HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-7-5 HHDC Draft Minutes (1)l Town of Barnstable Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District Commission www.townofbarnstable.ma.us/hyannismainstreet MINUTES July 5, 2023 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Cheryl Powell, Jack Kay, Laura Cronin, Matt Clark, Tom Doherty, Cornelius Cawley, and Kevin Matthews Members Absent: Jennifer Hinckley Needham Staff Present: James Kupfer, Senior Planner, and Karen Herrand, Principal Assistant, Planning & Development Dept. in attendance. To all persons deemed interested or affected by the Town of Barnstable’s Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District Commission Ordinance under Chapter 112, Article III of the Code of the Town of Barnstable, you are hereby notified that a hearing will be held by remote participation methods at 6:30 P.M. on Wednesday, July 5, 2023. 1. The meeting will be televised via Channel 18 and may be viewed via the Channel 18 website at http://streaming85.townofbarnstable.us/CablecastPublicSite/ 2. Real-time access to the meeting is available utilizing the Zoom link or telephone number and Meeting ID provided below: Link: https://townofbarnstable-us.zoom.us/j/81523075271 Meeting ID: 815 2307 5271 US Toll-free • 888 475 4499 Call to Order Attendance Roll Call Kevin Matthews Cornelius Cawley Jennifer Hinckley Needham - absent Matt Clark Laura Cronin – not here/came in late Tom Doherty Jack Kay Cheryl Powell Town Council Liaison Betty Ludtke in attendance. Welcome to New Members, Special Guests, Advisors and Comments Updates  Trainings – reminder Conflict of Interest Training contact Cindy Lovell  Awards  Correspondence Reminder of Commission’s Purpose and Proper Procedure New Business 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 2 Matters not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chair Other Business Downtown Hyannis Design Guidelines Jim Kupfer – tonight first opportunity, Unified Design Guidelines review. Downtown Hyannis Zoning. Form based code. Design standards. Also Planning Board design and infrastructure. Goals to speak with one voice moving forward and learn from past activities. Met with Utile team over past 6 months on a regular basis. Town Councilor involvement and walks done. This is a first draft of Unified Design and Guidelines. Laura Cronin in attendance now. Tim Love, Utile. Enjoyed the walk around. Project manager here as well. Presentation – Exhibit A. Loren Rapport, Utile in attendance. Design Regulations & Guidelines. Unified Design Regulations and Guidelines. Custom designed. Outline. Building considerations. What is in zoning and what is in the Design Guidelines. Parking Considerations. Planning Board and Historic areas. Loren Rapport, two areas, HHDC District Design Regulations. Bulk of document still about design guidelines. Guidelines that were moved into regulations. Highlighted areas move from guidelines to regulations. Building form. Parking lot language. Can grant a waiver per some of the regulations. Jack Kay, PV panels to match roof cover seems to be a problem, either black or nothing. Loren Rapport, photovoltaic only come in a limited amount of color, they did not make this a regulation. Building Form. Break down massing and scale of development. Language to offset and break up buildings. Façade divisions. Scale of development. Cheryl Powell, front lot line to curb amount. Jim Kupfer, max setback may be 2 or 3 ft. from front lot line. Cheryl Powell, tightly packed on Main Street already. Tim Love, doesn’t think any lots that façade would be greater than 100 ft. The rule would be if 80 ft. wide, you’d have to move. Never wider than 100 ft. Diagram may be confusing. Jack Kay, 7 foot offset, could you bring third one back/forward and cut property/cut someone off. Also, some of architects may want to see some forgiveness. Tim Love, can step back. Could ask for a waiver. Discussion re setbacks and waivers. Loren Rapport – Bldg. Design Regulations. Prohibited materials. Nantucket Historic District Commission approved colors and Historic New England paint colors. Awnings. Tom Doherty how many colors to be added? Full list of Nantucket colors? Should limit colors as much as possible. Confirms body colors, can do trim white. Would like limited colors. Jim Kupfer, have small section about standards for review/administrative review. Color, can paint same as or white or choose one of the 10 colors, can do an administrative review. Give an incentive to the applicant to proceed without a meeting. Matt Clark language that would differentiate on body color and trim colors/accent color. Tim Love, can look into that. Some colors may be more appropriate for shutters or other. Loren Rapport. Can look for some recommendations/research. 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 3 Laura Cronin, need clarification for colors and if building all one color. Sign colors? Matt Clark, other areas seem mainly whites, black, Main Street Hyannis is like a mix of all different colors, doesn’t look uniform. Jack Kay, Pg. 12 – HHDC shall have a designee, Planning Dept would be the designee? This is confusing. Jim Kupfer, this is the general ordinance that can be whatever chooses – administrative. Repair and replace now is administrative approval. That’s what admin review is right now. Staff is the designee right now. Any degree of change goes to Commission for review. Loren Rapport, Parking Design Regulations. Diagram shown. Accessing and maximize active edges along street. Shared use of parking lots. Laura Cronin, right now have shared parking lots in Hyannis. How does this get resolved and Town involvement and private owners? How will it be encouraged/maintained? Tim Love, HHDC is really focused on aesthetics and not use. Jim Kupfer, shared use is ideal situation. The operations of it is a special permit from the Planning Board. License through the Town. Loren Rapport. Roof types, guidelines. Flat roof and other styles. Façade and fenestration. i.e., Sea Captains Row development. Two over two sash windows, will be more in keeping with older buildings in Hyannis. Discouraging aluminum framing on buildings. Encourage retractable awnings. Avoiding tinted glass. Parking Design Guidelines. Enhance edges along streets. Zoning as a reference for this and use of vegetation to create more effective distance. Andrea Baena. Will also meet with the Planning Board. Jim Kupfer, will release out to the public. Will be sharing with stakeholders Downtown. Several areas in the document where made notes. Between now and August 2nd. Tom Doherty, lighting and sidewalks? Didn’t review this tonight. Will we put guidelines for lighting? Not specific? Loren Rapport, lantern and acorn, but can revisit Jim Kupfer, Pg. 30 has a guideline. Tim Love, want to stay away from particular products. Make clear that needs to be appropriate scale and style. HHDC may have to use discretion. Tom Doherty, lighting is important. Think should be addressed and be more specific. Chair Cheryl Powell suggests maybe send some recommendations. Laura Cronin, existing guidelines, would like to see more specific. Sidewalks, racks of items that were allowed during COVID. Take a look to have something allowable and where placed. Tim Love, these guidelines are for project review/capital projects. These sound like ongoing code enforcement issues. Some of this doesn’t belong in these guidelines. Jim Kupfer, yes some is enforcement, but maybe some opportunities. Kevin Matthews, this is a great building block. Bldg. Design guidelines part A – seem to be saying opposite things. Confusing. Residential and mixed use, blank area. Site and landscape, starts with B, there is no listing with this. Good draft. Tim Love, looking at some finer language. Possibly hard to interpret right now. Don’t want to have so many regulations and guidelines, want priority. Jack Kay, entries want to say contemporary and metal storefronts are not allowed. Pg. 25. 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 4 Discussion: Windows, fenestration asking for exterior muntins, these are all interior or within the glass. Chair Cheryl asks for any public comment. Town Council Liaison Betty Ludtke. Thinks this will be so helpful to come up with a better product. Be sure to understand what historic period we are going to. Sturgis has aluminum doors. So much of Main St. is different. Nantucket fired their sign committee over a taco sign. We are not Nantucket, have to recognize our culture. We are more eclectic here. Tim Love – date to get comments back to move to next phase. Jim Kupfer, maybe July 12th or 13th, middle of next week? Get comments from Commissioners, maybe July 12th by end of business day. Tim Love, can let let the Planning Board know have gotten input from HHDC. Chair Cheryl Powell and Commissioners thank all for the hard work done on the project. Next HHDC meetings scheduled for July 19, 2023 Adjournment Chair Cheryl Powell closes public comment. Jim Kupfer, informs the Commission - an appeal of the Dockside Marine Storage Denial Decision has been filed. This will be held on July 18th in person with the HHDC Appeals Committee. Wil send out the posted Agenda to all. Chair Cheryl Powell entertains a motion to adjourn, moved by Jack Kay, seconded by Tom Doherty, Roll Call Vote: Kevin Matthews - aye Cornelius Cawley - aye Matt Clark – aye Laura Cronin - aye Tom Doherty - aye Jack Kay - aye Cheryl Powell - aye The meeting ended at 7:59 p.m. Respectfully submitted Karen Herrand Further detail may be obtained by viewing the video via Channel 18 on demand at http://www.town.barnstable.ma.us List of Exhibit Documents Exhibit A – Presentation by Utile – Draft Downtown Hyannis Design Guidelines (first draft)