HomeMy WebLinkAboutSR - 2023-023 SCROD Zoning Amendment1 Town of Barnstable Planning and Development Department Staff Report Shopping Center Redevelopment Overlay District Zoning Amendment Date: September 29, 2022 To: Planning Board Members From: Elizabeth Jenkins, AICP, Director of Planning and Development Kate Maldonado, Assistant Director of Planning and Development Jim Kupfer, AICP, Senior Planner Background The Property Owner, Mayflower Cape Cod, LLC, owner of the Cape Cod Mall properties, seeks to amend the Shopping Center Redevelopment Overlay District (SCROD), Chapter 240, Section 39. The Shopping Center Redevelopment Overlay District was created in 1996, when shopping malls consisted primarily of retail and restaurants. In its current form, the SCROD provisions prohibit both hotels/motels and multi-family dwellings. Given the Cape Cod Mall’s desire to create a more mixed-use environment, one of the main goals of the proposed amendment is to expand the allowable uses within the SCROD to include multi-family dwellings, hotel uses and office uses, as defined in the proposed amendments. To accommodate the new, additional uses, the proposed amendment would increase the allowable building height for hotel and multi-family dwelling uses to four stories or 55 feet, whichever is lesser. The proposed amendment also seeks to redefine the parking demand requirements. Currently, many of the parking spaces at Cape Cod Mall are underutilized and those areas could be redeveloped and put to a more productive use. Accordingly, the proposed amendment addresses the parking requirement for each of the proposed allowable uses and creates a special permit mechanism by which the requirement may be reduced upon meeting defined criteria. Additionally, the proposed amendment modernizes the current landscape requirements. Modeled after Section 240-53 of the Ordinance, the proposed landscape provisions would apply to any new development or redevelopment within the SCROD in which the limit of work exceeds one acre. Thus, as the Mall is redeveloped, those portions would comply with the proposed parking lot landscape and buffer requirements. Finally, the proposed amendment would require that any multifamily dwelling development within the SCROD would comply with: (i.) the Town of Barnstable Code, Chapter 9, Inclusionary Housing Requirements in effect at the time multifamily development is proposed or (ii) provide 10% of the units restricted to individuals or families at 65% of AMI and an additional 3% restricted to individuals or families at 80% AMI, whichever calculation method results in more restricted units. As the Town begins to evaluate the inclusionary ordinance and to make recommendations for possible amendments, the proposed language in the zoning amendment requires compliance with the ordinance as drafted (10% at 65% AMI and an additional 3% at 80% AMI) or the inclusionary ordinance that is in effect at the time of filing development permits, whichever option results in the greater number of deed restricted affordable units for individuals and families with the lowest percentage of Area Median Income (AMI). 2 Procedural Information Zoning amendments are processed in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws (MGL) Chapter 40A Section 5. Notice of this public hearing was provided in accordance with all requirements of MGL 40A§5. The Planning Board must forward an advisory report with recommendations on the proposed zoning amendment to the Town Council within 21 days after close of the Board’s hearing. The recommendation (as presented or as amended) of the Planning Board requires a simple majority of the Planning Board members present and voting. Enclosed attachment  Proposed Shopping Center Redevelopment Overlay District Amendment, §240-39, Redlined