HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplicationTown of Barnstable Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District Commission www.town.barnstable.ma.us/HyannisMainStreet CC EE RR TT II FF II CC AA TT EE OO FF AAPP PP RR OO PP RR II AA TT EE NN EE SS SS AAPP PP LL II CC AA TT II OO NN SS UU BB MM II SS SS II OO NN RR EE QQ UU II RR EE MM EE NN TT SS AApppplliiccaattiioonn –– 33 CCooppiieess Complete all sections and provide a detailed description of the proposal. SSuuppppoorrttiinngg MMaatteerriiaallss –– 33 CCooppiieess Samples Material samples for all changes to exterior materials. Color samples (paint chips) for changes to exterior colors. Manufacturer’s specification sheets for fixtures, furniture, fences, etc. (Note: If samples are too large to submit with the application, they may be brought to the hearing.) Photographs Include pictures of the affected area. For new construction, redevelopment, rehabilitations, or additions: Plot Plan/Site Plan A plan showing all structures on the lot and all additions or changes. Elevations Detailed elevations of all building facades, including dimensions and material specifications. Landscape Plan Detailed plan showing types, sizes, and quantities of plant material. $$7755 FFiilliinngg FFeeee The $75 fee must be submitted with the application. Checks should be made payable to the Town of Barnstable. We are unable to accept credit/debit cards. PPoossttaaggee SSttaammppss Contact the Planning & Development Dept. for the number of required stamps. Stamps are required for abutter notification. II MM PP OO RR TT AA NN TT II NN FF OO RR MM AA TT II OO NN All decisions of the Commission are subject to a 20 day appeal period. Approved applications may be picked up at 367 Main Street after the appeal period has ended. Please speak with staff for more information on the appeal period. Review the Historic District guidelines for information on recommended designs, materials, colors, etc. Providing all requested information with the application will prevent delays in processing and hearing your application. The applicant or a representative must be present at the scheduled hearing; delays or a denial may otherwise result. Approvals from the Historic Commission are required before you can apply to the Building Division for required permits. If you have any questions, please call the Planning & Development Department at (508) 862-4 064 or contact Karen Herrand at karen.herrand@town.barnstable.ma.us Planning & Development Department ▪ 367 Main Street ▪ Hyannis, MA ▪ 02601 Page 1 of 3 Town of Barnstable Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District Commission Application Certificate of Appropriateness Application is hereby made for the issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under M.G.L. Chapter 40C, The Historic Districts Act for proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings or photographs accompanying this application fo r: Assessor’s Map No. Parcel No. Address of Proposed Work Applicant Name Applicant Mailing Address Town/State/Zip Applicant Phone Number Applicant E-Mail Property Owner Name Owner Mailing Address Town/State/Zip Owner Phone Agent or Contractor Name Agent or Contractor Address Town/State/Zip Agent or Contractor Phone Agent or Contractor E-Mail PROPOSED WORK Please check all categories that apply: Building Type: Commercial Residential Accessory Other Work Proposed: 1. Building Construction: New Building Addition Alteration 2. Exterior Alteration: Windows Doors Siding Roof Other 3. Exterior Painting: 4.Signs: New sign Alteration to existing sign 5.Accessory Improvement: Fence Parking Lot Outdoor Dining Awning/Canopy 6. Other:____________________________________________________________ Paulo Paraguay 435 Main St,Hyannis MA 02601 7748366432 admin@PalioPizzeria.com Paul Mazzeo 145 East Bay Road Osterville, MA 02655 508-428-6902 Applicant Lights above patio area, high top with seating 435 (441) Main St Hyannis, MA 02601 308 080 Page 2 of 3 Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District Commission BUILDING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION SHEET Please complete this sheet only if new building construction or alterations to an existing building are proposed. Fill out all sections that are applicable to your project. Include materials, specifications, dimensions and/or colors to be used. FOUNDATION SIDING TYPE COLOR CHIMNEY TYPE COLOR ROOF MATERIAL COLOR ROOF PITCH DOORS COLOR WINDOWS COLOR SHUTTERS COLOR TRIM COLOR GUTTERS PATIO/PORCH/DECK GARAGE DOORS COLOR OTHER Lights above patio and high top seating Page 3 of 3 Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District Commission DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK  Provide detailed specifications of the proposal.  Include a detailed description of changes to existing conditions, if applicable.  Describe proposed materials to be used, desired colors, manufacturer’s specifications, etc.  In the case of signs, give locations of existing signs and proposed locations of new signs. Attach an additional sheet, if necessary. Signed Applicant - Agent Date * Adding lighting above the pation area, connecting to three metal polls next to fence * Cast iron high-top with wood finish counter, will be localed on brick patio. 05.22.23 MARKDATEDESCRIPTIONSHEET TITLEA1PROJECT NO:DRAWN BY:DATE:CHECKED BY:EXISTINGCONDITIONSDOCUMENTSPROJECT INFO &FLOOR PLANPALIOPIZZERIA6187.01SR4/18/22MAA435 MAIN STREETHYANNIS MA 02601BUSINESSPAULO PARAGUAYPALIO PIZZERIAP.O. BOX 201HYANNIS, MA 02601OWNER:250.00This map is for illustration purposes only. It is not adequate for legalboundary determination orregulatory interpretation. This map does not represent an on-the-groundsurvey. It may be generalized, maynot reflect current conditions, andmay contain cartographic errors oromissions.4/18/2022Map printed on:Parcel lines shown on this map are only graphic representations ofAssessor’s tax parcels. They are nottrue property boundaries and do notrepresent accurate relationships to physical objects on the map such as building locations.LegendApprox. Scale: 1 inch =Feetfeet2142210gis@town.barnstable.ma.us508-862-4624367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601Town of Barnstable GIS UnitParcelsTown BoundaryRailroad TracksBuildingsApprox. BuildingBuildingsPainted LinesParking LotsPavedUnpavedDrivewaysPavedUnpavedRoadsPaved RoadUnpaved RoadBridgePaved MedianStreamsMarshWater BodiesLEGEND27'-7 1/4"8'-2 1/2"8'-2 1/2"5'-0"5'-0"14'-6"5'-0"30'-0"10'-6 3/4"39'-8 1/2"12'-4 3/4"PROPERTY LINEOTHERTENANTSPACEVENT HOOD(ABOVE)821 sq ft69 sq ft1,028 sq ftFE7'-10"7'-2 3/4"22'-10"37'-10 3/4"4'-2"6'-5"26'-0"1'-6"19'-11"3'-6"2'-5"8'-3"7'-10"4'-10"43'-0"29'-3"4'-11"11'-0"6'-4"7'-10"9'-4"13'-0"4'-0"5'-0"32'-6"13'-4 1/4"676 sq ftSTORAGESHELVESMIXERWORKTABLEFREEZERSSTORAGEMECH. &STORAGEPREPKITCHENKITCHEN /STAFF AREADININGROOMAREAMENWOMENCLVEST.ICEMAKERDISHWASHGREASETRAP3 BAY SINKHANDSINKHANDSINKPIZZAOVENPIZZAOVENBEVCOOL.TABLESALADUNITPIZZAUNITPIZZATABLECOUNTERTABLETABLETABLEHOTPLATESTORAGESHELVESMECHSTOR.MENSTAFFBAR AREAWOMENSTAFFPALIOPIZZERIAOUTDOORDININGAREALAWNAREACONCRETEPAVEDAREATRAVEL DISTANCE: 50'-6"TRAVEL DISTANCE: 46'-10"MAIN STREETSIDEWALKFEFEBar Seating 10Assembly Concentrated1 Occupant / 7 sfTable Seating 55Assembly Non-Concentrated1 Occupant / 15 sfOutdoor Table Seating 45Assembly Non-Concentrated1 Occupant / 15 sfStaff Areas 6Kitchen/Commercial1 Occupant / 200 sfTotal Occupancy 116PLUMBING FIXTURES COUNT116 Total Occupancy58 Women / 58 MenRequiredWater Closets 2 Men* (1 per 60) / 3 Women* (1 per 30)Lavatories 2 Men* (1 per 200) / 2 Women* (1 per 200)*Note: Separate Staff restrooms for Men's & Women'sincluded in required count.Provided Water Closets 2 Men / 3 WomenLavatories 2 Men / 2 WomenOCCUPANCY LOADLEGENDEXIT SIGNFIRE STROBETRAVEL DISTANCESEXISTING TO REMAINFIRE EXTINGISHEREMERGENCY LIGHTINGFETRFENOT TO SCALE2ASSESOR'S MAPA1SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0"3EXISTING EGRESS FLOOR PLANA1PROPERTYLINEPROJECT INFORMATIONLOCATION: 435 MAIN STREETADDRESS HYANNIS, MA 02601PROPERTY PAUL A MAZZEO LIVING TRSOWNER: 145 EAST BAY ROADOSTERVILLE, MA 02655BUSINESS PAULO PARAGUAYOWNER: PALIO PIZZEERIAP.O. BOX 201HYANNIS, MA 02601ARCHITECT: MARY-ANN AGRESTI AIATHE DESIGN INITIATIVE INC.68 CENTER ST., SUITE #22HYANNIS, MA 02601MAP/BLOCK: 308 / 080VILLAGE: HYANNIS (HY)TOWN SEWER: YES - Active at AddressUSE CODE: 3260 COMMERCIAL / RESTAURANTNO CHANGE PROPOSEDCODE REVIEW & APPLICABLE CODES780 CMR The Massachusetts State Building Code – Ninth Edition527 CMR 1.00: Massachusetts Comprehensive Fire Safety Code248 CMR Massachusetts State Plumbing Code527 CMR 12.00: Massachusetts Electrical Code521 CMR Architectural Access Board Rules and Regulations1. The building has an existing sprinkler system installed that will remain.2. All finishes will conform with 780 CMR Chapter 83. The tenant spaces and egress shall be fully accessible and in conformancewith 521 CMR.4. Per 780 CMR Section 807 - Structural requirements are evaluated by astructural engineer as required based on the work to be performed.5. Means of egress lighting and exit signs shall conform fully with 780 CMRChapter 10 requirements.6. Per 780 CMR Table 1005.1 The egress path will be 44" wide and will have anegress capacity of 44" / 0.15" per occupant = 294 occupant capacity. Egressdoors provided are 3 at 36", which totals 108" / 0.15" per occupants providesfor 720 occupants.MAIN ST.427435441SIDEWALKPARKINGNOT TO SCALE1LOCUSA148 ft 42 ft Lights over grass and patio area Total 450 ft of lights Sample of lights FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $35.00! Coupon code APPLY COUPON Cart totals Subtotal $899.55 Shipping Free shipping Flat rate: $6.00 FedEx Express Saver: $256.81 FedEx 2Day: $267.40 FedEx Standard Overnight: $371.84 FedEx Priority Overnight: $399.17 Shipping to Hyannis, MA 02601. Change address Tax (estimated for the United States (US))$0.00 Total $899.55 Product Price Quantity Subtotal × < https://hometownevolutioninc.com/cart/? remove_item=90b519422cd43610edfccda93305ac6d&_wpnonce=e9abe3e248> < https://hometownevolutioninc.com/product/g40- led- filament- clear- string- light-set- with- black- wire/? attribute_pa_length=50- foot> G40 LED Filament Clear String Light Set with Black Wire - 50 Foot < https://hometownevolutioninc.com/product/g40-led- filament-clear-string-light-set-with-black-wire/? attribute_pa_length=50-foot> $99.95 9 $899.55 UPDATE CART   9 ITEMS < https://hometownevolutioninc.com/cart> < https://hometownevolutioninc.com/> Search for products... 