HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 LCP Goals and Strategies Update By Department2010 LCP Goals and Strategies Update By Department  DPW to provide a presentation at the October 2022 LCPC Meeting  Planning and Development to provide a presentation at the December 2022 LCPC Meeting  Other Departments have provided Status Notes for the LCPC’s considerations. Finance 2010 LCP Goals and Strategies By Department DEPT. Status Notes 3.1.2 Implement a balanced real estate tax policy that is fair to residents while preserving the tax base. Tax assessing methodology specifically regarding commercial properties shall be re-examined as part of this policy development. TC Assessor Legal BEDC Finance The Town Council has consistently elected to adopt a "Factor of 1" and not to increase the CIP tax rate above that which is charged to residential property owners. Since 89% of the taxable property value in town is made up of residential property any shift in the tax rate has a significant detrimental impact on CIP property owners with a very little corresponding benefit to residential property owners. 3.1.3 Inventory and analyze impacts and capacity to implement mitigation formulas for development and redevelopment projects TM GMD Legal BEDC Finance Tax Increment Financing (TIF) and Tax Increment Exemption (TIE) are two tools used to support development and redevelopment. Financial implications of applications are done on a case by case basis as received. 3.1.4 Create an economic impact assessment tool to determine the net fiscal impact of development proposals. The project’s tax revenue, infrastructure and resources impacts shall be analyzed. This economic impact analysis shall be completed before the commencement of Site Plan Review. Finance Currently does not exist. An outside consultant should be contracted with to produce this tool. At one point the Cape Cod Commision was looking to develop such a tool that could be used for the region. Not sure where this stands. 3.1.5 Determine feasible and attractive incentives to encourage locally owned developments to reinvest profits in our community and implement a program to utilize these incentives Finance TM GMD Legal BEDC Funding of major capital facilities will typically rely on long-term financing and not on current revenues. The term of the financing should generally be no longer than the useful life of the facility. Finance This is consistent with current policy and practice. The Town will continue to develop and update debt management and cash reserves policies Finance Reviewed every year for needed change. The Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan will eventually require some changes in the debt policies. The Town may apply various alternative funding mechanisms in the development of capital improvements identified in the Capital Facilities Section in order to optimally use limited Town resources. Such mechanisms include joint ventures with the private sector, grants, or other means. Finance Conducted as part of the annual development of the Capital Improvement Plan. Services provided through enterprise accounts including but not limited to Water Pollution Control, Solid Waste Division, Sandy Neck, Barnstable Municipal Airport, Fairgrounds and Hyannis Golf Courses and Town Marinas will be paid primarily by users, except in unusual circumstances where the public benefit may justify the use Finance All enterprise fund operations and capital improvements are funded primarily through user fees with the exception of the Hyannis Youth and Community Center. The public benefit of this facility justifies General Fund support. of general funds. When facility improvements provide benefits primarily to a limited group of users the costs will generally be paid by the benefited parties through Local Improvement Districts (LIDs) or other means Finance This is the case for beach facilities whereby the cost of improvements are taken into consideration when determining charges for parking and beach permits. The capital facilities identified in the elements of the Comprehensive Plan and will be included in subsequent five-year financing plans Finance Improvements contemplated for all town owned facilities within the next 5 years are expected to be included in the 5 year Capital Improvement Plan. Consider allocating funds from school property sales revenue to remaining school facilities. Finance This has been the past practice. Continue to increase use of alternative fuels for Barnstable's municipal vehicle fleet. Finance Town has incorporated hybrid vehicles into its fleet wherever possible. A new position was created in the FY 2023 operating budget in which this effort is part of the expected job description. Police Goal 4.6.2 Provide high quality public safety services for the residents of Barnstable through cost effective maintenance and upgrade of facilities and equipment. Maintain and purchase vehicles and equipment as necessary to meet applicable standards Police Ongoing and continuous Upgrade and maintain emergency communication equipment Police Ongoing and continuous Personnel levels should be consistent with population and demographic needs Police In progress Consider impact of new development presenting extraordinary impacts on Barnstable's public safety services during project review, and mitigate those impacts to the extent feasible. Police Ongoing and continuous Schools 2010 LCP Goals and Strategies By Department DEPT. Status Notes 3.8.1 Support development of educational curricula that connects to existing or desirable employment opportunities and career advancement such as renewable energy and sciences and technologies focusing on coastal, marine and environmental sectors. Schools Tech Schools CCCC School Implemented an Environmental Science and Technology Career Pathway at BHS 3.8.2 Support the development of an environment that assists entrepreneurial enterprises Schools CCCC Private Sector School Implemented a Business, Finance, and Entrepreneurship Innovation Pathway at BHS Continue to work with school department to plan for and fund facility maintenance and upgrade of school School Completed annually as part of the Capital Improvement Project process properties Because of the scarcity of developable land and the cyclical nature of population trends, the Town should identify and secure or retain land for future school facility expansion School Unsure Ensure that buildout projections and residential development approvals are communicated to the affected public school district in a timely manner so they can plan effectively for future needs. School Unsure MEA 2010 LCP Goals and Strategies By Department DEPT. Status Notes Develop a Coastal Resources Management Plan. GMD MEA DNR DPW MEA Include a Resource Management Plan for the Sandy Neck ACEC that meets DEP/MCZM requirements, to aid in the management of this important resource. MEA Control erosion in barrier beaches and coastal banks to the greatest extent possible to protect important wildlife habitat, storm surge protection and recreational amenities. MEA in progress Coordinate management of harbors which are under jurisdiction of multiple Town Departments, Boards and Commissions. The HMP shall commence within one year of the adoption of this Comprehensive Plan. GMD GIS DNR MEA DPW MEA Under Harbormaster Strategies Inventory public and private uses in harbors to monitor changes in water and marine dependent uses. MEA Completed, on going always Inventory, assess existing conditions and needs and methods for maintaining navigation channels in the HMP. Evaluate the impact of piers and docks on navigation channels. MEA Comprehensive Dredge plan in progress, on-going Inventory and prioritize necessary repairs to harbor facilities. MEA In Progress, CIP, on-going, high priority Assess harbor improvements that may contribute to increases access and improve harbor functions MEA In progress at Bismore, Prince Cove Marina Assess the need for and feasibility of additional public restrooms at harbor facilities. MEA In progress at Prince Cove, high priority other locations Establish watersheet zoning to protect and preserve traditional maritime uses dependent on harbor location and proximity to marine waters. GMD PB TC MEA not implemented to best of my knowledge A mooring plan shall be included in the HMP. This plan should be reviewed and revised at least every two years. MEA Completed, on going always Strategies Inventory existing moorings. Evaluate capacity for new moorings in existing mooring fields. Determine if new areas should be designated to meet future demand. Inventory rental and transient mooring permits. MEA MEA Completed, on going always, Transient Mooring Program initiated Site, design and manage new mooring fields to minimize damage to benthic habitats, protect boats form storms and maintain navigability. MEA MEA Not implemented, do not understand this Marine vessel sanitary wastes shall not be discharged to coastal waters. Marine wastes from boats and other sources including oil spills, dredge material, solid waste and all other types of waste should be disposed of using environmentally responsible practices. MEA Completed, on-going always, exploring new shore side facility Prince Cove Strategies Working with existing programs such as Three Bays and Mass Bays the town shall explore instituting a No Discharge zone in a 5—foot strip from Oregon Beach to the Kennedy breakwater. MEA DPW TC MEA Completed all of sound is no discharge zone In addition to the three shore side facilities at Three Bays, Bismore Park and Barnstable Harbor and the two boats that serve the area from East Bay to Hyannis, the Town should locate additional pump out facilities as needed. MEA DPW TC TM MEA On-going Prince Cove Marina Plan, Possible CIP to come forward soon Wildlife and plant habitat should be protected and managed to ensure long-term viability of a wide variety of coastal species, including fish and shellfish taken for commercial and recreational use. Particular care should be taken to preserve habitats of rare and endangered species. MEA State, NR Plant and wildlife species in the areas depicted on the Sensitive Habitat map should be monitored for changes in population. This map shows Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program Estimated and Core Habitat s. If it is determined that impacts from human activities are detrimental to these species protective measures shall be taken. DNR GMD MEA Continue to identify, rate and map existing high value significant shellfish habitat to expand and protect existing and potential habitat areas. DNR GIS MEA Strategies The Town shall make special efforts to protect the variety of shellfish species as well as the benthic habitat native to the area. DNR MEA MEA Shellfish species in Significant High Value Shellfish Areas, as shown on the CP Sensitive Habitat Map and the Town of Barnstable Significant High Value Shellfish Habitat Maps as may be amended from time to time, shall be monitored for changes in population. Protective measures shall be taken if it is determined MEA that impacts from human activities are detrimental to species in these areas. DNR GIS GMD PB TC BoH ConsCom The Town should continue the mapping of Significant Shellfish Habitat with rankings for the northside. MEA The Town shall rate and map potential high value shellfish areas. DNR GIS MEA Barnstable should continue to promote marine research in local waters and continue to manage licensed aquaculture areas and support aquaculture where appropriate for coastal resources. MEA Barnstable shall promote aquafarming, marine research and aquaculture in local waters. DNR TM MEA The Town should explore providing additional shellfish grants to the aquaculture industry. DNR TM MEA The Town should encourage and coordinate with existing aquaculture education and training programs. DNR MEA The town will explore, develop and implement watersheet zoning as a mechanism for balancing and regulating competing interests in coastal waters such as protecting shellfish, finfish, avian and plant habitat, protecting overall coastal water quality and providing coastal access for passive and active water dependent recreational activities and to ensure that traditional maritime uses continue. MEA Strategies The creation of a map depicting existing conditions and proposed expansion areas for critical coastal habitat, mooring fields, public and private navigation channels, docks and piers shall be included in this process. Water dependent uses shall be allowed or limited based on MEA In progress, Need to create slip layout Map Barnstable Harbor all other areas completed these mapped findings. GIS GMD PB TC MEA DNR The Conservation Commission should continue to require site-based performance requirements in areas where piers are permitted. Until watersheet zoning is fully implemented the existing policy which states that construction or expansion of docks and piers shall not be permitted in significant high value shellfish habitat areas as shown on the Town of Barnstable Significant High Value Shellfish Habitat Maps as may be amended from time to time. ConsCom DNR MEA Develop a Fresh Water Bodies Resources Management Plan. MEA Strategies The plan will include a classification of ponds based on overall water quality and should designate ponds with critical water quality problems. This classification should be used to prioritize ponds requiring remediation and protect ponds with good water quality. MEA Examine impacts of phosphorous on freshwater bodies and develop capacity standards. MEA Identify Coastal Plains Ponds. The long-term viability of freshwater ponds serving as habitat for rare and endangered species should be ensured in particular Coastal Plains Ponds, a globally rare natural resource. MEA Strategies Include an analysis of the recharge areas and any water supply withdrawal as they relate to Coastal Plains Ponds. This information will be shared with the Health, Conservation and Planning departments and the appropriate Water Companies. MEA Wherever possible, land within 100 feet of any freshwater pond should be maintained in its natural, vegetated condition. Where significant populations of rare, endangered or threatened species have been identified, every effort should be made to ensure permanent control over these buffers through acquisition by the town or a conservation organization through acquisition, conservation restriction or deed restriction. MEA Conservation Development or redevelopment within recharge areas to freshwater water bodies shall be required to meet critical nutrient loading standards. Where existing development exceeds identified critical loading standards for a fresh water recharge area, redevelopment should maintain or improve existing levels of nutrient loading. MEA Strategies Detail necessary steps to establish a fresh water quality monitoring program to supplement the county testing program. An organized volunteer program similar to the Water Watchers Program and or reviving the PALS program with staff support to access free testing from UMASS Dartmouth. Include neighborhood stewardship organizations in this program. MEA Develop recommendations based on scientific studies for standards for phosphorus and other nutrients and chemical constituents necessary for the pond's capacity and to ensure diversity of freshwater plant and animal species. MEA Determine the capacity of these ponds to attenuate the impacts from on site septic systems within their recharge areas. Develop incentives through regulations or other approaches including, but not limited to acquisition of undeveloped land or transfer of development rights, to ensure that these capacities are MEA not exceeded or to ensure improvement where necessary. Continue the Ways to Water program to ensure public access to fresh water bodies. MEA In-progress, created Small Vessel Program allowing public to store small vessels on SOME Town land 3.6.1 Increase availability of public access to the water. Increase maintenance of existing public access to the water. Use and apply Chapter 91 for this purpose. MEA MEA On-going, in progress always, hihg priority 3.6.5 Support water-dependent activities with amenities both public and private. MEA Waterways MEA In-progress Waterways Committee Natural Resources Develop a Coastal Resources Management Plan. GMD MEA DNR DPW MEA I feel like there are multiple plans that overlap. Hard to keep track of all the management/strategic/comprehensive plans. Include a Resource Management Plan for the Sandy Neck ACEC that meets DEP/MCZM requirements, to aid in the management of this important resource. MEA Sandy Neck has 2003 Sandy Neck Management Plan. Also, we have a 2019 Habitat Conservation Plan located at https://www.mass.gov/doc/sandy-neck-beach- 2019-request-for- coi/download?_ga=2.156409336.279372375.1666109690 -701022961.1666109690 Control erosion in barrier beaches and coastal banks to the greatest extent possible to protect important wildlife habitat, storm surge protection and recreational amenities. MEA Should this be more specific with regard to solutions to erosion from sea level rise and storm surge that focus on resiliency. Goal 2.2.4 Develop a local Harbors Management Plan (HMP). Coordinate management of harbors which are under jurisdiction of multiple Town Departments, Boards and Commissions. The HMP shall commence within one year of the adoption of this Comprehensive Plan. GMD GIS DNR MEA DPW MEA Strategie s Inventory public and private uses in harbors to monitor changes in water and marine dependent uses. MEA Inventory, assess existing conditions and needs and methods for maintaining navigation channels in the HMP. Evaluate the impact of piers and docks on navigation channels. MEA Inventory and prioritize necessary repairs to harbor facilities. MEA Assess harbor improvements that may contribute to increases access and improve harbor functions MEA Assess the need for and feasibility of additional public restrooms at harbor facilities. MEA Establish watersheet zoning to protect and preserve traditional maritime uses dependent on harbor location and proximity to marine waters. GMD PB TC MEA A mooring plan shall be included in the HMP. This plan should be reviewed and revised at least every two years. MEA Strategie s Inventory existing moorings. Evaluate capacity for new moorings in existing mooring fields. Determine if new areas should be designated to meet future demand. Inventory rental and transient mooring permits. MEA MEA Site, design and manage new mooring fields to minimize damage to benthic habitats, protect boats form storms and maintain navigability. MEA MEA Marine vessel sanitary wastes shall not be discharged to coastal waters. Marine wastes from boats and other sources including oil spills, dredge material, solid waste and all other types of waste should be disposed of using environmentally responsible practices. MEA Strategie s Working with existing programs such as Three Bays and Mass Bays the town shall explore instituting a No Discharge zone in a 5—foot strip from Oregon Beach to the Kennedy breakwater. MEA DPW TC MEA In addition to the three shore side facilities at Three Bays, Bismore Park and Barnstable Harbor and the two boats that serve the area from East Bay to Hyannis, the Town should locate additional pump out facilities as needed. MEA DPW TC TM MEA Goal 2.2.5 Habitat for shellfish, finfish, rare and endangered species, other coastal wildlife and native coastal plants shall be protected to ensure their survival and sustain their biological diversity. Wildlife and plant habitat should be protected and managed to ensure long-term viability of a wide variety of coastal species, including fish and shellfish taken for commercial and recreational use. Particular care should be taken to preserve habitats of rare and endangered species. MEA Plant and wildlife species in the areas depicted on the Sensitive Habitat map should be monitored for changes in population. This map shows Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program Estimated and Core Habitat s. If it is determined that impacts from human activities are detrimental to these species protective measures shall be taken. MEA DNR GMD Continue to identify, rate and map existing high value significant shellfish habitat to expand and protect existing and potential habitat areas. DNR GIS MEA Strategies The Town shall make special efforts to protect the variety of shellfish species as well as the benthic habitat native to the area. DNR MEA MEA Shellfish species in Significant High Value Shellfish Areas, as shown on the CP Sensitive Habitat Map and the Town of Barnstable Significant High Value Shellfish Habitat Maps as may be amended from time to time, shall be monitored for changes in population. Protective measures shall be taken if it is determined that impacts from human activities and shoreline development are detrimental to species in these areas. DNR GIS GMD PB TC BoH ConsCom MEA The Town should continue the mapping of Significant Shellfish Habitat with rankings for the northside. MEA Redundant? The Town shall rate and map potential high value shellfish areas. DNR GIS MEA Redundant? Barnstable should continue to promote marine research in local waters and continue to manage licensed aquaculture areas and support aquaculture where appropriate for coastal resources. MEA Barnstable shall promote aquafarming, marine research and aquaculture in local waters as appropriate. MEA DNR TM The Town should explore providing additional shellfish grants to the aquaculture industry MEA The Town should encourage and coordinate with existing aquaculture education and training programs. DNR MEA The town will explore, develop and implement watersheet zoning as a mechanism for balancing and regulating competing interests in coastal waters such as protecting shellfish, finfish, avian and plant habitat, protecting overall coastal water quality and providing coastal access for passive and active water dependent recreational activities and to ensure that traditional maritime uses continue. MEA Strategies The creation of a map depicting existing conditions and proposed expansion areas for critical coastal habitat, mooring fields, public and private navigation channels, docks and piers shall be included in this process. Water dependent uses shall be allowed or limited based on these mapped findings. GIS GMD PB TC MEA DNR MEA The Conservation Commission should continue to require site-based performance requirements in areas where piers are permitted. Until watersheet zoning is fully implemented the existing policy which states that construction or expansion of docks and piers shall not be permitted in significant high value shellfish habitat areas as shown on the Town of Barnstable Significant High Value Shellfish Habitat Maps as may be amended from time to time. ConsCom DNR MEA Section 2.3 Fresh Water Resources Goal 2.3.1The major goal for Fresh Water Resources is the development of a comprehensive Fresh Water Management Plan (FWMP). To the greatest extent possible, the water quality of Barnstable's freshwater water bodies should be maintained to standards that support living organisms appropriate for the pond, and allow recreation f or the neighborhood, town residents and other recreational users. Need to address cyanobacteria issues. Need more goals about herring runs. Improve existing herring runs and evaluate historical herring runs for restoration. Maybe DPW has this in their section. Develop a Fresh Water Bodies Resources Management Plan. MEA Strategies The plan will include a classification of ponds based on overall water quality and should designate ponds with critical water quality problems. This classification should be used to prioritize ponds requiring remediation and protect ponds with good water quality. MEA This is already happening via DPW Examine impacts of phosphorous on freshwater bodies and develop capacity standards. MEA Identify Coastal Plains Ponds. The long-term viability of freshwater ponds serving as habitat for rare and endangered species should be ensured in particular Coastal Plains Ponds, a globally rare natural resource. MEA Strategies Include an analysis of the recharge areas and any water supply withdrawal as they relate to Coastal Plains Ponds. This information will be shared with the Health, Conservation and Planning departments and the appropriate Water Companies. MEA Wherever possible, land within 100 feet of any freshwater pond should be maintained in its natural, vegetated condition. Where significant populations of rare, endangered or threatened species have been identified, every effort should be made to ensure permanent control over these buffers through acquisition by the town or a conservation MEA Reduce fertilizer use…is this else ware in the plan? organization through acquisition, conservation restriction or deed restriction. Development or redevelopment within recharge areas to freshwater water bodies shall be required to meet critical nutrient loading standards. Where existing development exceeds identified critical loading standards for a fresh water recharge area, redevelopment should maintain or improve existing levels of nutrient loading. MEA Strategies Detail necessary steps to establish a fresh water quality monitoring program to supplement the county testing program. An organized volunteer program similar to the Water Watchers Program and or reviving the PALS program with staff support to access free testing from UMASS Dartmouth. Include neighborhood stewardship organizations in this program. MEA Develop recommendations based on scientific studies for standards for phosphorus and other nutrients and chemical constituents necessary for the pond's capacity and to ensure diversity of freshwater plant and animal species. MEA Determine the capacity of these ponds to attenuate the impacts from on site septic systems within their recharge areas. Develop incentives through regulations or other approaches including, but not limited to acquisition of undeveloped land or transfer of development rights, to ensure that these capacities are not exceeded or to ensure improvement where necessary. MEA Continue the Ways to Water program to ensure public access to fresh water bodies. MEA Goal 3.6 Support the maintenance and development of recreational activities for residents and visitors. Fund and implement findings and actions from the state approved Open Space and Recreation Plan included in Section 2.B of the Comprehensive Plan. 3.6.1 Increase availability of public access to the water. Increase maintenance of existing public access to the water. Use and apply Chapter 91 for this purpose. MEA MEA 3.6.5 Support water-dependent activities with amenities both public and private. MEA Waterways MEA Community Services As far as the goals that pertain specifically to the Community Services Department, 3.6.6, 3.6.7 and 3.10.7, I would state that our efforts to support and maintain the community facilities and amenities that fall under the Community Services Department, including the HYCC, golf courses, and beaches are ongoing. We continue to make improvements and updates to our facilities and programs to ensure that they are accessible, welcoming, and well-maintained. We have worked in coordination with DPW on various field upgrades throughout our villages and have added new recreational amenities, including the pickleball complex in Marstons Mills that opened last year. We are currently working with DPW on the redesign of the Centerville Playground. Looking to the future, we are seeking CIP funds to redesign the HYCC grounds to expand recreational opportunities including an updated skate park, outdoor fitness court and a splash pad. We have implemented an environmentally sustainable land management plan at our golf courses to reduce the use of fertilizers and pesticides. We are also in the process of making long overdue improvements to the golf course, including cart path improvements at Hyannis Golf Course. Although not specifically mentioned in the goals, we have also made improvements to the Barnstable Adult Community Center.