HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOA3730MainStreet1,000.00 This map is for illustration purposes only. It is not adequate for legal boundary determination or regulatory interpretation. This map does not represent an on-the-ground survey. It may be generalized, may not reflect current conditions, and may contain cartographic errors or omissions. Parcel lines shown on this map are only graphic representations of Assessor’s tax parcels. They are not true property boundaries and do not represent accurate relationships to physical objects on the map such as building locations. 167083 Feet feetApprox. Scale: 1 inch =83 Legend Town of Barnstable GIS Unit 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 508-862-4624 gis@town.barnstable.ma.us Map printed on:11/22/2022 Road Names Inventory No:BRN.50 Historic Name:Howes,Alvin House Common Name: Address:3730 Main St City/Town:Barnstable Village/Neighborhood:Barnstable Village; Local No:54; Year Constructed:C 1795 Architectural Style(s):No style; Use(s):Single Family Dwelling House; Significance:Architecture; Area(s):BRN.M,BRN.Q Designation(s):Local Historic District (05/01/1973);Nat'l Register District (03/13/1987);Nat'l Register MRA (03/13/1987); Building Materials:Roof:Asphalt Shingle; Wall:Wood Shingle; Demolished No The Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC)has converted this paper record to digital format as part of ongoing projects to scan records of the Inventory of Historic Assets of the Commonwealth and National Register of Historic Places nominations for Massachusetts.Efforts are ongoing and not all inventory or National Register records related to this resource may be available in digital format at this time. The MACRIS database and scanned files are highly dynamic; new information is added daily and both database records and related scanned files may be updated as new information is incorporated into MHC files.Users should note that there may be a considerable lag time between the receipt of new or updated records by MHC and the appearance of related information in MACRIS.Users should also note that not all source materials for the MACRIS database are made available as scanned images. Users may consult the records,files and maps available in MHC's public research area at its offices at the State Archives Building, 220 Morrissey Boulevard,Boston,open M-F,9-5. Users of this digital material acknowledge that they have read and understood the MACRIS Information and Disclaimer (http://mhc- macris.net/macrisdisclaimer.htm) Data available via the MACRIS web interface,and associated scanned files are for information purposes only.THE ACT OF CHECKING THIS DATABASE AND ASSOCIATED SCANNED FILES DOES NOT SUBSTITUTE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LOCAL,STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS.IF YOU ARE REPRESENTING A DEVELOPER AND/OR A PROPOSED PROJECT THAT WILL REQUIRE A PERMIT,LICENSE OR FUNDING FROM ANY STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCY YOU MUST SUBMIT A PROJECT NOTIFICATION FORM TO MHC FOR MHC'S REVIEW AND COMMENT.You can obtain a copy of a PNF through the MHC web site (www.sec.state.ma.us/mhc) under the subject heading "MHC Forms." Commonwealth of Massachusetts Massachusetts Historical Commission 220 Morrissey Boulevard,Boston,Massachusetts 02125 www.sec.state.ma.us/mhc This file was accessed on:Wednesday,November 2,2022 at 4:30 PM FORM B - BUILDING MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL COMMISSION Office of the Secretary, State House, Boston In Area no. Form no. &V6 1. Town Barnstable (Dimmoclc's G-t. Lot) #3730 ress Main St (Rte 6A) . Barnstable Alvln Howes House sent use residence foe sent owner Daniel Doherty cription: c. 1790-1800 ource Reg, of Deeds-Barnstable e Georgian . (Full Cape) hitect erior wall fabric shingle Outbuildings (describe) Other features 2 fireplaces center chimney Altered removed Moved Date Date 5. Lot size: One acre or less Over one acre XX Approximate frontage 300 ft. Approximate distance of building from street 60 ft. (over) Recorded by Marilyn E. Strauss Organization Barnstable Historical Commission Date 1980 Researcher Patricia J. Anderson 30M-5-77 l|if§;< 7. Original owner (if known) Original use Subsequent uses (if any) and dates 8. Themes (check as many as applicable) Aboriginal Agricultural Architectural The Arts Commerce Communication Community development XX XX Conservation Education Exploration/ settlement Industry Military Political Recreation Religion Science/ invention Social/ humanitarian Transportation 9. Historical significance (include explanation of themes checked above) This house was part of the "underground railroad" in Barnstable for slaves to hide until they could be taken into Canada. Prof. Kittredge stated that slaves were selcome at the homes of Ezekiel Thatcher (see home of M.F. Arkus) and Alvin Howes. Others would hide out in the woods on Mary Dunn's Road not far from Alvin Howes' house. The cellar beneath the house served as their hide-away. 10. Bibliography and/or references (such as local histories, deeds, assessor's records, early maps, etc.) Frost, Jack, A Cape Cod Sketchbook, 1939. Kittredge, Henry C, Cape Cod-Its People and Their History, 1930. Sprague, Francis W., Notes on Old Houses in Barnstable, 1917. Registry of Deeds, Barnstable. BARNSTABLE, MA 02630 317026 HART-BARBATO, JANET 3714 MAIN ST Property ID: BARNSTABLE, MA 02630 317027 DETJENS, PHILIP S JR & DEIRDRE A PO BOX 946 Property ID: PO BOX 849 BARNSTABLE, MA 02630 317028001 ARCHER, AMY L & SHORT, DOUGLAS HAZEN BETTY G FITTERER TRUST OF 2013 Property ID: NORWOOD, MA 02062 317081 JOHNSTON, DANIEL B & PAIGE E 219 PLEASANT STREET Property ID: YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 317082 STEIN, BERNARD L & ADAMS, MARGUERITE 28 HAMSTEAD LN Property ID: BARNSTABLE, MA 02630 317090 BENSON, SARABETH 3735 MAIN STREET Property ID: WEST BARNSTABLE, MA 02668 318026 BARNSTABLE LAND TRUST INC 1540 MAIN STREET Property ID: