HomeMy WebLinkAbout0185 WIANNO CIRCLE - HAZMAT E, ll� �' a COLER & COLANTONIOZ ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS March 1, 2006 Data Entry MADEP-SERO 20 Riverside Drive -- Lakeville, MA 02347 RE: Release Notification & IRA Plan RTN#4-19542 Ms. Susan Mc 'ally, 185 Wianno Circle, Osterville, MA To Whom it May Conce On behalf of Ms. Susan McNally, Coler & CoIantonio, Inc. has prepared the attached Release Notification Form and Immediate Response Action (IRA) Plan for the above referenced Site. The original, signed Immediate Response Action (IRA) Plan Transmittal Form (BWSC-105) and Release Notification & Notification Retraction Form (BWSC- 103) are included in the appendix of this report. Please contact us if you have any questions. Sincerely, Coler & Colant io,Inc. William . Hoyt' an, L P#2093 Paul CinquCgrano Environmental Services Assistant Division Manager Project Scientist cc: Ms. Susan McNally. 31 Concord Avenue, Apt. #7 i Cambridge, MA 02138 r=' Board of Health 200 Main Street ? r Hyannis,MA 02601 Osterville Fire Department Attn: FPO: Frank Pulsifer ' 1875 Route 28 Centerville, MA 02632 101 Accord Park Drive 781 982-5400 Norwell, MA 02061-1685 Fax:781 982-5490 r—A recvcled Dam RELEASE`NOTIFICATION ai 0 IMIVIEDIATE�;RESPONSE�ACTION (I ) ° PLAN ie RESIDENCE:. .WTI°A'NNOCIR"CLE f, Y e p h OSTERVILLE;MASSACHUSETTS 4• RTN 4 19542 March 1,2006 Submitted To: Massachusetts Department of Environmental Pr_otectioi Southeast Regional Office . 20 Riverside Drive- �_ Lakeville;Massachusetts, 02347i, Y. nr 1 Pr ,, P e"`ared or: .,f L - 1 2006 -1. Su"san 1VIcNally° 31 Concord�Avenue#7` , Y Cambridge,MA i'02138" P ared :by: Reviewed7b y y � I Paul Cinq4egrarg Mi iam R: oye an,-L A � Project Scientist Assistant Division Manager x Coier & Colantonio, Inc. 101 Accord Park Drive Norwell,Massachusetts- 02061-1685 (781)-982-5400 L Project.No. 11-1262 Y� Pal RA � a r. . go ss Sw rytgii�� $z',g.r "'�.. R. TIME s > as ` , Mm- �b a i 1kygMt 3 ` iggg Bill- OUGA�r1i„--�. .xx�,�- .yS �' � • I � I • �,��� �P -+��'`t�`'�,�'•�t.-art`� < s 5 Diu 1 • 1 1 1 5 Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION,-----,.......... ...... .....................................................................................................'I 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION AND IDENTIFICATION OF RECEPTORS.....................................................I 2.1 GENERAL SITE INFORMATION.....................................................................................................................1 2.2 ON-SITE EMPLOYEES AND NEARBY RESIDENTIAL POPULATION.................................................................2 2.3 SURROUNDING LAND USES........................................................................................................................2 2.4 INSTITUTIONS,WATER SUPPLIES,AND OTHER ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE LOCATIONS......................2 2.5 HYDROGEOLOGIC CHARACTERISTICS.........................................................................................................2 2.6 DEP METHOD 1 CLEANUP STANDARDS.....................................................................................................3 2.7 CRITICAL EXPOSURE PATHWAYS................................................................................................................3 3.0 SITE POTENTIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY AND CONTACTS....................................................4 4.0 COMPLETED IRA ACTIVITIES.............................................................................................................4 4.1 SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATIONS...................................................................................................................5 4.2 ANALYTICAL DATA REVIEW AND CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................6 4.3 REMEDIAL ACTIVITIES................................................................................................................................7 4.4 REMEDIATION WASTE................................................................................................................................8 5.0 IRA PLAN—ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES.............................................................................................8 6.0 PERMITS AND APPROVALS..................................................................................................................8 7.0 SCHEDULE.................................................................................................................................................8 8.0 CERTIFICATIONS....................................................................................................................................9 FIGURES Figure 1 Site Locus Figure 2 Site Plan Figure 3 DEP Priority Resource Map TABLES 1 Table I Soil Concentrations for UST Sample Table 2 EPH Soil Concentrations for GeoProbe Samples Table 3 VPH Soil Concentrations for GeoProbe Samples Table 4 Groundwater Concentrations APPENDICES Appendix A BWSC Transmittal Forms Appendix B Laboratory Data Appendix C Soil Boring Logs tAppendix D Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest Appendix E Bill of Lading ' Appendix F Statement of Limitations ' r Release Notification &IRA Plan Residence RTN4-19542 185 Wianno Circle March 1, 2006 Prepared by: Coler&Colantonio,Inc. Osten ille, Massachusetts 1.0 INTRODUCTION Coler & Colantonio, Inc. (C&C) has prepared this Immediate Response Action (IRA) Plan and Release Notification on behalf of Ms. Susan McNally in accordance with the Massachusetts ' Contingency Plan (310 CMR 40.0424) for a release of No. 2 heating oil (the Release) discovered at the property at 185 Wianno Circle in Osterville, Massachusetts (the Site). Ms. McNally, the owner of the property, utilizes the home as a rental property. At the time of the release and since that time the house has not been occupied, expect during assessment or remedial activities. On January 2, 2006 Ms. McNally visited the property and noticed a strong fuel oil odor as she entered the premises. Upon inspecting the basement she saw the fuel oil, departed the facility and went directly to the fire department. The Fire Department reported the release to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) at 7:00 p.m. Release Tracking Number(RTN) 4-19542 was assigned to the Site. The fire department completed spill response by removing the fuel oil with absorbent pads. The DEP responded to the spill and contacted there on call emergency response contractor, Frank Corp. Inc. of New Bedford who also 1 responded to the incident. The source of the release was uncertain because an aboveground storage tank (AST) is located in the basement and an underground storage tank (UST) is located outside the residence. The DEP estimated that 100 to 150 gallons of No. 2 fuel oil was released into the basement and that the source of the fuel was from a cut feed-line connected to an abandoned UST. Delivery slips indicate that Loud Fuel Company delivered 121 gallons and 142 gallons of#2 fuel oil to the abandoned UST on November 28`h and December 23`d 2005, respectively. The DEP issued Loud Fuel Company a Notice of Responsibility on February 1, 2006. ' A variety of assessment and remedial activities have already been conducted for RTN 4-19542. On January 4 & 20, 2006,Bill Hoyerman, LSP of C&C discussed the verbal IRA Plan with Julie Hutcheson of DEP. Initially the plan was for assessment only and this was modified to the 1 excavation and disposal of up to 50 cubic yards of soil. This written IRA Plan describes previously completed activities and describes the plan for future remedial and assessment activities. The source of the release has been removed and the nature and extent of fuel oil impact in the soil and groundwater has been assessed. This report is being submitted to fulfill the criteria outlined in the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) at 310 CMR 40.0424. The original, signed Release Notification & Notification Retraction Form (BWSC-103) and Immediate Response Action (IRA) Transmittal Form (BWSC-105) are attached to this report as Appendix A. 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION AND IDENTIFICATION OF RECEPTORS 2.1 General Site Information The Site is defined as the portion of the property under the footprint of the basement of the residence at 185 Wianno Circle in Osterville, Massachusetts (refer to Figure 1 — Site Locus and Figure 2 — Site Plan). The property has been a single family residence since the 1950's or ' 1960's. The building on the Site is a two-story house with a partial basement. Similar residential buildings occupy adjacent properties. Surface drainage at and in the vicinity of the Site appears to relatively flat. Based on the USGS 15 minute topographic map, Figure 1, the Release Notification &IRA Plan Residence RTN 4-19542 185 Wianno Circle ' March 1, 2006 Osterville, Massachusetts Prepared by: Coler&Colantonio, Inc. Pagel ground surface at the Site is at an elevation of approximately 25 feet relative to the 1929 NGVD. General topography of the area slopes to the south toward ponds and Nantucket Sound. ' 2.2 On-Site Employees and Nearby Residential Population The Site is used for residential purposes, and is located within a residential area in Osterville, ' Massachusetts. The residence is presently utilized as a summer rental property. Coler & Colantonio,Inc. estimates that less than 100 persons reside within 1500 feet of the Site. 2.3 Surrounding Land Uses Properties within 1,500 feet of the Site are used for residential purposes. Residential properties abut the Site to the north, east, and south. Wianno Circle is located immediately to the west of 1 the Site. Areas to the west of the roadway are also occupied by residential properties. No commercial or industrial properties are located within 1,500 feet of the Site. 2.4 Institutions, Water Supplies, and Other Environmentally Sensitive Locations No "Institutions", as defined in 310 CMR 40.0006, are known to be located within 500-feet of ' the Site. The nearest surface water bodies are Neck Pond and Crystal Lake, which are, located approximately 1,000 feet to the southwest and approximately 1,500 south, respectively. Nantucket Sound Atlantic Ocean also lies approximately 2,000 feet to the south of the Site. The DEP Priority Resource Map for Osterville (http://maps.massgis.state.ma.us/21e/ viewer.htm), included in this report as Figure 3, indicates that the Site is not located within 0.25 ' miles of a NHESP Estimated Habitat of Rare Wildlife in Wetland Areas, flats/shoals, salt water wetlands, protected open space, or an Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC). However, wetlands are located within 1,000 feet of the Site. The Massachusetts GIS Water Supply Protection Area (http://maps.massgis.state.ma.us[WSPA/ viewer.htm) indicates the Site is not located in a public water supply, a non-community water supply, a DEP-Approved Zone Il, Interim Wellhead Protection Area, or Zone A of a Class A Surface Water Body. However the Site is located in an area, Cape Cod, which has been designated by the EPA as a Medium Yield Sole Source Aquifer. ' 2.5 H dro eolo is Characteristics Y g g ' Based on observations made on the Site during soil borings and the UST removal, soil at the site is made up of light to medium brown; well sorted; medium to coarse grained; loose to moderately compacted; "beach" Sand with areas of trace levels of gravel or silt. A dense clayey Silt was observed in one soil boring (CC-1) at approximately 11 to 12 feet Below Exterior Surface Grade (BESG). This Silt was not observed in any other borings, therefore it is not a continuous layer and is believed to be an isolated lense of silt. Soils underlying the basement were moderately compacted and dry, while soils on the exterior of the residence were loose and dry to moderately moist. Groundwater was observed in Monitoring Well MW-1 at approximately 26 feet BESG. The groundwater elevation in monitoring wells located in the basement of the residence was approximately 20 feet Below Basement Surface Grade (BBSG). ' IRA Plan Residence RTN 4-19542 185 Wianno Circle February 28, 2006 Osterville, Massachusetts 1 Prepared by: Coler&Colantonio,Inc. 2 2.6 DEP Method 1 Cleanup Standards The attached analytical data tables list the applicable DEP Method 1 Cleanup Standards for comparative purposes, the specific categories listed were identified using the following rationale. 2.6.1 Groundwater The classifications for groundwater are listed in 310 CMR 40.0932. Groundwater is categorized based upon its current and/or future use as drinking water (GW-l), its potential to act as a source of volatile material to indoor air (GW-2), and it's potential to discharge material to surface water (GW-3). Groundwater may be, at the same time, GW-1, GW-2 and GW-3 as these exposures are not mutually exclusive. Review of the MassGIS Priority Resources Map for the Osterville area, included in this report as Figure 3, revealed that the Site is located within an area designated as a sole source aquifer. Therefore, groundwater at the Site is classified as GW-l. Groundwater is not classified as GW-2 at the property because the depth to groundwater is greater than 15 feet. The GW-3 standard is applicable for all groundwater in the Commonwealth; therefore the Method 1 GW-3 category will also be used for comparative purposes. 2.6.2 Soil The criteria for determining which soil category or categories are applicable to the Site are identified in section 310 CMR 40.0933(4) of the MCP. Soil at a given site is classified as S-1, ' S-2 or S-3, based upon the potential for exposure to the impacted soils. Category S-1 is associated with the highest potential for exposure (e.g. residential) and Category S-3 is ' associated with the lowest potential for exposure (e.g. paved industrial). Soil cleanup objectives are also based on groundwater categories. Based on the usage of the property the S-1 soil criteria is applicable. Since the groundwater is also classified as GW-1 and GW- 3, but not GW-2 the soils at the site are compared to the S-1/GW-1 and the S-1/GW-3 Method 1 Cleanup Standards. 1 2.7 Critical Exposure Pathways Presently a potential Critical Exposure Pathway (CEP) exists given the potential for vapors to volatize from the soils and concrete into the indoor air at the residence. This potential CEP is ' mitigated or eliminated since no one presently resides in the residence and a vapor barrier has been installed. Analytical data from groundwater monitoring has not detected any compounds ' above DEP Method 1 GW-2 cleanup standards and groundwater is greater than 15 feet below grade, therefore the potential for vapors from groundwater to impact indoor air is minimal, and the potential for soil gas vapors to impact indoor air has been mitigated. 1 IRA Plan Residence RTN 4-19542 185 Wianno Circle February 28, 2006 Osterville, Massachusetts 1 Prepared by:Coler&Colantonio,Inc. 3 The potential for a Condition of Substantial Release Migration (SRM) is minimal based on Site specific conditions, specifically the distance to surfacewater, the depth to groundwater and the sandy soils type. Presently no evidence of a SRM has been observed. I � 3.0 SITE POTENTIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY AND CONTACTS Pursuant to the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (310 CMR 40.0424),Ms. Susan McNally, the owner of the Site,has been named one of two Responsible Parties for conducting this IRA. The contact information is as follows: Ms. Susan McNally ' 31 Concord Avenue,Apt#7 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 (617)492-5161 Ms. McNallyhas addressed the assessment and remediation of the Site in hopes of documenting P g i a Condition of No Significant Risk in an expedited fashion in order to mitigate human and environmental exposures and potential associated liabilities. The submittal of this document is not intended to accept full responsibility of the Release or relinquish the responsibility of Loud ' Fuel. The contact information for Loud Fuel is as follows: Mr. Kabraul Tasha,Manager Loud Fuel Company 428 East Falmouth Hwy. Falmouth,Massachusetts 02536 The Licensed Site Professional for the Site is: Mr. William R. Hoyerman, L.S.P.#2093 Coler& Colantonio,Inc. 1 101 Accord Park Drive Norwell,Massachusetts 02061 (781)982-5400, extension 476 4.0 COMPLETED IRA ACTIVITIES Initial response actions were completed by the Osterville Fire Department and Frank Corp. Inc. Initially absorbent pads and booms were used to remove the free phase oil from the floor of the ' basement; oil soaked materials (wood, mattresses, concrete blocks, etc.) were removed from the basement and stockpiled on poly sheeting in the yard; and clay absorbents were utilized to absorb residual oil from the concrete floor. C&C was contracted by Susan McNally to perform LSP services for the release. C&C has conducted a variety of assessment and remedial activities at the Site since that time. During IRA Plan Residence RTN 4-19542 185 Wianno Circle February 28, 2001 Osterville, Massachusetts Prepared by:Coler&Colantonio,Inc. 4 ' these activities samples were collected and screened for total organic vapors (TOVs) using a photoionization detector (PID) calibrated to read as benzene and following the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) "Jar Headspace Analytical Screening rProcedure". C&C's initial visit was on January 4`h, 2006, at this time C&C observed several partially filled ' drums and poly encapsulated materials at the Site. Three 30-gallon drums that were approximately 75% full of saturated absorbents pads, booms, and free phase oil and eight sealed 55 gallons drums of mixed absorbents. Strong fuel oil olfactory impact was observed on the first floor and in the basement of the residence. Based on the residual staining on the concrete floor approximately 85% of the basement had previously been covered by oil. C&C collected ' shallow (zero to one foot BESG) and completed field screening to better determine if the oil had migrated through the concrete floor and impacted the subsurface soils. No visual evidence was apparent in these samples however slight to moderately high olfactory evidence of impact was apparent and Head Space Test readings ranged from 17 to 144 ppmv. On January 61h, 2006 C&C over saw the removal of the UST by Frank Corp. The UST was inspected upon removal and appeared to be in fair condition. A few small pinholes were noted in the south side of the tank once the rust or scale had been removed from the tank's exterior. No visual evidence of a release was observed in the UST grave although a slight odor was Lnoted. A total of five soil samples, one from the bottom and one from each of the four sidewalls, were collected from the UST grave and screened for TOVs. Head Space Test readings ranged from 0.9 to 12.3 ppmv, indicating minimal evidence that a leak in the UST had occurred. A soil sample from the western sidewall, where the highest headspace reading was recorded, was submitted for extractable petroleum hydrocarbon analysis (EPH) with target analytes. The results of the laboratory analysis, shown in Table 1, indicated that low levels of EPH carbon ranges were present in the soil, but at concentrations well below the applicable MCP Method 1 Cleanup Standards. 4.1 Subsurface Investigations Additional subsurface investigations were conducted on January 11, 2006, utilizing a GeoProbe° direct push soil sampler mounted on a track driven self-contained drill rig. The investigation was conducted by Geologic Earth Exploration, Inc. (Geologic) of Wrentham, Massachusetts, under the observation of C&C. Soils samples were initially inspected for visual tand olfactory evidence of contamination. Samples were then collected for laboratory analysis and headspace testing. Soil boring locations are depicted in the attached Figure 2, soil boring logs are attached as Appendix C; EPH and VPH analytical results from soil sampling efforts are summarized in the attached tables. Two soil borings were advanced on exterior portions of the residence. The first boring CC-1 was performed within the immediate vicinity of the former UST. CC-1 was advanced to a total depth of 40 feet BESG, groundwater was identified at approximately 26 feet BESG at this location. The boring was then converted to a one inch diameter groundwater monitoring well. The second exterior boring (CC-2) was advanced to a depth of 12 feet in the northeast corner of tIRA Plan Residence RTN 4-19542 185 Wianno Circle February 28, 2006 Osterville, Massachusetts Prepared by:Cofer&Colantonio,Inc. 5 ' the residence. No visual or olfactory evidence of contamination or elevated TOV readings were noted in the subsurface soils from either of these two borings. On the same day C&C and Geologic, advanced five additional hand borings within the basement area (Figure 2). Borings were advanced to a maximum of 6 feet BBSG in order to delineate the horizontal and vertical extent of contamination. Elevated PID readings greater ' than 25 ppmv were detected at CC-4, CC-6, and CC-7. TOV readings from CC-6 and CC-7 diminished to below 25 ppmv at depths of two to three feet BBSG. Elevated PID readings continued to persist at a depth of six feet in CC-4; however, due to the limits of the manual geoprobe, deeper exploration at this location was not possible. ' On February 2, 2006, C&C and Technical Drilling Services (TDS) of Sterling, Massachusetts advanced four additional borings and continued the advancement of CC-4 and CC-7 to depths of 20 to 22 feet BBSG respectively. Both borings were converted to one .inch diameter groundwater monitoring wells. Continuous soil sampling was utilized at both.locations in order to further delineate the vertical extent of contamination. Boring CC-4 was further advanced to a depth of 20 feet BBSG, olfactory evidence of contamination at depths of 18 to 20 feet BBSG was present. As previously discussed, contamination at CC-7 diminished at depths below three feet BBSG, however, C&C continued advancement at this location in order to determine the extent of groundwater contamination within the basement. The four additional borings identified as CC-8 through CC-1 were advanced to depths of two g g P to six feet BBSG. Due to a faulty PID, no TOV readings were recorded, C&C personnel relied upon olfactory indications of contamination to further delineate the release. Persistent olfactory evidence of contamination was detected from zero to two feet' at CC-8 and zero to three feet BESG at CC-9. No apparent olfactory evidence of contamination was identified in CC-10 or CC-I I from zero to four feet BBSG. In addition to the soil boring efforts, C&C performed a limited hand digging test pit exercise to assist in determining the horizontal extent of the release. The test holes were excavated within an area where the concrete floor was removed (Figure 2). In total 12 test holes were excavated 1 to a depth of 2 to 2.5 feet BBSG. Olfactory evidence of contamination was noted in TH-7, TH- 8 and TH-I I at depth of 2.5'. 4.2 Analytical Data Review and Conclusions A total of nine soil samples CC-2 (9-10'), CC-4 (2'), CC-4 (6'), CC-4 (10-12'), CC-4 (18-20'), CC-6 (1-2'), CC-6 (2-3'), CC-7 (1-2'), and CC-7 (34) were collected and analyzed for ' Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (EPHs) with the four target diesel range PAHs. Soil sample CC-4 (2') was also analyzed for Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons (VPHs) with target analytes. No EPHs or target PAHs were detected above the laboratory detection limits in CC-2 (9-10'), CC-6 (2-3') or CC-7 (3-4'). One sample, CC-6 (1-2'), did have detectable concentrations of EPHs and/or target PAHs, however the concentrations were below the applicable S-1/GW-1 and S-1/GW-3 Method 1 Cleanup Standards. Soil samples collected from CC-4 (2'), CC-4 (6'), CC-4 (10-12'), CC-4 (18-20'), and CC-7 (1-2') exceed the Method 1 S- 1/GW-1 or S-1/GW-3 Cleanup Standards for multiple EPH carbon ranges and PAHs and the IRA Plan Residence RTN 4-19542 185 Wianno Circle February 28, 2006 Osterville, Massachusetts Prepared by:Coler&Colantonio,Inc. 6 soil sample collected from CC-4 (2') exceeded the Method 1 S-1/GW-1 or S-1/GW-3 Cleanup Standards for multiple VPH carbon ranges and target analytes. Laboratory analytical results for soil samples collected during the subsurface investigation are presented in Tables 2 and 3. ' This data along with the field data from the test hole efforts and other soil borings indicates that residual contamination is most prominent along the south foundation wall in the vicinity of CC- ' 4, where the release originated. Residual contamination above applicable cleanup standards is found at depths up to 20 feet in this area. Shallow residual contamination of less than two to three feet is located along the north and east foundation walls and out toward the center portions of the basement. Soils located outside the footprint of the residences do not appear impacted above applicable cleanup standards. tOn January 13 and February 2, 2006 groundwater samples were colleted from MW-1, MW-2 and MW-3. The monitoring wells were initially gauged and then purged of at least five times the well volume using a peristaltic pump. Water samples were then collected and placed in pre- preserved one liter amber glass jars and placed on ice for delivery to the laboratory. Samples were transported to the laboratory under standard Chain of Custodies and submitted for analysis of EPH with target analytes, the indicator parameters for No. 2 fuel oil. The sample collected from MW-2 detected levels CI I-C22 aromatic carbon ranges,naphthalene, 2-methylnapthalene, phenanthrene and fluorine below the applicable Method 1 GW-1 and GW-3 Cleanup Standards. ' The sample collected from MW-3 detected levels naphthalene and 2-methylnapthalene, below the applicable Method 1 GW-1 and GW-3 Cleanup Standards. The sample collected from MW- 1 did not detect and EPH's or target analytes above the laboratory detection limits. The ' groundwater sampling results are included as Table 4. Accordingly, based on this data the release has impacted groundwater but not at levels above the applicable cleanup standards. Due to the recent age of the release it is possible or likely that as contaminants migrate through the ' soil into the groundwater, levels of contaminants in the groundwater may increase. 4.3 Remedial Activities 1 In early January Frank Corp. installed a vapor barrier and fans to mitigate odors from the basement from impacting the first and second floor of the residence. Materials from the basement that had absorbed oil were containerized and disposed of off site. Copies of manifests for the transport and disposal of these materials are located in Appendix D. Other materials that were not impacted by the fuel oil were removed from the basement and stored in the garage of the residence. Because the concrete was saturated with home heating oil at the time of the spill and set for approximately four days prior to cleanup activities. The No. 2 fuel oil had saturated the concrete floor to the point that it was removed to reduce impact to indoor air. In addition approximately 80% of the floor would need to be removed for excavation purposes. Therefore, on January 20, 2006, Frank Corp. initiated remediation activities with the removal of the concrete floor of the basement. ' IRA Plan Residence RTN 4-19542 185 Wianno Circle February 28, 2006 Osterville, Massachusetts Prepared by:Coler&Colantonio,Inc. 7 I 4.4 Remediation Waste To date 11 drums of absorbent materials, PPE, free phase oil, saturated pads, and polyethylene sheeting has been removed from the Site under Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest to ' Northland Environmental, Inc. of Providence, RI (Appendix D). Additionally, on February 7`h, 2006 approximately 5 cubic yards of unreinforced concrete and soil from the basement has been removed from the Site and transported to the Aggregate Industries, Inc. facility in Stoughton, Massachusetts for recycling. A copy of the Bill of Lading is attached as Appendix E. 5.0 IRA PLAN—ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES 1 Coler & Colantonio, Inc. proposes the removal of the accessible contaminated soils from the basement of the residence, a maximum of 50 cubic yards. During removal activities, C&C will monitor soil conditions utilizing a PID for field screening soil samples. Once TOV readings diminish to below 25 ppmv or excavation activities reach four to six feet BBSG, excavation activities will be completed. Evidence of residual contamination is present at depths greater than six feet BBSG in the vicinity of CC-4 at concentrations, which exceed applicable Cleanup Standards and continue to a least 20 feet BBSG. C&C plans to remediate soils in the four to 20 foot BBSG range with application of an in situ chemical oxidation agent such as: RegenOx by Regenesis or a hydrogen peroxide/fentants reagent type oxidizer. ' Confirmatory soil samples will be collected from the limits of the excavation and submitted for EPH with fuel oil PAHs analysis. Results of this analysis will assist in determining if ' excavation efforts reduced levels of contamination to below cleanup standards. Additional soil boring efforts will also be completed in the area of CC-4 and other appropriate areas to determine and document that the chemical applications reduced contamination concentrations to Ibelow cleanup standards in the six to 20 foot range. It is anticipated that the additional assessment work will be completed within the next 60 days. A follow-up IRA Status Report or Response Action Outcome (RAO) Statement will be submitted at that time. 1 6.0 PERMITS AND APPROVALS The proposed IRA will be conducted in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0000 and approvals, limitations and/or conditions mandated by DEP. No permits or other approvals will be required for implementation of the IRA. In accordance with discussions with the Board of Health a copy of all DEP submittals will be forwarded to the Board of Health in lieu of permits for monitoring wells. 7.0 SCHEDULE An IRA Status Report or RAO Statement will be submitted on or before May 1, 2006 to document the results of excavation activities, chemical treatment and additional confirmatory ' soil boring efforts and analytical results. ' IRA Plan Residence RTN 4-19542 185 Wianno Circle February 28, 2006 Osterville, Massachusetts ' Prepared by:Coler&Colantonio,Inc. 8 r 8.0 CERTIFICATIONS The LSP Opinion regarding this submittal and IRA Plan is provided in form BWSC-105 which ' is presented herewith in Appendix A. The objective of the IRA proposed herein is to further delineate the extent of the Release in order to determine the nature and extent of groundwater contamination by the fuel oil release and determine complete additional remediation as necessary. 1 1 r 1 r 1 1 1 r 1 r r ' IRA Plan Residence RTN 4-19542 185 Wianno Circle February 28, 2006 Osterville, Massachusetts Prepared by:Coler&Colantonio,Inc. 9 1 FIGURES Figure 1 Site Locus i Figure 2 Site Plan Figure 3 DEP Priority Resource Map i 1 � 1 i IRA Plan Residence ' RTN 4-19542 185 Wianno Circle February 28, 2006 Prepared by: Coler&Colantonio,Inc. Osterville, Massachusetts r r r rr l� rr �1r r r r rr rr r rr r r r r rr +� �t ,. •�� _ �'wl j`-y,� w �^' ,. � ' +I f f_ ,E 7w {y�'4_• s I AT HT Jaw ,rp '' '. .J I i � � �� ����� ,�47f�llwi• � • �r+i �.�if!�ii nL�� '• in di ra r I JJ .� . '.,; {t � r. 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'� � � I�,+ ��' ~ of F"`� �...-� J '� 'F ,. f.',I :'�f ' G + I 9i +� Pd �~ w�.w.H_"n.�,n imJ 'M I �k� !�• A sb xi Appro mate Site Location 4"5 '• l r e., �a� ,1 y '`" �r-, ly III►,A �+" +�^' "�' } �, !e r _r �r ter.. •11 � 'S+�ti" ,�'�,-""° I '4� �^IY ru +b , From: USGS Cotuit, Massachusetts 1974 Topographic Quadrangle +. • F1 i ,� �lS 1� ,u COLEFR Ek McNally Residence Figure 1 COL/1NTON10 2 185 Wianno Circle Locus Map ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS Osterville, Massachusetts r—————————————————————-— I ;� I I 40 1 I I CC-2 I � I First Roor Fwtprint _ _ _ it Garage= _ _ f _ FUSTr Patio = I CC-1/ _ - MW-1 - = Ew—� ' I = Chimney I E o�� � I I Not to scale-approximate For reference only I --—————————— I ' Basement Footprint e CC-6 &- g S-6 TH-10 CC-5 11 TH-1 S-5 m � I S� m S-2 CC-7/ CC-11 FMR UST MW-3 © o ' TH2 Legend TH-9 Staircase MW 2 © 0 Soil Boring Location TH-4 TH-3 S-1 Test Hole Location Q I I O I O TH-5 I Sketch scale:1"=5', is I I Lj approximate and is for TH-12 L -_ reference only. CC-10 Furnace ❑ 03 EllT TH-8 H-7 T"-6 m 0 AST S-B S-7 CC-6 m CC-3 COLER & McNally Residence FIGURE 2 ' COLANFONIO i 185 Wianno Circle SrrE PLAN Osterville,MA cN3 hEE48 AND 3C EVTISTS RTN 4-19542 _.ao..�i�,f:_.IC �,�`it.�_I�L.L�....1,�i.:C..���r•--i 1 t 111, I � I i I � �.�:� '� 'u�{_ � I' � f I � '� - ::: DEP MCP 21e MaN Lnyeild �."s' I 'I yI I"5. {�I I 1 1 #1 �' Land s ups DY 1'iukl R}a�uy�aVl V FOf-OFP Rums '3#' f111 1 n I i' ,- • :PnuA L:] ° p SUB SaurceA u�lPrs v[ru,as �✓ o,rica.vuuswon.vv �I I � � {�5 I 1 III G W11PPle 1.A21i ng ? ®sa4owaviasnnn WaiarSPmauAraa ®Pr., ,.riaPnn a nC3 ft , :I,_• i Acccs aw hocxsononaibnwo • Rlvars anti 511- 15G HI ESP Ezii.11d 1WGfor b dPWinz P P Farah FJ41a n /• r v'i� // rwcH I i I I 1 I' , Wni WitlArnuv 300]M1ESP cB tutu rt005Panw � ix.� � •• yry CurlilIMIATna Ponk / sn A f I F 1 •. unvlMEsi 01� Tilnsmluiun Linda I' �,. I I I j' I' '��'yI I I' I '.z ,• N $PGGnvnz ./(+ � PmnH �� I I I �� l �1•ila,•••• I' amucr I I'I •I I Po,lauw I ..DEP Raylon le rxul I , !'ftit` � I I I. .l Ai • ••• ••_ I ,fir rs r I r -1 I I � I ��^ i � � ,� `'��-� � j �'tl) I � �� j �� I r I { I � I�� I ( j , �``•�� � I !j � 1 !• � �i i �1• I - I �•• f ti I I i I �.��4'��`-W�'�� j I i I i 55, ,(, � ..,I— i I , ��i��..� II � .-I.ti I I I 'I , ' rig �`�#•a� ! � i I I !' I,. � I I I I :�^'r}: � I I� � I I �' ; � ; 'III I , ,' ' I I I' I � j � +,�-III , ��,�''I , I �I , , I L I , � •' �-..�-�.•-- I.fir: Ix ��, Ii � I� �y��g I�,1�{p BA � +, { J,F #i � ' { _�• LI 1 I :l I' j'a;�al1 I I k rl, I I L� + r- ;I _- ApproximateI ' ; ' �, •�ti- ,` �--�-1-.; I r;• r ` I Site Location �'` I ! IIi , I I IIIii Ail f I ti I NECK F'LAFD � I � I � I_�•' I I'���7—I I I , , ' 1� ti I ,i I i r NUJ I I { I I j ^i f' !� � � � i , II j I �, ILI IpI. I '¢ III � 4jV � r II � Ijj, 1L . I .-r�+��,� I � Fr � l1'j � �� i '� I ' ���i•�-.;�.: 11 I 1 L I. j i I � � �•�•I� I 6' � 4 I t � I I'r I I I , ���y I �'� I � i I�;�� ,'I j j I � ' 1, I � I j` . I' �I��- ; .I I' L��I I I I I�1;��•F I I I I � �.-. j 11 �, I �"-.- _�kd�rl 7 V• �-2 I ' - I ( I �, I I ( ,:P'� I I i I I �o � . I, •. iu �- a f I COI_EF::l 4S;L McNally Residence Figure 3 COI_/�iNTON10 2 185 Wianno Circle DEP Priority Resource Map ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS Osterville, Massachusetts 1 TABLES ' Table 1 Soil Concentrations for UST Sample Table 2 EPH Soil Concentrations for GeoProbe Samples Table 3 VPH Soil Concentrations for GeoProbe Sample ' Table 4 Groundwater Concentrations Release Notification &IRA Plait Residence ' RTN 4-19542 185 Wianno Circle March 1, 2006 Prepared by: Coler&Colantonio,Inc. Osterville, Massachusetts f - - Table 1 Soil Concentrations for UST Samples 185 Wianno Circle Osterville,MA ' LOCATION WEST WALL MADEP Method 1 Clean Up Standards SAMPLING DATE 06-JAN-06 S-1/GW-1 S-1/GW-2 S-1/GW-3 Solids,Total 95 NA NA NA E�t�actabl�l'etr��� a�s "ca�boii �_ - - - 2-Meth lna hthalene <0.351 4 500 500 Acena hthene <0.351 20 1000 1000 Acena hthylene <0.351 100 100 100 Anthracene <0.351 1000 1000 1000 I ' Benzo(a)anthracene <0.351 0.7 1 0.7 0.7 Benzo(a) rene <0.351 0.7 0.7 0.7 Benzo(b)fluoranthene <0.351 0.7 0.7 0.7 ' Benzo(ghi) erylene <0.351 1000 1000 1000 Benzo(k)fluoranthene <0.351 7 7 7 CI I-C22 Aromatics 92 200 800 800 CI I-C22 Aromatics,Adjusted 92 200 800 800 C19-C36 Ali hatics 24.8 2500 2500 2500 C9-C18 Ali hatics 54.2 1000 1000 1000 Chrysene <0.351 7 7 7 ' Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene <0.351 0.7 0.7 0.7 Fluoranthene <0.351 1000 1000 1000 Fl uorene <0.351 400 100 1000 ' Indeno(1,2,3-cd)P rene <0.351 0.7 0.7 0.7 Naphthalene <0.351 4 100 100 Phenanthrene <0.351 100 1000 100 Pyrene <0.351 700 700 700 ' Notes: Reportable Concentrations taken from 310 CMR 40.1600 Edition of June 27,2003 MADEP Cleanup Values taken from 310 CMR 40:.0974(2)Edition of June 27,2003 MCP Method 1 Values with the<Symbol before it are less than the Laboratory Reporting Limits and were not detected in the sample. Bold indicates detection or detection level above DEP Method 1 GW-2 or GW-3 Cleanup Standard NA=not applicable tProject No. 11-1262.00 prepared by: Coler and Colantonio, Inc. RTN 4-19542 Table 2 EPH Soil Concentrations for GeoProbe Samples 185 Wianno Circle Osterville,MA Sample Indentification MADEP Method 1 Cleanup Contaminant CC-2(9-10') CC-4(2') CC-4(6') CC-4(10-12') CC-4(18-20') CC-6(1-2') CC-6(2-3') CC-7(1-2') CC-7(3-4') Standards 01/11/06 01/11/06 01/11/06 02/02/06 02/02/06 01/11/06 01/11/06 01/11/06 01/11/06 S-1/G W-1 S-1/G W-3 Extractable Petroleum (mg/kg) Hydrocarbons(EPHs) C11-C22 Aromatics <6.94 2910 1720 605 214 196 <7.09 4230 <7.02 200 800 C11-C22 Aromatics,Adjusted <6.94 2820 1660 585 209 191 <7.09 4030 <7.02 200 800 C19-06 Aliphatics <6.94 698 450 194 54.2 62.1 <7.09 3020 <7.02 2,500 2,500 C9-C18 Aliphatics <6.94 2110 1390 553 175 158 <7.09 9660 <7.02 1,000 1,000 2-Methylnaphthalene <0.347 64.7 42.2 12.4 3.41 3.48 <0.355 125 <0.351 4 500 Acenaphthene <0.347 <1.89 <1.75 2.19 <0.347 <0.344 <0.355 <9.26 <0.351 220 1,000 Naphthalene 1 <0.347 14.6 9.01 2.18 0.377 0.552 <0.355 27 <0.351 4 100 Phenanthrene <0.347 8.79 5.26 1.92 0.621 0.632 <0.355 32.2 <0.351 700 100 Notes: 1. Results compared to MCP Cleanup Standards at 310 C M R 40.0321(b)&310 C M R 40.0975(6)(a).For comparison purposes only. 2. BOLD=Exceeds Apllicable MCP Cleanup Stanbdards. 3.Values with the<symbol before it indicate that the results are below laboratory detection limits. Project No. 11-1262.00 prepared by: Coler and Colantonio, Inc. RTN 4-19542 Table 3 t VPH Soil Concentrations for Geoprobe Samples 185 Wianno Circle Osterville,MA n egu a���tana iin Ida ez � HIM, /if11 1 � 1/GW � C5-C8 Aliphatics 289 ' C5-C8 Aliphatics, Adj. 280 C9-Cl2 Aliphatics 2270 1"OoOY C9-C12 Aliphatics, Adj. 895 WMIN-Ate-0 C9 C10 Aromatics 1310 argealye � Methyl-tert-butyl ether <10.3 V,SOON3SiO� Benzene <6.87 f ON x, 1D�: , 40Mx* Toluene 8.6 tvo"&,,50 ��,= Ethylbenzene 10.3 500 = fi Total Xylenes 53.9 t ap a ene Notes: 1-Results compared to MCP Clean-up Standards at 310 CMR 40.0321 (b)&310 CMR 40.0975(6)(a). For comparison purposes only. 2.Bold=Exceeds Cleanup Standards. 3.Values with the<symbol before it indicate that the results are below laboratory detection ' limits. ' Project No. 11-1262.00 prepared by Coler Colantonio,lnc. RTN 4-19542 Table 4 ' Groundwater Concentrations 185 Wianno Circle Osterville,MA ' , Regu� r�yS�andrtls . S ► da 11-012,10- 01- W _', 3 C9 C18 Aliphatics <104 <103 <102 ' C19-C36 Aliphatics <104 <103 <102 C11-C22 Aromatics,Adjusted <104 160 <102 MUM?0(I�� C11-C22 Aromatics <104 146 <102 Napthalene <0.417 2.67 0.992 r 2-Methylnapthalene <0.417 9.25 2.21 t Phenanthrene <0.417 0.965 <0.4083011? ,r Acenaphthylene <0.417 <0.412 <0.408 U30C" � Acenaphthene <0.417 <0.412 <0.408 MV Fluorene <0.417 0.588 <0.408 30U f .1213 ' Anthracene <0.417 <0.412 <0.408 � 2 000 33;Ot) Fluoranthene <0.417 <0.412 <0.408 Pyrene <0.417 <0.412 <0.40820 � ' Benzo(a)anthracene <0.417 <0.412 <0.408sJ Chrysene <0.417 <0.412 <0.408 Benzo(b)fluoranthene <0.417 <0.412 <0.408F,r`s�"1 Benzo(k)fluoranthene <0.417 <0.412 <0.408 '� ' Benzo(a)pyrene <0.208 <0.200 <0.20002� - ts, 3000� y Indeno(1,2,3,-c,d)pyrene <0.417 <0.412 <0.408 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene <0.417 <0.412 <0.408 „s nAA f�. . , 3,OO"ON Benzo(g,h,l,)perylene <0.417 <0.412 <0.408 9' � ,° ':_ 40gb„ Notes: 1. Results compared to MCP Cleanup Standards at 310 CMR 40.0321(b)&310 CMR 40.0975(6)(a).For comparison purposes only. ' 2. BOLD=Exceeds Apllicable MCP Cleanup Stanbdards. 3.Values with the<symbol before it indicate that the results are below laboratory detection limits. ' Project No. 11-1162.00 Prepared by Coler and Colantonio, Inc. RTN 4-19542 1 II APPENDIX A Copies of the BWSC Transmittal Forms I ' Release Notification &IRA Plan Residence RTN 4-19542 185 Wianno Circle March 1, 2006 Prepared by:Coler&Colantonio,Inc. Osterville, Massachusetts = f Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC105 Release_Tracking Number IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION (IRA)TRANSMITTAL FORM Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0424-40.0427(Subpart D) - 19542 A RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE LOCATION: ' 1. Release Name/Location Aid: McNally Residence i2. Street Address: 185 Wianno Circle 3. City/Town: Osterville, MA 4. ZIP Code: 02655-0000 ' 5. Check here if a Tier Classification Submittal has been provided to DEP for this disposal site. ❑ ❑ a. Tier IA ❑ b. Tier IB ❑ c. Tier IC ❑ d. Tier II ❑ 6. Check here if this location is Adequately Regulated,pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0110-0114. Specify Program(check one): ❑ a. CERCLA ❑ b. HSWA Corrective Action ❑ c. Solid Waste Management ❑ d. RCRA State Program(21 C Facilities) B.THIS FORM IS BEING USED TO: (check all that apply) 1. List Submittal Date of Initial IRA Written Plan(if previously submitted): ' (mm/dd/yyyy) 2. Submit an Initial IRA Plan. ❑ 3. Submit a Modified IRA Plan of a previously submitted written IRA Plan. ❑ 4. Submit an Imminent Hazard Evaluation.(check one) ' ❑ a. An Imminent Hazard exists in connection with this Release or Threat of Release. ❑ b. An Imminent Hazard does not exist in connection with this Release or Threat of Release. ❑ c. It is unknown whether an Imminent Hazard exists in connection with this Release or Threat of Release,and further assessment activities will be undertaken. ❑ d. It is unknown whether an Imminent Hazard exists in connection with this Release or Threat of Release. However, response actions will address those conditions that could pose an Imminent Hazard. o5. Submit a request to Terminate an Active Remedial System or Response Action(s)Taken to Address an Imminent Hazard. ❑ 6. Submit an IRA Status Report. ' ❑ 7. Submit an IRA Completion Statement. a. Check here if future response actions addressing this Release or Threat of Release notification condition will be ' ❑ conducted as part of the Response Actions planned or ongoing at a Site that has already been Tier Classed under a different Release Tracking Number(RTN). When linking RTNs,rescoring via the NRS is required if there is a reasonable likelihood that the addition of the new RTN(s)would change the classification of the site. b. Provide Release Tracking Number of Tier Classified Site(Primary RTN): ❑ - ' These additional response actions must occur according to the deadlines applicable to the Primary RTN.Use the P 9 P Primary ` RTN when making all future submittals for the site unless specifically relating to this Immediate Response Action. ❑ 8. Submit a Revised IRA Completion Statement. (All sections of this transmittal form must be filled out unless otherwise noted above) Revised: 11/04/2003 Page 1 of 6 ' Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC105 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION (IRA) TRANSMITTAL Release Tracking Number FORM Pursuant to 31A CMR 40.0424-40.0427(Subpart`D) I 9542 C: RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE CONDITIONS THAT WARRANT_IRAs ' 1. Identify Media Impacted and Receptors Affected: (check all that apply). ❑ a. Air ❑ b. Basement ❑ c. Critical Exposure Pathway d. Groundwater ❑ e..Residence ❑ f. Paved Surface ❑ g.Private Well ❑ h. Public Water Supply ❑ i. School ❑ j. Sediments ' FA k. Soil R I. Storm Drain m. Surface Water n. Unknown o. Wetland p. Zone 2 ' ❑ q. Others Specify: 2. Identify Oils and Hazardous Materials Released: (check all that apply) © a. Oils ❑ b. Chlorinated Solvents ❑ c.Heavy Metals ' ❑ d. Others Specify: li 1 check all that.a I for volumes list cumulative amounts D. DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSE ACTIONS: ( pp y, ) ❑ 1. Assessment and/or Monitoring Only ❑ 2. Temporary Covers or Caps ' ❑ 3. Deployment of Absorbent or Containment Materials ❑ 4. Temporary Water Supplies ❑ 5. Structure Venting System ❑ 6. Temporary Evacuation or Relocation of Residents ' ❑ 7. Product or NAPL Recovery ❑ 8. Fencing and Sign Posting ❑ 9. Groundwater Treatment Systems ❑ 10. Soil Vapor Extraction ❑ 11. Bioremediation ❑ 12. Air Sparging ® 13. Excavation of Contaminated Soils a. Re-use,Recycling or Treatment ❑ i.On Site Estimated volume in cubic yards t 50 ✓❑ ii.Off Site Estimated volume in cubic yards 1 iia.Receiving Facility: Aggregate Industries Town: South Dennis State: MA ' iib. Receiving Facility: Town: State: iii. Describe: b. Store i.On Site Estimated volume in cubic yards ❑ ' ❑ ii.Off Site Estimated volume in cubic yards iia.Receiving Facility: Town: State: iib.Receiving Facility: Town: State: ' Revised: 11/04/2003 Page 2 of 6 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC105 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION (IRA)TRANSMITTAL Release Tracking Number « a FORM Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0424-40.0427(Subpart D) D - 19542 E. LSP SIGNATURE AND STAMP: ' I attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that I have personally examined and am familiar with this transmittal form, including any and all documents accompanying this submittal. In my professional opinion and judgment based upon application of(i)the standard of care in 309 CMR 4.02(1);(ii)the applicable provisions of 309 CMR 4.02(2)and(3),and 309 CMR 4.03(2),and ' (iii)the provisions of 309 CMR 4.03(3),to the best of my knowledge,information and belief, > if Section B of this form indicates that an Immediate Response Action Plan is being submitted,the response action(s)that is ' (are)the subject of this submittal(i)has(have)been developed in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000,(ii)is(are)appropriate and reasonable to accomplish the purposes of such response action(s)as set forth in the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and(iii)complies(y)with the identified provisions of all orders, permits,and approvals identified in this submittal; > if Section B of this form indicates that an Imminent Hazard Evaluation is being submitted,this Imminent Hazard Evaluation was developed in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000,and the assessment activity(ies) undertaken to support this Imminent Hazard Evaluation comply(ies)with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21 E and 310 CMR ' 40.0000; > if Section B of this form indicates that an Immediate Response Status Report is being submitted,the response action(s)that is ' (are)the subject of this submittal(i) is(are)being implemented in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000,(ii)is(are)appropriate and reasonable to accomplish the purposes of such response action(s)as set forth in the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and(iii)comply(ies)with the identified provisions of all orders, permits,and approvals identified in this submittal; ' > if Section B of this form indicates that an Immediate Response Action Completion Statement or a request to Terminate an Active Remedial System or Response Action(s)Taken to Address an Imminent Hazard is being submitted,the response ' action(s)that is(are)the subject of this submittal(i)has(have)been developed and implemented in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000,(ii)is(are)appropriate and reasonable to accomplish the purposes of such response action(s)as set forth in the applicable provisions of M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and(iii)comply(ies) with the identified provisions of all orders,permits,and approvals identified in this submittal. I am aware that significant penalties may result,including,but not limited to,possible fines and imprisonment,if I submit information which I know to be false,inaccurate or materially incomplete. 1. LSP#: 2093 2. First Name: William 3. Last Name: HOyerman 4. Telephone: 781 982-5476 5. Ext.: 6. FAX: (781) 982-5486 --�2�' 7. Signature: W, ILA.4 `'y�EptN OF 02/16/2006 8. Date: 9.LSP Stamp: WNlIAM R. � (mm/dd/yyyy) �, HOYERMAN ' r No.2093 �. Q 31TE Revised: 11/04/2003 Page 4 of 6 Massachusetts Department of.Env.ironmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC105 Release Tracking Number ' IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION (IRA)TRANSMITTAL FORM Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0424-40.0427(Subpart D) 4 _ 19542 F. PERSON UNDERTAKING IRA: c change in the person 1. Check all that apply: ❑ a.change in contact name. b change of address ❑ undertaking response actions' 2. Name of Organization: 3. Contact First Name: Susan 4.Last Name: McNally 5. Street: 31 Concord Avenue s.Title: Owner Cambridge MA 02138-0000 7. City/Town: 8. State: 9. ZIP Code: 10. Telephone: (617) 492-5161 11.Ext.: 12. FAX: ' G. RELATIONSHIP TO RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE OF PERSON UNDERTAKING IRA: �[ 1. RP or PRP a. Owner ❑ .b. Operator ❑ c. Generator ❑ d. Transporter ' ❑ e. Other RP or PRP Specify: ❑ 2. Fiduciary,Secured Lender or Municipality with Exempt Status(as defined by M.G.L.c.21 E,s.2) ' 3. Agency or Public Utility on a Right of Way(as defined by M.G.L.c.21 E,s.50)) ' ❑ 4. Any Other Person Undertaking IRA Specify Relationship: H.REQUIRED ATTACHMENT AND SUBMITTALS: ' 1.Check here if any Remediation Waste,generated as a result of this IRA,will be stored,treated, managed,recycled or ❑ reused at the site following submission of the IRA Completion Statement. If this box is checked,you must submit one of the following plans,along with the appropriate transmittal form. ❑ a. A Release Abatement Measure(RAM)Plan(BWSC106) ❑ b.Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan(BWSC108) ' 2. Check here if the Response Action(s)on which this opinion is based,if any,are(were)subject to any order(s), permit(s) ❑ and/or approval(s)issued by DEP or EPA. If the box is checked,you MUST attach a statement identifying the applicable provisions thereof. ' 3. Check here to certify that the Chief Municipal Officer and the Local Board of Health have been notified of the implementation of an Immediate Response Action taken to control, prevent,abate or eliminate an Imminent Hazard. ' ❑ 4. Check here to certify that the Chief Municipal Officer and the Local Board of Health have been notified of the submittal of a Completion Statement for an Immediate Response Action taken to control, prevent,abate or eliminate an Imminent Hazard. ❑ 5. Check here if any non-updatable information provided on this form is incorrect,e.g. Release Address/Location Aid. Send corrections to the DEP Regional Office. ® 6. Check here to certify that the LSP Opinion containing the material facts,data,and other information is attached. Revised: 11/04/2003 Page 5 of 6 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC105 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION (IRA)TRANSMITTAL Release Tacking Number FORM Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0424=40.0427(Subpart D) 4 - §542 I: CERTIFICATION OF PERSON UNDERTAKING IRA: - Susan McNally' _attest under the pains and penalties of perjury(i)that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal,including any and all documents accompanying this transmittal form,(ii)that,based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information,the material information contained in this submittal is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate and.complete,and(iii) that I am fully authorized to make this attestation on behalf of the entity legally responsible for this submittal. 1/the person or entity on whose behalf this submittal is made am/is aware that there are significant penalties,including,but not limited to, possible fines and imprisonment,for willfully submitting false, inaccurate,or incomplete information. 2 By: �- -Rx-e Owner y 3. Title: Signature 4. For: 5. Date: 2 20 06 (Name of person or entity recorded in Section F) (mm/dd/yyyy) rj 6. Check here if the address of the person providing certification is different from address recorded in Section F. ' 7. Street: 8. City/Town: 9. State: 10. ZIP Code: 11. Telephone: 12. Ext.: 13. FAX: ' YOU ARE SUBJECT TO AN ANNUAL COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE FEE OF UP TO$10,000 PER BILLABLE YEAR FOR THIS DISPOSAL SITE. YOU MUST LEGIBLY COMPLETE ALL RELEVANT SECTIONS OF THIS FORM OR DEP MAY RETURN THE DOCUMENT AS INCOMPLETE. IF YOU SUBMIT AN INCOMPLETE FORM,YOU MAY BE PENALIZED FOR MISSING A REQUIRED DEADLINE. Date Stamp(DEP USE ONLY:; 1 M Revised: 11/04/2003 Page 6 of 6 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection _ Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC103 RELEASE NOTIFICATION&NOTIFICATION Release Tracking Number RETRACTION FORM 4D 19542 - Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0335 and 310 CMR 40.0371 (Subpart C) A. RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE LOCATION: 1. Release Name/Location Aid: McNally Residence 2. Street Address: 185 Wianno Circle 3. Cityrrown: Osterville 4. ZIP Code: 02655-0000 B. THIS FORM IS BEING USED TO: (check one) D 1.Submit a Release Notification 2. Submit a Retraction of a Previously Reported Notification of a release or threat of release including supporting ❑ documentation required pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0335 (Section C is not required) (All sections of this transmittal form must be filled out unless otherwise noted above) ' C. INFORMATION DESCRIBING THE RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE(TOR): 1. Date and time of Oral Notification,if applicable: 01/11/2006 Time: 07:00 ❑ AM PM ' mm/ddtyyyy hh:mm 2. Date and time you obtained kncwledge of the Release or TOR: 01/11/2006 Time: 05:00 ❑ AM Q PM mm/ddtyyyy hh:mm ' 3. Date and time release or TOR occurred,if known: Time: ❑ AM ❑ PM mm/ddtyyyy hh:mm ' Check all Notification Thresholds that apply to the Release or Threat of Release: (for more information see 310 CMR 40.0310-40.0315) 4. 2 HOUR REPORTING CONDITIONS 5. 72 HOUR REPORTING CONDITIONS 6. 120 DAY REPORTING CONDITIONS © a. Sudden Release a. Subsurface Non-Aqueous a. Release of Hazardous ❑ Phase Liquid(NAPL)Equal to ❑ Material(s)to Soil or ❑ b. Threat of Sudden Release or Greater than 1/2 Inch Groundwater Exceeding ❑ c. Oil Sheen on Surface Water ❑ b. Underground Storage Tank Reportable Concentration(s) (UST)Release b. Release of Oil to Soil ❑ d. Poses Imminent Hazard Exceeding Reportable ❑ e. Could Pose Imminent ❑ c. Threat of UST Release ❑ Concentration(s)and Affecting Hazard More than 2 Cubic Yards ❑ d. Release to Groundwater ❑ f. Release Detected in near Water Supply c. Release of Oil to ❑ Groundwater Exceeding ' Private Well ❑ e. Release to Groundwater Reportable Concentration(s) ❑ g. Release to Storm Drain near School or Residence d. Subsurface Non-Aqueous ' ❑ h. Sanitary Sewer Release ❑ f. Substantial Release Migration ❑ Phase Liquid(NAPL)Equal to (Imminent Hazard Only) or Greater than 1/8 Inch and Less than 1/2 Inch Revised:06/27/2003 Page 1 of 3 ' Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC103 RELEASE NOTIFICATION & NOTIFICATION Release Tracking Number RETRACTION FORM 119542 : Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0335 and 310 CMR 40.0371 (Subpart C) C. INFORMATION DESCRIBING THE RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE(TOR)'.(cont) ' 7: List below the Oils(0)or Hazardous Materials(HM)that exceed their Reportable Concentration(RC)or Reportable Quantity (RQ)by the greatest amount: i 0 or HM Released CAS Number, 0 or HM Amount or Units RCs Exceeded,if if known Concentration Applicable(RCS-1,RCS-2, ' RCGW-1,RCGW-2) #2 home Heating Oil O 150 GAL r ' 8. Check here if a list of additional Oil and Hazardous Materials subject to reporting is attached. ' D. PERSON REQUIRED TO NOTIFY: 1. Check all that apply: a.change in contact name b. change of address c. change in the person notifying 2. Name of Organization: 3. Contact First Name: Susan 4. Last Name: McNally 5. Street. 6.Title:31 Concord Avenue, Suite #7 Owner . 7. City/Town: Cambridge .8. State: MA 9. ZIP Code: 02138-0000 10. Telephone: (617) 492-5161 11.Ext.: 12. FAX: ' 13. Check here if attaching names and addresses of owners of properties affected by the Release or Threat of Release, other than an owner who is submitting this Release Notification(required). E. RELATIONSHIP OF PERSON TO RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE: 1. RP or PRP V] a. Owner El b. Operator n c. Generator d. Transporter e. Other RP or PRP Specify: 2. Fiduciary,Secured Lender or Municipality with Exempt Status(as defined by M.G.L.c.21 E,s. 2) 0 3. Agency or Public Utility on a Right of Way(as defined by M.G.L.c.21 E,s.50)) 4. Any Other Person Otherwise Required to Notify Specify Relationship: Revised:06/27/2003 Page 2 of 3 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC103 ' RELEASE NOTIFICATION& NOTIFICATION Release Tracking Number RETRACTION FORM D - 19542 Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0335 and 310 CMR 40.0371 (Subpart C) F. CERTIFICATION OF PERSON REQUIRED TO NOTIFY: ' 1; I,Susan McNally ,attest under the pains and penalties of perjury(i)that I have personally examined and' nd am familiar with the information contained in this submittal,including any and all documents accompanying this transmittal form,(ii)that,based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information,the material information contained in this submittal is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate and complete,and(iii) that I am fully authorized to make this attestation on behalf of the entity legally responsible for this submittal. I/the person or entity on whose behalf this submittal is made am/is aware that there are significant penalties,including, but not limited to, possible fines and imprisonment,for willfully submitting false, inaccurate,or incomplete information. 2. By: 3. Title: Owner gnature 4. For: Susan McNally 5. Date: 2 20 06 (Name of person or entity recorded in Section D) mm/dd/yyyy 6. Check here if the address of the person providing certification is different from address recorded in Section D. ' 7. Street: 8. City/Town: 9. State: 10. ZIP Code: 11. Telephone: 12.Ext.: 13. FAX: ' YOU MUST LEGIBLY COMPLETE ALL RELEVANT SECTIONS OF THIS FORM OR DEP MAY RETURN THE DOCUMENT AS INCOMPLETE. IF YOU SUBMIT AN INCOMPLETE FORM,YOU MAY BE PENALIZED FOR MISSING A REQUIRED DEADLINE. Date Stamp(DEP USE ONLY:) � r ' Revised: 06/27/2003 Page 3 of 3 APPENDIX B ' Laboratory Data Release Notification &IRA Plan Residence 1 RTN 4-19542 185 Wianno Circle March 1, 2006 Prepared by: Coler&Colantonio,Inc. Osterville,Massachusetts ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Eight Walkup Drive Westborough, Massachusetts 01581-1019 ,(508) 898-9220 www.alphalab.com MA:M-MA086 NH:200301-A CT:PH-0574 ME:MA086 RI:65 NY:11148 NJ:MA935 Army:USACE CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Client: Coler & Colantonio Laboratory Job Number: L0600246 Address: 101 Accord Park Drive Norwell, MA 02061 Date Received: 09-JAN-2006 Attn: Ms. Lauren Gervais Date Reported: 13-JAN-2006 Project Number: Delivery Method: Alpha ' Site: OSTERVILLE The following questions pertain only to MCP Analytical Methods ' An affirmative response to questions A,B,C & D is required for "Presumptive Certainty" status A. Were all samples received by the laboratory in a condition consistent with those YES ' described on their ,Chain-of-Custody documentation for the data set? B. Were all QA/QC procedures required for the specified analytical method(s) included YES in this report followed, including the requirement to note and discuss in a ' narrative QC data that did not meet appropriate performance standards or guidelines? C. Does the analytical data included in this report meet all the requirements for YES "Presumptive Certainty", as described in section 2.0 of the MADEP document CAM VII A, "Quality Assurance and Quality Control Guidelines for the Acquisition and Reporting of Analytical Data"? D. VPH and EPH methods only: Was the VPH or EPH method run without significant YES modifications, as specified in Section 11.3? A response to questions E and F is required for "Presumptive Certainty" status E. Were all QC performance standards and recommendations for the specified method(s) YES achieved? F. Were results for al_ analyte-list compounds/elements for the specified method(s) YES reported? Any answers of NO to the above questions are addressed in the case narrative. I, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my personal inquiry of those responsible ' for obtaining the information, -he material contained in this report is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, accurate and complete. This certificate of analysis is not complete unless this page accompanies any and all pages of this report. I Authorized by: Technic Director 03130616:21 Page 1 of 10 i ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Laboratory Job Number: L0600246 Date Reported: 13-JAN-2006 ALPHA SAMPLE NUMBER CLIENT IDENTIFICATION SAMPLE LOCATION L0600246-01 WEST WALL WIANNO CIRCLE OSTERVILLE, MA 1 i 1 i ' 01130616:23 Page 2 of 10 tALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES NARRATIVE REPORT ' Laboratory Job Number: L0600246 Report Submission ' All MCP required questions were answered with affirmative responses: therefore, there are no relevant data issues to discuss. ' EPH WG226270: ' Extraction method 3545 � 1 I� t i i i 02130616:23 Paqe 3 of 30 ' ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' MA:M-MA086 NH:200301-A CT:PH-0574 ME:MA086 RI:65 NY:11148 NJ:MA935 Army:USACE ' Laboratory Sample Number: L0600246-01 Date Collected: 06-JAN-2006 12:00 WEST WALL Date Received : 09-JAN-2006 Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Reported : 13-JAN-2006 ' Condition of Sample: Satisfactory Field Prep: None Number & Type of Containers: 2-Amber PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID PREP ANAL Solids, Total 95. % 0.10 30 2540G 0110 12:33 PJ i 1 1 1 1 f i 1 Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 03130616:23 Page 4 of 10 ' ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Laboratory Sample Number: L0600246-01 WEST WALL PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID ' PREP ANAL E i `l .^c a ,.::..x�tfactable����Cro'letim Hydroc�,rbons,.;, ��14E45 011_���' a {"Y' .-�/ F " N ir�. `Jn, .:t.M ;Qil"�d_,l;ity's,;Control=;M::Info"riation�;M ...7>..' ... .! Condition of sample received: Satisfactory ' Sample temperature upon receipt: Received on Ice Sample extraction method: Extracted Per the Method Were all QA/QC procedures REQUIRED by the method followed? YES ' Were all performance/acceptance standards for the required procedures achieved? YES Were significant modifications made to the method as specified in Sect 11.3? NO The normal acceptance range for the extraction surrogates, Chloro-octadecane and o-Terphenyl, is 40-140%. ' The normal acceptance range for the fractionation surrogates 2 Fluorobiphenyl and 2-Bromonaphthalene is 40 140% X C9-C18 Aliphatics 54.2 mg/kg 7.02 C19-C36 Aliphatics 24.8 mg/kg 7.02 C11-C22 Aromatics 92.0 mg/kg 7.02 C11-C22 Aromatics, Ad-justed 92.0 mg/kg 7.02 Naphthalene ND mg/kg 0.351 ' 2-Methylnaphthalene ND mg/kg 0.351 Acenaphthylene ND mg/kg 0.351 Acenaphthene ND mg/kg 0.351 Fluorene ND mg/kg 0.351 ' Phenanthrene ND mg/kg 0.351 Anthracene ND mg/kg 0.351 Fluoranthene ND mg/kg 0.351 Pyrene ND mg/kg 0.351 ' Benzo(a)anthracene ND mg/kg 0.351 Chrysene ND mg/kg 0.351 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND mg/kg 0.351 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND mg/kg 0.351 Benzo(a)pyrene ND mg/kg 0.351 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene ND mg/kg 0.351 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND mg/kg 0.351 ' Benzo(ghi)perylene ND mg/kg 0.351 Surrogate(s) Recovery QC Criteria Chloro-Octadecane 41.0 % 40-140 o-Terphenyl 95.0 % 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 75.0 % 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 77.0 % 40-140 I1� ' Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 03130616:23 Page 5 of 10 t ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES QUALITY ASSURANCE BATCH DUPLICATE ANALYSIS ' Laboratory Job Number: L0600246 ' Parameter Value 1 Value 2 Units RPD RPD Limits Sol�;ds `Total, for"sample{§} i { 0`6,QU2Ot'0�;,;WG2262=50 2} ;" s' ' Solids, Total 90. 90. % 0 t t i ' 01130626:23 Page 6 Of 10 ' ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES QUALITY ASSURANCE BATCH LCS/LCSD ANALYSIS ' Laboratory Job Number: L0600246 ' Parameter LCS LCSD RPD RPD Limit QC Limits C9-C18 Aliphatics 57 69 19 25 40-140 C19-C36 Aliphatics 65 62 5 25 40-140 C11-C22 Aromatics 77 94 20 25 40-140 Naphthalene 55 62 12 25 40-140 2-Methylnaphthalene 56 63 12 25 40-140 Acenaphthylene 59 67 13 25 40-140 Acenaphthene 60 68 13 25 40-140 Fluorene 63 76 19 25 40-140 Phenanthrene 63 75 17 25 40-140 Anthracene 66 79 18 25 40-140 Fluoranthene 70 85 19 25 40-140 Pyrene 65 79 19 25 40-140 Benzo(a)anthracene 64 77 18 25 40-140 Chrysene 66 80 19 25 40-140 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 65 77 17 25 40-140 ' Benzo(k)fluoranthene 63 74 16 25 40-140 Benzo(a)pyrene 62 74 18 25 40-140 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene 59 70 17 25 40-140 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 62 73 16 25 40-140 Benzo(ghi)perylene 63 75 17 25 40-140 Nonane (C9) 46 46 0 25 30-140 Decane (C10) 54 54 0 25 40-140 Dodecane (C12) 60 60 0 25 40-140 ' Tetradecane (C14) 62 62 0 25 40-140 Hexadecane (C16) 62 62 0 25 40-140 Octadecane (C18) 63 62 2 25 40-140 Nonadecane (C19) 65 64 2 25 40-140 Eicosane (C20) 66 64 3 25 40-140 Docosane (C22) 67 65 3 25 40-140 Tetracosane (C24) 67 64 5 25 40-140 Hexacosane (C26) 67 64 5 25 40-140 ' Octacosane (C28) 68 64 6 25 40-140 Triacontane (C30) 68 63 8 25 40-140 Hexatriacontane (C36) 71 66 7 25 40-140 ' Surrogate(s) Chloro-Octadecane 45 45 0 40-140 o-Terphenyl 68 79 15 40-140 ' 2-Fluorobiphenyl 69 76 10 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 68 77 12 40-140 % Naphthalene Breakthrough 0 0 NC % 2-Methylnaphthalene Breakthr ' ough 0 0 NC 01130626:23 Page 7 of 10 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES QUALITY ASSURANCE BATCH BLANK ANALYSIS ' Laboratory Job Number: L0600246 PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID PREP ANAL Extra�etahlefiPetroleum Hydrocarbons��:. ,,,,5 a < ;51 sdx=qa1 '•�asio'1�':�4s,o11��`�� on,1,T��. C9-C18 Aliphatics ND mg/kg 6.67 C19-C36 Aliphatics ND mg/kg 6.67 C11-C22 Aromatics ND mg/kg 6.67 C11-C22 Aromatics, Adjusted ND mg/kg 6.67 Naphthalene ND mg/kg 0.333 ' 2-Methylnaphthalene ND mg/kg 0.333 Acenaphthylene ND mg/kg 0.333 Acenaphthene ND mg/kg 0.333 Fluorene ND mg/kg 0.333 ' Phenanthrene ND mg/kg 0.333 Anthracene ND mg/kg 0.333 Fluoranthene ND mg/kg 0.333 Pyrene ND mg/kg 0.333 Benzo(a)anthracene ND mg/kg 0.333 Chrysene ND mg/kg 0.333 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND mg/kg 0.333 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND mg/kg 0.333 ' Benzo(a)pyrene ND mg/kg 0.333 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene ND mg/kg 0.333 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND mg/kg 0.333 Benzo(ghi)perylene ND mg/kg 0.333 ' Surrogate(s) Recovery QC Criteria Chloro-Octadecane 49.0 % 40-140 o-Terphenyl 77.0 % 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 82.0 % 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 81.0 % 40-140 01230616:23 Page 8 of 10 ' ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES ADDENDUM I REFERENCES ' 30. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. APHA-AWWA-WPCF. 18th Edition. 1992. ' 61. Method for the Determination of Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (EPH) . Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, DEA/ORS/BWSC. May 2004, Revision 1.1. ' GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND SYMBOLS REF Reference number in which test method may be found. METHOD Method number by which analysis was performed. ID Initials of the analyst. I ND Not detected in comparison to the reported detection limit. NI Not Ignitable. ug/cart Micrograms per Cartridge. ' LIMITATION OF LIABILITIES Alpha Analytical, Inc. performs services with reasonable care and diligence ' normal to the analytical testing laboratory industry. In the event of an error, the sole and exclusive responsibility of Alpha Analytical, Inc. , shall be to re-perform the work at it's own expense. In no event shall Alpha Analytical, Inc. be held liable for any incidental consequential or special damages, including but not ' limited to, damages in any way connected with the use of, interpretation of, information or analysis provided by Alpha Analytical, Inc. We strongly urge our clients to comply with EPA protocol regarding sample volume, preservation, cooling, containers, sampling procedures, holding times and splitting of samples in the field. 01130616:23 Page 9 of 10 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES LOGIN SPECIFIC INFORMATION 1 Laboratory Job Number: L0600246 ' Were project specific reporting limits specified? YES Cooler Information iCooler Custody Seal A Absent i Container Information ' Container ID Container Type Cooler pH Temp Pres Seal Analysis L0600246-OIA Amber 250ml unpreserved A NA 2.7C Y Absent EPH-DELUX-04, TS L0600246-OIB Amber 250ml unpreserved A NA 2.7C Y Absent EPH-DELUX-04, TS Container Comments ' Container ID Comments - I� 02230616:23 Page 10 of 20 CHAIN OF CUSTODY PAGE_A_OF --�--•— Dah Reed In tab: ALPHA Job#:Project Information Report Information-Data Deliverables Billing Information Eight Walkup Drive Westborough,IAA 01581 TEL: 508-898-9220 FAX: 508-896-9193 Project Name: G� co �� ❑FAX EMAIL Same as Clent into PO#Client : InformationProject Location: O iec,i,1 ❑AOEx ❑Add1 Deliverables Client: �t /L ---1s;_�fl 6 `o c:f1�a C110 (Kc Project#: Regulatory Requirements/Report Limits Address: Al� .�1 �'^ State/Fed Program Criteria !C)( I��CvCZA c�C Wit, Project Manager: beC ------....... IJ0 ALPHA Quote k - MCP PRESUMPTIVE CERTAINTY-THESE QUESTIONS Phone: -7� C� — Time Yes ❑No Are MCP Analytical Methods Required? Fax: 781\ a r� ( Yes Are Drinking Water Samples Submitted? Yes ❑No Have you met minimum field QC/ / requirements? Standard ❑ RUSH ran�arn,m.]u,....,,,ww�, Email: I -CO!�reodby / /Date Due: i Time: /SAMP ❑ These mples have been previously a Alpha p / / LE HANDLING / Filtration Other Project Specific Requirements/Comments/Detection Limits: `y / / / / �❑1 Done ys-rvot needed ❑Lab to do Preservation A1�w ❑Lab to do �l)Lt1� (Pl.a...pe,yry M•wl (4et)Uea SamplelD Collection SampL ISamplars •:` Date Tme Matrix Initials / / Sample Specific Comments .,..:.......::. .. .......:.. :;, ..:... .....:... . .. QUESTIONS ABOVE MUST BE ANSWERED FOR PRESUMPTIVECERrAINTY CorlainerType Please print clearly,legibly and IS YOUR Freservative OWPWWY• Samples can not be logged In and turnaround time dock PROJECT MCP ? Relinquished By: DateRme Reqqjved By: Date/Time wIN nOt stall Unt l any ambigtrltles ere � rei101V :'Ap sernplas subxmitted are J 'O f eut>jec<to Alplra18 Payment Terms. FORMN0:01-01(rev.l4M.y04) _...------ -- ►' : See:rsvaree side, ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Eight Walkup Drive Westborough, Massachusetts 01581-1019 (508) 898-9220 www.alphalab.com MA:M-MA086 NH:200301-A CT:PH-0574 ME:MA086 RI:65 NY:11148 NJ:MA935 Army:USACE CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Client: Coler & Colantonio Laboratory Job Number: L0600516 Address: 101 Accord Park Drive Norwell, MA 02061 Date Received: 12-JAN-2006 ' Attn: Mr. William Hoyerman Date Reported: 19-JAN-2006 Project Number: 11-1262 Delivery Method: Alpha Site: WIANNO The following questions pertain only to MCP Analytical Methods An affirmative response to questions A,B,C & D is required for "Presumptive Certainty" status A. Were all samples received by the laboratory in a condition consistent with those YES ' described on their Chain-of-Custody documentation for the data set? B. Were all QA/QC procedures required for the specified analytical method(s) included YES in this report followed, including the requirement to note and discuss in a Inarrative QC data that did not meet appropriate performance standards or guidelines? C. Does the analytical data included in this report meet all the requirements for YES "Presumptive Certainty", as described in section 2.0 of the MADEP document CAM VII A, "Quality Assurance and Quality Control Guidelines for the Acquisition and Reporting of Analytical Data"? D. VPH and EPH methods only: Was the VPH or EPH method run without significant YES modifications, as specified in Section 11.3? A response to questions E and F is required for "Presumptive Certainty" status E. Were all QC performance standards and recommendations for the specified method(s) NO achieved? ' F. Were results for all analyte-list compounds/elements for the specified method(s) NO reported? Any answers of NO to the above questions are addressed in the case narrative. I, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my personal inquiry of those responsible for obtaining the information, the material contained in this report is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, accurate and complete. This certificate of analysis is not complete unless this page accompanies any and all pages of this report. Authorized by: OL- M (/-Lt- ' Technical Representative 01190614:47 Page 1 of 24 ' ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES ' Laboratory Job Number: L0600516 Date Reported: 19-JAN-2006 ' ALPHA SAMPLE NUMBER CLIENT IDENTIFICATION SAMPLE LOCATION L0600516-01 CC-1 (9.3) OSTERVILLE ' L0600516-02 CC-2 (9-10) OSTERVILLE L0600516-03 CC-3 (0-2) OSTERVILLE L0600516-04 CC-5 (0-2) OSTERVILLE L0600516-05 CC-6 (2-3) OSTERVILLE ' L0600516-06 CC-6 (3-4) OSTERVILLE L0600516-07 CC-7 (1-2) OSTERVILLE L0600516-08 CC-7 (3-4) OSTERVILLE L0600516-09 CC-6 (1-2) OSTERVILLE L0600516-10 CC-7 (1-2) OSTERVILLE 01190614:47 Page 2 of 24 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES NARRATIVE REPORT Laboratory Job Number: L0600516 ' MCP Related Narratives ' Report Submission In reference to ques=ion F: ' At the client's request, all submitted samples were not analyzed for the full MCP list of compounds specified for the method. ' EPH by method EPH-14-1 L0600516-02, -05, -06 Extraction method: 3545 ' L0600516-07 Extracticn method: 3540C L0600516-07 has elevated limits of detection due to the 25x dilution required by the elevated concentrations of target compounds in the sample. ' In reference to question E: The extraction surrogates could not be recovered on L0600516-07 due to the dilution required to quantitate the sample. 01190614:47 Page 3 of 24 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 1 MA:M-MA086 NH:200301-A CT:PH-0574 ME:MA086 RI:65 NY:11148 NJ:MA935 Army:USAC.E Laboratory Sample Number: L0600516-01 Date Collected: 11-JAN-2006 10:15 CC-1 (9.3) Date Received : 12-JAN-2006 ' Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Reported : 19-JAN-2006 Condition of Sample: Satisfactory Field Prep: None ' Number & Type of Containers: 1-Amber PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID ' PREP ANAL ******* THIS SAMPLE IS ON HOLD ******* r ' Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 01110111:17 Page 4 of 11 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS MAIM-MA086 NH:200301-A CT:PH-0574 ME:MA086 RI:65 NY:11148 NJ:MA935 Army:USACE Laboratory Sample Number: L0600516-02 Date Collected: 11-JAN-2006 11:10 CC-2 (9-10) Date Received : 12-JAN-2006 ' Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Reported : 19-JAN-2006 Condition of Sample: Satisfactory Field Prep: None Number & Type of Containers: 1-Amber PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID PREP ANAL Solids, Total 96. $ 0.10 30 2540G 0113 15:37 Pi i r ' Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 01190614:47 Page 5 of 24 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Laboratory Sample Number: L0600516-02 CC-2 (9-10) ' PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID PREP ANAL Condition of sample received: Satisfactory Sample temperature upon receipt: Received on Ice Sample extraction method: Extracted Per the Method Were all QA/QC procedures REQUIRED by the method followed? YES ' Were all performance/acceptance standards for the required procedures achieved? YES Were significant modifications made to the method as specified in Sect 11.3? NO The normal acceptance range for the extraction surrogates, Chloro-octadecane and o-Terphenyl, is 40-140%. ' The normal acceptance range for the fractionation surrogates, 2 Fluorobiphenyl and 2 Bromonaphthalene is 40 140$ C9-C18 Aliphatics ND mg/kg 6.94 ' C19-C36 Aliphatics ND mg/kg 6.94 C11-C22 Aromatics ND mg/kg 6.94 C11-C22 Aromatics, Adjusted ND mg/kg 6.94 Naphthalene ND mg/kg 0.347 2-Methylnaphthalene ND mg/kg 0.347 Acenaphthene ND mg/kg 0.347 Phenanthrene ND mg/kg 0.347 ' Surrogate(s) Recovery QC Criteria Chloro-Octadecane 40.0 % 40-140 o-Terphenyl 49.0 % 40-140 ' 2-Fluorobiphenyl 79.0 % 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 77.0 % 40-140 Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 01190614:47 Page 6 of 24 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS MA:M-MA086 NH:200301-A CT:PH-0574 ME:MA086 RI:65 NY:11148 NJ:MA935 Army:USACE ' Laboratory Sample Number: L0600516-03 Date Collected: 11-JAN-2006 12:30 CC-3 (0-2) Date Received : 12-JAN-2006 ' Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Reported : 19-JAN-2006 Condition of Sample: Satisfactory Field Prep: None ' Number & Type of Containers: 1-Amber PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID ' PREP ANAL ******* THIS SAMPLE IS ON HOLD ******* 1 1 ' Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 01190614:47 Page 7 of 24 ' ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS MAIM-MA086 NH:200301-A CT:PH-0574 ME:MA086 RI:65 NY:11148 NJ:MA935 Army:USACE Laboratory Sample Number: L0600516-04 Date Collected: 11-JAN-2006 13:50 CC-5 (0-2) Date Received : 12-JAN-2006 Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Reported : 19-JAN-2006 Condition of Sample: Satisfactory Field Prep: None Number & Type of Containers: 1-Amber PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID ' PREP ANAL ******* THIS SAMPLE IS ON HOLD ******* ' Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 01190614:47 Page 8 of 24 i ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS MAIM-MA086 NH:200301-A CT:PH-0574 ME:MA086 RI:65 NY:11148 NJ:MA935 Army:USACE ' Laboratory Sample Number: L0600516-05 Date Collected: 11-JAN-2006 14:45 CC-6 (2-3) Date Received : 12-JAN-2006 Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Reported : 19-JAN-2006 Condition of Sample: Satisfactory Field Prep: None ' Number & Type of Containers: 1-Amber PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REP METHOD DATE ID ' PREP ANAL Solids, Total 94. % 0.10 30 2540G 0113 15:37 PJ Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 01190114:47 Page 9 of 24 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Laboratory Sample Number: L0600516-05 CC-6; (2-3) PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID ' PREP ANAL - �xCractabl�e�P�t�c�o-leul[ Hlclroc��rb���`i��.^..,� ,;�� „,,r ' Condition of sample received: Satisfactory Sample temperature upon receipt: Received on Ice Sample extraction method: Extracted Per the Method Were all QA/QC procedures REQUIRED by the method followed? YES Were all performance/acceptance standards for the required procedures achieved? YES ' Were significant modifications made to the method as specified in Sect 11.3? NO The normal acceptance range for the extraction surrogates, Chloro-octadecane and o-Terphenyl, is 40-140%. The normal acceptance range for the fractionation surrogates 2 Fluorobiphenyl and 2 Bromonaphthalene is 40 140% t r `} C9-C18 Aliphatics ND mg/kg 7.09 ' C19-C36 Aliphatics ND mg/kg 7.09 C11-C22 Aromatics ND mg/kg 7.09 C11-C22 Aromatics, Adjusted ND mg/kg 7.09 Naphthalene ND mg/kg 0.355 2-Methylnaphthalene ND mg/kg 0.355 Acenaphthene ND mg/kg 0.355 Phenanthrene ND mg/kg 0.355 Surrogate(s) Recovery QC Criteria Chloro-Octadecane 48.0 % 40-140 o-Terphenyl 59.0 % 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 67.0 % 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 70.0 % 40-140 I ' Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 01190614:47 Page 10 of 24 ' ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS MA:M-MA086 NH:200301-A CT:PH-0574 ME:MA086 RI:65 NY:11148 NJ:MA935 Army:USACE Laboratory Sample Number: L0600516-06 Date Collected: 11-JAN-2006 14:45 CC-6 (3-4) Date Received : 12-JAN-2006 Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Reported : 19-JAN-2006 Condition of Sample: Satisfactory Field Prep: None ' Number & Type of Containers: 1-Amber PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID ' PREP ANAL ******* THIS SAMPLE IS ON HOLD ******* 1 Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 01190614:47 Page 11 of 24 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES ' CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS MA:M-MA086 NH:200301-A CT:PH-0574 ME:MA086 RI:65 NY:11148 NJ:MA935 Army:USACE ' Laboratory Sample Number: L0600516-07 Date Collected: 11-JAN-2006 14:20 I CC-7 (1-2) Date Received : 12-JAN-2006 Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Reported : 19-JAN-2006 I Condition of Sample: Satisfactory Field Prep: None ' Number & Type of Containers: 1-Amber PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID PREP ANAL Solids, Total 90. % 0.10 30 2540G 0113 15:37 PJ i 1 I Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 0119061,:,, Page 12 of 21 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Laboratory Sample Number: L0600516-07 CC-7 (1-2) PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID PREP ANAL � g.--` g '�..'.'��3�^�.f..N`��.;•'����-..��.,.�,-''�,�ual��cl_.�t��oltrol �In,form3t2�oF1�"•'� �'�. ''� :�t�ra :g�=��b�.^ .�;'.�..�,�'�` §w ^�..- ' Condition of sample received: Satisfactory Sample temperature upon receipt: Received on Ice Sample extraction method: Extracted Per the Method Were all QA/QC procedures REQUIRED by the method followed? YES Were all performance/acceptance standards for the required procedures achieved? NO 1. One or more of the extraction surrogate recoveries were less than 40%. Were significant modifications made to the method as specified in Sect 11.3? NO The normal acceptance range for the extraction surrogates, Chloro-octadecane ' and o-Terphenyl, is 40-140%. The normal acceptance range for the fractionation surrogates, 2-Fluorobiphenyl and 2-Bromonaphthalene, is 40-140%. n r C9-C18 Aliphatics 9660 mg/kg 185. C19-C36 Aliphatics 3020 mg/kg 185. C11-C22 Aromatics 4230 mg/kg 185. C11-C22 Aromatics, Adjusted 4030 mg/kg 185. ' Naphthalene 27.0 mg/kg 9.26 2-Methylnaphthalene 125. mg/kg 9.26 Acenaphthene ND mg/kg 9.26 Phenanthrene 32.2 mg/kg 9.26 ' Surrogate(s) Recovery QC Criteria Chloro-Octadecane ND % 40-140 o-Terphenyl ND % 40-140 ' 2-Fluorobiphenyl 75.0 % 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 45.0 % 40-140 I ' Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 01190614:47 Page 13 of 24 t ' ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 1 MA:M-MA086 NH:200301-A CT:PH-0574 ME:MA086 RI:65 NY:11148 NJ:MA935 Army:USACE Laboratory Sample Number: L0600516-08 Date Collected: 11-JAN-2006 14:20 CC-7 (3-4) Date Received : 12-JAN-2006 Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Reported : 19-JAN-2006 Condition of Sample: Satisfactory Field Prep: None ' Number & Type of Containers: 1-Amber PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID ' PREP ANAL Solids, Total 95. % 0.10 30 2540G 0113 15:37 PJ i i 1 1 1 1 Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 01190614:47 Page 14 of 24 ' - ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Laboratory Sample Number: L0600516-08 CC-7 (3-4) PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID ' PREP ANAL Eictra Cab1e;Petroleum;H droca,z.Yions� <�'�C"�� `�,� ����s���� �` �,,4 i�,sritwoa'i�� �"ozzo s'�oi� �x s6�sla a rQual` tYontrol.Tnform'atTon ' Condition of sample received: Satisfactory Sample temperature upcn receipt: Received on Ice Sample extraction method: Extracted Per the Method Were all QA/QC procedures REQUIRED by the method followed? YES Were all performance/acceptance standards for the required procedures achieved? YES Were significant modifications made to the method as specified in Sect 11.3? NO The normal acceptance range for the extraction surrogates, Chloro-octadecane and o-Terphenyl, is 401-140%. ' The normal acceptance range for the fractionation surrogates 2 Fluorobiphenyl and 2-_Bromonaphthalene is 40 140$ C9-C18 Aliphatics ND mg/kg 7.02 C19-C36 Aliphatics ND mg/kg 7.02 C11-C22 Aromatics ND mg/kg 7.02 C11-C22 Aromatics, Adjusted ND mg/kg 7.02 Naphthalene ND mg/kg 0.351 ' 2-Methylnaphthalene ND mg/kg 0.351 Acenaphthene ND mg/kg 0.351 Phenanthrene ND mg/kg 0.351 ' Surrogate(s) Recovery QC Criteria Chloro-Octadecane 46.0 % 40-140 o-Terphenyl 58.0 % 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 79.0 % 40-140 i2-Bromonaphthalene 76.0 % 40-140 Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 01190614:47 Page 15 of 24 ' ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS MAIM-MA086 NH:200301-A CT:PH-0574 ME:MA086 RI:65 NY:11148 NJ:MA935 Army:USACE ' Laboratory Sample Number: L0600516-09 Date Collected: 11-JAN-2006 14:30 CC-6 (1-2) Date Received : 12-JAN-2006 ' Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Reported : 19-JAN-2006 Condition of Sample: Satisfactory Field Prep: None ' Number & Type of Containers: 1-Vial PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID PREP ANAL ******* THIS SAMPLE IS ON HOLD ******* II 1 Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 01190614:47 Page 16 of 24 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS MA:M-MA086 NH:200301-A CT:PH-0574 ME:MA086 RI:65 NY:11148 NJ:MA935 Army:USACE ' Laboratory Sample Number: L0600516-10 Date Collected: 11-JAN-2006 14:20 CC-7 (1-2) Date Received : 12-JAN-2006 Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Reported : 19-JAN-2006 Condition of Sample: Satisfactory Field Prep: None ' Number & Type of Containers: 1-Vial PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID PREP ANAL THIS SAMPLE IS ON HOLD ******* r ' Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 01190614:47 Page 17 of 24 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES QUALITY ASSURANCE BATCH DUPLICATE ANALYSIS ' Laboratory Job Number: L0600516 Parameter Value 1 Value 2 Units RPD RPD Limits ' Solids, Total 96. 96. 0 I II 01190614:47 Page 18 of 24 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES QUALITY ASSURANCE BATCH LCS/LCSD ANALYSIS ' Laboratory Job Number: L0600516 Parameter LCS % LCSD o RPD RPD Limit QC Limits `s3`3'+`� ,Lim .u: 7"'��2 �•�� .a9` ,'P'� S�' 7�r' T k�.f�r e"" �5rx�: �, es= -�� z -Y�""� Gr`a� =sn+Y P'»� .c r fix+ �}.3 ,L'"�'� Extr-actable 'PetroleumHydrocarbonsxfor�sample„(s,)�02,,,0 ,08 (WG22675.9',2,..,wWG2267:593., r C9-C18 Aliphatics 55 53 4 25 40-140 C19-C36 Aliphatics 68 65 5 25 40-140 C11-C22 Aromatics 77 77 0 25 40-140 ' Naphthalene 67 72 7 25 40-140 2-Methylnaphthalene 67 71 6 25 40-140 Acenaphthylene 70 72 3 25 40-140 Acenaphthene 71 73 3 25 40-140 Fluorene 78 80 3 25 40-140 Phenanthrene 79 78 1 25 40-140 Anthracene 80 79 1 25 40-140 Fluoranthene 80 78 3 25 40-140 Pyrene 79 76 4 25 40-140 Benzo(a)anthracene 76 73 4 25 40-140 Chrysene 77 74 4 25 40-140 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 78 72 8 25 40-140 ' Benzo(k)fluoranthene 71 70 1 25 40-140 Benzo(a)pyrene 71 69 3 25 40-140 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene 70 68 3 25 40-140 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 70 68 3 25 40-140 Benzo(ghi)perylene 73 71 3 25 40-140 Nonane (C9) 43 44 2 25 30-140 Decane (C10) 53 53 0 25 40-140 Dodecane (C12) 54 53 2 25 40-140 Tetradecane (C14) 56 54 4 25 40-140 Hexadecane (C16) 59 55 7 25 40-140 Octadecane (C18) 60 56 7 25 40-140 Nonadecane (C19) 64 60 6 25 40-140 Eicosane (C20) 67 62 8 25 40-140 Docosane (C22) 69 65 6 25 40-140 Tetracosane (C24) 69 65 6 25 40-140 Hexacosane (C26) 70 66 6 25 40-140 Octacosane (C28) 70 67 4 25 40-140 Triacontane (C30) 70 67 4 25 40-140 Hexatriacontane (C36) 70 70 0 25 40-140 Surrogate(s) Chloro-Octadecane 56 50 11 40-140 o-Terphenyl 89 76 16 40-140 ' 2-Fluorobiphenyl 79 85 7 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 76 85 9 40-140 % Naphthalene Breakthrough 0 0 % 2-Methy1naphthalene Breakthr ough 0 0 NC Extractable Petroleum'Hydrocarbons7 for'sa'mple(s) .07 (WG2:26769.-2,. WG226769.-3) C9-C18 Aliphatics 52 51 2 25 40-140 C19-C36 Aliphatics 66 62 6 25 40-140 C11-C22 Aromatics 82 77 6 25 40-140 01190614:47 Page 19 of 24 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES QUALITY ASSURANCE BATCH LCS/LCSD ANALYSIS Laboratory Job Number: L0600516 Continued ' Parameter LCS % LCSD o RPD RPD Limit QC Limits }� ms. ,�.�. u t ✓+�r >' r.:="`� ;vE; Y'�'F {a"'�,a'm.. �,^ �Frei mrz-a a*i 3' -r m" � r 7 � s �?--^ „�.„Extractable,.Pet"roleumxydrocarbons=,f,ox�;;samp7.,�"(;s) �.07k (WG2,2,6:7i69,2,,�`�WG22,fi'769„3;);,� ��.�;' ,,,� ,� ' Naphthalene 66 69 4 25 40-140 2-Methylnaphthalene 67 70 4 25 40-140 Acenaphthylene 69 70 1 25 40-140 ' Acenaphthene 74 74 0 25 40-140 Fluorene 76 76 0 25 40-140 Phenanthrene 83 78 6 25 40-140 Anthracene 83 77 8 25 40-140 Fluoranthene 87 79 10 25 40-140 Pyrene 90 81 11 25 40-140 Benzo(a)anthracene 90 81 11 25 40-140 Chrysene 92 83 10 25 40-140 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 91 82 10 25 40-140 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 86 78 10 25 40-140 Benzo(a)pyrene 80 70 13 25 40-140 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene 86 77 11 25 40-140 ' Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 85 76 11 25 40-140 Benzo(ghi)perylene 90 80 12 25 40-140 Nonane (C9) 40 39 3 25 30-140 Decane (C10) 48 47 2 25 40-140 ' Dodecane (C12) 54 52 4 25 40-140 Tetradecane (C14) 55 54 2 25 40-140 Hexadecane (C16) 57 56 2 25 40-140 Octadecane (C18) 59 57 3 25 40-140 ' Nonadecane (C19) 63 60 5 25 40-140 Eicosane (C20) 64 62 3 25 40-140 Docosane (C22) 68 65 5 25 40-140 Tetracosane (C24) 68 64 6 25 40-140 ' Hexacosane (C26) 70 65 7 25 40-140 Octacosane (C28) 69 64 8 25 40-140 Triacontane (C30) 68 64 6 25 40-140 ' Hexatriacontane (C36) 70 66 6 25 40-140 Surrogate(s) Chloro-Octadecane 47 43 9 40-140 ' o-Terphenyl 87 81 7 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 73 78 7 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 77 79 3 40-140 % Naphthalene Breakthrough 0 0 ' % 2-Methylnaphthalene Breakthr ough 0 0 NC ' 01190614:47 Page 20 of 24 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES QUALITY ASSURANCE BATCH BLANK ANALYSIS ' Laboratory Job Number: L0600516 PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID PREP ANAL s= ,.��F B1ank,Analysis for sample(s') 02 05,08 (4VG226759 1)�' , n( � � � Y EJCtrdCtd�'.71•ePe�Y'O12llIR.YHyC�rOCdrl�0I1S`n> - >..F:: ,�"za;,�.�'��„ °"fix '` ;,�61 EPH 0;4 iGr „�0113,20=A5 0118.13 17 BN- C9-C18 Aliphatics ND mg/kg 6.67 ' C19-C36 Aliphatics ND mg/kg 6.67 C11-C22 Aromatics ND mg/kg 6.67 C11-C22 Aromatics, Adjusted ND mg/kg 6.67 Naphthalene ND mg/kg 0.333 ' 2-Methylnaphthalene ND mg/kg 0.333 Acenaphthylene ND mg/kg 0.333 Acenaphthene ND mg/kg 0.333 Fluorene ND mg/kg 0.333 ' Phenanthrene ND mg/kg 0.333 Anthracene ND mg/kg 0.333 Fluoranthene ND mg/kg 0.333 Pyrene ND mg/kg 0.333 Benzo(a)anthracene ND mg/kg 0.333 Chrysene ND mg/kg 0.333 Benzo(b) fluoranthene ND mg/kg 0.333 Benzo(k) fluoranthene ND mg/kg 0.333 ' Benzo(a)pyrene ND mg/kg 0.333 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene ND mg/kg 0.333 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND mg/kg 0.333 Benzo(ghi)perylene ND mg/kg 0.333 Surrogate(s) Recovery QC Criteria Chloro-Octadecane 50.0 % 40-140 o-Terphenyl 63.0 % 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 75.0 % 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 74.0 % 40-140 t° ank. Analysis for',sample(s} .0,,7; (WG226769,=1) ' Extractable..Petroleum Hydrocarbons. 0113 zzoo olio u:ai Bri C9 C18 Aliphatics ND mg/kg 6.67 C19-C36 Aliphatics ND mg/kg 6.67 ' C11-C22 Aromatics ND mg/kg 6.67 C11-C22 Aromatics, Adjusted ND mg/kg 6.67 Naphthalene ND mg/kg 0.333 2-Methylnaphthalene ND mg/kg 0.333 ' Acenaphthylene ND mg/kg 0.333 Acenaphthene ND mg/kg 0.333 Fluorene ND mg/kg 0.333 Phenanthrene ND mg/kg 0.333 Anthracene ND mg/kg 0.333 Fluoranthene ND mg/kg 0.333 Pyrene ND mg/kg 0.333 Benzo(a)anthracene ND mg/kg 0.333 Chrysene ND mg/kg 0.333 Benzo(b) fluoranthene ND mg/kg 0.333 ' 01190614:47 Page 21 of 24 J ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES QUALITY ASSURANCE BATCH BLANK ANALYSIS ' Laboratory Job Number: L0600516 Continued ' PARAMETER RESULT UNITS _ RDL REP METHOD DATE ID PREP ANAL a gs"a7`7'iE 3 `a ,� rsr}"' - ^.;5 x - `"'- y •r -e. .q: "' max' 3" i ''"` a §'a 07 Extractable��Petroleum_Hycirocarbons;rrcontr'd�?�" , ��;; ,�� „�x.w ,z*,�, ;,,61}"EP�i,.o;4`l��a,,�0113�zz qo.oiia�ii�n�tart:s Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND mg/kg 0.333 Benzo(a)pyrene ND mg/kg 0.333 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene ND mg/kg 0.333 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND mg/kg 0.333 Benzo(ghi)perylene ND mg/kg 0.333 Surrogate(s) Recovery QC Criteria Chloro-Octadecane 40.0 % 40-140 o-Terphenyl 78.0 % 40-140 ' 2-Fluorobiphenyl 81.0 % 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 84.0 % 40-140 1 01190614:47 Page 22 of 24 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATO RIES ADDENDUM I ' REFERENCES ' 30. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. APHA-AWWA-WPCF. 18th Edition. 1992. ' 61. Method for the Determination of Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (EPH) . Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, DEA/ORS/BWSC. May 2004, Revision 1.1. r ' GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND SYMBOLS REF Reference number in which test method may be found. METHOD Method number by which analysis was performed. ID Initials of the analyst. ' ND Not detected in comparison to the reported detection limit. NI Not Ignitable. ug/cart Micrograms per Cartridge. ' LIMITATION OF LIABILITIES Alpha Analytical, Inc. performs services with reasonable care and diligence normal to the analytical testing laboratory industry. In the event of an error, the ' sole and exclusive responsibility of Alpha Analytical, Inc. , shall be to re-perform the work at it's own expense. In no event shall Alpha Analytical, Inc. be held liable for any incidental consequential or special damages, including but not limited to, damages in any way connected with the use of, interpretation of, information or analysis provided by Alpha Analytical, Inc. We strongly urge our clients to comply with EPA protocol regarding sample volume, preservation, cooling, containers, sampling procedures, holding times ' and splitting of samples in the field. ' 01190614:47 Page 23 of 24 1 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES ' LOGIN SPECIFIC INFORMATION Laboratory Job Number: LO6O0516 Were project specific reporting limits specified? YES Cooler Information Cooler Custody Seal A Absent Container Information ' Container ID Container Type Cooler pE Temp Pres Seal Analysis L0600516-OIA Amber 250ml unpreserved A N/A 2.7C Y Absent HOLD ' L0600516-02A Amber 250ml unpreserved A N/A 2.7C Y Absent EPH-DELUX-04, TS L0600516-03A Amber 250ml unpreserved A N/A 2.7C Y Absent HOLD L0600516-04A Amber 250ml unpreserved A N/A 2.7C Y Absent HOLD L0600116-05A Amber 250m1 unpreserved A N/A 2.7C Y Absent EPH-DELUX-04, TS ' L0600516-06A Amber 250m1 unpreserved A N/A 2.7C Y Absent HOLD L0600516-07A Amber 250ml unpreserved A N/A 2.7C Y Absent EPH-DELUX-04, TS L0600516-0BA Amber 250ml unpreserved A N/A 2.7C Y Absent EPH-DELUX-04, TS ' L0600516-09A Vial MCOH preserved A N/A 2.7C Y Absent HOLD L0600516-10A Vial MCOH preserved A N/A 2.7C Y Absent HOLD Container Comments ' Container ID Comments ' 01190614:47 Page 24 of 24 CHAIN OF CUSTODY PAGE__�_OF--� Date Recsd In Las: / /2 ALPHA Job#:LO� 0,5, • • • Eight Walkup Drive Westborough,MA 01581 TEL: 508-898-9220 FAX: 508-898-9193 Project Name: �' i` Na ❑FAK MAIL ❑Same as Client info PO#: ' Project Location ❑AD`=x D Add'I Deliverables Client: / __ Regulatory Requirements/Report L Project#: I I b Address: �' L State/Fed Program Criteria Project Manager ALPHA Quote#: MCP •lU ESTIaNS MUST BE • Phone: Yes ❑ o PRESUMPTIVE Are MCP Analytical Methods Required? Fax: S / f / ❑Yes Are Drinking Water Samples Submitted? ( C7 47 �y/ D Yes o Have you met minimum field QC requirements? Y Standard RUSH I«(r(Doom e[n,..,o�.en Emall: w 1 qe `'^�� Date Due: Time: SAMPLE HANDLING D These samples have been previously analyzed by Alpha Filtration Other Project Specific Requirements/Commen s/D tection Limits: ❑Done /> J ❑Not needed D Lab to do Preservation � D Lab to do AIPHALEIt JD (plea"specify eeiow( (Lab Use On Sample ID Collection Sample Samplers �I Date T Time Matrix Initials Sample Specific Comments C. C' -r C.., 1�50 I QUESTIONS ABOVE MUST BE ANSWERED FOR PRESUMPTIVE CERTAINTY Container Type Please:print legibly and IS YOUR Preservative coffoetely. Samples can not be PROJECT MCP Relin ished B y logged Mend untiturl any ambime dodo 7 _ Dater e R ;ve D te/Time wIN rrot sign urdN any art�biguNies are ngsoNed.' . samples Obff%VW we subject to Alpha's Payment Terms. See reverse side.FORM NO:01.01(rev.14•Mey-04) . CHAIN OF CUSTODY PAGE OF ' Date RUB d m lab /._ / ALPHA Job# La�J. CI�.J! t7 Project Information [TEL: ight Walkup Drive Westborough,MA 01581 I � � R•.. Data Deliverables 508-898-9220 FAX: 508-898-9193 Project Name: W.\ ❑FAX XEMAIL ❑5ame as Client info PO#: Client Information 111111-0-1—Project Location: 0- �� �� ❑ADEx O Add'I Deliverables Requirements/Report Client: Project#: — r � State/Fed Program Criteria Address: ProjectManager.�� -- ALPHA Quote#: MCP PRESUMPTIVE CERTAINTY-THESE QUESTIONS MUST BE ANSWERED Phone: Turn-AroundTimeas ❑No Are MCP Analytical Methods Required? Fax: ❑Yes AFNo Are Drinking Water Samples Submitted? O Standard ❑RUSH ❑Yes ZNo Have you met minimum field QCrequirements? Email: . Date Du h �0� 'i Time: SAMPLEHANDLING Cl These samples have been previously analyzed by Alpha .., Filtration et Other Project Specific Requirements/Commen /D ction Limits: ❑Done ❑Not needed ❑Lab to do Preservation O Lab to do 7a f �lD 4Q (P".nPwty e.row( Collection Sample Sampler's r Sample ID Date / Tm�e Matrix initial �s� `1 Sample Spec/ific Comments yY k'ygjn "P �a f C W4 ♦\�df ,"l �a �.A2*�µ`S++�� QUESTIONS ABOVE MUST BE ANSWERED FOR PRESUMPTIVE CERTAINTY Container Type Preservative IS YOUR ,brd�p��dttar�aroundums;c�ock. PROJECT MCP ? Relinquished By Date/Tl I ed y: te�me :rwttMbNt may; tbi ears LV 1 l.2 6 t `` ut'saaraa :aubrr+teeo ers twtjec f Lo iNphe'a Tent".: See Irevereia;Bide FORK NO:01-01(rev.74Mey-04) • ' ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES ' Eight Walkup Drive Westborough, Massachusetts 01581-1019 (508) 898-9220 www.alphalab.com MA:M-MA086 NH:200301-A CT:PH-0574 ME:MA086 RI:65 NY:11148 NJ:MA935 Army:USACE CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Client: Coler & Colantonio Laboratory Job Number: L0600517 Address: 101 Accord Park Drive ' Norwell, MA 02061 Date Received: 12-JAN-2006 Attn: Mr. William Hoyerman Date Reported: 18-JAN-2006 ' Project Number: 11-1262 Delivery Method: Alpha ' Site: WIZNNO The following questions pertain only to MCP Analytical Methods ' An affirmative response to questions A,B,C & D is required for "Presumptive Certainty" status A. Were all samples received by the laboratory in a condition consistent with those YES ' described on their Chain-of-Custody documentation for the data set? B. Were all QA/QC procedures required for the specified analytical method(s) included YES in this report followed, including the requirement to note and discuss in a ' narrative QC data that did not meet appropriate performance standards or guidelines? C. Does the analytical data included in this report meet all the requirements for YES "Presumptive Certainty", as described in section 2.0 of the MADEP document CAM ' VII A, "Quality Assurance and Quality Control Guidelines for the Acquisition and Reporting of Analytical Data"? D. VPH and EPH methods only: Was the VPH or EPH method run without significant YES modifications, as specified in Section 11.3? A response to questions E and F is required for "Presumptive Certainty" status ' E. Were all QC performance standards and recommendations for the specified method(s) NO achieved? F. Were results for all analyte-list compounds/elements for the specified method(s) NO reported? Any answers of NO to the above questions are addressed in the case narrative. I, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my personal inquiry of those responsible ' for obtaining the information, the material contained in this report is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, accurate and complete. This certificate of analysis is not complete unless this page accompanies any and all pages of this report. Authorized by: B'd ' Technic Director 01280615:51 Page 1 of 18 t ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Laboratory Job Number: L0600517 Date Reported: 18-JAN-2006 ALPHA SAMPLE NUMBER CLIENT IDENTIFICATION SAMPLE LOCATION ' L0600517-01 CC-4 (2' ) OSTERVILLE L0600517-02 CC-4 (61 ) OSTERVILLE L0600517-03 CC-6 (1-2') OSTERVILLE 01180611:11 Page 2 of 18 i t ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES NARRATIVE REPORT Laboratory Job Number: L0600517 Report Submission ' In reference to question F: At the client's request, all submitted samples were not analyzed for the full MCP list of ' compounds specified for the Method. VPH L0600517-01 has elevated limits of detection due to the 50x dilutions required by the elevated concentrations of target compounds in the sample. In reference to question E: ' The surrogates could not be recovered on -01 due to the dilutions required to quantitate the samples. EPH WG226625: Extraction method 3545 WG227025: Extraction method 3545 The following samples have elevated limits of detection due to the dilutions required by ' the elevated concentrations of target compounds in the samples: L0600517-01 (5x) ' L0600517-02 (5x) In reference to question E: The surrogate percent recovery for o-Terphenyl on -01 and -02 is above the acceptance criteria for the method possibly due to co-elution in the sample. The WG226625 LCSD is reported with the surrogate percent recovery for 1-chloro-octadecane ' below the acceptance criteria for the method. The LCS has all surrogate percent recoveries within the method acceptance criteria. Both the LCS and LCSD spike recoveries are within the method acceptance criteria, no further action was taken. ' 01180615:51 Page 3 of 18 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES ' CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS MAIM-MA086 NH:200301-A CT:PH-0574 ME:MA086 RI:65 NY:11148 NJ:MA935 Army:USACE Laboratory Sample Number: L0600517-01 Date Collected: 11-JAN-2006 13:30 CC-4 (2- ) Date Received : 12-JAN-2006 Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Reported : 18-JAN-2006 ' Condition of Sample: Satisfactory Field Prep: None Number & Type of Containers: 1-Amber,l-Vial PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID PREP ANAL Solids, Total 88. % 0.10 30 254OG 0113 14:10 PJ I 1 ' Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I ' 11111,15:11 Page 4 of 11 f ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Laboratory Sample Number: L0600517-01 CC-4 (2') PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID ' PREP ANAL Quality;Cgntrol,Information.".. Condition of sample received: Satisfactory Sample temperature upon receipt: Received on Ice Were samples received in methanol? Covering the Soil Methanol ratio: 1:1 +/- 25% Were all QA/QC procedures REQUIRED by the method followed? YES Were all performance/acceptance standards for the required procedures achieved? NO 1. The VPH surrogate recovery was less than 70%. Were significant modifications made to the method as specified in Sect 11.3? NO ' The normal acceptance range for the surrogate 2 5 Dibromotoluene, is 70 130% � t C5-C8 Aliphatics 289. mg/kg 172. C9-C12 Aliphatics 2270 mg/kg 172. C9-CIO Aromatics 1310 mg/kg 172. CS-C8 Aliphatics, Adjusted 280. mg/kg 172. C9-C12 Aliphatics, Adjusted 895. mg/kg 172. Benzene ND mg/kg 6.87 ' Toluene 8.59 mg/kg 6.87 Ethylbenzene 10.3 mg/kg 6.87 p/m-Xylene 36.9 mg/kg 6.87 o-Xylene 17.0 mg/kg 6.87 Methyl tert butyl ether ND mg/kg 10.3 Naphthalene 70.9 mg/kg 34.3 Surrogate(s) Recovery QC Criteria 2,5-Dibromotoluene-PID ND % 70-130 2,5-Dibromotoluene-FID ND % 70-130 Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 01180615:51 Page 5 of 18 � 1 ' ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Laboratory Sample Number: L0600517-01 CC-4 (2') PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID PREP ANAL EX�dCt;able✓�'PetrOleum�'HyC12'O Cd2170RS� � k" � '�`3 '� -q)`r,�t,,�:61 EPH D4 lg}�„�0112 2`1,.�30�0116��IZ 33�HN-. Qual- ty Conbrol Tnforinatl on ` � ,, € Condition of sample received: Satisfactory Sample temperature upon receipt: Received on Ice Sample extraction method: Extracted Per the Method Were all QA/QC procedures REQUIRED by the method followed? YES ' Were all performance/acceptance standards for the required procedures achieved? NO 1. One or more of the extraction surrogate recoveries were greater than 140%. Were significant modifications made to the method as specified in Sect 11.3? NO The normal acceptance range for the extraction surrogates, Chloro-octadecane and o-Terphenyl, is 40-140%. The normal acceptance range for the fractionation surrogates, 2-Fluorobiphenyl and 2-Bromonaphthalene, is 40-140%. C9-C18 Aliphatics 2110 mg/kg 37.9 C19-C36 Aliphatics 698. mg/kg 37.9 C11-C22 Aromatics 2910 mg/kg 37.9 C11-C22 Aromatics, Adjusted 2820 mg/kg 37.9 Naphthalene 14.6 mg/kg 1.89 2-Methylnaphthalene 64.7 mg/kg 1.89 Acenaphthene ND mg/kg 1.89 Phenanthrene 8.79 mg/kg 1.89 Surrogate(s) Recovery QC Criteria Chloro-Octadecane 46.0 % 40-140 o-Terphenyl 418. % 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 125. % 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 74.0 % 40-140 1 � 1 1 1 Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 01180615:51 Page 6 of 18 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS MA:M-MA086 NH:200301-A CT:PH-0574 ME:MA086 RI:65 NY:11148 NJ:MA935 Army:USACE Laboratory Sample Number: L0600517-02 Date Collected: 11-JAN-2006 13:30 CC-4 (6') Date Received : 12-JAN-2006 Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Reported : 18-JAN-2006 Condition of Sample: Satisfactory Field Prep: None Number & Type of Containers: 1-Amber PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID ' PREP ANAL Solids, Total 95. % 0.10 30 2540G 0113 14:10 PJ Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 01180615:51 Page 7 of 18 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Laboratory Sample Number: L0600517-02 CC-4 W) PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID PREP ANAL a r atc a r -• T£ '.�"k"�Y�"�,�^ra«-r �apd Y' r - K �Y4 7 � � ,"�^#"°''ma's�t �"s7'�,° a PF"�R�`�-. 1 Extractable Petroleum�Hydrocarbons � ��"���" ��' � r��t ���� 61 EPR 01`°1 �k0218 02k 10�8j 170�52�BN`�'-' Condition of sample received: Satisfactory Sample temperature upon receipt: Received on Ice Sample extraction method: Extracted Per the Method Were all QA/QC procedures REQUIRED by the method followed? YES Were all performance/acceptance standards for the required procedures achieved? NO 1. One or more of the extraction surrogate recoveries were greater than 140%. Were significant modifications made to the method as specified in Sect 11.3? NO The normal acceptance range for the extraction surrogates, Chloro-octadecane and o-Terphenyl, is 40-140%. The normal acceptance range for the fractionation surrogates, 2-Fluorobiphenyl and 2-Bromo_naphthalene, is 40-140%. ' C9-C18 Aliphatics 1390 mg/kg 35.1 C19-C36 Aliphatics 450. mg/kg 35.1 C11-C22 Aromatics 1720 mg/kg 35.1 ' C11-C22 Aromatics, Adjusted 1660 mg/kg 35.1 Naphthalene 9.01 mg/kg 1.75 2-Methylnaphthalene 42.2 mg/kg 1.75 Acenaphthene ND mg/kg 1.75 ' Phenanthrene 5.26 mg/kg 1.75 Surrogate(s) Recovery QC Criteria Chloro-Octadecane 42.0 % 40-140 o-Terphenyl 236. % 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 96.0 % 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 59.0 % 40-140 Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 01110115:51 Page 8 of 18 i i ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 1 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS MA:M-MA086 NH:200301-A CT:PH-0574 ME:MA086 RI:65 NY:11148 NJ:MA935 Army:USACE Laboratory Sample Number: L0600517-03 Date Collected: 11-JAN-2006 14:45 CC-6 (1-2') Date Received : 12-JAN-2006 Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Reported : 18-JAN-2006 Condition of Sample: Satisfactory Field Prep: None Number & Type of Containers: 1-Amber PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID PREP ANAL Solids, Total 97. % 0.10 30 2540G 0113 14:10 PJ Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 01180615:51 Page 9 of 18 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Laboratory Sample Number: L0600517-03 CC-6 (1-21) PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID PREP ANAL Extrac:t�able�Petroleum ii�'ctr�carFons,�"���'���-�# `s„��;'�"� ���,;: rn �61 sr�l'�'o z1*� �� ia,Io2lo,oils�i zsx Control;'Infarmat> Condition of sample received: Satisfactory Sample temperature upon receipt: Received on Ice Sample extraction method: Extracted Per the Method Were all QA/QC procedures REQUIRED by the method followed? YES Were all performance/acceptance standards for the required procedures achieved? YES Were significant modifications made to the method as specified in Sect 11.3? NO The normal acceptance range for the extraction surrogates, Chloro-octadecane and o-Terphenyl, is 40-140%. The normal acceptance range for the fractionation surrogates, 2-Fluorobiphenyl and 2-Bromonaphthalene, is 40-140%. .. C9-C18 Aliphatics 158. mg/kg 6.87 C19-C36 AliP hatics 62.1 mg/kg 6.87 C11-C22 Aromatics 196. mg/kg 6.87 C11-C22 Aromatics, Adjusted 191. mg/kg 6.87 Naphthalene 0.552 mg/kg 0.344 2-Methylnaphthalene 3.48 mg/kg 0.344- Acenaphthene ND mg/kg 0.344 Phenanthrene 0.632 mg/kg 0.344 Surrogate(s) Recovery QC Criteria Chloro-Octadecane 43.0 % 40-140 o-Terphenyl 104. % 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 85.0 % 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 96.0 % 40-140 Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 01180615:51 Page 10 of 16 i ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES QUALITY ASSURANCE BATCH DUPLICATE ANALYSIS Laboratory Job Number: L0600517 Parameter Value 1 Value 2 Units RPD RPD Limits Solids, Total 97. 96. % 1 1 01180615 51 Page 11 of 18 \ i � ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES QUALITY ASSURANCE BATCH LCS/LCSD ANALYSIS Laboratory Job Number: L0600517 Parameter LCS o LCSD % RPD RPD Limit QC Limits r r yol'atile:'-Petrol'e un Hydroda�rbbn for ,same et(sj.:f, C5-C8 Aliphatics 108 108 2 25 70-130 C9-C12 Aliphatics 100 100 2 25 70-130 C9-C10 Aromatics 90 90 4 25 70-130 Benzene 89 89 2 25 70-130 Toluene 89 89 3 25 70-130 Ethylbenzene 91 91 2 25 70-130 p/m-Xylene 86 86 6 25 70-130 o-Xylene 85 85 8 25 70-130 Methyl tert butyl ether 88 88 2 25 70-130 Naphthalene 89 89 3 25 70-130 1 Surrogate(s) 2, 5-Dibromotoluene-PID 92 92 0 70-130 2,5-Dibromotoluene-FID 101 101 0 70 130 Extractable Petro'leu-n.Hydrocarbons:`.for sample('s.)= 02 Q3;: (WG227025=2 „WG. ?7025=3) C9-C18 Aliphatics 60 58 3 25 40-140 C19-C36 Aliphatics 76 72 5 25 40-140 C11-C22 Aromatics 66 66 0 25 40-140 ' Naphthalene 55 60 9 25 40-140 2-Methylnaphthalene 56 60 7 25 40-140 Acenaphthylene 58 61 5 25 40-140 Acenaphthene 59 62 5 25 40-140 ' Fluorene 65 67 3 25 40-140 Phenanthrene 67 67 0 25 40-140 Anthracene 72 71 1 25 40-140 Fluoranthene 70 69 1 25 40-140 I Pyrene 69 68 1 25 40-140 Benzo(a)anthracene 68 66 3 25 40-140 Chrysene 68 67 1 25 40-140 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 65 66 2 25 40-140 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 68 63 8 25 40-140 Benzo(a)pyrene 64 63 2 25 40-140 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene 63 61 3 25 40-140 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 63 61 3 25 40-140 ' Benzo(ghi)perylene 66 64 3 25 40-140 Nonane (C9) 45 46 2 25 30-140 Decane (C10) 57 57 0 25 40-140 Dodecane (C12) 59 58 2 25 40-140 Tetradecane (C14) 61 59 3 25 40-140 Hexadecane (C16) 64 62 3 25 40-140 Octadecane (C18) 67 64 5 25 40-140 Nonadecane (C19) 70 68 3 25 40-140 Eicosane (C20) 73 70 4 25 40-140 Docosane (C22) 76 72 5 25 40-140 Tetracosane (C24) 76 72 5 25 40-140 Hexacosane (C26) 77 73 5 25 40-140 Octacosane (C28) 78 73 7 25 40-140 01180615:51 Page 12 of 18 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES QUALITY ASSURANCE BATCH LCS/LCSD ANALYSIS Laboratory Job Number: L0600517 Continued ' Parameter LCS % LCSD % RPD RPD Limit QC Limits Extract"retable;Petroleum Hyelx„ocarbosforw sample 0203 (WC2„27025,23WGr 2r2b7025 3)�_sWWI u�' Triacontane (C30) 78 73 7 25 40-140 Hexatriacontane (C36) 79 74 7 25 40-140 Surrogate(s) ' Chloro-Octadecane 52 52 0 40-140 c-Terphenyl 60 63 5 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 71 73 3 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 71 72 1 40-140 % Naphthalene Breakthrough 2 1 % 2-Methylnaphthalene Breakthr ough 0 0 NC .. _ Extractable-Petroleum Hydrocarbons for ;aampl`e(•s) ,O1"(WG226625 .2;- WG226625-3:)` C9 C18 Aliphatics 50 46 8 25 40-140 C19-C36 Aliphatics 61 55 10 25 40-140 C11-C22 Aromatics 78 70 11 25 40-140 Naphthalene 63 49 25 25 40-140 2-Methylnaphthalene 64 52 21 25 40-140 Acenaphthylene 68 58 16 25 40-140 Acenaphthene 70 60 15 25 40-140 Fluorene 75 65 14 25 40-140 Phenanthrene 81 72 12 25 40-140 Anthracene 85 76 11 25 40-140 Fluoranthene 84 76 10 25 40-140 Pyrene 86 79 8 25 40-140 Benzo(a)anthracene 89 82 8 25 40-140 Chrysene 90 83 8 25 40-140 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 88 83 6 25 40-140 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 85 80 6 25 40-140 Benzo(a)pyrene 89 83 7 25 40-140 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene 84 79 6 25 40-140 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 84 79 6 25 40-140 Benzo(ghi)perylene 87 80 8 25 40-140 Nonane (C9) 39 35 11 25 30-140 Decane (C10) 45 41 9 25 40-140 Dodecane (C12) 50 46 8 25 40-140 Tetradecane (C14) 52 49 6 25 40-140 Hexadecane (C16) 55 51 8 25 40-140 Octadecane (C18) 58 52 11 25 40-140 Nonadecane (C19) 60 54 11 25 40-140 Eicosane (C20) 61 55 10 25 40-140 Docosane (C22) 63 57 10 25 40-140 Tetracosane (C24) 62 56 10 25 40-140 Hexacosane (C26) 63 57 10 25 40-140 Octacosane (C28) 62 57 8 25 40-140 Triacontane (C30) 62 56 10 25 40-140 Hexatriacontane (C36) 63 58 8 25 40-140 01180615:51 Page 13 of 18 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES QUALITY ASSURANCE BATCH LCS/LCSD ANALYSIS Laboratory Job Number: L0600517 Continued Parameter LCS LCSD % RPD RPD Limit QC Limits IF Extractab e Petroleum;Hydrocarbons for samples) 01�(�dG22,5,6{25 2� WG226625r 3;).t�� <; ' Surrogate(s) Chloro-Octadecane 43 38 12 40-140 o-Terphenyl 97 78 22 40-140 ' 2-Fluorobiphenyl 79 70 12 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 82 74 10 40-140 % Naphthalene Breakthrough 0 0 NC % 2-Methylnaphthalene Breakthr ough 0 0 NC 1 I01180615:51 Page 14 of 18 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES QUALITY ASSURANCE BATCH BLANK ANALYSIS Laboratory Job Number: L0600517 PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID PREP ANAL }' � Blank Analysis �lolatile. PetroleumrHydrocarbons r s9 vPx;o4i$i ._ oi16,o�,osTT_: C5-C8 Aliphatics ND mg/kg 2.67 ' C9-C12 Aliphatics ND mg/kg 2.67 C9-C10 Aromatics ND mg/kg 2.67 C5-C8 Aliphatics, Adjusted ND mg/kg 2.67 C9-C12 Aliphatics, Adjusted ND mg/kg 2.67 ' Benzene ND mg/kg 0.107 Toluene ND mg/kg 0.107 Ethylbenzene ND mg/kg 0.107 p/m-Xylene ND mg/kg 0.107 ' o-Xylene ND mg/kg 0.107 Methyl tert butyl ether ND mg/kg 0.160 Naphthalene ND mg/kg 0.533 Surrogate(s) Recovery QC Criteria 2,5-Dibromotoluene-PID 97.0 % 70-130 2,5-Dibromotoluene-FID 107. % 70-130 Blank Analysis for.sample.(s) 02-03 (WG227025 1) Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons' 61 EPH-04 1 `0118.02:10 0118_•11129 BN•. C9-C18 Aliphatics ND mg/kg 6.67 C19-C36 Aliphatics ND mg/kg 6.67 ' C11-C22 Aromatics ND mg/kg 6.67 C11-C22 Aromatics, Adjusted ND mg/kg 6.67 Naphthalene ND mg/kg 0.333 2-Methylnaphthalene ND mg/kg 0.333 Acenaphthylene ND mg/kg 0.333 Acenaphthene ND mg/kg 0.333 Fluorene ND mg/kg 0.333 Phenanthrene ND mg/kg 0.333 Anthracene ND mg/kg 0.333 Fluoranthene ND mg/kg 0.333 Pyrene ND mg/kg 0.333 Benzo(a)anthracene ND mg/kg 0.333 ' Chrysene ND mg/kg 0.333 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND mg/kg 0.333 Benzo(k) fluoranthene ND mg/kg 0.333 ' Benzo(a)pyrene ND mg/kg 0.333 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene- ND mg/kg 0.333 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND mg/kg 0.333 Benzo(ghi)perylene ND mg/kg 0.333 I Surrogate(s) Recovery QC Criteria Chloro-Octadecane 56.0 % 40-140 o-Terphenvl 71.0 % 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 75.0 % 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 73.0 % 40-140 01190615:51 Page 15 of 18 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES QUALITY ASSURANCE BATCH BLANK ANALYSIS Laboratory Job Number: L0600517 Continued ' PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID PREP ANAL I Al Blank£Analys>s for samples) 01 (WG226625 1) nr x x s a ,,2 Extractable Petroleum;Hydrocarbons 61 aPx oa l o11z 21>30 ovs;zo os,sr>r' C9 C18 Aliphatics ND mg/kg 6.67 C19-C36 Aliphatics ND mg/kg 6.67 ' C11-C22 Aromatics ND mg/kg 6.67 C11-C22 Aromatics, A3justed ND mg/kg 6.67 Naphthalene ND mg/kg 0.333 2-Methylnaphthalene ND mg/kg 0.333 ' Acenaphthene ND mg/kg 0.333 Phenanthrene ND mg/kg 0.333 Surrogate(s) Recovery QC Criteria Chloro-Octadecane 47.0 % 40-140 o-Terphenyl 74.0 % 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 80.0 % 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 82.0 % 40-140 1 Q1180615:51 Page 16 of 18 1 1 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES ADDENDUM I REFERENCES 30. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. APHA-AWWA-WPCF. 18th Edition. 1992. 59. Method for the Determination of Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons (VPH) . Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, DEA/ORS/BWSC. May 2004, Revision 1.1. 61. Method for the Determination of Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (EPH) . Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, DEA/ORS/BWSC. May 2004, Revision 1.1. 1 i GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND SYMBOLS REF Reference number in which test method may be found. METHOD Method number by which analysis was performed. ID Initials of the analyst. 1 ND Not detected in comparison to the reported detection limit. NI Not Ignitable. ug/cart Micrograms per Cartridge. ' LIMITATION OF LIABILITIES Alpha Analytical, Inc. performs services with reasonable care and diligence normal to the analytical testing laboratory industry. In the event of an error, the sole and exclusive responsibility of Alpha Analytical, Inc. , shall be to re-perform the work at it's own expense. In no event shall Alpha Analytical, Inc. be held liable for any incidental consequential or special damages, including but not ' limited to, damages in any way connected with the use of, interpretation of, information or analysis provided by Alpha Analytical, Inc. We strongly urge our clients to comply with EPA protocol regarding sample volume, preservation, cooling, containers, sampling procedures, holding times ' and splitting of samples in the field. 01180615:51 Page 17 of 18 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES LOGIN SPECIFIC INFORMATION ' Laboratory Job Number: LO6OO517 Were project specific reporting limits specified? YES Cooler Information ' Cooler Custody Seal A Absent Container Information Container ID Container Type Cooler pH Temp Pres Seal Analysis L0600517-01A Amber 250ml unpreserved A N/A 2.7C y Absent EPH-DELUX-04, TS 1 L0600517-01B Vial McOH preserved A N/A 2.7C y Absent VPH-DELUX-04 L0600517-02A Amber 250m1 unprese rved A N/A 2.7C Y Absent EPH-DELUX-04, TS L0600517-03A Amber 250ml unpreserved A N/A 2.7C Y Absent EPH DELUX 04, TS ' Container Comments Container ID Comments 1 01180615:51 Paa_e 18 of 16 CHAIN OF CUSTODY PAGE-j-OF Date Rec'd`In Lab: ! 1ALPHAJobtA jr-iA ailli 9 #: ReportD.ta Deliverables Eight Walkup Drive Westborough,MA 01581 ❑FAX .EMAIL ❑Same as Clent info PO#: - TEL: 508-898-9220 FAX: 508-898-9193 Project Name: )' ?,J n)� --- --- ❑ADEx ❑Add'I Deliverables PInformation roject Location: Requirements/ReportRe ulatory Clie Project#: j (✓ nt: (Y State/Fed Program Criteria Address: Project Manager ALPHA Quote#: " • V U . : - Phone: t'j ' �/ Turn-Around Time Yes ❑NO Are MCP Analytical Methods Required? ❑Yes � Are Drinking Water Samples Submitted? Fax: °� f ❑Yes V. Have you met minimum field QC re uirements? } / �IStandard RUSH(only conrmbcitP-aoaro+edo E�f W.4.�.. C `-L2 `�'�' Date Due: Time: y SAMPLE HANDLING ❑ These samples have been previously analyzed by Alpha Filtration Other Project Specific Requirements/ ❑DoneComme ts/ etection Limits: J ( ❑Not needed ' ❑Lab to do Preservation ❑Lab to do (Pl-ase speciy below) ALPHALab.ID Collection Sample (Sampler's I1 (Lab Use Only) Sample ID Date Time Matrix I Initials Sample Specific Comments CIA 7H r� k, (n 7; iv e Please:print clearly,legibly and T i taneyp QUESTIONS ABOVE MUST BE ANSWERED FOR PRESUMPTIVE CERTAINTY Con — —Relin fished Date/Ti e R five xomplately. :Samples camnot be Preservative `o;gged In,and turnaround time dodo IS YOUR By D terrine wil,not start until any ambiguities are PROJECT MCP ? — rasoNed. All samplessubmitted are ` (' subject to Alphe's Payment Terms. _ See reverse Bide. FORM NO:01.01(fev.14-May-04) CHAIN �.. DateKeed:l OF CUSTODY PAGE OF nLab 'a✓ ALPHA.�ob# Z �/ Wal kup Dr se Report InformatiDr.-Data Dell ive Westborough,MA 01581 MAIL ❑Same as Client info P_O#: 7A verables Billing Information A., Project Information Eight P ❑FAX �e,� Project Name: �, D �` TEL: 508-898-9220 FAX: 508 898-9193 .) r� ZlientInforrhatiom l,',� �l �� ❑qp ❑Add'I Deliverables Project Location: C . .. Client: ^ / Project* / — I �— - - i _3 State/Fed Program riteria Address: Project ManagerA.A `cL W�.►�!— e s ALPHA Quote M es ❑No Are MCP Analytical Methods Required? Phone: •unclTime ❑Yes ,I�l'No Are Drinking Water Samples Submitted? Fax: ❑Yes No Have you met minimum field OC requirements? ❑Standard ❑RUSH reMr�a,emeel P�•eDaDVB�� Email: Date Duel.. Time: ' SAMPLE HANDLING Filtration ❑ These samples have been previously analyzed by Alpha �i ❑Done Other Project Specific Requirements/Comme s/Detection Limits: ❑Not needed ❑Lab to do Preservation �7 ❑Lab to do (Wesse specify Daiow) �J ALPHALab ID .' Collection Sample Samplers Sample Specific Comments SamplelD Date TRne Matrix Initials Lae use only) . ------------- Container Type e'pleelget t�eay de91Wy and QUESTIONSABOVEMUSTBEANSWEREDFORPRESUMPTtVECERTAINTY s�ompletely SarrlPlescannotbe. Preservative s yp� ar�;(ur>narouraif tfine.dodc IS YOUR Relinquished By Dater a ei d y: tef ime N1not> tvrit0 any ambiguitied ere PROJECT MCP ? iseoh'ed All,samples si/bmT are . �r j !.� 'E sybjei!tp Atpha s Peyrr>ttnt Terms. FORM NO:01-01(rev.14.May-04) I , ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES ' Eight Walkup Drive Westborough, Massachusetts 01581-1019 (508) 898-9220 www.alphalab.com MA:M-MA086 NH:200301-A CT:PH-0574 ME:MA086 RI:65 NY:11148 NJ:MA935 Army:USACE CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Client: Coler & Colantonio Laboratory Job Number: L0600688 ' Address: 101 Accord Park Drive Norwell, MA 02061 Date Received: 17-JAN-2006 Attn: Mr. William Hoyerman Date Reported: 23-JAN-2006 Project Number: 11-1262 Delivery Method: Alpha Site: 185 WIANNO The following questions pertain only to MCP Analytical Methods An affirmative response to questions A,B,C & D is required for "Presumptive Certainty" status A. Were all samples received by the laboratory in a condition consistent with those YES ' described on their Chain-of-Custody documentation for the data set? B. Were all QA/QC procedures required for the specified analytical method(s) included YES in this report followed, including the requirement to note and discuss in a narrative QC data that did not meet appropriate performance standards or guidelines? C. Does the analytical data included in this report meet all the requirements for YES "Presumptive Certainty", as described in section 2.0 of the MADEP document CAM VII A, "Quality Assurance and Quality Control Guidelines for the Acquisition and Reporting of Analytical Data"? D. VPH and EPH methods only: Was the VPH or EPH method run without significant YES modifications, as specified in Section 11.3? A response to questions E and F is required for "Presumptive Certainty" status ' E. Were all QC performance standards and recommendations for the specified method(s) NO achieved? ' F. Were results for all analyte-list compounds/elements for the specified method(s) YES reported? ' Any answers of NO to the above questions are addressed in the case narrative. I, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my personal inquiry of those responsible ' for obtaining the information, the mate 'al contained in this report is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, accurate and i complete. This certificate of analys s is not complete unless this page accompanies any and all pages of this report. ' Authorized by: -{ K"- 31ithn ical Director 01230616:37 Page 1 of 10 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES ' Laboratory Job Number: L0600688 Date Reported:. 23-JAN-2006 ' ALPHA SAMPLE NUMBER CLIENT IDENTIFICATION SAMPLE LOCATION L0600688-01 MW-1 OSTERVILLE, MA 1 i i ' 01230616:37 Page 2 of 10 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES NARRATIVE REPORT ' Laboratory Job Number: L0600688 EPH ' WG227089: / Extraction method 3510C ' In reference to question E: The surrogate percent recovery for 1-Chloro-octadecane on -01 is below the acceptance criteria for the method possibly due to the matrix of the sample. The sample was re- extracted and re-analyzed and confirms possible matrix interference. Both analyses have been reported. ' The WG227089-3 LCS/LSD RPD's for C9-C18 aliphatic range, C19-C36 aliphatic range, Nonane, Decane, Dodecane, Eicosane, Docosane, Tetracosane, Hexacosane, Octacosane, Triacontane, and Hexatriacontane are above the acceptance criteria for the method. 0 01230616:37 Page 3 of 10 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 1 MAIM-MA086 NH:200301-A CT:PH-0574 ME:MA086 RI:65 NY:11148 NJ:MA935 Army:USACE ' Laboratory Sample Number: L0600688-01 Date Collected: 13-JAN-2006 14:00 MW-1 Date Received : 17-JAN-2006 ' Sample Matrix: WATER Date Reported : 23-JAN-2006 Condition of Sample: Satisfactory Field Prep: None ' Number & Type of Containers: 4-Amber PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID ' PREP ANAL EPHx ws tY1 MS :Target's� .. ,.. 'x x 1`. . . .}..E ,r..¢ ° - :;61 EPH"0¢ 1 , � 011& 10�:30 0119 v22 04 BN"c `�r r Qual- ty#Corit;rol;'Informat>on ` Condition of samplereceived: Satisfactory Aqueous preservative: Laboratory Provided Preserved Container ' Sample temperature upon receipt: Received on Ice Sample extraction method: Extracted Per the Method Were all QA/QC procedures REQUIRED by the method followed? YES ' Were all performance/acceptance standards for the required procedures achieved? NO 1. One or more of the extraction surrogate recoveries were less than 40%. 2. One or more of the RPD values for the LCSD was greater than 25%. Were significant modifications made to the method as specified in Sect 11.3? NO ' The normal acceptance range for the extraction surrogates, Chloro-octadecane and o-Terphenyl, is 40-140%. The normal acceptance range for the fractionation surrogates, 2-Fluorobiphenyl and 2-Bromonaphthalene, is 40-141%. C9-C18 Aliphatics ND ug/1 104. C19-C36 Aliphatics ND ug/1 104. ' C11-C22 Aromatics ND ug/l 104. C11-C22 Aromatics, Adjusted ND ug/l 104. Naphthalene ND ug/l 0.417 2-Methylnaphthalene ND ug/1 0.417 ' Acenaphthylene ND ug/1 0.417 Acenaphthene ND ug/l 0.417 Fluorene ND ug/1 0.417 Phenanthrene ND ug/1 0.417 ' Anthracene ND ug/l 0.417 Fluoranthene ND ug/1 0.417 Pyrene ND ug/1 0.417 Benzo(a)anthracene ND ug/1 0.417 ' Chrysene ND ug/l 0.417 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND ug/1 0.417 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND ug/1 0.417 Benzo(a)pyrene ND ug/1 0.208 ' Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene ND ug/1 0.417 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND ug/l 0.417 ' Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 01230616:37 Page 4 of 10 11 ' ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Laboratory Sample Number: L0600688-01 MW-1 PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID ' PREP ANAL ,y^ram 04 BNB' ' Benzo(ghi)perylene ND ug/1 0.417 Surrogate(s) Recovery QC Criteria ' Chloro-Octadecane 27.0 % 40-140 o-Terphenyl 72.0 % 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 75.0 % 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 75.0 % 40-140 ' o-Terphenyl-ms 93.0 % 40-140 1 � ' Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 01230616:37 Page 5 of 10 ' ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Laboratory Sample Number: L0600688-01 MW-1 PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID ' PREP ANAL r s��v,fi��n . ,.x*�r w.���,'d,�61 EPHw04.1r�a.'Q.120t'10 L5;`Di20',19,00 SN��, Condition of sample received: Satisfactory ' Aqueous preservative: Laboratory Provided Preserved Container Sample temperature upon receipt: Received on Ice Sample extraction method: Extracted Per the Method Were all QA/QC procedures REQUIRED by the method followed? YES ' Were all performance/acceptance standards for the required procedures achieved? NO 1. One or more of the extraction surrogate recoveries were less than 40%. 2. One or more of the RPD values for the LCSD was greater than 25%. Were significant modifications made to the method as specified in Sect 11.3? NO The normal acceptance range for the extraction surrogates, Chloro-octadecane and o-Terphenyl, is 40-140%. The normal acceptance range for the fractionation surrogates, 2-Fluorobiphenyl and 2 Bromonaphthalene is 40 140% C9-C18 Aliphatics ND ug/1 105. C19-C36 Aliphatics ND ug/1 105. C11-C22 Aromatics ND ug/1 105. ' C11-C22 Aromatics, Adjusted ND ug/1 105. Naphthalene ND ug/l 0.421 2-Methylnaphthalene ND ug/1 0.421 ' Acenaphthylene ND ug/1 0.421 Acenaphthene ND ug/1 0.421 Fluorene ND ug/1 0.421 Phenanthrene ND ug/l 0.421 Anthracene ND ug/1 0.421 Fluoranthene ND ug/1 0.421 Pyrene ND ug/1 0.421 Benzo(a)anthracene ND ug/1 0.421 Chrysene ND ug/1 0.421 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND ug/1 0.421 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND ug/1 0.421 Benzo(a)pyrene ND ug/1 0.200 ' Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene ND ug/1 0.421 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND ug/l 0.421 Benzo(ghi)perylene ND ug/1 0.421 ' Surrogate(s) Recovery QC Criteria Chloro-Octadecane 35.0 % 40-140 o-Terphenyl 86.0 % 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 97.0 % 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 99.0 % 40-140 o-Terphenyl-ms 116. % 40-140 Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I ' 01230616:37 Page 6 of 10 III ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES QUALITY ASSURANCE BATCH LCS/LCSD ANALYSIS ' Laboratory Job Number: L0600688 Parameter LCS % LCSD % RPD RPD Limit QC Limits ' C9-C18 Aliphatics 71 54 27 25 40-140 C19-C36 Aliphatics 92 70 27 25 40-140 Cll-C22 Aromatics 76 68 11 25 40-140 Naphthalene 63 59 7 25 40-140 2-Methylnaphthalene 63 60 5 25 40-140 Acenaphthylene 78 75 4 25 40-140 Acenaphthene 65 60 8 25 40-140 ' Fluorene 74 63 16 25 40-140 Phenanthrene 72 65 10 25 40-140 Anthracene 80 74 8 25 40-140 Fluoranthene 74 70 6 25 40-140 Pyrene 93 81 14 25 40-140 Benzo(a)anthracene 73 67 9 25 40-140 Chrysene 67 58 . 14 25 40-140 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 83 75 10 25 40-140 ' Benzo(k)fluoranthene 77 68 12 25 40-140 Benzo(a)pyrene 87 78 11 25 40-140 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene 101 90 12 25 40-140 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 88 79 11 25 40-140 ' Benzo(ghi)perylene 85 75 13 25 40-140 Nonane (C9) 53 39 30 25 30-140 Decane (C10) 67 51 27 25 40-140 Dodecane (C12) 70 54 26 25 40-140 Tetradecane (C14) 72 56 25 25 40-140 Hexadecane (C16) 76 59 25 25 40-140 Octadecane (C18) 78 62 23 25 40-140 Nonadecane (C19) 83 65 24 25 40-140 ' Eicosane (C20) 87 67 26 25 40-140 Docosane (C22) 91 70 26 25 40-140 Tetracosane (C24) 92 70 27 25 40-140 Hexacosane (C26) 94 71 28 25 40-140 Octacosane (C28) 95 71 29 25 40-140 Triacontane (C30) 96 71 30 25 40-140 Hexatriacontane (C36) 101 73 32 25 40-140 ' Surrogate(s) Chloro-Octadecane 62 48 25 40-140 o-Terphenyl 74 68 8 40-140 ' 2-Fluorobiphenyl 73 69 6 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 74 70 6 40-140 o-Terphenyl-ms 95 89 7 40-140 % Naphthalene Breakthrcugh 0 0 ' % 2-Methylnaphthalene Ereakthr ough 0 0 NC ' 01230616:37 Page 7 of 10 r i , ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES QUALITY ASSURANCE BATCH BLANK ANALYSIS Laboratory Job Number: L0600688 PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID PREP ANAL :`- �', MS�,T"FI xz EPH w>_t�h C9-C18 Aliphatics ND ug/1 100. C19-C36 Aliphatics ND ug/l 100. ' Cll-C22 Aromatics ND ug/l 100. Cll-C22 Aromatics, Adjusted ND ug/l 100. Naphthalene ND ug/l 0.400 ' 2-Methylnaphthalene ND ug/l 0.400 Acenaphthylene ND ug/l 0.400 Acenaphthene ND ug/l 0.400 Fluorene ND ug/l 0.400 Phenanthrene ND ug/l 0.400 Anthracene ND ug/l 0.400 Fluoranthene ND ug/l 0.400 Pyrene ND ug/l 0.400 Benzo(a)anthracene ND ug/l 0.400 Chrysene ND ug/l 0.400 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND ug/l 0.400 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND ug/l 0.400 ' Benzo(a)pyrene ND ug/l 0.200 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene ND ug/1 0.400 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND ug/l 0.400 Benzo(ghi)perylene ND ug/l 0.400 ' Surrogate(s) Recovery QC Criteria Chloro-Octadecane 57.0 % 40-140 o-Terphenyl 86.0 % 40-140 j 2-Fluorobiphenyl 95.0 % 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 91.0 % 40-140 o-Terphenyl-ms 93.0 % 40-140 01230616:37 Page 8 of 10 ' ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES ADDENDUM I REFERENCES ' 61. Method for the Determination of Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (EPH) . Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, DEA/ORS/BWSC. May 2004, Revision I.I. ' GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND SYMBOLS REF Reference nulrber in which test method may be found. METHOD Method number by which analysis was performed. ID Initials of the analyst. ' ND Not detected in comparison to the reported detection limit. NI Not Ignitable. ug/cart Micrograms per Cartridge. ' LIMITATION OF LIABILITIES Alpha Analytical, Inc. performs services with reasonable care and diligence ' normal to the analytical testing laboratory industry. In the event of an error, the sole and exclusive responsibility of Alpha Analytical, Inc. , shall be to re-perform the work at it's own expense. In no event shall Alpha Analytical, Inc. be held liable for any incidental consequential or special damages, including but not ' limited to, damages in any way connected with the use of, interpretation of, information or analysis provided by Alpha Analytical, Inc. We strongly urge our clients to comply with EPA protocol regarding sample ' volume, preservation, =ooling, containers, sampling procedures, holding times and splitting of samples in the field. 01230616:37 Page 9 of 10 ' ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES LOGIN SPECIFIC INFORMATION ' Laboratory Job Number: L0600688 Were project specific reporting limits specified? YES Cooler Information Cooler Custody Seal A Absent Container Information Container ID Container Type Cooler pH Tamp Pres Seal Analysis L0600688-OIA Amber 1000m1 HC1 preserved A <2 1.8 C Y Absent EPH-MS, EPHD-GC-04 L0600688-OIB Amber 1000ml HC1 preserved A <2 1.8 C Y Absent EPH-MS, EPHD-GC-04 L0600688-01C Amber 1000ml HC1 preserved Y Absent EPHD-GC-04 L0600688-01D Amber 1000ml HC1 preserved Y Absent EPHD-GC-04 ' Container Comments Container ID CC=ftents i 01230616:37 Page 10 of 10 �. DY PAGE OF Date R•c�d In Lab: tl(' ALPHA Job#; 1 06 co,6e _ CHAIN OF CUSTOProJect Information Report Information- Data Deliverables Eight Walkup Drive Westborough,MA 01581 Project Name: ❑FAX �rE�AAIL me as Client info Po#: TEL: 508-898-9220 FAX: 508-898-9193 -�� Ex O Add'1 Deliverables � Project Location: Client Information Regulatory Requirements/Report Limits Client: Project#: l_Vz State/Fed Program Criteria Address:. i jAg c Project Manager: ALPHA Quote#: QUESTIONS MLST BEANSWERED Turn No �Z3 -Around Time ❑Yes ❑No Are MCP Analytical Methods Required? Phone: Z ❑Yes ❑No Are Drinking Water Samples Submitted? Fax: ❑Yes ❑No Have you met minimum field QC re uirements? ❑Standard ❑ RUSH roNy consmroanp•-eoomre0!I Ernalt Date Due: n Time: SAMPLE HANDLING ❑ These samples have been previously analyzed by Alpha ✓� Filtration Other Project Specific Requirements/CCmments/Detection Li Its: ❑Done ❑Not needed (3 Lab to do Preservation ❑Lab to do (%•••••p•dy b•tow) ALPNAL�btb Collection Sample Sampler's 4 SamplelD Date Tnne Matrix Initials Sample Specific Comments < I 1 � t 1�•>� Cow �L i I I Container Type A piease print dearly,leglbty and QUESTIONS ABOVE MUSTBEANSWEREDFORPRESUMPTIVECERTAINTY Preservative oompletely. Samples can not be IS YOUR logged in and turnaround time dock Relinquished By: Date�me Received B Daterrime wil not stwl until any ambiguities are PROJECT MCP ? I . 3 i� 6� t - ( d r>3sared. A"ser sutxnitted ere subject to.Alpt18.8.Payment Terms. /I v i, Z See.reverse side. FORM NO:01.010v.14-Msy-04) ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES ' Eight Walkup Drive Westborough, Massachusetts 01581-1019 (508) 898-9220 www.alphalab.com MAIM-MA086 NH:200301-A CT:PH-0574 ME:MA086 RI:65 NY:11148 NJ:MA935 Army:USACE CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Client: Coler & Colantonio Laboratory Job Number: L0601601 Address: 101 Accord Park Drive ' Norwell, MA 02061 Date Received: 03-FEB-2006 Attn: Mr. William Hoyerman Date Reported: 08-FEB-2006 iProject Number: 11-1262 Delivery Method: Alpha Site: 185 WIANNO The following questions pertain only to MCP Analytical Methods ' An affirmative response to questions A,B,C D is required for "Presumptive Certainty" status A. Were all samples received by the laboratory in a condition consistent with those YES described on their Chain-of-Custody documentation for the data set? B. Were all QA/QC procedures required for the specified analytical method(s) included YES in this report followed, including the requirement to note and discuss in a ' narrative QC data that did not meet appropriate performance standards or guidelines? C. Does the analytical data included in this report meet all the requirements for YES "Presumptive Certainty", as described in section 2.0 of the MADEP document CAM ' VII A, "Quality Assurance and Quality Control Guidelines for the Acquisition and Reporting of Analytical Data"? D. VPH and EPH methods only: Was the VPH or EPH method run without significant YES ' modifications, as specified in Section 11.3? A response to questions E and F is required for "Presumptive Certainty" status ' E. Were all QC performance standards and recommendations for the specified method(s) YES achieved? ' F. Were results for all analyte-list compounds/elements for the specified method(s) YES reported? Any answers of NO to the above questions are addressed in the case narrative. I, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my personal inquiry of those responsible for obtaining the information, the mate 'al contained in this report is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, accurate and i complete. This certificate of analys s Ps not complete unless this page accompanies any and all pages of this report. Authorized by: l T 'hn cal Director _ 02080623:42 Page 1 of 20 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES ' Laboratory Job Number: L0601601 Date Reported: 08-FEB-2006 ' ALPHA SAMPLE NUMBER CLIENT IDENTIFICATION SAMPLE LOCATION ' L0601601-01 MW-2 OSTERVILLE, MA L0601601-02 MW-3 OSTERVILLE, MA L0601601-03 CC-4 (10-12' ) OSTERVILLE, MA L0601601-04 CC-4 (18-20' ) OSTERVILLE, MA L0601601-05 CC-4 (14-16' ) OSTERVILLE, HA L0601601-06 TH-7 (2.5' ) OSTERVILLE, MA i 02080613:92 Page 2 of 20 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES NARRATIVE REPORT Laboratory Job Number: L0601601 ' MCP Related Narratives EPH by method EPH-04-1 ' L0601601-01, -02 Extraction method: 3510C ' L0601601-03, -04 Extraction method: 3540C Report Submission All MCP required questions were answered with affirmative responses, therefore, there are no relevant data issues to discuss. 02080613:42 Page 3 of 20 1 i ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS MA:M-MA086 NH:200.301-A CT:PH-0574 ME:MA086 RI:65 NY:11148 NJ:MA935 Army:USACE ' Laboratory Sample Number: L0601601-01 Date Collected: 02-FEB-2006 13:30 MW-2 Date Received : 03-FEB-2006 ' Sample Matrix: WATER Date Reported : 08-FEB-2006 Condition of Sample: Satisfactory Field Prep: None ' Number & Type of Containers: 1-Amber,2-Vial PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID PREP ANAL EPH,t With M$'';TargQtS ca,61 EPH,04,1,}„?i;0203,16E30 0206;14 34,BN 3 ' Quality Controi..Information Condition of sample received: Satisfactory ' Aqueous preservative: Laboratory Provided Preserved Container Sample temperature upon receipt: Received on Ice Sample extraction method: Extracted Per the Method Were all QA/QC procedures REQUIRED by the method followed? YES Were all performance/acceptance standards for the required procedures achieved? YES Were significant modifications made to the method as specified in Sect 11.3? NO The normal acceptance range for the extraction surrogates, Chloro-octadecane and o-Terphenyl, is 40-1400. ' The normal acceptance range for the fractionation surrogates, 2-Fluorobiphenyl and 2-Bromonaphthalene, is 40-1400. C9-C18 Aliphatics ND ug/1 103. ' C19-C36 Aliphatics ND ug/l 103. Cll-C22 Aromatics 160. ug/1 103. C11-C22 Aromatics, Adjusted 146. ug/l 103. Naphthalene 2.67 ug/l 0.412 2-Methylnaphthalene 9.25 ug/1 0.412 Acenaphthylene ND ug/l 0.412 Acenaphthene ND ug/1 0.412 ' Fluorene 0.588 ug/l 0.412 Phenanthrene 0.965 ug/1 0.412 Anthracene ND ug/1 0.412 Fluoranthene ND ug/1 0.412 ' Pyrene ND ug/1 0.412 Benzo(a)anthracene ND ug/l 0.412 Chrysene ND ug/1 0.412 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND ug/1 0.412 ' Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND ug/1 0.412 Benzo(a)pyrene ND ug/1 0.200 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene ND ug/1 0.412 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND ug/1 0.412 Benzo(ghi)perylene ND ug/1 0.412 i Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 02080613:42 Page 4 of 20 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Laboratory Sample Number: L0601601-01 MW-2 PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID ' PREP ANAL I. PHwitYMSTargetscont'1d, ` a ..> �x r ;? 6i;$rH�oa oio3lso nzo5 4 g si ' Surrogate(s) Recovery QC Criteria Chloro-Octadecane 41.0 % 40-140 o-Terphenyl 60.0 % 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 72.0 % 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 71.0 % 40-140 o-Terphenyl-ms 76.0 % 40-140 r ' Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 02080613:42 Page 5 of 20 t ' ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS MAIM-MA086 NH:200301-A CT:PH-0574 ME:MA086 RI:65 NY:11148 NJ:MA935 Army:USACE ' Laboratory Sample Number: L0601601-02 Date Collected: 02-FEB-2006 13:30 MW-3 Date Received : 03-FEB-2006 Sample Matrix: WATER Date Reported : 08-FEB-2006 Condition of Sample: Satisfactory Field Prep: None Number & Type of Containers: 2-Amber,2-Vial PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID ' PREP ANAL EPH w- tYi MS ;Tar e6s a ,� " ` t61„EPH;0,4 1 fi ;�0203.T6,E30 0206";25 09 BN',g " Quality'Control: In orinatiori Condition of sample received: Satisfactory Aqueous preservative: Laboratory Provided Preserved Container Sample temperature upon receipt: Received on Ice Sample extraction method: Extracted Per the Method Were all QA/QC procedures REQUIRED by the method followed? YES Were all performanceiacceptance standards for the required procedures achieved? YES Were significant modifications made to the method as specified in Sect 11.3? NO The normal acceptance range for the extraction surrogates, Chloro-octadecane and o-Terphenyl, is 40-140%. The normal acceptance range for the fractionation surrogates 2 Fluorobiphenyl and 2 Bromonaphthalene is 40 140% C9-C18 Aliphatics ND ug/1 102. C19-C36 Aliphatics ND ug/1 102. C11-C22 Aromatics ND ug/l 102. C11-C22 Aromatics, Adjusted ND ug/l 102. Naphthalene 0.992 ug/l 0.408 ' 2-Methylnaphthalene 2.21 ug/l 0.408 Acenaphthylene ND ug/l 0.408 Acenaphthene ND ug/l 0.408 Fluorene ND ug/l 0.408 ' Phenanthrene ND ug/l 0.408 Anthracene ND ug/1 0.408 Fluoranthene ND ug/l 0.408 Pyrene ND ug/l 0.408 ' Benzo(a)anthracene ND ug/l 0.408 Chrysene ND ug/l 0.408 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND ug/l 0.408 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND ug/l 0.408 Benzo(a)pyrene ND ug/1 0.200 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene ND ug/1 0.408 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND ug/l 0.408 ' Benzo(ghi)perylene ND ug/l 0.408 Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 02080613:42 Page 6 of 20 II ' ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' Laboratory Sample Number: L0601601-02 MW-3 PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID ' PREP ANAL Surrogate(s) Recovery QC Criteria Chloro-Octadecane 51.0 % 40-140 o-Terphenyl 70.0 % 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 85.0 % 40-140 ' 2-Bromonaphthalene 82.0 % 40-140 o-Terphenyl-ms 81.0 % 40-140 1 r ' Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 02080613:42 Page 7 of 20 1 ' ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS MA:M-MA -086 NH:200301 A CT:PH-0574 ME:MA086 RI:65 NY:11148 NJ:MA935 Army.USACE Laboratory Sample Number: L0601601-03 Date Collected: 02-FEB-2006 12:00 CC-4 (10-12' ) Date Received : 03-FEB-2006 Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Reported : 08-FEB-2006 ' Condition of Sample: Satisfactory Field Prep: None Number & Type of Containers: 1-Amber PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID PREP ANAL Solids, Total 96. % 0.10 30 2540G 0206 15:13 PJ t ' Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 02080613:42 Page 8 of 20 ' 1 1 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 1 Laboratory Sample ITmober: L0601601-03 CC-4 (10-12' ) PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID PREP ANAL EXtrdCtid}�I e�PerOleLil[1,'HyC(r6Cd rJOI1S"^' i.` a„,. �?y,,, „°rr-,',v „�,s.::i .61 E,PH=:D4 1yF_-_`0103. 20^:30 0207 .15 58 BN; {�F Y %, -�� x,�. L�,� .-'^�, � :. QualtyzControl,•;:Infor',ination.. �wf,.., �� ,. ;� �::, Condition of sample received: Satisfactory Sample temperature upon receipt: Received on Ice Sample extraction method: Extracted Per the Method Were all QA/QC procedures REQUIRED by the method followed? YES ' Were all performance/acceptance standards for the required procedures achieved? YES Were significant modifications made to the method as specified in Sect 11.3? NO The normal acceptance range for the extraction surrogates, Chloro-octadecane and o-Terphenyl, is 40-140%. 1 The normal acceptance range for the fractionation surrogates 2 Fluorobiphenyl and 2 Bromonaphthalene is 40-140% C9-C18 Aliphatics 553. mg/kg 6.94 1 C19-C36 Aliphatics 194. mg/kg 6.94 C11-C22 Aromatics 605. mg/kg 6.94 C11-C22 Aromatics, Adjusted 585. mg/kg 6.94 Naphthalene 2.18 mg/kg 0.347 1 2-Methylnaphthalene 12.4 mg/kg 0.347 Acenaphthylene ND mg/kg 0.347 Acenaphthene 2.19 mg/kg 0.347 Fluorene 0.801 mg/kg 0.347 1 Phenanthrene 1.92 mg/kg 0.347 Anthracene 0.348 mg/kg 0.347 Fluoranthene ND mg/kg 0.347 Pyrene ND mg/kg 0.347 1 Benzo(a)anthracene ND mg/kg 0.347 Chrysene ND mg/kg 0.347 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND mg/kg 0.347 ' Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND mg/kg 0.347 Benzo(a)pyrene ND mg/kg 0.347 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyren= ND mg/kg 0.347 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND mg/kg 0.347 Benzo(ghi)perylene ND mg/kg 0.347 Surrogate(s) Recovery QC Criteria Chloro-Octadecane 55.0 % 40-140 ' o-Terphenyl 101. % 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 99.0 % 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 76.0 % 40-140 1 1 Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 02080613:42 Page 9 of 20 ' ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS MA:M-MA086 NH:200301-A CT:PH-0574 ME:MA086 RI:65 NY:11148 NJ:MA935 Army:USACE Laboratory Sample Number: L0601601-04 Date Collected: 02-FEB-2006 12:00 CC-4 (18-20' ) Date Received : 03-FEB-2006 Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Reported : 08-FEB-2006 ' Condition of Sample: Satisfactory Field Prep: None Number & Type of Containers: 1-Amber ' PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID PREP ANAL ' Solids, Total 96. % 0.10 30 2540G 0206 15:13 PJ t ' Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 02080613:42 Page 10 of 20 ' ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Laboratory Sample Number: L0601601-04 CC-4 (18-20' ) PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID ' PREP ANAL y Condition of sample received: Satisfactory ' Sample temperature upon receipt: Received on Ice Sample extraction method: Extracted Per the Method Were all QA/QC procedures REQUIRED by the method followed? YES Were all performance/acceptance standards for the required procedures achieved? YES ' Were significant modifications made to the method as specified in Sect 11.3? NO The normal acceptance range for the extraction surrogates, Chloro-octadecane and o-Terphenyl, is 40-140%. The normal acceptance range for the fractionation surrogates 2-Fluorobiphenyl and 2 Bromonaphthalene is 40 140g$ C9-C18 Aliphatics 175. mg/kg 6.94 ' C19-C36 Aliphatics 54.2 mg/kg 6.94 C11-C22 Aromatics 214. mg/kg 6.94 C11-C22 Aromatics, Adjusted 209. mg/kg 6.94 Naphthalene 0.377 mg/kg 0.347 ' 2-Methylnaphthalene 3.41 mg/kg 0.347 Acenaphthylene ND mg/kg 0.347 Acenaphthene ND mg/kg 0.347 Fluorene ND mg/kg 0.347 1 Phenanthrene 0.621 mg/kg 0.347 Anthracene ND mg/kg 0.347 Fluoranthene ND mg/kg 0.347 Pyrene ND mg/kg 0.347 t Benzo(a)anthracene ND mg/kg 0.347 Chrysene ND mg/kg 0.347 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND mg/kg 0.347 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND mg/kg 0.347 1 Benzo(a)pyrene ND mg/kg 0.347 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene ND mg/kg 0.347 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND mg/kg 0.347 Benzo(ghi)perylene ND mg/kg 0.347 ' Surrogate(s) Recovery QC Criteria Chloro-Octadecane 51.0 % 40-140 o-Terphenyl 126. % 40-140 ' 2-Fluorobiphenyl 87.0 % 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 85.0 % 40-140 ' Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I O2080613:42 Page 11 of 20 i ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS MAIM-MA086 NH:200301-A CT:PH-0574 ME:MA086 RI:65 NY:11148 NJ:MA935 Army:USACE ' Laboratory Sample Number: L0601601-05 Date Collected: 02-FEB-2006 12:00 CC-4 (14-16' ) Date Received : 03-FEB-2006 Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Reported : 08-FEB-2006 Condition of Sample: Satisfactory Field Prep: None Number & Type of Containers: 1-Amber PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID PREP ANAL ******* THIS SAMPLE IS ON HOLD ******* L i 1 1 1 ' Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 02080111:42 Page 12 of 20 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ' MA:M-MA086 NH:200301-A CT:PH-0574 ME:MA086 RI:65 NY:11148 NJ:MA935 Army:USACE Laboratory Sample Number: L0601601-06 Date Collected: 02-FEB-2006 12:00 TH-7 (2.5') Date Received : 03-FEB-2006 Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Reported : 08-FEB-2006 Condition of Sample: Satisfactory Field Prep: None Number & Type of Containers: 1-Amber ' PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID PREP ANAL ******* THIS SAMPLE IS ON HOLD ******* I i ' Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I 02080613:42 Page 13 of 20 i ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES QUALITY ASSURANCE BATCH DUPLICATE ANALYSIS ' Laboratory Job Number: L0601601 Parameter Value 1 Value 2 Units RPD RPD Limits Solids, Total 96. 96: % 0 li I 1 ' 02080613:42 Page 14 of 20 ' ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES QUALITY ASSURANCE BATCH LCS/LCSD ANALYSIS Laboratory Job Number: L0601601 ' Parameter LCS LCSD % RPD RPD Limit QC Limits Ext�acta�le,P tro�le�HH dry arb'�ois�fo�sample�(�,sNj ��3.�6a_ (WG2�2,,$69�5'G2�„W�22I89�3 � � �� ''4 ' C9-C18 Aliphatics 56 60 7 25 40-140 C19-C36 Aliphatics 69 70 1 25 40-140 C11-C22 Aromatics 80 84 5 25 40-140 Naphthalene 72 77 7 25 40-140 2-Methylnaphthalene 71 77 8 25 40-140 Acenaphthylene 71 77 8 25 40-140 Acenaphthene 73 80 9 25 40-140 Fluorene 72 79 9 25 40-140 ' Phenanthrene 76 82 8 25 40-140 Anthracene 80 85 6 25 40-140 Fluoranthene 77 81 5 25 40-140 Pyrene 80 83 4 25 40-140 Benzo(a)anthracene 78 81 4 25 40-140 Chrysene 79 81 3 25 40-140 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 79 81 3 25 40-140 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 77 79 3 25 40-140 Benzo(a)pyrene 77 78 1 25 40-140 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene 75 76 1 25 40-140 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 74 76 3 25 40-140 ' Benzo(ghi)perylene 78 79 1 25 40-140 Nonane (C9) 45 48 6 25 30-140 Decane (C10) 53 57 7 25 40-140 Dodecane (C12) 57 62 8 25 40-140 ' Tetradecane (C14) 59 63 7 25 40-140 Hexadecane (C16) 60 64 6 25 40-140 Octadecane (C18) 61 64 5 25 40-140 Nonadecane (C19) 64 67 5 25 40-140 ' Eicosane (C20) 67 69 3 25 40-140 Docosane (C22) 70 72 3 25 40-140 Tetracosane (C24) 71 72 1 25 40-140 Hexacosane (C26) 71 71 0 25 40-140 Octacosane (C28) 70 70 0 25 40-140 Triacontane (C30) 70 69 1 25 40-140 Hexatriacontane (C36) 73 71 3 25 40-140 ' Surrogate(s) Chloro-Octadecane 49 57 15 40-140 o-Terphenyl 79 88 11 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 73 80 9 40-140 ' 2-Bromonaphthalene 76 80 5 40-140 % Naphthalene Breakthrough 0 0 NC 1. 2-Methylnaphthalene Breakthr ough 0 0 NC ' EPH.with"MS Targets ,for sample(s).<j01=02'' (WG22:8b90, 2;_ WG22f8'690-3), C9-C18 Aliphatics 47 44 7 25 40-140 C19-C36 Aliphatics 72 71 1 25 40-140 ' C11-C22. Aromatics 69 78 12 25 40-140 ' 02080613:42 Page 15 of 20 ' ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES QUALITY ASSURANCE BATCH LCS/LCSD ANALYSIS ' Laboratory Job Number: L0601601 Continued ' Parameter LCS o LCSD % RPD RPD Limit QC Limits ' Naphthalene 63 62 2 25 40-140 2-Methylnaphthalene 64 61 5 25 40-140 Acenaphthylene 77 74 4 25 40-140 Acenaphthene 64 61 5 25 40-140 ' Fluorene 72 70 3 25 40-140 Phenanthrene 65 65 0 25 40-140 Anthracene 76 76 0 25 40-140 ' Fluoranthene 87 90 3 25 40-140 Pyrene 91 88 3 25 40-140 Benzo(a)anthracene 77 81 5 25 40-140 Chrysene 86 90 5 25 40-140 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 82 75 9 25 40-140 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 81 73 10 25 40-140 Benzo(a)pyrene 82 85 4 25 40-140 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene 90 87 3 25 40-140 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 90 90 0 25 40-140 Benzo(ghi)perylene 88 88 0 25 40-140 Nonane (C9) 40 37 8 25 30-140 Decane (C10) 51 48 6 25 40-140 ' Dodecane (C12) 53 50 6 25 40-140 Tetradecane (C14) 58 53 9 25 40-140 Hexadecane (C16) 60 58 3 25 40-140 Octadecane (C18) 63 62 2 25 40-140 ' Nonadecane (C19) 67 66 2 25 40-140 Eicosane (C20) 69 68 1 25 40-140 Docosane (C22) 72 72 0 25 40-140 Tetracosane (C24) 72 72 0 25 40-140 ' Hexacosane (C26) 73 73 0 25 40-140 Octacosane (C28) 74 73 1 25 40-140 Triacontane (C30) 74 74 0 25 40-140 Hexatriacontane (C36) 74 71 4 25 40-140 ' Surrogate(s) Chloro-Octadecane 52 52 0 40-140 o-Terphenyl 70 83 17 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 69 85 21 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 68 83 20 40-140 o-Terphenyl-ms 93 97 4 40-140 1. Naphthalene Breakthrough 0 0 NC ' % 2-Methylnaphthalene Breakthr ough 0 0 NC ' 02080613:42 Page 16 of 20 i ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES QUALITY ASSURANCE BATCH BLANK ANALYSIS Laboratory Job Number: L0601601 PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID PREP ANAL C9-C18 Aliphatics ND mg/kg 6.67 C19-C36 Aliphatics ND mg/kg 6.67 Cll-C22 Aromatics ND mg/kg 6.67 Cll-C22 Aromatics, Adjusted ND mg/kg 6.67 Naphthalene ND mg/kg 0.333 2-Methylnaphthalene ND mg/kg 0.333 ' Acenaphthylene ND mg/kg 0.333 Acenaphthene ND mg/kg 0.333 Fluorene ND mg/kg 0.333 Phenanthrene ND mg/kg 0.333 Anthracene ND mg/kg 0.333 i Fluoranthene ND mg/kg 0.333 Pyrene ND mg/kg 0.333 Benzo(a)anthracene ND mg/kg 0.333 Chrysene ND mg/kg 0.333 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND mg/kg 0.333 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND mg/kg 0.333 Benzo(a)pyrene ND mg/kg 0.333 ' Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene ND mg/kg 0.333 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND mg/kg 0.333 Benzo(ghi)perylene ND mg/kg 0.333 i Surrogate(s) Recovery QC Criteria Chloro-Octadecane 52.0 % 40-140 o-Terphenyl 77.0 % 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 81.0 % 40-140 ' 2-Bromonaphthalene 82.0 % 40 140 Blank Ana. ys>s?'for,'sample(s)' 01`02'-(WG228690-1) a t, EPH W1th'MS.PdrJet,S s-> ,u,61 BPH;04 1 ,0203 16i30 0206,12 27. BN C9-C18 Aliphatics ND ug/l 100. C19-C36 Aliphatics ND ug/l 100. C11-C22 Aromatics ND ug/l 100. Cll-C22 Aromatics, Adjusted ND ug/1 100. ' Naphthalene ND ug/1 0.400 2-Methylnaphthalene ND ug/1 0.400 Acenaphthylene ND ug/1 0.400 Acenaphthene ND ug/1 0.400 Fluorene ND ug/1 0.400 Phenanthrene ND ug/l 0.400 Anthracene ND ug/l 0.400 Fluoranthene ND ug/l 0.400 Pyrene ND ug/1 0.400 Benzo(a)anthracene ND ug/l 0.400 Chrysene ND ug/l 0.400 iBenzo(b)fluoranthene ND ug/l 0.400 ' 02080613:42 Page 17 of 20 i ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES QUALITY ASSURANCE BATCH BLANK ANALYSIS ' Laboratory Job Number: L06016O1 Continued ' PARAMETER RESULT UNITS RDL REF METHOD DATE ID PREP ANAL EPH Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND ug/l 0.400 Benzo(a)pyrene ND ug/l 0.200 ' Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene ND ug/l 0.400 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracer_e ND ug/l 0.400 Benzo(ghi)perylene ND ug/l 0.400 ' Surrogate(s) Recovery QC Criteria Chloro-Octadecane 43.0 % 40-140 o-Terphenyl 75.0 % 40-140 ' 2-Fluorobiphenyl 86.0 % 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 84.0 % 40-140 o-Terphenyl-ms 80.0 % 40-140 02080613:42 Page 18 of 20 1 ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES ADDENDUM I ' REFERENCES 30. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. APHA-AWWA-WPCF. 18th Edition. 1992. 61. Method for he Determination of Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (EPH) . Massachuset=s Department of Environmental Protection, DEA/ORS/BWSC. May 2004, Revision 1.1. GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND SYMBOLS REF Reference number in which test method may be found. METHOD Method number by which analysis was performed. ID Initials of the analyst. ' ND Not detected in comparison to the reported detection limit. NI Not Ignitable. ug/cart Micrograms pe= Cartridge. ' LIMITATION OF LIABILITIES Alpha Analytical, Inc performs services with reasonable care and diligence normal to the analytical testing laboratory industry. In the event of an error, the ' sole and exclusive responsibility of Alpha Analytical, Inc. , shall be to re-perform the work at it's own expense. In no event shall Alpha Analytical, Inc. be held liable for any incidental consequential or special damages, including but not limited to, damages in any way connected with the use of, interpretation of, information or analysis provided by Alpha Analytical, Inc. We strongly urge our clients to comply with EPA protocol regarding sample ' volume, preservation, cooling, containers, sampling procedures, holding times and splitting of samples in the field. ' 02080613:42 Page 19 of 20 ' ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES LOGIN SPECIFIC INFORMATION Laboratory Job Number: L0601601 IWere project specific reporting limits specified? YES Cooler Information Cooler Custody Seal A Absent ' Container In formation 1 Container ID Container Type Cooler pH Temp Pres Seal Analysis L0601601-01A Amber 1000.1 icl preserved A <2 2.4 C Y Absent EPH-MS, EPHD-GC-04 L0601601-01C Vial HC1 preserved A N/A 2.4 C Y Absent MCP ' L0601601-01D Vial HC1 preserved A N/A 2.4 C Y Absent MCP L0601601-02A Amber 1000ml HC1 preserved A <2 2.4 C Y Absent EPH-MS, EPHD-GC-04 L0601601-02B Amber 1000ml HC1 preserved A <2 2.4 C Y Absent EPH-MS, EPHD-GC-04 L0601601-02C Vial HC1 preserved A N/A 2.4 C Y Absent MCP ' L0601601-02D Vial HC1 preserved A NIA 2.4 C Y Absent MCP L0601601-03A Amber 250m1 unpreserved A N/A 2.4 C Y Absent EPH-DELUX-04, TS L0601601-04A Amber 250.1 unpreserved A N/A 2.4 C Y Absent EPH-DELUX-04, TS L0601601-05A Amber 250m1 unpreserved A N/A 2.4 C Y Absent HOLD ' L0602601-06A Amber 250ml unrreserved A N/A 2.4 C Y Absent HOLD ' Container Comments Container ID Comments i 02080613:42 Page 20 of 20 CHAIN OF CUSTODY PAGE OF Dab•tRat'd In tati; ALPHA Job#: a o 0 Project Information Report Information- Data Deliverables Eight Walkup Drive Westborough,MA 01581 TEL: 508-898-9220 FAX: 508-898.9193 Project Name: 1 i rL ❑FAX s atMAIL ame as Cliant info I PO W. Client Information Project Location:(ID AMX ❑Add9 Daliverables Regulatory it Requirements/Report Limits Client: Project#: ... State/Fed Program Criteria _ Address: (jt C, e �• Project Manager: O ALPHA Quote#: QUESTIONS MUST BE ANSWERED Phone: es ❑Ng Are MCP Analytical Methods Required? Fax: ❑YY s o Are Drinking Water Samples Submitted? ❑Standard "Us l pony "s ❑No Have you met minimum field QC requirements? Email: Date Du ' Time: SAMPLEHANDLING El These samples havi been previously analyzed by Alpha 'Z p Lo Fj Filtration Other Project Specific Requirements/Comments/Detection Limits: -Ic ❑Done ❑Not needed ❑Lab to do Preservation ❑Lab to do (please specify D)Q*) A6pFCIgLaptp; Collection Sample Sampler's d Sample ID Date Time Matrix Initials Sample Specific Comments L X 1lelA vP�a t�s Gvw w Io-kz�> 1 P� f J Ll-I K' ) QUESTIONS ABOVE MUST BE ANSWERED FOR PRESUMPTIVE CERTAINTY Container Type p( eprint;clearly;legryand j Preservative comp! y. Salmpies can not� S YOUR !n and,tumaround time dodo Relinquis By: Datelf '°, °ine c e t Tma vAI not sfert'until.any ambiguttiea are PROJECT MCP ? r re� 4 samples submitted we subject:to Alpha's Peyr►ier>t terms. . / See reverse:aide. i FORM NO:01-DI(rev.14-May-04) / / I ' Appendix C ' Soil Boring Logs I ' Release Notification & IRA Plan Residence ' RTN 4-11542 185 Wianno Circle March 1, 2006 Prepared by: Coler&Colantonio,Inc. Osterville, Massachusetts PROJECT: Private Residence BORING NO.: CC-1 CO LER Sx LOCATION: 185 Wianno Circle,Osterville,MA SHEET NO.: 1 of 1 COLAN-FON10 G FILE NO.:11-1262.00 DATE: 1/11/2006 ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS DRILLING FIRM:GeoLogic GEOLOGIST: PJC GROUNDWATER READINGS DRILL UNIT: SAMPLER: ELEVATION: 19.72 to Top of PVC NA TYPE&I.D. Geo Probe Four Foot Long GW Elevation: 26.09(1/13/06) Track Mount 2'Dia.Macro Core LOCATION: Former Heating Oil UST ' D E SAMPLE COLLECTION DATA P WELL VISUAUOLFACTORY T Head PEN./ SAMPLE DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION EVIDENCE OF H Field Space REC. Lab. Moisture CONTAMINATION FT Screen Test in feet Sam les 1 0 0 48/24 Dam Loose loamy brown to brown/tan medium SAND.(beach 0 p sand). ' 4 0 X. 0 0 0 48/36 Damp Loose brown/tan medium SAND,with trace silt and trace 0 gravel. ' 8 0 0 9.3' Damp 0Poo 48/42 Loose brown/tan medium coarse to medium SAND,clayey silt lens with organics at 9.3',trace gravel from 11-12'. Damp12 0 ' 0 0 48/36 Damp Loose brown/tan coarse to medium SAND. 0 16 0 El 0 ' 0 0 48/48 Damp Loose gray/brown to brownitan medium coarse to medium 0 SAND with trace gravel. 20 0 0 Loose gray/brown to brown/tan medium coarse to medium 0 48/48 Damp SAND with trace gravel. End of boring 24'. Continue to 40' 0 with casing and set well. 24 0 i 40 LEGEND REMARKS: Set i'well at twenty feet below grade of basement floor. ' Used 5'of screen and 15'of riser. CC-1 MW-1 1 PROJECT: Private Residence BORING NO.: CC-2 CO LE R COLANTON10 L LOCATION: 11- 262.00 Circle,Osterville,MA SHEET NO.: 1 of 1 FILE NO.: 11-1262.00 DATE: 1/11/2006 ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS DRILLING FIRM:Geologic GEOLOGIST: PJC GROUNDWATER READINGS DRILL UNIT: SAMPLER: ELEVATION: Exterior Grade NA TYPE&I.D. Geo Probe. Four Foot Long LOCATION: See Site Sketch Track Mount 2'Dia.Macro Core ' D E SAMPLE COLLECTION DATA P WELL VISUAUOLFACTORY T Head PEN.! SAMPLE DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION EVIDENCE OF H Field Space REC. Lab. Moisture CONTAMINATION ' FT Screen Test infeet Samples 1 0 0 0 48/24 Dry SAND dark brown loamy SAND,over brown to red medium No well O SAND with trace gravel. ' 4 0 0 0 0 48/36 Damp Loose brown/tan medium SAND with trace gravel,trace fine 0 sand and trace silt. 8 0 0 0 9-10, 0 48/48 Damp Loose brown/red medium SAND. 0 12 0 I ' LEGEND REMARKS: ' CC-2 1 1 r ' COLER PROJECT: Private Residence BORING NO.: CC-3 COLANTONIO � LOCATION: 11- 262.00 Circle,Osterville,MA SHEET NO.: t 1 1 FILE NO.: 11-1262.00 DATE: t/17/2006 ' ENGINEERS AND SCIENTIST DRILLING FIRM:GeoLogic GEOLOGIST: PJC GROUNDWATER READINGS DRILL UNIT: SAMPLER: ELEVATION: Exterior Grade NA TYPE&I.D. Geo Probe Two Foot Long LOCATION: See Site Sketch Manually Operated 2°Dia.Macro Core ' D SAMPLE COLLECTION DATA p WELL VISUAVOLFACTORY T Head PEN./ SAMPLE DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION EVIDENCE OF H Field Space REC. Lab. Moisture CONTAMINATION FT Screen Test infeet Samples 1 0 24/24 Damp Loose red/brown medium SAND. None 2 No well ' 3 End of boring 2.0' 4 LEGEND REMARKS: CC-3 1 r - C0 L E R S-1 PROJECT:Private Residence BORING NO.: CC-4 COLANTON10 [ LOCATION: 185 Wianno Circle,Osterville,MA SHEET NO.: 1 of 1 FILE NO.:11-1262.00 DATE: 1/11/2006 8 2/2/06 ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS DRILLING FIRM:GeoLogic GEOLOGIST: PJC' ' GROUNDWATER READINGS DRILL UNIT: SAMPLER: ELEVATION: Exterior Grade NA TYPE&I.D. Geo Probe. Two Foot Long GW Elevation: 19.51(2/2/06) Manually Operated 2°Dia.Macro Core LOCATION: D E SAMPLE COLLECTION DATA P WELL VISUAUOLFACTORY T7Fiel�dn[Sp.ce Head PEN./ SAMPLE DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION EVIDENCE OF H REC. Lab. Moisture CONTAMINATION FT Test in inches Sam les 1 249 Odor present no field screen,head NA 24/24 Damp Loose red/brown medium SAND. spaced sample.Head space from 2 317 2.0'=451 3 384 Odor present no field screen,head ' NA 24/24 Damp Loose tan to gray medium to fine SAND. spaced sample.Head space from q 318 4.0'=325 5 Odor present no field screen,head NA 2$9 24/6 Damp Loose tan medium SAND. spaced sample. 6 7 NA 24/24 Damp Loose brown coarse to medium SAND. Odor present. 8 9 _NA 0/0 Sample tub jammed in geoprobe, Damp No recovery 10 sample lost. 11 ' NA _ 0/0 Damp Loose tan to brown coarse to medium SAND. Odor present. 12 13 NA _ 0/0 Damp Tan medium coarse SAND. Odor present. 14 15 NA _ 0/0 Damp Tan medium coarse SAND. Odor present. 16 17 ' NA _ 0/0 Wet Tan medium SAND. Odor present. 18 19 NA _ 0/0 Wet Tan medium SAND. Odor present. 20 LEGEND REMARKS: Set 1'well at twenty feet below grade of basement floor. Used 5'of screen and 15'of riser. C& 4/MW-2 1 1 1 r PROJECT:Private Residence BORING NO.: CC-5 COLER i& LOCATION: 185 Wianno Circle,Osterville,MA SHEET NO.: 1 of 1 COLANTON10 L�G FILE NO.: 11-1262.00 DATE: 1/11/2006 ' ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS DRILLING FIRM:Geologic GEOLOGIST: PJC GROUNDWATER READINGS DRILL UNIT: SAMPLER: ELEVATION: Exterior Grade NA TYFE&I.D. Geo Probe Two Foot Long LOCATION: See Site Sketch ' Manually Operated 2'Dia.Macro Core D E SAMPLE COLLECTION DATA P WELL VISUAL/OLFACTORY T Head PEN./ SAMPLE DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION EVIDENCE OF H Feld Space REC. Lab. Moisture CONTAMINATION FT Screen Test in feet Samples ' 1 0 24/24 Damp Loose tan medium to fine SAND,trace gravel. None 2 No well ' End of boring 2.0' LEGEND REMARKS: CC-5 COLER & PROJECT:Private Residence BORING NO.: CC-6 (� LOCATION: 185 Wianno Circle,Osterville,MA SHEET NO.: 1 of 1 COLANTON10 L FILE NO.: 11-1262.00 DATE: 1/11/2006 ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS DRILLING FIRM:GeoLogic GEOLOGIST: PJC GROUNDWATER READINGS DRILL UNIT: SAMPLER: ELEVATION: Exterior Grade NA TYPE&I.D. Geo Probe Two Foot Long LOCATION: See Site Sketch Manually Operated 2'Dia.Macro Core ' D E SAMPLE COLLECTION DATA P WELL VISUAUOLFACTORY T Head I PENJ SAMPLE DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION EVIDENCE OF H Field Space REC. Lab. Moisture CONTAMINATION ' FT Screen Test in inches Sam les 1 32.1 66 24/24 Damp 2 225 Nowell Firm red/brown medium SAND,trace gravel. Odor present head spaced sample. ' 3 6.6 NA 24/24 Damp 4 2•7 i LEGEND REMARKS: CC-6 1 1 ' COLER PROJECT: Private Residence BORING NO.: CC-7 ^ S� LOCATION: 185 Wianno Circle,Osterville,MA SHEET NO.: 1 of 1 COL//�,1 V ( O^ ,V(O G FILE NO.: 11-1262.00 DATE: 1/11/2006&2/2106 ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS DRILLING FIRM:Geologic GEOLOGIST: PJC GROUNDWATER READINGS DRILL UNIT: SAMPLER: ELEVATION: Exterior Grade NA TYPE&I.D. Geo Probe Two Foot Long GW Elevation: 19.5(212/06) ' Manually Operated 2'Dia.Macro Core LOCATION: D E SAMPLE COLLECTION DATA P WELL VISUAIJOLFACTORY T Head PENJ SAMPLE DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION EVIDENCE OF H Field Space REC. Lab. Moisture CONTAMINATION FT Screen Test in inches Samples 1 233 190 24/24 Damp Loose tan medium to fine SAND with trace gravel. 2 302 Odor present head spaced sample. ' 3 207 NA 24/24 Damp Loose tan medium coarse to medium SAND. 4 8.2 b NA _ 24124 Damp Tan medium SAND No odor 6 7 NA _ 24/24 Damp Tan medium SAND No odor 8 ' 9 NA 24/24 Damp Tan medium to fine SAND. No odor 10 11 ' NA _ 24/24 Damp Tan medium to fine SAND. No odor 12 13 NA _ 24/24 Damp Tan medium to fine SAND. No odor ' 14 15 NA _ 24/24 Damp Tan medium to fine SAND. No odor 16 ' 17 NA _ 24/24 Damp Tan medium to fine SAND. No odor 18 19 NA _ 24/24 Wet Tan medium to fine SAND. No odor 20 21 NA _ 24/24 Wet Tan medium to fine SAND. No odor 22 ' LEGEND REMARKS: Set 1'well at twenty feet below grade of basement floor. Used 5'of screen and 15'of riser. CC-7 ' MW-3 1 1 ' COLER & PROJECT: Private Residence BORING NO.: CC-8 COLAN-FON10 2 LOCATION: 1 Circle,Osterville,MA SHEET NO.: 1 of 1 FILE NO.: 11-1-1262.00262.00 DATE: 2/2/2006 ' ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS DRILLING FIRM:Geologic GEOLOGIST: PJC GROUNDWATER READINGS DRILL UNIT: SAMPLER: ELEVATION: Exterior Grade NA TYPE&I.D. Geo Probe Two Foot Long LOCATION: See Site Sketch Manually Operated 2'Dia.Macro Core ' D E SAMPLE COLLECTION DATA P WELL VISUAUOLFACTORY T Head PENJ SAMPLE DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION EVIDENCE OF H Feld Space REC. Lab. Moisture CONTAMINATION FT Screen Test in feet Samples 2 0 24/24 Dry Loose brown/tan medium sand. Slight odor 2 No well ' 3 0 _ 24/24 Dry Loose tan medium-fine SAND. No odor 4 5 0 24/24 Damp Loose tan medium-fine SAND. No odor ' 6 End of boring 6.0' LEGEND REMARKS: CC-8 i ' COLER PROJECT:Private Residence BORING NO.: CC-9 COLANTON10 2 LOCATION: 11- 262.00 Circle,Osterville,MA SHEET NO.: 1 of 1 FILE NO.: 11-1262.00 DATE: 2/2/2006 ' ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS DRILLING FIRM:Geologic GEOLOGIST: PJC GROUNDWATER READINGS DRILL UNIT: SAMPLER: ELEVATION: Exterior Grade NA TYPE&I.D. Geo Probe Two Foot Long LOCATION: See Site Sketch Manually Operated 2'Dia.Macro Core D E SAMPLE COLLECTION DATA P WELL VISUAUOLFACTORY T Head PENJ SAMPLE DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION EVIDENCE OF H Field Space REC. Lab. Moisture CONTAMINATION FT Screen Test in feet Samples 1 0 24/24 Dry Loose brown medium SAND. Slight odor 2 No well ' 3 — Slight odor 2-3' 0 24/24 Dry Loose brown medium SAND. 4 No odor 3-4' End of boring 4.0' i ' LEGEND REMARKS: CC-9 1 ' C 0 L E PROJECT: Private Residence BORING NO.: CC-10 COLANR LOCATION: 185 Wianno Circle,Osterville,MA SHEET NO.: 1 of 1 -FON10 2 FILE NO.: 11-1262.00 DATE: 2/2/2006 i ' ENGINEERS AND-SEIENTISTS DRILLING FIRM:GeoLogic GEOLOGIST: PJC GROUNDWATER READINGS DRILL UNIT: SAMPLER: ELEVATION: Exterior Grade NA TYPE&I.D. Geo Probe Two Foot Long LOCATION: See Site Sketch Manually Operated 2'Dia.Macro Core ' D E SAMPLE COLLECTION DATA P WELL VISUAL/OLFACTORY T Head PENJ SAMPLE DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION EVIDENCE OF H Field Space REC. Lab. Moisture CONTAMINATION ' FT Screen Test in feet Samples 1 0 _ 24/24 Dry Loose brown medium-fine SAND. No odor 2 No well 3 0 _ 24/24 Dry Loose brown medium SAND. No odor 4 End of boring 4.0' ' LEGEND REMARKS: ' CC-10 1 r PROJECT:Private Residence BORING CC-11 COLER COL/�NTONIO L LOCATION: 11- 262.00 Circle,Osterville,MA SHEET NO.: 1011 FILE NO.: 11-1262.00 DATE: 2/2/2006 ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS DRILLING FIRM:Geologic GEOLOGIST: PJC t GROUNDWATER READINGS DRILL UNIT: SAMPLER: ELEVATION: Exterior Grade NA TYPE&I.D. Geo Probe Two Foot Long LOCATION: See Site Sketch Manually Operated 2"Dia.Macro Core D E SAMPLE COLLECTION DATA P WELL VISUAL/OLFACTORY T Head I PENJ SAMPLE DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION EVIDENCE OF H Field Space REC. Lab. Moisture CONTAMINATION FT Screen Test in feet Samples 1 0 24/24 Dry Loose brown medium SAND. No odor 2 Newell End of boring 2.0' III LEGEND REMARKS: ' CC-11 r Ilr r r r r r Appendix D Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest r r r r r r r r r r Release Notification &IRA Plan Residence RTN 4-19542 185 Wianno Circle ' March 1, 2006 Prepared by: Coler&Colantonio,Inc. Osterville, Massachusetts i z COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSE..TTS 111 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. DIVISION OF HAZARDOUS WASTE One IlNinter Street Boston, Massachusetts 02108 ' Please print or type.(Form designed for use on elite_(12-pitch)typewriter.) UNIFORM HAZARDOUS 1' Generators US EPA ID No. Manifest Document No. 2 page 1 n Information in the shaded areas / WASTE MANIFESTlI' A$ of . Z. is not required by Federal law. 3.., GerRprators Na n@end railing Address t9 a. al�fi , tT 8 - 3i 4'.�t� tit irirrl A a iai�. :� C:� ri ► 11A 62 1 A 4. Generators Phone( 617 ) .922-392 1 5. e,prter 1 Company Name 6. umber 7: Transporter 2 Company Name 8. US EPA 1d Number — O 00 9. Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10. US EPA ID Number cc) t11 t�ORTHLARD ENVIf?OHNENTAL, imc. -?s MILENS AVENUE t ' o PRO ITtEt9t E.. i.s 0 5 $T S : 0 12 Containers V 14. 11. US VOT Description(Including Proper Shipping Name,Hazard Class and ID Number) Total Unit 1 Type Quantity WtNol U a- Si ate Rogolsted 01IY_ solid f Rlfali 'Zef lated: per WFR j 49C t fft.� w p E b. to E cc A T C. - f .�. Rcis l Z d. 3 1. co v � O Njw­ gliftimill - - E E.. 15.Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information : _ CONT.l4L;T s Fronk Corp., - :4 Roulr Emey-geticy Service 4t ? a tilt i-luitip 11`s_ a 128 . - 16.GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION:I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by O proper shipping name and are classified,packed,marked,and labeled;and are in all iespects in proper condition for transport by highway Vaccording to applicable international and national government regulations.: C If I am a large quantity.generator,I certify that I have a program in place to reduce the volume arid toxicity of waste generated to the degree I have determined.to be economically 4) practicable and that I haveselectedthe practicable Method of treatmentallorage,ordisposal curtinitlyavailabletoMb whichminimizes therplesent and future threat to human health 0) and the environment;OR,if I am a small quantity generator,1 have made a good faith effort to minimize my waste generation and select the best waste management method that is ' O available to me and that I can afford. E Date Printed/Typed Name r S�gna yfr" ;s Month Day Year O - i -.r �.. -) c0m T 1 .Transporter 1 Acknowledgetnent of Receipt of Ma a ials pDate U N P inted/Typed ame Sin re Y• , Month Day Year C d r O 18,Transporter 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials / Date T Printed/Typed Name - - nature - .E Month Day Year R 19.Discrepancy Indication Space F A C l 20.facility Owner or Operator:Certification of receipt of hazardous materials covered b this` L P y mane t zcept as noted in Item 19. ,l Date ' T m y e Signature i t `. Form Appr M o. p es 9Jr EPA Form 8700-22(Rev.9-88)Previous editions re obsolete. . COPY>5: TRAN'SPORTER 1 RETAINS II II Appendix E Bill of Lading i 1 1 1 1 Release Notification &IRA Plan Reside nce RTN 4-19542 185 bl'ianno Circle ' March 1, 2006 Prepared by: Coler&Colantonio,Inc. Osterville, Massachusetts 01/25/2006 12*14 FAX 781 982 5490 COLER & COLANTONIO U 003 ' Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC-012A Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup ' Release Tracking Number' BILL OF LADING (pursuant to 310 CMR40.0030) 4� - 19s42 A. LOCATION OF SITE OR DISPOSAL SITE WHERE REMEDIATION WASTE WAS GENERATED: Release Name(optional): McNally Residence Street: 185 W i anno Circle Location Aid: ' City/Town: Osterville ZIP Code: Date/Period of Generation: 1/2 3/0 b to: 3/2 3/0 6 ' Additional Release Tracking Numbers Associated with this BIII of Lading: *Note: If this Bill of Lading is the result of a Limr7ed Removal Action(LRA) taken prior to Notification, a Release Tracking Number is not needed. ' B. PERSON CONDUCTING RESPONSE ACTION ASSOCIATED WITH BILL OF LADING: Name of Organization: Susan McNally Name of Contact: Susan McNally Title: Owner ' Street- 31 Concord Ave- , Suite #7 Cityrrown: Cambridge State: MA ZIP Code: 02138 Telephone: (617) 492-5161 Ext.: C. RELATIONSHIP TO RELEASE OF PEtz50N CONDUCTING RESPONSE ACTION ASSOCIATED WITH BILL OF LADING: E✓ RP or PRP Specify: ✓] Owner ❑ Operator n Generator 0 Transporter Other RP or PRP: Fiduciary,Secured Lender or Municipality with Exempt Status(as defined by M.G.L.c.21 E,s.2) ' 0 Agency or Public Utility on a Right of Way(as defined by M.G.L.c.21E,s.50)) Other Person: If an owner and/or operator is riot conducting the response action associated with the Bill of Lading,provide on an attachment the name, contact person,address and telephone number,including any area code and extension,for each,if known. D. TRANSPORTER OR COMMON CARRIER INFORMATION: Transporter/Common Carrier Name: Frank Corp. Inc. Contact Person: Kirk Franklin Title: President Street: 615 Tarkiln Hill Road City/Town: New Bedford Stale: MA ZIP Code: 02745 Telephone: (508) 995-9997 Ext.: E. RECEIVING FACILITY/TEMPORARY STORAGE LOCATION: ' Operator/Facility Name: Aggregate Industries Environmental Services Contact Person: William R. Reinhardt Title: Manager Environmental Services Street: 1101 Turnpike Street S 02072 City/Town: Stoughton State: MA ZIP Code: Telephone: 7 81/3 41-5 5 0 0 Ext.: ' Type of Facility: ✓❑ Asphalt Balch/Cold Mix Landfill/Disposal Incinerator Temporary Storage (check one) Asphalt Batch/Hot Mix Landfill/Daily Cover Other: Thermal Processing Landoll/Structural Fill EPA Identification#: MAD981213 531 Division of Hazardous Waste/Class A Permit#: S-01-029 Division of Solid Waste Management Permit#: Actual/Anticipated Period of Temporary Storage(specify dales if applicable): to: Reason for Temporary Storage: ' Revised 10/3/94 Page 1 of 3 01/26/2006 14:21 FAX 781 982 5490 COLER & COLANTONIO 10 002 ' BWSC-012 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection A Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup ' Release Tracking Number' BILL OF LADING (pursuant to310CMR40.0030) 19542 ' E. RECEIVING FACILITY/TEMPORARY STORAGE LOCATION(continued): Temporary Storage Address: Street: ' City/Town: State: ZIP Code: F. DESCRIPTION OF REMEDIATION WASTE: I (check all that apply) _ V1Contaminated Media(check all that apply): Soil O Groundwater Q Surface Water O Other: ❑ Contaminated Debris(check all that apply): O Vegetation or Organic Debris Demolition/Construction Waste OInorganic Absorbant Materials O Other: tEl Non-hazardous Uncontainerized Waste(check all that apply): O Non-aqueous Phase Liquid O Other. Non-hazardous Containerized Waste(check all that apply): O Tank Bottomsisludges O Containers O Drums 1 O Engineered Impoundments O Other: . Type of Contamination(check all that apply): n Gasoline11 Diesel Fuel � #2 Oil #4 Oil #6 Oil Waste Oil ' El Kerosene Jet Fuel El Other:_ Estimated Volume of Materials: Cubic Yards: . 50 Tons: 75 Other: Contaminant Source(check onelspecify): Transportation Accident 2 Underground Storage Tank Other: ' Response Action Associated with Bill of Lading(check one): V Immediate Response Action11 Release Abatement Measure ElUtility-Related Abatement Measure n Limited Removal Action Comprehensive Response Action Other Remediation Waste Charcterization Support Documentation attached: Site History Information R Sampling and Analytical Methods and Procedures 2 Laboratory Data Field Screening Data If supporting documentation is not appended, provide an attachment stating thedate and in connection with what document such information was previously submitted to DEP. G. LICENSED SITE PROFESSIONAL(LSP)OPINION: 1 Name of Organization: Coler & Colantonio Inc. LSP Name: William Hoverman Title: Assistant Division Manager Telephone: (_7.81) 982-547 Ext.-, ' I attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that I have personally examired and am familiar with this submittal, including any and all documents accompanying this submittal. In my professional opinion and judgment based upon application of ' (i)the standard of care in 309 CMR 4.02(1), (ii)the applicable provisions of 309 CMR 4.02(2)and(3),and (M)the provisions of 309 CMR 4.03(5), to the best of my knowledge, information and belief,the assessment actions undertaken to characterize the Remediation Waste which is(are)the subject of this submittal for acceptance at the facility identified in this submittal comply with the applicable provisions of 310 CMR 40.0000,and such facility is permitted to accept Remediation Waste having the characteristics described in this submittal. I am aware that significant penalties may result, including,but not limited to, possible fines and imprisonment, if I submit Inbrmatlon which I know to be fat urate or materially incomplete. IN OF LSP Signature: W Seal: VYIIIIAM R. �^a Date: D k NOYERMA", License Number. 2093 �E` �r 'r•�� w' Revised 10/3194 Page 2 of 3 01/26/2006 10:43 FAX 781 982 5490 COLER & COLANTONIO IN03/003 ' FROM •wl/ LV, u 1 „ a l' __ .+r FAX NO. Mar. 04 2005 08:59AM P 1 � Massachusetts Department of I=nvironmentat Protection BWSC-012A Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Retess 7rw*vq Nurbor BILL OF LADING (pursuant to 310 CMR 4a-on3o) _E- rd - ' M. CERTIFICATION OF PERSON CONDUCTING RESPONSE ACTION ASSOCIATED WITH THIS I3ILL OF L.ApINc; I mr"under Wrieliles 011"that I hwiv ptersonelly mirimnd and am.famillar Mih tho inforr tIon oo*inad In ihls submittal,Including any and 0 ' d1mumants swomp4nying this certtfCMIDn,and that,based on my Inpuhyof thoao 1ndiridun;: for obtalnIN the 0onpatbn,the matorlal Information contained h4mIn Is.to the best of riir kiwwladge and bmEar,trio,accurate Snd complete, I am awam that there are signi&ant u,a.al tloo t„u�v��l d L.II.r-1 IIY1:tad b.>o ssl�.�a H- L- M&�(,a,IIaMNNiN^14u Y.1.YYW!CLpIR.N.IDnC11C'.11.lf w.ln r�r/ 111 Na"of Parton(print); Su94n Mc-Nally w _ Revlecd d0/316d Pane 3 of 3 J.t� 4�J U l)v ' Massac_.11setts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC-012B Bureau Waste Site Cleanup x, BILL OF LADING (pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0030) Release Tracking Number SUMMARY SHEET OF 4❑ - 19542 ' r I: LOAD INFORMATION: Signatiure of Transporter Representative: 1 �� dlity/Temporar;-Storage Representative: Load 1: Receiving Fa Date of S Ip ❑C Time of Shipment: I - U (� ' a 6 Date of Receipt: Time of Receipt: AM PM , Truck/Trac or Registration: Trailer Registration(if any). r 1� ❑ AM ❑ PM 1 , Load size(w.yds./lons): 7. q ' Load 2: tignabure of Trani ::.ter Representative: I Receiving Facillty/Temporary Storage Representative: 1 ' Date of ShipmenC Ti: of Shipment i Date of Receipt: AM � PM � Time of Receipt: ❑ AM PM Truck/l rector Registration: 7:. �r Registration(if any): � Load Size(w.ydslions): I Load 3: 8ignatiuro of Tran der Representative: Receiving Facility/Temporary Storage Representative: Date of Shipment: Ti of Shipment: ❑ AM PM , Date of Receipt Time of Receipt: Truck/Tractor Registration: Tr. .x Registration(if any): i ❑ AM ❑ PM I I Load Size(cu.yds./ions): ' Load 4: Signatiure of Trans; ter Representative: 1 ieceiving Facility/Ternporary Storage Representative: I Date of Shipment: Tir . of Shipment I Date of Receipt Time of Receipt ❑ AM ❑ PM I AM PM TrucklTractor Registration: Tra: Registration(if any): 1 I I Load Size(cu.ydsltons): ' Load 5: Signatiure of Transp;;'or Representative: I 1 Receiving Facility/Temporary Storage Representative: I Date of Shipment Tirrr- ;f Shipment: , Dale of Receipt Time of Receipt: [-] AM PM 1 -❑ AM ❑ PM Truck/Tractor Registration: Trai', Registration(if any): ' i Load Size(cu.yds./tons): I Load 6: Signatiura of Transporter Representative: I Receiving Facility/Ternporary Storage Representative: I Date of Shipment: Time of Shipment: I , Date of Receipt: Time of Receipt: ❑ AM ❑ PM 1 D AM ❑ PM ' Truck/Tractor Registration: Trailer Re :,-!ration(if any): I Load Size(cu,yds./tons): I ' J. LOG SHEET VOLUME INFORMATION: Total'Volume Recorded This Page(cu.yds./tons) C/ %_ Total Carried Forward(cu-yds./tons): �)Revised 10/3/94 Tota'.,arried Forward and This Page(cu.yds,/tons): ' Page 1 of 1 THE FOLLOWING IS/ARE THE BEST IMAGES FROM POOR QUALITY ORIGINALS) m 7 L DATA �MvIr ggi RR g Sam R-2 f-.1%i 1-411- Eli ............... lILN M-4 Ng Im Ag ,-V§�,Yg ...... ------- R,RN IS 52; IN;. i Q, ma ma W'A IIN 'S IRVi. 00, Ell I w"T p"S.R., Ila ' Appendix F Statement of Limitations i 1 1 Release Notification &IRA Plan Residence RTN 4-19542 185 Wianno Circle March 1, 2006 Prepared by: Cofer&Colantonio,Inc. Osten ille, Massachusetts f ' STATEMENT OF LIMITATIONS The observations described in this report were made under the conditions and dates stated herein. The conclusions presented in the report were based solely upon the services described herein, and not on scientific tasks or procedures beyond the scope of described services or the time and budgetary constraints imposed by the Client. The work described ' in this report was carried out in accordance with the Terms&Conditions of Engagement. In preparing this report, Coler&Colantonio,Inc. (C&C, Inc.)has relied on certain information provided by federal,state, ' local officials and other parties referenced herein, and on information contained in the files of federal, state and/or local agencies available to C&C, Inc. at the time of the investigation. C&C, Inc. did not attempt to independently verify the accuracy or completeness of all information received during the course of this project. C&C,Inc. is not responsible for the ' accuracy of information provided by others. In the event that bank counsel or title examiner for Client obtains information on environmental or hazardous waste issues ' at the site not contained in this report, such information should be brought to the attention of C&C, Inc. forthwith. C&C, Inc. will evaluate such information and, on the basis of this evaluation,may modify the conclusions stated in this report. ' Observations were made of the site and of structures on the site only on those dates as indicated within this report. Where access to portions of the site was unavailable or limited, C&C, Inc. renders no opinion as to the presence of hazardous material or oil, or to the presence of indirect evidence relating to hazardous material or oil, in that portion of the site. The conclusions contained in this report are based in part upon the data obtained from a limited number of soil and/or groundwater samples obtained from the site. The nature and extent of variations between these samples may not become evident without further exploration. If variations or other latent conditions then appear evident, it will be necessary to ' reevaluate the conclusions of this report. Where quantitative laboratory testing was performed as part of the site assessment, an independent laboratory has conducted such analyses. C&C, Inc. has relied upon the data provided, and has not conducted an evaluation of the reliability of these data. Chemical analyses have been performed for specific parameters during the course of this investigation, as described in the text. However, it should be noted that additional chemical constituents not searched for during the current study might be present in soil and/or groundwater at the site. ' The conclusions and recommendations contained in this report are based in part upon various types of chemical data and are contingent upon their validity. These data have been reviewed and interpretations made in the report. Moreover, it should be noted that variations in the types and concentrations of contaminants and variations in their flow paths may occur due to seasonal water table fluctuations, past disposal practices, the passage of time, and other factors. Should additional chemical data become available in the future, these data should be reviewed by C&C, Inc. and the conclusions and recommendations presented herein modified accordingly.