HomeMy WebLinkAbout0655 IYANNOUGH ROAD - Health l055 -�- a�ro�� mad - - � i l h. TOWN OF BARNSTABLE �THErO OFFICE OF i DAMSTAng BOARD OF HEALTH 0"& 367 MAIN STREET A s°o 16 9 ` HYANNIS, MASS. 02601 3 December 16, 190"0. Mr. Brian Gore Poly Services, Inc. 1001 Southbridge Street Worcester, Ma 01610 Dear Mr. Gore: You are granted conditional variances from the Board of Health Regulation requiring all commercial buildings to connect to Town sewer within 3,000 feet of sewer lines and from the Board of Health Interim Regulation limiting sewage flows to 330 gallons, per acre, per day, in designated zones of contribution to public supply wells. These variances will allow you to install onsite sewage disposal systems at the Christmas Tree Shopping Mall located at .Routes 132/Route 28, Hyannis, listed as parcels 2 and 8 on assessors map 311, with the following conditions: (1) . The septic system must be installed in strict accordance to the submitted plan. (2) The designing engineer must be onsite and supervise construction of the onsite' sewage disposal system and must certify in writing to the Board of Health that his design has been strictly adhered to prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance. (3) The building must be connected to public water. (4) No high volume water users will be allowed. This includes laundromats, dentists offices, beauty parlors, fitness centers, gymnasiums, food establishments, and other such usages as determined by the Board. (5) The following activities are not authorized at the property: A) Airplane, boat, and motor vehicle storage, service washing, and repair. B) Chemical and bacteriological laboratory operation C) Cabinet making D) Dry cleaning E) Electronic circuit assembly F) Metal plating, finishing, and polishing G) Motor and machinery service and assembly H) Painting, wood preserving, and furniture stripping I) Pesticide and herbicide application and storage J) Photographic processing K) Printing j L) Jewelry cleaning M) Any-activity involving the use of radioactive materials f Mr: Brian Gore Re: .Christmas Tree Shopping Mall Routes .132•and 28, Hyannis, Ma. December 16, 1988 r (6) The building must be connected to town sewer when the Board determines its availability. (7) This conditional variance expires January 1, 1990. This conditional variance is granted because the Department of Public Works Superintendent stated that the project would increase the treatment burden at the Wastewater Treatment Plant and the DPW is in the process of a two-year long Facilities Planning Investigation. Therefore, new buildings cannot be connected into the Town sewer. Also, the calculated total sewage flow will be no more than 371 gallons.per . acre per day on this 9.17 acre parcel. It is the opinion of the Board that the Installation of. onsite sewage disposal systems that comply with Title 5 and all other Town of Barnstable Health Regulations, will not significantly alter -the quality of the groundwater din the area. VK Very truly your , V• • 111-- Grover C. M. Parrish, M.D., Chairman Board of Health Town of Barnstable GF/bs Copy: Attorney Larry Murphy TOWN OF BARNSTABLE ypF THE��w y4,P�~ yp` OFFICE OF tB>H3 9TSBL • BOARD OF HEALTH i i 9�G MASS. 0°j 367 MAIN STREET 3 �1pMpTh HYANNIS, MASS. 02601 November 3, 1988 Mr. Joseph Daluz Mr. Joseph Bartell Building Department Town Hall Dear Sirs: The proposed Christmas Tree Shops building to be constructed at Route 132 and Route 28 Hyannis, Site Plan #52-88, dated October 11, 1988, does not meet the Town of Barnstable Board of Health Groundwater Protection Regulation. A variance would have to be granted from this regulation prior to any approval of the Site Plan. Sincerely yours, r_..• 7 �{yJ Thomas A. McKean Director of Public Health TM/cst Enclosure I Became affective September 8, 1983 attar puolica�iuu -L« LEM „a....�-��� - `� "It vision adopted September 16, 1986. Effective September 25, 1986 after publication in the Cape Cod Times. * INK ro` TOWN OF BARNSTABLE OFFICE OF !! tt i IARTITANU 7 .A•K BOARD OF HEALTH 1639' 367 MAIN STREET HYANNIS. MASS. 02601 GROUNDWATER PROTECTION ' The Board of Health, Town of Barnstable, Massachusetts, In accordance with, and under the authority granted by Section 31, of Chapter III, of the General Laws of the .Commonwealth of Massachusetts, hereby adopted the following rules and regulations after a public hearing at a meeting of the Board held on September 6, 1983. Revised at a Board' of Health meeting September 16, 1986. PURPOSE: The protection of groundwater In the..Town of Barnstable The ground resources of the Town of Barnstable are its sole source of water supply. It Is now known and demonstrable that public supply wells draw water from a substantial land area. It is known from experience that high density housing can over time cause serious deterioration of ambient groundwater by nitrate contamination. It has been proven that nitrate contamination in drinking water can be a serious public health problem. Calculations performed by Cape Cod Planning and Economic Development Commission indicate that individual residential housing.units placed on one acre parcels will produce the maximum recommended planning limit of 5 ppm. nitrate-nitrogen in groundwater.. Proposed subdivisions within 3,000 feet of a municipal sewer line shall connect all building lots in the subdivision to the Town sewer if any lots in the subdivision are less than one acre and are located within a Zone of Contribution to a public supply well. Zones of contribution will be determined by the Board of Health. All new multi-family dwellings within a Zone of Contribution to a public supply well within 3000 feet of a municipal sewer line shall connect to the public sewer. All new commercial structures within a Zone of Contribution to a public supply well within 3000 feet of a municipal sewer line shall connect to public sewer. outside of the Zones of Contribution to Public Supply Wells, any new construction on lots with sewage flow estimates exceeding 330 gallons, per day, per acre, as listed :n Regulation 15.02(13), of 310 CMR 15.00, Title 5, of the State Environmental Code, that are within 3000 feet of a sewer line shall be considered for mandatory connection to said line If the Board of Health determines that on-site sewage disposal systems may contribute to the degradation of the water quality of public or private wells, lakes, ponds, or coastal embayments and other watercourses. GROUNDWATER PROTECTION (continued) Page 2 VARIANCES to the regulation maybe granted by the Board of Health after a hearing during winch the applicant proves that the Installation of on-site sewage d4oposal system will not have a significant adverse effect on surface or subsurface public or private water resources. The Board In granting variances (will consider If strict .Interpretation of this regulation would do manifest Injustice to the appllcantl however, the applicant must demonstrate that the same degree of environmental protection required by this regulation can be achieved by other means. This re 01ation Is to take a fect on th ate of publication of this notice. j iiu Writ L. Childs tairman 1,�L C. I , AIT1,jY AS To FORM, �-- nn Jai a Eshbaugh lowrt C!• tn:^.I Grover C.M. Parrish, M. D. BOARD OF HEALTH TOWN OF BARNSTABLE TOW N OF BARNSTABLE OFFICE ,OF BOARD OF HEALTH 367 MAIN STREET HYANNIS, MA 02601 HEARING DECEMBER 12, 1988 Doreen Bilezikian, Trustee Route 132 Real Estate Trust, Applicant MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF VARIANCE REQUEST 1. Doreen Bilezikian, Trustee, Route 132 Real Estate Trust, of 261 White's Path, South Yarmouth, Massachusetts (02664) (the "Applicant") . 1. 1 The Applicant proposes for development the premises comprising 9. 1697 acres of land fronting on both Route 132 and Route 28 in the Village of Hyannis. shown on a plan dated 10/12/88, as revised November 16, 1988 and November 22, 1988 (Sheets 1-2) , entitled "SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLAN" drawn by Atlantic Design Engineers, Inc. , sheets 1 and 2 (the "Plan") . At the request of Mr. McKean, the Town of Barnstable Board of Health Agent, the Applicant has submitted plans by Design Services, Inc. , each dated 10/4/88 delineating the proposed location of buildings . and the , existing town sewer end lines in relation to the subject premises. The development of the premises, as generally set forth on the Plan, (the "Project") , will comprise a sixty-six thousand four hundred eighty (66,480) square foot retail dry goods store shopping plaza of which Christmas Tree Shops, Inc. , will occupy thirty-five thousand eight hundred and eighty (35,880) square feet. The proposed use of the Project breaks down into sixty-three thousand one hundred and fifty-six (63, 156) square feet of retail dry goods space and three thousand three hundred and twenty-four (3,324) square feet of appurtenant office space. The calculations submitted to the Town of Barnstable Board of Health (the "Board") by the Applicant's design engineers indicate that the Project, as proposed, exceeds all pertinent requirements of Massachusetts Code of Regulations (310 CMR 15) . The estimated g.p.d. of effluent to be generated from the proposed use based upon current Massachusetts Code of Regulations is 371 g.p.d. per acre. a. ) The proposed system is designed as follows: i) Applicant is constructing two (2) on-site subsurface disposal systems ("System All and "System B") which, based on the Project as proposed, will result in an aggregate nitrate-nitrogen concentration of less than 5 parts per million (4.82 parts per million) . 4 , ii) System A is a leaching galley system comprised of 3.51D X 101W X 301L galleys designed to handle 1000 gallons per day; and, pursuant to (310 CMR 15) the maximum proposed use for this system considering the Project use would be 943 gallons per day. iii) System B is a leaching galley system comprised of 41D X 141W X 721L galleys and is designed to handle 2594 gallons per day and pursuant to (310 CMR 15) , the maximum capacity for this system considering the project use will be 2464. 1 gallons per day.. iv) System A is designed 13 .24 feet above the groundwater table and System B is designed 11.69 feet above the existing groundwater table. 1.2 The Code of Massachusetts Regulations (310 CMR 15. 02) provide in pertinent part that no individual sewage disposal system or other means of sewage disposal shall be located, constructed, altered, repaired, or installed where a common sanitary sewer is accessible adjoining the property and where permission to enter such sewer can be obtained from the authority having jurisdiction over it; or, if a common sanitary sewer is not accessible, until a permit for its location, construction, alteration, repair, or installation shall have been issued by the Board of Health. 1. 3 The Applicant filed its Plan in order to obtain a disposal works construction permit for the proposed subsurface sewage disposal system to be constructed at the Project as delineated on the Plan. 1.4 The Board, pursuant to Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 111, Section 31 has adopted two regulations which may impact the Applicant's request for a disposal works construction permit as follows: a. ) Groundwater Protection Regulation, adopted September 6, 1983 ("the Groundwater Protection Regulation") , hereto attached as Exhibit "A". b. ) Interim Regulation for the Protection of Groundwater Quality within Zones of Contribution to Public Supply Wells, adopted February 19, 1985 (the "Interim Regulation") , hereto attached as Exhibit "B". 1.5 By virtue of the Town of Barnstable Charter, the Department of Public Works of the Town of Barnstable (the "Department") is the authority having jurisdiction over the common sanitary sewer within the Town of Barnstable. (Town of Barnstable Charter, Article XVI) . 2 1. 6 The Department adopted an "Interim Sewer Connection Policy April 1988, as revised May 18, 198811, (the "Policy") a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "C". The Department Policy provides in pertinent part, as follows: "A. Sewer System Extension Projects. Projects involving an extension to the sewer system, as it currently exists, shall be limited to those which: 1. Require approval to proceed from the Secretary of Environmental Affairs through e MEPA Process and have either been granted such approval or receive such approval of a request currently pending action by the Secretary, and the conditions, if any, placed on the approval to proceed can be accommodated, and 2. Have either been issued a DEOE and/or Town permit, or are issued a permit for an approved project which is currently pending such issuance. 3. All other projects involving an extension to the currently existing sewer system shall be disapproved. " (emphasis supplied) . 1.7 Your Applicant refers to the plan dated 11/4/88 filed with this Board delineating the current location of the Town of Barnstable sewer mains and suggests that reference to that plan will indicate that an extension of approximately 1, 000 feet of these sewer mains would be required in order to connect the premises to the .common sanitary sewer of the Town. 1. 8 No application for a "sewer permit" is pending with the Secretary of Environmental Affairs for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Environmental . Quality Engineering, or the Department. Accordingly, the Appellant avers that she is prohibited from obtaining an extension of the Town of Barnstable sewer to the Project as a result of the Policy. 1. 9 Further, even if no extension of the sewer were required, the Policy further provides, as follows: "B. Sewer Connection Projects. Projects requiring a new connection(s) to the sewer system as it currently exists for or to extensions thereof as is described in "A" above shall be limited to those which: 3 I t , 1. Require the approval of the Secretary of Environmental Affairs and such approval has been received or, in the case of those currently Pending his action, is received and the conditions, if any, placed on the approval can be accommodated. 2. Require the issuance of a permit from DEQE, and such hermit has been issued or, in the case of those currently pending action by DEOE is issued 3. Do not require approval of MEPA and/or DEQE or are not affected by any special conditions imposed on ----- ----- the system by either MEPA or DEQE and occupy property that is located in an area served by the sewer and its continued or future intended use is contingent on the owners complying with an order issued by the Board of Health. . . (Since the proposed system is to accommodate more than 2,000 gallons per day a DEQE permit would be required; All other requests involving a new connection to the sewer system shall be disapproved. " (emphasis supplied) . 1. 10 The only other sewer line in proximity to the Project is a private, forced-main line as to which (i) the Department has indicated it will not permit any additional connections, and (ii) the Applicant has no right of access to said line or to use of the private pumping station through which said main flows. Further pursuant to Section "B" of the Policy supra the Department will not permit such a connection. 2. The Groundwater Protection Regulation requires all new commercial structures within a zone of contribution to a public supply well within 3, 000 feet of a municipal sewer line to connect with the public sewer. 2 . 1 The Regulation indicates that the Board of Health is authorized to grant a Variance from the Regulation after Hearing, during which the Applicant proves, the following: a. ) That the installation of on-site sewerage disposal systems will not have a significant adverse effect on surface or subsurface private or public well resources. b. ) That a strict interpretation of the regulation would do manifest injustice to the Applicant, and c. ) That the same degree of environmental protection required by the regulation can be achieved by other means. 4 a 2.2 The express purpose of the foregoing regulation is to "avoid high density housing which can, over time, cause serious deterioration of -ambient groundwater by nitrate contamination". The regulation further states that calculations performed by Cape Cod Planning and Economic Development Commission indicate that housing units placed on one acre parcels will produce the maximum recommended planning limit of five carts per million nitrate- nitrogen in groundwater (emphasis supplied) . 2.2 . 1 With respect to the specific requirements for Variance from the Groundwater Protection Regulation, the Applicant avers as follows: - a.-) - The denial of -the--Applicant's request would result in manifest injustice to Applicant. (i) the Department of Public Works, as a result of a mandate imposed by the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering and the Secretary of Environmental Affairs, has adopted the Policy which will not permit the Applicant to extend and connect to the Town of Barnstable sewer, (ii) the Applicant is deprived of any economic use of this prime commercial property if the Board does not see fit. to allow this Variance request and permit the on-site disposal system substantially as proposed by the Applicant. (iii) The Policy of the Department was developed as a result of an alleged incapacity of the Town Wastewater Treatment Plant to accommodate additional sewage and not due to any condition arising as a result of Applicants proposed Project. b. ) The installation of an on-site sewerage disposal system at the Project, will not have a significant adverse effect on surface or subsurface, public or private resources and will result in the same degrees of environment protection as would result if Applicant were to connect to the Town sewer. i) all areas within one mile of the subject premises, and the subject premises itself, are served by public water supply mains, ii) the project is located at the southern periphery of the "Zone of Contribution" in which the Project is located, iii) the topography of the project flows in a southerly 5 direction away from the public supply wells for which the zones of contribution were established, iv) the nitrate-nitrogen calculations pertaining to the Project indicate a resultant nitrate-nitrogen discharge of 4.82 parts per million (ppm) , less than the 5 mg./1. maximum prescribed by the Cape Cod Planning and Economic Development Commission cited in the Regulation, v) the proposed leaching galley systems will be considerably above the groundwater table, vi) both systems are designed to handle a capacity in excess of that prescribed in (310 CMR 15.02) , vii) the Department Policy indicates that the Town of Barnstable Waste Water Treatment Facility on Bearse's Way in Hyannis is incapable of handling additional sewerage. Groundwater studies conducted for the Town have indicated that a plume has developed and is extending in a general southerly direction from the Waste Water Treatment Facility. The on-site system as proposed by the Applicant is over- designed and considerably above suggested minimum ground water limitations so as to produce a minimal impact on the groundwater and the general environment. 3 . Next, the Appellant refers to the Interim Regulation and admits that the Project lies within Zone 3 on the map entitled "Town of Barnstable Public Supply Wells Zone of Contribution" dated February 19, 1985. 3 . 1 However, for the following reasons the Applicant feels that the Interim Regulation should not prohibit the Project. a. ) The purpose clause of the regulation indicates that the "regulations are temporary and will be in effect only until the Town adopts a groundwater and water resource protection program" . The Applicant avers that pursuant to Town Meeting held November 7, 1987, the Town amended Chapter III, Article III of its Zoning By-Laws by inserting therein "Section 3- 5.2 Groundwater Protection overlay Districts" and at the same meeting amended Chapter III of its General By-Laws by adding at the end thereof, a ' new Article entitled "Regulation of Wastewater Discharge". The latter By-Law provides in pertinent part, Section 3, Standards 3-1 that the maximum allowable wastewater discharge within a zone of contribution should not exceed 380 gallons per acre per day. It would seem that the adoption of the Amendment to the Town Zoning By-Law and the Amendment to the General By-Laws of 6 d , the Town fulfill the express purpose for the adoption of the Interim Regulation thus obviating the Interim Regulation. b. ) The design engineer's nitrate-nitrogen calculations pertaining to the Project as shown on the Plan indicate a concentration of 4.82 parts per million, which amount is less than the maximum allowable discharge the 5 mg./1. prescribed in Section "A" of the Interim Regulation. The Regulation indicates that discharge shall be limited to 330 gallons per day "unless" the applicant demonstrates that the said concentration will not exceed 5 mg./l. . 3 .2 Accordingly, on the basis of the foregoing factors, the Applicant believes that no request for Variance from the Interim Regulation is necessary. 3 . 3 If the Board deems that a Variance is necessary, the Applicant must demonstrate, as follows: a. ) Connection to Town sewer is not available. b. ) Enforcement of the regulation would do manifest in justice; and further, that the installation of on-site sewerage disposal system would not have a significant adverse effect on surface or sub-surface public or private water resources. c. ) In its deliberations the Board shall consider direction of ground water flow, population, density, soil conditions, .depth to ground water, size, shape and slope of the Lot, existing and known future water supplies. 3 . 3 . 1 With respect to the specific requirements for Variance from the Interim Regulation, the Applicant avers, as follows: a. ) A town sewer connection is not obtainable (see 111.5" through "1. 10", supra) . b. ) Enforcement of the regulation would do manifest injustice to the Applicant for the following reasons: (i) the Department of Public Works, as a result of a mandate imposed by the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering and the Secretary of Environmental Affairs, has adopted the Policy which will not permit the Applicant to extend and connect to the Town of Barnstable sewer, (ii) the Applicant is deprived of any economic use of this prime commercial property if the Board does not see fit to allow this Variance request and permit the on-site disposal system substantially as proposed by the Applicant. 7 The Policy of the Department was developed as a result of an alleged incapacity of the Town Wastewater Treatment Plan to accommodate additional sewage and not due to any condition arising as a result of Applicants proposed Project. c. ) Considering the factors suggested for review by the Board, installation of the proposed on-site subsurface disposal system will not have a significant adverse effect on existing or known future on surface or subsurface public or private water resources. - i) --all-areas within one mile of the sub 'ect� premises, and the subject premises itself, are served by public water supply mains; ii) the project is located at the southern periphery of the "Zone of Contribution" in which the Project is located; iii) the topography of the project flows in a southerly direction away from the public supply wells for which the zones of contribution are established; iv) the nitrate-nitrogen calculations pertaining to the Project indicate a resultant nitrate-nitrogen discharge of 4.82 parts per million, less than the 5 mg./l. maximum prescribed by the Cape Cod Planning and Economic Development Commission cited in the Regulation, v) the proposed septic systems will be considerably . above the groundwater table, vi) both systems are designed to handle a capacity in ' excess of that prescribed in (310 CMR 15. 02) , vii) the Department Policy indicates that the Town of Barnstable Waste Water Treatment Facility on Bearse's Way in Hyannis is incapable of handling additional sewerage. Groundwater studies conducted for the Town have indicated that a plume has developed and is extending in . a general southerly direction from the Waste Water Treatment Facility. The on-site system as proposed by the Applicant is over- designed so as to produce a minimal impact on the groundwater and the general environment and avoid increases the load on the existing municipal facility unless and until it is designed and improved to accept the effluent discharged from the Project. 8 4. Based on the foregoing facts and documentation, it is the Applicant's request that the Board determine as follows: 4. 1 That the facts and documentation contained in this memorandum and pertaining to the Project are sufficient to allow the Board to approve the request for Variance from the Groundwater Protection Regulation pursuant to the Plan referred to in 1. 1 of this Memorandum and said Variance is so granted for construction of the subsurface disposal system for the Project as shown on the Plan. 4 .2 That on the basis of the facts and documentation contained in this Memorandum and pertaining to the Project the_.Applicant does not need a Variance from -the Interim Regulation since it has expired. 4 .3 That on the basis of the facts and documentation contained in this Memorandum and pertaining to the Project the Applicant does not need a Variance from the Interim Regulation since the concentration of nitrate-nitrogen in groundwater resulting from the Project will not exceed 5 mg./1. as prescribed in the Regulation. 4 .4 That the facts and documentation contained in this memorandum and pertaining to the Project are sufficient to approve_ the - request for Variance from the Interim Regulation pursuant to the Plan referred to in 1.1 of this Memorandum and said Variance is so granted for construction of the subsurface disposal system for the Project as shown on the Plan. 4 . 5 That upon submission of properly engineered plans substantially in the form of the design set forth on the Plan and stamped by a Registered Professional Engineer, the appropriate filing of the application and upon payment of the prescribed fee the Board will issue a disposal works construction permit for the Project pursuant to the Plan so as to permit construction of the disposal system delineated on the Plan. Res -ectfully Submitted, oreen Bileziki By He Attorney 7o/ Henry L. Murphy, (�� syml\hlm\12-12-88 No. 7 9 hoeca:_o. erieccive ;DepcemoCr O, LVO-), nLLcl uc�.i6 ruin+-�•• TOWN OF ARNSTAHLE VINE TO .. y OFFICE OF a"='T-Ln BOARD OF HEALTH 'moo rb IL 9• �e� 367 MAIN STREET �a W"1} HYANNtS, MASS . o26ot GROUND WATER PROTECTION The Board of Health, Town of Barnstable, Massachusetts, in accordance with, and under the authority granted by Section 31, of Chapter 111, of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, hereby adopted the following rules and regulations after a public hearing at a meeting of the Board held on Septem- ber 6, 1983. PURPOSE: The protection of ground water in -the Town of Barnstable - -.--------- The ground resources of the Town of Barnstable are its sole source of water supply. It is now known and demonstrable that public supply wells draw water Y. from a substantial land area. It is known from experience that high density housing can over time cause serious deterioration of ambient groundwater by nitrate contamination. It has been proven that nitrate contamination in drinking water can be a -serious public health problem. Calculations performed by Cape Cod Planning and Economic Development Commis- sion .indicate that housing units vlaced on one acre yarcels will produce the maximum recommended planning Limit off ypm• nitrate-nitrogen in ground- . water. - Proposed subdivisions within 3,000 feet of a municipal sewer line shall connect all building lots in the subdivision to the Town sewer if any lots in the subdivision are less than one acre and are .located within a zone of contribution to a public supply well. Zones of. contribution will. be determined by the Board of Health.. All new multi-family dwellings within a zone of contribution to a public supply well within 3000 feet of a municipal sewer line shall connect to the public sewer. All new commercial structures within a zone of contribution to a public supply well within 3000 feet of a municipal sewer line shall connect to public sewer. Outside of the Zones of Contribution to Public Supply Wells, any new construc- tion on lots of less than 1 acre that are within 3000 feet of a sewer line 3 shall be considered for mandatory connection to said line if the Board of }++ Health determines that onsite sewage disposal systems will contribute to the degradation of the water quality of private wells, lakes; ponds or coastal embayments. VARIANCES to the regulation may be granted by the Board of Health after a hearing ;.i during which the applicant proves that the installation of onsite sewage disposal '3 systems will not have a significant adverse affect on surface or subsurface public or private water resources. The Board in granting variances will consider if strict interpretation of this regulation would do manifest injustice to the applicant; however, the applicant must demonstrate that the same degree of environmental protection required by this regulation can be achieved by other means. i latio is td take effect on the .date of publication of this notice. R db ert L. Childs, hairm Ann Ja augh i - H% F.• Irige, M`D. BOARD OF HEALTH' TOWN OF BARNSTABLE APPROVED AS'TO Asst. Town Counsel Ni i .. l r� PATRIOT " '+ . �i •�i THE Tpy ) /"�.: .: TOWN OF BARNSTABLE d 2 OFFICE OF CIO](,.n:7•Z-1 RT. . BOARD OF H EA LT H °° i6J9• �'� 367 MAIN STREET o WhI HYANNIS, MASS.02601 LEGAL NOTICE I FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE GROUNDWATER QUALITY • WITHIN ZONES OF CONTRIBUTION TO PUBLIC SUPPLY WELLS The Board of Health, Town of Barnstable, Massachusetts, in accordance with and under the au- thority granted by Section 31, of Chapter 111, of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, hereby adopted the following rules and regulations after a public hearing at a meeting of the Board held on February 19, 1985: PURPOSE The initial findings of a townwide hydrogeologic investigation indicate that a substantial portion_ .4 of the Town's water supply may be in jeopardy from the long term build-up of nitrate-nitrogen, a primarily from the subsurface discharge of sewage effluent. It has been proven that nitrate contamination in drinking water can be a serious public health problem. Based on these findings, three of the nine zones of contribution to public supply wells are considered to be "at risk" zones requiring. immediate measures to mitigate the adverse impacts to the groundwater from such. discharges. These regulations are temporary and will be in effect only until the Town adopts a ground water and water resource protection program. RESTRICTIONS No permit for the construction of an individual sewage disposal system shall be granted within the zones of contribution to public supply, wells identified as zones.1, 2, and 3n a map entitled, A "Town of Barnstable, Public Supply Wells Zone of Contribution, dated FeB-r—uary 19, 1985, and �+ prepared by SEA Consultants, Inc., Boston, Ma., which-map is on file with the Board of Health, unless the following standards are met: A. The maximum allowable.discharge of sanitary selvage shall not exceed 330 gallons per acre per day unless the applicant demonstrates that the total concentration of nitrate-nitrogen' in.-the groundwater resulting from'-the proposed- use will not exceed 5 mg./1. This determi- nation shall .consider the total predicted concentration of nitrate-nitrogen at the down gradient property line of the lot upon which the proposed use is to be located. B. Nothing in this regulation shall prohibit the approval by the Board of Health of any appli- cation involving the maintenance, repair or alteration of an existing individual sewage disposal system, providing that said application does not involve a change of use as defined by existing Board of Health regulations. Where a change of use is involved, the applicant must demonstrate compliance with this regulation. Variance to this regulation may be granted by the Board of.,•Health only if the applicant can demonstrate that: 1. Connection to Town sewer is not available; and 2. That enforcement thereof would do. •manifest.injustice; however, the applicant must prove that the installation of on-site sewage disposal systems will not have a significant adverse effect on surface or sub-surface public or private water resources. :-ri ��• . N:L'r l�1M• tCbti U LA'1'JUN (Continued) In granting variances, the Board shall take into consideration the direction of the ground water i flow, population density, soil conditions, depth to ground water, size, shape and slope of the Iot existing and known future water supplies and other information deemed pertinent. ' Thi re Iation is to take fect on the date of publication of this notice. f bert L. C ds, C ai ma Ann Ja e 'Eshbaugh .APPR A T - rover •77. varr BOARD'OF HEALTH Town Coc,. sal TOWN OF BARNSTABLE i 5 .h• • 3 I TOWN OF BARNSTABLE INTERIM SEWER CONNECTION POLICY APRIL I988 AS REVISED MAY I8, I988 Whereas the Secretary of Environmental Affairs has ordered that the Town of Barnstable prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) under the provisions of the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) before the Town proceeds to implement the recommendations of the 1987 Wastewater Management Plan and whereas_ that order prohibits the increase in volume of sewage to be treated at the Wastewater Treatment facility (WWTF) and whereas the effectiveness of the nitrification/denitrification process currently employed by the WWTF will be substantially reduced, if not destroyed, with any appreciable increase in volume of sewage, the following Interim Sewer Connection Policy is established by the Barnstable Department of Public Works. - A. Sewer Syste--------------------------- m Extension Projects_ Projects involving an extension to the sewer system, as it.currently exists, shall be limited to those which: <a I. Require approval to proceed from the Secretary of Environmental Affairs through the MEPA process and have either been granted such approval or receive approval of a request currently pending action by the Secretary, and the conditions, if any, placed on the approval to proceed can be accommodated, and 2. Have either been issued a DEQE and/or Town permit or are issued a permit for an approved project which is currently pending such issuance. All other projects involving an extension to the currently existing sewer system ;.y, shall be disapproved. - z - B. Sewer Connection Projects. Projects requiring a new connection(s) to the sewer system as it currently exists or to extensions thereof as is described in "A" above shall be limited to those.which: 1. Require the approval of the Secretary of Environmental Affairs and such approval has been received or, in the case of those currently pending his action, is received and the conditions, if any, placed on the approval can-be accommodated_ ---..-.--- -- -- - — ------_--- Z. Require the issuance of a ,permit from DEQE, and such permit has been issued or, in the case of those currently pending action by DEQE, is issued.. 3. -Do not require approval of MEPA and/or DEQE or are not effected by any special conditions imposed on the system by either MEPA or DEQE and occupy property that is located in' an area served by the sewer and its continued or future intended use is contingent .s on the owners complying with an order issued by the Board of Health to connect to the.sewer -or, in the case of' properties located in Area 5 (Southeast Hyannis), are specifically authorized to connect to the sewer in order to provide a volume of wastewater flow sufficient to ensure proper operation of the system. All other requests involving a new connection ta-the sewer system shall be disapproved. C.' Increased Sewage Discharge_ Projects involving a change in use of a property, either connected to the sewer or located in an area served by the existing - 3 - sewer system requiring connection as a condition of approval by the Board of Health, which will result in a volume of wastewater beyond reasonable limits (25 percent) of the higher of either that being discharged under the current use or that which could be expected under current zoning shall not be allowed. D. Water Conservation Measures. In addition to any conditions imposed by either the Secretary of Environmental Affairs or DEQE, Town level approval of projects shall be conditioned on the use of water saving devices. The •y only exception to this requirement shall pertain to existing residential y structures which are under or come under order- of the Board of Health to connect to the sewer system as outlined in "B.3." above. However, owners of structures in this category shall be encouraged to install such devices. It must be recognized that beyond the present constraints applied by way of the MEPA EIR process, a finite capacity to dispose of sewage effluent from the Wastewater Treatment plant exists and that the probability of accommodating sewage volume- in.excess of that stated in the Town's Draft Groundwater Discharge Permit (4.2 mgd) is unlikely. A significant increase in the sand filter bed area or the inclusion W of another form of effluent disposal is required in order to expand the plant's capacity_ Given this constraint, and a far more sophisticated understanding of the need to protect the Town's public water supply and to eliminate threats to the public health caused by failing on-site systems, the sewer service area called for in the 1987 Wastewater Management Plan is significantly reduced from that which was envisioned in a predecessor plan developed in 1971. The attached "Wastewater Flow 'Allocations" chart shows the Plan's projected assignment of the W WTF's maximum allowed capacity. The development of a town-wide Sewer Facilities Plan is about to begin under i the: direction of the Massachusetts DEQE. Among the more critical issues which 3 it will address are the effluent disposal Iimitations described a groundwater contaminacion potential at the WWTF, above and the attendant The PIan may provide the.answe • to expanding .the faciIity's rscapacity; however, it could also tat on Its use_ Although the probability of this Place further restrictions r. y occurring is not known at this time, property owners should be aware of this y . possibility and should not assume that sewer dischar e upon the permits will be issued at will u g completion of the EIR or the Facilities plan. Furthermore, notwithstandin cag the Plan's determination regarding the WW allowable s maximum pacify, is the TFt likelihood that significant improvement called for in the s_exPected -to be -- --- --- -- Plan will have to be implemented before it is authorized to beyond the volume of sewage currently being treated. g° much L Iyanough Road HY A=331-2 & 8 Xmas Tree comm., V DATE PERFORMED: SEPT. 26, 1988 T PERFORMED BY: GUILD DRILLING COINC LEGEND BORE HOLE DATA L . ., iN GROUND WATER: NONE ENCOUNTERED W/EXCEPTION OF B-5 ® 24' (ELEV ;28) AFTER 1 4 HRS. B6 0'-1.5 MED. TO FINE SAND, TRACE 0 R =� '- N & SILT TRACE OF ROOTS N A E F COARSE SAND & FINE TO MED. GRAVEL �, B� 0 1.5 FINE SAND 4.5 -6 FINE TO MED. SAND & MED. TO FINE GRAVEL EXISTING UTILITY POLE 4.5 -5.5 FINE SAND,_TRACE TO SOME FINE TO MED. GRAVEL 9.5',11' FINE TO MED. SAND, TRACE OF COARSE SAND & FINE GRAVEL S EXISTING SEWER LINE - 9.5 -11 FINE SAND, LITTLE MEDIUM SAND 14.5 -16' FINE TO MED. SAND TRACE OF COARSE SAND - oHW - EXISTING OVERHEAD WIRES m° 14.5'-16' FINE SAND, TRACE OF REDDISH BROWN FINE SAND, TRACE FINE TO MED. GRAVEL k;... BOTTOM OF BORING 16' BOTTOM OF BORING 16 ❑ EXISTING CATCH BASIN' a e2 0 -1.5 FINE SAND, LITTLE SILT, TRACE OF COARSE SAND & FINE TO MED. GRAVEL e7 0'-1.5 FINE SAND & SILT, TRACE OF MED. SAND B4 BORE HOLE LOCATION & NO. . 4.5 -6 FINE SAND, TRACE OF REDDISH BROWN FINE SAND, SOME FINE TO MED. GRAVEL -4.5 5.6 FINE SAND, TRACE TO SOME MED. TO COARSE SAND & FINE TO MED. GRAVEL 0 TP2 TEST PIT LOCATION & NO. 9.5 -9.9 FINE SAND, SOME FINE TO COARSE GRAVEL 9.5'-11' FINE TO MED. SAND & GRAVEL , 14.5'-16' FINE SAND, LITTLE MED. SAND, TRACE OF FINE GRAVEL ' 14.5 -16 FINE TO MED. SAND TRACE OF COARSE SAND & FINE GRAVEL EXISTING LIGHT POLE - ° BOTTOM of BORING 16' Z EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT BOTTOM OF BORING 16 Bs 0'-1.5 FINE SAND, LITTLE SILT & FINE GRAVEL, TRACE OF COARSE SAND PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT m %.. B3 0'-1.5' FINE SAND & SILT, TRACE OF COARSE SAND FINE. 4.5 6 � I E TO COARSE SAND & FINE TO MED. GRAVEL: q- PROPOSED CONTOURS 4.5 -6 FINE SAND, TRACE OF COARSE TO MED. SAND, ROOTS & FINE GRAVEL 9.5 -11 FINE SAND R 9.5 -11 FINE TO MED. SAND, TRACE TO LITTLE FINE TO MED. GRAVEL 145'-16' FINE SAND, .LITTLE COARSE TO MED SAND & GRAVEL - . . . EXISTING CONTOURS BOTTOM OF BORING 11 BOTTOM OF BORING 16 , ,. PROPOSED GATE VALVE ea 0'-1.5 FINE .SAND & SILT, TRACE OF ROOTS Bs 0'-1.5 FINE TO MED. SAND, TRACE OF COARSE SAND & FINE GRAVEL T GRAVEL, TRACE O COARSE SAND 4,5'-6' FINE SAND CB 7 ;,- - 4.5 -5.4 FINE SAND, SOME FINE 0 COARSE G A F C A # - ' '- ' FINE TO MED. 'SAND TRACE TO SOME MED." TO COARSE GRAVEL 9.5'-11' FINE SAND, TRACE OF COARSE SAND & FINE GRAVEL PROPOSED CATCH BASIN 14.5 -16 FINE SAND 14.5'-16' FINE SAND, TRACE OF COARSE TO MED. SAND & FINE GRAVEL WITH 'DRAINAGE LEACHING PIT - BOTTOM OF BORING 16 BOTTOM OF BORING 16, DMH _•. z : 85 0'-1.5' FINE SAND, SOME SILT O PROPOSED DRAINAGE MANHOLE 4.5 -6 FINE TO MED. SAND, TRACE OF FINE GRAVEL } 14.5'-16' FINE TO MED. SAND, LITTLE COARSE SAND, FINE GRAVEL PROPOSED ' OVERHEAD LIGHT_ r k; 19.5 -21 FINE TO '.MED. SAND '- N FINE GRAVEL VARIABLE HEIGHT CURB 24.5 26 FINE TO MED. SAND, -TRACE OF SILT, COARSE SAND & F N PROPOSED GAS AND WATER LINES .� . PROPOSED WALL MOUNTED LIGHT 29.5'-31' FINE TO MED. SAND, LITTLE SILT & COARSE SAND TO MEET EXISTING EXISTING 10" N GRADES WATER LINE r BOTTOM OF BORING 31 CONC. WALL HEIGHT s, EXISTING OVERHEAD WIRES s EXISTING 8 VA IES 0 - 2.5' y. FORCE R _ AND UTILITY POLE TO BE EXISTING CURB CB#21 c� MAIN TO REMAIN � co < : EXISTING PAVEMENT AND UTILITIES RELOCATED AND APRON TO RIM EL.= tn TO REMAIN INTACT FOR 40' INTO PROPERTY LO BE REMOVED T) 51.99 / ' EXISTING CHAIN LINK ao o 52 GAS GATE TO BE REMOVED a `r „W ter• ICB 2 GAS /$ EXISTING CATCH BASIN = B1hL E1-• - S S _--- - - S S N Z- OS 0 W S OADt z N 15 3.75 r5375 5 .75 53.75 CB#2 _ x z BP M . rn � CB 3 B#4 L.= �.� B7 C3, = C h M RIM EL RIM EL Rite 51:50 5 x �., MARRY INTO �, p p 0 51. n� ; 44 8 STORM 47.5 B9 EXISTING DRIVE. � � J r, E CT L CATION CB 22 oP` LEACH # F LINE \ EL. R 0 WATER L N \ RIM PIT T 2 5 ^,G TU TO B YP / 3.7 49.17 ► " •, • V RI ED IN HE S N :u N 5 C'D Fi D RIOR 0 0 5 0 J T 1 Z 0 Y co r ucTloN P SYSTEM A 00 • 6 SECTION 52 1g G # = ALLEY I RI EL.= 1500 GAL 1 FINISHED �00R .. \ SYSTE � .85 ,. SEPTIC TA K :. .- ., 2 52 25 / __ _ _u v -IOC 5 0 ._ - EX,sT,NG _ w�w _. _ E L E A T 4. 0 _. ,.. 12 WATER -D BOX ." 8 _ o LINE C _ 5 B _ .r 46 # Z _ IM EL._ 1 I �. CB 8 • EXISTING .r - 43.00 # SYSTEM B CB 6 � UTILITY B4 POLE 0 i EL 52.50 52x25 ., 5 \ - I co TO 0 .. RIM -- ... 44.80 BS N u� BE RELOCATED . , .... .00 � 16 SECTION G � .. cB 9 .:� GALLEY SYSTEM z y�5 EXISTING _. .,i € � � ... ......... .. .. .... RIM EL.= '1, :.•:.. . .. .... ... ... ..... G GUARD 5 f ER RAIL TO BE REMOVED .. ......... .. 47.50 _ RES O 0 ( 0 10 g D-BOX _ 3� 1 Z g .. .... Ili, ........ �7 50 �1 EXISTING - . ........ � 4000 GAL N 52 .. ...... y f�. �23 UTILITY POLE TO BE RELOCATED C 7 -''- SEPTIC TANK N Z yyv RI ...: ...... .... 43.50 3.5 -, 53x � 0 :I 5�x - x50 24 �' , i rt P 52x T 3 N , .- °. COND IT OR CB 10 2x� 52 4 . FUTUR P SSIB E # 52x70 C;B#18 ., RIM EL _ TRAFFIC LI TS / - 43.50 5i0.60L _.- CB 16 z P R OP O D � / E.S # SIGN \ R y RIM EL w B1 w _ CATCH BASIN 8 50.70ot rn Q (TYP) 52 M _ '� B3 4$ CB 15 r_D a 51x80 B2 5 x1 RIM EL.= CB 14 ,_ / /+ RIM EL. i � �' •, I �. • � 50 CB 11 # �0.60 # CB#13 RIM EL'= ♦ 50.40 `r CB 1 / - 2 4 RIM EL. # 2 RIM EL. N 50.40 O 46.5 RIM E - 50.40CD 48.70 cv V' o r T I N EXACT LOCATION 01, c� • *J 12 WATER LINE EXISTING NE I N IN ROUTE 28 LAYOUT TO w,. . BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 52x50 , .. LIGHTING NOTES 2x1 52 � LIGHTING INTENSITY • . 30 FOOT POLE 400 WATT PER UNIT µ CURB HEIGHT CURB HEIGHT VARIES TO MATCH 0.5 FOOT CAN T T OUT -:. F 0 CANDLE A 50 F00 O EXISTING GRADE h VARIES TO MATCH 10 FOOT CANDLE AT BASE EXISTING GRADE ,. NOTE. � r �. LIGHTING BOLLARDS TO BE LOCAT ED .. . II W F FOR FOOT LIGHTING IN FRONT OF TH S DRA INS IS INTENDED OR PERMITTING -` � BUILDING AT FINAL BUILDING :DESIGN PURPOSES Of LY AND IS NOT TO BE USED • _ STAGE FOR CONSTROCTION = ' Of 664SEPA .. Designed by SCALE Kp �� - Sheen of '. � � ,.��, ., ■ Drawn b ,��I CIV CHRISTMAS TREE SHOPS -� 1 2 >F..� � SUBSU F : I . _ � . ,., � , RACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL . . Checked b .�m.... . _ _ y 40 0 20 40 ass ;Y: � 2 11 22 88 CHANGED TO GALLEY SYSTEM ain IC DESIGN ENGINEERS INC. HYANNI S MASSACHUSETTS JOB NUMBER _ _ PLAN r _ .Field survey chk. by ��`�•�:y 1 11 16 88 REVISED ELEVATIONS LICENSE N0. at 10 12 �' 66 g P.O. Box 1051 , Sandwich, MA 02563 508 888 9282 Approved b e / / NO. DATE REVISION 4 C ) Y f l a .�. , H SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN 18" DIAMETER COVER GPD SEPTIC SYSTEM A: REQUIRED PROVIDED FFL = 54.00 SEE DETAIL 'A' SYSTEM A 3 5 DIIAMETER - BELOW KNOCKOUTS DAILY FLOW CAPACITY - FINISHED GRADE MIN. 2% SLOPE MANHOLE COVER TO BE BROUGHT TO 4" 17480 SF RETAIL a 5GPD/100SF 874 GPD „ FINISHED GRADE - - ® _ _ � 920 SF OFFICE @ 75GPD 1000SF 69 GPD _ 6 SUMP ® ® � _ ® ® _ _ _ = � _ _ _ ® 943 GPD ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® P S=.02 ® ® ® _ _ _ ® _ _ ® _ ® S=.01 _ !FF ' = ® ® -3 1�2„ ® ® ® ® ® 4'-0" ® ® _ � SEPTIC TANK - S=.005 __ MIN. 2 LAYER OF 3" WALLS = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ® 943 GPD X 1 . T° \ 1 _ _ ® _ _ _ ® e® 5 1414.5 1500 50.00 49.72 49.47 /8 TO 1 2 PEASTONE _ _ _ _ _• ® ® K_ INV. IN INV. OUT 49.23 . ._ � �' ® � � � INV. ® � ® ® ® - - LEACHING GALLEY - D►PST. ° o00 4;-0" I 4'-0 49.40 INV. OUT 49.14 ® ® � �--- 4 -6 -, , BOX 2, 5 DdAMETER 3.5 D X 10 W X 30 L 943 GPD 1000 GPD 1500 GALLON INV. IN INV. IN m m 3/4" - 1 1 /2" DIA. END SECTION 14 SEPTIC TANK ® ® ® ® ® Q000\ i KNOCKO)UTS 7 18 WASHED STOI�JE ALL (H20 LOADING) 3.5 � �� � � ® � � ® ® = _ AROUND _ _ = _® � ® ® ® : °. � SEPTIC SYSTEM B : 4'-0" T � � m ® ® ® ® ® ® '. 3" MIN. ® o ® ® 4'-0" DAILY FLOW CAPACITY - • °. I = _ ® _ o °. - BOTTOM AT ELEV. 45.64 I = ® _ ® 45676 SF RETAIL @ 5GPD 100SF 2283. 8 GPD _ ® ® ® 2404 SF OFFICE @ 7 5 G P D 1 0 0 0 S F 180. 2 G P D 6 MIN. " MIN. 3 40 3' 4:-0:;---) I- 4'-0= 2 -� - ---4 -6 -� 2464 GPD i SEPTIC TANK 10 NO WATER TO ELEV. 32.40, - CENTER SECTION 2464 GPD X 1 .5 3696 4000Y, -10" MIN. 14 MIN. LEACHING GALLEY TYPICAL PRECAST GALLEY DETAIL 4 D X 12 W X 72 L 2464 GPD 2544 GPD TY PICAL_ WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEM .DETAIL 'A' - (NOT To SCALE) NOT TO - SCALE tl TEST PIT DATA TP-1 TOP EL. 44. 40 TP 2 TOP EL. 45. 00 TP 3 TOP EL. 52. 20 3 TOP & T 3 TOP & 3 TOP & f SUBSOIL SUBSOIL SUBSOIL 69 f _ SANDY GRAVEL 5 C0 SAND., ... 4 ARSE _. HIV _UL LE GRA VEL N N 141 „ COARSE R N 0 SE SAND _. FF = 54.00 r L SEE DETAIL A _. SYSTEM B BELOW FINISHED 72 COARSE SAND W .... . . GRADE / . MANHOLE COVER TO BE BROUGHT TO 96 COARSE SAND TRACE OF GRAVEL MIN. 2� SLOPE . ��- G AVEL _ FINISHED GRADE 6,, SUMP -- S=.02 S=.01 S=.005 50.00 �- 48.55 BOT. EL. 32.40 BOT. EL. 33.00 BOT. EL. - 40.20 INV. IN 48.80 INV. OUT INV. IN 48.23 \ MIN. 2 LAYER OF Y DIST. _ INV. OUT 48.09 48.40 BOX INV. IN 1 /8„ TO 1 /2" PEASTONE 4000 GALLON V. IN ® I ® ® ® 10 SEPTIC TANK 15 o- � m ® °. - (H20 LOADING) 27 ® ® ® ® - 20" 3/4„ _ 1 1 /2„ DIA. -.. 3,� MIN. ,, � o. WASHED STONE ALL - 4 0 ® ® ® ® M M � M ® AROUND �� �� 12„ . 01 L i® m ® BOTTOM AT ELEV. 44.09;. � 6 MIN -- -_ 2 MIN O,o 0 0. °, o- •o- . o- -o.o �� � jr555 DIA., IA. OUTLETS IINLET 4' 4'-0" 4' 2 WALLS ��-10" MIN. 14 2.5" TT 12 MIN. _ PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS NO WATER TO ELEV. 32,40 DATE TEST PERFORMED: SEPTEMBER 28 1988 DETAIL A TEST PERFORMED BY: DESIGN SERVICES, INC. � 10.5" - WITNESSED BY: GERRY DUNNING • x r , GROUND WATER: NONE ENCOUNTERED AT ALL PITS . PERCOLATION RATE: 2 MIN. INCH @ ALL TEST PITS TYPICAL WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEM 4„ 2„ 5„ NOT TO SCALE TYPICAL 5 OU TLET _ DISTRIBUTION BOX DETAIIL NOT TO SCALE) �% OF ®� DWG: 664SEP2 Designed by Sheet of SCALE ■ Drawn by ��. CHRI STMAS TREE SHOPS 2 2 1„ - 4 0' ®��'���stE� � SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL Checked by C.1710" S�m�rAl ECG 40 0 20 40 2 11-22-88 CHANGED 'TO GALLEY SYSTEM ticint IC DESIGN ENGINEERS INC. HYANNI S MASSACHUSETTS JOB NUMBER 4 � Field survey chk. by 1 11-16-88 REVISED ELEVATIONS PLAN ..ter LICENSE N0. Date 10 12 88 664 P.O. Box 1051 , Sandwich, MA 02563 (508) 888 9282 Approved by . I E / / NO. DATE REVISION I SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN - TITLE V SEWAGE\SYSTEM AS BUILT - TITLE V_ MUNICIPAL' SEWAGE SYSTEM - 6 " Pvc PIPE-' AS BUILT' ' MUNICIPAL ' SEWAGE SYSTEM PRESSURE TEST- 5/3/'8' 9 9: 45 A.M. PM. BY INVERT 7 THOMAS E. KELLEY, P E. (L INVERT L, DISTANCE SLOPE REQUIRED DED SYSTEM STRUCTURE IN OUT STRUCTURE DIFF ELEV SEPTIC SYSTEM . A PROVI A SEPTIC TANK SMH- 1 48.38 STATION DAILY FLOW CAPACITY MINUTES PRESSURE/LBS RESULTS 1500 GAL. 1.75 123' 0. 014 17,480 SF ,RETAiL a,, 5 GPD1100 SF 874 GPD SMH N2 I - Ns 2 14 11 NO DROP 2 46.63 FFICr- , a 75 GPD /iOOO SF 69 GPD DIST BOX. 48. 10 47.93 920 SF Or r- 1.94 12 7' 0.015 SMH N22- Ne 3 10 5 NO DROP 943 GPD NORTH I GALLEY 3 44.69 SMIH N2 3 - N2 4 18 10 , NO DROP -SEPTIC TANK a COVER 47.20 2.00 137 0. 015 GPD XJ5 1,414.5 17500 SOUTH GALLEY 4 42.69 SMH N24 - N2 6 9 NO DROP SMH N26 - PIPE END 20 LEACHING GALLEY a ;COVER 47. 10 5 48.96 9 NO DROP 3.5' D X 10 W X 3dL 943 GPD 17000 GPD 4 42.69 4.51 307' 0.015 SEPT I C , SYSTEM B . B SEPTIC TANK 6 38. 18 4000 GAL.- 48.80 48.57 2.99 23 If 0.013 DAILY FLOW CAPACITY PIPE END 35. 19 BOX 48.09 47.70 DIST 45,676 -SF RETAIL a 5 GPD/100 SF 2,283.8 GPD 2,404 SF OFFICE a 75 GPD/1000 SF - 180.2 GPD NORTH GALLEY 2,464 GPD a .COVER 47.28 SEPTIC TANK 31696 4,000 CENTRAL GALLEY 27464 GPD X 1.5 a COVER 47.35 - LEACHING GALLEY SOUTH GALLEY 4D X 12' W X 72 L 21464 GPD 2,544 GPD a COVER 47.40 C:� SMH womm'"' PIPE END INV 35. 19 FIN13H FLOOR ELEVATION 52.00 N.A.V D. SMH Ne 'I (L INV. 48.38 -SYS]- 0 c\j SMH N2. 2 a- INV. 46.6 J SYSTEM A SMH N2 5 TIES (L INV 48.96 SMH No 3 SMH NO 6 SMH No- 4_ s Ys TEM Br (L INV 44.69 55 4 , SYSTEM B , (L INV 318. 18 (L INV 42-69 COVERS Of TIES 3 7- 6 PVC SS a 0.015 G BELOW GRADE oil - 137 6 Pvc a SEE DEM IL A COVERS 4" SS b 0.015 BELOW GRADE ro RIGHT CQ SEE DEML 8 ro LEFT ETAI L A D '/DETAIL B NOT, TO' SCALE NOT TO SCALE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON THE SEPTIC, SEWAGE S BY,,* FOR TH IS PROJECT 'SEE THE FOLLOWI N G PLAN 7 GOODMAN ASSOC I ATES ' A PLAN N2 SUBJECT � ' S- 11 S- 16 - SEWAGE a DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DETAILS S-15 SEPTIC-SEWAGE, LAYOUT, GRADES AS &11L T SEWAGE PL A/A/ r E ,DEVELOPMEN S/r A CHRISTIIIIIIS 7HfL ,,, :PLAZ1el T1 GENERAL , -- CONrRACrOR LAYOUT CONSrRUC ON RGUTE ' l 32 B ROUTE 28 GOOD&Aff. ASSOCIArES INC. R08ERr OUR CO. ,INC. IS, NIA E N ROA D- /00/ SOUrH ­ BRIDGE S r , N ss. 61?EA r, wEs r R W. HARWICH ' MASS.-t- 0 645 ' � APRIL 1990 , WOReES rER., :MASS. 01601 SCALEi: Ol THOMAS E. KELLEY 'SSIONAL A00FE TOWN, OF BA RNS7A 8L E ENGINEER SURVEYOR ,. TH v. 3 346 WNGP0A1D',tM SEWAGE, INSTALLERS : 24261 SO YA RM011 rN AS.�. -9 19 -lee PERMffl N -RT; AL !t LL