HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft Minutes LCPC 051123 May 11, 2023
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Local Comprehensive Planning Committee
Thursday, May 11, 2023 at 5:30 PM
Call to Order
Chair Felicia Penn opens the meeting at 5:30 p.m. with an introduction of Board Members.
Member Present Absent
Felicia Penn X
Wendy Northcross X
Cheryl Powell X
Mark Hansen X (late)
Amanda Converse X
Sue Rohrbach X
Meaghan Mort X (late)
Carlos Barbosa X
Fran Parks X
Lindsey Counsell X
Jennifer Williams X
Bob Twiss X
Avery Revere X
Also in attendance are Planning & Development staff Kate Maldonado, Assistant Director; James Kupfer, Senior Planner; Kyle
Pedicini, Community & Economic Development Planner; and Genna Ziino, Administrative Assistant, and Dillon Sussman and Peter
Flinker of Dodson & Flinker.
Notice of Recording
This meeting is being recorded and broadcast on Channel 18 and in accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 30A
Section 20, the Committee must inquire whether anyone is taping this meeting and to please make their presence known.
No response.
March 30, 2023 – Fran Parks makes a motion to accept the minutes. Carlos Barbosa seconds.
Aye: Felicia Penn, Cheryl Powell, Amanda Converse, Sue Rohrbach, Carlos Barbosa, Fran Parks, Lindsey Counsell, Bob Twiss, Avery
Abstain: Wendy Northcross (did not attend the March 30 meeting)
Election of Officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Clerk)
Felicia Penn explains that when the previous Chair, Steve Costello resigned, she as Vice Chair moved by default into the position of
Chair. She asks the Committee how they would like to move forward with the election process. Cheryl Powell moves that Felicia
Penn continue as Chair. Bob Twiss seconds.
Aye: Cheryl Powell, Amanda Converse, Sue Rohrbach, Carlos Barbosa, Fran Parks, Lindsey C ounsell, Bob Twiss, Avery Revere
Abstain: Felicia Penn
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Bob Twiss moves to elect Wendy Northcross as Vice Chair. Cheryl Powell seconds.
Aye: Felicia Penn, Cheryl Powell, Amanda Converse, Sue Rohrbach, Carlos Barbosa, Fran Parks, Lindsey Counsel l, Bob Twiss, Avery
Abstain: Wendy Northcross
Wendy Northcross moves to elect Amanda Converse as Clerk. Cheryl Powell seconds.
Aye: Felicia Penn, Wendy Northcross, Cheryl Powell, Sue Rohrbach, Carlos Barbosa, Fran Parks, Lindsey Counsel l, Bob Twiss, Avery
Abstain: Amanda Converse
Topics for Discussion
Updated version of the LCP survey summary
Jim Kupfer, Senior Planner provides an update: In reviewing the robust survey responses presented at the prior meeting , staff and
members of the public noted a few discrepancies. As a result, staff asked their consultants to verify and correct the data. Mr. Kupfer
walks the Committee through the corrected data in a PowerPoint entitled "Updated LCP Survey Summary PowerPoint Slides." During
his presentation, Meghan Mort joins the meeting. There are a few discussions throughout the presentation:
o Regarding slide 9, which presents "Ratio of identification as strength to weaknesses," the Committee asks for
clarification. Jim Kupfer explains that the number represents that there were X amount more strengths than
weaknesses or vice versa.
o The group discusses the word “connectivity” and their varying interpretations of it. They note that for next time,
anticipating different potential interpretations and clearly defining is important.
Review comments received for the draft Existing Conditions Report
Chair Penn thanks all who submitted public comment. She makes note of several constructive comments and asks the Committee to
consider creating a 3-member subcommittee to more closely examine public comment submissions.
Kate Maldonado, Assistant Director explains that the draft Existing Conditions report was posted for the public after the last
meeting, and they received 30 individual comments, 2 letters, and comments from Chair Penn. The comments received ranged from
minor edits to requests for additional data—staff is now working to coordinate responses. Staff suggests considering a 3-member
subcommittee to more thoroughly review the comments and report back at the next meeting with recommendations for edits. Staff
is suggesting the subcommittee meet at least twice. Chair Penn and Fran Parks volunteer. Susan Rohrbach initially volunteers but
later consigns her spot to Meghan Mort. Bob Twiss makes a motion to form a subcommittee. Wendy Northcross seconds.
Aye: Felicia Penn, Wendy Northcross, Cheryl Powell, Amanda Converse, Sue Rohrbach, Carlos Barbosa, Fran Parks, Lindsey
Counsell, Bob Twiss, Avery Revere, Meghan Mort
Finalize draft Vision Statement
Dillon Sussman and Peter Flinker of Dodson & Flinker lead the process: the goal today is to identify a preferred format for the vision
and revise or create a statement that is ready for public comment. Mr. Sussman summarizes that at the last meeting, members
wrote draft vision statements. Using prevalent language and themes from those and public comments, he and his team produced 4
draft visions to help the group identify what format and language they prefer. He walks the Committee through the 4 visions and
their differences, sharing a document entitled “Draft Vision Statements.”
Mr. Sussman asks for high-level feedback about the drafts. At this point, Mark Hansen joins the meeting. Each Committee member
has a chance to discuss their thoughts on the drafts and which they thought was most successful and why. 3 members prefer draft 1,
5 members prefer draft 2, 2 members prefer draft 3, and 1 member prefers draft 4. The group discusses how to proceed and
ultimately decides on a format similar to draft 2, with an initial paragraph followed by bullet points. The group then walks through
the language of the individual numbered bullets (using the bullets from draft 3, which are identical to 2 except grouped by theme):
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1. After discussion, change to “Protect priority habitats, salt and freshwater resources, and open spaces.”
2. After discussion, change to “Protect and improve and the quality of drinking water.”
3. After discussion, change this to two bullets:
a. “Build essential infrastructure that’s adaptable, sustainable, and prepared for sea level rise and other extreme
climate impacts.”
b. “Reduce our environmental footprint by investing in renewable energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and
better managing our waste.”
4. After discussion, change to “Build on our outstanding recreational opportunities and expand access to open spaces.”
1. No changes.
2. After discussion, change to “Commit to providing affordable and attainable year-round housing options.”
3. No changes.
4. After discussion, change to “Strengthen community connections and communication townwide.”
5. After discussion, change to “Foster an inclusive community that values diversity.”
6. After discussion, change to “Create a healthy, safe community and care for those in need.”
1. After discussion, change to “Preserve and enhance the town’s unique historic character and sense of place and that of its
seven villages.”
2. After discussion, change to “Incentivize redevelopment over new development and steer development toward locations
townwide with adequate infrastructure,” but leave it open to more editing from Dodson & Flinker.
3. After discussion, change to “Enable people to travel safely and efficiently by the mode of their choice.”
4. No changes.
1. No changes.
2. No changes.
They next discuss the introductory sentence of draft vision 2 and land on “The town of Barnstable is one vibrant and diverse
community where people and nature thrive together. We are committed to creating a healthy, safe, connected, inclusive, and
equitable environment for all residents and to protecting our natural resources for future generations.”
For next steps, staff will provide the new draft statement to the Committee via email for final review. After that, the vision
statement will be put online to allow for public comment, which will be provided to the Committee at the next meeting.
Phase II Scope of Work
Elizabeth Jenkins, Director of Planning & Development presents on this. She preemptively says that based on tonight’s discussion,
there will be probably be some redrafting of this document (entitled “Phase II Scope of Work”). She explains that one essential
deliverable of the LCP is a future land use map. Staff is proposing to begin Phase II by having conversations on important issues
through a facilitated process with a consultant, bringing in subject matter experts in each area to discuss needs. From there, staff
would propose to go through each issue area and summarize what’s been done to date and set goals and priority actions. Generally,
the idea is to release an RFP to retain consultant services to support this effort. She is asking, with the Committee’s support, for
funding for that second phase. She welcomes feedback from the Committee by the end of next week, in order to have a draft in
front of Town Council by the first week of June. Cheryl Powell makes a motion that the LCP support going forward with this matter
and adding funding to Phase II as was explained by Elizabeth Jenkins. Mark Hansen seconds.
Aye: Felicia Penn, Wendy Northcross, Cheryl Powell, Amanda Converse, Sue Rohrbach, Carlos Barbosa, Fran Parks, Lindsey
Counsell, Bob Twiss, Avery Revere, Meghan Mort, Mark Hansen
Chair Penn addresses that in moving from Phase I to Phase II of this process, members may have a desire or need to exit the process
and if so, to please communicate that with her.
Public Comment
Chair Penn opens for public comment. There is none.
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Next Meeting Date
Jim Kupfer will be sending a Doodle poll via email to decide on the next meeting date.
Matters Not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chair
Chair Penn informs the Committee that there are two vacancies. There is an advisory committee consisting of 30 people who were
interested in joining the LCPC (several of whom actively participate through public comment) but were not appointed by the Town
Manager. There is nothing that says they’re required to fill the vacant seats, but she asks the Committee if they’d like to. The group
agrees that any way to increase the diversity of the Committee and allow for more representation is worthwhile.
Cheryl Powell makes a motion to adjourn. Fran Parks seconds.
Aye: Felicia Penn, Wendy Northcross, Cheryl Powell, Amanda Converse, Sue Rohrbach, Carlos Barbosa, Fran Parks, Lindsey
Counsell, Bob Twiss, Avery Revere, Meghan Mort, Mark Hansen
Documents Used at This Meeting
March 30, 2023 minutes
Updated LCP Survey Summary PowerPoint Slides
Draft Existing Conditions Report: Public Comment
Draft Vision Statements
Phase II Draft Scope of Work
Respectfully submitted,
Genna Ziino, Administrative Assistant
Further detail may be obtained by viewing the video via Channel 18 on demand at http://www.town.barnstable.ma.us