust 15, 2022 F. P. (Tom) Lee Chair Barnstable Conservation Commission 367 Main Street Hyannis, Massachusetts, 02601 Re: Request for Amendment, Order of Conditions MassDEP File #SE3-5987 Parker Pond Management Plan Barnstable, MA, 02655 TRC Project No. 487886 Dear Chairman Lee and Commissioners: TRC Environmental Corporation (TRC), respectfully requests an amendment to the Order of Conditions (MassDEP File #SE3-5987) on behalf of Pond Restoration, LLC (the Applicant), which was issued on July 1, 2022, for the Parker Pond Management Plan to reduce levels of phosphorus and cyanobacteria within the pond. As requested in the Town’s guidance for requesting and amendment, the following information is provided in the bulleted list below: •Order of Conditions #: SE3-5987 •Name and Mailing Address of Applicant: Pond Restoration, LLC 114 Woodland Dr. Florence, MA 01062 •Project Location: Parker Pond •Assessor’s Map & Lot #:115-022 •Owner’s Name and Mailing Address: Wianno Club 379 Parker Road Barnstable, MA 02655 •Detailed description of proposed modification and analysis of impacts: See below. This amendment is requested to allow the use of nutrient inactivation (alum treatment) to reduce phosphorus loading in Parker Pond beginning in the autumn of 2022. Originally, alum treatment was anticipated to be part of the “Phase 2” management program as indicated in Special Condition 16 of the Order of Conditions, to potentially be implemented as a single, high-dose treatment after the completion of the 2022 management program. However, due to delays in the implementation of an aeration system (originally envisioned under “Phase 1”) and the results of the Parker Pond Sediment Coring and Alum Dosing Assessment (Attachment A) we now propose the following changes under this request for amendment: •Alum treatment, scheduled for “Phase 2” of the Parker Pond management program under the original NOI, will take place as a “Phase 1” activity in the autumn of 2022. •The total alum dose will now be split into a series of three treatments (Alum Treatment Events 1, 2, and 3), to be applied in autumn over a three- to five-year period, depending on the outcome of monitoring results. This approach is proposed due to the predominance of organically bound phosphorus in Parker Pond’s sediments, which is released more gradually than iron-bound phosphorus and is characterized by a release rate that varies with temperature. This approach will serve to flocculate and inactivate as much in-pond phosphorus as possible, capturing phosphorus that has released from organic sediments to the Barnstable Conservation Commission August 15, 2022 2 water column over the summer, while also intercepting and inactivating phosphorus as it is released from the sediments. •The proposed alum monitoring program will remain consistent with the alum treatment monitoring requirements set forth in Special Condition 17 in the existing Order of Conditions. The only change proposed is to conduct the pre- and post-treatment monitoring for each alum treatment event. These monitoring results, along with ambient water quality monitoring conducted by the Applicant or PALS, will be used to annually re-evaluate when Alum Treatment Events 2 and 3 should be conducted for maximum benefit in phosphorus inactivation. The Applicant is seeking an amendment to the Order of Conditions for the management of Parker Pond to begin alum treatment actions in autumn 2022 and allow for up to two additional treatments in subsequent years. The Applicant understands that an Extension Order of Conditions may be required at a later date in order to complete Alum Treatment Event 3, should it be recommended for implementation after July 1, 2025. The Applicant is not requesting changes to the overall management area or to the product types included in the original Notice of Intent. Additionally, the Applicant has provided an updated alum treatment monitoring program specific to the anticipated splitting of the dosing. Therefore, no additional impact to interests of the Wetlands Protection Act or Barnstable Chapter 237, Wetlands Protection Ordinance is anticipated due to this request for amendment. If you have any questions about this request, please contact me at (401) 330-1204 or Sincerely, TRC ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION Matt Ladewig, CLM Office Practice Leader Attachments: A. Parker Pond Sediment Coring and Alum Dosing Assessment B.Assessor’s Map C.Certified Abutters List D.Abutter Notification Form E.Proof of Service Barnstable Conservation Commission August 15, 2022 Attachment A Parker Pond Sediment Coring and Alum Dosing Assessment Parker Pond Sediment Coring and Alum Dosing Study Parker Pond, Barnstable, Massachusetts Project No. 487886 July 15, 2022 Prepared For: Pond Restoration, LLC Prepared By: Matt Ladewig, CLM (TRC) Keith Pilgrim, PhD (BEC Engineering & Geology, P.C.) Parker Pond Sediment Coring and Alum Dosing Study Barnstable, Massachusetts July 15, 2022 © 2022 TRC | All Rights Reserved | Parker Pond Dosing Report 0 Parker Pond Sediment Coring and Alum Dosing Study Contents 1.Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 1 2.Approach ............................................................................................................................................... 1 3. Results ................................................................................................................................................... 3 4.Recommendations ............................................................................................................................... 7 5. References ............................................................................................................................................ 8 Figures Figure 1 Willner-type Coring Device in Use at Parker Pond Figure 2 Bathymetry, Coring Locations, and Recommended Treatment Area Figure 3 Vertical Profiles of Parker Pond Sediments Figure 4 Additional Vertical Profiles of Parker Pond Sediments Tables Table 1 Summary of Parker Pond Sediment Characteristics and Composition Table 2 Estimated Internal Phosphorus Loading Rates from Fe-P and Org-P Table 3 Recommended Alum and Sodium Aluminate Dosing Table 4 Recommended Split Dosing over Three-Year Period Appendices Appendix A Sediment Phosphorus Fractionation Lab Tables Parker Pond Sediment Coring and Alum Dosing Study Barnstable, Massachusetts July 15, 2022 © 2022 TRC | All Rights Reserved | Parker Pond Dosing Report 1 1.Introduction Parker Pond is an approximately 11.5-acre kettle pond located in the Osterville neighborhood of Barnstable, Massachusetts. The pond has no surface inlets or outlets. As such, its hydrology is driven largely by groundwater, although wet weather runoff and direct precipitation into the pond also provide inputs, while evapotranspiration and water withdrawal are the primary outputs. The pond is adjacent to low-density residential properties, conservation land, and the Wianno Club golf course. Parker Pond has experienced high levels of nutrients within the pond for decades; excessive phosphorus concentrations have resulted in recurring and persistent algal growth, including severe cyanobacteria blooms in the summer months. Pond Restoration, LLC desired to reduce phosphorus loading to Parker Pond and on July 1, 2022 obtained an Order of Conditions (MassDEP File # SE3-5987) from the Barnstable Conservation Commission to manage the pond using selected lake management techniques. One of the techniques proposed by Pond Restoration, LLC was in-pond nutrient inactivation (alum) to address internal loading of phosphorus from pond sediments. Special Condition 16 of the Order of Conditions requires a dosing study to be completed before nutrient inactivation may proceed. As such, this study was undertaken to quantify the internal sources of phosphorus loading to the pond (i.e., sediments) and provide the required dosing recommendations. The study approach, results, and recommendations are provided in the following sections. 2. Approach TRC, accompanied by Keith Pilgrim of BEC Engineering & Geology, PC (BEC), visited Parker Pond on April 29, 2022 to collect sediment cores for sediment fractionation analysis and subsequent assessment of the recommended nutrient inactivation (alum) dosing rate. Prior to the collection of sediment cores, bathymetry was mapped in the pond, using an echosounder to obtain water depth and a GPS to obtain horizontal position. As a kettle pond, Parker Pond does not have a dam or water level control structure of known elevation. Therefore, water level for the bathymetry survey was referenced to the bulkhead at 194 Eel River Road. Three sediment cores were collected using a gravity coring device (Willner-type coring device) modified to allow for the extrusion of sections from each core (Figure 1). The coring locations were selected to be representative of areas exposed to prolonged seasonal anoxia (i.e., deeper waters that experience severe depletion of dissolved oxygen) during the growing season while also providing geographic distribution within the pond (Figure 2). Once retrieved, each core was sliced on-site in 2 cm increments for the top 10 cm of sediment. Additional 2 cm sections were taken at 14 to 15 cm and 19 to 20 cm. The top layer of sediment is often considered to the active layer where phosphorus releases to the water column (internal phosphorus loading) while the deeper sediment provides an indication of background conditions. The ratio of the deep and shallow phosphorus concentrations provides In total, 21 sections (i.e., 7 sections per core) were obtained. Sections were shipped on ice to the BEC phosphorus fractionation laboratory, where they were analyzed for different phosphorus forms or “fractions” according to the method published by Psenner and Pucsko (1988). This method quantifies the amount of phosphorus bound to iron and manganese (often called mobile P or Fe-P), calcium and magnesium (Ca-P), aluminum (Al-P), as well as the mount incorporated into organic matter (Org-P). In general, the Fe-P and the Org-P fractions are considered to be labile (easily released). This means they are a potential source of phosphorus to the water column as these fractions dissolve and move upward from the sediments. Fe-P dissolves and migrates when oxygen is low and Org-P dissolves and migrates when water temperatures are warm (typically late spring through autumn). In contrast, the Al-P fraction is the least mobile fraction under typical environmental conditions, only beginning to release phosphorus under very low or high pH conditions. In addition to the phosphorus fractionation analysis, each sample was also analyzed for moisture content, organic solids, and reducible extractable iron. For quality assurance purposes, a duplicate laboratory sample was also run with each analysis. Parker Pond Sediment Coring and Alum Dosing Study Barnstable, Massachusetts July 15, 2022 © 2022 TRC | All Rights Reserved | Parker Pond Dosing Report 2 Figure 1. Willner-type Coring Device in Use at Parker Pond Clockwise from upper right: the coring device upon retrieval at the surface, the core slicing head used to section the core, and the full core showing the sediment-water interface. Parker Pond Sediment Coring and Alum Dosing Study Barnstable, Massachusetts July 15, 2022 © 2022 TRC | All Rights Reserved | Parker Pond Dosing Report 3 3. Results The bathymetry mapping results indicate that Parker Pond consists of a single, mostly bowl-shaped basin, with the exception of a shallow shelf occupying the western side of the pond. The maximum depth observed in Parker Pond was 21.3 ft (6.5 m), measured at sampling location C2. The slope down to this depth is steep, particularly along the eastern and southern shorelines. Based on the laboratory results received from BEC, organically bound phosphorus (Org-P) is the predominant extractable phosphorus fraction, comprising an average of 81% of the total phosphorus measured using this fractionation procedure (Table 1). Contrary to expectations, sediments contain comparatively little Fe-P. Table 1. Summary of Parker Pond Sediment Characteristics and Composition Sediment Core ID Water Depth (ft) Composition: Avg of Top 6 cm Composition: Avg of Top 6 cm (mg g-1 dry sediment) % Moisture % Organic Solids % Inorganic Solids Reducible Extractable Iron (Fe) Iron and Loosely Sorbed P (Fe-P) Organically Bound P (Org-P) Calcium Bound P (Ca-P) Aluminum Bound P (Al-P) C1 19.7 96% 55% 45% 9.36 0.153 1.201 0.059 0.055 C2 21.3 97% 61% 39% 7.41 0.176 1.307 0.056 0.078 C3 21.0 96% 60% 40% 7.42 0.162 1.321 0.060 0.072 The maximum potential release rate from the Fe-P fraction was found to be 0.22 mg m-2 d-1, based on estimates derived from equations in Pilgrim et al (2007) (Table 2). However, the internal loading rate from the Org-P fraction was estimated to be more than eight times greater at 1.5 mg m-2 d-1. This is the equivalent of 0.04 kg d-1 of phosphorus loading from the Org-P fraction alone. Table 2. Estimated Internal Phosphorus Loading Rates from Fe-P and Org-P Sediment Core ID Maximum Internal P Release Rate (mg m-2 d-1) Iron and Loosely Sorbed P (Fe-P) Organically Bound P (Org-P) C1 0.18 1.5 C2 0.22 1.5 C3 0.15 1.5 Sediment depth profiles indicate how phosphorus changes from the sediment-water interface to deep sediments and provide an estimate of, (1) the “active layer”, that is, the depth within the sediment from which phosphorus may be expected to release, and (2) the fraction of organic phosphorus that may be expected to decay within the potential expected lifespan of a nutrient inactivation treatment. Based upon the Fe-P profile (Figure 3), it appears that the active layer is approximately 6 cm in thickness. In this active layer, Org-P and Fe-P both tend to decline with depth. Org-P concentrations also decline down through the sediment to a depth of 19-20 cm where, on average, the concentration is 34% lower compared to the topmost sediment layer (Figure 4). This suggests that alum dosing should be designed to gradually capture organic phosphorus as it decays over time. Full laboratory results tables are provided in Appendix A. Parker Pond Sediment Coring and Alum Dosing Study Barnstable, Massachusetts July 15, 2022 © 2022 TRC | All Rights Reserved | Parker Pond Dosing Report 4 Figure 2. Bathymetry, Coring Locations, and Recommended Treatment Area Parker Pond Sediment Coring and Alum Dosing Study Barnstable, Massachusetts July 15, 2022 © 2022 TRC | All Rights Reserved | Parker Pond Dosing Report 5 Figure 3. Vertical Profiles of Parker Pond Sediments a) Percent Moisture, b) Percent Organic, c) Fe-P Parker Pond Sediment Coring and Alum Dosing Study Barnstable, Massachusetts July 15, 2022 © 2022 TRC | All Rights Reserved | Parker Pond Dosing Report 6 Figure 4. Additional Vertical Profiles of Parker Pond Sediments a)Ca-P, b) Al-P, c) Org-P Parker Pond Sediment Coring and Alum Dosing Study Barnstable, Massachusetts July 15, 2022 © 2022 TRC | All Rights Reserved | Parker Pond Dosing Report 7 4. Recommendations Although anoxia is known to seasonally extend from the bottom of the pond up to the 10 ft (3 m) contour, thereby providing an upper limit for the area of Fe-P that would be targeted by an alum treatment, application of alum into shallower waters is recommended at Parker Pond. There are two reasons for this. First, Fe-P, while important, is secondary to Org-P as a source of internal loading at Parker Pond. Org-P release is not dependent on anoxic conditions. Therefore, organic sediments in shallower, well-aerated waters may also benefit from alum treatment. Second, alum (and surface sediments, in general) tend to focus toward the deepest points in a pond over time. This is due to the combination of physical disturbance (currents, wave action, etc.), biological disturbance (fish and macroinvertebrates), and gravity acting on sediment particles, including alum. Application of alum to the 5 ft (1.5 m) contour will help to counter the effects of focusing, thereby extending the period of effective phosphorus inactivation across a broader portion of the pond bottom. Therefore, the recommended treatment area of Parker Pond is associated with the 5 ft contour and measures approximately 7.1 acres (Figure 2). To avoid excessive pH swings during application, the treatment should consist of a mixture of alum and sodium aluminate. The volumetric ratio applied should be approximately 2 parts alum to 1 part sodium aluminate, as has been successfully used in other Cape Cod kettle ponds (Wagner et al. 2017) and in softwater lakes of eastern New England more generally. The results of the sediment coring indicate that Org-P concentrations are remarkably similar from one end of the pond to the other. More variability was observed in Fe-P concentrations, particularly below 4 cm depth, where Fe-P was consistently higher at C2 (the central portion of the pond) than at either end. However, Fe-P concentrations were similar in the active layer. Additionally, Fe-P constitutes a smaller portion of the total phosphorus concentration than the Org-P fraction. Therefore, a uniform dosing rate is recommended across the entire targeted treatment area. A summary of the recommended dosing is provided in Table 3. Table 3. Recommended Alum and Sodium Aluminate Dosing Element Value Unit Organic Phosphorus C1-3 Average-Top 6 cm 0.46 g m-2 cm-1 C1-3 Estimated Labile Fraction (Labile Org-P) 0.16 g m-2 cm-1 Aluminum Dosing Targeted Binding Ratio Al:Labile Org-P 50 Aluminum Mass to Immobilize P 7.9 g Al m-2 1 cm sediment depth Estimated Active Layer 6 cm Total Aluminum Dose 47.2 g Al m-2 Alum and Sodium Aluminate Treatment Volumes Lake Area 11.5 acre Treatment Area 7.1 acre Total Mass Aluminum Applied 1,356 kg Liquid Alum Composition 0.22 kg Al/gallon Liquid Sodium Aluminate Composition 0.57 kg Al/gallon Total Treatment Volume as Alum 6,164 gallon Targeted Ratio of Alum to Sodium Aluminate 2 Final Alum Dose 2,685 gallon Final Sodium Aluminate Dose 1,343 gallon Check 1,356 total mass Al applied in kg Parker Pond Sediment Coring and Alum Dosing Study Barnstable, Massachusetts July 15, 2022 © 2022 TRC | All Rights Reserved | Parker Pond Dosing Report 8 Dosing is based upon the mass of aluminum needed to bind Org-P that will decay over the estimated lifespan of the treatment. Because of the inefficiencies of phosphorus binding, aluminum doses are typically applied as a multiple of the targeted mass of phosphorus to be bound. Also, because Org-P will decay over time, and because as alum ages it becomes less effective at binding phosphorus, it is recommended that the total dose be split over a multi-year period (Table 4). It is also recommended that treatment occur in autumn to flocculate and inactivate as much in-pond phosphorus as possible (e.g., to capture phosphorus that has released from sediments over the summer). Table 4. Recommended Split Dosing over Three-Year Period Year Alum (gal) Sodium Aluminate (gal) Year 1 1343 671 Year 2 671 336 Year 3 671 336 5. References Berkowitz,J, M. Anderson, and C. Amrhein. 2006. Influence of aging on phosphorus sorption to alum floc in lake water. Water Research, 40: 911-916. Pilgrim K. M., B. J. Huser, P. L. Brezonik. 2007. A method for comparative evaluation of whole-lake and inflow alum treatment. Water Research, 41:1215–1224. Psenner R and R. Pucsko. 1988. Phosphorus fractionation: advantages and limits of the method for the study of sediment P origins and interactions. Arch Hydrobiol Beih Ergebn Limnol 30:43–59. Wagner, K. J., D. Meringolo, D. F. Mitchell, E. Moran, and S. Smith. 2017. Aluminum treatment to control internal phosphorus loading in lakes on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Lake and Reservoir Management, 33(2): 171-186. Parker Pond Sediment Coring and Alum Dosing Study Barnstable, Massachusetts July 15, 2022 © 2022 TRC | All Rights Reserved | Parker Pond Dosing Report 9 Appendix A Sediment Phosphorus Fractionation Lab Tables % Moisture % Loss on Ignition Density (g/cm3)Mobile P Al-P Org-P Ca-P C1 0 2 97%55%1.01 0.191 0.056 1.203 0.056 9.96 C1 2 4 96%54%1.01 0.183 0.057 1.271 0.069 8.75 C1 4 6 96%55%1.01 0.084 0.051 1.130 0.051 --- C1 6 8 95%56%1.01 0.085 0.054 1.089 0.046 --- C1 8 10 95%55%1.01 0.089 0.059 1.108 0.049 --- C1 13 15 94%49%1.02 0.082 0.057 0.957 0.041 --- C1 18 20 93%50%1.02 0.084 0.076 0.885 0.038 --- C2 0 2 97%64%1.01 0.176 0.088 1.530 0.070 7.70 C2 2 4 96%60%1.01 0.176 0.068 1.229 0.054 7.12 C2 4 6 96%59%1.01 0.177 0.077 1.162 0.044 --- C2 6 8 96%58%1.01 0.171 0.086 1.134 0.053 --- C2 8 10 96%58%1.01 0.179 0.095 1.168 0.053 --- C2 13 15 95%57%1.01 0.251 0.102 1.068 0.037 --- C2 18 20 93%53%1.02 0.197 0.210 0.998 0.038 --- C3 0 2 97%60%1.01 0.246 0.086 1.340 0.061 9.17 C3 2 4 96%60%1.01 0.131 0.071 1.427 0.059 5.66 C3 4 6 96%60%1.01 0.110 0.060 1.196 0.060 --- C3 6 8 96%59%1.01 0.107 0.058 1.149 0.049 --- C3 8 10 95%58%1.01 0.095 0.057 1.085 0.048 --- C3 13 15 94%51%1.02 0.098 0.063 0.903 0.036 --- C3 18 20 93%49%1.02 0.085 0.069 0.793 0.031 --- C2 Duplicate 0 2 97%64%1.01 0.207 0.104 1.520 0.069 --- 1. Phosphorus Fraction Definitions: Moble P = iron-bound and loosely sorbed phosphorus Al-P = Aluminum-bound phosphorus Org-P = Organically bound phosphorus Ca-P = Calcium bound phosphorus Core 2. Reducible-extractable iron is an extract of the iron-bound phosphrous extraction (BD step) that is analyzed for total iron. General Properties Sediment Depth Interval (cm) Reducible- Extractable Iron (mg Fe/g dry sediment)2 Phosphorus Fraction (mg P g-1 dry sediment)1 Results of sediment chemical analysis. Mobile P Al-P Org-P Ca-P C1 0 2 0.006 0.002 0.040 0.002 C1 2 4 0.007 0.002 0.051 0.003 C1 4 6 0.004 0.002 0.050 0.002 C1 6 8 0.004 0.002 0.050 0.002 C1 8 10 0.004 0.003 0.051 0.002 C1 13 15 0.005 0.003 0.055 0.002 C1 18 20 0.006 0.005 0.059 0.003 C2 0 2 0.005 0.002 0.042 0.002 C2 2 4 0.006 0.002 0.045 0.002 C2 4 6 0.007 0.003 0.047 0.002 C2 6 8 0.007 0.004 0.049 0.002 C2 8 10 0.008 0.004 0.053 0.002 C2 13 15 0.012 0.005 0.052 0.002 C2 18 20 0.014 0.015 0.072 0.003 C3 0 2 0.008 0.003 0.042 0.002 C3 2 4 0.005 0.003 0.052 0.002 C3 4 6 0.004 0.002 0.048 0.002 C3 6 8 0.005 0.003 0.052 0.002 C3 8 10 0.005 0.003 0.051 0.002 C3 13 15 0.006 0.004 0.054 0.002 C3 18 20 0.006 0.005 0.055 0.002 C2 Duplicate 0 2 0.006 0.003 0.041 0.002 1.Phosphorus Fraction Definitions: Moble P = iron-bound and loosely sorbed phosphorus Al-P = Aluminum-bound phosphorus Org-P = Organically bound phosphorus Ca-P = Calcium bound phosphorus Phosphorus Fraction (mg P cm-3 wet sediment)1 2.Reducible-extractable iron is an extract of the iron-bound phosphrous extraction (BD step) that is analyzed for total iron. Core Sediment Depth Interval (cm) Reducible- Extractable Iron (mg Fe/g dry sediment)2 0.330 0.351 0.209 0.261 Results of sediment chemical analysis. 0.208 0.285 Barnstable Conservation Commission August 15, 2022 Attachment B Assessor’s Map 115022 115022 115012 115011 115010001 115010002 SCUDDER RDH A T H A W A Y R D PARKERRDS E C O N D A V E WINFIELDLNF IR S T A V E T H IR D A V EEEL RI VER RDW E S T B A Y R D LEWIS LN HI DDEN L NBRIDGE STNEWTON TERFI RSTAVET H IR D A V E WEST BAY RD PARKER RDEEL RIVER RD PARKER RDPARKERRDPARKER RDPARKER RDWest Bay Parker Pond Neck Pond Eel River 100' Buffer Abutters Barnstable Conservation Commission August 15, 2022 Attachment C Certified Abutters List Conservation NOI Abutter List For Parker PondThis list by itself does NOT constitute a certified list of abutters and is provided only as an aid to the determination of abutters. The requestor of this list is responsible for ensuring the correct notification of abutters. Owner and address data taken from the Town of Barnstable Assessor's database on 8/12/2022Property owners within 100 ft. of the perimeter of work area. Mappar Owner1Owner2Address 1CityState Zip CountryAddress 2115010001VALENTGAS, ELLENPO BOX 1026OSTERVILLEMA02655115010002BARNSTABLE LAND TRUST INC1540 MAIN STREETWEST BARNSTABLEMA02668115011DUGGAN, PETER & STACY114 WOODLAND DRIVEFLORENCEMA01062115012BARNSTABLE LAND TRUST INC1540 MAIN STREETWEST BARNSTABLEMA02668115022WIANNO CLUBP O BOX 249OSTERVILLEMA02655Tuesday, April 12, 2022Page 1 of 1 Barnstable Conservation Commission August 15, 2022 Attachment D Abutter Notification Form NOTICE OF INTENT ABUTTER NOTIFICATION LETTER DATE: RE: Upcoming Barnstable Conservation Commission Public Hearing To Whom It May Concern, As an abutter within 100 feet of a proposed project, please be advised that a NOTICE OF INTENT application has been filed with the Barnstable Conservation Commission. APPLICANT: PROJECT ADDRESS OR LOCATION: ASSESSOR’S MAP & PARCEL: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: APPLICANT’S AGENT: PUBLIC HEARING: WILL BE HELD VIA ZOOM See agenda posting on Town Clerks website available at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting for details. DATE: / / TIME: P.M. Pond Restoration, LLC August 16, 2022 Parker Pond Barnstable, MA TRC Environmental Corporation 10 Hemingway Dr, 2nd Floor East Providence, RI 02915 08 30 22 6:30 MAP PARCEL Applicant requests an amendment to Order of Conditions MassDEP File #SE3-5987 to modify alum treatment timing and approach in Parker Pond.. The goal of the project remains to reduce phosphorous and cyanobacteria. NOTE: Plans and application describing the proposed activity are on file with the Conservation Commission, 367 Main Street, Hyannis (508-862-4093) Barnstable Conservation Commission August 15, 2022 Attachment E Proof of Service