HomeMy WebLinkAboutNHESP Letter Holt, Emily (FWE)_183 Bay Street, BarnstableFrom: Holt, Emily (FWE) <emily.holt@mass.gov>
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2023 11:03 AM
To: John Odea
Cc: Conserva onMailbox; Cavanaugh, Kimberly; Karle, Darcy
Subject: 183 Bay Street, Barnstable
The Division is in receipt of the No ce of Intent and has determined that the vegeta on management project, as
currently proposed, does not occur within Es mated Habitat of Rare Wildlife or Priority Habitat as indicated in the
Massachuse s Natural Heritage Atlas (15th Edi on). Therefore, the project is not required to be reviewed for compliance
with the rare wildlife species sec on of the Massachuse s Wetlands Protec on Act Regula ons (310 CMR 10.37, 10.59 &
10.58(4)(b)) or the MA Endangered Species Act Regula ons (321 CMR 10.18).
Emily Holt
Endangered Species Review Assistant
Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program Massachuse s Division of Fisheries & Wildlife 1 Rabbit Hill Road, Westborough, MA 01581 p: (508) 389-6385 | f: (508) 389-7890
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