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My address is 111 Allyn Lane, Barnstable, Barnstable County, Massachusetts. 2. 3. I am the eldest child/daughter of Mary H. Crane, owner of the property in Barnstable Village at 2772 Main Street known as Packet Mail. I have spent all but five summers of my life on Cape Cod, either in the house or Barn at that address or within several miles of said property. The years I was not here was 1978 through 1982. 4. I recall my family was living at Packet Mail (2772 Main Street) in 1952. The property consists of a single-family home and a barn. 5. In July 1953, my father passed away. At the time of his death, John Iversen and his family were living in the Barn on the property. The following year (1954), the Bancroft family and friends from North Carolina lived in the Barn. 6. Each successive summer, the Barn was rented or used as a lodging part time by family members and/or friends. I specifically recall in 1964 the barn was used by both my sister and her family as well as my family. 7. The Barn was rented by my cousin Melody (Trowbridge) Ojala and our mutual friend, Alice (Bancroft) Fjelstul in 1965. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury this day of January, 1998. / Alex4idra F. Crane • Commonwealth of Massachusetts Lam` „ s � aNu� r��� fi , 1998 Barnstable, ss. �-� - s�" �c % '�v l Then personally appeared, the above named, Alexandra F. Crane, and acknowledge the foregoing to be her free act, before me. :—jf ;fit is ��'� '�•- • Notary Public My commission expires: ('_, Affidavit in Regard to 2772 Main Street, Barnstable, MA State of Massachusetts County of Barnstable Now comes, Mary H. Crane, and on oath, deposes and states as follows: 1. My name is Mary H. Crane, I currently reside at Winstead Retirement Home, 358 Bank Street, Harwich, Barnstable County, Massachusetts. My home is located at 2772 Main Street, Barnstable, Barnstable County, Massachusetts. 2. 3. The property (2772 Main Street, Barnstable, MA) known as Packet Mail, was left to me by mother upon her death in September 1943. The property consists of the home known as the Packet Mail and a barn. 4. As I recall, the barn was converted to living quarters around 1950, with the installation of bathroom facilities. This was done to accommodate the Theater School request to house students attending their school. The school was renting the Packet Mail and Allyn House at the time. 5. In 1952, I occupied the Packet Mail and rented the Barn to family friends, the Iversens. By that time the barn had both a kitchen and bath. I do not recall the exact year of installation of the kitchen. 6. In 1953 the barn was rented to my good friend, Libby Bancroft and her family. 7. During each summer from 1952 to the present, the Barn has housed various family friends and relatives. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury this 1 3`_ day of January, 1998. ri Ma H. Cane THE FOLLOWING IS/ARE THE BEST IMAGES FROM POOR QUALITY ORIGINALS) " AGE DATA Commonwealth of Massachusetts . • Barnstable, ss. ' --.L Y 'ic.ii,' L; s� s� . �c _y fu- :' 4.. , 1998 Then personally appeared, the above named, Alexandra F. Crane,, and acknowledge the - foregoing to be her free act, before me. i /i',s-;•7 , • Notary Public . My commission expires: ?-_r �s .az.y 1'�c y • r oFTMe 47" 90 The Town of Barnstable KsARNEITAB;y1:). Department of Health Safety and Environmental Services Fp ryas Building Division 367 Main Street,Hyannis MA 02601 Office: 508-790-6227 Ralph Crossen Fax: 508-790-6230 Building Commissioner February 3, 1998 Mary H. Crane 115 Allyn Lane Barnstable,MA 02630 Re: 2772 Main Street/Route 6A,Barnstable,MA Map/parcel 258/065 Dear Ms Crane: After a complete review of the documentation submitted by you,we are now of the belief that the apartment in the barn predated zoning and,as such,is a preexisting non-conforming use. The result is that the apartment is legal from a zoning standpoint. Sincerely, 4244, Ralph M.Crossen Building Commissioner RMC/km cc: Bruce P.Gilmore,Attorney at Law Jack Gillis,Consumer Affairs g980202a BRUCE P. GILMORE ATTORNEY AT LAW 1170 ROUTE 6A WEST BARNSTABLE, MA 02668 (508) 362-8833 FAX: (508) 362-5344 Mailing Address P.O. Box 7 1 4 WEST BARNSTABLE, MA 02668 January 26, 1998 Jack Gillis Town of Barnstable Department of Health, Safety and Environmental Services PO Box 2430 Hyannis, MA 02601 RE: 2772 Main Street, Barnstable, MA Map/Parcel: 258-065 Dear Jack: As a follow-up to our conversation this afternoon, I enclose copies of the affidavits I obtained from various members of the Crane family and a close friend. After you have had an opportunity to review them, I would be happy to meet with you and/or Ralph Crossen. Please advise. Very truly yours, Bruce P. Gilmore cmr Enclosure BRUCE P. GILMORE ATTORNEY AT LAW 1170 ROUTE 6A WEST BARNSTABLE, MA 02668 (508)362-8833 FAX: (508) 362-5344 Mailing Address P.O.BOX 714 WEST BARNSTABLE,MA 02668 November 20, 1997 Jack Gillis Town of Barnstable Department of Health, Safety and Environmental Services PO Box 2430 Hyannis, MA 02601 RE: 2772 Main Street, Barnstable Map 258/Parcel 065 Dear Jack: Please be advised that I have been retained by the Crane family relative to the disputed zoning issue. A response to Building Department's original notice was mailed on November 18, 1997. I assume your letter dated November 19, 1997 and my response must have crossed in the mail. Regardless, please be assured I am working on this matter. I am currently awaiting affidavits from the family members regarding the use of the building over the past fifty years. As soon as I receive this information, I will be in a better position to respond to the Zoning Board of Appeals. At your convenience, please call me to discuss this matter. Very truly yours, Bruce P. Gilmore cmr Enclosure Town of Barnstable Department of Health, Safety, and Environmental Services Consumer Affairs Division ., 0" * 230 South Street, P.O. Box 2430 w w BARNSfABLE, Hyannis, MA 02601 Tel: 508-790-6250 9_� 2, Fax: 508-778-2412 Jack Gillis Supervisor November 19, 1997 Mrs. Mary Crane 115 Allyn Lane Barnstable, MA 02630 Re: 2772 Main Street,Barnstable,MA 02630 Map 258/Parcel 065 Dear Property Owner: The Building Division of the Town of Barnstable has attempted to resolve the zoning issue regarding your property. The division records show no response to date. The matter has been turned over to my office for criminal court action. If no response is made within seven (7) days from the date of this letter, we will seek a criminal complaint in Barnstable First District Court to resolve this issue. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to call me at (508) 790- 6250. Sin - ely, 11P a Gillis vision Supervisor JG:IFl j/building/crane.doc BRUCE P. GILMORE ATTORNEY AT LAW 1170 ROUTE 6A WEST BARNSTABLE, MA 02668 (508)362-8833 FAX:(508) 362-5344 Mailing Address P.O.BOX 714 WEST BARNSTABLE,MA 02668 November 18, 1997 Ralph Crossen Building Commissioner Town of Barnstable 367 Main Street Hyannis, MA 02601 RE: 2772 Main Street, Barnstable, MA Map/Parcel: 258-065 Dear Ralph: Please be advised that I have been retained by the Crane family relative to the above- referenced parcel and the prior non-conforming use. I am in the process of obtaining affidavits from various family members regarding the use of the property over the last fifty years. Once I have received these affidavits, I will be in a better position to respond to your correspondence of October 22, 1997. Very truly yours, &Cc, PA.,,efyLd,ki Bruce P. Gilmore cmr • _ n :Z.._ al--- , - k.... 4 ----. S% cysivv-.7yirciteo.dozzito ii „....7,:_.,g. ) , p-4-0-1).14„, icao€) , ) se . . 106,1y. t COUNTY OF ) .4. "d"' /w1 J al ) 1 . My name is Joseph eery Beale Edwards . I live in Barnstable, Massachusetts, ,D4y-mailing address s P . O. Box 908 , Barnstable , Massachusetts 2668 . 2 . 3 . I am first cousin once removed to Mary Hinckley Crane . 4 . I have known Mary Crane and her husband, Alex Crane (who died in 1953) for most of my life . I have been familiar with the property located at 2772 Main Street, Barnstable, most of my life, knowing it as "The Packet Mail, " and as my cousin' s house . 5 . I remember when the Barn, which was attached to the house at 2772 Main Street, was converted into living quarters. The conversion took place in the early 1950' s . The conversion, including the installation of a bathroom and kitchen facilities, took place in order to allow the Cape Cod Theater School to use the Barn, the main house, and the next door neighbor house (known as the Allyn House) as housing for the members of the Cape Cod Theater School . The Cape Cod Theater School used these premises for approximately three years in the early 1950' s . 6 . I remember the date was in the very early • 1950 ' s because Alex Crane was still alive when the theater school vacated the buildings . I remember that he was still alive because he asked me to consider bringing a law suit against the Cape Cod Theater School because some members of the school had cut a hole in a wide old board in the Allyn Rouse attic . Alex Crane thought they ought not to have done that as it was a valuable old board. I refused to bring the law suit .* 7 . I remember that Mary Crane had other persona renting the Barn apartment for the summers after the Cape Cod Theater School vacated the premises . The names of the persons who. rented the Barn were Jack and Helen Iversen and Bill and Libby Bancroft, amongst others . 8 . My wife, Mary Edwards, and I rented the barn from Mary Crane beginning with the summer of 1967. until 1937 . r - e µ. Cw.cAhmt c C+�- f ow- C 17 lit c. .�.,1 . j ,D a-c.Q d G}a i �� � � q`t�fa,,�y, Page Two AFFIDAVIT 9 . Mary Crane always had the barn rented as much as possible because she needed the income, as she was a widow supporting four children. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. b.A4 FeQ,,,QA oseph Henry Beale Edwards Subscribed and sworn to before me thi 2 3 day of November, 1997, by Joseph Henry Beale Edwards, at A AC044, My commission expires : Notary Public Address of Notary: I - AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ss . COUNTY OF HILLSBOROUGH 1 . My name is Alice Bancroft Fjelstul . My address is 1631 Villareal de Avila, Tampa, Florida 33613 . My telephone number is f3 - 15 -oi (6 2 . 3 . I have been friends with Mary Crane and her daughters since I was in second grade in Raleigh, North Carolina. My parents, Bill and Libby Bancroft (both now deceased) , were friends to Mary Crane since that time, and to her husband, Alex Crares untileath i n 191 . 5 h,_s d._... 4 . Beginning in 1954 , my parents and my younger brother and I came to Barnstable for several summers and lived in the Barn apartment behind the yellow house known as Packet Mail on Main Street in Barnstable. When we were there, there was a bathroom, a kitchen, a sleeping loft, and the ground floor living area with the picture window which is still there . 5 . I know my parents paid rent to Mary Crane for the use of the Barn apartment during the summers because my mother told me at one time that we could not stay longer than we did, even though I wanted to, because they could not afford to pay ongoing rent . 6 . I attended Wheaton college from 1960 to 1964 . During one of the college summers, my friend and I rented the Barn apartment from Mary Crane . FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. ra 1 '/ f /Al Alice ,BancroftIVFjelstul Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of November, 1997, by Alice Bancroft Fjelstul, at Tampa, Florida My commission expires : October 5, 2001 *litPatsyRCram Notary Public *M,��� Address of Notary: %mg,EON October5,2001 3205 Belle Shadow Lane Tampa, FL 33634 [ ] [R258. 065 . 411 ] LOC] 2r172 ROUTE 6-A CTY] 04 TDS] 100 101- KEY] 166929 ----MAILING ADDRESS PCA] 1011 PCS] 00 YR] 00 PARENT] 0 CRANE, MARY H MAP] AREA] 76AA JV] 348127 MTG] 1003 115 ALLYN LANE SP1] SP2] SP3] UT1] UT2] . 95 SQ FT] 2700 BARNSTABLE MA 02630 AYE] 1829 EYB] 1970 OBS] CONST] 0000 LAND 58700 IMP 167400 OTHER ----LEGAL DESCRIPTION---- TRUE MKT 226100 REA CLASSIFIED #LAND 1 58, 700 ASD LND 58700 ASD IMP 167400 ASD OTH #BLDG (S) -CARD-1 1 167, 400 DESCRIPTION TAX YR CURRENT EXEMPT TAXABLE #PL 2772 MAIN ST TAX EXEMPT #DL LOT 4 RESIDENT'L 226100 226100 226100 #RR 1386 0171 OPEN SPACE COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL EXEMPTIONS SALE] 00/00 PRICE] ORB] 1716/167 AFD] LAST ACTIVITY] 05/24/89 PCR] Y R258 065 . OPRAISAL DATA . KEY 166929 CRANE,1MARY H LAND BLD/FEATURES BUILDINGS NUMBER ZN/FL=RF- 2 58, 700 167, 400 1 A-COST 226, 100 B-MKT 195, 700 BY 00/ BY /00 C-INCOME PCA=1011 PCS=00 SIZE= 2700 JUST-VAL 226, 100 LEV=100 CONST-C 0 ----COMPARISON TO CONTROL AREA 76AA NEIGHBORHOOD 76AA BARNSTABLE PARCEL CONTROL AREA TREND STANDARD 10] 10 LAND-TYPE 58700] LAND-MEAN +0% 226100] 167348 IMPROVED-MEAN +096 2596 ] FRONT-FT ] 100 DEPTH/ACRES TABLE 02 100%] LOCATION-ADJ APPLY-VAL-STAT 1 LNR] LAND LFT/IMP]ADJS/SB/FEAT STR] STRUCTURE ARR]AREA-MEASUREMENTS NOR] NOTES COM] MARKET INC] INCOME PMR] PERMITS GRR] GRAPHIC FUNCTION- [ ] STRUCTURE-CARD NO- [0 0 0] DATA- [ ] XMT [?] f `R258 065 . •P E R M I T [PMT] ACTIC ] CARD [000] KEY 166929 St 00000000] PERMIT-NO MO YR TYPE VALUE CK-BY MO YR oCMP NEW/DEMO COMMENT [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] " ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] " ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] " ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] " ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] " ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] " l [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] " ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ l [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] " ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] " ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] " ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] " ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] " ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] " ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] " ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] " ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] " ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] " ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] " ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] " ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] " ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [?] • BARNSfABLE. 91,46rE , The Town of Barnstable Department of Health Safety and Environmental Services Building Division 367 Main Street,Hyannis MA 02601 Office: 508-790-6227 Ralph Crossen Fax: 508-790-6230 Building Commissioner October 22, 1997 Ms.Mary Crane 115 Allyn Lane Barnstable,MA 02630 RE: M-258/P-065 2772 Main Street,Barnstable,MA Dear Property Owner: We are sorry you have chosen not to cooperate with this office in restoring your home to a single- family dwelling. Since you do not want to comply to the Zoning Board of Appeals,we are forced to seek a complaint in District Court. Sincerely, Gloria M.Urenas Zoning Enforcement Officer GMU:lb CERTIFIED MAIL Z 203 495 424 • Q970618A tit • ‘' bi n+e • 411 o,• • • • BARNSTABLE, * MASS. 9 i639. ,�' The Town of Barnstable Department of Health Safety and Environmental Services Building Division 367 Main Street,Hyannis MA 02601 Office: 508-790-6227 Ralph Crossen Fax: 508-790-6230 Building Commissioner August 19, 1997 Mary H. Crane 115 Allyn Lane Barnstable,MA 02630 Re: 115 Allyn Lane,Barnstable,MA Map/Parcel-258-065 Dear Property Owner: A review of our records, including the permitting history of 115 Allyn Lane,as well as the Zoning Board of Appeals records indicates that the use of that address as anything other than a single family home is illegal. You are hereby ordered to discontinue the use of the above referenced property as it is now being used and restore it to a single family home. You are to accomplish this work and notify this office to inspect within 14 days of your receipt of this letter. A building permit must be applied for to redesign the layout to accommodate the conversion. You must do this before you make any changes. You have the right to appeal this decision. If you so choose,we will be more than happy to help you. If we do not hear from you within the 14 days,we will be forced to seek criminal action against you. Very truly yours, q-ir7/ 7/7. Gloria M.Urenas Zoning Enforcement Officer GMU:lb CERTIFIED MAIL P 339 592 329 Q960712B r . .. . . 1 TOWN OF BARNSTABLE REPORT•S PLEMENTARY/CONTINIIATI@P REPORT NAME (wy, FIRST, MIDDLE) DIVISION /DHP7 '!4/1 ( "0�v1S •lei.( ac a-✓ NOTE DETAILS i fSERVATIONS-ITEMIZE EVIDENCE, SERIAL SS ETC. a?7 A-t A) c— 31444) ste le, azr 8' — o 6 s- abf//°7 0 C S 7'T.2.., X J i I,nfp47 / _7 "Tfn v 0-P / ‘ A-- Pi? 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Room In St. Shower Bath l j� Bsmt. _- 1 �r/j / U PURCH. DATE Ir Conc. Slab Bsmt.Garage �I St. Shower Ext. Walls PURCH. PRICE Brick Walls Attic Fl. &Stairs Toilet Room Roof RENT �� Stone Walls V Fin.Attic Two Fixt. Bath Floors • V 25r�� I ' Piers i j INTERIOR FINISH Lavatory Extra � � Bsmt. F C(IS h`' `1 2 3' Sink ((J tJ • 40 s/a 1/2 •i% Plaster ./ I/ Water Clo. Extra Attic rQ EXTERIOR WALLS Knotty Pine Water Only ` 'J /y Double Siding / Plywood No Plumbing Bsmt. Fin. _ • Single Siding Plasterboard �JJ Int. Fin. O' Shingles TILING /V� A8aI (. Conc. Blk. G F P Bath Fl. r Heat �- '5-'4f) �X 'y/ 1 Face Brk.On Int. Layout Bath Fl.&Wains. Auto Ht. Unit .71.-- U Veneer Int. Cond. ..` Bath Fl. &Walls Fireplace ,.�- cam'.J; r S''('h �L ,S ._ ' ' . ' Corn. Brk.On HEATING Toilet Rm. Fl. Plumbing O/o.S-*)(/' /3 Solid Com. Brk. Hot Air Toilet Rm.Fl. &Wains. - • iTiling 3� /o Steam �y �/ Toilet Rm. Fl. &Walls h/ __ z Blanket Ins. 14 6 Hot Water St. Shower' 1(12-2op ''Roof Ins. Air Cond. Tub Area Total0l0 . . . . . .0 . Floor Furn. o?.S �--- G� COMPUTATIONS "— j• ROOFING �Zu3� rAsph. Shingle \/` _ Pipeless Furn. /1,,,2 10 S.F. -__3 J b�O . _ . . . . a . . . . . . Wood Shingle No Heat a Ji— S. F. 7,50 / / rA'/� ,E/� e>e z/ Asbs. Shingle Oil Burner ///// / '� / g `3,,h S.F. 1 O .-Q 4 rY Slate Coal Stoker /-5.,O j ,____3 S. F. (1 i Tile Gas ROOF TYPE Electric J/7lD S. F. 1.O0 �(Ib OUTBUILDINGS Gable Flat L� � S.F. % 7 U p r� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MEASURED Hip Mansard FIREPLACES rp n S. F. �n0 ` 3//6 0 ' Pier Found. �/. Floor w'� L j'� j Gambrel 1� Fireplace Stack r/ Wall Found. ✓ •' .. 0. H.Door LISTED FL0 7RS Fireplace ✓ Sgle.Sdg. Roll Roofing �y Conc. LIGHTING / v - } 11 Dble.Sdg. Shingle Roof d/ Earth 1 No Elect. DATE / Shingle Walls Plumbing ' Pine ✓ �// • .7 Hardwood ROOMS • Cement Blk. Electric C/V l`e Asph.Tile, ' \ Bsmt. 1st TOTAL /�`•j� 5y Brick Int. Finish 6 PRICED Single 2nd `7 4/2• 3rd FACTOR +Z // (J q 901 ca, REPLACEMENT `>�yc94 9 L4-L/4 oc frz e OCCUPANCY/♦ CONSTRUCTION SIZE AREA CLASS • AGE REMOD. CONb.�� • REPL. VAL. �A�L..g Phy.Deep. PHYS. VALUE�y Funct.Dep. ACTUAL VAL. VAL. DWLG7,;;; / �S /'/Z .5'A' . /Od/ //l/I �4�7-7 '/ o2 L G— ' S 7`D /(:.)4, t .S/e.,/. /s Fi..--- X/, c53 , 3 S� did 2 '? ) S® 1 yo Z- A)Sii /,90 • 2,&T A QnJ ,l ' LT' f'-1Z, Sk !ate g=2,® F -4;4i'% 60 072 o zs/ <'<_a. �.D 3A7 S4CJ I5. k . ` k Z S,Co F /IA,o SD 7o6.-) Ts;ustt ,Z,:no , • 4 . .' 5 • 7 8 j 9 - 10 _ //( iC- • TOTAL r. >• RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MAP NC. ' LOT NO. 2772 FIRE DISTRICT SUMMARY STREET -732 Main St. • Barnstable 258 .If 65 B mS e DGS. o 7S� OWNER TOTAL /7) /. _ • _ /9Vo RECORD OF TRANSFER DATE BK PG I.R.S. REMARKS: D.L. #4 75 LAND BLDGS. 3/cA Q ('ranP, Mary H. 9I17/I+3 TOTAL ,„O 5. SCLAND -95ac I a G✓• SAN u1 Teo 9/6/72 1716 167 BLDGS. p '- TOTAL S,QA/779 F //� ,1J ./�IEXICO 87 OI LAND g`_Z-S_S 2 Of BLDGS. TOTAL • _ . . ------ LAND BLDGS. l ` TOTAL p i 4r,+rri - J hF LAND i7r r o' •• yl�' BLDGS. m TOTAL LAND BLDGS. 01 TOTAL 'LAND 7-) INTERIOR INSPECTED: '' BLDGS. �� (,' . +'[.+`>�F ' • m TOTAL . DATE: SJe., 2 LAND v ACREAGE COMPUTATIONS y>esJ cz t BLDGS. LAND TYPE oy # OF ACRES PRICE /�J¢T& DEPR. �j�/VA/L1U�E TOTAL HOUSE LOT , 97/ 0 , 5....; Q .o-a..(�' 0 f�VV uVV, , - ... //'/ Q(/-4 LAND CLEARED FRONT. --h'-e) - - ,...0 -- f 0) BLDGS. _�• •� 7 i="��O / 1 TOTAL WOOOr' OUT FRONT LAND REAR "/ >A, '--/ '>t, J' 0) BLDGS. WASTE FRONT TOTAL . REAR •--2-57e) .. LAND BLDGS. • l 7. O O TOTAL lilyt � I/. O 0 LAND • f' I, 41-'' ..�� /J .T `� 0 C� _T.o O 0) BLDGS. LOT COMPUTATIONS LAND FACTORS TOTAL FRONT DEPTH STREET PRICE DEPTH % FRONT FT. PRICE TOTAL DEPR. COR. INF. VALUE HILLY TOWN SEWER LAND /07</3a -�_ ■- ROUGH ■ TOWN WATER - BLDGS. • HIGH •D TOTAL • LOW DIRT RD. LAND SWAMPY NO RD. OI BLDGS. TOTAL ' a PROPERTY ADDRESS I 1 ZONING I DISTRICT CODE • SP-DISTS.I DATE PRINTED I CSTATE I PCS I NBHD PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER KEY NO. LASS 2772 ROUTE 6-A 04 RF-2 100 048A 07/09/9.5 1011 Jii 76AA R238 065. 166929 L.AND/OTHER FEATURES DESCRIPTION ADJUSTMENT FACTORS T r.,R,:,IV C. '1 A R Y H MAP- Land BerDaie Stye Dtmens,pn v UNIT ADJ'D.UNIT ACRES/UNITS VALUE Description /ICD FF.DeptbrAcre5 LOC./YR.SPEC.CLASS ADJ. COND. PE PRICE PRICE r L A N D 1 5 4.7 O 0 CARDS IN ACCOUNT - L �10 1BLOG.SIT 1 X .95 =100 103 59999.99 61799_99 .95 5370J #<1LD0(S)-LA" -1 1 167.400 C1 OF 01 A II?L 2772 MA IN ST List Z2610U BATHS 1 .0 U X 8= 100 4460.00 4400.00 1 .00 440U J ;D K L LOT 4 1AP NFT 195700 - NO BS MT S X 3= 100 6.30 7.93 121 U 93UU-8 ORO; 1 366 U 1 71 INCOME AT1 ATTIC U S X 0= 100 3.40 4.28 1210 520C •3 OF A FIREPLACE U X r3= 100 3900.00 3900.00 2.00 73Ju J APPRAISED VALUE D U EXT FIRERL U X �3= 1700.00100 1700.00 1.00 17J0 a A 226.'100 J A UPARCEL SUNNASY T S AND 58700 A T 3LDGS 167400 -IMPS M • OTAL 226100 F E I COST E N DEED REFERENCE Type DATE O PocordeC R I O RR YEAR !VALUE T si• Sales Pr p. L A Book Page n MO. Yr D A N D 5870r T S 1718/1U7 00/00 3LDGS HOC U TOTALF100 R E BUILDING PERMIT S Number Dale I Type I Amount LAND LAND-ADJ INCOfi1E USE SP-OLDS FEATURES 3LD-ADJS UNIT-3 33100 I I I i 9500 I I I I (onst Tntni r Buhl-, Norm. Obsv. I Class I I I Base''ale Atll.Ral¢ Age CND Los � Ab R.G Repl Cost New Ad Repl value Stories He+ t Rooms ed trims Baths 0 fir Parl unns unns A teal -t oepr_ conyI Neigh, - yw.n f.c. 013+ 030 115 115 76.90 88_44 29 70 24 74 100 74 226150 1574,JJ 2.4 9 4 1 .0 4.0 Description Rate Square Feel Repl.Cost MET INDEX: 1 C IMP.BV/DATE: - / SCALE: 1 / U•2 y ELEMENTS CODE CONSTRUCTION DETAIL BAS 1170 I+35.44 1210 107012 GROSS AREA 27J0 s1N6LE I-Arv1LY UWELL1N(3 CYST .,i':'JO ""S FOP 35 30.95 25 --54---* STY LE IJ52OLONIAL OLD 774 - 0.0 T FSF 90 79.60 29'1 22238 20 FFG 20 )c'Si N ACJ'IT :J3 )`SIGN ADJUST 15.0 R FFG 30 26_53 6jU 18040 ! ! =zT_ F.a.4L I140 o FRAME 7. U FOP 35 30.95 140 4333 k---34---* •IEATTAC T •(PE- -4)f 0. . C 1820 60 53.06 1210 64203 20 20 r0T0R.; ThIti -JO 17 T _ U IFSF! COTET.LAYJOT -.Ir - 0.0 *-14*-* tiv107T.-'1J7.1:TS JC;AFfe.. AS_-t_XT_2. --0.-a R 16 15 =LOJ:T-STTJCT J/ 0.cr A W *-* ! Er:L3J.F'C7mr_-T Jo - .( L D 11 045 1490 FOP *-* TO OF -TTP0 TO 10.0T E Total Areas be a Base = BUILDING DIMENSIONS ! 13 _L E L T k I 1--' ID T ETAS r4) N4 0 FOP WOE 'NJ5 EOS SOS 56 *1u*-* -- - ' 0_, -UJ:vS1tTI..��i 3:. 99=9- A .. BAS N16 FSF N2_0 FFG N20 E34 40 BASE ! ! I S2J W34 .. FSF El S20 IW14 I FOPBNEIGFi3•-)FriOT/C-76AA < AiNS7AETLE- L JAS E21 S15 w06 S13 F10 FOP E05 ! I ! LAND TOTAL MARKET S23 w05 ,N28 . . BAS S28 . . B20 ! 620 ! ! 'A R S E.L 53700 226100 N28 W10 N1.3 E06 N15 W21 S56 E25 *--25--X-* -iRE- 16734 820 . . r/A RI.AN'.1:[ +] +1251 IAlDARC; 25