HomeMy WebLinkAbout0000 TOBEY WAY - Health ���/.S �� _ � � --- - � � u ' '1 TOWN OF BARNSTABLE CF 1M E t0` w�Qy�ee� OFFICE OF BOARD OF HEALTH MASI 1039. `� 367 MAIN STREET �0 MAY HYANNIS,MASS.02601 March 15, 1994 Ms. Lynne Turner RE: Modified Definitive Open Space Subdivision plan Chairman, Planning Board of land in West Hyannisport Barnstable Town Hall Petitioner: George Tobey Hyannis, Ma 02601 Subdivision Name: "Washington Farm Estates" Engineer: Down Cape Engineering, Inc. Assessor's map 247, Parcels 225 & 227, 254 Date: February 23, 1994 Dear Ms. Turner: The Board of Health has reviewed this modified definitive subdivision plan in West Hyannisport, and makes the following recommendations: The developer must provide public water to each and every lot in this subdivision. Public water lines and all connections must meet specifications and/or rules and regulations of the local water department. Each septic system shall be located within the prescribed boundaries of each individual i lot. All septic systems shall be located as most distant as possible from the wetlands within each lot. The developer shall have recorded on the deed that variances from Title 5, Minimum Requirements for the Subsurface Disposal of Sanitary Sewage, or the Town of Barnstable Health Regulations whichever is more stringent, will not be granted on any lot in this subdivision. A percolation test must be made on each lot at leaching site, before a Disposal Works Construction Permit will be issued. Maximum groundwater elevations must be determined by using data available from the United States Geological Survey - Probable High Groundwater Levels on Cape Cod, Mass. Each proposed septic system must conform strictly to 310 CMR 15.00, the State Environmental Code, Title 5, and Town of Barnstable Rules and Regulations. Any lawn area created must be covered by at least four (4) inches of loam. All tree stumps, brush and building debris removed when clearing lots or roads must be disposed of at a licensed solid waste disposal facility. Chipping brush and tree stumps Is an acceptable alternative. Burial on site is prohibited. The applicant must receive an Order of Conditions from the Conservation Commission, if applicable. r Ms. Lynn Turner, Chairman, Planning Board RE: "Washington Farm Estates" March 15, 1994 Prior to Board of Health approval of each building permit, the sewage system and water supply must conform to 310 CMR 15.00, the State Environmental Code, Title 5, or Town Health Regulations, whichever is more stringent. "Lots 9-12" on the modification plan are located within 300 feet of wetlands: It is recommended that each sewage disposal leaching facility be located most distant from wetlands to reduce eutrophication caused by nitrates, phosphorous and other nutrients. The United States Environmental Protection Agency's National Eutrophication Survey states that 0.25 lbs. per year of total phosphorous enters wetlands from every person served by onsite septic systems within 300 feet wetlands (US EPA 1980). Very truly yours, Brian R. Grady Chairman Susan G. Rask J seph C. Snow, M.D. OARD OF HEALTH OWN OF BARNSTABLE BRG/bcs Copy: George Tobey Down Cape Engineering Town Clerk Health Department✓ Hyannis Fire and Water District ✓ Conservation Commission MAR — 3 — S 4 T U E 1 S - 43 DOWN CAPE E N G . P . 01 s. Y K(SM)362.4541 939 main street rt 60 fax(SM)362.ONO yarMoUth VWT mass°� '°` 'Own cape 0711neemy civil engineers&land surveyors structurat design FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL FORM Arne H.o}oraP.E,P.L& land eourt 50935298$O AichardR.FalftnkP.E. tuNLIVI John McEMeo.P" Oil planning r1 $wm t sewage system designs ire itiRspectiorts FROM: permits MEaS'AGE s _ f �►..RW. 1 ?��Q(.v /y1 n G'G "C'.(i~ �'�lr�(. e S C S ��'�e. ...... �. wow d- CLIENT NAMES NUMBER OF PAGES C INCL. COVER) : IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES OF THIS TRANSMISSION. PLEASE C°AXX M-362-4541 . MAR — $ — 9 4 T U E 1 5 - 4 4 DOWN CAPE E N G . P 0 2 tal.(508)362-4541 S39 main street*t Bet tax(608)362.9880 Yarmouth port mass 027s down► earpe engineering evil engineers& land surveVors structural design March 8, 1994 Arne H.Olnkia P.E..P.L& land Court FlIchard R.Fsirbank PS W!'"Ys John MCEm".P.L.S. Barbara Sullivan Unard of R,alth site planning Barnstable Town Hall 367 Main Street Hyannis, NSA 02601 sewage systorn designs rear Bar'kmria A modifiCi at.ion of the definitive plan for "Washington Inspections Pra.r,m Ssiates" , dated Feb. 22, 1994 was submitted to the Town of Barnstable Planning Department for review. There were several changes made from the May 8, 1989 permsrs def initiive plan. The following are the changes which have been shade. I tots "A" and "B" from the old plan have been cambined into one open space lot, shown as lot "A" on the! Modification plan. 2 . Lat.s 1--8 on the old plan have been reconfigured and/or renumbered to improve the use of land an thet open space subdivision. The total number of building lots remains unchanged at 13. 3 . The perimeter of the subdivision has been re- a l igr,ed to not include the parcel owned by Annie Trott & dames Bedford, P1. Bk. 4460, Pg. 67. rf you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 362-4541.. S:ircerely, James C. dodice Down Cape: 'Engineering, Inc. .J FORM C NFALTtI OcPi APPLICATION FOR APPROVA To►vrl ; I LAN (Where alternative paragraphs are provided, applicant is to select and complete the paragraph pertinent to his case.) i `JUU 2 dS8 3� 19. ................ , To the Planning Board of the Town of Barnstable l.. The undersigned applicant, being the owner of all land included within a proposed subdivision shown on the accompanying plan, entitled 6U11.M"!Slari..P�qr„ of...LAN.�..I. t'wESTHY,gNNi�c�r ..BARA.SMA8LE1J: .... . ...... .. . ..... ..... ' and dated .......... ....... , 19.8q.. , submits such plan as a definitive plan of the proposed subdivision and makes application to the Board for final approval thereof. 2. The land within the proposed subdivision is subject to the following easements and restrictions: ..........................................................................:........................................................................................... ........................................::............................................................................................................................ 3. There are appurtenant to the land within the proposed subdivision and following easements and re- strictions over the land of others: ...................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... ............... A preliminary plan of the proposed subdivision has not been submitted to the Board. OR THE BOARD HA5 APPRovED 'rHiS P�-AN �p DE Su�rr�-1 t�D AS A DEV7irv%TivE (b) A preliminary plan of the proposed subdivision, to which the accompanying plan conforms, was tentatively approved by.the Board on .......................................... . 19........ . OR (c) A .preliminary plan of.the proposed subdivision was tentatively approved by the Board on . with modifications, which modifications have been incor- parated in the accompanying plan. 5. The applicant agrees, if the definitive plan is approved, to construct and install all improvements within the proposed subdivision required by the Rules and Regulations of the Barnstable Planning Board as in force on the date of this application, and as modified and supplemented by the work specifications and other requirements set forth in the statements attached hereto. 6. The applicant further agrees to complete all said required improvements within one year from the date of approval of the definitive unless the Board approves a different period of time. 7. If the definitive plan is approved, the applicant agrees to record or register the plan in Barnstable County Registry and agrees that even if otherwise authorized so to do by the filing of a performance bond, applicant will not sell or offer to sell any of the lots within the subdivision until said plan is so recorded or registered. 8. The applicant further agrees that if the definitive plan is approved, applicant will promptly at any time thereafter when requested so to do by the Board, convey to the sewer District in form satis- factory to the Board, title to sewers and the prescribed easements therefor. The applicant also agrees to convey to the Town title to storm drainage improvements and easements therefor. FORM C—Page 2 9. (a) The applicant further agrees that before final approval of the definitive plan, the applicant will cause to be filed with the Board a bond in form satisfactory to the Board, conditioned on the completion of all required improvements in the time and manner prescribed, in a penal sum sufficient, in the opinion of the Board, to cover the cost of such work, and executed by the ap- plicant as principal and a surety company authorized to do business in the Commonwealth and satisfactory to the Board as surety, or secured by the deposit with the Town Treasurer of cash or negotiable securities in an amount equal to the penal sum established by the Board. OR (b) The applicant requests the Board to approve the definitive plan on condition that no lot in the subdivision shall be sold and no building shall be erected or placed. on any lot until the re- quired improvements necessary to adequately serve such lot have been completed to the Satis- faction of the Board. 10. This application is accompanied by an original drawing of the proposed definitive plan with three black line contact prints and a fee of $15.00 to cover the cost of giving notice of a public hearing. 11. The owner's title to the land is derived under deed from £° dated ........... �.............................. 19...... , and recorded in Barnstable County District Registry of (0 3 c Deeds, Book.!.'t.?.p..... , Page .3 '.1....... , OR under Certificate of Title No. .................... registered in Land Registry District, Book ................... . Page.................... . GE Q G E. To6EY ........................................................................................ Applicant ........................................................................................ Address I A list of the names and addresses of the abuttors of this subdivision is attached. Verification will be made by the Planning Board. i 611HE Tp Town of Barnstable ." Planning Board • aARNST"LX. HAss. a 230 South Street, Hyannis, Massachusetts 02601 9$ 1 39. ,�0 (508) 790-6290 Fax (508) 790-6454 ArED MA'S a REFERRAL FORM DATE: March 10, 1994 TO: FIRE DISTRICT WATER DISTRICT CONSERVATION COMMISSION COMMONWEALTH ELECTRIC BOARD OF HEALTH ENGINEERING FROM: BARNSTA13LE PLANNING BOARD OFFICE RE: SUBDIVISION # 366 PLAN ENTITLED: Plan of Land in W Hyannisport Barnstable PLAN DATED: 2-23-94 PLAN LOCATION: Off Tobey WAy PLAN ENGINEER: Down Cape Engineering MAP 247 PARCEL: 225 & 227 ACRE: 743,438 S.F. ZONING: RB NUMBER OF LOTS• 13 DATE SUBMITTED: March 1 , 1994 PRELIMINARY DEFINITIVE OPEN SPACE The above captioned subdivision plan has been submitted to the Planning Board. A public hearing or action has been scheduled for - g-94 Please forward any recommendations or comments to the Planning Board office before this date. "Modification of partially constructed, previously approved subdivision.** ' 115-3 9.03 AC-S •ZDtc 0 1 7, U S r t3� IG, 3 rL 18D a a 115 + ,P G Is— V 164 W o° a 149 "e Z3nG c 11a SDK- 115-4 116 t4.99ACd ♦° o © .30 4G f 23►C• I ss 11 S �p O O 7O K ZDA_ 17D N • •Z•14c.. 11 Z 17 1 p 1 too 166 00 117 •DL 4� �� RUDDER ROAD ,39AC• ® �f 40 I00 too 100 100 /00 I Iql Iqt 19'J I Bl ry 196 I B9 q0 2 3 23aG Lw.c Zl.c Ac. Z� .3L a< ' L+ •ZS�c. �2d4c• Ll ® �o �• //! Q Ei� h 0 IIB IZ5•$ ti wA� 0� b 'rpBEY 2 37 }011G SS c •21AC Q� 24b V, 1 V a 0\ `L♦ i 241 � 0 2d0 2 39 e o p �C6ni \PW �Zdd w .L84c .Z844� 00 a /tG RD'p 125-4 we f" m 31Ac 6 121-I 12S 2 ♦ /160 z se- .. .23AC .IbAC = ft Dn•i ♦ Q 1 IZS•3 .43AC 3 1 •24nC ED �P,♦ Lb7 ® � 132 4,00 a o 234 3 st.c. ro .59A.a c- yg9 ° .Z5 Ooc Q 4 sq 211 CIL 3.76 O Z69 �60 laAc a24c 21l �4 O ZAK o 1 Pv ys4 ° } aAss ivo.us4e: tdZ acq t tIs .LSnc W cos ra nvr usro p �O�RWNAL BY197t4 AA (O� �s (Avr 3-I>tl, gig � �� :s�A•O'':' v ZSZ 233 ISSUE /96B ►c �� :,9 by p t 31 t�1 .31 ® .27aL ° wrw NOT u KD •364C. 'L8 �i0 ti .t: ZSI �o�•101L •} .30, 128•z 2'So .23K- 1�7 12A, 113 Z. R AOREN4 g 304C• 130 13/ 3.o j..� Z'3 4y f, I •Y441 Zoo © IQ L+yO I �r a �.81 m ZZfo A O ZzG1 y27 � 2B-$- 1'� yl baR 231 M-ZAI.'80 Zq� ,00 i00 (Are SCALE r.loo• ,row •�s o« A V 228 248 269 aowgl _ 227 247 268 4 9.7 226 246 267 , TOWN OF BAFINSTABLB yw ,' yap OFFICE OF i bAb1199`�bGb 1 BOARD OF HEALTH MAO� 297 MAIN STREET M k HYANNIS* MASS. 02601- 1989 * . September 12, S • ` � i 'i' .; ,E f � • � n plan of land !n Mr. Joseph E. Bartell Re: Definitive open Space Subdivisio Chairman, Planning ©oard West Hyannls3port Barnstable Town hall Petitioners George Tobey llyannis, Ma 02601 Subdivision Name: "Washington Parm Estates" Engineers Down Cape Engineering, Inc, Assessor's map 247, Parcel 2251 227 and 254 Dates May t6, 1989 Dear Mr. Bartell: The Board of Health has reviewed this definitive subdivision plan in W. Hyannisport and makes the following recommendattons: The developer must rovide public water to each and every lot in this subdivision. Public water lines and all connections must meet specificettlons and/or rules and regulations of the lout water department. Each septic system shall be located within the prescribed boundaries of each individual lot. The developer shal have recorded on the deed that yattance_!I from Tit M►nimb e Requirements for tl►e Subsurface Disposal of Sanitary Sewage, or the 'Town of Darnsta Health Regulations whichever is more stringent, wtll not be granted on any lot in this subdivision. A percolation test must be made on the lot at leaching site, before er elevatio posal Works Construction Permit will be Issued. Mel ground' st be determined by using data available from the United States Geological Survey • Probable Ma Each proposed septic system must conform High Ground Water Levels on Cape Cod, M strictly to 310 C R 15.00, the State Environmental Code, Title 5, and Town of Barnstable Rules and Regulations. All tree stumps, Brush and building debris removed when clearing lots or roads must be disposed of at a licensed solid waste disposal facilityo Chipping brush and tree stumps Is an acceptable alternative. Burial on site is prohibited. The applicant mus� receive an Order of Conditions from the Conservation Commission, if applicable. Prior to Board of �lealth approval of each building permit, the sewage system and water supply must conform to 310 CMR 15.00, the State Environmental Code, Title 5, or Town health Regulations, whichever to more stringent. { y,,�8artell ,,,.)"planning Board {,,,,.rbshington farm Estates" ��;t;?gust 23, 1989 Lots 10, 11, and 12 pre located within 300 feet of wetlands. It is recommended that each sewage disposal leeching facility be located most distant from wetlands to reduce eutrophication caused ' by phosphorous and other nutrients, The United States Environmental Protection Agency's National Eutrophication Survey states that 0.25 lbs. per year of total phosphorous enters wetlands from every person served by onsite septic systems within 300 fe0t wetlands (US EPA �980). c Very truly yours, Grover C. M. Parrish, M,D., Chairman Ann Jane E hbaugh amen H�' , CocKer; r, -�" BOARD Olt HHALTFI TOWN OF BARNSTABLE TM/bs cc:George Tobey Down Cape Engineering, Inc, Town Clerk Health Department Hyannis Fire and Water District Conservation Commission r i r t r �oFYHro� a' TOWN OF BARNSTABLE OFFICE OF aesaSTsaLa, s Mnea BOARD OF HEALTH 9�p 1639. ` ' 367 MAIN STREET �011A`!k' HYANNIS, MASS. 02601 September 12, 1989 Mr. Joseph E. Bartell Re: Definitive Open Space Subdivision plan.of land in Chairman, Planning Board West Hyannisport Barnstable Town Hall Petitioner: George Tobey Hyannis, Ma 02601 Subdivision Name: "Washington Farm Estates" Engineer: Down Cape Engineering, Inc. Assessor's map 247, Parcel 225, 227 and 254 Date: May 16, 1989 Dear Mr. Bartell: The Board of Health has reviewed this definitive subdivision plan in W. Hyannisport and makes the following recommendations.: The developer must provide public water to each and every lot in this subdivision. Public water lines and all connections must meet specifications and/or rules and regulations of the local water department. Each septic system shall be located within the prescribed boundaries of each individual lot. The developer shall have recorded on the deed that variances from Title 5, Minimum Requirements for the Subsurface Disposal of Sanitary Sewage, or the Town of Barnstable Health Regulations whichever is more stringent, will not be granted on any lot in this subdivision. A percolation test must be made on the lot at leaching site, before a Disposal Works Construction Permit will be issued. Maximum ground water elevations must be determined by using data available from the United States Geological Survey - Probable High Ground Water Levels on Cape Cod, Mass. Each proposed septic system must conform strictly to 310 CMR 15.00, the State Environmental Code, Title 5, and Town of Barnstable Rules and Regulations. All tree stumps, brush and building debris removed when clearing lots or roads must be disposed of at a licensed solid waste disposal facility. Chipping brush and tree stumps is an acceptable alternative. Burial on site is prohibited. The applicant must receive.an Order of Conditions from the Conservation Commission, if applicable. Prior to Board of Health approval of each building permit, the sewage system and water supply must conform to 310 CMR 15.00, the State Environmental Code, Title 5, or Town Health Regulations, whichever is more stringent. Mr. Joseph E. Bartell Chairman; Planning Board Re: "Washington Farm Estates" Kurgus? 23, 1989 Lots 10, 11, and 12 are located within 300 feet of wetlands. It is recommended that each sewage disposal leaching facility be located most distant from wetlands to reduce eutrophication caused by phosphorous and other nutrients. The United States Environmental Protection Agency's National Eutrophication Survey states that 0.25 lbs. per year of total phosphorous enters wetlands from every person served by onsite septic systems within 300 feet wetlands (US EPA 19801. Very truly yours, Grover C. M. Parrish, M.D., Chairman Ann Jane E hbaugh _,James H. rocl(er;S"r. BOARD OF HEALTH TOWN OF BARNSTABLE TM/bs cc:George Tobey Down Cape Engineering, Inc. Town o n Clerk Health Department Hyannis Fire and Water District Conservation Commission 1 o° FORM C APPLICATION �`'A .T OVAL OF DEFINITIVE MAtl (Where alternative paragraphs are provi'ded;Cat'1-- . to select and complete the paragraph pertinent to his case.) ��� UUU •:t N.1%, 31 tO :52 rJU ....os/3t...................... C 19. .. � qq To the Planning Board of the Town of Barn taabl989 1. The undersigned applicant, being the owner of all land included within a proposed subdivision shown on the accompanying plan, entitled Su6av�s,oN PLAN wr LAND �N �wES-r HYAninli ib¢r�BARn15rABLE�Mq'SS .. ..... ...... .. .... .. and dated ..........MAY $ , 19.Aq.. , submits such plan as a definitive plan of the ............... proposed subdivision and makes application to the Board for final approval thereof. 2. The land within the proposed subdivision is subject to the following easements and restrictions: ....... ............................................................................................................................................................ ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3. There are appurtenant to the land within the proposed subdivision and following easements and re- strictions over the land of others: .......................................................:.............................................................................................................. ......................................................%................................................................................................................ Q. (a) A preliminary plan of the proposed subdivision has not been submitted to the Board. OR THE SoARA HA5 APPRcvEt. -r its PWN -ro Cat As A DEc7iNrnvt. (b) A preliminary plan of the proposed subdivision, to which the accompanying plan conforms, was tentatively approved by the Board on .......................................... . 19........ . OR (c) A preliminary plan of the proposed subdivision was tentatively approved by the Board on ................................................ . 19........ with modifications, which modifications have been incor- porated in the accompanying plan. 5. The applicant agrees, if the definitive plan is approved, to construct and install all improvements within the proposed subdivision required by the Rules and Regulations of the Barnstable Planning Board as in force on the date of this application, and as modified and supplemented by the work specifications and other requirements set forth in the statements attached hereto. 6. The applicant further agrees to complete all said required improvements within one year from the date of approval of the definitive unless the Board approves a different period of time. 7. If the definitive plan is approved, the applicant agrees to record or register the plan in Barnstable County Registry and agrees that even if otherwise authorized so to do by the filing of a performance bond, applicant will not sell or offer to sell any of the lots within the subdivision until said plan is so recorded or registered. 8. The applicant further agrees that if the definitive plan is approved, applicant will promptly at any time thereafter when requested so to do by the Board, convey to the sewer District in form satis- factory to the Board, title to sewers and the prescribed easements therefor. The applicant also agrees to convey to the Town title to storm drainage improvements and easements therefor. FORM C—Page 2 9. (a) The applicant further agrees that before final approval of the definitive plan, the applicant will cause to be filed with the Board a bond in form satisfactory to the Board, conditioned on the completion of all required improvements in the time and manner prescribed, in a penal sum sufficient, in the opinion of the Board, to cover the cost of such work, and executed by the ap- plicant as principal and a surety company authorized to do business in the Commonwealth and satisfactory to the Board as surety, or secured by the deposit with the Town Treasurer of cash or negotiable securities in an amount equal to the penal sum established by the Board. OR (b) The applicant requests the Board to approve the definitive plan on condition that no lot in the subdivision shall be sold and no building shall be erected or placed on any lot until the re- quired improvements necessary to adequately serve such lot have been completed to the Satis- faction of the Board. i 10. This application is accompanied by an original drawing of the proposed definitive plan with three black line contact prints and a fee of $15.00 to cover the cost of giving notice of a public hearing. 11. The owner's title to the land is derived under deed from dated ...........(v...i..... a. ........... . 3'........ v 19........ , and recorded in Barnstable County District Registry of Deeds, Book.3'l.70..... , Page .-1 1....... , OR under Certificate of Title No. .................... registered in (.228 /by Land Registry District, Book .................... . Page.................... . `ACTEd`?T�..................... GEOQ-GE "To6E .......................................... .......................................... Applicant ........................................................................................ Address A list of the names and addresses of the abuttors of this subdivision is attached. Verification will be made by the Planning Board. i GARNICK, PRINCI & SCUDDER, P. C . ATTORNEYS AT LAW 32 MAIN STREET POST OFFICE BOX 398 GERALD S. GARNICK HYANNIS, MASSACHUSETTS 02601 HARWICH OFFICE: MICHAEL J. PRINCI (508) 771-2320 940 MAIN STREET JOYCE W. SCUDDER FAX: (508) 771-3304 P.O. BOX 364 SOUTH HARWICH, MASS. 02661 KATHLEEN FRANKLIN (508)432-5850 SUSAN M. JEGHELIAN. FAX:(508)430-1057 I FREDERICK L. TRILLING SHIRLEY J. SYLVA, ASSOCIATE May 2, 1989 Mrs.Susan Rohrbach, Chairman Planning Board Town of Barnstable Town Hall 7 Hyannis, MA 02601 Re: George T. Tobey Estates Subdivision 366 (WWsKin�t_onFi�_rm 0ur'fi Dear Mrs. Rohrbach: As you know, the Tobeys have presented their revised plan to you on a preliminary basis. Also, the plan has been reviewed several times in the past by the Planning Board and the Board of Health. At this time, my clients would like to proceed directly to a final plan. Dennis McCarthy of the Planning Office has pointed.out that under the Open Space By-law there is an additional requirement of open space plans that they be submitted preliminarily to the Planning Board and Board of Health for comment. Based upon the fact that this plan has undergone scrutiny for the past twelve years and has indeed been presented on a preliminary basis, I am requesting that my clients be permitted to g.o directly to a final plan. This will reduce costs to my clients, and another submission clearly is not necessary in view of your preliminary inspection of the plan. x � Mrs. Susan Rohrbach May 2, 1989 Page 2 I have asked Town Counsel to proffer an opinion with regard to this issue and hopefully you will have it by next week. In the meantime, I have asked George Tobey to submit the plan which was shown to you to the Board of Health for comment. In this manner, I believe we have fulfilled our obligation under the Open Space By-law to have the matter preliminarily reviewed by both the Board of Health and Planning Board. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, Michael J. Princi MJP:mcp cc: Mr. George T. Tobey Robert D. Smith, Town Counsel Board of Health Department of Planning and Development AA)K10 THE tp Town of Barnstable, Massachusetts Department of Planning and. Development an MASS. Ok e. Office. of The Planning Board e- a v 039• �0 ArfD MA'L a 367 Main Street, Hyannis, Massachusetts 02601 (508) 775- 0 190 O HEALTH DEPL TOWA;Oi-SARNSTABLE o July 25, 1989 a- j r.� Aune Cahoon, Town C l erk r�UL: 2 �J 1989 NJ :.7 Town of Barnstable Town Hall 367 Main Street NJ , Hyannis, MA 02601 Re: DEFINITIVE SUBDIVISION 9366 Open Space Subdivision $#366; "Washington Farms Estates" ; Subdivision Plan of Land in .(West Hyannisport) Barnstable, Mass. Prepared for George Tobey Scale 1 "=50' ; Plan dated 05/08/89, and revised 07/24/89; Down Cape Engineering; 13 lots; located north off Craigville Beach Road, east of Strawberry Hill Road, southwest of Old .Hyannisport Road, abutting COMM property, West Hyannisport; Assessor's Map 247, Parcel 225 & 227-254. At a duly posted meeting of the Barnstable Planning Board held July . 24, 1989, it was voted to APPROVE the issuance of a SPECIAL PERMIT pursuant to Section 3-1 .6 of the Zoning Bylaw of the Town of ,Barnstable subject to the following: 1 ) The approval as to form, by the Town Attorney, of the materials called for under Section 3- 1 .6 ( 10) (d) of the Zoning Bylaw of the Town of Barnstable, said materials including, but not limited to, the management plans for all common areas and structures; 2) The recording of the . Town of Barnstable Open Space Residential District Open Space Restrictions and Easement Form, and evidence of that recording supplied to the Planning Board, within (ninety) 90 days after the date the plan is endorsed by the Planning Board; . 3) That the applicant be granted a waiver from Section 3- 1 .6 (6) "Bulk Regulations" of . the Zoning Bylaw of the Town of Banrstable, and be allowed to reduce the width of the perimeter strip as shown on the above captioned plan; 4) That the applicant be granted a waiver from Section 3- 1 .6 (6) "Bulk Regulations" of the Zoning Bylaw of the Town of .Barnstable, and be allowed to reduce the side and rear yard setbacks . from the the ten i t ( 10) feet normally required in the RB - Residential District - to seven and one half (7 112) feet. At the same July 24, 1989 meeting, it was voted to APPROVE the above captioned DEFINITIVE subdivision subject to the following: 1 ) All the recommendations of the Board of Health; 2) All the requirements of the Town of Barnstable Subdivision Rules and Regulations, except that the applicant be granted waivers so as to allow them to construct Tobey Way within a thirty-five (35) foot layout where shown on the above captioned plan, and within a forty (40) foot layout where shown on the above captioned plan; 3) All the recommendations of the Department of Public Works as follows: a) That the private way out to Craigville Beach Road be improved to service the subdivision and that the proposed improvements to the j road be indicated on the plan; j b) That the profiles and plans for the construction of the entrance road from Craigvil.le Beach Road be approved by the Engineering Section of the Department of Public Works prior to the endorsement of the plan; c) That areas to contain overflow runoff from the leaching drainage systems be installed at the road low points , and that overflow areas be sized to handle the design storm; 4) That the connecting road between Tobey Way (a thirty-five (35) foot layout) and Craigville Beach Road to be within a thirty (30) foot layout. Respectfully, Jose Bartell , Chairman Barns able Planning Board JEB:vk r_r-.I-- '89 JUL 25 P 2 -21 { s 1 tat>✓1'�wtv1 3 AK •COMPLIANCE MYS COVENANT TO HE s � % testa .N-�►�+J�4 m lJspj/y 7r ' TEED ka=wrTEr1 as C IL A)� 1al4 (lar I I N gt�Jssa,r � c 4IL4e� R"4ada4 1 tat •o.R p AL Ede/ '� � I we O N a1 l 02 \' ��• pn�' v�"o t��¢ae as+ae "-3''1�11tHHH!!! E sa •ltor 18 APPROVAL MQUMD w , Wr P N a AARNQPA r -BU 1! E lam•, _B?' PIANNTNG BOARM . �. _ = 717ATAT J�a'3fL'• Q6 UIUBLE LOT. aJ.00 •o.tt us1/-"'o�'^' q DATE- �¢ 8 •M1�°aP �°' �4as � °j 4 �ATpp wpa+E eu� a AM 4 OAS Aam if z '`b �`�1r "a��szar 1r LKATION MAP SCAM 1'-E000• 4aDe - tJIL4, + ; 6W I. LM,v.LEPPWNOI CLTOH[ OP THE TOWN OF +� 7 W i UILOING ZONE RB FOR RZOISTRY USE a-po HEREBY CE83>tY 1HAT T� e< d W : bk P8 S INIMUM LOT SIZE - 43 380 SF. NOTICE OF APPROVAL OF T»PUN BY THS ;t t7• �Lor a n ti tar 4 Pr g� INIMIRJ FRONTAGE - 20 FT. PLANNING BOARD BECORDED AT THIS OFFICE AND NO NOTICE BMW BECEN0 AND i •Ap 4tta F 4 q�e ty P w ` i Maom qR = ' 1>r n Ana 7 o f g / ,ETBACKS OF APPEAL TAB T$CEIVED DLJBDIO THE 80 o t Ya $i FROM ' DAYS NMM Ar= sUCH RzamPT ANDSIDE •vR R-10• RIMMING or SAIDoresNosscE y . P ~`Ooq� '•aN ' Pp A 6 tW0 AREA - 96.346 S.F. y Lar 10 b•. C'P Ana. a .33 ,REA OF WETLAND - 53.314 S.F. DATE 1OTN CLM �" o �10 osa� _ aaR s s4'Ja1v E ;PLANO OPEN SPACE AREA - 29s•152 S.F. 44 ,�,N 76 sr.Gm AC)wETIAND z 1 7 lase, z P>P 8 ;PLAND LOT ARIJL 295,82E @;off. sEt !� �2a• _ 'OTAL AREA 743.438 SF. %, ;ROUNDWATER OVERLAY DISTRICT: GP / �r +� s� 1Q E 1 1��QD b - Y !' / _l CE 2s oo ^88 EII •WA9OMM rAMI MATEr,1i1f01a MM W% \ - �.�M '' W g tit'F ft a 4Esr 1fY WA4aN07aN rARY EVAiF3 NFALIY IAVST a40p W A%a" a ATE,APfaL 21,, a PtNI aoac Jfw PAaE M s y ', n q t "•�.� n DOMN CAPE E11IL C.E+LS.ROUTE aA YARMOUILI,11A \ �, tar 11 / �� �VW4gL 'r 7�O1'1. +TILT, / L59ESSORs l W2A'.PIACEIS 225!n7-24 WCL. 'Ap/'''h y AM- 950 sclIL ,•1 Jl� aQ �•�•" eeD ss.(Al AG)WMAND =L. lAIM - `4t alb ir - p 7p W 'A'A AND'6•ARE U 8E RE'�4IC C As RU WPM 'AS! �n°rL o�.w�BE usEv EnR 1EE caNSLlaTlaloN ar I�"`�,. t�a2.71 41. t CTON PAR& �. SUB. #366 \ // y y - - ------ ;d>� = s Of BST�Tas,. J 00 or -15 . 'Do y If 1 i Ann ,3 t 2a175M all / 6� < j ,ones sF. .�)WEnne I y Ana �Joe'a alR 4k► •�' / OM AGM •aR W / y ' rl i l�0 4 13744ag fp�f¢s ,L •Ii t ` aL S aI 3,llr E YI; Wy�is Q t70•Ya s7 1 `f ql� / i a�10►E di /� I 1'a *� 12ap1 sss! 107.79 = ,' LOT 2 E tat.a4 s rat / 4, Ana-24321 p,tt a I s 4r E Spi //-�nNo �R R�l�t{r aas w.. 3l (eeee.7777 a •y ' - a,RD w E 2WA0 w ,O,.Oa e / , a e/i�' AOCESS MEMEWrArm 1210 K`♦n- ��••• w r� � �� / ft 1240f N alJa'f0 W aw r y It % N aCet'tr W _ �s 40 a Sq�- �' 00 76gJ �� \ y / tlDlaw L NQOpt ( T" ' tar 1 4 lar•K 1o1s/gat Er.ATIAONa6 T + " , P028r�erAr w �f o y ' Ina;31AT aryR !r aot+o I t_ Tgll 2a R - .^ oao Ae.a w &L=sl.(1s,AG)WMAW 3 1 P y y , CA -a afaa ta0 : i0.4e Aar W� W epM/1�atAl,1 230 �� y ' ,, 20.02 1a4Aa 8a P P t�k i PAIL 1 !P _ J422a N adel•tr M 137.9a _- � �/,��• rnaar P , _ ,?1 Or Jy,� wons g?st E 1r ►Ar NADE Pagr•BEAT DE1igOPlptr COW- ssm �•�.,� 10.1a�� $� NON-BUILDABLE LOT 3MM '- 1,.11E 10 ..� � 33. t.aa• s a14 lr E Ids 10, 1 - .. •EA� s Sr3l'Itr E �w 6.7417 �'o' k.-15813 pgjt ois Pm "WASHINGTON FARM ESTATES" 1�°t M down cape engineering, inc. MODIFICATION OF SUBDIVISION PLANS a CIVIL ENGINEERS IN TIM TOWN OT , $ p s+ LAND SURVEYORS '- "'U"N1QOO BARNSTABLE, MA n I 1 a+ $ 939 main st. yarmouth. ma SAID FOR:- I CERrWY THAT TH18 PUN TAB MADE INACCORDANCE VM REGISM or FUNDING SERVICES, INC. J°°° 's f1�2 rn - o a EFFECTIVE LANUAARY 1�iVM 100 a 100 2w Joo r..t CRAIMLLE (40•cowre : 1931 ROAD romw maxi s P.L.B. �rj •' SCALE 1'-100• DAM TM a% 1994 - urn, Jro"A(cn"s P.L.B. jum T.F. (LOT 24) 7 1 S7ACHOW, 912112 3 AK (LOT 25) J.H. & "APPROVAL OF THIS PLAN SUBJECT TO -_N 66.76 WASIERSKI (LOT 26) 0 A, 3293/25 T-F MCELLIGOTT ET COMPLIANCE WITH COVENANT TO BE -4 157. -P, 767.7 AL. (LO� 2-7) RECORDED HEREWITT C-8. FND --DRAINAGE 1524/718 .10 E.J. 750-68 EASEMENT BARTELL 40.05 737 N sq.ft 5225/1 81*35-29- W 48 (LOT J.0 28) uj R 4., J A. CAR a N '29w W PLANNING BOARD SUBDIVISION No,: 366 LOT Area 81*35 ENTER (LOT 29 0 26`25�34 P E. 17-32 A 1 1 N 2 M CLAXIN sq.ft LOCUS 80781 DRAI 1571/77 0 Acres (LOT 30) j�,2�(o 0.40 NAGE MICHAEL & I 244 tANEMENT 00) 26o sq.ft DOROTHY DIPALOL 0�- TOBl 63.00 4241/082 0 APPROVAL IS REQUIRED Nf 1%3.�29- W .65 NON-BUILDABLE LOT AND p.j. 4: VVANNE O'CONNELL/ 0) T- 0 > 329.65 uj BARNSTABLE PLANNING BOARD 0 En cc -7 (35" WIDE) 63.00 C; /RON ROD co 43.9 v- N,- 41cv STIONES FND. DATE: A3 329-65 613 /;a 251 LOT 9 ROPII 179..80 .86 S 81 Area 24264 sq.ft 'A4 *,35-29" 10 7 ,(-20, RUPPER--) CRAIG`41 0.56 Acres 119.8D 00 tX N N "35'29' W 46.08 1,38-41 0 La LOCATION MAP SCALE: 1"=2000' 00 __LINDA P. LEPPANEN--- CLERK OF THE TOWN OF 4�IUK Li cri to ;G%p C,4 0 d v-0 (0 LO BARNSTABLE, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE 0 1 - Y.- C BUILUINU ZONE: RB FOR REGISTRY USE cc LOT 8 NOTICE OF APPROVAL OF THIS PUN BY THE 9 A:) co Area LOT 4 to 00 z Co -P, Area 15087 sq.ft 0 MINIMUM LOT SIZE 43,560 S.F. PLANNING BOARD HAS BEEN RECEIVED AND 96�16 t 20812 d 't Ld lz� Co sq.ft 00 Cv 0.35 Acres ON 0 0.48 Acres a) MINIMUM FRONTAGE 20 FT. n, -I - 80 Co 0 0 L'I RECORDED AT THIS OFFICE AND NO NOTICE S 7& 0 LOT 7 0 SETBACKS: 54101- Area co OF APPEAL WAS RECEIVED DURING THE 20 Lp 21g Ld v- Li OD FRONT = 20' .11 0) 16 sq.ft 00 cli DAYS NEXT AFTER SUCH RECEIPT AND 65.00 0.50 Acres 0) 11 SIDE 10' Area LOT 6 RECORDING OF SAID NOTICE. 0 22591 REAR 10' �y 0) z .52 89-ft (0 LOT 10 Acres 0) Cv Area LOT 5 .33 RECEIVEO 22725 4.1� 0.5 ROAD AREA = 96,346 S.F. Area = 16847 sq.ft 46 1 DATE TOWN CLERK 2 Acres sq.ft co AREA OF WETLAND = 53,314 S.F. 0.39 Acres S 84-39,1 Cr E MAR 1 1994 76 S.F. (.01 AC.) WETLAND 0 1 2 705-58 to W 128 Id UPLAND OPEN SPACE AREA = , 298,152 S.F. .62 r2o, Er BUFFERJ UPLAND LOT AREA = 295,626 7M0FU%-WH 0 '1*CO Vy TOTAL'AREA = 743,438 S.F. 160.00 126.00 GROUNDWATER OVERLAY DISTRICT: GP 0) b A.p. 0 to "!- I, Co .3&79AO'D GRA 100I Ill Area ��j 1 CE 04 REFERENCES: 35. 0 s 7a- D-- 25600 54'010 .59 179. E Cv Acres SEE PLAN OF "WASHINGTON FARM ESTAI BARNSTABLE. MA, it 93 TV 63.00 co (WEST HYANNISPORT). WASHINGTON FARM ESTATES REALTY TRUST 5 1 CP sq-ft 327-65 DATED APRIL,21, 1980, IN PLAN BOOK 374, PAGE 72. N LOT 11 DRAINACE 00 7&,54-0 1- BY DOWN CAPE ENG, C.E. & L.S. ROUTE 6A, YARMOUTH. MA. 0 W...... 179-76 Area = 27950 sq.ft 4.8 EN7 .9 ASSESSORS MAP 247, PARCELS 225 & 227 - 254 INCL. .13 0.64 Acres 391 00 Lu PL BK. 292, PG. 71 ..w I --L 580 S.F. (.01 AC.) WETLAND . .. ... . -60,00 N 7& 01z % 0, NOTE: dr ') /V 7 LOTS "A7, 'Er. AND *C" ARE TO BE RESERVED AS OPEN BUFFER > 1611- AREAS, AND ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A0 RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS. �:-82 .71 41.49 ry E)(/S-nNo S DWELLING .00 '01, OWNER OF RECORD \�IIN q 160.00 ell FUNDING SERVICES INC. C. SEr IF 1600 FALMOUTH RD.' SUITE 3 del \4 CENTERVILLE,MASS. 02632 0� 00 'DEED BK. 9048 PG. 270 .941�01 0) [01 7.ro 6 vvS0 --k- CO �v C6 _5 10 LOT "A7 0) U Area 317501 sq.ft 04 co 7.29 Acres 40 11 ,'* 1 52,658 S.F. (1.21 AC.) WETLAND 41 V, 0 -BUILDABLE LOT) 0 (NON C9 70 F) LOT 12 L=94. Area = 30889 sq.ft 0.71 Acres 4/ LOT 13 Area = 26912 sq.ft 0.62 Acres 69; 7 0) 0) 0 A) Lij 13704 C; -70-26 Li Co S 841 v- 03*1 r E 41) C> tA -78-32 1,2cj.22 0 00 N 117.04 *0417 rgo c6 '4- F0 a? I LO I r----- S E 30.00 0 �N 0*�f co 129.01 52.83 LOT 2 to I 107.79 Area 24321 sq.ft LA C\j S 88055*2e E S 86*lr,5'30'0 E V) CID 141 W 181.84 0) 0.56 Acres 0 -I �/,I I V P� /, 4 V) EXISTIN Vk LL S 8 // "� - "/ . 4�1 uj 6'55',30" E to fl, V/ v4b S 8fr55'24" E /-DWELLING ACCESS ZX 200.00 1 Lu 108. Is EASEMENT Ili 0) C) Area 1210 9q.ft W to 126.01 cy a N 84-39,10. Ld C. rzo,, 41 I-L-- to to 10 Ly go z L'i CIV �ggc> 6 to N 86-51-ir W 40, qb 94-67 S 8 00 4*39,10- E-, P)NATE 0/� 179.11 00 74 WA\r, 30-00 .53 20.74 00 W LOT 1 .41 NORMA I. HOLDER ILL, 0 C? MAINE POST & BEAM 1018/591 41 E.F. ANAGNOS LOT *9 Area = 21845 sq.ft I "t U-) C14 & F. GOMES I f7 - Lu 0? Area 317501 sq.ft 0 0.50 Acres (n 0) 10 3659/053 0 CO I an ?JD -: I LO to 0 LO Y) S19 7.29 Acres 0 lot 52,658 S.F. (1.21 AC.) WETLAND 0 Cr (14 00 C; (NON-BUfLDABLE LOT) 0 C14 (0 C14 00" IN z LOT 3 NIF- (LOT 25) Pn Lu 00 1 EXISTING Area 20123 sq,ft DWELLING 0.46 Acres MAA41F "- CLAR,,� 0 0 80241708 -.4 20.02 U -- 184.98 LZ PAR. 239 1 (b- --BID 00 342.29 137.29 NO -�v lot 00 N 86051'1-r W // tK' 0 P C14 S 86*51'12" E TOBEY (35' WIDE) t 317.00 -bA -- PrA Y R-1 33,33 01 S 86-51-12* E 342.29 65.07 35.00 9.80 9 1`� �11 (o 2 --- 53.1, 0 308.96 ad C'i MAINE POST & BEAM DEVELOPMENT CORP. -_j NON-BUILDABLE LOT IK-20' B -?.9 S 86051'12" E 3790/321 UFFER-) DRAINAG S 86*51'12* E 535.33 LOT "Cl' Area 147-85 EASEMEN 5613 sq.ft 688.53 0-36 Acres NIF- W.S. off 508-362-4541 979 3q.ft to fox 508 362-9880 :f 00 1207��- CRESWELL Ld 75 WA SHING TON FA RM ES TA TES S.13. F---�\ ND. N.B. HOLDER, TR. MODIFICATION OF SUBDIVISION PLAN 1018/591 C14 down cape engineering, inc. >< IN THE TOWN OF: C; cn z 00 CIVIL ENGINEERS p-�Co 1�j 0 uj X SURVEYORS w, 11y,1NmsPQRL BARNSTABLE MA �--\-xl;� LAND 0 z 0- 0 --j 11-1 10 CN ul 10 PREPARED FOR: t. yarmouth, ma C� u- 939 main s to u- I CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH REGISTRY OF DEEDS 30-06 C.R.B. REGULATIONS EFFECTIVE JANIUARY 1, 1976 419-92 S 34 FND. FUNDING SERVICES , INC . -0 40- CRAIGVILLE 50 0 50 100 150 Feet 'vV 11-I" 1 8 If �,/,9 9z/ --q (40, COUNTY EACH ROAD i WAY, 1931 LAyo J?j�--A(CEL)YEE, P.L.S. DATE Ul SCALE: I"=50' DATE: FEB. �2, 1994 3 1�-z DA TE _2 L.S. ,_r 0C 4 E IV' MAR1994 , Tmo u F ww 83-014 -7 L • 0 ti 01 1763,2 - fi Qlj 1 7/ I-LOCUS -14 .,D-A I,697 �LRSHFD 4SOT ACRES w 0 38 39 OEPG" 40 .0.0 y I P"j LOCATION MAP SCALE. I"=2000' 8 ♦ !-,7 4 TOTAL I-JA/E-AR FT. ---ZOO LOT 7 41 LOT 6 4 WATERSHED 3 3-1,940 S.F nF 7 ERS8 ACRES T L 7 Sy HED OF T 5 -80 ACRES C6� BUFF • lb/ �-4 Clip .7 b, N 42 UF. .9/ rE-R:3HFD 6 s Uf N 3 0 1 LOT 3 LOT (NON-BUILCLA13L-r L.�T) 4? 0 IJ 0 41 r • • LOT 2 ol co ; fl) J W 41 o LOI "A:, LOT I 4� LOT 3 ---------- WATERS D S.F. 0 _3 S Cv 3 4 ---------- ------------ NON-BUK.DAELE LOT UFFECR LOT .85 off 508-362-4541 15613 sq,ft 0.36 Acres fox 508 362-9880 d o w TOP O AND WATERSHED PLAN, n cape engineenng, inc. IN THE TOWN OF: CIVIL ENGINEERS T,P LAND BI-j SURVEYORS BARNSTA -" MA PREPARED FOR: 9.39 main st. yarmouth, ma ti AnNE H, FUNDING SERVICES , 'INC OJALA • -50 100 50 160 Fee, SCALE.. 1 50 DATE: FED. : 8, 1994 ARX;E--Jj[.' QJALA DATE 83--014 tR '3' 4 ce -< � I I \ 11 X> ZX 62 0 qj�; i *-� C2 -e, .0p 5, 6, oo �4 1� x \&62 e7 q kit -7 A�, W t .0ok <7 C5 / 6, G,- S) C;7 0 V Z14>11n., Cl 4v (6. s C. A.-- S� t�l 'ins, 1-7- % C;>ll c IT cl- /17 0 S) t� I <1 1 4, J, LP I I (Z= C2 -7 1g, G, S 4-77 dop f-b 3 91- GGc> I)e 4". t-,l I Lxsr -Fz-�o L.=>+ NJ I L-cs-r t>-r4-4p I C:;,C� P11 Lo Q Ly (NJ L-,C> C. (:=,iE-7r 14-T (p k S cS CO-1 M4 > 6 A S I'D E, J� C7 41. .0 0 \0 63 #, c ) I )e V, A V C--- AV I C5 :> 0 0 Lo -r 19 > l< _L5 (,-::>i4- iscj4. L S-5 EX Iv 1�j 11 all, IC9 �v 10 N, <\ -7 6C> C', < ily <,? All, 0 > g-365,0,, Ki A 'o 0 v \ 0/ will 0 Lx C/- (2 L9 I/ U) L -e_ -Y (In, 9 U� C- 0 M.)w 03 Lr Olt % -L-, Cj A� G e-es, C- C- A 0 l-ry -�,-j q 31 11+ 0 IP LIP �sl ri .0 cx 75 AC-) rn Ir z W NN. 4;- 0 IVO -u X 60 V 0 < C7 IL/ 0 9 0 014- 0, Z� se, N/ 0, A, CIO 1 T R? ce 2 IT- T 0 -A 13 1 1 i (r LF cj IM3.,O� le lb L- I— PL-A lu I 1�-1 G 13� C>AI?- D 1167 /L/ L9 CIP co ob -s X, WA(LjS CA /Y9, IDICXT It lr> P41 F-2- C-4=> - Z- Z Z-1 F4 C-- CN Fp' \C9 C9 , -, ll-� 0 0, I>eLp ell 1� 11:Z, Q3 'a 9 .0 46 4/ Q V L S!A, LX W4 15� ck. -C- LX lz LX /-7 C-- L/O V Lp-r 4- Q e=�rrf C_T- c>F-7-- 1-11, p TPIC3 7�-)�c -Fi-4 E-- D� -3 zj- al PL-A Kj 1 (7- L> t-+A-:> -1:1->F-7 =-11-A 2:t--C -E I 4N." E:) x c Z�- L/ q C-2 > 0- (2 C;7 "�>c-;c-+-+ TZ71-- e-E-1 A -4, "A /Y) VO q o 0 "Iv �2- DP ix IV 0 /V * 0 ft/ Ix LT L-A=) WMI OF Z-4-, 9 C- -1 > <6 WA45 I k-t G S< 15U e>m) I v 1 5 1 a> &J RL-4, C>T= L-A E> 60 0 09 Q� (2 6W FEST W Li I S Pao ZT) Ae-JJ'5-rA.. lb u G: A 6 ep. 60 0 sz 0 c C> Ah 3S. P- C>,=� 0 .0 Lf �-1 C> C-C.> (Z cw E— -7-c> Q5 E-%r 0? 1�e \C? OlD( i-4E-v-c---a>,r 9S, ^(Y' 9 -12- A-,--7'Fc->JL- Z-1, 111KC71, I" IV ez JA" 1, 19-76,. ZIE; Dc>\^j" C-^7>c--- YajEL-Vl C> Ls-r+-� 46 C,7 k, -L2,-1 Z -4- 2-4 > C) -do C,7 C- UJALA -01 Cl -1 on C�O 1JI-7 T j -C+ ol Cn 9 - If E:) -rcz, I C-- 47 4, Z� LL-