HomeMy WebLinkAbout1149 IYANNOUGH ROAD - HAZMAT :qqT oknnlo%�-,AVDQ3 q 2A �' _ � � �.� 4 i G �I I ', I I �' 1 �� I1 M fi I � - - 1 &ecwh� VIA Q�UrLIAU�QI UyLf/(l l(l/ Daniel S.Greenbaum / I Commissioner S/O,a Gilbert T.Joly oLa��erRc , Au zdJac��0,9g47" Regional Director (O,f) 9J17=M3 &xt Off-6V CORI December 21, 1988 Gary Stumpf RE: BARNSTABLE--OIR/SA 4-214 Mobil Oil Corporation Mobil Service Station 3225 Gallows Road 1149 Route 132 . Fairfax, Virginia 22037-0001 Request for Information M.G.L. Chapter 21E Dear Mr. Stumpf: The Department of Environmental Quality Engineering has received your letter of November 3, 1988, and attached records of data collected at the site during 1988. Additional information is required by the Department relative to the site. Pursuant to the Department's authority to perform information gathering activities and its authority to investigate, sample and inspect records, conditions, equipment, practices or property under M.G.L. Chapter 21E Sections 2, 4 and 8, you are directed to provide the Department, within fifteen (15) days of receipt of this letter, with the following information and records: 1. Results of all soil vapor testing at the site conducted by Neet, Inc. ; 2. All records of product volume recovered and removed from the site; 3. All correspondence between Mobil and Zecco, Inc. regarding environmental conditions and releases of gasoline at the site; 4. Results of all gasoline storage tank and product line testing ever completed at the site; and 5. All records of repairs made to gasoline dispensing equipment at the site including but not limited to repairs to underground storage tanks, lines and pumps. You are hereby notified that failure to respond to this request may subject you to legal action including criminal prosecution, court imposed civil penalties, administrative orders or civil administrative penalties assessed by the Department. :r -2- Your response to this request for information must be sent to James Begley of this office. Very truly yours, Christophe Tilden, P.E., Chief Hazardous Waste Section T/JB/kan CERTIFIED MAIL NO. P 893 314 401 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED cc: Office of Incident Response Boston, MA Board of Health Town Hall Hyannis, MA 02601 Barnstable Fire Dept. 93 High School Road Ext. Hyannis, MA, 02601 ATTN: Chief Richard Rarrenkoff Zecco, Inc. 345 Main Street Northboro, MA 01532 L. Miller Mobil Oil Corporation 3225 Gallows Road Fairfax, Virginia 22037-0001 T. Valenti Mobil Oil Corp. 508 Chelsea Street E. Boston, MA 02125 Arlene Barrios Mobil Oil Corp. 508 Chelsea Street E. Boston, MA 02125 I 7 al/P�?,C�l4��iZPJ2�i��/Z(f�Cl�i2/74:�?/Z.�i V/?.Q.Cl?.eP,/GUZC�i Daniel S.Greenbaum Commissioner Jacc��iP.adC c� Gilbert T.Joly Xv4 u& &kaA, �✓�,creeac/uce�OU-47 Regional Director (S&)f B.,7 teg1, &t 6TC-6,P-1 �. 1... + ;• ; January 18, 1989 Gary Stumpf RE: BARNSTABLE--OIR/SA 4-214, Mobil Mobil Oil Corporation Service Station, Route 132, M.G.L., 3225 Gallows Road Chapter 21 E, Short Term Measures, Fairfax, Virginia 22037-0001 Phase II Requirements Dear Mr. Stumpf: 1-be Department of Environmental Quality Engineering has reviewed available information regarding the above-referenced site including information submitted with your letter of November 3, 1988. Please be advised that the Department has classified the site as a Priority Disposal Site according to the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) 310 CM11 40.544: Interim Disposal Site Classification System. The MCP (310 CMR 40.000) took effect on October 3, 1988. On July 1, 1986, the Department first notified Mobil Oil Corporation (Mobil) of their responsibility to conduct site assessment activities and remedial actions at the site in accordance with M.G.L., Chapter 21E, the "Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Material Release, Prevention and Response Act." The Notice of Responsibility was sent to Mobil following the discovery of a product line leak prior to May 30, 1986. As Regulations promulgated pursuant to Chapter 21E, the MCP is designed to ensure the protection of health, safety, public welfare and the environment by establishing requirements and procedures for a comprehensive response to releases and threats of release of oil or hazardous materials. As a responsible party, Mobil is required to perform response actions in accordance with M.G.L., Chapter 21E and the MCP. Currently the site is considered to be in Phase II - Comprehensive Site Assessment (310 CMR 40.545) of the MCP and a Short Term Measure (310 CMR 40.542) , in the form of a product recovery/ground water pump and treatment system, is being conducted at the site. In October, 1988, -representatives of the Department discovered that .an additional release of gasoline had occurred at the site resulting in an accumulation of free gasoline in the subsurface at the water table. In your letter of November 3, 1988, you indicated Mobil's intention to install an additional product recovery system southwest of MW-10 (IN-2) in order to halt the migration of free product and dissolved volatile organic compound (VOC) contaanination in ground water. The Department concurs with Mobil that such an installation is necessary. The proposed installation will be considered a Short Term Measure (STM) according to the MCP 310 CMR 40.542. -2- Please be advised that the Department must approve all STMs prior to implementation. The Department requires that within sixty (60) days from your receipt of this letter, Mobil sutmit for review and approval prior to implementation, the following additional information relative to the Short Term Measure: 1. A design, consisting of complete plans and specifications which shall include, but not be limited to, the following: a. A schedule for. implementation of the approved Short Term Measure following Department approval; b. Complete plans and specifications for all on-site treatment, storage, and disposal activities; c. A preliminary health and safety plan; d. An environmental monitoring plan, including construction and long term monitoring; e. A preliminary contingency plan; f. A preliminary security plan; and g. An estimated cost of design, construction, and operation and maintenance. 2. A construction plan consisting of the following: a. A construction schedule; and b. Identification of all records, reports, logs and other pertinent information which shall be maintained to document construction activities. 3. An initial operation and maintenance plan which shall include: a. Start-up, testing, and maintenance over the first year of operation; b. Identification of the equipment necessary for operation and maintenance; c. • Specification of the type, frequency, and duration of testing or monitoring; and d. A quality assurance and quality control plan; the plan shall provide a description of the criteria to be used in detecting and evaluating deficiencies, selecting corrective measures, and implementing corrective measures. Mobil must comply with all existing local, State and Federal permitting and approval rerniirement-G= A permit for cli cr_har^yc of - eateci effluent is required by the Division of Water Pollution Control and all systems that generate air discharges must be approved by he Division of Air alit Control. All additional permits and approvals must be t Quality identified and prompt action shall be taken to obtain such permits and approvals in order to avoid delays in implementing the STM. Permitting activities and time frames must be included in the schedule for implementation of the approved STM (l.a. above) . -3- A review of the performance of the existing product recovery/ground water treatment system (ra-1) has indicated the system is in need of modification. Analysis of VOC concentrations in March, April, June, August and September, 1988, quantified excessive levels in the system effluent. On October 18, 1988, Department engineers inspected the site and found the air stripping tower malfunctioning, full of water and overflowing contaminated water to the surface of the ground. Fouling of the air stripper with iron bacteria is the apparent reason for system malfunction. In addition the Department has recently received complaints from residents adjacent to the site regarding noxious odors from the air stripper. The Department requires that, within sixty (60) days from your receipt of this letter, Mobil submit for review and approval prior to implementation, detailed plans for modification of RW-1 with provisions for reducing system fouling (i.e., iron removal) , modifications to reduce VOC emissions in air and water effluent prior to discharge and to discontinue discharge to the storm drain and pond north of Route 132. A subsurface ground water discharge system must be installed to allow for recirculation of treated effluent. Reconstruction plans for RW-1 must include all items required above for the Rw 2 STM. Where appropriate plans can be combined to include both systems. All appropriate permits and approvals must be identified and obtained prior to implementation as for R972. Be advised that the modification to the existing treatment system will require a peim - i��Ue3 by the D` "S11 oL Air duality Control. 310 CMR 7.02(2) (a) (6) requires that new facilities install Best Available Control Technology (BACT) . The Department has determined that BACT for aeration to remove VOC from contaminated soils or ground water is carbon adsorption or other technology which will result in an equivalent emission reduction. Enclosed are the following Design Data Sheets to assist you making application to the Department: DDS-3 Industrial and Commercial Facilities DDS-3c Wet Collection Devices DDS-3d Adsorption Equipment DDS-3e Afterburners Should you have any questions regarding the air pollution control application requirements, contact Alan S. Pickering at the Regional Office. In order to comply with the MCP, Mobil must conduct additional work at the site. Therefore, the Department requires Mobil, within forty-five (45) days of receipt of this letter, to submit for review and approval a scope of work as outlined in 310 CMR 40.545 (2), items (a) through (f) for additional Phase II Activities. In addition to analyses previously conducted at the site the sampling plan (310 CMR 40.545(2)(d)) must include provisions for soil and ground water analysis for lead. Unless justification for their exclusion is provided, all Phase II Activities at and near the site must be completed as required by the MCP. Some work has been completed at the site and therefore sections that must be addressed are listed below by specific MCP reference under 40.545(3) . -4- (a) Investigation of Physical Site Characteristics 3. needs to be further addressed with emphasis on surface water effects on ground water flow (horizontal and vertical) and contaminant migration; 5. needs to be addressed; 6. needs to be further addressed; 8. needs to be further addressed; 9. needs to be addressed; and 11. needs to be further addressed. (b) Identification of Source and Extent of Release 1. needs to be further addressed to define release(s) of gasoline at the site subsequent to the line leak which occurred previous to May 1986; 2. needs to be further addressed to define the extent of ground water contamination (horizontal and vertical). -Review of monitoring information submitted indicateds VOCs have migrated beyond wells y and v to the southwest of the service station. The width, length and depth of the plume has not been defined. The Department has determined the soil gas survey conducted at the site by Target Environmental in September 1988, was insufficient for the intended purpose of defining ground water contamination. Methods used by Target failed to detect VOCs in areas where. monitoring wells (3, 7, 10 and 17) showed the presence of free product at the time of the survey. In addition, poor performance of the RW-1 treatment system, as previously referenced, gives the Department reason to believe VOCs have been released to the effluent receiving pond north of Route 132. The impact of this release to the receiving pond must be evaluated. 3. needs to be addressed; 4. . needs to be addressed; 5. needs to be further addressed; 6. needs to be addressed with emphasis on the existence and concentration of VOC vapors in buildings adjacent to the service. station. c. Characterization of (released) Oil.or Hazardous Materials, all items need to be addressed. d. Identification of Exposure Points and Determination of Exposure Point Conce.-trations. all itomc need to be addressed. e. The results of the Phase II-Comprehensive Site. Assessment shall be provided as stated in this section. -5- f. Characterization of Risk of Harm to Human Health, all items need to be addressed. g. Characterization of Risk of Harm to Safety, Public Welfare and the Environment, all items need to be addressed. h. When No Further Remedial Response Action is Necessary, all items need to be addressed. i. Requirements When a Remedial Response Action is Necessary, all items need to be addressed. Should you have any questions regarding case OIR/SA 4-214, please contact James Begley of this office. Very truly yours, c7/ Gerald A. Monte, Acti ief Site.Assessment Section M/JFB/re Enclosures CERTIFIED MAIL #P893 315 347 RE'i'URN RECEIPT REQUESTED cc: Office of Incidence Response Barnstable Board of Health Thwn Hall Hyannis, MA 02601 Barnstable Fire Department 93 High School Road Ext. Hyannis, MA 02601 ATTN: Chief Richard Farrenkoff Zecco, Inc. 345 Main St. Northboro, MA L. Miller Mobil Oil Corp. 3225 Gallows Road Fairfax, Virginia 22037-0001 Arlene Barrios 508 Chelsea St. East Boston, MA 02125 I -6- cc: DWPC - SERO DWPC - Boston ATrN: Ronald White DAQC - SERO ATPN: Alan S. Pickering Frank McDonough Rainbow Motel Route 132 Hyannis, MA 02601 (gcia��r-�'o �q�,�° � ` ���z�� ✓�`L�. ���� f ��� �m ��� �e-!� z� �or� �Z� �r�� �f � ,,�/ �C-/ry- i J��y�� -�Ii�7iC��> �9�t�, .��- -[ir. fYry Please Print or type. tm designed for us®on allta(12-pitch fry. Form ved.OMB No.2050-0038 UNIFORM HAiARDOU(b Tbc&ID Number 11f 3.Ems Reapon6e Phone 4.Nan 1MCKIng Numoof WASTE qAY.IFEST L 1 JJ K ' 5. A� j Generator's Site Address(If diffetenl!flan malildg address) Hn ; S Generator's Phone; Q.Traneportar 1 Gdmpaily Noe WESTERN OIL, INC. I U,3. ID Number 7,Trarreponer 2 Company Name R I R 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 2 5 U.S,EPA ID Number 6.De ted Fecm Name and aiw dress` q�� ry� U.S,EPA ID Number O �N fES&�M UNCOLN III-MM Fail s Panne;• •401, 72T.86W -R. 1 R O O 0.5 Q 0 0 2 5 . 90, eb.U.S.DOT DWptimt QndW"g Proper Shipping ham,Hazard Ctaea,(D Number, 10,Con ITS 11.tiatQl 12,unh HM end Paekhg Qroap(If any)) 10,—. .. . L . .1... . Type Con11.?btty 12,Un 13,Waste Codes 1. •NAIM;;-COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID,N.O.B. �PETRC 31A AIL B•LI(�,:POW Miff t R0?4 ••0•.0 1 TT 7� F x' 3. 4. 1 . cW Hanoi Inetiurr�qnr,9 andAddttiott fl Inform®od • 1� BR 12B i 15. t3E WTOR'611DFW0R'3 CERTIFICATION: I hereby dadere Olal the ocolanl bf ING I ismit are fully and accuiamly cl-t aid above by the proper bdplG shipping name,and ais 1•Jaoskled,packaged, marked end rdjy dlt ft c�ied,and are U1 ea respells In proper oenditlon or Manepa t acoo Iceble inferrAorref end natbnel governmental regaM bone.If export etuPmeM and I am the Primary EzpOrte,I certify!fret the oonte'ms of Ulie conelgnmerd oon(brm to the feime of th aGaded ddedgm%d cf ConWL I*fffy Mt the Presto miNmlimfron a:atetnsnt idantllled in 40 CFR 262.27(e)(f tam a largo gsrreralor)or(D)(til ern a eroall quantity generator)b tnre. e10fk A d Name � ntn Day a i rr lye�BrY 6�liltema a 8hlpmeMs •MPort to U.B. U.S. Pon Of %rgM*srgnalurs(for er pods only), errtry/exit Data leaving U S.: 17.T' tesrAdm6+M of Redeipt of Alateriele IM 1 Plinle S L :.. . Month txtet P ed(fyped tNe. r � tgneWre •Mahtl,• Day .rig 19.Dk-penoy 16a,Dieckpahcy Indl=loh Space Querrtiiy El Type ❑Residue ❑Partial Rmedlan Q Full He)ecfion 18b.Ahemete Fadity(or t3enerator) Mani eat Rererarcoe us.EPA10 Number ' Fediay's Phone; ' � 18c.9lgnah,re ofAllemele FeC ,{or(3eneratar) Month Day Year 19-Azardous Waste Roport Management Method Oodes Q,e bpyeg for heiatdoua We*treavii r al,end wcydhg mote systems) 2, yh 2D.Ded Fa�Iry OWiier or Operator CeNffratlon of"lpt 011MODUS h7ater&cCviirad ntleall pt ea noted In Kern 18a + Prin eii eels gr�atUt9 . MiNN Dby Year . i Form 8700.22(Rau 3�05) Previous editions she obsolete. DESIGNATED FACILITY TO DESTINATION STATE(IF RSQUIgED)