HomeMy WebLinkAboutMEA Shellfish comment on Cotuit Dredge NOI FW_ Cotuit Maintenance Dredging and nourishment Dead NeckFrom: Karle, Darcy Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2023 2:55 PM To: Cavanaugh, Kimberly Cc: 'Tom Lee'; 'Hill, Jimmy'; Beaudoin, Griffin Subject: MEA Shellfish comment on Cotuit Dredge NOI FW: Cotuit Maintenance Dredging and nourishment Dead Neck Importance: High HI Kim, Please forward this MEA shellfish comment email to the Commissioners and copy the Cotuit Dredge NOI file – Connuance. Thank you Darcy From: Lewis, Elizabeth Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2023 12:41 PM To: Karle, Darcy; Coleman, Nina; Croteau, Amy Cc: 'Tom Lee' Subject: RE: Cotuit Maintenance Dredging and nourishment Dead Neck Hi Darcy, What Amy and I can recall from last me this was worked on, everything seemed to be OK. I remember a lile bit with siltaon, but nothing substanal that growers complained about. It was just a lile bit of a difference in water quality, but everyone recognized it as beneficial overall. The TOY is the best strategy we have for a project like this to migate the impacts on shellfish and making sure that the seawater from the slurry goes to the sound instead of the Seapuit (as noted in the plan). Other than that, we don’t have any issues with the project plan. It looks very similar to the last dredging plan. Best, Liz Liz Lewis Shellfish Biologist Marine & Environmental Affairs Town of Barnstable 1189 Phinney's Lane Centerville, MA 02632 Office: 508-790-6272 Fax: 508-790-6275 From: Karle, Darcy Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2023 2:12 PM To: Coleman, Nina; Lewis, Elizabeth; Croteau, Amy Cc: 'Tom Lee' Subject: RE: Cotuit Maintenance Dredging and nourisment Dead Neck I noced the work window they ancipate is mid October 2023 to Jan. 14th 2024 to meet the TOY for winter flounder, horseshoe crabs, quahogs, piping plavers and least tern. From: Karle, Darcy Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2023 2:08 PM To: Coleman, Nina; Lewis, Elizabeth; Croteau, Amy Cc: 'Tom Lee' Subject: Cotuit Maintenance Dredging and nourisment Dead Neck Importance: High Hi MEA Do you have any comments on the dredging NOI Cotuit Bay channel? The hearing opens this aernoon, but most likely be connued as we have not received NHESP comments or comments from Division of Marine Fisheries. I would like your input on dewatering plan, siltaon issues. I have to look into TOY restricons which are usually in the DMF leer. On another note – did you get my email about the shellfish rang chart needing a tle? Thank you!! Darcy Karle, Conservaon Administrator Planning & Development/Conservaon Program Town of Barnstable l 230 South Street l Hyannis, MA 02601 Darcy.Karle@town.barnstable.ma.us P 508-862-4041