HomeMy WebLinkAbout0035 BISCAYNE DRIVE - Health �� �s����� �:��;��s i � - _ r tA OF BARNSTABLE LOCATIOnr iCO l' 4.5" a;SCat yA t, 00, SEWAGE # 07 6 3A VILLAGE .M a/ ASSESSOR'S MAP 6z LOT / INSTALLER'S NAME & PHONE NO. ���ISC d b� S O A j SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY //egf?j p6s &/ ob '-LEACHING FACILITY:(type) size) OVI) NO. OF BEDROOMS 3 PRIVATE WE,, R PUBLIC WATER OBUILDER OR OWNER G'P/t Q,R.,_ale D-e V . DATE PERMIT ISSUED: DATE COMPLIANCE ISSUED: _VA-AIANCE GRANTED: Yes No !A .............. -- Z� ir .....2.6 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD`OF""HEALTH ................ro.w./j.....­0F........ ........................ Appliration for Disposal Works Tonstrurtion ramit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct or Repair an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: P", ................................................... ......Zi 14(-5 j o n Add t No. 0 ............... ...... 5L6,... - L r j..................................... ,L7ner Address . ............................... .................................................................................................. Installer Address 22 Type of Building Size Lot-­ U ....2.lSq. feet Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms____. 1� .....................................Expansion Attic k4p) Garbage Grinder e of Buildin aOther—Typg ............................ No. of persons._..._____.________.__-_-_-_ Showers ( ) — Cafeteria Other fixtures .................................................................................................................. Design Flow_______________________ -.gallons per person per day. Total daily flow--.-.--._-_____ _____________._____________gallons. WSeptic Tank—Liquid capacity)BEgallons Length________________ Width._.._.._._._._-. Diameter.....--__-_-_--. Depth................ Disposal Trench—No. .__-____,___._______ Width.................... Total Length.___._._____.__.____ Total leaching area--------------------sq. f t. Seepage Pit No--------------------- Diameter__-_.__._-- .--_.___ Depth below inlet________..__________ Total leaching area------------------sq. ft. Z Other Distribution box ( ) Dosing,tank ( ) Percolation Test Result j, Performed by­4.e-VY,.Eidr(.'d9!,.e...f­941.17 --- Date... .............. Test Pit No. I---- Pit-_-__per inch Depth of Test P .3......... Depth to ground water------------------------ (s, Test Pit No. 2................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit._.-_._-_.___._-____ Depth to ground water...._-_---_-__-____._._. -------­------------- X............. .................................... V? Description of Soil............... IV—`--J -------------------------------------------------------- 15C------*---------------------------"------------------- ---­---------------------- A-b -----------­------ ,-4-k--- .................................................. M­ U ......................................................... U Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of'T"_4' 5 of the State Sanitary Code—The undersigned turther agrees not to place the system in 1-� t operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the board of health. Signed_._ --------------------------------------- -------- ----- -------- 7/�Da/ Application Approved By........ ............................... ..........? ....... ....... - ---- .... ... ...... Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons:............................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................­................................................... Date PermitNo...... ....................... IssuedL....................................................... Date FE% 7.. THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD '-OF "HEALTH ............ .......OF.........T. NpVftrafion for Disposal Works Tonstrurtion Prrmit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct or Repair an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: f-L /5' .........6.........................sLz ------------------I:...... ....... .......................... Location-Address or Lot No. 66X ;c�_'6 ............ ........................... . ......... ------ jL_c..__r..............................—----- owner Address ............ ............................................... .................................................................................................. Installer Address Type of Building Size Lot....41 3.33Sq. feet U Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms___...._................................Expansion Attic (Av) Garbage Grinder (/V) Other—Type of Building ............................ No. of persons.....................__.____ Showers Cafeteria al Other fixtures ----- ........................................I........................................................................ ..................... Design Flow....................:.......................gallons .......................3.............gallons. —Liquid capacity.. _gallons Length_............. Width..............._ Diameter---------------- Depth_....__.__..__.. P4 Septic Tank W.....gallons per person per day. Total daily flow.. Disposal Trench—NTo..................._ Width__.._............... Total Length.................... Total leaching area....................sq. ft. Seepage Pit No_____________________ Diameter....._...___.___.._. Depth below inlet__....__............ Total leaching area..................sq. f t. Z Other Distribution box Dosing tank ( ) - - -Percolation Test Results # Performed ..... .112.. ..... Date_...1114 41.1.............. Test Pit No. 1----4-2.-..minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit......I... ......... o..4 ,I Depth to ground water_______________________ fir., Test Pit No. 2................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit___._..._._......_.. Depth to ground water._...._.._..........__.. P4 ......... ------------ f........... 0 Description of Soil............... ...... 5611..... ..........-------------­"----------------------------------*------------------*----------------------- ----------*-------------------------------------- .................................................. G.......................................... U ............. .............................................. .... . ....7:% ......................................................... U Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable......... ----------------------------------------- ....................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................. Agreement: The Undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of'TILE4 of the State Sanitary Code—The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the board of health. a Signed -4 D�a .................._ .7/ .:----------------------------------------- -- ----.9 Application Approved By........ ....._�__ L�. .. . .................................... ...........9.::..2.2 7 Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons:.............................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................. ------------------ Date Permit No.....S-.2-::... ........................ Issued...................................................... Date THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH ...........Lo ,­�.J......... ..._ W.N........OF........13�� /-;-LAJ.57./1-.6/ ................................... Trrtifiratr of Toutpliattrr THIJ.IS TO CERTIFY, That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed or Repaired by.._ • . .................................................................................................................................................. J ;at • 7 e.�- P P,, - jnstaller .......... ,......)..... C ... ............I---------------................................................... has been installed in accordance with the provisions of TITIE 5 of The State Sanitary Code as described in the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No...--------------------------------------- dated_._.._____...____...._-____..__.__._............ THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT YHE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. DATE........................ -------Cb-..-2.................... Inspector. ............................ --- ------------------- ------- THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH 'N 77 / .............�OF........ FEE... ........ Disposal 10orhp Tonstriulion frrufit 5. Permission ,is hereby granted...... ........-D........................................................... ....................................................... to Construct ()<) or Repair an Individual Sewage Disposal System 7 e— ............................. at No......LL....... 2­3..... Street Works Construction Permit -7)as shown on the application for Disposal Wo Dated... -------------- ........... Board of Health DATE........................ ....•- 7 . 5 ......................... FORM 1255 HOBBS & WARREN. INC., PUBLISHERS Department of Environmental Management/Division of Water Resources WATER WELL WMPLE'-rION REPORT WELL LOCATION Address City/Town M4-WS7Zkrs M:W5 X G.S.Quadrangle Map Grid Location Owner 62�Ef"j.In CJA-✓L 'b7_V7_1 d'o► z"v� Co A-4 Address 13oK �_T/O (?x114&Ly111£ aa�3l WELL USE CONSOLIDATED WELL Domestic Public ❑ Industrial❑ Type of Water-bearing Rock Other Water-bearing Zones Method Drilled �/�()4'_r 1 1 From To 2) From To Date Drilled 6_ 7 3) From To -- 4) From To CASING Depth to Bedrock Length ( O / Diameter Type / ✓C. UNCONSOLIDATED WELL STATIC WATER LEVEL Water-bearing'Materials Feet below land surfaced r Sand: fine❑ medium❑ coarse Date measured F—/ -97 Gravel: fine❑ medium❑ coarse❑ GRAVEL PACK WELL Screen: Yes No Slot# /O length -3 from 4?Q to 10.3 ❑ Split Screen (or 2nd screen) WATER QUALITY TESTS MADE Slot length from to Chemical ❑ Biological EK Depth To Bedrock PUMP TEST Drawdown feet after pumping days hours at GPM. How measured Recovery feet after hours. LOG of FORMATIONS COMMENTS: (On well or water) Materials From To o d / 3 m DMt-LEE R Cb Firm Dang ` Address X 430 City ar muth. W ' Registration No. '! Aerator s ignature ease print firmly CUS_T_OMER COP. ieM-z sa-nsa7i Log' Number: 7162 Bottle # E686 Date: Sept. 23; 1987 gAR�s� BARNSTABLE COUNTY HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL DEPARTMENT SUPERIOR COURT HOUSE v BARNSTABLE. MASSACHUSETTS 02630 • • ins$ DRINKING WATER LABORATORY ANALYSIS PHONE: 362-2511 Ext. 337 Client: Greenbriar Development-. Collector: F. Clifford Mailing Address: P. 0. Box 510 Affiliation: well driller Centerville, MA 02632 Time & Date of 'Collection: 9/21/87 . 11:0.0 a.m. Telephone: Type of Supply: well Sample Location: Lot 25 Biscayne Dr_ Well Depth: 63' Marston--; Mills , MA Date of Analysis: 9/2.1/87 3:05 p.m. PARAMETER SAMPLE RESULT RECOMMENDED LIMITS. Total Coliform Bacteria/100 ml 0 0 H 5.2 Conductivity (micromhos/cm) 109 500.0 Iron( m) <.1 0.3 Nitrate-Nitro en ( m) 0.5 10.0 Sodium m) 10 20.0 I . X Water sample meets the recommended limits for drinking of all above tested parameters. II . Based only on results of the parameters tested for this sample, the water is- suitable for drinking but may present the problems checked below: A. Water sample has higher than average levels of Nitrate. .Future monitoring is recommended (2-3 times per year) to establish any upward trends. B. The low pH of the water may shorten the useful life. of the house's plumbing. C. Water may present aesthetic problems (taste, odor,.staining) due to D. Water sample has high levels of sodium. Persons on low sodium diets should consult their doctor. III. Due to one or more of the reasons checked below, this water sample is unfit for human consumption:. A. High Bacteria B. High Nitrates The Barnstable County Health and Environmental REMARKS: Department shall not en orse any statements, interpretations or conclusions made by bnyone else concerning these results without written consQnt. CC: Barnstable Board of Health CC: Clifford Well Drilling Laboratory Director 1 /7/85 Explanation of Test Results ry .Total Coliform.Bacteria Coliform bacteria are an indicator of the sanitary quality of a water supply. Water supplies may become contaminated from malfunctioning septic systems,.cesspools and surface runoff. A total coliform count of zero indicates that your water supply is safe and approved for human consumption. A total coliform count of greater than zero is most often the result of accidental contamination of the sample bottle through improper sampling methods. For this reason, it would be advisable to retest any well water that is not approved. pH pH is the measure of acidity or alkalinityof the water. On the pH scale,the number 7 is neutral, less than 7 is acidic and more than 7 is alkaline. The pH of water on Cape Cod tends to be acidic in the range of 5.0 to 6.5. Conductivity ! Conductivity is a measure of the dissolved salts in solution. Amounts in excess of 500 micromhos/cm are generally t considered unacceptable and may have a laxative effect upon users. Iron The presence of iron in water in concentration of .3 ppm or greater may: give the water a bittersweet astringent taste, cause an unpleasant odor, often gives the water a brownish color and cause staining of laundry and porcelain. The average concentration of iron in Cape Cod's water is .2 - .6 ppm. Although the presence of iron in water may cause the problems listed above, it is not considered deleterious to health. Iron may be removed by use of an iron removal system. Nitrate-nitrogen The Massachusetts Drinking Water Regulations have set a maximum'contaminant level for-nitrates at 10 ppm. Excessive concentrations may cause methemoglobinemia (an infant disease) and have been suggested to form potentially carcinogenic nitrosamines. Contamination sources.include fertilizers, cesspools and industrial wastes. Copper , Due to the acidic nature of the water on Cape Cod, copper tends to leach,from pipes. This normally does not present a health hazard; however, concentrations in excess of 1.0 ppm may cause a metallic taste and/or a bluish-green stain on porcelain fixtures. Sodium A concentration of sodium over 20 ppm is only of concern to people who are on a low sodium diet. If the water supply has more than 20 ppm sodium, it is up to the people who are on such a diet to find another source of drinking water�or;contaet',.theirldodtoritodeterinin.e�ificokuming the water is advisable. Concentrations exceeding 50 ppm indicaterthat-there may be ocean Vater,or-road,salt runoff water getting into the well. d No.-------------------- Fee-------------------...- BOARD OF HEALTH TOWN OF BARNSTABLE Applicat ion-*r Veil Con.5tructionj3ermit Application is hereby made for a permit to Construct ( ), Alter ( ), or Repair ( )an individual Well at: -------- ]- 5- Q- 1a2 =—-1^'� '�-r on s — =�-�L� --- ----------—- -- -- - Locan — Address Assessors Map and Parcel --------------------------------------------------------------- C caner ` Address yp Y15i7 �.-1----- Installer — Driller eV�i Address Type of Building J Dwelling------}-'--1 p_-A—Q- - ------------------------------- Other - Type of Building ----- No. of Persons---—------------------------_---------------______ Type of Well - AOL�� xH�0�r1 - - Capacity--------------------- - - - - - -— ----— Purpose of Well ----------------------------- Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed individual well in accordance with the provisions of The Town of Barnstable Board of Health Private Well Protection Regulation - The undersigned further agrees not to place the well in operation until a C tificate .of C liance has been issued by the Board of Health. Signed --- — - =—=-------------- -C)-`=-n7- -- date Application Approved By -- — - --------— --- '�l--'L3.,$=.f'i date Application Disapproved for the following reasons:-------------------------------------------------------------_---------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ----------- date Permit No. Issued--- -- - - - — - - ---------------------- date BOARD OF HEALTH TOWN OF BARNSTABLE Certificate ®f Compliance THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the Individual Well Constructed ( ), Altered ( ), or Repaired ( ) by-- ---c.��_ -i�- —�� L1 -`'� ---------------------------------------------------------- -- CR ----------------- 1 aller at has been installed in accordance with the provisions of the Town of Barnstable Bo��annnrd of Health Private Well Protection Regulation as described in the application for Well Construction Permit No. --W--16 n5-----Dated-------------------_--- THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE WELL SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. DATE- ---- ---— ---- - - — - -- Inspector-------------------------------------------------------------------------- No _! --- -/�--'---- Fee----4q ` ...- _ BOARD OF HEALTH .TOWN OF BARNSTrA^BLE Applicat ion-orlVell C,angtruct ion Permit \ - _. '!""F'."-a q.C -•..a'•s�F ''v� ►�/�) �` -e. v l z C: I ,6 _....^' 'bT.+•' q+� rlp ,:�:.�,. -1 �'_ :-^r„e•..-.:�"+.s"�Mt'P.R"� ',o�--..�. :L_»".�.z m-..:..yL �` b '1Ys f' _� R^t wv-es. - .r.lk..�k" a Apphcat�on-is hereby made for.a-permit:;ao,C�onstrul-CH,-= ) Al'tec ( ) =or.`Repau-( `-)an individual=tNe11 at. - 35LA eN - cam -tons_ Locan -,Address Assessors Map and Parcel caner Address ,� -- 'l - i�-✓! tie; =� J�r -'-'n ----� & - t-13C�---�`- Installer - Driller Ad Type of Building C:)a 5 h1�► . Co 3 Dwelling------�-U—"-"-R' - ---------------------------- Other'- Type of Building--- ----- - - - ----- No. of 'Persons--- ------ ---------- ----------- s ` T . 4 L14 YPe.,Of We11- ` - r G{tr�.>�t1 __ Capaci1.ty' — -- - - --^'— t ., , �' « , r r r Purpose of Well �--- Agreement: r The undersigned agrees to-install the aforedescribed, individual well in accordance with the provisions of The f Town of Barnstable Board of Health Private Well Protection Regulation - The undersigned further agrees not to place the well in operation until a C tificate .Of C mpliance has been issued by the-Board of Health. Signed,y " " --- �- = -U=-�7 �- date Application A roved By -------------------:_-- PP PP -� date Application Disapproved,for�the followin reasons:---------------------------- --------------- ____ --------_-______—______-__________ E __-- �—_--_�-- date a �. ", �"".�"�• Permit No. -- W 4 =- �--- t=-- Issued --- -- - - - - - — -- '+ date .�a�sF_-sasss�a�rem��ss:�a�amr3�ss.�r�a�Yaa�i� ��r�irs�ac^�c .. _ a ,F BOARD OF 'HEALTH �,•�. TOWN OF BARNST�ABLE • ertifirate Of Conmpliance « , THIS IIS�jT�yOq`10ERTIFY, That the Individual Well Constructed ( ), Altered ( ), or Repaired ( ) Zr'vdrv`-s- apw.�`� •. _�.L.�S.GV' �� CID � 1 Y 1 t L�i _,� a _____a �'w>' r ..k•�___ r _—" -f -3'_ —___— -_—'7 h�^q rs -,✓s,�+t.erN'r, J at has been installed in accordance with the provisions of the Town of Barnstable Board ofHealth Private Well Protection Regulation as described in the application for Well Construction Permit No. = --der ___Dated----------- -------- THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE WELL t SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. DATE- --- ——— --- — -- =----- -- Inspector------------,:, - - - BOARD OF HEALTH TOWN OF BARNSTABLE Melt Con5tructionpermit Fee----- - -------- Permission is hereby gianted`-��- ^^_ t-- �2 __ r t ► ✓► ; ...'I�JL�Pi�:lCie:-/ „e f j __ V' _ ` 4 w S- . ° r to �� ( ) Alter ( ) or Repa><r (, ) an'Individual Well at "S a __; $ t t ^ s nd.:a�NO.8+0.: t fir, ,,� T. $ ¢ �. --- --— —--—� f I" — -1 —r— — — ------- x -„ Street - --- -- as shown on the application for a•Well,Construction Permit No,--------------- --= - Dated--— -- " r ---------------------------------��/ IQard of Health DATE TOP OF FOUND 20 FT. MIN.. SOIL TEST EL. _ 4- 10 FT MIN. vp DATE OF SOIL TEST XuAl WITNESSED BY J^2k'y bvAjAj i'r_ CONCRETE 4" SCH. 40 P,yC PIPE CLEAN SAND PERCOLATION RATE -� - MIN. INCH COVERS �- AS cvwSrRucr� r MIN. PITCH 1/8 PER FT. OBSERVATION HOLE I OBSERVATION HOLE 2 CONCRETE \ - ELEV. �� �. 4" CAST IR N PIPE 12 COVERS r 2 LAYER OF : ELEV.= -- (OR EQUAL,, MIN. 1 1/8''- 1/2" WASHED - i�� :-- PITCH 1/4 PER FT. STONE Z Mt �,✓M 5AA! FLOW LINELL +✓/ 9vE t 10 46 ? Li f E L = MIN _ _ �F . cL4k'St S,4 Al EL = � 4 LEVEL �„ E L: 74 r _ _ j EL a , i3 �' I DIS T. EL BOX ui - EL. WATER AT /3,O EL.= ��~ WATER AT — _v 3/4" IOJ4. ) GALLON WASHED STONE f 0 0 ° L a DESIGN CALCULATIONS SEPTIC TANK a W Q v EL NUMBER OF BEDROOMS PR ECAST LEACHING BASIN OR EQUIV. a GARBAGE DISPOSAL UNIT 1/ i 6 DIAM. _ TOTAL ESTIMATED FLOW SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PROFILE /vim ' � , ~� c GAL./BR /DAY x BR.) GAL /DAY -- — REQUIRED SEPTIC TANK, CAPACITY 4' 95 GAL. NOT TO SCALE ACTUAL SIZE OF SEPTIC TANK GAL. BOTTOM OF TEST HOLE OR USGS PROBABLE WATER TABLE EL = jt- < LEACHING AREA REQUIREMENTS I OBSERVED WATER TABLE - / - / - ) EL.= 717A SIDEWALL AREA �AL./S.F. BOTTOM AREA LEACHING CAPACITY ( BOTTOM+ SIDEWALL) 5-49 7 GAL. LEGEND : RESERVE LEACHING CAPACITY .` . 7 GAL i EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION 0090 I ` EXISTING CONTOUR — —— - 00 i FINAL SPOT ELEVATION ® NOTES FINAL CONTOUR 1. ALL WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS SHALL CONFORM TO D.E Q.E i SOIL TEST LOCATION TITLE 5 AND THE TOWN OF ,`'-: , _ RULES AND I;TILITY VOLE ,, -� REGULATIONS FOR THE SUBSURFACE DISPOSAL OF SEWAGE. i_, * � _ 1� ]r , Y' TOWN WATER W � =-W 2. ALL COVER TO SANITARY IT HA TA�`-r Gic'��� 7 J �Lc V ?�. tom" CATCH BASIN ® � S S NI Y UNITS SHALL 8E BROUGHT TO WITHIN 12" OF FINISHED GRADE . \ 1Q;�0'2 I \ 3. EXISTING AND FINAL GRADES SHALL REMAIN ESSENTIALLY THE :SAME. LO -7 e , 4. ALL COMPONENTS OF THE SANITARY SYSTEM SHALL BE CAPABLE OF WITHSTANDING N- 10 LOADING UNLESS THEY ARE UNDER OR WITHIN 10 FT OF DRIVES OR PARKING AREAS. H-20 LOADINGi MIN. FRONT SETBACK SHALL BE USED UNDER OR WITHIN 10 FT OF DRIVES OR PARKIING. J34 ` MIN. REAR SETBACK ^'� S. ANY MASONARY UNITS USED TO BRING COVERS TO GRADE '�p MIN. SIDE SETBACK SHALL BE MORTARED IN PLACE. �rR j ,�` '` °` (n 6. NO DETERMINATION HAS BEEN MADE AS TO COMPLIANCE WITTH -= -�E} .� � �� \ DEEDED OR ZONING REGULATIONS. OWNER /APPLICANT IS TO __ _ tom. �� _ �' *�L �`�r~ b OBTAIN SUCH DETERMINATION FROM APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY. c - f ` 1 _ —Y— ` � � .• �p•�. '1 tf� �y, '� ,. VE1�.i _�ii_ �-tc� !:�'�r1"T/> L !�N'�'Rc.J' SEE � APPROVP- : BOARD OF HEALTH ac �- < ` DATE AGENT pRflJEC? UKATION� PRO P ?SED S I T F A ��'D P � IC 'YS T_1:'M PLAN 07 APPLICANT: 7 71:L 2 wr �� , �. Levy, Eldredge & Wagner Associates Inc. Engineers Landscape Architects Planners Land Sumyors 889 West Main Street Centerville Ma. 02632 \. , \ t1AUL A. �`. _. Li`t rFt LOCATION MAP JOB W. [SHEET OF i