HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRAFT Meeting Minutes 9-22-2022 Planning & Development Department 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 – Phone: 508-862-4678 Local Comprehensive Planning Committee (LCPC) Minutes Thursday, September 22, 2022 at 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER Steven Costello calls the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. The committee members introduce themselves. Member Present Absent Steven Costello – Chair X Felicia Penn – Vice Chair X Wendy Northcross – Clerk X Cheryl Powell X Mark Hansen X Amanda Converse X Sue Rohrbach X Meaghan Mort Carlos Barbosa X X Fran Parks X Lindsey Counsell X Jennifer Williams X Bob Twiss X Avery Revere X Also in attendance are Kate Maldonado, Assistant Director Planning & Development, Jim Kupfer, Senior Planner Planning & Development, Jennifer Engelsen, Office Manager Planning & Development, Judi Barrett, Barrett Planning Group and Jill Slankas, Barrett Planning Group NOTICE OF RECORDING This meeting is being recorded and broadcast on Channel 18 and in accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 30A Section 20, the Committee must inquire whether anyone is taping this meeting and to please make their presence known. No response. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion to accept the minutes from August 25, 2022 as written was made by Cheryl Powell and seconded by Sue Rohrback. All in favor Aye. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION ON UDATED COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PLAN Jim Kupfer opens the meeting with a brief presentation to the committee about the goals of tonight’s meeting. The agenda for tonight it to build out and finalize the engagement plan, engagement activities, develop engagement calendar, take a look at the existing conditions and outreach materials and potential budget requests. Goal is to talk to as many people as we can in the community. The engagement plan evaluates the goals and accomplishments of the Local Comprehensive Plan from 2010 to where we are now. We will identify and involve individuals who are invested in the future of Barnstable. We will listen to residents as to the needs of the community. We will incorporate disproportionately affected groups in town. Consult with organizations that offer social services and resources in Barnstable. We will engage the youth population. We will analyze the feedback we receive and share the results with the community. Jill Slankas with Barrett Planning Group talks about the engagement activities and the future of the community. Some of the ways to achieve this goal will be:  Small to medium groups o Tour mapping exercise o Appreciative Inquiry o SWOT Analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats)  Community Mapping Exercises o A visual look at the town o See where they live and areas they like to visit o Shows where improvements could be made  Community Comment Walls o Favorite Place in Barnstable o Where would you bring a visitor o What is your favorite road to go down Some location for the comment wall placement might be Town Hall, Adult Community Center, HYCC, High School, YMCA, Centerville Recreation Building and Libraries.  Community Photo Competition o Engage public in submitting photos they like and then a vote takes place through social media  Site Visits, Coffee Hours & TableEvents o Saturdays on Main – partnering with Hyannis Business Improvement District o Poetry Contest – poem about Barnstable o Barnstable Jeopardy o Barnstable Puzzle – crossword and word searches o Audio Recorder  Visioning Breakout Discussions o Further down the line at a bigger event – in person and interactive  Elevator Pitch – members to exercise this at public events o Introduce yourself o Get to the point o Ask a question o Call them to action Jim Kupfer shares that these suggestions are to build out the engagement plan. Activities would be led by the committee members with the staff supporting the action. Hopeful committee members will be matched up with staff and events. No need to memorize a script of any sort. Questions can be modified to get information the committee needs to reach goals. Betty Ludtke, Councilor Precinct 3 feels that the presentation only promotes the positive and does not appear to encourage negative issues. Judi Barrett, Barrett Planning Group shares that sometimes setting the tone can help get information. It helps to encourage what can be done and move forward. Bob Schulte from Centerville and an advisory member of the LCPC has concerns about the process, seems unrealistic and unfair to the public and the committee. Hopes there is flexibility in the agenda to do outreach. Steven Costello, Chair reports this is a work in progress and there is no intent to rush through this process. The calendar needs to be filled out for opportunities for engagement. Jim Kupfer shared that he and Kate Maldonado attended the Cotuit Civic Association meeting earlier this week and used some of the activities Kate Maldonado discusses the content that will be used for flyers and posters. Shows a sample flyer that has questions, QR code and who/what the LCPC is hoping to accomplish. Kate opens floor to comments/concerns. Mr. Costello wants participants to be able to click the QR code and be able to respond with simplicity. Cheryl Powell agrees this is a great tool. Wendy Northcross thinks if she is clicking on a QR code would lead to a survey. Open ended questions are important and flyers/posters should have the year on it. Susan Rohrbach asks who will be at an event. Kate responds it will be a joint effort and staff is available to support at events. Felicia Penn would like QR code to go to a survey. She would like to see some multiple choice questions and a blank area for comments. Jennifer Williams like the questions and also wants the QR code to lead to some place. She feels the need to have the ability to access the survey on the phone. Will someone look at the paper and scan the QR code? Need to have a very captive tag line. Avery Revere looks at the sample and feels the LCPC graphic needs to be smaller. The QR code needs to go someplace quickly. Bob Twiss asks if the QR code is the actual code and Kate responds it leads to the website but in the future it will go to a survey. Kate informs the committee that the town has tablets that can be used in the field. Lindsey Counsell would like to see something on the reverse side of the flyer stating comments need to be in by a certain date so they know the urgency and this will not be going on forever. Jennifer Williams asks if there is an incentive for finishing the survey. Judi Barrett feels a gift card or raffle prize could be given out. Carlos Barbosa asks what languages the materials would be translated in. He feels Haitian Creole should be added and he has a contact that can provide that service. The graphic for flyers and posters is shared with the committee. Three circular options are shown. Wendy Northcross feels designing a new graphic is a waste of time and money and the Town of Barnstable logo should be used. Felicia Penn would not miss a logo. Steven Costello feels a logo is less important. Jennifer Williams feels the logo does not tie to people. Judi Barrett shares the advantage of a logo is the people piece. Susan Rohrbach originally thought she could do without a logo but having people and the colors blue and green is appealing. A consensus was made to revise a look and feel to the poster/flyer. Additional forms of outreach were discussed like social media outlets. How do we get the public to know the members of the LCPC? A suggestion to have members to a quick video and spread the word using social media as a tool to get the information out. The committee is all in favor. A plan to fill out the engagement calendar was tackled next. Jim Kupfer asks members to begin to look at dates and fill in with events happening around town. Some ideas are civic association meetings, coffee hours, libraries, transfer station, Election Day (have to confirm with Town Clerk if this is possible). A virtual calendar will be available to members as well. Jill Slankas updated the committee on the Existing Conditions work. The consulting team is working on the existing conditions for the towns by reviewing previous plans and studies along with interviewing department and organizations. Kate Maldonado provides an update on the Housing Production Plan. Wednesday, September 21, 2022 there was a Community Forum to discuss the Housing Production Plan, housing survey and draft a housing needs assessment. Approximately 40 plus attended. Felicia commented the housing plan informs the LCPC and comments she took away from last nights meeting talked about a quality that made their neighborhood great like open space, sidewalks, parks, recreational opportunities, trails, etc. Carlos Barbosa asks how many bankers/developers attend housing meetings. He feels their participation would be beneficial. Kate Maldonado will relay this request to Ryan Bennett, Housing Coordinator for their next meeting. Planning & Development Staff brainstormed for ways to help get local comprehensive plan out to the community:  Outreach Materials & Budget o Yard Signs o A-Frame Signs o (1) Town-wide mailer – most expensive o Postcards & handouts o Posters o Table banner o Retractable banner Felicia Penn inquires how you would measure the effectiveness of the mailer since it is most expensive. Could you put a code that somehow identifies that the mailer was the cause for them to provide information back to us? Steven Costello believes three mailings at a minimum would have to be done to achieve any results. Avery Revere asks if we could add information to an ebill/insert in an envelope as she recalls seeing it in a mailing. Cheryl Powell shares her experience using the student body to get information out to the community. Lindsey Counsell asks for a clarification on yard signs. There is not a lot of visual space on yard sign so content needs to be colorful, short and to the point. Steven Costello asks for staff to get information out to committee before next meeting in October with content, color, drafts, etc for feedback from committee. Jennifer Williams offers to take the initiative to come up with ideas; Wendy Northcross and Avery Revere also offer to help. Kate Maldonado lets the committee know that Planning & Development staff will be attending the Youth Commission meeting on September 27th. The Next Steps: Invite prompts for small and large events Finalize the Engagement Calendar Community Survey “Bring it Together” event Judi Barrett discusses the survey, still evolving. Be selective for questions that bring ideas to get concerns answered. A few demographics will be in the survey. Participants will be asked to pick their village on a map without divulging their address. Hoping to get this out mid-October. The Bring it Together piece of the master plan will require this group coming together to pull together all the information obtained. Judi Barrett asks the committee to think about getting together during the week (over a two week period) or over a weekend maybe a Friday night and Saturday. Many members comment their participation will depend on the dates this event is scheduled. Carlos Barbosa shares his appreciation to the staff and consultants, Cheryl Powell agrees. PUBLIC COMMENT None MATTERS NOT REASONABLY ANTICIPATED BY THE CHAIR None NEXT MEETING DATE: October 27, 2022 Felicia Penn, Wendy Northcross and Lindsey Counsell announce they are unable to attend the October 27th meeting. ADJOURNMENT Cheryl Powell makes a motion to adjourn and seconded by Lindsey Counsell. All in favor, Aye. The meeting adjourns at 7:54 APM. Respectfully submitted, Jennifer Engelsen Office Manager Further detail may be obtained by viewing the video via Channel 18 on demand at http://www.town.barnstable.ma.us