HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Permit 2012-007Town of Barnstable Zoning Board of Appeals Decision and Notice Special Permit 2012-007 - Centerville Gardens II, LLC Section 240-25(C)(1) - Dental Office in the HB To allow a dental office by Conditional Use Special Permit Summary:Granted with Conditions Petitioner: Property Owner: Subject Property: Assessor's Map/Parcel: Zoning: Centerville Gardens II, LLC Steven Mele, PO Box 956, Centerville, MA 1060 Falmouth Road; 28 & 36 Wequaquet Lane, Hyannis & Centerville Map 250, Parcels 023/X01,023/X02, and 024 HB Highway Business, Residence D-l, Groundwater Protection Overlay District Hearing Date:March 28, 2012 Recording Information:Deed: Book 17960 Page 329 Plan: Book 586 Page 59 (Lot 2, Parcel B, Parcel D) Background In appeal 2012-007, the subject property is a 2.88 acre site located east and north of the CVS Pharmacy at Route 28 and Wequaquet Lane. The property was comprised of two lots (and three Assessor’s parcels) and falls within both the villages of Hyannis and Centerville. The property contained a dilapidated 2,350 square foot structure along the Route 28 frontage. Large portions of the property had been previously cleared. The subject site is split between the HB and RD-1 zoning districts. The HB zoning district extends 300 feet from the Route 28 right-of-way. The rear portion of the property, currently vacant, is residentially zoned. The Petitioner proposed to demolish the existing building and redevelop the site with a 9,925 square foot commercial building and 40 parking stalls. Associated site improvements, including landscaping, stormwater infrastructure and a new septic system were proposed. All improvements, including stormwater retention basins, were proposed to be located on the commercially zoned portion of the property. The proposal used the combined acreage of Lot 2/2A and Parcel B to meet Title V requirements for maximum allowable septic flows, thus rendering the rear portion of the property unbuildable. Access to the site was proposed to be from a curb cut shared with the adjacent CVS Pharmacy development; a recorded easement allows the proposed shared access (Book 17960 Pg 330). The plans submitted indicated the building will have two tenant spaces, one of which is proposed to be a dental office. The remaining portion of the building is proposed to be used as offices, a by­ right use in the HB District. Procedural & Hearing Summary Special Permit No. 2012-007 for a dental office in the Highway Business District was filed at the Town Clerk’s Office and at the Office of the Zoning Board of Appeals on February 3, 2012. A public hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals was duly advertised and notice sent to all Town of Barnstable Zoning Board of Appeals - Decision and Notice Conditional Use Special Permit No. 2012-007 - Centerville Gardens II, LLC abutters in accordance with MGL Chapter 40A. The hearing was opened March 14, 2012 and continued to March 28, 2012, at which time the Board found to grant the Special Permit subject to conditions. Board Members deciding this appeal were Board Chair Laura F. Shufelt, William H. Newton, Craig G. Larson, George T. Zevitas, and Brian Florence. Attorney David Lawler represented the Petitioner before the Board. Also present were Steven Mele, Joe Keller, and Raul Lizardi-Rivera, P.E. from Holmes and McGrath Civil Engineers. On March 28, 2012, Attorney Lawler presented the proposed development plan to the Board. He discussed the shared access drive and the easement arrangement with the owner of the CVS Pharmacy property. It was confirmed that the proposal met the requirements for off-site parking. Attorney Lawler outlined revisions to the plan that had been made since March 14th, including reducing the building setback and moving a row of parking to the rear of the building. Attorney Lawler and Mr. Keller discussed the tenants they had secured to occupy the new building. They confirmed that no development was proposed for the rear portion of the lot. The Board questioned the Petitioner regarding the existing access and the vehicular circulation between the subject property and the CVS site. The access easement was reviewed. Attorney Lawler confirmed the property owner, Steven Mele, had submitted a letter authorizing Centerville Gardens II, LLC to make the application. Public comment was requested and no one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the Special Permit request. Findings of Fact At the March 28, 2012 hearing, the Board unanimously made the following findings of fact for Appeal 2012-007, a Conditional Use Special Permit request filed by Centerville Gardens II, LLC for a dental office in a new 9,925 square foot building located within the Highway Business Zoning District: 1. Centerville Gardens II, LLC has petitioned for a Conditional Use Special Permit pursuant to Section 240-25(C)(1) to allow a dental office use in the Highway Business Zoning District. 2. The Petitioner seeks to redevelop the site and construct a 9,925 square foot building for office and dental office use. 3. The subject properties are located at 1060 Falmouth Road, Hyannis, MA and 28 and 36 Wequaquet Lane, Centerville, MA as shown on Assessor’s Map 250 as Parcels 023/X01, 023/X02, and 024. They are in the Highway Business and Residence D-1 Zoning Districts and the Groundwater Protection Overlay District. 4. The application falls within a category specifically excepted in the ordinance for a grant of a special permit. Section 24Q-25(C)(1) of the Barnstable Zoning Ordinance permits dental offices in the HB District provided a Special Permit is obtained from the Zoning Board of Appeals. 5. The Site Plan Review Committee reviewed and approved the proposed development in a letter dated March 28, 2012. 6. After an evaluation of all the evidence presented, the proposal fulfills the spirit and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and would not represent a substantial detriment to the public good or the neighborhood affected. 7. The use does not substantially adversely affect the public health, safety, welfare, comfort or convenience of the community. The vote to accept the finding was: AYE: Board Chair Laura F. Shufelt, William H. Newton, Craig G. Larson, Brian Florence, and George T. Zevitas NAY: None 2 Town of Barnstable Zoning Board of Appeals - Decision and Notice Conditional Use Special Permit No. 2012-007 - Centerville Gardens II, LLC Decision Based on the findings of fact, a motion was duly made and seconded to grant Conditional Use Special Permit No. 2012-007 to Centerville Gardens II, LLC subject to the following conditions: 1. Special Permit 2012-007 is granted to Centerville Gardens II, LLC to allow a dental office for no more than three dentists at 1060 Falmouth Road, Hyannis and Centerville, in the Highway Business Zoning District. If three dentists occupy the dental office, then no more than 4,600 square feet of office space shall also be permitted in the building. 2. The properties subject to this Special Permit are 1060 Falmouth Road and 28 and 36 Wequaquet Lane (Map 250, Parcels 023/X01, 023/X02, and 024), a combined 2.88 acres. 3. The site shall be redeveloped in substantial conformance with the plans entitled “Site Plan prepared for Centerville Gardens, LLC”, pages 1-6, last revised on March 23, 2012, drawn and stamped by Holmes and McGrath, Inc. The building shall be constructed in substantial compliance with the elevations entitled “Keller & Co., Centerville Gardens, 1060 Falmouth Road”, page A2.1, dated February 27, 2012, drawn by Brown, Lindquist, Fenuccio & Raber Architects, Inc. 4. Landscaping shall be installed in substantial conformance with the plan entitled “Landscape Plan - Centerville Gardens, 1060 Falmouth Road” last revised March 22, 2012, drawn and stamped by Leslie Fanger, RLA of BSC Group. 5. All commercial activity and associated site improvements shall remain on the portion of the property zoned HB. The residentially-zoned portion of the property shall remain undeveloped and in a natural state, with the exception of the temporary construction drive. No parking of vehicles or storage shall be permitted on the residentially-zoned property. Clearing of mature vegetation on the residentially-zoned property is prohibited, other than that which is required to construct the temporary construction drive. 6. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the temporary construction access and drive shall be removed and the area restored to a natural state. 7. Prior to issuance of a building permit, a landscape plan prepared by a Registered Landscape Architect shall be submitted to the Growth Management Department Director for review and approval. The landscape plan shall show the following: a. Restoration of all disturbed areas, including but not limited to the temporary construction access drive, located in the residentially zoned portions of the subject property with drought-tolerant native grasses. b. Street trees with a minimum 3-inch caliper shall be planted along the frontage of Wequaquet Lane. c. Areas of mature vegetation to be retained. All planting shown on the plan shall be installed prior to a Certificate of Occupancy. 8. No outdoor storage shall be permitted, unless approved by the Building Commissioner. No storage shall be permitted in parking spaces or drive aisles, or in trailers, containers, trucks, or storage units. 9. The development shall meet all requirements of Title V and the Board of Heath, including requirements to combine the subject properties into one ownership lot. As required by Title V and Health regulations, a recorded plan uniting the lots shall be submitted to the Zoning Board of Appeals office prior to issuance of a building permit. 3 Town of Barnstable Zoning Board of Appeals - Decision and Notice Conditional Use Special Permit No. 2012-007 - Centerville Gardens II, LLC 10. The development shall be in compliance with all requirements of the Building Code, Hyannis Fire Department, COMM Water Department, and be in compliance will all conditions of the Site Plan Review approval. When available, the property shall connect to public sewer. 11. This decision shall be recorded at the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds and copies of the recorded decision shall be submitted to the Zoning Board of Appeals Office and the Building Division for this special permit to be in effect. The rights authorized by this special permit must be exercised within two years, unless extended. The vote was: AYE: Board Chair Laura F. Shufelt, William H. Newton, Craig G. Larson, Brian Florence, and George T. Zevitas NAY: None Ordered Special Permit No. 2012-007 to allow a dental office in a redeveloped building at 1060 Falmouth Road and 28 and 36 Wequaquet Lane has been granted subject to conditions. This decision must be recorded at the Barnstable Registry of Deeds for it to be in effect and notice of that recording submitted to the Zoning Board of Appeals Office. The relief authorized by this decision must be exercised within two years unless extended. Appeals of this decision, if any, shall be made pursuant to MGL Chapter 40A, Section 17, within twenty (20) days after the date of the filing of this decision, a copy of which must be filed in the office of the Barnstable Town Clerk. Date Signed I, Linda Hutchenrider, Clerk of the Town of Barnstable, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, hereby certify that twenty (20) days have elap^ecksince the Zoning Board of Appeals filed this decision and that no appeal of the decision has beein filecHn the office of the Town Clerk. Signed and sealed this perjury. 4 Office: 508-862-4022 FAX: 508-862-4722 Town of Barnstable Assessing Division 367 Main Street, Hyannis MA 02601 www.town.barnstable.ma.us Jeffrey A Rudziak, MAA Director of Assessing ABUTTERS LIST CERTIFICATION February 22, 2012 RE : Adjacent Abutters List For Parcel (s): 250-023-X01, 250-023-X02, 250-024 1060 Falmouth Rd ; 28 & 36 Wequaquet Lane Centerville, MA Mele, Steven As requested, I hereby certify the names and addresses as submitted on the attached sheet(s) as required under Chapter 40A, Section 11 of the Massachusetts General Laws for the above referenced parcel. They appear on the most recent tax list with the mailing addresses supplied excepting parcel 250-018-003 with a card attached for new mailing address. Board of Assessors Town of Barnstable Attachments xbutterReport Page 1 of3 Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) Abutter List for Map & Parcel(s): ’250023X01’,'250023X02',’250024’ Parties of interest are those directly opposite subject lot on any public or private street or way and abutters to abutters. Notification of all properties within 300 feet ring of the subject lot. Total Count:47 1^1 Aj Close Map & Parcel Ownerl Owner2 Addressl Address 2 Mailing CItyStateZIp Country Deed 230136 GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF CAPE COD INC 1130 FALMOUTH RD CENTERVILLE, MA 02632 7238/081 230137 BRENNAN, JOHN W & BETTY J 523 MAIN STREET CENTERVILLE, MA 02632 3400/318 249069 JONES, DAVID T & SHEILA M 4 BLACKBERRY LN HYANNIS, MA 02601 4188/284 25000200A HOUSING ASSISTANCE CORP 460 W MAIN ST HYANNIS, MA 02601 18026/201 25000200B HOUSING ASSISTANCE CORP 460 W MAIN ST HYANNIS, MA 02601 18026/201 25000200C HOUSING ASSISTANCE CORP 460 W MAIN ST HYANNIS, MA 02601 18026/201 25000200D HOUSING ASSISTANCE CORP 460 W MAIN ST HYANNIS, MA 02601 18026/201 25000200E HOUSING ASSISTANCE CORP 460 W MAIN ST HYANNIS, MA 02601 18026/201 25000200F HOUSING ASSISTANCE CORP 460 W MAIN ST HYANNIS, MA 02601 18026/201 25000200G HOUSING ASSISTANCE CORP 460 W MAIN ST HYANNIS, MA 02601 18026/201 25000200H HOUSING ASSISTANCE CORP 460 W MAIN ST HYANNIS, MA 02601 18026/201 250002001 HOUSING ASSISTANCE CORP 460 W MAIN ST HYANNIS, MA 02601 18026/201 250002001 HOUSING ASSISTANCE CORP 460 W MAIN ST HYANNIS, MA 02601 18026/201 25000200K HOUSING ASSISTANCE CORP 460 W MAIN ST HYANNIS, MA 02601 18026/201 25000200L HOUSING ASSISTANCE CORP 460 W MAIN ST HYANNIS, MA 02601 18026/201 25000200M HOUSING ASSISTANCE CORP 460 W MAIN ST HYANNIS, MA 02601 18026/201 25000200N HOUSING ASSISTANCE CORP 460 W MAIN ST HYANNIS, MA 02601 18026/201 250003 BARCELOS, ALEX 2 BLACKBERRY LN HYANNIS, MA 02601 21599/277 250004 RELD CORPORATION 1047 FALMOUTH RD HYANNIS, MA 02601 1399/183 250005 BOTSFORD, NORMAN L &. JUDITH 1069 FALMOUTH RD HYANNIS, MA 02601 1368/380 25000600A FARDY, ALICE M 6 KENSINGTON DR SANDWICH, MA 02563 21298/92 25000600B LAFTSIDIS, JOHN 1087 FALMOUTH ROAD CENTERVILLE, MA 02632 21814/278 250007 LANGFIELD, DAVID W 1095 FALMOUTH ROAD HYANNIS, MA 02601 23846/4 250008 HAKALA, KENNETH A & FAITH S 728 STRAWBERRY HL RD CENTERVILLE, MA 02632 2893/242 2/16/2012 XbutterReport Page 2 of3 250010 LORTTE, LEO A & DOROTHY P 12 WEQUAQUET LN CENTERVILLE, MA 02632 2517/214 250011 BRAMLEY, EDWIN 29 BEACH VIEW ROAD W DENNIS, MA 02670 22606/143 250012 MUELER, CARL & AMY 45 WEQUAQUET LN CENTERVILLE, MA 02632 18702/042 http .7/ A 2/16/2012 AhutterReport Page 3 of 3 This list by itself does NOT constitute a certified list of abutters and is provided only as an aid to the determination of abutters. If a certified list of abutters is required, contact the Assessing Division to have this list certified. The owner and address data on this list is from the Town of Barnstable Assessor’s database as of 2/16/2012. 250018002 HALAL, KATHLEEN F 17 FARRAGUT WAY HOLDEN, MA 01520 7647/331 250018003 DESROCHER, EILA S TR KSL REALTY TRUST 354 OLD JAIL LANE BARNSTABLE, MA 02630 24812/326 250021 COOPER, PAUL D 46 WEQUAQUET LANE CENTERVILLE, MA 02632 8466/176 250022H00 KELLEY, MECHELLE M 38 WEQUAQUET LANE CENTERVILLE, MA 02632 10548/149 250O22T00 KELLEY, MECHELLE M 38 WEQUAQUET LANE CENTERVILLE, MA 02632 10548/149 250023X01 MELE, STEVEN A P O BOX 956 CENTERVILLE, MA 02632 17960/329 250023X02 MELE, STEVEN A 56 LAKEVIEW DR CENTERVILLE, MA 02632 17960/329 250024 MELE, STEVEN A 56 LAKEVIEW DR CENTERVILLE, MA 02632 17960/329 250027X01 WEQUAQUET STRAWBERRY HILL LP C/0 COFFMAN REALTY 1300 BELMONT ST- SUITE 302 BROCKTON, MA 02301 17960/323 250027X02 WEQUAQUET STRAWBERRY HILL LP C/0 COFFMAN REALTY 1300 BELMONT ST- SUTTE 302 BROCKTON, MA 02301 17960/323 250028 SCHOFIELD, BENTLEY C & DOROTHY G PO BOX 44 CENTERVILLE, MA 02632 21602/215 250065 COREY, DONALD J 3R 1 TINKER’S LEDGE RD DUXBURY, MA 02332 19570/086 250095 GEMBORYS, KARL N 30 EARLE’S COURT HYANNIS, MA 02601 25368/49 250124 VOTTA, JILL S 900 SMITH ST PROVIDENCE, RI 02908 C141712 250126 FISHMAN, HERBERT CTR HERBERT C FISHMAN TRUST 8868 ETERA DR SARASOTA, FL 34238 C183311 250127H00 FEIGELMAN, IRWIN & ESTELLE 8171 SPRINGLAKE DR BOCA RATON, FL 33496 C94820 250127TOO FEIGELMAN, IRWIN & ESTELLE 8171 SPRINGLAKE DR BOCA RATON, FL 33496 C94820 250128 BAILEY, BRADLEY J P O BOX 325 CENTERVILLE, MA 02632 C114755 250129 MERCER, KIMBERLY A 46 QUISSET RD CENTERVILLE, MA 02632 C173800 250132 GUINEE, WARREN C & JANET T 108 SIEGFRIED LN COLUMBIA, SC 29229-3308 C147080 2/16/2012 LEGALNOTICE TOWN OF BARNSTABLE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS UNDER THE ZONING ORDINANCE MARCH 14, 2012 To all persons interested in or affected by the actions of the • Zoning Board of Appeals, you are hereby notified, pursuant to Section 11 of Chapter 40A of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and all amendments thereto, that a public hearing on the following appeals will be held on Wednesday, March 14,2012 at the time indicated: 7:00 PM Appeal No. 2012-007 Centerville Gardens II, LLC Centerville Gardens II, LLC. has petitioned for a Conditional Use Special Permit pursuant to Section 240-25(C){1) to allow a medical office use in the Highway Business Zoning District. The Petitioner seeks to conslnid a 9,925 square foot building for office and dental office use. The subject properties are located at 1060 Falmouth Road, Hyannis, MA and 28 and 36 Wequaqiiet Lane, Centerville, MA as shown on Assessor's Map 250 as Parcels 0231 X01, 023/X02. and 024 They are in the Highway Business and Residence D-1 Zoning Districts and the Groundwater Protection Overlay District. 7:05 PM Appeal No. 2012-008 MOM Hyannis Property LLC & Star Nominee Trust MDM Hyannis Property, LLC and Star Nominee Trust have applied to modify conditions No. 1,2, and 4 of Variance No. 2008- 010 to change the existing permitted uses of the property. Use of the property is currently limited to retail sates of electronics; the Applicant seeks to include retail, health club, genera! light industrial, business park, general office, and educational, vocational and training center as permitted uses. The property Is located at 624 and 640 fyannough Road, Hyannis, MA as shown on Assessor’s Map 311 as parcel 012 and 013. The parcels are ■ located in the Highway Business and Business Zoning Districts. 7:05 PM Appeal No. 2012-009 W3M Hyannis Property LLC & Star Nominee Trust MDM Hyannis Property, LLC and Star Nominee Trust have • petitionee to modify and amend CondiUonal Use Special Permit No. 2008-011 to provide additional permitted uses for the property. Use of the property is currently limited to retail sales of electronics; ; the Applicant seeks to include retail, health club, general light industrial, business park, general office, and educational, vocational and training center as permitted uses. The property is located at 624 and 640 lyannough Road, Hyannis, MA as shown on Assessor's Map 311 as parcel 012 and 013. The parcels are located in the Highway Business and Business Zoning Districts! ' ’ 7:10 PM Appeal No. 2012-010 Joyce Landscaping, Inc. Joyce Landscaping, Inc. has applied for a modification of Use • Variance No. 1998-16, as modified by Appeal No. 2009-036. Pursuant to the requirements of conditions No. 27 and 28 in Appeal No. 2009-036, the Applicant seeks to modify the conditions of the variance to allow constniction.of an approximately 9,525 square b < X ? b 3 sat a a - -i: s. 51 :< 5 a .r i-t v -> al ji;j ; foot warehouse and office building. The building will replace two office trailers and eleven storage boxes and two greenhouses will be relocated. The subject properties are located at 50 and 68 ' Flint Street, Mansions Mills, MA as shown on Assessor's Map 123 as parcels 004/006 and 004/007. They are in the Residence F Zoning District These Public Hearings will be held at the Barnstable Town Hall, 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA, Hearing Room, 2"1 Floor, Wednesday, March 14, 2012. Plans and applications may be reviewed at the Zoning Board of Appeals-Office, Growth Management Department, Town Offices, 200 Main Street, Hyannis, MA.- .■ ■ Laura F Shufelt Chair Zoning Board of Appeals The Barnstable Patriot - February 24'8 March 2, 2012 LEGALNOTICE Laura F. Shufelt, Chair. Zoning Board of Appeals The Barnstable Patriot February 24 & March 2,2012 TOWN OF BARNSTABLE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS UNDER THE ZONING ORDINANCE MARCH 14, 2012 To all persons interested in or affected by the actions of the Zoning Board of Appeals, you are hereby notified, pursuant to Section 11 of Chapter 40A of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and all amendments teste, that a public hearing on the following appeals will be held on ■ Wednesday, March 14,2012 at the time Indicated: 7:08 PM Appeal No. 2012-007 Centerville Gardens II, LLC Centerville Gardens II, LLC. has petitioned for a Conditional Use Special Permit pursuant to Section 240-25(C)(1) to allow a . medical office use in the Highway Business Zoning District The ' Petitioner seeks to construct a 9,925 square foot building for office and dental office use. The subject properties are located at 1060 - Falmouth Road, Hyannis, MA and 28 and 36 Wequaquet Lane, . Centerville, MA as shown on Assessor's Map 250 as Parcels 023/ X01, 023/X02, and 024. They are in the Highway Business and Residence D-1 Zoning Districts and the Groundwater Protection ' Overlay District. 7:05 PM Appeal No. 2012-008 .. MDM Hyannis Property LLC & Star Nominee Trust ’MDM Hyannis Property, LLC and Star Nominee Trust have '' applied to modify condffions No. 1,2, and 4 of Variance No. 2.008- 010 to change the existing permitted uses of the property.' Use of the property is currently limited to retail sales of electronics; the Applicant seeks'to include retail, health club, general light industrial, business park, general office, and educational, vocational and training center as permitted uses. The property is ' located at 624 and 640 lyannough Road, Hyannis, MA as shown on Assessor's Map 311 as parcel 012 and 013. The parcels are • ■ located in the Highway Business and Business Zoning Districts. 7:05 PM Appeal No. 2012-009 . MDM Hyannis Property LLC & Star Nominee Trust MOM Hyannis Property, LLC and Star Nominee Trust have petitioned to modify and amend Conditional Use Special Permit ■ ' No. 2008-011 to provide additional permitted uses forthe property, ilse of the property is currently limited to retail sales of electronics; . the Applicant seeks to include retail, health dub, general light industrial, business park, general office, and educational, ■: vocational and training center as permitted uses. The property is z; located at 624 and 640 lyannough Road, Hyannis, MA as shown. ', on Assessor's Map 311 as parcel 012 and 013. The parcels are located in the Highway Business and Business Zoning Districts. I 7:10 PM Appeal No. 2012-010 . | Joyce Landscaping, Inc. _ -~i - Joyce Landscaping, Inc. has applied for a modification of Use Variance No. 1998-16, as modified bv Anneal No. 2009-036. J PurauanttotherequirementsofconditionsNo.27and28inAppeal 1 No. 2009-036, the Applicant seeks to modify the conditions of the 'i irana'nce.to allow^constructipn oj an approxitnalely_9,525 square j foot warehouse and office building. The building will replace two office trailers and eleven storage boxes and two greenhouses wiB be relocated. The subject properties are located at 50 and 68 Flint Street, Maretons Mills, MA as shown on Assessor's Map 123 : as parcels 004/006 and 004/007. They are in the Residence F : Zoning District ' . _ • These Public Heatings will be held at the Barnstable Town ■ Halt 367 Main Street Hyannis. MA, Hearing Room, 2' Floor, < Wednesday March 14, 2012. Plans and applications may be reviewed at the Zoning Board of Appeals Office, Growth Management Department, Town Offices, 200 Main Street, Hyannis; MA.