HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230612 Cotuit Eelgrass CorrespondenceFrom: Logan, John (FWE) <john.logan@state.ma.us>
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2023 1:14 PM
To: Hill, Jimmy
Cc: Davis, Amanda (FWE)
Subject: RE: [External] RE: MEPA Environmental No/fica/on Form EEA# 16696 -
Cotuit Dredging
HI Jimmy,
Thank you for the info. To respond to your earlier ques/on from last week, yes, given the distance
between mapped eelgrass and the proposed nourishment footprint, MA DMF would not recommend an
eelgrass survey offshore of the nourishment site.
From: Hill, Jimmy <James.Hill@foth.com>
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2023 12:57 PM
To: Logan, John (FWE) <john.logan@mass.gov>
Cc: Davis, Amanda (FWE) <Amanda.Davis@mass.gov>
Subject: RE: [External] RE: MEPA Environmental Notification Form EEA# 16696 - Cotuit Dredging
Hi John and Amanda,
Just wanted to give you a heads up that the Barnstable Conserva/on hearing tomorrow for this project
is at 3pm, not the typical evening session. Not sure if you are planning to aCend but just wanted to let
you know in case you hadn’t sent comments yet.
Jimmy Hill, EIT
Project Engineer – Ports and Harbors
Foth Infrastructure & Environment, LLC
49 Bellevue Ave
Newport, RI 02840
Direct: (401) 239-0473
Cell: (410) 610-1236
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Massachusetts mail system. Do not click on links or open attachments unless you recognize
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From: Hill, Jimmy
Sent: Thursday, June 8, 2023 4:59 PM
To: Logan, John (FWE) <john.logan@state.ma.us>
Cc: Davis, Amanda (FWE) <amanda.davis@state.ma.us>
Subject: RE: [External] RE: MEPA Environmental Notification Form EEA# 16696 - Cotuit Dredging
Hi John,
Following up on the eelgrass survey scope for Cotuit/Dead Neck. The survey lines shown below for the
dredge area extend 75’ to either side of the channel at 50’ c-c spacing, including three cross check lines.
MAGIS Mapped eelgrass is shown for available mapping years in the area.
For the nourishment area below, there is no mapped eelgrass within the 100’ buffer you described.
Could you confirm that we do not need to perform the survey at the nourishment site? 100L long lines
perpendicular to the nourishment area and MAGIS mapped areas are shown.
Please reach out with any ques/ons, thank you!
Jimmy Hill, EIT
Project Engineer – Ports and Harbors
Foth Infrastructure & Environment, LLC
49 Bellevue Ave
Newport, RI 02840
Direct: (401) 239-0473
Cell: (410) 610-1236
From: Logan, John (FWE) <john.logan@state.ma.us>
Sent: Monday, June 5, 2023 3:09 PM
To: Hill, Jimmy <James.Hill@foth.com>
Cc: Davis, Amanda (FWE) <amanda.davis@state.ma.us>
Subject: RE: [External] RE: MEPA Environmental Notification Form EEA# 16696 - Cotuit Dredging
For nourishment we like to see a minimum 100’ buffer between the seaward extent of the nourishment
footprint and the landward edge of eelgrass, so if there’s a chance of that overlap exis/ng then you
would want to survey that footprint accordingly.
From: Hill, Jimmy <James.Hill@foth.com>
Sent: Monday, June 5, 2023 1:05 PM
To: Logan, John (FWE) <john.logan@mass.gov>
Cc: Davis, Amanda (FWE) <Amanda.Davis@mass.gov>
Subject: RE: [External] RE: MEPA Environmental Notification Form EEA# 16696 - Cotuit Dredging
Thank you John, this is helpful in planning – would you recommend a similar 75’ buffer around the
nourishment area at Dead Neck?
Jimmy Hill, EIT
Project Engineer – Ports and Harbors
Foth Infrastructure & Environment, LLC
49 Bellevue Ave
Newport, RI 02840
Direct: (401) 239-0473
Cell: (410) 610-1236
From: Logan, John (FWE) <john.logan@state.ma.us>
Sent: Monday, June 5, 2023 11:04 AM
To: Hill, Jimmy <James.Hill@foth.com>
Cc: Davis, Amanda (FWE) <amanda.davis@state.ma.us>
Subject: [External] RE: MEPA Environmental Notification Form EEA# 16696 - Cotuit Dredging
Hi Jimmy,
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Thanks for checking in. We will follow up on this in our NOI comments, but our general recommenda/on
with regards to dredging and eelgrass is of course to avoid direct impacts (i.e., any dredging within an
exis/ng bed) but also to maintain at least a 75 foot buffer from any exis/ng eelgrass, so at a minimum
the updated survey should cover the proposed dredge track within mapped eelgrass habitat + a 75’
buffer on either side of the track. In the event that you do observe any eelgrass within that footprint,
our recommenda/on would then be to adjust the track accordingly to maintain the 75’ buffer, so there
is value in expanding that area to allow for such adjustments. Let me know if a Teams call would be
helpful to discuss this in more detail.
Thanks for reaching out,
From: Hill, Jimmy <James.Hill@foth.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 1, 2023 11:53 AM
To: Logan, John (FWE) <john.logan@mass.gov>
Subject: RE: MEPA Environmental Notification Form EEA# 16696 - Cotuit Dredging
Good Morning John,
I am following up from the MEPA scoping session last week for the Cotuit Dredging and Dead Neck
Nourishment project. You men/oned that we would likely need to conduct an eelgrass survey as there
are some mapped areas in and near to the project sites. Do you have and idea of what the survey limits
should be? I would like to get a scope and budget to the Town so that we can conduct this survey asap.
We just submiCed a No/ce of Intent for the project so I an/cipate we get some comments back on your
end – but I would like to get the survey scheduled soon as we will quickly approach our short window to
dredge. If it’s easier to set up a Teams call I would be happy to do that.
Thanks in advance and feel free to reach out directly.
Jimmy Hill, EIT
Project Engineer – Ports and Harbors
Foth Infrastructure & Environment, LLC
49 Bellevue Ave
Newport, RI 02840
Direct: (401) 239-0473
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Massachusetts mail system. Do not click on links or open attachments unless you recognize
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Cell: (410) 610-1236
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