HomeMy WebLinkAboutOKH 04 12 23 Draft Minutes Town of Barnstable Old King’s Highway Historic District Committee MINUTES Wednesday, April 12, 2023, 6:30pm To all persons deemed interested or affected b y the Town of Barnstable's Old King’s Highway Historic District Act under Section 9 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended. You are hereby notified that a hearing was held on the following applications: Bett McCarthy, Chair Present George Jessop, AIA Absent Ryan Coholan Absent Lesley Wallace Present Wendy Shuck, Clerk Present Kaitlyn Maldonado, Assistant Director, Planning & Development Present Erica Brown, Admin istrative Assistant Present A quorum being met, Chair Bett McCarthy called the hearing to order at 6:30 pm. The Chair explained the hearing and appeal process and invited the public to address the Committee and view the plans of interest when the application is called. ______________________________________________________________________________ Roll Call Chair Bett McCarthy called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and took roll call. Attendance Roll Call: Lesley Wallace Wendy Shuck Bett McCarthy APPLICATIONS Elias, Eileen, 42 Packet Landing Way, West Barnstable, Map 179, Parcel 004, Built 1962 Install 7.6 kw panels. Will not exceed roof panels but will add 6” to roof height. 19 panels total. Wendy Shuck moved to open the public hearing. Lesley Wallace seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye Bett McCarthy- aye Brendan L, representative for Trinity Solar is present. 19 solar panels across three roofs. Two of the roofs are facing the street. One roof is visible from the south. Brendan states that it is not a well-traveled road. Lesley- Not well traveled. Beautiful house. Lesley looks at the plans and asks if the panels could be more uniform. Would like a more symmetrical design. Brendan- There might be an issue for one panel. He states he will bring it to design. Brendan suggested adding an additional panel at the bottom right corner. Bett- Agreed. A perfect rectangle would be much more acceptable. Wendy- Agree that it would be better if it is symmetrical in the front. The roof is dark? Brendan- Dark Grey. Lesley- All along the bottom would be agreeable as well. Brendan- There may be some issue if they are all on the bottom as it may be too close to the ridge. Brendan will bring back to the design team for the rectangle. Public comment: None. A motion was made by Wendy Shuck to continue the Certificate of Appropriateness application for Elias, Eileen, 42 Packet Landing Way, West Barnstable, Map 179, Parcel 004, Built 1962 to the April 26, 2023 at 6:30pm to be held remotely. Lesley Wallace seconds the motion. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye Bett McCarthy- aye Phillips, Jennifer, 100 Indian Hill Road, Barnstable, Map 318, Parcel 029, Built 1977 Install 6.4 kw panels. Will not exceed roof panels but will add 6” to roof height. 16 panels total. Wendy Shuck moved to open the public hearing. Lesley Wallace seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye Bett McCarthy- aye Brendan L representative for Trinity Solar is present as well as homeowner Jennifer Phillips. Brendan presents the proposal stating that there will be 16 panels across two separate roofs that are visible from the road. He states that this is not a well-traveled road. Jennifer states that her incentive is sustainable energy and thanks the committee for this new dilemma of balancing aesthetics of the historical area with the climate change crisis. Lesley- This layout is appropriate. Wendy- Appropriate. Indian Hill is not a scenic road, correct? Lesley- No. It is a dead end. Bett- Very little traffic. Appropriate. Public comment: None. Wendy Shuck moved to close the public hearing. Lesley Wallace seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck-aye Bett McCarthy-aye A motion was made by Wendy Shuck to approve the Certificate o f Appropriateness for Phillips, Jennifer, 100 Indian Hill Road, Barnstable, Map 318, Parcel 029, Built 1977 to Install 6.4 kw panels. Will not exceed roof panels but will add 6” to roof height. 16 panels total as submitted. Lesley Wallace seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye Bett McCarthy- aye Aittaniemi, Kenneth, 247 High Street, West Barnstable, Map 111, Parcel 016, Built 1935 Installation of a rooftop mounted photovoltaic solar energy system consisting of 22 solar panels. Two solar arrays on the East and West facing roof planes, black panels with matte finish. Wendy Shuck moved to open the public hearing. Lesley Wallace seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye Bett McCarthy- aye Stephen Kelly, representative, with sunrun solar is present. Steve states there will be 22 panels that will black on black on two planes. The planes are perpendicular to the road. No other place to put the panels. Lesley- What is photovoltaic. Steve- The term used for how they generate electricity. Bett- Any way to move the two top panels to make a perfect rectangle? Steve- We will look into moving them. Wendy- The roof is light, any plans to replace? Steve- No plans to replace the roof. Wendy- Is there any consideration for doing a standalone panel not on the roof? Steve- No. Zoning issues. They would prefer not to go that route. Lesley- It is a travelled road. She would like symmetry. Steve- Should not be an issue. Public comment: None. A motion was made by Wendy Shuck to continue the Certificate of Appropriateness for Aittaniemi, Kenneth, 247 High Street, West Barnstable, Map 111, Parcel 016, Built 1935 to the April 26, 2023 at 6:30pm to be held remotely. Lesley Wallace seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye Bett McCarthy- aye Woolf, Elisabeth, 264 Indian Trail, Barnstable, Map 337, Parcel 022, Built 1981 Install 21.6 kw solar panels. Will not exceed roof panels but will add 6” to roof height. 54 panels total. Wendy Shuck moved to open the public hearing. Lesley Wallace seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye Bett McCarthy- aye Brendan, representative, from Trinity Solar is present. Brendan states that there are four separate areas with panels spread across four separate roofs. The panels are on the front of the roof but the home is at the end of a long driveway and would not be visible from the road. The roof is grey. Bett- Low visibility from the street. Wendy- No concerns. You can’t see the house from the road. Lesley- Agreed. Public Comment: None. Wendy Shuck moved to close the public hearing. Lesley Wallace seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck-aye Bett McCarthy-aye A motion was made by Wendy Shuck to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness for Woolf, Elisabeth, 264 Indian Trail, Barnstable, Map 337, Parcel 022, Built 1981 to install 21.6 kw solar panels that will not exceed roof panels but will add 6” to roof height; 54 panels total as submitted. Lesley Wallace seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck-aye Bett McCarthy-aye Pignataro, Frank, 23 Spruce Street, West Barnstable, Map 216, Parcel 050, Built 1972 Construct new 13 x 16 four season sunroom at rear of the house. Replace like for like new windows, cedar shingles to the rest of the home, and new door on back garage. Wendy Shuck moved to open the public hearing. Lesley Wallace seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye Bett McCarthy- aye Frank Pignataro, homeowner, is present. Frank is proposing to put a sunroom on the back of the home. Frank shows where the home is located and shows that the home is not very visible from 6A. Each side will have sliding patio doors. White cedar shingles. Trim will be replaced and will be azek in white. Other windows will be replaced in the home. The front of the house has cedar clapboard and asked if Hardy clapboard would be acceptable for the north side of the home. He provided a sample of the clapboard for the committee members to see and feel. Bett- Design is appropriate. It is fitting for the area. No issues. Not visible and wooded. Lesley- In the rear of the home and appropriate. Wendy- Agreed. Public Comment- None. Wendy Shuck moved to close the public hearing. Lesley Wallace seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck-aye Bett McCarthy-aye A motion was made by Wendy Shuck to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness for Pignataro, Frank, 23 Spruce Street, West Barnstable, Map 216, Parcel 050, Built 1972 to construct new 13 x 16 four season sunroom at rear of the house, replace like for like new windows, cedar shingles to the rest of the ho me, and new door on back garage with the modification of the use of hardy clapboard for the north facing side of the home otherwise as submitted, Lesley Wallace seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck-aye Bett McCarthy-aye Robert, Patricia, 2656 Main Street, Barnstable, Map 258, Parcel 007, Built 1942 Remove single bedroom window to allow for bed placement, replace with natural cedar trellis, replace double hung window in mudroom with windows 2” smaller to accommodate stackable washer/dryer. Wendy Shuck moved to open the public hearing. Lesley Wallace seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye Bett McCarthy- aye Patricia Robert, homeowner, is in attendance. Pat states the work will be on the west side of the house. They will use Anderson 400 series windows with grilles fused on the inside and outside. Pat points to the trellis and the window of the bedroom. The bedroom is very small and as such needs to use the wall. They would like to make the second window approximately 2” smaller. Lelsey- Likes the bottom trellis option. Looks more traditional and appropriate for the house. Pat- Didn’t know if the pergola would be more appropriate. Bett- Doesn’t believe it to be very visible. Wendy- White material for the trellis? Pat- Yes. Preference would be to use cedar but white would be acceptable. Wendy- The cedar would blend in with the shingles. Public Comment: None Wendy Shuck moved to close the public hearing. Lesley Wallace seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck-aye Bett McCarthy-aye A motion was made by Wendy Shuck to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness for Robert, Patricia, 2656 Main Street, Barnstable, Map 258, Parcel 007, Built 1942 to remove single bedroom window to allow for bed placement, replace with natural cedar trellis, replace double hung window in mudroom with windows 2” smaller to accommodate stackable washer/dryer as submitted, Lesley Wallace seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck-aye Bett McCarthy-aye Mercer, Douglas, 6 Harvey Avenue, Barnstable, Map 318, Parcel 020, Built 1945 Install 9.2 kw solar panels on roof. Will not exceed roof panel but will add 6” to roof height. 8 total panels. Wendy Shuck moved to open the public hearing. Lesley Wallace seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye Bett McCarthy- aye Brendan, representative, from Trinity Solar is present. Brendan states the proposal is for the installation for 23 panels (not 8 panels) across 3 roofs. R1 and R2 will not be visible because of the slant of the roof. R3 face directly at Commerce Road. Bett- Commerce is scenic and highly travelled. Wendy- The panels on the back are appropriate, but the front will be glaring. Lesley- Asks where they are on the front and to bring up the front again. Brendan- The panels will be to the sides of the skylights. 8 panels total on that roof. Bett- If we took away the 8 panels on the front? Brendan- Would drop the production. The designs would have to go back to the homeowner and the design team. Wendy- Asks about the R4 roof. Brendan- Those are skylights; no solar panels will be on that roof. Public Comment: Jennifer Philips would like to comment that the skylights used to be an eyesore as they were considered new and strange but that perhaps it’s time to readjust the aesthetic sense. It is symmetrical. Bett- Commerce is treated like Route 6A being that it is a designated scenic road and is highly traveled. A motion was made by Wendy Shuck to continue the Certificate of Appropriateness for Mercer, Douglas, 6 Harvey Avenue, Barnstable, Map 318, Parcel 020, Built 1945 to the April 26, 2023 at 6:30pm to be held remotely. Lesley Wallace seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye Bett McCarthy- aye Fowler, James & Deborah, 330 Sandy Neck Road, West Barnstable, Map 136, Parcel 014/001, Built 1992 Replacing of front door, back shingles, and painting front clapboard. Wendy Shuck moved to open the public hearing. Lesley Wallace seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye Bett McCarthy- aye Deb Fowler, homeowner, is in attendance. Deb presents stating that the proposal is to replace the front door. It is currently a green fiberglass and the proposed is for another fiberglass door in a brown wood stain. The clapboard proposal is for the clapboard to be painted grey and the s hingles on the back would be in enviro bleach cedar shingles to look natural. Asks if they could put a new roof on, dark grey. Bett- Wonderful things with the property. The color is a Benjamin Moore HC color. Lesley- Asks if they are able to approve the roof now. Kate- Advises that they come back for the roof as we can only approve what was on the application because of abutter’s. Lesley- Appropriate. Wendy- Appropriate. Public Comment: None Wendy Shuck moved to close the public hearing. Lesley Wallace seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck-aye Bett McCarthy-aye A motion was made by Wendy Shuck to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness for Fowler, James & Deborah, 330 Sandy Neck Road, West Barnstable, Map 136, Parcel 014/001, Built 1992 to replace the front door, back shingles, and painting front clapboard as submitted, Lesley Wallace seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck-aye Bett McCarthy-aye Cape Calm LLC, 39 Hilliard’s Hayway, West Barnstable, Map 136, Parcel 048, Built 1983 Add a master bedroom with closets, master bath, and powder room. Replace existing roof with red cedar shingles. Install rooftop solar panels. Wendy Shuck moved to open the public hearing. Lesley Wallace seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye Bett McCarthy- aye Rick Anderson, representative, from RW Anderson and Sons Inc is in attendance. Rick states there are a number of projects. Solar panels on the back of the existing home and not visible, replace roof with red cedar shingles, and an addition to the left side with matching materials. Bett- Asks to see the proposed plans of the addition. Wendy- Solar panels will not be on the new addition? Rick- No. All of the panels will face the marsh. Wendy- All the materials on the addition will match the existing structure? Rick- Yes. Public Comment: None. Wendy Shuck moved to close the public hearing. Lesley Wallace seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck-aye Bett McCarthy-aye A motion was made by Wendy Shuck to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness for Cape Calm LLC, 39 Hilliard’s Hayway, West Barnstable, Map 136, Parcel 048, Built 1983 to add a master bedroom with closets, master bath, and powder room. Replace existing roof with red cedar shingles. Install rooftop solar panels as submitted, Lesley Wallace seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck-aye Bett McCarthy-aye Higgins, Elizabeth & Daniel, 71 Sheep Meadow Road, West Barnstable, Map 109, Parcel 027, Built 1984 Construct dormer on front of the home. Wendy Shuck moved to open the public hearing. Lesley Wallace seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye Bett McCarthy- aye Elizabeth Higgins, homeowner, is in attendance. Elizabeth- The plan is to construct a dormer on the front of the home that faces sheep meadow road on a small cul-de-sac. Lesley- Will the windows have matching materials to what exists on the home? Elizabeth- Yes. It will be all like matrials. Wendy- The roof is big and thinks the dormer will be a nice addition. Bett- Design is appropriate and design is in line with the neighborhood. Public Comment: None Wendy Shuck moved to close the public hearing. Lesley Wallace seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck-aye Bett McCarthy-aye A motion was made by Wendy Shuck to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness for Higgins, Elizabeth & Daniel, 71 Sheep Meadow Road, West Barnstable, Map 109, Parcel 027, Built 1984 to construct dormer on front of the home as submitted, Lesley Wallace seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck-aye Bett McCarthy-aye Foley, Robert & Mary, 109 Point Hill Road, West Barnstable, Map 136, Parcel 020 Construct new home in shingle style/craftsman. Construct a new barn kit. Wendy Shuck moved to open the public hearing. Lesley Wallace seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye Bett McCarthy- aye Jennifer Birnstiel, representative, from archplicity is present. Jennifer presents saying that there was a previously approved COA that has expired but they have since downsized the project. They would be using the same materials, style, and colors that were approved previously. Put the garage under instead adjacent as to use the site more to their advantage to maximize the square footage. The barn that is shown is the same. Sunroom moved to the side of the house instead of the back. Wendy- What is the materials for the retaining wall? Jennifer- Real stone veneer. Bett- All the materials are what was approved before? Jennifer- Yes. Wendy- What is the siding on the barn? Robert- Post and beam structure with eastern white pine. Exterior will be a textured sheathing v ertical board. The front will be cedar shingle to match the house. Bett- very wooded lot. Landscaping? Robert- Building will be Matt York. Ultimately adjustments will need to be made to grading. Going to have to clear a footprint. Save as many trees as possible but will be supplementing with landscaping including planting trees. Jennifer- Uitilizing the site better will be able to grade less. Work with the site as it exists. Bob- Will not have raise the grade. Public Comment: None Wendy Shuck moved to close the public hearing. Lesley Wallace seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck-aye Bett McCarthy-aye A motion was made by Wendy Shuck to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness for Foley, Robert & Mary, 109 Point Hill Road, West Barnstable, Map 136, Parcel 020 to construct new home in shingle style/craftsman and to construct a new barn kit as submitted, Lesley Wallace seconds. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck-aye Bett McCarthy-aye EXTENSIONS None Other: Remote meeting extension: No hybrid. Remote or in person. -Stay remote for now. Approval of Minutes March 8, 2023 A motion was made by Wendy Shuck to approve the March 8, 2023 minutes as submitted, seconded by Lesley Wallace, Roll Call Vote: Lesley Wallace - aye Wendy Shuck – aye Bett McCarthy- aye Next Meeting Date: April 26, 2023; May 10, 2023 ADJOURNMENT- Wendy moved to adjourn meeting Wednesday April 12, 2023. Lesley Wallace seconds. Lesley Wallace- Aye Wendy Shuck- Aye Bett McCarthy- Aye The meeting adjourned at 7:38 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Erica Brown, Administrative Assistant Planning & Development