HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Comment from Bramhall in Opposition1 Ziino, Genevey From:Betsie Bramhall <Betsie@robbramhallarchitects.com> Sent:Tuesday, May 9, 2023 8:05 PM To:Brigham, Anna Subject:ARISTA HYANNIS LLC SPECIAL PERMIT 715 West Main Street Hi Anna, Thank you for this opportunity to share thoughts with the ZBA. I’m weighing in, wishing to express my extreme disappointment and deep sadness that a highly-corporate fast-food restaurant is being allowed to establish itself on the site of the former Santander Bank at the intersecƟon of Pine Street, West Main and Barnstable High School campus. While in a commercial district, this prominent piece of property is also situated at the gateway to a quiet residen Ɵal neighborhood, with small-scale religious, health/wellness and commercial properƟes in immediate proximity. I completely understand why this site is so appealing for a fast food drive-thru, located as it is on a busy thoroughfare and along the daily path of young consumers hungry for its affordable, if nutrient-weak offerings. Whether there are 12 stacking spots for the Wendy’s drive-thru or 13 doesn’t change the fact that the presence of a fast food restaurant with idling cars, early morning truck deliveries/trash removal and the constant comings and goings of vehicles and people, will adversely affect the neighborhood, diminishing its character and robbing it of an ‘anchor’ which could invite more neighborhood-friendly, compaƟble development going forward. Unfortunately for its neighbors, Wendy’s can only offer an increase in unwanted noise, light, automobile exhaust, kitchen odors (burgers and fries, 24/7!), li Ʃer, loitering – not to menƟon over-scaled commercial signage, as well as more congesƟon and dangerous traffic challenges for both motorists and pedestrians alike. It simply is not the highest and best use for this site and I think it’s as irresponsible as it is regreƩable. While I strongly urge the ZBA to refuse granƟng of a special permit in this case, I hope at the very least that it will require the following for this project to proceed:  TRAFFIC STUDY. Travel through this intersecƟon is already perilous, whether by car or on foot. Primary vehicular access to/from the site should be via West Main, with restricted acƟvity along Pine Street.  TRAFFIC LIGHT. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!! The town MUST install lights at the intersecƟon of Pine and West Main, with pedestrian walk signals at the intersecƟon and at the High School. This is already a huge public safety issue and should be a no-brainer with the heavy vehicular and pedestrian acƟvity expected. Long overdue!!  LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS. ARISTA must install and maintain appropriate planƟngs and screenings (including trees and shrubs, parƟcularly along the Pine Street edge) which will significantly soŌen the property, beauƟfy the street and make it a more aƩracƟve neighbor.  NOISE MANAGEMENT/RESTRICTIONS. The Town should set and enforce reasonable delivery/trash removal Ɵmes, as well as reasonable hours of operaƟon to minimize noise impact on the neighbors, and to manage loitering. (I imagine this is part of any deal…) Despite my disappointment that the Town could/would not block fast-food zoning on this parƟcular site, I fully appreciate that these things are never easy. My sincere thanks to you and your colleagues for all that you do for the community and for soliciƟng feedback on this important maƩer. Betsie Bramhall 25 Pond View Drive Centerville 2 CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the Town of Barnstable! Do not click links, open attachments or reply, unless you recognize the sender's email address and know the content is safe!