HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 16 23 DRAFT MINUTES DRAFT MINUTES Barnstable Historical Commission This meeting was held remotely via Zoom on May 16, 2023 at 3:00 PM Fran Parks, Chair Present Nancy Shoemaker, Vice Chair Present Marilyn Fifield, Clerk Present George Jessop Present Cheryl Powell Present Nancy Clark Absent Jack Kay Present; Barbara DeBiase, Alternate Absent Jessica Rapp Grassetti, Town Council Liaison Present Elizabeth Jenkins, Planning & Development Staff, Director Present Erica Brown, Administrative Assistant Present Chair Fran Parks called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm. Acting under the provisions of the Code of the Town of Barnstable, ss 112-1 through 112-7, the Historical Commission held a Public Hearing on the following applications previously determined significant and referred to Public Hearing: APPLICATIONS Edelson, Geoffrey & Lisa – 523 Main Street, Cotuit, Map 021, Parcel 095, Built 1890 Partial Demolition: Remove family room addition, rear deck on east side of house, kitchen gable end, partially remove west facing roof, remove house brick and block foundation, and demo existing detached garage (built 1992). Construct new family room to the east, extend kitchen and bedroom above to the south, construct new second-floor dormer to the west, new foundation, and new garage with loft. Architect Gerrit Frase presented materials explaining each existing and proposed elevation: 1) The homeowner would like a full foundation (entire structure) to be brick based on the new concrete foundation or a foundation with a brick shelf; 2) All of the trim from the existing will be brought over to match the roof pitch and existing home to keep the symmetry; 3) All of the new additions are roughly equal to the same height of the existing building; 4) The dormer is the only change to the existing historic structure; 5) The west elevation shows the proposed kitchen addition as well as the dormer; 6) There will be a main back entry, an on-grade terrace as opposed to a deck, and there will be a small side porch off the kitchen going to the back yard; 7) All three gable ends are on different planes; 8) The proposed garage/carriage house is a one-car garage bay with a door; 9) A dormer is to be added for more room upstairs; 10) The homeowners seek to keep the home’s integrity. Discussion: George asked if the garage is higher than the existing house. Gerrit answered that it is, but not by a significant amount. George asked if there are more stairs in the main home. Gerrit answered yes, but the existing stair is tiny and not up to code. George asked if they are maintaining the same ridge height, and Gerrit answered yes. George said his only issue with the dormer would be snow build-up, but he felt the look of it is appropriate. Nancy S. asked about the addition with the bay window and asked how much it is set back from the existing house, and Gerrit pointed to the difference of roughly 6’ or so.on the east elevation. Jack asked if there would be any fireplaces within the new structure. Gerrit answered that the homeowners have not decided, but any added would be zero-clearance fireplace(s) with no masonry chimney. Fran asked for clarification on the brick foundations and the difference between them. Gerrit replied that one option would be a brick shelf which would be more expensive but thick, while the second option is concrete with a brick veneer that is less expensive and resembles the historic brick. George asked if there is any change of grade around the house, and Gerrit replied that the grade is not large, and the foundation would be exposed about a foot. Public Comment: None MOTION 1: Nancy S. moved that after review and consideration of public testimony, the application, and associated materials, the Significant Building at 523 Main Street, Cotuit, is a Preferably-preserved Significant Building. Cheryl seconded the motion. So Voted: Aye- Nay- Marilyn, Cheryl, George, Jack, Nancy S. Abstain- Motion 2: Nancy S. moved that, in accordance with Section 112-3(F), the Barnstable Historical Commission determines that the partial demolition of the building located at 523 Main Street, Cotuit, is not detrimental to the historical, cultural, and architectural heritage or resources of the Town. Cheryl seconded the motion. So Voted: Aye- Marilyn, George, Cheryl, Jack, Fran, Nancy S. Nay- Abstain- Other:  Community Preservation Committee Update: None, due to canceled meeting.  Discussion of upcoming historical events open to the public: 1717 Meetinghouse in West Barnstable at 7pm regarding Lieutenant Snow; Hyannis Historical Society program at the JFK Museum on Saturday at 11am; Memorial Day parade; Flag Day - June 14th - Meetinghouse Farm regular celebration at 6pm; Barnstable Historical Museum opening on June 17th.  2023 Preservation Award Guidelines and Discussion: o Distribute nomination criteria to the historical societies. o Publicize on Town website. o Publish notice in newspapers. o Nancy S. will print a poster, as she has done in the past. Approval of Minutes:  April 19, 2022  May 31, 2022  June 21, 2022  July 19, 2022  August 16, 2022  September 20, 202  March 21, 2023  April 18, 2023 Cheryl asked to delay approval of the August 16, 2022, minutes and the September 20, 2022, minutes to accommodate her edits. Nancy S. moved to approve the minutes listed with the exception of those for August 16, 2022, and Sep- tember 20, 2022. Marilyn seconded. So voted: Aye- Cheryl, Jack, Marilyn, Nancy S, Fran Next meeting will be June 20, 2023 With no further business before this Commission, a motion was duly made by Commissioner Powell and seconded by Commissioner Kay to adjourn the meeting. Aye: Cheryl, Marilyn, Jack, Nancy S, Fran Meeting adjourned at 3:44pm. Respectfully Submitted, Erica Brown, Administrative Assistant and edited by Commission Clerk Marilyn Fifield