HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeedBk 34278 Pg299 #45521 07-08-2021 @ 09:18a QUITCLAIM DEED We,CHRISTOPHER D.STOUT and MARSHA R.STOUT,of 52 Cranberry Lane,Yarmouth (South),Barnstable County,Massachusetts, for full consideration paid of THREE HUNDRED THREE THOUSAND ($303,000.00)DOLLARS, grant to SEAN F.EAGAN AND WILLIAM P.EAGAN,TRUSTEES OF THE OLD STAGE ROAD REALTY TRUST u/d/t dated June 18,2021 with a Certificate of Trustee recorded herewith,having a mailing address of P.O.Box 2101,Mashpee,MA 02649 'O~ 111o ..~~with quitc~aim covenantsrl~.o0"110 1I1+J +J II) tIl ~the land located at Old Stage Road,Barnstable (West), '0 ~Barnstable County,Massachusetts,further described as follows: rl~o +J lH II) lH ~ 03: WESTERLY by Forest Street,a public Way,four hundred thirteen and 50/100 (413.50)feet; SOUTHEASTERLY by land of Celestina Myrick and undefined public way (Parker Street a/k/a Parker Lane),one thousand three hundred ten and 53/100 (1,310.53) feet; NORTHEASTERLY by land of West Barnstable Deer Club,Inc.and John P.Manning,Jr.,three hundred thirty-six and 31/100 (336.31)feet;and NORTHWESTERLY by'land of Elise M.Otis and Lillian M.Atwood, eight hundred eighty and 66/100 (880.66)feet. MASSACHUSETTS STATE EXCISE TAX BARNSTABLE COUNTY REGISTRY OF DEEDS Date:07-08-2021 @ 09:18am ctl':165 Doof:45521 Fee:$1,036.26 Cons:$303,000.00 BARNSTABLE COUNTY EXCISE TAX BARNSTABLE COUNTY REGISTRY OF DEEDS Date:07-08-2021 @ 09:18am ct1':165 Doolt:45521 Fee:$927.18 Cons:$303,000.00 Bk 34278 Pg300 #45521 Containing 7.53 acres,more or less,and being shown as PARCEL 1 on a plan entitled,"Plan of Land in West Barnstable,Mass. Owned by Robert T.and Louise White,Scale 1 in.=80 ft.August 1,1963,Nelson Bearse-Richard Law,Surveyors,Centerville,MA", which said plan is filed in the Land Court in Boston as Petitioner's Plan No.33562A. The above-described premises are conveyed subject to and with the benefit of reservations,restrictions,rights,rights of way,covenants,appurtenances and easements of record insofar as the same are now in force and effect. The Grantors hereby release any and all homestead rights to the within premises,whether created by declaration or operation of law,and further states under the pains and penalties of perjury that there are no other individuals entitled to homestead rights to the property being conveyed herein. For our title see deed of Christopher D.Stout to Christopher D. Stout and Marsha R.Stout dated May 24,2002 and recorded on May 24,2002 with the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 15195 Page 118. Bk 34278 Pg301 #45521 Witness our hands and seals this ··fVt ~day of ~/'1 CHRIs(3lsrtt ,2021. MARSHA R.STOUT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BARNSTABLE,55. On this h'/11 day of '1wlfj,,2021,before me,the undersigned notary public,personally appeared CHRISTOPHER .D.STOUT and MARSHA R.STOUT,who proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification,consisting of a Massachusetts Driver's Licenses,to be the persons whose names are signed on the preceding or attached document,and acknowledged to me that they signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose. Notary My commission ,C).laura McDoweU·May~V Notary Public COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUsmS My Commission Expires Q 11/0612026 JOHN F.MEADE,REGISTER BARNSTABLE COUNTY REGISTRY OF DEEDS RECEIVED ,RECORDED ELECTRONICALLY