HomeMy WebLinkAboutGifford Bros. Sand Gravel - DEP CSA ApprovalCommonwea lt h of M assa chu setts Exec ut ive Offi ce of Ener gy & Env ir onm ental Affa irs Department of Environmental Protection Southeast Re gion al Offi ce • 2 0 Riv ersid e Drive, Lakevill e M A 0 2347 • 508 -9 4 6 -2700 Charles D. Baker Gove rn or Karyn E . Polito Lieutenant Governor September 27, 2019 Christopher Keyes Gifford Brothers Sand & Gravel , Inc. 44 ASA Meiggs Road Sandwich MA 02563 RE: FINAL PERMIT APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS Application for: BWP SW 23 COMPREHENS IVE SITE ASSESSMENT Application No. 19-SW23-000002 Authorization No. SW23-0000003 AT: Gifford Brothers Sand & Gravel 810 Wakeby Road Barnstable, MA 02648 Facility Identification No. 30 1279 Dear Mr. Keyes: Kathleen Theoharides Secretary Martin Suuberg Commissioner The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Solid Waste Management Section (the "MassDEP") has completed its admini strat ive a nd technical re view of the Comprehensive Site Assessment (the "CSA") permit application for Gifford Brothers Sand & Gravel at 810 Wakeby Road Barnstable (or "Site"). As a result, the MassDEP has determined the permit app li cation is administrative ly and technically complete and hereby approves the Comprehensive Site Assessment subject to the conditions specified herein. I. SUBMITTALS: MassDEP has reviewed the permit application (the "CSA" or "Application") pursuant to 3 10 CMR 19.000 Solid Waste Regulations, 3 10 CMR 19.150 Landfi ll Assessment Requirements and MassDEP's Landfill Technical Guidance Manual, May 1997 (th e "Manual"). Thi s i nformation i s available in al ternate format. Call Michelle Waters-Ekanem , Di versity Director, at 617 -292-5751. TT Y# MassRe l ay Serv i ce 1-800-439-2370 Mass DEP W ebsite: www.mass.gov/dep Pr inted on Recycled Paper September 27, 2019 Page 2 of6 Comprehensive Site Assessment Permit Approval Gifford Brothers Sand & Gravel, Inc. -810 Wakeby Rd Barnstable The following documents were submitted on behalf of and represent the complete Application reviewed by MassDEP under 310 CMR 19.000 Solid Waste Management Regulations including: 1) A completed BWP SW-23 application form; 2) A completed Proof of Record form; 3) A Project Report/Narrative; 4) Site Plans; 5) Baseline Risk Assessment; and 6) Sampling and Analysis Plan The Application was submitted electronically via the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs ePlace P011al at https://permitting.state.ma.us/CitizenAccess/ on May 21, 2019, 2019 by Sitec Environmental, Inc. (the "Consultant") on behalf of Gifford Brothers Sand & Gravel, Inc ("Applicant" or "Owner"). The Application may be reviewed on line at https ://eeaonline.eea.state.ma.us/EEA/PublicApp/ using the "advanced search" link with an "approved" authorization status and the "solid waste" category. II. BACKGROUND AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The CSA Application has been prepared by the Consultant on behalf of Gifford Bros . to achieve final closure of the solid waste handling and storage operations that took place hi s torically at the Site. Specifically, this CSA provides a description of the assessment work that was conducted to demonstrate that there are no longer any sources of contamination or adverse impacts associated with historical site operations. Historically, the Site was used: as a wood waste reclamation facility (i.e., stump dump); for the storage and processing of asphalt, brick and concrete ("ABC"); and as storage of accumulated junk vehicles, tires and miscellaneous debris. Fut1hermore, submittal of this CSA Application meets conditional requirement No. 11 in the Department's Provisional Corrective Action Design Permit Approval , Transmittal No. W097656 ("CAD") issued to Gifford Bros. on January 30, 2007 which required the owner to submit a CSA for review and approval in accordance with 310 CMR 19.150: Landfill Assessment Requirem ents. Gifford Bros. submitted the CAD Permit Application in order to obtain approval for the final closure of the Site pursuant to Massachusetts Solid Waste regul ations. The CAD outlined clean-up activities that were required to be implemented by the owner to address the accumulation of solid waste associated with historic operations at the Site. The background and specific details of the various solid waste handling activities were included in the CAD approval. In the CSA Application, the owner reported on the extensive cleanup efforts that were conducted to comply with th e CAD and facilitate Site closure. Gifford Brothers Sand & Gravel was a former gravel pit that ceased operations during the 1980 's, but continued to operate as a solid waste handling facility that accepted various solid waste materials including ABC, wood waste, construction and demolition materials . It also served as a junk yard for the storage of junk cars. The Site is located at 810 Wakeby Road in Septemb er 27, 20 19 Page 3 of6 Co mprehens ive Site Assessment Permit Approval Gifford Brothers Sand & Gravel, Inc. -8 IO Wake by Rd Barn stable Barnstable and is comprised of approximately 19.3 acres. There are no permanent structures located on the Site and approximately one third ( 1/3) of the Site is undisturbed w oodland s . The remaining 2/3 of the Site was used for the hi s toric solid waste handling operations that are the s ubject of this and the prev ious CAD approval. Land use within the vicinity of the Site includes res idential , li g ht commercial or undi s turbed woodlands. Prope rties to east and north are residences located along Dove Lane, Mockingbird Lane and Long Pond Road in Mars ton Mill s. There are also residences located to the south of the Site on Wakeby R oad and located to the west of the Site are a communications tower, dog kenne l and reside nces on Meiggs-Backus Road in the Town of S a ndwich. Receptor Information The Site is located in a "Potential Drinking Water Source Area" (i.e., potentially productive aquifer) and "Curre nt Drinking Wate r Source Area" (i.e., Zone II of a public water s uppl y). As pait of the CSA , the Gifford Bros. evaluated pri vate we ll s within 5 00 feet of the s ite potentially affected b y hi storic so lid waste operations at the Site a nd id e ntified seve ral residences dow ngradient of the Site that maintain private wells. The testing of the se wells is reported in Section III of thi s approval. III. COMPREHENSIVE SITE ASSESSMENT SUMMARY Gifford Bros. proceeded w ith s ubsta ntial cleanup activities in 2007 to remove a nd handl e all solid waste de bri s a nd wastes identified in the CAD. A summary of these cl eanup effo1ts a re included below: • Junk vehicl es and s urface d ebris were consolidated a nd rem oved from the Site for proper disposal a nd recycl in g including the recyc ling of metal car parts and di sposal of other debri s; • Stockpiled tires we re shipped to a tire recyc le r off-site; • The previously unprocessed ABC debris was processed on s ite and later removed from the Site; • The stump dump material was excavated, scree ned a nd c hipped to make it avail a bl e for on or off-site use; • As part of m onitoring activ ities , the e ntire s ite was inspected to id entify a ny physical s ig ns of contaminatio n in the debris and soil s including identi fy ing a reas that have s ta ining or odors. CSA ACTIVITIES The Cons ultant performed CSA act iviti es to demonstrate the c leanup efforts were successful in removing a ll so lid and residual wastes from th e Site by; conduct ing a n evalu ation of so il s at the Site, in paiticular, in the a reas w he re so lid waste ha ndling took place to confirm contamination was not present in the soil , a nd a human health risk assessment to identify an y potential risks to human health through test ing of gro und water in private well s hydraulically downgradient and in the vicinity of the Si te. September 27, 2019 Page 4 of6 Evaluation of On-Site Soils Comprehens ive Site Assessme nt Permit Approval Gifford Brothers Sand & Gravel, Inc. -810 Wake by Rd Barns table The Consultant conducted testing of soils specific to areas at the Site where solid waste materials had been handled to determine concentrations of oil and hazardous materials, if any, in the soils. Each target area was divided into grids and composite soils were collected and tested for site specific contaminants of concern ("COCs") based on site history and use including Volatile Organic Compounds, Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds, Polychlorinated Biphenyls, Total Metals and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons. Additional samples were proposed to be collected if initial samples indicated contamination was present. Each sample was also evaluated for Volatile Organic Compounds using a photoionization detector ("PID"). Sampling results were then compared to the Massachusetts Contingency Plan ("MCP") Method 1 S- 1/GW-1 standards ("standards") to determine the degree of contamination, if any, in the soils relative to the state's cleanup standards. No PIO readings exceeded 4 ppm and no laboratory sample exceeded the standard for any COC. As a result, the Consultant concluded that the soils were not impacted by any waste or residual contamination and that the cleanup efforts were successful in removing all wastes from the Site. Human Health Risk Assessment The Consultant identified three residences on Wakeby Road hydraulically downgradient of the Site that maintain private wells and performed testing of them as part of a human health risk assessment. These locations include 750, 770 and 780 Wakeby Road in Barnstable. The wells we re te sted for all the COCs and all COC concentrations were detected below their respective MCP GW-1 standard. Based on the groundwater and soils testing results, the Consultant concluded that the Site does not pose any curre nt or future risks to human health. The Consultant also teste d the irrigation well that exists at the Site for COCs and the results revealed no exceedances of the MCP GW-1 standard. In s ununary, Gifford Bros. has concluded that the cleanup effo1ts and asse ssment act1V1tl es conducted by Gifford Bros . Sand & Gravel demonstrate that the Site is no longer a solid waste facility and there is no residual contamination from historic solid waste operations that warrants fu1ther mitigation and/or as sessment. MassDEP Conclusions The Department has determined that Gifford Brothers Sand & Gravel does not require any further assessment and/or corrective actions for the solid waste handling and storage operations that took place his torically. September 27, 2019 Page 5 of 6 IV. PERMIT DECISION: Co mpre hensive Site Assessment Permit Approval Gifford Brothers Sand & Gravel, Inc . -810 Wakeby Rd Barnstable MassDEP has determined that the CSA application is satisfactory and in accordance with its authority granted pursuant to Massachusetts General Law, .Chapter 111, Section 150A, and 310 CMR 19.000 and hereby approves the Application subject to the following conditions . 1. Permit Limitations: This Permit Approval is limited to the Comprehensive Site Assessme nt permit application for Gifford Brothe rs Sand & Gravel and does not relieve Gifford Bro s. from the responsibility to comply with all other local, state or federal regulato1y or permitting requireme nts. 2. Reservation of Rights: MassDEP reserves the ri ght to rescind, suspend, or modify or require additional assessment and/or action, as deemed necessary, to protect and maintain the environment fre e from obj ectionable nui sance conditions, dangers or threats to public health or the environment. REVIEW OF DECISION: Pursuant to 310 CMR 19.033(4)(b), if the Applicant is aggrieved by the Department's permit decis ion, within 21 days of the issuance of the Department's permit deci s ion to the Applicant, may file a written reques t, with the appropriate regional office of the Department, tha t the permit decision be deemed a prov isional decision, and a written statement of the bas is on w hi ch the Applicant believes it is aggrieved, together with any supp011ing materials. Upon time ly filing of such a request, the permit d ecision shall be deemed a prov isional decision. Such a request s ha ll r eope n the administrative record , and the Departme nt shall issue a fin a l pe rmit d ecision after the end of the comment period. Failure by an Applicant to exercise the ri ght prov ided in 310 CMR 19.033(4)(b) s hall constitute a waiver of the Applicant's ri g ht to appeal. RIGHT OF APPEAL Right to Appeal -This approval has been issue d pursuant to M.G.L. C hapter 111 , Section 150A, and 310 CMR 19.033: Permit Procedure for an Application for a Permit Modification or Other Approval -of the "Solid Waste Managem ent Regulati on s". Pursuant to 3 10 CMR 19.033(5)(a), any pe rson aggrieved by the final permit decis ion, except as provide d for unde r 310 C MR l 9.033(4)(b), may fil e an appeal for judic ial review of said permit deci s io n in accordance with the provisions of M .G.L. c. 111 , § 150A and M.G.L. c. 30A no la ter than 3 0 days following the date of issuance of the final permit decis ion to the Applicant. The standing of a perso n to fil e an appeal a nd th e pro cedures for filing s uch a n appeal s hall be governed by the provisions of M.G .L. c. 30A. Unl ess the person re questing an appeal request s and is g ranted a stay of the terms and conditions of the final permit decision by a com1 of competent jurisd iction, the final pe rmit decis ion shall be effec ti ve in accordance with 310 CM R 19.033(3). Notice of Appeal -A n y aggrieved person inte nding to a ppea l a fin a l permit dec is ion to the Superior Court s hall first provide notice of inte nti on to commence s uc h action. Said notices of intention s ha ll include the Departme nt 's Authorization No. SW23-0000003 and s ha ll id e ntify with paiticularity the issues a nd reaso n why it is believed the fin a l pe rmit decis ion was not September 27, 2019 Page 6 of6 Comprehensive Site Assessment Permit Approval Gifford Brothers Sand & Gravel, Inc . -810 Wakeby Rd Barnstable proper. Such notice shall be provided to the Office of General Counsel of the Department and the Regional Director for the regional office which processed the permit application, if applicable, at least five days prior to the filing of an appeal. Office of General Counsel Department of Environmental Protection One Winter Street Boston, MA 02108 Millie Garcia-Serrano, Regional Director Department of Environmental Protection 20 Riverside Drive Lakeville, MA 02347 No allegation shall be made in any judicial appeal of a final permit decision unless the matter complained of was raised at the appropriate point in the administrative review procedures established in 310 CMR 19 .000, provided that a matter may be raised upon a showing that it is material and that it was not reasonably possible with due diligence to have been raised during such procedures or that matter sought to be raised is of critical importance to the environmental impact of the permitted activity. Please direct any questions regarding this matter to me at (508) 946-2847 or to Doug Coppi at (508) 946-2833, or write to the letterhead address. Refer to Authorization No. SW23 -0000003 in any correspondence to this office regarding this project. Very truly yours, Mark Dakers, Chief So lid Waste Management Section DIDC W:\BA \\/\So lid Waste\! MUNlC lPALITlES\Barn stable\GiITord S&G\CSA Pennil 19-SW23 -000002-APP\GiITord Broth ers Sand & Gravel CSA Approval.docx ec: Ray Quinn -SITEC ENVIRONMENT AL, Inc. rayquinn@sitec-engineering.com Barnstable Board of Health health@town.bamstable.ma. us DEP-SERO ATTN: S.Pickering M. Dakers DEP-BOSTON ATTN: J. Fischer T.Adamczyk Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection One Winter Street, Boston MA 02108 • Phone: 617-292-5751 Communication For Non-English Speaking Parties -310 cMR 1.03(5)(a> ==:=-zi 1 English: This document is important and should be translated immediately. If you need this document translated, please contact MassDEP's Diversity Director at the telephone numbers listed below. fo™rni .. u.,."'~12 ·Espanol (Spanish): ~~ Este docurnento es irnportante y debe ser traducido inrnediatarnente .. Si necesita este documen~o traducido, por favor p6ngase en contacto con el Director de Diversidad MassDEP a los nurneros de telefono que aparecen mas abajo. II. 3 Portugues (Portuguese): Este docurnento e irnportante e deve ser traduzida imediatarnente. Se voce precisa deste documento traduzido, por favor, entre em contato corn Diretor de Diversidade da MassDEP para os numeros de telefone listados abaixo. - 5 Ayisyen (franse kreyol) (Haitian) (French Creole): Dokiman sa-a se yon bagay enpotan epi yo ta dwe tradui irnedyatman. Si ou bezwen . dokiman sa a tradui, tanpri kontakte Divesite Direkte MassDEP a nan nirnewo telefon ki nan lis pi baa. · U 6 Vi~t (Vietnamese): Tai li~u nay la r§t quan tr9ng v~ c§n dU'qc djch ngay l~p t(rc. t:,J@u bc;1n c§n djch tai li~u nay, xin vui long lien h~ v&i Giarn doc MassDEP da d~ng tc;1i cac s6 di~n tho~i dU'qc li~t ke dLr&i day. i:1 7 tUt9hlRf::f~ (Kmer (Cambodian): t:lnn.rms:~T:::flS'1flS:oi8lSS.t:lFirun1c;isunt1Unl89 1uwsiuHnUnlc;lSUnt1U \.J u G ru Li '-' c:t'-' v Li t:Jnnnns: h.JH1 siR1 S.j;jt~nC:l'l sirnn MassDEP tsiHUB ca Sh.J£7tf::3 rue;, sn 1'.1JB'l-l;jt1n11::r9 ~ c:t u ~ ~ ==== 8 Kriolu Kabuverdianu (Cape Verdean): 1!!11!11! Es documento e importante e deve ser traduzido imidiatamente. Se bo precisa des ■ _ .. documento traduzido, par favor contacta Director de Diversidade na MassOEP's pa es numero indicode Ii d'boche. 9 PyccKMIII ~3blK (Russian): - 3TOT AOKyMeHT AOJl)KeH 6b1Tb HeM eAJ)e HHO. Ec m,1 BaM HY )l(Ha nOMOLl\b npM nepeBOAe, CBfl)l(M TeCb !"'!!!--=-nO)l(anyHcT a C AMpeKT OpOM no 3TMKe M pa3H006pa3Me B Ma ssDEP no Tene~oHy yKa3a HHO MY HM)l(e. Contact Mic helle W aters-Ekanem, Diversity Director/C ivil Rights: 617-292-5751 TTY# M assRe lay SeNice 1 -800-439- 2370. http://www.mass.gov/eea/agenc ies/massdep/service/ju sti ce/ (Version 11.2 1.1 7 ) ,_,...,...,~_ -=. ,!,)__, 12 htuJb.p.hh (Armenian): UJU lplllUUllllJulllI]Jc}g 2l11Ul q_lllp.hrnp. t h1. UJ. htnp t pU1.p.quU1uh1 U1uu):i2U1.UJ. hu. bph Qhq ~S~I , '111uhp.mdl2tn t UlJU lpUlUtnUl.pnuua-g pmp.quU1.utj_h1 ajiub.1 MassDEP pU1.qumqU1.un1.pJmUg Uluop.hu t hhnm:tunuU1.hU1.tlU1.p.uhp.]:i ptj_U1.p.q_tl_m& hu UUlll]lhL U. 14 Fran~ais (French): Ce document est important et devrait etre traduit immediatement. 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