HomeMy WebLinkAboutOKH 03 08 23 Draft Minutes Town of Barnstable Old King’s Highway Historic District Committee MINUTES Wednesday, March 8, 2023, 6:30pm Our first item this evening is to elect a temporary chairman for this meeting as the Chair is absent tonight. Wendy Shuck moved to elect Ryan Coholan as the temporary chairman for the meeting tonight, seconded by Lesley Wallace. Roll Call Vote: Lesley Wallace-aye Wendy Shuck-aye Ryan Coholan-aye To all persons deemed interested or affected b y the Town of Barnstable's Old King’s Highway Historic District Act under Section 9 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended. You are hereby notified that a hearing was held by remote participation via Zoom Meetings on the following applications: Bett McCarthy, Chair Absent George Jessop, AIA Present Ryan Coholan Present Lesley Wallace Present Wendy Shuck, Clerk Present Kaitlyn Maldonado, Assistant Director, Planning & Development Present Erica Brown, Admin istrative Assistant Present A quorum being met, Elected Temporary Chair Ryan Coholan called the hearing to order at 6:30 pm. The Chair explained the hearing and appeal process and invited the public to address the Committee and view the plans of interest when the application is called. ______________________________________________________________________________ Roll Call Temporary Chair Ryan Coholan called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and took roll call. Attendance Roll Call: Lesley Wallace Wendy Shuck George Jessop Ryan Coholan APPLICATIONS Carrns, Anne & Leahy, Richard, 35 Harbor View Road, Barnstable, Map 319, Parcel 045, built 1935 Rebuild existing covered porch. Leaving roof - replacing blocks with helicals. Wendy Shuck moved to open the public hearing. George Jessop seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye George Jessop- aye Ryan Coholan-aye Wesley Price, representative, in attendance. Wesley presents that the intent is to finish the renovation of this existing cottage. Screened in porch and duplicate the existing components. Continuity between buildings as it matches the neighboring dwelling. George- What is the reference to the helicals? Wesley- Less invasive than sono-tubes. Lesley- Appropriate. Likes how it incorporates the neighboring house. Wendy- Thinks it will blend in nicely. How much of the helical pile will be exposed? Wesley- There is a stucco area that will cover it. 6”-8” will be exposed if the stucco cracks. George- What is the facing on the half wall? Wesley- White cedar and matches the existing siding. George- Trim? Wesley- Azek. Rest of the house trim is azek and will be painted. Ryan- Blending with the existing is helpful. Ryan likes helical piles because they are able to be dressed up to be appropriate. Public comment: None. Wendy Shuck moved to close the public hearing. George Jessop seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck-aye George Jessop-aye Ryan Coholan-aye A motion was made by Wendy Shuck to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness for Carrns, Anne & Leahy, Richard, 35 Harbor View Road, Barnstable, Map 319, Parcel 045, built 1935 to rebuild existing covered porch. Leaving roof - replacing blocks with helicals as submitted, seconded by George Jessop, Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye George Jessop- aye Ryan Coholan-aye Distefano, Linda, 119 Augusta National Drive, Barnstable, Map 355, Parcel 009, Built 1974 Remove all existing cedar shingles (natural) and clapboards (shaker beige) and replace with “Cape Cod Grey” cedar shingles. Replace existing white trim with white azek. Wendy Shuck moved to open the public hearing. George Jessop seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye George Jessop- aye Ryan Coholan-aye Linda Distefano, homeowner, in attendance. Linda is looking to remove all existing shingles on the returns and all of the shaker beige clapboards. Replace everything with Cape Cod Grey cedar shingles. Replace existing trim with white azek. Lesley- Anything happening with the deck in the back? Linda- It’s new. No update to back deck. Lesley- Appropriate. Wendy- The home will be uniform all the way around? Linda- Yes Wendy- Appropriate with the neighborhood. George- Good to see someone is not going to plastic. Pre-dipped shingles will last longer. Thinks it is very appropriate. Ryan- Appropriate. Also in favor of the pre-dipped shingles. Public comment: None. Wendy Shuck moved to close the public hearing. George Jessop seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck-aye George Jessop-aye Ryan Coholan-aye A motion was made by Wendy Shuck to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness Distefano, Linda, 119 Augusta National Drive, Barnstable, Map 355, Parcel 009, Built 1974 to remove all existing cedar shingles (natural) and clapboards (shaker beige) and replace with “Cape Cod Grey” cedar shingles, and to replace existing white trim with white azek as submitted, seconded by George Jessop, Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye George Jessop- aye Ryan Coholan-aye EXTENSIONS Littlefield, John & Susan, 11 Holly Lane, Barnstable, Map 336, Parcel 064, Built 1968 Demo and rebuild garage and addition on the east side of the existing house. Lesley- Appropriate. Wendy- In agreement, thinks the improvements are nice. George- Asks if this is a scenic road. Kate brings up the map of the property. Lesley- Not a scenic road. George- Still appropriate. Ryan- Still appropriate. A motion was made by Wendy Shuck to approve the one year extension for Littlefield, John & Susan, 11 Holly Lane, Barnstable, Map 336, Parcel 064, Built 1968 to demo and rebuild garage and addition on the east side of the existing house as submitted, seconded by George Jessop, Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye George Jessop- aye Ryan Coholan-aye Dow, William Stone & Julia, 60 Stoney Point Road, Map 336, Parcel 043, Built 1959 Construct a 22 x 7ft deck with attached pergola. Lesley- Appropriate Wendy- No concerns. Agree it is still appropriate. George- Agree for the approval. Ryan- Appropriate and approved as submitted. A motion was made by Wendy Shuck to approve the one year extension for Dow, William Stone & Julia, 60 Stoney Point Road, Map 336, Parcel 043, Built 1959 to construct a 22 x 7ft deck with attached pergola as submitted, seconded by George Jessop, Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye George Jessop- aye Ryan Coholan-aye Approval of Minutes February 22, 2023 A motion was made by Wendy Shuck to approve the February 22, 2023 minutes as submitted, seconded by George Jessop, Roll Call Vote: Lesley Wallace - aye Wendy Shuck – aye Ryan Coholan- aye George Jessop- aye Next Meeting Date: March 22, 2023; April 12, 2023 ADJOURNMENT- Wendy moved to adjourn meeting Wednesday March 8, 2023. George Jessop seconds. Lesley Wallace- Aye George Jessop- Aye Wendy Shuck- Aye Ryan Coholan- Aye The meeting adjourned at 6:56p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Erica Brown, Administrative Assistant Planning & Development