HomeMy WebLinkAboutOKH 06 14 23 Draft Minutes Town of Barnstable Old King’s Highway Historic District Committee MINUTES Wednesday, June 14, 2023, 6:30pm To all persons deemed interested or affected b y the Town of Barnstable's Old King’s Highway Historic District Act under Section 9 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended. You are hereby notified that a hearing was held by remote participation via Zoom Meetings on the following applications: Bett McCarthy, Chair Present George Jessop, AIA Present Ryan Coholan Absent Lesley Wallace Present Wendy Shuck, Clerk Present Kaitlyn Maldonado, Assistant Director, Planning & Development Present Erica Brown, Administrative Assistant Present A quorum being met, Chair Bett McCarthy called the hearing to order at 6:30 pm. The Chair explained the hearing and appeal process and invited the public to address the Committee and view the plans of interest when the application is called. ______________________________________________________________________________ Roll Call Chair Bett McCarthy called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and took roll call. Attendance Roll Call: Lesley Wallace Wendy Shuck George Jessop Bett McCarthy CONTINUED APPLICATIONS None APPLICATIONS Dillon, Catherine & Matthew, 1750 Main Street, West Barnstable, Map 197, Parcel 037, Built 1950 Construct new detached barn with covered storage. Wendy Shuck moved to open the public hearing. Seconded by Lesley Wallace. Roll Call Vote George Jessop- aye Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye Bett McCarthy- aye Steven Cook, designer, was in attendance. Steven presented the site plan showing there used to be barn that had collapsed. They are proposing a new barn in the same footprint. Siding, roofing, and trim will match the existing house. Small barn facing Rte 6A. George- Asked about the color of the roof. Steve- Georgetown Grey. George- Why the ship’s ladder? Steve- Ship’s ladder to save money instead of a full set of stairs. Will go to a loft storage area. Wendy- Will the doors be painted? Steve- White or natural. Wendy- There will be some double hung and some casement windows? Steve- Explained which windows will be there. The only one showing will be double hung, Wendy- Any grilles? Steve- The front window will have grilles. They are snap-ins. Usually the preferred is the exterior grilles. Lesley- What does the house have for windows? Steve- 6 over 6. Bett- Agreed with the Committee. The barn is considerably set back from 6A and as it matches the house, it is appropriate. Public Comment: None George Jessop moved to close the public hearing. Seconded by Lesley Wallace. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck-aye George Jessop- aye Bett McCarthy- aye A motion was made by Wendy Shuck to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness for Dillon, Catherine & Matthew, 1750 Main Street, West Barnstable, Map 197, Parcel 037, Built 1950 to construct new detached barn with covered storage, as submitted, Seconded by Lesley Wallace, Roll Call Vote George Jessop- aye Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye Bett McCarthy- aye Mercer, Douglas, 6 Harvey Avenue, Barnstable, Map 318, Parcel 020, Built 1945 Construct additional shed. Wendy Shuck moved to open the public hearing. Seconded by George Jessop. Roll Call Vote George Jessop- aye Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye Bett McCarthy- aye Douglas Mercer, homeowner, was in attendance. Douglas Mercer would like to build a shed for added storage. The shed will match the house in windows, siding, and trim. George- What is the model of the shed? Douglas- Unsure, but the picture shows the shed. Lesley- Not on a slab? It’s going to be exactly in the picture? Douglas- Seashells and uplifted for water. Wendy- Replace the existing shed? Douglas- No. This is an additional shed. Bett- Pine Harbor sheds are historic in general and is appropriate as it matches the house. Public Comment: None George Jessop moved to close the public hearing. Seconded by Lesley Wallace. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck-aye George Jessop- aye Bett McCarthy- aye A motion was made by Wendy Shuck to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness for Mercer, Douglas, 6 Harvey Avenue, Barnstable, Map 318, Parcel 020, Built 1945 to construct additional shed, as submitted, Seconded by Lesley Wallace, Roll Call Vote George Jessop- aye Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye Bett McCarthy- aye McCartney, Isaiah, 101 Maple Street, West Barnstable, Map 132, Parcel 029, Built 1740 Replace existing 12 over 12 windows with 2 over 2 windows. Install pre-colored shingles to replace shingles on front of the house. Install a small deck to mimic look of deck in West Barnstable remembered photos. Wendy Shuck moved to open the public hearing. Seconded by Lesley Wallace. Roll Call Vote George Jessop- aye Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye Bett McCarthy- aye Conor McInerney, representative, was in attendance. Conor presented that they are looking to bring back the historical look and have worked closely with Nancy Shoemaker. The picture shown is from the 1800s. The picture represents what they would like to do to the front of the house. The deck was removed and the 2 over 2 were changed to 12 over 12. They would like to bring the front of the house to exactly what is shown from the photo from the 1800s. George- 2 over 2 is a little early for 1740. Historically built in 1740 would have been 6 over 6 or smaller. When was the side entrance built? At that time the 2 over 2 windows would have been replacements in the 1800s. Is the side window higher than the dormer windows? Conor- Yes, about 6” higher than the dormer windows. George- Since it dates the time of the addition is historic and may be replicated as such. Appropriate to the time. Raised concerns about the ease detail for the water. The gutter should be below the roof line. Give a slight pitch to the deck so that the top of the deck doesn’t get the rain driven water. Wendy- The windows in the dormer are a little different? Conor- The windows in the dormer are open lite. Two smaller windows. Keep those as they are for now. When they are replaced they will be like for like. Wendy- What color will the trim be? Conor- White trim. Wendy- The deck will be all white? Conor- Yes Wendy- The shingles will be pre-painted? Conor- On waitlist for natural shingles. The plan would be to go with something that is a weathered cedar shingle like Cape Cod Grey. George- Double Dipped natural shingles? Conor- Yes. Wendy- The preference would be natural? Conor- Yes. It’s more of an option. Lesley- Thanks the applicant for doing their due diligence for the historic aspect. Appropriate. Bett- The owners are restoring the house and willing to make the investment to do so. Taking George’s opinion for the double dipped shingles would be appropriate. George- Does not approve of the grey color as it would not be historic. Most of the houses from the 1700s are usually a white front wall and natural shingle sides. Public Comment: Letter Submitted. The concerns presented in the letter regarding the appropriateness of the 2 over 2 windows were addressed by what George stated earlier being that 2 over 2 would not be appropriate if there wasn’t an addition in the 1800s. The addition built in t he 1800s is what makes the 2 over 2 windows appropriate. Wendy Shuck moved to close the public hearing. Seconded by Lesley Wallace. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck-aye George Jessop- aye Bett McCarthy- aye A motion was made by Wendy Shuck to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness for McCartney, Isaiah, 101 Maple Street, West Barnstable, Map 132, Parcel 029, Built 1740 to replace existing 12 over 12 windows with 2 over 2 windows. Install pre- colored shingles to replace shingles on front of the house. Install a small deck to mimic look of deck in We st Barnstable remembered photos, with the option of the painted or natural shingles on the front, Seconded b Lesley Wallace, Roll Call Vote George Jessop- aye Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye Bett McCarthy- aye Gardner, Jennifer, 526 Willow Street, West Barnstable, Map 130, Parcel 029, Built 1964 All siding replaced with Kebony 1x6 horizontal siding and trim replaced as required. All trim painted. George Jessop moved to open the public hearing. Seconded by Lesley Wallace. Roll Call Vote George Jessop- aye Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye Bett McCarthy- aye Matt Christiani, representative, was present. Originally was supposed to go with Kebony and go with Shiplap which is also manufactured but from corn husk. Matt Christiani raised some samples for the Committee to see. George- Asked what the material is. Matt- Corn Husks. It takes the stain really well. Given the nature of this building, this could be appropriate and looking for something sustainable. It’s an eclectic building. Bett- Remote. To improve and fix the exterior is appropriate. Wendy- Appropriate. In keeping with the area and remote. Lesley- Interesting new type of siding. Appreciate the new information. George- Requested a sample of the siding to be submitted. Public Comment: None Wendy Shuck moved to close the public hearing. Seconded by Lesley Wallace. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck-aye George Jessop- aye Bett McCarthy- aye A motion was made by Wendy Shuck to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness for Gardner, Jennifer, 526 Willow Street, West Barnstable, Map 130, Parcel 029, Built 1964 to have all siding replaced with Acre 1x6 horizontal siding and trim replaced as required and all trim painted with a sample submitted, Seconded by Lesley Wallace, Roll Call Vote George Jessop- aye Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye Bett McCarthy- aye Tonelli, Edith, 1595 Main Street, West Barnstable, Map 197, Parcel 044, Built 1880 Install 72 ft of 6’ scalloped cedar board fencing with walk-gate and 6’ white vinyl slider to create safe, accessible, private, quiet, outdoor space for wheelchair. Wendy Shuck moved to open the public hearing. Seconded by Lesley Wallace. Roll Call Vote George Jessop- aye Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye Bett McCarthy- aye Edith Tonelli, homeowner, was in attendance. Edith apologizes about the slider as it already has been installed. Taking it from a commercial building to a residential slider. It’s not too visible from 6A but it is slightly visible. Would like to install a fence for privacy. Lesley- Clarifies where the property is and where the fence is going. George- Asked about the color of the slider to the left. Edith- Black with white. George- Will the new slider be painted the same as the left. The trim in white and the sash in black. Or match the window to the right. Edith- The idea is to match the window on the right. Wendy- How far from the road will the fence be from the road? Edith- Trees in front of it. The fence will be behind the trees. Lesley- Natural fence? Edith- Yes. Public Comment: None Wendy Shuck moved to close the public hearing. Seconded by Lesley Wallace. Roll Call Vote Lesley Wallace- aye Wendy Shuck-aye George Jessop- aye Bett McCarthy- aye A motion was made by Wendy Shuck to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness for Tonelli, Edith, 1595 Main Street, West Barnstable, Map 197, Parcel 044, Built 1880 to install 72 ft of 6’ scalloped cedar board fencing with walkgate and 6’ white vinyl siding to create safe, accessible, private, quiet, outdoor space for wheelchair, Seconded b Lesley Wallacey, Roll Call Vote George Jessop- aye Lesley Wallace – aye Wendy Shuck – aye Bett McCarthy- aye MINOR MODIFICATIONS None EXTENSIONS None OTHER None Approval of Minutes May 24, 2023 A motion was made by Wendy Shuck to approve the May 24, 2023 minutes as submitted, seconded by Lesley Wallace, Roll Call Vote: George Jessop- aye Lesley Wallace - aye Wendy Shuck – aye Bett McCarthy- aye Next Meeting Date: June 28, 2023; July 12, 2023 ADJOURNMENT- Wendy moved to adjourn meeting Wednesday June 14, 2023. Lesley Wallace seconded. Lesley Wallace- aye George Jessop- aye Wendy Shuck- aye Bett McCarthy- aye The meeting adjourned at 7:39pm. Respectfully Submitted, Erica Brown, Administrative Assistant Planning & Development