HomeMy WebLinkAbout0000 FALMOUTH ROAD/RTE 28 - Health (6) y -��� - e�eautilkQ. rAtmbUJr�n Ott.ZHE T° P` Town of B rnstable MP-14STABQ Depaitment of Planning and Development 9� 163g. �o� 230.SPuth ,Street Hyannis, MA 02601 (617) 775.1120 ext. 141 QED MA'S A MEMORANDUM i0: Barnstable Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Larry L. Dunkin, Principal Planner L.-',TE : October 13, 1987 SBJECT: Crossroads Ch. 40-8 Proposal This memo is in response to your request on last Friday for ­'ditional information regarding nitrate-nitrogen concentrations likely to be generated by the above-captioned ce-velopment at Route 28 and Old State Road. The following information should clarify the information =-ubmitted to you in various staff reports concerning the subject development: 1 ) While the projected nitrate-nitrogen concentrations of each of the various unit/bedroom combinations discussed well exceeded both safe drinking water standards and the SEA, inc. recommended level , to state that alone is out of context with the concern. 2) The locus is not located within a zone of contribution o; any existing or future public supply well . 3) The direction of existing and future groundwater flow is away from any existing or future public supply wells. 4) The one known private well in the vicinity is to be abandoned, and that residence to be connected to the public :rater supply at the expense of the developer of the Crossroads project. 5) The future inpact of the subject project on nitrate- sensitive resources is not known and is impossible to Predict in the absence of the data described in our October 1 , 1987 memo (see page 4, "conclusions") . However, given the proximity of the locus to such resources , nitrate concentrations leaving the site will be greatly diluted before reaching such resources . i To graphically depict the above statements, three attachments have been included- for your convenience. Figure "A" shows the locus in relation to zones of contribution of exisiting and future water supply wells; Figure "B" shows existing groundwater contours (flow arrows added) ; and, .Figure "C" shows future groundwater contours (flow arrows added) . i October 1 , 1987 TO: Barnstable Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Department of Planning 8 Development SUBJECT: Crossroads Housing Partnership (Appeal ##1986-36) Nitrate Concentrations Resulting from •Project Modifications . The following report is submitted in accordance with' Y our request to investigate the potential impacts associated with the wastewater discharge from the above-referenced project. The findings of this report are based upon the groundwater characteristics and nitrogen- loading assumptions as presented in the town's "Groundwater and Water Resource Protection Plan, prepared by SEA Consulting, Inc. , September 1985. In addition, we reviewed the letter report submitted by IEP, Inc. ( 17 April 1986) , which addressed the original project's impact on groundwater. Background: Nitrate nitrogen is a conservative element in groundwater in that it is not readily attenuated by the soil particles or broken down by chemical action. As such, nitrates entering the groundwater system from surface water infiltration or wastewater discharges tend to be reduced in concentration only by dilution and/or aquatic plant uptake. The maximum allowable concentration of nitrates in drinking water supplies, as established by federal and state law is 10 ppm (mg/1 ) . Because of the considerable fluctuation found through measuring nitrate concentrations in groundwater, the town has established a 5 mg/l threshold for planning and management purposes. To date, the town has instituted one-acre residential zoning, purchased land and passed health regulations to unsure that this goal is met within the zones of contribution to all public drinking water supplies. of i..E ro, �s10 Department of Planning and Development a kYRUs`Efl� STAFF REPORT ,9 tSJO 'ee� Applicant's Proposal : The initial comprehensive permit issued by the Housing Appeals Committee for this project consisted of 46 residential units and 58 bedrooms configured as follows: 12 two-bedroom, and 34 one-bedroom units. The modified proposal now before the board consists of 50 residential units and 89 bedrooms configured as follows: 39 two-bedroom and 11 one-bedroom units. Nitrate Loading: Determining the nitrate concentration from residential development is mainly a function of estimating total occupancy, assigning loading in pounds/person/year and other sources (such as fertilizer) and factoring in recharge (dilution ) . Based on the assumptions contained in the referenced plan (SEA, Inc. ) , the nitrate concentration expected from both the original and modified project have been calculated based on wastewater discharge only. The contribution of nitrates from fertilizer is related directly to the amount of landscaped area involved and the rate of fertilizer application. Because this information is not readily available, it could not be factored into the Ili Equation. Therefore, the nitrate concentrations presented below should be viewed as a conservative estimate. As mentioned above, the estimated nitrate concentration from this project is largely a function of expected occupancy of the project. For this reason, the staff calculated concentrations based on several different occupancy levels to show the range possibilities.. The IEP, Inc. report estimated 580 pounds of nitrogen would be introduced into the groundwater each year, an estimate based on 2 persons per dwelling. The final nitrate concentration was expected to be 24. 4 ppm. Assuming a variation in the occupancy rate per unit based on the number of bedrooms (a more accurate approach ) three project scenarios are examined. The following estimates assume an occupancy rate of 2. 0 persons per one-bedroom unit and 2. 74 persons per two-bedroom unit. SCENARIO 1 : Bedroom mix (Total 46 units) 12 two-bedroom units = 24 br \ 58 bedrooms :4 one-bedroom units = 34 br / as originally proposed Nitrogen loading Total nitrogen 12 x 2. 74 x 7. 3 = 240. 02 lbs. \ 7:36. 42 lbs/yr 34 ,. 2 x 7. 3 = 496. 40 lbs. / Final nitrate nitrogen concentration would be 28. 52 ppm. i J SCENARIO Bedroom mix (Total 46 units) :30 two-bedroom units = 60 br \ 76 bedrooms 16 one-bedroom units = 16 br / as recommended by DPD. Nitrogen loading Total nitrogen 30 x 2. 74 x 7. 3 = 600. 06 lbs \ 833. 66 lbs/yr Final nitrate nitrogen concentration would be 3-2 29 ppm• SCENARIO = Bedroom mix (Total 50 units) 39 two-bedroom units = 78 br \ 89 bedrooms 11 one-bedroom units = 11 br / as requested by the applicant Nitrogen loading Total nitrogen 9 x 2. 74 x 7. :3 = 780. 07 lbs \ 940. 6.7 lbs/yr.. 11 x 2 z:: 7.:3 = 160.6 1 b s / Final nitrate nitrogen concentration would be ppm• It is apparent from the above estimates that in case 3 (50 units) the final nitrate-nitrogen is 7. 91 ppm more than in case 1 (46 units) , and 4. 14 ppm more than in case 2. In all `of the above cases, the final nitrate-nitrogen concentration after dilution would far exceed both the federal and state standard and the local planning goal for nitrate-nitrogen of 10 ppm and 5 ppm, respectively. Discussion: Nitrates represent a threat to the public health when allowed to accumulate in the water supply in concentrations above the established drinking water standard. This is true for both private and public supply well sources. The town's records indicate that a private well exists within close proximity to the project site. No additional wells were found within :300 feet downgradient from the site. Nitrates also represent a threat to the public welfare in terms of environmental degradation to certain resources, most notably coastal estuaries and embayments. Nutrient enrichment of coastal waterbodies, which may be nitrogen limited, can lead to excessive plant growth, ultimately resulting in entrophication (oxygen depletion) . In addition, nutrient enrichment of cranberry bogs can lead to crop damage and reduced productivity. There is a cranberry bog approximately 1300 feet downgradient from the site. IEP 4 reports. that this bog receives groundwater flow from the northeast. The nearest coastal waterbody within a general downgradient direction from the project site is Scudder Bay. The upper reaches of the bay are approximately 5, 000 feet southwest from the site. Conclusions: The modified project will generate nitrate , concentrations from wastewater discharges 7. 91 ppm (27%) , higher than the original project proposal as reported herein. The total concentration as calculated equals :36. 4:3 ppm as opposed to 2=.52 ppm for the original proposal. The iDPD staff report recommendation (9/10/87) would result in nitrate concentration 3. 77 ppm ( 13%) above the original proposal. ; The project site is not located within a zone of . contribution to an existing or future public supply well . However, one private well does exist in the immediate ! vicinity of the project and is expected to be adversely ` impacted by this discharge (see IEP) . 1 . A cranberry bog and coastal waterbody (Scudder Bay) are sensitive downgradient resource areas. Both areas appear to be recharged from groundwater flow. The wastewater from this project will add substantially more nitrates to the groundwater flow recharging these areas; however, it is not possible to predict influent concentrations because the: ( 1 ) Nitrate contribution from existing land uses is not known; (2) The dilution due to mixing cannot be calculated unless the recharge areas to both the bog and the bay are defined; and, ( ) The impact attributed solely to this project is not ; quantifiable unless a wastewater plume can be defined and itracked. ' In the absence of such data, it is impossible to predict the impact of this project on nitrate-sensitive resources. However, given the distance between the site and the bog and bay ( 100 and 5000 feet respectively) it is apparent that the nitrate concentrations leaving the site will be greatly reduced through dilution by the time the affected (groundwater reaches either resource. From this standpoint, the modifications to the project represent a worsening of the situation, but in and of themselves are not threshold changes. ' In summary, the proposed Crossroads Housing Development will generate wastewater nitrate concentrations in excess of (drinking water standards. The project is not within a zone ! of contribution to any existing or future public supply well and, therefore, does not represent a threat to the water supply. _.. t • 5 One nearby private well is potentially at risk from contamination by this project, irrespective of the proposed modifications. Two sensitive resource areas may experience elevated nitrate concentrations over time due to wastewater discharge. However, due to the distance involved, dilution is expected to greatly reduce the reported concentrations leaving the site. The ultimate impact is not known. Recommendations: Eased on the expected occupancy, the volume of the proposed wastewater discharge and the associated nitrate concentrations, the applicant should be required to comply with the following mitigative measures: 1 ) Provide a connection to the public water supply system to replace the private well existing on Winn's Way ( 1,=9/152) ; 2) The design and location of individual sewage disposal systems should seek: to avoid the creation of a concentrated effluent plume by spreading the leaching areas across the groundwater gradient (east to west) as much as practicable. This will allow for maximum dilution and will reduce nitrate concentrations as much as possible. In so doing, the applicant should utilize leaching facilities designed to disburse the discharged effluent as much as possible. Toward this end, flow diffusers, trenches or beds are more effective than leaching pits or chambers; :3) Limit the project to the 46 units as originally proposed and approved by the HAC. Allow for an acceptable bedroom mix (more two-bedroom units, fewer one-bedroom units) based on the Barnstable Housing Authority's assessment of rental needs and the applicant`s needs; 4) Restrict the amount of landscaped area allowed and maximize recharge by requiring no more than 50% coverage of the lot by impervious surfaces and at least =0% of the lot area to be maintained in its natural vegetative condition. DF T E 1p� Town of Barnstable ax.rsrnBi.E, : Department of Planning and Development XAS 9c� 19 ,00 230 South Street Hyannis, MA 02601 (617) 775.1120 ext. 141 MA'S A MEMORANDUM -:^: Barnstable Zoning Board of Appeals ==IOM: Larry L . Dunkin, Principal PlannerS&;0" [).ATE : October 13, 1987 SUBJECT: Crossroads Ch. 40-B Proposal I This memo is in response to your request on last Friday for _�ditional information regarding nitrate-nitrogen concentrations likely to be generated by the above-captioned c=velopment at Route 28 and Old State Road. Tie following information should clarify the information _submitted to you in various staff reports concerning the subject development: 1 ) While the projected nitrate-nitrogen concentrations of each of the various unit/bedroom combinations discussed well exceeded both safe drinking water standards and the SEA, :nc.. recommended level , to state that alone 1s out of context with the concern. 2) The locus is not located within a zone of contribution of any existing or future public supply well . 3) The direction of existing and future groundwater flow is away from any existing or future public supply wells. . 4) The one known private well in the vicinity is to be a;ZDandoned, and that residence to be connected to the public water supply at the expense of the developer of the Crossroads project. 5) The future inpact of the subject project on nitrate- sensitive resources is not known and is impossible to Predict in the absence of the data described in our October 11 1987 memo (see page 4, "conclusions") . However, given the proximity of the locus to such resources, nitrate concentrations leaving the site will be greatly diluted before reaching such resources. .W To graphically depict the above statements, three attachments have been included- for your convenience. Figure "A" shows the locus in relation to zones of contribution of exisiting and future water supply wells; Figure "B" shows existing groundwater contours (flow arrows added) ; and, Figure "C" shows future groundwater contours (flow arrows added) . i October 1 , 1987 TO: Barnstable Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Department of Planning 8 Development SUBJECT: Crossroads Housing Partnership (Appeal ##1986-36) Nitrate Concentrations Resulting from 'Project Modifications. The following report is submitted in accordance with your request to investigate the potential impacts associated with the wastewater discharge from the above-referenced project. The findings of this report are based upon the groundwater characteristics and nitrogen-loading assumptions as presented in the town's "Groundwater and Water Resource Protection Plan, prepared by SEA Consulting, Inc. , September 1985. In addition, we reviewed the letter report submitted by IEP, Inc. ( 17 April 1986) , which addressed the original. project's impact on groundwater. Background: Nitrate nitrogen is a conservative element in groundwater in that it is not readily attenuated by the soil ,particles or broken down by chemical action. As such, ,nitrates entering the groundwater system from surface water infiltration or wastewater discharges tend to be reduced in concentration only by dilution and/or aquatic plant uptake. The maximum allowable concentration of nitrates in drinking water supplies, as established by federal and state law is 10 ppm (mg/1 ) . Because of the considerable fluctuation found through measuring nitrate concentrations in groundwater, the town has established a 5 mg/l threshold for planning and management purposes. To date, the town has instituted one-acre residential zoning, purchased land and passed health regulations to insure that this goal is met within the zones of contribution to all public drinking water supplies. `01 WE to Department of Planning and Development STAFF REPORT ..40 A+?� Applicant's Proposal : The initial comprehensive permit issued by the Housing Appeals Committee for this project consisted of 46 residential units and 58 bedrooms configured as follows: 12 two-bedroom, and =:4 one-bedroom units. The modified proposal now before the board consists of 50 residential units and 89 bedrooms configured as follows: 39 two-bedroom and 11 one-bedroom units. Nitrate Loading: Determining the nitrate concentration from residential development is mainly a function of estimating _otal occupancy, assigning loading in pounds/person/year and other sources (such as fertilizer) and factoring in recharge :dilution) . Based on the assumptions contained in the referenced plan (SEA, Inc. ) , the nitrate concentration expected from both the original and modified project have been calculated based on wastewater discharge only. The contribution of nitrates from fertilizer is related directly to the amount of landscaped area involved and the rate of fertilizer application. Because this information is not readily available, it could not be factored into the equation. Therefore, the nitrate concentrations presented below should be viewed as a conservative estimate. As mentioned above, the estimated nitrate concentration from this project is largely a function of expected occupancy of the project. For this reason, the staff calculated concentrations based on several different occupancy levels to show the range possibilities. The IEP, Inc. report estimated 580 pounds of nitrogen would be introduced into the groundwater each year, an estimate based on 2 persons per dwelling. The final nitrate concentration was expected to be 24. 4 ppm. Assuming a variation in the occupancy rate per unit based on the number of bedrooms (a more accurate approach ) three project scenarios are examined. The following estimates assume an occupancy rate of 2. 0 persons per one-bedroom unit and 2. 74 persons per two-bedroom unit. SCENARIO 1 : Bedroom mix (Total 46 units) 12 two-bedroom units = 24 br \ 58 bedrooms 34 one-bedroom units = :34 br / as originally proposed Nitrogen loading Total nitrogen 12 x 2. 74 x 7. 3 = 240. 02 lbs. \ 736. 42 Ibs/yr 34 . . 2 x 7. 3 = 496. 40 lbs. / Final nitrate nitrogen concentration would be 28. 52 ppm. I SCENARIO Bedroom mix (Total 46 units) 30 two-bedroom units = 60 br \ 76 bedrooms 16 one-bedroom units = 16 br / as recommended by DPD. Nitrogen loading Total nitrogen 0 x 2. 74 x 7.3 = 600. 06 lbs \ 833. 66 lbs/yr 16 as 2 x 7.3 = 2` . 6 lbs / Final nitrate nitrogen concentration would be 32. 29 ppm. SCENARIO Bedroom mix (Total 50 units) :39 two-bedroom units = 78 br \ 89 bedrooms 11 one-bedroom units = 11 br / as requested by the applicant Nitrogen loading Total nitrogen 39 x 2. 74 x 7. 3 = 730. 07 lbs \ 940. 67 lbs/yr. 11 x 2 x 7.3 = 160. 6 lbs / Final nitrate nitrogen concentration would be _4'6. 4_ ppm. It is apparent from the above estimates that in case 3 (50 units) the final nitrate-nitrogen is 7. 91 ppm more than in case 1 (46 units) , and 4. 14 ppm more than in cases In all of the above cases, the final nitrate-nitrogen concentration after dilution would far exceed both the federal and state standard and the local planning goal for nitrate-nitrogen of 10 ppm and 5 ppm, respectively. Discussion: Nitrates represent a threat to the public health when allowed to accumulate in the water supply in concentrations .above the established drinking water standard. This is true for both private and public supply well sources. The town's records indicate that a private well exists within close proximity to the project site. No additional wells were found within 300 feet downgradient from the site. Nitrates also represent a threat to the public welfare in terms of environmental degradation to certain resources, most notably coastal estuaries and embayments. Nutrient enrichment of coastal waterbodies, which may be nitrogen limited, can lead to excessive plant growth, ultimately resulting in entrophication (oxygen depletion) . In addition, nutrient enrichment of cranberry bogs can lead to crop damage and reduced productivity. There is a cranberry bog approximately i_:00 feet downgradient from the site. IEF E. 4 reports that this bog receives groundwater flow from the northeast. The nearest coastal waterbody within a general downgradient direction from the project site is Scudder Bay. The upper reaches of the bay are approximately 5, 000 feet southwest from the site. Conclusions: The modified project will generate nitrate , concentrations from wastewater discharges 7. 91 ppm (27%) higher than the original project proposal as reported herein. The total concentration as calculated equals 36. 43 ppm as opposed to 28. 52 ppm for the original proposal. The E1PD staff report recommendation (9/10/87) would result in nitrate concentration 3. 77 ppm ( 1_:%) above the original proposal. 1 The project site is not located within a zone of contribution to an existing or future public supply well . ; However, one private well does exist in the immediate , vicinity of the project and is expected to be adversely impacted by this discharge (see IEF) . 1A cranberry bog and coastal waterbody (Scudder Bay) are sensitive downgradient resource areas. Both areas appear to be recharged from groundwater flow. The wastewater from this project will add substantially more nitrates to the groundwater flow recharging these areas; however, it . is not possible to predict influent concentrations because the: ( 1 ) Nitrate contribution from existing land uses is not known; ('*2) The dilution due to mixing cannot be calculated unless the recharge areas to both the bog and the bay are defined; and, ( ;) The impact attributed solely to this project is not quantifiable unless a wastewater plume can be defined and tracked. , In the absence of such data, it is impossible to predict the ; impact of this project on nitrate-sensitive resources. However, given the distance between the site and the bog and bay ( 1300 and 5000 feet respectively) it is apparent that the nitrate concentrations leaving the site will be greatly reduced through dilution by the time the affected groundwater reaches either resource. From this standpoint, the modifications to the project represent a worsening of the situation, but in and of themselves are not threshold (changes. � In summary, the proposed Crossroads Housing Development will generate wastewater nitrate concentrations in excess of ;drinking water standards. The project is not within a zone of contribution to any existing or future public supply well and, therefore, does not represent a threat to the water su.pp 1 Y. I i 5 One nearby private well is potentially at risk from contamination by this project, irrespective of the proposed modifications. Two sensitive resource areas may experience elevated nitrate concentrations over time due to wastewater discharge. However, due to the distance involved, dilution is expected to greatly reduce the reported concentrations leaving the site. The ultimate impact is not known. Recommendations: Based on the expected occupancy, the volume of the proposed wastewater discharge and the associated nitrate concentrations, the applicant should be required to comply with the following mitigative measures: 1 ) Provide a connection to the public water supply system to replace the private well e:•:isting on Winn's Way ( 189/152) ; 2) The design and location of individual sewage disposal systems should seek: to avoid the creation of a concentrated effluent plume by spreading the leaching areas across the groundwater gradient (east to west) as much as practicable. This will allow for maximum dilution and will reduce nitrate concentrations as much as possible. In so doing, the applicant should utilize leaching facilities designed to disburse the discharged effluent as much as possible. Toward this end, flow diffusers, trenches or beds are more effective than leaching pits or chambers; 3) Limit the project to the 46 units as originally proposed and approved by the HAC. Allow for an acceptable bedroom mix (more two-bedroom units, fewer one-bedroom units) based on the Barnstable Housing Authority's assessment of rental needs and the applicant's needs; 4) Restrict the amount of landscaped area allowed and maximize recharge by requiring no more than 50% coverage of the lot by impervious surfaces and at least 30% of the lot area to be maintained in its natural vegetative condition. i THE Tp� Town of Barnstable a,_IvseABM : Department of Planning and Development 'y$ 1 ,0m 230 South Street Hyannis, MA 02601 (617) 775.1120 ext. 141 QED MA'S A MEMORANDUM TO: Barnstable Zoning Board of Appeals Fz0M: Larry L. Dunkin, Principal Planner$&'.-� 0ATE : October 13, 1987 S'aBJECT: Crossroads Ch. 40-8 Proposal This memo is in response to your request on last Friday for additional information regarding nitrate-nitrogen concentrations likely to be generated by the above-captioned development at Route 28 and Old State Road. Tne following information should clarify the information --bmitted to you in various staff reports concerning the u0ject development: 1 ) While the projected nitrate-nitrogen concentrations of each of the various unit/bedroom combinations discussed well exceeded both safe drinking water standards and the SEA, Inc. recommended level , to state that alone is out of context with the concern. 2) The locus is not located within a zone of contribution of any existing or future public supply well . 3) The direction of existing and future groundwater flow is away from any existing or future public supply wells. 4) The one known private well in the vicinity is to be abandoned, and that residence to be connected to the public water supply at the expense of the developer of the Crossroads project. 5) The future inpact of the subject project on nitrate- sensitive resources is not known and is impossible to Predict in the absence of the data described in our October 1 , 1987 memo (see page 4, "conclusions") . However, given the proximity of the locus to such resources, nitrate concentrations leaving the site will be greatly diluted before reaching such resources. r To graphically depict the above statements, three attachments have been included for your convenience. Figure "A" shows the locus in relation to zones of contribution of exisiting and future water supply wells; Figure "B" shows existing groundwater contours (flow arrows added) ; and, Figure "C" shows future groundwater contours (flow arrows added) . f �p October 1 , 1987 TO: Barnstable Zoning Board of Appeals FROM : Department of Planning 8 Development SUBJECT: Crossroads Housing Partnership (Appeal ##1986-36) Nitrate Concentrations Resulting from 'Project Modifications. The following report is submitted in accordance with your request to investigate the potential impacts associated with the wastewater discharge from the above-referenced project. The findings of this report are based upon the groundwater characteristics and nitrogen- loading assumptions as presented in the town's "Groundwater and Water Resource Protection Plan, prepared by SEA Consulting, Inc. , September 1985. In addition, we reviewed the letter report submitted by IEP, Inc. ( 17 April 1986) , which addressed the original project's impact on groundwater. Background: Nitrate nitrogen is a conservative element in groundwater in that it is not readily attenuated by the soil particles or broken down by chemical action. As such, . nitrates entering the groundwater system from surface water infiltration or wastewater discharges tend to be reduced in concentration only by dilution and/or aquatic plant uptake. The maximum allowable concentration of nitrates in drinking water supplies, as established by federal and state law is 10 ppm (mg/1 ) . Because of the considerable fluctuation found through measuring nitrate concentrations in groundwater, the town has established a 5 mg/1 threshold for planning and management purposes. To date, the town has instituted one-acre residential zoning, purchased land and passed health regulations to insure that this goal is met within the zones of contribution to all public drinking water supplies. `of'-E to, °ll Department of Planning and Development STAFF -REPORT qQ �d 25}p• `eei Y 1 Applicant's Proposal : The initial comprehensive permit issued by the Housing Appeals Committee for this project consisted of 46 residential units and 58 bedrooms configured as follows: 12 two-bedroom, and 34 one-bedroom units. The modified proposal now before the board consists of 50 residential units and 9 bedrooms configured as follows: 39 two-bedroom and 11 one-bedroom units. Nitrate Loading: Determining the nitrate concentration from residential development is mainly a function of estimating total occupancy, assigning loading in pounds/person/year and other sources (such as fertilizer) and factoring in recharge (dilution ) . Based on the assumptions contained in the referenced plan (SEA, Inc. ) , the nitrate concentration expected from both the original and modified project have been calculated based on wastewater discharge only. The contribution of nitrates from fertilizer is related directly to the amount of landscaped area involved and the rate of fertilizer application. Because this information is not readily available, it could not be factored into the equation. Therefore, the nitrate concentrations presented below should be viewed as a conservative estimate. As mentioned above, the estimated nitrate concentration from . tlis project is largely a function of expected occupancy of the project. For this reason, the staff calculated concentrations based on several different occupancy levels to show the range possibilities. The IEP_, Inc. report estimated 580 pounds of nitrogen would be introduced into the groundwater each year, an estimate based on 2 persons per dwelling. The final nitrate concentration was expected to be 24. 4 ppm. Assuming a variation in the occupancy rate per unit based on the number of bedrooms (a more accurate approach ) three project scenarios are examined. The following estimates assume an occupancy rate of 2. 0 persons per one-bedroom unit and 2. 74 persons per two-bedroom unit. SCENARIO 1 : Bedroom mix (Total 46 units) 12 two-bedroom units = 24 br \ 58 bedrooms 34 one-bedroom units = :34 br / as originally proposed Nitrogen loading Total nitrogen 12 x 2. 74 x 7.3 = 240. 02 lbs. \ 736. 42 lbs/yr =:4 x 2 x 7. := = 496. 40 lbs. / Final nitrate nitrogen concentration would be 28.52 ppm. i .1 SCENARIO 2: Bedroom mix (Total 46 units) 30 two-bedroom units = 60 br \ 76 bedrooms 16 one-bedroom units = 16 br / as recommended by DPD. Nitrogen loading Total nitrogen 30 x 2. 74 x 7. 3 = 600.06 lbs \ 833. 66 lbs/yr 16 x 2 ,. 7. 3 = 33.6 lbs / Final nitrate nitrogen concentration would be 22.29 ppm. SCENARIO Bedroom mix (Total 50 units) =� two-bedroom units = 78 br \ 89 bedrooms 11 one-bedroom units = 11 br / as requested by the applicant Nitrogen loading Total nitrogen 9 x 2. 74 x 7.3 = 780. 07 lbs \ 940. 6.7 lbs/yr. 11 x 2 x 7.3 = 160. 6 lbs / Final nitrate nitrogen concentration would be 6. 4=, ppm. It is apparent from the above estimates that in case 3 (50 units) the final nitrate-nitrogen is 7. 91 ppm more than in case 1 (46 units) , and 4. 14 ppm more than in case 2. In all of the above cases, the final nitrate-nitrogen concentration after dilution would far exceed both the federal and state standard and the local planning goal for nitrate-nitrogen of 10 ppm and 5 ppm, respectively. Discussion: Nitrates represent a threat to the public health when allowed to accumulate in the water supply in concentrations above the established drinking water standard. This is true for both private and public supply well sources. The town's records indicate that a private well exists within close proximity to the project site. No additional wells were found within 300 feet downgradient from the site. Nitrates also represent a threat to the public welfare in terms of environmental degradation to certain resources, most notably coastal estuaries and embayments. Nutrient enrichment of .coastal waterbodies, which may be nitrogen limited, can lead to excessive plant growth, ultimately resulting in entrophication (oxygen depletion) . In j addition, nutrient enrichment of cranberry bogs can lead to crop damage and reduced productivity. There is a cranberry bog approximately 1200 feet downgradient from the site. IEP I . i 4 I reports that this bog receives groundwater flow from the northeast. The nearest coastal waterbody within a general downgradient direction from the project site is Scudder Bay. The upper reaches of the bay are approximately 5, 000 feet southwest from the site. Conclusions: The modified project will generate nitrate concentrations from wastewater discharges 7. 91 ppm (27%) higher than the original project proposal as reported herein. The total concentration as calculated equals 36. 4:3 ppm as opposed to 28.52 ppm for the original proposal. The DPD staff report recommendation (9/10/87) would result in nitrate concentration :3. 77 ppm ( IS%) above the original proposal. The project site is not located within a zone of contribution to an existing or future public supply well . However, one private well does exist in the immediate vicinity of the project and is expected to be adversely impacted by this discharge (see IEF) . I . A cranberry bog and coastal waterbody (Scudder Bay) are sensitive downgradient .resource areas. Both areas appear to be recharged from groundwater flow. The wastewater from this project will add substantially more nitrates to the groundwater flow recharging these areas; however, it is not possible to predict influent concentrations because the: ( 1 ) Nitrate contribution from existing land uses is not known; ('') The dilution due to miring cannot be calculated unless the recharge areas to both the bog . and the bay are defined; and, (3) The impact attributed solely to this project is not ; quantifiable unless a wastewater plume can be defined and ; tracked. In the absence of such data, it is impossible to predict the impact of this project on nitrate-sensitive resources. However, given the distance between the site and the bog and bay ( 1:300 and 5000 feet respectively) it is apparent that the nitrate concentrations leaving the site will be greatly reduced through dilution by the time the affected (Igroundwater reaches either resource. From this standpoint,. fthe modifications to the project represent a worsening of , the situation, but in and of themselves are not threshold : changes. In summary, the proposed Crossroads Housing Development will . generate wastewater nitrate concentrations in excess of drinking water standards. The project is not within a zone of contribution to any existing or future public supply well and, therefore, does not represent a threat to the water supply. ........ .......................... ....... _.......... _............... ............. :.. J 5 'One nearby private well is potentially at risk from contamination by this project, irrespective of the proposed modifications. Two sensitive resource areas may experience elevated nitrate concentrations over time due to wastewater discharge. However, due to the distance involved, dilution is expected to greatly reduce the reported concentrations leaving the site. The ultimate impact is not known. Recommendations: Erased on the expected occupancy, the volume of the proposed wastewater discharge and. the associated nitrate concentrations, the applicant should be required to comply with the following mitigative measures: 1 ) Provide a connection to the public water supply system to replace the private well existing on Winn's Way 189/152) ; 2) The design and location of individual sewage disposal systems should seek: to avoid the creation of a concentrated effluent plume by spreading the leaching areas across the groundwater gradient (east to west) as much as practicable. This will allow for maximum dilution and will reduce nitrate concentrations as much as possible. In so doing, the applicant should utilize leaching facilities designed to disburse the discharged effluent as much as possible. Toward this end, flow diffusers, trenches or beds are more effective than leaching pits or chambers; 3) Limit the project to the 46 units as originally proposed and approved by the HAC. Allow for an acceptable bedroom mix (more two-bedroom units, fewer one-bedroom units) based on the Barnstable Housing Authority's assessment of rental needs and the applicant's needs; 4) Restrict the amount of landscaped area allowed and maximize recharge by requiring no more than 50 coverage of the lot by impervious surfaces and at least 30% of the lot area to be maintained in its natural vegetative condition. �F tHE tp� Town of Barnstable akvsTAB Department of Planning and Development e 9 230 South Street Hyannis, MA 02601 (617) 775-1120 ext. 141 QED 1( MEMORANDUM TO: Barnstable Zoning Board of Appeals F?OM: Larry L. Dunkin, Principal Planner DATE : October 13, 1987 SUBJECT: Crossroads Ch. 40-B Proposal This memo is in response to your request on last Friday for additional information regarding nitrate-nitrogen concentrations likely to be generated by the above-captioned development at Route 28 and Old State Road. Tr:e following information should clarify the information sc.°bmitted to you in various staff reports concerning the subject development: 1 ) While the projected nitrate-nitrogen concentrations of each of the various unit/bedroom combinations discussed well exceeded both safe drinking water standards and the SEA, inc. .recommended level , to state that alone is out of context with the concern. 2) The locus is not located within a zone of contribution oI any existing or future public supply well . 3) The direction of existing and future groundwater flow is away from any existing or future public supply wells. 4) The one known private well in the vicinity is to be abandoned, and that residence to be connected to the public water supply at the expense of the developer of the Crossroads project. 5) The future impact of the subject project on nitrate- sensitive resources is not known and is impossible to predict in the absence of the data described in our October 1 , 1987 memo (see page 4, "conclusions") . However, given the proximity of the locus to such resources, nitrate Concentrations leaving the site will be greatly diluted before reaching such resources. f G To graphically depict the above statements , three attachments have been included for your convenience. Figure "A" shows the locus in relation to zones of contribution of exisiting and future water supply wells; Figure "B" shows existing groundwater contours (flow arrows added) ; and, Figure C shows future groundwater contours (flow arrows added) . ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS : BARTZSTA=, MA55. q a 1639- 0 O�Tmr f--' k. Health Dept +r Ton of aam�tahk August 31 , 1987 MEMO TO: Building Department AUG 3 '1 1987 Planning & Development Planning Board Fire Department Conservation Commission Town Counsel Board of Selectmen Housing Authority Board of Health Department of Public Works Town Clerk Collector of Taxes FROM: ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 4 I THIS MEMO SUPERSEDES PREVIOUS MEMO SENT YOU REGARDING CROSSROADS HOUSING PROJECT. Please be advised that in relation to Crossroads Housing Project No . 1986-36 , there will be a meeting of the Board of Appeals on Thursday , September 10 , 1987 at 8 : 00 p .m. in the Hearing Room. The purpose of this meeting is to hear the petitioner ' s request for modification to a Comprehensive Permit granted the petitioner by the Housing Appeals Committee under the terms of which the petitioner seeks to build 50 housing units - 78 bedrooms , as opposed to 46 units with 58 bedrooms as granted by the Housing Appeals Committee . Your input and attention is invited . b Sincerely , 'I c Cu— Ron S . Jansson , Chairman Zoning Board of Appeals �Fzr+e rok I ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS •► MAS^. q �O 1635. August 31 , 1987 MEMO TO: . Building Dpeartment Planning & Development Planning Board Fire Department Conservation Commission Town Counsel Board of Selectmen Housing Authority Board of Health Department of Public Works Town Clerk Collector of Taxes FROM: ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Please be advised that in relation to Crossroads Housing Project No . 1986-36 there will be a meeting of the Board of Appeals on Thursday , September 10 , 1987 , at 8 : 00 p .m. in the Hearing Room to clarify revised plans . Your input in relation to this petition would be helpful to the zoning Board of Appeals in rendering a fair decision . Sincerely , Ron S . Jansson , Chairman Zoning Board of Appeals. 617-775-1 120 TOWN OF BARNSTABLE AY�'PyOg TNe'*O`ba BdHB9T� ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS • y AAM s639• �� 367 MAIN STREET ,EO MAY d. HYANNIS, MASSACHUSETTS 02601 March 24, 1986 MEMO TO: Planning Board Town of Barnstable, Housing Authority Town Counsel Board Of Selectmen Building Inspector 4oard of Health Department of Public Works Engineering Department Town Clerk Collector of Taxes FROM: ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS I would like to bring to your attention that the Board of Appeals has received a Comprehensive Permit application for relief under Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 44B. , As required by the statute, we are holding a hearing on this appeal within a thirty day time frame; said hearing has been scheduled for Thursday ApriZ 17, 1986. Also, as required by the statute, we are notifying all appropriate boards. Your in-put in relation to this petition would be helpful to the Zoning Board of Appeals in rendering a fair decision. Sincere Zy, Luke P. Lai Chairman Zoning Board of Appeals Enclosures 2 ".-....�;a 'HE to APPEAL NO. :tit 'O79 `0•/, '� prFO MPS ' s TOWN OF BARNSTABLE PETITION FOR comprehensive Permit UNDER 'CITE ZONING BYLAW Pursuant to M.G.L. Ch. 40B To the Board of Appeals, PP . Town Hall, Hyannis, MA 02601 Chute_ March 21, 1986. The undersigned petitions the Board of Appeals to vary, in the manner and for the reasons hereinafter set forth,the application of the provisions of the zoning bylaw to the following described premises. Applicant: The crossroads Housing_Partnership, a limited dividend organization pursuant to M.G.L. Ch. 40B (Full Name) Section 21 (Telephone Number) 617-778-0102 Address: P.O. Box 2253, Centerville, MA 02634 Owner: harl .s Jos I Cynthia L. Ardito & Andrea L. Ardito lot 56 James F. Ruhan & (Full Name) Michael J. Vill__ani (55 & 153) (Telephone Number 617-775-3433 Address: c/o Charles Ardito, Esq. , 5200 Building, Rte 28, W. Yarmouth, MA 02673 Prior Owner of record N.A. Tenant (i?any): none (Full Name) (Telephone Number) M.Applicant other than Owner of property - state nature of interest Buyer pursuant to executed P & S Agreemerlt 1. Assessors map and lot number Mp # 189, lots 55 56 & 153 2. Location of Premises intersection of Old Stage Rd. & Rte 28Village Centerville (Name of Street) (What section of Town) 3. Dimensions of lot 112 2 f t 275 f t 310 , 582 s q. f t . (Frontage) (Depth) (Square Feet) 4. Zoning district in which premises are located RC and RD-1 5. How long has owner had title to the above premises? 10 years 6. How many buildings are now on the lot? nnne 7. Give size of existing building none 58-bne bedroom units Proposed buildings 768 sq ft + each 44,544 sa ft total & a 32' X 32' + col nunity 8. State present use of premises vacant land building Reside ntia apartments, o marketra e o ow or erate 9. State proposed use of premises i ncome hnus i ng as that term is defined in M.G.L Ch 40B, Section 10. Give extent of proposed construction or alterations: P.rect 58, -a story. 1 bedroom attached wood- 21 frame aparments; . including 3 handicapped units, in cluster_ arrangement with open space and parking and walkways related thereto, and a 32' X 32'± community building. 11. Number of living units for which building is to be arranged 58 units 12. Have you submitted plans for above to the Building Inspector? YES 13. Has he refused a permit? yes 14. What section of zoning bylaw do you ask to be varied? Requesting a comprehensive Permit pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Ch. 40B, Section 21. 15. State reasons for variance or special permit: A%nl i ant desires -to provide affordab'_e rental housing in the Town of Barnstable, Centerville village, where there is a need for such housing and where it- can be provided in such a way as to be—harmonious with the" local consideration of health, safety and public welfare. (over) i ! REGIONAL F�LANNING C. 40B C. 40B ANNOTATED LAWS CIF .MASSACHUSETTS § )Q § 21 v Di Biase (1976) 370 Mass 90, 345 NE2d were to be rented at fair market value. j to have been allowed and the compreltensive permit or approval shall 373. Zoning Bd. of Appeals v Housing Ap- forthwith issue, Any person aggrieved by the'issuance of a compre- Developer qualified as "limited dividend peals Committee (1982) 385 Mass 651, pensive permit or approval may appeal to the court ay pro vided ,t organizalion" although it did not become 433 NE2d 873. section seventeen of chapter forty A. (1969, 774, § 1; 1975, 808, k§ 4-- duly organized limited partnership until Although the Commissioner of Com- 413.) after zoning board denied its application. munity Affairs may interpret the statu- ' Huard of Appeals, v Housing Appeals tory language of GL c 40B §§20--23, Editorial Note— Committee in Dept.'of Community Af- which is or may be the basis of appeals The 1975 amendment changed the reference to § 12 of ALM GL c 40A, rather fairs(19764 370 Mass 64, 345 NE2d 382. before the Housing Appeals Committee, than § 14, as formerly. Said amendment further substituted § l l of ALM GL c 40A Thirty-six unit housing development the Housing Appeals Committee, pursu- ( for § 17 appearing in the fifth sentence, and, in the eighth sentence, substituted a Itnanccd by Massachusetts 11ousing Fi- a'nt to GL c 23B §§ 1 and 5A, may make reference to § 17 of GL c 40A for the former reference to §21. Section 7 of the nance Agency was low or moderate in- no such interpretation. 1970-1971 Op amending act provides as follows: come housing, even though half of units AG, No. I. SECTION 7. This act shall take effect on January first, nineteen hundred and seventy- six as to zoning ordinances and by-laws and amendments, other than zoning map amendments, adopted after said date. 21. Proceedings Before Board of Zoning Appeals on Compre- I Law Review References— hensive Application to Build Housing, etc. The Massachusetts "Zoning Appeals Law: First Breach in the Exclusionary Wall. 54 Boston U L Rev 37. January, 1974. Any public agency or Timited dividend or nonprofit organization Exclusionary Zoning and Equal Protection. 84 Harvard L Rev 1645. May, 1971. proposing to build low or moderate income housing may submit, to I Healy, Massachusetts Zoning Practice Under the Amended Zoning Enabling Act. (A the board of appeals, established under section twelve of chapter Mass 1, Rev 157. October, 1979. forty A. a single application to build such housing in lieu of separate.. ! applications to the applicable local boards. The board of appeals shall CASE NOTES override requirements of subdivision con- _ forthwith notify each such local board, as applicable, of the filing of 1. In general q such application by sending a copy thereof to such local boards for � 2. Constitutionality trol law which are not consistent witb their recommendations and shall within thirtydays of the receipt of 3. Relation to.other laws local needs. Mahoney v Board of Appeals Y P (1974) 366 Mass 228, 316 NE2d 6tN1, app • � 4. Timeliness of actions such application, hold a public hearing on the same. The board of S. Standards of review dismd 420 US 903, 42 L Ed 2d 83.1, 95 S appeals shall request the appearance at said hearing of such represen' CI 822• tativeb of said local boards as are deemed necessary or helpful in Housing Authority need not conduct making its decision upon such application and shall have the same 1. In general public hearing before selecting privately owned site for elderly housing. ltailey v power to issue permits or approvals as any local board or official who An amendment to a town zoning by- Board of Appeals (197o) 370 (ttla,s 95. would otherwise act with respect to 'such application, including but law which would permit construction of 345 NE2d 367. to not limited to the power to attach to said permit or approval apartments but restrict the apartments of p p 3 rooms, a kitchen and a Lath, did not Comprehensive permit could be granted conditions and requirements with respect to ,height,'site plan, size or conflict with statutory provisions respect- to housing Authority even though it did shape, or building materials as are consistent with the terms of this ing low and moderate income housing. not own proposed site at time of applir,, section. The board of appeals, in making its decision on said applica- Hallenborg v Town Clerk of Billerica tion. Bailey v Board of Appeal, (197(,) (1971)360 Mass 513, 275 NE2d 525. 370 Mass 95, 345 NE2d 367• lion, shall take into consideration the recommendations of the local Tye Legislature in enacting GL c 4011 Taking by eminent domain in good boards and shall have the authorityto use the testimonyof consul-consu §§20-23 intended to cooler upon the faith and for public purpose cannot Le tants. The provisions of section eleven of chapter forty A shall apply local board of appeals and the housing overridden by local zoning board or to all such hearings. The board of appeals shall render a decision, appeals committee the power to override lfousing Appeals Committee. ChclntsfnId b P P p► based upon a majority vote of said board, within forty days.after the local zoning regulations which prevented v 3. Biase(1976) 370 Hass�xl, 345 NI:Ld the construction of low and moderate 373. termination of the public hearing and, if favorable to;fhe applicant, income housing. Board of .hppeals v shall forthwith issue""a com rehensive-permit" or a roval. If said 2. Constitutionality p• p Pp lluusing Appeals Committee in Dept. of hearing is not convened or a decision is not rendered within the time/ Community Affairs (1973) 363 Mass 339, Equal protection of the laws guaranty allowed, unless the time has been extended by mutual agreement! 294 NE2d 393. not violated by two alternative mciho& between the board and the applicant, the application shall be deerned Zoning board of appeals has power to of review contained in Low and Mudcr. 27 /"eA- --76-k(-' E- rs Av cry �_ O - �- 6( 0 o b � � cl ( .7, 3 NITROGEN LOADING T-OWIULA I . Assumptions Nitrogen loading sewage . . . . . . . 5 lb/person/ ear lawn fertilizer 9 lb/5000 ft lawn/year Recharge dilution 40,000 ft2 lot @ 16"/year = 398,580 gal/year Occupancy 3 persons/unit La►,,n area 5000 ft2 lawn/lot II . Formula Nitrogen load (1b x 454,000 mg/lb = NO3 concentration in pp 1,092 gal/day/ 0,000 fty x 365 days x 3.8 liters/gal - III. Example Proposed development of 50 units on 25 acres of land including 2 acres of lawn area. Nitrogen load sewage: 50 units x 3 persons/unit x 5 lb/person/ye:ar = 750 lb/year lawn area: ' 80,000 ft2 x 9lb/5000 ft2 = 144 Total N load: 894 lb/year 11 ppm final nitrate 894 lb -N/year x 454,000 mg/lb = concentration in (1092 ga1/day/acre) (25 acres) (365 days) (3.8 liters:/gal) groundwater ' i 1G4, �CzC 6� i rAl- i JOHN STANLEY. — Hodoq H ILL RRfWF11 --Mus I 86-100 April 16, 1986 Page 2 . 290 lb./year 18.62 A = 15.57 lbs./A 290 N/Year x` 454,000 mg./lb. 1092 gal./day/acre (18.62 Acre) 365 days (3.8 I./gal.) year. 4.67 PPM find concentration in ground water . i B. Cape Cod Planning and Economic Development Recommend... �- limit of 16 lbs./Acre/Year. CCP 6z ED Group,'Town of Barnstable Water Advisory Committee and the Water Resource Protection Plan —� Goal of 5 PPM. CONCLUSIONS IF NO FERTILIZER IS UTILIZED,THE CALCULATIONS . PROVIDED MEET THE GOALS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF CONCERNED COMMITTEES. THE SITE IS NOT IN A ZONE OF CONTRIBUTION AND THE DIRECTION OF GROUNDWATER FLOW WILL NOT MENTER ANY ZONE OF CONTRIBUTION (SEE MAPS PROVIDED) M.�M I� -j 1 G ! I• t + � 1� ( 30 r JOHN STANLEY 86-100 April 16, 1986 NITROGEN LOADING I. ASSUMPTIONS NITROGEN LOADING CAUSE A. . Sewage. ... . . . . . . . . . . . : . . : . . . . .5 lb./person/year B. Lawn Fertilizer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 1b./5000 ft?lawn/year RECHARGE.DILUTION 40,000 ft z lot '�d 16"/year = 398,580 gal./year OCCUPANCY 1 person/unit LAWN AREA , 5000 feet 2 lawn/lot II. FORMULA Nitrogen load [lb.] x 454,000 mg./lb. 1092 gal./day/ (40,000 ft.) x 365 days x 3.8 1/gal. = NO3 concentration A. Calculations 290 lb./year---------------------------------N from sewage 290 lb./year 7.13 •A (Site) 10.30 A .(Beechwood Cemetary) 0.93 A (Z Route 28 bordering site) 0.26 A (Old Stage Road 60' width - bordering site) — — , - -I.. .. , .. , ,'. i - y, . -7 .., F. . . ."�� ,. , ... �....,"'.,�,�- , �...; .. r % . v:• ", �.-%.-, ;:.,�- . . . - V ", .- --.." ..I . : ;' " � 77 �.- . V., 1;41 I I ..,;� . `U-*�--�.-��i �IT � . ��/ t . .�� � \ \ . . '. , � - '-' I r � ,., .. ,1-� .­� � -, A., , 1. M I , *g� ., A , / I*6. 'I . � .11� % I I :.- 11 "I I" .. 1,, � "��111`-1 .7 : t,�'- , I-\ \ , -!�L,--'Z�l I - 1� I --j",yr , ; . . -- -- . � -,v � -"-i 1. �.,.: � 11 ,I$. �. I , , it � ,V , * " �- �,I - V, -I. - /�17 � I ...il -i . m�, _g �� / � - .. & / . .,�, ?..:�6 1/11.1 . , ,I-,,,.- - . 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'eat•• •P•t _. \' �::�1•:�1�' il�:iri::i7:7: ii:.:�ri:::•:::••. t�'• •�'.' 1� Pt ,•�' •j ri- : :.: ......:::•::::::�V:i?' n - L•., :air X,. : ?: o :f1:r;•: ";:^:;•^ :. 1 eery, ✓ o l• +yO'� ho :r' O ;f.:..a.:•:••::•;:•.�...x;:i:•i:':�f'•' . / ran rY •I (/ �, rr: T::":Jt:••::•�:•:::: :r•:::<: �., oQ iyVT �• (r7 \\e ..1 .:: •'ree 7 0 t i;tt;:r :��riic►• �d l:raVlt• P1tn 1 Ph I I I• 1 r i o J :'r;is ififjti:�:�' ..,; ;' �� ' �„i• t l.'{•,' r. 1, ;;�j•}.:•;•7;;,:;;;.:;,.. a •{C:; J: • \ �`, .� wr:�1'!'ts gip.•.�, �•+•-�. 9LK �;•�•'. ,fan h � '0 b •�'�• M F ,•• '• ' Bog 14 JCS .F• � _rai Ur >I •,� :: ': t••)�f• ' +� 4. \'.,rth 't Q• tie . 1' p• 1 , l E, ..`r' •;`.;q: ~•�• ;';.' ,/ 1. •,•r, Beach Cul�t4n - C. ' , . /// !, f ara, <�° ' •I;�' T I•;I; .►�11, 1, i:• 11.'1 !; t o N. �' one, be-8c--oc-,)(o rv"- C) n gf:)S `7 �� � , K � �� .►p'�Cb �oS OK l ® R l-r, . wooQA r �p V rn o .1 April 2, 1986 Mr. Luke P. Lally Chairman Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Barnstable Hyannis, MA. 02601 Res Your memo dated March 24, 1986 Dear Mr. Lallyt We are opposed to the construction of 58 one-bedroom txpartments on 7.13 acres of land located at the intersection of Old Stage Road and Route 28, Map 189, Lots 55, 56, and 153, Centerville. Assuming that only one person would occupy each one-bedroom apartment, 290 pounds of nitrogen from human waste would be introduced_into the_.groundwater each year. This would average out to 40.67 pounds, per acre or 24.67 pounds over the Cape Cod Planning & Development recommendation limiting nitrogen to 16 pounds, per acre, annually. Nitrogen loading in. excess of 16 pounds, per acre, could have a deleterious effect on our drinking water. This figure does not include the lawn fertilizer estimate of 9 pounds, per 5000 square feet of lawn area, per year which would increase this conservative estimate considerably. It would appear that the project would have a considerable area of lawn and the nitrogen loading would exceed 40.67 pounds. If only one person occupied each unit - with no allowance for lawn fertilizer used, the final nitrate concentration would be 12.2 ppm. Again if lawn fertilizers were calculated, . the nitrate concentration would exceed 12.2 ppm considerably. This exceeds the goal of 5 ppm. recommended by the Cape Cod Planning and Economic Development group, the Town of Barnstable Water Advisory Committee and the Groundwater and Water Resource Protection Plan of the Town of Barnstable. This goal was recommended to protect the quality of our ground water and public health. Excessive nitrates in drinking water have been known to cause a disease in infants. Nitrates are also believed to be carcinogenic by some health and environmental authorities. Low and moderately priced housing is desperately needed in the Town of Barnstable and the Board of Health fully supports such programsl however, the protection of ground water is the number one environmental priority of the Town, the Commonwealth, and the Federal government.. ti � �' Y Mr. Luke P. Lally April 2, 1986 Page 2 _We would have no objection if the project was connected to the Town sewer. KFry ruly urs, R rt L. Childs, Chairman Ann J Be ., Gr6ver C.M. Parrish, M. D. BOARD OF HEALTH TOWN OF BARNSTABLE JMK/mm J September 4, 1987 Mr. Ron S. Jansson, Chairman Zoning Board of Appeals 367 Main Street Hyannis, Ma 02601 Dear Mr. Jansson: ' RE: Crossroads Housing Project - 1986-36 The Board of Health is appalled by the new proposal increasing the number of bedrooms to 78 from the original 58 proposed. Attached is a copy of our previous letter opposing the construction of 58 one bedroom apartments at the site. The addition of 20 bedrooms would mean approximately-1-1---bedrooms per acre of land with a daily estimated sewage of 1210 gallons per acre per day. 1210 gallons of sewage per acre daily is an abuse of the land and poses a potential threat to our groundwater. The Town would be unable to locate any public water supply wells in the area In the event expansion of our public water supply system will become necessary. Any private water supply wells In the area will be contaminated. The Cape has been designated a sole source aquifer by the Federal Government, and the protection of groundwater is the pumber #1 priority of the Town and all of the Cape. We are rapidly losing our shellfishing harvesting areas due to over development and we are seriously concerned with recreational water quality. We have an Inadequate sewer and septage treatment facility. The Septage Treatment Plant turns away septage haulers daily with their loads of human waste, with no place to put it. Our solid waste disposal area is inadequate, yet we continue to compound our problems of proven existing contamination by approving the over development of our land and the adding of more people in a town that cannot provide environmentally safe services to its existing population. Very truly y urs, Grover C.M.Farrish, M.D., Chairman BOARD OF HEALTH TOWN OF BARNSTABLE JMK/bs Nl'I'IZOGEN LOADING FOINULA a I. Assumptions Nitrogen loading . sewage . . . . . . . 5 lb/person/rar lawn fertilizer 9 lb/5000 ft lawn/year Recharge dilution 40,000 ft2 lot @ 16"/year = 398,580 gal/year Occupancy 3 persons/unit Lawn area 5000 ft2 la►m/lot II. Formula Nitrogen_ load (1b x 454,000 mg/lb = NO3 concentration in pp 1,092 gal/day/ 0,000 fty x 365 days x 3.8 liters/gal - III. Example Proposed development of 50 units on 25 acres of land including 2 acres of lawn area. Nitrogen load sewage: �.� - 50 units x 3 persons/unit x 5 lb/person/year = 750 lb/year lawn area: 80,000 ft2 x 91b/5000 ft2 = 144 Total N load: 894 lb/year 11 ppm final nitrate 894 lb "N/year x 454,000 mg/lb concentration in (1092 gal/day/acre) ( acres) (365 days) liters/gal) groundwater �Zt f to ,r `7 � � G► 1 -------------- P"" ' I0 ak or rM :+",;'` j tt`_ t 4'"4`' r .,I,I y ,k'n 1+ i ,a _t 4 T , c a r i T Wr♦ a. .,.- x. T '{-t��•,�r7,� 1 a �°• •F y E` t. '4 ,F ,s , ,r6 R v Y x. s, b."i m ,r„} i -T ♦.'-s r I. wt-F `!h. ,1"i,'ic'f±�.�.. ..,� /' ,:, '" 'k.. v •:� a r r� Aq s,� Y f ,i ry4 r��.t r P s t: }; 't, , f. 1..:� . !, �y'htl l ♦ i' y `rs 41 ,°�4 t + .t< G.;. +.r•[ x C,ti w ,'r ^' + 'r.'RT- rlu r.. a i3 y A. {k '.t s Q � , , d`sS.;" k i d , o f w S .r a� •j• l r" ",,;, e ri ♦ t FY t Y rJ s' �,- .ram Y ,, 4 { �1k.V yr .Y ,x '- ... „' i., a " 4', ;:ter, ,?F { q,C'' Y..rr, . �}' ', 4 =`-+ s f .. r IA k$ '!" I .. " e.' Lr ,� `_`*L 't r ; +.°" F .z ath._ r ��'t� f ..,1 :F' .3 . G. J. 's , l� .r.= fi yf +, .,,� f :rvk v [ J J. r ,,y a y,,t P f _ P ,Y �' t Pr. < V., I A � a ; r ,,,. '.. sa } '' t �,,�Y , ", r5•'• r , If-4, ' k"i` y +rI .µ +.., '¢t rya 'f. ;V.f' ,,♦T �i t.J , 1. A �,. j^ F .,T, .� Kf ) x t r f a2 ',�' fi.- _ Cx.. y R 3 t t ; '± t �'.s,1 it `41 i :..t ."r t tint J'.}9 r t, %.. , rn�'i'l F{ L.i,s$x.-�, i _+ Y,i 'v'� , Fvr r r" ) r .. �..'r ,k } i }iRV/ .. r 't ,:(I ..° r. J •ter , F•.+ '"t y >y r - •. _ rI .t � p ,e T fN c. a -Y. 5 1 < "t r f I �'.i,$; wA, f-" PJ•p a t , ti y fi`-j"k r If 4 a� ` V` s{ i '.. A _ e.. Y'! b.+-.. 7- - +\ •4 .:fit rk , ! �' i- r.f ,-t :..F isa `: P.l P a rr/ a'.. ..,{ } ems" r _ ' ii t 't pt "a 'rig v. x,; t ^in,r'1.1✓",'aF- t'l,•. . & a,: ti.t 1 - I fiY '§f.a'P q.�, .r. k = , .y fi ",� ,✓1� ri a-a•$., 1. J ,4 a d ..t� r, E`Iti *M't 'a . } r, i;y ra.`g^fe r ?,... pr S" )I dy- , . §, '` r, i f >'rrr v. Wyk, r G s ` T f , ;t i ,rr. ,' , * } i r t+ k P:� s t .n- e a t tr o i e ,ti-�t y `ra,'s." ,§y? �'. r :,F r r}- •'} , %� i r+�. G ,,fir. f. .:�R{'f� '�"+t:•. "'e y'. i, V,+c =f' tyr •f 4:.,Y 5 . • r Y . ,, 3'O".in G `'4 r.a ., S.*, �_ & +`3�1 y"+;.. .''a;` rr�ry "a " eti t '• i t: +�ez..r F°3`x alit t,., : T t. ha `„` t r,,d"I fit, ♦ ,k -9+,t i 4 l: �.! a .�a4,^�. "i,� • �'a, '�. r r J$ w A S•s�i" ��Ar.,. A& J - F Pa Ri is { ;,. . `+ ti. ti t .-'fP s C. P ' 1y i ,I . ;y y t>f r - fit ;� .';J r�"♦9; K .fi r/ s} P.y'Y% L'_ `\ ;' a •a,Kt Ac `{•r .tr ,I +,r'' 44 •,,r k,..,'.,+LS R � �' u a, , •,sn 1 ,t t 'i -k.. §.° t r `� +. "r'� ;W f Sri .., ti % j s c 4 "d , ! , $ f [< 7! jai , y y k ti`p t r.••ai*, T l 0 '- J t ;.rat, y f t + .: t,t"` y: y * �:.T'le iJ ,� ni a ..�.' P f -•l k. -. 1 ;April'2 '1986i *'fit , 1 t, .., jr;a� r . a .. Y ., s -Varf,,r t i `k�= '1:: t r , , 3 1"..; i' r' k r w s ct" + t: OL , w.`. Y 16'. -;Arl j •1f a- , t r :; , R 1,i _Y. P'e. <i,:3 -,l'P<{.4 .�: R a �{r„ f aPi f$ ,e t S a ,'. t s [ F a , , , P E F r t MQ �' a S CV �­ ti ,G ,VP i+• 'Ar ,._ it i „ J . ,+r' r r q^tY -a,.,a _ r_ -" .:-! ,f •° S A __��� s'" "k'- +� 'L 5..',; j ,� a °d r` a w, ,f. ,•, ': i s '»r♦+ei ?` .'� l :5 ?3,.; #" +v ,' 1 r l,,♦n * d ,ry P sT:r¢#„,s .; •4 4 i •S4, ,r+ ., a ,. , v 4 _ +r 7f Y !%, ki ' t t. !{ .k. Y aj it k a.. * f rT 4 aK� • • R r 1. �.3" - t t T ,r.; iel ../ ^t .,S w'; r v t rrt� `a,.ys t ,,,, )♦k-1V 14, ,f�.,3� : { tt' F .k♦ aX r R t r.�, J § �.- a 1 .6?, .♦ '.{,.J f T'Fxft c�+r.iA. :a"'•. 'R a t<s '3 +`_` ,,, Xt;,.t ,,•Ks - Rif- r,N , ' ;`, ' t,` •ram'�`�ie+.r ;c t rlr ,, ;' F Y I ` f x t'�"4 t,__,' `� r` ,R f ♦- ,;• ` t .t [ *9 -. , �'s. . , x r Tull i' t'rA'r`f.,,F a it �, r;�x ,�•! .r . r'N' !�' r`'��',w •"fg.3 G t-n;� 6 ?"L �' .,t'. Y . , . t R Mr. Luke P. 7+ �,c r x g{ arAi ki +ra.I Yak t F.r .e! a.r Y r ! :lr .t `t�+k >i h l r •b t'T� ? ,1 i ' '. tt=' .t. q ::p w°''r „j . +. 6 "7 j e E Chairmanr .t a�, , , + x , , 2 " , ,",: ?a;n'. xj 'Ig* a %,# JS rt P it Y' .aa; o- `.w ` ' i '; t3 iliac r 44s t �y + + r� := Zoning`,Board$of Appeals 1, x j �,a�^rry &�� < f��: ,"; ,. „� 1; . ,+.. a ,sr Town of Barnstable g k i i' .*. k z �s s wk�' ,a .: ' s- ♦ :: +t r s ,.S 4 ' ` •✓!• V • +." t ry 4 e l`y} X u+&.,"a'Y'F r' 4:, i . . P} .S i. H annis `MA 02601°' e i,. .r . ,' { .. ,yy , y .Jr;.. 7 ._ P f t[ " {^I- kr tr-r F ,r• w S,,t t r r ,;id t . ,it r n "04,"4g. 4 Z'.. i r �Y ;t ♦ .a�q,, �d.r 'y.. i' �y,_•Q+. ,� , '+`x r r' ..�t " , a t *: . ,` .� P �e y``, ' ak s �# +B tRr ? fr' "*; �` + 1 ,E E 4` f b A `�`� ` a,:'' Res 'Your memo d ,ted March=24'„198- �' ;¢;� - ' r; ter, .f _�,•~ ,, r .,;j"' '`� 7�` ', ' ': r I3;: j�^�, 5+ , 3•,i_ ,: ifr,L i.' r k t. a t r y<, * j [, m J�,r R' 'e" , §r` 1 ,' #.4 ,i",-'i..YV ..x VE''i�<. /, r� k a„ .�,' i, 3 --• S '] fi •d 3'i, }.: 3 4. b 8+ 1. 9 - ,'� ' <i`1" h ,=t,f j- r<. -;k''%-` "+i 't ,;h �V,f 's4', e l fi S c Yi•'}•' t `. ;"R- Dear Mr.;Lally• tii r{r sir.i'.• `:P r �. i r 5 as i t.` efit, a1# D S- 7 1 ` ' 4 7: Ya+ s ♦ i a•$ R r"3 ,,a" �; ,.1. tt 3 'i `" <y ' _ - P•... r -t' +' gy�p' to r. R ti 0 ' w 't'i 1 '10- ^A i x ,k - _ v 'br t •,. . - t. �`f`R.', w S .' O r;a t,rr `"�' !a "'°Si.J"°.-:i.3 r j "'T€-:.,. p i ♦,\,:i i P"r k i. K iC tsf ,a - s t. `'r . �: We are'opposed to the-JConstfUtLtion of 58'one be`drooin apactments'on,7 134a fes:of land,, r . `' ' t' rlocated at the".intersection of'Old StageRoad'and-Route-28 Map;189 ,Lots��55 ',56 and'-' .,, 4 .,r i r G �" "t,N V:, r i, y i c; rf'- { }+ ♦ h ,.� `,: r tt 153, Centerville k �t r}' ;` -I ` t , .TM ­2, s x ; ! t+ ,� i 'O�; f �?,� l• k`t["N iN,v. r s;ryya-` g' �;� .♦ fP k e, _",) J ` 'r'%' j t j*�� -,'. •,`i -'` ^ 11 r Y" }'r# tiC' ,�• '! ".. Y •+, k} P - 3' ''a , ti' 'OR t,�e .3' v't++ r .Y r y ..:r .t ,', , , Assuming, that}only.�one lor'son,,rwould,bccupy,each'ohs bedroom.:apartment, 290 ipoundsY { ? `� 1 rt}Y� "« k r;of nitrogen,from .human ,waste'would,sbe,introduced.into thergroundarater` eacWyear.'This t r ?a u.would� average; out to�,40.67 ,pounds, per nacre.$.orl24.67 pounds,,over�• the Cape Cods ,r, ?S'i ,..r,',t, Planning4O Depelopment. .recommendation limiting. nitrogen +'to �.d6 ,11pounds;,k per�fiacre; N ; y annually:`Nitrogen `loadin in°excel oPt.16 .g s' r pounds;";per acre, could 'have a ioeleterious ,,: , ,.,�r. f fi, r ' q '_i:.- ' s ". r ^a+ � ^I,, i - d '-'a". , ,, ♦x h,t 'r . , ^.r ' i `effect -on our..'drinking water Tliis.figure=,does"tiot,include-the lawn fertilizer estimate- . . tk.rt` �of',9 pound s;""psi{SOOO, square feetf,;of .lawn area, .per year ,which Mould increase this`; F t ;:.. 4y T ,f s i , ., t S t .:. t r. conservative.:estimate considerably:-K It =would'appear that .the f,project iwould r Dave a. ' ' `f , considerable area of-lawn and tiie-nitr'ogenploading would,exceed`:40:67;pounds' ,'r �'t�= at s` F ' (. "cf•A , t y 0..h. y�.,j'i r f.r y r 1` i t , l a \ io J1r • 1 ;& § - s §. a �" ,ill t i Y..[{ .. A"-y F .ila T ♦7` " r ,'ktE''` D r ;a y s,'�7 i r �iB' .. 4.r `,t -'.,! . -'f -.TA,j ,•4 J , '.- ♦ ,.a.. ; p . w Y I �`.. �. +•3" , �?y�si 4'+ ,. —I .t . ,;.If,on. onejµper8on occupiedieach-unit =rw th no allowance' for,i.lawn-fertilizersused; they '�r �; ,\ ' z '.0 I final nitrate:concentration'would,be?12 2 ppm..,Again.if�lacvn'fertilizers were:"cfilculated„ # . ' r, 4 ,its., •s a the nitrate concentration r wo, exceed i'2 2 .ppm considerably This exceeds ttie�goal a '";', s:, P t .Y r ,of,,5�ppm recommended'bq.they Cape Cod; Planning;and�Ecoriomic'',I)66lopment':group;' ,,Y .•.W,i'•' xf .[ t the Town of,-"Barnstable.-Water Advisorq-'Committee•'and`�the 4( roundI er,- n ,;Water;"; * I P Y% � ResourceZ Protection Planrsof the Town�of''Barnstable. Thi°s�`goal`was:recommended 'to,= "`f :' ;,,` . ,♦ -N t ;- < protect,the„quality aof-;our ground.,water and public fiealth. +Bxcessive,nitrates in drinking, z _ ` `water':have beeniknowm,46,�cause a disease ink=infants., i4it ates are,+al�s�.!o belteved'to be "h • ' "••,. ` ` ,.-' .� ,` _ �; ;X 1 .'+♦., y. }r I ..'r." �, _,} is . ,:,= � carcinogenic by some heal th,dndienvironmental authorities w `t , -s, rl , , ��, 4 ; o } �� a. its t t r,, r,f i .ti } ry' � * �F rr" { h , i ",,, i 6 ♦i...v d- •.. " P , K' iLow,and,mod"erately priced Housing ie "clesperitely needed in thet,Town of'�Barnstable'*and -5, nix'i Y -%a ;T7 .tfie Board of ,Health Pu11Y suet h �,. ,A ` ,• t -i` , ". iI , .._ f [ports;"suc programs• However k the>prcitection of ground, , „ ti t 3 water pis, the'number one., environmentalt priority'of ,the ,Town; ,theNcommonwealth, and '; �;' i ;the Federal government { ° ;, i� �. �,, Y a s k tt� -.�,r+ .i' a • J -., ... , " a :t. ti , • ;:, P ,•a,,�, . t;. - q, ' :Yap' �' 9 7. - P 4 -',..i r «. lfrr.'• �. i ; ,I i i,. a` R A:. ,`y ri. [ ki.' ..Y< : r. • A 5 :r P , i k•'. G ,{' r a 1..fNwrt t'�' ,i sf'iF15 1.?yi+,tY �'`I 11 ,i,:ta Ff§[r < ,, .ry'�"< %'+y ,r f f,hi.` c,,.% iy , 1 .n, f.., rf 4t a J 'i.3 •', w_ •t, . , eI T, s. R' '1 P' ,S «r y. A ,.: L` r'r- {!fit Y�,{,ri'i' .+ a . w., v v I> u, v3 + t. S, . #- Y , r 4 rn t P �' J I •.',r ,r, i',r t +P C - i P F f sP N t i n � , 't+ s t T k 1' t 7 .:f# i .+.,'[ A S,. o • r +( r { i r 4, ,,hd � xJj'`rP x='{r,5 'y,^r .t 1w ':ra .'. m,' ', r, ro C,y..r ww A� tri. �[ .i>+� ., d xr 01 F�'y+y`S y i. 'ls• rr. A,C' p "'7M' rat _ F"._ . - h Y„ J yF �, . s 'i wf "4i r 4 + } '�Ir�,e 'e -k.'�iCS', q. .L, Y,is! �, f +1 41 4 -+ ,7i. i,•' i + - t ,: ?I y *'"'F3^1 � - 1 ,� .a. ~< . r ' Z r •t� J.R , C Yi' , a- 3 a :.i 4 r efi '' { t v. .ti a .L . ii 4. _ _. 4. :. 4 ,� 1 •i., " t .. ,S,4,"..♦, j x, ,n,f 't J y h'�a,;,, 't ,, x.�', t i t , S d'. ti ,. 'f'3?'.." ,:t wti. Y' ti.'r.. ! P 'p, 1 �:u x ], r. : �`` fit•« _ r , . . d r 'Y`.:O'f e % m'••.41' Gt•'yw" ..n,r,. h i,i k ', E r ..,`1 d�`.:r ar.e P, akr . ,�. l'�_ Se tt t$F'.kt,-Y` r 4 .•,. ,, Tipt. ', J '"•i• � .�i.fk"'i ' +_•. Pt-; '� -1Xf +: f A f _r '�r fi P\] a.` kr *, 3 _'+ 't. ,' `a' `i..t� rr t i «. t . . �. t r J i .:+. d . . �4 r r1' rY i Ft c-`y k.,,y -e.,r,, ,.. j �,i, f 4i1'i 1z '. f, r7 y,F t ;r ., `, x 1-Z 1 3'7 q ., _.;." t n.,Y dr '4 a 1 +CW i t .. _ .L k q^j Y1�F- ,: r /c F 1 �� _ r. i` lY.. 4 ar`•.t'. k 5 *, e _ t...k O+ t P , k` .`� <aS.kT R,- ... `�' '" '" ti ,'� a 4 1- ,, x L. S" fi.t i,., tr n..,x [fir r i ! r s ai f,c, t {, .}, ~ s' ,k.; Y' t.c E4 t. ., -r :, a• r ,... `s, `#t .ro �... *,4.y n ;,ar ,�({ d x'r ^{'*'.:. a, "'�: r.i 5•. E.` t..,rt } a{„ r*r. "i , Y+ 1 Zr .' ." 1 e r- f r'" ' t>*i-s �, !xr rfi ; _ y�S fg s 7' 4„ r x !: •w a: J +.. q n ,: F r :!s'r l,4 � y4, .,;z,Y ti '7a �e r:;d ^„;ra , (. :r• ,,�• •t�sy r t t'< , < 7'1 4.- 'R:1 r `s .i . e -r •I'v 1 is I ,`S i,ti.lC;.: Y., �. '•" }' „ Ad,.'(.$s+e9 :�,{n. >aa,•a ,t k a k.',':'�` E.k^.'y • d"'!.`k, f,,• ix i yst.., 9 s,...tf' ys.. '''rrQ'...fi f.ti i4"' .}i, 'g,,,> rssr,s r� ,. "s v, r e i^ r w k r ri e7ef u a t �S `f st r �fi .,,G •J1�i^s ,r, '4 { r 'y t-t r�*':r ':C 4 A. , s .'r•j- # 8, +kM y °: �•S'' to a . .r * ,y ,r c, 4` n rrc a -' ." r... - I " r r•`.`a;I t�.(i � 5'r �Kts �t•h A .s'ettt y} � 'i Ir. tr a '.xt ?'"k.az 'Y' ti 7•. `fy .)E` { , i.Yw e, ,,. rr �,a 't IwL'St, ''�, M. 3'r S'�' R '` 1 '.Af°' 7 ^ '"•�sn Y' [y ? w 3`".4 ii v }. I la r' �r).:'S� ,t k. •., , .T at' ♦t _Its ,Y t .. t r f .t a )-�`'�, ,r I ,. ,, ,�, L '}>t? ki• 4., .,'t. si,L C. , i tl t. " y 4 y.'t i4�i • t- yr' ^�iie T Y i'' F�F¢ 1 l+ } (ki t.w r'� ZJ aS r •, r IG"'k w' +� r +i is "ks' FF 4 , r. 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I ,» •r:;• t ;+..y R' �.-:^" '-s,-• S. r'G; },z,+4'»; i., ryts ftr ',*a' fr 'xrD i ct"u' se.;. ..'i '.� ,. tr c t 4 t ,�• % s. .rY+ '+w-`£:,X ,Wy a '�" r iri-" t" .' ..• 4 1 a ^P 4 . +`}� _ '"t t• a•� u4A' t t�,aY i - fI'"f 3 r, - "4. '.y'` .s'lt A_ $r'"•,'.r# ro yr y�' i < o ,,: 6' if-a. 4 Ft t 3 (.4 .) . t `a }.r r- y' f, s.E ¢i ?ASa" # ,r rsfr 'r a• 1 iT sl'. skr h74 at .:Fy t t, Y+ S Tts! • „y4aSr t Z41f �' ,1f +'r a. j +` y, . . II4 F day' i- a,t t Y 34 tc �t ,r.r i.,,)� va k 1 M I,.-I.'- S ,-�?f, �a` -v ra�J,-S YS a;,.'¢, ssA y"•'!,r�r dr t .y. ta,,. •t., 4,X,,, Rrx t i•.d 3�'e Y�":r .p� TpI j .+ •✓� ,-,-,I,, 7 ,/, f ,"e'1+,.1 � *kr y 'a } `y h>Yt I �y -'0'- '�" • r y ,t Y�'ll l` Fj.,. 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('� - Y S Y.' * "e a ,x .y.: v r' .J .fi,.44'xg,. .� �t• 'bo p, 4,. a >F> 4 't ;57' a.R•x. i } f �. #» tirf # 'r 1 >a k�+V' ff�t%�r2t 1� ;'1; '�. s ,, Yak t,�- :M .*!*a� '.k162 ..,. r.�I +N P,. ' .� Via. 3:3. r 1J" aka iX 2 y '`� 1°fJ�9 �t "Fhb ,1,. q S.. a TS sr� f:, . a,I `•y a t� :+ , 4si•a f f A.� r s.s,.., ? .', �.N. 3,t a.i tl: ,5s. •;' '4�r . t' 3 a t 'itSE) �aw f 4.b?•;c4p ;(ts=f�T� d fs ? ° # :max£ �� c vtj i?,%, i . :`' s? # 4 ,}�," ',''°r�` z r4r at * t +s '.. 1iR.. t r o rri, € ,�,z,:t %{eic x '',s pSS+, 1 F c t�'.txr* , i fir. {, i �, b•,a; -c, `4t �1 ", .a�' ''k�s 4 { ;*:,...• t,�,.. , f I 1,rp'. r ; F.' i 4a a�r:Y:Z 4 ,:o`t v ,a:.-.:sTt".*�j�..yti ts,xs .,,...� �a_�,;i.t a t-.t ,fry,»fit. wr. e:Ti?;ti { ;, X.�i..i',A.pia,. a,M C. d.,t�e ..,yQ�' „i �,.�.lf.. 4 if. bpi�.k tsa f} i!tzr. '�+.1�]'.. ,t,., r,j r. ',y.°,�. Y T .- It tr '..zr .i� .3rt, �+ l•W.'V"5 4,('1i"'' s s.'. � . 'R$: ? L? #� � '�, 77# �t<�fix�."t3L€�+� *{ y. {�{#"r {kq1" ^,' "fir '. t.: a` ate. ..rky."k f^*''r; i 3 ! k; 3'`, ,3 `'I, .. v , P ,[. q' • r 4t� r i� y, d .» 'e t Gfiy/''r'i Y�i .A w 4 i f• ^°-'. t r' i. .. 1 - 6.. `'t., ' ,rS '. �, -+{ E fit' �•}9S 1 `aa, � ,a r .1,. .,#s 9 „bt.J:.: Q }'f :,�} "✓ £? 1+# 3'lK�t o c`"k 4 r 11k��Y t t .: Y av fir,q��Fs43-, `�13,.. } itr@� ilfl .�?`"er'k"t�gw S ' ?�#{„ S tt .,�7 ` *�=` ' 4 t >.:•�,:*,..t'^'t 1. ,,1; ,.. t; e:�: .. •„, ,s r:...y-,e'. .. f�: .r �„„.i,.•' {SiNr a f -4< ''y'�'t�G-,, i , e'w e`+.!R� .y.•'%,:iR':.air,;,° p *t t,,$ 1. !�,1113p 1. ..,�<r,iL.Pv �4'x:r.,-v,,'�+"4J,���Irt 1�<+ 'S ::'t'+i ?lei��,� •r`�Ys:*�t'it-,Lt.3,�tl 1/.� {S'ay �f°"�.{*�G,I "i '�C is�'$(} � ��"�+�'�f'yk tt� ?, � < i�r',t'' I y, y {y r Sa '!R- .! a� 1_11 i W 5 -aYr'' Y� vl"kl 7 .. i�:: k7u.^ .{!, a'.< ;'•,2�,tT�- ! s tl�•.:_,.:, try. �. }✓ -:tt? "f"$,,:,- ..�v'Iv.1 4,, :Y. p I1. < fa. LSy� '> p '1�k a,t ,.iti Z`y'iYg�c.[+ag.- .s.: ♦ S. I i {.•*. ". Fq,.` '. 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A - ., �rl -114 - ,�,� �11 IN! lux , � N. . - ,- .Sy L, 444i,,�',`-'LP�,,�i�� i�i� , . , -AR911 Pon P Lk. rl.-�il ,I W I ., �,,N ,�5T)�O i";!;g�11 s,�K II;ft�. , �" , N 1, ,�; �, - , �, ., :RU'! , ," ,t 11"" *09 �% �- _ _ , . - ,, 'r , - 4 'e'. -,,v, I -, �� .,," _ _,4 i -� 4 O IMS N _, ,14, , , . , �,�,t �g "1 " , � �,+ 4% - , INTIS . _t Q a +ny Q W�vk,,,P X W ,,� . _ � r. 4 . _ 't ��I , ��, , 4, -, 1� " kV i _ , � I '_,`W A , "q , "� ,�� ,� , ,�; 'N � ,* ,_ , , S , -Ins 3 , ,�.',�,�, �" L ,!�W - �,f 0 A -, Ik . " 11 , � L .Iv- $,t, ,IW �e - A, � FR�,� � "i "�4,� , 1 . I tt ' ' I I JI I 4t,I , , '.r � ' '.� ,� 1 ,�, I I k - ,; I � % , -11 � -i rX , I � I , .! I , I r . , , �T ; '4,�A''.��',' � 111�,i� 5 y ." U . 195ve"Aw _� 'A 1. I A r' ,A1'"� 'Zili ie , , Y 4 � � W _ "? ! 4 A'kt IX I,�,P,I�9", - "t , WK.W.0 to , r - Al , _,. �I"Ill.,11c 4 4 .. i -)�Wli i -- ". �-I'II_A;X I , ," �" � Z ! - - r- PW"V V -4 L� toA , I rl k- " �1.�,� ,'_y '.,. ",, - I vZ. .'Itt,1%�-+:-,T"', An 1, , " _"_-I. -1� _4,X-I�ff' '-T. - V, 41 "" - ' �'*' '_ ­_ - . ,,,,� I % "I'll, ,. ,� , 7��r,,, t J, -w 4 ,zl'­�41��ri� 11 A_�,, L All ...... -�.,��-,�4-,': �,�& �"',�_' -0 '�_ f-T . _ _ ;P . .�� , -11 � : r ��L ----------- "I rr­', � -t- - __ -�PF�,,'�'?. --- e 1 - _­­ -W' :, - ,� L,I" " I " L __;� _ " ..� __,, -6,k".. ,,,��,� ;V� ; I� ��� " 1, ­­ - �.­__ z _-- R., 1" .. ­­� - J September 4, 1987 . rif Mr. Ron S. Jansson, Chairman Zoning Board of Appeals 367 Main Street Hyannis, Ma 02601 Dear Mr. Jansson: RE: Crossroads Housing Project - 1986-36 The Board of Health is appalled by the new proposal increasing the number of bedrooms to 78 from the original 58 proposed. Attached is a copy of our previous letter opposing the construction of 58 one bedroom apartments at the site. The addition of 20 bedrooms would mean approximately--l17benrooms per acre of land with a daily estimated sewage of 1210 gallons per acre per day. 1210 gallons of sewage per acre daily is an abuse of the land and poses a potential t threat to our groundwater. The Town would be unable to locate any public water supply wells in the area in the event expansion of our public water supply system will become necessary. Any private water supply wells in the area will be contaminated. The Cape has been designated a sole source aquifer by the Federal Government, and the protection of groundwater is the 4umber #1 priority of the Town and all of the Cape. We are rapidly losing our shellfishing harvesting areas due to over development and we are seriously concerned with recreational water quality. We have an Inadequate sewer and septage treatment facility. The Septage Treatment Plant turns away septage haulers daily with their loads of human waste, with no place to put it. Our solid waste disposal area is inadequate, yet we continue to compound our problems of proven existing contamination by approving the over development of our land and the adding of more people in a town that cannot provide environmentally safe services to its existing population. Very truly q urs, Grover C.M.Farrish, M.D., Chairman BOARD OF HEALTH TOWN OF BARNSTABLE JMK/bs Enc. yOFTNETo� TOWN OF BARNSTABLE OFFICE OF BAfl .BLE MAIO. S BOARD OF HEALTH MASK i639. �� 367 MAIN STREET HYANNIS, MASS. 02601 October 13, 1987 . Mr. Ron S. Jansson, Chairman Zoning Board.of Appeals 367 Main Street Hyannis, Ma 02601 Dear Mr. Jansson: RE: Crossroads Housing Project . The Board of Health continues to be of the opinion that 78 bedrooms on 7.13 acres of land is an overuse of land in the Town of Barnstable. However, this project by itself does not present any more specific environmental problems than others previously allowed by the Town. The project is not located in a zone of contribution to any public water supply well. Studies commissioned by the town indicate that our drinking water supply would not be affected. The project will be located a considerable distance from any wetlands or water courses and does not appear to pose a specific threat to our shellfish harvesting areas. If one person occupied each apartment the project would have a nitrate concentration of 39 mg/1 - this would increase to 55.7 mg/1 if two persons occupied each bedroom. C.C.P.E.D.C. recommends nitrate concentrations no higher than 5mg/1 inasmuch as all of Cape Cod has been designated a sole source aquifer. However, outside of zones of contribution this concentration would not effect our drinking water according to recent studies. We strongly feel that the development we have permitted throughout the town has caused irreversible environmental damage and lowered the quality of life in the town. We continue to approve high density developments, yet cannot provide adequate sewage treatment or waste disposal. Nevertheless, it would be difficult to disallow this project because of drinking water and shellfish harvesting problems specifically attributed to the project. It is recommended, however, that the number of units and bedrooms remain the same as in the original proposal. Very truly yours, hn M. Kelly Director of Public Health JMK/bs TOWN OF BARNSTABLE LOCATIONLi.), ,lj .1 K-r J SEWAGE # VILLAGES%ekJ`!Ct ASSESSOR'S MAP & LOT INSTALLER'S NAME & PHONE NO. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY LEACHING FACILITY:(type) �c�L,1 �6"� � � (size) ek NO. OF BEDROOMS v2- PRIVATE WELL OR t� W BUILDER OR OWNER &e,0r5-ieJ-Jf DATE PERMIT ISSUED: / l- DATE COMPLIANCE ISSUED: VARIANCE GRANTED: Yes No a i � . — t�f_. � �� �� � f ASSESSOR'S MAP NO. PARCEL LOCAJION SEWAGE PERMIT NO. LUG t- (o - 11 5-9 VILLAGE C ev. 9k�j I N S T A LLER'S NAME A ADDRESS -Z- 0r;5C0\� MAC B U I L D E R OR OWNER -q f�e t)j`:1 ai�.< to, C�p V, tie DATE PERMIT ISSUED PAT E COMPLIANCE ISSUED �w r r� G we"�. . � -7 No... FEs....,1 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH ................O F...............-. Appliratiun for Diupu,sal Works Tonotrnrttun Prrmit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct Y ) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at:OT _ 5� A,,-•--•---L..... ... ...../...-..••--- i�SSoTzS �aP _ - � . � g................ ..Location-Address " or ............. K / -..1 w �L Oe Address ......._•. --•--•----•-•.................. .._..-•-----••-•--••------••:-...- ... ...........� � �ls ........... Installer Address Type of Building -¢�U I L-T-­>1 t J 6o? Size Lot!?!!P.='$L .Sq. feet ..� Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms........1. -___________________________Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) aOther—Type of Building ____________________________ No. of persons__...z,�.._.___.__..__. Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) QOther fixtures ...................................................................................•--------•--------..._......---•---........••---•-•---•-.....-•••__ W Design Flow..............�-��.C_....................gallons per person per day. Total daily flow......... � gallons. WSeptic Tank—Liquid'capacity_'l�.�_?�__gallons Length_V7-___l!._. Width:_(o_�-_(ct" Diameter________________D p...-3=-_o.'. x Disposal Trench—No_ ____________________ Width...... Total Length..................... Total leaching area....................sq. ft. 3 Seepage Pit No..__r­.......... Diameter........ Depth below inlet---&............. Total leaching area_$0.1a_:2sq. ft. Z Other Distribution box Dosing tank0-4 ( ) Percolation Test Result9 Performed by..... �.:. —t-� 'f-. Date j $� ---..• G �................... Test Pit No. 1....G-_ --minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit...�` '�__.._. Depth to ground water....b:// .......... 0-4 L� Test Pit No. 2................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth to ground water........................ O Description of Soil............... ............ T.-L1�_e.4._. Q.-� �.-•--- /. - •30-- 1�4..::-_GOA ers� .. ............................................. Ad Q �-,O ._.... .._ ...-----..Gzrt._..1� --•--•-----1'---- ------ W lc .._..-•---•-......••--•----•---•-•-.....-•----...••----••.............•--•-------....__.....--•-•._...-•----__._.._....__._._.:_..••-•--.. -••---•--------..._.._..._......-----------•--------....... U Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable................. ...-----•--------------------------------------------------•••-----..__.._.......-----_-• •--•--.......•-••--•------------•--•--- .#............................................................. Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individu Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of LITLZ 5 of the State Sanitary Code r ull igne rtl:er agrees not to place the system in operation and a C ificate of Com a has bee t e� and 1 Ith. Signed.......... ........ .. ............ ...................................... ............___-._.............. Date Application Approved By......... i ...r -- ------------- ----------•--- .-.. _ .:. ... Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons:............................................................................................................ . --••-•- -••.............•.....---•••......--••---------••---•.._....................._.....---•-......._...........__-__...._......._..--•-----•---._.._..-----•------......_____ .......•---. Date Permit No..........(� • •--- ---..7 .......................... Issued......................................................... Date No._-I!.....1, FEs.. ........ THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD. OF HEALTH Appliratiun for Disposal Vor.ks Tonstrudiun Vrrntit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (X)-or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: , ................__...._..................!.......-----•-----•......-••----•---•......--Z•- ••••--••-•---------•-••-...---••-.....•-•••---•-...--••••••-•••.....••••--.._.............--_•••-- f ��.Location Af&Lress/ {'— o ^ —''i `••'-�_C :_.1_.Ld--_._...../.!.: ��/ / N�.�. ... _ ..........................Address Owner a .�.:....:__!..:... 2lsc 3e�/------------5--�1.....--- .............................•..... pq Installer Address U Type of Building L.1 1 L--T- 1 ti1 G� "� Size Lot.'?!v:'-'a 2.�?Sq. feet .-. Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms........1-Z-c...........................Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) aOther—Type of Building ............................ No. of persdris-----'-4......... Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) d Other fixtures -------------.--•-----•----•................ ........ W Design Flow............. ..................... per person per day. Total daily flow.......... ©:4� .W: _....gallons. WSeptic Tank—Liquid capacity. v..gallons Length..! ._.. Width..( , Via_... Diameter................ Depth... x Disposal Trench—No..................... Width.................... Total Length.................... Total leaching area....................sq. ft. '3 Seepage Pit No..__�-.......... Diameter....... ....... Depth below inlet---f .__......... Total leaching area.�50 _vsq. ft. Z Other Distribution box (X) Dosing tank ( ) - '-' Percolation Test Results Performed by......... !-�?A�'. V-- � t: =L--L-F-�'�. Date......`- ,n.... :`�........... • .............•--- ,Wa` Test Pit No. 1..._L --•minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit...A'`�'�:_ ... Depth to ground water....Viz! .......... PL4 Test Pit No. 2...............Iminutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth to ground water........................ ...........................•----------.....-•-•---••------•---••---......J...........---•••-•-•••---........................................................ O Description of SoiL_._........_rt`N D.-3c�' A M �� 'Sc7 U -------------- -------•----------....... A....li�_..�!�...�---G-IT'-A�'�L__r ..tc..........I....ri�;2_ :... W VNature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable-.............................................................................................. 1 -^-__*_ Agreement: C9 The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of:ITL; 5 of the State Sanitary Code �le and�signed further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Cer 'ficate.of Compliance has been-iisssu6d,,6 the_board of health. Signed./..__.!l.-�` :.? ----------•.............. Date -_ = . Application Approved By---...... z.----- -•--- -------------- - .:. ... r Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons:............................................................................................................ .................................................................--------.......•------•-......---•.._....--------------------------------------...•-•-•---------•...---•-•--_....------...............: P Date PermitNo.........S ........................ Issued.---.................................................... Date THE COMMONWEALTH OFMASSACHUSETTS-.i• /- BOARD OF HEALTH r k-, e- r ......... ..........OF........Yz _:.<, < ?,�1R?1'.� ...................................... _. Trrtifiratr of Toutpliattre THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed (� or Repaired ( ) by-•-•.............•-�-=.........,r-fir*: --•------.....----••--•---------... ------•-------------•--...............................-------•---.....-•-•-•---..............-- Installer at....... a �> / --------------•---••-----.........-------••-----.....---.....--•---•--.................--•--••. has been installed in accordance with the provisions of TITLE j of The State Sanitary Code as described in the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No......................................... dated................................................ THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUE® AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. DATE......................L4...=.. --.. �� Inspector.................................. t• �............................. l f ------------- ----- _ w -- • - ---------- - -- - .. _. .- _ . .._---------------------- THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH .......-71k,( _ OF..... s ............................................. _ No...-•-(1•_ ..... FEE. ...... ... Disposal Works Tunuttrtutiun liprntit Permission is hereby granted......... ........................."---•-------•------••-•-----•---...---••----•--...............-- `` . to Construct (k) or Repair ( ) an'Individual Sewage Disposal System at No......... ', ............... - ..._...... .._..----- Street _ as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit Nol Z __.r Dated....•..................................... ,��. � DATE------------------�-'.-.....--'..._�.�_.�.............................. Board of Health I • THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH . -'..............oF........... . -----••••--............. Appliratiun for Mipuual Workfi Tunitrurtiun Hermit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (4) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: ...........-••. ......`.........r' / .-.-.-------`.'sc�s�c7'es -------I89------------- ••- ocation cjress ^—' .or Lo _ Owner Address ........-.................................. .................... M Installer Address + Type of Building _�vl�,�t, Z Size Lot3t:� ?2: q. feet U Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms...........17............................Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) Other—Type T e of Building z 4 p� yp g ..............:............. No.,of persons----•--.- --............. Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) PrOther fixtures ------_-•..................................................••_.---- . W Design Flow..............!:5.1F�...................gallons per person per day. Total daily flow...........1320:0_� gallons. W . Septic Tank—Liquid capacity .gallons Length..l!�.:.!.l.... Width:lP.-Sa��. Diameter:............... Deptli_._4.�-0`' x Disposal Trench—No..................... Width.................... Total Length.................... Total leaching area....................sq. ft. 3 Seepage Pit No..., ............ Diameter.....!'` .._..... Depth below inlet.....LQ........... Total leaching area_1�C%r.,Psq. ft. Z Other Distribution box (x) Dosing tank Percolation Test Results Performed by........ �??!^!:°�2�.. :...� u:� .. Date.......9 `��$ ....... a Test Pit No. 1....G.�ninutes per inch Depth of Test Pit......1 -��.. Depth to ground water.....N�t-....... Test Pit No. 2................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth to ground water........................ -- ----------.......................•-----•--- O Description of Soil.....T!'.:.. �? Q- �QQ.......................................................... r ---.._ V .....••--....----•---•---.-- aflGtiz��l+E1_�...NC?.....(J!t rF,.1Z. --.3E GP4.�.l TF�R P.. W ---•--••••••-------•--••-----•--•.....•--•---••••-•-•----••--•---•••-•--••-•--••••--....._---••----•....•--_•--•••-••---••----------------•------•-•••--••-•--•-•......•••----•••--••_-------•-••--..... UNature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable................................................................................................ -------------------•-----...........................----•----.......--•---------•-•--•--.........------•--------•------------_-----------•-----•------......_........--•--............_.•--............. Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of LITL U 5 of the State Sanitary Code— Th undersi ed further agrees not to place the system in operati uut' a Certificate of pliance has been is ued the d of lth. Signed......... ... ••••...........................• Date Applica ion Approved By.......... '... .....................••................ Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons:............................................................................................................ ...............................................G.........._......--------....................................--••------....--•----•--•------•---------_-•-•-.................._-• - •--........ Date _ PermitNo........ 2.Q_..- ----------------------. Issued-------••-•---.......-•---•--•----••--................. Date THE COMMONWEALTH'OF,MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH .....OF.......... ..... ..............................•------------......---.......------ Appliratiuu for Disposal Works Tonstrurtiun Frrutit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ( ) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: f� GL cation/`tddress y� f -7-� l�lS1 UX �ZS3 orloyxo`�lV� r// ...... ......•...... ............................. Owner Address a ...............�:....ns�i�s C'..�.�........�`:...s�.�.......--- -•-••-•------••••-....•-•-•••-•-•--••-----............•-••••....._...........-••--............---- Installer Address + Type of Building .._ �.�... J 1 L.r>,,.1 4=? Z_ Size Lot�! c.�........:2Sq. feet .. Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms...........A7............................Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) a �\ Other—Type of Building ............................ No. of persons......?. ............. Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) QOther fixtures ------------••-----•----•-------------------•------..............---------...........------........---••--•--------...........--•-••••---............. W Design Flow.............. ......._......._...gallons per person per day. Total daily flow........_.'-�Zp...... gallons. WSeptic Tank—Liquid'capacity 01 -.gallons Length-_!!. t t-_-- Width.a'7.�... Diameter................ Depth... -.- x Disposal Trench—No..................... Width.................... Total Length........•........... Total leaching area....................sq. ft. Seepage Pit No...0 :.......... Diameter.....! ........ Depth below inlet.....6�........... Total leaching area._!n?��._Qsq. ft. Z Other Distribution box Dosing tank ( ) _ ` ' Percolation Test Results Performed by...........................................................I c L�-f Date........ /�3A ....._. .............••••----..... Test Pit No. I.....i4.Zminutes per inch Depth,of Test Pit......t!4f5;:L. Depth to ground water.....N,Z ......... G%4 Test Pit No. 2................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth to ground water........................ a .......................................................:....................................•--••--••-. ::0 Description of Soil..... T I.:..' - ...D-.24 _ ! c)i Nl 5Ui3 7.1- -..1�1!� ..a�rz�.. s�r-17 V �i N �� L.e... Q._... ttTFi2..........(� ..................................... � UW ••-•................•-•...........•••.-•-•---.._..._._..--•--......-•-•••-•---.....•••....••----•••-•---•-•...••----•••---•••_,_....•-••...........•---•--•••-•-•.....................•......._....... Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable._.............................................................................................. •------•----•••-•-••-----•-••-•------•-•••-.........••-•-••-----•-•-••....-••-----••...--••--•-•-•-••-------•......•---•••....•---•......•-•------••.......................•-••---•...----•---......---. Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of:ITL: 5 of the State Sanitary Code— Th undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operati n unti a Certificate of pliance has been 1-speded�l he inn of alth. , v'�2 Signed.... v .- ----------- ........... .... r r Date Application Approved By.............. ( ..�j.1 e --r-=-�._....... 4- --- ........................ A� L • Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons---------------•--•----••---•-•-•-•-.•...------------.....--•------------------...---------•---•............. .. ..............................................••--_._....._......-•-----•..._..••-••---•......._.........._........---•-------••------•••-•--••-•..........••---••----•.........------•.................. Date PermitNo........ ....................... Issued........................................................ Date THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS` BOARD OF HEALTH - - .....................'.........:OF..................................................................................... Trrtif iratr of Toutplittnrr THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed ( ) or Repaired ( ) by.......... ` -•- � Q----•-------------------------------•- ----------.-----•---•-•-----•---------------•-------------------------.-------.-.--------------- Installer at /a� =� , ---- .... .. `...........................•-- has been installed in accordance with the provisions of TIT LE 5 of The State Sanitary Code, s described in the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No...... ...._ ...... dated................................................ THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. DATE . _ ✓ 6 Inspetor....... • •-• ......................._........... ---\--- 15 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH�/f,, ....... / 1................OF............. .......... •. (.--•---....................... No..... _: �. FEE..._... Z .. •......... Disposal Works Tons Oadion f rrmit Permission is hereby granted..---•--�- --r--...•--r-�._.....: - ................ t to Construct ( )) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at No......... Street e� as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No:1_g" ...... Dated.......................................... ............................. ----------------------------------- _ V Board of Health DATE. --•..............•----......•------•-------------•--...._ 1. P�oF7NEr0� TOWN OF BARNSTABLE OFFICE OF = BaaasTs>jrg, BOARD OF HEALTH . 367 MAIN STREET ypY HYANNIS, MASS. 02601 October 13, 1987 Mr. Ron S. Jansson, Chairman Zoning Board of Appeals 367 Main Street Hyannis, Ma 02601 Dear Mr. Jansson: RE: Crossroads Housing Project The Board of Health continues to be of the opinion that 78 bedrooms on 7.13 acres of land is an overuse of land in the Town of Barnstable. However, this project by itself does not present any more specific environmental problems than others previously allowed by the Town. The project is not located in a zone of contribution to any public water supply well. Studies commissioned by the town indicate that our drinking water supply would not be affected. The project will be located a considerable distance from any wetlands or water courses and does not appear to pose a specific threat to our shellfish harvesting areas. If one person occupied each apartment the project would have a nitrate concentration of 39 mg/1 - this would increase to 55.7 mg/I if two persons occupied each bedroom. C.C.P.E.D.C. recommends nitrate concentrations no higher than 5mg/l. inasmuch as all of Cape Cod has been designated a sole source aquifer. However, outside of zones of contribution this concentration would not effect our drinking water according to recent studies. We strongly feel that the development we have permitted throughout the town has caused irreversible environmental damage and lowered the quality of life in the town. We continue to approve high density developments, yet cannot provide adequate, sewage treatment or waste disposal. Nevertheless, it would be difficult to disallow this project because of drinking water and shellfish harvesting problems specifically attributed to the project. It is recommended, however, that the number of units and bedrooms remain the same as in the original proposal. Very truly yours, hn M. Kelly Director of Public Health . JMK/bs No... :. 77 Fics... ..�- THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARDD''OF HEALTH t✓�s ret-tST'144 — c P_21............o..... .�...............O F.................................--...------......--------...---------................... Apli ration for Biupusttl Works Towarixrtiun rrrmi# Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (,)1:1 or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at Ts S�� �cP -� n2 ��t=ss��� 1✓I�P 6t 9' ................_......__...... _ ................. ....... .........•----...---...............-----•-- - ......................... catiioi d res �� ,(� —7 ... ,. .. ,! .... .....�1...4..Z.5.1.1-•-•-•- "',.'• .or Lot ��.�/.�. LL.�� O er Address W pq Installe Address _f d Type of Building i3U 1 L_JJat L..I C� 4 S Size Lot.��v....�r'...............' Sq. feet aDwelling—No. of Bedrooms................1.........................Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) aOther—Type of Building ............................ No. of persons....zZ................ Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) QOther fixtures -----------•-•.....................................•--.....---•------•----•-----------------....................---••---------•.....--••--............ Lz l to. C> W Design Flow...............��t.. .....................gallons per person per day. Total daily flow................................. �-_..gallons. WSeptic Tank—Liquid capactty.��qD.gallons Length.►!.--!1.-. Width:n,--(e-... Diameter............... l4.,o. Dep .... x Disposal Trench—No..................... Width...........:........ Total Length.................... Total leaching area....................sq. ft. 3 Seepage Pit No....... ....�......... Diameter......tm� ...... Depth below inlet....&........... Total leaching area..(o...-.,.4..'2sq. ft. Z Other Distribution box Dosing tank ( ) '-' Percolation Test Results/ Performed by........................ ......��^!��� �_.. 'f..... Date... /9-/ ' a ................. Test Pit No. 1_. ...` .minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit....!` '....... Depth to ground water...t4 lk.,:........ fT4 Test Pit No. 2................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth to ground water........................ a --------- ------ --------------------------------....---+.....................- ...----...............................---_._... O —f ++ , Z_ 0-24,, ToL� sv� _ �L-lo F.. Description of Soil... ..•••. ..................•----•----• ME t�--Goi�tzsr----.---.--------..-..-.�...... V 6 Tr_A lE�-L-_/...� .....kJt!'tT --ram-.--G--1�L r� -r. _ ... W U Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable............................................•................................................... ........................•-----------------------------....------.................-•--••-•----..................... Agreement: The undersigned.agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of:I':L% 5 of the State Sanitary Code T ndersi ed fur agrees not to place the system in operation til Certificate of C liance has be d the ar of h lth Signed--.......... ..............•-• -- -•-------- -.......... ............ ........................... Date �Applicati Approved By.......... ..... . .. ............. -- --- ----•------- ..... .......... Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons:..........................................--•••-••••.....--•--------.......--•----••---------•--............._ ................................•--•----........•--•------•........••-•-------•-•-•-----.....----•---..............•-----------•-------•...-••-•--•----••....••--•----•---............................_� Date PermitNo....... .......................... Issued..................................................... Date No ........ _. ...... . _ THE COMMONWEAL H OF MASSACHUSETTS ---'� BOARD OF HEALTH •-�� Appliration for Diupu,ial Work.5 Tonstrurtiun Il.ertnit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct O- or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: _ ................__.:�....�- .. � c� ••-----------............._... _......-..__.....-------------...----------- l� -----••---.............._..._. G I�ocatioi - d res A r .. �.LG�� �_• C•-- 5...":! 1...../1_(__•!/_.•. . 1XZ•� -or lot�No.�YV. .�LL�� _._. ` O wner// 5c d / Ad- dress ... ............•.......-.s _...__........ ._...----•-•..................................... Installer Address t �v Type of Building f L-Tal tJG� S Size Lot-34 ... '.2 0.S.. .. ..Sq. feet .-1 Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms ................_...Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) Other—TYPe of Building ............................ No. of persons-___.;i�7- --------------- Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) Otherfixtures .......................................................:�.•--•-••••-••..._--_..-•••----....••••-•••-•••-....-•--...._...._......-••------•--....... ►zl a. 0 W Design Flow._-•_•_•._.__.Ea ___________•....__._gallons per person per day. Total daily flow..__-_._.._..__....._-_______...._-. ._ gallons. WSeptic Tank—Liquid capacity-�a.gallons Length-!!.`.:'_!!•�� Width: ,-_._ Diameter________________ Depth.__A�-.�?�� x Disposal Trench—No_ ____________________ Width........ Total Length.................... Total leaching area....................sq. ft. 3 Seepage Pit No.__._.Z_..-__._• Diameter__-_-_1.7..._._._. Depth below inlet....!�.�........... Total leaching area.A?`�tgsq. ft. z Other Distribution box (?<) Dosing tank ( ) � a Percolation Test Results Performed by...__•...F !-_—Aj,r?-�...�__•_..K S-L��:-(..-.• Date...�.�� �`-------_-.. Test Pit No. 1._.Z-` _:_minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit_...A ....._. Depth to ground water...1J//n.•._..... 44 Test Pit No. 2................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit_................... Depth to ground water_..................... P4 ................................. ..._:......._.. :....... ----..._.._....•-•---.......................... .....................................- ...... •••--••=---••. 0 Description of Soil...-! . �- -. "� ..ter' � `-�'5 HE_1D—G J. fz�r.�. — �►�jD � ---------------- CZ TZ,A�e1;Z_L_ t-_r = r,.1 R><2 G-_-hf G�t.3 r`-1--�F�z rrt > V -------•%---••---•-•-•-•----- ----•---•-••-•-- - ......••-••....--...... _ ..•...--•...._•----•--••- W U Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable._............................................................................................. ....-•••-•••........................•••-•••-•-•--••••••--•--•-••-••••-••-•--•-•••-•---•----............_.......__.---.---._..---•••-•-••-•••-••-•--•---••-•••-•-..._...-••-..--••••----•-._..........._. Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of LITL-- 5 of the State Sanitary Code�-T e'und rsigped fur en agrees not to place the system in operation a til a Certificate of Comlliance has b/n-issu dhe b ar- of he lth./ 1 Signed.....-----•• .-•----•-= J •---------------••----- ........ Date Application Approved BYJ v.. - ------------ --- .......... ...h'.�' Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons:...-........................................................................................................ ... ............................................•--••---•-•--._...-----•-••----•----...•..-•---•--------.......--------------•---------•---------•---•---•...-••-•••-••.._....••••--•• - ._.........._ Date PermitNo......BLS_:..7 .......................... Issued....................................................... ate .-Ji•!'-MR3lliwr�0'Ori►'swiOw.O'......r.oi ..... w-�6i..0 a ••••�� 4 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS i BOARD OF HEALTH ............oF....... .-�-� ...................... Trrtif iratr of (aoutplitturr THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed (,_�) or Repaired ( ) by .._..-... `5� ^. �....................... ..•-----------•-•-----•---••---.....-----....._.-.......•........---............................_..... Installer at................ ••-•••--•- ••••. y------t fe---.-_--C.�_:��a+�--••..................................... has been installed in accordance with the provisions of TI 1 L✓ j of The State Sanitary Code as described in the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No......................................... dated-............................................... THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED-AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. 1 Ly y(7 - , DATE...... .................................................................. Inspector.------------ ----........•--------------------------- ..... •••••f+s w♦sertw..wro+►..v.owww�.www... .•..•••......•.......r ............ -!a r'Rre... ....... THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH !,�� ' ............/ (,��y..............OF.......... C.............................. . / _- NO...-. ....�. .......... FEE.......:...?�........... Disposal Works Tonutrurtion Permit Permission is hereby granted............7_. -------------•-------...•-••-----...-•-•-------.............--•--...._._.....---....... to Construct (x) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at No..•••-•••••-•-..: -a�e��s..: Jam. :._•. )-/ ... --- „ ........•--•--•-••••••••• .. ........... = V .. .. s. vStreet as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No. .:�.... Dated.......................................... ..................................�---•-••---•--................................................ DATE. _ _••_--_... Board of Health 3 --• •-•-- --- ----•-... �-- � 7 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH e_.( - A-TE-iceST�r3�� ..................0F........... .............................................................................. Appl ration for Dispasal Varks Tongtriartinrt trrmit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct pC) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: , ... � Sal•-��•--�•'•.............�/......�S`�.F��c�.. �i� ..189. ..� ..................cation ddre o.—�o...... ...._.... Address Installer Address f Type of Building r3,J t►�� Size Lot ......... F'.. :P­Sq. feet �.. Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms............—5...........................Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) aA4 Other—T e of Building .............. No. of ersons.........1`�...:....... Showers — YP g -•----------• ......_......-•-•-•-•--•-•--------•--. ( ) Cafeteria ( ) Q Other fixtures .---.....---•------...--•-----••---•-----....-- W Design Flow............. ....................gallons per person per day. Total daily flow............ -t.Q..........gallons. WSeptic Tank—Liquid capacity VGAgallons LengthAP—Se� Width:.5.1,=.8 Diameter:............... DepthF:4;S7�.. x Disposal Trench—No..................... Width.................... Total Length.................... Total leaching area....................sq. ft. 3 Seepage Pit No.....Z........... Diameter....1.C>........ Depth below inlet....Cv-............. Total leaching area.r-714C9.sq. ft. Z Other Distribution box (x) Dosing tank ''" Percolation Test Results Performed by.......................................................•J r �-�Y... Date... 1.9 .. r? Test Pit No. 1...LZ:—..minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.....j4!5�f__ Depth to ground water.... 44 Test Pit No. 2................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth to ground water........................ ai ......................:................................._.......... 1............................................... O Description of Soil........`.-r2tL.AA .�-50 �• SJt� �� f�- Gc�.....2S ........-•-•----------------•------•------------•-------------------••--•-------------.....--------------------------•---------------------••--------•------..._.....--•---•••--•.....---------•------- V Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable............................................................................................... -•--•--•--•-••-------------•-------••--•--.........----••-•---....------------••----••-•--.........---.....-•-----------------------------------•-----•--.........-..--------•---•........:............ Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individu ewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of:I':LL 5 of the St e Sanitary Code e un gned rth, r agrees not to place the system in yoperation un ' a tificate of C iance has b is y th rd o 1 h. 4 Signed. .. .... ... ............. ......_.... Date lication Approved By................................... ............••••......... Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons:--------•--•--•--•-•----•...................•-------•-•.............--••--•-•-•--•--- •-•--....._.. ............. ..............------ •--•--------------------------------------------------- ------- -......... ... ----------------- ------------- ... -------- --------- ........: Date PermitNo...... 7�.•.............................. Issued......................................................_ -•--------- Date No.... Fra, THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH L-1- ................._.. .............._....OF............., :......................... Appliration for Uiiipasal Works Towitrurtion Itermit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct O or Repair an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: L .............................................................................................. ................................................................ L cation Alress or ..... ..... .. . ........ .............. i-�" Owner Address ......... ... I tail er Addres s Installer Type of Building T-*3J r _IV, 0 Size Lot..........................Sq. feet Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms............ ..........................Expansion Attic Garbage Grinder a Other—Type of Building ............................ No. of persons..........1­44,�71........... Showers Cafeteria Other fixtures ............................................. 7 .... ......... ... ---- ---- ------"......... Design Flow.............*':�'....................gallons per person per day. Total daily flow...._...... 0 Q ..................................gallons. r.-r- .4:7 Septic Tank—Liquid capacity.6! gallons Length.�!?-_�� Width_5�_!�!." Diameter................ Depth.. (0 Disposal Trench—No. .................... Width.._.........._...... Total Length.................... Total leaching area....................sq. ft. Seepage Pit No..... ----------- Diameter.... ..... Depth below inlet....K ........... Total leaching area.!?14:%.52sq. ft. Z Other Distribution box (X) Dosing tank 1 4 . Performed by..Percolation 'rest Results ...................................................... ......., Date........................................ Test Pit No. I....!....Z-.minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit..... Depth to ground water....t�l-4 n-------- 44 Test Pit No. 2................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit................._.. Depth to ground water...................._... P4 ............. ...............................................................1............I................................................................... 0 Description of Soil........ (-q4 " , — e C *A,rZ ..................................... .........................................A......................................................... �1-pA Q <A.z-*,\,/F_L__ ........ .... .... ........... ............................. U ....................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................................I............................... U Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable........................ ...................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed lndivid al/Sewage Disposal,System-,in accordance with the provisions of 7I.L,Z! 5 of the Stae Sanitary Code�L- Ih e ullller,lgned/lirt.ber agrees not,to,place the system in' a _�/ 7 ' 7 til -is ue.1 the oard o iealfh. pera n ae 'fi te of C:Vipliancyc'has beeff t,0 u operation 1 Signed-- ........ .............................................................. ............................... Date Application Approved By................................... ........................./-•-----•--•------- .......... ........................................ Date Application Disapproved.for the following reasons:............................................................................................................ ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... `Date Permit No......�76.-7e, Issued......................................................... ............................................ Date ------- --------------- THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH .........OF.......... ....................................... Tatifiratr of Tantpliatta THIS IS TO CERTIFY That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed (,<) or Repaired by................. ...... ....................................................................................................................................... Installer lj.� ....... ........... .............at............... . ......... has been installed in accordance with the provisions of TITLE C5,of The, State Sanitary Code as described in the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No..........Z­6..__:�%......... dated................................................ THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. DATE............................. ......) Inspector.................C.A ........................ . .................................................. ........... ------------- ---------------------- ------ THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH No..��L?�,..... .......... .........OF...............il� _� a.,-Z-r........................ FRE..2=..... Disposal Works Tonstrurtion Vern it Permissionis hereby granted.......... ...... .......................................................................................... to Construct or Re pair an Individual Sewage Disposal System :�7 -at No..................... A........:).. ......nip..... C �2T....5..t�V Street as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No._FT, :n7/, Dated.......................................... ................... ....................................... DATE.................3 Board of Health7_ ......*..................... No......... .�7. FEB.- ,S THE COMMONWEALTH OFIMASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH --rO . i. .. _I 2� a;, A F��� ................ ... .. ...............0 F...........................-............................................................... Appl ration for Dispersal Works Tonsfrudion j1rrmi# Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (A or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: ...... C"o-f� �51.5� 'i ►S'E f�SSFSS€7Zi 5 �•4� ..... __........... ............................1........ .. .......... ...... ..................... W Own Address Installer Type of Building �u l�iess �la Co SizderLot3!©!' g'Z_a Sq. feet Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms___....\_............................Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) aOther—Type of Building ____________________________ No. of persons....?. fr.............. Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) d Other fixtures ............. Design Flow.............W �'._............_.....bgallons per person per dy. Total da. ily flow.........1�_Z.�.Q)....._t :_.._.gallons Septic Tank—Liquid Len th. li - Width: r-_.(a.._ . ° Diameter________________ x Disposal Trench—No. .................... Width.................... Total Length.................... Total leaching area....................sq. ft. 3 Seepage Pit No ►.c............. Diameter.................... Depth below inlet.................... Total leaching area..................sq. ft. z Other Distribution boxX) Dosing tank ( ) Percolation Test Resultfi Performed b ._.__.... � ! - ..._C. _^--'='�- ._ . .a Y Date._.. q..-6�-.-' -_--_.. Test Pit No. I....=�minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit..i ........ Depth to ground water..__.t-4 .__... fs. Test Pit No. 2.............___minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth to ground water........................ �4 2 ..-__---- -O L � • ?�escrpton o Sol.....�A. _....._.. . _.� .!.....4 - ---- . .. :__� •----•...........................•.��.�.�--� n...Ca�� F-�..-- 1.�0 t.�1 `T'�= W - x ......-•-•••---.....---•--.--------••--------------------•-•-•-------------------._._.....------__..----•----------_..--------=-------....-•--------•----.._.__..__..__....._._......_--•---.._.._...... U Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable............................................................................................... •-•----•--•..................................................•-•----._...._-----•--••--••--•---._...__.......-------------._.----...--------•-••-------.....------•-•--•--._...•--...................... Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual S wage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of II':L- 5 of the State Sanitary Code—The id rsi ed f r agrees not to place the system in operation unti a e ificate of Com ce has n issu b e b d of eel Signe _...--_.. _..... .. .•. -•• ••--•-•-------•-....-• .......................... Date Application Approved BY ,.r ...............•--------. ......... ....... Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons:............................................................................................................ ...................•----•----.............--•-------•----•--._....---............._...._....------........._.._.._............-----------••--•---------....-----._...._----....._........._...........-- Date PermitNo.......a.a-.=...2...._•-•---•---._..._.. Issued.............................•-•-......._............. Date No.................. Fz B...... ..... THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH 1 "-.a .S-1 2 .J'S'T .n �.- F— ............. ..... . -- -_...........OF.. ................. . ........................-_........................ Appliratiun for. lhiiposttl Vorkg Tunstrurtion Permit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (7C) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: �._. j c tion A .r .. ;. ..... ��a_ .Z zs3.o r b - Z ............_c... Owne Address . ---•--•---••..............................•---------------••---•--•----•--......------............ M Installer Address -. Q7i Type of Building l v l�.-Q� C.a Cv Size Lo .....`a�`�.'. ............Sq. feet U DwellingNo. of Bedrooms --:___________________________Ex Expansion Attic— p ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) aOther—Type of Building ____________________________ No. of persons....��______.___.__. Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) dOther fixtures ----------------•-.................................................................................................................................... Design Flow............. ' _._._.----------_gallons per person per day. Total daily flow......... ...__.__ gallons. Septic Tank—Liquid'capacity_AW. _gallons Length__!! 1 I.". Width.4R,n_n Diameter________________ D ptli__.A W Disposal Trench—No. .................... Width_______.__..__._._.. Total Length..____._:_...__.____ Total leaching area....................sq. ft. x - 3 Seepage Pit No F.............. Diameter.................... Depth below inlet.................... Total leaching area..................sq. ft. Z Other Distribution box ( ) Dosing tank '-' Percolation Test Results!! Performed by........ _:__ =_u .'� ` 1- a ---- ...................... '� 1 r Test Pit No. 1_._L'.�minutes per mch Depth of Test Pit_____________ _____ Depth to ground water...__ti.l ...... P 44 Test Pit No. 2................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth to ground water........................ W4 --------------------------------------------------••---......_.. ......•-•---......................................................... O Description of Soil..... ....... ..........................................6(-:)U- ..- 4 . V .................................................... _N ...... \� = �� -__�!�1hTT^2_ ►_. 1._IGQ t 11�a T i-.lz. i� VW •-----••---•-•-------.--••-------------•-------...---•-----...-------------------------•---------------•------•----•------......-------------------••---------••-------..._•-----•-----------------_... Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable......................................................__._.._._......_.___...._._............... --------------------------------•--••------••-•-•--•-•---•--••--•--•-------......-•--•--•---•--•-•-•------------------------------------------•-----------•--...._......------••-------•-------......._. Agreement The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual S3pwage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 of the State S_,anitary Code -The a ersigfied f�.r-ther agrees not to place the system in operation until,a Cer iticate of Com l�iafice has been �Qtnedod of laealth. Signed .... j '..._...._. ........ Date APPlication Approved By-•-- ',�",,-11 V Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons:.................................................................................................:.............. ..................•-••---......-•------------•-•----._._.._..-----._.___......_...--------......---_.._......._.._...._..._..--•.....---------•--------. .. ....._.... Date � a PermitNo........ ..-.._7 ....................... Issued............. '-----•--••--•......................•- Date e THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH ............/.. - ................OF........... s?^�. > H................................. Tnrtif irate of Tompliattrr THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed ( ) or Repaired ( ) by--------------•-�...;5•--••---• _ .........-----..........-••..--•--•-------••-•-----------•-----•-------•----••---------•---........................._............._ Installer has been installed in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 o�The State Sanitary Code as described in the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No......25.�`___'_____/_.�.�._.......... dated...................... ......................... THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. DATE..........................�� �-- 'C�' ....... Inspector............:_;_. - - .................................................... .m..iOl..ysq N.....inN..9.MMN-------......-.>r,-r.-...n4.r.......0........ ...........♦........... ........... THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ��- BOARD OF HEALTH �( 71�1 /.�.� .�.............OF............ W_IP NO...!?.Y.........__..__. v FEE.. Disposal Works Tonstrurtion Permit Permission is hereby granted.--------` ....... -ate 57!r'n -•---.....-•...................•-•---••------............---._....._................. to Construct ( ) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System � c at No. .�- 1.: 0 , ._..l<a......__..,.__.R .....�-�- - ��.......................... J C Strcet ^ as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No-______ va0__?�___ Dated.......................................... .............................................. ...•----...__...---_.......................__... . Board of Health DATE........................?......7.-.�.� No.... �:�.3 q FEs... ..._...�' THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS �--- BOARD OF HEALTH ..-_....Te+_►A ram?............. OF.... Ar 14-trr A���:.._........_....... Appliratiun for Biipaaal Warkii Tonutrurtiun Permit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (x) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: ............L'�r5.......�5/.5�........ .).............� SFS��02.5 I�AP ........9.............................. Location-Address_ or Lot No. ............14n11 V_-,U L�..R. 4..---).Ku :l............. �.Qx -zz s3._..... Owner 'j Address a .............j A7..:..........� 1 �.�....... 4.................................... ........................._._................Address.........•................................ Installer Type of Building 'F3viC.j->tKie I Size Lot-ble!`-?ez 01: feet Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms........1.1.................................Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) a'4 Other—T e of Building No. of ersons._..._:2-Z.............. Showers YP g ---------------------------• P ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) QOther fixtures ------------------------------------•--•----•---•--•-......------------........-------------••••••••................ -•-•••--••--•--•--••-• w Design Flow...............4ram---ram-....................gallons per person per day. Total dailyflow.......«1 0_:0._S ;......gallons.4f WSeptic Tank—Liquid capacity2°00.gallons Length►!.--.!.1_I.. Width:L 4►t. .. Diameter:............... Depth...-I—O. x Disposal Trench—No. .................... Width.................... Total Length.................... Total leaching area....................sq. ft. 3 Seepage Pit No....2.............. Diameter....LIZ............ Depth below inlet_..(.P............. Total leaching area_4--51:2 sq. ft. Z Other Distribution box (),C) Dosing tank ( ) '" Percolation Test Results Performed by.......... W... !L ............. :.... Date.......`) --�/t,51-.-..... a Test Pit No. I...L-.&...minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit..... Depth to ground water...."j...a....... fs. Test Pit No. 2................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth to ground water........................ n W ............... ..... ........••-•--•_-........__'.................. ............._ ............................................................. O Description of Soil.....: �__#.S O-24" LCAtA �u --i ce c�P��-SF .tdlf............................ ................................... V ...-•-••-....••............•.........G�!z v !- i..__.AIQ..._!�(!4TF.rf :...!..LIS P..c.?J-1Tl.��r?��........... W ----•.......................................................................................•--........-----................................---•-•--•-------•-......----...-••-••......•------•-•--..... U Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable............................................................................................... -•--•-------------------------------------------------------------••-•--...........----............----............ Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individu Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the rovisions of LI'i•� 5 of the State Sa itary Code— T e i igned r .er agrees not to place the system in op ation until a ertifi of Complia s bee y t e b and o li th. gned ... ... ........ - ......................... .......... ................ Date ication Approved By---••... ••-- ------ --------- -----•. Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons:............................................................................................................ ..................................................••----..........---------•----•-------•--•--•-.....---•...........................-------•-----•----.....-------------•--...._............---........_ Date Permit No......... $•.---- ---------------------. Issued-................................. -. Dak ......._ s No.- .tea.:..3 FEs. ? ; THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH 1 c+ ►.�I r��...............OF.... .2 l..l.I.S (' � LFs. Appliratiun for Disposal Works Tonotrurtion f rrntit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (/,) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: .� I�3 `S fir-�s o rz-,5 w'I4 P 1 9..........- -- __.............• .. ...._..._.. ................ ......Location-Address ----•-•-----------------^--•---^--- --._....----.................. •—or Lot No. .__.�_.(< ............ ...•..---• .QX._...?:z53 � Owner Address R.t:SC L(....... _so .................. Installer Address t Type of Building — `F3u ILr�I SIG ! Size Lot31.0,`'-e)'e,U_S feet .4 Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms........i.1.................................Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) 04 Other—Type of Building ............................ No. of persons....... 2-........_.__.. Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) Q' Other fixtures .•---------•---------------------------------- Design Flow...............r?.r'�........0....._.....gallons per person per day. Total daily flow........1 Z I�._ ........ _........gallons. W Septic Tank—Liquid capacityx`"_`.'.gallons Length - Width........ m E f- 4, 0W . .+ ... Depth . x Disposal Trench—No...........o......... Width..........._...... Total Length.................... Total leaching area-----...............sq. ft. r.3 Seepage Pit No...2............. Diameter....l ......... Depth below inlet._ ............ Total leaching area.6P59:4.sq. ft. Z Other Distribution box ()C) Dosing tank ( ) _ Percolation Test Results Performed by..........�'k Arc : ._. .:...�C- .� _'( Date.......`� `�l `......._. . ••. . •. Test Pit No. I...LZe...minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.....l.` "_..._. Depth to ground water........1A�........... L>~ Test Pit No. 2................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth to ground water........................ 0 .--...---••----------------•-------------.......--••---••------......_.....0..........f l Description of Soil..... N: I r' Q--_Z4.•--C t �M - SU� "_ ,� G p. S S�aN� AMr> ....•. . -•........-•••--•--••- .........•....--------- 71T �/ ....._k/C�.._.!�+IAT 1C_• v ! ITF-�Zc fj V ................................................ .S _ W ----•--•-•......................••••.---•••--•...._.....--------...............................•....-•............-••---••......-•-•-•••••-•••••-•••--•••••---........-••---...................••....... U Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable............................................................................................... f ------------------------------- --------------._._............................ I Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individ�/siggSned/fu ewage Disposal System in accordance with the rovisions of TITLE 5 of the State Sawtary Code— ide rt'.er agrees not to place the system in operation until.,a Tertificate of Complia 9 c�� has been-i sue, t e bard o he th. v A ication Approved B �.� Date PISPP Y----------------�- --- ...-•- --- --•-•-_�.n�.a``...'...� Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons:..............-------••----•-•-•-••-------•••-••••-•••---•--......•-••----...---•-•......................._.. ...........................•----------•---------...------.......-----•---....----...------.....-----...-•-•-....••--•---•------•._...-•••--••-•-•--....•-•--•---••------•••••---••••--................_ DatePermit No.......... 1........... QQ -f------------------------ Issued........................................................ Date ................... ...............r.................2... .. - +h!.s.8......s4.........+.................. THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS -�--- BOARD OF HEALTH ��/f ...... .................OF.................. rt+.. ? C..........•..-.........•......... Tnrtif iratr of Toutpliaurr THIS IS T CERTIFY, That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed (\° or Repaired y �•= ..�1.--.._5. ��-----------------------------------------•------......--...............................-•---...........•. _ Installer at...............7._eZ....... ........1:-•-• -- o has been installed in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 of The State Sanitary Code as described in the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No.._._.._?.-55..-_ -------- dated................................................ THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. DATE.............................................................�� ..• Inspector------------•--�•--•- .................................................... if - _s+aa mma-tsv�vmmt.an.rse.eort.Sawa.•••.,•�..«,«..�-a.«a-�.««••. -. -- --"r�vtee rm ss.—..azra-:.-r:srts-a+�r«.••.••«••••a=•�s,••«-..... _ _��ms a�m�sma.s�om� - THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH P ................/q< :!-.)........OF...........Y .n ..•......................... Disposal Works Tonutrtutiun Permit Permission is hereby granted ­_ .: -1... = ---._.----•--------------------------------•---•-----.........._............... to Construct ( for Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System Street p as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No�Q".�����_. Dated.......................................... ........................•-_... ........ ....................................................... DATE. 3 '� — Y ' hoard of health -•-•-•-•••-••--•-•......•••� ................ ' ,. > t' r . r .r , Y't+'.vl, ' .`d+,, } �f .' ~rJ r 1 ! '+,: -i :r ^- Y'S rA:� `,-x �' ",xY a 'p. 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'o- p �'•�' S .vr z. '�� a4+K•!r �a r.•-", - •s,'rt a j 'h y ;I - f S� ,'.}��y�' rr '�",*t,,t. �t...i+y ... fi -' ,» P '�',�.5 ',' r!I` .cx?• {y t +�r t a, `.: � - ""1 j?. -..I * �f♦ ♦�I '' 4 s.!,q:!' 'r b '` f� •'».'' tx 7^'-r s'i�3"'3` n t r {�t„� 1 @�`:''` t ;+fs+ '. 4 , �S z s ,t a sk r e +1 t w e �,5 4 tip' , , # �i z J. Wa s`{:, g � ,z �f �aa+� a 4,., .3ty?, �:^_^iw i J= & 1", y1._r�.., t ^sra r f s�uI as 1•.' F `f,, ,2 4 �,i:.r r`d r- i ) i x 'Y, - t t .. - y z aI }y r j ! ,,j,.• ,a,{ , xr f. f I 'r ,dry � rrh• > yc ,!'' � , tt+ x r. t p t Q `A.f A v', '"i'.tr ...'C y b .;" t; P t♦ < 't �':� ]}`p..r"'*a �t .I`�{fi ,;'`i• ,s ti k� .}"t ♦ `S 1...t }a"a t7 �,°' '��i .. �'3t � 4k.:,+ 3 p' f.r f•• i t: e.p ,*;. q �:, 'w- " • I � s*� ' t r•'It ,_' $ � r ,� �' � . i x �� ] �;;�e r � �' 'rt` '4 Mkt it I�._>k t a i,u m #.y , ' {y�,*� A ti.e+, . _ €+ :.�Y {. t �r., ,a, s - F r•=F k���f'tY exr t a- s. y t,., °t `� !'W' {f,.r t �, f .+}+ s t ':T,y.-+,., } ,;'> .,y Jy" j,,. �.v i i.I a 1+} f YX ,tom¢�.'< t '`'- r- # r-f,•rt ),' �:c•i rt - r'+i1or�'�r;' 1 ! .'�� {. 't.�w�- y;F sJ^,d'w it '•j'ce •' r'f* t'',J p°.,t'wh #:,�f tt a ?1~ i h,t``�.,y z ll+;.W,ra#,j i i. •F I-::.,„ `'r, F wee ,. 1'.. 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"y{f r. <+' ,;�., r },... f :�, V.t* ,,. ♦"'* a r.t ��j,r a w , e L ,t r,. . r y ✓ sy_p�,```--,,_,r' i E'. r: `y t #, R r 2rr P, .i .:r�: .7 ,r� '.:al '=4p 4:fi.r �Y.•t� A R of F! 4_;"kt/t, .:'{k� *'"a'!''a r}T'�'�,4;2 ",Tw r i• �' d` +Hx 91y'Cil�� ♦` 'Y("s fa!`'� hoc,+ ... ''!.�'"r.,7 i �`.," tl v. F # +3.3'., aP. '.,� I i .. .� '44 t.:.t av,`} , .kt `,' . ''" �':r a.,• Y'ia �.A' z t t. n ,' 'W t I. _-+:`� sc •..I l l a•i-:rt'4 3.'-' R' ai' ,s Sha £- , ..x 6 +t 5 r- i'^ o a. ,S' y ,',1� ' t - r. ��" 9 f ..s41. f s`,f' r qM. -7 t^� , ,. t .�:�.St'+4. t P,8 aTsl�� t_,d�:r�a 1.` ,Ct^r f. l ta' i a S r�+.. ° , �4,'::t} t " y•ff }:d"r� � ` r r''imr..<A,p, K '�44 . -`� `3 3 r Mr 4,kon S' Jansson,,Chairman•T� e., eve't °, f r. ``t K.s " c a F i f e ' I,. e. I ;, ,..,,,, .s, ' , �'.x t l 4`R r� �t- a ,I a i�e Y t t •l f• I. "' .� �Y �- .� t .'<� r 'ZOnin Board Of A als . �`.', f ',� " P Q j }"�� y o «1,, e �� q 4 °', ;' " f. i g l ,t t 4 {}N cS'�'!dp .1aY.�,. •� •, .1'�R R3 ry .Y� S y"4'0'• Tt M. wF / a -. .it r 367��Main;Stieet'a r' !, r*,_ a •r«r'e FC, �,�'�'*x��'-9 �'te ";Mr�Vi �*F"'$ ci_..A;..�. *�a as`u%'i , 4�4..R'r•Y S7t, _! ;r{:`,y�'A.����r�d. ifq,. tf._" t.[ Zl �-A 4 t `.w r+.'; "' Yu t�e••#.. 11 -r'!?y k"{•• i,,x. ). Yet. ,�•�°� � r ' s NSF m 7,-, z L t"•• 1 .y ,a!H annis'e M 02601 x - •s'� t"'N« ,..w,.,"k, LS;:.. i:�. .. rs�,So';z'r s.- �" r ,s Ott' x,�{! P.,x�t a I `�5� 'Ta ,2. a+'t'if S• ir; !r a f 's.'.kry k`! �` . '.,x r i4�,. K ws `t, s`.. �, ) s.Y �° f, } 9. ) t.. u 01".,}f"�' 'F^� "r5- 'Y. ..+ . T f + R a•) 'i 5v ,,,.Ir e{ t 'e' ,t 3 ?il' "`3 't '.ti.Rn ^.a'.;c a rl�s }, ` ` "e'Dear sr. Jarissgn �` "' : t p� .Y N �" F<t .l>` �� • # � ,r ,� ! f' L r f .',Y i .:n ,} I. 'F? .! ., Y " "j3 J�1 Y,n; Y Y f ; 11 , -.1 Fr t"�a:- ,4 v .` + x -:tor, �n ; ,<t4', F;A s'A a, .;A, .' ',,O6�sra�a'a w ` <� * K ' �c ; 4 # } 1. 1. +- n r +' *'.. ;+�'.•+ t�1 J,e# %=^4• .0,-i,t, „f ",.,.,. .$ t' t:r '�,r ,f'`L �' t•;�i`1 �^{w i t'�` t,Y I..*: s }, '...•fit t . f i� c'a.� - tr t� � 4 ? .g "te„r�..v. F-"w,+i�L.w'S .. .�. a=. - f r�#?_ ,L .l v-'. .a i.' ,� ..jrfi } f st , P,.♦t:: "i4- ?^i a.tirl ,.r'e' 5.•# j {; ,i ,"• t is � , f .,. i : ♦F .. a y '� �- e �' t F a.i,i r t14� tidy / r,.ai.£ y '.r'�-;+}4 tr:.. '{.o `"i-a I ,,4 d&Y- `ti,.♦r r - y':s;S'tij � •' ? t ".-'The,-Boar F ealth?is appalled•by,th��new proposal'.increasing,•the nu�nber,�I_��tFr �:� � �. ♦, �� ♦' t � .+ ... •. T tir J . '' t of beclrodms,to 78efrom`the 'oiiginal`58 proposed ;'y`` . �`` `', -li.;�'; V� .�"'�4y r :~ ', '` ' t .��q , r 44, j,. } e .1. 1 4 .a.. P L•. t ,,,, 11{{� Y:w7q ,at .l.Wyx;" . t i% �` i °V.-:} � :3p�'!':. p i- tt q,Tf�{ +'�f i C r�i ;'S 7_:�'� .� : - set .x ll {rP r. ,# e. d ,! 1e 4'", 4 r k ai *4 � Y e,. ,4 }'1'. , .:i e'.a :a tc,1� , J" �f' +" ...;"fit r,An,y,} i{.2 ,, a'}/+,'- `s,. "J•.a aC;',kt,.3 "y` ti' +i• -.r .. t' cr`t �i.�K a +., 1._.: +. ".�! f ' i : ?;:.. 1^'.'•`-. i w I- jFes a 'r G ,,r ,,Attached is a:copy'of our previQus•letter}r opposing• the cpnsti-uction*of 5811 one , „Q, -1 is •. # 1 ,tact.rz e, *s,,s"t rirta � 1, ,r`• 'ps :`. s, %F''1+ t ^ti, e��i ,#. `. t F as y - v C,S ti r ,fa .+; J' t' +.'•`• G �'" '1 { bedroom a artments at the.,site; ywez a"x 'rt '� ' ..t`x f z �T" ` ' x ,? +' P _ { '" f !", rq A it,S"+'v�' t,. r: fo r '8 s, fi, `t�i: S 1. r .,y, !�• 'I.: '11 f1,t . ,C t i V.; ys ♦,;.,tre F ' w,}'t 'NO--i'", .. ,M1 ♦,3`tl E 4 j JY k .°. } e t, ��,-.,I . d'- �.. s. "` a°.'.' ..``.''J.. - ,L, ? .-,�, t -- Jr �b.'r t +f if'*+ i°4,,,`,,, ... tya T� �4 *'y;a..'`f '� a, w �a, Sat 31, i,SnSiL:.1���" *'3!p.� ''xi � "�1 � ..i:4�Y g= e'e,'� '� 7 _ r r The * d Ifs ;F * 1, , ,4, I "' e '! � + �a diifontofr-,20 b6droomsGwouldtmean,rapproximately'ill bedrooms pe , acre'' aj,,r� �;., r `. ,' r- of viand;with a,dailyjVIPstimatedsewage,oft,t1210`gallons .peracre per.lday. ' 1f2310''��; r � .t A, z♦"# '♦` , ' ..ae= gallons,,of�sewagefper:acree daily'is.'an��abuseWof the land anv,,posesIa potentiaiJ` `�.. �' a` tiin a{ t. { 4^ 'e N f #,l s pA art t y ,I t' 5.: i •< f, t :$f♦ •�� 4j4 threat tO ouT groundwater , v- 4 " -, r ¢, i� * �r N y.. fiwt+� r._ V. n .rA r r y� tt a a+• � ',+ '. ry L ' g ,! r r,. i v "� '�-t .!'{ it -q n-;RY w .... t ) Y" w - �,,g <; ' t {a:y C "'_ (x=' ,� 1 ��v -r.., 4r{ ra4 ny r rM, t 1�;'`*rt , '.'e' ' r` ,t t,yr Ai t, � y -y 3 � , • 'k?• 1• '' `*` l ,f �' ar' L-'•. ' '� 'i: i' ♦R i #!;,." .J-.L,'4� t u'k `'r•'y"i S' at< .� _''X`''` t;ter.. 4r. .�+ :,; 75,.y t . f �The.:,Town would--°be unable,, ill to anynpublfc wa_te6-svpplyawells,in-ithe. area' b+ . „.-VI. .• c1 a. i t :t s. , Aansion r of,•our'publidv "of su t ' t `�< nee e t r ,-, � `* � } ti.4t , :; y. < im thedevent�exp.. �' ,.,. �z. r �.:: :,:-:PP y�' Ystema �ll becom.�1� r essa.�11 �Jtx � ,,.i r -1, + z,An rivate water', 1 wells in thelafd&iwill'be conta mated i `� y� '' -' `�.•1 f! ljF<a { `" yt f t... P y �, t � ra. i1a•,.r� !,. e; Y�'�f,'.0•t, J e .' �(a'.r{ el,F`, i j ' .ti . t s r,'; Yid,. f��,' Lh ".1. f5.fi'tlk i�°a { y7- � ♦ t,� 1° v9 Y l.,wrr r .8 �" - A� t r4 ' * 11, ;.. 5�9�''91 f`�.t �' »'* .tt;.. r.z?i'g`i"T ,7,wN t S}....y',>4''Iw.%5'r" 4C+7 ��' .;y F�r,.1 .a,a ,e. .� t.R -. 1 .r� a ,t %.r< '•+tu<,, tea,-„i,. •.r� xiT ..4 t ^r .n : e.,l4 .'^, :.,,, quifer.by the t ,ederal Government, ,,� ;.., t �.< _ The Cape'`has beenzdesignate, ", sole source d. �,., ., , ,.* r :t _, - 5j � r "��and.tl�epfirptection oft groundgwater is:the.tnumber;#}l;,prioiiy; of stheTown�andu , �; ,n ,.,�,.` i e t M.r. t` * .�.. J y r�, f a y..t, , ;+ 6 ... i a :, wt .. ,•4 "} ;,�, .r_,{; I. �',�. r y. all of the Cape t .. J: a F " ., �`���i �i,+x ,, �� , � tPr r� a " "ti`�r �� r;K '�,;� ,," #'t ,Fur t t f�C.�,{, .3 .q, �,e y A i 4. '.' +1 t''•'to ,, •, •'V': "'1'" '.A , , `S� -�n,�, _ ti 1r p t 4._ " moo- A ry s •t. s ;� ) !'> r / ..,�r•, i s. :. u. "5- dY -+J-„i � 4 �! :.-.F l , rx/s a ,iy.''t ~a.s. ;k1 11"P , , , jf.. ..,4} e,•rr"'�w;z`^^,};."t,( •,af rt'� ,i.,.`` f J - 7c� r�� �� Y . 't'.{•use t^�i,.=r f -.,� ,ff • � , ' We,are:rapidly.,losing our*Aellfish-ing Orvesting ;areas due ito, er development,, ,, �,• t: + "s ;rf , °, and,TWe�8re;seriously;concerned with°'re zeational`water��.qualit. . We have an + �, t a . : f s '�'r ♦ tt inadequate sewei and septiage treatment facility:;The'ose",t:Tireatment Plant4' ` � ' .:,.r'r � t" [ `f. , . �...- t r .. �„ r„f . ,�'V K - p iC p a'a:* - j 7. �: if j, ;-�turns`,away,septage tiaulets`daily'".with their oad$ Hof,,-human*waste,�r�ith mo,place-. ' ,, .`t. !• fA`' I.. A N !J 'f Y.R. it{�fi4 �';;, A- 0. t'>• f * ', i °`'� >, of . ' to put it. � ur;F4solid,-wastet disposal area,,is annadequate, yev we �continue 'to `t -! s<Fr...xy",, ,, * ..4 r w Y {, • ,i,< y +' d.,P r # 1-K':�-.r`^' t .` - l i ,.' t 7 r -• 5. i,,� . 4 ♦, �.-aw=,, , }rT', c mpoundt'our p oble ns vf�proven=sxisting-contamination aby approving the ovei r ';.� .tiff �r, o, { r r r'• # .. 1a n .e. i,.. a x,. 3 ., i i"..,, r -+ R c Pf t T x x <. •development af�?I - land and the 1_adding of more ,people in a-town,,#riat eannot,� � r� � �� x h: fa i,`� J � r t 'tt, '+- S•"�^ 4 r4�' 1! x . e , ?� x j s* V., i �+.F lA rr *. � provide environmentally safe se-VlcesAto'its ' :'t g poputation 7 -?'=',c`r,y`� y� "� - �- i"y { ufi, e '}r: 't.,+ Y+ 9: d;yl?'R,...x}"hJ, .�V,;�, �" vI+ k;y�: `'a~'1'x�?t{ " t" f, i .'�t .'4'y'I, �-•,. `'"' ,'� '1� '`'t 'i,�'`�",,s' �,F �p }t* y4 ?t t 7' � P a � .� f7`� � a, s y #�.. e,;t a . .a �, iv 4. r• .�4 5• # , y t 4. r,:�'. i, ,,,, s• `x "it°a ' 'K^• ' ;4+' c`h A '+ .n •�.R. '•g+ t y s*' e. t"^fi.':y..`..,u,u• e; .e. •,t;> 4 t- ' �"�+.t P j. , -. xI �.,, d; r rev r, {{- . 4 ,y:a r-y �t rx C ma x- ,j4% - p e +y. fi't ,a.... , ,; - ¢ �+ Very truly'.y UTB, i ti.t er,�f j,ts i {t A ;' r {' , t r<, k rs} a �? c d,=% " •isy 't r.'re,� „t #} 1.;'t ,. a.. .:i+ti, .•: S k" 4X .41N "7 t ', ,'9c £ .dti, a{. ;1r ,}$a r* "f3 ♦ 1 'e' _ rr +: ' i- 1 n -i Ty. '.T r 't '} �r t ti fi. t :thy -. 4t a� , +"[ •}'Ys f' �:� ,!}p1 d.xt`a-:* A?.i y 1.f"r yr }t'*." ' F. d '.�.,.rev• aN14 +.. g 'P 7i r` s. % -', ' ,.na+' r•. ,:",t s t�dJr, a 'r ''M'; ,6d°t 4 1, `s`�'��,y i"',s . �.."� +}*'..'-i !t}�.'''"�R a i-' f ,4 r Y"mot-J,€ �f"' < R 5�}7 a .'`y,A �• '+S �r `'E ' r t,d,� 'v 1 e* i, x r ,rt o*' ,, " r '-t awe f a:•q '],• +w 3¢. '? _ -h f ..w .s",'#r',t:A "` �-),r, V "� J f_-. }t�,;a ;.. ?. .t L ,^�.1 . „. �! f,t •x.$r ,'I+�•1W ,• ..t #s-4 t i. e } v t"` ed,r"..a ,;.. ,� '4. i t tt:t f 3 .Grover ,C..M F,4rrish �.MiD ,rt r, + µ, y, A ,by 1 i r ~y 5 F r v.{.^9�, rc rt�,�,• s, s 1+ {.. 'YR.4 x ':: 3 '' � y ,-y ,i;.v K ,, rt. 1,,... sZ•^j ,4! ...; '?.n;xx v� s+ �ri,�' rf+k ;:.L k f"' tt s, +'ir. '�f-.'!< r r fi,; `"� . ,uCha'irman 3�� ., dry . z 'r' " 7, `. .' ': ♦ „ �'., e � r + Pt . x 1.r ^�.:-'' , iBOAItD QF?'HEALTH , . 3 � ,trYi. t t' ,. �,�=.W�� e`+ } ' `- ,;� s err 1 1 r% .,`i , , x. ?,:jl '' sS 'r - --y' ' a ,y -'y;'G t ��* r , 1 t;I $ .,e., r r `-4 h � p'x7j; r�;- �rn.. ,.f `'f_^`' R +f.� i6''.,' of rY A; $' i:.Y, _?i k! a § a 7 ,n, a +' t, ; Ott ';: 'OVJN OF.BARNSTABLSg,°r � '�;��'� , ,; �+ * , ._� x: �, '+;�:=� ' ' 'r� Yt�� ;k;°n �f�, ¢:� ,k ,. +. ,,.. 5.,:•:.,, w•V�x •f, it ♦..=, 4„ ,r „ tiSi :. r'cr`f`47 t r=- ,,� wrl S .y;:f ,t,.� •�.�b sa:___, t '';,7a-"' ,, ♦"�.''xa , y '''•3 ."�, . s 4''y ,�4�'"r.�17a' } J n� 1, ,> ayaef',,�-,}"4'k 5{"�,ti et s¢v J'7'F'.r� 1 p 6':v r"3+..,• :.- r .r. ..t... ,-1?,•,. ;.e .I`? Y�t`!f". .ft;[jM w t,z 4 ��� J1 � f`Z i . 3'��i� r l� K f�(.:.�' �!�. „ e 'yet t 7 s h � F a) ?` �1 h '��c„� y'�y �3J 3i? . i, iSY et,¢' ' "+' .. , ' t- MK%bs`%� if; ` i i t�l► �, �;; �, .,, _e` , .,A 7 "° ` a i, r ti-:r t ,.., x n,-- tr i ,� ♦ �; a .k"'e t '+'f;'•', u} S f r D'''t n. ..r#^ y t + a>+?,a 1 e It. +4 sf-I, . y- i Enc41 `: 'J"�r." - r.e'I .' .;#I..'� r;t,'?�'�' r� '.�ff x+�..:�1.%, fipt.•.;_, '" ..h �. r �4 I, oA�'.:cr r t, } �i�y.•• -.. p x r` kf m - k{t+t� g., r wa }a.'. r F <.ai� �! , r.re {.. v;'. r ,e j`'. 1 r r ' .r< t' cat f sir r n'x.. a tis:*.f .F.rL r .a� its._ +w 3,_+�"t8. +t*t�"nr �` ' . .a .., i�.� t,., f�n 'r ter.. s.. t• is aTOWN OF BARNSTABLE LOCATIONQQ`-'`4q"I t lI �t' k �14 rLq SEWAGE # '� VILLAGE r.—eVL-�(J �1 E ' ASSESSOR'S MAP & LOT � INSTALLER'S NAME & PHONE NO. ��� �.��`�Gbtt SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY LEACHING FACILITY:(type) ��G �} (size) 1,660 9 a✓ JW NO. OF BEDROOMS CD PRIVATE WELL O PUBLIC WATER BUILDER OR OWNER (�L( �.B U� DATE PERMIT ISSUED: DATE COMPLIANCE ISSUED: 2 L7 Y� VARIANCE GRANTED: Yes No :-� �5 r W � . �! �0 TOWN OF BDA�RNSTABLE LOCATION/C% .,f er Old s77-a je ��`• � � SEWAGE VILLAGE �g n Ti/l Ui fI P ASSESSOR'S MAP & LOT INSTALLER'S NAME A PHONE NO. aJ j>2�,/CB!l f� -5-mi. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY :f 0?I?) : LEACHING FACILITY:(type)2 f 2c G h (size) (JvQ4wl e°tc NO. OF BEDROOMS PRIVATE WELL OR PUBLIC WATER► BUILDER OR OWNER iky, DATE PERMIT ISSUED: .3 7 DATE COMPLIANCE ISSUED: '3 -- 3 c 91' VARIANCE GRANTED: Yes No �.� .it . � 3 1TOWN OF BARNSTABLE LOCATION l ',AS 6 �� � � . 6/W S% SEWAGE # �-' 7� „gft VILLAGE_ C@1j%1?Utfl'e- ASSESSOR'S MAP & LOT F INSTALLER'S NAME PHONE NO. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY LEACHING FACILITY:(type)o2 IeAz h & !� (size) 1 ta?M cad L PA.,c l,,o NO. OF BEDROOMS PRIVATE WELL OR-j'UBLI ER BUILDER OR OWNER Cif dfbkelS ljduSin l�L���Q�'s�t�,H.�• DATE PERMIT ISSUED: DATE COMPLIANCE ISSUED: 0`�--- VARIANCE GRANTED: Yes No �� µ m S i TOWN OF BARNSTAi BLE LOCATION %U' [J,�,S � -1 d�(y a-l.,tlS SEWAGE # � -"�7 VILLAGE C e v► '� ASSESSOR'S MAP & LOT INSTALLER'S NAME & PHONE NO. •� . �<< SCoI� � 5617 SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY , 00 r? LEACHING FACILITY:(type) ��'��"' ��f (size) NO. OF BEDROOMS PRIVATE WELL O PUBLIC WATER BUILDER OR OWNER C� (`tee�" ��� uz I ' GD DATE PERMIT ISSUED: DATE COMPLIANCE ISSUED: VARIANCE GRANTED: Yes No Qa i• �6 10 Q`^ l . ,0) n� \ „�°° $ k 1 R TOWN OF BARNSTABLE LOCATION, SO l l t tl�) it T ll d�(/�S7�SEWAGE # �ff'Z VILLAGE f ,. ,T t.rZ ASSESSOR'S MAP LOT INSTALLER'S NAME & PHONE NO. ol( 50,pi SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY a , ark ! r LEACHING FACILITY:(type) c ';; E`;i �I (size) tt6 t: I NO. OF BEDROOMS A- PRIVATE WELL OR I'dLB AA E BUILDER OR OWNER �J� �"spa 'T7s' }t✓I� C' r DATE PERMIT ISSUED: DATE COMPLIANCE ISSUED: $ - Sr y VARIANCE GRANTED: Yes No is TOWN OF BARNSTABLE LOCATION;. tt SEWAGE VILLAGE Ce rt TeN;"jIt ASSESSOR'S MAP & LOT INSTALLER'S NAME S& PHONE NO. J'J- I>k i f C oil f SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY i LEACHING FACILITY:(type) NO. OF BEDROOMS PRIVATE WELL OR BLIC W° TE BUILDER OR OWNER CA6f5g�ol5 YOL);'/l DATE PERMIT ISSUED: DATE COMPLIANCE ISSUED: -N 9 �l VARIANCE GRANTED: Yes No ' ,�� . I ,,oti i �g * ��.. ..: � �'' � . � e, 6LD V TOWN OF BARNSTABLE LOCATION AT aF J' 0' 51-4 ' SEWAGE # r93 f--7.2 VILLAGE_ &17 i ftZVa1jp, ASSESSOR'S MAP LOT INSTALLER'S NAME & PHONE NO. J1j>�';fCtal I �(' S�,✓ SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY Q,00 LEACHING FACILITY:(type)le&C k 1(,;'j (size)2, NO. OF BEDROOMS oZ PRIVATE WELL OR PUBLIC WATER BUILDER OR OWNER Cf,#SS k6kh p `j DATE PERMIT ISSUED: 3 DATE COMPLIANCE ISSUED: a 3/ 84r VARIANCE GRANTED: Yes No c/ • L �f No... :7��...._ FicB... �-.._ THE-COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH --jo w.J. �— �Iz 5—r�.r� OF.......... ........................................ Aliptiration for Dhipasal Murky ToustrWiurt rami# Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct kk�) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: i ................ ��................ - ....! , .....A5 5 M ........ `-•o tion- ress • ... .� .. .ZZr----......_ 7 _._ :......---- �� .z :3........ .• �l/ . o t W / O ne Address Installer Address Type of Building 'r—u l Llr�►t_iGI -* -7 Size ...21-q, feet U Dwelling—No.No. of Bedrooms........ ............................� g— Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder aOther—Type of Building ............................ No. of persons......z` ............. Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) d Other fixtures . w Design Flow.............. ......7(�00..gallons per person'per day. Total daily flow.........132O:_Off. gallons. WSeptic Tank—Liquid capacity-_-.--__-.-.gallons Length.l-•..___!__.-.. Width_, 2". Diameter................ Depth....__'F�-.Q" x Disposal Trench—No..................... Width.................... Total Length.................... Total leaching area....................sq. ft. 3 Seepage Pit No....,E............ Diameter.....14....... Depth below inlet.....4........... Total leaching area-_Sn`..ssq. ft. Z Other Distribution box K) Dosing tank ( ) 0-4 Percolation Test Results Performed by--....... p�'`r�". F ��-1-: ... Date.... � � .cam............ Test Pit No. I...L.Z...minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit....i Depth to ground water...t4/ .......... G4 Test Pit No. 2................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth to ground water........................ a ..........:........................•-•••----.......--••-.....--•-----•--••. - O Description of Soil................. ........ Z '' t c�s�.t�l sLJ Z�{ - Ig�f " cvs• �� ►�' ••................................... .................................` -. L 7 L R C/F—L� DL O.. ..... l�—NGC�U�TF—IZF—� V ..................................... W UNature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable............................:.-................................................................. ..............................................•-•-•------•-•---...---•--•--...-•----...........-•------........-------------•--------------....------.....-----........-----...----..................... Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed ndiv dtt ewa tsposal System in accordance with the provisions of LITLZ 5 of the State S ary Co — he ut � igne fur .er agrees not to place the system in operation until a rti'ca a of Complia s b s t h h. igned..... - -• -•-- ....................... ............Date...... Application Approved BY • . .. ............: .................... ........... Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons--------------------------------------------••---------...........-•------------............••--............._.. ..................................•.....................-----•-•----------..................-•---..............................----------•-•-•---------....---------....--------•-•--•.................� Date Permit No......... ... .-�l--c// . ... --------------------- Issued...................................................... .. .. Date THE COMMONWEALTH. OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH 12 t_l'Z--T A.r=!>4.-1— ..................OF............ .,.... ................................................................. Appliratiun for lliipuuttl Marks Tonstrartiun "rrmit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (�e) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at le-7 I ocation-Address �---------------­---------- Address'cr-� 1.... :_......... X.z zs .....OL, R: O ner ... 7 .............................. •-•-----•-•-•-•••••••-•--••-•-------------••---•.....----•-----.._...................•-•-•-•..•... Installer Address ' Type of Building "-U I t.-_I� I t►.lG-, ? Size Lot ?�. W.` �c'?2:�'S feet .-� Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms.......... ................................Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder( ) a`4 Other—T e of Building ............... No. of persons Z`_4.............. Showers — YP g ------------- P ( ) Cafeteria ( ) d Other fixtures ..._.._.... W Design Flow.............. ?...:•.......-_-_-...._•_.gallons per person per day. Total daily flow......... �2v:.�F.......•gallons. WSeptic Tank—Liquid*capacityA?P?2..gallons Length.!L--!.!_.. Width_ ',-.�_.. Diameter................ Depth..... .-�? x Disposal Trench—No. .................... Width.................... Total Length.................... Total leaching area....................sq. ft. 3 Seepage Pit No..__.._.._.____.. Diameter......�:4._..... Depth below inlet..... ......._._. Total leaching area..!''.4n:..sq. ft. Z Other Distribution box . Dosing tank ( ) Percolation Test Results Performed by._.......'=�-'�^!�`� ! ..... :...� F � F Y... Date....�?/ / �? a Test Pit No. I...L-.4...minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit....�4....... Depth to ground water..h!l!!........... 44 Test Pit No. 2................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth to ground water........................ -------------------------------------------•--.....••••._..........._....... --•-•-•-----------•----•-•-•--.........-----••-----••........•--•-•--.....•--•- D Description of Soil.................................................................. M SUR%,. 2`(- I�FG ................................... V ... °t'l .1L1.1 T� A�rs c._/.._.Q .._ AT4*c .................................. ...----....------..........----•--_......_................. W ................•.................•..-•••........_.._..............•........_................_.......•••......._._...--••..._.............•...............••••..•-----..................__......_._.... V Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable............................................................................................... -------------------------------------------------------•-------•----------------•-.••-•...••--•--•-••-.......-••--•---••••......... ----••-••-•-••••-•-•••••--••-.....••••••......••-•-•-----........... Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed;ndividual/SewagDisposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITA LTE 5 of the State S3rary 1Co'd/The ut�e� ignec� furl er agrees not to place the system in operation until a Itrtificaate of Complia�eas brei irs) y j -bo r-d f heal h. Signed/---........... ....----v---••--•--- ..........---........................ .......................... Date Application Approved By.......... ... t �...... '"� .......................... ........... --- - Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons--------------•--------•----•------•--•--------,-------------•------------------..............-••-•.........._.. ....................................•---...pp._.....---------•--------....----^......----....------....--•---•--•---••----•-•-•-•---•• -i •-•••---•--•-••--•--••---•-.....••-•-' ...........-- Date Permit'No.........0.. .... .. .r....................... Issued..-....................................................... Date THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS! \ w BOARD OF HEALTH .......... [' ..1.F-........OF............P)... t 01rrtifiratr of Tuutpliatta THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed ) or Repaired ( ) by............ 4- ` `"!���........................•...-----•--.......-•-----•---•-•-•--•----------.......................---....--•---...............---••-. �1 Install atP ��._..`7..... r-- ..�1-. T .c�....- a l has been installed in accordance-with the provisions of TITIP. -5 of The State Sanitary Code as described in the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No.._...._�.... _...-..7 ........ dated-..... ...... ........_........................ THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUE® AS A_GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. ---•--••---- - t-` ....__. DATE...... Inspector.................................................................................... t.ac_VIt 011-10-WVV"tr I-I « -.. t .t--O cssecroseraaas T. _.YVeq, THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH ..................OF.......... �r ?u lr .......... —� N o... FEE... Disposal Varkii Tunutrttrtiutt Vantit Permission is hereby granted------. ....... !a_? > ---------------•------------•-------•-------------..........---.........------.......... to Construct (�) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal S stem at No........ . �....�._../�(. le Street as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No.. .._:^7,`1..... Dated.......................................... ---------------------------------- ................................................ Y Board of Health DATE......................3_. ...... _.- .5 .. No...l1... .-- •, FEs......;7 TH C�MMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BARD OF HEALTH ......I ....................OF........................... Appliration for 11ispasal Workii Tonotrnrtion Permit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct �4_) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: ........ s.........� ,, �...- . sue, - ss � ................................................ Ad.-ess ....... ��r I,ot No Owner Sd.� Address � ---------------- -----------------------------.- ...----------- ............... Installer Address Type of Building F.x>l[_r-->1 (-461 'i� g Size Lot'3L0,! '0+•Sq. feet 1-4 Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms.......1K.................................Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) Other—Type of Building ------•----.-•------..--_- No. of persons.....Z................ Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) a, Other fixtures W Design Flow............���......................gallons per person per day. Total daily flow..........4.Z�.J:.�.C:ot.gallons. WSeptic Tank—Liquid capacity ..gallons Length. !..-!..... Width.v;._. ... Diameter................ Depth........ x Disposal Trench—No..................... Width.................... Total Length.................... Total leaching area....................sq. ft. 3 Seepage Pit No... ............ Diameter.......1Z...... Depth below inlet....45�.......... Total leachingarea.�5�.Psq. ft. Z Other Distribution box ( 11,C) Dosing tank ( ) Percolation Test Results Performed by........F t�w A.i-tc> �ram—�F Date......72 . 9 s S a .......... -••------ -- Test Pit No. L 4:.&..minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit...14.4....... Depth to ground water..._�!�a......-.. 44 Test Pit No. 2................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth to ground water........................ a ............... ............................._ O Description of Soil........ T,.tt.t.... ._.1....----..a:::-7� �..... CAP.! 1 _5... -----......Z4.............................................. 1 . v ..................5_-1�o...-r. !`!n -1 r �/F t... f t�1c� �..1 F-r --�- t .-t�� w U Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable............................................................................................... ...................•-•-----••--•---••-----•--.................------.....-----...---...............---•-•--.....----------------------------•-•.....................................0.................. Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed dividual ewage isposal System in accordance with the provisions of LITA LZ 5 of the State itary Cod —" he u -er 'gne urt .er agrees not to place the system in tion until a Certificate of Complia e as b i y t rd h i ed. th. ..- . ............ ....._.. ...... .... ......----•••• -••-..... ............... .. . ... . . .. ....... placation .Ap ed By....... ......... . -•-•--......_ ......-- ......... ._D ......�.� Application Disapproved for the following reasons:--------•.....................••---......-----------•--•---......------....---...--••-......................_.. ---------------•--............-•-----•---•--..........---....--...................---...........----...............------..........------.....---...------....-----•-•-•-•------------....0.............: Date Permit No..----- .2......7--....--•-•---...... Issued.....................•••............._..._. .6 ...--- Date C , r No..A....7., j FEs..... :. ...: . THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH ......... ....................O F..-........................................-....... I Appliratiun for Bigpuual Works Tonutrnrtion 11rrutit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (V,_) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: 1 o/cation-Addressr y or t N � .....------ ---- ....__....s. .,C..S..............................•.....•.... ....... Oii z. --cc /C Owner S Address ` d.`J --------- ---------•-•-•...-----•........•-••-•-••-----...__..........•-••--.._..........--•................ Installer Address Type of Building �_-(�I C_7�1 h-1�n '1 � Size Lot-----�!....�....._`....._...Sq. feet .-� Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms.......1_�..................................Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder (g ) a Other—Type of Building ............................ No. of persons..... Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) Q Other fixtures . Design Flow............r..............................gallons per person per day. Total daily flow.......... .+..................w_ gallons. Septic Tank—Liquid capacity!Q99...gallons Length.!! Width: --. ... Diameter................ Depth.....`L Disposal Trench—No..................... Width.................... Total Length.................... Total leaching area....................sq. ft. 3 Seepage Pit No...rv!............ Diameter....._!:?:....... Depth below inlet..-.4e�.......... Total leaching area.��:2sq. ft. Z Other Distribution box (/'Z) Dosing tank ( ) '-' Percolation Test Results Performed by........ s+ w"' �'....r 1"t'F-•� Date......-2/2 Test Pit No. 1..j4Tt.Z-..minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit...1A Depth to ground water..... ......... G4 Test Pit No. 2................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth to ground water........................ -------------------------------------------------I I.......................... Description of Soil........ ",.!t:...�--1.......... - ��...-....W�'�''1 � �cJr��:.!_.....244,- 4.�....�A�*re__ ............ r� ...........................••--•-•••-----.....'�..t`1T Ate!T� G-rTZA�/'F. IGQUI`-1 r-l"c�..f� W f ......................... ..........................................•-•-•--......_.............-•••-•------•----••--...._.........•--..._..._..-----•---.............----.............---•--•-----....---•--..........----•-...... U Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable............................................................................................... .*. ..--••---•---••-••-••-- ------•-•------------------••---•-•---•---••--•-----------...--•-••-•-----•--.....------........----•---------•-----------------•---.....--------•-........----............ Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage isposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 of the State��nitary Code,— " he under gned,-furtl:er agrees not to place the system. in open, tion until a Certificate of Compliar� a has been- u y th, d of 1 ealth. / /ign/ed../.--....... ._.........----.-•--- ------------ ........\..............•-• .......................... Date PPlication Approved By.......... . ....... .L� SrY-------------------- - -----•-- ..-._Date V � Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons:........................................... . .el _....-•---------•---......•-•---•............................................. ... ...... ...............•----•-------------...-•-----•---........-••.. .........--•-•-••-••••-•-•-•---•-.......•,-••---•-••-•--•--•-••-••-•••----••--.................... Date PermitNo...--•-6-�-----•7.. ................... I'sued-....................................................... Date THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH xr ,..1.........O F............. ............................... (Irrtif iratr of Totttphattrr THIS�I-S�TO CERTIFY, That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed �>o or Repaired ( ) by................ ....... ... , -----•-------•--....- ---....._......---------•-•----•--- .......-•-• --•-...... ...---............. / Installer ram.•_at---------------- n 5: S. .!- l 5 r>J ,�..`� Q I .� .. - - r.............. .. has been installed in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 of The State Sanitary Code as described in the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No........ .-....7Z9. dated_............................................ THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. DATE.......................... ..... .......:: ..�-�'................... Inspector ::.-.... - ......_...... -„- --- __ , �----------------- w_ .._ -_---- THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH — J !?. l l ...........F.... Z-��,�t.............OF.........f ��.�r +�: -.�.. N o..... , -- ........ Fes........... Rapouttl Works Tnnutrnrtiott f rrntit Permission is hereby granted......... S •----- ....................••----•---•-----....-••••--•--•---.......................... to Construct (k) or Repair ( ) an .Individual Sewa a Dis oral System n �n at No.............. �. . y Street as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit N ..72�_._ Dated.......................................... .� J DATE. / '" U D Board of health --- --- ------ --•••--- ... f 4917 No...F .Io.._ Fps... .�--- THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF............. ............................. •---• .........._.._. Appliratiun for Disposal Works Toustrudiun V.erntit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ( or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at Y p ......�. �................. n. nla� L d ^ or .... ... . L. C O �_.v�.`..:./..:..��.................Address InstallerXW Type of Building CoM M u 0 I T� 15u►L.�I l-j e4 Size r ess Lot 3!0,.? :2 Sq. feet ain —No. of Bedrooms-------------------------------------_......Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) aOther Type of Building ........ No. of persons....I Z-f2..t!t?n-,Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( } QOther fixtures --------------------••----------.-----...._..............-...........-------- W Design Flow.................��,?..............._.....gallons per person per dal. Total daily flow........ �i: .._. .-gal�ons. WSeptic Tank—Liquid capacity AQQ.CLgallons Length............... Width 4-.lQ. Diameter................ Depth,...�E -o�� x Disposal Trench—No..................... Width.................... Total Length.......--._........_ Total leaching area....................sq. ft. 3 Seepage Pit No.....L............ Diameter.....No........ Depth below inlet....4�............. Total leaching area.Z.E2:7,sa.sq. ft. Z Other Distribution box (�Q Dosing tank ( ) Percolation Test Results Performed by...._.._r. �--! - lG�--1-t-�Y Date.....*......•... a --- ------------------------------- - Test Pit No. !................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth to ground water........................ G: Test Pit No. 2................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth to ground water........................ 0 04 ..........-•••----•--••--•••......................••-•---...._........_............•---....••--------....----•••--........-------•-----•............----•-••. Description of Soil............................................................•--...--•--------•----...----------------•------••-----•-•-----•---......----••-•-•-•-•••••......---..•----- V .......... ...........------------ •---------- --------------------------- ------------- .... -----------•----•------•------------•----•---•-• ----------. ---------•---- W UNature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable............................................................................................... .... ...............•--••-------------•--•---••-----•-----------------------------••---------------•--... ............... Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed I ividu wage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of.:ITAU 5 of the tate Sanitary Code e u rsi ned f :er agrees not to place the system in operation until a ertificate of pliance has be iss o d of ea QSigned. ... ---.. •. ..... ---•-•-.....D Date .............. ------ ...... ... .. Date � Application Approved By........... .. �.......... &�_.-..� .-...a.S?-- Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons:-----•...................•..-•--•--•------•-•------.....----.........----------.............._................ .........................•-•-•--•-----•--...-•------....---.......---•----...---........---•--------..................---......--•--------....---------•--•-------...---•--------••--........--•....-•--- Date PermitNo....... --$. ---•------------------------ Issued................................---........: Date T •.•.•.-- �No...F .. .._ 1 . r .�... THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH A s h S-t/-� ►� L F ... ....................OF........ ............... ............... Applirtttion for i o ttl orkii Tonitrixrtion Permit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct 0Z) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: 1 4\.......... L-EJ 1 D(,: -. ... .. �--....._A---,-s�� fi r= `/L- Location-Ad ress / ....................• -•-------.....-•---•--•---....•..................... ......!J .. y. iL C:......la�L'.. /./SUS./.. ,.5d�1... 5.3 or.Lo: jlllPl�[/iC .. Owner Address ......--•-------------------•-----......---------- Installer Address + Type of Building �UMMuI�.I it-/ T5ui L � ti1�, Size Lot 3«:.G�?'L vSq. feet (I--,Dwell in�g—No. of Bedrooms............................................Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) a `Oth� Type of Building Gca►!in^0►.1._--.--. No. of persons....IZL MA?C. Showers ( ) — Cafeterias'( ) Q Other fixtures ........................ •----...----•-•--------------------------•----------- ......... -----•--- ..............................._............. W Design Flow.................a........._...........gallons per person per day. Total daily flow__..__.3-d(:-0-- . --gallons. t3 l� ° F it� . ., W Septic Tank—Liquid capacity AQ(?S?.gallons Length......::....... Width�_,-.�®- Diameter................ Depth.._. :.-�? x Disposal Trench—No..................... Width.._............... Total Length.............-__.... Total;leaching area........ ft. 3 Seepage Pit No.....I.............. Diameter..,..10........ Depth below inlet............... Total leaching area.Z�2_a.sq. ft, Z Other Distribution box (/4 Dosing tank ( ) '-' Percolation Test Results Performed by........r Date._..` ��-a` .------. a .................................. -�- Test Pit No. I................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit.................... Depth to ground water...._....._._....-._.._. ' L� Test Pit No. 2................minutes per igch Depth of Test Pit..................... Depth to ground water........................ ----------- -•----------------- --........... -...... ---------- ----r-------- •------ ----------...._.......------ .......... ..........---... O Description of Soil.....-------•------------•..............•-- .. -------•---•---..._.....-----•-----•----•---••---- -------------------------------- --------- •-------------------- ....._..---------------- W x -----------------------------------------------------•--------:_..---------•------ ...................................................... U Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable............................... ............................................................. ...-•--------•------------------•---•------.....--•------•--------••--=----•--••----................--------•-•--_----•------------- == t Agreement: t The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual-Sewage�Disposal System in accordance with 00,-the provisions of 7ITLZ- 5 of the tote Sanitary Code_ -I " he and rsi ned furft:er agrees not to place the system in operation until a -ertiticatt of phance has been y.th e�board of lth. t {Signed...........:1 L t/5..... Date.........................._.... �f� .. �' .......__ Date Application Approved By.. •y:- �...1� / ...... ` Date Application Disapproved for the f ollo2eiirig reasons-............................................................'...--------------•-•----..._..---....._. ... , --........•------------•-•--------•........................•------••----------------............----.........:------•-•--•---------------------•------•-•------•-•------•-•------------......-----•...... Date PermitNo.......��. ..... .........•--------._...---•-•---•• Issued....-•--------••-•----•---•--•-....................... Date w-a------------.-.---.--- --- ------ ---- --.-_--I----------------- ... sw-.4�._. .n P� .-�----------­------------ THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH ......... ............OF......... �!?'2- .:I :.! ? ......... (5rrtif irtttr of Tomplitttta TH S S TO CERTIFY,, Tha the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed �) or Repaired ( ) by-•--•--..�..Z5.---.---- -----... ---- •.............................. Installer at......................... has been installed in accordance with the provisions of TIT2e. . 5 of The State Sanitary Code as described in the - ITd yapplication for Disposal Works Construction Permit No....... ........ .............. dated__.._.__......._.._..._._._..._.._......_.__.. THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. DATE_.... _.`..................................... Inspector............. --._-------------------------- <e -----r----------. -- .. --------------------------------------------e..-.. ---.--------- ....,...«.-..,.. -�.. --------,-------e-e. ------- ------ THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH - No... 1..._...._. --•• --�- FEE................:: : �io�roottl ork Tunstrurtion Permit Permission is hereby granted------.. ...... ! {' ......=---••--•--.......---•-------•-•-•------••-•-•----••............................. to Construct } or Repair ( ) an .Individual Sewage Disposal Syst Street as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No.g .,Datgd------------------- -........................ •---------------------------------- - = ----- Board of Health DATE.................... ......FS .-. `-.. (`� �If.� "S �• 3. '/.1 �` �. 1•^'.�= r ��'• !�Y�c� a.:.•.).�=S:" .•Ao� a � ;.2�� ,A, - _9.-,1w nr »'t.- _ i--�d% 1t"., � - .�1� -•... c M •7 :,. b.Y 5..14k l >•, t� 1 � ,,. ai.ey'ar •,•�F`�-- ;`). ..rr a l D - i 5 •I 1 , x� .�'Jt'.l �"��}. "7;4:'r''Jv� ,.:1�? a .n_:O=:, �--�_ / 4. .,r ".y'�• s�._ {,)' __ l'�`1' 1l'1/.. -. E'••../� i �`����'''�����.-�i✓�'^'Y,s�:-.1:11 .f',. •�1ti: �'�? ':sRi.:'l,. .•.. M °Y' - `Y iQ` !t "?' I -?`' }:',• :`4��I a`.;.r` 1.• � ly. .... .;.r l�/� _r '•s•'(...c�� ..'F' ���_._ +.�;,+..c, a � r'1. f r •.:ice•. ..S<•�. :,•.:.p' � �...�i- 3.- - ,.K �.t•-•,.ate•, t :�•fp� � y �• t. '.. c.' >c'� y,� - .'L � i, + _ _%✓^ •� -� .>7'' r , � - �`13 °3f!•`. -�:- - :L- �, 6Gc? tea+;.;y =i. .'9•`v.. t "i'- ..I ✓�. ::T ?i ,�.. 1+,�' \ >~ -� ��%.� "y-. ��� � p,,� r .l•. �:J,'r'i r..,.` , .y.,. _ ''tu;--s�"� ..1 r_-• ` :�,. / . ' !r; ;'c-- },., f;.•. ��''...J�:�. "f_- :'�'�I: '�� � - ?y 'yi--.;' ,'� "'Via/ •..�:.a. -(�i• - -_- 'ram'. 'a.-:,�"'..���a,i ,�\ as - �, i I s •. t_ [- � T°•i+ 6_ !-' �Sf.. / QRCAT YARJRSJ I.CONlG4'" `''.1.Y - -�- -'� -``" -T '�J�`.j-�1.��� � q, .:Fa. .1)`. ,f v�^�c'i. �� �bli„P.� '.'�'- �i :d J,'.� .��i:•'`.,,.i:ti„ %,ye* ..J�� - J �t y- '-T _� ••..- I 1_.S`- s .t 7 `'`'S''� - • �_Ao. ^iL:p� ,o' q�. ;l. •Y 71 �� •.L�� .f l� - �•�\ _ ,J 'a "C., s - - i✓n •-".•-. 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Y sl'^ 1r i I tegw d to deo.M,lee len•..eNl[to.rd-eNf n a ti w.a Nl Elevation Under Drought Conditions rr O �•J_'� •,. ,�1� l b tN1Y bN pmd<.•YN de•et Yn tNn.•d WAWM A•t"" o. .01 - - -. : .,.may, r r N.a aey rf.e N th.!•ti•r na p.m..rk nee Wee r oe1Y tee , „ ° t Nr<..,,de,t„L..Iw<a.te•<°.nr.e[r„„9ae "-we Prepared By: SEA Consultants Inc. Boston. MaepacAuastt• 1pi' jJ ..., t •4.uk,b•Ok9breta .., .:: ., ,_ ., .-., NNB A D Ls C — Ejc i -I e.o e- '•' '.;�• c. Via: .�.^�: -Y ERelt� :/ <•:��ai. -T�. 1 ">� i I r`- .l sly. w J i4 1 ✓ A .,(y.. �., J. .. . _i. ``1 :d mil•-- � •�ca; - Tom- - - -__ -+�R jj y -� .s,•1+.T.1`�-s � �•e'iYr..•0?;yM �.. ,_>'�T �. _ .. .,- .. _ ry •..., Zr+': - -,.•.... -s.-_. �j:) 5' ,J- - .,�.:.1 rA..'r.-.J -'S `. .•{!'� _ F may. .-,•rat^ rC ` 'k: +i Y.�:.� (•' f�� - ",` - - �;.% ,! 'p >L 'T :-'1-ae=/� R _ •'� `r.�• rr r,w ., < I, •eC - V- �. y�Y i t• �r�tQ�' _ 4�L L. _�•'':. 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Vp' _ _ r.ar+.pNe be.tlr.nd.onba Do+llon.bNn m..00ur.ro b aen.ea q tr •L "4- ✓ ,�, ` `'t �r _ _ .:: y _ 11 oo pi-..-oa:par>•f� O ff nmo. eR.eee 1M bo6..Nt•n0 '-,t J' \1 '• F', d'obloo Dfem etric twat.eto fo.oa to ee•w..e,.•tey s flat w te: b . �P•`R__ • t�f AI _ ,}•. A N . - '� eamt'om,tlr ew n r.tsera ect�.e l� w .. - ,. toe• ee u t.1+•ee ,Pr=.,•. - a.3�j7 o,••_i".`,-lb. r•. U.. r .• �''% r. i i - 3: rats• t .'. y nm..en.row.iR eanautt o. • �� � :• •I. I .. J?' •::.7` �"� k, •1 .'1' } .z.W{�. 1. to loto• .ron pse olrie eteo tilde..- With art► ;,i'• /s `t - - i _ °Mote Feat Abort NOTE:EI•.••t I O n• A • In�.`•• • q - '{ - .! .) itdb w m.n.•rd Vr w.•ter fie..Ttereron,tM en rl itarad ....... .tter r01e i~. T I. . ' . • - / \ f to Wet•n ebn[ian.Nee mw..turn lk Wemmet sA•en hoe I....1 L r ••�/ 1 mn.ea rer tm rarr ilkooeo. Trpaeaf• tolt melin or l� • , ; i ` .• ~ ,• - J ,4 ' y� � � � 0 1 � e �I t ' lwrauf•o anuoa.tro:.Jpe.nt ee ln•..a-..•t trowa..t.r d,.;a; i 3. • .t_ L. ,,, Town Of Barnstable Piezometric Head Under Saturation Density Peak Day Pumping And Average Recharge Conditions A¢e•tTe • .roR Drarwmnrk ee.d foere.ss lift d4[s t I f„ .1' •'�, {y foeb•uor w.•ro rt000e loo hkil •!sensor•,lee ec[u•a..te bw b • � t•''J ~� T i�•". '_ �•; "i Iw,d to W•[r ela.•lbn.Net b b..r ln•n t!e pitmnet.ie.ttl •a �_� amass ror too rite.be.tlo•. Trpa of.n..t.D..neun..of ttu O o r o 1,2 Existing Public Supply Well�� �,,'{i• ✓ ewdllht Inelede eowgae 1 adtomot b Cepe Cad By oocl M.N afn - 15 Elevation -l.. g• :",•y " B'°'a 0 sa s Malor Private Supply Well Groundwater Divide >. to po„e..ne dense mina,*.Will-ttai'toolit a,a.e o-d rekt.e �• •+ �,.af. ,• Y,}�^"a/. tern t'r.n,r'..brt.me.nbe.w ra:neNn[ne poee for d...ew O aFD s Potential Future Public Supply Well Site \/`�_• •)-{ . nyoitaa to dwilitre trl•tnot.leww mote -,.no.m tfr min R_ .D +� l.•r ait.nonl.oll . ''•o , - l b nttb O.1.valet.Nee a not lrw mno.a mLL el b Arl..[tr - ;. •\ , t.•-• ? _I Meow sly ti to tee btd a,Im Wem.ntae tree.Iwo:.o's n• if low ., '' Irtoee•d..tot bee'en..tw fA.CeeOri,e*-U' Ot• - \�4 i aet.tb.mewfuente, i0e�'^r roi0 _ Prepared By: SEA Consultants Inc. Boston. Massachusetts .. t y - �pj�a -i'_t D`�'3.,y/"r.1 .f �. 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L...1 .$+�' ram+•.. �`--n:,,., d,f..W fa -.i•ed be.,roa TMWAI.rm.P.:.. of tl 1 < �' , rT P rood,.ni-Ird•tb..a.n.tetd..a.r„,.m.•,..a.d• Piezometric Head Under Present Pumping P 0` I l 1w p ng Conditions �i,•��,w.. L. b u,<e.rre • .h. Patmetrm ono ,-r..,v .nn e�,a Town Of Barnstable L_ �+ i/. .t•'.+ i� :: ' .. I Indle.,u:r tp..rd fro:-..,er rb..Th.r.rn th,.r, ". t.Nr i. ; f-na b h•,-•lent-...ah' b. the eh Pie.or.,we r f i ;P•,: i ,.�-- d•n-a f> th p.a I-.,.ra TTOK.I•.r.•r�r.>.owtm a eN. . %j r / �' 1. -nmemlrm.-wl-.,..O.�Nb • cio +x Existing Public Supply Well �•� TS �� Elevation Under Average Recharge `' f •f•�; ��±� cam.c.a e.y•nd x.-rr.w s0 Z Maior Privets Su y L - :j. t �' `-'..I �4 O DDI Weli Groundwater Divide t..' ':r', x_.. I. ..r.. I >. b P.ne.tit.denwd.d .e PI•teewtrit h.m M. m y h niM t ', ,-_.1, �� ;. e. wnln.•.t:,.1•.a„wN•.saun_aweu,.Pwew.nw.a:e. ® A/w aot Permanent Obaervatlon Well ---20--- Elevation Under Drought Conditions �` , .. e y: ! :', Y?: ' ar,wr..:ns "' rro,m..u.ro..1.xr..ebt _ .I g :y�e\. J . - t• 1-• ., :yr:•u,.i' L b W,b bb•d•&.Nee d.• -Vw den•,:.m Aw,r1 ew[.r �• - 0 *� •/. I.w,.- rr•to te•1-w.r th th : .. 4 P.e-nwh WA.,r.•w uNa a ant Y.' - •��•-� / tt �y - _ t:' :': be.•.•d.•,..,...,a.arer.nn.ly ...u..,.iw.nm eDared ey. SEA Coneuttents Ino. Ooston, Maesachusett• 1 �.. \ T. 1>'iPr.-.'•.r �n :.:j" - • r..u1e•a'.wi1�r.,a - woe.0 ,. s4^a . C Ra O D —\;� ��( �-�- 6`•M.T.i';:.•�'..i:, '�-•,'.3p,�,ia..M7r`rMer .�:. '.,tl!�,..,.. .<. _ __ _+: _ a�; 'q'e,• `.�- �,/ '/�`:4_.' •rfLq"- - ?._ a-!• cr:...4.>--.-CR+C_ ,.:'�' ^:,�ti N.r ^'/ .-?.,,.a�j il ``f►f• Iii I' I -.}.�\ y+ _ �•.: - '� �il^t � ,L ter: �° -'� r,.'-. ...�.{~t. - <. sl ,_„`'-f.�. 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'.:1 • IW:r �• �1� �� i • -t-^+ ,y' y �y�, /•l�jJ_/- "�l _ �,r•! i- ,CER IlLLE 1-. v BYANNIS HARBOR y,, _�--ENT ,BAR BOR - ._k. _ •, - . � �. �.�_. ..�• -r. :woo' z � !' / I '�?%,�A.� _ .. � i'aQ-..�i ��-_. � I' .. `�'C-�,.,. __ ••4; '� -� 9"~, ;> � v♦l \,.✓, .:�. Raat B.r I . ,y. :�t, t _ —_' ..."=`;nit;'' _ �'•• i tL, J �' 9^- `>t , _�'• •( . n 5e•; •/ �r: .two . . •'Sa E l�:• (p - 1 •' `T ..s a'^ cw••1 •t�: :'`Ft�•�::'?'0.7•:i'�~. '� 'i"'ar•..-^`' F rl� :,•� I r'•''''� mea.Dwmlm er Dl.a..a.+e a..d Dam ,_,,; :.`t,_ _ i ,k.; .-"'•I r _l'`.vi Ali f: - ,y.-+.. .Ld l..r•'•'^..ai•:r.4•, �•'4 ;1 fEri`i °!'c. •r• ! �. ✓''y-'�. t- Tna pi—etrK eenee n=ta ln. teen ens w rtwnaet.r to r+... '' fl., ' I .. ;I ,r`i ��.c,• ,i 9ee9ta4`N.beatta.W wrtkal Poakt`n.ItNn,m aWItto attl la danad by tM •�•!--�' 1-. �, _ _ _ bwt m .611 naa ID tM. aei..nm.1.� p0 P y E rani ft aow aeata a won.aR=m4,nemmntte al a t tM typarmoY atpdfae Isar. Difr•ni-e M.ew Im eaoarred and-aa,at t.•-� '. •' -!°'-,� T IZ y w r _ a F A/ A .N T U• C K E T ' -j„„•% r� rn,nat•C Dlrmmatefe 4etla.an raoM le Oa Imam s f«t n lea • f- 1 //`` maC tinNlloi,4 tM Contpats pnaeted ea m posted to tM a«t..i.am 1 _ ar 1 I^ a •`�>!'!M` r Y C •• '' ti—at ten u do a tm sitar mma. laeeDllnn4 m.em, «ev am mlu Dlaea e \• \ U. ti .t� 4 mia.r tM rom.IR aeeaneai or le —Mr. wu .non pi— Irw eaen.at. a,in etot► '•1 !of be pi _.. I _ _ �� •••� a•'/' lemeatiq do."m gaw-n ro..brnror tn•.etool.atar tam, rr��" a ). I i -_._ NOTE:Elor.tlon• Ar• b n 1n .•• roe to M at m ow"t . e.is N ierein rme tmn 1M Patne aead Fs.l Apo.• Maan 8aa Loral dennad rot tM tlrp alloit ?"-I a—tepresN.t,w I ` ; -ienNlfoa 1«ltida(rose.dYeant to tm mt-.eat ttwnd.ner Nude; - - :- to Naar. .ea .Mw Dfamnrte aa.d 1«reuu .da dap(. Town Of Barnstable — Piezometric Head Under Saturation Density Peak Day Pumping And Average Recharge Conditions / j F - ..�,., �• � a,,.,s G �. IMle.toq,P-m riou t--ro..Taomfo ,tm ante .atv talia is 0 / L' •' land tom at an nar.11a.atM M boar m.n tM D,eaon•trie mae . dan«d re. tM pr.n bean- Trwen a—ie ...tl.e er tr. • C,O a2 Existing Public Supply Well 15 Elevation �t�. r i I r 1. "'J seMltbi lal Wa eoutn be.ln b ----\. Y ad!•tia1 Gapa God Bar a.d xan-w sou"-;:•y� ."' IftP O so It Major Private Supply Well - Groundwater Divide c• t- t. In Peim.ae a.nn.a em Wa,Ir parema<rk MaN aro.m mar m w+a. ,_ IV1l ' - "' �" • S' •"�•' '' tMn lM.ttual.star tale.Nap.W qr .IINn ta, M le ae elate . .'-'�Y I,•1 t�.yt ,• w O aF0 s Potential Future Public Supply Well Site. • r`.' 11 - raWitad le Ntmtra th 4enieanml IDpiddola two sla>r adYt .7t••• alreclnnl.nd >:O .• V• i O f 4. to aeltl roY Peada. Jo.Nsa de mt w danoad-I.M A..Y seat C ,tea / $ *i. ar rtaa m tm la..l a!tm o atns pop W a ooa>a Oa s ads 1 ` Y-ese ad....law,—ft.tooN -ot ah - taa rad _ • wrueamavwmnat. 'lV0"°r Prepared By: SEA Consultants Inc, Boston. Massachusetts flit-g.1 t � _ u� / i o -�_a �`, c _ �•' _��� �c,� �j���/ �.�tx[�:t'�":it ��'••�--s' `�\'�-�%' c-r'�,_E_� -,o �C 0 D _-1 '_J /-=�8.'.T'..-Y•. ,. _�.r � I ,.. ./�• � .4 i L. r�� _ d• f.�, .',ti (,f, •Iy �.:7�� '� �. r / 'fr:•`'7"'•.- :.d •o .'\ rl\ i.- I r(. 6 °•G' 7.�. ;: �-:• 'J-, ,- .,, :. '- ';• '¢:` --/�:r'F' .8�_ 1�, 17�.R'L• - a:� R ' f _I '�� ✓ n :'l� }� .bW. :L. i. ''l `s"l� � {- :i�!._:iT.?Y.. --SS.,Y ..'l�-'r �J"�•. `\ � .I- �i.. _ - ';+o� -r,� 'tq`. �'1, •',�� _ - (� rY� •:y �=A4F=� ^- _ '.R'.f';• `.f •G.�' II- *'k. •wrp�. ,�� r ° // � .�a,,p,.• 'f-,'.6T � � -!l2 _ �'J-F�. -�a 1 ! -'r vi. - � >. �, ''1 4 ��' ,.� _ ��� .r 1. B,;J .� /{( r, .,J 'a vn. ,�� L7--�-c _ i f _ �:, � .�.. ^',)- '�• j. - - �\ f•.'. ".�<-. 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C wt.uN•n.e►riY tia rne;.w to o W etiu• •. -'t• � ,,..,yr- Ptim ® A1W 292 Permanent Observation Well '-ZD--- Elevation Under Drought Conditions �` I _ _ -' j��:- . :Y,�J�°' ' �It�a.ee.,••w Ie<,.a.ew r+e•mww ro..l.r•.Ibt O .• ^ •'fi r yr l' L Y btlL'bY Ptr&truce m ea eln d•n-d eabts Ael••I wt. app• - / MwL aq tW to tb LN d 0.Pbmaaefl tr.d.cow..n1Y-tb ty I.r.e.dr•t«bMe.•rru..,.na�..,Y,..Y,,,r,e.p..d Prepared By: SEA Consultants Inc. Boston, Me//achu/ett• •,•-L, jl J., t !.]�i•ee L �•�` tl•♦.tb.trt•amllOr.l. - J t sT' `�" I:�j.°'id't �,.. _.Z.,,,. c_i-1-.1, P-_E_ ° I'C.•p- D - -1`,..`� fX ...}•�' �' �! v 'IY` V . ,i°H .t..'r�,4, r,� ,.�. ��±=e; ...-'� �.� .g'Nyck\,.b qr ;.,>`::.tv i' •.�. ---t'..-. _ .. 1 rl � ��, - •r,,_� Q �IJ1 / : .Irk .<�i,� •"L c..• „'t. ,.S d.'/ - 4Nd� .¢':/."t •e: �•6, +•?%'�''.�. 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Pit--trte`e.fa •.ea or rlwet0.•I« « cf••. �>,,�3 a .•> I \`-`e .:r r.D".nt. ' fora r•a"a+.be.u_.m.•nb•1 Dorton.uef.w•.wu..m b mno•e eT IN. {i 1r .j• :�•'1 L. �,�• °r lent b.NfM..,!.'u Iw b w.•Se..,+ ,a•ry-jk-"_q 'N, D ow:- atwmerie Nr•E ee m•M.n r'.ge tm IN,III—b em tr! •t IN,east.of - FuD.d+ TL•'Ottwm•R�--' ., - _ -- .-'-- —' , ' ` .. --I Iro ttpp.retor.elan:bier. DWI,—'. ea..m tM amen.-.mt•' . ,t.. f .N T U_ C K E I e.",': �- •,.9 rmw."a Dl.rent«rte It.m,..,.re ma to w.eD,o•Im.t.y s r«I> __ _ N' A '-�`:. � � • Vtra«low aonm=bn•>Iro eontwn preamm m a m se IM ��',�.,',>.'. z'-..: ' - � e -^Rly,�,•!,. Y:' C�� •.�:' a...,f_ r,ti ba•. L. I Ip.�t aoD.o.a_,. 1 I ,•��`' I .. �. t: � ��,�-�.. { ':'��. i`` L': _ - ." t- 'td IIrWrlNe rem.. rom,umb, em lens m...«.m •m.,u t•e.Dt.t" _ j� I ., t: ti a '�." .• •..m«.tc •�•• �'.'::- I � � j = 3 rt� q• %e. -.M. e" .h— p Mm If•erem• ." �f,�� _ _ .• �. c` :•A'; �� ''1 .`•i:a*v:-[ '�z0'i'.. 'ttme•t�r�mtm..m rrwm..t«Ito..The"fo I e,_I a•r bet. re'. 7 ?+-'.i. I, , - I I _ _ NOTE:Elerulene'Ar• IIt f7 < Feet Above Yearn See Le �•"/ ` '� - b fa.M tom•t•n ebniton.NM b eirh•r tNe Iro D,e.emetrte ae.e eft �- _ E,nnm r" IN, rl.en be•tfx Tr I• "Mra.n,•ti"of IIY •r \ - \- - ` ��('� t '�� t I ��:t t<mitmn fneltta.Iro:mr.e•ne w tee m,-.e.t rrwm..t«m.bet �1 t t,,� i L. b m.h.q• ."_ .N." Db.oma a rom fee•._. .1N �„ Town Of Barnstable — Piezometric Head Under Saturation Density Peak Day Pumping And Average Recharge Conditions o ! Imk•el r w.•a r"D No ...I to•eI_ ..I«t.lm b 'f� ` t foum to tx•t•n•1«•ibn.Wren b b.er In_fro Dfem•etrb a.m :}I, i- J•'• ..� d.a"a mr the I. ter•,tort. rTDKa I,="D",onuNt.or I►. s c/o /2 Existing Public Supply Well � 15 Elevation Ivrtmlle.1mlm.eo a l.e.b•m—IIIc- S•T.m N--. s°°s O so 2 Major Private Supply Well --- - Groundwater Divide r' :.•.. '� `.-�:��'•. J, b Doem.ltn mnnm aMble,IN,plem«trte M•a.Ine.e•bT be Nfrer O BFp s Potential Future Public Supply Well Site _!. yJ' ..�•. ' I ,.'1. r.ma,v2 to tli.elrrr•IN,f.e":. t x, mret«now tw t,,wt 0 la An aul.sob Dom..N.e m m r..e.mna ewbla .r.l�Ir n..b Iro Mwl a te.Dbte.atm he.a.row« l.s • „Vv-C '� p ; ' ,C�' In«m:0 T..,«b..t...em W.e..Gaf,g. 11_•11--w tN.Dtb Ivev,b.m.w111er.I. - Prepared By: SEA Consultants Inc. 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